New 2bvertistll ento. A New Feature in the Snice Trade! IXPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS E. R. DURKEE & CO.'S SELECT SPICES, In Tin Foil (Lined with Paper,) and Full Weighs. BLACK PEPPERGINGER, NUTMEG 'WHITE PEPPER ALLSPICE, MACE CAYENNE PEPPER, MOST CINNAMON, CIAV ES, ARO. TN THIS AGE of adulterated and tae te• lees bpione, it 114 with confidence that we introd nee to the attention of housekeepers those superior and genuine articles. We guarantee them not only ABSOLunaX AND PERFECTLY PURE, but ground from fresh Spices, selected and cleaned by WI expressly for the purpose, without reference to cot They are beautindly packed in tin foil, (lined with pa. per,) to prevent Injury by keeping, and aro FULI WEIGHT, while the ordinary ground Spices are almost invariably short. We warrant them, in point of strength and richness of flavor, BEYOND ALL COMPARISON, as a single trial "nu abundantly prove. Every package bears our Trade Mark. Manufactured only by E. R. DURKEE dr. CO., New York For sale by WM. DOCK JR. &CO Mel • B. 11. GILDEA., D. D. S. STATE STREET , OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. Atl:pera ions, duigioal and Mechanical, entilleelly performed Charges moderate. jeB NEW_ „„W!.. -14 OFFICE. r 1 11ELE trIiDED having entered in.. tothe COAL TRaDE to this city, would respectfully Solicit the patronage of the citizens. I will keep on hand Veal of all sines, from the most celebrated and approved mines, which will be delitered 10 any part el toe oily : Erse from dirt and other impurities. Fun Wemoi BumLiaTIAID. COAL roil milt ST row Boar LOAD, CAB LOAD Os SMILE :on. Persona pninhasing by the Boa or Oar Load will receive 2,240 pounds to the Ten. OM( No. T 4 Market street, second door from BerrOoT ry alley Yard on the Cowed, loot of North street. i ll den lei tat either place will receive prompt attention. ' apAdly 14 HALL, •rantl PROF. ADOLPH P. TEL -WOULD respectfully inform his OW patrons and the public generally, that be will continue to give Instractions on the PIANO FORTE, tfli, LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science 01 THOROUGH Ban He will w'th pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at any hour desired, or masons will be given at his residence, in Third street, 4 few doors below the German Reformed Mersa. SONEFFERIS BOOK STORE. (NEAR TIIII LIARRIBBOIIO BRIDGE.) UNION ENVELOPES. NOTE PAPER, of six different desigue, printed in two colors sold by the thousand and by the ream at Uity Cash prises. Also, Flags, Union Breast ilus, &ales, Jules Rings and Badges a very kw prises. GAB at myB 80H NYS NH% BuOIIS rOR STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG FARE REDUCED TO $1.25 THROUGH TO GETTYSBURG. r 1111 E undersigned has established a ± regular LINE OF STAUF. Coselibli hum Mechanics• burg, connecting every other morning with the Cnmber• laud Valley Railroad °Ara. the coaches leave every every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, returuiug every other day. Paseeugers Shopitardstown, llillaburg, Petersburg and Gettysburg are carried at reduced rates. WM. J. P.llll. ST. LOUIS HOTEL, OBESTATU7 .S 2:, ABOVE 71111 W, PHILADELPHIA. IN the hmeectietoi .ueighberiko . od 01 the Jobbing Houses 34arliet, I'lll6l 'and li:bestow streets, Bin Babas, Post uWae , lierOants's liaolkaago ato., 80, sure cm THAI . ABINEICAN AND NUDOPEAR PLAN. BOARD PER . DAE...; 61,60 Dinner between 1 and s OzOlOCIL", 60 Gents, 'angle room from 60 omits upward.. A first class Restaurant attached. Prices according to Ells of Fare. . The City Cara take Passengers Croat. any Stilton to or closets lbw/Intel, ...; 40r/ baldish, hewn, German and Spantatteposen •• :•!! • • STONE FOR SALE. UILDINtx kyruN b. or Stone imitated Jur for tturapliciog purpose< wI. tie delivered to soy PM of tlio city of itii vie Dii v A .