Miscellaneous A Jew Feature in the Buie° Trade! INPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS E. R. DURKEE & CO.'S SELECT SPICES, in Tin Foi/ (LONA wilh Paper; Wetpk BLACK PEPPiR WING TS %nun PEPPER, ' AL MUSTARD. LS'PI MACE CAYENNE PEPPER, CINNAMON, CLOVES, IN THIS AGE of adulterated and taste less bpleee, it is with routideuee that we Introit tale to the attention or housekeepers these superior and genuine articles. We guarantee them not only ABSOLUTELY AND PERFECTLY PURE, but ground from fresh Spices, Seleoted and cleaned by us expressly fur the purpose, waking reference to cos . They are beautifully packed in tin roll, (lined with pa perj to prevent !spry by keeping, and are FIJI.I WEIGHT, while the ordinary ground Spices are almost 'twat% bly short. We warrant them, in point of streogit and nolinees or flavor, BEYOND ALL COMPAIRISON, as a single trial will abundantly prove. hvery package bears our Trade Mark. Manufactured only by It. ft. DURNEk. & CO., New York Tor sale by WM. DOCK JR. &CO Mei o ~. B. M. GILDEA, D. D. 8 STALE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE A il opera ions, Surgical and Mechanical, Ily perm , mad Charges moderate. la NEW COAL OFFICk.i. 'LIE UN DERSIGNED having entered ilk i„ to the COAL llt.tfiE to this city, would respectfully solidi the patronage of the altazoits. I will seep on hood Coal of all slow, from the most celebrated awl appr .vat mined, Which All be delivered to say part o tee city. free from dirt and other Impurities. FULL. WSW , . GUARANTIRD. COAL FOR &UR UT TOR HUAI itiAl), ties Luau cm :mote ON eerseali peiChAsiug by tto• Boa or Car Load will resolve 2,240 pounds to ihe Ten. Ofil, No. 74 Market street, eeeuud dour from Dere bet ry ails., Yard the tmid, loot ti North street V. dere let la. reilwr place will receive prorupt ditelitmu• al, tic la nari• U iisi I .gaol PROF. ADOLPH P. TELPs6II., W uu LI) roupuctlully [Laura' lob oiu palruue ti,ud Wt. public generally, that ut, arta, ouiltieue le give instruenons on the plAtili rtarth, Ma LOOFA" VIVIAN and also tu thy anience 0, il.loltOlitib tiAM, Hn will w'tti pleasure wail 0p... pupils at Lath tioulta at say hour desired, or :01:1110111, will De given'''. bin residence, In Third Areal, law 'loon below lil• Untrataa aeattlacti Church. SOHEFFERIS BOOK STORE. (NEAR TUB LIARIIIBBUILO SALDOII.) UNION EN V 01.40 I' ES. NOTE PA.P&R, 01 six dilfereui destgus, printed in two dolor's, sold by the th4ueeud eau by the teem at City Web piques Also, eletip, Oulou dream cuts, &glee. tranue thugs Cud Sadges et very low prices. Cel, at LayB tlllklitioeltehl BOONS LIM,. STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG *tag FARE REDUCED TO $1.25 THROUGH TO GETTYSBURG. I 1111 E utaleraigaed has eatabßahed regui.r I,LN g OF Waal& bout Ilebututes. burg, ettoustaing every other tnortneg with Llko tJuutlivr laud Vailoy Railroad CAN. am wadies leave every every Tuesday, raursday and Saturday, returuiu& evory talker day. Passengers Om Sheppard %terra, len...burg, Pea,rsliure, aud tiettysburg are uarri..d at re rimed rates. 1011-dit rxra. bT. LOUIE HOTEL, UtIESINIA ABOVk %BIRD, PHILAIELekiI/1 N the immediate ueighborimod ul the Jobbing Liousea game'. rhirl 4,b.tuul rinoelb, We Hanna, Vuot • nue., aarctirut.e' Xxcli.auge ate. KIWI HOT, OS ma AINIMILICA is.I.JHUP ILAN PLAN. WARD FMK *1.60 Wooer Uetweee l and &moos, 60 GeuLb. room from MI oents upward. A orat Masa Restaurant mina:hod. ?does according to Bills of Fare. the Oily Cams take Verseeuenre trete and itettuu to or arose to the Meter efirekigitsh, French, bermes and tipantahltoosen ipl Mud 611.11 NE FUR BALE. iktUlLoiNki druNt or Stout, imitated j)cor taarodotlilur, p..ripoar dorlitto,•4 to ioy fox' 01 Cho city or w.