Lints of Crave & ransportafiott • ,' TURKS TRAINS DAILY TO NNW /ORR. TWO TRAINS DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA WITHOUT OHANGR OF OARS. N AND AFTER MONDAY, NNE 10, Tr na will a the Pt'liadel tii • 4.r No. - oft p - t vl : ,sent EASTWARD. Etl o leaves Harrisbur at 9go ar i gLY II" 'Wants Thilroad Ex p ress Train Worn the Wart, etrinvinglit Neer York at 4 p. m. A sleeping oar Ls &nulled to the train through front Pittsburg without TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 a. m., arriving In New York at 4p. m , and Philadelphia at 1.25 p. m. FAST ISMS leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., on arrival of PennwilVinda Railroad Fast Mail, arriving in Now York at 9.45 p. m., and Philadelphia at 8.40 p. m. WESTWARD. FAST LEHR learee Now Yore at 6a. m. and Philadal phla at m., arriving at Harrieburg p. m. HALL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil adelphia at 8. 15 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. imRBB9 LINIt leaves New York at 8 p. m. , arri ving at Harrisburg at 2.80 a. in., and connecting with the PanililYlSitunt Plapress Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping oar is also attached to this train . (Reflections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Ceritral and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsvtl le, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, be. Begmare 'checked through. Faro between New York and Hartisbnrg, $6 00; between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, SS 26 In No. l care, and 62 70 In No. 2. For Whom or other Information apply to CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. IZEI PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD BUMMER TIME TABLE Z 33 FIVE PtAINS DAILY TO AND kgV. , WA 141LACIELPHIA , ~., ON AND AMU/ 1101itlAY,' lIII.TE 10th, 1801, 3113 er trains of Me Peeeavreaula oallread Corn pang w Ol from and arrive at Rerrabore ---. Philadelphia ~,,,...A. , pea \ E .iikT AP. D. FAST LING leavestr urn every 'awning (except Monday) at 1,16 a. m., d dyes at, Wed Philadelphia at 6.10 a. m. , i MODEM RUBIS) TItAN leaver Earrllburg daily at 0.20 a. in., and arrives ai West Philadsima at 1.10 9. In. . MAIL TRAM lea* * Harriburg daily (aural day) at 5./6 p. e a d arra, at West Kluane mat 10.111 p. in. , . Timor trams make moat euthotion at Ptilladeipnia 'nth tie New York Linen. AONGINNIDATION OO No. an via Mou at nt, Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7, M., and arrives Watt PhiladelphDiat 12.00 noon. &LUNEBURG ACCOIIIIIOOON TRAIN, via Colum bia, leaves Harrisburg at 1. in,, and arrives at West Pialladelplns, at 626 p. m. , ACCOMMODATION TRAHNo. 2, via Mount Joy, Wives Harrisburg at 5.15 b., canneoting at Diller villa with MAIL TRAM, inittives at West Pldiadel 1 phis at q.ll p. m. , N - W 'F. a 7 le.Pel lii., THROOI/B WiZityll4s 1.2141 re 4 1 limicipma at 10,20 p m., Bandobsze a t ' 51 ',Z011 - a m l'.-- I . 80 , A. is., and scOroir stYlusuolP 6 his to 1 '8 ,_ yes ebi ap. ri. and i l ier .Th 4 1.00 p.izi ' at as AO , 1 ...:20 .. PAN ' Utatiedfflig If • ' n 49 43 trill" r Arrives at Pitts burglng nnatiana . b og et 111.80su ltt. .7,III.ODATION rt, , taltitnigria. 4.064., Lauxamer B.oBy "Tee libliadelphia sal** yes at llsmis burg l'h - g . ,. m i,, 1 „,6.45 F. in.tri o , rrisburr i at 8.05 p. m,%11 This Train wan 0 im . l' u nbillYklr m izz- NorAiglettaien W u all NAtZpra... / • Nri eitk tJor aMt P. In. ~.r l'a m i t ., I nnaal Mlt -62 .- r : k an ' d atl l l ri r t t- .144trialnul r e....7, mrprantio ...r tatlilla .30 p. m. N, A la Called to the Met, that tr alle... ,7see Vial ma aa ti aa a l Mot 4.00' p. i n ., t oured' at 1. 8 2 ..0 ..,„ 4 4 0 Philadelphia at 4.007.4, MOUNT, JOY ACCOMMoDaTION TRAIN, an, Harrisburg at 9.80, p. m SAMUEL D. YOUNB, • Supt. Rut. Div. Penna. Railroad Harriabareduna 7, 1851.—dte. Belot , Soho°lz for Boys and Girls' , • , SPRIONT STItf.iST ASO WIC LOCUST. • I Ili FAIL tOttu of ROBERT M'ELWEE'S A artfool for imps, will , open on the feat Monday in Angina. I.tle rood le waif ventilated, oomforlably fur ulsbNl, nu,l In every respect well adapted for school purposes. OATilattlN/ IVELWESni.Siihool.