nentetrilemiltr4itguot--19,446-1 . _ . . . .. ---- '' _ , , it anbibatte. Ifitscellatifous. ~„....., ... e. . 1.... . ..._....................._ ...... _....____ . . 21 FOR COUNTY TREABU it ER. PROPOSALS ch . 'i PP ENJA NIIN /3,1.:Ci...., 01 Harrisburg of- POR . . . . i . .-- '''- - ----- \ 1 , , ~,,, fen tames& es a eans*tat Clt TY TREASUR- A T ., 1 ,.., ~,, , E , v .... r . -sir - sr • \•\ ' fi n d ise el s iiy i . • KIR el the e. suing eleetionliu nj tot action of the bLican x BAGGAGE vv GO] - _.. _ _ 11 0 It \ wt. __,_ ,_____ .„....,,,Larg0 n .,..c.„..„...,„„v0rthii.e....c...„(tb0 _ FOR REGISTER -- upo 4 l O l--a-Q , AMU EL 3,1 A RQII A la, of Harrisburg, 1 - --_v ......: - - --;.-- ' ---- -n7tiro ir ; r, le h c i t i ir e o Z 4 ii .--: =2- omsl4:in 1 Ik.lll_,CaCet"lo"ilitee a r e 'r tlO ß EV . lll: RIN at the - Ue . Drum Ises. if etectoa to dienharge GS—NEUTRAL QuarrEamearsa GEN . 'l3 OFFICE WalAington• r- 21, 1861. )1J .__ HARRISBURG 3 PA., MONDAY ► TERNOON, AUGUST 0. BY GEORGE BERGNER. ill. erns $:; (go., 4 •• . t ; - • •-7 . ss. • ' D W. GROSS'& CO., WHOLESALE AND DETAIL DRIB GG ISTS, NO, 19 MARKET STWEET BARRISBURG, PEAN'A. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE KEEPERS AND (CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and bed selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS & PAINTS Oda, varnishes and Glues, Dye. Stuffs, Glum and Putty, Artist Colon and Tools, Pure Ground Spicer, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine Oils, Bottles, Vials and Globes, Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks, dm., dm., iito., Ste , &0., se., &C With a general variety of PERPUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Per lumens of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW or.ASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S 11,11IES IN A no , w,erw-• r • L)hnames of quite a number of the I and State Capitol Guards in the roll .41t; new company. ADVICE GRATIS.—The time to take on health and vigor is during the next two months, when the nights and mornings are cool and the pic colos of mosquitos are settled for the season. Weather like yt sterday renders country trips supertiuons, and makes the city quite as enjoy able. Now is the time for invalids to take gentle exercise. An early morning walk on such a morning as yesterday, in a bracing imparts a keener appetite than a pint of wine bitters or a kennel full of bark. As shoe leather is cheaper than pills or syrups, let everybody take notice and act accordingly., The people, before who; e, doors we never see a doctor's sulky, are the people who breathe the open air and indulge in healthful exercise. =1:1:=1 CAMPS OP Neracerms.—The War Department has recently issued an order for the establish ment of military camps of instruction at New York, Elmira. Cincinnati and Harrisburg, where volunteers may be mustered into service io any number which may be offered, doing away with the necessity to which Captains are now sub jected of being forced to await the entire com pletion of companies before they are able to place their men into camp. This is a reform which has long been need e d, and the evil which it is intended to remedy, has done mom to keep back enlistments than any other inconvenience the service has had to contend against. We think this the best move the War Depart• ment has inaugurated for some time, and we hope it frill go into effect immediately. Th(i result will be that companies now numbering forty or fifty men will till up their list imme diately, and be able to go into the re,.eula• camps In one-half the time necessary (14 plan heretofore adopted. 1:=an!I POL ICE Msrmas —Before the Mayor.—A volun teer, said to belong to Col. Black's regiment, was confined in the City Lock-up last night; charged with being drunk and disorderly in the market house. He was sent to his regiment. Before Alderman Kiine. ySponsler, ari old stager, was found in a negro shard*, in a glorious state of i ntoxication. Sent to prison for thirty days. Liz Mochemian and Rate King, two of the frail sisterhood, were charged with being drunk and disorderly, and sent over for twenty-four hours. Geo. Carmony, a chubby-faced negro with a crop of hair that would form an excelitht study for a curry-comb, was charged with drunken ness ; but we did not learn the decision in his Wm. Hite, who was confined ‘ in our prison for some time, charged with being a desert/ from the sth Regiment Pa. Reserves, (Cult Simmons,) went to Washington city last night