11 E 1 t 4 ,1 I, El;It A .1 ) IS PUBLISHED EVEPS DAY, 13v GEORGE BERGNER. .`'1'11:1 Roils the DAILY Tel “ilt n sir vc enhers in tile per Vearly sub , criber3 Will be City at c qua barged $4 40 Wicsatv ANP TiILEGRAPIL The imMi-veil twice a week Miring the ,e4sion of th, RIO weekly during the remainder of the ar. luraished to subscribers at the following rate,, viz Single sulvcr hers year....• •• • • ho Seven ' ' ....... „ .12 00 Ten ............ 00 7116 lAW OF NIMSFAYSK.I. 11 811hFeril+ors order the disECODlllnlahre or their news. oper the ouldi,her may continuo to Sad them until II Irreariges are paid ,111,,cribeN noglort or retwe to take their newopa. , 11'0111 th e 01 - 11 CC In whii . h they are directed, they are Ton,ohle until they have 4:etoeil the hills and onto ed t we , di . " 111- . D. til. eroge - CIO., _ ‘- 1) W. GROSS I & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO, 19 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PEA N'A, DHUGOtST.9, PfIYSICIANS,STORE- KEEPERS AN D :CONSUMERS, Wo are daily adding to our nagortmont of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would ropectfully call your ittention to the largest and best selocted-stook in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS & PAINTS, Oils, varnishes and Glues, DyeStuirs, Glass and Putty, Artist Colors and Tools. Pure Ground Spteek, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Level, Sperm mid Pine 0111, Bottles, Vials and Lamp Globes, Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks; &c., &c., &o. ; atc , &c., &c., With a general varlet) , of PEENIIIIERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Per- mem of Europe and this country [king very large dealers in PAINTS, tEd4LEAD, ' ' LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLAR'3, - AIaIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ART PI IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, i an ' ' ll.l 'rD.N,7 -- c.R.IS 0 OS w 4 r , i - ory --.- d '-'33-141-1. 0 I)f3i-- %.1 9 m -I.Kti S! A _ __ .f4rf: guPc We respectfully invite a call, feeling, confi• dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH 1 TEETH ! ! JO NE' S AND WHITES'S PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of nli kinds, direct from the Proprietors Saponifier and Concentrated Lye holesale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell low as it can be purchased in the cities AYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS, COAL OIL! CARBON OIL!! Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can otter inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the moat improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, 080 of you who have not given onr HORSE AND CAME POWDERS a trial know not the;r superiority, and the advantage they are u, keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in g condition. Thousands con testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the Increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long ex perience in the business gives ns the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we can in a very short time famish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, s careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to 'nark a continuance of the a sating public. . ' o 1 0 1-1 , o :-...,, k•Aliri i 2 .._,__,‘ ~,„ ~, )- __, 1, _.3., .„,,,,,_,........ i ___„.• l. vol. XV i) ft . J 011 N SON s.►as=oXLE LOOK HOSPITAL. HAd discovered 1 he most certain , speed:, and effectual remedy m the world liar DISEASES OP IMPSIJDENDE RITMO LS 14X TO TWILVII BOURN No Mercury,. or Nuktoult Drugs, INAra Celts WARRLITIIID, OR NO ORAMOROR nom this TO Two D 528.101 Weakness or the Bank or Limbs, Strictures, Pains In the I.nins, affections of the Kidnerran d Madder, Organ'. W ak netts *Krug Debility, Decay grSiterhysic , PpW, a - 'spoil^ las,tuor, Low Splrlats Cbattellen Or dear, I t itattl . ,100 Bears, Titsudity, Tremblings, ;Damao , =tgiit its it : Dummy, 4 the Stomach, Alfectiom A. 4i ii r6dt, t•ir se or Urinthose terrible