Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 17, 1861, Image 7

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    aiip (07.,elegrapl,
11.1 I; I? S (; P:1
Salurila) IlormirrA Atigust li, lstil.
MCNI Floei,, 1.1 WAr. -ticm•ral w.m.on o:o
:/1-1/1S ;11111 m unitions of war arrivol at tlw state
r senal yesterday
'lii OFT LOCK Fr eontann,l only one truant
on Thursday night tt female wandt-rt r of
Os and fortune hvreft.- Of (muse, she
t‘lts dkcharged.
AND BATTERT.---A Colored man named
ja11155 JaCkSOll WAS aTreStell yesterday by
officer Flvck, charged with commilting an as
sauli and battery upon another colored man.
default of bail Alderman Kline sent him to
pris on to answer.
THE CANAL.- The late rains have severely
damaged the western division of the canal,
creating no less than twenty-font breaches be
tween Pittsburg and Freeport. The aqueduct
over Bull Creek was swept away, and a heavy
breach made near rßtrentum.
HOW To FINISH THE AlOll - Wollll. A Mr. El
dridge of Chatham, has invented a way to de
stroy the army worm, WWI we submit for the
benefit of our readers : Seeing their approach
he took a plough and made a furrow each side
of the fence, in Mild) lie dog holes about ten
feet apart, and when they eame to this en
trent hment they could not scale it, but crawl
lengthwise they would fall into these holes,
and were thins destroyed.
RAILROAD ACcmrST. — On Tuesday night, as
one of the freight trains on the Northern Cen
tral railroad was running between Glenrock
and Ihmorer Junction, James McCubhin, a
brakeman on the train, attempted to hang out
a lantern at the rear of the train. While he
was thus engaged the train approached a bridge,
and lie mu struck end knocked from the train.
He WAS badly cut about the face And head, but
his injuries are fortunately not of a serious
haracter. Ile was taken to Baltimore, where
he resides.
l' l4rlh regiment of Wisconsin three month's
volun arrived here in two extra trains
from Baltimore on their return from the scat of
war. Their time of enlistment expired several
weeks ago, but they unanimously agreed to re
main longer at the request of their Colonel.
They were with General Patterson's diitision
hrring the campaign in the Winchester valley,
awl were last stationed along the : line of the
cliosapeake and Ohio Canal guarding the dams
and locks, which were threatened with destruc
tion by the secessionists. They left Point of
Rocks on Monday last,, their p a lace being filled
by the First Maryland regiment, Colonel R
ly The First Wisconsin numbers 740 men,
they having lost in killed, wounded and sick
about linen Their uniform ie way with the
peculiarcps worn by thevoltintaidfintr - thit
The principal officers are as follows :—Col.
Starkwether, Lieut. Col, laarriti, llijor . Pur64ll
and Adjutant Poole. They will return to Mil
wankie, where they will be reorganized and re
cruited for the war.
FLlEL—Without a doubt every one must have
noticed the extraordinary number of flies with
which we are afflicted this summer. They have
taken possession of the hotels, stores, offices
and private houses, and act as independently and
impudently as if thq were a company of rebel
cavalry. Talk about sleeping in the afternoon!
The thing is an utter impossibility. Just as
you are falling into a gentle doze, you hear one
coming straight tow irds you, from the other
side of the room—there he comes -Z 7. —and
thou you strike a regular Heenan stroke and
are wide awake in three seconds, with, perhaps,
no very pious thoughts on your mind. Being
driven back in the first encounter, he deploys
and makes an attack on the other side, as soon
as he sees your eye-lids close—then comes an
other wile-awake spell—and so on for half an
hour, until you become nervous and excited,
and wisely conclude that there is no slumber
for your eyelids that afternoon. What a bles
sing the "varmints" can't see at night ! Titer
make it suit, however, to be about veil, early
in the morning, and, no doubt are thus very
beneficial to the health, being conclusive
early rising.
day afternoon a two horse wagon arrived in-our
city, containing a flintily , who had be e n com
pelled to fly from Virginia by the peiseentions
of the Secessionists The man, who gave his
name as George Williamson k a native of
Pennsylvania, but has fot a number of years
been residing in Virginia, eight miles above
cumberland, quite close to the Maryland line,
where he was comfortably situated, and was
doing well until the commencement of the pre
sent difficulties. A short time since, he was
waited upon by the rebels and asked to join
the army, which he refused to do, declaring his
attachment to the Union. At different times
the same nnuisino n was made which he still
continued to nisreganh until a few days ago, 1 ,
when he was nothicd that be must either join
the army or leave the state in ten hours, on
pain of death if he remained. On receiving this
notice he immediately began to m a k e ', re p ort .
tiong t o depart, but in about two hours a large
party of-the rebels came to his home and began
to search for him, declaring their intention to
kill him If they found him. He fortunately
eluded the search by hiding himself mill after
their departure, when leaving everything he
llion him which he possessed in the world, he
pm his family, consisting of his wife and three
children into his wagon, and escaped over the
Maryland line three days ago. He is now on
his way to Philadelphia, where his friends and
relatives reside.
eirgunatanco affords an additional 047.
dense of the relentksi persecutions ,carried on
aga.pat all true patriots by the;l2
"kaiak," of so many inatances have.
receltly been Wong to notice,
1. 1 . N I , __The Eintracht SirgringAssociathal
{NM ;ice their first pie-Me of the season in
Ifachynlin's woods on Monday, the 19th inst.