in Charge of an escort. ' Stee Professor Wood'o adverliiga4eat in,84,0,14 et column. ill c b 4 at. DR . J OHN SOIN t3.ALI-NTIIki.CSX:L3EI LOCK HOSPITAL. HAS discovered themost certain, speed) and Winkle' remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. cruar m Mi TO Twia.To BOWa No Mercury or Noxious Drugs, Sire Can WAIUWIriIb, ON NO CIiAROIL, IN FROM ORB vu Two Dana.loll WORRUEIF a the- at .stew, Strtstorts. la the Louts, Adcettoca et tilirtidoa sod tileddar, Waltlipesa, Nervous Debility, De&y Of the Physioa ' w ere, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Osofnakm of deer, Pal t Ration of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling., Dummies of Night or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, affections of no Head, Throat, Nose or Skin—those terrible disor. dere arising from the indiscretion Or Solitary Habits el Yotith—Wove dreadful and destructive practises which produce Constitutional debility, render marriage 'tape& elide, and destroy high body and mind. YOUNG MEN. Young men especially who have become the victlms of solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the meat exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ea ting the living lyre, may call with fall Onildence. MARRIAGE.: Harried persons, or those contemplating marriage, be ing aware of physical weakness, should immediately we alth Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEAIOI23 holutedtataly awed and full tigor restored- He who places Muted( under Ike care of Dr. J. may religiously confide In his honor u a gentleman, and con, ddeutly rely upon Ws skill as a physician. WOlloe No. 7 South Frederick street, Wilmer', Md., on the left band side going from Baltimore street, 7 doors tram the corner. Be particular in charring the name or number, or you will mistake the place, Be par. tinnier forlc44Qtracks, with false names, or Paltry 0 cafe, attracted by the reputa tion of Dr. Johnson, T=ar. All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the reply. DR. JOHNSTON. Dr. Johnson member or the Royal College of Burgeons, London, graduate from one of the meet eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greatest part of whoselife has been Rant in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Philo delphia and elsewhere, has sleeted some of the moat es. lonisbing cures that were ever knoson. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great ner vousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bastifnluess, with frequent blushing, attended sometletis with derange meet of mind were cured immediately, TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE. De. these who having injured them. selves by pr.vade bad improper indulgenclee, that secret sad solitary abit Which ruins both body and mind, un fitting them for either bustuessor society. These are same of the sad and melancholy en.. ts pro dnoen by early habits of youth, via : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains In the Head, Dimneee of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability Derangement of the Digestive lunoMons, Debora! Debility, Symptoms d UOllfiump lion, atc. MENTALLY. sim,w. tar, lbs hartal egpets on the mtudArs mush to • ratphed .s—lces of Memory, eonfoluon at Ideas, De. Hiti 4 i of ij ii p i l:l l4 l: 6 W:ll , Forebodings, Aversleo toWolo- Solitude, Timidity, dm, are some na toil eill ands i s, of all ages, can now Judge what ditch gas of their donline In health, losing theirlgor, _ Ti v weak, pale, nervous and mama .4 ii i/G. , Appearance abo tice seme'lMeiVßo above the canal basin in is predicament, and one or two at the coal wharves. below. Below the outlet-lock, how ever, the fleet of water craft, westward bound, has gathered in strength. Here there is water to float them, and they are jammed from the lock, which is occupied by one fellow resolved to get the earliest start, to a distance below the Columbia bridge, and they lie 'in the river on the outside of the tow-path, above the bridge, seven and eight abreast, to nearly opposite the lock. On Friday morning we counted nearly sixty, and the ' blockading fleet' has doubtless been since strengthened by boats from the Tide Water." ..