• n,nov t yply to •oss 4:4)110 , 11. Jr. ORNAT &EDO iisClual IN P2.l.4iNsi ,b.ILZUN '6 SEWINii iii jHINtS, 111111 NEW IMPROVEMEN ES Al - REDUCED PRICES. ki N W titi.El.6ll St VV Niauuhie. Luring tinn,pauy lISIVIIIS &Allied ALL the- i . or IAW, WILL intentglug uninuleeturers of Sestpdi proputie that We pLIUIIO should bel 2 z 401 and nave aecor.lui d w the Virt,L.y sa UM profit on the uoat at Governor invested, 11114 expense of malting shit will enable them to MAIM that Wear; 4, of w 1,.; and heretotore, guarantee them in every oar, Pt in accordant* with the aunonneeineurVdve f ant nen Weir amemito wwtug dentin/es at prides from gab to SW tor the One lull oaae mitehinos. ft is a Well malt. dished tact that the Wheeler (I& Wilson Sewinsr Machine la the beat one to LOU war AeL, din beat made, most duple told lain Hanle to get out o I order and they are now ti. laW as the inierlor maehinee deli and lee them a Third and Market. del-Ow W. U. lilen.Uls, agent . TJ .N C,riar MANI' ui 1111.1" OLD W ALL() W ER* LiA •till OLI TRANSPORTATION u ul sin to suounsuitil operation and prepared In awry Weight aa WW air may other individual hue netw.en PailadeirMia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Wilhame• purl, Jorge. Ahura, Wok !Javan, .rnd all paints on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie, and Williams. port and almira Hallroads. Local agent at Harrinburg, D. A. Hoots Beet w PEALTICE, ZELL & 111NCIIMEN, Nos. eOB and 110 Market street, above Eighth, by 4 o'clock, t'. al. Will arrive al Harrisburg, ready for delivery, the nest working. C. F. 34LIENCLI, apB-t/ Traveller *gem. WALLOWEB'B LINE, DART 111171VIBN HARRISBUItO and PH ILADELP II IA. Wm. & Burk, Area, 812 Markel urea, .Philataa phis, formerly Livingetas Co. .. . . ..., . :ecial ecaidiietor in charge of each trate t.oods delivered at the Warehouse, Philade!. y at 4x, e'eloes P. IL, viil be delivered id Ettrris. burg uext utortneg. J. WALLOWER, JL,-Agen voyal.dll• o t, we° tiesdlet, Depot, klarrlaburg. • FIRST GLASS GROCERIES ! LARGE ARRIVAL! -hri A V iNG JUels RETU itN ED from the eastern cities where we nave selected with the mow coal a Witt sod complete eseurttnent 01 se re., which emlirsee anything kept In the byn stifgroceriet we reapecUuUy and Cordially invite end Wile . tO at and ermine cur sleek and-litriTtee MEL • LIME - FOR SALE. pren , tII4DIMIGNRCI having .941Wked Lin the LIME BUSXNi is prepared.twittavish th very best article at short nate; midst the lowest prices Parrish. He sells the lime burnt at Columbia and also that bunt& at home. my20413m INSTANT RELIEF! STOP YOUR COUGH I Throat Confections, GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPFAKRRS, SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS CarLDREN CRY LFOF SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS They relieve a Cough instantly They (dear the Throat. They give strength and volume to the voice. They Impart a delicious aroma to the breath. They are delighttni to the taste. They are made of simple herbs and cannot harm any I advise every roue who has a Cough or a Husky voice or a But Breath, or any difficulty of the Throat, to get a package Of my Throat Confections, they will relieve you astantly, and you will nod them very useful and pleas ant while traveling or attending public matinna for WI- ling your Cough or allaying your thirst. If you try one package I am safe in sayi.ig th it you will ever after• wards consider them itunapaitthie You will and them at the Druggists and Dealers In Medicines My signature Is on each package. All other are coon =I! A Package will be giant by null, propold, on reolpt of Thirty Conte. AddreEts, CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE NERVOUS HEADACHE, ALL KINDS OF HEADACHY.. By the use Of these Pills the pol4odlo allaCks of Ner eons or Sick Headache may be prevented; and if taken the commencement immediate relief Item pain and sicknap, obtained. They seldomfail In. removing Nausea and Headache to which females are eo subject. They . act gently upon the bowels, removing Lbstieemiu. For Literary, Ken, andenta, Delicate Females, and ell 'perilous ereadentary habits, they are .valuable as a Lamalee, Improving the avvrrtre, givinerase aan vtatia to the digestive organs, and restortnitne natural Mast/- ally and strength to the w role'aystem. The CI PEIALIC piton and carerully conduCtea Wi r ing been In MU to many years,. during A' U time Luey have pre Matted and relietred a east &amain' of pate lOW suffering . ..... room Headache, whether originating in the wereous aya ism or from a deranged state 01 the stomach. They are eritifttly —eegetabla io their eampealtion, pnd ' , way be takeo at Ail Want With jarfect :gaiety witaou aTi change of die , and the abused et any dna - yfeeable taste renders it can, to administer thins to children rhe genuine have live