Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 22, 1861, Image 4
~_. eltbitat M MRS. WINSLOW , An isiperienous Nurse aud 'female ebyelit Ls, prk.seta , the attention of mottier,i SOOTHING SYlt U 1' For. Children Tl.ething, which greatly facilitates the proceb. teething, by sell enim the minis,tedueing an hittammatian—will &May Al i PAIN, and spasmodic action, and is SUkE,TO REGULATE THE BOWEL. ri 0 it, mothers, it will give rest to yODlnelv , AND, 'AND HEALTH TO YOUR INS ARV' We ha put up and sold this article for over tot yeah and .tias SAY, hi 00.11DINGIO AND rairtn, what NOhave neverASbeen able to sa or any other medicine-, NOVIII IT FAIL. ED, I y N A. emout airitrun ganal. CURE, when timely Used Never did ire anew an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who Died IS, On the oontrary,'; all are delighted with its opera honk and spaak in terms 01 highest 00ntinendatiOD 01 Its merest sack and medical virtues, We 'peas ID this matter "Was/ wr no lowie, atter ten goitre expo. AND MMus One INPUTATiceI von sun innytiLllitis Os WHAT NI EMS inws,sms. In almost eyery,h/Stalle* when .miffering from pain and exhaustion, re her will be Ibtind ' in Aileen or twenty minutes alter the .1111 P Isadititnistered This valuable prepariition is the preseripton of JIM the si e PPOUPCP nod BM I-FUL cr WMP I D V e y .rag lann. and has beert nand with 'ival gAi , tn. IMMO ID" • - THOU:ARNIM OF '.ABIOI it not ouly relieves the child from pelt, hilt ib 01, orates Ltr stomach and bowels, corrects a.itility, se gives tone sod energy to the whole system . It. will ri , eet rasnoilly relieve GRIPING TN 'PAM SoWELN, ANU Mid) Cull:. 046r4.10,110 Convulsions, wind' II not speedily rum,-. died, and ip death- We believe it the aser end irruw , issaim , Ili tan wontu, ealtee hf DYSENTIiRY MAKI— It 4 , GBILDRIN, whether It anger -eon fuuthine oVirem any other Gauss. We *num Re, I every mother Who bus a child guttering trots any of ins , oreseing coutplaints—rrie , nos tel TuIT6 resuLloiCie, IR&FOR acs suffering sfithSand the tante that will be Afi soixtet,y sipt . fellow the lies. .0 tide medicine if Mealy mod rut; dire , tlons for ems will at:comp/in melt batik, :dont genulee nniess iti.k . - , .lll4llitit,New York, le on the outside wrapped sold by <.. iunitletti Lorenglwint the world .Yuctpal :tab, No 13 Cedar St.„ New Yore. Price 'alp 25 Cants oar Elatga e s e-tror,da,.. Efarriseturg by D. W. arose . a U.., - italter&Arte: .1 Want& Lute, Nu. 27 Markin Ktrew& K. l eUer, No. hi. Alert. .4,70 p • Wiley. 7 . 2 A v: - s • • , T 1?) (La Hoilaad Bitters DYSPEPSIA, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &e: Tao iracce.sfui introduction and MO Of this bele , ateil t card) bee been the signal for a literal flood c•ano.anttle called "Bitters," offered in various urine, flint, a quart bottle to a five-gallon keg, until dtte word "Bitterd" is bat another name for "grog," ur innervillauoter whiskey allintre. but the real], 6-teat relief derived from the minute dam, oue teaapoonfill. of mu medicine, lICERB,AVE'S. IiOLL/111b BITTI:113, , Ipri the, rntyre atkresoe Lifter prortranon, tiss este, ou-died Sor, A a• reputation which the host ofimitatious ..A counterfeit hive . Wed tO undermine, - It is POW -o.ely 00gent -tfiefsiration,, with barely sufficient uo eptrita. tar presoave it but "u kw of the genuine, (Half-Pint Bottles,) Nice Oat Douse it is n medicine of tong-tried efficacy for Plerffiiteg Bleat, ot. eseenthd Ibr tlte ftntnthatcro of good oveith sod for eurrectlng disorders of the stomach and bowels Two or three dosee will convince the afflicted of its Nahum., efftrota The stomach will speedily regain its .trength, 'a healthy action of the liver, bowels and t ; iiye will 80011 take place, and renewed health be the mitt% Moult loot DI-DIGESTION, Try Hierhave's Holland Hitters, For Ertairra URN, Try Ilterhave's Holland Bitters. For ACIDITY. Try illerhaee's Rolland Bitters. For WiLTERBEALIESIEL Trs Ilternavo's Holland Enters. For 11EADACRIO, Try Berhave's Rolland Bitters. Par LOBS OD APPETITE, Tr?. Berhate's Rolland Bitters. a'o1• COSTIVENESS. Try iorhave's Holland Bitters, For PILL'S, Try Bterbave , s !Holland Bitters. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, aea Neurnigi; Vows, It has In numerous Inatances preyed highly teueficild, and In others effected a decided cure Read Carefully I The genuine, highlreoneentrateil thre.users Viet -I,:te iiITTEHII is put up in half-pint bottles only. and retailed at One Dollar per bottle The great dene , e.l h , r this truly oplebrated medicine has induced nla y heitatione, which the public should guard against Bre , t See that our name is on use [41,4 of ...wry bottle ion buy. Berg. Page, Jr. &Co. - ,Ol_E MANUFACTUREW; PITTHM3IIO fI, I'A. For al• in the etty of Harrtsb ag oy D F. GROOS • CO oiBOrd—sepldikwly J hicvNILRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C. ALFRED F. ZninfREMAN da 00; WO. 62 MARKET STREET, Harrisburg, Pa., oppostb: Beam% if met and adjoining the Laconia Honk, having purchased the stook of E. X Jennings, and added a !due aasortmonf of NSW JEW - MAT, we will sell the same at the lowed cash twice. an latiosao. Watches, Ckkiks and Jewelry neatly and prompq re poured sod detvered &LIRE) P. ZIMILIORMAN a CO attiring Maimed of toy stook of Jewelry to A. P. lim• merman & Co., 1 cheerfully recommeud them to my for. moo, trninernent as practical and experienced Watch Maker% sad solicit Mr theme coothmance of the patron. sew We b, has been so generously extended to me during the ism six years. sin2S N'XISEE. SHAD, No. 1, SALMON, No. 1, HER,RING, No. 1, COD FISH, No. 1, IitAOKERBL, No. I. Of ,Westmwe we have Ihe'dlfte; eized paceaget• rem the cm to the maws In' store and for Isle at Ott MIX MOW mos fable DENTISTRY. 1 - 1. GEO W. 6f iN E, graduate of the allimora ckdiq ea ot Dental Surgery, having perms neatly located lu the city of Harrisburg and taken the Mice krmarly occupied by Dr. Gorges, on Third' 6t3 W 1 between Markel. arid Walnut, respectfully tutoring hie Mends and the nubile in general, that be is prepared to pe rfo rm pperationa in tne Dental prnteseion, either surgical or mecnatural, in a Winner I bat shall sotbe aurressed by Orletatnte In this or any ether eity. Hie mode of Inaertmc art:Metal teettl le upon the t Gm, im proved sciantliks Principles. Teeth, 'reargue to a full set, mounted on Sae Gold, z4l - IPlatina plates or the Vulcanite Mass. I talagNlsphisaa'din rarammendlng the 6uuoe gee timpani to all iny former patletits at Harrisburg and-vlrr dotty, aad.thel coalltioat Oat he will perform all opera, tiagis to a aormattio twiner, tram imarlotowledge or hla abUlt7. imetallW *LOMAS, D. D. 8. Itjundlanza us. A New Feature in the Sniee Trade! IMPORTANT TO ROUSIIKEEPEito E. R. DURKEE & CO.'S SELECT SPICE, in Tin Foil, (Line with Paper,)) and Pah Weigh BLACK PEPPER, GINGER, NUTstrei WHITE. PEETIia, ALL .SPICe., MAU. CAYENNE PEPPER, SIUSTARD. CINAMON, GLOW N THIS AGE of adulteiated and taste lass Wens, it is with confidence test w., intro.i,:, to the attention of housekeepers those superior amt genuine articles. We guarantee them not only ABSOLUTELY AND PERFECTLY PURE, but ground from fresh Spices, selected and cleaned et us expressly for the purpose, without reference to ow . They are beautifully packed in un toil, (line,' with per, to prevent ielury by aceping, and are ICH WhIORT, while the ordinary ground Spices are 1011111 S, invariably short. We warrant tbem,ln &int of stroneti and richness of flavor, BEYOND ALL COEPA FAISON, as a slugs trial will abundantly prove. emery pauka4e bears our Trade Mark: Alanulautured, only by Es R. DUltkEk & CO., New York For sale by Wlit. BOOK JR. &CO. [Mel • • _. B. Bd., GILODEB.' • 'D. D. $. • AS' TA 2-. E AS'Y'REE2 ; OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. A" opera ions, surgical . anti kiechauical, perica med Charges moderate. ' 013 NEW COAL .OFFICE. i r HE UN DEMIHNED iniving . eititered illy to the COAL TRefiNlii this city; would .rftwertlull sol on the lattrotiage of thecitiails. 1 will seep 6e halm Coal of all karma, from the-moat ',claim ilea aim ;tow_ mate., which hill be delivere.i to, any, port tile from dirt mud othar 'FULL $ll.lO OLULANTUD. COAL SOD hALM -nr SUS BOAT WAD, CAM LOAD OR :110411 Yersene• tautitiasitta by the Do* or Car Load will receive 2,249 pounds to 'he Lis. Ohl. No. 14: Market - etre...a reruns doer from Cow out ri Au, /Ufa tai the (heat, foot Moth atreut rr taws leival either Owe° recievi- 'rifts •atttll.4lou Dolv it,- • PROP. ADOLPH" P. TELPSER • rotipuoilidly tutonn Las 010 toatrOdo And the public geuetally, tit yin .untiuun US give inettritalottS ot, the Pidatlu 111 I,ol.lh p itt, data ul3O Lliu iscionc, thialtOLlGe .He will Witt , plogiburr !mt. are. &tutele ,Etet. huniom tit 4ny 4uur at:eared,“XSOllM will ou given A: eie futildenea, TAird 4tres., few toorb hetchN etenotte ~emr. t hed ,aelit•dt SCHEFFER I S dOOK OBAS, TEM IlaiiBlia.l3UHU BUDGE.) UNION 'ENVELOPE'S. -mu o'l'6 PAPKR, of six . thlierout desigob, ./:fq printed c, Lwo colura, 64b1 by tha thuradud .0 by tuff quail) si City Oash price,i • areast Eaglal Cum. and .11.644.3 S ci Vory low voleo, , Cil at ruyS surlea4m.':4 Boos.r:Euti STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG FARE REDUCED TO $1.25 THROUGH CO GETTYSBURG. 