Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 17, 1861, Image 6

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Forever !Oat that sten-lard sheet!
Where breathes the foe but falls before ma
Freedom's soil beoraoh our feet
_►nd Freedom's banner streaming o'er as
0 I, le DHIII
Saturday Morning, August 11, 1561.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 13, 1861.
To the Editor of the Telegraph:
Will you please state that an immense
arm tuit of vexation to officers, and of hunger
to troops, would be avoided if the quartertnas
ter of each regiment of volunteers ordered to
Washington would go on one train in advance
of the regiinent, and make his requisition upon government for ration, and see that all needful
supplies. are ready on the arrival of the men.
When this is not done there is often an una
voidable delay of hours before the troops can
obtain food or refreshinents. This is part of
the business of quartermasters, and they ought
to look to it. Some member of the Sanitary
Commission 14 usually at the station on the
arrival of troops; to minister to the wants of
the sick. Respectfully, .
Secretary of Sanitary Commission
"EXPERIENCE TRAMS," is a wise proverb, and
recent events ought to impresS it very
. tleeply
upon the public mind. We have lost as much
from vanity and from self-confidence as from a
want of aptir. ciistion of our enclitics. We forget
bow king they have had the reins of power, and
how accustomed they have been to make the
mo tof the power they - possessed. In a com
mon war for common objects the south has al
ways shown that it had brave, skillful and ex
perienced men, and while she North has devel
oped men of equal bravery and skill, it has not
been so devoted to arms. We have been con
tent to he rather a utilitarian people than oth
erwisi., while the south has shown a love for
those artsi - and acquirements which belong to
the field, Each section of the country has had
its peculiar advantages and its particular train
ing, and all we mean to say is that one part of
it him been more fond of the turf, the saddle,
the use of the; gun, bait, and pistol than. the_
other. Climate has had more effect in making
the dietinetions between us, and a difference of
institutions has not been without its influence
also, but had the condition or places of each
been changed, - each would have taken the place
of the other without regard to climate or in
Notwithstanding the cheap postagd as adopted
in this country, there are many who try to
evade its payment by sending gloves, collars,
handkerchiefs, seeds, Sze., labelled as newspa
pers:'So. loosely have the affairs of the Post
office been managed for a, few years, that but
few of these little delinquencies have been de
tected. The other day a package marked " one
newel:A*7Y paid, was addressed to a produce
dealer' in New England. Upon examination at
the Chicago Post office it was found to contain
two samples of flour, with orders how to sell
and at what price. The samples weighed less
than siX . Vtinees, and would only have cost six
cents in an envelope ; but the desire to save a
half dime is likely to entail disgrace and a
heavy fine from the government on the perpe
trators of this little transaction.
IT 18 'It'I:PORTED that evidence has been discov
ered, showing that before Jeff. Davis resigned
his seat in the United States Senate, he made
out a list of men who were to be made officers
in the rebel army. There is nothing very
strange in this report, either, because it was a
threat of the Southern Democrats of long stand:
leg, that if the people of 'the country dared to
elect any man President of the United States
personnlly or politically obnoxious to them,
they would disiolve the Union. This threat
was the standing boast of every southern dele
gation in the Democratic National Convention
for thetuit twelve years, and it has at length
been carried out. diem: —We wonder if that
list contains the names of any of the valiant
Colonels who displaytheir milituyardor through
the cotumns of the Patriot, in giving aid and
comfort to Davis and his followers.
IT AS INTErteetrum at this time to present, in
tabular form, the combined strength of the
thrde cities who have so nobly reponded to the
wanTs of The government :
Aug. 10. Aug. 13. Aug. 13.
New York, liwton. Philadelphia.
Lrip4,,,,.., „,,,,4109.981.042 861 118.000: 824,064 0 070
epeele 48 6::0 116 6,412,000 6,796,140
Co'olll44'l4l ~, 710 491 8 ,450,000 2,074009
Net Elepeitir;. "92,016,057 18,044 700 15,568,024
Here'litte. abundant evidence of tbe ability
of the t:44 to carry through what they have
undertaken. The specie strength of New York
alone is nearly equal to that of the Bank' of
England, (12,196,0000 with imm:Ohite proba
bility of . its diminishing, as the course. of our
foreign trade has every appearance of continu
ing to rule in our favor for some time - to come.
