tTelcgrab+ HANNISI;IIBH, PA Friday Afternoon, August 23, 1661.1 COUF TY COMMITTEE. 9 1. coo, V I',.nintittee of the People's party , mitt at the oort lions° in Harrisburg, on Till oe,ly. In' du ay of August instant, at 1.1 o'clock p. In - P. WWI'S, Chairman (' Yot SG, Salutary. 11.011,1ffirg. Aug. 0, 1661 —There are now about thirty col 'woks of ol wavers in Camp Curtin, ready formed into regiments, and receive march- l't WEI'S onki• casposi D Chit f of Police Radabaugh is confined to his house by a severe attack (11 ihilatitatory Rheumatism. li:a11.110:1D A PPOLNTIMT. —TIIOIIIIIS A, Scott, Esq , late Superintendent of the military routes of the government, having been appointed As sistant Suervtary of War, E. F. Morley, Esq , late of the Allegheny Valley Railroad, has been selected to till his place. lie left last night for Washington City to assume his dutieS. 111111=E1 Coot) lituotoN —The Rev. Peter Cartwright, the Meth°.list plower preacher of the West, who our reader, will recollect delivered several leetitris in tld , city, s, no , time ago, in a recent leth.r to a 6.1140 v ri,nifier iu filhsouri, speaks his seothnents ie the fullon•iug intelligible and and pitriutic sontahls : ..! h o p• Gcneral Lyon will catch Tory Jack son, and hang him on the first tree he comes to. Union volt ought to arm themselves from head to heel, :Ind shoot down every traitor they come to If (id will have mercy on me, l would lather die than that this glorious government should 1,0 overthrown. If we must be destroyed I hope du , Lord will do it, nod not give us into the pe,mer of tories, If the Union men of Mis- Hn i need help to kill traitors, call on Illinois. we can sand you twenty thousand good men 3,1,1 true. Rivers of blood will flow, but this fleet must stand though the heavens fall." I=l titioch:lNG RAILROAD ACCIDENT.—A shocking t ident. occurred near Newport, on the Penn lrania Railroad the other night. It appears ti ~it a man, evidently a soldier, got on the keeper of one of the cars of the stock train, and taLing off in some way, an approaching train 011 the other track ran over him, killing him iastintly. His body lay upon the track for ~aue time, when another train came along, and lassing over it literally cut it in two. The re mains of the unfortunate man were subsequent ly boxed up and taken to Newport, where an ilaptest was held and a verdict of accidental Icatli rendered. Anviarrisixo RULE.— Barnum, who has ex i•ende,l as much money for newspaper advertis ing as any other man, and reaped as much pro fit dein that source, lays it down as a rule, in his vklebno«l hook on "The Art of Making Mency," lhat "the proper time to advertise ju diciously is f , hort otk rs dmPt. ' Barnum is mani (esti) right on that point, and we commend his tuft tome. latAriess men generally, who just now ,cent to think they can dispense with ad vertising. In these dull times, whatever trade dew is going, will surely fall into the hands of these who let the people know that they are alive. If you have anything to sell, advertise and acquaint the whole world with the fact. On the subject of continuous advertising, a French editor has remarked, that the first time a man sees an advertisannet in his newspaper he takes no notice of it ; the second time he looks at Ihe name; the third time he looks at the price ; the fourth time he reads it ; the fifth time he sp,aks of it to his wife ; the sixth time lie buys. THE AN [MASON ZOCAV ES.—Mis splendid regi ownt from New York city arrived here last evening in thirty -Otte cars over the Lebanon Valley _Railroad, en route to swell the grand army of the Union, and to defend that flag of America, which has been ruthlessly assailed by those who desire to overthrow the government. They are commanded by Col. J. Lafayette Ri ker, a gentleman of experience in military rs, and a better other could not be selected fur a military force. The Advance Guard are dressed in regular French 'Amave style loose red pantaloons, black jacket, trimmed with red, fez cap, am! armed with the Springfield musket, carrying by 1 1 1 their sides the heavy French sabre. The hal fume of the regiment are uniformed in black jacket, trimmed with red, light blue pants with white sttipes, leggings, and red fez with fatigue. '1 heir overcoats are of the United States regula tion. They number 1,04 d men. The following is a list of the officers : Colonel, J. Lafayette Biker : Lieutenant Col onel, Wm S. 