Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 28, 1861, Image 2

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    Jailj2 eierapEj.
Forever float that standard sheet I
Where breathes the foe but tails before nal
With Freedom's soil beneath our feet,
A lid iplutedont's banner--strisundlug offer us.
Wednesday Morning, August 28, thBl.
PITBLIO OPINION is bound to triumph, and
the man who .:vainly imagines that he will be
anvrmd £m , p opinion of treason on a
loyal community, is either e..korple ktrav,e , or a
miserable ass. Such conduct once tolera
ted, but when the stability of the, ation is in
danger, toleration for treason becomes a species
of treason itself.. The people will not submit
tamely any longer to the matins which it.cer
tain class of our northern presses are making, on
this government Those who make them, may
claim, the right of opinion and the liberty of the
press; brit these become insignificant and, value-
less when , their , abuse endangers other liberty still.
more sacred and rights•involving holier and no
bler principles both of protection to peratms and
property. To show that the end of this ahrisa
of the liberty of the press is at hand, the follow
ing is a list of newspapers that have either been
suppreased by the military 'authorities, or de
stroyed by the people within the last few
weeks •
Christian Observer,
State Journal,
Missouri Bulletin,
Herald, So
Boonville Observer, Boonville, Mo.
Clinton Journal, (mobbed,) Kansas.
Dem.. Standard, (mobbed,) Concord, N. H.
Bangor Democrat, (mobbed,) Hingor, Me.
Jeffersonian, (mobbed,) Westehester, Pa.
Sentinel, (mobbed,) Easton ' f'a.
Stalk county Dern., (mobbed,) Canton, Ohio.
Essex county Democrat,* Haverhill Mass.
gEtlitor taken from his house, tarred and
feathered and ridden on a nil. Office not de
Every.single one of these journals has been
enuaged t ever since the inauguration of Abra
ham Lincoln, in misrepresenting the policy of•
his administration and of stirring up rebellion
in the south. Since the development of, retsik
lion they, have used their energies in giving it.
aid and , comfort. We submit to the readers
of the Taramiapa, whether their suppression
wits not just and legal.
"Tam Posr" is the title of a new hebdomidal
lust entered on its second nurnber, puldishollat
Selinsgrove, Snyder county, by Istiel
It aytelni an, attaclamont to the great.principlee '
and organisation of the Republican party, and
If we are to-judge from the brevity and terse
ness of its editorials, it not only promises to be
a valuable lOcal journal, but an able mtpounder
of a-noble cause. We cheerfully commend it
to the people of its locality, and trust alsolhat
its cir,oplation may be widely extended beiond
thoes t ftits, audAnat it may become both a
powerful and a profitable enterprise for its pro
7H,1 fpOnfidende in tbe permanency of our gov
ernment is rapidly increasing among the shrewd
moneyed men of Europe, and the news of the
recent $150,000,000 loan being so readily takeu,
cannot but produce the most gratiffing eireota
It is stated upon reliable authority that =offer
wee lately made to Secretary Chase;, on behalf
of foreign bankers, to take $50,000,900 of, the
loan, 'provided the government would promise
/to pay, the interest at Frankfort on-the-Main.
The Secretary', however, . Mined the offer, as
he is confident in Ahe ability of thegoverninent
to maintain itself without asking the aid of for,.
sign capital.
HoIIiEDWARD McPnnueoN, Representative in
Congress from the Adams district, has been ap
poinf4anaidon the staff of General, McCall,
If the aid, makes as good a soldier as he does a
representative, he will add new laurels to a re
putation' already of the mostenviable,character.:
He is , a man.of proinpt though calm judgment..
sincere in ldwrewilves and his convictions, and
as an advisorrald, General. McCall will fled in
Edward McPherson a safe, steady and useful
compu4n in arms.
. . .
SZNATOR -Laanott, who was present at -the re
ception and speech of Daniel. S. Dickinion, in
Tankhannock, also made a speech, which among
other good hits, was one in reply to some cam:
promise man, in the crowd who cried out, The
Biblaiar "Blessed is the peace maker," and
quick as' thought the speaker replied, it says
too, ‘. 4 reak!t the Devil, and he will flee from
you," which brought down the crowd.
Charleston paper says : •'Our militia here are`
all under severe do. Every white male, itom
sixteen to sixty years old, is now drilling,
making ready for the fall campaign in and
about our city. Every store is closed at four
o'clock daily, and all hands _
E. S. Banner; of Concord, Massachusetts,
last week suceeded in reaching the profile rock
known as "The Old •Man of the Mountain," on,
the White Mountains, and safely planted a Sag
uponithe crest of the rock which forms the asp.
This feat, a very perilous one, has been suceess
fully achieved but once before.