di.or. or. 4,0 b. e indiscretion or Solite ry - Habits al YOut . idreaditil RDA destruetiie practises which produce onlestitutionai debility, render marriage Wipes ollge, 9 49 1 14 1 Way Isiah body and mind. =8 !,,.,,,,,, : YOUNfI MEN. YounAet . gatetally who have become the viettme 01 folil3arr at dreadful and deetrdctive habil whist au Qum di 'to an untimely page thottaurida r 1 young. inertia, etrnost exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise have entranced listening senates with the thundere.ofebgricaue, or waked to ea. tasy the livlog,l f Fe,seay call with full confidence. ' MARRIAGE. Married Perldhir, or these contemplating marriage, be ing .iwara tic *Adria weaknaiia, eboulditrataudnudy cot,. stilt D v . L. LW* Metered to perfect health. • ORGANIC WEAENBS Inisitsdiately surmised iidl vigor rstiorea: Ile whir placee'bunself under the care of Dr. J. mat religiously eoutidela his boner as a 'cottontail, anal coo. fideotty rely upon ins skill as a physician, Apir•Otllce No, 7 south Frederick street, Baltimore, Md., on the left fiklid side golng'from Baitlinore street, doors Irani the corner. Be particular In observing the name oraumber, or you will mistake the place. Be par Molder for Ignor Trifling Quacks, with false names or raderi .11bug , attracted by the repute Non of Dr. Johnson, lur near. Ali totters mist eonialn a Postage Stamp, to ore on the reply. OH. JOHNSTON Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College o 1 Surgeons, Landon, graduatefrom one of the meet eminent Oollefe. of the United gtalas, and the greatest partat whose life has been spent m the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phna. delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most ea. tonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing In the ears am d heed when asleep, groat tier• volumes', being alarmed at sudden sounds, baahfalums, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange meat of mind were oared Immediately, TARS PARTICULAR NOTICE, ureeetaireal those who having tailored thew• selves by r vote mtd improper indulgenclos, that secret mid solltssy nlakwhich ruins both body and mind, nu titting them for slitter husisessor society. The, aro seine ki the sad and molanoboly t is pry Maim by early habits of youth, via Weakness of the Muck and 'AIWA, ?MAWS in the Read, Dimness of &gin, Loss of Muscular. ?ewer, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyr sepsis, Nuryouslysitsbility Derangement of the Digestive FunaLious General Debility, Symptoms of Lionnump thin, aus. 0 3 44 1 MENTALLY, 41(4.t . 1 eiRKIP 94 Op mina arc 1111L101 10 ad ' ' Hemory, COllll/BIOD or Ideas . De p a 1 rits, Forobodtags, Avorstok, to:4*o ty, Seir-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &e., are some et the evil effects. Thousands 01' parsons of all ago, can now ludgu whet is the cause or their decline In health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have a singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and aymp me of consumption. YOUNG MIN who have Injured themselves by a certain practice, in Ju In when alone—a habit frequently learned from evil Jompanions, or at school, tato Wane of which are nightly fait , oven when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage Impossible, and destroys both mind and body, s houid apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the horn of his men. try, the darling of his parents should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments ci life by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret. habit. Su person' mutt, before oaten • plating MARRIAGS, effect that, a sound mind and body are the most neCeSaary requisites to promote connubial happiness• Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pligranagar, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and ailed with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be. comes blighted with our own DR. JOHNSON'S INTIGORATiNG REMEDY TOE OR; OkNIO WEAKNIESS. by this great and Important remedy, Weakness