---•••----. HAVING returned from the city I now have on hand a full assortment of all kinds of Dry Goods : 200 pieces of new Calicos ; 200 dozen of Stockings ; a splendid lot of Black Alapacha; a large lot of Hoop Skirts; 1,000 yards of Crash for Toweling. All kinds of Summer Dress Goods at great reduction. S. Lawr, Rhoads' Old Corner. CHAIM 111 OF WIAATMUL The cold mornings and evenings remind us that the laws of nature. will inflict upon us before long, cold weather, "and the same face that says prepare for war in time of peace," will apply to preparing good and suitable clothing for the winter. It is the. duty and privilege of every man woman and child to buy theiagoods on the most favorabl4 terms, - owing to the large stock of dry goods o hand MUCH & Hooray are still selling at th i l old prices, corner Front and Market streets. anglii-cl2O PURIFY TDB BLOOD hiforAT'S Lii. Pale AND PEICNNIX Brrreee *ran how 44 Mural POileMl.—ln eased of Scrofula" Chars, Sourvy, or liroptioas of the Skin, the operauo of the Ws Medichous is truly sawatshtug, open remowut loa_Celedvs, every ireebtAs Or IWO Ittatiterene Mises h) their „uviytito Arts du the WM: Midis revery ere l 1 40 '1 AlloPeltti _t”O;Plitss, and in abort m dineaue soon y 'tether curative properties No family WOW be without them, as by their umolyi use mush (Melte aadeisalislimy be sawed. Peepered - by MIL B. It Stet . New Yore, and V ali *dui& et nor% MANHOOD _ • HOW LOBl i HOW - RESTORED ; JUKI PUBLISHED ON T!lN's NATURI TREATM WA' AND RADItAt 01186 PO RNAPORa REIRA, or Seminal Weelmeas, Smoot Debility, Nervous., nem, Involuntary Codsalocia sobt Impotency, resultin4 rect sell-abase, ha By Robta.. Ckillterwell, N. D. ient War seal, it it plain envotipe, , to any addrese, pea{ .eilA on veeipt et two. Stainint, by Dr. CRAB J C 4 c- I - 411 N, 127 1101 .1117, New York. Poo Moe Box, No mZ-emdew : TO COXIMILPIWES• Cue A overman, having been rebored to ~ich ~, . weeka by a very simple remedy, later , a , Illk -unwed several Timm with a severe Inns airecti u., ut.d that dread dues, Consumption—is aOXIOUS to make : : , seer to Ini fellow; ntrerere the means or cure. k‘ L.II iabn desire it,„be will send a copy of the pre. , 14 , 01) n- rd (tree or charge), with the directions % I Preiqril.: sad Ulna the la which they will dad 3 : n r i ' ' , re 1 , 1 conetimpuout Broochitie, lie' N . O, JO tof the mtiretiber In san lag Oa 'Penner' .' I " ~. "Illbe .111teted, sad spread thibnitindon ion, ~- 0. , r.., the to be. avehteble, and he iiOs everirind :or, w .11 tr', hie "study , writ will 00111theln'/ node In.. y prove a bitesth tteddig rt eA winking the eresortption will please address RIV. NIIIIIIMID A. wiumor, , < 4 . 0$ r.-nta nott i , lit l f k oria I Ntn) 2 Eni NOTICE! Poor Omen, Harrisburg, Pa. T HE Post Office Department having issued NEW STAMPS, of all denominations, vis:—ONa, Thugs, Fiva, TEN, TWELVE, TIVENTY-FOOR, THIRTY and Nix= cent, notice is hereby given that an exchange of the old for the new stamps will be made at this office for a period of SI-X- DAYS from this date, after which time the old stamps rerysaroara 4 seat from this office. Smaller offices in this vicinity can exc their stamps at this office. t GEO. BERGNER, P. Aug. 19, 1861.-6td JOHN WALLOWER, JR., Agt. GENERAL FORWARDIN COMMISSION MERCHANT. GOODS AND MERCHANDISE promptly forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Central, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads Canal. HAULING AND DRAYING to sea from all parte of the city to the tolerant Railroad depots will be done M the very lowest rates. FAbilLirS removing will be promptly attended to. Orders .eft at Brant's European Hotel, or at the store of B. S. zontager, will receive prempt attention. Con signments of freight respectfully solicited. JOHN WALLOWS& JR., Agt., ap3 Moe Beading Depot. MIL ICKORY, OAK. AND I'lN WOOD for sale. OU7 7U RTriPR OR CORD LIRIVGgii IV SLUT PUROILISBES. ALSO, LOCUST POSIS AND CIIBSTNUT RAILS CU? TO ORDER. ALSr STUNS AND SAND FUR BUILDING PURPOSES. Wow rt. of the subccriber at bla residence on the Ridge riael,ipposith the Good Will &glee kkwee, or al lb 0 Yard, corner of Second and Broad streets West liar -1 rieburn. [osy2T-tf d B. OuLR REDUCTION IN PRIOES 1 . KERTNOES, Plain and Figured. OAPTIMFRI.2, Plain and Figured. ALL WOOL DELLINES, extra Styles and igtutilty. IlitooA LONG SHAWLS, Mama prices FINE STOCK OF BLANKET SBAWLi. The prloee to all the abort Goode, on examination, lwlp be found "lower than ever," at ClTHeiltTie, an 24 Neat door to the Harrisburg Book. LIMB FOR SAJ ►nHE UNDERSIGNED having embarked Lin the LIMB BUSINFNE le prepared lo t urabh to very beet article at short notme, and at the lu west pr ices nor osah, lie sells the lime burnt at °Mumble gad also that burnt at home. my29-dam A CHANCE FOR A BA •`:,-, TO close up the oou stock of MOM, dot . 