THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLIKTED Mit DAY, 13Nr GEORGE BERGNER; TERSlS.,—Siscur 8 M0R17110 ,11 . The DAILY THLVGR 4PH is ROPPOd to subscribers la the City at SU cents per week Yearly subscribers Will be charged WEEKLY AND SIGH•WIENLY TELEGRAPH, The TEM:SAPS LS pUbll4lO ,l, twice a week during the seioa or the Legislature, and wee'ily duriag the remainder or the year, and furbished to subscribers at tile following rates, cis: Slagle subscribers per year- • • Seven Ten LAW OF Nt!IITSPAPER S . it 81169Cribers order the discontinuance of their nein. paiperS, the publisher may continuo to send them until arrearagies are paid. vll it subscribers neglect er refuse to take their tiewspa ,i, f re rom the office to which they aro directed, they are rokosible Until they have settled the bilis and orde ed lie n, dtuoutuueit. D, W. Gross S,Z Oro., - - _ • D W. GROSSM CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BRIJ GGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET 11,41?RIBBURG, PEIN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE KEEPERS AND 'CONSUMERS, We, are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, suds would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS dr PAINTS, lllls, varnishes and Glues, DyeAtuffa, Glaas and Putty, Artist Colors and Tools, Pure Ground Spleen, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine Oils, Bottles, Vials and Laeop Globes, Castile. Soap, Sponges and Corks, ifie., &a., &e., 6cc , dr,o., ow., Am With a general variety of PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Per Lamers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers In PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, We respectfully invite a call, feeling, confi dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH{ TEETH!! JONES AND WHITES'S PORCIELARI TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors Saponifier and Concentrated Lye Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low as it can be purchased in the cities !MAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS, COAL OIL! CARBON OIL I I Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can offer inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, ose of you who have not given our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know not Hier superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in g )od condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing qnamity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long ex perience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we can in a very short time famish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, tá merit a continuance of the a discrim noting public, . . " * cb ›,: 74 I , ,44 IN tititsDit ki-ritiotaP $2 00 12 00 15 00 vol, XV 14{. JoniNsws 11345kIJOM.IlltECI3E1.1E1 LOCK HOSPITAL. HAli discovered !he roost certain , speed , and effectual remedy in the world for OISEASM OF IMPRUDENCE 1111.110 IN OLT TO TWOLVI HMSO No Mercury or Noxious Drugs Sar - A CORI WARRANTED, OR NO CHARON, IN nor us, I Wtaknees of the Back or Limbs, disleterea, Palen a the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Madder, Organs Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physic Poa era, Dyspepsia, tongnor, LowSpirita, Confusion o; leak, reit tuition of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimmer of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affection' of the Head, Throat, NC/313 or Skin—those terrible dh,or dere arising from the Indiscretion or Solitary Habits ei Youth—those dreadful and destructive practises which produce constitutional debility, render marriage impoe sible, and destroy both body and mind. Young men especially who have become the victims., editary Vico, that dreadful and destructive habit Curt annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant tutel led, who might otherwise have entranced lisianin Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ec tasy the living lyre, may call wit h full confidence. altarlecipersons, or those contemplating marriage, be log aware,of physical weakness, should