Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 03, 1861, Image 3

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    Pailp Celegrao.
11 Alt It 1613 1: li G , PA
Tuesday Morning, September 3, 1,61.
ARRIVED.—"A fine brass band arrived here at
noun yesterday, from Pottsville, to juin Sagle's
regiment of volunters.
ARRIVAL or Mots.—Another large invoice of
anus and amunition arrived at the State Arse
nal yesterday from the U. S. Armory at Spring
field, Mass.
a line display of American flags throughout the
city in honor of the recent victory of the
Union troops in North Carolina.
FtsCit very sensibly says, if young ladies were
less studious of dressing for dinner, and would
rather devote themselves to dressing the dinner
itself, they would afford much more satisfaction
than they do to their parents and friends.
lieraantsr CAisrliaximixo.—A Methodist camp
meeting commenced yesterday near Sheppatds
town, Cumberland roma) It will continue
until next Saturday. Able ministers are ex
pected to be present, and the prospects for a
large meeting, we learn, are quite flattering.
Tut: Alum( &ram Balm - L.—The sale of this
property by the Sheriff, advertised to take
place last Friday, was stayed is consequence
of a rale having been granted by the court to
• show niege why the c ondemnation should not be
set wide. The rule is returnable to-day or
next day, when the matter will be argued, and
the Ude of the property will be definitely de
r o ucEli,re the Mayor—John Sellers was
arrAigked for drunkeness and abusing his fami
ly. scat over tor 10 days.
Jto iffiCrackin—a wiry looking "son of
bin - -was charged with having been drunk
f it,l a,,,iulting a police officer. Ticketed for
10 acro s s the way.
Lovis Maloney and Peter Maloney—both
..,traillts''—received a lecture and marching
to leave the city.
ire Alderman Kline.—llenry Heiehel—
a volunicer-- was charged with committing an
tismulf and battery on John Bashore. Heichel
br,idit a cross action against Bathore. The
att.tir was finally settled in the Alderman's of-
the by Bohore paying the costa in' bcith cases
WELL DONS.—Those who have been grum
bling at the government for transporting troops
over the route, via the East Pennsylvania and
baLon Valley and Northern Central Railroads,
owing to the time being longer, 7ill.he consid
erably put out to learn that Col. McChesney's
New York Regiment, which left New York at
the same time with a Massachusetts Regiment,
the former going over the Camden and Amboy
to Philadelphia got through in 17 hours, while
the Iliwachusetts troops were 2.13 hours on the
way ! Where are the gravel cars and slow
travel of the Philadelphians? •
Aceinor.--Mr. Geo. Beaight, fireman on a
train on the Northern Central Railroad, just be
low this city, met with a bad accident one
day last week. It appears that Mr. B. was oil
ing the engine while the train was in motion,
when be slipped and caught his leg in the ma
chinery and was dragged over the ties and rail
some distance. While being dragged his arm
caught an iron splinter on the rail, cutting the
flesh to the bone from the elbow to the knuckles
on the back of the hand—the splinter breaking
off in the hand. He was also considerably in
jured about the head and neck. A physician
was soon on the ground, who extracted the
splinter and dressed the wounds, and the injured
man is now rapidly recovering.
THE CHEAPEST LIGHT.—From some cause or
other the price of all kinds of burning fluid has
suddenly ristitt at a fearful rate. This will be a
good thing in the end, bdefuse it will be the
means of substituting the bright jet of gas for
the old dim flicker of the candle or lamp. One
now, will be cheaper than any other kind of
light, and as a means of economy alone, private
parties will at once introduceit into their houses
where it has not been, or re-connect their burn
ers with the supply pipes in instances where
the burning has been suspended, because oil or
fluid was cheaper. But the pence are not of so
much consequence as the eyesight. People will
strain and injure their eyes in reading, writing
or sewing by a dim light, when, for the merest
trifle more, a bright gas light could be obtained;
their eyesight will fail ten years before it should
if properly cared for, so that having a good,
bright light is really purchasing, at a very cheap
rate, a prolonged keen vision. Therefore this
rise in the price of lights, by Oubstituting gas
fur fluid and oil is really a blessing to all whom
it affects. Let there be a bright light.
it AREAS CORPUS.-A writ of habeas corpus was
grained by the court last week for the produc
tion, by Dr. Curwin, of the body of Magadelena
Hartzell, wife of Abraham Hartzell, of Washing
ton county. The husband applied for the writ,
and sets forth in the petition that his wife " is
restrained of her liberty, and kept from the
society and care of the petitioner, by Dr. Jno.
