taiEciegrapij. PoresientiMelhat standard sheet Af here bfeathes the foe but falls before usi Wish Freedom's soil beneath our feet, Avid Freedom's banner streaming o'er us UUN PLATfo EP ft Ili THE UNION-THE CONSTITIITION-ANE THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW. ITARRISBURG, PA Tharaday . Morning, August 15, 1881. BATTLE OF DAVIS CREEK. DEATH OF GEN. LYON WepAl' h in this afternoon's TILIKMAPH a full (account 'of the' battle of Davis Creek, in which, while we lost in numbers, we gained a partial victory. The death of Gen. Lyon will fill the country with gloom. He was a gallant soldier and a loyal American citizen. He was ed ucated at the 11. S. military academy at West Point, where he graduated with distinction in 1841, and finally •rose to the rank of captain in the second infantry, and by the recent choice of the Missouri volunteers became their Brigs', dig General. He was in the prime of life as a military commander, being forty-two years of . age. His service has been principally upon the frontiers —in the Florida,' Texas, California, Oregon, Kansas and other Indian and border wars. He entered the military academy as ca det in June, 1837, and graduated in 1841. On graduating from the military academy he re- ceived his commission as lieutenant in the army, and was at once ordered to join the army in Florida, then operating against the Indians. After uncomplainingly passing through that most disagreeable **sign among the ever glades of Florida, he was stationed for some years at various' points on our western fron tier. Soon after the commencement of hostilities between the United States and Mexico, he was ordered to join the northern line of operations under General Taylor, and after reaching Mon terey was soon ordered to join the eipedition against Vera Crus. In the bombardment and captuie of Vera Cruz, and the severely contested battle of Contreras, Cherubusco and others which occurred `between that place and the city of Mexico, his activity and military skill found full play. He took an active part in each'and all of them, and while fighting in the streets in the streets in the city of Mexico, near the Belen gate, on September 18, 1847, received a wound from a musket ball. After the conclusion of peace with litetrico he' was ordered to Jefferson Barracks; Missouri, preparatory to a contem plate& march overland to California. By a change of orders from the War Department his regiment *qui:dispatched by ship via Cape Horn, and reached California soon after its acquisition by thetruited'Statas. His stay in California was prolonged beyond that of most of his fellow-officers, and his time unceasingly eniployf3d - fri operating . among the enNtetecl I to long and tedious nUtlch7, es, constant taLrini and frequent skirmishes, living a large portion of the time in tents, and subject to the fatigues_ and privations incident to a campaign that new and hitherto un known country; so far removed from the com forts of, civilization. After being relieved from his long services in California, he was again stationed on our Western frontier, serving most of the time in Kansas and Nebraska. During the troubles in Kansas he threwnp his commis sion. THE . SECRETARY OF WAR While a few bitter partizans of the Breckin ridge school of traitors in this locality are as sailing Gen. Cameron, and rending the hand that has heretofore fed and fostered many of these wretches, it is cheering to quote the good opinions of those at a distance who do not suffer their prejudices to interfere with their patriotism, in doing justice to a distinguished American statesman, and a highxdnded and pa triotic public servant. It is not that Gen. Cam eron needs defence, that we reprint the honest and frank avowal of others in his favor, because he has survived more abuse, conquered more enemies, and outlived more slanders than all other men hi this nation. His triumphs, his position, his influence in society and his power in business, are the monuments of his integrity and moral, worth, which such men as Messrs. McDowellUnd Barrett seek in vain to deface ; and which it is their only distinction that they can attack with impunity. Theveryinsolence of their assaults is the evidence of their ingrati tude, and the illustration of a political career fitly ending in treason to i country they have polluted and prostrated with their political her odes. , , The pooil Mountain News thus manfully and justly alludes to Gen. Cameron. There is a truth add aplittiliein the compliments of the News whitihswelrimend to the conscience and the grailtudaantesurs. Barrett & McDowell. The article is as : GINXRAL CAILIMON..