au blegrao. HARRISBURG, PA Thursday Morning, August 15, Ib6l. CAMP Wiser's° —A camp meeting commences Dear Highspire; this county, to-morrow. RICRVITS FOR THE ZOIIATE lo REGIMENT. —A com pany (rpm Allentown, forming part of Conel Goods Zouave regiment, arrived here Tuesday RECRUITS FOR VTR "Boarruns."—Forty-sig recruits from the "wild cat district" for Col. Roe's Rifle regiment arrived here Tuesday night, and left last evening to join their regi- lII< Ilt GME TO WAsrtmoroN —Gen. E. C. Williams, awl lad aid Co!, T. Jordan, left here yes terday for Washington city on official busi -11.-4 It is said that '64.lliame will soon tw,igned to an important command. • „ IEATH OF A SOLDIER.-11101/1118 J. M. Al OD, otigiiially a member of the Cameron Guard died in the city of Baltimore on Saturday morn ing. Ilia remains were brought ,home to . his widowed mother, and from thence littered, on yesterday, Mr. M'Allen left this city with the cameron Guard and was stationed for Bev el week in and around the city of Baltimore while that place was placed under their care; but the company leaving that city rather un expectedly the care left without him. Assoon as Mr. M'Allen discovered this slate of affairs he re-enlisted at once for the war in a military em ptily formed in that city and was serving in that capacity when he was called from this stage of action. Mr. M'Allen was well known in this city, where he leaves a widowed mother, a els ter an, I a largo number of friends and acquaint ances who mourn his early death whilst serving his country. A WELL Disarran Costeranurr.--I.Aeut. Franlr, tr,o U. S. A. wbo was selected by the .Sec retan Of War to act as aid to the gallant and Jilted Col. James Cameron, of the New I'm l. seventy-ninth (Highland) regiment, seems aS highly esteemed and beloved by the 'arch and men of that regiment, as he was ,olitid..(l in and esteemed by the Colonel who had them to Wife.. He was the idol of the rank snit file —their hero, infant, in whom they to I .tutured their affections as lien and their orth , lance as sAdiers. Since the bloody en at Bull Run, this esteem on the part of ti., urn-commissioned 'officers and men has itself in the presentation of an elegant 1, belt and sash, all of the most costly ma. and perfect fiuish. This gift was design i.l,m, lunch to testify the regard for the man as to evidence their estimation of the sol dier, and as such our gallant piing towntman iiitoitls to preserve the blade only to be' wield ed iu defence of a country for the love of which he secured the confidence of its donors. Our regard for young Davies amounts to the senti tueut that, we are proud of him. -...---... ass CAMEIION.—We recently paid a visit to the encampment of Col. Sam. Black's regiment, and were highly gratified with the appearance of things generally. The camp is beautifully situated on a rolling tract of land belonging to our present worthy Secretary of War, about one mile east of the city, and near the county poor house. The tents are of good material, afford ample protection against rain, and are situated just - west of a fine woodland of stately forest trees. Further to the west, running due north and south, are a number of trees that seem to have been left on account of their sin gular beauty. On the north runs the road, and just beyond it the Lebanon Valley Railroad. Southward is a large stream of water winding through a ravine of fine appearance. To this stream the soldiers go to do their bathing and to wash their clothes. The streets are laid out in city-like order, and are called quite a variety of names. Company A (the Federal Guards) have their East and West commons, Federal and Liberty streets, as well as Pittsburg, to which city they belong. Col, Black's orders are very strict and of the right stamp. No obscene language or swearing whatever is tolerated. Discipline of a very strict character is enforced, and six or seven en are detailed every morning to clear away 11 rubbish, "level the grounds," pull up ota, &o. The nelghborhocsl is remarkably healthy, none of the men being unable to stow away their share of "pork and beans." On the first night of the encampment, Capt. Hull, alluded to in last evening's Twasauvir, in accordance with the unanimous desire of the men, introduced religious exercises, and offered up an eloquent prayer for our success, for help from above, and for the friends all left behind. Every evening these meetings are growing more interesting, and the result—how could it be otherwise 4—is that everything goes on har moniously. One of the companies