Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 17, 1861, Image 5
-- ---- ---- ,e--% I• '• . a ... . - -- -.-,..- _______ ..)k . 1 • . -,--__ , _ 0 , -- : - . ____,/ - -.. _....•• E. • LEGRAPH ...... _______..„.,...::__...., BY GEORGE BERGNER. Oran & ' op, - D W. GROSS'& CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PEAN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND ;CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock In this city, of DRUGS, OHEMIOALS & PAINTS, Ohs, varnishes and Glues, Dye-Stuff*, alms and Putty, Artist Colons and Tools, Pure Ground Hplcor, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine Oils, Bottles, Vials and Globes, Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks, &a., &0., &0., &0., &0., &0., &a With a general variety of PERETTAIERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the beet manufacturers and Per lumen of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LIAM OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTISTS COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, tli ' U •\ , s ,` ( \ ' ' 8 :'.,-IP R ~, , I . -,; . , 0417 --..----- li OR ll r,fL • i !_ /Mn * Q ' ' -4F,-... We respectfully invite a call, feeling, confi. dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH! TEETH!! JONES AND W arra' S PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors Saponifier and Concentrated Lye I Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low as it can be purchased in the cities. PRAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS, COAL OIL 1 CARBON OIL 11 Being large purchasers in these Oile, we can oiler inducements to close buyers. Coal 011 lamps of the most Improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS/ ose of you who have not given our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know not their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in food condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our l ong ex parlance in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements lu the cities are such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the beet of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fair Prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the at &aim -1/0101 Public. ItlttlicaL DR. JOHNSON 3BALIALIVIAILCIJEt3II LOOK KOSPITA.I4 HA 13 discovered the most certain, speeds id ellbetuel remedy Le the world for MOUSES OF IMPRUDENOL InILIIIF II EX 10 TRIM souse No Mortuary or Noxious Drugs. /orA cols wiwANTAD, oa so Cosecs, is Mon Oat ro Dan.'mg *'mites of the Bask or Limbs, Strictures, Pains in the Loins, Adbetions of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Herron Debility, Decay of the Physics low. OM, Dyspepsia, languor, Low Sirits, Confuelan 01 dent, rail nation of the Heart, Timid ity, Tremblhigs, Bounces of Sight or Siddinetw,Disease of the Stomach, Affections of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin—those terrible disor• des arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits at Youth—those dreadful and destructive practises which produce cOnatitutional debility, render marriage Impos sible, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MIN. Young men especislly who have become the victims of solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant 'intel lect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to so lair the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MAEBLIMIS.; Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, be ing aware or phys ical weakness, should Immediately con , milt Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEAKNBEI hiviediately owed and MI vigor restored Be who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide In his honor as a gentleman, and eon, gdently rely upon his skill as a physician. WOMoe No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, Md., on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, doors from the corner. Be particular in observing the name or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par ticular for /pnerotit hin i quacka, with false names, or Paltry Humbug attracted by the repute lion of Dr. Janson, for near. All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the reply. DR. JOHNSTON. Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Burgeons, London, graduate from one of the meet eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greatest part of whose life has been spent In the Hospitals of London, Parts, Phila delphia And elsewhere, has effected some of the most as tonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears aid head when asleep, great ner vousness, being alarmed at sudden sound s, bashfuluees, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange meat of mind were cured immediately, TABS PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. e , -dresses all Mime who having Injured them selves by IT .vote and Improper indulgenclee, that secret and solitary sabit which ruins both body and mind, üb• Mug them *or either business or society. Them. are some of the sad and melancholy etl,cts pro dual by early habits of youth, viz Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Mead, Dimness of tight, Loss of MaHOllll, Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dye mob, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Mine Mons, General Debility, Symptoms of fionsump• don, dm MENTALLY. Mmrratyr, the barkl abets on the mind are mush to, be dreaded a-. Less a( Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Ds pression of firdrits, Rya Forebodings, Aversion meioses. 11, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, TiathUtor, &a, are some of the evil eases. Thousands of persons of all ages, can now judge what is the canoe of their decline In health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have • dopier appearance about the epee, cough, and symp• ms of consumption. YOUNG MEN who have Injured themselves by a certain practice, In Bolted In when alone--a habit frequently learned from evil dompanicms, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply Immediately. What a pity that • young man, the hopes of his eoun. try, the darling of his parents, d be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments or We by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging In a certain secret habit. So th persons must, before oontem plating stARItLAGI, effect that a wand mind andlbody are the most neoessery requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed withut these, the journey through Sib becomes a weary pilgri o mages the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be. =um blighted with our awn. DB. JOHNSON'S 'INVIGORATING MUNDY FOIL OR, ~1-i;lC~1:7:a1.i:~:. , ~~ By this great and Important remedy, Weakness of the Organs are speolily cured, and fa vigor restored. thousands of the most nervous and debilitated who bad mat all hope, have been Immediately relieved. All Impediments to Marriage, Play Meal or Mental Dlsquallii. da Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or likhanstioe or the most Staritti kind, speedily owed. TO STRANGE:RS The many thousands cured at thin butlntim within the hat twelve years, and the numerous important Surgicw operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by Um re. porters of the papers, and many other porsom notices ei which have a pp ear" again and again Mann, the public, besides Ms etanthlup an a poidnumni eliarootw• and vv. symtatMy, Is a saient guarantee to the aillimed. MUM OF IMPRDDENDIL —When the misguided and Imprudent v= d ot a triztre ends be has imbibed the seeds of this it too often happens that an Didimed seam of shame or teui of discovery deters him from applying to those who, education and re. speotability can aloes befriend delaying till the eon • 'Motional symptoms of this h orrid disease make thou appearance, affbeting the head, throsj, nose, skin, ato., programing on with frightful rapidity, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to "that Warne from whence 100 traveler returns." It is a mel ancholy bet that thousands fall victims to this terrible illseatie, owing to the unitarianism of Ignorant pretend.. era, who, by the use of thaideadis palace swarm rule the **Witt:Mon and make the residue of life miserable. Tc aneasiss...The footer's Diplomas hag In bit (Mae. sr-Letters most eontaln a Stamp to us on the reply lerliamedles sent by Mall mar No. 7 south !Wendt street, Baltimore. aprlB-dawl9 JUST PUBLIS U EU. A MANUA 1. MILITARY SURGERY 01, HINTS ON rHE IMKRGENOHN or Field, Camp, and Hospital Pravda°. HT S. D. GROSS, M. D. marasoit OP SOROZOT IN 7311 PIIMOOMN =ICU- o°U2al ♦7 rautAnianua. Per IWO at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORL 11Env 24 TEMIUMOBEEITERB 1 TilkiemOGaißßS, Ornamental Bantle, Japaneo. Metal. TlllRmommtk do do !ironed do TAIEIIBIOIIBI. Distillers Tla Cue, 12 Inch. THIBBIOIiBEBRS, do Brans Bound Double Boaln. TEDDiatomrads, Union Ooze, 112 Inch. 