Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 22, 1861, Image 2
F..,,.' • ttierab. Forever float that standard sheet t Where breathes the foe but falls before 1111 With Freedom's soli beneath our feet, and . Freedom's banner streaming o'er us OUR PLATFORM THE -UNION-THE CONSTITUTION-AM THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW. HARRISBURG, PA Thursday Afternoon, August 22, 1801. THE PEOPLE AND THE PRESS. HOB IFIOLINON THE =UT Or TREASONABLE EX TRAYAOANOE! We alluded yesterday to the fact that in 10. cantles in this state the people had risen in their wrath and their might to silence and destroy certain newspapers, that had been made obnox ious to the loyalty of the masses by the senti ments and sympathy they published and pro claimed in favor of treason. We deplored the fact that any cause had been given thus to dis turb the propriety of otherwise loyal and re spectable communities, but it must be no matter of surprise that a patient people are likely to be stirred to anger when an insolent foe dares to intrude his professions where patriotic men are consulting for the safety of the Union. It was the fact that a Democratic citizen of Easton, a Democratic representative in Congress, at a Democratic meeting had bitterly and deliberate ly assailed the government, which aroused the fury of the mob that afterwards destroyed one and menaced other printing offices in Easton. In this case, who is to blame ? Are the people to blame for showing their disapproval of treason, or are Democrats and Democratic members of Congress, who indulge in open sympathy for traitors, worthy of censure for their temeri ty P We must look these questions fairly in the face, and decide now, whether we intend to suffer an enemy to grow up in our midst. We must understand the-fact that while some of us are willing to march forth with arms in our hands, braving the roughness of camp life and the dangers of death, others are remaining at home, manufacturing sympathy for traitors abroad, assailing our government to maintain the charges of the rebels, that the free states have always been corrupt, and doing all manner of things must likely to bring ourselves into odium, our cause into disgrace, and our dis tracted country into the power of this rebellion. If such things are to be tolerated in our own midst, this government is not justifiable in ask ing other men to bear arms in its defence. If a licentipus and treasonable press, a press which a year ago went into the disruption of a great party for -the purpose of bringing about the success of this rebellion, a press which has labored since the first gun was fired by the rebels, to embarras the federal authorities—if these editers, publishers or proprietors are suf fered and einiUuraged to continue to assail as they have and are assailing the loyal men and the federal government of this land, we must candidly adMit, that we prove ourselves too tolerant for our own preservation, or too igno rant of the efforts of treason to be able to cope successfully with its malignancy. On this subject we yesterday deplored the fact that a mob had destroyed two printing offices, one in West Chester and another in Elston. We repeat now that the scoundrels who edit and print such sheets seek the very results that occurred in the localities named, because they feel assured that the law which licensed them to indulge in their treason. will - reimburse the damages resulting from the destruction of their property. As the case stands in law, this could perhaps not be avoided—therefore the law must either be abolished-that protects traitors in their assaults in our own midst, or a law must be provided that will put an end to the business of treason as carried on in the dough-face press of the north. We bays suffered long and patiently. The people of the free states have yielded and compromised, until submission to treason is now boldly being forced upon them by men who call themselves democrats, and by others who la ment for peace because war has destroyed their political positions, and exposed their personal cor ruptions and cowardice. If these men intend to persist in their assaults on this government—if the press that has always defended the rights and the honor of slavery persists in attacking the men who are struggling with a slave-hold er's rebellion, and an effort to make slavery the science of this government, and the test of those who are to govern—we declare that if all these proofs of treason are daily to be flaunted in our faces and cast into the teeth of loyal men, mob violence is bound to be