'Tisdale ; Major, Oscar V. Dayton; Adjutoit, J. Norris McLean ; Quartermaster, J. J. Yates; Assistant Quartermaster, James A. Stevenson; Acting Surgeon, G. B. F. Simpson ; Assistant Surgeon, W. Wallace Bitilack; Colo nel's Secretary and Lieutenant, Geo. L. Elder ; Qtrittermaster s Sergeant, Samuel B. Rice. COMPANY A—Carilin, Anderson ; First Lieutenant, Joe -ph Knight; Second Lieutenant, Wm, Baker. COMPANY ll—Captain, Wilson Hubbell; First Lieutenant, John F. Bishle; Second Lieutenant, Geo. J. COMPANY ( 'ltptitill, Wm. Hathaway ; First Lieutenant, Wm. U. 1.108 , A; Second Lieutenant, Horace W. Pratt, COMPANY D—Captain, David I. Kevin ; First Lieutenant, Joseph Weeks; Second Lieutenant, Wm. Davies. COMPANY E— Captain, 91. L. Riggs; First Lieutenant, Jlll3. Magee; Sc.:on(' Lieutenant, L. S. Clarke. COMPANY IF—Captain, Geo. H. Mouser; First Lieutenant, Wm. Ackerman; Second Lieuten ant, Lewis Grimm. COMPANY G—Captain, A. V. Meeks; First Lieutenant, Edward Davis ; Second Lieutenant, Johns Spring. eumrANY ii—Captain, Jacob Duryee ; First Lieutenant, Wm. A. Boyd ; Second Lieutenant, J. F. Holmes. COMPANY K Captain, A. Johnson ; First Lieutenant 0. F. J. Lewis; Second Lieutenant, James Poole. /kat-mice Guard (French company)—Captain, ( lades C. Li Mita; First Lieutenant, Charles Baillet; Second Lieutenant, Geo. B. Beloti. the Lieutenant Charles R. Stirling is detailed to clearterteau3ter's department " ' JUDGE PEARSON ON THE NATIONAL CHURL In his charge to the grand jury on the opening of the Lebanon county Court this week, Judge Pearson, speaking on our present national con flict, and the laws relating to the duties of the citizens concerning the same, instructed them in substance as follows : You are well aware, gentlemen, that the gov ernment of the country is now engaged in a great struggle with rebellion. A very consid erable portion of the States of this Union have risen against the laws, endeavored to throw off their allegiance, and are now in open arms, with a view of subverting and destroying the Constitution and government of the United States. This is no mere party contest, such as has frequently agitated our country, to be ulti mately settled at the ballot box, but a great struggle for national existence, to be determin ed by force of arms alone. It is scarcely neces sary for me to remind a true and loyal people, like those of Lebanon county, of their duty as citizens in such a contest, and to say that they are bound by their allegiance and interest not only to do no act and utter no word or senti ment calculated to embarrass the government in its action, but to render all the assistance in their power to aid it in carrying on the war, so unjustly forced upon it. To levy war against the United States or adhere to the enemy in time of war, giving them aid and comfort, is high treason, but this crime can be tried only in the Federal courts.. Treason may also be committed against the State of Pennsylvania by the same acts or any endeavor to subvert and overturn the government? and over that of fence you and we have jurisdiction. But thb law to which I particularly wish to direct your attention as having a more practical bearing on the action of the people in the present exigency, was passed at the last session of the Legislature, and should be known and understood by all, lest any might transgress unwittingly. The act punishes with great severity the aiding or abet ting the enemy now at war with the United States, by joining their armies, or procuring any one so to do, or furnishing them any arti cle for their aid and comfort, carrying on a cor respondence with them, or giving them any in telligence whatever. It also prohibits under like penalty, every endeavor to dissuade per sons from entering the service of this State or of the United States or from joining any volun teer company or association, about being mus tered into service ; or being mustered into ser vice, to induce or endeavor to persuade them to abandon or withdraw from the same. EC Every resident of Pennsylvania, who is pro tected by its laws, must abstain from uttering, writing or printing anything with the view and purpose, or which may have the effect of pre venting others from entering the armies of the State or nation, or may blame others already entered to desert their colors and abandon the service. We all most highly prize the liberty of speech and freedom of the press, yet at a time like this, when great calamities may be impending over the nation, the rules of morali ty, our allegiance and duty alike require that we shall abstain from doing any act or uttering any word or sentiment calculated to show that our councils are divided, whereby the hand of the enemy is strengthened and that of the gov ernment weakened. and such act is well calcu lated to give aid and comfort to the enemy ; and writing, printing or advised speaking be fore the people against the action of the na tional government, directly tends to induce those in the service to leave it, and those about to enter to change their intentions. Persons violating these plain duties may readily bring themselves within the penalty of the law ; anti if the Grand Jury, or any one of them, know of this statute having been transgressed, it is your bounden duty to present the trangressors, so that they may receive punishment accord ing to their demerits. The Grand Jury, before its adjournment, adopted the following commendatory resolu tion Resolved, That the Grand Jury unanimously do approve of the suggestions and instructions contained in the charge of Judge Pearson on the subject of the duty and loyalty which the people owe to the instituted authorities of the State and the nation, and that we commend it, in its length and breadth, to our fellow citizens for their instruction and obedience. Resolved, That we thank Judge Pearson for so promptly and efficiently discharging his whole duty in the premises, and we earnestly invoke the cooperation of all our people, and civil authorities, in sustaining the cause of law and order, and by so doing maintain the integrity of the Republic, and the honor of the national flag. FOLIOS—BEFORE ME Msvou.