Signatures of Henry H. Spalding on each box. Sold by druggists and all caber dealers in medieinos A Hoz will be emit by mall prepaid oa receipt of the PRIOR TWENTY-FIVE OMITS. All orders sheild be addressed to Sire single bottle of SPALDING'S PRIIPARED GLUE BPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! ISPA.LDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE 1 I , CONOMY As socidentgeutil Matti, et?" tits inell-repdatateg t au, It is very desirable to bave some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Orno..rv, meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without It. It is always ready and up to the Stick. In`Point. 8.111.-40 Brush accompanies each bottle. era* 4b di Address cIENRY C. ISPALDiNG, No. 48 Cedar Street, Neu York wM„ BCC , . .1( to Aa eertain unprincipled per Om are atlemptlog itisehe t 011 the anauspecting public, intiteUona et ofy ?RH PAM GLUE, I would caution all persoa. to nine balbre purchasing, mut sqe ttkaL tbe tall. * . :114 44 • iiiraPALDIN(Pe PitEps‘tir EITUIt,We I to eh the outside Wiese ore swindling aeon totelLdawly-rdroble :a: El:, 4 pennspluania, Mailp aelegrapb, Saturbap 'Afternoon lugust.24, 1861 intDit al "They go right to the Spot." PURIFY YOUR BREATH! STRENGTHEN YOUR VOICE I SPALDING'S ARE GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES GENTLEIigN CARRY; LADES ARE DELIGHTED WITH PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 ORDER sTRERT, NRW YORK ,;LfRE CURE REWARIE OP Li)UNTF.R.VgITZ HENRY C. SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street, New York will save tee times Its Goat annually.-K SAVE THII PISCES sirna eIT/CE in IWO e&vra sruns.o,4e. SPALDING'S PREPARED OLDS "USEYOL IN EVERY HOUEOi." CAUTION 15 C 6 HA v 44 -,s, Holland Bitters "ITS Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &c. Tut successful introduction and nee of this celc lamed hemedy has been the signal for a literal flood of colopoutide called "Bitters," offered in rot-lino/ Forms, from] a quart bottle to a five-gallon keg. oath ibis word "Bitters" Ia but another name for o wog," or some eillanous whiskey mixture. But the really great relief derived from the minute dose, one teaspoonful, of one medicine, BOKIIIIAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS, awl thp entire aieence of after prostration, has eon Wished for it a reputation which the hoetof imiMtk.mb and counterfeits have failed to undermine. It is poet lively a vegetable preparation, with barely aufficient pure spirits to preserve it. Rut oue size of the genuine, (Ralf-Pint Bottles.) price ONE DOLLAR. It is a medicine of long-tried efficacy for Purifying the Blood, so essential for the foundation of good health and for correcting disorders of the stomscb and bowels . Two or three doses will convince the of of its salutary effects . The stomach will speedil 'n its strength, a healthy action of the liver, bcreetri and kidneys will soon take place, and renewed health be the quick result. For INDIGESTION, Try Berhave's Holland ta Bitters. For HEARTBURN, Try Berhave's Rolland Bitten. For .ACIDITY, Try Bcerhave's Holland Bitters. For W ATERBRABII, Try Bterhave's Rolland Bitters. For HEADACIECE, Try therhave's Holland Bitters. For LOSS OF APPETITE, Try Ilterhave , s Holland Bitters, Loo l• COSTI V E;NESS, Try Bwritare's Holland Bitters. For FILMS, •Pry Bierhave's Holland Bitters. In all Nervous, Rhein:astir, anii Neuraltn. snee dons. it ban b, numerous Instances proved tnghiy beneficial. and in others effected a decided cure The genuina highly-eoneentraten DrEen.rer's illTras is put up in Itstrpint bout., I retailed rg One Dollar per botch. Th e grmt akin I, tide truly celebrated medicine lats indoccd in imitations, which the public ' , UMW guard ntottil, //mean , of imposition f Set that our namr Is On thr .1 • of Terry Wile !,,lOnlmy aenj. Page, Jr. &Co )LE MANUFACTURET ror sale In the city of Elarriab .rg oy D 41 10. oBOrd-4epl-dkwly JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C. ALFRED F, ZIKKERMAIi dg 00; go 0. 62 RA.iti(gr STREET Harrisburg, oppositeElaaa's done 41 . 