!Unto of &hand $3 gransportatiou NEW AID LINE ROUTE, MAU TRAINS DAILY TO RAW YORK. TWO TRAINS DAILY TO PH ILADE.LPHIA WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1861, the Pass. user Trains will 1e...v12 the Plißade4 phia an, Renthag Railroad Depot, at unriishure, r. r New York and Philadelphia, as Mows, pis: EAST W ARD. RXPRYM LINK leaves Harrimarg at 930 , eu ar rival of Peunsylv.wia Ituiroad Express Train from the West, arriving to New Ynrk at 4 p- m. A sleeping car is attached to the tram through from Pats ourg without change. WAIL TRAIN leaves tiarr.sharg at a a. in. arriving in New York d 4p. to , /no Philadelphia at 1.25 p. to. PANT LINK leave.; liarriaburg al 1.40 p m ,on arrival el pruns • I varda Kara ,t 1 ran (tall, arriving in New York at 0.45 p. m., and Philadelphia at 0.40 p. WESTWARD. PART LINE leaves New York at 8 a. m., and Philadel phia at 9a. tn., arriving at Harrisburg at p at. MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 11.00 noon, Aid Phil. adriphia at 3. 16 p. in., arriving at ilarrinburg s 3 8 p.m. glEpßigm LLum way,* 'lei, York at 8 p. m., furl ving al Harrisburg at 2 30 a. in., and connecting with the Ventisylemoin Vavress Troia for I.otAiturg A 46 , •iiplos Oar is also attached to MIN 'rein Connections are mode et Harruntorg with trains an the Pennsylvania, Northern Central Awl Cumberlatid Valley Railroads, and at Routing for 'Phil idelphis, PONtelt In, Wiikesbarre, Allentown, s:astun. Baggage cheeks' through. Ear. botefeeu New York ant Hi.rlaburg, Sta 00; hetweuu Harrisburg Oa delphia, 83 'Lb it No. 1 mire, and $2 70 in NO. 2. Vor lickire or other inferiontion imply to I.J. CL v DE, Unliertil Ageut, flarrabarg myth etNNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD: BUMMER TIME TABU FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA ON AND APTER, MONDAY, JUNE .Wth, ltitil Phe passenger trains of the Pennsylvania Kai'road Oom piny will ,apron from Arld ut•rivo al flarrisbnrs uno Pnitaitelphla at Inllown C4dTIIVARD rad) LINN ieatea Harrisburg over: morning (except Monday) at 1.16 a in., and Arrives ai. Wert Philadelphia at 6.10 a. m. rHROUNEI ELPRESH TRAIN .leaves Harrisburg daily at 0.20 d la., ,u.l arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.10 P. M. fRAIN femme' Harrisburg daily (except Sun day) at 616 and tretves at Wait Philadelphia at 10.16 p. py ChOSE. Wake inakecloae connection at Philadelphia , will ho Raw York Linea. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, via !donut Joy, naves Harrisburg at 7.00 a. m., and arrives at West l'hiladelphia . at 12.00 noon. . HAN RDNILING ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, leaves 'Harrisburg at 1.10 p. m., and arrives at Wet Philadelphia it 6 25 p. in. AmmiIitUDATION TRAIN, •No. it, vti Mount Joy, Waco Harrisburg at, 5.18 p. m, connoting at Diller chic with MAIL TRAIN, and intros et West Pkdladel Oda at 10.16 p, m. ENTVV ARO. ILTYRIIBB TRAIN leaves Philadelphia al 10.20 1 , ta u llarriaburg at 2.36 a. m„ Altoona 7.80, a. m., and arrives at Pitiabarg at 12.00m:dm MAIL. TRAIN leayse Philadelphia as 7.80 a. my 114risburg 1.00 p. m., Altsioua, 6.60 p. m., and arrive. at Pittsburg at 12400 midulght. VANI LINE , leers** Philsidelphla at 11'.20 a. m., Harms. burg 8.85 Altaeriti LIR p..m., asilhiargtres at Pitts berg at 1.2.808.011.1 is i ' jaOOOALKODATIoIi Mani leaves Peliedeiphia ,240 p. m., Lancaster 6.08 P. 'mt. Cot nrabla 8.46 p. td.; and Arrives at ligarrinbarg tt 8.06 p. m. Tbla Train °armee* at Harrisburg, at 8.06 p. m with Northern Centraillailroad Train for dunburr, Williams. PM. Inc2l.lavea, Scranton amd ail points North. ACCOMMODATION.TRALSOMves Philadelphia.at 4.00, p.m., Uneasier 7.60 p. in., liountioy 8.21 p„ m., Ma betotown, 8.87 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.30 p. in. Attention Is called to the Stet, that passengers leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. in., connect at Lancaster with MOUNT JON, A.I.X.OI2IIIODATION TRAIN, and arrive Id Harrisburg a t 9.30 p m SANDHI, D. TOON°, SuPt• Rant. Din. Penna, Railroad Harrisburg, June 7, 1861.—dtf Seloot Schools for Bova and Girls • wittoST ov LOCUST. 