A " gay and happy" time may be expected.
APT. I. S. WATEIWERRY will at once go into
camp with the recruits he has already tinder his
command, having received orders from the
secretary of War, to supply himself at the C.
Commissary's Department, and being also
supplied with tents at once to start his camp.
Capt. Waterberry is a soldier, and he has proved
his claim to the title on more than one hard
fought battle field. We cheerfully recommend
those who want to see service that will crown
them with glory, to attach themselves to the
command of Capt. Waterberry.
train from New York city yesterday, via Reading,
brought with it a special car, containing no less
a personage UT - in Prince Napoleon, first cousin
of the Emperor of the French. His arrival
was unheralded, and but comparatively few of
our citizens were lucky enough to get a view
of the distinguished stranger.
The Prince Is a fine looking gentleman of 40
years or thereabouts, of medium height, and
mther inclined to stoutness. His face was clear
of any hirsute appendages, and its appearance
bore a striking resemblanbe to the first Napo
leon. He was plainly attired in a light colored
slouch hat, lightsack coat and light pantaloons.
Col's. Ferri, Pisani. Ragon, Capt. Dubinison
and Count de Medern of the French army and
navy accompanied the Prince on his travels.
The distinguished party left in the 1.30 train
for Altoona, where they will remain over night
and prcceed next morning to Pittsburg.
PAT rs Possunat.- 7 —We hear complaints abroad
of a disposition upon the part of those well able
to pay as they go, to avail themselves of the
plausible excuse of dull times to avoid the
prompt payment of little bills due to tradesmen,
mechanics and others. This is to be regretted.
Nothing so contributes to weaken confidence
and press business activity as to withdraw from
the retail trade of any business its just due, in
times like the present, and we hold that the
man who would urge the present troubles as an
excuse for not paying small bills, when he can
pay as well at one time as another, is guilty of
one of the worst of the moral wrongs attendant
upon business operation in a season of general
depression. Never hoard up money, when no
thing can be gained by it, more especially when
you have debts which are over due to parties
dependent upon their earnings to sustain them
selves and their families. Pay, if possible.
A BAD PRAolloo.—Thoughtless people, when
eating a peach, a watermelon, or a canteloup,
instead of throwing the peeling or rind into
the street, toss it upon the pavement. Unsus
pecting persons, passing along, accidentally
tread upon one of these rinds, and find them
selves immediately down upon the pavement,
with a head bruised by the fall, a leg broken,
or an ankle sprained. A man that would make
a hole in the pavement, into which passers
could unsuspectingly step and break a limb,
would be considered an inhuman sort of per
son, and he would be made to pay the penalty
•Iff , damages, for the injuriestietAtneed. Itut.tirs
injury is the same, whether it is done mali
ciously, by setting a trap, or thoughtlessly, by
individuals too mentally lazy to think always
correctly of the consequences of their acts. A
person has no right to imperil another's person
in the street, and no right-minded individual
would do it. A man or woman of sense would
throw the rind or paring of fruit into the street,
or, better still, into the slop-tub. If at any
time such a person were to see a peach-paring
or watermelon rind upon the pavement, he or
she would immediately toss it into the street
with the foot, so as to prevent some person less
observing from receiving injury. Whenever
we see this being done, we instinctively feel
respect rising iu our mind for the person, for
the act affords evidence that the individual has
good sense to perceive the impropriety of leav
ing anything upon the pavement which can do
mischief—a thoughtful consideration for the
safety of others, and real kindness of heart to
save from injury. The person who thought
lessly or recklessly throws fruit parings or
rinds upon the pavement has neither.
SLANG PHRAM.—This is certainly an inven
tive age, and the progression that Young Amer
ica is making in phraseology and manufactured
expressions, most emphatically demands a dic
tionary of their vocabulary, in -order that the
unsophisticated listener may comprehend their
peculiar language. For instance, if Young ,
America is embarrassed in pecuniary matters,
he has inarrred,' or 'ho can't raise the soap.'
Money is known to them by various names,
such as 'tin," 'shiners,' the ready,' the aurife
rous,' 'spondulics,' &c., and if he has a duty to
iterfonn, 'he can't do it too quick,' or 'too much.'
if .e seta into difficulty, he has a 'muss' or a
'bet to,' and he reproves angry vehemence by
suggesting to the enraged party that he
'needn't put himself into a cast iron perspira
tion." He has no particular residence but
'bangs out,' or 'stops.' In cases where common
people pay, Young America 'shells out,' ponies
up,' or 'forks over,' and if he asks for crtdit he
wants to 'run his face.' Young America never
becomes intoxicated, but frequently gets a 'brick
in his hat,' blind drunk,' or 'slightly set up.'
If be has any peculiarities that is 'his style,'
and his favorite ejaculation is 'bully! ' If
nielancholly he is 'oat of sorts,' or 'down in the
mouth,' got the blues,' and if his purse is
empty, he is 'strapped' or 'hard up.' If he
rides out be hex a 'two-forty nag,' and generally
holds the 'ribbons' at arms length. If you
contradict him, he protests that he wants 'none
or your lip,' consequently you must 'dry up,'
k.immer down,' ent it short,' or 'cork up and
These are but few of the modern expressions
in general use with young America. Altogether
they would swell a volume larger than Web
ster's unabridged.