TttE TREASURY Der/mill:Farr imnounees tit
thp states of New York and Pennsylvania will
be reimbursed for the sums of money-advanced
for the equipment of regiments for the war.
The motley will be pnid in drafts on New York
and thitadelphia.
LARGE WIATITIES Of ordinance, amninnitioiN
and array-stores are constantly going forward
to Washington. Twenty to thirty tons of shot
anti'iffthitie often sent frorii:lsrelv'York city
to a ainte'itay.
One of the darling plans of those who are en
gaged in damaging the efforts to vindicate the
federal laws and authority, is to create the im
pression in the loyal, and impart the informa
tion to the rebel states, that there. is a want of
unanimity in the consultation and actions be
tween the President and his Cabinet. If the
dough-face press and their traitor allies of the
Patriot and Union ilk can succeed in creating
this impression in the north or loyal states,they
hope to affect the credit of the government, and
thereby completely bankrupt the national
Treasury. By this means they expect to de
moralise the army, weaken our resources and
cripple our means of national defense against
the threatened incursions of the rebels not only
on the federal capital,. but to the principalcom
menial emporiums and cities of refinement and
prosperity in the loyal states. It is a deep laid
and well digested; plan „thns, .to giye aid and
comfort to theenemy,.and ieonr readers have
noticed the persistent zeal with which the Pa
triot and .Unian has insisted on these. ftagree
tnents in the Cabinet, and the coarse and cow
ardly manner with which it has pursued and ma
ligned its individual members, they can at once
estimate the character it bears towards this unho
ly plot to bring 'further disgrace upon the coun
try by weakening the efforts of that country to
maintain its own authority. These miscreants in
thus assailing the harmony and unanimity of
the Cabinet, and insisting that there are dif
ferences existing in : its: councils which amount
to personal antagonism and objections to prin-
Ciplesind policies, aim at the, purpose of con
veying by falsehood the intelligence to European
courts,that the American government is totter
ing and reeling to destruction, unable to Sustain
the weight of its own power, and unworthy the
respect and confidence of the powers of the
world. This is the work of that portion of the
Democratic press of the loyal states which sup
ported John.D. Breckinxidge for the Presidency,
and which are now Seconding his efforts and
threats td destroy the administration of Abra
ham Lincoln. And if they can accomplish this
purpose, if they can brow-beat the free masses
of the north, and rob the ballot box of itspower
and prestige, so that slavery is, maintained in
its ancient force, and rebel traitors are allowed 1
to escape retribution, the country,. the adminis
tration and our nationality may sink beneath
their feet and perish forever.
So far as the President and the Cabinet are
Concerned, there never was more confidence be
tween any Executive and his legal advisers, and
never more reliance reposed by each in the other
as men, as individuals and as statesmen, thatall
their sfforts were for the general good and the
national safety.' The head of each Departinent
devotes himself zealously to the work'sissigned
to him, and when each . Secretary does, this, he
finds himself surrounded by a daily accuinula
tion of bushiess which engages all his energies
and industry. They agree on the great princi
ple that this government has the power to pre
serve its own authority. They are proudly
Conscious that they have been invested with
that power, and they are therefore determined
to preserve at,d ununtain in all its force and
Majesty, the auth'oritf • Which the rebellion was
Created to destroy. This resolution, no longer
to'e mistaken,'Snnoys the northern Secret ally
of traitors. It has aroused the determination
of the open syrnpathiSers in our own midst, who
can do nothing more to frustrate the efforts of
Patriotic men, than by casting doebton their pur
Poses, or sowing discord in their councils. The
desperation with which these men pursue their
objects, exposes the mid zeal of the black
4earted villains, and sdoucr or later it will be
come the duty of loyal - men in the free states,
to turn their sabres and their bayonets on those
in the free states who are novinaing their zeal,
, perseverance and malice to damage the cause
of the Union.
