aiiiv Ed**. II A;;I;ISBURG, PA Afternoon, August 22, 1601. COU.NTY COMMITTEE. liit• v Committee of thiL_People's party ill lit 'tile Court House hiliarriaburg, on (lily of August instant, at 1i p u, Attest, YoUNU, Sectetary. Ilnistaag, Aug. 19, 1.88.1 • - ..ost 'sr. , camp.- —Capt. Isaac W. Waterbuty's couli,,it.y went into Camp Cameron this mom- Ini. ___._...___.— Uoui:lsuom- --Several large squads of re el nit, :or the different regiments and compa uvs recruiting' here, urrived by the trains last niOit 1111:21=:1 c.a ate 31}TriNu. —The colored folks commenced a ewe', meeting in Stoner's woods, near lEUgh pire to day. Excursion trains will be ran on the Pennsylvania Railroad' from today until and including Sunday, Aug. 25. The" rdlis will leave llalrishurg at 7.1t0,A. Morand I.°.'. P. M. Returning, leave Fliglapire. at 11.00 A. M, and 6.00 P. 11. hloseurross.—To drive away these puny, but troublesome insects, camphor is said to be the most powerful agent. A camphor bag hung up in an open casement will prove an effectual bar rier to their entrance. Camphorated spirits ap plied as a perfume to the face and hands, will prove a good preventative, but when bitten by them, aromatic vinegar is the best antidote. DRUAKENESS AMONG TIM SOLDIRB2.—Foi the last few days we have witnessed an unusual amount of drunkenness among the volunteer recruits stationed here. This is a lamentable fact, and one that calls aloud for remedial measures. Brave though they be the folly of the cup is leading them sadly astray. No uw,oures Can be adopted which will be too severe to protect them from the vice of drink. Lusts N ATURA IL —A lady, residing near Dolphin, last week gave birth to a child which is much deformed that its sex cannot be dis tinguished, and it is supposed its life cannot be prolonged over a few days. The upper portion of its body to its waist is perfectly formed, but i ;Ibtlomon is only covered with a thin skin, whilst a large part of it is entirely without coy leaving the intestines exposed to view ; hii,l the sexual organs and anus are entirely want in.! At last accounts the child was still living, i,ut it is supposed that it cannot survive many days longer. DEATII OF AN AGBD CITIZEN or DAUPHIN.— Mrs. Susanna Miller, one of the oldest inhabit ants of the town of Dauphin, died on Friday last at the advanced age of nearly 75 years.— funeral took place on Sabbath morning, and wins attended by a large concourse of rela tives and acquaintances. Mrs. Miller wtts r bom in Lancaster county, and educated at the Lit/ Female Seminary, but has resided in or near the town of lLuphin for the last twenty years. She was a consistent member of the Lutheran church, and was beloved and esteemed by all who were intimately acquainted with her. A SQUIRREL CAITIIKED BX A RATTLESNAKE.-A few days ago a gentlemtm in search of some sheep which had strayed away on Peters mountain, encountered a large rattlesnake, which he shot, when just in the act of springing at him. Upon examination he found the snake had seven rat tles, and what was more remarkable, found a fine large grey squirrel lying by its side, which it had evidently killed with its fangs. How the squirrel was captured by the snake Is of course a mystery, but as the reptiles are said to have the power of charming small birds and animals, and even man, it is most probable that the squirrel was captured by means of this mys terious power. THE NEW POSTAUE STAMPS differ materially from the old ones in design, as they are uniform in general appearance, and have the value of the stamp designated in figures in each of the upper comas, in addition to Ti. S. Postage, Three Cents, &e. The one cent stamp repre sents a profile bust of Franklin, and the. three cent a profile bust of Washington. The five cent has the head of Jefferson, the ten, twelve and twenty-four cent the head of Washington, the thirty cent the bust of Franklin, and the ninety cent is distinguished by Trumbull:a head of Washington. The time for exchanging stamps and envelopes will soon close, and after that date letters enclosed in uld style envelotlea, or paid with the old stamps will not be forwarded ed, but be sent to the Dead Letter Oft) at Washington. mtcrics IN F IRLNO.- 1 .112 this struggle to ob tain arms of the moat improved character, the soldiers and the citizens do not appear to have Considered how essential it la to have practiced target shooting with these arms ere they become, in the hands of the volunteers, any better than the old grown Bess. The little attention paid to practice in tiring, causes the expense of war to be duplicated— duplicated because the firing is without any effect, In the first place, a re cruit must become accustomed to the shock of tiring tiring, in the and thrank en he liana o become accustomed to . " hus acquire which it is Ige of Lange, ---mr..