1110810_11XTIMs, Metall° Franke, 8-10 inch. 7fllEGßOurrents, %Lek Walnut aise,lo inch. i r EKRMOWEGuia, Tin 74-10 Inob. • We havejust received • fine lot or Teximmin R al various Orley end are =tem low. DRUG 91 snout, ilezket Or et HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, 1861. SlisuHunan's JORli WALLOWER, JR, Agt. GENE MAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. GOODS AND MERCHANDISE promptly forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Central, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroad' (lazd. HAULING AND DRAPING to and from all parts of the city to the different Railroad depots will be done at the very lowest rates. FAIdILINB removing will be promptly attended W. Orders .0.8,1 Braant RiaroPean /1 0 14 0 4.9 r 1 44 1 -10! de) ur it 'lollfager, will reweave premix ailentitm. —con signments of freight respectfully solicited. JUAN W4LLOWIIII JR., Agt., ap2 Mee Reading Depot. DR. IOKORY, OAK AND PIN K WOOD for sale, UO2 7U SW Irtt OR OORD LEND= 10 SUM PORODASIIRS ALSO, LOCUM PUBIS AND OHE97NU7 RAILS OUt 20 ORDER. ALSP, SIONE AND SAND bVR BUILDING PURPOSES. logien• of the suheoriber at his residence on the Ridge road uppoelto the Good Mill Engine House , or at the Yard, corner of Second and Broad streets, West Eiar•, risburg. [my274l] El B. COLK . REDUCTION IN PRICES I 1111RIN01111, Flaln and Figured. OAPHMFII OS, Plain and Figured. ALL WWI. DEL/ONES, Extra Styles and Quality. KBICIOA WOG SHAWL& different priced. FINE srOCK OF BLANKET SHAWLS. The prices iu all the abort (Medium orenonetiondwlU be found "lower than ever t "- at OSMIUM'S, an 24 Next door to the Harrisburg dank. LIME FOR SALE. /CUE UNDERSIGNED having embarked Lin the LIME BUM:NESS Is prepared to (death th very best article at short uotee, cud at the lo west pr ices (hr cash. He sells the lime burnt at Columbia and also that burnt at borne. my29-43m Paint BERNHISHL A. CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN. • . PO close up the concern the entire stook of SHUBS, BOOTS, itio.,•late of Wirer Be I. man, deceased, in the rooms in the Market Square will be sold at private sale at COST; and the rooms will be rented to the protium if &aired. The terms. will be made easy. JelT-dtt BOAi Agent. REMOVAL. • quit. 11 BSCRIBER would respectfully ± littoral the public that he ham removed his Plumb. lug and Bross rounding establishment to No. Sou th Third street below Ben's Hotel. ThankfUl for past pat ronage, be hopes by strict attention to bestows to merit a continuance of it. ap12.01 J. JONES. NOTIOE. rill :LE UNDERSIGNED hae onod hie ± LOMB Willa, corner of Third gar berry allay, near Berr's Hotel Dr- .liambar of all kinds and quilt/es. Imadt by W. 41.: -rhea adonittoitel *in 7ell Honer lOarriarsivastrnak.. ass low for nub, ALSO—Worm and Oarrlidgan whin) at the UAW Ake. mull wtttee A. utleeAY. Oity Property for Sale, ALARGE TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE and lot of ground, pleasantly located on Front St., between Mulberry street and Washington Avenue. Also IWO LAttilE PIANOS In good condition and of ex cellent tone. Apply to WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS HOTEL, CARLISLE, Cumberland county, Pa.—The pro prietors take pleasure in announcing that they are now prepared to receive visitors. Persons desiring a healthy location for the summer will and this one of the most de lightful places in the country. The water of these springs cannot be surpassed tbr.drlnlcing, bathing and medicinal purpoose. For Intbrmatfoa and druclars address WM. H. BUREAUGHS, D. 0. BURRO r, jelf• 2m Proprietors. 1861, 3D OPENING 3D OPENING 1861, or SUMMER DRESS GOODS Or avast DINOIIIPISOL The quality of the goods for the pile* wilt be an Induce- ment to every one to purchase. The mast desirable pods of the season at a great sec edes. tdOZAM.I3IQUEB; ALEN , GRIEBALIAB, V, CREPE D'IPAN QS MERGE ANGLAIS BROCADE POPLINS, NEAPOLITANS. LAWNS and LAVELLAE are among the Ila CATHCAWr & MUM. Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. SKELETON SKIRTS: The largestpthook.of the vary beat make to be Ibund at CATHCART 3, _ ,te x t door to the Harrisburg Bank. Parasols, Sun Umbrellas and Umbrellas Twenty-Ova per cent lower than can be purchased Nowhere In the city. CATHCART & =OTHER. N 0.14, Market Square, myee Next to the Harrisburg Bank. JOHN B. SMITH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT BM., Harrisburg, Pa. A LWAYS on hand a large assortment of Li BOOTS, SHOES , GAITERS, &1., of tbe very beat enmities for ladles, gentlemen, and childreas , wear.