Immediately coo stilt Dr. J. and be restored to whey:lean. ORGANIQ %TAME halitetrialely mrreirdektfult eigetr„mstored. He who places himself under the cart Of Dr. J. w religiously confide in his honor as &gentleman, and eon. fidently rely upon his skill as a phytolan. Ara-Oifice No, T South Froderkk street, Dalliance, Md., on the left band side going from Baltimore street, doors from the corner. BB particular In observing the same or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par Bottler for Ignorant, rrifting *win, with false names, or Paltry Humbug Certjficates, attracted by the repute don of Dr. Johnson, lurk near. All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, tonne on tin reply. . . Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Burgeou., London, graduate from one or the meet eminent College. of the United State, and the greatest part of whose lilt has been spent in the Hospitals of Loudon, Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most as tonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing In the ears and head when asleep, great eer• volumene, being alarmed at sudden sound s, bashruleme, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derail g c meet of mind wore cured immediately, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. ...dresses all those who having injured them Selves and inirroper indulgenclos, that seer,' sad solitary which ruins both body and mini, an dtting them for either bliftinessor society. Thee, are some of the sad and melancholy 0.1 is pri dtmea by early habits of youth, via: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, rains to the Read, Dimness of igb', Leas or Musentar Power, Palpitation of the Haan, Dyr peps's, Nervous irritability Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Coosump non, dfn. . . MIXTALLT, the !barrel effects on the mind are moon to be dreaded :—lpse of Memory, Confusion AM Ideas, De pression of.apirite, SyU Forebodings, Aversion toofecee ty, Belt-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, age., are soot, of the evil dhoti. Thousands of persona of al/ aged, can now Judge what ut the cause of their decline in health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emulated, have a singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and eymp• me of consumption. YOUNG NMI who have Injured theonlielves by a certain practice, In Jutted In when alone—a habit frequently learned from Jompanions, or at sehool, the effects of which are sightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cored; renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and hod'', should apply Immediately, What a pity that a young man, the hope of roue. try, the darling of Itin manta, should be snatched from, all prospects and enjoyments o f tuft by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in certain secret habit. Su lb persona must, before miters plating street that a sound mind and body are the moat necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life beeomes a weary pilgrimage the prospect hourly darkens to the view; Um mind bottoms shadowed with Memoir, and lined with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another comes blighted with oar own DR. JORNSONII INVIdoRATiNO Milli= FOR oR: Matllnrl.l By this great and important remedy, Weakness of the ( nine are speedily oared, and MU vigor restored. rhoMands of the most nervous and debilitated wha bad lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. All impedinumis to Marriage, Physical or Mental (Sawmill!. Atkin, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion or the most fearful kind, speedily owed. 11) STRANG/11113. The many thousands cured at this Inatlutlon within the 04 7 last twelve years, and the numerous Important Sur al operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the a porters of the papers, and many other persons, cud of which have appeared again and again before We public, besides his etandisp as a peretkutan of character and re• spostilitsly, is a min:dent guarantee to the afflicted. task* •os OF 111PRUDENOE.