--,Tom. Noland again paid his respects to his honor the Mayor. Tom has grown grey in the service of Captain Whisky, and seems to have enlisted for life. In consideration of his age, and a faithful promise to leave the city, he was discharged. A stout, burley looking "bould soger boy" went ing the uniform of the New York Anderson Zouave regiment, was arraigned charged with being drunk and disorderly. He had accident ly been left behind by his regiment which pass ed through here last evening, and concluded to put in time by putting in whisky. He evi dently didn't like the accommodations of the "lock-up," and impudently remarked that if he had known where he was going to, the of ficers wouldn't have put him in. "They couldn't put him in again, no sires." A word from the Mayor and the Zouave was conducted back to the lock-up as cool and calm as a Jersey cucumber. He will be held until he can be sent to join his regiment. Wm. Brown, a stranger, hailing from Carlisle, was up for drunkenness. Discharged on a promise to leave the city. Henry Davis, another "drunk," fined one dollar and costs, and discharged. Jno. Freezeler, a vagrant of twenty years or thereabouts, looking for all the world as if he was ready to fall to pieces, received marching orders to leave the city. Tea Tamarrms from the intense heat of last week, to the Autumn-like coolness of the last few days, has been too sudden to be agreeable or healthful. A week ago and we were swelt ering and panting beneath the penetrating rays of an August sun which, with a cloudless sky above, a parched earth beneath, and a heated atmosphere around, combined to render it even more insupportable. Now there is a striking contrast, the steady, penetrating, reviving, and grateful rains which fell during the early part of last week, have cooled the atmosphere, re vived the drooping vegetation, and animated the heart of the husbandman with fresh hopes fo r the welfare of the growing corn crop. The atmosphere begins to assume the peculiar hazi ness indicative of approaching Autumn, and the evenings a certain degree of chilliness rendering coal fires and winter clothing by no means un comfortable. Fon THE SEAT OP Wan.—An immense num: ber of cattle has passed through the city during the last week en route for the army at Wash agtOlL iptunsvinftnia IDa li -01etc9raph Afribap Mternoou august 23, 1861 , Mora MILITARY. —The first detachment of Col. Rowley's regiment of 'volunteers from Pittsburg arrived here last night. To Youso Nati rnowtus et:lmam. Gamest is over and the crisis of war is at hand. Now is the time to enlist. Government at this mo ment stands in greater need of troops than at any time heretofore. Those who intend to go to war should not stand upon the order of going, but go at once. Bur, Gams, a negro desperado, well known to the magistrates of our city, was arrested at the depot at noon today by officers Wickert and Cole, and conducted to prison. The officers have been on the look-out for Bill for a long time, but somehow or other he always manag ed to evade their vigilence. To day, however, they received reliable information that he had been ruralizing somewhere near llighspire, and that he would return to the city in the noon train of cars from the east. The officers were promptly on lipid at the depot, and when the train arrived Bill was arrested. He is charged with various crimes. Tn CANAIS. —We have information from bead quarters that the acquaduct of the Penn sylvania canal over Chiques creek, near Colum bia, which was damaged by the late flood, has been repaired, and navigation on the canal re sumed. The business has been quite brisk this week. The breaches on the Juniata and Susquehan• na canals have also been repaired, and naviga tion resumed. All the canals, therefore, east of the Alleghe ny mountains, communicating with the coal fields and lumber regions, which were injured during the late floods are now open and in suc cessful operation. The western division of the Pennsylvania canal is now in course of repair, and will short ly be in navigable condition. SHERIFF'S Serss.