Curwin, of the State Lunatic Hospital. That
sire IS not detained for any criminal or supposed
criminal matter," &c. It appears, from what
we can learn of the case, that 'Qrs. Hartzell has
been for some time laboring under a derange
ment of the mind, and was placed in the hospi
tal to undergo the treatment of that excellent
i nstitution, when, recently exhibitin g an im
provement in her condition, it was thought that
by restoring her to the care and attentions of
her husband would tend to the entire restora
tion of her sanity. Dr. Curwin, on the con
traly, it is said, alleges that her removal just
n ow would be extremely prejudicial to her
health, and would, in fact, cause a relapse of
Insanity, more violent, perhaps, than she at
fast experienced. The writ being made returna
timJudgeble at 2 o'clock p. in. Yesterday, but up ;to the
eof going tu press we did not learn-if the
had given a diciasion in,the matter.,
WOOLEN BAND - This is au important article
to every soldier. In all cases of bowel com
plaints and fall diseases its value is indisputa
ble. It is worn next to the skin over the
stomach, and should be about sixteen inches in
width. In the Prussian service, an army order
compels its use by the soldier. No soldier in
our service should be without it.
HEBREW Nr.w YEAR. —On Wednesday evening
next will begin the Rash Hashamuch, or the
Hebrew new year, numbering the 8,622 d year of
the record of the faith. This is one of the most
sacred holidays of the Israelites, and always
occurs on the first day of the seventh month,
Tishri. It is usual for all who live up to the
Jewish faith to suspend all business affairs for
three days. On Thursday the rites and cere
monies of the childrerkof Israel observed some
three thousand years agofit Judea, will be re
peated in all their solemni*and grandeur. On
Sunday next will be the celebration of Your
Esorssaa Kivan.—Henry Bott, engineer on
No. 39 engine on the Northern Central Railway,
was killed on Friday night, a few miles from
Baltimore. It seems that Bott's train, which
was conveying the McClellan dragoons and other
troops to that city en route for Washington,
had run on a switch in order to let another
train pass, and he sat on the track to rest and
fell asleep, and did not hear,the train approach.
The whole train passed over him. As soon as
it became known, the fragments of his body
were taken up and conveyed to York, where he
has a family.. One of the dragoons took his
place and run the engine to Baltimore.
Bomancs, &c.—A. gentleman learned in such
matters, sends us the following memorandiiirt‘:
By an act of the late called session of Con
gress, all bounties for enlistment were abolished,
as well as the $2 fee for bringing recruits to the
rendezvous for enlistment. The only remain
ing inducement for enlistment in the regular
army, the soldier is to receive $2 per month in
addition to his former pay, and $1 for every
subsequent enlistment. There is no authority
for.the offer of $BO now made as an induce
ment to enlist, but soldiers who now enter the
service, either as regulars or volunteers "for
the war," snd . sorve oii.t their 04i4ifeiki,kaluV1,
with Heir-dieeliarge, receive !$lOO `boulAy,
that amount will be paidto.the legal rPresenta
lives of such as die or k 6 killed bathe service.
The additional bounty fttpOstments *ape a 1
disfauttiesti is 61do 'abolished. 'After the lig
August, • 1861, privatee who receive $ll will re
ceive $lB, and thaw who formerly received $l2
will also receive sl3—privates and corporals
receive the same pay—but• no other change is
madeinthe. pay of non-commissioned officers,
musicians, or artificers. But by the increase in
the privates pay, the allowance of every officer
who has a servant is increased thereby, either
twelve or twenty-four dollars per year for each
servant he is entitled to. The fee for adminis
tering the oath is abolishe,d, the oath .to
be hereafter administered by a commissioned
Journal of llialth, referring to the fact that in
many of the public schools throughout the
country, children not over four or five years of
age are compelled to stucly from 9 until 8
o'clock•, declares such a systoM to be nothing
short of barbarism, and then adds
This enormity is pathated somewhat by re
creations or bodily activities every forty-five
minutes ; still, it would be greatly better for
children under ten not to be kept at study
longer than two hOurs at ,a time, twice a day,
and to have nothing at all to learn, in-the inter
val, of school time. Not only are they kept in
six hours a day, but have such 'a variety and
length of lessons to learn .at home,that play „or
nst is out of the question, except between three
and five o'clock, when it biomes too late to be
out in winter; and in these two hours they have
to come home and take their dinners, having
in reality but a single hour out of -the twenty
four for joyous but door play.-- And when it is
remembered that of a gin,ter'S rcror,ning breek
fast cannot be over sooner :than eight O . :Clock,
and at half past eight they unlit Start for school,
the conviction must force itself on the mind
that, to some children atlest, It is a spbciet of
martyrdom. The true system 18, let' the Chil
dren learn while they are in school, some four
hours a day ; but when out of school let not the
hour,, of glorious play be half blighted by con
stant thought of unlearned task. 'But even
here there is some apology for the course pur
sued. The unfortunate poor 'esithetiot rdiord to
be without the services of their children later
than twelve or fourteen,
and all the education
they ever get must be had before that time
hence they must be driven some. Under the
circumstances, we advise those who are better
off in the world to discourage "promotion" of
their children, and by taking them from school
about the first of June, allow their class to pass
up higher, while they remain to go'on in the
regular line, with the long interval from June
to September for a perfect *saw of recreation
in the country.