As the President and Cabinet are a unit, so
#e the people, on the Subject of the War. As
the President and Cabinet labor zealously to re
deem the land from anarchy, to rescue business
from distraction, to save lab,,r from perishing,
and to restore the Union to harmony, so are the
people zealous to sustain and support Abraham
Lincoln. The faith that is lacking for him is
evinced by the politicians who never suppJrt
that which they cannot control. It is the peo
ple who confide in the Cabinet. And when
they are thus assured of the harmony existing
between both the President and every member
of the Cabinet, and among them altogether
and individually, their confidence in the Gov
ernment Is increaSed, their hopes in restoration
and vindication strengthened, and their faith in
the-stability of free institutions placed beyond
doubt or dismay. •
EVERY DAY demonstrates the necessity of dis
cipline among our troops, and the fact is no
longer queStioned, that without it, our armies .
are worthless, and with it, invincible. This
is 'shoWn in the condition In which the crack
regiments of Zous.ves which lately returned
to New York. They had become demor
alized by a lack of discipline, and when
they returned to New York lately, their condi
tion was truly deplorable. The New York Ex
press says of them that the few were compared
withthe.many ;Ithe colonel who had givElm
them a name, was stricken low ; the woumded
were borne in carriages; the flag that waved so
graceftilly three Monthi before, loOk-ed soiled
and draggled. The crowd was not enthusiastic;
the'men ththiiselves niust have bitterly felt the
change. But this is only one of the chances of
life, - and`" ispealallY of War; If it teach us'a les
son, the great need ofdieipline, the'nselessness
even of strecgth and enthusiasm without that
moral force whiCh only severe discipline can
produce either in the army' or a regiment, the
contrast would not have been without its uses.
Let it be carefully noted and the lesson taken
to heart.
A HARTFORD paper remarks : "In reply to a
great many of our exchanges who hove the
question at the head of their leading columns,—
"'0 say, does that Star-Spangled Banner yet
O'er the land of the free and the home of
• the brave?'
we would say, that up to date, it do.".
THE kurs to War4iington daily deposit
the post offices of that city, thirty,thousan4 Aet ;
ten; for the s vciliiiiieers stationed within
around its limits.
pennovivania Quilt, fa; eiqc opt ) aatutbal 'inguE3l 17, 1861
When the corrupt old organization of the
democratic party was in power. the slavery in
fluence used it to oppress and degrade northern
labor. The constant cry against protection
and the consequent injury to the labor of the
free states, came always from the democratic:
party. It maintained its ioliainistratons by
pandering to the slave power, and during every
single past democratic rule the institution of sla
very was more or less extendedand enfranchised,
until its lusts for political power culminived in
the rebellion which is now .in armed array
against the legitimate government of the coun
try. This is the result of the democracy preach
ed by the clique which control the course and
mould the sentiments of the Patriot. It is the
end of a policy that was inscribed upon its ban
ners last fall when it sought to make the traitor
Breekinridge President, knowing at the time
that he was colleaging and plotting with the
very men who have since achieved the tempo
rary disembursment of this Union. Since the
southern democracy can no longer control the
masses of the north, and hitch the conviction of
duty which the northern laboring man feels for
his country, to their own dogmas, creeds and
institutions, it has become the work of the
dough-faces such as control the Patriot to intim
idate opposition to the rebellion by declaring
that the objects of those who are struggling to
maintain the federal power, are to overthrow
the institution of slavery, to release the slave
and turn him loose on northern society. Hera
is the plan of the northern sympathiser with
treason. That which the south makes the mo
tive of rebellion, the northern dough face of
the Barrett and McDowell order make the ex
cuse for refusing to aid in suppressing such a
rebellion. And with this excuse they .beseige
the public prejudice of the north, in ancient
democratic style, - and with all thepeculiar force
of the erudite heads which preside over the col
umns of the Patriot, they depend mere upon a
misstatement and a false argument thim they
do upon the truth, or the facts as they exist, for
the maintenance of their cause. They know
that they are creating false impressions when
they declare that the slave population of the
south is to be driven on the people of the north—
they know that such an undertaking is a physi
cal and natural imwssibility,"but it suits the
purpose for which they now labor, and insures
the embarrassment of the federal administra
tion, while it gives aid and comfort to their
rebel friends and allies in the south.