---r. fillAatuvat. or Murraay. s —lipir volunteer com panies commanded respeoMvely by Captains Cornelions, Herman, Bread, and Diehl, uiar rived here this afternoon . M [any of the men composing the companies ve already seen service in the three monlibt paign. DEATH ore FOBAIRE : . ,-9: 1 , GIER.-111f0I , 'nation has been received .... ••• e of the death-at Washington city of Mic... 7 • :11er, Esq. Mr. Keller removed from Lan *ff in 1808 and re sided in this city until 180 when he removed to Washington. He r ••.' •• t. ted the county of Dauphin in the State --.• `s tura in 1888. FINE GAGES.—Mr. J: . - R. Boyd presented us to-day with a- 1 branch from a yellow gage tree con - . - a cluster of thirty-five large yellow :.. ::: ' 71!arly rips Mr. Boyd in forms- •• •••• - T. tree from which they were n contains it-number of other brtuatibes with the fruit similarly clustered, an example of fruc tuity that's rarely exhibited in the gage tree. F. l'hairrnan Eel itAaina Isrim.—Many persona are in the habit of handing their letters to the mail agent on the railroad and expecting him to mail them. This he is not permitted to do under the law. He can legally receive only such letters as there is good reason to believe were written after the closing of the mail at the local post office ; and such as could not be mailed with due diligence, will receive the stamp at the post office, when they will be received by the agent on the road. GONE. To PHILADKLPHIA.—The three secession ists arrested in this city yesterday have been given over to the United States authorities, and left for Philadelphia at one o'clock this after noon, in charge of policemen Taggart and Franklin, and Deputy U. S. Marshal Sharkey, who arrived here last night for that purpose. The officers took charge of all the baggage be longing to the party, including the money and letters found on their persons, whih will be produced as testimony against them. A hear ing of the case was to have come off at the U. S. District Attorney's office in Philadelphia, at three o'clock this afternoon, but as the prisoners did not leave in the nine o'clock, A. M. train, as was originally intended, the hearing, we presume, will not take place until to-morrow. An Inveureix RAY son Drsstrreny AND Purrs/arm Dixamum.—Dr. Page, of Washing. ton, communicates the following to the Republi can, of that city : The following simple remedy, long known in family practice, was recently tried in the camp 'of the New York Twenty-second regiment, where there were from eighty to one hundred cases daily of dysentery, and with rapid cures in every case: Recipe: In a tea cup half full of vinegar, dis solve as much !salt as it will take up, leaving a little excess of salt at the bottom of the cup. Pour boiling water upon the solution till the cup is two-thirds or three-quarters full. A scum will rise to the surface, which must be re moved and the solution allowed to cool. Dose: Tablespoonful three times a day till re lieved. The rationale of the operation of this simple medicine will readily occur to the pathologist, and, in many hundred trials, I have never known It to fail in dysentery and protracted diarrhea. AiLRBEIT OP • NOTOB.IOIIII PIOSMILIP.—Lest night at the instance of Superintendent Young, officers Campbell and Cole, arrested a man at the depot, whose auspicious movements lead to the belief that he was a pickpocket. The man was taken to the lock-np and this morning had a hearing before the Mayor, J. W. Brown and D. Flemming, Esqs., appearing as his counsel. Previous to the hearing, his honor the Mayor received an aruaonymons letter from New York city, stating that a notorious pickpocket named Joseph Greenburg,aliaa Behrman, alias "nigger" was in Harrisburg and would most probably be found operating in the vicinity of the depot. The letter gave a minute description of Behr man, and singular to relate it corresponded pre cisely with the man under arrest. The letter was evidently written by an old pal, who had either reformed from his bad habits, or took this means to revenge himself on Behrman for some unfair dealing, most likely for not making a proper share of the "divies." Officer Taggart of the Philadelphia detective police, who happened to be in the city to take charge of the secessionists arrested yesterday, at once recognised the prisoner as a notorious pickpocket, answering to the names given in the anonymous letter. When before the Mayor the prisoner gave his name as "Joseph Sharpe." Several witnesses were eiamined, but in con sequence of the absence of important additional testimony the Mayor remanded him for a further hearing. ►ket &red with " len ce of not nge, 'makes a iced officer in ElaY, a man Iwo hundred five hundred trthing. In a ten have been rde. Gener wdinary bat wounding is . our engag e . and accidental POLICY.