the result, and its destruction of - property may be deemed its pres ent smallest effects. A. doom more terrible than eidts thsaw all thi s who will betraitori in spite of admonition and a residence among loyal men. In another column we print the detailed ac count of the riot Itt Easton. We desire that the reader should particularly notice that the mob was aroused to passion by the conduct, of a Democratic Congressman re-iterating the senti ments of his class, who have opposed the war and the administration, and who, like our neighbors 'of the Patriot and Union, have been preaching treason from behind the privileges of the liberty of speech and the freedom of the per• • O A.m. sus Lunen Tama on our western and south-western frontier, the Cherokees alone appear to , have resisted the wily wooing of the confederioi. The Creeks, Choctaws, Send nobs aniCidokasswe are all reported to have entered into 4reatiea with the diplomatists of nmeoondotn, and many of them are will- Mg to jainli did witr' Upon thetrnion, HUMILIATING About the time that the government has fair ly gathered its strength to destroy the rebels at the south, their accessories and sympathisers at the north, are crying for peace, which, if estab lished, could only be humiliating to the majes ty of our laws and the force of our authorities. One of the plans resorted too to humiliate the government, is the circulation of the Day Book, the Daily News and the Journal of Commerce, newspapers which have all been indicted by a United States Grand Jury, for their treasonable and insiduous publications. The men who pat ronize these papers are linked as closely with treason as are the traitors themselves, who bear arms in the rebel ranks. In proof of this fact we have the authority of the Lancaster Express for stating that the leaders of a peace meeting in that county, the men who proclaimed them selves opposed to the war, opposed to the ad ministration, opposed to coercion and in favor of peace, were in receipt of the Day Book and Daily News, one of them receiving thirteen and another six copies. These are the men who are associating with the farmers of Pennsylvania, exaggerating the expense of this struggle, de preciating the result of vindication, and doing all in their power to bring about the defeat of the federal army—the overthrow of the federal authority, and the final humiliation of the free states of thii Union. They print slander, mis representation, attacks on the government and sympathy for the rebellion, issue them gratui tously to the people, and when public indigna tion is aroused against them, they endeavor to palliate their crimes with the liberty of speech, or hide their treason behind the freedom of the press. The organs of treason to which we have al luded are now distributed to all who will re ceive them, in accordance with the following circular, which is sent over the country under seal and stamp of letter postage : [Confidential.] Mr. --: Sir: I understand you to be an influential citizen of county. I take the liberty of sending you our paper, the Daily .News [or Day Book] for une month. The coat is defrayed by a society whose object is to enlist talent of the State in favor of peace measures. Should you think proper to become a subscriber after that date, please signify the same. This is the influence which is developing the peace meetings all over the loyal states. This is the liberty of the press that is assailing the government, and traducing the valor of our soldiers. Some of these very organs of rebel lion are received in the Harrisburg post-office, which will also account for the sympathy which treason begets in our own community. 7'llE ALLOTMENT TICKETS. The twelfth section of au "aet to authorize the employment of volunteers to aid in enforc ing the laws and protecting public property," passed by Congress on July 19th, 1861, provides "that the Secietary of War be and he is hereby authorized and directed to introduce among the volunteer forces in the service of the United States the system of allotment tickets, now used in the navy, or some equivalent system, by which the family of the volunteer may draw such portions of his pay as he may request." An "allotment ticket" is simply a power of attorney given by the sailor to his wife or mo ther, or whoever he, may have to provide for, entitling this person to a certain portion of the monthly pay of the grantor. On presentation of the allotment ticket at the office of the pro perly appointed government agent, the bearer receives the amount to which the ticket entitles him or her, and in the