And he who uses such phrases, whatever his
- ition in life, need not attempt to convince
lybody that he is a gentleman, or trustwor
I See Professor Wood's advertisement in anoth
der column,
Prunsvluania -jai itelegrapti, ..attOap Morning
A 'Flo . re is scarcely rin article of vege
taHe food chore widely useful. or more niiiver
sally loved than the apple. Why every farni
er in the nation has not an apple orchard,
wherever trees will grow at all, is one of the
mysteries. Let every family lay in from one
to ten or more barrels, and it will be to them
the most economical investment in the whole
range of culinaries. A raw mellow apple is
digested in an hour and a half, while boiled
cabbage requires five hours. The most health
ful dessert that can be placed on the table is a
bak, d apple. If taken freely at breakfast, witk
coarse bread and butter, without meat or flrsh
of any kind, it has an admirable effect upon
the general system ; often removing constipa
tion, correcting acidities, and cooling off febrile
conditions more effectually than the most ap
proved medicines. If families could be induced
to suestitute the apple, sound, ripe and luscious,
for the pies, cakes, candies and other sweet
meats with their children are too often indis
criminately stuffed, there would be a diminu
tion in the sum total of doctor's bills in a single
year sufficient to lay in a stock of this delicious
fruit for a whole season's use.
CHANGO OF WEATHER. —The cold mornings
and evenings remind us that the laws of nature
will inflict upon ns before long, cold weather,
'rand the same tare that says prepare for war
in time of pmce," will apply to preparing good
and suitable clothing for the winter. It is the
duty and privilege of every man woman and
child to buy their goods on the most favorable
terms, owing to the large stock of dry goods on
band Unto" & BOWMAN are still selling at the
old prices, corner Front and Market streets.
TION.-100 pieces splendid Wamesutta
10 cts ; 50 pieces of unbleached Muslin, 4, 10
cts., worth 12 cts; 80 pieces of splendid Clin
ton Ginghams, 12,1 cts., worth 18 eta ; 100
pieces of Crash, at 10 and 12 cts. ayard ; a very
large lot of ladies and children's white stockings;
the best ladies hose for 14 obit. in town ; bril
liants, hrilliants, brilliants, 60 pieces, at 121
; i 611 skirt stuff at 25 cts.; 200 dozen
of brown and blue mixed men's sock;, 124 cts.;
and a great many other goods very cheap, at
R. Lswr's, John Rhoads' old stand.
Tizs ‘TNitINT *NO RA111(3, 1 0, OUR SPIO Wrl A V•:1-^.
RAF.A. or .z..zetwo..l Wuok uo o. SAAllltilittry Nerc bet.
nese. Intabintlry Frnimf , ms and Ifnpen..ney,
crorn R 7 Ro`g. d. o , llv , rmr,:t, AI
outer -WSJ, Inn 13.111 ,1410,10. to nny r 40,1
wed. n rm.,101 nt . tyro at .9 0 bt ..
1111 N 117 o. ho,
, I t.
NilitrFAT ' s LIEN PILLS AND 11 3 13CENIN fliTTsuu
t.f..t front ,u 1 Mtwara! Potwou.—tu ease* of , crutu,
l'lreru, Scurvy, or Eruptiow ni the 3km the
.if the 1,110 tieditetuea ut truly uttou rem. vn7i,
n 4t few duys, every vu-tigt , ul the 11 , 11. i• 4.11114 1111leaS•
11+ their lug elleota (h. oac. I)hwrtl. Ihlllous Nevem.,
Meter Oystpepo.A. Dripsy, awl to .ti.,, r t .
ru"su 111 ~,WS .4)11.:1 yield too their curative,
ttiedy dl oil “e A ithOlit by their 11m. , 1%
ac mash •.1,1 exiieu , e allay tie Raved.
, •revar-.1 hr WM. ‘r , WV V New York, 4.4
* pmgat. nt Pit it
TIIR Aoverwrisrat, havitig been restored to
health IN a few weeks try a very simple remedy, alter
having suffered s-•ver-J years with a severe lung &feet
ion, arid that dread di.mase, Cousuml,tiou—k anxious to
make known to his tallow , ulft.ror , the 1L1C017. 4 orcure.
To .01 who desire lt, he wilt send a copy or the pre
teript,Ort used (free of charge), with the directioup for
preparing and imbue the same, width they will Mid R
Aire pure rig cgna.floptlon, Asithnta, Bronchitis, &o Tb- - ,
Only object of tut advertiser i.s sending, the ri,.:riptirrf.
is to benefit the slit rteal., and spread information which
he enheolves to he nvaltiable and he hopes every suf.
serer will try his remedy, arift will oast them nothing,
end may prove a blessing.