have a choir of really first-class singers ; also a band, com posed of a guitar, violin, banjo, accordeon, etc., and the leisure hours are well improved in this respect. Last Sunday, being the first in camp, was ap propriately observed, the regiment being form ed about four o'clock p. on., and marched into the grove, where the Rev. Mr. Moore; of the Methodist Church, delivered a most eloquent and impressive address from the text to be found in the 11th chapter of St. Mathew, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." The remark s o f th e good man were listened to attentively by both soldiers and spectators, and all appeared to fully appreciate the solemnity of the occasion. Col. Black Is now in Philadelphia, making a rrangements for overcoats, uniforms, etc., for the regiment. In his absence the camp is in command of Lieut. Col. Lehman, a true SIRUP: man and model soldier. The regiment will remain in its present , 4 en campment until the men receive their uniform and have acquired a thorough knowledge of tactics. See Professor'W 'Wood's advertisement in Imo*. et column. A DEAD LAW.—Some time ago the Legisla- tore enacted a bill making the profession of as trology, divination' and fortrutfttlip*,or the publication of announeemen'ts of inch imeiarrous trades, punishable with fine and imprisonment. The object Of the bill was generally commend ed, and for a time the public prints no longer teemed with the ridiculous and blasphemous cards. We notice, however, that they have re vived, both the trails and thy funiouncement, and the Philadelphia papers are again teeming with advertisements of "the lady r with the na tural gieneint '4.41. siber . t.' to alitylui .3 1 try p ta -L. thoughts, and cause speedy marriages, to give lucky numbers and cure drunkenness." The "teacher of all now advertising astrology" is out again, promising to help all in "sickness, business, matrimony and tnifible."' The placeis of residence of these peopie..truboltßgiyrrt i and they carry nn their nefarious business as if the Act of AssembYtifrOtiibitithqtrittiif been passed. Approps of ,krtunsAelling, Atha said that Armstrong, mho was recently hanged for murder in Phfliadfpiiiiii t 'whii extreniely credulous, and made these hags frequent visits . to read the will td the oracles. May not his great ciiiiaS`tuae .4 in part Suggesal some of these walidilliteiri : d au Pules Airems.—The city lock-up made up for *previous shortobribgs last night by Lav ing * p6rlf 4- C • ‘• Timis. Regle—an old stager, who appears to hate enlisted for the war in the ranks td Capt. Whisky—was the first customer to 'make Obei sance to the Mayor. Thomas looked for all the world as if he had recently gone through a firsbclass threshing machine. , .He was discharg ed on a,promise to leave the city instanter. Reuben Shade next answered the roll call, The charge against him was drunkenness. He was fined $1 and costa. Charles Carson, -another "drank," was dis chirgecl on a promise toleave the city. James Hamilton and William Collins, more "drunks," were each fined $1 and costs. Two countrymen named Poffenberger and Wagner, had a hearing before the Mayor, charged with violating a city ordinance by - re hising to hitch their horses at market They plead ignorance of the law, in consideration of which the Mayo; discharged' them .upon the payment of the constable's fees. Jno, gagley, a rough, looking customer, was before the Mayor charged with drunkenness and threatening mine host of the Seven Star tavern. Wpm all accounts John is a desperate fellow, and wouldn't be a very desirable personage to meet in a lone by-way_a fh r#ght. It is said he has been for sdriie T itib i tnw meat of chickens, owned by tdf. Wagner. In consideration of all which, his Honor the Mayor sent him over the way for ten days, ' FAY OF OunAl 3 %—lio question tenet asked that Whitt- tile cbinAitioritiad to the rank and file of the, volunteer and regu- lar army of the United Statei? ' 'As the recent fins of Con A g.less have modified, th fr e terms of enlistmeht iudd of piy, 'vie give' i aaiement as' follows: All volunteers are hereafter to be mustered into the service for' "during the war," except voluntsers in ' the regular army, whose term Of enlittlutenti is .t 6 Sol for tOreei . ;einis: The pity of both voinnteersAunil reviler army is the.same, and the bountiesno the same to each.' All-nonl#l4Siffonel tipfacqi eflri votes receive $lB per month regular pay, with rations and clothing extra. They may com mute for clothing, Aceiving $3,50 per Month in lieu of clothing 'in kind, and