}ply 10 marg3 WM. IJOLDER. Jr. ORIL&T.R.EDUcTithtI IN PaWEB: WHEELEtt dt WILSON'S SEWING. MACHINES, inn NEWAMPROVEMENTS AT REDUCED PRICES. rrHE WIIRELSR & WILSON Alanntac turing,oempany having gained ALL thew suits at law, with infringing manufacturers of Sewing Machines, promise that the public) should be benefited thereby, and have accordingly reduced the prices of their Sewing Machina. After this data they will be sold at rates that will pay a fair profit on the cost of manufacture, capital Invested, and expense of making safes ,; sea prices will enable them to make lira class machines, and ; la heretofore, guarantee th em in every particular. in accordance with the annommentent aboye 1 sill soil their spieniUd sewing machicee at prices fro m 346 to e9O for the line full case machinist. It is a well (Web• bribed fat that the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine Is the Imitate in the market, the best Made must suple and least liable lo get out o I order, and they are now as low as the inferior machines. Oaf and see them a Third and Market. del-Om W. 0. HICKOK, Agent .F. 1K1:7, IEI .I%T C.)3EI TRaVINIIING LOENT OF THU OLD WA_LLOWER LB E. rrlllB OLD TRANSPORTATION LINE A. blow in auotieeeltd operation and prepared to carry freight as LOW as any other individual line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg; Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williams port, Jersey Shia% Look Haven, and all points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and /trial and Williams. port and Elmira Railroads: Law agent at Harrisburg, . . D.A. bIUENCH Gown sent to P 5 400014,73411 R HENCHMAN; Noe. 808 and 810, Market street, above Eighth, by 4 o'clock, P. M., will Pelvis at Harrisburg, ready for doliverY, the nail morning. 0. P. MUENCH, pB3--41" Traveling Agent. wA t T.4 , OWEE'S LINE DAILY: MMus HARRISBURG and PH 1.1.41) ELP li I A. . Wm. A. Burk, ..litnt, 812 Narket gra, Pliizadat z Phia, torraiik X4Piagstan 8t Co. Ct pedal Uonduotor .iu oharge of each helix. Goods delivered &Ma Warehouse, Plilladel• at 4h o'slisilt P. id., will be delfroded in Harris• unseat morulug. J. witinwza, 01., Agent, sag2l-dti Mice Reading Depot, Harrhburg. Myr GLASS .GEOCEBIES lAARGbI ARRIVAL.! 11 AV !N JUST RETURNED fromthe taitelki Men where we have selected with the gg.artier eitini-• large and complete assortment Of 8114 pe „ft t ans Nhhll le entorace anything kept in the hes, sty groceriet, we reepectiully,and, Cordially invite th mic pn 14 Pail ann examlin• our stock led None. ow MN: LIME FOR SALE, ITIT:M UNDERSIGNED having embarked L id &UM BRIKESiI le prepared _to f ankh '_att. VOTY Pat, 10011.41109 rt.. th 4 lo w#4 playas for caw. no spia_Ate ;Jae mut a tmuab and.. also oat atrott* atyaaddm PETER BERNETERL Chits of Cram! 80 aransportatioti NW AIR LINE ROUTE. THREE TRAINS DAILY TO' NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. a.QN AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10, , _ 1881 the Passenger Trains ill leave the Philadel- p tuiu Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, ea Pollowa, via : . RICPREM LINE Isaied Harrisburg at 9.30 a. m., on 'ow rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Tmlu from the West, arriving in New York at 4 p. m. •A sleeping car Is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change. MAIL. TRAIN loaves Harrisburg at 6 a. in., arriving In New York at 4p. m , and Philadelphia at 1.26 p. in. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at L4O p. m., on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Past Mail, arriving In New York at 9.46 p. m., and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. m. WESTWARD. FAST LINE 'naves New 'fora at 6 a. m., and Pbnada'. phis at S a. m., arriving at Ilarriaburg at 1 p. m. • MAIL TRAIN loaves Now York at 12.00 noon, and Phil• adelptila al3. 15 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. . . EXPRIM LLYR le.vee New York at g p. , arri ving at Harrisburg at 2.80 a. m., and connecting with the Pennsylvania gaprees Train for Pittsbnrg. A sleeping car is also attached to this train. DOnnections are made at Harrisbur_g wi th %rains on tbd Pennsylvania, NorthertnOentral and Cumberland Valley &Broads, and at Reading for Phil olelpine, Pettavil te,. Wiliresbarre, Allentown, Kasten, ato. Baggage checked through. •" Farq between New York and Harrisburg, $5 00; between Harrisburg and Phila. deiphia, 63 26 in No. 1 airs, and $2 70 in No. 2. For Mekong or other infokmatien %poly to J. J. 'OLY DE, myls General Agent, Harrisburg. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND Cho passenger trains at the Pennsylvania Railroad Com• parry will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg every morning (except Monday) at 1.16 and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.10 a. m. THROUGH EXPRH TI AIN leaves Eiarrlsburs daily at 9.20 a. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.10 P. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sun day) at 5.15 p. m. and arrival at West Philade , pbia at 10.15 p. m. These traihe make close connection at Philadelphia with ha New York Linea. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, via Mount Joy, laws Harrisburg at 7.00 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1200 noon. RARRISRING ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, leave§ Harrisburg at 1,10 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 625 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, via Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at b. 15 p. in. connecting at Diller vale with MAIL TRAM, and arrives at West philadel phia at 10.15 p. m. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.20'p. in, Harrisburg at 2.30 a. m., Altoona 7.E0, a. in., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 noon. HAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.80 a. m., Harris burg 1.00 p. m., Altoona, 0.60 p. in.; and arrives at Pitts burg at 1/00 midnight, PABT LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.20 a. m., Harris burg 3.85 p. m., Altoona 8.10 p. m. , and arrives at Pitts burg at 12,30 a. in. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Phil. dolphin at 2.30 p. m., Lancaster 6.08 p. m , Columbia 6.4 n p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.05 p. in. This train connects at Harrisburg, at 8.05 p. in., with North ern Central Railroad Train for Sunbury , Williamsport; Lock Haven, Scranton and all points North. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00, p. m. , Lancaster 7.50 p. in., Mount Joy 821 p. us., Eliza bethtown, 8.87 p. ID. and arrives at Harrisburg at o.Bop. in. Attention la called to the fact, that pasengers leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m ., connect at Lancaster with MOVNTJOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrived at Harrisburg at 9.80 P. m. SAMUEL 1). YOUNG, Supt. East, lliv. Parma. Railroad Harrisburg, June 7; 1861.--ditt • JUST REO.CIVE.D ANOTHER LOT OE THOSE EXTRA: FINE POlits iED GOLD PENS F NEWTON'S (formerly Bagley's) `kJ manufacture, warranted to be the best in inattrial, the finest pointed, most durable and as cheap as say n market, for sale, with a variety of Gold am Si Of various sizes and prices at - nitltaWft'S CthtAP 13001csTuRN ktrmit PH 0 TO GRAPH Y, In all its Branches, Executed in the beet style known in the art, at C. G. CRANE'S GALLERY, 632:tra stro;"Jectsi orsixth, Fmk. Lin SIZE Jig OIL AND PASTIL. STEREOSCOPIC PORTRAITS, A lartypes,for Wes, Medallionsare. notrl4 wly wv. nom .11t A 00 pennovluanta Mak) etlegrapti l Cl)tirstrag . 'afternoon, August 29, 1861 TWO TRAINS DAILY TO EASTWARD. BUMMER TIME TABLE: FROM PHILADELPHIA ON ,LND ANTRA &ONDAY, JUNE 10th, 1861, EASTWARD. WESTWARD. Metrical y,(l: ,ll HAvz , B Holland Bitters DYSPEPSIA, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &c. Tim successful introduction and nee of this cele brated Remedy has been the signal for a literal flood of compounds called "Bitters," offered in various forms, from a quart bottle to a five•gallon keg, until this word "Bitters" is but another name for,. grog;' or some %illations whiskey mixture. But thoreally great relief delimits= the minute dose, one teaspoonful, of out' medicine, sanniAvrs HOLLAND. arrrEns, and the entire absence of after prostration, has =esti... Wished fur it a reputation which the had of imitations and counterfeits have idled to undermine. It is poel. tively a vegetable preparation, with barely sufficient pure spirits to preserve it. ' • • But one size of the genuine, (flair-Pint' Bottles,) price On DOLLAR. It is a medicine of-long-tried efficacy for Pur(fyiv the Mod, so - iiiihential for the foundation of good health and foi'vorrecting disorders of the stomach and bowels.. Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects. The stomach will speedily regain Ita strength a healthy action of the liver, bowels and khineys Will soon take place, and renewed health be the quick result. Eoi INDIGESTION. Tiy Bcerhaveq Holland Bitters. For HEARTBURN, Try Berhavels Boßand Bitters. For ACIDITY, Try Bitrnave , s Holland Hitters. For WATER.I3BASR. Try- Boernave's Holland Bitters. For HEADACHE, Try Ikerhave's Holland Bitters. For LOSS OF IklarkTlTlf, Berhare's Holland Bitters: rot. COSTIVENESS, Tiy. Beehives Holland Bitters. For PILES, Try }harbors's Holland Hitters, In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affe, tions, it has ill numerous instances proved highly henetleial, and in others effected a decided cure Read Care etilly The genuine, highly-concentrated RCERRATF. 