The Patriot and Union knows that as the in
fluence and power of the institution of slavery
is crushed or suppressed, the hopes and even
the memory of democracy arc bound to be
come extinct. They know that the advocates of
Southern slavery and the tendencies of northern
ou g h-faceism snch as maintained oneof its pro
prietors in position as a committee clerk in the
United States Senate, brought about this rebel
lion, and however they may
. seek to avoid it,
the wrongs that it has already inflicted upon
this nation, are to be traced alone to the orga
tization of the democratic party. • Our labor
bas been blighted by the same influence. It
made a renegade and ingrate of Dallas when
he was forced to defeat just anti equitable re;ve--
tme ]aws. It made a usurper of Buchanan,
when he sought to use his power to advance its
interests in all our territories —and now it make s
traitors of small men like Barrett and McDowell,
when it blends theft zeal in favor of its own
exploded dogmas, and leads them into open re
bollion and sympathy with those who are con
spiring to destroy the only free government on
God's foot-stool
—Such are the twistings and shiftings of the
Lolly and the vanity which still enliven the
rotten carcass of democracy in Pennsylvania.
TUE PRUDENCE or WISE is perfectly astound
ing, and it is refreshing in these hot-headed
times to find a man who feels it better to eat
his words than risk his head, who thinks glory
a poor compensation fur life, and who regards
feet-as much better than rifles, when danger is
near. The valiant Ex-Governor of Virginia,
when the sound of battle was afar off, was like
the war horse of Job, he " snorted," he "paw
ed," he cried " ha ha" at the sound of the cap
tains, but when face to face with the fire, like
Salaam's ass he wont go. In his oration last
June he said : "I rejoice in this war."----
',` Though your pathway be through fire or a
- river of blood, turn not aside," " Let your
aim be to get into close quarters, with a few
decided vigorous movements, always pushing
forward, never back." The meaning of this
and much more of the same nature is learned
from Gen. Cox's brief despatch . of August Ist.
" Wise fled without fighting, destroying the bridges
t 9 prevent pursuit. We have captured a thousand
Muskets and several kegs of cannon powder."
Tow are the mighty fallen!
A SLIGHT MISTAICH.—With this side head the
Lancaster Evening ETpreae exposes one of the
mistakes into which the blind folly and persis
tent opposition to the wet for- the Union, have
led our dough-face neighbors of. the Patriot. It
shows how anxious the sympathisers with trea
son have become, and how ready they are to
use any means or pretext to place on record
their sympathies for the cause of rebellion :
The Harrisburg Pairiotis - very much pleased
With the portrait of the patriot and hero Gen.
Jackson, on one end of the new United States
Treasuary $5O notes, but fairly bursts with in
dignant disgust upon "recognizing' the "head
of Owen Lovejoy, the "Illinois abolitionist" on
the other end. A more careful look at that
Plead might have caused our cotemporary to
Mottle his wrath. It' happens to be the head of
Mr. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury—not Mr.
Lovejoy ! Such at least was the conclusion We
arrived at the other day in looking at one of
gthese notes. The editor of the Patriot, ought to
o down to Manassas and write- proclamations
tor Gen. Beuregard !
A Buz is before the rebel,l congress which
lOoks to the confiscation of all southern bonds
and evidences of southern state indebtedness
which are not registered by a certain date as
the property of citizens of the confederate
states, or of citizens of nations at peace with
' Dive Ver 4-..*
i t* the ;body of Colonel Cameron h43Adn
Properly interred , by the eneitiy in the grave
yard of a Methodist church near Stone Bridge.
BY TELEGlifits
From our Evening Edition of Yesterday
The Sick and Wounded in the
Appointment of Police Commissioners
The Destruction of Washington Con-
templated by the Rebels,
Sixty-nine Mutineers Sent to Tortugas.
WAsumgroN, Aug. 16.
According to the official report there are in
the general hospital at Washington 88 sick and
wounded soldiers ; in Georgetown 291, and in
Alexandria 95. The mortality among such
patients is remarkably small.
Mea-ures have been adopted for a careful mi
litary guardianship throughout the entire line
of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal. Many coal
and other boats are now on the route.
