NNE :: Miff celLautpus A New Feature in the Spice Trade! IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS E. R. DURKEE & CO.'S SELECT SPICES, /n Tin nit (Lined with Paper,) and Fait Weigh.. BLACK PEPPiii, GINGER, NOTM rti WHITE PEPPER, ALLSPICh, MACh CAYENNE PEPPER, CINNAMON, CLOV MUSTARD. THIS AGE of adulterated and int ros te. Ilose wants, it Ia 'with confidence that we introd ace genuinehe ataentien of housekeepers these superior and articles. We guarantee them not only ABSOLUTELY AND PERFECTLY PURE, but ground from fresh Spices, selected and ace d clene by us expressly for the purpose, wiThout reference Is , They are beautifully packed in tin foil, (lined with pa pim)) to prevent Wiry by keeping, and are FULL WEIGHT, while the ordinary ground Spices. are almost invariably short. We warrant them, in point of strength sad richness of flavor, BEYOND ALL COMPARISON, au a single trial wilt abundantly prove. Every package bears our Trade Mark. Manufactured only by B. DURKEE & CO., New York For sale by WM. DOCK JR. &CO. [f2ol B. M. GILDS A, D. D. 8. STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. An!Para ions, Surgical and Mechanical, aeleutillo.lly performed Charges moderate. leB - - - NEW COAL OFFICE. r 1110 UNDERSIGNED having entered iu• to the COAL TRADE in this city, would respectfully solicit the patronage of the citizens. I will keep on nand Coal of all rams, from the moat celebrated and app rived mines, which will be delivered to any part of tne city, free from dirt and other impurities. FULL Wale.. BOADANTIIIO. COAL FON SAILS BY TUC BOAT LOAD, Can Loan on BMus .02f. Persons puinbasing by the tios or Car Load will receive 2,240 pounds to I be Ton. Ofllc No. 74 Market street, second door from Llerrbei ry alio) Yard on the Canal, loot of North Street Or dors lei Int either place will receive prompt atteetiou. ap-0,1 y 'ANN W HAI I. •sOnl. PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, WOULD reapectiully iutorm hie ola patrons and the public generally, that he wil• continue to give instructions on the PIANO PORTh, SiE• LODRON, VIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUGH BARR He will w'th pleasure wait upon pupils at Mini hurtles at any flour desired, or mesons will be given at but residence, in Third street, • few doors beiow thr German Reformed Church, ieolb-dti SCHEFFER'S 600 K STORE. (NEAR =lt HARRISBURG BRIDGII.) UNION ENVELOPES. TTUTSPAPEAR, of- six differeut designs, printed In two colors sold by the thousand sea e ream at City aash prices. Also, Flags, Union dream. ma Eagles, Cuban dings and Badges at Very tow inland ( Jell at myB 130111414 Wen BOOKS Roth,. STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG FARE REDUCED TO $1.25 THROUGH TO GETTYSBURG. lIRE undersigned has established a regular (ANN 01 0 sTAUE COACIIES Ilectidoins• burg, comecting every other morning who mu diumber land Valley Railroad c.,rs, the emiches le we every every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, returuies every other day. Passengers for Sheppardsiowa, Uilisburg, Petsrebdrg and uetlyaburg are carried at reduced rates. )ell-diC WM. J. TATIL BT. LOUIS HOTEL, OBEBTLVIII Sit., ABOVE lIIIRD PIiI.LADELPI3IA I N the immediate neighborhood of the J. Jobbing Bongos on Barka,. Third and Utiestunt glgootit t toe Banks, Pont Odic% Berclaante' itacbange &o. ilan Bon Ux Ida AMERICAN AND cUROPEAIV PLAN. BOARD este DAY.... 51.60 Dinner between 1 and .1 o , clucit, 60 cents. Rs& room front 60 cents upward. A Ann GISSii Restaurant attached. Prices according to Bills of rare. The qty thin take Panel:Laura from any Station co or alone to the Hotel. Eugiish, French, Ueralan and dpaoisti apu can STONE I'OR SALE. LII4ILDINti dCUN i or &one collated lot turapikiug porpuve ui. ee delivered to any pa' "01 the city or Ite v.renits s oily to mU WM. tioi.olo.l, Jr. itiNZAT RED UTIU N IN PRICES! WLIEELmt St tit ['SON'S SEWING mAI,HINES) NEW IMPROVEMENTS Al REDUCED PRISES. # t#l:tki,W UEEL WILSON illattttlac• 1. taring Woven) , having gained au. Weir 'delta Ai saw, witkiinkingiug manufacturers ol Sewing Machine; propoile that the public almuld be benetitted thereby, and nave accordingly reduced the prices of their Sowing itaohinea. Etter thiedate tney will be tend at rated that Willi Pay a hilt proiitim the cost