FAIL IS Como.—"Summer is nearly over"
—how dolefully it sounds ! The fading leaves,
the rosy cheeked fruit; the ripening corn, all
prove to us that the season of greatest enjoy
ment will quickly be passed. Soon the leaves
will fall, the trees become bare and gloomy,
the little happy birds cease their singing, the
fields look desolate, the evenings grow short
and chilly, and then, in too, too short a period
after, stern old winter, with his piercing storm*)
will walk the streets. Who does not think,
with a sigh, over the glad days that have gone,
and reflect sadly ever the stormy time that will
shortly be here? But, though the seasons as
sume their morning garments, why need we be
unhappy ? Winter, with all its terrors, has
much to charm and to cheer. Cannot we, who
delight in social scenes, be more frequently
gathered about the family hearthstone, and by
our joyfulness within, bid defiance to the storm
king without? Cannot we renew, by letter,
our intercourse with old friends, which we ne
glected during the pleasant summer days, read
the favorite books that have been waiting so
long for us, on the dusty shelves, and, best of
all, cannot we bachelors have lots of fun, going
out sleighing with the girls, jolting and bounc
ing, and slipping over the glassy roads, and
up very close under the buffaloes, only
to keep warm ! Winter can be made very cheer
ful to one, notwithstanding its own gloomy na
ture. We almost melt with ecstacy, as we im
agine the enjoyments we expect to nave. Bat,
oh ! terror of terrors ! we almost forgot the
bitter, cold mornings, and our constitutional
disease of disliking to rise from a comfoitable
bed I Well, we believe that we like summer
the best, after an.
Peunspluanta 113iiitredgplyfr;'-ittm
at the rendezvous to-day at 12 o'clock, to
procLed to York to be mustered into service.
J. Drrwma.
PLUMBS. —We are indebted to Mr. David
Berst, of Union Deposit, for several splendid
plumbs of the egg species. They are the largest
and finest we have seen this season.
Gazer Cosa.—Syron once remarked that the
most4wkward thing in existence was a woman
eating an egg He evidently had never seen
one managing a huge ear of green corn. How
ever, we fancy it is eaten none the less on this
account. It is quite plenty in our markets, and
as it comes smoking hot from the kettle, few
things that " we knows on" are more delight
A PLEAUNT im'sm.—The annual celebration
of the West Fairview Sunday School, in Own
berland County, took place on Saturday, and
was a very pleastuit affair.
About 9 o'clock the tesulienr and scholars
assembled at the church, and marched iri . pro
oession through the village with banners gaily
flying, to a grove about a mile distint,, sing
ing, as they passed down the mein stre et, the
"Star Spangled Sinner," with urn& enthu
siasm. The creek which flows byithe village
was pruned in a boat, the ladies sinking
" We're sailing o'er the ocean
To a home beyond thls.tide."
The ground selected Tor the day's fastityi#es
was a beautiful shady spot, partly encircled
by the bright waters of the Conadagninet,
where seats had been prepared for the audi
ence. The scene on reaching the green was
truly interesting. Flom the speaker's stand
floated the Stars and Stripes, and all the lit
tle girls wore aprons of white, red and blue,
while many of the boys.wore wreathes entwined
with the same colors. The singing was accom-.
panied by a sweet-toned vi c*., which sounded
delightfully in this seclude& spot, and seemed
to awaken in every mind emotions of pleasure
and patriotism.
The exercises were opened by prayer, and an
address by the Rev. lir: J. Martz of this city,
which Nvas•listened to with profound attention ;
and when the speaker alluded to the pride and
Pleasure with which he had often gazed upon
the glorious flag, of his country, when far away
on the ocean's wave, or traveling amid the
grand and unaccustomed scenes, of Asia and
Europe, every eye seemed to be directed with
kindling enthusiasm .upon the beautiful "stars
And stripes," which were floating above his bead.
I After partaking of a rich collation, such as
the ladies alone know how to provide," the,
company dispersed in groups to different parts
Of the grove, and the rest of the day was de
voted to amusement and social intercourse.`
The naval expedition has reported two forts,
780 prisoners, 1,000 stand of arms, 81 cannons,
and camp equippage taken. This is glorious
news, and we hope will have influence with that
portion of North Carolina that it disposed'to be
loyal. This news, together with the 4ict,that
I:Filch-8; Bowman have just received a large
stock of Fall Dry Goods, to which they invite
special attention, wilt, we hope, have a happy
effect upon the citizens generally. sep2-21.
lltvnto returned from the city I now Rave on
band a full assortment of all kinds of Dry
Goods : 200 pieces of new Calicos ; 200 dozen.
of Stockings ; a splendid lot of Black Alapachc:
a large lot of Hoop Skirts; 1,000 yards of Crash
for Toweling. All kinds of Summer Dress
Gtfods at great reduction.. S. LIIWY,
Rhoads' Old Corner.