The President has appointed Richard Wal
lach, Joseph F. Brown and Zeena C. Robins, of
Washington, Wm. H Jenny, of Geurgw own,
and Sayles J. Bowen, of Washington county, as
Commissioners of Police under the recent act of
There is information through more than one
reliable source, that Jefferson Davis strongly
contemplates the invasion of Washington, nut
to hold the city, blit to destroy it. He hesitates
Rot an inability to do it, but on the loyalty of
Maryland. Strenuous exertions are in progress
to secure a change of sentiment in favor of se
cession. That accomplished, the first move
of his army would be upon the capital,
ivith the desperate determination to mete out
to it the fate of Hampton.
There is a strong propensity here, just now,
to over-estimate the merits 'of the rebel army,
as there was to underrate them, previous to the
battle of Bull Ran. Many believe that they
are superior in efficiency to our own troops. It
is a very great mistake. Extensive and abun
dantly reliable evidence is at command proving
that, with the exception of a few heavy guns,
stolen from the United States armories and navy
yards, and a few officers who have, to their
everlastim , e' disgrace, gone over from the Uni
ted States military and naval service, they are
deficient in everything essential to a successful
campaign, and vastly inferior to the Federal
army. They have, singularly enough, gained
one or two temporary victories—enough to make
them feel their inevitable overthrow doubly se
The sixty-six mutineers of the second Maine
regiment will, it is said, be sent to the Tortu
gas, where they will serve the remainder of
their term.
About forty of the New York Highlanders,
regarded as the principals in the insubordina
tion, are still in irons at the watch house, and
Charges are being formally made out against
The Pennsylvania Campbell Artillery regi
ment, the first of the kind organized in the
United States by volunteers, are vigorously at
work at their encampment, and are drilled five
times each day.
Provost Marshal Porter has been placed spe
fically in charge of the bridgespver the Potomac
and passes to cross them will h ereaf ter be ob
tained from him.
Major McMichael, of Philadelphia, has been
'appointed an assistant Adjutant General, and
spastant Adjutant General McKeever has been
detatched from the stall of General McDowell
end ordered to duty on the staff of General
Hon. Horace Maynard has been returned to
Congress from the district adjoining that of T.
A. R. Nelson, who was arrested and imprisoned
at Richmond, Mr. Maynard has been more
fortunate, and has succeed° , in reaching Wash
ington. The question is naturally asked why
we allow Breckinridge and others of his stripe
to go round the country making seditious
speeches and stimulating rebellion, while good,
honest Union men, elected legally to seats in
Congress, are arrested and thrown into prison
by the enemies of the Union. Are not the au
thorities here amenable to the country for laxi
ty of exertion to stay the progress of rebellion ?
Mr. Maynard represents East Tennessee as
strong for the Union, and every man striving
to stay the tide of Secession which now threat
ens to part our country. The people are all
ready to take up arms, and ask for the aid of
the Government by a supply of arms, &c., with
a few leading spirits to direct their energies in
organizing a strong military force.
On the morning of the late battle in Missouri
the lowa regiment was entitled to be dis
charged, because their time had expired ; they,
However, voted enthusiastically to "hold on,
so long as there was any fighting to be done." They
have the thanks of a . grateful country.
The steamers Adelaide and George Peabody
have arrived at Old Point from Baltimore and
will shortly leave on an important expedition.
The rumored presence of a privateer in the
Chesapeake was caused by one of our own
vessels belonging to Lieut. Crosby's expedition
to the eastern shore.
Gen. Butler is so well satisfied with the re
shlts of. La Mountain's reconnoissances that
the latter has gone north for a balloon of a
much larger size.
The report that the rebels beyond Fos Hillhave connected a wire with the telegraph line
from Old Point to Newport News, and thus oh
twined our dispatches, is entirely without foun
dation. The line is now being put in working
Order, communication having been interrupted
since the evacuation of Hampton.
The U. S. frigate Cumberland has arrived
fromr Boston and will soon sail southward. The
gun boat Peaquin is . up from the coast of North
Carolina. She obliged one vessel attempting
to run the blockade to beach herself ; the crew
NEW Yon; Avg. 15.
The Commercial has information that Gen.