-11, is with no ordinary delight and satisfaction that we have witnessed the more than flattering endorsement by the entire press of the country of the report of the Secretary of War. As a State Taper; it is the most important now before tini American peo ple. It'is able, clear and concise. It is like everything that emanates from the Secretary, patriotic and practical. Addeito , General Cameron's great Adminis trative talent, Is a thorough knowledge of the wants of, oie people in every department of life and government. After shis defeat at Chicago last year, an ef. fort was made by such an array of friends all over the Union, as only Secretary Cameron pos sesses, to induce the President to tender the Treasury Department to •Gan. Cameron, but Mr. Lincoln Well knowing the importance of a correct fdrni*stration, connected with tho War Departmeniiipid4 being alive .to the necessity of having the right man in the right place, as signed him the place which he to day fills with such credit to himself, and honor to the admin istration and his government. His devoted friends objected to his entering upon the dis charge of the arduous duties of a position which has turned out to be the most responsible con nected with the a dministration and the govern ment, but scorning the shirking of respensibil , ity, he without faltering resigned his seat in the United States Senate, which by the partiality of the people of his net vestate,-Lhe was occu pying for a second time, and accepted the new and higher trust, which his career shows he has arduously and constantly guarded. He found his department, full of. treason, and his army full of disloyalty, and in the short space of a few months, he has purified the former, and ex pelled the traitors from the latter. It is certain that still higher tumors await the Secretary, and a grateful people both in the camp and out, will hereafter eagerly watch an opportunity of showing thair appreciation of the UM who knowing dare n gie emir. The News is printed in Denver, Colorado ter ritory, and is apparently a journal of influence and respectability, if we dare judge by editorhil ability and deserved patronage. DISINTERESTED TESTIMONY. In the midst of the clamor and resentments , raised by the opposition to the -state and na tional governments, which has been.waged for months by the Breckimidge Demodrafic elente.nt in this state, at the head of whichlthe Patriot and Union stands preeminent, the following candid confession .from the Pittsburg POst is =the more refreshing, because it was the least ex pected AOm that /pllrCeif . pat, es the develop ments of the crisis- am daily made and daily exhibit the crimes and mendacity of those both engaged in , and those • who sympathise with treason, the better and more patriotic of the Democratic press are relinquishing their pre ferences for their old political allies in the south, and yielding a_fair''and MOO support to that cause in which is the security of a Country they love, and the stability of laws in which are reposed their peace and prosperity. The 'force of public opinion is working this change, where the dictates of conscience are too weak for its accomplishment—and to this force the traitors, and •parasites who •now use -the oolumns of the .Parfet and Union to damage the cause of had and order; will some day yield and repent that they had heretofore so impiously trifled with its leniency. Theie is a boundary to treason,- even when it clothes itself with the prerogatives and liberty of the press—and a limit to public patience, which those who trifle with will some day disuover as they close their eyes on a traitor's gibbet. We have no fear that the right will perish. Its enfnmehisements are as certain as its retributions. But to the article from the Pittsburg Post, which we specially commend to our traitor neighbors We are weary of the grumbling of volunteers. The catalogue of their •woesseemato be endless. They complain of the hard bread ruid.fat pork. They have no hot rolla and .omelete for break fast. The fillet-de-belief, and crequetna. are missing at dinner. -There Is no lobster salad.