Parhes wishing Me proscription will please uddreee
age county, New York
uGlliblr o correcting, regulating, and rem:ollg a
°barna - Along, from whatever cause, and I
ways euneesaftd as a preven
the doctors for many years, both in France ito
America, with otwaralleled , WCAMSB In every mute ; an
be is erge.i by many tbousaun ladles who used them, t.
make the Pills public: tut the alleviation of thoie aullertu.
iron. any irregularities whatever, as well a- to proven ,
at tnereaNe ni Minily where health will nut permit it.—
liarticelarly maimed, or those suppustug them
ieives su, .ire cautioned against these Nlia while in the.
as the) ore ser• to vroduee , wdaistrr.tage, Mn.
prnpriet , ntlmier . .l no w res7pOnAibility after tbtsTultw
Wilma, although their uoldnesa would prevent any inla
c.hicl to licalth--taberwise the mils are recommended
Full and elplich Wrentham accompany call boa Prisi
37 00 per hex. poi l wholesale and retail by
•Litdit," ny eroding hon $1 oq te the Harrisburg
Post °nice, can have the Pills seat trelief ottsertiatiou to
any part of the gauntry (condtleutkilly) and "free of put
4g..^ by moo. Alit a>n by Srays.vs, Kendal"
forisnos ' Illouenty A Gunnar/ Philadelphia, J. L. Lan.
ennotot, lets mon lasts% H. litarionT, Lancaster; J. A.
qrighisvnis T. alitd.ttn, York , sad by one
druggist in .•very city and village in the Union, not liy
1.1 Bows, ola proprietor, New York
N. d,—took nut for coutiterfett. Boy on golden Pt@
of any kind unions every box is awned Sii. thaws. Ai
epers are a base ouposiwon .yid tu.sair , therefore, ss
you ruler your lives .iud [walla, (to , ny nothing 01 br
ing liumbegged out Of your money,) nay only of %hove
litho soon the »Ago/slum of S. it. Howe on every bus,
which has recently noon awl.le.i amount of the Pills
4ing. conitterleite.l 1433-dirkBWl9
flit t' ti ti M. A 1., ti,
Pr, t or,o t,s uoruelim , L. Gal .t.A3ewaihn &1.
xheiT Ili: ~,,ilit,ivatiot, r) illgreaionti4 111 t)ledie
Pilir are U re&MI 01 a. Mar 4to l eilkutuVA. , v. actice.
y mild o 111,4 01 , ef tallith, and , trtaii al e.ary-taing
4111,1. ,q,ul4riiie,,, V4llllOl MtlliSirtua , on., rf,ib , Viviz, all Ob.
Artictw,•, s{, , lliwt , ri.u. ,11.1 ~. pkter an.. 7.5e1..111C110,
pall. lit tbt . 0.41 t, pelpitatom. n: t... 3 3,40 - rt, wL.I.e., sit /ler•
fOkix sire. t I+it-, `,y^teri. - f . ibti,..;:.•, pa,. it, Ilbe Intel: and
4 mt., Au. , li•alurl« , ,l alOnp, aril tebl•lll , 4 from tuinrroption
Of rtiaurr
I'Llis nre invalnfible, as el. *ill bring
T , :t . 111,11Ihty perlo4 witb ,gateritr. bay.
2 , 41.120ADr..2: 61 2 OSA of other pace tbu
Art 22 2t2tifit,,t 2 u2 . 2 m rtr. Chovittneb'e NIP 2sttiOtt all that
they r.. , pre.rnt it) in
eenavul; frwaie .irsiew , ekiall Gt
rti , z .t.t,arr4 ltr tutees ..rothr.crict EIT Ltd
R E .1. 7h t Ple '2% * ,4 NOY—
feat, !if SIKA is the :trait/ale
ef weaseine *5 rater, 4g. sevualTt ta a
~..nalhoA., tick -art: the reirr....hicrwr pollee 'et
tru er. ettrin4 resist if. " • "
bitrwlett Wet, 1.401 V, +0.0.3 stab tr.m. buyttling
explivit schleh , tlllllll. be mkt, ea
rr:ee gt. e , at .moltxu4nlciagitg
11 a Lqa g 1. 011ictIPM.V., tbk!, hat mn.e.
Sew Yon,
..•••,..-aa by Mr "WOO ID kYttry tilvtli tw ttb, t..botltd Slates
Mt H. tiI`TC:III' , UAS.,
13131)..T.t1 Ai ni 6a lur I mates,
New York
is ,v 1 ',ousatt or de , . :Anat.& ca'r
th flurrtAiwy. •.,
Gauwristus a number or now styles WWI 'S' and I.
Ikluttey Parsed and a allots. drte aasartme
~,Fairad and lor sale at
MICRON KR'S Cri RAP to a3K,l(dirk.
4 'WWI OW 'Lu f'iv Hundred boitai ,
worth (if trir 110141,:e. it:uplift:4d - ,c'i '''+:,
.1 - C. ti. ZiliiiiiMiNtL,'. ';
marn :to, 21 doathStioond stream
Cataa.A3 A. BANNVART, Drua - Nt,
No. Ames Row, Harrisburg, Pa
YORE( 011 V
M A tlttlia
• eiT IC t
Dim 2bvertisments
Fe.,llW CITIZENS : I offer in) selt as
I c makte for County Trea=urer at the ensuirg
e e er ,aujeet. to he action of .he People C..uoty's Con
von. . 6 onu , d I ti..a., , ortunate to be elected 1 , e 10 1.
ro j a 1 j,wharge the divies or said otli o with fileilq.