1 3 1 f 12, t Sig terra at .ROI3ERT ELWE.E'S :wheel lot nem will open on dm lost, Monday in ronn is wan .ventiiated, oowforlably fur_ olanoi, o i In ovate rerpent *ell adapted for eetioot ilitThAttiN2 11 14,W61RS School tor girla t iocalad to tn. 241 M. %cm for thoFial. tomtit tae name Ume. The room b a g beau clammily fitted up during the v 4 otloo , to Pftnnute the heilth and comfort of scholar& JanBl4ltf CITY LIVERY STABLES. ELACERMERY ALLEY, In was 261,AE' cti mutirsaorn. THEani:lersigned hue re-commenoed the livery 4dneiteis hla NSW and SPACIOUS STA BLEB, lactitewee above, with a largeand varied Steak o aoestS, Celtetoi and ORNISUSIM, which be-wt hire at medeidefif Wee. Y. K. tiwAttrzi lt sap2l4lT LIQUORS AT COST t HATIG concluded to discontinue the b awe, w grere oiler our large and coxiglata anon eamane 01 gin Wiamete, sod Neon of every-de dtst 13g resery e, ,1 at* re. at au, ouseeete the court aO ti: .4 xi.; welt 411110 0 ' Pigtellantous. /ES' WINE. EM SPEER'S SAMBUOI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. • SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE CELEBRATED for its medical and bane ticialjtualities ass genuine Stimulant, tome, it .ratie and ,edoriflc, highly esteemed by eminent physi clans, and some of the first families in Europe an America. S PEE R'S SAIIIIIRCI WINE - - - - - is not a mixture or manufactured artiole, but is ?ure, from cultivated Portugal Elder, recommended by Chem ists and Physicians as possessing medical pro2ertles au parlor to any other Wines in use, and an email Zr all weak and debilitated persons, and the aged and Infirm, improving the appetite, and benefiting hull: and children. _ . A LADIES' WINE, because it will not intoxicate as other wines, as it con taiste no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and to a - mired tbr its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties. imparting a healthy tone to the digettive organs, and a blpoming, soft and healthy skin and complexion. . Now genuine unless the signature of ALFRED SPF.ER, Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of etch bottle, KAKE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE. A. SPEER, Proprietor. Pateaio, N. J. 001 - a 208 Broadway, New If otlr, J. H. EATON. Agent, Philadelphia. For sale by D. W. Gross,' St Co., C. K. Keller, John Wyeth end by druggists generally lyl-dAwly. Great Cure. DR. LELLA ND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia AND A. BURS IMRE FOR - All Mercurial Diseases. It is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a me. t cated cotnpound, to be worn around the Waist, without injury to the most delicate persons, no change in habits of living is required, and It entirely removes the disease from the system, without producing the injurious effects arising from the use of pow do' internal medicines which weaken and destroy th wstitution, and give temporary relief only. .By this are ament, the medical Properties contained in the Band, come in contact with the blood and reaches the disesie, through the pores of the skin, effecting In eierylitswi perfect cure, and restore .he parts afflicted to a t.: achy condition. This Band Is also a most powerful Alevi-bignotntut agent, sae will entirely relieve the system from the pernicious ef feats of Mercury. Modera t e cases are cured , in a leer days, and wo are constantly receiving testimonials of its efficacy in aggravated eases of long standing.. Plum 00, to be had of Druggists generally, or cau be sent by mall or express, with full directions for use, to any part of the country, direct from the Principal Office, No. 409 BROADWAY. New York. sr. - CO; Sole Pialirletori N. B.—Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. /or-AGENTS WANTED EV rrEYWHEEKAir 198-d&W SOMETHING. FOR THE TIMES ! !! A Neoessity in Every Household 1 JOHNS & CROBLEY'S American Cement Glue The Strongest Glue in the World FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, FOR CILA.IN, ALABASTER, BONE, CORAL, etc., ate., &c. The only article of the kind ever produced which will, withstand Water. EXTRACTS "Every housekeeper should hay... a ,t.u; ly or Johns & Crosley's American Cement G:ue."-- Y, 'IMES, ‘ , 3113 so convenient to have n house"—N. Y. Rums. “it is always ready ; this commends Le every body." N. Y. INDEPLNDRNT. "We hive tried It, and find it as tiewful iu our house as trater."