Ha. Russet, correspondent of the London
Tour, 'aoßtlY4iets the i !t4eFLPIL_ *ti-POz ,
vest Maisbakef Washington tailored...him& pass
to oroteuthe 4iotomse.' °He says-ha holds one
641,,,e1ar Scott aid 4ilailk'fitolif
Provost Ha/sig.:
We print on the outside of this afternoon's
Tsrzasara, the charge of Hon.' John
J. Pearson, to the Grand Jury empanelled at
the present Court of Quarter Sessions of. Dau
phin county. His Honor enters into a very in
teresting a s well as accurate history of the dif
ferent buildings formerly used for holding our
courts, givingin detailtheir locality and, cost.
To the local reader there is much t 3 engage at
tention in that portion of the charge, and we
cen.n.ead. tgtha.agefel—ramuutLef the Pee*
of Dauphin county. Aside from these local at
tractions, the charge of Judge Pearson has a
general and a national merit, which we cannot
allow to go unappro A v . ed,.pa4 for which:we can
not refrain from expressing a personal congratu
lation and pride.. Judge Pearson -defines the
law in regard to the liberty of speech and the
freedom of the Mese in a manner setting at rest
the clogroa tbat this libertY and freedom enti
tled editors and citizens to the right of assail ,
ing the government, because.they object to its
policy when it is seekini,te . restore, ; order in
times of eminent publie.and private danger..
Legislation has furnished the correction tothese
'abuses. The law is plain on the subject that
when men either by printed or spoktn
gook to stir up the passim; or embarrass_ the
protection of a community, they transcend
the iiihortY et the PrilifiWorfeit the freedom
of speech. If it, wetek.eiiidie, there would
be no safety in the protection of an armed
fere°. If a licentious press is permitted to tra
duce an authority straining all ifs power
to *indicate the lave—ift a bitter partizan
feeling is Isuffered to • cultivate_ its passions
and resentments, incite the prejudices of
the .peoPle and ' rnadden,':the. soldiery with
false impressions , in regard tik . their discipline,
there can be no reliance placed either in the sanc
tity of law and order, or the legitimate influ
ences at , the command of the government to
vindieate the siteand restore the other. Judge
'Pearson understands :this condition of affairs,
andidiscussee their dangers and responsibilities
as a patriot and statesman:. He does not even
hesitate to_ declare that those, guilty of: such
acts are traitors, but he insists roost juely that
those who give information to ti e enemy, and
either by written or . printed words seek to prove
that there are dissensions or divisions, in our
councils or our armies, are equally guilty of
treason, and become amenable to the laws pun-
Wring such crimes. The, counsel and thead
monitions of the charge on this subject are
worthy of the man who conceived and deliver
ed them, apPropriate,to the place in which.they
were pronounced, rind - sheuld be perused and
pondered by the people of Dauphin , county
with a full appreciation of the noble patriotism
and loyalty they. seek to incnlCrite, and in the
name of that people we .thank Judge Pearson:
for the words he has uttered on these subjects:.
If they have the influence of only silencing
One masked battery of Sympathy for rebellion,
'they will have achieved a. most desirable object
for the people ofi this community.
There'ani other pertimie of the charge which
are, equally. l this ,time,c hat: to
which we can barelY_ call attention, without
referring. atiengtirto their details and merits.
The charge r must be .r to. be appreciated.
No,notice that we cart i 4keet it could possibly
Ore thereader any iderlief Ps real importance.
It is a paper which every eitizen, of Dauphin
county Should preserve for futnre refurence.
St. Loms, &to
A gooddeal-of mitapprehension.existeamong
those who are looking ; .forivaici. to receive'the'
second lieutetAttnles,
_in the army a _de
cision of, the Ariir,Pep*iti;ient, all .the.vacent
`second lieutenantche :of . the new regiments
added to the regular Service are to betaken
from the ranks, 'se n'S to encourage the.privates
to be worthy of 'promotion. These regiments
are, we-believe:eleven in number. When it. is
remethbered' that the 'regiments enlbited for. the .
war f!molMt.,nolr aver.t!ro hundred, tne•jus
tice of confining the:._ appointment of second
iieutenanb3 ;in the. , regular army to the merit'
,orious privites in - that service will be admitted.'
The; _ men, in!, the .veluo teer
for__ the,
have manly ) more chances:than those who pro
pose,mtddng the military their .life tifofession.