account books of the ship in which the man sails, the same amount is deducted from his regular wages. By the section we have cited above, the Se cretary of War is directed to establish the Rime facilities for soldiers in the Union armies. We have reason to believe that the existence of this law is not generally known among our troops, and that many who are now under arms are anxious to avail themselves of its provisions, if the proper authorities will take the requisite measures, while many who would otherwise enlist al e prevented by the impossibility, as they believe, of leaving any adequate provision for their wives and children. Private charity has done much to aid the families of volunteers; bat this aid is not certain and regular, and it has the character of a charitable gift, and gives the recipient the feelings of a pauper. All this can be avoided, if the department will cause it to be made known that every man who enlists may assign a part of his pay to the support of his family, and that proper officers will be ap pointed to make payments at stated periods— monthly, if possible—to all holders of allot ment tickets. A soldier may easily leave ten dollars monthly to the support of his family. This gives him three dollars per month to spend for tobacco and other small luxurieg. The sum thus assigned would be certain, and the recipi ents would feel that they received not charity, but honorable support. ONS OF TOM Mosr Srsocisary Sumo= exhi bitions that has ever been made by the Ameri can press, is that made by the Patriot and Union this morning, in publishing the list of deserters from the Second Regiment of Pennsylvania Re serve. Gov. Curtin has the reputation of being a wag, but we never imagined that he would permit his waggery to go to such lengths, pro vided that he ordered this deserter's list to be published in this traitor sbeet. The world will wonder at the exhibition, and the men who de serted will be sickened to see that in the very columns from which they expected to draw ex cuses for their treason, they behold the terrible evidences of their recreancy by the publication of their names as deserters. Surely the authori ties seek the perpetration of a wicked jest in this dark hour of our country's peril, or they endeavor to make the disgrace of treason doubly severe by compelling traitor hands to inflict their own punishments. As the affair now stands, we can assure the Gevemor that the fact of the, appearance of this list in the Patriot and Union will create as much indignation as has its other publications, which doubtless led to the encouragement for these very men to desert. Is it the pollerof a loyal government to patronize a traitor publication? We pause for a reply. ' RON. ANDBIW "brecrr is the Uhioireamildate far Cktvertior'isf Vera out - • pennsptuania Mailß dielegrapt), illiurobap - 2lfter . ttoott. Ittiguot 22 1861 Treason Yielding to Indignation. THE MASKED BATTERY OF TR: TRAITOR PRESS. Peace and Compromise Repudiated. Yesterday we announced the fact that the people of E iston had been aroused to fury by the conduct of certain speakers at a Democratic meeting, and the past course of certain old Breckinridge organs, which persisted in contriv ing to give aid and comfort to the enemy. The following is a detailed account of the transaction, from the Easton Journal: Immediately after the reading of the resolu tions at the Democratic meeting on Monde) , af ternoon there was disapprobation manifested in the crowd, and soon after Colonel Johnson com menced his address it increased, and he was re quested by one of the Associate Judges (a Demo crat, who is a true and loyal citizen) to desist in his expressions of sympathy with the rebels. He was permitted to go on with his address which was lengthy, at the close of which a citi zen was called upon for a reply, who was not permitted to speak. The excitement increased, and a fight took place at the American Hotel where pistols were drawn. Early in the evening se, eral hundred persons assembled in front of Colonel Johnson's resi dence in the Square. They burnt his effigy and would have scuttled his house, had it not been for his family and several Republicans who were present. The crowd then proceeded in a body to the office of the Easton Sentind. Mr. Neiman re sides in another part of the town, which per haps saved him from personal harm. All the printing material and furniture in the first- and second stories were thrown into tire street, set fire to and burnt. This took place at about twelve o'clock, and the fire was burning yet in the morning. The