4 ,4 1T.•.- MillißS ie put up in half-pint battle. only. retailed at One Dollar per bottle. The great thin t,,i fiw this truly celebrated medicine has induced ti y Imitations, which the public should guard egan,,d purchasing. Beware reimposiiiim t .See that our name ie no of em , ry batik !iou tuy. Benj. Page, Jr. &Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS For mile to the city of Harrieb,,,rs by D. W. GROSS I toDOrd—sepldkwly JEWELRY WATCHES CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &A) . • ALFRED F. ZIMMERMAN & 00; • .y . o. 52 MAIRKET 81'REET, Harrisburg, 11111 it ea. opposite ieS Rein and &Ali:Maine the neonate ' HOTE, having purchased the stock of LE. 11 Jennings, and added a large assortment of NEW JEW ELRY, we will sell the same at the lowest cash price, and solicit patronage. - • - Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly and promptly re paired and delivered. ;L . ; • ; ALFRED F. ummiuteurr a eo Having disposed of my stock of Jewolry to A. F. Zim merman & Co., I cheerfully recommend them to my for mer customers as prantleal and "experienced Watch Walters and solicit Sr th em a continuance of the patron age which has been sogenerously extended to me thrills the last six years. • • • • - ian'29 CAM F. JENNINGS. DENTISTRY. DGNO. FY. STiffE, graduate of the %atm re Collageof Dental Surgery, having permit unify kleakid in the city of Harrisburg and taken the office formerly moulded by Dr. ifforges, on Third street, between. Market and Walnut, respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he Is prepared' to perform alfoperations in tne Dental profession, °fiber. surgical- or mectstuiCal, In a manner that shall.not be eurpatankt , aiy operators in this or any other city. His mode, of inserting artificial teeth is upon the latest m proved scientifie principles. • • Teeth, from one to a lull Set, mounted on tine Gold, Sil ver, Pitmans plates or the Vulcanite Base, I take great pleasure in recommending the ammo gen: Unman to all my former patients. of Harrisburg and vl, lnity, and feel confident that he will perlbim all opera tions In a scientific manner, from my knowledge of his Ltnylt•dtfl F. J 6.GORGAS, D. D. S. FICISIEC SHAD No. 1 SALMON ~N 0. ,. 1, HERRING ; No. 1, • COD FISH i No. 1, MACKEREL, No. 1. Of ,he above we have all the.thnezent sized packages rom the sari to the union in atom and for sale at the moat twirled redo. febl6 WM. DOCK, Jo. is CO. A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENT 07 LADIES' TRAVELLING *ND SHOP,P'ING BAGS At prieee,for sale at EMEGNEWS OHRAP BOOKSTORE, 61 Market Stree. OUlt UNION a; CONSTITUTION 66 ;)tra GOVERNMENT," 'by M. M t is a work containing the Commirwnon op vas Amin Bram, givibg the c ontraction of _ ,Terms and Provisions , showing the relations of ttik Btatee to the Union and each other, and explain I rig gene. rally the System of Government of tho Conn try. Price 1.1 00. Sold, and orders supplied, by him, at Harris burg, Pa. Agents for Counties and Slates wanted, THERMOMETERS ! THERMO/FREERS, Ornamental Mantle, Japanese Metal. THERMOMETERS, do do ,Bronzed do THERMOMETERS, Distillers Ma Case, ig took. TEUIRMOMETERS, ' do Brass Bound DosibfeAcalet THERMOMETERS, Union Case, 10-17 inch. • • • „ THPJIMOMMTSitg, )(MAIM Frame S-1.0 inch. THERMOMETERS, Black Walnut b ase, 10 inch. THERMOMETER% Tin tiase 7-8-10 inoh. : We have just received a llnd-lot MIERRIOAIRTE R - of various styles, and are selling . ent ai lo i t w e :rket. stye RELLER'S DRUG .SToRE, ap HICKORY, OAK AND PINE WOOD for sale, CDT 2T) STO VE OR CORD LENOTII TO SUIT .POTTOIZASSES. ALSO, LOCUST POSTS AND 0HE57507 RAILS CDT TO OBITSA ALSO, S SIONBAND SALVO MR' ROMD/S4 .P(IRPOSES. inquire of the subscriber at his residence on the Ridge road, opposite the Good Will Engine House, or at th e Yard, corner of Second and Broad streets, West Har risburg. f my27-I,f G. B. COLE. REDUCTION IN PRICES I MERINOES, Plain and Figured, CASHMERES, Plain and Figured. ;ALL WOOL DELAINES, Extra Styles and Quality. , BROOA :LONG SHAWLS, different prieea:. FINE STOCK OF BLANKET SHAWLS. The prices in all the fiord "lower on examtnation",will be d than ever,', , at • Next,499rstA ilia llerrb4l34o.ilank. . tAtill.