Dada Aug 121.361 -to.
Fe.:V. 0. EGE & SONS.
E'7,4 6 o';`o.lifiMCllCeS, September 2, 1.86 t.
rp.uri, per Revlon of five monlha r 6, i. elan lit 2 Tr.
,t el, I &dine, Mishkin &c. B.ovi for a ciretair
__ae9Art3ta, , v ,
. ,
i, 4 4 ,- STEAM WEEKLY
4` , .: -- -,_. lf KIWKRN NEW YORK
L'' N BM '
.1. I tit.le. KNSTMVN, (Treittna. .he (aro.
10 - 1 '''( 11 , nth Ph.ladelphia Steanuilitp rnmia,t
Imp, i ., , :lilts. I ,, viT Nit IrWtili i 'p . 93 , 1111 0 1 i•Oc
Aci iflii.llll, .
RANI , IIO.. Paturday4ugn T 1 , NA, Saturday
August,. • i TriiN HURG, Saillidily A 1 ..1 ; and every
Satnrcia(„av Nao.i, rrr.rg Pier 44 ar vv.
FATES OF ratiavvq,
, ta
FilLiT I. g., Sib 0 I:, cl ,
' doilt *W00... SU o 0 i d
eloerittp ru Mae -16 goo i tar
. .
. •
b•r•taided to ...iris t mburg, Bre
men, A lutVre• 41.4‘1.
fares ilk
4Fir-I• , • • A ar ul, - their 061 , pi,
tickets .0. to N.
...Limit, /St 064 4.1
co tag.
rha# Ba' . f p I, i p . ! 11.1 tlaxdall ta.ulatatki
,H 4 4:11 ...., , ertoue. , l 141 y
9,11111 I - urr tlgoii iron i n ./.14 DIV , a 1 , ro
intl , l4 .4t n.-.rd.
!NO. It Olt K.
ar4, o 4lway, `.4* loon
4)1 dtimmer ru 41, tiw. .
.61.4.11101 I GILT. PILUINS!
M*nufacturet of
Coking Glass and Picture Frames,
IMit and Rosewood Mouldings &c.
44,6,e1a Mirror* !..qaare and Oval Po.t.rait
Feature of eVery drgberlption.
..L.l) PHA DIES t 7a IgN.W.
, ),‘II,Y LINE!
Between Philadelphia
Llwvnc, JILT AM., IN 11.1.1 AMINIOX. ,
SlumittlinsimaND, OMR!, rILIVO.F.X.
td l•tidadelpbta ilop it burn, entirth, loat.t.: thy
irriy ie. will ne at the lowest rata.. A C add 1., ...a.
bugh with owl. Wain to attend 1.3 the . *re 4eitlrvir)r **l
1 irmodA eu , rusttd t.. - , t.... line. Goo l$ aelavenul ~ a th..
P:4 no(
11., WAttti t Pftinto, Ho. 811 Aar. ~ it , teta. Phit,
itelehla. try '. u index '. ii., will be . • *tvered in
Harrisburg the next moron.
freight (airy .ye) a 8 low an by any rake, ne.
?articular attention paid by thte lint, ........unt and
sect .1-hvory or at• kiarrtahar cote.
The untltreigned Uhuatfal I'.*r pat .013.11, 0 1011,0. , by
iitiol tittettl.ota to 1,11111/091 to were a coo *a owe af the
atm!, T. 1111
Pbikdelptil ..ind se Abu
Ant be *arket Mr,.
dart dtiox
kluß itANT.—The large brick dwolling
bons* slaw occupied ay uavid MummaJr. Eat.; oa
xsurd asreat swat Ma•lcet., vitt. an office stn./auto for an
*roar. 111666(testou glitqa lir .1 or Of:Unbar next-. Ku *Cate t rotbuitotatry'it 04 , 116 - itainftwaa,
HALE.—Oue of the beet business
12 steeds lu the city uo reusuntble terms, or !rased
tor three or five yes rs sit gird to Marset street between
rDllrth and Mitt. Nuquire ou the premise , of
Corner of Howard and Mercer street.,
NEW YORK, August 3, 1861.
IFIROPOSALS will be received at this office for
1 furnishing, by contract, Army Wagon Har-
The proposals should state the price at which
they can be furnished at the places of manufac
tpre, and the price they can be delivered at the
depot, the number which can be made by the
bidder within one month after receipt of the
order; also the number which he can deliver
within one week.
The harness must exactly conform to the fol
lowing specifications, and to the established
patients :
Four mule harness as follows, to wit:
Two Quilors.—Breech straps 8 feet 6 inches long,
3 1-2 inches wide, sewed into 14 inch rings of
inch iron; hip straps 8 feet 11 inches long,
2 1-2 inches wide ; stay pieces 2 feet long, 2
1-2 inches wide, with 1 1-2 inch buckles ;
cross straps to buckle in stay pieces, 6 feet
long, 1 1-L inch wide ; side straps 4 feet long,
1 1-2 inch wide: the straps 15 inches long,
1-2 inch wide, tapering to a point.
Two Belly Bauds.—Long side 2 feet 8 inches
2 inches wide,. with a too inch buckle _ ;
short side 1 foot 5 Inches:king 'and '2 inches
Two Hair Collars.-18 to 19 inches long, whir
double stays and safe leathers and buckles
inches wide.