-tor girls, located in the same billditlgt will open for thefall term at the same time. The room has been elegantiy, fitted up during the Paostkm, to promote the health and comfort of scholars. CITY LIVERY STABLES. ELACEBERRY ALLEY IN THE REAR 01 REEKBROTEL. k., HR undersigned has re-commenced the livery bluenose In hie NSW mud SPACIOUS ars located 118 above, with a huge and varied Moak o HO hire at OAHHU raLOEStes. and 01 1NlailtiM, whteh lie wli attliH Reiterate F. K. SWAM kUY LIQUORS AT COST 1 Mr APING concluded to discontinue the Inieleese We oiler our large aid eemplete.aseort meld 01 FM WWI; B NUM NS, and Winona of every de. mil= akcolt wit 69.4" 'l'497;l4:Afieji 0PP0104.1 the,4bun I=2l litinellantous. A New F e ature in the Snioe Trade! TMPORTANT TO ROUSESEEPERs E. R. DIIRKEN & CO.'S SELECT SPICES, On Foil, (Lined with Paper,} and Atli Weigh BLACK PEPPER, GINGER, NUThir WRITE PEPPER, ALLSPICE, EACh CAYENNE PEPPER, CINNAMON, CLOt Ku, MUSTARD. IN THIS AGE of adulterated and tas le. less hpiess, it is with confidence that wo introduce to the attention of housekeepers these superior uud genuine articles. We guarantee them not only ABSOLUTELY ASD PERFECTLY PURE, but ground from fresh Spices, selected and cleaned tk) us expressly for the purpose, without reference to cos . They are beautifully packed in tin foil, (tined with pa. per,) to prevent injury by keeping , and are BLEU WIOHT, while the ordinary ground Spices are alnico invert& bly short. We warrant them In point of stren gu and richness of flavor, • • BEYOND ALL COMPARISON, as a single trial will abundantly prove. Every package bears our Trade Mark. Manufactured only by A. R. DURKEE & CO., New York For sale by WM. DOGE ,JR. &CO. V 261 4 11ftdl if B. M. =DEA; D. D. S. STAIE STREET, OPPOSITE TEE BRADY HOUSE. All 'opersitions, Surgical and Mechanical ja.soleatifloally performed. Charges moderate. Jea . :NEW COAL' OFFICE, , 11HE lINDETLSIGNED having entered in. ±to the COAL -tßaDrin city, would =spot:Mull) solicit the patronage of the citizens. I will keep on band Coal of all sires, from the Witt celebrated and , approved mine; which will be delivered to any part of toe city, free from dirt and other , impurities. • FULL GIIABAZIMD. COAL"sob sats yr tint Boar LOAD, OAS LOAD,ox &seta ;Persons ptirohaning by the Boat or Car Load mill receive 2,240.p0imds to toe Ton. Offit N0..74 Market street, second door from timber ry alley Yard od the coota, toot; of North street. Ut Mors tot t at either place will receive Adopt attention. 64119 . !MIN W HALL. AttOnt PROF. Alloll.ll P. TEUYSER. W:OULD respootfully intorm his old patrons and the public. generally, that ne wit continue to give instructions Oli the PIANO FoltTE,, LODEO, N VIOLIN and glee the science of TROBOUGII BABB / ' He Aveth pleasUre wait upon pupils at OWL homes at any hour deleted, or iessom will- be givens* his residence, Di Third. , Ktreet, few doom • below the BeemanMier .4 ed (#ottpla. • . detilb-the Ste.igrfr 4 gor 74-414101 fr (sratotOtiesaissoia slims.) UNlON 4c 'PagVELOPES. .I\TQTY, PAPhil f Of . six different deidgni, A:I anted in tint; colors . , sold by the thousand and by th e ream at say ones prime. Alen, Flap, °Mob Brevet floss Begins, Utdoti Wage end Badges at very low prices. OW as myB 8011111711103 11(.101C811.88a. STAGE LINE FOB GETTYBI3IIBG FARE RFl)(3oillei TO $1.25 THROUGII TO 414TYRIIITRG. rvitE undersigned has established a y regular LINE 0 "srAGs OUACHE3 hom Mechanics burg, =mouth% e other morning with the Cumber land Valley MS. The coaches leave every every Tuesday, Th y_ and saturmiy, rotundas every other day. P tbr snegptrdmown, inlLMurg, Petersburg and 0 are carried at mama rates. J. TATS. ST. aura HOTEL, OBES Plf ',AI ABOVE__ 7111 RD, - • ALIA. N the imd4.l. neighborhood 01 the J9bbing flour*' 'Markey, Third and Uheanu. sireetal, the Ha/11E30N*, t 1 ae, Iderohants' Szobluage - _ , amp wag on Ito , it.ffrt. • t --0 6 :! NuazoibicAnt 11.41... bunter between 111 3 °topes, 60 ciente. illogic room 6 nut A 0400 eur up .. : ,1, A Sint chi& Reetaersa\ Wombed: Prices *TA:ceding to Bills of Fare. ' The Qty Cara take 14re from any Station to OZ -. close to the Hotel. ,vy-Engash, French, , erne, cfp,eideb spatula. api grad strotiE .POit, tiALN. ~ , , to_BILDIN G VON,K cA. &ow) SllitiAilld IQ" Vor ttirapikiug purpom-4 wi lib dbli.brat - to any Par of the Chl or KB vionity: a.