--Witess Smarr off TES TAM, Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Heductiont to Wholesale Dealers. LTERMs etO5.H. j For sale by all Druggists and Storekeep ers generally throughout the country. JOHNS & CROSLEY, (Sole Manulactures,) 78 WILLIAM STREW, (Corner of Liberty Street,) Nsw Yoax. jy3—dly FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES 1 _8 6,1 . PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS. I:I4A.NITILLS STOKES' ONE PRICE GIFT CLOTHING EMPORIUM No. 607 `OHEBTITUT STREW A superb stook of fine Prenoh:, Hngllsh and American OLOTHI3, OASSIBIERES, and ITESTIN_GH3 Poe City and Country trade, with an unapproachable as sortment of READY Hens Otornuto at the lowest earth pricer . . ger But ONE PRICE is asked, and a OUT intrittas, worth and nee presented whit each article sold. Parti s tmlar attention paid to the Customer deportMeei, and garments made andsent to order to any address. inaugurating this new system of doing business, ORANVOLE !STOKES would unprese on the minds ol s tile patrone.othis,establishment, that the cost of the gin in`ded from, and nor added to the price of.ihe, arti closold. His immensely Increasing sales enab li ng nint to act t hus liberally, aid at , the Same time to realize a remunerative profit. All articles guaranteed to give entire satinfamiol4 GRANVILLE STOKES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING EMPORIUM 607 (111.611TN171'MAT. octl9.6md--rdinar6-af 6IGN Ole 11LE Glorious star. SpanPled Ilanner I ANOTHER SUPPLY OF WALL PAPER, BOBDERs,kc., SPLENDID WINDOW BLINDS, to which we mai the attention of our friends, and cordially invite them to exeMftm our goods and prices. We are determined to sell Cheap. Mind the place, - . B°ll- Metto h lrarris ß lL ST s tiarlrege. apl&it AUGUST NE 1. VIIAYNE. CARlOrgli, .1 1 0P — .1WITAER., , Rftkieno NikiglaNnakfaigikrateerr 2-4 013PalficialignaQa0c..! , pennovluartia Mailp ettegraph, eutsbap /fttritocni agu9t 20, 1861 "They go right to the Spot." INSTANT RELIEF! STOP YOUR CATGE4 Throat Confectiort!, GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, 000 D FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPRAKFTIS, SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS SPALDING'S THROAT , CCINFEOTIONS CHILDREN CRY FOR SPALDING'S THROAT,' COTEC:I7.OIIIS They relieve a Cough Instantly They clear the Throat They give strength and volume to the wane They Impart a delicious aroma to the breath They are delightful to the taste. lhey are made of Mavis herbs and cannot heir in any glErt' advise every one who has a Cough or a Husky vote cc a Bad Breath, or any difficulty of the Throat, to geti piekage of my Throat Confections, they will rellove you nshntly, and you will find them very useful and pleas antrhile traveling or attending public meetings Tor AIL linskoar Cough or allaying your thirst. If you try one pack el am safe in saying thatlgyou. will ever after: ward consider them indispenstible. Yea will fled them at th Druggists and Dealers In Medicines. 1 1 i PRICE TWENTYLFIVE CENTS. My sliature is on each' pteAcage. All attier are noun erfeit 1 A Pacaaga will besetifby mail, prepaid, on recipt o ThiraPeents. Addlaw, CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE NERVOUS HEADACHE, All, KINDS OF HEADACHE By the use 01 these eins the periodic au.,.94 AFT. twat (R . Sick Ecadacke may - he Itcevectedi and Wh!ii.[OP the commencement ut an attach immediate rendre= pato and sick,p . 4.,, ceobtained. They seldom tall in removi eg Nausea and Headache to which ; females are ao ettbieet. They not gently upon the bowels, removing Oodiveneu. For Literary Men, Students, Delicate females, and all persons of sedentary habits, May, sin valuable as a Laxative, improving the A.PPM l2 lj.giving lONA sera WOOS to the digestive organs, and restoring the natnral oloStl-. city and strength to the w:iole system. Tbe taIIiALIC PILLS are tat result, o tuug 'avant gationand carefully conducted experiments, having been in main many years, during wboott ttmer they have pre vented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering' from Headache, whether originating m the swam .eys tom oN from a deranged state °Mee gimmick ' 'They are entirely . vogitatiM In' their composaloh, rad may he taken at all times with perfect safety virlthsint Making any ;tango) of diet atid.ike sfisesnis d a y " dam. grteahMtaste renders it ettis to cutozintstir Men! to childr en/ The genuine have are signatures or Henry 0, Spalding on each box. Solitltiy druggists and all other