—When the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful due-m., it tee often happens that an illtimed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who o,n 7m education and re• spectability can alone befriend delaying till the eon • Windom! symptoms of this horri disease make tutu? appearance, affecting the head, throat, nese, skin, min i progressing on with Ilightftti rapidity, ull death puts a to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to "test period to from whence so traveler returns . ' It Is a mei tncholy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible demean, owing to the unskilfulness of Ignorant pretend ers, who, by the use of that deadly pause, mercury, mil the constitution and make the residue suite miserable. To tles.imass.—The Doctor's Diplomas Mum In Ms aka. yorLeuere must ambito a Stamp to me on the reply ifiritemedlee seat by Malt IlfirNo. T Booth Frederic& street, Baltimore. aprlB dawly FOR RENT.—The large brink dwelling house now occupied by David Mumma Jr. Esq., on Third street near Market, with an office suitable for an attorney. Possession given drat of October next. En quire at the Prothonotary's office. Wm. itirramu.. Mei-def. FOR SALE.—One of the best business stands in the city on reasonable terms, or leased for three or five years situated m Market street between Fourth and Filth. Muslin* on the premises of .1) 9412 m DeN.T.II,I LIZEDY. FOR SALE! ABUILDING LOT, situate in West Har risburg, fronting on Bro.letrout 20 feet, and run ning back 161 feet, more or less, to s2O foot alley, ad• lowing on ono side the property of Mr. illumPasUne, For partiottlara enquire of "'KIM:RICK seasersk• socmmre. may 8, l&il. my 9 CRAB CIDER! I I—Strietly pure, spark Ong and avreei , --bila received a alver Medal or Di p le b y at every EWA agricultural bar Mote 18b6.. For a iell-d WM. DOCK & FOR BALE. pROM One to Five Hundred Dollarsworth or CITY BON Enquire of 0 zlldlikißMAN, "41. 9 ittoolhgeoond ,that. IMPORTt Just OLOvectllG I§AtriSAGE.A. y6 WM.:OO r IE Mils - `INDEPE.NDENT IN ALL THINGS--NEUTRAL IN NON E HARRISBURG, PA.. SATURDAY - AFTERNOON, AUGUST 24, 1861 intbitat TWO DAll3.'"E$ YOUNG KEN MARRIAGE DR. JOHNSTON MENTALLY .u►IUUAGI, Itlizallantons PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND 'LOOD RENOVATOR. i.:4 0, 5 its name indicates, for while pleas ant to the taste, it is revivifying, exhilarating and strengthening to the vital powers. It also revtvifiet, re •, inkataa and renews the olood in all its ori, lasi purity and thus restoretond renders the semen to shanks of dist:tse It la the only preparation ever . offered to the world in a popular tom to as to be within the reach of all. . . . So culmically and skillfully combined, as to the most potteritil tonic, end yet so perfectly adapted no as TO ACT LY PIRFcCT ACCORDANCs WWII TEM LAWS OF NATURE, AND ROCS Moms sea witansar Walk= and tone up Nye ui geslive myna and allay al nuridall irritallell. It to also perfectly ex miarittng in It effects, and yet It is never followed by lessude r deprmelon of spirits M Com posed entirely of vegetables, and those thoreugly coat, bluing powerful tonic and soothing properties, and con. quebtly can never Inlure. As a sure preventive and cure of CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, INDIGESTION, DYE PEMIA, LOSS OF APPETIT.% FAINTNESS, NER VOUS IRRITABILITY, NEURALGIA, FALPITA-. CON OF THE HEAR r, MELANCHOLY, HYPO- CHONDRIA, NIGHT SWEATS, LANGUOR, GIDDIOESS, AND ALL THAT OLAI-8 CASM SO FEARFULLY I"AT&L QALL FEMALE WEAKNEsS, Arii. IRREGULARITIES pmatoteksufannwt:svm..srmfia Also, L .1, 4 ,r; Der smite or Torpidity, and Liver oem. plaints. Dr e Kidney, or any general derange. went IT the Urinary organs 11 will not only care the debility foil )wing CHILI. 3 and FEVER, but all prevent attacks arising from illasmatio influences, and cure the diseases at once, if already at: lacked. Travelers should have a bottle with them, u it will infallibly preveir deleterious COLIBCIOIOIICOi follow; ing upon °bang° !mate acid water. As It prevents tiYensas, strengthens the digestive organs, it should WIT the hands of all persods of Baden. tary habits, 'f!'