See Professor Wood's advertisement in anoth,
er column;
einibte n correcting, regulating,'and remarries a I
obstructious, from whatater cause, end' I
ways successful M a prevail-
the doctors for many seers, both' in France UKmerles,
merles, with unparalleled Interment ,every ; an..
he Is urged by loony thousand ladies Wbo used them, ti
Make the Pills public for the alleviation °Mime itutlerin.
rrom'any Irregularities whatever, IS well to primers
an increase of family where health will not penult It.—
Females particularly situated, or those supposing them
Maims so, are cautioned against. these Ms while in that
couditiou as they are sur• to produce Inleastriage, ant
ftielireprietor assumes no responsibility after this admo
liiiinitodthough their mildness would prevent anymilt
hie,. to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended .
Full and explicit directions accompany each bra • Prim
Si 00 per box. :old wholesale and retail by
OBAHL6B A. HANNVART, Dreiggitn ,
No. 2 Jonas Rom, Harrisburg, Pa.
“Ladlea," by sending him 51 00 to the Harrisburg
Post Mace, can have the Pills sent free of observation B
futylert of the country ( oonadantlally) and " free_
loge by mail. Sold also by S. S. Snivans,.
doludiox, Liounwar. k. HOUDIN. Philadelphia, 4. L. Last
assona, Lebanon,. Hamm LL Hicimiu. Lancaster; J. A.
Skim, Wrightsville ; T. ldatia, Yea and by one ,
rG&W to :ovary oily and village In the. Union, and by
D. Howe, : ole proprietor, NOW IrOlt
N. B.—Look out for counterfeltd. Boy no (Alden. Mb
of any kind unless every box.ts signed 5.... D. Howe. di
others are a, base imposition and unto ale ; therefore, re
yon value your lives and health,- (to say-nothing of be
,l2g humbugged out of your money) buy. only of..ttnita
jrheigip4ar. tbA4lipiatAkek.of
wTire hoe eic.durbUriUdgir-'
beteg counterfeited daii•dwaserily
Tea Anwitilinina; having been iet lo'red to
health la a few weeks by a yery simple remedy, after
having suffered several years With a severe long affect
ion, and that dread disease, - Coasamptlen—is anxious to
make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure.
To all who deaire it, he will send a copy of the pre-
MilPtion used (free of charge), with the directiops for
preparing and using the same, which they will dud a
Aare cure for Coneamplloo 4 aathinia,Bipochills, he. The
only object of the advertiser In sending the Prescription
Is to benefit the afflicted, and spreadJinibrmation. which
he conceives to be nvaluable, and he Wilms every suf
ferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing ,
and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription will please address
RRV. Rowan A. WILSON;..
Kings county, New Yuri'.
) rxivertOpiT ANO RADI9.4. CLAW: OF $P ®. ILMATOR
RHEA, or Seminal Weal:moss, 'Avid Oabilllltp, iortratto
botai Involuntary Rini/mom . and IntpoLeapy, Yedur 4 ll.,
from Sail-abuse, Are. By Thibt...l:o(diterwed; Idru.
Bent under mai in a Winn riEIIEOZP" 1 , 0 spy eddronal peti
mid, on' rOOOlO. 01 two': ensidpir, by Di: - OIMUJI
kLIN 127 Bowery, New York. Polo *Am Box If 9
4 .66 8 . • =-: alebArniniir
Moire Lin Pima kw . Primal" Brrien.
`Erre frees all Mineral Peirous.--ln oases of `.Scrofula
- Ulcers Scurvy, or &apse= of the Skin, the operation
ol the LtielmOttet_. iftligArAtastcPaggitiikAgien"Yakiit
in alawd ye, every.veatigeoTtLeaalu.eiS oma diSeallela
by their puriryiug edema ou the blood. &thous Fevers,
Toyer and Ague,'Dylpepaia, Drops, Yilea,iuld to abort,
most ail diseases soon yield to their curative propel:nee
No Donny should be without them, as by their t i mely
use mush suffering and expense may he saved.
Prepared by WM. B. MOFFAT, M. D., New YOE'S, end
fur -ale by all Druegis et uougw-iu
prrEß,lgOod, sweet and fresbj_ in one
: pound gal* fresh, sod !t EdGs in large and swill
uadiDdes taksold, all ttnisi and sash paid or groo=
. given'in exchange. liltstdar market rases always '
• - • WM. DOCK, .13.,1K CO.
augt9 • — Oppositethe Wart RIMS.-
a:1; -
' OFFICE, MONDAY, SEPT. 9, 1861.
B Line, L
1 Banks, 8 J Loy, I
Barnes, M 8 Lynch, E I
Barnes, M Long, E
Bell, X hi Mc
Black, S McAlw, Pit
Borderer, A ' 'McClure, M
Bobby, CM C 2 itcOlintoe, It
Brenner, M IdeNelly, 8 E -
Brightbole, C ANcEarmara, E
Brown, M McDirmott, 0
Branyan, g, mcDe K mit, MM.