dealera medleinee A Box will be Bent by mail prepaid on receipt of the All orders should be addressed te gfrA ielngle bottle of SPALDING'S PRSPARAD GLIDI 81 ALDING'S PREPARED GLUM I ,-- SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE 1 SpA.LDING'S PREPARED GLUE! 600NOMY ijr" , i Emmm ,I •tulA BAvzB,NNL"4, is accidentsouta happen, etc% toeti-rivtdatairemei. desirable 10 baveliom.e ebeap.,and,.etemenient way tor repairing Furratire - Toysi , CiveXery, I SPAIDING'S PIIM'ARW eLtli meet. such emergencies, and no household can Word to'be witboot it. It is always ready sad lap to the etiok. Brub accompanies via %bite. Price 26 Ci !Aims aENItY C. BPAI,DING No. 48 Ceitsi'Stioet New yerk • AB certain netnlintiged:PcirforeiWfitutetring to Ab u °X on Aha ocianaPentieg Plib.liegnnihNinneet thy PR ;PARED GLUE, 7 would minion An , p s p i p p,d. to exwmbie before inrchosing, and see that tatiuc ogitgpALlAN . ; urtotc...rmr filtbitat PURIFY YOUR BREATH! t-TRE , OTHER YOUR VOICE I SPAL,DING'S GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES GENTLEMEN CARRY LADIES AIIE.DELIGHTFI) WITEI HENRY CATRALDING, No. 48 ORDER STREFR', NEW YORK viisk uuRl BEWARP, OF oceNTsztvEnt PRIOI TWBNTV-FIVE dWTS.. HENRY 0. SPALDING, 48 cedar New tYork will save ten time Its *t SAVE THE FLOM DEPAq'OII "USEFUL IN: STILY MUM CAUTLOki ftllstellancous NOTICE TO SOLDIERS, On application to the General Pat office the undersigned has received the following order viz SOLDIERS' LETTERS. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, Appointment Office, Tidy 22, lSeil. The following order has been made by the Post Office Depaitment, for the execution of the new law r spectingsoldiers' letters : Postmasters at or near any camp or point oc cupied by the United States forces, will mail, without prepayment of postage, any lettter written by a soldier in the service the United States, and certified to be such by the Major or Acting Major of the regiment to which the writer is attached. The envelope should have plainly stamped or written on its face the cer tificate "Soldier's Letter," signed in writing by the Major or Acting Major of the regiment, describing his regiment by its number and its State. The postage due on such letters will be collected at the office of delivery. The certificate and address may be in the following form : "Soldier's Letter. _ A. 8., Major 10th Beg't, N. Y. Volunteers. Mr. John Jones, Utica, N. Y." Commissioned officers will prepay their post age as heretofore. Joms A. KASSON, First Assistant P. M. G. POST OFFICE ORDER.—The Post Office Depart ment has issued the following : Postmasters will take notice that all pre-paid letters to soldiers in any regiment in the service of the United States, and directed to them at a point where they have been stationed, may be iorwarded, whenever practible, to any other point to which they may have been ordered without further charge thereon for fowarding. Jonu A. KASSON, First Assistant P. M. General. Soldiers at the different camps in or near this city will please comply strictly with the above Tale and their letters will reach their destina tion without trouble. auglo GEO. BERGNER, P. M. riMII 7O IEILMIIL 7 3S DAILY AA LINE! Between Philadelphia, LOOK i HAVEN, JERSEY &ORR., WILLIAMSPORT, MITNOY UNiobrrowx, WATSONTOWN, MILTON, LIWISMIRO, NORTRORRIBLAND, :Oran; TRIVOnTON„ GRORGXTOWN, LTRYNATOWN, BURG, kiALIFAX, DAUPHIN, AND HARRISBURG. Thu Philadelphia. Depot bolo!, centrally located the DraySge will boat the loivest rates. A Conductor. goes through with each.train to attend to the sate delivery of all gtiods entrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the Depotof • • FRREID, WARD & FREED, No. 811 Mark et Sleet, ghile,- dOlphla, - by 6 o'clock I'. 51, will be c.livered In .Harrisburg . the neat morning Freight (always) as low as by guy other •no. Particular attention paid by this line to ocompt and speedy delivery or alt Harrisbar. Goods. The undersigned thankful for past patron e hopes by strict attention to, hualnasirto merit a coin , . a •nee of the same, . T. PElt'd . _ Philadelphtt and Roudin del7-4614 Feot of Market 'Stroo kr burg GMT FRAMES! GILT FRAMES ! J. BIEBTER, CARVER ANI) GILDER, Manufacturer of Looking Glass and Picture Frames, • (Bit and Rosewopd. Mouldings &c. HARRISBURG PA . PraUch Mirrorts t Square and Oval Portrait I Prairies of every description. OLD FRAMES RE-GILT TO NEW. • irlit-/Y• PROOT. A M ATION. - - UP: 11016 API 1,6 . nobs:o4l6le 'JO** ' f PRARD22I President of the Courtof Common Pleas in the , Tweifth Judicial D.strict, consisting of the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin, and the Hon. A. 0. 