Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 23, 1861, Image 1
I I.H F, (4 RA PH DAY , .V" GEORGE BERGNE R, LE . 1, 4l, •CTlberS will be le the Alll' I 1 • 1 • •-• , \.• lay r 3 I F FOIS OM k C • $4 i'o , C,P S EVLY:I:I 1 TRINCIRAiI. Er: ..e wit;tl a week during ,1 ih...lnd wee' Iy during the y lurt,igbed to subscribers at vi 7 : ror par • ll= IAW OF NFVSPAPEV. ,a,ler 010 diSCOlainUtglee (' their news th • o nhlo.h. , r may continua to seal them until , 0 1 ar,4l- are paid eoglo'l or r,tiNe t et, their new4a. (win Ihe 01110 10 hi. h Cley nrr direetod, they Are , illoy have '4lllo'lo,e tells and orde ed ih e W. Oross • --*!-• J • - • 't• •- - -• 1 ; 1) W. GROSS & CO., D1101,E,A1.1.: AND RIC,TAIL DRU G 1 ISTS, NO, 19 NI Att rr sTREET 11AR R hsw -R PEE' N'A YSICIiiNs,sToRE. KEEPERS ASS CONSUMERS, We are Daily adding to our assortment of „ale all sl,cli articles as are desirahie, and would re , peetfolly call your atention to the large 4 slid best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS & PAINTS, ulls, varnishes and Ganes nye.* ta fr 4, Giant and Putty, •A atilt Colors and Tools, Pure Ground Spices, IS:uo'lng Pi sant and A lenhz,l, Lard, Sperm and Poste One, tin tles; Vials and Liainp Globes, NN Ca. 1111,. SIM p, Spongesond Corks, Ago. ; Sic., Arm , Sco., &c., Ike With a general variety. of PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES totted from the best manufacturers and Per osiers of Europe and this sanntry Keing very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND MUM'S 'Asap IN ALL EIR VARIETIES, 4201) )1N AND BRONZES OP ALL KINDS, tk.' •N -..4 . ), 543 . 3 - ) ' 'Al - 1 0 Cei,fll. E 7 '-'2"2. 5... : . ,11' A 1 L , Pftij_ . L 9 I 5' --..- ° , l : 4 Rit BuR . We respectfully invite a call, feeling, cone dent that we eau supply the wants of all on terms to Etßlr Fatizf:Ctioll TEETH I TEETH 11 JONE'S AN D WHITE:4' S PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of till kinds , direct frum the Proprietors Saponifier and Concentrated Lye I Wholesale Agents for Svonitier, wide!: We sell as low ailit can bo purchased in tbo cities l'H AYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS, tOiL OIL! 0311110:V Oil,!! hig large purchasers in these ON, we can otter induceuftuts to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the Lucia improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds 01 lumps changed to bum COUI Oil FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, °se of you who have not given our HORSE AND CATILE PCIWDERS n trial know not tl,r auperitnity,Cnd the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and In g ,od condition. thotwauile cm testify to the profit they have derived from gni use of our battle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improVing tile general health and ap pearance of their Cattle, Our long ex pelietwe is the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the tunie, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we can in a very short time furnish aeything appertaining to our business, ou the best of terms. Thankful lot the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to Wsiuess, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the acing public • - A 11/Le efts. , 0.1 tgt , vb .0e ) 3 ), rititsllbilala, 1 r • le I 11. ;2 00 1200 15 00 XV L)l{. LOCK _HOSPITAL. HA: 4 . dis6overed the most cartimi, Apood and effectual remedy in the wool tor DISEASES OF tNIPKUDENCE Rims/ Or siX TO rwiLVII Hors No Mercury or Noxious Drugs fur A ('lilt. WfIOtAtITID, OR NO CIiAIIOII, IN rlioN I,Ny Weak akar or the Beek or Litebs, Strieturee. Pali. , ch. I Affections of the Kidney , and Bladder, I aTaul , WY+ , k pees, Nervoim byhdity, Decay of the Physic Pou era, Drawnsta, laugnor Low Spirits, CouN o aomi o mo, all Ration of the Heart ' , 'Handily, Trembling's, Doom:, of Sight or Giddinemi, Disease of the Stomach, Affyytict.i of the Head, 'Hirt'', t, Nt se or :...lrin—those terribly 01,oi dem arising frau. the indiscretion or Solitary Ramie Youth—those dreadful and destructive practise: what produce coustitinamai debility, reader marriaer anti destroy bah body and mind. Young men especially who have become the VlCtan , o , solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructi re habit whist• annually sweeps to an untimely grow thousands ", young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant • Oil- Wet, who might otherwise have entranced listenli :inflates with the thunders of elequeuve, or waked n , tieing lyre, may call wi h full (menden... Married persons, or Wee . contemplating marriage, of tag aware of physical weakness, should Immediately et t. Still Dr. A. and be restored to perfect health ORGANIC WicallNW Inimediately cured and fiat moor