1111 E undersigned hire estAldistied roger". LINE kne aT solg uurg, very tolgtir aldrraug with t.luine •r. laud Valley Relive esra - he . awl:Lei :ewe .very every fueaday, feursthay and eaurday, fathead). ,v,ry other day. Padeougura ,Shopperdaiowd, g. Pewraburg and Uetlyeburg are carried at re tdeu.l ' J 1011-dtIWM. J. [ATN. Itl4B7'lVti7 AI3UVt; N the itlttundifite , utiighbothooti of the Jobbing I.looabil uu Ituru *isti ULlesslitu. strwata, tke ktaints, Owl 4.)roil. , taue 610hAug , ' ba. .161.103.1CAr1i ANL) k.UItOPEAN 1.4A110 60A8li era( uA Y it ho Wawer outman :01 nud toot) front t:l3 uenus upward. a first wad:3 ttedlalantill ALLut:I/od, Prices Bella of Fare. . the thor,9tro tales ealatntgurs !roar o!ty dtation to or dose to We !lOW henoh, Gorman and riparualt station 1 3md TUNE uott BU 1101 ,7•4 Ft 6Lo es: 0.4; ukted Rir turaptaiug p < •ot, par ul the Olt y or Ile n, A s ply 1, 0 111. . WM. 11011/3 , Ph. Jr. altDtivriu.a IN W462,1,rat sai. vl , ILSUN . SEW! it . .4111 ti S, WITH NEW 'IMPROVEMENTS AIREDUCED PRICES, I 11E4.1N:di W ILSON 1 tarnig Company uaviug 4.4.11ied ALL I.llolr saw UM, WILIA talringius itunuladturnta et avoaqua itadbinna, propumi that tlin btinolladd , and nave ainiutdingly redeem' teo pruieshii tbett •antalue Machines.: atter laud datthoiyi will beatad ratniCtuat will pay a lair: pcdtit LAti:ntisi. Ul ua‘tout turn, .Japllai Loveland., add napouse ul Laitiug sloth, price. will eddole them 10 (4/11 , , (inn hlnes inanbiabil, neratolpre, guaidutua them in s,voiy partfOular la • aocornuum with um .mummeentem. Lucy,. I sell their sitleudidpnwiug dandiacal a pigpen fro di #4O 1.01.90 for the flue Clai case machines._lt us a well ~wf AL,. fished thatlimi ' • .•• „ Wheait Ilk Wilson Sew ins' laitobins W the beer one la into maT.‘et;-the beat made; 111011 aulile and least tt tbie mget.eut u t opier, and they are ...ww as low as thti ininrihr Lanchiums. Call and see Wain a Third and ISl.trnet. . ". : iticKuß, Aged'. zat7 pzg - C)jar OLD W . h. 11116 ()Lir ritA,N6POR'rd.TION Lt.?, 8411 to,budoesalul oyeratiou And uo curry . freight `I,(W may" otuer aidiyiAual ItUt • .,jtw,,eil • eoiladelptatctlarriebnig,6utiouty, , Lewuaburi, *Mums port, dome) Mora, i 4 Ilavou, aid all - ppiaLs - -uo Northern, fAintrttl, grief culd Witlut port arid Elmira tioodis east to egitAgilL,l.Kt.i.. . 131 NO1intitn,..1ion. aUP and 810 Margot strent, above Enintfi, by 4o'clottg,?. - .4., will arrive pillarriebuig,manly tor +.leiliety ,ILO ;utiat zooming. ' ' if.:3lC spg-g Ikatielling *glow p6l4ory BA.H.RELS. --Two Haudred - Ampty ,Jour, allgar au t wine UArreari of scriptions etnd eines- • , WIC DOCK J2l. S. Ct. R. ICNNINGB. WALLOWER'S LINE , DAILY aet WAWA • , HARRIO IMO laid 4' LI I LADELPH I A. Wm. IN Burk, I tlyefai • 814 .Mark OgickPhilaaet phsa, fol.meOlY:Liiingscoilk'67. • kapeoial eottiiiiotoi to charge, of each ' .iocala de li aerad'ailhe 'Warabtiustl, phis, at 4); (eeloaa Y. U., All 6a deli iterod rria. burg next morning. . .4. WALLUWES:, JR, Agemt., m. 4.1411. : kteadiu,4 De oL, asrdsburt. WM. DOCK, Ja. 41'00 . ,4M--8. three Hundred Extra Btlgar . IHamm Yet ‘..°4*ved D(')Cit itt Aco F 130114488 GROCERTES 1 1., ,c 41,0 E.:,.A R ii. i y A 1 41; L NW, ' „ 4 ,:i . ;. - : RETU R NED' from the , r ,„„,,„.,,,, . ..,‘„,, w.ii,hs' seeded *Millie' aiiimerr43,6o.* • ZOOMplefit 111380111 M€114 , 0r sti.. MOP li ` , • ~...4. .. . , ii/e be& PUbe ' floly ) . lit t l r r ' tilt.'l c 4 ,14, 1 fq i i l a epitt I '' . :: • * SC/tal 0111 pennonlvania Daly kgraph, elipitoobau afternoon - August 22, 1861 T. L0t7113 rtilLADELVtilafi. ntevmariu ra /Mal Again at Harn.buri, - D. A. 11UkNOli filtbitaL Ay er's CATHARTV' "ILLS. A YUIi SICK, feel.' •-•iJiainingt Are you out Cl order, with year systeni deranged. and your feehugs uncomfortable? Thesesymptems are Alen the prelude to serious illness. 