of the Organs ere emadlly mired, and lull vigor restored. hounands of the moat nervous and debilitated who and hat all hope, have been Immediately relieved. AU , mpedtments to Haulage, Physical or Mental Ilisquallli .lttion, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion or the most !lawful kind, speelilY cured. TO STRANGERS. The many thousands cured at this Instiution orttinn ins bun twelve years, and the numerous Important Surgical operahons performed by Dr. wilatilmi by the re• porters of the papers, and manyMther parson; notices ot which have appeared again and again before the public, Salida his Handing as is Iscaihnisais of obroroisior and Tr rponailly, is a salhoieni guarantee to the silhoted. 0121A51 , 43 OF DtPRUDENCF.—When the tall:gelded and imprudent votary eirjl4 . lmit m i . riiinds he bite imbibed the seeds ot this painf ul it toooften happens that en iltbmed sense of shame or dr e ad of discovery deters him from applying to thee° who, front education and re • spectabillty can alone befriend hlm, delaying the mm. stitutienal symptoms of this honid disease make then sePomtuioa, affecting the head, throat, nose akin, ac., programing on with frightful rapidity, till d eath puts a period, to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to "that bourne from whence no traveler returns." It Is a mei. Inch* fact that thousands tall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unakiltkluesa of ignorant pretend ers, who, by the use of thif‘daddy pOilllll, mercury, mile the oopstitution and make the rondo° of Lie mieerable, To Bywomm.—Tho Dotter's InSomali bang to low aka. Sir Letters meat contain a Stamp to ua on the reply gir temedieu Bent by Ma% dfiy-No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. JUST 'PUBLIS H E A MANUAL. MILITARY SURGERY OR, HINTS ON ME KtdEIiGENOUki Field, Camp, and Hospital Practice, S. D. GROSS, M. D. Plikftwit Or SURGERY IN THU .1113705011 BILDIIIIII. 0011.7103 For sale 4t BaRGNKRAT P'881141"11"Ea. reitay marßooxsrom T UERMODIETEEtS I Tlizit TORIIIIO/4ndhua.sBTBßS, Or do namental Mantle, Japane dose Metal hu , TBERMOMBritIin, Distillers Tin do . :Bronzed Oase, 11tn. TEMBMOMETEne, do Br ßound Doub ob le Beale. THEtalußETelltb, Union Case, 10-12 Web. . THERitomErrkas, motono promo 8-10 Inch. nraliOMlrniks, Black Walnut bnile Web. h. Tin Ome, 74.10 ino . ..i of ,T o We Matter received a dna lot or THBRBo IB B T ariou lie ) gt9d aura Wang ikon ley. :![B. , . HELLIWILDB6/9 ROB; - ' spa 91 Marko. stmt. `INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONF HARRISBURG. PA. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 20, altbital. bihNT.LLLY illisultantens. 1861. 3D OPENING 3D OPENING 1861. SUMMER DRESS GOODS Or sviirr nesneiPTlON. The quality of thie goods for the prim will be au Indu. e meet to every 000 to purchase. The most desirable Imo& of the season at a great sac rifice. MOZAMBIQUE'S, GRLSSALIAS, VALENCIAS, CREPE to t ESPANGS, BEREGE ANGLAIS, BROCADE POPLINS, NEAPOLITANS. LAWNS and LAMELLAE. era mobs thong r _ CATHCART& BROTHER. : Next door to the Harrisburg Mink_ SKELETON SKIRTS. The largest3stook at the very best make to be found at CATHCART d, ext door to the Harrisburg Hank. Parasols, Sun Umbrellas and Umbrellas Twenty-Oyu per cent lower than can be. liorobwoed 1110 Where in the city. CATHCART & BROTH kit N 0.14 Market ilgonen, n w • Next to the AlarriAhuri dent °•UUR GOV ERN MENT." 444: c 11E unity of Government, which con stitutes you one people, is new dear tei Was ington't.lhrewell Arkhew. A nationality is essen tial to the enduring prosperity of our country. True pa triotism must arise trout knowledge. It is only a proper understanding of our civil institutions that can induce strong and settled attachment to their principles, and Impart ability fur their maintenance. SCOUR GUVEHNiIIieNT : An explanatory statement of the system of Government of the Country,' contains the text of the Constitution of the United States, and the Con stitutional provisions of the several States 'with their messing