---Tbree Hundred azthi'Svigax oral Niiinciiierraiiived - , WY. BOOK At. 600; Ifltbii 1 Ayer's CATHARTIe PILLS. RE YOU 8101 S, teetlt . • oriaplaining? Are you out of order, with your system deranged, and your feelings uncomfortable? Thesesymptoms arc often the prelude to Barletta illness. Some At of sickness is creeping upon you, and should be averted by a timely vse of the right remedy. fake Ayers Pills and cleanse set the disordered humors—ofrhy blood and let the fluids move. , anobstructes n 6...1th again. They stimu late the limitless of the baly iuto v worms activity, po rtly the system !tom di.eaSe. A old settles somewhere to m e body, and obstrultain 3 natant!. (Unctions. These, it not relieved, react upon tuetuselees and the surround ing organs, producio ge..ertl tg‘ravation suffering and areas° Phis in this condition, oprremied by the de rangements, take Aver a end see how directly they restore the nava . t i action Of CO:, system, and with ft the buoyant ieeling of n,mitb iamb. What is true and so ippareitt in this Ws's! and ..0)112811017 complaint, IS also true lb many or the deepseated sod dangerous distem _pars The .. same purgative ease expels them. (knifed by similar obstructions and derangements of the natural hinCtiOns of the body,,they are rapidly, and many of them , stirely, cured by the, same mesas. None who - snow me virtues ot *thew 'flits, wilYllceglect to employ .hem when hollering from the di-orders they cure. statements from leading physicians to some of the prinelpal.chies, and from other welt known public per sons. ; From a Forwarding Merchant of At. Louts, Feb. 4, 1866. Ds. ATIR i Your Pills are th. paragon ci all that is great in medicine. They have cured my little daughter ot ulcerous sores .upou her han s and feet that bad proved incurable for years. Uer m Utter has been long grievionsly abated with Nataliea and pimples o her Iglu and In her hair Alter our child was cured, oho also tr lea 3 (Ai Pills, and Choy have cured her. A&& MURGRIDD E. ABA FAMILT PEIYBIO. ',(From Dr. & W. Oartw right, New Orleans.] ,Your Kin are tho priaoo of purge's. Their ercellen t qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They aro mild, bet very certain and effectual in their action on the bowels, which make them Invaluable to us in the daily refitment of disease. RIAMACHS, SICK VIIA DACUS, FOUL STOMACH 'From Ur: ildward Boyd, Baltimore.' Dean BRO. ATKIN : 1 CUUL,OI answer you WHAT com plaints 1 have OUERD with your PIII better than to my MI Mantle ever treat with a purputtee 1 101806 great dependence on au effnutual cathartic in my daily contest with disease, and belie ring eve I do that your Pills afford us the hest we have, I of course value them highly. Prnsmno, l'a, May 1, 1855 De..l. 1. Arse-4hr : I bane been repeatedly cured of be worst heariador anybody can bane, by a dose or iwo your Pitta. It seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, ED, W. PlthlßLlf., rk of Steamer Clarion. Balms Dasommas.—l COMPLAWN. From Dr. 11100410 re Bell. • New York City.l Not, will , are your elite i.O rably adapted to their purpose as au aperieuL bill 1 1.1131,i their beuetteial ape° the -Liver very marked t .deed. they likv, le my practice proved more effectaut ,or the cure ot Cienipiainta Mao any one remedy t can mention. I &bk. candy rejoice that we have at Meath a purgative which is worthy the confidence 01 the profession and the people. DIPAIITYINT OP 111/ iNIIRIOII, WilSbillgtOU, D. U., 7th Feb. 18615. Sir : 1 hard used your Pills in my general and nespila 1 practioe ever einco you Aldo thorn, and cannot hesitate to say they aro tbo bee. eath.rrtie we employ. Ilbelr re gelating:ar_tion on Wo l.vur is yotck and decided r•cose quuntly they are au ..tu.rur„tute re , nedy for derangement of that organ. bidool, I nAve taddom !mind a case of Bilious Disease so mbtilu.le dual, it did not readily yield to theirQ irralernally ykinr ALOW/4.1 BALI, M. lly Pttystolati ci ilia Marino hospital DURsrany taattsso.a, Rita; Woman. [From Br. J. li. Green, of Chicago.] year ride ti ye nail a - ong trial; n my practice, and I bold diem in esteem as one of toe ue6t. enerieubl 1 have ever found. their alterative camt upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when poen lu smith doges tor Bilious Dysentery and