they may coin= mute for ratione when not repeivpd in 4ind, at the cost. Every volunteer receives fifty cents, in lieu of- subsistence, for every twenty miles of travel from his place of enrollment to the place of muster ; and when honorably discharg ed, an allowance at the same - rate from the place of his discharge to the gni° of his: . en- gllg:4nd. His transportation is in all cases paid by the Government. In addition to these regular items of pay, every volunteer, if he. shall have Served for a period of two years, or during the war, if sootier ended, in entitled to receive the sum of one hundred dollars howdy.' Any volunteer who may be' wounded in the service is entitled to pension or bounty ,land 4 and the widow or heirs of such m die or are killed in the service, receive the_ sum of $lOO, in addition to all arrears of pay and allowances. . , . I=l=l IMPORTANT MILITARY MOYBKIIINU—.:We . learn that Capt. liambright 45t. Lancaster . returneu from Washington- om Saturday; r, rang last, with full authority fromthe.:.War DolegllnSßt to rah* a rtfiten.4.s4. FUWin.lOO.. be ready to march as soon , apt ,can be, organised. The mere 4mouncement of this faa will bring to the standard of their country many young men who haginef Abablorther • - the most implicit confidence in Captain (now Colonel) liambright ag a superMr, Weme info nng that the Colonel has had eight ao , ; . 'es tenaerahini‘frOm difteriniCininfleti lit* State.. ?olonel lEhtmliright brought the "d. • , ante wi l th enter at - once upon he organization of the regiment. It has been accepted Mr' thretryeart crk :the Isar, to be =steed in by companies as soon as they are readY.l The montane!) TettlYli the f P U T A W .= pol l /14:n: -- • acceptance is with the , distinct under- Standing that the Depoirtient *ll - revoke the cottfinlssions of all officers who may be found incompetent for the proper d#harge of their duties;„ As Boon as one or more companies are ready the men will be mustered into the service of the Unit 4.. States, and subsisted by the Government from that date. Tents, clothing, arms, etc., will aonce be furnished, and a camp of in struc n for the regififerit fAtine` tf n Nui et*: tisk.z t t teryitre it will remain until ordered tato active service. One battalion will be armedvith Enfield Rifle, and the other with the ' bayonet, and it will be the' aim of the of commanding, as it is the dmire of the War partracnt, to have this one of the , best drillt most thoroughly equipped, and in all respects one ef t the most efficient regiments in the vice. -Taking the proficiency to which Col : r .:b ght has brought the laolsolilltilt 11 - ..., . -r, of which he AM cominandel ' OW , n by which to judge, we cau474, 444', e!,.l3§(mppciation !Ant e figl TA x ..'...1 , ...s - . . And . More import at a gial of aotlon. PeunogitianiouiDailodittleggaphy tOusobagniihnitnaiiiU*6.4l4,a4Bsll TlKBElL—Several hatillw of 414iber pAse,ed by this city on the Susquehanna yesterday Morse CAVALILII, cavalry from Huntingdon, "command d - by CaPt Ha.nilton, arrived at Camp Curtin yeid&day. TRH PaA►cx CROP. —Peaches are now abundant in this city, and cheap. The present is a bear ing year, where favorably situated, every tree yielding fruit. Tna Maartsn. , yesterday was well attended irrt u "country cousins," and the supply of protuce was unusually large. Vegetables, par ticularly, were abundant and sold . generally at the lowest prices. PASOKD THROIICIIL—The First City trooptpask ed throughhere at dhe o'clock p. m. on Tuesday. on, their nay hoihe In Philadelplda. The ""Tr+" formed an important arm of General Patten ion's column of three months' volunteers. Extensive arrangements have been made in' Philadelphia to give them. a•cordial inception. Parmarr Luicorn's LADY My/1W here at noon4esterday in &special car from Washington city eri touts to Long Amuck, New Jersey, itt Which, fashionable watering:place she purpdm remaining for several days. . She was itoboni paniscl by , several of her friends, including three of her children. The car Containing the distm illl.444d PartY wass &OW,*bete - 04104 enough'tO permit it to-be transferred Ifrtan the' Baleinin're Central to 'tie- Lebanon Valley Bast road civer which latter told it left with thenoon, train for New York. = 3 MANY irtootaarr and truly poetical tributes have been paid to the memory and the onvioeil of the lamented Col lathes Cameron, among, which we regard the following as 'superior in truthfulness, pathos and energy.:;- Dedicated to the Memory of the late Col. James A. plain, substantial Rainier, Whose