Those Wito object to this-Will have only to enlist
in the regulAr'se tiripe t in entitle themselves to
promotion la that service. Should the whole
army force be hereafter consolidated into one
body,__ as. advocated by many, the equality of
the arrangement alluded to will be still more
Tom New Tazascay DEMAND Nores were
issued ';Washington city yesterday. They
were eagerly sought by western men for home
circulation. The denomiMithilis i o.f. the "De
mand Bills" are $5, $lO, and $2O ; while those
bearing. interests are $5O; :$lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO
and $5,000. - There are five kinds.of five dol.
ler notes, ‘payable on ; demend• in New York,
Boston, Philadelphia, St. ic , ouls and Qll42nati..
awl of 00 4r 8 9; , i O K 1 /4 Amainess purposes, are
.better than specie. The.mune • of. the- place
where the note is rededniable; is engraved on,
the fuee-: The $5 mite is eMbellishecion theleft
nisughE with full a, length figure of Crawford's
"America," with the motto " .HP1'4711418 Thrum,"
and on the right a portrait of Alexmider Ram
iltan, Thereare also five $lO notes, readerc
deemable as above. < On the leftis a likenesa of
President Lincoln; in the centre the American
eagle ; and on the right a full length figure re
presenting the arts. These notes have been
pnt *1 centre of the $2O
notes there - is a full tendli: figure of Justice.
They-are also redeemable at the places above
indiCated. They are all a little larger than or
dinary bank notes, and being redeemable on
demand, will be highly plied as a circulating
medium, and therefore holders should not sub
mit to any shave.
Tim liffiisFANT COMXplaizr Y .GENEBAy specifies
in anogier:eohunn the =Mint of food &Tidied
in iMerhundi4 rations, and.saYs That the-gov ,
eminent: is ready to furnish rations - which, if
paired)! Ueoked and cared for, are more than
can. be Aden. _
/21 tOklv.P.4**:-e e;gotik
:a i moW , lllltuayit a,- daOroy the
l W alg adidg'scigre,a4ifi,*(iie*tio:`reAr; t
'itsit46 u
41.4 - apkiffs ln inViA.
sore told to have no doubts
Pennopluattialp Celegrapb, tbebncobail Ilnguot 28, 1861
Troubles of Union Nen in Kentucky and
The Louisville (Ky.) Journal says :
"We stated a short time ago that two young
named Bushey and Harp, arrived in this
city from Hickman county, Kentucky, having
been driven from their homes by the secession
ists of Southern Kentucky and 1 ennessee.
Three large families, numbering fully twenty
five souls, arrived from the same vicinity yes
terday, and stopped at the Oyler House, on
Market street. The heads of the families were
John Boswell, John Busby and Wm. Harp.
`Their condition is really deplorable. They were
forced to leave their farms at a few , hours' no
tice, leaving their crops and household goods
at the mercy of the heartless rebels. 'they
traveled with the aged and infirm, and youth
ful and tender members of their families from
Hickman county in wagons, and encountered
many hardships. They inform us that fully
fifty families in Hickman and Ballard counties
have been forced to leave their homes, and to
abandon their crops and nearly all they pos
sessed in the world, their offence being that
they entertained_Union sentiments."
r YN~hl'~~lM ~lY~I;~:~~Y:+CI h(rl , i:+CY WIN:Y!
A letter from Georgetown, Ky., dated August
Ip, says :
"To-day, being our regularcounty, court day,
was Colonel George W. Hanson as
an appropriate occasion for making a very in
flammatory and traitorous speech. His object
was to stir up a hellish spirit of War. .He began
with an attack , upon the camp in. Garrard coun
ty. He declared that, if those trotpe ere not
disbanded in thirty days,• they will be put down
at: the point of the bayonet: He said he saw
Governor Harris, of Tennessee, a. few days ago,
and that Harris declared that he should consid
er it a violation of Kentucky neutrality, and
that Kentucky would have to meet 60 , 000 Ten
nessee troops in battle array if these camps were
not speedily vacated. Thirty days are given to
you, Union men of Kentuaky ; use those thirty
days to a good advantage, or a civil war will
confront us with all its horrors."
The transportation of a number of- guns, in
tended for the loyal Kentucky troops, through
the town of Lexington, Kentucky, -created a dis
turbance. The Louisville Journal says :
'We hear, that, when it was ascertained that
the guns were coming, John C. Breckinridge
hustled about, arousing bis secessionists to re
sist their passage. Atthe same tinie armed aid
was summoned from Harrison find -Scott. In the
meanwhile, , Dr. Dudley mustered two companies
of the Home Guards to sustain the government.
There was a very fair prospect of a collision,
but the suddinland very imposing appearance
of the cavalry from Camp Robinson put an end
at once to all danger of a breach of the peace.
All honor to the gallant Union men of Lex
~:Ip;YO N ~)`I:~: f~ ~U ~t; ~ ~YeifY.ti;l ~~ b);AI
A gentleman of Danville, Kentucky, makes
the following statement :
"On Monday, August 19, two hundred and
forty fugitives from East Tennessee, men driven
from their homes, were fed in , the Seminary
yard in that town. Some of 'theta were elderly
mak and some young, and all had been com
pelled to abandon their families, and were ill
clad, almost barefoot, weary and hungry. Their
-situation was indeed deplorable. Several hun
dred more were expected to arrive yesterday.