in muoureeture, eapilal Invested, and eapeuenul making digest Ifueb moue Will enable them to make drat class machines, and. neretothre guarantee them In every partieular la attookance with the 81/101011 , 10MTIOLIL .1.1)0Ve 1 n.rtii cell their splendid Sewing gaol:twee at prices fro tu 346 to $9O for tine due fell case machines. It is a well witch. LLAMA Mat that the Wheeler & Clam Sewing Machine w die beet one to the market, the best made, moat sold* ilatibillt liable to get out o I order and they ere now ne low ea the Interior mashies*, (jail and nee them a Third and Market, del•dm W. 0. MICKOK, Agent . NEXT IBM' C7lEir TRAVAILING AGENT OF THE OLD WALLOWER LLN E • VIA OLD TRANSPORTATION LINE atilt in samiesaftil operation and prepared to carry r ght as LOW as any other individual lino between Pnilaotelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lowisburg,'W Illiams. port, Jersey Shore, Look Haven, and all points on the Northern Chntral, philadelphla and Erie, and Williams port and Elmira Railroads. Local AgenLat Harrisburg, D. A. MCLENCH Elooda sent to PEACOCK, ZELL NEHNOHMAN, Nos, 808 an, IKO Market aUvet, above Eighth, by 4 o'clock , P. M., onb , shielVe ot Harrisburg ready for delivery, the next morWug. O.P. MCKNCE, Traveling Agent. WALLOWER'S LINE, DAILY BUM= HARRISBURG and H l A Wm. 4 Burk, .40a, 812 Marked area, Philatiet, phia, formerly Livingston 84- Co. pedal Couiltintor in charge of each sin. Goals delivered at the Warehouse, PlUldclel §, si 4 ,ii &cloak P. IL, :rid be deli srered - its Elirria • urg nest morning. J. 'WALLOWER, JR, Agent, ensadti 01Roe Reading Depot, Harrisburg. FIRST CLASS GROCERIES I LARGE A EIRIVALI I.HAVINu JUST RETURNED from the Eastern ethos where we have selected with the Gamma Oahe a large and complete assortment of au- • parior tow i c which embrace anything kept MUM hes ally greeertes. we ethipeellully and cordially Invite th e p to ea and ekandno our dock and Norton OV* /VW& LIME FOR 84=. IftwiM UNDERSIGNED having embarked, --- simpups proplaik.to t arAdah myriiiicio at Short notusii loopwesti r . ,lbe — He mills the lime burnt atCutontwittid , Wu' ,that burnt at home. jay22 , 411m PETER BERNHISIL "They go right to the Spot." INSTANT RELIEF I STOP YOUR COIGN I Throat Confections, GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, ewe) di aAte ft lolki ii 0 A k1:1 GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR ODNSUMPTIVES SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS SPAIDENG'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. CHILDREN, CRYIFOF SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS They relieve a Cough instantly They clear -the Throat. They give strength and volume to the voice. They impart a delicious aroma to the breath. They are delightful to the tests. They are made of simple herbs and cannot harm any I advise every one who has a Cough or a Husky voles or a Bad Breath, orany difilonity of the Throat, to get a package of my. hroat °Wenttone, they will relieve you nstantly, and you will Bad them very useful and pleas ant while traveling or attending public meetings for ling your Cough or allaying your thirst- If you try one package lam safe in saying that you will , ever after wards consider them indispeusible, , You willllnd ahem at the Druggists and Dealers in Medicines My signature Is on each package. All other are noun ME A Package will be sent by mail, prepaid, on roolpt o Thirty Gents Address, SICK HEADACHE NERVOUS HEADACHE, CURE ALL KINDS OF ILEADAOHE By the we of these Pills the perioalo 'attacks of Nay. vow at .Stek lifeadache may •14,prevented; audit taken the commencement 01 au attach immediate relief from pain antialeknesa neobtained. They seldom tall in venievl og Nooses and Haidacka to whieh - femalea are•so subject. • • • They ton gently : apon the bowels, removing tholiceltSSX. For Literary Hen, Students, Dellcate females, aad ill persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the anemia, giving mire Aim . viactit to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasti city and strength to the whole system. • The CEPHALIC PIUS are tna {newt of low inveati gallon and carefully conducted experiments, flaying been in use in many yews; during *hien time they have pre vented and relieved a vaot'aniount of pain and