years of thrift and toil With peace and plenty crown'd him, As monarch of the soil : ' One of the "solid People," Whose works of brain and band Build up our nation's riches, And dignify our and But when his outraged country Called on her sons for aid, He dropped the spade and plough-share And drew his battle-blade. Amid the cannon's thunder That shook the summer air, Where iron hail fell thickest, Hisatelvaatiform was there I The best *fir-blood of Scotland Was burning in his veins ; His fiery steed seemed conscious A a/mai* held the reins I The light of 41orions battle - . Gleamed from his master's eye, As, with the "bairns of Scotland," He swore to , odo or die I" A true manto his country Unto his latest breath, = -He heard the call of duty,- And died a hero's death I' - The mern'Ay.Of his virtners Shall bloom far and wide ) And Scotland's. name of Canwron , I Shall be' our' nation's pride Washington; 1861. H. ass' Timm. 44, NwirCho{z,El law XOnit, Atte-. -mns,÷ oonestitc*loo pieces splendid Watiiastata Oalioo, to cid; 60 pieces of tmbleaclied.-Muslin,.4 s .o ) eta, Worth 12},pts;, 80 pieces of splendid „ - ten gingham's) 40 . . worth 4W 'ets-; pi mm of Crash,. at 10 Sn4l.lS.olsks midi; 41 wary large iot of ladles anti childreresivhitedockings; the b4st ladies hose for 121 eta. in town bril liants' brilliants, brillianthr 60 :pieces ; cat : Al2} eta. ; antifulialdrititiffhtl26.4o)62ooidozen of bro and blue mixed rnen's.soolt.4 12} cts.; and a , great many other gtotids - Yery cheap, 'at S. lairr's, Jahu4.ligiih?.llldisttbiaiLol`;,Zl . • notaterl Eits alio itiodium l 4. ,!. , f 1 to ft i OHERI § MI Itli""eitte`4 8, 0 i ii 'tkiiileftlitrlP l CEiotiltitiii& 711" b - tairrei , y . . , _, NEW YORK cgillairrmAl—Z,.'. id , octilibinatiou., 'nig ) BO e Ire itiViletilili a UtiliVe i tntice. They mild In Ibeir PPertiarSit wal wog' iwortoirilm .11 Werltdot,„kekepul==tzdob strati nn, iiiitelteritet he, paha In the ante, palpitation of the hwt,1,40,44,,,,1i ~,,,,. yens eotione, hysterics, Va Pet; id' thew , * kali 0 1 4 i firK el til... ,-. frrYte". 1.11 'or" tatt l e; 1,.. TO MARRIED naDIldS, ~,,, t r", k ,k I , k o lj o r. tlT nthrie r rai a l ahlry e ll i teia . ra bli ve p ul boon d pedaled In the wee of *sr Pilll ess,Pl7 , os4 sinus madame Is Dr.,l3isisism74llllo Ri ng, 1 0 , mop rirreeent Si doff ii:e Ti 0 it , T: ,d. , , I „.._.• 14, lawl=e oondirsoantrinlifiretadesOrdwiedatioirnah as .Pah In W 46 oe wolaroW . ,14g00444.11 RIATI 7. TM smithies ildirtschtst tic ANdit,YAIWT.i. the r 1111304114t6 M. eltsit .ah ths 3nelithlie‘ waste anuktitio,ng the ratil isethealw at, tot olo reetal e Ae mwmulitw astirairf...o.o 4...i t; p o rk, szplicit directions, which should be read, a& oosi Vi y each u 34 purely "11181" Price Sl ie . ' : A nt 17ttut "11. 11 so 11"thlig notilosinh Si is Cossisitis fr. 1,0 , - Boyd,lLtat allap i , New rt COI. ... 4•. j, . ; li a t . 11 1 1, -t 1 ..4 . wit s y 0111 P f. Vealli os it, lewd icultah 1 eeserai arectsisr i gMleistilh e 14 Broadway, New York, Tallish' all *Weak order' sheeildhs air ~ .M. !i014.1 luttiarriabers Ih7 c r i,I. iwnoyri a R . , 3 1 ~.. .. . 11 , w . 11 43EZ i f, , ~.., :4 Ir'L 013 t .._ HOW AOSV, HOPIE3BTOV43 I # punnenknoll*otidit MBA BREA, 1 nese, t from ' Bent u Pa►d, o K LIN 4,51111 zateavateitr4l Atim.gat. enzAmiratfitatma wee der seek hew 4111.1/ tottrittigt, to oartaddroso, pop. tenet * of enrwattuispei-by , Deoleftia 4 AW ( Li 117 Bowery, New Yeeir ! Pest Moe Hoziesoz : ,The • adOeNseew TO CONSUMPITIESI " Arovirrsunc, .baving been -restored to Is • few weeks by a very simple remedy, alter auditiedaeireral year" with a aeverelung that dread tlitteaset-Ooseamodeb--trieulooti tb , Down to lihrtellowatiebWre the incase of oure,--' • whirdeeArs It, he wih send a. cioey or the pre -3 wed Mite of oharge), VIM' the direalketefor se and using the same, which they willAhiticit re Mr Crobeemptioh, Mama, Bronchitis, he. The lest otthe adverthurin sentharthe - Prescription teat the afflicted, and t, which tires to be nvalusibiglifteha Se . pii%rery tithataAdbati health having lon e make pre.. 014 0 ESE Earl A TBIBOTZ TO TIM BRAN& .~ ~a~.