137XSTAR and Hon. Faux Nnisurr, Associate Judges in Dauphin county, having Issued their precept, bearing date the fOurtli day of June, 1861, to me directed, Inc holding a Court of Oydr and Terminer and Gaueral Jail Deli very and Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Harrisburg, for the county of Dauphin, and to commence ox THE 4m Aloe. DAY OP /MOUSY SHIT. being the Yarn DAY OP AUGITST 1861, and to continue two weeks. , Notice is therefdre hereuy given to the Coroner, Jus tices of the Peace, Alderman, and Constables of the chid county of Dauphin, that they bo then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and their own remembrances, w cm those things which to their office appertains to be done, and those who are bound itt recognimaces to p' raseente against the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of Dauphin county,. be then and-there to prosecute against themes shall be Jett. Niven under my hand, at Harrisburg, the Slat day of July, in the year of our Lord, 1861, and in the eighty fifth year ante independence of the United States. • J. D. BOAS, Sheriff. 5E1212127'13 Orme Harrisburg, July 81. 1861. J augl-dewtd • - VAN INGEN & SNYDER, Designersand EnuTavers on Woods N. E. 00P... DTH 8t CHESTNIJT STS, Philadelphia. EXECUTE all kinds of Wood Engraving with beauty, correctness and, dispatch. Original designs furnishes for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons wishing cuts, by sendingnPhotograph or Daguerreotype, can have views of CollegeS, Churches, • Store Notts, Machines, Stoves, Patents, U., engraved as well on per lanai application, Visiting, Fancy Envelopes, Labels, Bill Headln g s, Snow Bills, Huidnelts and other Cards, engraved in the highest style olart, and at the lowest prices. For specimens of Ana engraving, see the Illustrated works of J. B. Lippincott, & Co., E. H. Butler & Co. ~oct2filyd HENRY C. SHAFFER ; 'DIAPER HANGER, Front street, second door above Walnut street. All orders pnnetually attended to. mar Paper bung for 15 cents per roll or piece. All work warranted. my9.dif THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. IVEDE vast amount of property destroyed j_ annually by Lightning ought to be a warning to property holders to secure their buildings. All orders .taiLightning Rods left at the auction store of W. BARB, will be attended to. Rods put up in the latest Improved yle and warranted. CIDER !! ! VINEGAR ! I MADE from choice and selected Apples, and guaranteed by ua to beatrictly pure. el2-d WM. DOOR & 00- A NEW. LOT OP iILADIES' SHOPPING & TRAVELING BAG , c , Comprising a number of new styles GEINTIV and L' .. - Money Purses' and .• Mallets. • tine assortme ' ' • iced an4l. f0r561616/ ..,--A - . ) 111/1G112IVt3 , 011:11AP BOOKSTORE, W - 61 Market aro tat ittisteilantlaus PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL /MEI BLOOD RENOVATOR. Is precisely Whatlts name indicates, for while pleas act to the taste, it is revivifying, exhilarating and strengthening to the mil powers. it also revivines, re instates and renews the olood in all its original purity, and thus restore, and renders the system invulnerable to attack?, of disease it Is the only preparation ever offered to the world in a popular torus so as to be within the reach of all. ceemloally and skillfully combined, as to the most powerful twin, and yet SO perfectly adapted so as TO ACT IN PIMSECT ACCORDANCE WITH TOE LAWS 07 NATURE, AND HINGE sonny Tux WEAK'S! . STOMACH and tone up the dt. gesilve organs, and allay ad nervous irritation. It is also perfectly exhilarating In its effects, and yet it is never followed by lussitde r depression of spirits RIB com posed entirely of vegetables, and those thoreugly com bining powerful tonic and soothing properties, and con s quently can never injure. As a sure preveuive and cure of GONsUitITIoN, BRONCHITIS, 11 4 1DIGTION, DYS PEPSIA; LOSS OF APPETITE, FAINTNESS, NER VOUS IRRITABILITY, NEURALGIA, PALPITA TION UF THE HEART, MELANCHOLY HYPO CHONDRIA, NIGHT SWEATS, LANGUOR, GIDDIDESS, AND ALL TEAT CLASS OF