4 :Om@ At of sickness is creeping upon von, and aboniti be averted by a timely nee 01 the right remedy. fake Ayers Pills and cleanse Al the 'lieu. mred humors--puri.y th blood end let the duple mope disoontructee u again. They stimu ate the tuns:tm. 431 the body , s u e . morons activity, pu rify ibis ay ;tem It on' ttl,sse. A . old settles 'somewhere lb the body, and oh nru.ttait i amoral functions. These, imt relieved, react upon vennselves and the surround ing organs_producins ge,er iggravation, 'Mitering and &Sense While •u this condition; oprreeSesPby the de raugements, take Aver s And see bow directly they restore the nai.:rsl action of 'tie system, and with it the buoyant ieeling oi ....tin. What be true end se apparent In this triv , al and •;qterlloo complaint, b. also true m many o' ihe deep-scan:xi and dangerous distem pers the same purgative ellen expels them. Caused 14 annular obstruction'. en., eerangemenUS of the natural functions of toe bot.y, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured by the same means. .Nolte: who anus for virtues of been Pois will neglect to employ hem when .i.ullertug Iron' the di orders they cure. Statemenu iron' physiciana:in samie 01 the principal cities, and iron, other well knOwn viablic per ems. From s Forwarding blerchaut ot St. Louis, Jleb..4, 1866. DK. Arad : Your Pills are th parson of all that to great I o medicine. They have L ..••ed my little daughter ot ulcerous sores upon her bait s and *et that had proved Incurs' le for years. Her in fiber tura beau ton, grieviously atilicteo with blotches and , pimples o• her skin and to h t, hair Alter our child' Wart OW 0,0 lolls, and they have cured her ASA Ilttßattlissit. AS A YAMILT ektYllitt. [Front Dr. It W. Carta right, New Orlessa.j Your Vile are the prt.toe 01 purges. Chew excellent 4nr very any t art* we pordemit , Thor rue ifidd, but certain elite:teal in their - When (Mine bowels, whinb Make t a arsal Inv ueoliv Adourld the daily continent ot disease EIXADAMI., •ICII MCADAMS, FOOL IttVilltaini. tErom Dr. !Alward tioyd, baltiUlOce. . DCAa bell. anal ; 1 wiubcd answer yes wasr dom. pitted,: t wive UMW with your ltilla better than to' my ill Shat we vier tree: with a put vatioe media me hi place Treat Ito:m.10mo un as awned. tatriartie ;to 'uty daily contest with disease, and oelieviag as Idu that Ptlls afford da tbu bast we have, t 01 course, value them . highly. Prrholoso, Pa., Kay 186 b. Litt. J. U.—dir I have been repeatedly cared of tie worst uadard e anybody eau have, by • dose or two your Pais. t swans i.• arise 'rum a tom Stomata°, which they Moots. ULIGe. Yours with groat (septet, • hit; VF:ritBEILe, t ikol Steamer (Marion.. . as IYSXPLAniTti. !From Ur. Mewl...-. hen New York. Llty.i Not are y..ilr r. • .. rably adapteu to their ouri.o.vilui .t, but I •dil thutr Detttitketali tillt3oll3 , tioeU the ima very marred t ..tied. they IlaY my win Oftelittlat -or the cure it Billet& 00intitilim, a.ty .in i realinly ~,m413 Attention.. I eiu oerely rejoice IL U.i.v it leuittil a puriottiTi Oink , worthy the coud.tence the t oroftebou and the people th.raxxnarit or Tau 11.11.11i008., Wasttiugtou, 0 0., ith Feb. 186 b. J 31r : I bar.i ustst you. eta , .to th y getierfa•Ml uespital ever stuck. yo,. awe, and cauuol neattate to say toe) :are the It.- att. ft, we employ. litter Ire gutattug ,etiou .01 Lie • V r Ott and 'twitted rlwae pi. oily - they Are • • t a• aledy for derangement of brg .u. Ithieer • ... v &dont lowa a Cube el Stlitie.votieule .00U .1 OK not rtadilv yteld to ut-oh. hrateruallj t a •I NW ISAL/ n. et,. sidlial/ / tau bildrine Eloaptuill UYAiltellaity 101.411AA.A.. A cir.LAI., Oryttlitt. ruLL, kN. tx. LxreuLA, oI Uutoult,'.l tour.; uu,a tat, t, to, , any yr...4ton, and 1. ,tow tu , „ 1.4 lu 4.4444 m ,t 3 olio 01 1...1 .44,t ipertenie t Moe eVrf 10t111.4 *Mir effera.lve upon die liver funk., aleuf refhedy, when yen aulal, tlOseitor tht,ou,... , Dy -winery 444 litArrlion.L. Cline logar-feenling 1.111.111 pert' tionevtatfle min nouveniet.t for the cliwt of woaneu nun cbilaten 41EPOIUTI to - Tax eiLooD adVeMetlll/Cski, 110,310 U. 6r. eve.,: i Elev., it ea yout vald with atcrdurdiudry my Welly 11101.1 e lam called to visit le distims. I ' u rub ulu.n .uo oripais digeidion and IA 4.1. rdy e>lll.x.e, the very beat 'remedy r have ever knew r reiminrmend tbem to my +fiend.. Yours, 1 V. 11111.115. Weenie,•k N. Y., Oot. ftifea ate your siadhartie rills in my, praildo, and du it. .t. purgative io idealise sydldnu rue ule /01.61101111.1 no the blood. hihMClLahl, tUrrelidelde, tifiltllll.6l2tle = • •••• Quin, Naos awe. • tnbruy, awn. 