Two Pair of Strong Eames to suit, made of
white oak root, ironed with hooks, breast
r.ngs 11 inch square, staples and line rings.
Two Pair of Hame Straps.—Lower one 5 feet 6
inches long, 1 2 inch wide, upper one 4 feet 6
inches long, 1-2 inch wide r
Two Bridles.—Crown piece 2 feet long, 14 inch
wide ; check pieces each 10 inches long, 14
inch wide ; flout pieces 11 1-2 inches long,
14 inch wide ; stay pieces, from blinds to
crown pieces,
16 inches long. 1 1-2 inch wide;
. nose piece, 11 inches long, 1 inch wide ;
blinds 6 inches long, 5 1-2 inches wide; reins.
long side, 4 feet lung. 1 inch wide ; short
side 2 feet long, 1 inch wide, with 1 inch
buckle ; butts tinned mullen, to weigh 2 lbs.
to the dozen.
Two Pair Chain Pipes, 2 feet long, 2 1-2 inches
Two Pair Trace Chains, 7 feet long, 16 links to
the foot, of No. 8 iron, with T on one end,
weigh 7 1-2 to 8 lbs. per pair. Twisted or
straight. -
One pair of Breast Chains, 22 inches long, 14
links to the'foot; of No. 3 iron. Tivisted.
Two Neck straps, 3 feet 1 inch long, 2+ inChes
wide, with 24 inch buckle.
Two Neck Chains, , 4 feet 6 inches long, 14 links
to the foot, No. 4 bon, T and loop to be ri
veted on the n.eckittralL,Attiffi44---,-,-, '"-
01:113 Saddle, made on Attakapas tree, head gul
let and cantle, iron covered in the usual way
with half-tanned horsehide; flaps 20 inches
long, 16 inches wide ; sursingle 7 feet 3 inches
long, 24 inches wide, with a 24 inch buckle
on one end, to be fastened to the saddle by
being riveted to two curved straps 1+ inch
wide ; these straps are placed one on each
side of the saddle tree, , one end is tied to the
front part of the beibehind the auatle,
ish Saddle fashion ; sting) leathern 4 feet 7
Weans long, 1+ inch 14 Welk ;
buckle ; stirrups, malleable iron, tinned, bot
1 6, 140=4 to xelgb. 131 The.' to 'a
M 17, 1861
Two collars, 17i to eighteen inches long, made
the same as for two wheel harness.
Two pair of Hames, to suit, of same material
as for wheel harness, ironed ; with hooks,
breast rings, and lb e rings, with straps as in
wheel harness.
faro Bridles, same as for wheel harness.
Two Neck Straps and Cha us, same as for wheel
Two Belly Bands, same as for wheel harness
Two pair Chain pipes,
Two pair Trace Chains,
Two Cruppers and Hip Straps, back strap 5 feet
long, tapering from 3i inches to Si inches
wide, hip straps each 2 feet 4 inches long, li
inch wide, each w;th a hook at one end.
Two Back Bands, 3 feet 4 inches long, 3i inches
Two Martingale, 4 feet long, 11-2 inch wide, to
buckle into the bit.
One Coupling Strap, 5 feet 6 inches long, 3-4
inch wide.
One Check Rein, 4 feet long 1 inch wide, tc
buckle into the bit at each end, with a ring
sewed in the centre to receive the lead line.
One Lead Line, 21 feet long, 7-8 inch wide, with
a buckle at one end, and an 8 - inch loop at
the other.
One Whip, heavy plaited Itorse'bide, 6 feet 6
inches long.
One Horse Brush, oval, of btistles, by
$6O 000
One Curry Comb, No. 222. &bar.
The whole to be packed in a box about 18 in
ches wide, 17 inches deep, 34 inches long, made
of 1-inch stuff, coopered, wood hoops or iron, as
may be required.
Four Norse Harm, as follow.; to wit
Two Quilore.=Breech straps 8 feet 8 inches
long, 8 1-2 inches wide, sewed into 4-inch
rings of 8-8 inch iron; hip straps 4 feet long,
8 inches wide; stay pieces 2feet 2 inches long,
3 inches wide, with 1 1-2 inch buckles ; cress
straps to buckle into stay pieces, 6 feet long,
1 1-2 inch wide ; side straps 5 feet 6 inches
long, 1 1-2 inch wide ; hip straps 15 inches
long, 1 1-2 inch wide, tapering to a point.
Two Belly Bands---Long side 2 feet 4 inches
long, 2 inches wide, with a 2 inch buckle ;
short side 1 foot 6 inches long and.. 2 inches
Two Hair Collars, 22 to 23 inches long, with
double straps and safe leathers and buckles
inch wide.
Two pair of strong Flames to suit, made of
white oak root, ironed with hooks. breast
rings, 11. inch square, staples and Um! #ugs.