—The following property was disposed of yesterday,at public sale by the Sheriff: A lot of ground in Middletown, with a two story house, &c., sold to Edward Stover for $1,871 ; sold as the property of Anna Miesse. A lot of ground, in Middletown, sold to Ed ward Stover for $212 ; sold as the property of Anna Miesse. A lot of ground, in the borough of Middletown, sold to Edward Stover for $396 ; sold as the property of Anna Meisse. A certain two-story house and lot of ground, in the borough of Middletown, sold to Edward Stover for $370; sold as the property of Anna Miesse. A certain two-story frame house and lot of ground, in the borough of Middle town, sold to Edward Svover for $235 ; sold as the property of Anna Miesse. A certain two-story brick house and lot of ground, in Middletown, sold to Samuel Kiefer for $2,100 ; sold as the property of Anna Miesse. The interest of Anna Miesse in a certain plan tation in Lower Swam township, containing 199 acres and 33 perches, sold to Solomon Landis for $3OO. Five acres of land sold to Solomon Landis for $6.00; sold as Anna Miesse's interest. Sixty acres and sixty-one perches, sold to Solomon Landis for $6.00 ; sold as Anna Miesse's interest. The interest of J. S Reily in a certain piece or tract of land containing about three acres, in the city of Harrisburg, sold to E. F. Rally for $5O. The interest of Henry Coble, in Derry township, Dauphin county, in 180 acres of land, etc., sold to Waterman, Young & Co. for $4O. The interest of Joseph Galla gher in a house and lot, in the town of Dauphin, sold to Wm. J. Robinson for $165. The interest of Jacob Deitz in a tract of land, in Lykens township, sold to Michael Diets for $6O. Thirty-eight *acres of land, in Halifax township, sold to Henry Cornitz for $250 ; sold as the property of John L. Long. A house and lot, in Verbecktown, sold as the property of John Foltz, to C. Foltz, for $650. A house and lot, in Linglestown, sold as the property of Wm. Bishop ; sold to Daniel Metzger for $l6O. A house and lot, in Millersburg, sold as the property of David Brindle and Sarah Brindle ; sold to John S. Musser for $lO2O. A two story brick house, &c., in Chestnut street in the city of Harrisburg, sold to George Kin ter for $1,875 ; sold as the property of John Swiler. Hoare /IND rrs CONFORIS. —Toil physical and labor mental is the birth-right of mankind, and how many are over-tasked in providing the or dinary wants of their wives and little ones ? But it is a glorious reflection to the industrious and honest man that these tasks and trials are ordered by a wise dispensation. Much of the gloom that will at times cloud our brows, is dissipated by the kind welcome we know awaits us at home after the toil and labor of the week is ended. The smile of our wife is still more dear should our earnings permit us to drop in at Urich & Bowman, and purchase any lit tle dry good wants for the family. aug22-2t. Haws() returned from the city I now have on hand a full assortment of all kinds of Dry Goods : 200 pieces of new Calicos ; 200 dozen of Stockings ; a splendid lot of Black Alapacha; a large lot of Hoop Skirts; 1,000 yards of Crash for Toweling. All kinds of Summer Dress Goods at great reduction. S. Law; t Rhoads' Old Corner. See Professor Wood's advertisement in anoth er column. Atorrev's Lvi Puri AND Pam= aerrame.— tree from aU Misteiral Poiterat.—in CninN3 of Scrofula. Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, the operation of the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing to a few days, every veetige of these loathempe diseases b 3 their purifying effects on the blood. Billions Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, and to short, most ail dieeases soon yield to their curative properties No family should be without them, as by their tamely use mush suffering cud expense may tie saved. Prepared by NM. B. MOFFAT, V. D., New Yore, and tate'cy di Dr is:. novOw-ly MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED JUST PUBLLSEED ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL. CUBA OF BPS MEATUS RHEA, or dentinal Weakners, Sexual Debility, !Eery one ness, InTolubbtrif Emissions sad Impotency, resulting [rein Se-abuse, &G. By Bola. J. Calverwell, M. U.— Sent under seal, is a plain envelope, to any address, pest oald, on receipt at two stain" by Dr. CHAS J C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, New Yort. Poet palm Box, No nt4o-Bmilaw THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. ''IIHE vast amount of property destroyed 1. annually by Lightning ought to be a warning to property holders to 1166111111 their buildings. AU order' far Lightning Reda left at the anode* store of W. WM, will be attended to. Beds pas up in the beset intairovec yte and warranted. A 34 .....,— e l o D.