sidierbig from Headache, whether originating in the nations ems tem or from a deranged state tinkle stomach. , . They are entirety vegetable isktbetr °map:Weak; and may .be taken at all times with perfect safety *about making any change of diet and the abtaice of amp dims. grumble taste renders it ant to administer them to ehttdren . The genuine have nye signatures of Henry 0. Spalding on nob box. • Sold by druggists and all Other dealers in medicines. A Box Will be pent by mall prepaid on reoolpi or lbs Piing TIVINTY-FIVE DINTS. All orders should be addressed be VI-A single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE 1 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! ECONOMY As sceidentsluatt happen, cos in wed-repuletstrattgist it is very desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Oroetery, se SPALDING'S PREPARED GLEE insets all such marmots', and no household can afibrd to be without it, it is always ready lad up to theatiok big Point. • "USEFUL IN EVERY HOUMA" NAB.—A Brush scaoripsnies each bottle. Pries 26 ell Address .3ENBY O. SPAI,DING, , , NO, 41.1 Cedar Street, New York. f1(XI Jlt & Up ha certain uaprinelpleil . peraolusateattempllo d , to pi' oft au the tuumapactfroi koklio, Ilillatlona a mi - P l ai PARED GLUM, I would oaulltullail:Pcluilut to "ezaloge behwe purelaishigc awl see that the full name,. • Air SPALDING% PRA:PARED (11.0E..it; bed il4nuidde wrapper;all Wawa guarlbAlawly-rdfeble pennoßluania Mailp outran - Afternoon, Ittatusl 26, 1861 illtbital PURIFY YOUR BREATH I sTRENGTHIS YOUR VOICE! SPALDING'S MEI GENTLEMEN CAREX; LAMB ARE DELIGHTED WITH PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 ORDER STREET, NEW YORE CEPHALIC PILLS :)UltE BEWARE Of COUNTERSEITt REMIT O. SPALDING, 48 Ceder Street, New York will lava tea time Its oast annually.-et FLAW?, THR PIECES, DBPATCII,I sir. , A arm is mu Barlll Nieri.".** O&UTION ~[cD'uat v sF,RHAVt , s Holland Bitters DYSPEPSIA, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &c. Tna successful Introduction and nee of this cele brated Remedy has been the signal for a literal flood of compounds called "Bitters,' . offered in various farms, from a quart bottle to a Bye-gallon keg, until this word "Bitters" is but another name for '• grog," or some villanous whiskey mixture. But the really great relief derived from the minute dose, one teaspoonful, of our medicine, IKEREAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS, and the entire absence of qfter prostration, has eats bibbed brit a reputation which the holder imitations and counterfeits have failed to undermine. It_is posi tively a vegetable preparation, with barely sufficient pure spirits to preserve it. But one size of the gentdue, (Half-Pint Bottles,) price Oxs Doctor It is a medicine of long-tried efficacy for Purifying the Blood, so essential for the foundatloa of good health end for correcting disorders of the stomach end bowels. Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects. The stomach wall speedily regain its strength, a healthy action of the liver, bowels and kidneys will soon take place, and renewed health be the quick result. For INDIGESTION, Try 2 , Berhave's Holland Bitters. For IMARTBURN, Try Ikerhave's Holland Bitters. For ACIDITY, Try Berhavels Holland Bitters. For WATERBRASEL, Try Bterhave's Holland Bitters. For HEADACHE, Try Ilterhave , s Holland Bitters, For LOSS OP APPETITE, Try Bierhave's Holland Bitters. Por COBTIVEBTESS, Try Beerhave's Holland Bitters. For PILES, Try Bowhave's Holland Bitters. In all Nervona, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affec tions, it has In numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. Read Caref'ully! The genuine, highly-concentrated DeliallAVE'S 1/04 LkND threats Is put up in half-pint bottles only, awl retailed at One Dollar peril:led-4 The rent dein“n'i f.tr this trujy celebrated MWDeine" htui-induced nu, y imitations, which the public' should guard against purchasing. Beware of impostition I See that our name is an the Wiwi of every bottle you bay. Benj. Page, Jr. &Co, SOLE MANUFACTURERS PITTSBURGH, PA • '*!'or ode to the city 01 Rumba ..rg 07 D W. GROSS & Da mBOrd—npl4lkwl7 JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C. ALFRED F. 7;rmaißßllAll di 001 Xro :m s2 MARKET S