Pillow broke up his camp at New Madrid on
Friday last precipitately, and moved back to
'Randolph. Seven steamers were seized at Mem
phis on Thursday, and went to New Madrid,
bringing Pillow's command back, arriving at
Memphis on Friday noon. During the inter
mediate time tbe.passengers thatwere previous
1Y on board the steamers were detained at Mem
phis, and suffered severely, numbers, of sick
Aromen and' children being left subject to the
Its of gednob... - _,. ; The Movement is supposed
to have liebn made oh account of the active
preparations of - General Fremont at Cairo.
rt - ASIIINUTON, Aug. 16
Yesterday afternoon about half-past one
o'clock the steamer B.esolute was ordered front:
Aquia creek to Mathias Point, for the purpose
of reconnoitering, Peeing a battery tilled with'
barrels on shore just below the point, a boat
was sent fitom the Resolute with six men to
bring off the batteau
No sooner had the boat reached the beach
than a volley of musket balls w a s o p ene d upon
them front a secession force conceal: d iu the
voods, killing three men instantly, namely—
John Janice Fuller, of Brooklyn, master's
mate, who, it was subsequently ascertained,
was pierced by ten balls; George Seymour, cap
tain of the gun, of New York, by seven balls ;
and Thomas Dully, of Boston, by two balls.
Earnest Walters, a native of England, is wound
ed in the head—it is feared fatally.
Another volley was fired by the enemy as
they moved their position or as soon as they
had time to reload.
The Resolute was about seven hunured yards
from the shore and fired in the midst of the re
bels one shot of canister and nine of schrapnell,
with, it is thought, extensive havoc, while
other reports are positive to this effect.
The scene aboard the small boat is decribed
as heart sickening. The dead lying stretched
out in it covered with their own blood.
The boat was towed a short distance from the
shore by one of the crew named Sanderson, who
quietly slipped into the water for that purpose,
and thus concealed himself from the enemy.
The other uninjured man it is said lay tu the
boat stupified by the scene through which he
had just passed, while the wounded man helped
Sanderson to row the boat toward the Resolute,
from which assistance was immediately ren
dered. The enemy congratulated themselves
that they had killed the entire boat's crew.
The Resolute reached the navy yard last night
at eleven o'clock, bringing with her the dead
and the wounded man who has beensent to the
aurt- Martial of W. Mks—Rebel Signal Lights—
Gen. lleintzelman---Batteries on the Potonwc—
Small Pox at Manassas. •
The trial, by court-martial, of Col. Miles,
charged with unofficerlike conduct on Ceutre
vine Heights, on the day of the battle of Bull
Run, is still prrtressing, the court being held in
the City Council chamber. The witnesses on
the part of the prosecution are not more than
half through. The coubsul for Col. Richardson,
the complainant, is Lieut. Col. Lardner, of De;
troit, and for Col. Miles, Reverdey Johnson, of
Last night, between 11 and 12 o'clock, the
rebel signal lights were plainly seen from here
in the direction of Fairfax Court House. They
were visible for nearly an hour.
General Heintzleman paid a visit to Alexan
dria to-day for the first time since the battle of
13ul1 Run. He is recovering slowly from the
wound he received at that time, and hopes soon
to assume the command of his brigade.
A scouting party of twenty-rebel cavalry
were seen yesterday, six miles from here, in
the direction of Mount Vernon.
Information, thought to be reliable, has been
received here that rebel batteries are being
erected at White House Point, and also at
Quantico, ten miles this side of Aixpila creek.—
The steamer Pawnee suddenly steamed up last
night, and went down the river to make a
thorough reconnoissance.
The report that the small pox is raging to a
fearful extent at Manassas Junction is credited
here by Secessionists, and also by those in mili
tary authority.
Alexander M. Flowers, who was arrested on
the Bth of August, while making his way out
side of our lines, on the charge of being a spy,
had a hearing before the Provost Marshal, after
which he was sent to Washington. Flowers,
who was a clerk in the Census Bureau, was die-.
charged on the tith inst., and on the 7th he
wrote a letter to Mr. Russell, to whom he owed
board, stating that he was going to Richmond.
The next day he was arrested.