building was not injured, with the exception of the breaking of doors and a few sash. The next movement was for Hotter'sjoffice— the Eaaton Argue. The windows were forced and about a dozen entered. Everything in his front room was soon thrown from the second story windows into the street and demolished. They then entered another room and after pying some of the type, left the premises. This was brought about by a gentleman appearing at the second story window with the stars and stripes, who assured the crowd that Mr. Hotter would make declaration within twenty-four hours which would be satisfactory—if he did not, they could then visit upon him the punishment he might deserve. Mr. Cole's German printing office came next in order. Here the crowd was very large. Mr. Cole flung out the Union banner; appeared at the window ; declared Union sentiments, and that he was for the federal government " right or wrong." Having come down so flatly, he was permitted to pass. A call was then made upon Ex-Senator R. Brodhead. Here they found a large Union banner over the door, and after counting the number of stars and stripes, which they found to bd all right, they moved on quietly. The next halt was at the residence of Mr. Hotter He was called for, but the crowd was assured that he was out. Some ladies appeared at the window, and waved a national flag, when they left. Mr. Schuyler, our Prosecuting Attorney, was then called to the stand. He appeared without arranging his toilet—sans seolettes—declared him self a Union man, with them in all their senti ments and sorry he was without a banner to hang out. He then expressed his great pleas ure at seeing so large and respectable a number of his fellow citizens before him—all of which was well received by his visitors. They visited Messrs. Benedict, George Able, 0. H. Myers, John Sletor and Judge Stein. No injury was done at these places, as they all de clared themselves for the Union, and willing to sustain the government in its efforts to put down rebellion. We understand it was the intention of the crowd to pay their respects to some other resi dences, suspected to be occupied by secession ists and compel them to show their colors, but being worn out by the fatigues of the night, dispersed. We are opposed to tumultuous parades, riot ous gatherings, hanging and burning effigies, and an unlawful destruction of property, but if there are men amongst us who are in the prac tice of encouraging the rebels now fighting against the Union, which is admitted to be the best government ever established, they should not be spared. When hundreds of our young men have been and are now mustering again to fight for the maintainauce of our cherished In stitutions and homes, others in our midst, should not be permitted to dampen their patriotic zeal, by speaking, writing and pubighing sentiments encouraging the rebels now in arms against the Federal Government. Persons who will call this an "unholy war," for party purposes, when they know it is defence of our most sacred rights and for the restoration of the authority of the Government, will receive but little sym paty in this community when trouble comes upon them. The Mob in Haverhill, Massachusetts. A SECESSION EDITOR TARRED AND FEATHERED Our despatches reported the mobbing of a se cessionist editor at Haverhill, Hassachrusetts. The Boston Transcript gives the following par ticulars : "There has been much excitement in the pleasant town of Haverhill, Massachusetts, the last few weeks, in regard to the F County Democrat, a weekly paper of very limited circu lation, which has grossly misrepresented the sentimentsi of the North in regard to the rebel lion, and has published articles in favor of se cession. The popular indignation against this journal and its editor was manifested last night in the most decided but wholly illegal manner, as will be seen by the following account of the transactions gathered from the best sources within our reach. "Mr. Ambrose L. Kimball, the offending ed itor, was recently an officer in the Boston Cus tom-house, and was removed on the fast of May. Some of his political friends, fearing mischief, were at his house last evening and were armed. Among them were Mr. George Johnson of Bradford, who was elected as a Douglas man to the Charleston Convention, but betrayed his trust and joined the Breckinridge party. His pistol was taken from him. Dr. J. C. Howe, a secessionist, was injured by those who wrested his arms from him. The mob en tered Mr. Kimball's house, and after disarming him and his party, took him to the area in front of