TREET, HarripbrArg, ea., opposite tiOTIL and adiolning the SOUL, belying purobseed the. eta* of. L # Jennings, and added a large assortment of NEW JEW ELRY, we will sell the same at the lowest cub price, sno solicit patronage. Watches, Cloaks and. Jewelry neetly,and promptly re. paired and delivered. ALFRED F. EILICERDIAN & 00. Having disposed of my stock of Jewelry to h. F., Zhu- Merman & 00., I oheerrally recommend them to my fer nier customers as practical and.; experienced Watch ;Makers, and solicit tbr them a continuance otthe pallia sse which bas been so generously extended to me during the last six years. .F . rude {MUIR F. JENNINGS. DENTISTRY. D. ONG.' W. driNS • graduate of the - • altinure Oahe 4e of Dental durgery, liavtitg;',Urnia 'neatly located in the city ot Harrisburg and WWI the aloe formerly outipled:by Dr. (lows, on Third str :between Mullet and Walnut; respeedelly Worms his 'criends and. the, public in general, that he ls prepared to; 'perform all operations , in ; inn ; Dental prelusion, eitlie i s su rg ical or meonaincall, in a manner that *ball not t .Ourititseed by operators in this or any other city. mode of inserting artitiolar teeth is upon the laces: m 'proved scientific principles. Teeth, trom one to a lull set, mounted oil doe gold, to Ter, Plethis plates or the yolosoito lime. ' l take great pleasure in recommending the suttee gen; tleinan to all my former patients of 'Harrisburg and yr. ;links, and feel Confident that he will perfOrm all opera.' dohs in a scientillo manner, from my knowledge of his myll.dtil F. J S. GORGna, D. D. 8. WiSSIME SHAD, No, 1, SALMON, No. 1, HERRING, No. 1, COD FI S H_, No. 1, . MACKEREL,.No 1 . Of pe above we have all the aide: ellt sized paearitee porn the tar to the &mom In store and for We. at W and matt rata. fable WM. pool, Jt. ai CO. A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENt OP LADIES' TRAVELLING AND • SHOPP'ING BAGS At all prices ,for sale at BNEONNEWS CHEAP BoOKNTORN, 61 Market area iCUR UNION. da CONSTITUTION '1649 UR COVEIiNMENT," 14 M. M'S.ll- aurr, bra work woidaliting the WIWZITUTIOS or flow MID Burn, giii4g 'the anwhiwtion of its Terms and Provisksay !hewing, the !okras= of the several itatisio the TWOS and each other,' and exPlaiding Sene. rally thaSystens or Government of the °Sentry. Pries 11:00. Sold, and "orders supplied, by hint, at Harris burg, Pa. ikbSl Agents for Counties and Staten wanted. THERBEOZTEITERB I f TRERMOMMEERS, Oman' entel manna, Japanese meta] TBARMOISTRBS, do do Bronzed do, TLIKIIIdOMETERS, Distillers Tin Case, 12 Inch. TEIRLUdGMETBRS, do Brass Bound Double Goals, TRERMOKRTSRS, Union Case, 10-12 inch. THERMCGUITERG, Metall° Franke, 8-10 inch, THERMOILSTEIIB,- Blank Walnut Om, 10 inch. THERIIOIIIII7IO3, Tin Case, 741.10 Ilion. We have jug received a fine lot or - THERIIOIIIfrE of various styles, and are se them low, tot street. KE[,LBR'B DRUG STORE, ap2 in T_TICK.ORY, OAR AND PINE WOOD xi, for sale. 004 TO =YE OR 00RD LENGTH TO stat PORONASRES ALSO, LOCUM romi AND =SIN Rar.s 002 To ORDER. ALScr, STONE AND SAND MB BULLDING PUBIiO3/18. - - luquire of the subscriber at hls residence on the Ridge road, opposite the Good Will Engine Scialle_ L or at th Yard, corner of Becloud and Broad streets. West Har risburg. [my27-tf] B. cam. ' I I 1\ ' ,14 I lIIREINONIaIn and Figured. GARB= Plant arid Figured. • -ALL "WOOL ELAINE% Rstralitylea and Quality. BI OCA LONG SHAWLS, different Wow. NM STOCK Of BLANKICT mums. Thepriees — hiall the above Goods, onexamtuation,lwut be fiend dower thesters,7 at ' 845_1°Pr, Y b at e ; 1 471.49 1 41t. • dfihree Hundied- , iikinv irk ' Habitant reeetved__by s" • Wit. DOCK RR at 00: Weikel Ayous CATHARTIC PILLS. ARE YOU SICK, teell,;( • 0 - omplaining? Are you out el order, with your Brio= deranged, and your feelings uncomfortable? These symptoms are often the prelude to serious illness: %melt of sickness is creeping upon you, and should beaverted by a timely sae of the right remedy fake,Ayer's Plus and cleanse Jut the &Minitel humors-I,Urhy @c blood and let the gem Moue o: monotructst u host as again, ,Thertitlina ale the felicitous of the holy tutu v igoroua setiv‘ty i pu n ip the system fylm di-fosse. A . old settlet somewhere to the body, sod °ban.' Alit, ...sutra'. ranctlona TOM, ft not relieved, react