— Prices to nit the limes. AU kinds of WORK. MADE TO OBDIR to the best style by superior workmen REPAIRING done at abort notice. oolle•dtf JOHN B. urn", ffaxembarg "OUR GOVERNMENT." 6 411. H E unity of Government, which con j. sautes you one people, Is now dear to you."— Moskitiptan's Ykretorli Address. A nationality is essen tial to the enduring prosperity of our country. True pa triotism must Wee from knowledge. It Is only a proper understanding of our civil institutions that can Induce strong and settled attachment to their, principles, and Impart ability fur their maintenanee. ~ O UR GOVERNMENT An explanatory statement of the system of Government of the Country, " contains the text of the Constitution of the United States, and the Con Baku tonal provisions of the several States, with their meaning and construction, as determined by ludichd au shatior sod precedent and practice, or derived from ttsiteemi ...item; digested and arranged for popular use Prim qM 9 0 14 M. M'SINNEY, del rrieburg, FLAGS 1 FLAGS I! _, OTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES with Notintat doom, =Et PAL & with lc view a dip of Rattishluik, printed sad for awls si FMt . a. . . 0. 0. 2IMMXRNAN, No. 28, South Second street, Misullantaus. PROF. O. J. WOOD'S SESTORATIVE OORDIAL BLOOD RENOVA.TOR. is precisely what its name indicates, for while pleac. ie is tt o the taste, it revivifying, ezbilarating and 'Mining to the vital powers. It also revivi fi es, re. and renews the blood in all de eri‘inal purity. thus restores add renders the system otivninerabie . Itiatiaoks of diSessie. It li the only preparation ever rto the world in a popular form an is to be within each of all. to cosmically and skillfully comblntid, 0 to the most teal tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted ao AR roam , • . ACCl:lll°Settl WITH TEM LAM or ELMS, AND BIM toga! Tinrwvasmitr erausen and WOO up the di gestive organs,aud allay ISH nervous Irritation. it totals° lettecil7 exhilarating II tie *effects, chit yet it in never gdmiwad by Luanda -r depression of spirits , ills um posed entirely of vegetables, and those thoreugly Dom binieg powerful tonic and soothing properties, and colt s quently can never Were. As a sure preventive and cure of CONMEPTION, BRONCHITIS, INDIOINTION, DYE. PEPSI*, logy OF APeRTITR, FAINTNESS., NER VOUS IRRnABILITY, NEURALGIA PALPITA TION or LIU HEAR; SLRLANCHOLY, HYPO. CHONDRIA, NIGHT SWEAT A, LABOUuR, GIDDIDESI, AND ALL THAI' OLAiS OF OASES BO FEARFULLY FAILFAL °ALM FINALS WlLucNsss, AND LIIREGULAKITMA THERE IS NOTHING- ITS EQUAL. Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Lives oem plaints, Diseases of the Kidney, or any giseral derange ment of the Urinary organs'. It will not only sore the debility foil swing Ll' :ULU and FMK, but all prevent attacks arising from Miasmatic Milanese, and care the diseases at once, if already at tacked. ...reveler* should haves bottle with them, ae it will tnfalhbly prevent any deleterious consequences follow. lug upon change of climate lad water. As it prevents ounivenses, strengths°. the 'illgesUve organs bi , It should be in the hands of Mi persona of sodas. Lary hats, baaleol eon accustomed to much out-door srendse should Mail* ape it. Mothers should use It, fir It is a perfect relief, taken a month or two before the Anal .vial, she wilt pace We dreadfal period with putlect ease and safety. riutstl OS No altarnis ABOUT rt. I HN Odittit.a.L Id ALL WE CLAIM FOR IT I I I Mothers Try It !I And to you we appeal, to detect. the Illness or decline not only of your dangler° before it be too late, bet also your sons and husbands, for while the former from false delicacy, often go down to a prenittore grave, rather than let their condition be known in Brag the latter are often so mixed up with the excitement of boldness, that if it were not for you, they too, travel In the Sae e downward path, until it is too late to arrest their fatal fall. But tne mother Is always vigilant, and to you we coaildently appeal ; tor we are lure your never .faillug affecUon will unerringly point you to PROF. WOOO'd BASTOitaTIVD 00iclltaL AND BLOOD MIN uVAT:iI as the remedy whion should always be on baud in time of need. O. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, Now York, and 10l Market Street, rt.. tools, Mo., aud sold by all good Druggists. Prise Oats Lb tar per Bottle. jytl-daw-eow JP c ,v EIEVISS DIAMEM AND CHOLERA ANT/DOTE, Tor the cure or.theitio thetraming maladies, estimable to the taste. Areealdter should proem* • bottle of Mt, 'valuable Nebre they take up their line a marsh. For sale at O. A. DANNY/AT* Drug m)4-411m flarrlabstin', a • ALLIFIRMAN. HENRY PEFFER. OFFICE—THIRD STREET, (SHELL'S ROW, NEAR MARKET. Residence, Chestnut street near Fourth OITY OF tuatusßutsa, fliNteA. my I 2 11A1 WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DIOTIONARY I best defining, and pronouncing Die. j. urinary of the Intirhab ifulguage ; AISO, Worcealath , Woad Dictionaries. Wetister's Pictorial Quarto and School Dictionaries tbr sale at BOMPFICK'S BOOKSTORE, aplit-LI New Um Harrisburg Bridge. OUR UNION & CONSTITUTION 6611 UR bIOVARNMENT," by M. innt, is a work bonumning tae b e y of TIM WM= 13t010, giving 1110 ouostrocition 01 lii Terms and Provielcuif, tinowint, the relations el the several Slates to the Union and wan other and exptalni ng gene rally of Government of the 0 Jun try. Priori it Sold, end orders supplied, by him, at thtrria• berg, Pa. Agents for 00111a101 and Stales wanted. I HE ATTENTION OF GENTLEMEN 1. Is solinited to our very larp aaeortment of UD1D12121111111311 stn DELAWASS of every Mae and quality. Gana' JiMvms Sm Gummi, beet a rt iole manufactured. All the different kinds of Warta Guavas. Largest assortment of flommtr in the city. CaavAnt, duarsmons, liamacsamuars, Ready Hemmed And everything ill Genie wear, at CATHCAI{DS, Next In UM Rarriebury Kruk FRESH ARRIVAL or Homan, SSW% glue, Mum, Llomcurt, &LIM Gomm. Brut ems, flisart, 11►k*ow la Bum, Woofs Pun, &0., Jut remelted and for male so the u3worr mane mums Lible WY. DUO& JR. & 011 STAGE LINE. rain( HARRISBURG TO JONESTOWN AND RETURN. rpHE subscriber would announce that he 11 Is running a regular line of Magus from thla city to Jonestown, Lebanon county, every other day ; it leaves Harrisburg every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings and returns the next day ftoin Jonestown. Passengers and small parcels of goods wilt be carried at reasonable rates. For farther Inibrmation enquire at Buck's Hotel, Market street. Iya4mw WILLIAM YaratilEß. WANTED. TO BELL PACK y y of stivitubleis JIMMY, at lilt en one third law than Gin on purcheand elsewhere. (&I on or address (stamp eoclosod.) .1 L. BAILEY, indit-diHod No. le4 Court Street, Boone; Mean SPICED SALMON 11 VREkill AND VERY DELICATE. Pu up neatly In live pound atm. J• 26. WM. DOCK, Jr., &Q t. BIBLES I BIBLES I 1 A Large and thoroughly complete stock of BIBLI COMPRISING EVERY VARIETY Prom the Smallest Pocket to the largest sized and lino FAMILY BIBLES, Has lust been purchased and received tram pie Fan Trade Sales. Having Purchamed the " ILITRIEXECLH LOW RATES, they will be sold at a very soma advance. Please call and exatiOne the stock at BIEGNIR'S CEIKAP BOOKSTORE, 61 Market Street. EMPTY FLOUR BARRELs. 190 LARGE NEW BRIG .11RT P T FLOM liditallS In goad oondition for mai U• 191 .wit MCII4 71.1 404 BY From Washhifft)n. Proclamation by by the President, ORDERS OF OBBIRAL WOLELLAN. The Rebels at kequla Creek lire upon the Pawnee WAstancerort, Aug. 16. By the Preticknt of the United 'Rata of itineriat; A PROCLAMATION. WEMaus, On the fifteenth day of April the President of the United States, in view of an in surrection against the laws, Constitution and government of the United States which had broken out within the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Ifissiseippi,Lousiana and Texas, and in pursuance of theprovision of the act entitled "an act to provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrection and repel invasions, and to repeal the act now in force for that purpose, approved February 28th, 1795," did call for the military to suppress said insurrection and cause the laws of the Union to be duly executed, sad the insurgents have failed to disperse by the call of the President ; and whereas, such in surrection has since broken out and yet exist; within the States of Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Arkansas : And whereas, The insurgents in all the said States claim to act under authority thereof, and such claim is not disclaimed or repudiated by the person exercising the functions of Govern-' ment In such State or States, or the part or parts thereof, in which such combinations exist, nor has such insurrection been suppressed by said States. Now therelore, I, Amazszat Lnworai, President of the United States, in pursuance of an act of Congress, approved July 18th, 1881, do hereby declare that the inhabitants of