4 adjoining the german Harm, having purchased the stook of X. I Jennings, sod added a large assortment or NSW jaw. ELNY, we will sell the same at the lowest ease twee. ape solicit patronage. Watches, Clocks ana Jewelry neatly anirprompily Ju paired and delivered • Ltsl*D R. ZIMMZEIIIiaI a CO dewing dospdsed ca my stock ol Jewelry to A. F. Zim merman Si Co., I cheerfully recommend them to my fur mor customers as practical and experienced Wilelll !Likens, and whett for them a continuance of the patron age which has been so generously extended to me during the last six yours. aural F. JENNINGS. v. GEO. W. graduate of the Aitaoard c ud of .11 dental durgery, having perma neatly toasted in tiff city of liarrisiturg and taken the office formerly ,xinuinad oy Dr. fforgas, On Third str eel, between Market and Walnut, respecuully informs his frauds sod the ouuliu iu general, that he is prepared- to perform all opecatif us ist Lae Nina: pretedilon either surgical or mennauidal, in a manner that some not be ,iturpassed by opuratori in Ibis or day other city. llfe mode el insertanf artinegal teeth is dodo Ili: tte, in. pp:media:noun& prmaiples. Teeth, from one to a lull set, mounted Oct doe Gold, A ver, Plating plates or the Vulcanite Base. taste great pleasure in recommending Me .ouvn Ueman to all my former putleats 01 , liarriabarg and id .3inity, and feel confident that be will perforet all opera tlona in a scientific manner, from my knowledge of hi,. Lmy3-difl F. J GORR" D. D. S. M'll3-131. SHAD, No. 1, SALMON, No., HERRING, No. I, COD FISH, No. 1, MACKEREL, :No. L. Of he above We have all the eine: eat sized packagen rom the UTZ to the ILUIIIELL In store and fro Bale tht moat market rata. table W. DOCK, Jx. & 00. A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' TRAVEL/LING AND SHOPPING BAGS At all prices t ror sale at SMAGINERM CRW BOOM/310111C, 61 Market Sues OUR UNION .& CONSTITUTION 66 9 UR GOVERNMENT," by M. kt'IEtN DULT, /8 a work containing the or Or MI Amp ST Ails, dila/ the ormatruoilon of its'Terms and Provisions, showing the relations of the several Mates to the Union and each other, and explain' ng gene. rally theilystem of Government of the thun try. Price It 00. gold, and orders supplied, by him, at Harris burg, Pa. ' • foldl agents for (lounges and States . wanted. TIKERMOMETERS THERMOMETERS, Ornamental Mantle, Japanese Metal THERMOMETERS, .do do Bronzed do THERMOMETERS, Distillers Tin Case, 12 inch. THERIKOMIMER4. do Brass Bound Double Seale. THERMOMETERS, Union Case, 10-12 inch. THERMOMETERS, *Metallic Frame, 8.10 inch. THERMOMETERS, Black Walnut Case, 10 inch. THERMOMETERS, Tin Case, 7-8,10 blob. We have just received a ilne lot or THERMOMETE R of various styles, and are selling themDißouwe. STORE, ap3 91-14hrket street. DISPATCH, HICKORY, OAK_ AND PINE WOOD for sale, 003 2ri SIT) VE OR CORD LENGTH TO SUIT POROILISERS ALSO, LOCUST POSTS AND ORE.SINM R.41/LiGY/2 TO ORDER, ALSO, SIONE AND SAND ED NBITILDING PURPOSES. "Inquire of the subscriber at his residence on the Ridge road, opposite the Good Will Engine lions; or at the Yard, corner of - *mond and broad streets, Best Har risburg. 0ny274.1.1 G. O REDUCTION IN PRICES I 11:SHINOE3, Plain and Figured. OAREIVERIAIibidn and Figured,- ALL wciciL,DKLADIK3, Extra Styles and Quality. SHOCIA LUNG SHAWLS diTerunt prises. FINE STOCK OF BLANKET , SHAWLS. .The *Wein all the above Goods ; An igaminstion;lisill be found "lower thanettif,! at ' babitheitt.s, • - • Nen Auer to the Harrisburg Bank. ETAl&B.—Three - Bandied .. E.tirlf Sigat= Cared Hams juM received by • WY. DOOB Jti. 8 CO; littbitai FLertAi CnretuLLy PriTsnuiwit. DENTISTRY. itlebital Ayer's CATHARTTr °ILLS. ARE YOU SICK, U,)!aining? Are you out of order, with your system deranged. sod your feelings oncomforti.blef These symptoms arc often the prelude to serious illness. S o me flt of sickness le creeping upon von, and should be averted by a timely use 01 the ri...ht remedy fake &yeriifills and cleadee set - the diger , orod nurnors—..un ih. blood and let the Muds inure • mmir.trucie. -1116 again. They stimn- A te the of tb ho srorous activity, pe rtly in.. sy.ieni . ..ett old settles somewhere i n the Nt. tut oh- r lig. ,al .o al.unctione. These, 0.4 Cdr red, reser ii.ou t . and tie surround ing organs or Sllirerhag mid th, •on opi massed ey the de mogeme.oe, tak. hirer • it eetow directly they restore , the nat•:r tl JUDO 0' ii •.•; stem, and with it the buoyant tooling ou 1. -• 1 1 4001. What is true and so apparent iv dile iris ' ..1 complaint. Is also true to many. 0. 