upou.t iisomolved and the surround ing organs, prodocing•gof brit iggravitithy suffering and disease .While to, this coniittion,.9Prwwlswi by the de rangemeuts, take .Aver a Mill, and see how directly they restore the - natural salon of tbo dystein, and with It the buoyant meting 01 &stub imin. What is true and MO apparent to this wird and takedown complaint, to also true to many Of. the deepiicated and dangerousdistem- Peru. The: Wan PuiialrY•fcar . them Caused by similar obstructions and deraugenientsaft the natural tunctioni'tbif:bridy, the e& re' tapfdly,'end many or them surely ; mired by .the mine Mine who know the Krises Ord** Al%l I-TO ttariPc l 4,9 employ hem ;when )41/fierAil from ile di orderi the); cure. leadingBtatementa from physiidans some ci the principal cities, and hero 'other well known public per- SIM Front airorwardincidemiuget of Bt. lons, Feb. 4, 1850. DiL • Alma : pre th. paragon of all that is great le niSdinine.' That' have c eredmy lithe daughter el nittertlntWatffell OPI! Per _Bag— a..aaa Jae!' th at bad molted lecuirable,lor years. tier W goer hag been long grieviOnslyaltileted with blotches and pimples ou her skin and to her hair. Alter , our child was cured, she show Iw 3 our Pills, and they have'cured her. AM NORGRIDO B. AB • raw Perna [From Dr. B W. Carte right, New Orleans.] Your Pits are the prince cit purges. Their excellent qualities 'surpass any. cathartic we possess. They are .very certain and elleotual In their action on the bowels, width" Make them Invaluable to us 4n the daily regiment of disease. aDACEII, SICK Elmnaces, Font BTOHAOR. [prom Dr. Edward BoYd,liattlinore.] Data BRO. Arid; 1 GUINN answer you WHAT COEN NAIRN 1. hive DORID with: your RUA better than to my all ghat use oar frog MA *purport* mediestes. I place great dependence on an effectual °Alberti° la my daily oonteaC with disease, sad believing as I do that your Pilis afford us the best we bava I:of course value them highly. Frrlttilllo, Pa t , May 1,186 b. Dn. J.C. I have been repeatedly cured of he worst Seadocheanybody can have, by a dose or two your Pills. It seems to vim from a foal stomach, which they cleanse it once. Yours with great respect, ED. W. FEEBLE, (Ant of Steamer Clarion. Bruno Dnioarolas.--1 .1 sat Oognanme. fyrion Dr:Theodore.HalL. New For*, My.] . Notenly . your ad t o. rably adapted to their purpose as an aperieht; bit I And theirbetiefielal effects uponthe Liver very merited Lithim4 ~,thrty uivu In my pram* preyed more effectual Mr the cure - of Bilious COMplainte Qum anyone remedy I OM mention.. I ;sin cerely rejoice that we have at length • purgative which is worthy the confidence of the profemion and the people. BYZANTIUM OF 124 lIIIRRIOR, 04 7th Feb. 18601.1 Sir : I have used your HIM in my gamma' and hospita prattled, over shice ypit ‘ _tulate, Went, Mutcalleol hes, Oath W say they are the beet cathertlo we employ. gulathgraetlon on the Lytle is quelt,and deCided . oefinse. gamily they arell4sOulicAOlß reittodl for derangement ottilit organ. Weed., i nave midden found • case of Bilious MOSSO so °HA' HI de that held not readily yield W them. Fraternally your., ..V.tleim) BAIL Y. as . E11y3101,11.11 alba Marine floapital. DTHIMANT thmeco..a. RILL; WORM& IFreas Or. J .ti . pried, otOweago .j • , . .Your mai h ye nail a 'ong trial u Amy practise, and 1 bold: Chßlik, kII 1440444. as one id tile baid aporienta,l. have ever lotion. ,lheir eileiit 'alma liver mikes Wein in exilelleticreinedy,' when given in Duluth Ones We. -pionimery, and Diarrhoea. their , sugar-coating dishes Wen/ very a cceptable and convenient for the us 6 of Women and'ehildrezi:: ; - • • - 1 Briirsrina, inruariv or IKE &am (Flom Hey. J. V. Mines, Pastor Advent Church, Boman, ar DS, Ilia I have anal Your tkiG. with eitinordiukry elnowie is myi fandlyassiaudingtlignekentosdled to s olidi idol/toga To magelate .Ibe organs oldigeeidon and pit- Mit tairbided, mop are the *key beet roinedy.;. have ever In o, and Loan oenildeutly reiximmend them to my Mende. Yours,, J V.BUMS. Wycimmg Go., N. T., Oat. 94,71855. Dux sig r „MU Perkia Year= .9 1 11 1 . 1 . 1 4 . 403 ?Wm in my prelim, and flu them akexoelient, purgative to cleanse the system and manly foinstodiss of Oa Mind. • . • : HA W 1 .11 14 ,•%"!.. /1 /°' GennorAinon, Garay saints Scinsitssems,' Out, "Mitittaini, Danis; rineXTUN per, are. [Enos Hr. J..it',JocssnocMontras.i, Goads...l, ToolliOup,cannot be said cd the Cure 'ot Onstiventre. 