the Said States of Georgia, South Carolina, Vir ginia, North Corolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, - Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi and Florida, except the inhabitants of that pad of the State of Virginia lying west of the Alleghe ny mountaina, and of such other parts of that StAte and the etther Btates Tarlitbefese named, as may maintain a loyal adhesion to the Union and the Constitution, or may be from time to time occupied and controlled by the forces of the United States engaged in the dispersion of said insurgents, are in a state of insurrection against the United States, and that all commercial intercourse between the same and the inhabitants thereof with the exception aforesaid, and the citizens of other States and other parts of the United States is unlawful and will remain unlawful until such insurrection shall cease or has been suppressed, that all goods and chattels, wares and merchandise, coming from any of said States, with the exception aforesaid, into other parts of the United States without the special license and permission of the President, through the Secretary of the Treasury, or proceeding to any of the said States, with the exceptions afoxesaid, by land or water, together with the vessel. In want:mg/hereof I have hereunto set my hand and mused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done in the city u 1 Washington, this, 16th day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and of the Independence of the United States of Ame rica the eighty-sixth. ABRAHAM LINCOLN By WIIII.UL H. SWARD, Sect'y of State Maj. Gen. Moire • 1 1 has issued an order re voking all passes for crossing the lines and im posing strict regulations in relation to such pass es. This morning many rumors prevailed as to the effect of a batle at Acquis Creek represented as having taken place early in the day, but an officer just returned from that vicinity stated at the Navy Deparionentthis afternoon that the secessionists there bad fired several shots at the Pawnee, probably from rifle cannon, which she returned. The forces were too far apart to in flict damage, and this is all there is in the story. AFFAIRS IN NEW YORK. Law& of the New Gun Boats, ARREST OF A. SECESSIONIST. A Loan of 45,000 Pop& Sterling for,the Rebels in lila Poesession. IMPORTANT PAPERS AND ; LETTERS r F CMI Nsw Youic, Aug. 16 The first of the new gunboats will be launch ed to-morrow, another will be- launched next week, and four others in fifteen days. Thomas S. Serrill, a violent secessionist, was arrested on the arrival of the Persia, with forty five thousand pounds sterling on Bank of Eng land notes in his possession, being the proceeds of a loan for the Confederate States. Serrill is a New Orleans man, of.about fifty years of age and very wealthy. A number of letters and traPertaetlapas were also forted in his PRICE ONE CENT. New York Newspapers and Sympa thy With the Rebels. ACTION OE THE F. S. DISTRICT COURT. 141Uw YORK, Aug. 16 The grand jury of the U. S. Circuit Court have presented the Journal of Commera, Naar, Day Book, Freeman's Journal and the Brooklyn Eagle for expressing sympathy with the rebels and ask the advice of the Court in the matter, saying that they will be glad to learn that the conductors of these papers are subject to indict ment and condign punishment. THE JEFF. DAVIS AT SAN JUAN Nsw Yonx, Aug.l6 The privateer Jeff. Davis arrived at San Juan, Porto Rico, on the 26th of July for provisions and water. Martial law has been proclaimed in Venesula. The General and the Bishop, The following account of "two moral slaps in the face," administered by Gen. Goyon, of the French Army of Occupation in Rome, to Mgr. Merode, the Papal Bishop, is at once scan dalous and amusing. We quote from cones poi/deuce in a recent number of the Paris Pays: "A scene of a grave character has lately passed at Rome, and one which shows how greatly the sentiments of certain mew bers of the Papal Government differ from those of the Holy Father, who never speaks of the Emperor without testifying to the gratitude which he owes to him. In a recent affray between a French and a Roman soldier, about a woman, the Frenchman was wounded. According to ex isting conventions the Pontificial soldier ought to have been given up to be tried by a French court-martial, and Gen. de Goyon claimed him. Mgr. de Merode refused. The General then ap plied to Cardinal Antonelll, who admitted the claim, and gave orders accordingly, Mgr. de Merode still