rectory/ flu who places himself under the care Cl Ur . J., n,„) religiously conilde in his honor as a gentleman, and (Wenny rely upon his skill as a physiclau. ifirOttice No. 7, South Frederick street, &man..., Md., on the lett hand side going from Baltimore street, flours trom the corner. Be per titular in observer .i, same or number, or you wiLl mistake the place He per (Molar for Ignorant, Trifling Quacks, with false names nr Pattry thunbeg Certificates, attracted by 'be rooms, don el Or. Johnson, lurk near AU letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to u•o3 on tn. reply. OR. it iHNS Ur. Johnson member id tile tinsel Ceilege 01 Burge.m.s, Loudon , graduate from one of the meat eminent Colim• • of the United states, and the greatest part ••1 who.", lot has been spent in the Hospitals of London, pans, dolphin and eleewbere, has effected some oi the meat tool:Ming cures that were ever known Many troubtet with ringing In the ears and bead when asleep, grant ner veuenessereing alarmed at sudden sound., milli frequent blushing, attended sometimes wit 4 derang moot of mind were eared immediately, TAKE VA.KTICULAR NlY2lok, Lit to eases all those who having Injured theta• wives h., ~ r to and imrroper tudnlaenctes, that secret Ind aolitary abit which noun both body and min ~ on fitting thorn for either wool:lessor society. The, are dOlllO of toe and ami . moinocholy ea tr Innen nv early habits el youth, via: Wealcuoi.e , tt the u:k and 'Writhe, Paine nt the Bead, Dinnesal of age., I.oEdi or Itfueonter Power, Palpitation el the Heart, pepaia, Nervous Irrltabtlity, Derangement 01 the Digestive 'unctions, General Debility, Symptoms of Cetpintnp den, to. ftleetALLT, the teethil eMcc!s on the Mead Wu .1111.14 tY as droatlod :—Loto pi oetoory, ConfuMon 01 Wow., UN • prelusion of Spirits, Forebodlugs, Avonnoo tosool , • cy, Bolf-distrust, Love of Sonloolo, ko.,:Lre gum the evil effects. Thousands of persom of all ogee, oaU 00W {,tdge whet Is the cause .r their decline in health, losing their vigor, hemming weak, pale, nervous and emsuasted, have, I ,Ingular appearance about the eyes, cough, and symp• of consumption. YOUNG MO who nave Injured themselves by a certain prat:hoe, to Joyed lu when alone—s habit frequently learned trom old ~ompaniona, or at 'school We streets el which are ~ightly felt, oven when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage impoindble, and destroys both mind and body .thorild apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes Ol his coon. try, the darting of big parents, should be snatched Iron all prospects and enJoyments of life by the consequences of deviating trom the path of nature, and Indulging in r certain secret habit. 'Su . h persons must, before content plating. . _ client that 11 Booed nd and body are the most lissomely requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the Journey through Ilte becomes a wear) pllgrimagg the prospect hourly darkens to the view; Ott mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be. conies blighted with our own DR. JOHNSON'S INVIUORATthiti KSMSDY FOK OB: GANIC WV...IIMM ay this great and Important remedy, Weakness of MS 'lran are speedily cured, and Cull vigor restored Thousands of the moat nervous and debilitated win 11 id lost all hope, h tve been immediately relieved. Al topedinufnts to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disgust ill. urban, Nervous, 'Trembling, Weakness or 6abausdon or , he most fearlbi kind, speedily cured. TO STRANOSIBB. The many thousands cured at this Mettett= within toe last twelve years, and the nuiuoretts Important h'urgtuil operations porforraed by Ur ' . J. witnessed by the re porters of the papers, and many other permits, eche= el which have appeared again and agate before the publie,, besides his Mending as a gesdieman cluiracter and ri- SWlutitails, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. illSi ASEIS OF liII'ItUDENCK —When the misguided d i n sod imprudent votary of leasers dads ile bus imbibed the Heeds of this painful it too often happens that en ill-timed sense of alum or read of discovery defers him from applying to those who, from education amid re speetabilky can alone befriend him, delaying till the eon slltutioual symptoms or this horrid disease make theii ..ppeartitice, adholing the head, throat, wad, akin, we, progressing on with frightful rapidity, MI drew miss period to Ms droadlul Sufferings by sending him to "toot bourne from whence ao traveler returns . ' It la a mel diuholy fact that thousands tall victims to ibis terrible disease, owing to the ouskillelnees 01 ignorant pretend eta, who, by the use of that deadly puma, mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue of the miserable. To Stsammits.