— Spring chickens axe invisible. In fact,•the lar der of the camp bears no comparison with that. of the . Conikiental, and very chap,who enlists appears to make up his mind that lie ought to live on the best the hunitan afford. Then the clOthing is not fine haladclothr. It does not al ways fit. The stuff does not suit, and every man has his separate beau ideal of what sort of uniform he ought to wear. Complaints of the officers are endless. Captains who want to rise are forever discontented with their colonels.— Ditto lieutenants. Most, of, the( privates are ambitious, and qf course grumblers, . . Why is it that the American volunteer, so intelligent, enterprising, courageous and valua ble, should,be Xi perfectly helpless-and: ills cotented 1' It is because the pass and the people both, have vitiated the ~soArvpie,—, Defeats have been purpcsely exaggeratell in ...order. •to injure .the War .Department, the State government,• the contractors or the officers. host of 'Hier& or enemies constantly bent on magnifying all errors. It COM: mon f dodge to make the men discontented with; their comnansling officers, in _order, to make position'for others, and the intrigues to displace officers have become so gensnal and dangerous as to eallinaparatively-fOr some . prompt action of the government .We could p?inti out glaring cases among the Pennsylva nia troops where the most disgraceful ac.ta of insubordination and treachery have been 6Mi mitbki by men who are now seekbig to be colo nels, in order to .get rid of their superior officers. We do not eiageerate when we say that the whole of the three • months volunteers from Penniylvania, I and many from idassachusetts, New York and other States, mere .rendereddist contented by Publications and rementaticos from parties seeking contracts; or who were pur posely, bent on , doing this in order to slander and break down the Republican Sarnia' istrations of those States. .ake for the hunters. after (Kin tracts, we had thought their /imbed been pretty well shown up, but they still keep industrious ly at their work of misrepresenting the charac ter of the supplies furnished, and ,thereuy, , of course, inducing the soldiers to believe they have been greeting wronged. WEULT Is go BE DONN with northern maim thisem with treason ? You.maylsnow Lem by the piteous.whinnings with Which they depre cate war—by their groaniugs about . "coercion" and ''subjugation,-" and by-their extreme con cern about Mr. Lincoln's violations of the Con stitution, in his efforte to•preserve it, althonh they have nothing to say abisit'Dayis' effort to destrdy it altogether. They: are Of of them sneaking hypocrites, and the_, surest way to judgethem is to watch their faces 2 upon-the re ceipt of news. If it is disastrous to the-rebels; their visages at once put mi a -lengthened, emu lbok. If the Union army lues,met with a disaster-0 one of , our faithful officers has been artamMated by a rebel, their eyes brighten at once, Thdse men, vere therin_ Maryland or Mis sonri,, would smuggle powder and ghat° their. southern brethnm—rwould fmgage to•the extent of their .c o urage in driving out friends of the Unioi sad gonfiseating their,. property •or AM troyhig it. But they are where% thsh . ..treason-. able Sympathies autdo no. harm and: here we can allow them to remain and enjoy the protec tion Of .the Goveninient !which they would gladly see destroyed. All that: wo;would lay up is , store:against them is simply a truthftd record of the fset thatin the hoar of its great= , eat peril they; deo& with the enemies of the Gcrvet!nurent ttfigi,geveutheir sympathies to the conspiratorm arankb , have this imowivfor at let*. one t e mtgitier, artazte #. llB -end , li* they may hainspbodAdtliesifioleatmenragii , to:. Owe themselveemberwtheybehmet 'Ater:sal •.;') Jr - J. , ....tr. pennevinania WailD fatiegraph, The following communication states facteam positions so fairly and so bravely, that we can not refrain from commending it to those for whom it was written and those for whom it is publi4red Its truths are glorious and we hope they may have the effect of warning our trai tor neighbors from the hellish purpose of seek ing to manufacture sympathy for rebellion in the loyal capital of a loyal Commonwealth : Editor of the Telegraph : The only rule by which to judge men is to judge them-by their acts.