and construction, se determined by Judicial an- abort y "14 precedent and practice, or derived from tine. •Itert; digested and arranged for popular boa Prim: t 1I Qo'd hi. bllZlNlikk, del H rrisbarg, JOHN WALLOWER, JE., Agt, GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Gw" AND MERCHANDISE promptly forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Neither/3 Central, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads ..nd canal. HAULING AND DRAVING to and from an parts of 'the city to the difieront Railraad depots will be done at the veryllowest rates. FAXIMIICB removing will be prompily attended to. orders at Brant% liordpean Hotel, or at the [Mere of N.IS. 7milinger, wIU revolve promptataantion. Con- , signments of freight rospeoguily Reheard. JOHN WALLOWER JR., Ail OfileaP.eading Dati;ot. IiIUKORY, OAK AN N. AND PIN WOOD for sale, ti ro azurit US CURD LSLYGIN ro posozusitiles. 4L30, LUUUa4 . POWs AND VILILSINOT RAILS QUI TO ORDER. ALS, NONE AND SAND MR BVILDINO PURPOSICY. • • luquir,. 01 the aubscribor ut ind residence on Um Ridge roes, •ppoeite the tioist Will &gine douse, or at the Yard, corner of Amend and Woad streets West Osber t ,. . I thy27.lf j d. B, ootx REDUCTION IN PRICES 1 NENNOES, Hain and Figured. CANDO:NW, NMI/Ild Figured. ALL WOOL DELAINW, Extra Styles end Quality. lIROCA LONG SHAWU, diffbrent prises. FINE STOCK OF BLANKET SHAWLS. The prices iu all the above Goods, on examdtatlon,Swill be found ' , lower than ever," at, CATHCAIIT'S, an 24 Next door to the Harriebbrg Beek. LIME FOR SALE.' UNDERidiIiNND having embarked in the I.lhlll' is prepared to t umish to very boat aruole at short notice, and el the lowest prime re/ cash. Ile sells the lime burnt at Columbia and also that burnt at home. akyadln PETER BEEtNEURRIL A. CHANCE FOR A BARGALN. TO close up the concern the entire stock of SHOES, BOOTS, ka.,•late of Oliver Be I. man, deceased, to the rooms in the. Market Square will be sold at private sale at CitkiTi and the rooms w ill be rented to the purchttier if desired. The terms Mil be made easy. jel7-dtt BAWL fI. BOAd Agent. REMOVAL,. r rat. 6U IiSURII3FIR worild respectfully inlonn tuu punka that he ha' removed Ina Plumb ing and Bran rUundiog establiahmete, to No.. 22 Sou tb Third street below Ilerea Rotel thankful for peat pate. row% no hopes by atria attention to Malaga to. merit a continuance of It. atilk-dtt J. JON Mt • NOTIOL • Tt E t g UNoDFERB9lo4l42°4NoriiiDor Thribbtrd e, °1.6 2 •.lell hie Mslilled bbrk. berry day, near aerr'a,7,otel. • . Dry ...ember of all kinds And qualitt Jr :uy lir 4 7 - MURRAY. fbn underanguen win sell Hersey Camases and bar rel low for oak ALB6-Bonne and Llaningea lao,bire at the same oboe. marl' PRANK A. AU:MAY. City Property Sof Sale. ll_ A LARGE TWO-STORY BRIC K- HO U SE and lot of ground, pleasantly located on Front dl., between Mulberry street and Washington Menne. Also TWil LAME PIANOS in good condition and or ex cellent tone. Apply to . C. O. ZIMIWNIAN, No. SS, South Second ANN*, irr HITE SULPHUR SPRINGS HOTAL, V CARLISLE, Cumberland county, Pa.—The prO. prieters take pleasure in announcing that they are now prepared to receive vidtors. Persona desiring a healthy location [or the slimmer will find this one of the moat de-. lightfal places in the country. The wader of these springs cannot be surpassed for drinking, bathing sod' medicinal purposes. Poe information and ciraolare adders . - Wit. H. illiktbOUGEl2, D. C. HOMO I', jolt 2m Proprietors. JOHN B. BBarEo3 BQOT & SHOE STOLE, COANKB SECOND AND WALNUT STN., Harrisburg, Pa. A LWAYS on hand a large aasorhnont, of ti. BOUTS, MOEN, 4IAITEAV3, an., or the •yery best mantles for ladles, gentlemen, and childreas' Pekes to snit the times. All kinds of WORE NADI TO OMAR lathe best style by superior workman REPAIRING done at short melee. oc ue_dly JOHN B. MKT*, Harrisburg. PLACiti3 1 •PLAGE! I VOTE PAkEit AND ENliktb#EB..ssitti liaa-zaTkr*OC /Al tlk:Arge welly* ' - • faminuses 5 apeli Near she lilmeisinui Bridge. BY num I THE WAR IN MISSOURI, LATER FROM. THE. BATTLE NEAR SPRINFIELD• MoCULLOUGHt FORCE 22,000 STRONG. Rebel. Loss 2,500 to 3.000. azNERAL SIEGEL IN OOMMAND OF THE 'FEDERAL FORCES. Condltiowor our Wounded at Springfield ; ..