The whole of the two _hundred and forty fugi
tiies imliated'in the - United States service at
Camp Robinson." , .
lead Mines in the Hands =of the liebels:
We are sorry to learn that the richest lead
mine in Missouri, and indeed:probably on the
globe, is now in the hands , of the insurgents;
though they did not succeed in obtaining any
of the metal. The mine to which we refer is
situated near the village of Granby, Newton
county, within twenty-five miles of, the south
western border of that State,. It was opened
about two years ago by a, party of capitalist,
having their headquarters at St. Louis, and ; is
known by the name of the Blow and. Kennett
mine. Last year it yielded about seventy-five
'thouiiind pigs, or six millions of pounds. ;Q/1 7
like the, mines in eastern Missouri and north
western Illinois, this is situated in a level prai
rie. of vast cxtent. The supply of, ore has been
pronounced inexhaustible by the State geologist,
and the quality is considered the best on the
globe, having scarcelyany admixtures of foreign
substances. late great = difficulty has been
transportation, there being no navigable river,
nearer than the Missonri, and no railroad be
yond Rolla, which is, fully one hundred miles
.4e western tei minus of the Pacific
railroad is a little further off; but this route
has usually been taken on account of the su
perior character of the common roads in that
put of Missouri. With the mines andfurnaces
atilranby in their possession, the rebels can,•
supply themselves with lead to any required.
The Springfield Armory.
The Springfield (Mass.) ilia imblicen says':
"Captain Dyer, the ordnance officer appoint
ed under the late act of Congress to, the charge
of the Springfield armory, has been here for
several days and has examined; critically into
the condition of the establishment and its ope
rations since Mr. Dwight ilas had charge, and
expresses the most complete satisfaction with
everything that lass. been done and is doing.
He finds nothing to change either in present or
prospect, and requests Mr. Dwight to continue,
for the.present at least, in directing the 'opera-,
tions Of the annorEns heretutere• Meanwhile.
Captain;Dyer returns to Watlington. and - Fort
ress Monroe, where he has been stationed for
some years, to arrange his affairs . and receive
further instructions before entering fully upon,
the discharge of his new duties."
THE Irentsmatascs or , mu CAM' continues to
be a subject of earnest solicitude among all good
men. Courage, coolness; presence of mind, ac
tivity ani endurance, haven° foe,more terrible
than strong drink. The Whiskey ot Washing
ten had a great deal to do, with the panic at
Manassas:. In few things has General'
len shown more wisdom than in the rigid rules
he has established to exclude poison from the
lips of his men. Ellsworth's code of abstemi
ousii:ess was conceived in the true spirit and
genius of the Spartan soldier. - Inbattle almost
everything depends upon the nerves and tem
per of the troops, arid the:equanimity and saga
city of their officers.. So far as a command is
made up to revellers from liquor saloons, so far
it is already beaten: -
GEL MeCramnan.—Mr. Willis -writes to the
Home Journal that a distinguished civilian who
had . oalled upon Gen, lifeClellat on some mat
ter of importance, concluded his visit by a gen
eral comment or two: on the state of affairs,
venturing a questicinoltlast, as to what -Mc-
Clellan thought of our army's probable recov
ery from the late defeat. " I do not think,"
musingly replied-the heropf Western Virginia,
"that they will whip us again ; but, if they do,
there will be two men left dead on the field—l
shall be one, and Lander will be the other."
Cornfritv mans PARTE—In Wmnesota; Earle
fid Goodrich, chairman, editor or the Pioneer and
Democrat, Colonel Robertson and W. W. Phelps,
being: a majority of the Democratic General
Crimmittee of that =prate- have resigned ) giving
as their teams that there 'Nino igne be.-
tiveen thdcljeniociatic•-and.Republicaulimtes,
14 the edmiogeleettani4teeptunisonk the
of the war, Aitaroli that therare Nirith-4116
f I
The steamer Philadelphia has arrived from
Washington with one hundred and fifty-nine
mutineers sentenced to two year's imprisonment
at the Tortugas. They have been sent tempo
rally to the Rip-raps. A flag of truce arrived
from Norfolk this morning with three ladies
and a number of prisoners captured by the rebel
privateers. As the object of sending the flag
of truce at this time was deemed rather inquisi
tive, Genl. Wool decided to detain the flag un
til late to-morrow.
It is high time that an end should be put to
this constant intrusion of the enemy. Whenever
they think any important movement is on foot
here they are sure to be on hand with a flag of
Capt. Davis the provost Marshall, yesterday
arrested the crew of the schooner Chingarora
from New York. Genl. Wool sent them to the
Rip-raps. Seven spies have been arrested and
placed in confinement.