~ 's di) Ittiomititintatis Siumsou GuliznAL's Orrice, Aug. 9, 1861 Vifollowing act of Congress in relation to tt Corps of Medical Cadets ispubllshed for the information of all concerned : " Sec. 7. And be rt froth*. eroded, That there be added to the Medical Staff of the Army a 1 Corps ' of Iteilkiektlealets,witosijinty it shall be to act as eaters /1:1 the grenerial hospitals. and as ambiance attendants in the field, under the direction and control of the medical officers Monet They shall have the same rank and pay as dui military cadets at West Point. Their number shall be regulated by the exigencies of servile, at no time to exceed fifty: It shall 'be comp iced of young men , of liberal education, students of medicine, between the agts of eightien and twenty-three, who have been ieadl4g medicine for two years and have attend ed aeast one course of lectures , in a medical coll e. They shall enlist for one year, and be euill tto the rules iind articles of war On the tr 4 lifiee th day of-the last month of their service, tht t r e lar approach of their discharge shall be re po to the &maven General, in order, if de erred,. that - they may be relieved by another do tall e( applicants." • Application must be made to the Slimeon General for admission into the corps, in con fomity with the above act stating the date, place of birth, place of residence, period of medical Hindi**, and enclosing the certificate of the dean of thl college (or, whatnot obtainable, other sat- Istactory evidence of the act) that the applicant has attended one fall course in a medical coi -1 , gm applications must also be accompanied 1 - Aft testimonials of the good moral character and sound physical condition of the eandidate. . , When an application is favorably. considered the etbdidate will receive a letter authorizing ;Wm to appear before an Army Board of Al edi cal•Btaminers, who will make a special report in ea4h case. From among those approved by the Wird the Surgeon General will select snob II anneber as the service may require. As gle services of this class of medical and magical assistants are at once required, applies tlons,i to be successful, should be promptly made to th 4 Surgeon General, who will direct the can didate to appear before one of the Army Medi cal Boards now in 'session in Washington and the city of New York, -ang4B-8t IL C. W 001), Acting Surgeon. General 103EKIDI ONLY PREPARATION _ . ..itif.A. Universal onfidenoe ci . Patronage FOR iiTATIViiEtr ' ATI - 11:1Ei: anttr MAN: trild.e• sell Geblikwieir;le-dl partii,Vib'e avo4.briiipoer4 the al soy o£ Prof. 0 .1 lloodra,Hale.Baeteratatte . and : pride an of the Pftiwarcisoaniminis to .* prole :..,A few' monists enly, can hellfire given ; aest circular tor, , , more, nd it Wilt besimpandble for you to.dmilat. . 47 Waltihrerst, New Yort, Dec: 28th, 1858. UswBLowar : 'Meehan 01' the 18th inst:, bee been re eteved,frayieg that _yon had heard that I - has been bene fited by Um in* °IRON', Hair Rdsterative, and request tug my'oertitkate of the fact If! I'll - nr. , biectlou In give ILI • ..: - • , I to yOn cheerfully, oceans 'Antal It dua— lly age is about 50 1011101- the color oi. my hair auburn, and ii.dinsd to awl So me *rout years slice it ne w to sums gray, and the scalp on Oleoresin of my bed to lose ta seasibility and dindruffto fore vnou it. glum of these disagreeabilitles increased whit time, and about 'bar mtu tt !lia sinus a fourth was added to them, by hair falling the top of my head and threatening to make me bat In thl Wood' off of bait co from d .hcr falling hairs form wire, cell unpleasant predieament, 1 was induced to try Hair Reateradvir, mainly to arrest the felting y hair, for 1 bad really no expectation that gray Id ever be reedOrld tO its Original color exc., es. I was, bowevei, greatly eurprLs.d to find use of two bottles enly, that not only was the arrested, but the color was restored to the gray d sensibility to the scalp, and dandrud ceased to my head, very much to the gretiheallon of lay wbcee solicitatlen I was induced to try It. is, among the inanyobllgehona I owe to her sea, ly retiOwimerel all husbands who v,lue the of theirWlS , a to prude by my example, and growing gaily or getting bald. • - Very retpoctluTy,e. LIVEN/44- Wood & CO.; 444 BrOiidwatliew York mily are absent from the city, and .1 ant no long -11 Carrel place. Mammon, Ala , July 20th, 1849 . mf. O. J. 1 .1,100 b One' Sik i Totir ' , Hair Restore. done my hair so ton& gOod since I commenced . Tor I Aron mind. uee i i TO 0 M or y N To: Ova" . col it, that I wteh to make tuowu to the PUBLIC son the hair v irtdab erelgreat- A, Man or wo ' be deprived of hair, and by a resort to the , tt eau. man m _, your 4lialr Restorative the, hair will return more beintill than ever ;. et 'lee I this is my experience Belles it KW , . Pours truiy, I WM B. KANBDY. P 8.4-Yon can publish the above if you like. By pub lishing It our . Southern papers you, will pet wore patron se see . I see severslef your eerknestes in the Ma We Mcipary e skeng,BoWhera piper. —_ _ _ Vir 4 XoD'3 RAIR ESSTOKATIVS. 