—Jno. Block, a recruit was in the lockup last night charged with being drunk and disorderly. lie was discharged by promis ing to mend his ways. I==l TAX, CMlll.—During the balance of the heat ed term, and the continuance of the dog days, persons should be careful pf themselves, their diet, and exposure to the sea ; for at such times extra caution is required that we may have our health good and =Unpaired. =I GOOD FOOD AND PLENTY. —What a rich abundance of delightful potatoes we are hav ing. A real Mercer "Murphy," well cooked, and mealy, is delightful, say what you will— all over the country. Through Pennsylvania and New Jersey, especially, the tubers are of fine size, and the crop bids fair to be an unusu ally valuable one the present season. This will be comfortable news to thousands of our popu lation. I=l=l Behrman has been in this city for some time, and was identified by some of the railroad offi cials es the man who was arrested about two weeks ago at the depot by a passenger in the cam for attempting to pick a pocket, but managed to escape betore the arrival of a police officer. Hon' Q. B. Barrett, of Clearfield county, also identi; fled the Prisoner as the person who robbed him of a pocket book at the depot a !short time ago, and has laid a regular information against him. It is said that when arrested at the depot last night, the prisoner waa in company with two or three confederates, who managed tO e ff ect their escape. They are known to the police, how-. err, and will be effectually watched during. their itay in the city. prunspthania Mailv qtelegraph, 4C4urebati Afitcnoon august 22, 1861 DEFILED CRABS, Soft crabs, turtle soup, bar bacued , hielten. and all the choice delicacies of the season will'he served up " piping hot" this evening at Mrs. Chester's restaurant under the Buehler House. ATTENTION, Faun CITY ZOUATAX. —The First City Zouaves are directed to meet at their armo ry in the Exchange at i o'clock this evening. Punctual attendance is requested, as business of importance will be transacted. Ma. EDITOR : —The answer to the letter ask ing-credit for a check which you notice in your paper recently, rather took me down a "peg." Here is a copy : H. H Credited Bmo. 17d 61y. Tits " Trromes A. Scow Radarawr."—Mr. Detwiler, of this city, has taken a room at 92 Market Street, where those of our young men who wish to join a company attached to this regiment can have the opportunity. The reglL ment will have the special duty of guarding public property, and such railroads as the gov ernment may take under its control. This is a fine chance for sober and reliable yoUng men. Those who wish to attach themselves shoild make early application. THIRTY-TWO RRBEL PRISONERS SOIL WASHING TON. —The express train on the Pemutylvania railroad, which reached this city yesterday at. noon from Pittsburg contained a number of prisoners of war en route for Washington city 7 They consisted of thirty-two Rebel soldiers who were captured at the battles of Philiippi t .Laurel Hill and Rich Mountain. Among the number was a Captain Curry, formerlra law partner of Gov. Letcher, of Virginia. The men had been attached to one of the Virginia regiments, and were on the field when Gen. Garnet was killed. They ware in charge of Capt. Way, of the 26th Ohio Regiment. Hour AND rrs COMFORTS. -Toil physical and labor mental is the birth-right of mankind, and how =my are over-tasked in providing the or dinary wants of their wives and little ones 7 But it is a glorious reflection to the indusfribus and honest man that these tasks and ti Isis are ordered by a wise dispensation. Much of the gloom that will at times cloud our brows, is dissipated by the kind welcome we know awaits us at home after the toil and labor of the week is ended. The smile of our wife is still more cL ar should our earnings permit us to drop in at Urich & Bowman, and purchase any lit tle dry good wants for the family. ang22-2t. HAvino returned from the city I now have on hand a full assortment of all kinds of Dry Goods : 200 pieces of new Calicos ; 200 dozen of Stockings ' - a splendid lot of Black Alapacha; a large lot of Skirts; 1,000 yards of Crash for Towaing. All kinds of Summer Dress Goods at great reduction. See Professor Wood's advertisement in anoth er column. Utt Oti Wb;LIMAN'ti PILLS, Pi.verea cornellaa L giftaikvanisliktMjD 'I I IIIE uouthiliatiOlt Of iligrodlihlita In tsitbe 1, Mlle are the result of a bug and extensive orttotiot. They are mild in their operation, and bartohi In etirrinitur 111 Irrugularltlett, Painful Menstruation, remr.vieg all ob Aret bete., wh.thor trout cokl or otherwhic,, betkriautes, owe ue thr Mite, otlintation el the bestrl , whiled,ner vont,. etteettou-L, rattgue, pain th the beret and nolibrt, kt, diginreed Bleep, Which arise from odorroption of WO :ft titieoueluan'e Pills are invaluable, ea .ey will bring ou the monthly patina with regularity. Lubin who have been dtw.poitite.l t o the dee el other Mlle Cho place the ovuovit ointlilener to Or. °horseman's Pills doing all that they represent to du. tiere 4 one uielldiatlTG Ut the fenitiee swan di *chick the Pate motet la token notnew woducing a PRCOLLeIit UM. The condition, rye. 