•• . . Ladies not acondliMed to much out-door exercise ehould alwaye use it Mothers should nse It, far it is a perfect relief, taken A month or two before the final slat, she will pass the dreadful period with p,rfect ease and safety. MOM 18 NO JIIIIMIES £BJUT It. THE OORD*AL IS ALL WE CLAIM FOB IT I I I Mothers Vey It I .„„ And to you We appeal; to detect the Mutest Or dentine not only of your duugters before kbe too tato, but also your sons aid husbands, for while the former from false delicacy, often go down to a prom ituro grave, rattier thin let their condition be known In time, the latter are often so mixed up witu the excitement of business, that if it were not for you, they too, wo,ild travel iD the rave downward path, until it is too,htte to arrest their fatal fall. But the mother Is alWays vigiiant, and to you we confidently appeal ; for we are sure your newer -falling affection will unerringly point you to PROF. WOOD% RWTORATIVD 001tDiaL AND BLOOD RICSuPeT'JR the remedy which should always be on hand in time of need. u. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, 14. Louis, Mo., and sold by all good Price One 1 o fart or:Bottle. jyB-claw-cow ~; 1~ .. ` E MRS.. WINSLOW, a. ost...funned Nune'and Ffunalef %pilau; presents to %he atiemilon or mothers h... , SOOTHING 8 YRUP, For Children . Teething r winch greatly facilitates the of by stet aping *ls aunia,redgeing allln9sm tion—ivlll lay All PAIN, and spasmodic aalion,and Is . SURE TO BEGOLATBJHB 130WKLE. Lapsed upon It, mothers, tt wallies. net to - yourseteso AND, Raw AND MUM IN) TOMS INFANTA We have put op and sold thla article for aver tea, years, end nay /AT, of coormmtos Atm inirrn; 'What' ere have never been able to my of Stay Mheeniectionat •Njetlat IT HAS ratuw, IN AHINOIdI VEITANIX 0 NrlrteCT . A CORE, when timely used, Nemee 41, d : Owe an instance of ddhutitafeetion by amy one, newt It.` tin the eentrary,' all ere delighted with 'Neter" "terns Rona, end epeak In Le of highest oonunanda let its Oltiglra I • effects end medical wirtuak,Wwepeakith OM mutter "we4he we DO arrow ,; der tetylware• expo na fleece, min ' twine. one nernie won rat, Ml or wa rn WI 'ansut DDCILbti. • Ihr Minna bwer•S whey the talbAt Is mdtbringtrote Palo and Game lief will be found to Mean or twenty !abides , nit? i amp is administered , This valuable preparadoo Ii th i t i Mr , tpliet . of eke ot the moat SIP :MOWED end B la New England, and by been need whin wieves " Moms to , , ___ . ..: t ' THOUSANDBOF tiANN It not only relieves the child frmn Fein,' but my* orates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, she we e tonenstantly and ener relievegy to the whole systems. It will of t I GRIPING IN WS BOWELS, AND WIND. C 01.20,:, nd overcome oonvalsions, wide& If dot Olen& realm- Meal, end lo death. WO believe It thoumtwiliD it nanitin in WI wORLD, in all oases of IirdaNTIRY AND MARA.. Zit IN Ogfr.DBEN, !whether , It Mime trbso teethisji'or WWI any other cause. Wi3 MOUld' say: to every mother who has a child ernifewing . from any et the foregoing oontplaintet—rso. Not mew roue raxmonass, Nor au rampant,. or arm; ataad betweenlyp skp4 into muttering child and the rellel that will be S U A SOLUTILY DORS—to IbUow the nee of thli raedlolhe it timely wed. Full directional lbr ming will aooommyny each bottle. None genuine unless ! ou t side -in of COATIS I tittU.Ns,New York, is on th irapaer, Sold by uggisie throughout tbe'Werld , linotpal • nee, No. NI Cedar St., Netrifora. Price eniv 25 Cents tier:ik4ll••• ..- - For gale ,a Harrisburg by D. W. Groom 4.00., /to 19 Market stroet.„ J. Martha Luis, Mo. 25111farket Area; 0 H. Ito Dar, No. 91 Market stroot„bighnir Frmtb sad gi, or , . 1 MOos, 128 Make ! sing a owee -4.1. 1861. 3D OPENING 3D OPENING 186 L OF SUMMER DRESS GOODS MUST IMMMITIOS. The quality of the goods for the prlee will be an ltidnee meat to every one to ptwohase. ' The most deafrable goods of the season at a great atio. riga°. MOZAMBIQUES, GBISSALLfa sis VALENO - CREPE D' PANG, BEREGE ANGLAIS, BROCADE POPLINS, NEAPOLITANS. LAWNS and lAVELLAE are among the lie lIATHCAST h AMER. Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. - SKELETON SKIRTS; The largeetameekof the very Neat make to be found at GaTHCLET d, ext door to the ffeariebarg Bank. Parasols, San Umbrellas and Umbrellas Twenty-eve per cent lower than can be panthaused inewhere in the city. . CaTHOIRE 8 HitOTlgit. So. 14, kfarket. Squire, epee troxt to the Flarilabert /Mai. VMPTY 'BARRELB.--t-two, ,a u edie4 .1.2,401 row, SNOW aad Wine ,Banxilerof sir at. Senator Sherman on the Habeas Corpus Question Senator Sherman writes a letter to the Cin cinnati Gazettee, defining his position on the ha heas corpus question. He says : 7 Senator Wilson's resolution declared that 'the President's orders increasing the regular army and suspending the writ of habeas corpus were legal and valid ; in other words, were among the powers delegated to the President by the constitution. I never met any one who claimed that the President could, by a procla mation, increase the regular army. The legal power to suspend the writ of habeas corpus has been recently claimed for the President, but I am convinced that by the plain meaning of the Constitution, Congress alone must determine cases in which, the public safety requires its suspension. While I approved and justified the acts of the President I could not say with Senator Wilson that they Were strictly legal or within his delegated powers. There are times when our executive officer must anticipate the action of Congress, but in such a case he as sumes the hazard of a "Bill of Impeachment," or a "Bill of Idemnity." The President merely assumed this hazard, and in the vacancy of Congress wisely assumed a power not delegated to him by the Constitution. Re places - his own justification in his message on the ground of public necessity, and on this ground his acts have been approved, justified and legalized by Congress. Very truly yours, WHAT ma K. G. C.'s HAVE DoNE.—The Lou isville Terurnal says : In a stridknumber of the Clarksville Chroni cle of the 2d inst., we find a communication from King Bickley, Monarch of the knights of the Golden Circle, to the Kentucky volunteers. The King is dissatisfied with the conduct of Tennessee. the King is indignant—nay, al most wrathful. He rehearses the mighty things he has done. He says he has furnished nearly four thousand troops from Kentucky for the Confederate army, and he adds, 'I desire to have them held in a proper position.' He says 'the regiment furnished Col. Blanton DtgLos-.n was composed of my best friends ;' NNE. which it appears that Col. Duncan had nothing to de with raising whit he called his regiment, it being furnished to him by the King. He now tells the Kentucky volunteers that they have not been fairly used by the State of Tennessee, and that he is determined to post his friends in Kentucky upon the sub ject. We do not think it necessary to state the character and grievances of his Royal High ness. It is enough to give the conclusion he has arrived at. Ile says : could only refuse to proceed further and order my men home and disband them, which was promptly done, and now I beg to say to all Kentuckians intended for our service, that 1 shall take no steps *outside of the State except on the order of kreerdent Davis, or Secretary of War, L.' Pope Walker. I have impoverished myself in this cause, and yet only ask to be treated fairly. I have furnished to the South ern army over 3,800 men, who are now inactive service, and think I should have my men treat ed with at least ordinary kindness. We came not as strangers, but as friends, and demanded only good faith from our superiors in authority. We have not received it." . Now, is it possible that 3,800 men in the Confederate armies have been furnished by the head of the Knights of the Golden Circle." Tim Funnuouur READY TO Frown—The Bos ton Advertiser of yesterday says : "We were called upon yesterday by a. resident of Glouces ter, anxious to learn what stepsshould be taken to secure the acceptance of a fleet of fishing schooners with crews from Cape Ann, to be armed and sent to cruise against the privateers, and especially to look into the ; sham& North Carolina inlets. We are sorry not ttFbe able to give the desired information. The hardy fishermen are ready and eager for servielle.