0. J. Wow Oear ; Baying had the mister ose She beat portattrkef my, Roar, from the silents allow fever In New Orleans In 1851, 1 was in make a trial of your preparation, andfound It .r as We very, thing !waded • Yy hair le now d glossy, and no words can expreae: nly oblige von In giving to 'he eillieted snob aim/sure. FINLEY JOBNs nN ip %bottles of three lila% PIZ ,goors , prpportkon 4:an h ! I we 'Urge nildr re in proportioe,ant retails for ppArdors, .444, ,Eirol4way, Now r.odrt; Kb* , li t elflosuggiatitio 14. PRO, tune to Itt the ducted to an. t i tol: to STEAM - WEEIGY littAvEiri ARV LIVEMOOI4 ifiliNU AND BMBARKINO PAB - QUIMISTOWN, (irelapd.) The Lie- oar 1 or* and Philade/pkta, p ; oompany J. app . e$ their fiat tiille:huilt iron azokailbilharaii leNoloi-Satardoyetteuutu Saturday alt 1..11 DINO MG; &Madly ; and every y, at NOOO, from Pier 4 4. Nor. t veer. -.2 ammo: Of 4..4asimi. . DI pool, • inteati &emus KAN &mast Ihtw' FlRdr do 'AUDI iis76 Del didoo 00. 1400000..i , i,00 I d- A • t whin =,..008 00 Return dlokaut, gooalor, , i • 040h+.....000 000 • torwatded to• Paris, tl , vre. Bsmburgi 'Bre 01000dIni,- Antwerp , , roducod diroush MOO, Ale/. ar Wine net thetrtrioode oho btu. 11101.1M-001k011010111101; to New fork lerote or efeetostowni 411400bili, $Th , 40/k Ind , 1106 from Liverpool /40 00 From Quoenetow 0, SteemereAMvo otiperfor, alydituvuei too sod ofur* hiperhshael ' 11. They fore :' - ffe=th IkeoJone, and bare l'oluot, Fir" 44411, *put, lb Broadwgiy, 4.0 m. York_ Sir_ SLlpinumer man. Agent, blarrlki PT EIMAIIID-VALEEr UsTrrrn trNet• 'GENTLEMEN, WAPISG7 3I : I2 G PA Q. SONS. litoes, 84)4E4i:other 1861. of gvemonths $75, Umlauting 1'0• ig Yo. , Sead for a cdroolar. R 2 I.OII.II„.BAILRELEL .N lIKIGHT EMPTY iqed_oomitimee. for see wm. pool.. Jr , &OD. 4 :iticteit: trAirle •• •. • u m —"wog 1611111, 4 1.4.-4 so. Ord. Bobks fort the ry 1 RELIEVED AT BERGNER'S CHEAP tJ BOOEStaRE, No. 61 Market' streeti. HARDEE'S TACTICS. Rifle and Light Infacery Tactics, for the exer cisesnd manceuvres of Troops when acting as Light Infantry or Riflemen. Prepared under the ctirection of the War Department. By Bre vet Lit:demo:it-Colonel W. J. EIARDEE, IL S. A. 1 • Vol. I.—Schools of the Soldier and Company ; Lestractlons for ,Skirmisherw Vol. IL—School of the Battalion. MU=Si== Prepared by a Board of Artillery Officer& One vol. Elvo. $2:50. Cot. s. Comma, Adjt.-tieu. U. S. A. Siti:—The Light Axtillery Board assembled lzky Special Orders Na. 184, of 1858, and Special Orders Six 116, of 1858, has the honor to sub mit a revised systein of Light Artillery Tactics and Rwalations recommended for that arm. WM:IEL FRENCH, Bt. Maj. Capt. First , Artil. lerY. WILLIAM F. BARRY, Captain First Artillery. ERNBY J. HUNT, 134 Maj. Capt. Second Ar tillery. Published by order of the War Department. FirstiPart—School of the Trooper ; of the Pla toon itrid of the Squadron Dismounted Second Part-of the Platoon and of the Squadron Mounted Third Part—Evolutions of a Regi ment _ Three vole. 18mo. $8.75. * , • 'WAR Dtreairrintwr WASHINGTON, February 10, 1841. f The system of Cavalry Tactics adapted to the organization of Dragoon regiments, having been' approved by the _President ofi the United Stateb, is now published for the government of the said service. Act:ordingly, instruction in the same will be givea after the method pointed out therein; and all additions to, or departures from the en ercis4s and manoeuvres laid down in this sy,,tein are positively forbidden. J. B. POINSETT, Secretary of War. &I'CLELLAN'S BAYONET EXERCISE. - - - thimal of Bayonet Exercises.. Prepared for the use of the Army of the United States. By GEORGE B. M'cLELLAN, Capt. First Regi menu Cavalry ; U. S. A. Printed by order of tint,. War Department. ' '4l One vol. 12mo. $1.25. ~ ITRADQUARTIERS OT Tux ARMY, 1 WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 31, 1851. r 1 Hon. p. M. COPkRAD, Secretary of- War. Sir!:—Herewith I have the honor to submit ,iisistm of Bayonet Exercise translated from Fre n by Captain Geo. 'B. M'Clellan, Corps, Engineers, U. S. Army. I strongly recommend its being printed for distri ution to the Army ; and that it made, by regul tiori, a part of the "System of Instrue tion.' The inclosed extracts from reports•of the re specter General, etc., show the value. 4.