'eel eG u pitzoNe Nor— tee f•esuit AILICA Rlel I. hi u Use irresistible kmderbey of the medicine restore he sem& rim:times to a ininnat condttion y .hat Ant the reproduatiae power al nature cannot MISI el. Warranted purely vegetable, tuhl tree trtee anyttnni lclarmwt, &apnea directions, attach should be read, ac company .A 1 bid. Prate $l. _Out by mail on nucleate; fi to Lw cease, me 6. egifik,l4llll:l, Hun .1,531, hail Once, New Yorz 4.1.1 ID aver, time 1/4 the Witten Suttee 0. HUTCHINGS, tieta.ra! far the Uhltect Suttee 14 tbruadway, New Yoit To so/10714 au re 'Wooly unit& • MOSad be adds -at. 401.1 It livziasbery by'-{. v)+ Avec, DR. DIIPONOO'S GOLDEN DIM FOR FENTA LES. nralllble n correcting, regulating, and remo"Ting a I obstructions, from wtmtovor ovum, and I ways successful 1119 1 Mann. riraME PILLS HAVF. BEEN USE") B 1 the doctors for many years, both In Prance Luc merica, with uutiaralleled success In every case ; anti be is urged by diauy thousand ladies who used them, o. make the Pills public for the alleviation of those sulfehne from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where he alth will not pertiA IS.;= Pamela' particularly altuated, or these supposing them. selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while to that imudiUon, as they are curs to produce miscarriage, IMO the proprietor assumes no responsibility after, this mime. ninon, although their mildness would MONIS any Da chief to health--otberwise the Pills are recommended. Full and explicit directions accompany aunt box. Price el 00 per box. Bold wholesale and r,lall by OHARLAIS A. BANNYAR% Druggist, No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa. -Ladles," by sending him 81 00 to the Harrieburs Poet Office, can have the Pills soot free of observation to any part of the country (confidentially) and "free of poe Me' by mail. Sold also by .1. B. Simms, Reading JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY Comma, Philadelphia • J. L. Um! lianUNN, Lebanon, Damn Mama% Lancazder; J. A. Woe,, Wrightsvi he ; B. T. ilium, York ; and by out druggist In every city and village in the Union, and by S. a Howe els proprietor, New York N. a-a.* out for counterfeits. Boy no Belden Pula of any kind unless every box Is signed H. D. Howe. others are a base imposition and =aide • therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to may atithing of be ing humbugged out of your money ) , buy lady of thosi who show the signature of d. D. Howe on every box, which hen recently Den added on account of the PD. being cnuntertehed dea-dwerwly tdoirrees LIFE PILLS AND Paacint Birrans.— hee from all Poisons.—ln oases or Scrotals• Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, the Opersilun of the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing in a few days, every vestige of those loathsome diseases by their purilytug effects ou the blood. Billions revere, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, and iu short, moat tell diseases soon yield to their curative properties No nuttily should be without them, es by their timely use mum) suffering cud expense may be saved. Prepared by WM. B. IdOFFaT, V. D., New York, son mile:if DI Drixt 4 4* novew-ly MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED JUST PUBLISHED ON THE NATUBS, Tiesamin AND RADICAL CUR, OF BPB RVATOR EBEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sannal Debility, Nervous [involuntary Emissions and lanpmesoy, resalUng from BeR-abuse, An. By Red. J. Colverwell, N. D.— Bens under Mal, is a plain envelope, to any iiiibireaa, pea' renr at i n g two Insan",by. Dr. au& J .0.- , u tlte7 "garly.. rogt woe Sea, W. RILDIFER, 0. S _•— [comatunoxrgo.] UNION DEposrr, Aug. 21, 1861 ..-...--. Rhoads' Old Corner lnietbKi`AWß 10 vocatAs.tes SSW YORK OIFY. I lAlutiM) a.ADU , NOTIOF A CARD TO THE LADIES.