CASES SO FEARFULLY FATAL CALLED FEMALE WEAKNESS, AND IRREGULARITIES. THERE IS NOTHING ITS EQUAL. Also, Liver . Deraugersents or Torpidity, and Liver (um. plaints , Diseases of the Kidney, or any general derange ment of the Urinary organs It will net only tore the debility foil 'wing CHILIE and FEVER, but all prevent attacks arising from Miasmatic influences, and cure the diseases at once, if already at tacked. . Travelers should have a bottle with them, as It will infallibly prevent any deleterious consequences follow ing upon change of climate and water. As it prevents oesitieness, strengthens the • digestive organs, it should be in the hands of all persods of Seden tary habits, • Ladles not accestomed to much out-door exercise hould always use It. 'Laken' sbould use it, fn It is a 'menet relief, taken a month . or two before the final idal, she will pass the dreadful Period with perfect ease and safety. - - - THin RI NO YIETAHN ABOUT rr. • THE CORDIAL IS ALL ,WE.CLAIIit FOR IT I I I Mothers Try It I And to you we appeal, to detect the illness or decline het only of your daugters befereit be too late, but also your Sons and husbands, tor while the former from false delidauy, often , go down to a premature grave, rather than let their condition be known in time, the latter are often so mixed up with the excitement of business, that if it Were not for you, they too, would travel In the sane down Ward path; It Is too late to 'arrest their fatal fall. 'Bet the Mother is always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal i for :we are sure your never -failing affection will.uoernugly point you to PROF. WOOD'S ItESTODATIVD CO,I I I.IIAL AND 131,09DARNOVATOR as the remedy which should always be on hand in time of 0.3. INOOO, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and 1.4 Market Street, It. Louts, Me.,'and Bold 'by all good Druggists. „*.tee One Lo 'tar t.er Bottle. DB-flaw-cow FiCIVIONTJEIVIS DIARREKEA„ AND -CHOLERA ANTIDO,T..E; For the cure of those distretalnimilndies. Agreeable to the taste. Every soldier should procure a bottle of this valuable medicine before they take uP thetr line of march. For sale at.. , C. A. fIANNVADT'S, Drug Store, nt 3 , 2-dam - • • Hatriabtirgßa ALDERMAN. HENRY PEFFER. OFFICE---THIRD STREET, ISHELL'S ROW, NEAR MARKET. Residena, Chestnut 'street near Fourth CITY or .amitaissuico, PSNN P A. my 1241,1 WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DIOTIONAri I best defining and pronouncing Denary of the English language ; Also, Wattmeter's School Dictionaries. 'Webster's Pictorial' Quarto and Sabool lagnonanes fur sale,at SCOFFER'S BOOKSTORE, . apts.= - y, SCHBFP'BR',B BOOK STOB,E (Near. the Brayielnerg Bridge.) JUST . REOEIVED from • the • Imes a total fine I.' . Qfl 25. 006111BaCIAL.NOTS Atlatc, watch we willsell at $1.25 per ream. $2.0.0 - por ream for NOTE PAPER, decorated with the latest and very, bandsonto emblems and patriotic mottos. 43.50 for. 1000 WHITS ENVFLOPIM, with national and patrbMo i emblems, printed in two COON. , Home give us a call. THEO. F. SCHIFFER, Jc22',41 • • . Harrisburg. frEi 'COMMISSIONERS appointed under the Act of Incwporation of the city- of Harrisburg having made aplet or draft of said city, ; designatieg the . streets, lanes and alleys`novr existiurand opening, and also where avenues, strosts,thusts aind alleys shall. here. aftv be opened, and also designatinewitbin the limits of said city a plot'or piece of ground - , containing' not kis than twenty wires,. tor .the use of thepablic and of said city, for the purpewt and uses mentioned in said act; and baying submitted their draft and report-to the (Wirt of Quarter sessions, of Dauphin county o for the approval of said Court ;- the - said draft and report have been died by - order 01 said Court in the office of the Clerk of Quay tersessionaof saki.connty for public Inspection . ; and un less exceptions are filed theretoty Parties interested In said city, the same, wftl be approved ; at fhu August term of. Said Court. By order of the Court. myi-dtw wm: amcramu, Clerk. STEAM WEEKLY BETWEEN NEW ; YORK grt . AND LIVERPOOL ANDING AND EMBARKING PAB irl%G.lllt6 at QUIESNSTOVi r N, (Ireland.) The Liver pool, New, k and Philadelphia Steamship company Intendl dispatching their fall 'powered elyde . .bnlit iron Steamlinips as follows : . K.A.NO/L/00, Satmdayituguat 11 hTNA, Saturday Auguat:24 ;1111DINSURG, SatUrday August 31 rand every Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, Norio elver. lures . OP /UMW' 818811 °ABM 410 00. i BTElitt.stklS .... WO 00 do to London $BO 00 (P. .0 Loudon ..