--..!--- PROCLAMATION OF GENERAL PRICE. ROLLA, Md., Aug. 18. ICpt. MaDonsld was in town to-day. He re ports Capt. Cho* C. Rogers, Aid-de-Camp to 1 2h)v. JacltuOUrrili4d Captain7Slephen A. Cole man, botli of ,St. Louis, killed in the battle of the 10th i t also that McCulloch's force before thci battle was 22,000, aid their killed and wounded 2,500 to 3,000. Gen...Seigel received his commisaim as Brigadier General on Satur day, and assumed command of the Federal fore.* yesterday. ~McDonald was escorted beyond the lines yes terday and sent on to Springfield. He, no doubt, gained much valuable information of the strength and`Position of our forces, etc., as it is said that he bad the freedom of our camp under his flag of truce. ' Our wounded - at Springfield are reported to be doing well. The correspendenf of the St. Louis Republican furnishes the following : Gen. Sterling Price has 'maxi a proclamation at Springfield to the effect that a great victory had been won, and that thenorthern oppressors of Missouri' have been driven back. That every one belonging to the home guard organized or will be organiz ed, ' t will he regarded and treated as an enemy to the t southern confederacy; but that his protec tion would eitend to such who quietly return to their homes.and allow the southern sway • to nrirtmli and that whoever recognizes the pro visionallgoyenhnent if Missouri will be conga= ered as an enemy to State and will he dealt with accordingly. Capt. McDonald reports *that Gen's. Price and Clark were slightly, and Brigadier General S'wk seriously wounded, in the late engage merit. Also, Col. Bay, formerly Captain of Jack son's Body Guard. McDonald was very anx ious to go to St. Louis, bat his application was refused. Ha aired many questions with a view of as certaining how many troops, cannon, &c., there are that city, and what preparations are be ing made to resist an attack. Latest From Washington. TEE CITY IN . NO DANGER: hapeeted Proelamitton from the Prot- dent. WASHINGTON Aug. 19 The Government is disappointed that troops do not arrive in greater numbers from the North. This is the reason why the order , from the War Department, ordering regimenta and parts of regiments' hither, was issued last night. Washington city is 'safe 'ln the opinion of those beat qualified to judge; butif the Federal Government is ever to resume offensive opera tions, more loyal troops must be sent forward to begin the work again. Assistant Secretary Fox, of the Navy Depart ment has returned from a trip down the river as far as Acquia Creek. It is believed that mea sures are to be taken at once to protect more efficiently the navigation of the Potamac. For the present, vessels pass and repass - without molestation. It is rumored that the President has another proclamation ready, closing the rebel ports and naming each port so closed to commerce. At the late session of Congress , this was authorized. The weather continues very warm. The health of -the troops in the camps about here continues good. There is oonsiderable excitement in Washing ton, to-day, respecting the alleged movements tkf the rebels on the city. Capt. Holley, Qnartcumastnr of the regiment of Kentucky Cavalry, was waited Jost night, charged with a breach, of duty. Great activity is manifested at the War De *trona to-day. Mr. Sanderson, of the Sanihiry Commission, was, according to report, to have had a com mis4on as Commissary, but it is announced by the War Department that there are "no vacan yies." CAPTURE OF THE PIRATE SUMTER. Haw Yoax, Aug. 19 The 86 K i oner Hanthial from St. Thomas, brbt a eport that the pirat4,lo4puner Sumpter 1441 -94)43Sfintf9f PUTratetkOP War , ildouned back to Curacao. The report is however doubted. 