—Ths Doctor's Diplomas haus in Ms deco. sfirLetters must contain a Stamp w ua on the reply Ifirlinmadlas sent by Matt. sir-No. T South Frederick Wont, Baltimore. aprl3-dawly FOR RENT. The large brick dwelling house now occupied by David Mumma Jr. Esq., on Tuird street near Market, with an office sunaole for an attorney. Possession given lint of October next. &I. quire at the Frottionotsry's otHce. Wz. iIITCLUCLL. augb•dif. FOR GALE.—One of the best business Mande In the city on reasonable terms, or leased for three or five yea re alt sated in Market tweet between Fourth and Filth. Enquire on the pre ndees of JJ 9412ne DANIEL LEEDY. FOR SALE 1 A BUILDING LOT, situate in West Liar• risburg, fronting on Wiwi street 'A lest, and r uu anig ba.:k 161 feet, more or less, to a2O foot alley, ad. Joising on DM, vide the I.roperty of Mr. diummstine. For particulars enquire io VitliiiihsißlOK Sett it I. tt Bsrgiv r'a tiooKstore Hay 8, 1861. mfg ` 13, 4E CIDER 111—Strictly pure, spark N., tu g and sweet—has received a Silver Nedra or Di eiUtal at avery State .4,l%CaitUral Fair Mod! 186 d. For by Falai DOCK i 4 W FOR BALE. vtiom one, to Fivo hundred Dollarb worth rkl CITY 130N11,. Maguire of C. U 1111.1111ARNALY, uvula IliSoulhAlOooll street. IMPORTED BOLOGNA BAIIBA.GE.-A Lib very rare lot just reeetvatt mad lor aide by Whi. OJOS. &el a disci im `INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE ftitbital Tw6 Dwre.lloll YOUNU MSN MARRIAGE mARMAGX, HARRISBURG. I'A : FRIDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 23, 1861 IVII16603:10$101Migarjilif:101 Correspondence 01 the Telegraph WASEIINOTON, Aug. 20, 1861 Campbell's Artillery Regiment (of which Pennsylvania may well feel proud,) have le ceived a complement of horses from the gov erutuent, and are drilling five timeli a day. The regiment is quartered at the arsenal, a splendid place {fir artillery practice, and is fast approsi mating a State of efficiency. I ieel assured the first volunteer artillery regiment that was ever iormed in the United States will, when it enters the field, do credit to the fair fame of the State from which it hails. Among the officers I no ticed Capt. Jacob .Barr, of your city, and Lieut. William Parke, son of Benjamin Park, Beg , formerly of ii,arisburg, but now a resident of Susquehanna county. The T welfth PennsylVania Itegiment, to which is attached the Verbeke Rifles, left this city several days ago, to join Gen. liicCall's com mand. All the boys were enjoying goodhealth, and tuarcued up the Avenue to the inspiring music of "The girl I left behind me." There is no better place in the environs of the metropolis for a stranger to gratify his cu riosity than a visit to the • depot. To witness the lung train of cars arriving hourly, ladened with subsistence fur our troops, and all kinds ot armament and ammunition, and the hundreds of wagons, ready to carry the various articles to their destination, is, indeed, au interesting sight. The shifting of the cars is superintended by Capt. F. Boley, for many years conductor on the Pennsylvania railroad, and it is surpris ing how tocurately things are arranged. The principal mature of this locality is the large mammoth structure recently erected by order of the Secretary of War for the accommodation ut troops on their arrival at the station. The battling ie about two hundred yards in loupe and mil yards in width, and is elevated about three feet trom the level of the ground, in order to keep the door nee from dampness. It is thoroughly vvutalated ; and et the east end are three large pools, minstructed for bathing pur poses. A sufficient ',unifier of cooks are em ployed by thetiovernineut ; and every regiment destined fur this place, before leaving Bat Immure, telegraphs to the persuu iu charge of this de pat talent, who, by tue time it arrives, has a warm and substantial meal in readiness, and the pools tilled fur the use of the soldiers, which, you may well believe, are very acceptable to them atter a hampered and monotonous jour ney of some hundred miles in the oars. Tins is a decided improvement. Previous to the erection of the euttice, the troops would wander through the streets for a day without anything to eat, and would render themselves Ji/LIAMIULth to pedestrians by their threats towards tuuse whose hands they received such treatment. Among the fugitives from West Tennessee here is Col. Houston, a brother of the old hero of San Jacinto. ite was engaged in the bank ing business there, and had a large amount of property, all of watch, according to a decree of the Richmond cabal, will be confiscated. He says that be will never go to Tennessee again until the stars and snipes wave triumphantly over the State whose soil contains the bones