$3B 00 Bteerake Return-Tickets, goo for el Months::: .*.n) - 000 Paeiengers forwarded to. Paris, H avr e, Hamburg, Bre. men, !Itotterdem, Antwerp, t Ate.., at . ' - reduced through fares. agy4Fersone wishing to bring-eut their friends can buy tiekete here at the following ratetcto New York From: lAverOool or Queenstown; Ist Oabul, $76, $B5 and $lO6 . Steerage from Liverpool $4O 00. From Queemnown p $3O OQ. Thai° Steamers have superior accommodations for passengers, and carry experiedoed Surgaons. They are built in Water-tight Iron Sections, and have Patent "Fite Annihilators on board. N JNO. IL DALE, Agora, JYV:‘.N 15 Broadway, New York Or 0 .0. Zimmerman. Agent, Harrisburg.. FdR RENT --qhe large brick '4welliag . Louse tidat accupted by 'David 'litimania'jr. Eaf., on lOurd litreet near Mallet, with an office suitable for an attorney. Possession given first of October . next. En quire tt the Prothonotary's Mee. W. lincinui„ dug 4 . . . .. . . F °4 SALE,—One'. of best business stands in the city on reasonable terms, or leased for three or five years situated in /lancet street between Potirtlit . and Fifth. Xnenire nw the P r e r nlines . of 9412 m DkIdIEL LEFIDY. F.OK BALK! BUILDING LOT,sitnete. in West g4r ..a., *there, froilllci pia, Broad atreet,2o feet, and Wog back 161 feet, morrsoi leits, - Mra'2o foot; id. Joining! on one side the eiroperty or Mr.: Blum enstine.: For particulars etquireiOtOMMBEMICRIICHMFREMia Bergticfes Bookstore. May $,lBBl. 9 • • CRAB CIDER I=ll=-Strictly 'pure, spark lIJJ ling and sweeb-Lbia iecelved a n eilverMedal or 10- piema nt. every State Agricultural, Fair since 1856. ' nor ale by Jell-d WM. DOD S & CO. FA:MIER vliblki One .to,ftPivitAlundreil,4)(igain 4orth of CITY BOHM. o'iltroluiie at . • . . 0. MIMIRHAN, .r00r1,4 eimeL Ad. A qp - ANT;u• .01.140 z 9119 GAIE. bamsfor • , AM: Cub, tbellittiPEUN COM : 1 z • ,• „, lift May 8, 1614 ' Miscellaneou s MACHINERY FOR ta:Il \ • SLOOPS. NAVY DEpAm MEN F. lkurAt- 01- i.: , Qsso. EALED PROPOS Als wili 1), SBureau until 4 o'clock, th,. nli ber, 1861, for the construction ~f ti m • • of the United states, scree , t , " OSSIPEE, " at the Kitt. y "HOUSATONIC," at the ( harkston "ADIRONDECK,'' at the New ;, and " JUNIATA," at the l'inl'Fl,l:,ia , •L , Yard. These proposals must be (91.1 , 1- , for Machinery of Screw Steal': they may be distinguished from letters. No proposals will be c‘qe , i , l from proprietors of marincengii,,, tablishment and the reputation of have constructed successful mit i • - ' ' character will have the weight t" entitled. Establishments not kt \ Navy Department as builders of mai i 1, will, if they propose, be required isfactory evidence of their experieiii Parties desiring to make bona jY 1 ,, will receive, on application to the t ', copy of the Specifications of the . 1 done, and of the Contract under the Of which they will be required Drawings can be seen at the othee ui t 1... gineer-in-Chief, and, if convenient, _ • phic copies of the same will be sent with specifications. The proposals must be for the each vessel separately, with a statement. ' Ist. Of the number of vessels fur wl.i ti.. bidders desire to construct math; Awry, to the Department the right of seleett‘.ll. 11] . • is preferred, though a bid for a special v,,1 will be considered. 2. Of the sum for each vessel by rnarn,•. r which the entire work will be completol ably to the specifications, drawings and tracts. 3. Of the number of consecutive days date of notification of acceptance of colt,:, within which the bidder will contract to plete the machinery on board and ready service, provided the vessel be placed at command within a certain number of coil, tive days from the date of said notificath.:: which number he will state in the proposal. 4. The bidder will state, in the event of vessel not being placed at his - command the stipulated time from the date of notiiic,a, ql of acceptance of contract, the number of secutive days within which he will contract to complete the machinery on board ready f ur .,.