Diarrhoea. Moir sugar-Waling makes them very acceptable and cenvenierdlor the use of - *omen and children. Umerau, Ixecrarry OF 1H BLOOD ifrom Rev. J. V. Mum, Notor Advent Church, Boston. Dr. Allut : I have used your L Ulu with exiraoritioary success in Itty - lethily and among these lamculiod to visit In distress. To regulate the orguus of digestioo and pu rity ,the blood, Lao arc the very best remedy have aver own, and .L can coundontly recommend them to my f riends, Yours, J V. HISIM. WAassfv, iV yom:ng Co., N. Y., Oct. 24,1855. ' Dsaft Ste : em usio4 year Oatbartic /Ills in my pratlce, and MIA thoin au excellent purgative to cleanse the system and pant y the fountains ad the blood. G. BIBACIIabI, M. D. 001terIPA.noN, Uuir,VeNaiS, SUPYRKSSION, itharIMATIaM . 0001, NNUILauIA. DaorST, esseissis, Ma e ava [From Dr, J. e. Vaughn, Montreal, (Anode.] Too much cannot be said 01 your Pills for the cure of Costiveness. II others of year fraternity have found them as efficacious as l have, they should loin me in pros OlalMlng it for the beeent of the multitudes who wailer trom that complaint, which, although bad enough in it self; s the progenitor Mullion) that are worse. I belive Onitivonesa to originate in the aver, but your.Pilla affect that organ and cure the disease. Wrona Mrs, Stuart, Physician and Midwife, Boston.] I find one or two large doses of your Pills, Lamm at the proper um:, are excellent promouvee oi the Natural aeration wimn wlmily or partially suppressed, tad also ery -ticete fl (001.14.1881 the momaim and KIM w 06118. they are so =ma the best physic) we have that : °com mend no other to my patients. • [From the ltev, Dr. Hearken, ot the Methodist Episcopal Church.] Pmassd-liouss. &varnish, Ga., Jan. 6, 1856. Hosoazu &a .1 should. be .ungratalul Sur . the Falba your skill bite brought me U. I the not report my Case to you. A. cold settled is my litnUi• mil brought on exeru elating Neuralgic Pans, which ended in Citroen) Rhea. matism. Notwithstanding 1 end the best of physicians, Me disease grew worse worse, until- by the advice of your excellent agent to Baltimore, Dr. Makanzie, I triedlcer MIS. Their ellects were slow but shre •• By persetrin ne in the use 01 them, I am now entirely well. 'BIINAII CRAMBLir, Baton Rouge, la., Doc, 6, 1855. DR. Avis: I hare been entirety cured' by your Pills, in Rheumatic tiout—a pamiul disease .that had afflicted me /Or years. VINCENT aL.I.DBLL. .- • - -Atir-mon ot the Pills in mama cOiItILICI 'Mercury, which, although a valuable remedy, shilltot bawls, is Amorous in a pubbo pill, irons tee dreadful consequen. Des that frequeutly loneer:its incautious use. These contain no mercury or mineral substauoe whatever. Price 25 cents por box, Or 2 boxes for sl.' Prepared by DfL J.. 0 AY It & Lowell, Masa. tiold by 0. A. Genevan., G. K. Keller, D. W. Grose & M Lutz, Holman. Armstrong, Lturrteburg, and dealers ap2l.43ineaw lAA Vlll. RAY NEB, 110 ST. HARRISBURG, Agent for IA.I.4.I.JIE ' SP A 'I I II,IN T Wrought and allied Imo N.. 0 and Burr Proof Strictly the uNtAt hiereentut. zalr made, that is both gri and Burgh'''. Proof, mar2A dly • CANDLES! • PARAFFINE OANDLNA I - ... SPERM CANDLES, ADAM NTJI E CANDLER, STEAK NN CAN LASS, ' • STAR CAN OLE; CREMILIA L. SPERM.' (..:ANDLES, TALLOW CANDLES, dirge kit of the above in in,eo and ior sale at the low tat PriCall by WM. UOCH JR. & CO., jowl OptiOnitti the . Court Sound, A VERY /LEA V Y.' &rota -OF 13.1_,A0 lc. ANI) SECOND MOURNING DRESS,,,GOODS„ . I OF EVERY DERORIPTION JITST OPENED. At Prices Wm') the Cost 0/ importation. CIAII AT CATHCART'S, mayB Hartitoorlte the Harrisburg Hank. • FARMER'S HOTEL. THE subscriber beg - 11'leave to inform his friends and the public that he has taken the FARM KB'S HOTEL, Is Market area Opposite the Post tormarlf.l. 8611'0, - where he Is prepared-to aboom date them on reasonable terms. Having refitted And Turnlahed the House entirely now, he hopes - by stri et at - ientloiatobinbuele and i pr-gabei MU VW-44kberAtfeWe Mc patrn age. Tapt- B. G IR& EPHEIASOLDIERM Gey'e. 11 "Our Government." an expoinitno o f the boinuto: not the United Ewen, exphdning the natareriuid Alper -IUR 1,94 gerranytOweiciplopt gni al i en tja wry lrianoluareggrogi fflisullantons LADIES' SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, CELEBVATED for its medical and belie firs A qua`itPs as a gene no Stimulant, Tonic, it retie and