Burnor.powr, Conn., Aug• 26
The office of the newspaper called The Far
mer crud Advertiser was mobbed on Saturday
night. It was completely gutted by the vol
unteers, in' presence of 8,000 to 6,000 citizens.
The windows were smashed, the type all thrown
into the streets, and the presses destroyed.—
There was found in the office a U. S. mail-bag
filled with papers addressed to leading seces
sionists in Alabama, Georgie and other South
ern States, also some two hundred wooden bil
lies, turned and furnished with strings for the
wrists. These clubs were made from shovel
handles, and were probably fUrnished by a se
cession shovel manufacturer in Bridgeport.—
Some curious letters were also discovert.d, ex
posing the treason of politicians in Hartford and
elsk where.
The schooner Agricola, Capt. Herrick, arrived
from Ellsworth, Maine, reports thaton the 26th
inst., when twenty miles notth-east of Cape
Ann, he was overhauled by the privateer schoon
er Freely, of Charleston. Not wishing any
thing that we had on board the pirate let us go,
but wished to be reported at Boston. The
Fieely is a clipper of about 140 tons and had
forty men on deck.
IRONTON, Mo., Aug. 26
Reports received here to-day give information
that Gen. Hardce'S forces are withdrawing from
Greenville towards Heere's Ferry, where they
are fortifying slightly; also to Peyton's Station,
nearer the Arkansas line. This seems to con
firm previous rei.orts that the eastern division
of the rebels are hastening to join Gen. Pillow.
A strong body of Gen. Thompson's forces are
represented to have occupied Benton, eight
miles back of Commerce, where they are throw
ing up fortifications
Eau.ADucpuu., Aug. 27
•By auction to-day 260 bags rye coffee were
-offered, and 1731 bags sold at 14 @MO. Show
ing decline of one-half cent-`, lb. in the lower
grades. Flour unchanged. Wheat dull, 2000
bushels white at $1 30, and red at $1 16@,1 17.
Yellow corn sells at 65c. Whisky in demand
at 18®18i.
An infernal machine, which had been placed
in Adams' Express car, exploded on its arrival
at the depot in this city, at one o'clock this af
ternoon. Two of the employees of the compa
ny' were killed. One of the victims is named
lifoLauglilin. A man named Bachelor was
wounded in the leg.
, .
A MD: TO: Tim: - LeDngs
nlallible n correcting, regulating, and roma - ring a
obetructions, Irom whatever cam!, and t•
ways sueoeserul as a proven.
the.doctora 'for many 'years, both in' Prance au,
America, with unparalleled gumless in every case ; tutu
tele urged by many Mamma ladies who tweak them, h.
mike the pills puhlic for the alleviation of those sairdi*
frocii any titegtlarities Whatever, as Well as to Pievexo
In or , family Wherehealtb:will not pertilt
Feimiates particularly situated, or those supposing them.
eelvox eu,.are oauticuea fgothot Weal) Pills .while In that:
solutiltioii, tbei'are our.., to ' produce miscarriage, Azle
the pimprlitiii'aseumes no responsibillti after tills adult.
nitiou, although their mildness would prevent any
chiel, to health—otherwlse the Pills are , recommended'.
Full and explicit dfrectiens aciiompany.ol4 box... Prim
31 00 per box. Sold wholesale and retell by '
PIiAII,LES A. BANNVAltT, , Druggist,
No. .S Joni* Row,lieurrisborg,
"Ladles," by sending , him -II 00 to - -the Harrisburg
Post 011ie°, oituliave the Tree or ebeervatloik tc
any pert ol the country (confidentially) and "free °rime
tage",by mail Sold also by S. 8. eliviissi - -Readiug,
JOBSSO/ 4 , IIOII OWAY CAufmc tsar.
amaniu, Lebanon, Damns. EL Matsui?, 1
. isaimter; .1 .
:Wm', Wrightsville E. T. Idiuma, York ,= ihd by en,
druggist.% Avery oily' and. villige baths Onion, and by
S. D. Howl, ole proprietor, , Now York. , .
•N. nut couliMifelts. Bvi no
of any kind unless every box is signed'
ethers are a base 'repaint:kin cal unsafe( thoreforh,'lle
you value your livee Rd . healthi .(10 NV:nothing or; be,
ng humbtigged out of your money,) buy only of Mom,
who show the sip:Wore of S. D. !lows on evecybox,
which hi% recently Oseli . older ) on account or 'the NO
being sountorleitivi ' . . ;162-dwaBWIY
TRH ADVNltTlatilt having been restored to
health 11, a few weeks by a very simple remedy, alter
having suffered several "ears with a severe lung affect.
ion, and that dread dieease, CoonamPiice—ls anxious to
make known to hie tellow-aufferars the means of cure,
To all who desire It, he win send a copy; of the , pre,
serlptleri 'Okra (free of 'cliarke),.with thi3 directions for
preparing and using the same, which they will find a
sure.eure kr Consumption, Asthma, Bronchltis,Ac. The
only objea of the advertiser sending the Prescription .