Bryan, E : MaHunter, X,
Burns, M I c
• McCoy,. „E .
McGranigan, A I
Cain, "E llicWillhims, J
Carlin, hi , X
Chester, `X • - lieneelyi B
Carpenter, Itc Iffillel, R
Campbell, E Mackelroy, S.
Castiow, 8 , Maciiley, E.
Carter, A Miller, M
Qktnpbell, L Mooney; j
Clonnell, ht Moyer, 8 B
Clinetop, 8 B My eia, , H
Craft, /4 M - : - ' : . N.. , ,
D Nuckelwee, E
Dar, X • Neebrick, M
Dewire, C
Doan, M Pandling, M
Davis, S ' Peters, 8•A , •
Dwan, B' Peebles H
Evans, 8 lecher, T .
F Reinslunt, A
Fisler, I Ryair, X
Faits, M Itohenson, C
Fockler, 8 L Bnpley, L
Fitz, Patrick M. Roush, g
Fausler, A Reitzel, - B ' -
Firth, R 8 2 Rohrer, J K
For, A E -, 8
Fry, C Schofield, .15
G Saline, hi
Ginginger ) E Q Moseley, R.
Garman, G Scott, E • .
H Schmitt, E .
Hardin, A R Shaffer, .L •
Harris, S Snider, A M
Herr, I A Swindells, X
Herr, F 2 Steely, W
Hite, C Stepheni, X
Hindh, X Stephens, W
Henry, Alice Sailor, M
Hoffman, E T
Householder, o A Timmin, C
Eluffnagle, if Turner, 8
Hurst, C • . Thomrson, E
Hummel, X I W
Hufmon, S Watkins, 8
!Innen, B Wheaton, ht E
K Williams, E 2
Seery, ht • • - Wingart,aE • 2
, L Wills, M.
Leirs,'E.. '• W;6I4aMSB" '' '
Linch, M ; • - Z , :
4annson, li, - Zaiihns, S A
i . 1 •G s N g',..P 21 ;41 1 !!!‘01 . ' if 4 11 1' •, •
A Hartick, J•
Aduddell, F liall;rack's - P
Anthony, H ' Harris, AT ,
Alligood, 0-A Haas, B
Anderson, J Haw-schurst, 9
Anderson, G Higgerty, J
Albright, A R den,
edden J ,
Andrews, G • Hepler,H 0
1 B. Headerrnan, J. , . ...
Banks, 3 r Hicks, A.
Bailey, GP , 2 Hickey, T .
&dub, A Billegas, C K
Balder, W • Houston, I P
Baldwin, J D Howard, J T
Ball, J Howard, T
Bussel, H H i mBl . 9i NNf F •
Barnhart, J Hughes,
Batten, E G Hunt, G. W
Benity, C Hunt, W
Bednesderfar, J Hunt, A R
Beehl, A Hummel, G
Beeshore,.l3 Huber, W A
Benferi J H I.
Benti - , Geo Irwin, T T
Blaek, D Irwin, W H 4
.17lubaker, H J.
91akeney, B F Jackson,_ B
Boyd, T Johnson ; J H
Boyer, J P Jackson, G
Boyer, D X Jackiiin ; J A,
Brown, 8 H Janies, J •L, • •
Bruebaker, 8'
Brenner, .8 • . Rersier, L W
Itruif, A Koch, D.
Brubaker, II /Wit 8 - .4
Brooke, J B . writs, `' ' 2
Barton J •Kneedloi, 0 3
Iluckwrilter, J Sing;-'41:; : '
0 Kapphin; L
Capron, G - 'Elllerbach, G
Carson, B - Kunkle,.E
Clark; S 13 Imenge r - gg Co., i g
Clegg, B , Knouts, E
Colslier, W a L
Clanner, F , , Lewis, JO • 2
Cover, W -* Lewis - , J W
Conrad, M Lillie, S
I•. , D Little, 11.11 4
Davis, 'R "- ' ~s '
Lelatest V t ' '
Miller, J Lawshe, R 8 .
De Bataan, L Lewis, R . ,
Davis, W taiibits,J
De Wire, J
Dewey, J ;M . Long, J
Davi Ite, • - 2 - Longenecker, -
11 9
4efsb3_, r,
Dewe7,J W 14 . 1 4 1 -PaBL_E . •L
Deritter; T • ' Luta;
DeegM, J
Devnes„o . 1 'McDonald. F
Dickey, •Ad McClure,-J-
Dick, A MeAllelletm; T
Donnar, 0 McCarty, C .
Don, J J McCoy, J
Dowery, J McDonald, J
Drano, J A •McOopoell,H-0
Dunkell, J Mobld , M
Duey, 8P • McDowell, F A.
Dunlap, Jji M.