of the immortal Jackson. I also observed the Hon. Horace Maynard, who was recently elected to Congress from East Tennessee, on the streets, and he looks rather huzzard and care-worn after his dangerous and exciting efforts in behalf of the Union cause. Everything pertaining to the arrival and movement ot troops is ruled in secresy. This is certainly right awl proper. If it rule of this kind had been adopted three months ago; and adhered to as rigidly as at present, we would not have met with the disastrous defeat ot the 21st ultimo. Gen. Ail'elellan is in his saddle almost incessantly. By five o'clock in the morning he is at work, and continues uninter ruptedly during the entire day to perform the arduous duties devolving upon him. There is iu his behavior and countenance something cold and reserved, which adds to the emotion which is ielt in beholding him, and bravely deter, mines, in the interviews which he grants, to display the resources of his genius. But his elevated form, the striking regularity of his features, his imposing and noble bearing, and the athletic proportions of his body, at once strike the stranger with admiration. The Gel nem is brave and active, insensible to bodily pain, and, as his past acts have 'moved, fearless and iutepriti in the hour of danger, and from the honors showered upon him the people certainly have the greatest confidence in the man, and the Administration considers him equal to the emergency. Fault-finding prevails in this city armingly, not only among the citizens but the soldiers. The habit is dangerous, and tender to disaffect the loyalty of others. if persons are defeated in their applications for positions in the army, if contractors are fooled in their schemes to swindle the Government, if individuals who come here with petitions miles in length for posts in the departments are rejected, they de nounce everybody and everything in vindictive terms. The President is censured, the Cabinet is threatened, and the impeachment of those in power is demanded. Such people love the filthy lucre better than their country, and should be eschewed as dangerous enemies. We can never meet with success until there is una uimity and harmony in our ranks. You may rest assured that those who find fault, who de sire peace "when there can be no peace," are persons who sought, but did not gain, an op portunity to victimise the Government. I understand the insurgents are beginning to repent of their cowardly conduct, but it is hard ly possible that Gen. ld'Cloilan will revoke the order issued to transmit them to the Tortugas. This is a good example, but rather severe pen alty. it is well known that the above named place is very hot, the ground sandy, the water awl, and the mosquitoes exceedingly trouble some. But the effect that the order has pro dutcti is prodigious. If insubordination had been allowed to go unpunished, in a few weeks tune our army would have been in a demons:- ized condition and nut worth a cent. But the bold and vehement mend taken by the General has lord a happy effect, ani .1 do not th' It we will hear of any more insubordinations in the regiments stationed in and around the city. Some timid persons, owing to the recent order of the Secretary of War, anticipate an attack upon this city, bat the majority of our citizens apprehend no danger whatever. The rebels dare not attack us, tor they know full well that with the available force in and around here, we would whip them far worse than the French did the Austrians in the battle of Tivoli. The edict was sent forth for the express purpose 01 uniting the fragments of regiments raised n the various States, and to have them brought on here, not , only to instruct them integiment al exercise, but brigade drills, a feature that was not taught our troops previous to the fight at Manassas... The order-will, vithouttioutn, knock into chaos:tile asiiitsibtaoUnisair ny who wish to become officers, but I hope it will not serve to dampen their ardor. The war has put air end for the time being to excursions and rural sports, and our citizens are compelled to while away the hours in the pent rip city. The Theatre is in operation, but the actors perform nightly to "a beggarly occount of empty benches," owing to the intense heat. ERATO. THY, LIBERTY OF THE PRESS EDWARD BVIRITT ON 5:40M10N NEWSPAPERS AND OF TBEAEON It is an old proverb that the laws are silent amidstarms. The laws are, for the most part, made for a state of peace, excepting those whicu expressly refer to war, and the manner, of con ducting it. When a state of war arises, the Community necessarily undergoes a great, and sometimes a rapid change ; the quiet pursuits society are, to some etUmt, checked, and in he immediate vicinity of