'From Dr. J 14 Vaughn, onirelli, lALLIIIIIIII' ruu mush CAUUM ue said of your Pills for thb`ourif Costiveness. ti manta of your water...lly bave"tonocl them us Wheat:taus s t itave, they ,honld ms' in pm: &toning It for we oeuont ut ihu caultituiles who sutler trout thut uouwtann, womb, although Dit4 enough in - it= ami, is toe progouitor a otneri wet are woree. I nedive Cost . vtipota to originate to the *lvor, but your rills affect that orkuu au l cUto tae disease. Wrote Mrs. a, Stusri, PUyaluiau and thilente dolma.) uuo or tut ,, Isrgedosetiko/ -your Ras, Csieee at the proper nuts, are weseiluut prootouvei of We ZiaLurill ullrai.u.L wit u wU usrtiatly suppresgeut, add also ety • 01.112fdmi toe oTo.llllotl and wit nouns. Nay di4os lout:MIR pUydlO wp have that • moist- Stead uo outer to my p4Udul4. • (Frofit 'cue . Or. thiwrices, (litho Yetbottlfit Church.] rouussi-tiount. &eaulino, Ga., Jau. 8, 1.8511. HONOWaI S I, : Amnia bu ungrateful fur the rebel your nititi nAs brumtut me u I ert report my nese .to you. A oulc dewed w .uy um.; utt brougtit ou nacre: cultic. Neuralgic l'Atat, wilful ended Ut Uttromo ;thee. talent. Nutwitbsotaitus I uad the beet of physician*, the tileteute %reel were. Ltd worse, until by too fitly** YOlik excellent &suet to daltimore,Mattplusits:l - tried ycer thou' *Meets were islOar'inu Aire. Hy pentevef n, in the uncut them, I am no* entirely well . Basers eit#Ahar, r rtou itouse, La., Dec ' ; b, Ua AYKY I nave i/W.l outirdy oared 4) youi el Kbouteettie uotn—. ,•Afetui MseAse that hatl tullicte ,4 'me Ur oy e.tra. VINCkNT fiLLVICLL. eirr#ust ut the Pete in kennel runtish' penury, Widcb, , sethougu s vainsule remedy in skillia..handa i 411,0rUuat in a pUbiit: pill, kraut toe dreadfulealesaeunts. cc; Wet .requeutly tallow its inosuttolla Nee. Theei tant,,ie. se .wesry or mineral substance whatever. emu 25 ataa,s per bug, ur , bogus, tor .-; . Prolarou D3 - .1`. 1 .). 'avant er g. oortAlw.ii,:=zuom-- ....old 'ay u. HouluvarLQ. 1.e115r.,.D. Grum & J. Luta, Hoitrian & 00., &migrant, Harrisburg, ad daalera avdmy where. apur-emdaw I)AVth ilAYlito, 110 hiA.Kg*, EIAVAISBURGI," Agent tor. • • • Lii ;LAE S P A TENt.. Wrtught and Cudlee tr..;. r.iu • and Burglar. Prue& 18141../b` etrally Wt. d LI .fderead4• Ilia I n buUi and Burglar Pro Of. 8 1 '- l.; A N PA4.ITINE CAB ULM, &RIM ..0A5.01.., A.DARANTIIN N. CANDLE'S, Oil.NOLhb, CliEbileAC:sll.l.Rot. t ANDLEttI, TALLOW CwtYllb .' arga lot 02 200 ,ioi j 4, bt. • a cud tor woo* U low .xst prlces ny UG.Li JR. St., iota! ttof.ootte toe Colic Erode. Et ILAO K ANI) SE C 717,033 MOURNING DRESS ;GOMA OF ICVERY DESCF.IPTIOI :MST At Aims below the oeeiof CALL AT cAI I IICARTA I , nayB Nap, dlearje,ttuo. lbyrisburg Bank. FA fuvwsw.s -,4QTAL ; rtNAE friends rod the public that hotiatrtakao the FARM_ HR'S HOT J. Stahl's, wrier° he - 16 HLon Market street opttasite the Post Ogl e ., pr 'Limed' , Jepared WM:cern Sao aide them on reasonable %rival • Maytag - refitted and futntshed the House entirely now, he hopee-hy strict at ; . t e pti ou to bizainess, 03 receive a Shan of moo n ., L!.'o faist.ansdl. ' • " e. Mita% LDISIVS BOOK, M'Kinney'Es 1 1 1 -' 8° ext.' - GUM extutpi. : 1 o ' t w i dg e d gime* ex oadaie add_ " ' • one geyernmellt, tellek makdat,gad. am .. tuiedie. .• t. • popesi 00. forisk• itt.r A;4 0.4,, , ' s• I 0 t'Alaia lt rintinn Bailanikaginlia intbital "They go right to the Spot." INSTANT Mann STOP YOUR COUGH 1 PURIFY YOU It BREATH I t.TRENGTHEN YOUR VOICE 1 SPALDING'S Throat Confections, GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR 000 D FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSIIMPTIVES GENTIMMFN CARRY; SPALDING'S. TRIIOAT CONFECTIONS kUUB ABE DELIGHTED WITH SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS canDltaN OBTFOF RPALDING'S THROAT OONFEKTITONS They relieve a Cough Instantly. They elear tya ThrOat. They grim etreagih arid Volume to the vnlne inipirt wattlicloin aroma to the breath. They amidel!girtrel to - the taste. They are . madeofsimple herbs end cannot harm any 1 advise every cue who has a Cough or a Husky voloe or a Badiksath, or soy difficulty of the Throat, to get a package of my !Throat Oonfectious, they will relieve you nstantly, and you will ilnd them vary useful and pleas ant whilointveling or attending public meetings nor stil ling your Cough' or allaying Your thin* If' you try one ruilOse lam safe In saylog that you will ever after wards consider them indispensilde - You will find them at the Druffests end Ileali;irs in Modliolnee. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CEN'Tfil idyidgnatare is on each package. All, other are coun terfeit • ' A Package will be ant by anal, prepaid, on recttn. or Thirty Cents. Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 CEDER STREET, NEW YORK CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE NERVOUS HEADACHE, CURE ALL KINDS OF BIADAOILE By the 110 of these ptus, the periodic nitwits of Ner wisitor akk Headache may be prevented; and if taken a thitainieneneement of as attaaa lame/Hata relief from pain and Meknes, 161!, be shimmed. Theyiseldem lan In removing Noma and kfeadachs to which &Maim are so subject. They Sot gently upon the bowels, removing antivenins. For literary Men, Students, Delicate Yentalea, and all personi of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Loaf* Improving the 1.171/711, giving 1011 /MD 11001 to the digestive organs ; and restoring the natural glutt ony and strength to the whole system. The CRPELALIC ?ILIA are we reeds el lung tavern gallon and carefully conducted experiments ; having been In use in many years, during which lime they have pre vented 'and relieved a vast amount of pain and sneering from Headache, whether originating in the stemma sys tern or from a deranged stale of the sinvesek, Tay are entirely vegetable In their oompmittes, and mai be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change of diet and the absence mi any dein gneaddistane renders it eon, to administer then to children BEWARE 01P COUNTRRIEITY, • The geaulne have five elgliatUres et Henry a. Spelding .on each bac. Sold by druggiste and all other dealers le medlainea. A Box win be senl by mail prepaid on receipt of the PRIM TWAINTY•FIVE 016118, All orders should be addressed te HENRY 0. SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street, Netr YorB ore single bottle of SPALDING'S PRSPARSD GLox will wive ten Snug Us cost siuniallymjs SPA_LDINGI3 PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLIA I SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I SAVE THE PIBOBEI EOONONY ars , . ME M Or an awn 1a0.”41., moaddesstsiwill happen, seen in eselkupeditsdfastUfes is --very desirable_to bye acetic .ebsupend convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Orone,y-v, kc BPALDIETA PLIPLItiII GLIM me" a➢ as h emargoixdea, and no lioaaaltokt can afford to be without it. It is always ready and up to the tuck. Ing point. "USEFUL IN EVERY 110U$$.,, LEW-6 Brash acccempunlee each bottle. Moe U Adams axtatv O. SPALDING, No. 48 New York. EEEEEEEI „ a w n a mprinistpled persons are allemptlog to , palm of - au unauspeoting public, Imitations m thy /.211 PARED Gllll, I would caution a persona to examtoo Amami paretuageg, and see that the fall same, P a t I. AWSPALDINIVIS PEWARICD OLIME,Air "ailbtaera are dna Ma ,ffnuir aurl6-daw-ii-rdiele LADIES' WINE. SPEER' S S AMBUCI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every Family Should Use- SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE CELEBRATED for its medical anti bane flail qualities as a genuine Stimulant, Tanic, it retie and Sedorille, highly esteemed by eminard physi dans, and some of the first families In Setups an America. SPENEUS SAMBUCI WING: is not a mixture or manufactured article, but 18 Jur e , from cultivated Portugal Eider, recommended by Gown hits and Physicians as possessing medical proaarties an parlor to any other wines in use, ant an excell for all weak and debilitated person% and the aril and infirm, Improving the appetite, and benefiting tali and children. A LADIES' WINE, because it will not intoxicate as mbar wines, as it con tai's no mixture of spirits or other honors, and 11 ad mired ibr its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties, imparting a bealihy tune to Inc digoitive orgies, and a ,blooming, salt and healthy skin and comotexiOn. None genuine =leas tba idguature of ALFRED hi'EF.R, Palmate, N. J., is over the cork of etch bottle, . MAKE. ONE TRIAL OF TIILS WINE. A. SYKES; Froprletor, Passaic, N. J. Office 208 Broadway, New Yolk. • J. 11. EATON, Agent, Pblasdelphla. For sale by I) W. Gross, &Go., G. it ' Keller, John Wyeth and by drsegiMs generally Jyl-flaw ly. Great