1,- - ' fi .4 : - 7- ~r. ,±t . , let* ''';".','... ~ • ,'". -II Faso? Illtrvelopeer, twintits OW Aiirkdi , nu - UM% Visiteog, dostoess.Lud oilier Mill., 0 •r.v .. -, 1 the hlgbust style al ant and lit Vitt lowest pelf, For -pm ir. Jimp tine engraving, Be. the 111U$17 - 11-1111 Vir ,, rt: , sli .1..1 i 4.011/910, 84 Qt., H. Bath,' flu' oct:24 INA . . , I . THUNDER 'AND LIGHTNING. • 11E1E vast arnoant ol property destroyed a,,tiq t uaily by Litttnni4 light be..a t walAttig .j oid niolizare - thatr euiunks:- 'At -oder i tar I.llthitual Rottrooll.nt the uuthlop sturip W.JIARR, wi ll 04 attoo t ted to 11,.d.6 put up io the 011?0,1kaproved ito rud wurr .utrd • • - • d FOR SALlii I AHU I L,t)l N 1_4.11`, situate' tn West liar - rideur, itoounsui or. , .lsitegto 10af,,,1 40-itiu• lug ha 41; MU itet,uukro-or - ibra- Gq A•fugi , v alloy, Jot tug eu 00t , 410 the rooiStiy 01 - Ifr - titutrinhilith). or particol M.:ICD4KICK 41 ;i114 4 Tilit.• 11.1 gar 1 .. 4 too ytu e. Way R, M7V PROCLAMATION. WHERE:AS, the Honorable JOHN J. VicABA3N, President of the Omni of Common Pleas hi the Twelfth Judicial District, conatating of We counties ci I.abwoon. told %nettle, and. the Mau., -.11411 - „liieersa and floe. Atilt NitimeT, AWN:ditto Judges Dauphin county, having Wood- tneli•ppecoptoboarloip dal6 tb's fudrttl do of Jane, te .me,direelegi for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General - Jen Dell very and Quarter Eleaslens of the Peaoeat darrteburt, rim :the county or llnunbin,Atnd to commence ow Taw 478 Men. DAY Cr AU60.4 Ma AT. Doing the 2.(lru DAY or AuDiONT 1801, and to continue two wto:.B Notice is therenwe -hereby giVen to the Coroner, Jus tices of the .eacee aldermen, and Oonstablea of the said; county of Dauphin, that they be Men and there, m their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of rain day, with their rec -rds, inqufellimie, examinatioaa, aftd their own remembninimm, 10 00 theteAuDge ,athitah„to.-thele Wilco appertihis;tii be durie,aW,AboaW.hrtbaite, bound is recoiamesnoes b p,ineeente against the prisoners that are or -shell be to tnb /afiL of Dauphin comity, be OM. and there to iworecute agaLnat tbom as shall be Jll4. Given under my Mind, at Harrisburg, the 31st day of July, in the year of our.Lortk aut1.,14 the elightyir BIM year of the independtineelatibegiillid MAWS. , DUAD, !Sheriff. Bsaafres Ora= Horrtettlya, JniylB6l. J augl-davrta _ . _ CIDER 111 VINEGAR II ! MADE from choice and selected Apples o and guaranteed , by us to Sestrictly pure e 12,1 WM. DOCK & 00 . A NEW . Lcor r OP- • LADIES' SHOPPINGA TRAVELING BAG OdosjokWog a number of now sty Sos t36NW and I. DIM' limey Parses and W.l.d ogeortioo_ vot rometri4 mad lor solo at - BERGNER'S_ CHEAP SI Market FOR BAIL „ vicom `Ones to—Five Ruud Do llars o v4k of OTT lOW NW 4 4 4, 24 1 1. immet. wiggfie if g '"""3 =I Iy • , HE WAR IN MISS I. TER FROM. E NEAR SPRINFIELD CULLOI7G7I'S FORCE STRONG. Rebel Loos 2,500 to 3. NBRAL SIEGEL INCOME 73DERAL FORM udittononntr Wounded at Bpri OCIAIENTION OF GE PRICE. Roue., Md., A lapt. McDonald was in town to-da • Capt. Cho C. Rogers, Aid-d: .v. 7acirsoti i .ati4 Captain''' . Stephen hoif't of ,St. Louis , killed in the 10th 4, also that McCulloch's fo ei battle was 22,000, aid their k imded 2,500 to 8,000. Geti..Seige commis_ as Brigadier General _V, and [lammed command of the rod yesterday. McDonald was escorted beyond the lin y and sent on to Springfield. He; kubt, gained much valuable informatiot e strength and . Position of our forces, etc., is said that he had the freedom of our cam der his flag of trnoe. Our wounded itSpiin,gield are reported to be 'lag well. The correspendent of the St. Louis Republican wishes the fol . lowi n g : Gen. Sterling Price ks:issuad a proclamatkm at Springfield to the feet that a great victory had been won, and at the northern oppressors of Missouri . ' havei en driven back. That every one belongin the home guard organized or will be organi I, 'mill be regarded and treated as an enemy eacruthern confederacy; but that his protee4 .. ... .1 . •.. p such who at___kietly rettirtki F u' " -- 1 1.tue of trio — girt bilBlU011); Stands to the dty uu rewsun *bin tOrms, or leased for Lbw or aye years sit lard in Menet sweet between Fourth ant AIM. Nuqutre tnt the prOU.A-41,3 Ut, J t Onilat OAHU'. LAZDY gravni oriajuuli aka, %armor, 44; rei .11 SALbf ' •torts,' 't - #.ll. 0.144" On application to the General Poet office the undersigned has received the following order ; POST OFFICIO DEPARTMENT', Appointment trice, July 23, 1861. The following order has been made by the ',Post Office Department, for the execution of, the new law r. specting soidiers' letters : Postmasters•at or near any camp or point oc ,cupied by the United States forces , will mail, rWithout prepayment of postage, any lettter, written by a soldier in the service the United States, and certified to be such by the Major or Acting Major of the regiment to which the miter is attached. The envelope should have, plainly stamped or written on its face the cer-, tificate "Soldier's Letter," signed in writing by the Major or Acting Major of the regiment, ' describing his regiment by its number and its, ,ffiate. The posiage due on such letters will he' collected at the office of delivery. , The certificate and address may be in the ibllowing form : "Soldier's Letter. A. 8., Major 10th Reg't, N. Y. Volunteers. Mr. John Jones, Utica, N. Y." 1 Commissioned officers will prepay their post sge as heretofore. Joss A. Kamm, 0 svpst Assistant P. AL G. ' Peer °mot Oanie.--TherPoet Office Depart- rent has issued the following : Postmasters will take notice that all pre-paid IS - ttgiethitMifebiliify'lliiiimentlittlitriervickt! 4f the United States, and directed to them at al pint where they have been stationed, may be, rwarded, Ihenever practible, to any other; int to which they may have been orderedi *thout further charge thereon for fowarding. Joint:*. lisssos„' Forst Asada:a P. K. General. ' LSoldivrs at the different camps in or near this ity will pTitire thrum - aridly with "theabove ride and their letters will reach their destine without trouble. , laugh) GEIO. BERGNIfft, P. M. uficfloa in his pro he feels safe him, sun fill eervinee Ilsritel street, In the house ftwenerlync 0 4 11 /1 by JeSeti R. Ktry, near the untteit &stele Hotels 6bnr~~ pa • I=o=3 NOTICE TO SOLDIERS. MIMZW .. '"'IIM RIM BOLOGNA BABBAGE.—.A rare lot NV received and foi sale by wk. Dow; ift &00 1:71/4717 Y of Ottooks and bama Apr laie y_stits knee, aid piece, omegrio ; ' Re. DAUPHIP %wt. n k ettime ags:,ll„ " ' likAr sl/4,l:ast,. =lll ROPOS o AT,,' ARE INVITED for the furnish u !g_,',, , i ARMY AND BAGGAGE WAGONS Proposals should state the prices at which they can be furnished at the places of manufacture, or at New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington or Cincinnati, as preferred by the bidders. The number which can be made by any bidder within one month atter receipt of the order, also the number which he can deliver within one week. The Wagons must exactly conform to the fol lowing specifications, and to the established patterns. Six-mule (covered) wagons, of the size and de scription as follows, to wit : The front wheels to be three feet ten inches high, hubs ten inches in diameter, and fourteen and a quarter inehes long ; hind wheels four f et ten inches high, hubs ten and a quarter inches in diameter, and fourteen and a quarter inches long ; tellies two and a half inches wide, and two and Antaa.: 4 ltfhes deep ; cast iron pipe boxes-VvelverlticheOnng, two and a half inches at the large end end one and peven eights inch at the small end; tire two and a half inches wide' by five-eights of an inch thick, fastened with cue gm* bolt and not in each fellie; hubs made of gum, the spokes and tellies of the best white oak, free from defects ; each wheel to have a sand band and linchpin, baud two and three quarter inches wide; of No. 8 band iron, and two driving bands—outside band one and a quarter inch by one quarter inch thick, inside band one inch by three-six teenths inch thick; the hind wheels to be made and boxed so that they will measure from the inside of the tire to the large end of the box six and a half inches, and front wheels six and one eighth inches in a parallel line, and each axle to to be three feet eleven and three-eighth inches from the outside of one shoulder washer to the outside of the other, so as to have the wagons all to track five feet from centre to centre of the wheels. Axle trees to be made of the beat quality refined American iron, two and a half inches square at the shoulder, tapering down to one and a half inch in the middle, with a seven eighths inch hinge bolt hole in each axletree ; washers and linchpins for each axletree ; size of linchpins one inch wide, three-eights of an inch thick, with a hole in each end ; a wooden stock four and three-quarters inches wide and four inches deep, fastened substantial') to the axle tree with clips