the war, suspended, and with them the laws, which regulate those pursuits, must for the time give way to the Stern necessities of the new stale of things. It should, however be, and it is, the great effurt Of an enlightened Government in civilized coun tries, to keep this disturbance of the peaceful order of things within the narrowest limits ; and allow the supremacy of the law to he in terfered with by military authority as little as possible. It is in pal ticular a cardinal maxim 'of free governments, that the military com mander should be subordinate to the civil . magistrate. There are undoubtedly cases, when war exists, in wnich the public safety absolute ly requires that the operation of the laws and the authority of the civil magistrate should yield to the paramount considerations which require summary measures. Thu patriotic magistrate, of whatever rank, must in such oases emus t that moral courage—quite equal to the courage required fur the risks of the neld— which is needed tor the discharge of the unpop ular duty of suspending the laws. Ile Luutst mut I shrink before the reproaches which his conduct is sure to bring upon him from the timid, the perverse, and the disaffected, cloaking their disloyalty under an assumed zeal fur constitu tional principles. He must take the risk even. of subsequent disavowal, for poor humanity is very prune to be wise atter the event and brave after the danger. But he will confine his in terference with the regular march of law to the narrowest limits and fewest occasions, and be the drat to welcome the restoration of its au thority. These are the general maxims which apply to the conflict of civil and military authority, and the practical difficulty will naturally be, not in their general soundness, but in their application to particular cases. This difficulty will of course be much greater in the commence ment of a state of war, than after it has lasted some time, and the community has been obliged to conform itself to the exigencies of the con test. At the present time, those citizens in some of the border States, who sympathize with the Confederates, think it hard that they can not be at peace and at war, in the Union and out of it, at the same time. They claim the protection of the Constitution as in a time of profound peace and universal obedience to the laws, while they render secret and, when cir cumstances admit, open aid to those arrayed in arms against them. They assault the forma moving to the defence of the Capitol ; they convey supplies and arms to the enemy ; they recruit his ranks openly by stealth, and to effect these objects they sometimes avail themselves of official position and authority derived from the government which they assail ; and when that government, in self-defence, interferes to arrest these treasonable movements and mach inations, they clamor that the liberties of the citizens are invaded. There are presses, for the most part in the border States, though some of them are found in cities more remote from the scene of action, which are daily pleading the cause of the ene my, misrepresenting and vilifying the Govern ment of the United States, exaggerating every article of unfavorable intelligence, and exerting themselves to the utmost to dishearten the friends and defenders of the Constitution and the Union. But such is the all but superstiti ous devotion of the people to the liberty of the press, that these pernicious journals have, with the exception of a single instant* in St. Louis, never been interfered with. It seems to have been thought better by those in authority to tolerate the mischief of those unpatriotic press es, than to elevate them to greater importance by prosecution, or to encroach in the slightest degree upon that freedom or public discus don which in ordinary times is justly regarded as one of the greatest safeguards of liberty. But It is preposterous to sacrifice the end to the means. We should in this respect learn wisdom from the enemies of the Union. While we regard as unbecoming our Christian civilisation that re sort to lynch law, by which every expression of opinion ad verse to the popular sentiment is sup pressed in the seceding Suttee, we ought to re member that in tolerating a traitorous press among ourselves, we practice a liberality which awakens no gratitude at home, and is never re ciprocated by the opposing Tarty. It is in fact an absurdity in terms, under the venerable name of the liberty of the press, to permit the systematic and licentious abuse of a Govern ment which is tasked to the utmost in defend ing the country from general disintegration and political chaos. The Government of Malta was once censured in Parliament for some alleged severity towards the editor of