11 iitheiede 'yeur ,rraternity have, found them egegissOome enOwee,,4oky.ehottld min me In pro &aiming it for. _ benefirof the Who 'suitor trenittiaCcolinesnilli , iniiitipabougliihed,tengugit In gaff, Is the.pcogeniturni Otters that are wdrse. Milli% Qainfetiese id originate but Tour Pipe' entice that otgattenit *nit Orton lifo• 4..i15attif, 4 04 30 1 13 , Mid104 3 1 1. 6 °""..1 I Bid one oitwd • ge tostisif your gitG, ni 'en it, the Proper Anne, ars oxeslicut.G****MYA of aeratioa warn wholly orparnaGy suppraiied; and also my dawn' to &Janie the ittoiceoi: and keit weans. they are so muck the heat physic we have that wow inehO no other to my pa cents. iFrom lhe Rev. Dr. Beeches, of the Methodist Xpiseopal Church.] emassa-Sousa, &meant, Ga., Jan. 6, 1866. tionomm AVIPO: ohliTtiolut.lor , the 11 3 liet T05 1 .r. 1 11 4 1 4hea-h it m e " tc-. set nice to you.. 'A cold tailbroughten excru ciating Neareillb , • which tuided.. Ourosici. Rhea- MUM. aotiouniout 1 ,4043149.4. of Ike disease P.! IrPfS9#4 l :Volg#o., br-We allVtoe 0( your exeetont, agentin L liattlinbri4 br. •Mskiinkleo tried'ycar'Fills: Their Weide wain ilow•liet ear*. By persevcir ng;ib DMus of them. t urn now entirely well. eras Citable; Satow goitga4a.,.Deo::ll;:lerte. DL Amt : - 1 hare been entlrapty nu f nut by your . Pala uf• Abell;maths Pouts Pehillttl4lossegutt Lail` ailllote4 me tor years. VINUHtI2=DIU. App-meat of the Pills In market contain Mercury, which, although a valuable remedy In skillful hands, Is dangerolVa f.Putlilupifil 8 110 4 48 94readful COW KUM' 0 9 11 0 2114 ~,_t iOnow. fro'lbulutlOlll sae. These sestata nit mercury or miberalMdsilanee whatever. Prise 26 wets per box, or d boxes . for prepared:by D144.4;9. Low e . . ANA. fif t wrari L q. 414.ausc r .B.'w. Gabe da Jo Lally B6 o l4o WI .4 11 4,4 11 kgi Haritiburgi sat' gilleilikviirYwheist. • . Itp22.Mnibiir, FIAV - 11) RAYNER, 110 MARKET, 8T Lit BABRISBUBS, Agent for LAJLELIE'S PATENT Wrought and Chilled' Eri.,, r.. tad Burgle: Prod fiILAJLi• Adrietly,the ONLY Mercantu , oile made, that le both re and Burglar Proof. mL29.dly ()ANL h PAIAFFLNR CANDLE:I, BEIM CANDLIIIS, A.DAMAN:IIN+; OANDLES, OAN LLl.ti, 3TAR. CANDI:NA OfLEMIGAii eispucs, TALLOW I.)Ali DLPS. rage lot or tue slier* in st.re and 10t smile at the law eat prioes b.y WM. WOK JR. & CO., .11=2 Opposite the Court House. A. VERY HEAVY - STOCK OF BLA(11?.. AND' SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS 1 OF EVERY DESOILIFIION JUST OPENED. At Prices below the OM of importation. CALL AT oxruceacrs, imp) Next door ;to i!rrisburig Bank. FARMER'S HOTEL. /TIRE subscriber begs leave to inform hits .1. friends and the.publio Mai Opium taken the FAR* nips gonit,, to Market street oppoelte post 0111eMi formerly .1. Stahl, where be ,Mproparod to aooom too. date them. on reememeteAercee. Having refitted cud furnished the Bohm entirely now, he hopes lty 40 et 41{- 6 sat i oo . to bagmen, to receive a liberal share of pool} eine - : 44 4- 3 rale _ , P TB SOL WO &WOK., - "OW Gover tu 0~...5a. sows Wm:A cti'-arbailiwgovenuni•aitonoma mow ask 00. For Ws a . • - fliscrtlantotts LADIES' WINE, SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE CELEBRATED for its medical and bane Gcial qualities as a genuine Stimulant Tonle, 1. ratio and Sodosillo, highly esteemed by eminent physi clans, and some or the firs families In Buro p e an America. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINES . . _ .is not a mixture or manufactured article, but le acre, from cultivated Portugal Elder, recommended by Jnem- Ists and Physicians as possessing medical properties su perlor to any other Wines in use, and an anal mu: tra de for all weak and debilitated persons, and the aged and; infirm, Improving the appetite, and benefiting lady - and children. A LADIES , WINE, beffituselt will not intoxicate , as other wines, as It con tains no mixture of spirits other liquors, and is a miredfirs its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive proper ties, imparting a. healthy tone to the digestive organs, and • i bleaming, colt and healthy skin and complexion. None, genuine unless the signature of ALFRED