• "o ilmen if , WPM, Jr. GREAT RED U T "lb lir i E PRICES 1 _ _ _ WHEET.EI) & WILSON'S SEWING 4ACHINES, NEW IMPROVEME Arr: REDUCED 46 PR I CES , Fr.l3E WEE - 0114 g . it, AVILSON Manutao x Wring OompanY , tdig gs. lad . aLL their Maga .at la w, %with infringing man .terert of gewhigligaottioss, propiMe that the public s/404 be benentted thereby, and have accordingly redus. .'he prices of their dewing Machines. After this date t will be sold at rates that will pay a fidr profit on the tof tnaanfacture, capital invested, and egponse of lag sales - snob prime will enable them to malt i ciao. disedgEi", lag; " heretofore, guarantee theirso y ipaitaalar c A I. In accordance with - ttit n content above t- *di sell their spleudid Sewing Saab es at prices from HO tas9o.for the fine full case as. It la a well estab lished fact that the Wheeler & Wll4, cwinp Machine Is the best one in the. mark i best made, moat snpie and leant liable to get out o f nr;and they are now as low as the inferior maohla :. 'UI and see them a Third and Market. , del-Om . ". Q. HICKOK, Agent !! C 7 F. 116# intiT a.112E TltairSpNO sass or lUD Wll4ow .: i • k iiit LINE. !!!! !!! ! ::: 1C! un ii; r 6Z . T. I 4I,IBPORAMON LINE Ir tae Writai i 7raeiNt, LOW iniD A. MIEN arg & 'tift -- 21 - a Ulan.- - , ' A I , 7 13 ti * , ....3k, at Tor -- .MV7 8" . t `iir__ A"*en4 ',Tao F. for Y. _k m 1143.TJ Ji a l t ,64 WOMdi4 4 72:•-- 4 " U Clrir TALLOW OANOLM. *.- ' 7 7., 1 ,-.._1, t g 4 MiL /Argo lot oltike Rbov• iu *Wee aad tore, .F 1 --. dig MON bff Nt f "411. 0 WM. LOCH Ht. & Llf • - ' ima2 OppOlilla the Court House. , 10.111=1 A VERY HEAVY STOCK 01? BLIAOR AND SEOOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS I OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JUST OPENED, At Prices below the Coat of importation. MI AT CATHCART'S, mayB - Next deal,. the HatThsberg Bank. FARMER'S HOTEL. , ber begs leave to inform his I r . HE subscri M friends and th e public at be ham taken' the PA sat = Rom, in Market street opposite the Poo Gill ee, formerly J. Stahl% Cove ha is prepared to llecom mo dals thorn on nameable %MA. Having retitle/ and furnlalitH the Home entirely now, be hopes by stri at at • Mallon to bealneaa, to rewire a liberal abate olx=in sge. farrYAndi , B. IL P rr SOLDIER'S BOOK, , :at7-r a. M'Ert i 3nte3syll'et tinohcnte4 S!k " e the lure:.P n aten o par . vdi!thoik . . mourosik prim*/ .. 011 .:., . ,', 1 • . asionakdirCia .'t PE ~ftcDi~al Ayer's CATHARTIC PILLS. ARE YOU 81(1( , let. I Aro yuu out ul order, with yodr •yaien deranged, and your feelings uncomfortable? lbe„->e symptoms an alien the prelude to serious illness. 'ionic lb of sickness Is nteeping upon you, and should be averted by a timely use of the right remedy rake Ayer's and cleanse ant the disnriored numors—imri.y ih blood sod let the fluids move>, duoustructet r again. They atimu- Ate the tutu:limit of the holy utln y igurens activity, po rtly the system Lieu, di asc. A old settles somewhere 10 the body, and oh-ira :Lan- 'attired ,unctions. These, it not relieved, reset ditOu tileutselVes and the surround ing organs, prOdueim: eo.ertt - ,4;ravdtiou; sulfuring and disease While in this madame, opt resod by the de rangements, take Avers Alis, and ace how directly they restore the intent! action tr. syblesn, and with it the buoyant [soling of b...tith • von. What is true Mali so aPPayent in this tiiral ru.l .i”inmou Complaint, is also uuo In many o. ind dangerous distens 'peril.. Ilse sante purgative etlix expels them. Caosod by slpillar obstructions ana derangements of the natural functions 01 the body, they. are rapidly, and many to them surely, cured by >the , same. muses.. None who • know the Virtuosi of fills will neglect to employ 'hem when =enuring from the di orders they cure. Statements Irons leaddig physicians it some of the prlnfllpal cities, and Irons other well known public per Wm. • Front a Forwarding Merchant at St. LOUIS, k eb. 4, 1858 Da. form ; your Pills are to paragon et ail tha, great in medicine. They have u: rod my little daughter 01 ulcerous ,soree upon her ban s and feet that had proved Incurable for years. Her in Mier has bens len t . griavlonsly 'afflicted with blotches and plulples her stin and In her hair. After our child was cut• d, the also a lee ;hut Pills, and they have c ßA ured tier A MORGKIIM As A &tams Perm - (Brom Dr. E. W. Oartv right, New Orleans.] Your Pills are the priuoe ot purges. Their excellent qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are mild, but very certain and effectual in their ,ettou on the bowels, wbleh make them Invaluable to us in the daily reatinent of disease. EILWAOBII t you IiSADACkII, F01:11. 