861 FROM NEW YORK RE-ORGARIZATIOI OF ME FIRE ZOIJAVE REGIMENT. FORTY-EIGHT REGIMENTS FORMING IN THE CITY. =3=l 15,000 Men to be Bent to Washing ton in a few Days. Over 600 men responded at roll WI of the Ellsworth Fire Zouaves to-day, and men are continually reporting themselves. A re-or; ganization will be . effected without difficulty. . , There are now 48 regiments forming in this city. Several are full, and the rest average from 200 to 850 men each. The full and ino:implete tegimenta will doubt less now be forwarded as rapidly as possible. The latter will be merged so as to form full, regiments. Recruiting is going on rapidly, and the city can probably send 15,000 men to Wash ington in a few days. LATER FROM MISSOURI The Rebels Fire Upon a Government ,Steamer. Two Soldiers Killed and Several Wounded CAPTURE OF A REBEL CAMP. Our Nen Bat the Breakfast Prepared by the Rebels. TWELVE PRISONERS TAKEN. JEFFERSON Cirr, Mo., Aug. 19 While Col. Stifel's Fifth regiment of reserve corps and Col. Worthington's Fifth lowa were coming down the river on the Government deciliter they were frequently fired upon with cannon and small arms by the secessionists from thobank, killing one and wounding seven or eight of the troops. There is great excitement among the people along the river, in come quence of greatly exaggerated accounts of the battle near Springfield, which is represented as a great victory for the aeceahors. Iftesxos, Mo., Aug. 18. Messengers bring information. that Col. Hecker, who left here on Thnrsday enremtin i s, with his magi:meat, ma:prised a body of some four hundred rebels near Fred erickaton early yesterday morning, and captur ed all their camp equipage and ate the break fast which they had just prepared. Twelve prisoners were also taken. Gen. Prentiss has arrived and taken command of the furces in this section. TEE REMAINS OF COL. CAMERON HEADQUARTM liicCumes BBIGADS, August 16, 1861. Correspondence between Colonel McCann a n d the Rebel Colonel ,Steuart—{oblonel McCann Asks for Colonel Cameron' a Boby—lt is Refused :mime Formally Applied for according to the Usages of War. By the kindness of General McCunn I am able to transmit you the enclosed copies of corres pondence which have passed between him and Colonel Stewart, of the rebel army, on the sub ject of delivering up the rems.i .s of the late Colonel Cameron, of the Seventy-ninth regi ment. They will doubtless be read with lively interest. The first communication from Gen eral t.l4.ourut on the subject reads as follows : apsztur. m'curm's LE Ili BamensIisADQUILSTERS, three miles from ALEXANDRIA, Aug. 3, 1861. To Col. Stewart, commanding First Virginia Cavalry : lift DEAR SlR.—The bearer, Lieut. Jones, of the Thirty-seventh New York volunteers, will hand you this. My object in sending to you is this, Col. Cameron, a warm personal friend of mine, fell in the battle of Bull Run. His lady and family are in great distress about his body. May 'I not appeal to you as a soldier, asking you for the moment to throw away all ceremony, and allow the Colonel's orderly, who was with him when he fell in the field, to search for the body of his lamented commander? I make this free with you because your Lieut. Banger and his men gave me a most generous descrip tion of your kindness of heart and your good soldierly qualities. I have the honor to re main, my dear Colonel, yours most rellectful ly. JOHN B. McCIINN, Com. Brigade. REPLY OF COLOREL STEWkRT HsenguArennis, FAIRY X Corms House, Aug. 4. DBAR GENERAL—Your communication of yes terday was duly received under a flag of trUbe. 