Cure. DR. LELLAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Gout and Neuxalgia All Mercurial Diseases. it is a conveniently arranged Eland, containing a met sated compound, to be worn around. the Waist, withou t ininry to the most delicate persons, no change Inhabits of thins is required, end it entirely removes the disease from the system, without producing the injurious effects' arising from the use of posr.rtd. udernal medic mos which weaken and destroy th m.sotution; and give temporary relief only. By this "moment, the medical properties contained in the Band, come in contact with the blood and' reaches the disease, through the Porte of the skin, effecting in men inslaneu perfect cure, and restore .he parts adlicted to a Kmi,hy condluon. This Band Is also a most powerful asmktettertunat. agent, and will entirely. relieve. the system, frem the ferflidellet ef fects of Mercury.' Moderate cases are cured In a lew days, and we are oonstauhly reOeliulglestiMOulge of its efficacy In aggravated cases of long standing. Pince $4 00, to be bad orDruggister gerierally; or eau Le sent by mentor express, with full directions jot use, so any part of the country, direct from the Prinotoal °Mee, No. 409 BROADWAY, New York. G. SMITH & CO. Sole Proprietors , N. 8.--Deacriptivii Circulars Sent Tree. rgy-e.git&Ts WAN'rED EVrttYWHICRE.4, jyft-dew SOMETHINES FOR THE MISS 1• 11 . _ A Neeeinity. imEvery Honseholdtl JOHNS & caosizvEr • American Cement Glue The Styongest Slue In 'the World' FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, FOR MATE, ALABASTER, BONE, CORAL, &c., am, &c. The only article of the kind overproduced which will withstand Water. EXTILACTS • : • .r.krery housekeeper khouid hart a r tat fly of Johns St Crosiers atilt:win= Cement Gloe."— 1. . non. is so convenient to nave .ca Itonse"—N. Y. EXPRESS. • "It la always ready ; thlsoommendk °every body." N. Y. INDEPENDENT. "We have tried it, and find It as mow! to our house as water."—Wasss SPIRIT or PUS nuts. • • Price 26 Cents per Bottle.. • , Very Liberal Reductions to -Wholesale Dealers. TERIII6 04oR. Or For sale by all Druggists and Storekeep ere generally throughout the cpentry.. JOHNS & UROSLEY, (Sole Hann lectures ? ) ' 78 Wx.raimit Dralurr, jy3-41 (Corner l7 of Liberty Street,) Naw YORK." FASHIONABLE ~OLOTHING. SPRIEG, AND sintem attige 186 1 . PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS. GRANvnam sirozAW ONE PRIC'E ca 01.0T171ING. EMPORIU A superb 'stock of fine Preach, finibsti and AltibiMat. OLOTIII3 and TENTINGS: Par thy mad country wane, with an anktoProwbabie nortment of RiADY Mita Omni= atthei lOtisat" offal ,q -But ONE PRIMO Is attired, and a GIFT of mtrtmudo worth and use presented with eacb'artield . Partiunlar attention paid M the Clialtaner 4sPatiMent, and garments made and sent to order Many address, --In inatiguratina this new system Of Aping buit ifet * GRANVILLE CTOICRE would Impress on the minds el the patrons of his establishment, that the cost of the gift Ia deducted.from; and nor addeditliter.ptice.ortherartl. de sold.. His Immensely increasing Sales enabling him to act thus liberally , and at the genie' time to'reabre remunerative, profit. . • • •_- all articles guaranteed to give sitistactlon. GRANVIT.T.R STOKES' DEPATOR ONE PrupECLO:rIIU,IGE*FoRTum - 607 .CIRABTSLIT STR YkT. oct.l94rad—rdmar6-4:10 Glorious Star Sum:vied Banner ! • A NOTUER SUPPLY OF WILL PAPER, 21. BORDhItS, SPLLNDID WINIX3W nftaxi, .uy Which We eau the attention or our frieada,,oll cordial)" Invite Worn to =Limb:lie our goofie anq P_ „rico& , We are deterourief to WI alliarp.:-litatt Owe. _ - SCHEFria. 8QQ11,4244, so , • Ablic t; , ttu4 /*ash Apiiklußseriad 4141. Is—JOBlettiO Al Diu Miettllatteaus AND A StraH MIRE YOB No. 607 CHNSTN7/7:STRELI. OASSIWOMS, SIGN OF THE Pints at ttruott tsr. 1 / 4 firaviso t tut N orthern Rati\,a ?tir NOTICE. CHANGE OF SC11E1)1114 SUMMER ARRAN GEMENT teen TRAUtS DAILY TO Asr, y 13 Is_ I_l ri' lIL 0 E j, N AND AFTER SUNDAY, Lbe Passenger Trains of the N, r ,, , • - way will leave Harrisburg and GO IN G SO I 'I BAIL TRAIN will leave Harrisburg IMPRIMIS " I ‘"" " HAdRI7 BURG ACEXIIIMMATION KETURNIN 4; MAIN will leave Raltimotc at lIXPREEE TRAIN 13ARRISBURO ACCOMMODATU)N, . G. . 4 1 , 4i .