on the ends and with two boas, six inches from the middle, and fastened to the hounds and bolster (the bolster to be four feet five inches long, five inches wide, and three and a half inches deep,) with four half inch Mits. kl The tongue to be ten feet eight inches long, Nur inches wide, and three inches thick at front d of the hounds, and two anda quarter inches se* by two and three quarter inches deep at .or i.rout end, and so arranged as to lift up, the I oki , 6 ~ ' end of it to hang , within two feet of the X \d -"'" ' when the 'wagon is standing at least on ,i.) :,, ',surface. to reeY.rtnt hounds to be six feet two inches n ,'I4L4 1 VI e luches thick, and four inches wide `tree, and to retain that width to the f the tongue; laws of the hounds• e ight inches long and three inches she front end, with a plate of iron ot\inches wide by three eighths of in fastened on top of the hounds of tlnd of the tongue with one half a hall u each end, and a plate of iron er, anaqed up at each eud one and cud o ' *2 p the fronthowids togeth let e near - • 1 1 the under side and at^ front e a v ia ° With half-inch @mew bolt thkou ls , ai . lid, a seven eighth inch bolt through toR, e nd hounds in the centre of jaws, lo secure tie tongue. in the :hotrods; a plate of iron three inches wide one-quarter inch thick and one foot eight inches long, se cured on the inside of jaws of hounds with two rivets and tt plate of the same dimension each side of the tongue, where the tongue and hounds run together, secured in like manner ; a brace of seven eighths of an inch round iron to ex tend from under the front arletree, and take two bolts in front part of the hounds, same brace three quarters of an inch round to con tinue: to the back part of the hounds, and to be fastened with two bolts, one near the back end of the hounds, and one through the slider • and hounds ; a brace over front bolster one and a half inch wide, one quarter of an inch thick, with a belt in each end to fasten it to the hounds; the opening between the jaws of the hounds, to receive the tongue, four and three quarters inch iti front, and four and' a half inches at the back part of the jaws. The hind hounds four feet two inches long, two and three quarters inches thick, and three inches wide ; jaws one foot long where they clasp the coupling pole ; the bolster four feet five inches long and five inches wide by three inches deep, with steady iron two and a half inches wide by one half inch thick turned up two and a half inches and fastened on each end with three rivets; the bolster stocks and hounds to he secured with tour half inch screw bolts, and one half inch screw bolt through the coup ling pole. The coupling pole nine feet eight inches long, three inches deep and four and a half inches wide at front end, and two and three quarters inches wide at back end ; distance from the centre of king bolt hole to the centre of the back arletree six feet one inch, and from the centre of king bolt hole to the centre of the mortice in the hind end of the pole eight feet nine inches; king bolt hole'one and a quarter idches diameter, of best refined iron drawn down to seven eighths of an inch where it passes through the iron axletree ; iron plate fix inaies lon i g, three Indies wide and . one eighth of an inch, thick on the doubletree and tongue where they rub together ; iron plate one and a half by one quarter of an inch on the sliding bar fastened at each end by a screw bolt through the hounds ; front bolster to have plaits above and below eleven inches long, three and a half Inches wide, and three eighths of an inch thick, corners drawn out and turned down on the sides of the bolster, with a nail in each corner, and four countersunk wills on top; two bands on the hind hounds, two and two and a half inches wide, of,No. 10 band iron ; the rub plate on the coupling pole to be eight inches long, one and three quarters inches wide and one quarter of an inch thick. Donbletree three feet ten inches long, singletree ' two feet right inches long ; all well made of hickory, with an iron ring and clip at each •end, the centre clip to be well secured ; lead -bar and stretcher to be three feet two inches long, two and a quarter inches wide, and one and a quar ter inch thick. Lead bars, stretchers and single-- trees for six mule team ; the two singletrees for the lead mules V: have hooks in the middle to hook to the end of the fifth chain, the wheel and middle pairs with open rings to attach them to the doubletree and