41e...teep-sostud And mogorous distem pers. fbe sae purgative slier expels them. Caused by' similar *m obstrumbitr- ati: derangements ol the natural !onetime , . 95. .the. bogy, rhny , are rapidly, and Wetly ol teem by the ante Minos. None Who knew the virteer•ot these neglect to employ hem whim mitering Iron, the al orders they cure. 'Statements tient iead,t - I , physicians In some ol the principal cities, and iron other welt known public fer 4:1011. From k Forwarding bleecnaut Si. Louie, Pee 4. MA. Tim : Your Villa are th paragon of ail that IC great l u medicine. They have my little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her Mau eland Met that had proved incural.lc for years. Her m alter has be w tow arievionsly aflicted with biotche- and pimples o uer skin and iu her hair. After efly child was curd. also tr ur Pills, and they have cured her ABA MußGlgiill k. Ali • Persia ilrom Dr. K. W. earth right, New oricAns Your rills are the pn.ce el purges. Cheer excelleu t qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are mild, but very certain and utlectind in their actin. on the bowels, which mate them invaluable to na in We daily roatMeM 01 disease HILADACIe, 'ICS LALUGHI, FOUL STONACII I lerum IR. St ward Lloyd, Baltimore. DEAN lieu. area 1 minuet answer you wear com plaints I have cuR with your Pills better than to nay all Veal we ever OW italh a purgative medic me. I place great dependence on an Whim dittiaruc In My daily contest with disease, A.pi nelleVing as I do that your Pills milord us the h.,at we nave, +.Ol coarse value them highly. Pirreshati, Ps., May 1, ISM. Da. J. C. a : I h.ve been repeatedly cored ol ne worst Seado.che anybody can bane, by a dose or two your Pills. somas to arise from, a tool stomach, which they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, Ell. W. PENDIA, ClCl is of Steamer Clarion. Simms Dteoanwit,.—i •as COMPLAINTS. iirroao Dr. Theodore Hell New 'York City.] Not only are your rills :ably adapted to thrir purpose aa an aperteut, but 1 ,u,t Mar buneUciai odects Mien the liter very marked a need. :hey IlsY in my practice prayed more ellactuat -or the core Ikltoue 00MplIttOta than auy one remedy l can nieution. I eau sorely ropes that wo have at length a purgative which Le worthy Use confidence ul the profession and the people. DePArtuser or THE Ismhos, fiVa4hlhgtun, D 7th kely. 1850. j Sir : t have used your Vol. In my general Igto 00q1OLei, practioe ever mow you oade them, and CILLIMA cinema° -to say they aro thu Dem uaili..rtie we employ. !trt re gulating atnieu. o u the I ver r . 1 . A A and decided voise quealy they are as .1.0111. 'to. r."nedy for doraugement of that organ. )1-.134.1 1 o-11_ ,Idotu loutt.i a ca,e of Moms Disealte au ohs; to t. n did out r..adily yield to them. Fraternally y A 114.141 ' A. U•,U•,ttu., Eu,lio • We Marine Llosplial 1./Tosstrai Wmiak. 'From Hr. J. ts. ifrueu. of (lumag‘ .1 Your t illsh ve inul a +mg umy pr and nold Wein in aninlin an we el toe ae.i. 'V.:rents I have ever mune item alterative oduu, even We fiver mates them en usuelleni remedy, wheo mai, doses !or Stems Dysentery' and oforrboas. radii .ugar-Cocinuc dinken Went very aoosptablo and ueuventeut for the use of *omen and children. • inericreu t isPininv OF ins BLOOD. Kev. J. V. thmas, Prater Advent. Church, Boman Dr. Alla : t nave natal your eilis with extraordinary eacceas in my Mindy and :mom; tease I am called to visit in distress. ro regulate .he ,uguns of digestiou and pia ritV the blood, ..14: are the very best remedy l have ever known, au i i can conildeutly recommend them to my 'fiends. Velma, .1 V. fi1.511.5. W.uttlA yutu. , tg Ou., N. Y., Oct. 'A, 1856 Data Ste: ttil utin4 year sbunartic t•tils in my pratice, auditu . turn all oXdolteut purgative to cleanse the system and ow-air the ibunnsint a 1 the blood. JOHN G. hisecuAg, it. It. 00/14TIPATJUN at,f.VCAL:L.II, AuTicataios, RAZOLIATISM GOUT, NaaawlwA. DailPaT, PARALYBIB, llria , LTO. [From Dr..l. Y. Vaughn, Montreal, Lamina.] Coo much cannot be said of your Pills for the care 01 00.stiveaea3. 11 bibersvot your trateruity nave loped Meta as efficacious as t have, they .houid loin me in pro claiming .1 for the lament the mulutuites who goner _Winn that complaint, 'stitch, although had enotutt in b een, is the progenitor of others that are worse. 