the Eagle Hotel. He asked to see Mr. Wm, Brown, the proprietor of the hotel, who came out and had an interview with him. We learn that Mr. Brown told him he thought the mob would release him if he would make due ac knowledgment of his errors and promise better fashions in future. Mr. Kimball declined this proposal, and was ordered to remove his clothes, which he did exept his drawers. "The offending editor was tarred and feath ed, and mounted on a pole, after the same man ner that some of the tories were served during the Revolution. He was first conveyed to the street in front of his office, where an American flag was procured, and he was made to greet the national ensign with cheers. Being a sec ond time placed astride the pole, he was carried to the bridge over the Merrimac river, made to walk across to Bradford, again mounted and taken to the residence of George Johnson. This gentleman was absent, and Mr. Kimball was returned to Haverhill. He now expressed re gret foi his course against the Won, and w as made to kneel down make, a regular confeardon. of his offencesligairuit the national canee,talid wear that he would /*lei again write ' the free States, or publish articles in favor of secession or rebellion. " These proceedings occupied considerable time, and the participants were so numerous and determined that the local authorities could not prey. nt the mob, and the friends of Mr. Kimball were so few in number that they were wholly at the mercy of their opponent. The office of the secession paper was not molested, neither was the property of any of its promi nent supporters injured.' ' BY THEM. From Washington. =I The Community Confident in its Security. Military Men _Anxious for the Rebels to Attack the City. The Rebel Troops being Thinned Out by Disease. JOHNSTON DID NOT CROSS THE POTOMAC. Senator Wilson Accepts a Position on !Jen. lff'Clellan's Staff• THE REBELS WITHDRAWING. 11= GEN. ROSENCEANS' COMMAND SEIZURE 01 CONTRABAND GOODS THE UNION MEN OF KENTUCKY I=l British War Vessel Offered for Sale to the Navy Department. I=l WAMINGTON, Aug. 22 A feeling of security pervades our entire com munity both in the social and business relations. The reports therefore that our citizens are panic struck, and men, women and children fleeing from the city, are positively untrue. Some ap prehension existed several days ago, but this was soon quieted by the measures of the ad ministration to guard against all possible con tingencies. The feints of the rebels on the line of the Potomac are now better understood, and mili tary men, whose opinions are entitled to great respect, say that even with the ordinary de pendence on raw troops, they would desire nothing better than for Johnston or Beauregard to attempt that part of the rebel programme which contemplates an advance toward Wash ington. It is reasonably suspected in relia ble quarters, that this rallying cry is adopted to sustain the flagging spirits of the rebel troops, whose numbers, it is positively known, are fast thinning by small pox, measles, pneumonia, and other diseases. I Many absurd rumors are from time to time propagated by persons active in causing dissen sions among our troops ; and among the latest is that Johnston has crossed the Potomac to gether with other important movements, but special inquiry at the proper source warrants a positive contradiction. It is certain that no such information has reached the headquarters of the army. Senator Wilson several days ago, was press ingly tendered by Gen. M'Clellan a position on his staff, since which time he has had the sub ject under consideration. To-day he has, by the advice of Secretary Cameron, Post Master Blair and other distinguished gentlemen, ac cepted of the appointment, from the advantages of which it is considered that he will be able to render more efficient service as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Military Affairs. Senator Wilson leaves Washington to-mor row to aid in the organization of a regiment in Massachusetts, with a flying battery of artillery attached, having already obtained authority for that purpose. The War Department has information which leads to the belief that the rebels have with drawn a mile beyond Fairfax Court House, leaving only pickets in the village. The move nient was made with such precipitation—it is said some of the sick died on the way—as to lead some to infer fright as the cause. More probably it was intended either to lure us with in some ambuscade, or, as preliminary to a con centration of their forces on other points. It is reported that the Rebel