-have the honor to be, air, with high respect, your Most obedieu servant, WINFIELD SCOTT. , ApprOved. C. Pd. CONRAD, Secretary of War, 1 January 2, 1852. . . R JONES, Adjutant General. Any of the above works forwarded by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of the published price. Remittance can be made in gold dollars and pkostage stamps. Address. GEO. BRELGIJAR, Etarrisburg, Pa. • 3P1E113P3E1.31111=1. 7 ,161 L)AILY an I_,INEI . , le,etween Vhil.aclalub.ia, . . Look 41. v.,,,, Jim., 7 , 11014.., IfilLuAzarons, Muscly, li ... . uirruwx, aiaesuinewa, blnion, 6 ZWISMI3IIO. NOMTHeadelttANP, .URINITATi /11111VOnION, 13101031ffeirtec LirligNerfOWS, ‘ll.l,olrd ilhate, DAOPOIS,, 1 A..1% , 1 1) liAlt itISSU 8.0.. -rue I ..aendulptue Linea. beau, •tentrally wanted tee L/r.,.y.. t• will beat the lowest rates .. A,C 41sei or gee, Wrung wilts each ahead uvula aad • .111 ii VUry ui all g neityrunted tater. line. Goode tielivnrad et the Depot r . FRIO. , Warty & 1 0 1118111), Nu. 811 Mee. ut aloe, Phalli. de phis", by e weauutc e. id, (...Ilveruu In ,ierrieburg the next merles, e'rebliu (ale' ,ye) AS IT" . AS by aey ulAnt en. "DitatWor attuat,ol 014.1 'bg . this Ilan bi prOttipt cud Speedyolulivery of al: tierriabur ' oods. The euderaugeed thaukful for plat tattru , 0 bupttei by strict r4tetwou W ettetusts W. war ttkt ono I'4 lice u( the same.., T. ?Cc , .- . •. l'hliadelivtit, nett Heidi° ..i., . , dal7 -eine Vend Or Mai., tot 4i :0 ' r , 'EI u tl.therg. W. H i ICeaedy. ROT/OE TO SOLDIERS:. . On4.pplication to the General Posit office. _the nude igned has received the following order viz , 1 Posy On OS t P bKPABS2ARNr, Appointment Office, July 28, 1881. The` following order has been made by the Post Office Depattment, for the execution of the ne,v law rtspecting soldiers' letters Postmasters at or near any camp or point oc cupied by the United States forces, will mail, without prepayment of postage, any lettter ,written by a soldier - in the service' the United States and certified to be such by the . ,Major or Acting Major of the regiment to which the w. iter, is attached. The envelope ,should have plainly stamped or written on its faCe the cer tificate 'Soldier's Letter," signed in writing by theMajOt"- - M-Vix.fltigAillajor-AoPthe-gvegin.tantr describing his regiment by its number and its States The pOstage drill on such letters will be collected at the office of delivery. "the certificate and address may be in the ffillOwing form : -, • - "Sdldier's Letter. A. 8., Major 101.FrIteg't, N-_ Y. Volunteers: Ag x , John Tones., _ Utica, N. Y." -Commissioned officers =will prepaY their post age as heretofore. JOHN A.-Kessox, .birvt Assistant ..P./Af. G. Po* OFFICB Oansa.—The.Past Officei Depart raortti,hart issued the following,: , PoStmasters will take notice that all pre-paid letterli to soldiers 'natty regimentinthe service of the United States, and them at a * poipbwhere they have been stationed, may be torpn•ded, whenever practible, to any *other pork to which they may have been ordered without further charge thereon for fowarding. Arst,Asaistant,P. at geral, Soldiers at thediterent camps in near this city will please comply strictly with the .above rule and their /*ere will reach, their destina 7 tit* without trouble. x t>= town/ GEO. .BEIPTP, GILT iTAMBEIL , divr•FßAatss I BIESTER, CARVER ii L GILDER, awarasestmaiw. , - to u oling Glasietind Tiottitr 'Pram' es and Rosewood 11°11104w •k. _EIRRHISRETRG, P . 21 44 r " ) ", .AOLare 1, 1 1r4 POlrtridt Frames of every description. OLD FRAMES RE.6ILT TO NEW. r . ditiLE.-43her - of the .best -I,T3ln,esi lie' Itelltketeiteuteeatee iettesor .144: ' 'ffteireittitsiteseetackpallyo iiatat "UM ASV , " " mean LICIODY. Sliscellantone. CAVALRY TACTIC:II SOLDIERS' LDTTEILS Ntm 2thotrtisenteuto LADIES' SPEER'S SAMBUOI. WINS, Of Cultivated Portugal ~Ider. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE AT Fit tnr its tosctirli owl toms Ul4 as a 10w.% 11 ?Mit - t • highk e by eunn.r o f Aral Malik and Bono. of thw n e 1 liun+ll , •B in Fikr•iiie an AP4,IMI4Vg4 AAMBUCI I not mixturo or m mate:tore" tv,p nrA, from eudvatg.l °rip ni FkI,T rocomuirod , 4 .y •o•am• pep, na 411 •in parlor loopy i,thertripra 'n ion. +n' Ain oxneli • • rtt. o'e i•••. 1 •let, on , I •Inel warm lin living thy :nd A.d A LA 91*.:5 ., WiNK lieCAUte it will not intoxitute as teher ' 2 18 , 5 . , a . It con tai •st on mixture of . :pirita ; or trifler, ligtotm. wild le r mired i' itAlirh ;ACM - tr tfaveir *WI notrAvo p • .per nos Imparting t 4 .0.1 by tone to tto. dle,e live org e sod a . 400miug, snit and healthy " a 4u istAi toah.sclon: Nolte rouble uoletot the PJglrkl , nrci of kI,PRRit APEISR. Pufetelc, N.); hi over the cork of each bottle, WAR F. OMR THI4I. THIS WINE. A. Si' F. , it, .'ropr lator raesair, V ! 