a journal in that island, and the liberty of the press was declared to be in danger. The Duke of Wellington said he was as friendly as anybody to the liberty of the preen in Londou, but a free press on the Isl and of Malta was as much out of place as it would be on the quarter-deck of a man-of-war, We suppose the most enthusiastic olitunplon of the liberty of the press would hardly think it right to publish a journal within the wells of Fort Mettenry, in which the officers of that gar rison should be, daily advised to desert and the men be constantly exhorted to mutiny ; and whose columns should be filled with persistent abuse of the Government and all en gaged in its defence. Why should journals of that, destription be allowed to diffuse their poi sen beneath its walls amidst the excitable popu lation of a large city? 80, too, with reference to the freedom of speech in debate, one of the vital conditions of republican liberty. The late session in Con gress has witnessed a magnanimity on the part of the majority in both Mouses of a truly ro mantic cast. The acts and the motives of the government, in the suppression of the insurrec tion, (admitted by one its most distinguished ..hiefs to proceed - mainly-from the disappoint ment of leading aspirant' to office,) have been assailed from day to day with a virulence !Ind , Pert4fttenca which would be harmless in ,tlO2O. 40 f &aka ' , bit time of ''*call have no other '4lllecittpaa- the. populsx than-tto perplex and dishearten those who are staking life and fortune in the cause of the country. This generosity excites no gratitude on the part of those towards whom it is practiced ; and so far from being reciprocated, the member of the Confederate Congress at Montgomery or Rich mond, who should assail the conduct or policy of that body, as the government of the United. States has been assailed by the sympathizers with secession at Washington, would not reach his hotel in safety. lie would swing from the next lamp post. Not merely in all freedom of speech and Of the press prohibited in the seceded States, but the most quiet and the humblest rights of citi zenship are interdicted. When the ordinance of secession was about to be submitted to the vote of the people of Virginia, a distinguished Senator from that State in Congress, and who in that capacity was under oath to support the Constitution of the United States, published a letter, signed with his name, in which he de clared that such citizens of Virginia as did not approve the ordinance must leave the State ; a summary sentence of banishment and confisca tion against about a third part of the people of that ancient commonwealth ; a sentence which the seceding majority are now attempting to enforce at the point of the bayonet, to illustrate the principle that " the right of government leas upon the consent of the governed." . The ue,essity which, in the time of war, par tially suspends the operation of the laws, trans fers the governing power to the military au thority, not absolutely and without conditions; far from it ; but under the limitations of the Constitution, and of the laws enacted to meet such a state of things. The power which ex isted in the Boman liepublic of creating a Dic tator, in seasons of imminent danger, who was clothed with absolute authority for a limited period—a power which was substantially, though not avowedly assumed by Congross iu the revolutional y war—is unknown to the Con stitution ; and it is to be devoutly hoped will never be called into exercise by perils too for mutable to Le otherwise averted. For all the ordinary purposes of war, the President of thu United states is clothed with the requisite power as " ot the Army of the United Stated, and ot the mi litia of the United states, When called into act ive service." The laws of the land provide the means for exercising the great powers which he possesses in this character. The present is not the first occasion on which they have been called into action. The proclamation of the President calling for seventy-live thousand vol unteers, although not issued till the war had ac tuatly cominent.ed by the reduction of Fort Sumpter, by the general armament of the South, with ordnance and munitions treasona bly prepared beforehand by the sworn officers of the United States, and by an official threat of a movement on Washington, has been denounc ed by President Davis ,as an • unprovoked mea sure, whose magnitude transcends all constitu tional limits, and can aim only at "the subju gation" of the South. At a time when the population of the United States did not exceed four and a half millions, Gen. Washington called out fifteen thousand troops to suppress an insurrection in the western counties of Pennsylvania. Our