—...... =I PIIRLFY THE BLOOD TO coNsuarrnvEs Tan itDVIIITISZR, having been restored to health ii a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having -um.rid ss.vetAl years with a severe lung affect lon, and +hat dread disease, Consumption—l. anxious to make known to his lallow.sidierer, the mean of cure. To all who desire It, be Will send a copy of the pre scription used (free of charge), with the directious for preparing and using the same, which they and s sure cure tbr Consumption, Asthma, 13 , oticiiitis, hc. Th only object of the advertiser In sending the Prescription is to booth the afflicted, and spread Infbrcustion which he en:melees to be ovaluable, and be hopes every sul trier will try his remedy, as it will coat them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Pert es wishing the prescription will please address itit.P.R.DWAfILI A. WILSON, Wallamehergb, ge Vnlll , t4. New Vent (Eanbibatts. FOR ASSEMBLY . TAR. IDOMAS U FOX, of Derry town _ll_, ship, offers himself as a candidate fur the STAER LIXil-1 Al VRE at the enduing wee. ton, subj at to to ar. lion of tbe Ptopie's County Cooventon. he promisee if elected to discharge the unties of the office with fidelity aug23 FOR REUISTER ABRAHAM R. BO ER, of East Hano- Ter, offers himself as a candidata 14 ltrGlaTE.t at the calming election, subject to tl.e action of the People's County Ornymnioo, He promises, If elected to di charge the duties of the office with itt dtc FOR ASSEMBLY. Ty B. ECHKEINER, of Gram. .offero Akio himself es a candidate for the 8t• .TRI.EGISLA TottlC at the•ensiling election, subject to the action of the People's County Convention. He prt mi tea, If elec ted to di-oluge the duties of the office with fidelity. atotiti-dtcs FUR PROTHONOTARY. n A. S. SYSTOI offers himself as a • aloPi d ate fir the (Acme nom NoTAay, ac., at the autism eie.dtoti, and pledges his rcpatstiou for attentiou 10 business as a Buarautee to• .he to tbful per formance of lie duties,. if elected. Harrisburg, August 21, 186 4, FOR ASSIOIBLY WILLIAM ALLEN, of Weat Haw.) ver township, will be a catuttdute tor the STATE LI4,BLATUR subject to the s, °minutiae' by the ttepub- Boas tbove.tiou W Val/plan county. augRA aulatwo FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. IiBNJ. BUFFINGTON, Esq., of Wash ington to casino, otters himself its a candidate for CORI. Y C iialtialtit at the ensuing election, sue- Jett to the action of the People's County Convention. lie promises if elezte.l to ditcbarge we duties f 1113 Milne with fidelity aug2l-d It wit FOR COUNTY TRVIASUKER. ENJAMIN BUCK, of flarristriirg, of jui fere blot:air as a t anoldete for COU • TY THEASU 1311 at the e ening election, stibteet to the action of the Peopled County Cttovelpien lid promises. if elected to disebente the ;laths of the oUlce with fidelity. augl7-tiewto FOIL REGISTER SAMIIEL MARQUAIiT, of Harrisburg off re himself as a °Am:Liao Po' Rffsil,fhtt at tor ensuing clsotion, tubieet to the action of the F., opt.. County CoLoeutiou. lie p• oat tees. if electe-i to discharge the dales of (be kffiee with fidelity. augli•dasto TO THE VUTER6OF D A UPH I N J JUNTY. FELLOW CI : h offer myself as a oarelidate for County Tresouror at the ensuing election, aukteot to ,he action of tict C 'may's Con. samba, t.hoind Ibe s .lortueate so be clewed 1 ,•ledge myself to discharge the duties of 14.1i1 ern e with fidelity. 14Aaid NAXE. Dauphin, , Aug• 12 18111.-Ics, FOR PROTHONOTARY. JC YOUNG, offers himself as a caudi adste for the office of Prothonotary hc., of Dauphin county at the en.ulun election He cog les if elected to perform the duties of the office with Ugeilty. augl643owlte TO THE INDEPENDENT AND UNION VOTERS 0I DAUPHIN COUNTY. F°"' WOITIZENS—I offer myself as a Union Independent e tudklate for the On.lo of Re. gaiter or Willa of Peephole county. Should Ibe so lor tue.ate as to be elect- ti, I promise to discharge the duties of top office with fidelity. B. tlueumelalowo 3 July 11, 11861elltawto. FOR ASSEMBLY. 0014. JAS. FRSEL tND, of Halifax town- N./ Bali), offers Moen as a Stritallate r ;E MN at the ensul geh own, ,stOeut to tue act ou of the l'eo ple's County tbav ution. He promises, i• eta. ted to dis- Charge the duties at the Gam with fidelity. davrte Ncw Atlvertistments WANTMD—To rent a house suitable fora B11:1101 lamlly. Possessis .to be ghee Octo ber ist, Is6l. Address or apply to A. e , WATSON, Third attest or J. J. R , Box 105, Harrisburg, Pa ons.2o.dtf ViIkOPO3ALB WILL BE It -Cig V BD BY ~. tbe undersigned Committee or Council on or before t e2d day of September 1861, f..r the delivery and curt ad lug of 150 or 600 perch or .-tone for re Macadamizing Market Square between Market street and Blackberry alley. rie stone not to be larger to pas though a 2% inch ring. . t4E w. H. MILL, JAC! F HABBNLKN, COMMIDets Ist Matrix& DA lEL I:LOCKER •ng?Aditd GENERAL ORDERQ, NO 2 BRAD QUARTUS, P. M. Harrisburg, Aug. 19, 1861. BY DIRECTION of the President of the United States, all volunteer regiments or parts of Regiments accepted directly by the War Department from Pennsylvania, either with or without arms, equipments or uniforms, are to be forwarded at once to Washington. Their commanders will therefore immediately report to these headquarters, stating the number of men and the station m which they are to be taken, that transportation may be furnished them without delay. By order of A. G. CIIRTIN, Governor and Commander-in Chief. CRAIG BEDDLI, A. C. D. aug2o NOTICE ! Post OFF/Cil, Harrisburg, Fa. T HE Pad Office Department having issued NEW STAMPS, of all denominations, viz:—Ors, Trams, Frvx, Tarr, Twitva, Twx2r4-Youn, Trtuar and Nmnrr cent, notice is hereby given that an exchange of the old for the new stamps will be made at this office for a period of SIX DAYS from this date, after which time the old Stamps will not be received in payment of postage on letters sent from this office. Smaller offices in this vicinity can exchange their stamps at this office. GEO. BERGNER, P. M . Aug. 19, 1861.