leadavr. The fifth chain to be ten feet long to th e fork ; the fork one foot ten inches long, with the stretcher attached to spread tne forks apart; the links of the doubletree, stay and tongue chains, three eighths of an inch in diameter ;, the fifth chain to be seven sixteenth inch in di ameter to the fork ; the fork to be five six teenth inch diameter ; the links of the s e an d the hook chains to be not more than two and a quarter inches long. , .. the body t ) be straight, three feet sir incheg wide, two feet deep, ten feet long at the bod.Oitt.: and ten feet six Woke at the top, sloping equal= : , ly at each end all in the dear or inaide • e , be d pieces to be two and s half inches wide aaul ~ , NTY. 1,760 as he ensuing trays con. ed I .ledge th fidelity. NAM elf as a ac., of *gal if eke- JUNG. ) UNION NTY. myself as • office of Re d I bo go lor ge itte duties HUMMEL . a town .44:a >I.Y t edi . the to I d ec.- i ri UTE NEES, NS. 42,1861 I..cicllag T. reulur EKLY W YORK 'OOL NO PAS L' in. Liver L,0111:113ipall OM 1. 4.9 ~i;;yy ems_ , o ~ ° o ~ ♦ a s ~ `` `~ i:. ~~ uy .a‘" : N.w 421;. Harrlr bun: 1 k dwelling a Ir. ksq., on dime ki for an •or Mal. Ws gITCHIU. ited underj Hartinimr] eltipatiug the' d ano :ye - shall her din the limits iiiing not lees and of md in said act ; IV the soar ye been Si.. 4aerk it Quar ipucgon • and nn incerisked August ler TIST' litizeue ga--litWe lEisullantotts. three inches deep ; front pieces two inches deep by two and a half inches wide ; tail pieces two and a half inches wide and thre inches deep ; and four inches deep in the middle to rest on the coupling pole; top rail one and a half inch thick by one and seven eighth inch wide; low er rails one inch thick by one and seventh inch wide; three studs and one rail in front with a seat on strap hinges to close it up as high as the sides; a box three feet four inches long, the bottom five inches wide front side, nine and a half inches deep, and eight and a half inches at the top in parallel line to the body all in the clear, to be substantially fastened to the front end of the body, to have an iron strap passing round each end, secured to the head piece and front rail by a rivet in each end of it passing through them, the lid to be fastened to the front rail with two good strap hinges, a strap of five-eighth iron around the box a half-inch from the top edge, and two straps same glee on the lid near the front edge, to prevent the mules from eating the boxes; to have a joint hasp fastened to the middle of the lid, with a good wooden cleat on the inside, a strap of iron on the centre of the box with a staple passing through it, to fasten the lid to ; eight studs and two tails on each side; one bolster fiistened to the body, six inches deep and four inches wide at king bolt hole, iron rod in front and centre, of eleven sixteenths of an inch round iron, with a head on the top of rail and nut on lower end; iron rod and brace behind, with shoulders on top of tail piece, and nuts on the underside, and a nut on the top of rail, a pl to two and a half inches wide of No. 10 band iron, on tail piece, across the body ; two mortices iu tail piece and bind bar two and a quarter inches wide and one inch thick, to receive pieces three feet four inches long, to be used as harness bearers ; four rivets through each side stud, and two rivets through each front stud, to secure the lining boards, to be of the best quality iron, and riveted on a good lair ; vne rivet through each end of the rails ; floor five-eighths of an inch oak boards ; sides five-eighths of an inch white pine, tail board three-quarters of an inch thick, of white pine, to be well cleated with five oak cleats, riveted at each end through the tail board; an iron plate three feet eight inchealong, two and a quarter inches wide, and three-eighths of an inch thick on the under aide of the bed piece, to extend from the hind end of the body to eight inches in front of the hind bolsters, to be fastened by the rod at the end of the body, by the lateral rod and two three-eighths of au inch strew bolts, one at the forward end 4 the plate, and the other about equidistant between it and the lateral rod. A. half inch round iron rod or bolt to pass diagou ally through the rails, between the two hind studs to and through the bed piece an plate under it, with a good head on the top and nut and screw at the bottom, to be at the top one foot six inches from inside of tail board, and on the bottom ten inches from the hind rod. An iron clamp