1 Moran, A
Risley, G Meyer, D
Emry, W ltiar E
.2 ,
Pita, Ei Milani Mtn B 2
EvanwT B Midtby* Chase 2
; Ita i dden,
Fenstermejr,ex, w MkEti,u, W
Fight, A - J 0
vinvai; et ma*: fi
Falk 0 2 Meaner, D
Forney, H C
Foster, J C
Fletikinger, Slde , - '
Freeman, 8 B" Anger, J
French, T Morgan', J H
Gable, C HA
Gage H C -
Gtionedberge n , - 841 turs r lic X •
Gangwere,..A M • - . N.
atat4; l 3:
Gotbsclua; Nesley; B r , -
Goheen, M Nichols, CondUetol;
Graim, J B Neimar“ '
obi, liraetir3 A '
Harris, Alf. 2 Citto,l3 G
Henry, J • , J
/1!'11311,-1.'- Owens
fialg*WT "fr
04.4-. F
Peoples, Thos Reiman & Co, G M
Plympton, C Stahr, W H
Sowell, G S Stine, J A
Pomeroy, W Stanley, A G
Pugh, E. Streeit, F S.
R. Stroughton, A
Rhoadwawalt, J T.
Roger A Thompson, J
RelfwOod, J A Thomas, J A 2
Reed, G IA Toole, J
Reiff, J B V.
Rigby, M Vaubricklain, 0
Russell, N Vaneomt, E W II
Ryee, H R 11.
Regar, Id E Unphry J
Russel, A R 4 W.
Robinson. C L Walter, D
S. Wrigenderfer,
Scully, F , Wanehan, P
Sanders, W Wittledge, J
Schoepe, J Watson, J
Sanderson, W P Wagner, J
Salads, A Weaver, G H
Schumacher, G Webb, T
Schmidt J' Wegmen,_ A
Sellers, 6'. wertie'i;:i R
Shepherd, J Weitch, J
Shelley, if If • 2 Wiggine, J B
Spivart, T Willis, S L
Sinith, )'R= Wilson, It T
gpyder, JC Wadi,
Smith, N Whltherel, J
SPlekle, C E Wolf, W
Sbutham, J Work, J
Swartzer; A C Wynkoop, J
Stabe, J Y.
Sigunlxel, P
. . Yetter R- • .. "*" ---
A lane, S F
Armstrong, J Mc
B Mcll.waine, W
Blanvelr, J M
Bollinger, H Meyer, W H
By?wna It - ' Idllspaygli, 0 F
. k 0 Manaarnistr, I P
Cease, W E Hong, W H
Campbell, G S N
Campbell, 11 Neal, W H
Campbell, 0 T ct
_, - • 1) Overdorf, F
Dazroklar . 1. • , P
Dunlap; W ' Pursell, J
Dodge, J 0 Postlethwait, ,I
F Pardoe, G M
Fayette, S Priest, M
Fagan,•Capt 2 A
Fenton, E'S Reed,' J B
G Randle, A
*; , Than, D'' ' 8
Grow, A Scott, B G
Granteer, J B Shook, j
H Stover, 111
Heinbaugh, H . Styer, I R
Hinton, J Stewart, I
House, F.' V
J Verdan, L °
Tewette, H ' 'W
K Wagner, GIV
Kinslow, A Welber, G D
Kearns, J Wilson, J
Keeney, d C Wilber, A '
Larimer, J C
Persons calling for any of the above letters
Will please tray they are advertised. One cent
due on each.
ltd - GEO. BERGNER, P. VOgit
STEADY and sober young men to join
tho klartiabntl. Cavalry company, ancepie.i by the
government, and already to camp, Enquire at the
rendeavours, Exchange, Wahmtatreet.
angte-ntr CHAS. C. DAVIS. CmWith.
THE, fall term o this Institution will
women 0 ou SfeSumduy September 4tb. 1861.
•u27-06t . P. it. mum, Prewil,id.
dersigned heieby gives notice to Henry Etastlen,
Jana PILULthI. Kate Alkn, cud others wham It may con
cern not to tress am on her premises (roma, d after this
date o; they will bq dealt with aceording .0 law.
Rani iburg; A tig..Bl, 1861
(Near the Banisbarg Bridge.)
1 JUST Rsosive,p from the
~ his a 10101 Ewe COMbSRCI&L NOTE
P.AVIOOI, emelt we will sell at 11.25 por reaui .
1141 tall per ream Cur NOTE PA:lid, ileourAtud with
the latest anti very hariasoma embiama cod paisioli:
$3.50 Mr woe warn": ENVFLOPEE, With national aud
patriotic emblems, printed 10 I.oro colors.
Haase give us a uali: TEliga. F. &Mt VFER,
Jeltd-d Harrisburg.
Manufacturer of
Looking Glass and Pioture Pram*
Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings ao.
French Iltrrom square and Oval Portrait
Frames of every description.