strength at Lees burg is increasing, and consists of several thou sand men, supported by artillery. Can. Banks is near enough to this point, however, to pre sent serious shot and shell obstacles to crossing, even if the river were fordable, which will not be for a day or two yet. The War Department received this evening a telegraphic despatch from General Rosencraus, giving the gratifying intelligence that he and his command are all right, and if they should happen to meet with Lee or Loring, he will enact Rich Mountain and Carricksford over again, and with like results. The command is in fine condition, and eager to drive the rebels out of Western Virginia once more. The night before last the authorities at the depot received a dispatch from Baltimore direct ing the seizure of a certain box then on its way via Adams' Express. When the cars arrived the proper officer took possession of the alleged contraband, and placed it under a guard of reg uhus at the depot. The box is one of those used by dry goods dealers, and has an old stamp on it of Bice, Chase & Co., Baltimore. Its weight is 180 pounds, and is directed to A. Maffett, Washington, D. C. The contents have not yet been examined,,but it is believed by the officials to contain "aid and comfort to the enemy." It is said that large quantities of freight have of late been coming over the road directed as this package is, and the order to stop it came from those in Baltimore who knew what its contents were. We learn by private advices from Kentucky that Union men are rapidly receiving arms, and organizing. Four or five regiments are ready, and it is believed that in a few days 20,000 loyal citizens of Kentucky and Eastern Tennessee, from which hundreds of fugitives are prepared to fight their way back, will be in line. The Legislature, which meets on Monday week, will probably put an end to the perdicions doctrine •of neutrality, in respect of which the people are far ahead of their leaders, by declaring the right of the General Government to march troops through the State, and by deposing Magoffin, and inviting Breckinridge and Powell to resign. The meaning of the deterlination of the Wheeling Convention to submit the.question of forming Western Virginia into a new State is that the people there are determined to go with the`North in any event. If, by the end of Oc tober, the Union armies have so far triumphed as to render the subjugation of the South a certainty, they will vote to retain the old name and the boundaries of the Old Dominion—other wise Kanawha will stand ready to be one of the United States. Letters from General Fremont to the Govern ment express, in strong terms, disapprobation at the tardiness with which reinforcements are sent forward. Gen. Lyon faced the enemy, fought, and,felk in dispair ; and what is; left of his gallant little army is still withour reinforce- 4W, : war vessel, now in the Canals r ireastferest Pr gab today to the Navy The Battle Near Springfield THE DEATH OF M'CULLOUCH CONFIRMED. GEN.PRICE BADLY WOUNDED REBEL OFFICIAL ACCOUNT Ben M'Culloch Entirely Ignored. GREAT LOSS OF REBEL OFFICERS CANTON COPPER MLNES, Franklin co., Mo.. Aug, 20. The correspondent of the St. Louis Democrat furnishes the following intelligence : A ser geant belonging to a company of United States dragoons arrived here to-day, having escaped from the rebels, by whom he was taken pris oner in the late battle near Springfield. He re ports that Ben. McCulloch was mortally wound ed, and died at Springfield the morning after the battle. His body was placed in a tin-lined coffin, which was filled with whiskey, closely sealed, and sent southward on Tuesday evening, ac companied by his body-guard and a few com panies of soldiers. He says that Gen. Price was badly wounded, and thinlot he will not be able to take command again soon. The rebels were reenforced on Saturday night, after the battle, by 9,000 men under Judge Mcßride, many of whom had no arms. . . It was current among the rebels that 10,000 of their army would make a forded march on Jefferson City and rake it. My informant says the last charge by the Kansas and lowa regiments and the dragoons forced the enemy to retreat three miles, where they waited till night, in expectation of being attacked. He says two more regiments would have driven the rebel army into Arkansas, the terrible havoc made by Totten's and Dubois's batteries having filled them with dismay. He thinks 6,000 a low estimate of their killed and wounded. The troops with whom this dragoon traveled kept him in ignorance of the route they pur sued, but