-6td IRVING FEMALE COLLEGE. MECHANICSBURG, BA. Institution chartered with full col day the 4th Septem l. *pate powers, will ber. open Its Fall Term on Wednes of The attention of Parents having daughters to educate la respeodully Invited to this lostitntlon For catalogues address. L. 0 MARL .IT, augls-2ird President A QUANTITY of Bags, Checks and Ging* DM. hints for sale by the dozen and piece, caw t'" °a at OUUNTY MBA. my ttarn May• Stiettllantorts Books for the Military 1 JUST RECIEVED AT BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, No. 61 Market street. El A liDEk!B TACTICS Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics, for the exer cise and manteuvres of Troops when acting as Light Infantry or Riflemen. Prepared under the direction of the War Department. By Bre vet Lieutenant-Colonel W. J. HARDEE, 11. S. A. Vol. I.—Schools of the Soldier and Company ; Instructions for Skirmishers. Vol. IL—School of the Battalion. I NST R lICT EONS IN FIELD ARTILLERY. Prepared by a Board of Artillery Officers.— One vol. Svo. $2.50. COL. S. Coons, Adjt.-Gen. U. S. A. Sir :—The Light Artillery Board assembled by Special Orders No. 184, of 18,56, and Special Orders No. 116, of 1868, has the honor to sub mit a revised system of Light Artillery Tactics and Regulations recommended for that arm. WM. H. FRENCH, Bt. Maj. Capt. First Artil ery l. 'MUT A ld F. BARRY, Captain First Artillery. HENRY J. HUNT, Bt. Maj. Capt. Second Ar tillery. CAVALRY TACTICO. Published by order of the War Department. First Part—School of the Trooper • of the Pla toon and of the Squadron Dismount ed. Second Part—of the Platoon and of the Squadron Mounted Third Part—Evolutions of a Regi ment. Three vole. 18mo. $a.75 WAR DIPARTYNNT, WASHINGTON, 1. February 10, 1841. The system of Cavalry Tactics adapted to the organisation of Dragoon regiments, having been approved by the President of the United States, is now published for the government of the said service. Accordingly, instruction in the same will be given after the method pointed out therein; and all additions to, or departures from the ex ercises and manoeuvres laid down in this system are positively forbidden. POLNSETP, Secretary of War. M'CLELLAN'S B&YONET EXERCISE. Manual of Bayonet Exercises. Prepared for the use of the Army of the United States. By GEORGE B. M'CLELLAN, Capt. First Regi ment Cavalry, 11. S. A. Printed by order of the War Department. One vol. 12mo. $1.25. HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY, WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 81, 1851. Hon. C. M. CONRAD, Secretary of War. Sir :—Herewith I have the honor to submit a system of Bayonet Exercise translated from French by Captain Geo. B. Corps, Engineers, U. S. Army. I strongly recommend its being printed for distribution to the Army ; and that it made, by regulation, a part of the "System of Instruc tion." The inclosed extracts from reports of the In spector General, etc., show the value. I have the honor to be, sir, with high respect, your most obedient servant, WINFIELD SCOTT. Approved. C. M. CONRAD, Secretary of War, January 2, 1852. R JONES, Adjutant General. Any of the above works forwarded by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of the published price. Remittance can be made in gold dollars and postage stamps. Address GEO. BERGNER, Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE TO SOLD/ERB On application to the General Post office the undersigned has received the following order viz : SOLDIERS' LETTERS POST OPFIOR DErwaysuoir, • Appointment Office, July 23, 1861. The following order has been made by the Post Office Department, for the execution of the new law p.specting soldiers' letters : Postmasters at or near any camp or point oc cupied by the United States forces, will mail, without prepayment of postage, any lettter written by a soldier in the service the United States, and certified to be such by the Major or Acting Major of the regiment to which the water is attached. The envelope should have plainly stamped or written on its face the cer tificate "Soldier's Letter," signed in writing by the Major or Acting Major of the regiment, describing his regiment by its number and its State. The postage due on such letters will be collected at the office of delivery. The certificate and address may be in the following form : "Soldier's Letter. A. 8., Major 10th Beg't, N. Y. Volunteers. Mr. John Jones, Utica, N. Y." Commissioned officers will prepay their post age as heretofore. JOHN A. EAMON, First Assistant P. N. G. POST Orrice ORDKIL—The Post Office Depart ment has issued the . following : Postmasters will take notice that all pre-paid letters to soldiers in any regiment in the service of the United States, and directed to them at a point