* PURIFY THE BLOOD 4 ~iis►i4; f=f U' i ~ ~ ~'~'~l~i Tan ADVIESIEIdt, having been restored to health eR a fete weeks by. a very simple remedy, after bevies +aileron several:ears With a severe Urns affect ion, and that dread disease, Consumption—l- auxhats to make Morro to his fellowsuffer. the mean- of core. To all whotrro - h, he will eend a copy of the pre scription used tree of charge), with:the directions for preparing and ethos the satne, which they *ill find v sure CUT* 11wCOLIVIMptiOn, Astbl3lll, BrOtiellitiS, &c The only ohject bf the Advertiser in sending the Prescription pi to resuefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conoetves to be nvatuable and he ho.,es every suf ferer will try hht remedy, sa lt will coat them nothing. and may prove a blessing. Part es atittlua the prescription will please address REV. !COWARD A. W11.: 4 4 >N, Virddiemeheritti, uilli , gaint>. New t.e-a o i-rely ABRAHAM H . BOYER, of East Hano ver, offer; himself as a canna:ale for 10 Ginza at the ebetting election. subject to tt a action of the People's Monty convention. He prommrs, if elected to til•charge thl atop or-the t Mee with 2 i lity. aug24tito J. 0. B 'FOR ASSEMBLY. T • Iff SCHttEiNER, of Gram. offers j_l_soldateell as a candidate for the Sr TR LE.13.1: 4 1,A TWO; it the enacting election, subject to t h e /tenon or ike PeoplelvCounty Convention. Be pr. ml 'eV, It elec. , ed to dbolierge the antics of the of with ddelny. FOR PROTHONOTARY. 1:), A. S. EYSTkAt offers himself tut a .*indidate for the dice of Pllolll miTAtty, &c., Ms +ruing els:dims, and pledges bls reputation for Matsuda Vs business sea guarantee for the eeta r tai per formance of hs duties, if elected. sissiebssi, August 21, 1843..-ilks FOR ASSEMBLY WiLLIASI ALLEN, of West Hanovoi toenaltio, will be a candidate tor the srais I.*OIBI.4STUR.V. subject to the =lllation by the Repub lican Colpirebtioa of Dauphin county, sopa Stii-liwe FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. , F.NJ. BUFFINGTON, Esq., of Wash ' ington to Tuship, odors btmielf he a candidt e for COON Y WAST') . •Eit at the eusulog election, suu- Ject to the action or the People's County Convention. tie promisee If elected to (Recharge tho duties of thi once w,th fidelity aug2l-d wit FOR COUNTY TREASU RER. • BENJANIIN BUCK, of Harrisburg, of (ere biaxial( aa a caouid.te for COU • TY TREaSIIR liit at the a shim election, suu,ect to too acacia of the Peoples Gouts Oloveu•tai Be prondorn. if elected to discharge the detirs of the office with Il.tellly. aogli-dawic FOtt REGISTNit SAMUEL M %RQUALtT, of 11 arris burg or re blanch to a e‘utlid.te r.r ttYtal. 11 , at a , es,uln 4 .1. ciao.. •rb,ect to the action of the I..oehos 000.4 y Co.. vehtleo. Ile prothLtea, If elected .to dleeharge the d ttle4 of the. Mee %jib diem ) . su .11-da a to TO Tip L VOTEROI' DAUPHI N C..uNT v FELL° cv : offer ousel! as 1: a tandidata for County Trea , urer at the enalltug election, subject to .lie action of be Peopie Cmuiy's Con vendou. :Mould 1 bead tortututte to be elected I :edge myself to discharge Sue duties or said otll e with ft teddy. ISAAC NACEi. Dauphin, Aug 12 MD -to* FOR - PROTHONOTARY C YOUNG, offers himself as a candi u • late for thu ogle° of Prothonotary ate. of Dauphin COUhlirhatlie election . He enipgettlf elected to perfouti the &alien of the office with ant -dfltwito 7111 E INDEPENDENT A N 'VOTERS OF DAUPHIN COUNTY. F"L`WUTIZENS-I offer myself as • Union Independent candidate for the aloe of Re. „vier or Wills of Isuphin county. Should Ibe so lor- Woods is to be sink 0, I promise to discbarge the duties Of the aloe with Wont, JESdE B. HUMMEL. Hosantelstown, July SI, 1881-oliawto FOR ASSEMBLY. COL. MS. FREEL AND, of Halifax town - dila, eras Wagon as a candidate for MIAEUULY at the eau& g election, tebjeot to the act oil of the Pee pie's County Cons , ration, He promises, ted to dia. charge the MAUI* at the 0111* with fidelity • eMII64IIkWIC ew AOuzrtistnun[l► PUBLIC NOTICE. KVIOSE having claims against the city belonging to different departments, are informed that it will be neemsaty to make separate bills. Molted• log charge 3 belungiag to mai department. By order of Council DAVID HAltßii, Clerk. August 17, 11361.—aug20.d3t WANTED—To rent r< house suitable for a small family. Possassid., to be given 0010- IrPr tat. 1661 Address or apply to A. w WATSO N, Third sines or J. J. it , Box 105, Harrisburg, Pa auo2o-dtf raHOPOSALB WILL BE ReCIBV r;D BY the undersigned Commiuse of Council on or before 2d. day of September 1861, for the delivery and sort &d -ing of 150 or 600 parch of stone for reMacadamizing Market Square between Market street and Blackberry alley. Tie stone not to be larger to psis though a2g Inch ring. . . GE ). B. SELL, JAOJB F HASHNLEN,}Committeelsi DlArict. DA vIEL HOOKER ang2o•Btd GENERAL ORDERS, NO 2. Ef.saD QUIVTIII3B, P. M. } Harrisburg, Aug. 19, 1861. Y DIRICOTION of the President of the B United States, all volunteer regiments or parts of Regiments accepted directly by the War Department from Pennsylvania, either with or without arms, equipments or uniforms, are to be forwarded at once to Washington. Their commanders will therefore immediately report to these headquarters ' stating the number of men and the station from which they are to be taken, that transportation may be furnished them without delay. By order of A. G. CURTIN, Governor and Comniandet-in-Chief. CRAIG BIDDLI, A. 0. D. aug2o NOTICE! Parr 0717101, t Harrisburg, Pa. f - T HE Post OSA Department having issued NEW STAMPS, of all denominationi, Tams, Frvs, Tax, 1 1,yrimvs, Twiny-rots, Taxa= and Wpm: cent, notice is hereby given that an exchange of the old for the new stamps will be made at this office for a period of SIX DAYS from this date, after which time the old stamps will not be received in payment of postage on letters sent from this office. Smaller offices in this vicinity can exchange their stamps at this office. • GEO. BEBGNER, P. M. Aug. 19, , 1861.43td TRYING FEMALE COLLEGE, MECHANICBBURG, PA. addrax li g HlS 2wt hatitation chattered with full coi l_ t legiate powers, will open its Fall Term on Wednes day the 4th of September. The littention of Parents having daughter& to educate rarettnilY Inifibed to this Institution For eatslogum A. G )EARL 4T, President. QUANTIT Y of Bags, Checks and Ging 4, ... „................„ r d......and o pieoe,. . 3414. 06eaP wr lanbibatts. FOR REGISTER filioullantous PROPOSALS FOR ARMY WAGON AND AMBULANCE HARNISB. OFFICE OF ARMY CLOTHING AIM EQUIPAGE, Cbrner of Howard and Mercer streets, Nsw YORK, August 3, 1861. nROPOSALS will be received at this o ffi ce for E - furnishing, by contract, Army Wagon Har- ness. The proposals should state the price at which they can be furnished at the places of manufac ture, and the price they can be delivered at the depot, the number which can be made by the bidder within one month after receipt of the order ; also the number which he can deliver within one week. The harness must exactly conform to the fol lowing specifications, and to the established patterns : Four mule harness as follows, to wit: Two Quilors.—Breech straps 8 feet 6 inches long, 3 1-2 inches wide, sewed into 14 inch rings of 2 inch iron; hip straps 8 feet 11 inches long, 1-2 inches wide ; stay pieces 2 feet long, 2 1-2 inches wide, with 1 1-2 inch buckles ; cross straps to buckle in stay pieces, 5 feet long, 1 1-2 inch wide ; side straps 4 feet long, 1 1-2 inch wide: the straps 16 inches long, 1-2 inch wide, tapering to a point. Two Belly Bands.—Long Bide 2 feet 8 inches long, 2 inches wide, with a two inch buckle ; short side 1 foot 6 inches long and 2 inches wide. Two Hair Collars.-18 to 19 inches long, with double stays and safe leathers and buckles inches wide. Two Pair of Strong flames to suit, made of white oak root, ironed with hooks, breast rings inch square, staples and line rings. Two Pair of flame Straps.—Lower one 5 feet 6 inches long, 12 inch wide, upper one 4 feet 6 inches long, 1-2 inch wide Two Bridles.—Crown piece 2 feet long, 11 inch wide ; check pieces each 10 inches long, 11 inch wide ; front pieces 111-2 inches long, inch wide ; stay pieces, from blinds to crown pieces, 16 inches long, 11.2 inch wide; nose piece, 11 inches long, 1 inch wide ; blinds 6 inches long, 5 1-2 inches wide; reins. long side, 4 feet long, 1 inch wide ; short side 2 feet long, 1 inch wide, with 1 inch buckle ; butts tinned mullen, to weigh 2 lbs. to the dozen. Two Pair Chain Pipes, 2 feet long, 2 1-2 inches wide. Two Pair Trace Chains, 7 feet long, 16 links to the foot, of No. 3 iron, with T on one end, weigh 7 1-2 to 8 lba. per pair. Twisted or straight. One pair of Breast Chains, 22 inches long, 14 links to the foot, of No. 3 iron. Twisted. Two Neck straps, 3 feet 1 inch long, 21 inches wide, with 21 inch buckle. Two Neck Chains, 4 feet 6 inches long, 14 links to the foot, No. 4 iron, T and loop to be ri vett.d on the neck strap. Twisted. One Saddle, made on Attakapas tree, head gul let and cantle, iron covered in the usual way with half-tanned horsehide; flaps 20 inches long, 16 inches wide ; sursingle 7 feet 8 inches long, 21 inches wide, with a 21 inch buckle on one end, to be fastened to the saddle by being riveted to two curved straps 11 inch wide ; these straps are placed one on each side of the saddle tree, one end is tied to the front part of the bar behind the cantle, Span ish saddle fashion ; stirrup leathers 4 feet 7 inches long, 11 inch wide, with 11 inch buckle ; stirrups,- malleable iron, tinned, bolt eye pattern, to weigh 184 lbs. to a dozen I pair. LP. A 11 Two collars, 174 to eighteen inches long, made the same as for two wheel harness. Two pair of Hames, to suit, of same material as for wheel harness, ironed ; with hooks, breast rings, and line rings, with straps as in wheel harness. Two Bridles, same as for wheel harness. Two Neck Straps and Chains, same as for wheel hrrness. Two Belly Bands, same as for wheel harness. Two pair Chain pipes, Two pair Trace 'Amine, " Two Cruppers and Hip Straps, back strap 5 feet long, tapering from 34 inches to 84 inches wine, hip straps each 2 feet 4 inches long, 14 inch wide, each with a hook at one end. Two Back Bands, 3 feet 4 inches long, 84 inches wide. Two Martingale, 4 feet long, 1 1-2 inch wide, to buckle into the bit. One Coupling Strap, 6 feet 6 inches long, 8-4 inch wide. One Check Rein, 4 feet long 1 inch wide, to buckle into the bit at each end, with a ring sewed in the centre to receive the lead line. One Lead Line, 21 feet long, 7-8 inch wide, with a buckle at one end, and an 8 inch loop at the other. One Whip, heavy plaited horse hide, 6 feet 6 inches long. One Horse Brush, oval, of bristles, by inches. One Curry Comb, No. 222 8 bar, The whole to be packed in a box about 18 in ches wide, 17 inches deep, 84 inches long, made of 1-inch stuff, coopered, wood hoops or iron, as may be required. Four Horse Harness, as follows, to wit : WHEEL. Two Quilors.