LoulswiLE, Aug. 16
Passengers from Nashville report that the
military authorities of Tennessee are about to
prohibit the entrance of any kind of goods into
that State over the Louisville & Nashville Rail
road, and this is seemingly corroborated by the
Memphis advices to their agents to purchase no
more goods in Louisville at present.
For two or three nights pa-t, wagons sup
posed to contain munitions of war, including
powder, have gone in the direction of Tennes
see. For two nights the surveyor's posse were
overpowered. Last night the posse was in
creased, but the wagons were attended by cav
alry and got away. Measures are taken to pre
vent similar occurrences in future.
A telegram from Hickman says that a battle
has occurred at Charleston, Mo., between Jeff.
Thomson's force and the Fremonters. The lat
ter were driven back with severe loss.
Two gun boats are now chasing the steamer
Equality, captured to-day by Captain James
Erwin, from Cairo.
• Naw Yeas., Aug. 16.
J. A. Ring, a Catholic priest, was last even
ing taken into custody and conveyed to the
Detective Police office by a number of excited
Germans, who alleged that he was a secession
ist. They charged that he entered the lager
beer saloon at the corner of Twenty eighth
street and Sixth avenue, where he partook of
lager beer with a number of volunteers, and
then tried to induce them to desert their com
panies. He abused the Government outra
geously, contending that the Southern Confed
eracy ought to be recognized,. and finally be
came so bold in his assertions as to enrage the
Germans, and they at once arrested him. Their
prisoner was detained at Headquarters for ex
BoTrott, Aug. 18.
The whaler Jeremiah Swift arrived at New
Bedford last night from Penambucco, and e
port the British brig Alliance there. The Cap,
tain of the Alliance-Saw three priyateer steamers
in lat. 7-47 north, lon. 22.48 west. The British
mail steamer Tyne also reported seeing a pri
vateer steamer between Rio and Penambneco.
The British steamer Eastern. State frem Yar
mouth N. S., arrived to-day with 492'harrels
of spirits of turpentine and 431 bales'of North
Carolina cotton, which it is presumed escaped
the blockade. It is said the owner of the tur
pentine will clear $17,000_
, lntrx, Aug. 18.
The steagaersliaySi6ll Mate arrived at Sings;
ton the latter part of July and sailed August
let on a cruise for the rebel pirate Sumter.
map, (tr , rg htmlife't a+ acs '4]
at the ennui , g c haat] , e l . '? Ct t I
plo's County Cony ntlon.
arge the dot s of tL.. .
liatunsurs,,, A : ,_ ,
office until 12 o'clock ('i i t,
August. 1861.
For digging and walling
or near Camp Curtin.
Also for curbs, well ••
Contractors will state in t
price per foot, and the time I‘i11,:;,
will do the work.
1 1] Itletituticli char foxed
E . I. ,talc 1,,,w ,, rp, v 7,11 tpca It
day, lba 4lb or supL,nii,er.
The atteut -r l'arenis bac. El;:: da
ib req.' fully iuvi ed tutb,s ;niltu•,
bddredi A (;
THE undersigned offers
candidate ter 111.01610" f proth
phi° county at the en.ulitt t
t.d to perform the dotte4 or the
nr4.11,A for title at tba flarrirburg I'.
ractlry. Th.a ware o free from p
dare R absorb and becom= . Gaul
'Mend dlaaouta made loalorrlteep s ..,
ly attended to
auglf. d3t-w2w
FuramortH of elegnut pattprn , 1 I
reduced : price. Also a Bitt I - ('‘
ENGRAVINGS, kr. Ramiro at No u; ..I
II rrirourg, Aug 14, 1 ttll 4to,
The new style of
velopes, is now ready and for sah. :it
Exchanges will be mw le of I h..
an equivalent amount of the oil i.,. ;
a period of SiX days from the ailte
tiCO, after which no letters mid.'
old issue will be sent from this nRi
GEO. BEL( iN 1•11;,
Or Small Post Offices in the 1 ii i;ii
change their envelopes at this utti e.
QUBliti young, won between
eighteen and t irty year?, it. sir, irr
Company 10 bo att when to the /.ounve
Onotte, can leavo their names at the
Meet, u Maim, .4.4;tetti W
Designers and Eno-ravers on
f Philadelphia.