'e , troadwar , • J. H KATuN Agent, 1 4 1.1binelpbla. Yor sato. hs. (1, W. Gr Oz 00., K Koller Its Wp. h and by drAgeina generally, hl -.Mw I y • DR. LELLAND'S ANTI - RHEUMATIC BAND. IS .T$E ONLY. KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Goat and Neuralgia AND e. suns CURE MR All Mercurial Diseases. Ii is M coaveniently ermined Baud, containing n cited dnalliOntid, to es morn around the Wide', esttnow, 'entry to the tuo.i. delicate !tersest, uo change in habits of living Is reqate•d,..t.tll , ndrniy rsmores the disease from tbs, syatetn, without pr. duct. v the Injurious easels arising from the use 01 pox rr.. ~ aernal medlomed which ,weaken nod destroy th • e.: ottoo, an give ternmerar 'allot ost, A. it* ire OVICO . Medin4 G.Utildned in th Rand :• , 4no in coulees w,tb the bleed end reaches the di+• , r. ,4r ash tee pores of the skip, effecting to every in , t• t torfeei cora, and restore be park, sawed io n 1 411..!1ir amtamon. This Band is also a most powertu I ern •Muuouttut n gent. and eitirely reline the system from the pernicious ef fects of Mercury Moderate eases are cored lu a sew days, and we are constantly receiving testimonials of It t eilleacy, in aggravatAitt egos el ` , . 13 a. eliesdleg• Pied $ 00, to be had or 'Droplet , . generally, or can • e sent ti.o mail or elprees, with full directions for tom to •tny part of the country, dir-rt own the Prurient Other , • No. 409 BROADWAY, New York. G. SMITE & CO., Sole Proprl'o,tore. 14...5.:-I)4sorliotive4 Circulars Bunt AkirtoteN. wontso-Ev-itrwaraonatir JyB.dew SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES 11! A Necessity in Evert Household ! jOHNB & CROSLEY'I3 Anen'ean Cement Glue The Strongest Glue to the World FORQEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, POR CILAIN, ALABASTER, BONE, CORAL, Ste., &c., Bce. The only article of the kind ever produced which will withstand Water. EX I MAUI'S . "-Tory hou.ek , . per -1,411.1 Lnv •A ly of John.. & Croai,f9 Americas Cement N us." lam 60 couirell eta a, have n .1 h. use"—.v. Y • ill. us always ready ; thomoirim.ta cry body." N. V. livogPerlieNt. "Weih toe tried it, cud nod it as u etfil uur b oom as n atm.. 4 --Wagice irour or 7145 ,"Price 25 Cents p3r Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale Dealers. TERM, Or For Bole by all Druggists awl Storekeep ers generally througbour the country. JOHNS & BOSLEY, (Sole hlantl.octurAtj 78 WIIIIAM &RUT, (Corner of Liberty Street,) New Toss jyA-dly ADJUTANT GIINIAAVEI OPrios, ' Harrisburg, Aug. 8, 1861. PROPOSALS. g r ILL be received at this office until 12 IL of Thursday the loth lost, for repairing, refitting and. making complete ten thousand sets inLintry accoutrements which have been in use. 'MS cartridge boxes and cap boxes must be .thoropghly repaired, cleansed and premed. The liayonet Acabbards' must be stiffened and rem+ted and when broken, renewed. The belts ; must be repaired and dressed. United States oval plates most be furnished and at, tachea to boxes and belts from which they have been Most. Each set must be complete and madeito resemble new work as nearly as Neal ble. I SpErimens of the accoutrements to be repair be seen at the State Animal in this city. Propdsals will state the time when deliveries. will be made. The contractor will be required to tame and deliver these articles to and from theAsenal free ofall charges for freight, box *kap drayage to the Commomwealth. E. M. Bnume, aug9-tf. • Adj't. General. I NOTICE 1 TO THE PUBLIC ;ixUNDERSIGNED COMM I SSION . _ . • of Dauphin nonuif ) In iilirS° 4l3 9e of an: 0 eliteltuisal - nebtottily of the C.oonamomtw 01 Pan ! eV's , Ala, approved t"10-0 dry 01 li , ),,lasi tt l i n. d. "AM at to authorize the Codapthtemuerout4l Wp . ciun. , wo nate a, certain SUM of money ter the eup ty to Sin P , ” Dr a or the nanlika of Volunteers during the prompt 'W../ ~ no hereby inform the public that they will mato a au 6 the amount of &MO not exceeding ten thousand ' dollar 4 for which bowie will be isatio.l for . lain ooh 02= cmgn ten years', with coupons attached, tic the payment : h • Carly in po ta l r ibil 7 ,I pa a y o u . bi sid e a t aag th e Co vim un bon ty Treasu r y ikmsuch St Ir a or ist - 81 .10 t a n n l , - 00 144 :: pita tre t Ilea . b e L OI , oth att er 7 wit :. oa f: up att the loodoo will desire, will he Nem* L gth*efal tionnitat at this tine. • ' tl t "aoarrl&T - stursFfe,' • ci. ''' , - tiamrm inani SYJIM, - ' ' Commissioner& '', ,4 --', SW GAltiMoittehi, - t - ladobOkelr. • m3r2O-dow WINE.