—Breech straps 8 feet 8 inches long, 8 1-2 inches wide, sewed into 4-inch rings of 8-8 inch iron; hip straps 4 feet long, 8 inches wide; stay pieces 2 feet 2 inches long, 3 inches wide, with 1 1-2 inch buckles ; cross straps to buckle into stay pieces, 6 feet long, 1 1-2 inch wide ; side straps 6 feet 6 inches long, 1 1-2 inch wide ; hip straps 15 inches long, 1 1-2 inch wide, tapering to a point. Two Belly Bands—Long side 2* feet 4 inches long, 2 inches wide, with a 2 inch buckle ; short side 1 foot 6 inches long and 2 inches wide. Two Hair Collars, 22 to 28 inches long, with double straps and safe leathers and buckles inch wide. Two pair of strong Haines to snit, made of white oak root, ironed with hooka, breast rings, 14 inch square, staples and line rings. Two pair of flame Straps.—Lower one 6 feet 6 Inches long, inch wide ; _upper one 4 feet 6 inches long, of alum tanned leather. Two Bridles.—Crown piece 2 feet 2 inches long, 11 inch wide ; check pieces each 10 inches long, 11 inch wide; front piece 124 inches long, 11 inch wide ; stay pieces, from blinds to crown pieces, 16 Inches long, 14 inch wide, nose piece 12 inches long, 1 blob wide; blinds 6 inches long, 6 inches wide ; reins, long side 4 feet 2 inches long, 1 inch wide ; short side 2 feet long, 1 inch wide, with 1 inch buckle ; bitts. tinned mullen, to weigh 6 lbs. the dozen. Two Pair Chain Pipes, 2 feet 6 inches long, 24 inches wide. Two Pair Trace Chains, 7 feet long, 14 links to the foot of No. 2 iron, twisted or straight, with Ton one end, weight 9 lbs. per pair. One Pair of Breast Chains, 28 inches long, 14 links to the foot, of No. 1 iron. Twisted. Two Neck Straps, 6 feet 6 inches long, 24 inches wide, with 24 inch buckle. Two Neck Chains, 4 feet 6 incheslong, 16 links to the foot, twisted No. 4 iron, T and loop to be rivetted on to the neck strap, swivel in the chain. Ores saddle, made on Attakapas tree, head, gullet and cantle ironed, covered in the usual way with half-tanned horsehide ; flaps 20 inches long, 16 inches wide ; sureingle 7 feet 6 inches long, 24 inches widen with a 24 inch Inch buckle on one mid, to be fastened to the saddle by being riveted to two mined straps, lk inch wide ; thew straps are laced one on each side of the saddletree, one tied to the front part of the bar, the kthigiend to the eitatudtmoftheber behind the Gentle, limb& •ormidle fashion; sunup leatheas4 feet 7inabse Inistellantavi long, I.* Inches wide, with 11 kith buckle ; stirrup , , mineable iron, tinned, bolt eye pat tern, to weigh 181 pounds to a dozen pair. LEAD. Two Bridles, same as for wheel harness. Two Collars, 20 to 22 inches long, made the same as for wheel harness. Two Pairs of Eames to suit, of same material as for wheel harness, ironed, with hooks, breast rings and line rings, with straps as in wheel harness. Two Neck Straps and Chains, same as for wheel harness. Two Belly Bands, same as for wheel harness. Two Pair Chain Pips, same as for wheel hat- was. Two Pair Trace Chains, same as fur wheel har- ness. Two Cruppers and Hip straps.—Back strap 6 feet long, tapering from 8} inches to 2j inches wide. Hip straps with buckles es& 3 feet 8 inches long, I+ inch wide, with wrought hooks. Two Back Banda, S feet 7 inches long, 81 inches wide. Two tilartingela, 4 feet long, 17 inch wide, to buckle into the bit. One Coupling strap, 6 feet 6 inches long, inch wide. One Check Rein, 4 feet I inch long, 1 inch wide, to buckle into the bit at each end, with a ring sewed in the centre to receive the lead line. One Lead Line, 21 feet long, * inch wide, with a buckle at one end and 8 inch loop at the other. One Whip, heavy plated horse hide, 6 feet 6 inches long. One Horse Brush, oval, of bristle, thee. One Curry Comb, No. 212, 8 bar. The whole to be packed in a boz about 21 inches wide, 18 inches deep, 84 inches long, made of 1 inch stuff, 000pered, wood hoops or iron as may be required , The whole to be made of the best material, sewing to be made with good waxed thread, and subject to inspection during the process of manufacture, and also •when finished. When 6-horse harness is required, the lead collars, bi idles, hamea neck straps, belly bands, chain pipes, trace chain, crupper