population is now thirty millions, and the insurrection has assumed the dimensions of a civil war. The only reasonable objection to the military preparations of the United Slates is, that they did not at once pro ceed on that gigantic scale, which wisdom and humani ty alike dictate, as the only means of bringing the in auspicious conflict to a speedy close. To let it drag on by inadequate means is to prolong the suf whicn it inflicts on both parts of the Union at the South, who look with aching eyes for the hour of deliverance ; and to augment all the difficulties which are to be overcome be fore peace is restored to the country. Secessionist Outrages in Kentucky. The Cincinnati Gazelle says : "Since the commencement of the present difficulties, Cynthiana has been the active agent of every rebellious act in that section of Ken tucky. The first secession movements in the State received their impetus in that place, and every outrage, from those upon individuals for the mere expression of a loyal opinion, to at tempting to burn a bridge, commenced in Cyn thiana. The first secession flag reported to have been flung to the breeze in the State float ed over the roofs of that city, which may justly be termed the Baltimore of Kentucky. A tew days since an attempt was made to burn a bridge in its immediate vicinage, in accordance with threats that no more government arms should pass through, and on Friday an infuri ated and armed mob of rebels rushed on board a freight train in transit for the purpose of searching it. The mob in its individual aspect more resembled demons incarnate than angry human beings, and their disappointment was immeasurable when no government arms or munitions of war were found. The mob swore that no more governmentproperty or, as they expressed themselves, no more 'Lincoln guns and stuff—should pass through that city.' SPIRITED CAVALRY lionsas.—A writer who professes to know the points of a good "war horse" thus speaks of these animals : "Dull, sluggish horses can never be trained tb the point requisite for an efficient cavalry hors*. Almost as much depends, in a successful charge of cavalry, on the horse as the man. Indeed, it may be doubted whether raw recruits mountepl on well drilled horses would not be more ser viceable than veteran troops mounted on cluni sey, "low-spirite i" animals. At the battle of the Pyt amide the horses of hinzad Bey's cavalry charged repeatedly in squadrons on the French after their riders were killed. Eo did the French horses at Waterloo on the English, under thb same circumstances. And wheuthe Marquis Romani' was compelled to leave his horses on the shores of Denmark, after the embarkation of the troops for Spain, we all remember how they formed themselves into two hostile armies, as the ships of their late masters faded in the distance, and char& d upon each other with such fury that the earth shook for miles around, and the terrified inhab- itants of the country fled panic-stricken to their houses. So temble was the slaughter of these fine Andalusian horses, that out of a body 9f 10,000, but a few hundred remained alive. A Naw DAIMGRZEN Gtrs.—A trial of a new 6 inch 12-grooved rifled Dalbgreen gun, was made at the Washington navy yard recently. The gun was designed by Commander Dalh green to avoid any superfluous weight, and yet preserve the requisite strength for effective service. The experiment was conducted in the presence of several ,engineenl, rind was highly satisfactory. The firing was at, the target 1,800 yards distant, the Shot being sixty-iota- *Kind Conical 'WV The iliziger the gun is four and a-half mules:',a ',pi , 14 steam tirintiqltrt. Baring procured Steam Power Proem, we ere prspar. ed to execute JOB add BOOK PRINTING °revery oeserlp. lion, cheaper than it can be done at any other establish ment In the country. RA !1:3 t.F ADVIOSTIaLsG. si- Four Uric or PEs constitute one-half square. Bight lieu or mon, than fom maul uses square. Haif : . quare, one day one week tt one month..., l 4 three months nix months... One year One s.A..are, one day one week.... one month... Et three mouths tt six months one year Sir Buslnca notices Inserted in ihe Lecal &KM or before Ilan-Jana and Dcatha FIVR CnETS PER LINE for each inEernon. NO. 97 Idareges and Deaths to be ' , barged as regular ad rertiFements BY TELEG I .'fl. FROM OUR MORNING EDITION. LATER FROM WASHINGTON. Mayor Berrett still Refuses to Take the Oath of Allegiance. RELEASE OF REBEL PRISONERS Some fears of fevar and ague are exit) eased here, provided certain camps in this vicinity are not moved to better positions, now that the un healthy season is coming on. The matter has attracted attention in the proper quarter and will be seen to without delay. General