• iyl6-ly
FOR SALE.—One of the best business
stands in the city on reasonable terms, or leased
fOr three or .flog years 6/tutted m Market sweet between
Fourth ant Flfth. &Rube on the premises or
„b9-d2na DANIEL LEEDY.
. • Horneburgy
AI.,WAYS on hand - a largianoortaumit 01
, BOUTS; SliOh, oAITRit,t3, Sc.; or the veil beet
ibelltles Ter lathes, gehliemee;andechlldrees' Wear.—
Prleee to suit the tithes. All tiode ar WORE 10,0E' TO
°Joint • in the beet etyle by euperteCworkmee
nowitiiio.iio.oe at shqn notion: • .
ortl6-dif JOHN A SUlTlELlterriaburs:
and Encrracrel onWo od' •,
1 . ,
VXECLITIS. all kinds of Wood Sngraving
A.:4 with onsets, oOrrectcass dispatch. Original
designs furoushea for Fine Book fibistrttions. Parsons
ighniggeLeogy sender a Phan:nig:Lob or big ai.crets , pa,
can have view. of Colleges 'Churches, Btor - forts,
Machines, etevea, Patents, lha. , entitles wi,ll on per
squat applicatioa
Fancy linvetopes, Letiels, Bill Headings, 1,0., thins,
Visiting, Basilian and other , Carts, engrav l oil tLe
lughestritylefsbngii, and aListo -lowest prime .
Ins specimens of Ana - ongraviocitee
Works of J. f t . LipPincott EL Butler &Co.
oct2b Ign
.- PA.
IBIS Institution chartered with full coi
-1 logiato powers, will open its Fall Term an Wednes
day the 4th of September.
The aticut ou of Partings baying daughters to educate
ie reeptw luny invited to this lubtantion For catalogiasi
4ildrese. A. G. 11.4RL1C1T,
! auglb-2wd President.
Salad( Sohools. for. Boysi and Girls
li v. HE Fall term of ROBERT M.'ELWEE'S
sishool for boys, will oKn, on the first Monday in
Nto taher.:2.ll/.- - mom Is will venial/nod,`comfortably ,
ferntelied, and In every
,renyeet adapted for school 'ter
CATHARINAKEL.W.I4III.kehooI for ,y . trkt, kidded in
the sameithflathg, erill - diterr for the Fedi - ern! at entne
gwe... !the thiniihtkitieuu caeifteay mutt up peookoto
1116 /IM and condor, of sent:Woe. eugpy.f.
New 2ibutrtisments
fH E undersigned offers himself as a
cmdlcitto for the Mace t f COUNIY C0M4181024-
ZR, subject to the nototuaMis Ohnventlon,-ant. Pledgee
hioisclf If comlusted and sleeted to (its barge the duties
or the thee with 11014.. PHILIP HOFrIf AN.
aug2B to
DANIEL LENDIG, of Nliddletown, O
len; himself ft! a candidate for [be arm LKeig-
LATLTRF: at the rwotag &dation, subect to the action ot
the People's County Coovrntion And plrdres himeoh
to ditoharge the duties of the Dille, hen ctly and faith
DR. THOMAS G. FOX, of Derry town.
ship, offers !dowell as x caodittele fur the STAT.
I.iitil3l 11FIE at the en.ulog &mit n, tuhJ of to th ac
Lion of the P. oplets County Commotion He promise• it
elected to dwelt. rge the .uties of the dike with fidelity
saw g
C YOUNG, offers himselt as a oandi •
to whan for Uh^ net* of Pohouoiery .te,
of l'irtpbm
comity ut.the eu.tting trwm. Ht. tog •gesff elected to
perform the dutie, of the 'face with
A BRAUN' H. BUYER. ot bast llama
vr , ottnq blemelf el a csndh at. Sit 01 , i Ig:t at
the e smog election. subj,ct to ti e swum of the reople'a
County Couvr nflon. Fle prowls s ifeleitml to di chsrge
the du hat of the ..flee with ti c I.ty
a g 22 dt
ifir . 11. SCM:EIN ba, of Gra4, offers
• biroseli a.. a candidate for the St Te:114:1• 4 1.A
T Kb at the copying electliin, subleet to the arum) of
the People's Ceueiy Conv,utiou tie pr , tai es. P etec
ad to di chai' the duties of the Offiel. with dcleiity.
au...214w* .
A. S. EYSTER offers Ithusell as a
• caudd tie f..r the :Mosel' PROM +N.'TAHY, &c ,
at the euttnag els itiou, sad pled,st but r patstton lot
att , tllloll .0 busioess se 11 stlarantse fo thl lictelul per
formance of its Outlets, if ctieuted.
Harrisburg, August 21.186+. ,11..•
BENJAMIN B CS, of Ilarrisburg, of
fere him:telt is a canehtmte forCOU• TV TlittaFUH
tin at the e suilog electiou, souleet to the aetio.l of the
People's Count) t tie prohLies If elected to
discharze the clothe of the once WILD fidelity.