1 bellve Costiveness hi originate in the ever, but your Pats itire,,t that organ and cure the dleeaae. lFront Mrs. h. Stuart, Physician and ithlwite, Boston. j I and one Or tail large dosed 01 your Pas, tattoo at UM proper time. are excsitont promo:hives 01 um Natural ourinius via to we lily or p•rttwly suppressed, sad also ery :mato a ..#oimadtas the NUMACIII end *zest Noy aro so 113413111 the best ptiydic We have that einim • mend no outer to my patients. rum the Key . Dr. Haintes,Ot the Methodist r:y....."0.1 Churoli. rournalocrat. davanuan, 3a. , Jae. tt, HOMO= 61 . 11 t MIUUId ua etignitedui lur thu robe! Pour skill has Drumlin mu at I ill dot report my case to rte. A.C2014 settled in my limo Oa ore...iglu oa eicerti claUui Netindip Palus , grnio.. cu4ol Ih VA:memo [Mee. =Mere. Notaitlastaudies 1 cad toe bon of physicians, the disease drew ...nd ',farad, until by the advice of your excellent agent iu Baltimore, Dr. Makanzle, tried ycur Pills. Their edema were slow bin sure. H pereevet ne In the 118801 ilium, I am now enured, well. &MAI. CoAreast, eaton atOur,O., Dee. Dv.. AT= : 1 cave uaua entirety cured by yallr eu of Rheumatic Goat— ..heal diaeade that bail attficted me ter Yoxrs. VINIANT SLIDGIL. • 441•Iittatt el We Pula le martet contain ilereury, , which, although a valuatile reatudy m haada, all clangorous tu A public pill, 'rem t h e dreadful cousequeu cee teal irequently whoa Ltd tuctutieun use. name Contain no meroury or mineral aubetance whatever. Price 2b cents per box, or 1. boxes for Prepared by DA. J. C. AY.1311. s U)., Lowell &ass. :old by U. A. Bannvart, U. K. Keller, B. W. Gnaw & .34).,J. ALLIS& hlothaad & lb., drdistreu, Liwrrisbarg. sod dealers everywhere. aplri,dalaw I.)A VID ELAYNM, 110 MARKET, ST.. HARRISBURG, Agent for E'S PATENT Wrought and Chilled try.. e ha Burglar Proof MALL. • al, get. Strictly the uNl.lf blercanut• _144. made, dud is both re and Burglar Proof. marthl city CANDLLSI PARAFFIN E CANDLES, SPERM CANDLES, ADAMANTINE CANDLES, sTR A RINE CANDLES, STAR CANDI.P.S, CHEMICAL Si' WHISI L:ANDU§3, • TALLOW CANDLES. ,arge lot of tut above in et-re and for sate at the low oat prtoo6 b W us. JR. & opposite the Court House. _ A VERY HEAVY STOOK OF BLACK ANI) SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JUST OPENED. At Prices betow the Goat 0/ importation. CALL AT cATaciurrls, malB Neat door :Ls the Harrisburg Baia. FARMER'S HOTEL. THE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public that be has taken the FA RM. givs HOTEL, in Market street opposite the Post CHI en, formerly J. Mai" Where tie Is prepared to abeam mo dals them on reasonable terms. llamas refitted and furnished the House entirely now, be hopes by strict at - tentlea to business, to receive a. liberal share of patron fapelkodl age E. O..Pit'ORKE. rilHL= BOLD] ER'B BOOK, M:Kitinert, "Oar Ossertunenk" as exposition at the COngliitS. AikOß o the United States, explaining the aware and spu d:ad of Our gavernment, TOM aatthentie imam, Prim hl 00. For sale at IRO BIRONICIVELSTORB filistetantous LADIES' WINE, SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, CELEBRATED for its medical and bone tip ial qua'iti-s as a genwne Et imidant, Tonle, it retie and Foir.r.tic, ezteemed by eminent physt clans, and some of the first famines in Europe an' America. SPEER'S SA111:BIICI WINE is not a mixture or manufactured article, but Is aura, from cultivated Portuial Elder, recommended oy Onem ists and Physicians as possevsing medical proderties all perior to any other Wines in use, and an excel' in. arti cle for all weak and debilitated Persons, and the aged and infirm, Improving the appetite, and benefiting ladie and children. _ _ _ A LADIES' WINE, bemir-e it will not Intoxicate as other wines, as it con. tai no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and is a.t. mired it- its rich pezul•ar flavor and natritive properties, imparting a heathy tone to the digettive organs, and a ,bloomiug, sett and healthy st.in and complexion. None genuine unless the signature of ALFRED SPEER, Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of etch bottle, MAKE ONE TRIAL OF %Ins WINE. A. &TAB' ~ Proprietor. Passaic, N. J. Ofil:e 208 