two inches wide, one quarter of an inch thick around the bed piece, the centre bolt to which the lock chain is attached passing through it, to extend seven inches on the inside of the body, the ends, top and Lody to be secured by two three-eighths: inch screw bolts, the middle bar at the ends to be flush with the bed piece on the toe er side Two lock chains secured to the centre bolt of the'body, one and eleven inches, the other two feet six inches long, to be of three eighths of an inch round it n ; feed trough to be four feet six inches long from out to to out, the bottom and ends of oak, the aides of yellow pine, to be eight inches wide at bottom ; twelve inches wide at top, and eight and a half inches deep all in the clear, welt ironed, with a band of hoop iron around the top, one around each end and three between the ends, strong and suitable irons to fasten them on the tongue when feeding ;% good strong chains to be at tached to the top rail of the body, secured by a staple with a hook to attach it to the trough. Six bows of good ash, two inches wide and one half inch thick, with three styles; to confine the ridge pole to its place ; two staples on the bony, to secure each end of the bows ; one ridge pole twelve feet long one and three quarters inch wide by five eighths of an inch thick ; the cover to be of the first quality cotton duck, No. —, fifteen feet long and nine feet eight inches wide, made iu the beat manner, with four hemp cords on each side, and one throngh each end to close it at loth ends ; two rings on each end of the body, to close and secure the ends of the cover ; a staple in the lower rail, near the sec ond stud from eackend, to fasten theside cords. The outside of the body and feed trough to have two good coats of white lead colored to a blue tint, the inside of them to have two coats of venetian red paint; the running gear and wheels to have two good coats of venetian red darkened of a chocolate color, the hub and fel lies to be well pitched, instead of painted, if re quired. A tar pot, an extra king holt, and two extra single trees to be furnished with each wagon, the king bolt and single-trees similar in all re spects to those belonging to it. Each side of the body of the wagon to be marked U. S., and numbered as directed ; all other parts to be lettered U. S.; the cover, feed box, bolts, liuch pins, tar pot, and harness bearers for each wagon to be put up in a strong box, tcoopertel) and the contents marked thereon. I It is to be distinctly understood that the wa gons are to be so constructed that the several parts of any one wagon will agree and exactly fit those of any other, so as to require no number ing or arranging for putting together, and all the materials used for their construction to be of the best quality; all the wood thoroughly sea soned, and the work in all its parts faithfully executed in the best workmanlike manner. The work may be inspected from time to time as it progresses by an officer or agent of the Quartermaster's Department, and none of it shall have been inspected and approved by said officer or agent authorized to inspect it. Whrn finished, painted and accepted by an officer or agent of the Quartermasteet Department, and delivered as herein agreed, they shall be paid for. M. C. MEIGS, aulo Quartermaster General 11. S. I="I7I3PMI.3O3EL'IS DAILY agia LINEI Between Philadelphia, LOOK a.VIL Jf MU ILLIAMSPORI, UNIONIOWN, WATBGHTOWN, IHLTIGL, ZWIBSOIIO, NORTIIIMERRLAND, CRIBIGLY, Tgayorna t GUMMI:TOWS, LTRINSTOWN, %Mums_ BURG, HALIFAX, (immix, AND HARRISBURG. The i'biladAphia Depot ben.; 1ee...d.,d the Drayage will be at the lowest rams. a Curtenotor goes through with each train to etteud to sae safe oelorory of all goods entrusted to tile line. Goode delivered at the Depot of WISED, WARD & FRR D , No. 811 mart et Steel, Phila delphia, by 5 o'isloek P. M., will be "livered le Harrisburg the next morning Freight (else iya) as low as by' any other 'tie. Particular attuuuon paid by Lola hue to prompt and speedy delivery of al , liarrisbur Hoods. The undersigned thankful for past patron . a hopes by atrict mention to butsuo.s to merit a eon.. u um of the seine. T. PHILPit Philadelphia and Hs tdin yens of Market itr , ri -burg. den aim GILT nuance 1 J. BIESTER, CARVER AND GILDER, Manufactiner of Looking Glass and Picture Frames, Gilt and Itosnwood touldings lac, _HARB,ISBURG PA- French' Mirrors, oqoare and (rind Portrait irrosoos or every description. 010 *RAM C& IIit.MILT TO NEW. jylday GILT F${►MES