Q n AMU EL M RQUAItT, of flarrishurg,
LI hhneelt ag a eAtte.itl to f RE1:1 4 11,1t at tee
ea-elni rl wipe ittb.ect to the ectlne of the Pt ople's
Coo ty Gn amnion. tie pt (liaises it etecoef wills:hares
the doles of too. ®re with 11,tetto )
TO TilE VOT te 11 s UP H I N Ct JUNI . Y
VELLO %V CI I'IZEN6 : 1 offer myself se
a C.4ndidate for COuoly Tre..-urer at the ensuing
e eetion, subject to be action of bo Poop'. C d , iy Cni•
wootioo 'baud Ibe s t , orku.tate to b$ eloowd I le Igo
myself to discharge the duthhi of said 0111 :3 with fidelity.
lhAAt; N AVE
Dauphin, Aug 12 1861 -lie
LIF.Lb w CITIZENS-1 of®r myself ae
I: a Union Independent °iodides tor Lite tifflsl of Re.
giutor or Wills of I aiiphio eiiuuty. Should Ibe so kir-
Ll' it. 110 to he elect u, 1 promlie to ale duties
of t-e nines with fidelity. B. HUMUS/.
II nutituelAnwo, July 31, 1561-oliawtu
J 3 t - REEL , 1N i), ot Halifax town-
IL/ sht ctrcrs a taLthaate ca. As 4:St 3LY
ea the toast g *action pt. ) . ct t.tuoactoa of the feu-
Pies County Coov tAttou. Ile p oreises tio..ced to die
d:wee the duhea of the tile .* with fidelity.
angle &hate
P1E11.M 3 '3E1.133E11-"Sit
13etween Philadeln
LAIR HAVEN, JERISKT BOB',' , 14 ILL., 111.+70N1r, 31000 T,
UMOKTOWN, WVISOPITO M (wow ; wuumso,
I.4loldiefOßNi, LirEthrsTUßN, MUSS
GNU El Ait Et 18BUttUr.
The Philadelphia tiepa bein; entrilly iuo dud tne
(invest) will be at the tisvest rates. A C .ndu,sor goe,
through with elan train to attend to toe sae .teiivery of
all goods entrusted to tau line. Goods delivered at the
Depot of
FARED, Waal/ &F 118181), No. 811 aar• et Sleet, Phila_
delphla, by 4 o'clock 0. 11., will be ..uver,,tl
Harrisburg the next morale
Freight (alw.ys) us low as by Kay utter no.
' Particular attention paid by this hue b• o^ompt and
speedy delivery of all Elarrisbar nods.
'The undersigned thankful for pad outro a hopes by
stria Munition to isusitssa to merit t con .1 sou of the
T. Pine .
and ite.din
i4oL of Market
017416 m
P FFERB hie services to the citizens o
Harrisburg and Its vicinity. Ho sebum A share o
I e public patronage, And patsr assurance that ms best
indeavore sball be given to render eatieraidlou in Me pro
r",sio. 6..u g ika old, well tried dentist, he reels safe in
nviting the public generally to call on him, assuring
hem that they will not be dissatisfied with bid services,
'Mice No. leb Market street, an the house formerly .ie -
mood by Jacob H. Rby, near tilP United Eludes Hotel,
Harrisburg, "14 .11,4,11)1
&J Work Promised in One Week
1 0 4.
104 Market Street between 4th ana sth,
,kA,I HERE every doooription of Ladies!
V V scut Gentiemene' tiarmectb, heee tieeds, en., are
qoxl, Vieemeed and Oniebed if* the beet 183enuer and si
+nboriwtoutroe•• ki KO. Si CO
Vov:i -.1 INII , • 011erleglet
READ Quart:ma P. M.
Harrisburg, Aug. 19, 1861.
BY DIRECTION of the President of the
United States, all volunteer regiments or
parts of Regiments accepted directly by the
War Department from Pennsylvania, either with
Or without arms, equipments or uniforms, are
to be forwarded at once to Washington. Their
commanders will therefore immediately report
to these headquarters, stating the number of
men and the station from which they are to be . .
taken, that transportation may be furnished
them without delay. By order of
Governor and Commander-in Chie
- - - FLAGS I rtacits
~ Nago¢al flemgal, LETTER PAYER wittr , s view
th,rity 01 H,Lrrist prluted taut lOC Bata at
Harrinbart Brzelko
ritHE 6U lISCRIBER would respectfully
1. inform the public that he ha- removed Ma (Numb
ing and Brdols Youndlog estaMiehmens to No. 22 South
third - etreet - begewasnoe - HMolz.- fbanicfot for rain pat
ronage, be hopes by (grist attention 110 towns% to morn
&continuance of ft
r * PORTEI, BOLOGi ;. USAGN.--la
' cll. - rare lot pet irectlyed a
for , alge by