Broadway, New Task. J. H. EATON. Agent, Philadelphia. For sale by 13 W. Oran, tit 00., O. k. Keller, John Wyeth and by drseglite generally .171-dawly. Great Cure. DR. LELLAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR • Itherunatism, Gout, and Neuralgia AND A SUR& CURE FOR All Mercurial Diseases. It is a couveniently arranged Band, containing a mia.s; Ceded compound, to be worn around the Waist, wlthont injury to the most delicate persons, no change in habits of living is required, and it entirely removes the disea&o from the system, without producing the injurious awe arising from the use of pow..rlo: internal medicines which weaken and destroy the ',limitation, and give temporary relief only. By this treatment, the medical properties contained in the Baud, come in Contact with the blood and reaches the disease, through the pores of the skin, effectiug in every inStaudo x perfeCt cure, and restore he parte afflicted to a healthy condition. ' This Band is also a most powerful Ana-itesOustat. agent, and will entirely relieve the system from the paysfeffist at. facts of Mercury. Moderate cases are cured to a few days, and we are constantly receiving testimonials of its efficacy in aggravated cases of long standing. Yaws S.OO, to bo bad of Droop/as generally, or can be sent by mail or express, with fail directions for use, to any part of the country, direct from the Principal office, No. 400 BROADWAY, New York. G. SMITH' & CO., Sole Proprietors. N. 8.-11;scriptive Circulars Sent Free. Ts WAN(' ED EV/. turtnuat.E..E. SOMETHING FOR THE TINES I I I A Necessity in Every Household 11 JOHNS & CROSLET'S American Cement Glue The Strongest Glue In the World FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, FOR CILAIN, ALABASTER, BONE, CORAL, &e., &c., &c. The only article of the kind ever produced which will withstand Water. EXTRACTS , "kvery housekeeper should hay, a rui lly of Alms & Croaky'. American Cement Glue."—N Y. .rwsa. is so carivenlent to have m hense”—N„ Ar„ Brsassa. "It is always ready ; linseommenda Mowery body."' N. Y. Ixosessmin. "We have tried it, and find has useful in oar h o ue as water."—Witioes Simla or no Taal& Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to. Wholesale Dealers. TERMS Oahli. fr . For sale by all Druggists and Storekeep ers generally throughout the country. JOHNS & OROSLEY, (Sole Manufactures,) 78 ~WILLIAII Strum, (Corner of LibertyStreit,) Naar YORK. Jy3-dly FASHIONABLE OLOtIONG. SPRING AND Kama STYLES 18 6 1 PHILADELPHIA FASMON& GRANVILLE . STOKES' ONE PRICE GIFT 0 1 , 0THINGEMPORIUM No. 607 CIIRSTNV7 STILEEL A superb stock or fine French, NogFish And American MATHS. CASSIbiEREB, and -VESTINGB, Nor City and Country trade, with an unapproachable 4ortment of READY pins CLoritiso at the lowest resah prices air-But ONE PRICB Is &eked, and a GIFT of agrineto worth and use presented with ea& article sold. _PartltAtiar attention paid to the Customer depart] . seni, and garments made and sent to ordertoy address. - In inaugaratinz this new system of doing .bamiseas, GRANVILLE ..4ICKS TO .would impress on the minds of the patrons of his estahlifaltmeet, that the tort of the.gift is deducted from, and Nor added to the price of the arti cle 801 d. His unmensely increasing sales enabling Min to act thus liberally, and at the tame time to realize g remunerative profit. An articles guaranteed to gtie entire sattrilictkin GRANVILLE, STOKES' ONE PRICECLOTHING EMPORIUM 607 CHBOTNUT STRUT octl9-6md—rdmar6-dif SIGN OF THE Glorious Star Sumoled Banter! N OTILER SUPPLY OF WALL P Bolunats, &c., SPLENDID vinaoltr 111111103, to which we mill the, attention, of ate Crianitf, ;ad - eoritiany invite dim W examine our gQ0413 Rtitl pride. • We are deterinioed m alll cheap; mind:the plane. 