8101 1 / 6 011 IFrom Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. J BLit BRO. AMR : 1 cannot answer you wear com plaints 1 have CURIO with your Pills better than to any allms seer Crept with ct rinjattne inedfcsne. k place greatidependence on au equates. cathartic M my daily centetit with disease, and believing AS I do that Pills afford BB the Met we have, 1 of course value them htghi, Pm:minus, ea., way 1, lebb. NO. C. Area--Sir: '1 have been fepeatintly cured of ..fle worst headache anybody can have, by a dam or two yeetr Pais. .t seems to arise trout a foul stomach; which they cleanse at once_ Yours' with great respect, • El). W. PREBLIfy CIL rk of Steamer Clarion. Humus lbsounsas.-1 t al COUPLAINTB. erhak_....U4lllo4Bool. 011111, Rere-1.41. Not only and your tills tet.o rably adapted le their plirpatpe an aparotat, but I Aud their beuudelai enacts open the iiver.veryt marked lidoetL they have in my "onto proved more ettectrud tor the cure .31 thautinta than any one remedy I can ElletilleM. • 1 sin cem reit:fee that we have at length • purgative widen a worthy the conftilenoe of the profession and the people. Dr7ARTYSNT 07 TEI LLITIRIOR, Wasnington, D. t., 7th Feb. MO.} 91r: I have used your in my general and hospital pesottee ever dime you ...mile them, and ealSllol hesitate sayithey are the bee. catn..rti. we employ. lne'r re galallig action en the I ver ie gook and decided clime. quentiy they are en sa.air,iult rennedy for dermigument of that organ, indeed, aeldoin found a case of Biltoul Disease imobeim ae Obit it old not readily yield to Weil. Fraternal* , y...ur.s, ALUM.° BALL , B. it., Physteum t line Martha Llospital. Dvaserninv .eaaaco.a Rata; Woineh 1170111 lk. J. a. d rem:, et Othougt..l out ethilli%vtrtiad 4. nog trill a my pr Antic°, and boat ent In isteein ac ono Di tun anti, %tenants 1 nave ever =LA, their alterative &led. Upon the liver macs excellent remedy, whom:lA.lNa in Jamb doses tor Lifsentery anti tharrboat. ingarcos Ling them very acceptable and tatuvattierit for the use .41 n and children. , Inerasets, ul.POlinrY OF Blau. Bl (From Nov. J. Winn% PactOr AdraUliinUrch, tioatoo. Dr. Mint ; t have hied your Ville with extraordinary SUCCORS to my Madly and among, those I tunnelled to VIE% In d WIXOM. regulate tee organs of dlgestkin and pu, rhy thó blood; ,any are toe very beet , remedy I have ever known, au i i can coandently recommend t 1 to. my trlenda. xnurui J . v. ni µLogin, a yuni:ug tni., N. Y., Oat, 14 . , 1546. your iJatharttc 11118 In my pranks, and ti I Man au excellent purgative to cleanse the dyptuta and panty the /outitnins of the blood. JOHN U. DiIIiAOHAH, M. D. • Danai4Vanon, UJ,hve *Li surrnne3lo;ll. ltnatimavier NITIRALL4I,4, PAILALTEU=TO. • [From Dr. J. P.,Yanghn, Montreal, - 'I , Iten.itlannOt he maid of your Pipe for the care 01 —lt einem or your tiateeniti have found hot one an I nave i thei nhoUld loin me In pro, chain j it tor, the Defiant of the multitudea whu sutler trona ceMplatut, which, tlthough had nuough In R. dell, Mu progenitor .11 OtittiTS Wei are 19*.iel. 1 bi. 11191) Coati anal tiiitingtiulakan the , aver, lint your Pala Itaftt that o gas and eurelhetlisease. .... ~ ro,...Worileis.l i i ?P ° ° E4Y'f•' . 44 . 4 1 0- ~,PhYgI I F , P4 14 49 1 „,_ it, limo, are sapaikeat . promo/11 1 'de of lea. ...tat .. ~ ,es Witt; vtiollf dr p a r t i ally sup Pressed., !tut' 0 .iry 4 eetetr McgitamMthearturamt aratairau- lamogo r t ,„3 / "..mintinAnn t ning ohyese we biraeAbat Lrieverafl Nokia purer to uty tattleuta. , . ' I if , . . , final l MoGer. Rt.. Hawke% Oahe Methodist apateOped -Cburcb..l Younit.Etuvaa, SavuniuM, Ga. Jan. tY, MO. BONOWILD Sari I. sbOoki be aurgratehrl , tor the Mica I rum. othi ban joyugm me it IMO tatt„neport my hosa SO you. , !t cold i 9 101 grbruo4l4lW".. 