Is to benefit:the afflicted, and spread inforination which
he conceives to be nValuable, and he 'hopes every suf
ferer will try his remody,_as it will cost them nothing,
and may prove a blessing, • wishing the prescription will please , address
~.ings county, New York.
RUES, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervous.
fleas, involuntary Emissions aud:Trupoteke,y, resulting ;
from Sea abuse; ate. By Rota. J.,
Bent ulster seal, le a plaiu envelope, Wetly address, p4st
paid, on receipt' of two. stamps, by Dr. CUSS J C.
ELME, IV Bowery, Now York. Poet (Moot Boa, No
hilortAT's ,Luro .Pnaw urn PII(PNES ,Brrriwo.—
Fr 4 ail Mineral Poisons.—:in (irrscrorWi:
.dicers i scurvy, or F.ruptinna or:the Skin, the nopotalioll
of the LOC: ktedicilut# ie tryiq autpulubutigottbaietuoting
in r:reir ariya, every vertigr or these ni.atinnimn' eV:wines
by tbeir.puritying ,11:entii' Bfilltirds revolt,
FeVer- Dreigy, in alert ;
'moan all dimi.u.ish Amu yiell tlgthstr aurally. proper:Xs
No pAny ; g49o,l o. ; , ropogt,wpar,o, ;iy, Moir timuly
deo muolieffetifig undeurpcithui may. . ou'vO4,
Prepared by WM. I. morn;NearYAW, ow;
We by alt Draggle novil w-ly
Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D.
b combination of ingredients in these
Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice.
They are mild In their onerMion, and certain In correcting
all Irregulanthle, PaioN, I Sienstruations, removing aU ob •
strenuous, whether irom cold or otherwise, headache,
pain in the aide•, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner
vous erections, hysterice, fatigue, pun In the bank and
!hubs, , illottlrbed +4eep, whirl arise from tutor •option
of nature
Ur. tamvsemaa'a Mt are invaluable, as lay 10116E1n
on the monthly period wrath reguiarlty. 4 dies who have
been disappointed to the nee of other Me can place the
utmost confidence to fir. Cheeseman'a Pills doing all that
they reprenont to do,
Thee as one anuistuz 0? At Gamut systfix in wmai me
pats onnot be rakes, asilmod , vooduang O PAC:MLLE
UL?. 7A. copulas.. • e u PERGAVANCY—
the rein([, MISOA itR4AOu. Suck u tke. trnapieta*
tendency tit the Inedli
iL dll4 fa - rendre ke Assus4 finettinne to
norinat COPlditibt Jur eau the ritynxttatte pork*
Gaut* canna ram it.
Waireitted 'ninety. tegotetoe, lad free !rola eojf isOtor,
Nortiote. Exotica dtreittions, w blvti should bo reed, ac
company each lb JI. Price 41. Aeut by molt oit tidoloelog
$1 to Ile Colo', stir' L Clottasser, lk.l 4,631, Post (Mee,
New YON' .
sold by ost.2 motet IS dyer, WWII the,t)otioe States
ral avittlar ibitirtlfted Statue,
t 4 Braidwey, New V 01..,
In whims ail ft h.lesale ord,n c Amid be 444.-
Sold in Flnrilioii•y• 1, 4 4, ...OW, At,'
At Botatty aberg, Blair county, Pa., August "Abb 1881,
' of pulmonary coftumption, FLIZABITH Dotraegart, wife
of Wm 0. Murray, tbrmerly of (hit city.
T 8 fall term of Chia' Institution will
common e on Wednftday sokrober 41141881.
an 274181. 8. E DIXON. Principle.
Orrice CON. GENISHAL Solemn/son, t
WASHINGTON, August 19, 1861.
Messrs. Editors : From the numerous letters
which have been referred to this office complain
ing of the want of food and the bad Quality .of
that furnished by the Commissariat to die vol
unteers, I am led to believe that a brief state
ment of the truth may give satisfaction to the
public mind.
Before the action of the last Congress the ra
tion (used by the Army for many years) furn
ished to the volunteers was as follows :
pound of pork or bacon, or If pound of fresh
or salt beef ;
18 ounces of bread or flour, or 12 ounces of pilot
bread, or If pounds of corn meal ;
To 100 Rations.
8 qrts. of beans or peas, or 10 pounds- of
rice, or 140 ounces of dessicated potatoes
or 88 ounces of dessicsted mixed vegeta
bles ;
10 pounds of coffee ;
15 pounds of sugar ;
4 quarts of vinegar ;
14- pound of adamantine candles;
4 pounds of soap, and
2 quarts of salt.
This ration had been found, by long experi
ence in the regular army, to be ample.