8071gedit!S BOOKSTO,ILA ' -Y Aietbit'ltirrieburit Bri d ge. : AUGUs:IINi, , CARIFENTEas. AND - Fat. R.,:ence No. 2i loth&emu, 4111$0, N. B—JOBBINU AriI:NOEL) TO chug of grand & (Zransportatiott N ortheru Central Rail \; d, t 1!0‘ it - 47 , NOTICE, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. • VERO TRAM DAILY 70 ANII pR, iv () N AND as AFTER SUNDAY thy Psengrr trains of an way sill leave Harrisburg and Ital,lts GOING SOUTH, MAIL TRAIN will leave 13arrisbur e nT„ 4 „ IMPRESS a • • • 1111 RABBI; BURG ACCOMMODATION..... lr so RETURNING MA" ''a Ala '.rat•v Beilumore gaaltk-NS TRAIN • HARRISBURG A frOMMODATII 001 ac; NORTH MAIL TRAM leases Uarrisburg at XXPREB It The only train leaving Harrisburg on the Express, South, at 3.00 A. M., sad at 4.88 F. M. For further informatloo apply al 'b ,wft Etailread Depot A. C. kitt , I, 'llobrit, May 20, Nitiv Am LINE, llorn, THREE TRAINS DAILY TO N DIRK TWO TRAINS DAILY Tu PHILADELPHI WITHOUT CHANGE OF CAES c)N AND AFTER MONDAY. JUNE 1861 the Passenger Tramei will le ,v, y. p a /111.1 Reading Railroad Depot. at li ,r, i ,•• - ; 'fork and Phlladelpltda, as followa, viz EASTWARD. =PRIOR LINE leaves Harrisburg It rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Exprit.i.l TrAn West, arriving In NeW York at 4 p in A ill attached to the train through iron s 1 11 M1 1., TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 s New York ate p. m, and Pbo adeipb. I _ FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at LAO p ni . of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast nail, ern e,:; York at 9.46 p. m., and Philadelphia at ti 4 p WESTWARD. AVAST LLNRltatves NOW York at dim, phis at 8 a. arriving at Harriiibure it TRAIN leaves New York at I'2 00 adelphia at 8. 15 p. m., arriving at NIPRASE LINE leaves New York at s stag at Harrisburg at 2.30 a. m., and conne.in L, Pennsylvania Express Train for PittiAliurz A car Is also attached to tuts wain . Connections are made at Harrisburg e- Penneylrinia, Northern Central and Om Railroads, and at Reading for Pladisieli Wilksabarre, Allentown, Easton. he. Baggage checked through. Far, ti 1.... • and Harrisburg, INS 00; between u • i delphla, 903 261 n No. I care, and F. 7. , L a , For tickets 'or other Intermit: ,a J J. CLA bE Gent.t.l rr CM PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD EMI SUMMER TIME TABLE FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO ANC FROM PHILADELPHIA ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10th, 161,1 Chi passenger trains or the Penurylvanitt piny Will depart from and arnve a kharisnri Philadelphia am follows EASTWARD FAST LINE Immo Harrisburg every tuvrE. ,, .4 Monday) as 1.15 a. ok., and trrives is.lo a. m. WREN TRAIN leaves Harel.t.LrA it ea) a, m., and arrives at Weal rbilaitivn.. , . P. m. ASA.% . TRAIN kisses Harrisburg daily(rap: dar) at 6.16 n in. sad arrives .it WesL 29.16 p. m. - Theme Maim make elate COMDection &L Prott..l,lE Ile Jim York,Unea. '4OOOALMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, c e _ luslreillrarrisburg at 7.00 a. m., and .rnv . Malelphla at 3280 woo. HAHRISBUSG ACCOHMODenoN RAIS, '- Ma, leaves Harrisburg at 1.10 p. m., Lnd Philadelphia at 8 25 p. m. • • AODOWNODATION TRAIN, Na. 2, ru, leans Harrbiburi at 6.15 p. m., villa with MAIL TRAIN, and arrives at t 4 e 3; . phis m. WESTWARIJ. TEIROUOR IMPRESS TRAIN lalvei 10.20 p. m., Harrisburg at 2.35 a. m., a ' ' " m., mid metres at Pittsburg at 12.uJ TRAM leaves Philaßelphat .c ; burg 100 D. nt., Altoona, 8.50 p. in., %n'• ''-- burg at 1100 midnight. FAST .LINS kayos Pbtladelptli At 11 - burg 3.85 D. in., Altoona 8.10 ~.. m., a 4: burg at 12,80 t. m. IiAItRI3BLRG ACCOMMODATION Tr delphia at 2.30 p. m., Lancaster 0 er, 6.4 b p. and arrives at Harrisburg 31. train matelots at Harrisburg, at, 8 85 P . ern Central Railroad Train for Sueb-r Lock Haven, Scranton and all pants ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves PT, - rp. in., Lancaster 7.60 p. m., Mount Joy • bethtown, 8.37 p. in. and arrives a; 9.80 p. in. Attentlen Is called to the fact, that PhDadelpbil. at 4.00 p. at., connect at LA ' 110ITAT JOY ACCOMMODAI TRAIS, " Harriabog at 9.30 p. SABCF.I. atipt. But, ins - . Ft 4L Rau-labor& June 7, 1861.—thf JUST REGEJvEn ANOTHER LOT Ur THOSE • , • EXTRA FINE POIIVI ED GOLD PENS OF_ NEWTON'S (formerly bazier",l liseture, warranted to be the bail mat , r: theliaool Pointed, most durable and as cnaq fl =vire; for sale , with a variety of d nn Cam of various slam sadipriss et BONER'S CHEAP 0001010!... etrq4 PH.O TO GRAPH Y' In all its Branches , Bxecatedla the beet style Mown in the art, at CMIB-OS GALLERY, 682 1146 .red, Nest of Siallt, Stan. LIFE MEAN-OIL AND PASTIL. A ''I3IIIMBOOPIC PORTRAITS, cal "Lb":447".' Daguerreotypes nor Clone, .1 eovl4 ail Um. Rings, trA. Ir. p 1 • 11., p ,I 511 MI I'M