4.l=ltiotont ink b 141ra W h ikar 911 c0P- ad . the bast Of pl 4 sus • thcf4Uu grew wired had: Wow" whit. byTtno advind:i ot your eloaliont agent lu thdtitaore. Br, itairmusia,,k tried Yuor Pills. Their elfeetr wore slow but sure. B Y removal r in the use ut them, iam now entirely welt. „ . „.1 . , i , „ant CHAMAtk, 111141.011 Vil_OW, la., Dee,U, ow 1 mi. Avidr. : I have tarot olitftWouted by your - 14Ra, or Elhirunudio hoot-- or,tatut Masson that brotallltuled me tor years. VINUINT, aLapau... i _.... Sirßloat of the Pills in maraet oonkala — rldei' - sury which i , although a valuable recoaLty" to 81[10.14tt+ hattda, to - dangerow3 in a public pill, from tae dreadful oqusequen we that frequently follow its facautfous yp Theee mat& DO mercury or *item substance whatever. 'Praia 26 rants per box, or 2 boxes for . Prepared by Dft. J. - 0. AYH& & Lowell, Maus. cold by 0. A. Bannvirt, O. K. Heller, D. Wardle It a, J.M., Lutz, Holtman & b., Armetreng, Harrisburg, Ina dealers every where. a 1? # ) DAVID HAYNES, 110 hiMUM, ST; jj/ HABItItRURG, Ageut for A.l E'S PATENT Wrought and Chilled Leto Sire and ittirglar Proof sEitZLIE 6 ' &JIB. - Strictly the ONLY fdersautue Nile made, that is both an a art Rnrahlrillt mar29.dly C S PARAFFINE 0 4NDLES, • . SPERM. LANDaa.,- ' - • - ADAMANTINE CANDLES, STEANINE OARDLEs, 3TAIt CANDLES CHEMICAL SPNAtte CANDLES TALLOW CANDLES. arse lot of the abet. " iONERB eppointed under the Act of Innerporallottof the eity of Harrisburg having made a plot or draft of said city, designating the lanes and alleys now dilating and opening, aim Wee where streete, Lanes and alleys shall hem eSu3r be opened, and also dad/Rahn Within the limns of said city a plot or piece of ground, °pendant, not tees than twenty acres, for the use of the public and of rod city, for the porpoise and 'nisi mentioned In raid &al and having submitted their draft and report to the Court o r Q u a r te r seatieas, of Dauphin county, for the approval of saided uce d Court the are l i d draft ,th : wy re itteparsl part uta bav in e w : m7 Ated Lin by order of said Court t o the oars of the Clerk of Quer. ter sessions Of maid county for public Inspection ; and un load city, the same will be appro ved at the August term of said Court. Ely order of the Court. • myl.ditw SIGN OF THE ' Glorious Star Bowled -\ Banner I A NOTHERSUFPLY OF WALLPAPER j!lmamas, BPLENDM WIj(D tN , MANMe, which we Gail the attention of our Mentifoood oortaily Invite them to examine our goods and prim* We are determined to sell cheap. Mind,the .013.0 ABP I the FERM fisayhtbu rg MwOKSTO.RIg, AUGUSTIN E „L. A C VIE. 0411„PENTER AND : Resideme No. 27 .Nore Sane • . B—JO ATKIDTDRO TO illistellantous LADIES' WINE. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Jry SPEER'S SAMBITCI WINE CELEBRATED for its medical and nano ecial qualities as a genuine Stimulant, Tonic, Pk retic andc highly esteemed by eminent pis dans, n some of the first families in European America. SPEER'S SAIIIBUCI WINE IS not a mixture or manufactured article, but Is pure, from cultivated Portugal Elder, recommended by Chem ists and Physicians as possessing medical properties su porter to any other Wines in use, and an excell tat arti cle for all weak and debilitated persons, and the aged and infirm, improving the appetite, and benefiting ladial and children. A LADIES' WINE, because It will not Intoxicate as other wines, as it con tai's no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and is ad mired Or its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties, imparting a healthy tone to the digestive organs, and a blooming, soft and healthy akin and complexion. None genuine unless the signature of ALFRED SPIER, Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of each bottle, KASE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE. A. SPEKR, Proprietor. Passaic, N. J. . Mice 208 Broadway, New Yolk. J. H. EATON, Agent, Philadelphia. For sale by D. W. GrOss,_lt 00., c,,jr„. rgpmer, John. H e and by dressistcostisdlily. -- - 7 ' bi-daWIY.' nea t i , Cure. DR. LELLAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, IS Itul ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia AND A AUBE CURE FOR All Mercurial Diseases. It is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a Mel t Gated compound, to be worn around