— They are perfect sailors, fearle-kt fighters; aetiive enterprising and brimfull of patriotism. The' ' 1 vessels are precisely what is wanted for the ser vice, and when the strength is not enough they cad make up a fleet sufficient for any enterprise. Glincester alone can blockade North Carolina etrectively, if the opportunity is given." Tan Emus atm A BALLOON.—We find the following in a Fortress Monroe letter :—A negro, who escaped from Sewall's Point, gives an amusing account of things there at the recent balloon ascension by La Mountain, when he hung in air directly over the rebel batteries and camps. They looked up to it with a profuse use of profanity, if Sambo is to be believed, and their rage amounted to a perfect frenzy. They thought seriously for a time of trying some of their longest rage rifles upon it, but finally con cluded that his altitude was so great that the at tempt would only result in a failure. Nothing else has occurred during the whole campaign which has so much enraged them. The balloon was let up, attached to a long rope from a steam tug in the river. CONDITION or Menassas.—Manassas is, on the whole, at present, one of the most stinking spots on the face of the globe. The only wretch ed hotel which was there has been closed.— What is called the guard house consists of an open shed in the street, where the prisoners are compelled to remain, exposed to the elements, until they are removed to Richmond. With the exception of Jeff. Davis, during his visit at Manassas, and `a _few of the Generals, the officers all have to sleep on the floor, and the head quarters of Beauregard, recently removed to Mr. Ware's house, resemble a dilapidated pig stye on a large scale. Mammas, however, will continue to be the great focus of the Virginian army. WAX= sr TEM WRONG Passenger.—A pur chaser of boots and' Shoes, from Lexington, Ky., who is new in Boston reports that in one store here, a doglifaced salesman, not knowing the strong Union sentiments of his customer, re marked that "he had rather be under the rule of Jeff. Davis than Abe Lincoln." This senti ment elicited a scorching rebuke from the Southern merchant, who left the establishment in disgust, saying he had fought disunionistsin Kentucky, and should not patronize them in Massachusetts.—Boston Transcript. Lamm Laurin RArr.—An immense raft of lumber has been floated down the lakes to the Welland Canal. It is waned at $63,000 at the Welland Caial, and at Quebec will be worth from $75 000 to $BO,OOO. It is 1,500 feet long by 66 - wide; and edlikrins 130,000 cubic feet of sqtare flintier: r is the Nokivafoifired pine; -and owned bylkEr. J. Cairraton,",of - Toronto.-- From Quebec it irk:to ohippol to. Livemxii. _ . BY TELRI '1 FROM T OUR MORNING EDITION, THE WAR IN MISSOURI, MOVEMENT OF THE REB ELS. OUTRAGES UPON UNION MEN Six Thousand Union Men Obliged to Abandon their Homes. Roma, Mb., Aug. 23. ~.Accounts from Springfield state that from 6,000 to 10,000 of hfcCalloch's army had left for the North. A small part of his force had reached Lebanon, on the Rolla road, and are engaged in making reprisals and committing depredations on the Union men. ' About 700 of the exiles from Springfield have joined Colonel Boyd's regiment. Not less than 6,000 Union men have been obliged to abandon their homes in the south-west, leaving their property at the mercy of the rebels. There is much distress among these people, large num bers paving neither money nor provisions. The baggage train of the Federal army which was brought from Springfield by Major Sturges is said to be wurth $1,600,000. The passage of the rebel army north will enable our forces when they move back to Springfield, to cut off its communication with an opportunity for retreat to Arkansas and thus completely enclose it in the western counties of Missouri. Jous Sinamerr." Seoession Reports from Virginia. LEE EEPOItTno TO HAVE 81,000 uk He Proposes to Whip Itosencrans The leiuling secessiunorgan here, the &change, has the following news :—" A gentleman lately arrived from western