refused. The question was brought before the Pope, who ordered Mgr. de Merode to give up the soldier. Mgr. de Merode obsti nately resisted this sovereign command. He went to Gen. de Goyon in a state of great irri tation, and with threatening gestures spoke in a most insulting way of the Emperor Napole on. The General then ordered him to be silent and told him that since he wore a priest's dress he could not give him a couple boxes on the ear, but he desired him to consider himself as haVing received them morally ; and he added that if he (Mgr. de Merode) would throw off his frock, he would take off his uniform and was ready to fight him. Mgr. de Merode took re fuge in his eccliastical character. The General answered that in any case he maintained the moral chastisement, and he at once sent to Fort Saint Ange for the Roman soldier, who was at length given up to him." How A "PlA031" MIZONO Flll. TO Frooss.— A secession "peace" meeting was commenced at Borough Hall, in Stonington, Ct., last Fri day evening, Luther Ripley in the chair. He appointed a committee of five on resolutions, of which only one member was a Union man. A set of resolutions, said to have been prepared by Ephraim Williams, Jr., late candidate for secretary of State, was read. They were very bitter toward the administration, and down on the "unholy war." On being put to vote they were voted down almost unanimously. The secession sympathizers immediately smelt an uncommonly large mice, seized the lights and made a stampede for the door, when, (as the report in the Palladium says,) !•some went 'downstairs head foremost, and some on their backs, aided hi their flight by a few Union boots, when two candles were found and the meeting continued." Aa Isninacers Viou.ssaa.—A young Creole lady, who was a teacher in Charleston, and had taken no pains to suppress her Union senti ments, found it more comfortable to leave than to stay in her adopted neighborhood, and there fore she applied at the bank where her little savings were deposited, but was peremptorily refused her own until she could produce a cer tificate from the Vigilance Committee that she left without any suspicions attaching to her character, and that the money would not be used against the Confederate cause. She was too proud to countenance such bisin uatiOns upon her motives, and in turn refused to observe any such formula. Her French blood gave her a claim upon the French consul, whose influence secured her her rights. A cause must be weak indeed that settles its hopes of strength upon arch unseemly precautions as these. Issouttos Bascxxn.—A correspondent of the New York /braid, writing from the Bedford Springs, narrates the following incident : "An interesting little occurance took place at the Springs, a few evenings since. A secession family from St. Louis came here for safety and to spend the summer, but made themselves obnoxious to visitors by the oilensive parade of their traitorous sentiments. One of the young ladies of the family p araded the house and walks with a "secesh' r badge, and at last ap peared in the ball room with it on. Duringthe evening she took position with a secession part ner on the floor for a cotillion, when her els anis left the floor and was followed by the balance of the dancers. • Nothwithstauding this rebuff, she attempted it the second time, with a like result. Next day, the whole left the Springs in disgust. ANODE= ARREST NOR TitYAWN DI BALTEMORII. The Baltimore Sun of yesterday says : "Before the breaking out of actual hostilities between the United States and the Confederate States, and before intercourse with the South had been interdicted by the federal government, several business houses of this city removed their.stock of goods to Richmond, Va, prefer_ ring that city to Baltimore. Among them waa the dry goods honseof Messrs. Larder, *nth = & Co. They carried their goods by way of Washington, and were not obstructed, poe of the firm, Mr. L. L. Lanier, retruned to this city a day or two ago, and wel;i., yesterday arrested by the fe d era l police on the charge of treason, h , h av i n g furnished aid and comfort to the enem y. He was taken to Fort McHenry, where he is now confined." A VoLtaM LOOII3MO FOIL A Lamm .11MMILI TAROIL—The following correspondence recently passed between a gentleman of lowa and his son, who had left college lo'fight for his copn trY Jf.—lf you enlist, I disinherit you. ; B. 8r. ,.., 1 "B. Br. Without &country I want no inkier -. turn waisted. 8., 7r." D