the waist, without injury to the most delicate persona, no change in habits of living is required and it entirely removes the disease from the system, without producing the injurious ellecta arising` from the use of powzrful internal medic (nes which weaken and destroy the constitution, and give tempcirary relief only., By this treatment, the medical properties contained in the Band, Come In contact with the blood and reaches the disease, through the pores of the skin r effecting in every Instance a perfect cure, and restore • the parts afflicted to a healthy condition. This Band la also a most powerful Ann-Mirsotriam. agent, and wilt entirely relieve the system from the pernicious ef• %eft Of Mercury. Moderate eases are cured in a few days; end we are constantly receiving testimonials of its efficacy in aggravated oases of long standing. Plum EL 00, to be had of Bracelets generally, or can lose aw ti. "•••• ,••• vratn-rroannt IMI!), ld any part of th e country, direct from the Principal Office, No. 409 BROADWAY, New York. G, SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors N. B.—Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE -ifs J9B -PP , 84ETHING FOR THE TIMES ! I A Necessity in Every Household I ! 'JOHNS & CROBLEY'S Arnv 'can Cement Glue ~3rongest Glue in the World tj S. ING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, Y, CHINA, MARBLE, FOR ' El . I , ALABASTER, BONE, i CORAL, &c., Ac., &c. The only article of the kind ever produced ch will withstand Water. EXTRACTS : "Ivory housekeeper should have a supfly of Johns at 4erican Clement Glue."—N Y. Intan. Alt la so lanventent to have in toe house"—N. Y. 110141 kt. "It is al ways ready ; thlscommendi .. to every body." te. Y. tuntraNnzari. • "WO hissiejried it, mid fled it an useful in our hone as }serf'=Witsaa Pour OF san Times. • kiOte 25 Cents per Bottle. Vert Reductions to Wholesale Dealers. TERMS CAM. Fbrale by all Druggists and Storekeep ers genaegy throughout the country. JOHNS & OROSLNY, (Sole Manufa; cr turse,) 78 (Otimer ' Liberty Street,) Nsw Yonir. JYV.,4IY VABNONABLE CLOTHING. uluxo ‘,AND SVIMER STYLES. 18 6 1 P KAMM Lit3BIONt3. G= - ' WAS STOKES' -- • .-. PRICE GIFt 0 r EMPORIUM No. ow tr-castizi A saperkinoo 4 00: 1:..H62 MARX= 13TREIkT, Harrisburg, Pa., opposite Etzatra Rem and adjoining the 'eying Porehaeed the fleet or le. yanalaire, a large eiwortnient or NZW JAW ILRY, watronage Will sell the same at the lowest cash p ri ce, and Waal Make and Away neatly and promptly griped anti delivered. as. ALFRED P. IILIINIBman i 00. Rating disposed of my stock et Jewelry to A, F. Zim merman k 00., I obisertally recommend them to my Ste rner customers vmelted and . expeolimeed Watt& Yakera end when tor theme continuance of the patron. Imen me generously extended to me during ale Mot at: yearn. . sn29 mai F. mama WISSIME BRAD_ _ t 1, BAIA_ No. 1, lIERBXNe; No. 1, COD ,H No. 1, ' • 1121UKBRE1._ , No. 1. or jet abeveire.bave dlearrit steed package tom the ant to the num= In .tor and for Bate at the meet swerket rani DA)I6 WY. DOOR, Js. it 00. ORANGE' AND LEMONS. LIORt prime order just hi „L' alived BOX •,„. • • WIL DOM a. aO3 gpitiKCANDLES 4'. 4 lag. agli ngAlier 4101.1140/* $1 • + A 4 " WIL;100K. d~c'a AJO. . a . a , — as IC» r'.14,17. . . tdRl3 WINBLOVir orverienpod Nom and Fatale Physician, presents the attention a mothers h SOOTHING Si.RU For Children Tr ethlng. which greatly nacUttatee the prome td teeth*, by eoft ening the gums,reduchig sU inilammatioa.—win they Al I PAIN, and spesmodle salon, and It OBE TO BEGULATE THE BOWICLE. Depend uptetlizioth It will give rest to Yorindilva• AND, Rn. PM' AND .TH TO YOUR IN, AN'TF We hams put up to i sold this article Inc over tea yeard, and can ser i O coammums um rains, what we have never beep able to say of any other Da n NNYBK .E.te 1T FAALWD, IN A SIMLA nisTexpF to A CURE, when. timely need. Never did we to ow in 1 nstartes ot Altatathdhetion hp idly due Whb.milid It. On the contrary, all are delighted with lie °Rem hong, and speak In terms of highest ceiniondattoa Its magical elbow • . aad medical virtuea. We Speak fa this matter ~w fus WTI DO issow, after ten rows' expo. Amine, earn moot etia itiosrwrias von tut mitaitaarn cm WHAT WI HMI maim, In abeam every WO** whore the infant is shinning frOIDIIHHI mid exlienstkei, re. Delwin be found le Mean or twenty minutes atter the syrup Madministered • • This valuable premsanoo the preserlptou ed ows of the most ItIPETHAINCED and 3 1, i/XWVI. NIIREIIIB tD New Engbuid, end has been mod' with max MOW mace In rtimmM)k or wibr It not only relieves' the child from pets, but !new orate the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity and gives tone and energy A.. the Whole eyeteib. wi ll at mod Instantly relieve GRIPING DT TtUr DOWELS, AND WIND OOLIO, and overcome cOnvabiloas, which if not 'apeedU,9 inlet died, end in death. We believe it the searand WIWI =MDT 131/ ato Mesa waste,all vane of DVEINNTIRT Amt. DIARRIAL9 • IN. CHILDRKN, whether It • arises limsi. teething or froM akir. tither We *Mild my to' every mother midi his it child Mdkatug Ibom any 01 the foregoing, complaints--Do nem Leg TOITh PPP rex PUMICES or ceransi, stand' tetirer I EO4 ISM safiering ellikl.anyltherelle(Jhal wll l .Ol l HOLIITICLY SURE—to %Now the use at =soft., it timely maxi' rtri directions lbr mift Vilfacoompany each bottle. ; None wianine unless the Ihe-nhalle,an afliTTEfh F laND,Sew 'Pork; is en the cattail arrnppei- Sold- by ibingslitelhkenghloit: the weed f.yinoipal I ,'tae, No. 111 c0dir..41., New T y r • • Price Lonipts"ooipitill tier ,q-For Bitto Alitiebtirm by'S. W. NM& Wilhaj Ite 19Market street. P" • . K. Keller. No. 111,,M 4 - •e ii. f . • i. v3 o,_‘,ll`.n.AVZ, B 'Holland Bitters. DYSPEPSIA., Liver Complaint, Feller and Ague,&c. lea encressful Introduction end use Of ibis tole. brsted Remedy has been the signal, for. a literal flood or compounds celled "Bitters," offered to visions corms, front a quart bottle to a the-gallon keg; until this word "Bitters" is but another name for " grog," or some vlllanous whiskey mixture. But the rattily greet relief desired from the minute dose, ono teaspoonful, of our medicine, • BOIRHAVE'S HOMAN - II lIIMERS, end Ae entire absence itit qfler prestratlem, has eats. bibbed Balt a reputatien which the hooter imitations and counterfeits have tidied to undermine. It Is post! tively a vegetable preparation, with barely iralhciont -purempirite to preserve it. But one size of the genuine, (Half-Pint Bottles,) price ONE Douse. It is a medicine of long tried efficacy for Purftittp Me Piled, so wwential for the foundation of _good health and 'for - correcting diaordent of the atone& 'two or three doses will convince the of of Its vir ape 141.56.1.• trrength, a healthy action of theliver bo•w, els and, hilneya will soon take place, and renewed health be the quick result. Por .INDIGESTIOIii, Try ikerhave , s Holland Sitters. For rrEARTBtat.N. Try Berhave% Holland Bitters.' For A CITATI", Try Berhave's Holland Bittern. _ For WATERBRAS.I%, Try Berhave's Holland Bitters. For IIEADACIEW, Tay, Berhave's Bitters, For LOSS OF AFFETITE, Try Berhave's Rolland Bitters. Bar COSTi AtzLei kt SS, 'Try. • : Berhave's Holland Bitters. For Pri:ES. Try ." • Berhave's Holland Bitters. in all Nervons, ilheumitlis, and 'Neuralgic' Affec tion., It has in numerous 'rudeness proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. Read Cie .479534 . 3r4 The genuine, highly-Concentratd liammtn gin- LAND 'lrmo le put up AL haltphd bottlea only,,Od retailed at One Dollar per botfle; The greet aimed tr.,r thiadruly celebrated medicine :luts hadneed many . Ito itatime, which the public ehould miard , moans" purchasing. B,cure of mp6iiiime 1 See that our were is mi me 1.1 err rybOttiu you buy. Benj. Page Jr. &Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, PITTSBURGH, PA For We to the dty of oy D. WSIDOBB & 00. :• JEWELRY, , WATOB44, 4 01001 ES, ' ' FANCY GOODS, &(.. , ALFRED F. ZDIMEMAjr & . 4......., ,,,A1...,erdr i ZO. 52 MARKET STREET f Pa., opposite Hairs's l eim : Am r . ~/ 3°:a2 Allll l Veren. Siegel's skirmisher s, ------- "`oluided In the battle , reports that utt attitdc_on th e . rear ' of the rebel thetike'. BPALDING SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I eavx ; ISI'PIQ&i _ DIIPA R 4 KOONOMY sri% mace ue sun Imo mani".4o/ Ai aotaiden‘i",w4a owl in welivegologelfeataka it la very daidrabbi to have sane @Wispy and oonvanieni way er repairing linnittnni, T. araelairy, as SPALDBIiII "'MAW 44 meets all nab eamegetwei..aad.aa beasebobi aaa amen Se be without lt., r lt *always reedy ap to the agek ber Pint "MM. IN MIRY aousi.,, N. B.—A *mob accoppinien mob bottle, Prise,/ dr 4dtriefai " ABNEY O. BPLLOONI, irik. l 4B oedararaiii, prewl/2rak.' CA .I4TA" AR penal taprimulorsaalatlOMOSlN*Pala the vasmisctim initatfMli PR/I 4AIIIIII EWA I oaiitioß all pairfallge `t ' esataN 'bre par ebatoi, obi abe - tkist thitull oil r SlitePALD*CeePatka3C4lattiar ill a,uroatourynip t iop ikethwitionyindus:easia -.-r- ittebital "They go right to the Spot," INSTANT FLIILII/F1 ?TOP YOUR cou,,if PURIFY yotra BREATH, bTRENGTHIN TOUR Figur SPAI_4.DI.NG-'8 Throat Confections, LB GOOD FOB CLEIIGYMEN, GOOD FOR LEOTUIDEB,s, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKEIts, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSUM PTI E., OIiNTLEMHN CARRY SPALDING'S THROAT CON FEJ LAMA ARE DELIGHTED wn b SPALDING'S THROAT CON FEC 116 CHILDREN CRY FOr SPALDING'S THROAT CON F Theylllllm a Cough Instantly They clear the Throat. They give strength end volume to the enire. They itpnart a delicious aroma to the breath They Ire dellghtilil to the taste. They lira nude of simple herbs end cannot Ewa k , - -] ;one. advise every one who has a Cough or a Or a Dad arca*, or any difficulty of the Throat paciago of my throat Ooollectlons, they will rallzr - aeseistly, and you will And them very useful ILIA plc. autiritlii MairelMF Arxramc,, ^" , t-• .. t ill4S Your thirst . If yo. v ; ~., I lam ;114 li - NW% Wet you will et t a la: warti4 cover the, Mdtepeuslble. You Rill ual :he.: at the Drumlins sail Dealers In Modicum. PRIDE TMEn'X-FIVE CENTS hlipaAttra 1. OD each psokage. All other sr• tafblt. • • AA be seat by mall, prepaid, on Tkitrt• Oda& -_ Address, HENRY 0. SPALDING, No. 48 OLDER STREET, NSW YJR, CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE NERVOUS HEADACHE, AIL KINDS OF HEADACHE 11700 lain of Um" Rib the periodia attacia Me • INA Headooke may be prevented; and tf Oki cninnanseenient of an attack Itemediate retie! (net Yldlt;lndi beobtained. T 2 ,ll7l l loponkinaljn removing Nausea and Floadacn, which fooOn are so 'Moot. 71 4 74 May upon the bowels, remuvlug tt.lhtUu Mien, Students, Delicate Vointlea, and p } arlo~ y OE : let!bentary habits, they are valastna to a brepilrling the APVTImi, giving roots AND VOL, 4fie. Illitettventiana, mad restoring the velar Ilittneth to the whole system. 7.41}1 GRUA= Pada are toe mula ua mu, ...uau gallOka*Cllllll744 conducted experiew:AN u.a a 1.6 years, during Which UWe LLcj 4,ve tri • liiat4l4 . kit relieved' a Tilt amount of paw au.t frCll Cltll*iaokles whether otiginattng in the nexua lb l teYi arfrOm a dsnhged dale Ofthe tiontach. 1.10 7 are ent**l7 vegetable In their oomtwettlea, May be taken at all Umee with perfect safely Imakttia any *nage of dket and tad deem of 3ny tat • W, Odeigi, radars it our to administer Oust :, :ltitren =WARN 01 COUNTERFEIIz The gonolne have Ilvengnatureo of floury C on oak Doz. 9 041 1011.101 p sod all other dealers Iv A Box will be meet by mall prepaid ye rt.:apt,: la; macte Talerrir.inve C/ININ All orders should be Addressed Le HENRY C. SPALDING, 48 Cedar :4re.d. )ea 4ar• stage bow. of Li .ad ilViktred didirldllal Lac L,.,• HEN _Atalibury, Lawiauurg, poo .44.1.,2=a 5a, an line, And A, agont 0. A Goode not PEADOWL, ?ALL s LIINCH.o.o eod 110 Markel &reel, above Illgtott, by Will Harrieleora, ready for deliferl. c P. Spi•lkt yuu Ins EMwriPtki sa d WA BARRELS. —Two Impty iaroiegar d Mae thirrate ng prim. WALLOWER'B LINE, TWIT =TWAIN BURG and PH /LAD ELYI I i;t Wlls., Burk, Agent, 812 Merkel sired, 1' tulao ' . ! "Pilia, formerly LifiNtgOn 4 - CO. e 3 Oondnotor in oharge of 0,01 . ~ ~.......,,_ _. iist7 ins daliveral al OW Waralk)LLSO, eall.o, - .. "L. 0.614 x 1 1L P. PA, out tkl dellirrdd I+ ,4 " .."..k r J. WALLOWER, JR., Aiout. 1 0:141g Once Reading Oelpin, thorlooarF ___.....0 o li sd R i m ma received : DUCK ig. se A-MB.—'rbree. ibuldred Extra 6LY4' FIRST OMB GROCERIES LARGE AktßivAL ! tiLivorci SUET RETURNED !row the SW= eider :Wiwi we nave select& MO :hi 1111.211S1,04810Atfte and complete assortment dl du. embraca Anything keptw rhxd WO reapeettally and eordany inv.!. die acs -111"11:11. end cumin oar stoat and IafICI lkj Wk. DuCa *IL pock{ .{B . , 6 COJ