Virginia, brings the intel hgence that Gen. Lee was about eight miles north of Gauley bridge, with a force of 87,000 men, and that men were flocking to him. lie reports Gen. Wise as being eight miles off, with 9,000 men, and Gen. Loring as bells seven miles off, with about 8,000 men in another di rection. "Mr. Jenkins, members of Congress, is rais ing a brigade to join General Lee, and the southern feeling is getting stronger daily, as high up as Parkesburg. "Ilosenerans was at Clarkesburg on Monday last, and was very uneasy about his position". "At Martinsburg the Virginians were collect ing all the railroad material that could possibly be used, and transporting it to Strasburg." The Exchange also has the following : "A gentleman who arrived from Perryville (opposite Havre do Grace) yesterday, reports that fourteen hundred army wagons are con centrated athat point, and that preparations have been made by the teamsters and others accompanying them to wait further orders. The men art) taciturn and mysterious as to their destination." THE TRAGEDY AT SEA. STATEMENT OF THE CREW. The bark Czarina, Capt. Bengt, late Cape Dwyer, from Cronstadt, June 24th, has arrived. The crew made the following statement in re gard to the tragedy that occurred on board, of which mention was made yesterday:—" July 30th at 3 o'clock, a. m., the mate, namedCrot ter, killed Capt. Dwyer with a hatchet while the latter was asleep in his berth; Crotter then pro ceeded on deck and killed the second mate, Mr. Hammett, of Boston, with the same instrument and threw both of them overboard. The next day Crotter shot the carpenter from the end of the jib boom and he fell into the sea. He next shot a seamen dead on the deck and Milo wounded Alexis Trotopsy, a passenger in the shoulder. He then rigged out a boat with a mast, sail, provisions, etc., and attempted to Are the bark, intending to leave in his boat. But he was set upon by the crew and killed. Ne cause can be assigned for these horrible acts of Crotter. The crew say he was not crazy." George Miles, of Petersburg, Va., and John Garnett Guthrie, of Richmond, agents of to bacco houses, who had been to Baltimore and Philadelphia, and vrere in this city on a collect ing tour, and obtained about $170,000, were ar rested, and are now confined in Fort "Lafayette. The latter by order of Secretary Seward. The money received was principally in bonds, ac ceptances, sight drafts and Virginia paper mo ney. A large number of letters were found on them addressed to persons at the South. SEIZURE OF A VESSEL-SEE CLEW CON The schooner Sarah Ann Rowe, recently par_ chased by John Douglass Mirredlees, ,of Wil mington, N. C., 191 d. Arthur MU/ Consul as the. Wr p . extlikur, of .1.4 7 v0rpc40074 had been bearded end elciffeaiglliti7.49iiii, was seized as she was_ abortottfts fo.T Va. mingten• Her e!M:nill be P944ootfd-r NO 98 I=l BALTIMOILE, Aug. 23 BOSTON, Aug. 23 IMPORTANT ARRESTS. NEW Yoas., Aug. 23 FJ.SCA.TED NEW Youu, Aug. 23 ittam Ifistinic Having procured Steam Power Preeee3, we are prepar ed to execute JOB add WOK PRINTING of every qeserlp doa, cheaper then t can be done at any other eatablish meat In the country. RA 1 NS OF ADVERTIMG W lour lines or less constitute one•half square. Eight lines or more than roar consttute a square. Half square, one day one week one month .. .... .......... 1.4 three months 4t MX months 41 One year. ........... ....... One • Pquare, one day one week......... .......... 200 00 41 one month .360 three months 00 six months 10 00 one year ..... ......•..... .15 00 ar• Business notices inserted in the Local Column, or before Hart - Iva and Deaths, FIVN CatiTS PER I.INS for each insertion Sir Marriges and Deaths to be charged as rrgutar an vertisements Important from Washington RELEASE OF MR. BOTELER. I== A Check upon the Baltimore Semis- sion Papers Rebel Batteries of the Maryland Side. -.