told him they were going to join Gen. Pillow. From the description of the country through which they moved it is be lieved they were making for some point near Pilot Knob. GLAsoow, Mo., August 21 About 1,500 Secessionists have assembled in Saline county, and are organizing either to join Gen. Price's army in the south, or for local op erations in the surrounding counties. DI view of the latter purpose the Union citizens at that place have sent to Gen. Fremont for protection. Some thousand or more Seeessionists of Cha ritan county crossed the Missouri river at Bruns wick, on Saturday, and marched southward to join Gen. Price's force in the south-west. They took a great number of horses and wagons with them. Gen. Price's official report of the battle near Springfield says that the Missouri forces in that engagement numbered 6,221, of which 168 were killed and 517 wounded. Among the killed are Col. Wightman, Col. Brown, Adju tant Bennett, Captain Blackwell, Lieut. Col. Austin, Capt. Enright, Lieut. Hughes, Capt. Fords, Capt. Hallock, Lieut. Haskins, Capt. Coleman, Major Rogers and Col. Allen. Among the wounded are Brigadier General Clarke, Col. Burbridge, Colonel Faster, Captains Nichols, Dougherty and Mings, Col. Kelly, Col. Haw thorne and Capt. McCarthy. Many of the wounded of both officers and men are reported Mortal. Gen. Price makes no mention of Gen. McCul lough's forces in the battle. The entire Rebel army had been ordered to move forward on Gen. Lyon in four columns at 9 o'clock the evening previous to the battle, so as to surround Springfield, and begin a simul taneous attack at day break, but the order was countermanded in consequence of the darkness of the night and threatened storm. KANSAS Crrr, Mo., Aug. 21. Intelligence, received from a reliable source, states that there is an organized force of 1,000- Secessionists in Senabar township, in the south eastern part of the county. The rumor that Fort Scott has been taken, and is now in the hands of the Rebels, has been contradicted by the Fort Scott Express. A mes senger has just arrived, and he states that all is quiet at that place. THE PRIVATEER SUMPTER NOT CAPTUR- NEW Yourt, August 21 The schooner Pharon, from Curacoa, on the 16th instant, says the reported capture of the privateer Sumpter is untrue. Nothing has been heard of her since she left there on the 24th It was rumored that the Dutch Governor would be recalled for allowing her to enter that port. The British schooner Prince Leopold has ar rived here from Bermuda with 507 barrels of spirits of turpentine, which were " propably run over from North Carolina. The schooner Fairwind reports that an un known brig, bound here with molasses, sunk on the 14th. She was unable to lay by her, and could not see whether she had got her boats out. ANOTHER PIRATE REPORTED. NEW YoRE, Aug. 22 The British brig Andonia, from Savanna La Mar, reports : On the 17th inst., when off Cape Hatteras, was boarded by a privateer steamer, but could not learn her name. She was a side- wheel river boat of about 200 tons and mount ed two guns. Her Captain reported having several prizes in Hatteras inlet, one being the Itasca. He further stated that they expected a Fed eral brig of war along that way, and if she came they, with two other larger vessels, would attack her. The officers and boat's CIXIW seem ed to be all eastern men. FROM WHEELING, VA. WHNLIJIIO, Va., Aug. 21. The First Virginia Regiment of three months men returned to-day. Their reception was en thusiastic and imposing. The people turned out en. masse to welcome them, and a sumptuous dinner was served up. The State Convention adjourned to-day. Un less called together by the first Thursday in January, their adjournment Is sine die. CHASED BY PIRATF.S. Nzw Yous, Aug. 21 The schooner J. W. Webster was chased on the 12th, in lat. 22 deg., lon. 83 deg., by a long, black schooner, supposed to be a privateer, but outsailed her. The bark Cordelia, from Monrovia, was chased on the 20th, in lat. 22 deg., Ion: 67 deg., by a schooner, supposed to be a privateer. CROSSING OF 111 E POTOMAC BY THE REBELS CONTRADICTED. Baurraoius, August 22. From information believed to be reliable, your correspondent feels warranted in saying, that the reported crossing of the Potoinaaby the rebels under Gen. Johnson is untrue. . SEIZURE OF NEWSPAPERS. PAITADMIXIIIA — Aug. '22. On the arrival of the. New -Fork. train , this m.ornims alLthe ...Newspaper.. bruidlea Arum ex amined and every copy of .the New ,York De* 2Vewawas Wiwi by order of the U. S. Marshall [Special Disr atcli to BURNING OF A WAREHIL - sE DIARY CAUGHT. C ' IIAVBEINEL The warehouse of Oak, Ahstin w.ts last nights with its content:. The th, doubt the work of an incendiary. and I io to inform you that h.r was.ahr ,: ht th: , at Mercersburg, al.ll 1.1,111 4 11 t t 4, 14 1 .. 