Two pair of Barre Straps.—Lower one 5 feet
6 inches long, 1 inch wide ; upper one 4 fret
6 inches long, of alum tanned leather:
Two Bridles.—Crown piece 2 feet 2inclies long,
1.1- inch wide; check pieces each 10inches
long, 1 inch wide; front piece 12 a inches
long, 14inch wide ; stay pieces, from blinds
to crown pieces, 16 inches long, 11 inch wide,
nose piece 12 inches long, 1 inch wide; Winds
&inches long, 6 inches wide ; Aim, long ale
4 feet 2 inches long, 1 inch wide : short side
2 feet long, 1 inch wide, with 1 inch buckle ;
bitts, tinned munen, to weigh 5 lbs. the
Two Pair Chain Pipes, 2 feet 6 inches long, 23
inches wide.
Two Pair Trace Chains, 7 feet long, 14 links to
the foot of No. 2 iron, twisted or straight;
with T on one end, weight 9 lbs. per pair.
One Pair of Breast Chains, 28 inches long, 14
links to the foot. of No. 1 iron. Twisted.
Two Neck Straps, 6 feet 6 inches long, 2}
inches wide, with 24 inch buckle.
Two Neck Chains, 4 feet 6 inches long, 15 links
to the foot, twisted No. 4 iron, .T and loop to
be rivetted on to the neck strap, swivel in
the thain.
One saddle, made on Attakapas tree, head,
. gullet and cantle ironed, covered in the usual
way with half-tanned horsehide ; flaps 20
inches long, 16 inches wide ; sursingle 7 feet
b inches 10ng,..2* inches wides wittkai 2* inch
inch bailie - lon one end, tame ifiettswegirto she
saddle by being riveted to two curved straps,
inch wide ; these straps are placed one on
each side of the saddle tree, one end ie tied to
the front part of the bar, the other end to the
extension of the bar behind the cantle, Spanish
saddle fashion; stirrup leathers 4 feet 7 inches
long, 11 inches wide, with 1 inch buckle ;
stirrup:=, malleable iron, tinned, bolt eye pat
tern, to weigh 13i pounds to a dozen pair.
Two Bridles, same as for wheel harness.
Two Collars, 20 to 22 inches long, made the
same as for wheel harness.
Two Pairs of Haines to snit, of same material
as for wheel harness, ironed, with hooks,
breast rings and line rings, with straps as in
wheel harness.
Two Neck Straps and Chains, same as for wheel
Two Belly Bands, same as for wheel harness.
Two Pair Chain Pipes, same as for wheel har-
Two Pair Trace Chains, same as for wheel har-
Two Cruppers and Hip stmps.—Back strap 6
feet long, tapering from Si inches to 24
inches wide. Hip straps with buckles each
3 feet 8 inches long, If inch wide, with
wrought hooks.
Two Back Bands, 3 feet 7 inches long, 3,1
inches wide.
Two Idartingals, 4 feet long, 1k inch wide, to
buckle into the bit.
One Coupling strap, 5 feet 6 inches long, inch
One Check Rein, 4 feet 1 inch long, 1 inch
wide, to buckle into the bit at each end,
with a ring sewed in the centre to receive
the lead line.
One Lead 111110, 21 feet long, I. inch wide, with
a buckle at one end and 8 inch loop at the
One Whip, heavy plated horse hide 6 feet 6
inches long.
One Horse ush, oval, of bristle, —by in
One Curry Comb, No. 212, 8 bar.
The whole to be packed in a box about 21
inches wide, 18 inches deep, 34 inches long,
made of 1 inch stuff, coopered, wood hoops or
iron as may be required.
The whole to be made of the best material,
sewing to be made with good waxed thread,
and subject to inspection during the process of
manufacture, and also when finished.
When 6-horse harness is required, the lead
Collars, bridles, hames neck straps, belly bands,
chain pipes, truce chain, crupper and hip straps,
back bands and coupling straps are doubled.;
one bearing chain 3 feet long, 14 links to the
foot, of No. 4 iron, with a Ton each end added,
and lead line to be 30 feet long.
The whole to be made of the I:l4st material,
sewing to be made with good waxed thread,
and subject to inspection during the process of
manufacture and also when finished.
When 6-mule hasness is required, the lead
collars, bridles; homes, neck straps,-belly bands;
chain pipes, trace chains, crupper rounkip straps,
back bands and coupling straps are doubled;
one bearing chain, 8 feet long, 14 links to the
foot, of No. 4 iron, with aTon each end added,
and lead line to be 28 feet long.
Proposals will also be received for Making
and delivering ambulance harness for two or
four mule or horse teaws—a specification of
which will hereafter be furnished.
Forms of Propaat•il and gurrautee will be fur
nished on application at this office, and none
will be considered that do not conform thereto.
The privilege is reserved by and for tlm
United States of rejecting any proposal that
may I.* deemed extravagant.
PA:orals will be - endorsed on the enveleK
indosing them "Proposals for furnishingArimr
Wagon and Ambulance Harness," and address-
Major D. H. VINTON, 4
I au t,:te ' ainixtern3aster 11. S. Army.
New '2lbnertisemeuts
Of Cultivated Portugal f.lder.
Every Family Should Use.