% 4) it I it MAIL. TRAIM Ilarrisburg at REPRE-8 'e only train leaving Harrisburg ..0 tt..l • the hYpreas, South, at 3.00 A. M., and Iw.s i, F., 5t."4145 P., M. Yur orraHor Infortnauon apply st th. Railroad .Depot .rrixt,k,r,,, May 2L), Aihtt 11 111 , All if itiii 1 141 Y - 41 - 7 - '10.7717.f - maid NUBS DAILY TO NEW yoLk TWO TRAINS DAILY ) hH ILADFA.i . tI; WITHOUT CHANGE (W cA pQN AND AFTER MON D A .It',\ , lipii, th e Pus , uger Train? w.ll te v , • as.. Readiag Railroad f)epot, at u .r York and Philadelphia, as fallow , , , tz EASTWARD. EXPRNBI3 LINE leaves ['Urn- .ur n 4, 4 , rival of Pennsylvania r, Wiiat, arriving in New York at t p m k la at inked to the train tarot"? change. • IiAILJ TRAIN leaves Hare,shlue At New irPrir, Mop. m and itt -.FAST LlNXissabas Harrisburg 'd 14 p m of Peneavlvaala KellroAd Fa,t stl,l err r. York ai 9.4 p: 01.. and rititt , iek).6l, . WESTWARD faliT LINE leaves New Vori st , .„1 phis at B a. os., arriving at liarci,bar4 .t, I it MAIL %RAIN loaves he* . York st 1 t O tn., arriving at LINR leaves Slew fork at 9 p ring ai Harriaborg. &1 2.80 •. in., and con Ls, Pennsylvania Fannies Train for itto 1. • eArlasiso`ittsebed io lIDS rain Onneolions are made at Elarrtsburg w ;.., i'ennaylvania, Northern Central ant (Ain I Railroads, =did, ReittilDig for t' Frdiresbarre, Altentnya, baton, az,:. Biggsed ; chocked thtough. Far, end Ha, riaburg, SIS 00 i bel.WeJa delphia, $3 25in No: I ears, sod 52 70 In No. 1: For tickets or other inform:woo y to Gattaral CM PENNSYLVANIA RAIL !iicktl .}lEn, SICIMMPA TIME r FIVE TRAINS DAiLv ro ,Nr FROM PHILADELFHI. ON AND Arreit MONDAY, JUNE Wth, Cho posautior krahn or lb° etwohylv. , , L r.. I r Doo Will aapirt from auti arriv. it, +lllloolphil u E A$ ir At A it t► FAST LINK Harrisburg ever) Iktemdity) m., and arrivi.b t A rri 116.10 11. m. 113)1611011ELPHilla TRAIN ter I- • 111,940 a'.`itil; tad arrives at Went Ptilln , t • . ith; TRAIN lawn* Eturritsburg dalv w day) at' 6.16 r. and •rrive..t tt ‘‘ , ,t , 10:16 p. w, .Nees *slug malcoolosommoecthau a. ca...., :. tka . t , !ew :fork - Linos. SD ' abbCo pev via -. oN TRAIN, No. 1, ~„ ... VOnVIO Winn at 1.00 a. m., and trri” , .. ~ Ph 1111431 12 00 noon. tutaisaulto ACCOIdRODATIoN lii AI N, ~• . bla, Itaknalifirrlaburg at 1.10 p m., au.' e,ti. , ... , fhtlidedpidaht l o 25 p. m. iii6061.1d0134.T10N TRAIN, No. %, vta 1t,,,.... . kerb Etarelabu_ at 5.15 p. ad . col I.f. d.e.'l . . 1 ' " vino arab' MAIL-MAIN; and arrives at W..“ t t.. 1. ph( at 10.16 p. k. W T W A It O. . THROUGH LXPREPS TRAIN leay.. 10.20 p. m., Harrisburg at 2.86 a. m , Au n ria., and arrives at Pittsburg at )2.11.) noon. MAIL TRAIN leave) Philadelphia at 7 30 burg 1. 00 p. nn Altoona, 6.83 p. m., and arr, ,„ bog at 1200 rafflniglit. FAST LINE latmo Phlladelpl3ll at 11 •: burg 8.85 D. m., Altoona 8.10 ;. m., and ar-, burg at 12,30 a. in. • iIUIRRISIMAG ACCOMMiiDATION dolt:alb. at 280 p. m , Lancaster 6.08 p. in 6.40 p. in., and arrives at liarrlsburg at COlitlatia aLMarrisburg. at B tis p. an Central Railroad Train for Bunbur \\• Loot HI n, Scranton and all points North. AOCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves P. W., Lancaster 7.50 p. m , Mount .101, $ ;!i bethtown, 8.87 p. in. and arrives at r. .9 - AO/ p, Attintion is called to the Glut, that • Pkaaddiplvi t at 4.00 p. in., connect at Lev 45 ,QONT J9LACCOMMODAI lOs TRAIN, tat IV Hirilsbnp '&9.80 p. SAMUEL D Via Supt. East, Div. Yea, a. P.a.:roil Harrisburg, June 7, 1861.—dtf • STEAM WEEKLY BETWEEN NEW TORE MID LP7ERPOOL. 4-NuOu EMBARKING I'A- J1,...4 . QUIEILNSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Vet • 10:11, New York and Philadelphia Steamship (lora* lntead dearth:thin their full powsred dyde-bail[ rot - Bleatnahrati la Mows : „,„. _/.C"041400., Baturdayaugust , t INA, SturdaY .-.40 154 24 ; EDINBURG; Saturday A . ; and every akeurday; trotati finite Pier 44, Norio hirer. .z • Rawl OF WlLitig, 11"114 $75 00 I SiEett tot—. . . ... Ne) Od ibe -,tolotidati.....BBo 00 I d 1. • ..401:1 Ou [teeeturn Ma -I t sts, good for 7 - ..... 000 etii forwarded to Paris,3l.mourg, Bre r n i" igthilerliam, 'Antwerp, &c., lbrollgb AgrPOZIIOIII wlebing to bring Outthoir trends ticket" here at the following rates, to New Yuri: From tlearziooler. Queeristewn; let Cabin, €76, iB5 aad 51 5 - Stalwart from Liverpool $4O 00 Front Queenstaa , - -'ffiesa Eiteinkis superior ...texonateodation s raiirll.=.laalc:lo-Perleneod Surgeons. nig WY: watek &Wow, and have Patent Elf INO. G. DALE, Agent, 16 Broadway, New York. ; t or 0.0. ammo:um Agony Harrisburg. Mil I n 9 ; 111 ^ I , • =EMI IN FEB