Fe ter,fic, highly e_Qteemod by eminent Oval clans, and some of the first families in Europe an America. . _ SPEER'S SAIIIBIICI WINE not n mittura or manufactured article, but to tore, from cultivated , ortu rider, recommended ni Onem• isti and Physicians sot possa=slog medical pro,terties do pertor to any other .0 irons In use, ant an °scull lot it . ti• de for all weak and debilitated Muttons, and the atte.l and infirm, improving the twpetite, and benefiting boll, acd children. A LtAIDIES , WINE, benaure it will not intOXiOele as other wines, as It eon tal is no mixture of ~ pints or other liquors, atid ha a mired Po. its rich pe:mbar flavor and nutritive proper ties. Imparting a healthy tone to the dige.tive orgies, aika blooming, snit and heatihr skin and COITIDIeSIOII. Noun genuine unless the signature of 4LFREit sPERR , Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of bottle, v • MAKE ONE ThIAL THIS WINE. A.a SPEER, Proprietor. Passel*, N. J. 208 iiroadway, lfew J. 11. EATON. Agent, Philadelphia. For sale by O. W. Grors, & Co., C. K. Keller, John Wyeih anti hr droeststs gelerally 11.1-daw ly. Great Cure. D....LELLAND'S • ANTI RHEUMATIC BANDi IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB Rheumatism, Gout and. Netiralgia AND A :NUNN CMS TOR All Mercurial Diseases. IL is a conveniently arranged Band, containing • am i• cated compound, to be worn around the Waist, without injury to the most delicate persons, no change in habits of living. is required and it entirely removes the disease from the system , without producing the hilarious effects arising front the use of pow-riot internal medicines which weaken and destroy the :.:institution, and give temporary relief only. By.this treatment. the mediae) properties contained In the Band, come in contact with the blood.and reaches the disease, through the pores of the skin, effiscillug to every.instanoe a perfect oure,and restore .ho , parts afflicted to a healthy condition. This Band is also a most powerful AND-111xnetntrat. agent, an 4 wilt entirely relieve the system from the pernieSous feats of Mercury. Moderate cases are cured In a iew days, and we are constantly receiving testimontali of its efficacy in aggravated cases of tong standing. hues $ 00, to be had of Druggists generally, or can ue sent by mad or express, with full directions for use :to any part of the country, direct from the Principal Ogee, No. 409 BROADWAY, New York. G. SMITH & CO. Sole Propnetors. N. B.—Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. sgrAGENT:s WAN fe.D EVrltYWEtriftE:44 jyS-daw SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES! !! A Necessity in Every'Hottiehold'l I . JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue The Strong6st Glue in .- the - World " FOR CEMENTING 'WOOD; LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, FOR CILAIN, ALABASTER, BONE,. CORAL, &c., &c., &o. The only article of the kind ever produced, which will withstand 'Water. EXTILACTS : et"Mory housekeeper should hav, a :qui i ly of Johns & Cresley's American Cement . ANIS. `lt is so convenient to have re lemeeP-li. Y. Emmen_ is always ready ; ildsoommend4 "oevery body." N. Y. INDEPINDXST. "We hive tried it, and find it es 'vent in ~loess u water."—Whtese S.Pguizor reis Tams. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale Dealers. TER.Kb CA;)R. lay- For sale by all Druggists and Storekeep ers geueridly, throughout the country. JOHNS & °BOSLEY, (Sole Mann lactures,) 78 Wudanid Span, (Corner of Liberty Street,) New Yortit. • jy3—aly FASHIONABLE OLOTHENG. SPRING AILD Egrlatqa 8/1140 186 1 . PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS. GRANVILLE ,tiyTCIREB' ONE PR ICE . OfFT .3 - Liorr INEI. E MpORLiZM N0.:607 CIIESTATD2 STREW A akperb amok 01 fine traria, linglbsh and kinerioao clams -OABSIMERES, and VESIINGS, Poi City and Country trade, with as unapproachable as sortment of RIADT MADI CLOTHING at the `lowest - cub )Igram ONE PRICE. is witted, and a OiFT of intriiite worth and HNO presented whh each article ParhLuiar atteetden Pale th I • b q:C nat F i ll/Pr C iert molt and garments made aadsout to. order to any a ddress. in inanduratine this new system otdoins, tousteees,. GRANNILIm. bTOKIIii would impress on the el the patrons 01 his estahlishnient; that' the coeval the gin is clOattetod from, and Nov added tegie . Pritie.of cie sold. Ills unmousely