- THE BALTIMORE TRAITORS rMPORTANT ARR EST& AFFAARS IN WESTERN VIRGINIA WASHINGrox, Aug. 23 There is no news here of the passage of the Potomac by either our forces or those of the re bels, and in the present stage of water it does not seem probable that either will attempt to cross for a while. Mr. Boetler, of Virginia, recently arrested, has been released by order of General Banks. Colonel Baker is raising a brigade of rive thousand men. Washington is very quiet, and the Beatrre gard fever does not rage at all, as it lately did. It is beginning to be believed that General Beau regard is not the '`coming man." 'Poops are coming in steadily from the North. Gen. Hunter has su far recovered from his wound in the throat, received at Bull Bun, as to be able to take command of his brigade, consisting chiefly of Illinois troops. Gen. Heintzelman's wound in the right arm, hereto fore supposed to be nearly well, is giving him trouble, and inflamation is feared. The Baltimore papers are henceforth to be prevented nom publishing news which may Injure the government and promote the rebel lion. The Secessionists there are spending money freely to circulate arguments in favor of peace throughout the free States. Rich Baltimoreans are engaged in the business, The New York Day Book and News are support ed by these men. The report that the rebels have crossed the Potomac, and that Johnston is approaching, are simply sensation rumors, promulgated through the columns of sensation papers. The steamer Yankee came in, last evening, and reported that eleven steamers and four cut ters are at Acquia creek, and that everything is quiet there. The report that the rebels had erected bat teries on the Maryland side, below Acquia creek, is untrue. It is said that since last Saturday the leading rebels of Baltimore have been waiting up of nights to receive the rebel army, many fearing they would miss the sight If they went to sleep. It was only last night that they reluctantly c_ncluded the proposed coining had been post poned on account of the weather. Two passengers by the stage coach to Leon ardstown, were arrested yesterday, by order of General Porter. A close examination was Made of the passengers and baggage, and the result disclosed a quantity of correspondence designed for the rebels in Virginia. Much of it was writ ten in mysterious language, and none had the signatures of the writers attached. Intelligence from North-western Virginia states that filen. Bosecrans Is in need of 14,000 more men. It is feared the rebel point of at tack is Western Virginia. The rebels are re ported entrenching themselves at a distance of from fifteen to twenty miles, and with's force variously estimated at from nine to •twenty thousand. CAPTURE OF MORE REBEL PAPEIitS, Weautuu%au, Aug. 23 About fifty copies of the New York Journal of Commerce was seized by U. S. Marshal .Millward this morning, at the Adams' Express Office. The bundles of Daily New, consigned to the agents, &c., in the South, were again taken possession of. About two thousand copies of the latter sheet were taken to the Marshal's office. PURCHASE OF STEAM TUGS BY THE GOVERNMENT. Nsw YouK,•Aug. 23. The steam tug Ceres, at this port, and a new propellor at Norwich have been bought by the Government. ARRIVAL OF A CALIFORNIA STEAMER Naw You Aug. 23. The steamship North Star from. Aspiawall with the California treasure has arrived,. • City Property for Sale., ALARGE TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE and lot of gonad, pleamotly located On EWA 'St., Mulberry street and Washington 'Avenue, Also TWO LARGE PUNOS in good wanditioo,and of ez cellexa tone. Appiy to , C. 0. ZlMujoitito , No. 28, South tolcdoti street wHITE SU LP 8 UR SPRINGS 'HOTEL, CARLISLE, Oumberisn enmity, ils.,—The pro. printers take pleasure in announcing, that they ere now prepared to recriVe visitors Persons deshibg a healthy tastier' for the summer will lint this one of the mow de 11gbitulillatee In the country. The water of. Wale springs cannot be surpasesstfor thinking; battling trot inedicuial purposes. Per information and eltWoinen addreon Wit H. BURROUGHS, D. G. BURN E; Jen 2m ' • ICE rsvat u . *wad respectfully WO - I*We thieltust reisioe‘rialt Plumb. ing , and Brwith- troanabilitliaditbdUMMOl c t atb " 84 S i ct L ttiitisii ibbuifailliVii am %Ws secaries of It. - , spl.24lffl 6025 1 00 200 3 00 600 8 00 Proprictons