„ :service from the date he shall be notified fiat the vessel is at his command. The "Osamu" and the "HOUSATONIC" are to have fixed screws. The "AnnioNDAcK" the "Junin" are to have hoist up screws. The payments will be made at four diaenst intervals as the work progresses—olie-tinli of the total amount at each payment, the Let filth being reserved for four months after the trial trip in order to make good any defccis that may be discovered during that time. An ample guarantee will be inserted in the contract for the successful fulfilment of all it, conditions, and a forfeiture will be required hJt delay in completion. No proposal can be considered unless actor,- panied by a written guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, to the effect that they un dertake the bidder shall, if his offer be acolitol, enter into contract with good and sutticient sureties for its completion. Two or more sureties in a sum equal to the amount of the contract will bd'required to sin it, and their responsibility must be certified by a United States District Judge, ,District Attor ney, Collector or Navy Agent. Bidders whose. proposals shall be accepted, and none others, will be notified, nod as early as practicable a contract-will be transmitted to them, dated two.clays after the notification. -na4....rwpartmextt rAcArires the r . 1 .. L 5 1 L t to accept the propositions made in conformity with the conditions prescribed which shall be considered most to the interest of the' government, and combine the greatest number of advantages, and to reject any or ail of them, at its option. FORM. OF OFFEat. I (or we) , of , State of hereby agree to construct the machinery fur (name the number) United States screw steam sloops, in conformity with the provisions and terms of the advertisement of August Sth, by the Navy Department, and hereunto :Appel ed, and for prices and within the tithes a; follows : Fur the machinery of the (name the vessel) the price to be (name the sum) dollars. • The total time of completion to lie (name number of consecutive days) from two day , after the notification of acceptance ha-) been made by the Bureau, provided the ve,el placed at my (or our) disposal within (u tine 11., number of consecutive days) from the i,t))), date. If the vessel should not be placed at our posal within the time stipulated, then the of completion to be (name the number of d::, , fromthe date of the notification that the vr-ri is placed at our disposal. Nom—Repeat Vie last three paragraph. , r other three veszek. Should my (or our) proposal be aeo•pt. (or We) request to be informed at ----• •:. that the contract may be forwarded to for signatures and certificates. (Place) (Date.) (Signed) FORM OP OUARANTEE We, the undersigned, residents of--, iu State of—, hereby jointly and severally t enant with he United States and , -;4-r..! that in case the foregoing proposal be a. , , • -- will within ten days after the the contract at execute the sauw. : good' and sufficient sureties, for the 0.%3 tion of machinery proposed in compliali 1 % - the terms of the advertisement of An,,f,t , t 1851; hereunto appended and under ale i was made; and in case the said --- to enterinto the contract aforesaid, +l. - tee to make good the difference hem , ' offer Of the said and that which accepted. (Witness) (Place) (Sikned) (Date) I hereby certify that to the best of 111 lc: ''" edgennd belief the above-named —And are good and sufficient (Signature.) 2 b!be signedhy the United States United States District Attorney, allerfrr, ' Agent. , . WANTED.—AI;ENT6 'l'o 6E L L. PAI AGES of STATIONAN t and JEW ht,iii, at Pr , ces one third less than can oe purchased elsewhere.-- Call oil or address (stamp enclosed.) J 1. BAILEY, EM -8 , idd No. 154 Court Street, Boston, Mos. BREA:JED SALMON 11 VAESIEI AND VERY DELICATE. Put J.: ap neatly in See pound C 9128. Je2s: W3f. DOCK., Jr., BIBLES! BIBLES ! ! A Large and thoroughly complete stock of *13113r COMPRISING EVERY VARIF I/ From :Smallest Pocket to the largest sized and aces FAMILY BIBLES , •-•... Pr ''' JO been purchased and received from the Fall Trade es. Having purchased these at EXTREMELY LOW RATES, pey ei t a llbe sold at a very small advance. PI calland examine the stock at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 61 Market Street - . EMPTY FLOUR BARRELS. 90 LARGE NEW BRIGHT EMPTY FLOUR BARRELS in good condition for Ale 1M231 WM. D0c.8., Jr., 400. NM IL