Increasing sates enabling him to act thus liberally, and at the Same time to realize 1131.13cillepaivt, prodL 411 articles guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. GRA.NVILLE STOKES' ONE PRIOECOTNINGEidt'OiIItrbi 807 CHESTNUT STRFfer octlo.Bmd—rtimarB-dtl ' •' SIGN OF THE Glorious Star Snails"led Banner 1 A NOTE RR stirms OF WALL PAHA, Boitnuts• tai. splssinn ,WINDOW INOI,IO welch we eall the talon tion of oar frieghts,. mid. cordially Invite theitt to examine our goods and prices:' • We are dWtormioed to sell Woo.. -0144 tbellsoe. acute tebt , s &kt SfORIc a t tt:l-ti mr th ilissittbarg. •AL,titzsilott. L.,,,CaLAV.19.4 OWEN - AND BUIL:DRILL' i litesicatio:cliK - 411 JVcwo.'4o;mo;4o*l4 ' ' B-40131010 AiIENDED 10 WINE. Throat Confections, GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR LECTURERS, SPALDING'S THROAT CONFb • SPALDING'S THROAT CONFE‘'II s SPALDING'S THROAT OON FTC I Thor relieve a Cougb Inetautir They clear the Throat. They glie strength and volume to the enire They Impart a delletone aroma to the breath They are delightful to the lota They are made of simple barba au4 cauu,t 11,7,41 I advise every one who hue Cough or a 11 w:: ore But Breath, or any difficulty of the Thruo package of my Throat oonfecnous, they wi,; re , ustantlY, 'and yeti will dud them very o: e no ant white traveling or attending public meets;. • lug your Cough or allaying your 11'11'31 If yo: tr, pat:kora am 'alb to sayiug that you will cv , r wards ionidder them lodlepensible. You w,li i ,„, n at the Druggists and Dealers In M.• tirlue, My elpaiure is ou each package. All other ‘re A Maker) will be leaf by mail, prepaid, Thirty Alddreds, SICK HEADA CHE ',NERVOUS HEADACHE, ALL ,ULNAS, OF HEADACHE By the we of these Ma the perto/.lc attackt. wMe 0/ t Ntk Headache may be; aid a tvta, the hoinfterichaneut -o, 1. ipllll.llate rrikl :rum patu sid.stokutte• •.. obtained. Mei eehiontlall In removing Nausea and 'With ';fe*ise BO subject. • upon the bowels, removiug thittt•tott For Lllerazy gun, Stutleots, Dellotto Veil:l6A PROTIOnif b treeimtary habits, they area v.tlesb ,t Lwastihaphiproving the APT-11TM giving TONS s to the itigeetivi organs, and ?adoring the mtiarti .115:1 I . oily and strength to the w w:ole system CP4414.7.0 P 11.16 arc, to, -• I, r (Won and -carollalyOoo_um__ d "d L o ra., ie. in add M - Many Years, north( wines UM' th} 11:IVe pre kalieved 'a van stnOunt of paw and StlO:r Iron *Masao, whetber °riposting to too vrmw t ys tern of from a demigod slam 01 the skeeeeh• .Tbey are entirely vegetsl3l.l itt i belt - compositi. msy tslakeaat *ll (igloo with pertert vl,l, =MUM , Op . ,' ch , ange or diet awl U.! absence ol any Preldblegliltit YeEderrtt nag to attottnirter Ours The gpallftle ha►e eve sigusturee or Fleury C. Ala I,e on Yoh box. . Sold by drilittebs and all other dealers In • A Box win be sant by mall prepaid on receipt of if, All orders should be addressed is Si-A single bottle at PiPALDINO'S PION Id. . ' , , L L Will am ten Union Its cost 'Luau a [ii,tii4 -.SPALDING'S PREPARED Wit .BPALDING'S PREPAR ED I, I 1 b SPALDING'S PREPARED GUN.' lICONOMY as out xi diosidents melt saipem, dem in ndi- , W t 1. 'id f a . very desirable to Wive some sheep COL came isty !Or . ripairing Furniture, Toy!, Croe lima all ancli : arassiieardea and no bousubuid Gap a 61.10 to be witbiout itrafahvaya ready sad ay 10 the !Mk. cu N. artudi accompanies each Mace rnee Onnisass aPi.IBRY 11, 5t',411 488, No. 48 Cedar Street. New Vol dq certdu unprincipled pensonsare attempting td POW od 41' "Onitiding.tgabltik tnitatione mmy Fail PAI MAW *new peed= ail WSW. to nuncio eibrith nfid scetnni. Use tun cone, dilorkettgavy4, PIpiPARIO Un,Jfit " "Wilt nir1415:11 1 °Were synadnnn cow • ...n 4 trrdal3l6 Ittbicat "They go right to the Spot." INSTANT HELM I STOP TOUR curG, PURIFY YOUR BREATH I 811tENOTHIN YOUR VOICE! SPALDING'S I= GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKEtis GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSIIMPTIti'F.•. GEN'ILEVoN csERY LADIES ARE DRUORTRD CHILDREN CRY YON PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENT'. HENB,Y SPALDING, No. 48 ONDER STREET, NEW CEPHALIC PILLS _ZATBZ MOB CURE BiWiRS Of COUNTERFITI: PitICY TWBNTY•FIVE CENTS HENRY C. SPALDING, 48 Gediz. :41.revt, New York I= Ciro& an=a run aana :ass "411' 81'ALDIMPS NIXFAHND ULU% "USEFUL IN EVERY 1101.44.' CAUTION Disri, Rif