4; irons. It is generally snips:el tl,,t arrested is one of those NN 1,, 414 I ti:, , house of Mr. Henderson, in carli , le, He was a member of the :Scott evidence against him is strong., :114.1 ; t i.. rally believed that he had accompli . still at large. The warehouse Of N , was also visited the same night, :11. :.• in the same saying that they could ti,,,! worth taking, but that they wolll.l him personally. FROM FORTRESS MOND FORTREM M \ Nothing of interest has transpih.,l . is proper to communicate. Gen_ grand review and inspection this took in his hand and examined 1„ belonging to the garrison. ARRIVAL OF THE I.T. S. GRESS. The U. S. frigate Cougress r, from Rio De Janeiro. Eltzb dugost 21el, 1861, Slra. Asixua 11, Alen 11cCarrol, aged 22 years an' 6 mom.;,. [The funeral will take place to mo , r 2 o'clock from her late residence il, Chi': n relatives and friends of the family arc tr aug22-dlt• Ntm 2thuertweincic GENERAL ORDERS NO. 3 MUD -QUARTERS PCVSSYLVANIA MILIti , Harrisburg, August 22, I ted The Governor, Commander-i •,: forces of Pennsylvania, desires to ex;q-,-. licly, his high appreciation of the p.ttr and gallantry of the "Home Geed. "Grey Reserves" of the city of Phil who organized especially for homy not hesitated at the cal of their e, netrc fee to march to the field. Although their services have not 1,, n ed their prompt tender of men ,Iwuld forgotten. By order of A. G. Curi in, Govern..l atk: mander-in-Chief. CRAIG 111111)1.: aug22 A NEW REGIMENT OF CAVALRY. AIITEIORITY having been dirt, • undersigned by the Seer, tar y 1 gitnent of Cavalry, t • ,Nerve ror hr. t• - ,•i . war, the att:.ntl•et of sli thole w t branch or the teltPary s,lir 1 h. ;Unity thus pres. uted t r them. Toll Regiment wi ll.ousi,t of ire onu;, , be utmorm qi„ armed. cud mou,de as eAvalry of the regular army. A cam • ~; t. Will be eittabli•bed iu a ehorl ti the Regim-nt w.ll be trained to a e,l • that will reader It ounrfet 'at to de -, re e . comotay The pay of the rank cod tl'e Sergeant Major .. Quartermaster.. e• geaut ....... Chef Bug'er ?Int Sergeant._ Relevant ....... ........ Bugler. ..... . ..... .......... 1. Farrier anti BlaCkanoth PriVete ; Companies the t.e,:1;1,e Immediately to the Colmn, wbun all it!! .14 . . ed will be fdrolatied them. As the r r r, feed la, It Is desired that the Help serviCe io as abort. period of time a. - GEO. C. % WM. B. S.IPeL.- . lisonuarrat. HeADQUAWritill, In Lb., room formerly ocoupt,d by th, , ll•rket siren, darrisburg, Near the Adams Express 0111;e Auguet 22, 1881. Select Schools for Boys and Girls FRONT STREET ABOVE Lott • t', fiIHE Fall term of ROBb'liT ' W 1.1.:: eobool for boss, will open ou tto September. I'h9 room is well reuti'a , I. 1. furnished, and in every respect adapt, t.r cr4 poses. CATEISEINIC M'ELMEE'S Enh,mi ror g ,r the same bindle_, will open RI- the l I nu .1. time. The nom haa been elegantly n.t..1 vacation to promote the healtp and I Oil r .1 1 allf.22dlr CAMP MEETING AT A CAMP MEETING OF COLORED PEOPLE WILL BE lIE I .II STONER'S WOOll N!AR HIGITSPIRE, FROII AUGUST 22D UNTIL AUGUST it EXCURSION TRAII% WILL BE RUN FRog HARRISBURG TO THE CA m ON SUNDAY, AUGUST Leaving Harrisburg at 7.30 A. W and turning, leave .11.4bspire at 11.00 A. ft and la.rOVß,slaiv TICKETs WILL B) Sol- , 44 D. 1.11 Sup't hislern August 21, 113.--d4t GUM GOOD FOR THE ARMY, SUCH AS - Dads, t Blankets, Coats, aP Loggia p, Drinking Cups, &c TOR SALE HY tITM. S. SHAFFER. North Side Market Square, near Baehie: - - HARALSBURG, PA aug2l.4Bm• FURNITURE FOR SA LE. -.1 FURNITURE of elegant pattern %, reduced price. Also a &RUSS Fil.s Caiti'Et, 1,1 E&GitairiNtis, &c. Inquire at No 9.3, Nl.l- ,1 liarrtannrg, Ang 14, 1031,4 w eturrselas I Z. BIESTER, CARVER AND G11.1)1-; Z, Manufacturer of Looking Glass and Picture Frauipi , 0111 and Rosewood Mouldings se. HARRISBURG, PA . Freinsh Mirrors, Square and oval Frames of every deserlptio , . OLD FRAMES coa_oita TO NE kV TO FARMERS! BUTTER (good, sweet and Pound roils, and h. eh EtIGS ta largo .1 quantities taken at all times and cash paid Or t given in exchange. Regular mlrket ruts WII. DOCK..ra Opposite the Gnat augl9 x ZGUAVE REGIMENT. Q.OBER young,men be tween the a i, sad telrty years, dettri of j, abed to the Zonate revel:rat C to be • leave their names at the Excbaoge Wilo,:t itaka. A 11820.881. J. WESLICY AWL BO , TuN 311.1 F