- Profendons are one thing ; and if men would judge all men by their-profeasiorur, all would-he pure and 'loyal. But test them by their acts, and you have little difficulty in sifting the chaff--from the wheat lam led to these reflections from a ; daily reading of the .Pa4rio{ cod -0 - nfon, of ,this. city. No inan who • reads it c a n hbaudf pfithe cOntictien of its. from.; It, is a traitorous sheilt, and no where eise,,hut in this „tolerant community, would such an incendiary publioa-, tion be permitted daily to, utter its: infamous nintiments., , , A few days ago, in Hartford, Conn., a, traitor paper like, theTatria Union was gutted out by a justly indigruint community: . . Since then in a town.inllaine, a similar trai tor sheet-wasserred in the mune way. -How long shall the Patriot and Union here be permitted to.aggress upon the patience arld3ol-, mace of this community? , -A. Does the Patriot and ,Uniorksp soon forget the, warnblelt iialved;'(so'wholesoite Wits healfb.) a day or two after the attack on, yosißuipigti That _warning tildimi It to xlisPlay the o w and Stripes. 'For a ' While it beeaUte decet ; but like the brute, it is again falling back to' its "wallowing in the mire ' PEACE—WHAT A-17'P- -: 1 : " - - The following froth the GriniwitOwn Telegraph, a neutral journal' with a DernocpA : for pr) mit _ tor, ' facetiously. and.: tndy_.hits..the .plaintive cryof the northern Ldoughfs.'-for,petice, compromise, or any adjustment - that will Belie , the Democratic party _hoer ruin, and .reinstate, . in power the -southern traitors now. waning agathst the government : - . - • wb are sorry to say that' there is much' truin the following paragraph wbich'wepoßy. fro a long and able editorial fir".Tht Press, of ,ii Mon y morning•:—" Peace - piirty lA' the No i t is nothing more ,titrn the r e serve „ forces” of . Jefferson Davis.' Botr are anininted by; the lime purpose. Mr.' Davis wisliaithiaTerth, lurmiliated ;so does-the peat* party; Ar. Da vis wishes the Union dissolved; 'so does 'die' peace party. Mr. Davis wants Northem bacon and Northern arms; the - peace party haietkith . to dispose of at .reasonable 'terms. Mr. Davis wishes to ruin"lhr, - administration; the'place party is•laborini to the Same 'end; f,The only difference seems to-be that Davis luuk armed his Virginia "peace party;" and Stationed it at Mi.: nassas, under the command of Drawl:gar& and Johnston, twe, very distinguished inemliTis, While his "peace party" in the North is 'com manded by Brecidnritige Bayrfrd,' ValLuidig:: ham'and Wood. The' w hole six of thein are very faithful officers, end Itti. DA is"tuf. them . - ciently represented by his Northern ,sqvairts'aa he ie by his Southern. - - , , . , Tas APazIP for * American elhOstet et the rinaeh9ouTti in :the city of Washington./ has given general , satisfao= tion. , His guilt is concede:l'kt' all Who lizinnr the =tit and It is well. -,t04.4964.,.1414 'the libel :euteluttsticetels ?Ore( Aniraths lito.weidst,- ed then2.lm.the purchase ollasrolytind%-facailiv ted their intincourbe with the totniipie."ok: using! hlee_ ffi elerP.9eigee twetquAkehot purpOse. The ~firmness-of the govnrnananto in. thus Sweating Fanikner-canthst be , ixpl highly - com4anded.- It will t ea& the 'rebel :thief - to tie/ 4 1 61 d' Pitik.eht!,With,Plete,ex!etitil Who enter! their lines on utissiokatamenqi.affitli flags ik trace in their bandsennd itlepkitleost& ford 4n•example to the wOrld; that thliimitin-' mentiet% digqimh.teh) hetiPett-tke..ehtalm:ialid: tress-OL who,refuserto lend dal willingand a chelerfulobediehoOlto - the laws anct giosb ebv for 0 1 2 ek; d miaistration and 94l* /1243111 s are trait ors . xliuumer. was.tirrestectand is detained: --4 Er this connection it inky ant be, out of ,plaoei to State that wail to . the wife cd,ttjaa. traitor Faulkner ilen.:Pattensort _gaveAs-piusst shomsed in-traveling -between his cant' apt that of her rebel friends.' We votypoolil, whetter the same 1 147.,;i4 1 1 1?) 0 1 143ittiLtP_Asit her traitor husband ,in. him eellf cShould , 4bis eourtoy-be granted? We ask*ettrupatli*s' with her husband; the editors of the Rafri44: Mani. •. Eat C.' A. HAY on. Bendy hut made a..et4r- Ting filiPeal,tnhie neningation theamtheraw chukohom.the aubjeet of taxation to' stiprcrif , the 'struggle for the•Thidicathircoti die Union The Reverend gentlemen was truly his ihienri.ptifeket _tho chi Terence .between mere: wealthand the pmeesion , of thatotreedeet*ithkdi seen+ to is every Ochd,"end raitic4bleltaik Iu winParinnti with liberty, t4e4emB".llsl4llgi that ;was, too, voimible, too deez or