and hip straps, back bands and coupling straps are doubled ; one bearing chain 3 feet long, 14 links to the foot, of No. 4 iron, with a Ton each end added, and lead line to be 30 feet long. The whole to be made of the best material, sewing to be made with go d waxed thread, and subject to inspection during the process of manufacture and also when finished. When G-mule harness is required, the lead collars, bridles, hautes, neck straps, belly bands, chain pipes, trace chains, crupper and hip straps, back bands and coupling are doubled; one bearing chain, 8 feet long, 14 links to the foot, of No. 4 iron, with aTon each end added, and lead line to be 28 feet long. Proposals will also be received for making and delivering ambulance harness for two or four mule or horse teams—a specification of which will hereafter be furnished. Forma of proposal and gurrantee will be fur nished on application at this office, and none will be considered that do not conform thereto. The privilege is reserved by and for the United States &f rejecting any proposal that may be deemed extravagant. Proposals will be endorsed on the envelope inclosing them "Proposals for furnishing Army Wagon and Ambulance Harness," and address ed to Major D. H. VINTON, anB-tf Quartermaster U. S. Army. PROCLAMATION. WEREAS, tin* Honorable JOHN J. PICARBOIII, President of the Courier Commit. Moab in the Twelfth Judicial District, consisting of the cattail. a of Lebanon and ..auptun, and the Hon. A. 0. naives end HOD Fax NMI; Associate Judges an Moonlit county, having issued t..eir precept, be .ring date the fourth day of JJDo 1861, te we OLICOOtOd, fur bolding Conn of Oyer and Tertniner and Geoeral Deli very and Quarter Beesiona of We Peace at rl mirurg, for the county of Dauphin, oiled to commence ox tee Ilan- CAT 07 AUGUST MUT, being the 25ra DAY OP AMOR 18$1, and to continue two weeca Notice Is Warmers heresy given to the *woos', Jus tices of the 'owe, Aldormm, and tloustables 0. the said county of Dauphin, that they be then and there in their proper persona, at 10 o'clock to the forenoon of said flay, with their reo •rds, inquisitions, examinations, and Weir own remembrances, to oe three things which to their Wilco appertains to be done, and those who are bound in recognmances is p .oseente against the primate& ill it are or shat I be In the Jail of ti.tuphiu county, be thee •nd there to prosecute against them as shall be 11... Olsen under my hand, at Harrisburg, the 51st day 01 July, in the year of our Lord, 1861, and in the eighty flub year of the independence of the United mato. J. D dueriff Misourr's On= Harrisburg, July Sl. 1861.} AU Work Promised in One Week 1 0 91. PEINNSYLV ANY-4 STEAM DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, 1(14 Markel Street &Amman 4th alut sth, tiAtilllBl3U It G, PA., VVNIRE every deet:riptleh 01 undies' Ana thealutneon Germ:ate, Mace Goode, sn., al e ,;leaueed 4110 deigned tH the men winner AD.{ 41 `• .horte-t new, & Oil. -ourie4or BCH 'OFFER'S BOOK 'BTOutl (New Ms Harrisburg Bridge.) C)g, JIM!' RECEIVED from the Sr, j11. 4 9‘.110 6 4lde a Wet Rue COMMERCIAL MOTE, • Parise( ) Were we will sail it sl.2b per ream. EA PO per rem for NOTE Pk! Me, decorated wall the latest, rad very Illadnome emblem and pattiow mows. $3.60 Nor 1000 4 Hire: ENVFLOVII3, with uagonsi -.4. patriotic emblem', printed lu two mune. Flew* g lye us a uall. TELCO F :_ , CLIFYVEN Jett.d Harrisburg. . DR. T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIS'r.i k FFEdtb hie serviced to the citizens o v t . j Harrisburg and nu simony. Ho aOlieha a share o the public patronage, and gives asSureinsa /hat Ins best endeavors shall be giveu to raider 4a4infar.tion lit &A pro reggiop. Being au old, well tried dentist, be reels safe in a viting the public generally to call no him, assuring hem that they will not be dmceUefed with bb gervid4-1, Otlic. No. i2B &Israel atreel, In the house formerly nu envied by Jacob R. tatty, tow the United States Flow. Harrisburg, Pa ••ive alp rtHE ATTENTION OF USNTLEMEN is solicited to our very large essortmeni of innotesnrni AND Daimons of every etre wad quality., throe Jousix Kin Gummi, best article nianutit,tured. All the different kinds of Wigton Gloved. Largest assortment of Hfias MOOl V tothie city. . CNAVATD, Suarssimsts, oassecinors, Ready g em Asa And everything in dente' wear, 54 CATl34itini, Ibiernthsifir` Ann, FRESH ARRIVAL. OF SOMoult, Rau% Sauk OMIT, UOMUST Own s Rem Peas, Ream, ILIIISLOW far Bum, Wools Peas, Sici. Just received and for sale IL tau Loewe Gana initoas tohle WM. WAX JR. &4:1(J FLAGS ! FLAGS ! I yoTE PAPER, AND EN VELA:IPM .with - - denigos, Lama teeth !with a view at otnorrildr - irg. printed and for wile at Bit 211 BOOK TORT siat , -I Nor Oa ilanlitnireSmige, by in- sagl flarrUl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers