ERN =MI _ tints of grafi 1k eransportatiou NEW DIY LINE ROUTE THREE TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YORE. TWO TRAINS DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. QN AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10, pa a 1861 a t- lead i ng Puee ßa P ir g oa er d Tr 4r in t w al l iatre e bt b r e g, P r h v " Ti l e e w l. York and Philadelphia, as Ibuowa, viz : -EASTWARD. =PERM LINE leave% Harrisburg at 9.30 a.m., on ar rival or Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 4 p. m. A sleeping oar is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change. HAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at Et a. in., arriving In New York at 4p. m , and. Philadelphia at 1.25 p. in. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast Mail, arriving in New York at 9.45 p. m,, and Philadelphia at 8.40 p. m. WESTWARD. FAST LINE leaves New York at 8 a. in., and Philadel phia at 8 a. in, arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. in. MALL TRAIN leaves New York at 12,00 noon, and Phil adelphia at 3. 15 p. in., arriving at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. REPRIILiS LINE leaves New York at 8 p. in., arri ving at Harrisburg at 2.30 a. in., and connecting with the POllllBllllllllllll Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping car is also attached to this i rain . Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and. at Rewlin4 Mr Phil Wl:Aping, Pottovil le, Wilksabarre, Allentown, hasten, Ru. Baggage checked through. Baru between Now York and Harrisburg, 25 00 ; between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, $3 26 In No. 1 oars, end $9 70 In No. 2. • For tickets or Mbar information ap?ly to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrieb erg myls PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD! BUMMER TIME TABLE FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AMR. MONDAY, JUNE 10E4 1861, the piumengeg taloa of the Pennaylvaubt Ralltoad Com• pang will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Palladelpiaa as ['allows EASTWARD. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg every morning (except Monday) at 1.15 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.10 a. ' THROUGH EXPRESS TRAM leaves Harrisburg daily at 0.20 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.10 p. la. MAIL, TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sou day) at 6,16 m. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.16 p. These tndas makeelose connection at Philadelphia with be New York Linea. At..I3OIdMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, via Mount Joy, leaves Ilareaburg at 7.00 a. and animas at Went Philadelphia at 12.00 noon. IiARRLYBUINt ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, leaves Harrisburg at 1.10 p. and arrives at West Philadelphia tit 6 26 p. m. scoutIMOVATION TRAIN, No. 2, eta Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 5.15 p. inoL, connecting at Diller vale With MAIL TRAIN, and arrives at West Philadol phia at 10.15 p. WESTWARD. taxoucat EXPP.II2IB TRAIN Mayes YUMA()lpbta at 10.20 p m., Harrisburg at 2.85 a. m, Altoona 7.20, a. m., and artivaa at Pittsburg at 12.00 noon MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia al 7.80. a. Harrisburg 1.010 p. in., Altoona, OM P. in., and arrives at Pittsburg' at 12.00 midnight. PAST LINE leaves Philladelpilla at 11.20 a. m., Harris burg 8.86 p. m., Altoona 8.10 p. m., sad arrives at Pitts• burg at 11.30 a. m. HARIMIKIRG ACCONMODAMON TRAIN leaves Philadelphia It '2.80 p. m., Lancaster 13.08 p. m., Col umbia 0,46 pi in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.06 p. m. This Train connects at Harrisburg, at 8.00 p. in., with Northern Remittal Railroad Train for Sunbury, William& port, lack Haven, Scranton and all paints North. ACCORRODATIONTRALN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00, p. in., laintaater 7:150 p. m., Nount.loy 8.21 p. m., Eliza bethtown, 8.87 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.80 p. m. Attention 1.1 called to the tad, that passengers leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m., connect at Lancaster with MOUNT, JOY ACCOMIMATION TRAIN, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.80, p. m. • SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Haut. Inv. Penna. Railroad Harrhdinrg, June 7, 1851.--di.t. Select- &hods for Boys and Girls' Mi ( l ) l ' MT AttO V Itl LOCUST. • i.orzu of ROBERT Pit'ELWEE'S , Alool lur boys, will opou ou the last Monday lu August. t•• 43 room la.well ventilated, comfortably fur olobedou in every respeat well adapted for school parpotes OATLIAHINI WHLWEICPS School tor glrle, located le the same h dining! will open for the Fall term at the name time. The ream has been elegantly, Wed up during the vac pu ation, to promote the health and comfort of sobolara. nil•dU CITY LIVERY STABLES. BLAGEBZIERY ALLEY IN TER REAR 0.1 ELERE'EROTEL. HE undersigned hes re - commenced the livery Waltman in his NEW and SPACIOUS MTh located as above, with a largeand varied atonE o go aisfusuEs and OhtbatinfifM, which ha MI aap2B4ll, hire at mpderats rake. F. K. SWARI2. LIQUORS AT COST 1 VirATIPTI.,G. concluded to discontinue the JUL , we oiler our large aid comploteessort went 01 Fare Wine, B mire la, and liquor* O every de. moription withooteeerm alms co.. %POW td@ coin CE3 Oblate Ay er's CATHARTIC PILLS. RE YOU SICK, toot • - Adult:kg? AAre you out of order, with year armour deranged, and your feelings uncomfortable? These symptoms are often the prelude to serious illnees. Some At of sickness ts creeping upon you, sad should be averted by a timely tree of the right remedy, Take Ayers Pills and cleanse not the disordered humore—pull:y the blood and let the fluids move d, unobstructed, n health again. They stimu ate the inactions of the body tuto v 'prone activity, pu rity the system Irom disease . A eold settles somewhere in site body, and obstructsits Lateral functions. These, U not relieved, react upon tftemselves and the surround mg origins, producing general aggravation, suffering end disease. While in this condition, oppres s ed by the de rangements, take Ayer s tills, and see how directly they restore the natural action of the system, and With it the buOyant feeling 01 health again. What is true and so apparent in this trivial and common complidat, is also true in many of the deepseated and dangerous distem pers. The saute purgative alien expels them. Caused by similar obstructions and derangements of the natural hmetions of the body, they are rapidly, and many ot them surely, cured by the same means. None who know the virtues of these Pillsß, will neglect to employ , hem when haltering from the di,orders they . care. Statements from leading physicians in BMW et the principal cities, and from other well known public per From a Forwarding Merchant of Bt. Louis, Feb. 4, 1864. Da. ATMs : Your Pills are tit, paragon of all that Is great in medicine. They have cured my little daughter of ulcerous sore upon her han a and feet that bad proved Incurable for years. Her m Aber has been long grleviously afflicted with blotches and pimples o.i her skin and in her hair. After out. child was cared, she also tr lee our Pills, and they have cured her. AAA ifORGRIDO B. AO A FAIIMA PERIM MOM Dr. It. W. Oaths right, New Orleans.) Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their excellent qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are mild, but very certain and effectual in their autism on the bowels, which make them invaluable to us in the daily reatment of disease. HsaDtGDti HIM Li/ADAMS, FOOL STIMAOH [From Dr. illward WA Baltimore.] Dias ago. Aria =tun answer you wear com plaints I have CURED with your Pills better than to say U that we mar treat with a purgatfes mains tee. 1 place great dependence on an effectual cathartic in tny daily contest with disease, and believing as Ido that your pills afford us the than we have, I of course value them highly. Mama, Ya., May 1,186 b. Da"). O. draw-Sir 1 have been repeatedly cured of be worst Aendardse anybody can have, by a dose or two iyour Pills. t seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. Yours with great reaped, ED. W. raBBLE, tirt, rk of Steamer Clarion. Baton pIaOaIMRS.-1 Owittaline. Ilfrom Or. Theodore Belt New York City.] Not only are your hits ;ably adapted W Weir purputle as au apariout, but Weir beneficial enacts upon the Liver very marked i deed. they hay. in my practice proved more effectual tor the cure ul Bilious Oomplalute than any one remedy I can mention. eerily rejoice that we have at length a purgative watea is worthy the confidence of the profession and We people. DIPMMILI4II , 0/ VII MEMOS, I Washltigton, D. U., 7th Feb. 1866.1 Sir : 1 have used your PhD in my general and hospital practice ever since you wade them, and cannot hesitate to day they are the bed: cathartic we employ. ThWr re gulating action on -the I.ver L. go tek and decided conse quently they ale an autntrable remedy for derangement of that organ. Indeed, i have seldom found a case of Bilious Disease soubstinste Was it did not readily yield to them. Yraternally your A iiNJO Bahl , Id. DI, Plometau t the Marine Hospital. DY1116121110 01•1141,41 u. a Kau; Wake, 'From Dr. J. U. Wee; of Ohicago.f Your Pills h ve had a ollis 1111 tl n my prActice, and 1 fluid thew in esteem as one of Lnu nest aperients I haVe ever Maud. their alterative alba upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when tivun In BMW' doses for Bilious Dysentery and Libirrhois„ ricer sugar-coating makes them very acceptable and convenient for the use of womeu and childreu birevarma, button OF PBS BLOOD, (Froth Key. J. V. thmus, Pastor Advent Ulundi, Boston. Dr. Aran : I have Wed your tills with eatraordtuary success in my fatally and among those I am called to visit in distress. Tu regulate he organs ol digestion and pu rity the tame, .nay are the very Dist remedy 1 have ever known, 111341 I eau eth.tldently recommend them to my !Muds. Tour; .1 V. HMO. WARSAW, lie., N. Y., Oct. Al, 1855. Chian : em using year t,latharlei rills in my praline, and Da . tbem an excellent purgative to cleanest the system and wife the IhunwAnr of the blood. 40361 UKACIIAM, M. L. Omemparaut tkisraraane di:lrritant:nom, ItasemAtiam, COOT, isOßAtuiA, acorn, PARALYSIS, Nms, sm. , [From Dr. .I. N. Vaughn, slotitreal, Unlade.] Too much cannot be said of your Fills for the care al Costiveness. If others of your fraternity have found them ea eincaclous as f have, they ihonid loin mu in pro claiming it tbr the benefit of the multitudes who sutler from that complaint, cinch, tilltiough bed enough ill k een, is the progenitor .it others mat are worse. 1 Waive Costiveness to originate In the aver, but your Pille afflict that organ anti cure the disease. (From Mrs. 5. Stuart, Physician and kildwlie, Boston.] I God one or two large demo of your Pills, taxon at the proper timo, are excellent promotivas of the Natural euretiou wildly or partially suppressed, sod also ery siitietud waiting the atualsall and earn wound. ftiey are so anon the bust physic we have that scum. mend an other to my patients. (From the itsv. Dr. klawites, of the Methodist hipieropal Church.] nhAsn-Houes, SaVaauaU, Da., Jan. 8, 1865. &Muse Stn : 1 should be augratetui for the relief your sklll has brought me a IMO dOt report my mule to. you. A cold settled in my lime f nd brought on exeru clatin4 Neuralgia Pains, widen ended In Camino Rheu matism. Notwithstanding t this the hest of physicians, the donate grew worse ..nd *arse, until by the advice of your excellent agent tar- Baltimore, Dr. illakenaie, I tried year ems. Their ettems were aloW bill RUM. By personal ng in the moot them, lam now entirely well. Cliannsx, Salon Mug% la., Dec. 5, 1855. Da. Alas : I have been entirely wired by your Filla, at Rheumatic Bout— paamul disesse that bad &Meted me for years. VINCENT,WDXLL. ,a-Moat of the, Pllb M market contain Mercury, Whiuti, although a valuatdo remedy in skillful hands,'ls dangerous in a'public pill, 'rein sue dreadful consequen ces that trequently tallow Its inoantiOull use. These contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. Price 26 cents per box, or 2 boxes for AL Prepared by DR. J. C. AUDI & 00., Lowell, HUG. Sold by WA. Godavari, 0; K. Keller, D. W. Gross & Jo., J. Id. Luta, Holman & 00., Armstrong, Harrisburg, and dealers everywhere. sp27.Bindaw rIAVID HATNEI3,. 110 MARKET, 'ln. IJIABBISBORG, Agent hir LILLIE'S PATENT . Wrought and Chilled tree t nd Burglar Prod MAUD" alislll. . Strictly Um ONLY hienantg, m ade, - that la both re and Burglar Proof. mar2S.dly CAN DLES.I PARAFFINE CANDLIkt, SPERM CANDLES, ADAMANTINE CANDLES, STEABINE CANDLES, STAR CANDLES, CHEMICAL SPERM CANDLEN, TALLOW CANDLM. !sage lot at eke above le store and for atle it the tow est prices ber WM. DOOR & CO, OPPootto the Court HOMO. A VERY HEAVY STOOK 01? 131,A0K AND SEIOOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS I OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JUST OPENED. At Prim below - the Coat of lmportatton. CALL AT CAMEICAILINS, mph - Next doorlto the Noxrhshura Bank. FALWELL'S HOTEL. . ir,s HA subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has taken' the TA Rif , aa gun, in Martel street oppoalte the Pint OH ae, formerly J. Stahl% where be la prepared to &NOM aso date ti on reasonable terms. Having ratted and, r fernum the House entirely now, he hopes by Stri at at- motion to toeless, to reeelve M liberal share otpatron. are. l'aPlAsid) 0. PLUm. TEEsOLDIER'S BOOK, WKinnor s . „ow cwetion or the oomotato tioo of the United eit libemdkire lad ow. aeeurwe. tit 14d0.4 md an Manila , , IBIAINNIPELiereiaIL% pennoglimnia Mail!) degrap4, otrobag Morning, 'August 15, 1861. GHILOR itgaillat AA experienced Norse and Female Physician, preemie the attenLion of mothers SOOTHING S tit U For Children Teething, 'neon greatly lardlltates the promoe el teething, oy can ening thegoms,redocdog hdiammation—will allay, All PAM, and spasmodic action, and is SURE TO BEGIZATE THE BOWEIb. Depend upon tt, mahere, it will give rent to youreetve. AND, :M. r=t AND HE TO YOUR INS AIM We have put up and sold ibis artiele for ever to. years, and can air, me tommoimen Aro eamet, what we have never been able to say of any other metiloine, SAVER HAS IT FAUICD, IN A SMOLA INSTANOF 'once A OOHS, when timely used. Never did we know an. instance of dissathdhotion by any one who used It On the contrary, all are delighted with its opera Mons, and speak in terms of highest commendation a Its magical effects sad medical virtues. We speak tt this matter "mess wn no mow, atter too years , expo Ames, !ma moon otm mammon, .110 R ItrUILWIMI 0/ WHAT Wl sins textim In almost every Wistaria when the Intent Is sabring from pain and exhinatton, ro lief will be %wed in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered This minablepparation is ihe nt nire=ges ot the Most — M“=0111) and New England, and shas been used with ma Lomat moose In It not only relieves the child from pain; bra urna orates the stomach and bowele, corrode aeldity"an. gives tone and energy M the whole spikes. It w ill mast instantly relieve WEEPING ill TAN BOWELS, AND WIND DMA., and overcome convulsions, which if not speedily reme died, end in death. We believe it the met and ihriMl WM? IS womn, to all cam of DYSENTERY AND DlAlift.i.elLt IN. CITMDBEN, • whether h. arise,; from teething or Irom any other MONO. We would say le every mother who hes a child snaring tram say, 01 the foregoing oomplaints—no war re roue numeric* son us PIiBIODICOM ON MIMS, stand between you fad your mitering child and the mile that will be SURE—yes, && daITFILY SIIRE—Io follow the nee of this medicine II timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the iseedmlte 01 CORM & F itBEINS,New York, is on the otrUdde wrapper. Sold by ugglats throughout the world lincipal I se, No. 18 Cedar St., New Torn. Price only 25 Cleats Der Bottle arfor glue La Harrisburg by B. W. Groan & 00., tto Ma Market street, J. Martha Luis, No. WI Market street, 0 K. Heller, No. B'l, Market street, who" el Me! •ggesogs Muir" 07•.. I=lll3 Dyspepsia Remed DIL DARIUS HAILS AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. Secttottio ha been mad by the pebble fiir WWI Stereftdrig favor. to rooolunoadid to LC ?' Dyspopsos, Nervousness, anti-Bans Oilis rains, IFfied — in the &mach, or tie min the Aback, ik=Drowsiness, Sithety Sow s, Dens Spirits D,lirimes Designs, Inaisetp ra oz mums; Seinwiarni, P isms, set • WILL Kw larrennase OR tr itib A MEDICINE it is quick ml assts .", curing the moat aggravating case o Byspepaia, dney Oomplaints, and all other derange eat 0.1 Stomach sad Bowels, in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the moat Malawi+. ly an drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous . d sib. ly to health, strength and vigor. Perms who, Croat the hilticilcions we of liquors, have become defected, sad their nervous systems ehattered, constitutions broken down, and subject to that horrlo l. curse to humanity, the Dna= TIWILens, will, almaa immediately, feel the happy and healthy invigorating efficacy of Dr. Ham's invigorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. wine glass full as often u neesimary tine ticee will remove all Bad Spirits. One dose will sure Heart-burn. Three doses will cure Indigestion. One dose will give you a Good Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. tine doss will remove the distressing and disagreeable Mole of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the stomach receives the Invigorating Elpiel, tbe diotrealtbitt lad . rne all painful !bonny will be removed. One dose will remove the most distressing pato 01 either in the stomach or bowels. A taw donee will remove all obstructions In the Std..) Bladder or Urinary Organs. Versions who are seriously "Mated with any Kiiiow vompotone are sssurea speedy relief by a dose or two, And a radloalaure by the use or Obe or two bottles, NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, from diesipating too mph over night, and feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, in violent bead 'ones, Welcomes at stomach, weakness, giddiness, ato., will dad one dose will remove all bad leclings. Ladies of weak and sickly eanatitutione, Afield take tee Invigorating Spirit three times a day; it will make mein wtrong, healthy and happy, renews all obstructions and irregularities from the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn lase. During pregnancy it will be found an invaluable mw,. nine to remove dinagreeable sermatimui at the tumuli. All the proprietor eke Is a trial, and to Moen dile,. he one put up the Invigorating Spirit In pint bottles, lbe mite, quarts $l. thinerel Depot, 48 Water street, N. Y. • Wholeeale Agent, Philadelphia, D. YOTT, & OU. .1141 (or sale in Harrisburg by 0. A. Banntrart, D. W. Gnu a 00. and C. A. Kellen and by all Draggling everywhere jel4-dewly FASHIONABLE OLOTHEN. SPRING AND SUNDINit STYLES 186 1 . • PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS. GRANVILLE! STORRS' \ ONE PRICE GIFT OLOTHING EMPORIUM No. 607 12EMSTAVU2 BTRBR2. A superb stook of One french, ling Nth and American MOWN, • 11193IMEENS, and VESTINGB. Ror City and COnntry trade, with saunapproaehable sa sortment oi RUDY Nun Gunmen Cl the lowest Gash prices garnet ONE PRICE is sated, and a GMT at intrinsic worth and use presented with each article sold. Partli.mbizairsation paid to the Customer department, and garmente made aladaent to order to any address. In inaugurating this new, system of doing. easiness, GRANVILLE :STOKES would impress on- the minds of the patrons of his establishment, that the coat of the gift is deducted from, and ism added to the prise of the ant. ale sold. Nis immensely Increasing Salta enabling im to act thus liberally, cad at the same time to a remunerative profit. all articles guaranteed to give entire ORAIWILLE BTOKES' ONE PIIIOEOLOTRINO EMPORIUM 007 ongermuT ETHOS. ootail.thud—rdmartkdu• uommiRsiONERS appointed under ± the AM of Incorporation of the oily of Iferrishurg having made a plat or draft of said city, deMpatiog the lanes and 'Ways now =shag and °peeing, And :It tore avenues, strode, lanes and alleys shall > hese. alter be opened, and also designating within the tend'e of add city a plot or piece of ground, containing not km than twenty urea, for the ore of the pnbit and of "phi city, for the purposes and ones mentioned in Bald eat and having 'submitted their draft and report to the Court of Quarter sesaloos, of Dauphin county, for the approul of said Court ; the said draft and report have been Bled by order of said Court to the once of the Clerk of Qum. ter sessions of sabl county for public' invention ; and m ien excepts= are tiled thereto by pert= interested In said olty, the same will be approved at the August term of Bid Court. By pram , of the Court. myl-dtw Wit: clerk. Glorious Star SeEmsded \ Banner 1 A NOTRE& SUPPLY OF WALL PAM , ,BORDKRti, 80., SPLF.NDID wurpop Maim% ki 'anion wthem e oall the attention of our friends, end cordially butte to examine our goods and prices. We are determined to sell cheep. Mind ,the piaci; amaroSS' rpls•u . %eotx Herrtsburg AUGUSTIN E Cilhog. OARpENTEIt AND Il l tarzEk ‘ iii4iewe No. 27 &nh t, It,TOISENO 'AMENToko TO . . filisuilanutus. MRS. WINSLOW . mousemps OTthIMIS SIGN OF THE ittbital 4 - 1 urs, PILLS ABIIPROREIX BITTERS. IttEDICINhI3 have now been be fore the public fer a period of 'MINTY MRS, sad fur tog that time have maintained a high ohmmeter in al most every part of the Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restreing perfect health to per sona anitering ender nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable; The fol lowing &reaming the distresidng variety of hu man diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the Ant and second stomachs, and creating a low of wrs,flisal T V bl4,__lnstead ef the stale and acrid kind LENIN toss of Appetite, Heratburn, Headache, Bait lameness, 111-Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of llyspapda, will van lab, Y a eatural eionsequenoe of its cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the Intestines with a solvent process, and without via lam; all violent purge* leave the bowels costive within two days.: SEVERE of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular Mr , through the prawn, of respiradon In inch cases, and the thorOugh solution of all intestinal ob struetkut in others. The LILY MEDICS have been known to are lIIIRUILILTMME permanently in three weeks and GOUT in half that time, by removing kcal inflammalkm from the macaw and Upeawns of the Johan. DROPSIES of apliitide, by freeing and strengthen. leg.the kidneys &titian:bier; they operate most delight. fulli'on,these important mins, and hence hivn over beau found a certain remedy the the wont eases of GRAVEL NOE Also WORRY ky, inborn& from theWrn of the hennas theslithy matter to which these ras adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, - by the Perfeed.Parity whit:Agitate LIEN 0 NE give to theblood all the humors. , SCORBUTIC ERUPT IONS and BAD OOMPLIEC irorta, by_their &Iterate Alba ,npos the bids that feed the skin, and tto morbid state of which oecatikons all eruptive fithoplatnta, sallow, cloudy, and other disigneo. able oompleakme. EON of these Pills for a very short inie wll ellest an entire cure of SALT RIERIIA, and a glad_ _mini. prevenient in the clearness of the. skin . COMMON COLDS and INFLUENZA will always be oared by one ddeaq, or by two in the worst aged PILES..—The original proprietor of these mediesinee, was cured of Piles, of MI years standing by the use of the LIM MEDICINES alone. AWNED AND ADUM.—tor this mugs of the Week= isoliatry, them Medltems will be feud a safe; speedy, and swabs remedy. Other Medicate have the IMAM subject toe return of the diseuse—R ewe by tam Makdasse is cß LarmaßentTilir Tit, BM AND BE • BILIOUS FEVERS &BB LIVER 00E PLAISPVIL—amaaa Daman Lida or Amur; and DI Mate m riduae—the Medicines have been =al with themost homeland results In cuss of this descrip— tion -Slap LW and Serontbm,-In its worst tbrmn,yields to the sand yet powerful action of these remarkable Medi cines.. Nigh t Sweats, _Norms Debility, Nervous Com r t.of an kinds, Palpdatkm thet i Neart, Paint rei %R s DISEASES.—Piraons whom oonstitn lons have became bnpalred by the Injudicious use of Mercury, will and these Medicine a palmist cure, ma they never 611 to eradicate from the system, all the Moods of Mercury, Infinitely sootier than the meet power ful preparations of narsaparWa.. Prep tared and sold by SUFFAT, BBIS Broadway, New York. Forma by an Druggists.. Iy2o-dawly 15cgRHAV.V. is Holland Bitters Ern DYSPEPSIA. / Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &e. Tux summand' tutroduotke and ose of Ms eels. basted Remedy has been the signal an a literal flood of compounda called "Bitters," offered In Tallow arms, from a quart bottle to a threiptUou keg, until this word "Biters is but another name for grog," or some irillasous whiskey mixture. But the really great relief derived nom the Innate dose, one teaspoonful, of our medicine, mat,tvirs HOLLAND BITTERS, awl as entire absence of after prostration, Lea este. Wished brit a reputation which the host of hidtations and counts/bite have Said undvataine, la is peal:ll3r a vegetable preparation, with barely Walden* pure spirits to preeerve it. Bat one aka of the gensdne, (blf-Pint Bottles,) price Orm Mu" tt lee medicine of long-tried Minim , tbr Partirtag the Blood, xi essential,' for the Inundation of good health ,and fo correcting disorders of the stomach and bombe:. Two or three deem will 00111illia the afflicted of its salutary elltchi. The stomach will opeallly regain Its atrength, a healthy action of the liver, bowels and kidney. will soon take place, and renewed health be the quick BAWL . For INDI G ESTION, Try Berl aye's - Bitters. For lELIOARTIItrItN. Bierhave's Holland Bitten. For ACIDITY. Try ,:. ,. Barbara's ,Holland Bitters. For WATIEELBBASE4 Try Berhave's Holland Bitters. For HEADACHE. Try Berhaves Holland Bitters, For LOSS OP APPPTITICI. Try Barbaro's Holland Bitters. Bm• COST]. v siNEIBS, Try Blerhave's Holland Bitters, For FELE% Try Bterhare , s Holland Bitters. In ail Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Aires time, it has In numerous instances proved highly benelicial,-aml in others &acted a decided cure. Read Carefully! 1 - The genuine, highly-conoentrated Dastatvzos Rau team Burma le pot up In half-pint bottles only, and retailed at One Dollar par bottle. The great demand Mi. this truly celebrated medicine has induced many - imitations, which the paha) • should guard against .purchasing: Beware of Daporiliest/ Bee that our name is on The label qf every bottle Vots buy. Bud. Page, Jr. &Co., SOLE. MANUFACTURERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. CO7or ode to the dty Harrkb. as toy D. WORM it . -4.-e511711014k411 Eby, moon; = Ferrol' 'Gome l age ALFRED Fin:IMMO & 001 n 5 2 IdARKET 13TREAT, Harrisburg, Pa., appoints Snot Hamm mid adjoining the atomwoAstag purchased the steak of Z. Jeartirtip, and aaddded a large assortment of NHW data IMP, we wi age.ll mil the same at the lowest mask price, and w solleh ata Sm Gana and Jer, dry neatly sad promptly re :paired an delivered. ALFRED P. ninflintan di CO. Saving disposed of my stook of Jewelry to A. P. Zim merman & 00., I oheerfalll reeouunesd them to my for mer customer@ asprawou and* modems Walsh Mmkers, and solidi for them a continuance of the patron. 1 ire has tams es generously ea:tended to me during imit du years. . i li a, MUM P. JlOllllllOB. 3VIIIIIIEE SHAD . No. 1, SALMON, No. 1., BIRRING, No. 1, C ' ODISH No. 1, 410_11 No . L nttabovsm-bava an-ths m erest sue d ram ore to tha maul. dors and for sale at tat mat marked rinsa febl6 WY. DOCK, Ja. ar CO. . ()RANGES AND LEMONS. ItT"l' 'MAPIn. prhne order jget.te. • sad far ask 113 •, • NIL- DOCK ra. 4 00 lU . : . CANDLES .I t K laiiiii iiiipiarmeAkosmak .7 al t , :e a S ~- , WIL , OX Aka AM. u. 1.0,40.'"CA1 nMI "They go right to the Spot," INSTANT BRUM STOP YOUR CONK I PURIFY YOUR BERATE I STRRNOTEUIN YOUR VOICE I SPALDING'S Throat Confections, GOOD FOB CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOB IJNfilMatfl, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR KNOW, GOOD FOR CONIRMIPTIVRE. GI:NIMBUS GARRY SPALDING'S THROAT CONPBOTIONS LADL AU DWIGHT= wrrEt SPALDING'S THROAT - CONFBNIONS. calm= walk_ SPALDING'S THROAT TIIONFIVITONS. They rebore a Cough laateatly. They clear the Throat. They give atreagth and robin* to the vele*. They impart a delicious aroma to the breath. They are delightfel to the Wits. They are made of simple herbs and mama harm any I advise every one who has a Cough or a Busty vole. or a Bad Breath, or any difilatilty of the Throat, to get 11 paidemm of my Thrrat,CositeoUons, they will MIMI you Instantly, and you will Ind them, very mend and pleas ant while traveling or attending publio meetings for sill. ling your Cough or allaying your third- If you try one package I am safe in saying that you will ever after wards asunder them indispeasible. You will and Bunn at the Druggists and Dealers in Medkdnes. PRIDE TWENTY-FINS CIENTE My signature Is on each package. 'All other are soul Weft. • Package will be sent by mall, prepaid, on recast of Thirty °eats. Address, HENRY C SPAILOING, No. 48 018MIlt SITtriAT, NIFW YOBS. OEPRALIO, PILLS SICK .lIE ADA CHE NERVOUS HEADACHE) CURE ALL KINDS OF HEADAOHE By the .ow of these Ms the periodic' attadm,Of new or 4fisk *add* may be preTented; Ifiltd l (lofm the commencement of an Mick Immediate repot from pain and slam= may boatload. They seldom tall In remold eg Anon and Hada& to whisk females are ao subject. . • , They at gently. upon the Mande, ramming Cegvauss. For Literary Yen; Eltadente,.Dellote lhumaka,. and , all tenons of sedentary habits, they itre ; talwbh as a gamosokanproring the Arran sista; tor* Ain pan" to the dlgeitlve organs, and restoring the Ottnal Watt city and strength to the whole 470416. The amuse PILILA are ha result in long tavern gallon and carefelly Nada:tea expeibliatte,• having bees In wie In many years, during which Umeakeyhava pre vented sad relieved a vairt tintieuit Opal! and indfering from Headache, whether MOW* in the 1111111110141 eye. tan er from a deranged date of atom & They are entirely vegetable I i their ornipashlon, and may be taken at all thnei with perfect sanity alibis* making any change of diet nada. abstain. if any aka niwahlt auk maws !I any to adiatititian thaw le ehllOdel II .IV/1;4 ALKiitly4i The iambi. have Ave sign/Aura' Of 'Henry on sank b ox. Sold by dragging and , another defiles uunalloinee.., A Bon wtp be nut by inaillrepudd ea reeedpief the PRIM TWINTY4PLY2 . , All erderr" sbenld be addreened te . I lIHNRY 0. 13PALDINCt, is Seder Street. New Tort: WA stogie bfitne'ot &AMINO% PIIIIMIND BLiJJtI will rove top th Ite coot sannall7. BPALDING'I3 PREPARICD GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUIS I t3PALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! thivz.isx purasit • MIXINOMY DilliALT4ii ' I //I"‘i MIMI IN MAI lavas . As mildmite,xmil holies, semi et weit-nOmititmlfamilla It Ii very desirable to bees mite tempi and telaveldmit way brevetting leardamit, Ttiym, Grookery, ma. BPAlilan niZAIRIP meets an oraelsesegeees*.aadmo MaIeMIAMI adard to be without 11. : 1 111WaYs re*. t. 9 PAS itick• 14Pnnt . , Kromirm, Di Evicaii Bnuilmooonipinies esiolk bottle. Prise II dr. Addresi HENRY C. 8 1 441016, /0.48 Wu , tl t , Weiv OA 4 : 1 A s .3ertain 80,44ZIPPIX unausiA *llo* indtatfosi w 3 47 ,122 4 PARED GUM, 1 Would mitlost *ll pap: • (Lore par clad% =COO Lela thitull igespALDRlO4l PRitkifdaPailft,4l" * Xidi! UK t altillido nipper' ;i4 &brit T-' filistellanutts Aliew Feature in the SDioe Traad IXPORTANT TO ROTISEXEEpEas E. R. DURKEE & co.'s SELECT SP )) IcEs BLaCK in To, ?RPM As; (Lissul soaltGPLz,tuld Ps/1 Kap,/ , Wall% PIi:PPEK , a. 1.4 E, WYNNE PYPPER, MIAITARD. CINNAIION, mac IN THIS AGE of adulterated and t ast ,, leas aptoes,u with confidence that ". to the attention of housekeepers th e „ genuine article'. We guarantee the. " aua ABSOLUTELY AND PERFEca Li e , , but ground from fresh Spices, selected an„ LRE us expressly for the purpose, wallow refer, They are beauttrally peeked in Un rod, k i View prevent *WY by Keeping, maw era HT while the ordinary ground arc `1 inyartabtr short we warrant th em, in vflut mad debases alarm, btre,, BEYOND ALL COMP& ttihuN, as a Magie trial will abundantly prove , DMII2 oar Thula aut. thamaictared, Y. R. DURKEK &CO \ per ode by WM. DOCK Jll. & CO B. M. GILDEA., D. D. s. STA7E STREE,2, OPPOSITE THE BRADY 4.11 !pets ions, Surgical and seleahlisally pert - armed. Charges ceoderce NEW COAL OFFIUb, lid UNDERSIILINED having Ollttql`C, Do ihs ORAL TRADE in this any, would ro st „ solmit the podiums , . of We Citizens. t will OW of au thus, from the most Dalebruled Aos ~„„ am..wthethsith be (Lamed to auy port u 1,, trio , sari Dud Other impurities. e uu .s.„' FOR lIJUD BY DIY Li. /JUDOS ... 4 / 1 11ILM .tor. /Norms isoubssm i t, 0 ) or Car LolA Will mosive 2,240 pounds to ih. L... Mt N 0.14 Yorks( street, mound door Irdw 0,„ ry rasa Yazd OD We Cooml, loot us North dots Mt tat Other pLsos will receive primula so-6Aly JOHN a. HAI i MILOF. atiooLra Y. TEL•esi,h, ill respectfully unoru, uln plettessaa Um public generally, nut L,t Oennneetave Instructions Cu the FLAN u LUDIOUIY, VIOLIN and a/10 in the ',menetui I ttu,,,i BAN& lie will w i th pleuure wan 'lva, DAMNS It ray boar desired, or 108.1011 p WIII listreuseree„ is Third &tree., . tow door. dorms Itetornied Church. SCHEFFER'S BOOK STOtiE, - M AR THI lIARILIEUItnta Bitihoe.) UNION EN VELOP NOTE PAPER, of six different tie , Bl;l,l owed hl tWO 00i0f1, Auld by the ttious.,ei 47,th/hp:AUL Qty °nett pekoe. ' Also; Flap, Union Breast elos, /Wee, uwe. intaltdph as very low prow. "LII at myB' SCHBFFIrat'd kWh, STAGE LINE FOE GETTYSBURG EARE.BEDUCED TO $1.25 TilliObtiLi _.‘ GETTYSBURG. F ,undersigned has established rugatat UN! OF NAGE COACIlles [lam bors t _Ocenteeplos e . very other luorutng wiLik Luc Cud, Isom Yeller ;•ueleoeo ears. the ooechai HIM every Tuesday, Thursday gaud 'Saturday, raturaw, • , other day. Peapeogers tbr Shappard‘wwa, 11111• L. Peutribard sad tietiyaburg are carried at red ac, • „ jell 'lnt WM. J. 1.+116. ST. LOI7IB HOTEL, LIBEST.NII2 k 2., ABOVE 2 P.III.LAIIELERIA. IN the immediate neighborhood ui Jobbing !louses co Martel, rturg aua inieetr, Om Banks,' nit OtEW, derch.o,- AM* aigl• CM SOTO WI Till AIIIERIOAM AFL) IGUILUP A.A N. PLAN. . 410 LAD Mkt DAY.... $l at, boner between 1 and $ O'Clocic, 60 .eats room Aram All mum upward. A arm mom Aeoloorant attacbud. enc.' BUM or rani. The Cllty lhßa Wm rammer' 'rum 46i1 L. .1 rime to the HOW. Irtenal Osman Mad SpiliaLati quoit, IRMA Mg STONE FOR SALE litll_ LIADLINJU tiTuN al or 6LOIIII yip itihr oL ztlif ofil Of ti gamily a.,ply WM. l:01.1)1, Jr O.lOaT UMW film 1N PRlcio WI:MAK iL6UN • SEWING -MACHINES, I=3 NEIy:IMPROVEMENTS AT REDUCLO HiGo. WAELELER & WILION Sluuutac , ,• , ~g 4nuitooispany rliivilky, drival J. Wail! L taw wiUtiartowng audnuleturere of Sewing .111 js sanpisiss awl prides. AAP WALLOWER'S LINE, DAILY WWI= HAILRIEW URG and PH 11 A DELLP ti t:1 Wog:is•-/kirk algent, $l2 Marker dreg, fM I4 * t "161kleforawrig Livingston 4r Co. g al . .. Wail Conductor in charge et eaca aoo.urararie at the WlVOLluditi, 6:01.1L.1 11 4_,. 001 P. IL. 4ntl Ira deb irrod I. r a, i iIIiPOIR . J. WALLOWER, JA, Aiout, -1011.41 U Mae Reading Deign, tbirrisbar , 4 HAM 'Three , Hundred Extra dine` . ..,_ ~• "PM Ram ors revived by WM, MOCK Iti S Li FIBER CLASS GROCERIES ! 14,411 : RE} E ARRI VA LI 11:VING JUAT RETURNED trout the Meikera &lie *lithe we nave selected %rub tb• 0 0 111 1cammai and complete easerimeur JI da• .101101:A=2.whkai embrace anything kept the N. 4 eltr w• rcepecllelly lied cordially E o ru. it im cell sad emote/ oar stock and 110110 - .:a . WU. LOCK al, a COl QC U. ll1C6.1)A, Aga WIL DUCIi it , Su