4, the subject matter of yofir letter belonged properly to higher authority, and had in fact already been the occasion of communications which have been referred to General J. E. Johns ton Confederate States army,' my commander, 1 had no power to act, but felt bound to refer it to the General commanding the Confederate States forces, of which my command is part. His endorsement is as follows :--- " Military usage has established the mode of communication between beligerents. When ever the military authorities of the United States make such a request as that preferred, and in the manner established by military cus tom, it shall be complied with pm:aptly. As there is an established mode of communication, none other consistently with the dignity of the position in which General Johnston has been placed by the Confederate States can be agreed to." _ I will add that General McDowell and also three citizens sent by the Scmatary of War of the United States on a similar mission have been informed to the same purport as above. I no- Me you address me as Colonel First Virginia eavehY•_Wile:regiment I ham the honor to oonunand Daiongs to the army of tho Ganfederr ate State.. - I thank you for the *41444 terms, of yogirairiesi, and need hardly gives utterance eth.e universal appreciation' of the "wave` hearted sons of your native land, of whom I RA1253 OF ADVERTISING. air Four lints or less constitute one hal f square. Eight lines or more then fear coast] melt square. Half square, one day .50 26 one week 1 00 one month.. ..... ....... ....... 2 00 ft three months. ...... ........... 8 00 "Ix months ........ ........ 5 00 one year.. ....... ............... 8 00 One Square, one day. ......... .............. 60 " one week.... '2 00 one month 00 three months 5 00 41 six months .... 10 00 One year 15 00 Jar Business notices inserted in the Lova °phony', or before Marrigea and Deaths, FIFE CIiNTA PER LINE for each Insertion. NO 94 have no doubt you are an honorable type.— Allow Ina to add that our President has given official assurance, and our gallant General is too well known to the authorities of the United States for them to doubt, that no effort to lessen the horrors of war and to confine it to the strictest civilized usage will be spared. Most respectfully your obedient servant, J. E. B. STEWART, Cohniel First Cavalry C. S. A. Comtoanding. '"To J. Et MearNN, Commanding Belgade United States forces. GNNERAL Iit'CUNN TO CAeTAIN JONES. BainAna RILLDQUARTIRS, Alisadria, Va., Aug. 13, 1861. Apr. Josas, First Virginia Cavalry : Sta—l ant perhaps overstepping mili tary custom and usages in thus communicating -with you. The holy mission in which I am engaged is my only apology. Cul. Cameron was a warm personal friend of mine, and for the sake of his family, and to learn the spot where his bones are laid, I would do anything in honor and fairness. Ido not wish you to compromise yourself in the slightest degree, or to do anything that a gallant soldier would not dem it his duty to perform. Ido not want any favor that your generous Colonel (Stewart) would not grant at once. I simply ask you the great favor to mark the spot where a brave man has fallen, thus to enable his be - reeved family to uncover, at the end of this unnatural strife, the ashes of a fond and devot ed father, of a good and brave man. Captain Johnston says that you were kind enough to mention to him that you found the body of one of our officers, with the likenesses on his per sou of our Secretary of War and his lady, and other articles of jewelry, which led you to sus pect it was Col. Cameron's remains. You were right in your surmises. Do, my dear Captain, do a duty you owe to a brave and generous foe, and do an everlasting . favor to me. If we cannot have his remains, mark the spot where his body is burled ; and if your gallant Colonel will send the likenesses by a flag of truce, I will deem it such a favor as only a brave and generous enemy could bestow. Hoping I have not overstepped the duties of a soldier in thus addressing you, I have the honor to remain, my dear sir, yours truly, Nzw Toils., Aug. 19 The above letter was conveyed by Captain Johnston, of the Thirty-seventh regiment, w/to returned the following letter to General Mo- Conn, and with it the correspondence ended': CAPTAIN JOHNSTON TO GENERAL M'CIINN ALEXANDRIA, Va., Ang. 14, 1861. To GENERAL McCoNs Diaz Sts—i have the honor to report that I delivered your letter, as required, to Captain Jones that Captain Jones blindfolded me and took me to Fairfax Court House, where I saw Colonel Stewart, of the First Virginia cavalry. Colonel Stewart informed me that the like nesses and other things found on Colonel Cam eron's body were in the possession of one of his officers now in Richmond; that the same would be at once obtained and forwarded to you, and you alone, as Colonel Stewart consid ered ;that he would not, under any circum stances, render any favor to the Secretary ,of War or any other member of the government. Captain Jones further says that he has marked the spot where the remains of the lamented Colonel Cameron are buried and will remain till tho times comes when they will, be most willingly given up to his family. All which I have the honor most respectfully to report, JAMES W JOHNSTON, Captain Co. K, Sith regiment, N. Y. B. Y. INTKRIOTING OORRISPONDBNCII ON MILITARY 00IIR- The Richmond Dispatch publishes the follow ing correspondence between Arnold Harris, the agent sent by Secretary Cameron to obtain the body of his brother, and General Beauregard : JULY, 22, 1861. To GENERAL BEAUREGARD, OR COMMARDLNO Gm can CONYEURFIATE ARMY : Sra—l send this by a friend and trusty ser vant, who is well known to many officers in your army. He is sent for the purpose of ob taining from you a permit for Mr. H.S. McGraw and myself to pass your lines to obtain the body of Colonel Cameron, who fell in the action of yesterday. My solicitude in this matter is an impulse of private character. The rigid robs established in Washington with reference to flags of truce prevent me from carrying out my wishes without proceeding as I am now doing. I believe General B. will recollect me while a resident iu New Orleans; but if President Davis, General Lee, General Johnston, General Wig fall, Colonels Miles, Keitt or Withers are pres ent they will not hesitate to vouch for me. General Bonham, and, in fact, nearly all of your of f icers know me. In addltionto the Brat itication of performing a sacred duty, I would be highly delighted to meet in your camp many of my most valued friends. It is proper for me to add that I have not been in any manner con nected with the action of the government and that I am neutral. Sir—l am instructed by General Beauregard, commanding the First Corps, army of the Po tomac, to say that he has received your rote of the 22d, and to reply thereto. The General declines giving an informal prir mit to any one residing beyond his advanced lines for any purpose which may be accom- I plished by those formal proceedings known to, i and practised by civilized beligerent nations.— By no act of his will he lower the dignity of the Confederate States as a nation by permitting that to be done indirectly . which the usages of civilized warfare accomplish directly. the arbitrary and unusual course adopted in such cases as you refer to by the United States government, will be the guide of the General% conduct in return. Any one, therefore, coming-. within his lines without the proper flags Wi., II APE. sent under an escort to the Confederate goveqi meat for examination. The General deems proper for me to add thiit humanity should teach an enemy to care, !for - 16v wounded, and Christianity tobury its dead. I a m, sir, your obedient servant, JOHN L. MAIMING, Aid-de-Camp'. we me the following in it late number o the St. Louie Dowerat: "We learned laatevening from reliable sources that the State.of California haa offered the gov ernment 60,000 troops, and that the War De pertinent has Ranted them. The Snit order from the War Thipirtinent went out last night_ Witter:pony express: - It:directs four regiments 04-ligazitt7 aulivane Of .cavahy to prtiomxttto liiiistern Texas. It is stated in official iterates the 60,000 men will reach the Mississippi valley within forty days." ft= tinting fiffin. Haring procured Steam Power Prelim we are prepar ed to execute JOB add BOON PRINTING of every oeserip tiOn • dumber than t can b 3 done at any other eatabbab rntot In the country. marr , ges and Deaths to be tinned as regular ad verti.edt..nts JOHN H. M'CIINN. E=F2 Very respectfully yours, &c., ARNOLD HARRIS. HIADQUARTBBS ARMY OP THY POTOXAO, Manassas Junction, July 28, 1861. ]