hPIER, Penedo, N. J., is over the cork of etch bottle, - MAKE ONE TRIAL OF TEM WINE. A. lIPEEE, Proprietor. Passaic, N. J. Office 208 BroadwaY, NewYO". J. E. EATON; Agent, Philadelphia. gor sale by D W. Gross, Ai 00., C. K. Keller, John W,yoth and by dreggists generally Iyl-lowly. or. eat Cure. DR. LELLAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND I IS THE ONLY KNOWN RFMY FOB Illuiumaiinn, Gout and Neuralgia . AND, .s. scran In= FOR All-Mercurial Diseases It is a conveniently arranged Band, containing • ma ed compound, to be worn , aroun d the Waist, without Inry to the most delicate persons, uo change inhabits of living is required, and It entirely removes the disease fribm the itystem, : whhout producing the bdurtous dente - ielstng from the use of pow:A-rut Internal medicines NA:doh weaken and destroy th. clout:Mimi, and give tenowirary, relief only. By this treAment, the medical . Stopeittletecontilned la theßand, come in contact with. Aim blood and residue the disease, through the pores of um skin, erecting in every balance x perfect sure and restore the parts afflicted to healthy condition. ' This Bind buds° a meet powerfol Aan-ltitscomst agent, oni entirely relieve the system from the prittnltna et crMercury. Moderate bases are cured In a :ew is, ,tiod, we are constantly receiving testimonials of its yln IggraVared eases of long standing. • Si 00,, to be had of Druggists generally, or can be sent by manor express, with tell directions for use, - to any part of the Country, direct from the Principal Office, No. 409 BROADWAY, New York. iihtlTH 5t,00.; Sole Proprietors. N. 8.--Deedriptilie Circulars Bent -Free. ,ferAGENT6 WANTED EVattIIVSKIIE../fer :jyft-itair 130MRTEING FOR THE MIMI 11! A Neoestrity Every Household'l 1 304513 & t , CROBLEY'S American. Cement ,Glue The streaked Sine In the World FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, MINA, MARBLE, POR- GmAnq at.ot RASTER, BONE, coaeL, &c., , ao., &o. The only article'of the kind ever produced which will withstand Water. EXTRACTS r...every housekeeper should have a tu) OfJohns ar. Presley's American Cement Gilue."—A v. ;alas. "It ai so convenient to have m ire hated'—N, mrpeies, .•litlealways ready ; adscommendi to every body," K. Y: brotratrmern. "We have tried it, and and it wain, in our house as wate r.n W Ilww B, Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions' to Wholesale Dealers. TRRNa or Nor fade by all Druggiats and Storekeep ers generally throughout the country. JOHNS & MOSLEY, (Sole Manufactures,) 78 WELLIAN Snow (Corner of Liberty Street,) New Yoi.s. jy3-ay :FarawaßLE, owTEENO * `mum 4ED sum= - sTYLIO3. I. 61 . PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS. GRANVILLE _STOKES' ONE PRIM/ GIFT CLOTHING EMPORIUM Ro. 807 argsrsux VREE 2 • A superb- iteek Of 6320 french, Bugliith and amertean (la FAT :4* Ri; - and PEIYLINGS, for city and Country trade, with an limpprOnehable tortzueut of HART tatoncene wt. the ; lowest , etteki tjNS Pslo3ls.asked, end at forzo.inizundo cwt: minuted with mu* article sold. I,llby &Widen 'paid to iblakiatelseedetiartanent, -bud u6al44it andluinMu!9tAPr topny,addreee. -,,timulayating ,thia. new epitaph :of wg loolineas, GRANV=Wintißab I would .11xques0. tne mind, of the patrons of hla attaldislpnent, tbm the coat of the sift is deduCted from, ind - 0101 , lidded to' the price'orilieleni eliiioltlJ ,:ltainunelael3r inereoehlit adios etabli4 ll l lll to act ttina liberally, and at the same time tortoni, a remunerative profit. all_ ulleleithaleaulls!?4,o:lo l 7, willrd l , l o amnion. GIUNVILLE STOKES' 0 N OLOTILING EMPOB Him - . kyr anerNui MEW. oetia•dmd—rilptapEdy SIGN" OF THE Gloriotti Star Slaw , led Bow ! t., x s trwrgivasurria , ory.4/11P.44:01. • gp.g.Dgm....gm,..SFLENDID WINDOW swum, to onifelinds, and' coidially invite them to examine our goods and prloee. - ate. determined. jell cheap. Mind the Nadi. • • •• -iinvinizi:BooKnoks.; spl3-u Near tbe Uerrlubnre Bridge. ketithfisiN I.;IIAN4NR: AND BIIIEDEL P" ' g amt._ -:FpATEraigm (11 1CITISpori tu,11:21 Northern Central. [tall t ' 17 1 ki NOTICE. CHANGE OF SCHED[I,I, BUMMER ARRANGEMENT }NEU TRAINS DAILT TO AN i ND AFTER SUNDA , the Passenger Trona tbk r' . way will limas Harrisburg and Bal-th . „ GOING SOI NAIL TRAIN trill leave Harrisburg EXPRESS " " " RA BRI, BURG ACCOMMODATE.N RETURNINti lIAII RAIN Will 4 , 6% , Rxllimore SXPRFR.4 'N • RA sal/ailing) Al C0 ,4 ) riA rioN . li 41 N ki 'l' is MAIL TRAIM lean= Ibrrisburg at 8.7CPRE!...8 The only train leaving Harrisburg ..0 .i„ the itYpresit, South, at 3.00 A M., and k.n, st 44* P. M. Fur further 11114 - Irtnatltio gpi4y I. c ,. ttallriait Depot A. C. -cAar 8•••• • May 20, 18431.