McClellan insists on a more rigid sys tem of responsibility in the subordinate militia departments. Much property has been carelessly or dis honestly appropriated, heretofo:e, such as pro visions and horses, and it is to this that the Ge neral refers. The streets of Washington are in a shocking condition, owing to the late rains and want of repairs. Mayor Berrett seems to have very little in terest in the condition of the city. He still re fuses to take the oath of allegiance. Much fteling is manife•ted at the release, by order of the Secretary of War, of the rebrl pris oners who go to Norfglk. t,-day under a fisg, of truce. Among them is one Colonel. A captain is also of their number. A fugitive slave was yesterday arrested near Rockville. Md., and subsequently given up. He was hanging about one of our camps until pursued, when ho ran into the country. The Government is satisfied that General Fremont could not have sent reinforcements to the aid of General Lyon previous to the late battle at Springfield, without risking the Fed eral success in Southeastern Missouri. The California Regiment was reviewed, this morning, by the President and Gen. Scott. This regiment is now in fine condition. It is encamped a mile and a half from the city. The rebel leaders uudoubtedly intended, some ten days ago, to cross over into Maryland and try their fortunes there. It is, however, be lieved that they are afraid to venture on so dar ing and hazardous a step. A PHILADELPHIA REBEL JOURNAL STOPPED. About 1I o'clock this morning, 11. S. Mar shal Millward proceeded to the office of the Christian Observer, Fourth street, below Chestnut, and to the composing room of that journal, and seized the type and all the other appurtenances. The Christen Observer was formerly an organ of the New School Presbyterian Church, but recently its pro-slavery tendencies caused it to be generally repudiated by that denomination. The editor is the Rev. A. Converse, D, D., a native of Vermont, but more recently of Rich mond, Va. His son, F. Bartlett Converse, is the assistant editor. The seizure was made in consequence of the peculiar virulence of some matter in its last issue, in reference to this "on holy war." For a long time the Observer has been very obnoxious, but its "religious" character rather screened it from seizure. Of late, however, its utterances have been so very violent as to at tract the attention of the authorities to it. Its stoppage is the result. • No other rebel paper is now issued in 1-hiadelphia. Enw&nD Eviturrr FURTHER DEPREDATIONS BY THE PIRATE SUMTER. A letter from Curraooa reports that the pirate Sumter has taken the schooner Abby Bradford off Laguayra. The Venezulean authorities re fused the Sumter admission, and despatched a schooner to the Los Recess, seventy miles north of Laguvra, to recapture the bark Joseph Max well, at anchor there. VAN INGEN & SNYDER, Designers and En...ravers on Woods N. E. COE. FIFTH & CHESTNUT NTS., Philadelphia. EXECUTE all kinds of Wood Engraving with beauty, correctness and dispatch. Original designs furnished for Fine Book illustrations. Persons wishing outs, by sending &Photograph or Buglers - ern c pe, can have views of Colleges, Churches, stare Vint ts, Machines, Stoves, Patents, Sic., engraved as well on per sonal application Fancy Envelopes, Labels, Bill Readings. ;nos, num, visiting, Business and other Cards, engrav in the highest style 01 art, and at the lowest prices For rpecitlletiß of fine engraving, see the 'indurated works of J. B. Lipiiiscottk CO.. B. H. Both r &Co °c at lyd ALARGE TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE and lota grono.±, pleassatly loon d on Front bt., belareen Mulberry 811.0eL Washingtoo Avenue. Also TWO LARGE PIANUS In goon nmnalna and ot Gallant tone. Apply to WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS EIOT EL, CARLISLE, Cumberland t•outity, Pa.—The pro prietors take pleasure to announcing that they are now pre p ire,' ree ire vbsfiorst Perseus desiring a healthy location for the summer Will find this 006 or the mss. de lightful places In the country. The ureteral' these springs *moot be surpassed for drinking, bathing a,d medium] purposes For information and Galician address WILL, BIiftIi.OUGELS, D. C. B1:111NLT Proprietors. jai& 2m dtiBWRIBER would respectfully 1. inform U public that he ha • removed his Plumb ing arid Brava eounditii - ailltiilatieneut w No. r/ Sou tb fibtrdistreet below deer's Hotel. fbankful for past oa t mlithfmtr a k i rstia.ittritacHkAp., biyezesa to? merit mosey WAsumaToN, Aug. 22 PIULADALPHIA, Aug. 22 NEW Yowt., Aug. 22 City Property for Sale. C 0. ZIMMERMAN, No. ZS, South Second street. R EMOVAL. ] 30 26 1 0(1 2 00 3 00 6 00 13 00 2 00 3 60 6 00 10 00 16 00 I. JON Ni.