where they have been stationed, may be ,orwarded, whenever practible, to any other point to which they may have been ordered without further charge thereon for fowarding. JOHN A. SAWN, First Assistant P. H. General. Soldiers at the different camps in or near this city will please comply strictly with the above rule and their letters will reach their destina tion without bauble. GEO. BERGNER, P. M auglo P3MIXF*II3.3IEIPL'SSI DAILY lin LIN,F,I Between Philadelphia Loos HAM, JILILUT SHORE, W lIIJAXECPORT, 111 ONO; UNIONTOWN, WAVIONTOWN, MILTON, 1-11118110RO, Nownniansauittp, OMB; TRZTOKTON, Guntanows, Luitarecows, ituace BURG, 'ULM; I.IAUPBIS, AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located the Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of all goods entrusted to the line, Goods delivered at the Depot of FRED, WARD & FREED, No. 811 Mark et Sleet, Phila delphia, by 5 o'clock P. 11., will bet .fivered in Harrisburg the neat moroin4 Freight (always) as low as, by any other ne. Particular attention paid b„f tbis line u, ~-ompt and speedy delivery of all Harrisbur ••nods. The undersigned thankful for past patro.: a hopes by strict attention to buslmos to merit a con u rice of the same. T. REIM , Philadelphia and &wile; • de17416m Peon of Market S'lrle -I •r: nerg TH' 'mMISSIONERS appointed under the act of incorporation of the ally of Harrisburg having made a plot or draft of said city, designating the streets, lanes and alleys now entitles and °peeing, and IMO where avenue, streets, lanes and alleys shall here after be opeued, and also devigoaung within the limits of said city a plot or piece of ground. containing not 10F11 0101 twonty acres, for the use of the public and of said city, tor the purposes and uses mentioned in said act ; and having submitted their draft end report to the Court of Quarter sessions, of intunnin county, for the approval of said Court ; the said draft and report have been tiled ty order of said Court in the office of the Clerk of Quer ter sessions rf said county for public inspection ; and ee 1, e veeptioes are Bled thereto by parties interested in said city, Lb same will be approved at the August term of said Court. By order of the Court. myl-dtw Wll. HITGIELELI. Cleric HENRY 0. 811A.FFER, P _ PER HANGER, Front street, second door abuse Walnut street. All orders pnertunhy attended to. .11140 r Paper hung tor lb cents par roll or piesk wink trampled. nty94ttg Migullanwus TMEEI ONLY PREPARATION WORTHY OF Universal Confidence & Patronage FOR STATESMEN, JUDGES, CLERGYMAN, Lathes and Gentlemen m all parts of the world tenth) .0 the afileacy of Prot. 0 J Wood's Bair Regtoname and gentlemen of the Presa are unanimotta in its pr. 103. A few testimonials only can be bare given ; see circular or more, and it will be 'moot aible for you to doubt, 47 Wall Street, New York, Dec. 20th, 1868. Gatenastra : Your note o' the lash inat. ' bas been re. clewed, t•ay log th at you bed beard that 1 bad been bene fited by the use of Weoes [lair Hestoratice, and request ing my certificate of the h.ct if I b '.biection In give it. I award it to you cheerful y, o, Caosel tt•i k i duo My age is about AO 5 ear. ; the ro'or lii oli I aw,uea, and i. coned to curl some five or uc ) shire it e gen to torn pray.. nd th • scalp on the rmtvo of my be d to lose its n•iutluy and dandruff° lolauto o• 1 these oisagreeabdith s Increased who. tome, and aboot four memba since a fourth was added to them, by hair falling of the top of my bead and threatening to make me bald. In this unpleasant predicament, I wd. Induced to try Wood's Hair Itest ,, ,atlvr, maltth to arrest the telling uhf of my hair, fort had real , y no expectation that gray hair could ever be restored to Its original color excep from dl es. I was, however, greatly aurpris d to dad (her the use , f two 1 o des oily, the. not only was the failing oft arrested, but the color was reap rep to the gray hair. and sensibilty to .he scalp, and daDdred cealted to form on my bead, very much to the gretificalon of my wi , e, at wins e solicitation I was induced to try It For this, smut g ibe many obligetloom I owe to her eel, I strong y recOn.mend all hn lin& who v lue ih,t it. miration of their w.v a to IT tit by my exsmpte. and use t if growing gray or getting batik. very, repectitt I g, It-N LA VEVnica. T o p .1 Wood & CO., 444 Brosdway New York py !Amoy are absent 7... m the cdy, en.. I am no long er at No 11 thrrol place. Siamaiduu, Ala , July 20111,1869 To PR”7. OuD : ear Sir : Your "Hair R...etore thre"lw done my b it so much gond rioce I commenced the use 0! it, that f wish to make mown to the ÜBI,IO he etre. is on the hair, which ar. great. 