EXECUTE all kinds of Vi . thei
with betuty, norreckht,ts •., , p
designs furnished for Miro Book I. r
wishing cunt, by relating a Phoney, r tph An It .
pan have Views or Colleges, Cherokee,
iliscbtnes, Sierra, Patents, &C., eltsr.t red
penal application. • •
Fancy NnVllopclll, Labels, Bill
Visiting,' Business 'end other Card • .
highest style at art, and at tie lowest
• For specimens of floe ungravinr. •
works of J. B. Lippincott. gr. E •
oct2fi lyd
1 . 1.1 E vast anionnt of proi,or!v
annually by liAtitiug . • . ,
property holders to secure their we i..
Par Lighluing Roth wilt at th. , uuc. ion
brill be sounded to. Itt,ds put u,. w ,
yiet and 'warranted.
' A BUILDING LOT, Ritmo,. ‘V,
riburg rronhog et,
hlnt; haft 1 8i feet, morn ,tr Inas, to •
Joining on oue hide the .ruoerty 03 14
For pertioular = ono.nro o. it . ttiD Ricii •
Berguer s Botnistore.
May 8, 1861.
:NAT HEREAS, the Bono. al
Puttees, President et hi, (..,,,, ,
to the Twelo.4llB4llolkl 1801(1 , 1., f .11 , 1.1 iv.:
Of Lebanon aka iiituphni an I thii it :.
and, HMI. Faux NUMMI is.twiAte .1 1 :,, .
eAlibill - hiltVi4 Ifiaued euele ',Tercet :•• ri
fourth day of June 1801, 10 ea- di. i . •
i Cohn 9f,Oyer end Terminer and (it, i :.
and Qiiarter fleintiona or the recce at ri •:- -
. .
Ouunty of Dauphin, and to nommen,
DAT OF AOGIIST XXXI, being the Itkru
and to continue two entire.
: Notioe is therefore hereby, given th •
0008 01 the reace,Aldernaen, sud
amity lif bad d, that they be 1b...
Proper persons, at 10 o'clock to Co • T.,..
with, iLefir retards, inquisitions,
o*n teMemb`ratoos, to ao the:o in r. a
°nice appertains to be done, and fh,. A
in reitogntaances to p loseeute
are or shoal be fu the Jad o! o.olp
and there to' prosecute against thew
Given under my baud, ut Harr s ,
fuly, in the year of our Lora, Iso , .$
aro year of the indenendenm or tr..-
J. I.
811131133 0 8 0171128
Harrisburg, July 81, 1861. 1
Muvrma, Aug. 14.
-All Work Promised in o}l
104 Market Street &howl, V -, •
WHERE every deNerii. , ..
and Gentleineue
fed, 9cytusedula linfahr-d IP the` " • t
Abortem. notice,
OFFERS his services in ch. , ,
Harrisburg and Its vicinity. H• - • " ,
the pablig patronage, and giveA
elideavere shall be given In render '
resalon..• - Being All Md. well tried de, h.. -• :
nviting the public generally I
heavlhanbey will not be dimatisite , i
Office No. 128 Market street, in Ile:
C l U P ied brUacob R. ti:ey, near the Viet.el
Harrhsburg. Pa 1,,,
Very rare lot latt. rowaived
um: 1, ,lo :,y
SPIS WNI ' ' -
___ ... - -
&raw, Aug. 16
QUANTITY of Bags. Clieck4 awl I;''' .
LA • biuns for Eala by the daxen :,E1(1 ri , . , . • h' 4' .
COgilh, at the DAUPHIN 011 NI V l'gl, . N
ORAB CIDF,K 1 1 1 ---litrictly pure,
* Ni le
b : atats:Pi_e ie er ,d as received a t=ii v,r
pm& at every State Agriculture.' Fair sired
WM. Platt,:
Ilk/rADE from choice and selected Apples,
.f.tiL and guaranteed by us to besisictly pure.
•12-d VTDI. DOCK & CO'
ew :I.ol4'ol:lntim
Hittaisuvßo, Atigii:t
1 a 4.