-41.1 NElt Alit LINE ROlll fIIRES TRAINS DAILY TO NEW loEh TWO TRAINS DAILY rte PHILADELPH) WITHOUT CHANGE OF cA N AND ASTER MOS DA V. 1861, the Passenger Trains wit, s • , lam!a wow Reading Railroad Repot, at H s York and Philadelphia, as follows, r,e. EASTWARD. UPRISES LINE leaves Harn+nunt dealer Pennsylvania linilroad lisps:+ T, . Went, arrlvingin New York at 41, in. A - z, la itlanbed to the train through from rat,,.. TRAIN Waves Harraburg s. nh Now York at 4 p, m and Pwiadaph n iv, 1 FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg it L.4u p in of Pennsylvania Railroad Fail Nail. srr Pork at 9.45 p. my mud ebiladelptou ac,i 1,, p WESTWARD. G nat LlNEleaves Now Yore ot o a. m., pb)ti 0;8 a. m. arriving at Ilarriebou ut 1;: NAIL TRAIN leaves New York et 12 00 n,.., ideliihis at 8. lb p. m. , arriving at ilart,ho•• • ,• . VIPRIIIRE LINE loaves New Vor, s ving at Harrisburg at 2.30 a. in.. and roe : Pounagivania grpress Train for PIII , I , LLrg 011.1" Is also atuched to tole rain. Ponnootions are made at Harrisburg wnti.•.. Asonsylvania, Northern Central and Coin Railroads, and at Reading for Willteabarre, Allentown, Easton, &c. Baggage Changed through. Fare hotwa,. and Harrisburg, $5 00 . ; between tiarri. , ),l : . delphia, SS 21$ in No. 1 oars, and $2 Iu N For tickets or other Information ttu I=lolllllllllllllll myl6 PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD: BUMMER TIM E TA 131. F FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO ANC FROM PHILADELPHIA ON AND ',PISA MONDAY, JUNE 10th, Imi rha passenger, trams Of the eenneylvaele pap) , will depart rrum .nd arrive it ts4r..ldt , org Pktiisdelptda as follows : E4STWARD 1 1 A$T LINE laa•ea Harrisburg every Moildiy) at 1.16 a. m., and .revue at vit,Ht u 6.10•. in THROUGH WREN TRAIN !eaves ~1 It 9.20 a. tn., sad arrives at Weal Mitt P. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg day)At 6.16 w. and arrives at W. 15 p. m. , . These Irina' make close connecoue ni 11. J hi tieW York Lines. ALVAIMODATIoN TRAIN, No. 1, NI, NUM* liattl abarg at 7.00 a. m., and ~rrt .t PlllllmkaPtdalat 12.00 noon. ILUOMPURG ACCOMMulvitioN 1 RAiN;, bialaves Hartiabang at 1.10 p. m., and Arroo &Watt 6'26 p. m. AIXXINNIODATION TRAIN, No. '2. lOU'S Barrißps/1 II at 5.16 , , .111, 4: 1 ville - orith RAIL MIN, rod arriv , . to. V!' >.; . phis at 10.16 p. m WESTWARD THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN letvt•l I'?. 10.20 p. m., Harrisburg at 225 a. to., A arrives at Pittsburg at, 12.0 J MAIL TRAIN leave , ' Philadelphia at ;. :;u k.. 1 burg 1.00 p. m., Altoona, 6.50 p. m., an.] • burg at 1200 midnight. PAST LINE leaves Philadelplai at 11 ....L. t • „ burg 3.85 D. m., Altoona 8.10 at: I 117 , burg at 80 a. m. - Hai 814. G ACCOMMODATION Ti; delphia at 2.80 p. m-, Lancaster 6.08 P. 8.40 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at , train connects at Harrisburg, at 8 p. • em Cautsal Railroad Train for Suitor Look Haven, Scranton and all pomts 5.., ~,AHOOMMODATION TRAIN, leans Phi; • „ p. m., Lamniater 7.80 p. m., Mount Joy bathlown, 8.37 p. m. and arrives at 9.80. p. m. Attention in called to the fact, that pt-- , • - lihMadelpht tat 4.00 p. In. connect at L. L IILOUNT JOY ACOOMM.ODAtION Harrlsbug at 3.30 p. m. 8° MAtriabarg,lnne 7,18 1' 61. 1 d ". B l t LA' 1' i ..‘lll JUST RE() E 1 V L•li ) ANOTHER LOT Jr i 110 , EXTRA. FINE PO GOLD PENS OF NEWTON ' S Vorwurly Int iI. manufacture, warranted to be the he.: m the bleat pointed, mast durable and a,: eo , ' • tbr.Raie, With a variety of d it Cam of various alms and prices at RIEGNEWS CAM' al V. rrrrr t PHOTOGRA PHY, In ail its Branches , Biamtmlll-04e, beet style known in the art, at C. CRANE'S GALLERY, assaits: Rivet, Rotor Sixth, Baia. APE'S= IN OIL AND PAsTIL. I 1:12411MSOOPIC PORTRAITS, :4AI Digaerreotypes, acc., kir Oases, Medsllione 11111. iill7Ol7Xl. novl4 wlg ME MI I 4. p 1 NI 'I :I ' , 1 i I 1 P 1 ", 1.9 IMMIE