4 WWI ur wo man nay be newly deprived of hair, and by a re:ort to your "Hair Retiorattve," the hair will return more his utiful than ever ;at lea t this is my xparieuce Believe it all I Yours truly, P can pubilsb the shove If you like. By pub lishing in our Southern pal era you wil , get more patron ag south. I are sever.) or your certificates 11 the Mo bile Amory a strong Southern taper WOOD'S HAIR RISTO ,ATIVK PROF 0. J. WOOD : tar flavmg had the miKfor tnoe to ice 0 the best port on of my Emir, from the ffects of the yellow fever, in Now Orleans In 1851, 1 was in duced to make a trial of your I/rev...ranee, and found it U. &miser its e very thine needed My insir is now thkk and and on w rds cab eapreae in. °mugs, lions to you lo giving .0 the afflicted such a u-eAoure. t be kimturatiso Is put up In bottles of three mass, viz loge mi diem, and small ; the t mall holds h dr a plot, pti retails for line emit •r per bottle ; the medium bold, at team meaty per cent mere in proportion twits •he retails Mr two dollars p r bottle ; the large hods &quart, 4 , 1 per c • Tit. more in proportion, and rettlls for 43. 0. J. WOOll h Ca. , Prop ietnrs, 444 Protetwaq, New York, and 114 blor.,t trevt, St. Lowe, No. 11:1 d sold by all !mod I•ruggu la sad Fancy Goods Lva lora. 15,134.twe0w PROCLAMATION. vvII EiIEAS, the Honorable JOHN J. Pea Mang, Preatilent Of the Court of Corn ,•00 plena in the Twelfth Judicial District. conabhug of the oountivs of Lebanon and ..auplam, an 1 the lion. H. tl. Blia...reat and Hon. faux Nissurt, as , oci.,te Judges in Dauphin county, having- tanned t•.eir precef.t, hv,ring date the fourth day of J .ne 1881, to tue directed, f o r holdin g a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deli very and Quarter Sessions of the Pave at dtr 'share, for the comity ill Dauphin, and to 00(nOlenee ON ran 4TH Mom. nay or AMNIA' Nun, being the 'Aril DAY or AUGVIIT lA6I, and in continue two weeks Notice ti uteregore bereoy given to the Coroner, Jus ucea of the ea.", nhlorin ..nd um34.btud o. the said couuty of Dauphin, that they be then and there to their proper tsnsons, at le o , tilock forenoon 01 eald day. with their rec rds, lugoleitions, eintotnations, and Uttar own remembrances. to cm the-e ithugs which to their 0W.,. appertatus to by done, and the.e who are booed In reenAntsuicee to p °gentile against the prtsoueri th.l are or shall be in the Jail et ',motto' sauouty, be then tad there to prosecute against them 43 Ouill be JU t. (liven under my hand, at liarroilturg, the Slat day of tuts, in the year of our Lord, 1881, and in the eighty- Attu year of the independence of the United mates. J. D BOAS, Sheriff. Snentar's OTIOOI IlarriabUi g, July al. 1881. } All Work Promised in One Week 1. 0 5L . PEN NE ?LI, &NIA STEAK DYEING KEITABLISHNENT, LO4 Market street between 4th ana sth, HARBLBBOIIO, PA., A - HERE every description of Ladies' and °calumet's' 44anntuds, Piece Goode, &c., are .yed, 0611111101:11 and finished It the beet ma pp er and rt s.4hprtn•t notice. 114)11141C & Ca, oreoesehir. 8011EFFB LI'S BOOK ST( t, 111 1 (Near the Harrisburg Bridge.) 51 . 25 . JUST Io R t O E I C O. N: : 1 4 17 .0 U m si n s it t o r l O A M L the NOTE PaPIIIN, which we will sell at $1.26 per ream. $4.0 , 0 per ream fur NOTE Pa - en, decor Lied with thu latest and very handsome emblems and paving.: mottos. $3.50 for 1000 WHIT... ENTFLOPIES, with national and patriotic emblems, printed is two colors. Please give us a call. THEO F SCHKFFER, J 0 22-4 Harrisburg. DR. T. J. MILES, SURGEON I)ENTIST 4 ETERS bis services to the citizens o Harrisburg and Its ricinity. He solicits a share o the public patronage, and gives assurance tba. blia beet endeavor% elicit be raven to render satisfaction in bit pro Betug au old, well tried dentist, he reels axle In nvlting the public generally to call on him, assuring bem that they will not be dissathdled with hit services, Office No. 128 Market street, in the house horny:wry .10- 4111lield by Jacob N. Itibv, near the United Mauls Hotel. FlaiTlihtlrg, Fa myB.4lv HE ATTENTION OF GENTLEMEN 1 is solicited to our very large assortmeal or UNDIBRUTRTEI Ann ()uman of every else and quality. Oma' Jouvum Km °Lovas, heat article miumfactarad. All the different kinds of WINflUt GLOVI& Largest assortment of Hostsav in the city. tNisvArs, Scansions, fiasotrnancrs, Hardy Hemmed And everything in Gents' wear. at CATEKIA.A7B, Na tho ffsirr.ialmtv poe t FRESH tHRIVAL, FIOINONT, Bane, Rua, Gum; Howenr, Somme Coma, 81.1. rt Pim% Beim, MAR swFat BRANS, Wilma PUB, &0., ♦rC. Just received sod for tale at the ;owlet Oise rowel Libl6 wm. molt JR. & CO. WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY I best defining and pronouncing Die. tionary of the English language ; Also, Worseempr's School m umm i e s. Webster's IPietortsl Quartos and School Dlettoneries for sale at SCHEFFEIVI3 sofficeronx smart Near the Harrlebturit IBritiee. REMOVAL. THE SUBSCRIBER has removed hie PLUMBING AND BRAdi FOUNDRY from dirket street to Fourth street above Market, opposite the Bea te church. Thankful for past patronage, he hopes, by shim alteotiOn to badness, to merit a continuance o f mar264tind WM. PA 'taint. FLAGS 1 FLAGS VOTE PAPER AND EN V ELOPES with Nittooil deem, LLITICit PAPE* with view of ot iliarrieltOrg, printed tout tor WO I* SCHIEFFER'S BOOK STOW 40 1 that Uwe Hastiabarg Bruise. M= w H. Kenedi. FIN LI.: w JOHN.S. auzl.darnd