A'Fr iiir nmrLcal and Wile
li 1.1 .I.:A ilia is n e.rpi Th• rt i
row .n r• h.. ill •.1 hy ..trun ni ~h)
tiAI.P. ni Rom.• of ii 0 6sl
5A31111.1. I WIN
14 not - tt.,,ro t ar
from , .• i Pot • • rr. o n i••• ,1 .1 -v m•
Zlak. 4.w NI, M. , 111r» es.'w II an ,ta .1 p:,O ...rt."... +II
Periartlokanr b n •ni sise. au ID sqrn
tktlOWall w sat det4stavaits, tor OW *id
and o n tb • .s nd .tin I
at d hll trati
A •• lel.
ne,aweU oral 1;4 iota ,t,to her A ill lt can
to' no totitore of ,peet*. or other liqoor. "And i *
,rtotott lAA tt rifrir eentol*. 6.1v0r sn.lrastrt.i cepo.sertkie
Importing 4Le,l by tone to tit.. di.te *lvo on: and a
.1 otninv, , n All h 3 , 13 , 4 in Az •1
I.4ne grnAqe eel, PA the ..11413 , Or,' Al
1.1.14 F V.
:e over 'h.?. :tork if e t.tottle.
fr.T*l I.F THIS Witt:F
A F It, 'too et rr
Ite =tate
te 268 , ew
.1. 11 FA f„_, Agent A:* tolont.
For ov lA. W. 4:r COWL'. • o . l 'rett• 1 " 13 .1 ,
Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia
All Mercurial Diseases: .
It it, a cofveniently orratn:ed Baud, eant.onine a we.
eat ,a oo..tiantotl,re 6. nettr n around VV. W a i s t, a . ith, Lf u,
,niury to the mind elettent, pft-nntts, uo Chlt4te in habits.
or Heine is r. goer li, ait motes li. thwart°
wm the 111.11 t FrOdiVa • 'i•. Injurtotta ravels
' , rising from die use ,•1 'croft{ medic Ines
Which ttnatto , and detnrdy alt : Witte, All Ore
teeept.rer tli• ....4411e13 th.• ritedk...4
prep.illes Hand r une 111
the lthord and ranches d'tt , t • 0 0 - i4e Itto ea 01
v.r akin, effectiog in awl in, • t• e. rev core, and
remore he p.m. slfl e.I w . 'll Thit
Wald is also a mat pow. Mil finibutCuitim. agent.. aft
will entirety ri hat' the systemlrem •the p,,i c i eus it
(*eta of ',len:Airy Moderate rises err r ue col in t sent
day., lattl.vga ore Constantly rec. rig trri.llllol,l.lle d 1
effleatty m aggr tvat-a 'se- 01 fp:
pagrets Oft,ta he had of I )o- ogliut- saffron", or Mgt.
Sent te -mad Or exprfatt, with Intl direetkine For tete in
any part of the country, der et loam the fanciest Other,
No. 409 BROADWAY, New York.
(. SMITH & CO , Sole Proprietors
N. B. —Desciiptive Circulars Sent Free'
Jar 44:41c5.7.5 . we:Jinn la tcrwagits.jor
A Necessity in Even , Household 1
American Cement Glue
The Strongest Glue In the World
The only article of the kind ever produced
which will withstand Water.
1.:11'It AC :
hou,eket per :h.,fild hay s ly of JO&D, &
CI y'd American Gruen I; 1 )1141
I t in so C.,4112VV1.1.111 t,. ilace II el 0. ustr .. —
CaPH&S , .
• :t +8 &Nay a rot, ; Ihis roam .nd no.rery hods. '
• , We b , ried it, mid find its, a ...1 •ur ho ee MS
Outer. '•-•WILKItti 4.1 . tR1T ux Illg
Price 25 Cents per Bottle:
Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale
Dealers. Tr.E.fd
Fur 16.4 1 . by atlt Druggists anti Storekeep-
Ott, generally throughout the country.
(Sole etkirien,)
(Corner ul Liberty Sreut,) Nt,w. YORK.
On application to the General Post office the
undersigned has received the following order
viz :
Appointment Wee, July :23, 1861.
The following order has been made by the
Post Office Department, for the execution of
the new law r , ,specting so.diers' letters :
Postmasters at or near any camp or point oc
cupied by the United States forces, will mail,
without prepayment of postage, any lettter
written by a soldier in the service the United
States, and certified to be such by the Major or
Acting Major of the regiment to which the
rater is attached. The envelope should have
plainly stamped or written on its fat* the cer
tificate "S idler's Leiter," sign€d in writing by
the Major or Aci lug Major of the regiment,
describing his regiment by its number and its
State. The postage due on such letters will be
collected at the office of delivery.
The certificate and addre*s may be in "the
following form
"Soldier's Letter.
A. 8., Major 10th Reg't,
N Y. Volunteers.
Mr. John Jones,
Utica, N. Y."
Commissioned officers will joim pretay Kass th o et post
age as heretofore.
First Assistant P. .M. l O. OffICH ORDSIL — The Post Office DePart
ment" has issued the following : ,
Postmasters will take notice that alk pre-paid
letters to soldiers in any regiment in the service
of the United States, and directed to them at a
point where they have been stationed, may be
,orwarded, whenever practible, to any other
point to which they may have been ordered
without further charge thereon for fowarding.
Joint A. Kassos,
First AssistOtt P. 1: General..
Soldiers at the'different camps in it near this
city` will Please 4/Onaply strictly with the above
iule and their letters will reach their destins
'on without trouble.-
ati;glo" - " " — GEO. BEB.ONEE, P. M.