Congress by an act of the last session, in
creased this ration, until it is now as followS :
pound of pork or bacon, or 1} pound of - fresh
or salt beef;
22 ounces of bread or flour, or 1 pound of pilot
bread ;
BOSTON, Aug. 27
8 quarts of beans, 10 pounds of rice or hom
iny, and 1 pound of potatoes three times a
week, or a substitute therefor ;
10 pounds of coffee ;
lb pounds of sugar ;
4 quarts of vinegar ;
li pound of adamantine candles ;
4 pounds of soap, and •
2 quarts of salt ;
Extra issues of molasses ire occasionally
made. •
Prrrsiony.a, Aug. 27
This ration, if cared for, and properly cooked
is more than can be eaten, and this ration the yen
' ertamit is ready to furnish.
The method of procuring itfor the regiments
is simple : Each Captain of a Ciniparty makes'
to his Colonel a return, stating thenumber of
men in his Company and the number of days
drawn for, signed by him. These Company Tel,
turns are consolidated by the regimental Qtrar
lennaster and signed by the Colonel. Thirvre
turn is an order on the depot or brigade ann
missary for that quantity of. stores ; and' it , is
the duty of the regimental Quartermaster to
see that he receives the full amount, and that
it is all of good quality.
When stores reach the regiment it istheduty
of each Captain to see that his Company re
ceive their due, as drawn for by him on his
return, and that the quality is good.
If the Regimental Quartermaster and e
tains attend to their duty, the men must reoeivei
their full allowance as set forth bi the ration;
and not an article but of good quality. •
The government has on hand aniple suplies
of the very best quality, and-is deal
ing full justice to the volunteers. the vol:
unteers do not 'receive it, the fault is that of
their own officers. J. P. TAYLOR,
aug27-ltd A. C. G. Sub.
OF SUBSISTENCE, No. 1137 (Imam)
Sylmar, Primanaman.s., August 26; 186L
SFAIN,D PROPOSALS will be received byithe,
undersigned until 12 o'clock M, on Monday,`
the 2d of September, for furoishhig for the'rule .
of the "United Statets Army, the following Sub
sistence Stores, viz :
225,000 pounds smoked Bacon Sides,
1,876 barrels extra Mess Beef.
800,000 pounds Pilot Bread.
All of the articles to be of the very' best
quality securely packed Baoon in 200 pound
boxes, and bread in barrels. Certificat*
of inspection of the Meat will be• required..
Seller's name and date of purchase to be mark
ed'on each package.
Contracts -will be awarded to the lowest re
sponsible bidders, and bids deemed unreasorux-,
ble will be rejected. Two good sureties,
whose names will be mentioned in the bids,
will be required for the faithful performance of
the contents.
Further information will be given on applica
tion. The whole to be ready for delivery'on
orlaefore the 20th of September.
Proposals to be endorsed "Proposals for fur
nishing Subsistanse Stores."
Ty OR RENT.—The large brick dwelling,
house new occupied by David Hui r} Jr. Ihsvon
Third street near Market, with an once suitable for' an
attbruey. Poznession given flrdt of October 'nut. En
quire at the Prothonotary's office. Wm. lirronsu......
ZIOR SALE.—One of the tteet busineee
.1r ettoads in the chy on reasonable terpra, or *sec
tog three or five years situated in Mar' ket'street 'pet*eiela
FoOrfli did Filth. Maguire on the prextdeee'ef •
Js s elm DabTIMI., I liYBY.
;‘iftLiß CIDER I I I:- - -Strjetlypnr0 .spark
J) tang and swe et— bas received a lityar Mat-pr./24.-
01ns at every State agricaltaial Sa fi 'Por
alp by 1.114 WM. DOOK & 00..
- FOR , SAT:P t ,.
thOlt One to Five Hundred Dollars
vette of CITY BMX Buquire cot
. , , C. I.) #44., IAN,
?n0,r14 No. 28on $
t I NNOOOO W d w oe, t.
iliti=ED -Billbeilk-tii11§A.943.-4A4
) 4the Jai -Ault MAW eM 110
ad 6 WM. DOCK IS
st v
etu 2bvertistmeills
To 100 Rations
Capt. A. Q. Mr. A. C. S
•ttu 2buettlseinents
QTEADY and sober young men to
01 the Banishers Cavalry company,pl, t-,
Government, and ready to so M. -temp Etyrt.,,
rendezvous, Exchange, Walnut street
ang26dt: CHAS. C. C •
OFFICE NEXT DOOR TO \\* Y E 1 lI'S ii.ll I.
OPPOSITE NEW CO LIR T -1 101... 1:
Consultations In German and Vitg
aufr24 dat
No. 69, Market Street, Wow
M. H. LEE,
Anj PABAsoi s ana ALKINti CANE:
goods at LOWRIt PRICES than eau be b
the Fie r i taw:se Couutry met( h Len.e I ,
call and aximine quality, awl
selves of this fart
sum As
Dods, I Pillows, IBlankots, Coats. cap..
Loggias, Drinking Cups, &c.,
North Side Market Square, near Buehler . -
LOII . S.R. young men between the
' Sight/Oen and t. arty years, e, „i
company to bc &filched to the Znuare
Goode, can leave their names at the F.,
liirret, op stairs. Au 52,1381 .1 M.' , I
ER 'Si
..bui the eire.of these diatresalue, ,
to the teats.
Everisoidter shou4l procure A (motile tI „‘
triediclatrhetbre they take op thetr
mile at
IU y 2.48 m
the uederalgailcil3mlimittee of Conant r •
t d day of September 1881, for the ileinver..A.: • , •
la4rprl6o or .600 .eerritt' of ..tntle to - r
'Kerkira, Square, betweou Market A cal dud
Tao atone not to be larger to p ,••••
inch deg.
4.,1E1. H. L,.
JA0.113 F BANUNIAN, Commateel-t
- •
a . ,
'uomptising number of new at) le. GEN I , '
Money Purees and xalleis. lln.- k‘•
eat renewed and ffw Bale at
MIMRGNMM'r 4 014 Kai• q)h-
Intorta for publio 011.0 mo is rem., v.• s r,•
iug iind iroundigg establiebrare, -,,
Third street below Herr's Hutel. „:
ronage„ne h?pos by atrial silent)° , r met
a 00otlauilloe oT it
so" 12.01
. ,
beet defining and pronifinicing Da.
Watery of th e gegase language ; Mori
00l • Diettunarkgs. Webster'a navel I Q. ,, v .01
Saboof lNotloaartee for eale at
Near the Ilarn,titlr. lir
BLUISCHIIitia ban rt.kowv,,,l 1,,,
'Parireibtfi AND saAsd. n',7,10,y A •
-atroot to Fourth itroot above 03
oburottylbsukful fat put patrouago, n, u..p.' L
ittOotion to bustueot, to merit o ouutum ktwe
usor26•Brod Wm VAMP
'FURS ! FURS ! ! FURS !!!
Notice to Merchants and Dealer,.
'Will Nell their entire stock, conii-t
LADIN/V AND Cenruturs' Irma, Gerrs Fre CA 1 , , " I
AND OMR Smog Hones, I min
Braes dro. Arc the &C ,
13ouniry Merchants have here a chance a kly
stoOtt rlirs' Krona the first hand, which v.
clime 26 per cent, instead of buying eisewhe ,,
Ca)Jor son4 ; your orders te B .nh, J. eIN
buiglo4ltdett* Broidw Ay
cOrwarded by Philadelphia and ittad.r.
F tie; Chuilierland Willey and Ponn-slr..
Arid Canal.
ALS.I3I2I‘O4NO DRAYING to •1111 rnaa a I p ,rt•
cfq to the diflerent Railroad doput r, .11,,r
!veil loweet.n44.
IfAMlLlktiothoving 'will be pro op o,
' Orders .eft at Brant's liltiropoau E100d,.4
at E. d. Zollinger; will ra.telve protuot
signmenta of freigot ree'peowally
Odlre hr. I l'''
10 .dose Up the coneexli
ertdek or MUM, Boors, iko.,
m , deceased, In the rooms in tue ll it
be Aid at priintie Bole at COST; aod Oh'
rented to the par& Amor if d 'sired. I
4e17:011 DAN.' I
. .
REV. 0. EGE 61; SOSS . ,
SSESSION commences, September 2, 1-''';'
Terms `per melon of five months $75, i, c..i., r.
I n. DAMleg, Washing k.e. Seed for e , de , i.,
sall-Imiltaw —.roil
. .
HE - IR -ITN fAIISIGINT IT 'nu, o 1 : !A:Li his
' 6 " tl.
~ .L.:14.1 /Ma WIC% gorier of Third air
betry e Iley, DOW Qerr'a Hotei.
r "unbar of all time sod ( . i 4 „I, .r -,), bY
" . 4,ts=
rtie undersigned will sell Horses, Carriages and Ger
iY•low. fitr °fish.
; ~ ~,...
ALA,. J--liOrsee awl tlarrieigeg co [tire si tn. ..1..... it, e ,
'marl] VA ^ 4l ? . 1 -,-
A , QII AN TIT Y .of Bags, Checks and diug.•
La, hams for sale by the dozen and piece,
calikk,„at, the ps O niiN CtitiN
AMOUR BAK KEI,4 in pod condition tor !ale
tby uO2Bl %.u• DOOK, Jr ,
Hundre d
end —Wine BUMS at all di,
Wit. DOCK J.& Cu