Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 14, 1861, Image 4
=I tints of Crane S transportation NSW AIR LINB ROUTH, TURK TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YORK. TWO TRAINS DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA WITHOUT CHANGE OF CABS. 11 ior 2 AND LFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1861, the Poem Nor Trains will leave the Phlladel• an" Reading Reamed rietiot, at Harriaburi , f==r New lik end !Warble( Wu ows, yia i. ~.. 1 ' AlialtVirikita.'i UPRISE, LIN IC loured Harrisburg at 9.90 a. m., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving In New York at 4 p. m. A sleeping ear Ii attached to the train through Prom Pittsburg without 1111 49849 leave n Harrisburg at Ba , fn., arriving In Now ark us 4p. m and Phltadarthia at 1.2/V p. tn. INUIT LINN loaves Idlexriaburg at .40 p m. , on arrival of Pennalleanla Railroad Fast &fail, arriving In New York it 9.46 p. 1:11, mud iMiladelphia at 11.40 p. in. • WESTWARD. VAST GINS leaves New fora at d a. m„ and Philadel phia at 8 arrlvibg aPHartiaburrat 1 p. m. SAIL TR kIN loaves New Yoricat 12.00 noon, and Phil adelphia at 11. 16 p. in., arriving at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. =PRIM LINK leavee New York at 8 p. m. , arrl vle 81 , Harrisburg tit 3.30 m., and connecting with the Pennapluala 111xpress Train for Pittsburg. A Alenpiu4 ear W abireattaabed to tide main . Cknumbitens are made M Harrisburg with trains on the Poway'totally Northern Central and Humberland Valley and at Reading for Philsielphle, Pottovil le, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Walton, dm. sodrgchecked through. Faro between New York eburg, 16 00 ; between Harrisburg and eh Oa delAia $8 'AI In No.l ears, and $2 70 In No. 2. tickets or other Information apply to J. J. OLYDK, General Agent, Harrisburg CM fiIitISYLVANIA RAIL ROAD BUMMER TIME TABLE. lAA FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA- ON AND A7THIS MONDAY, JIINE 10th, 1861, Pailleager trams of the Pennsylvania Railroad Coup pair id/'deport brow and arrive at Harrisburg son libUsdelphili as follows EASTWARD. far UNZ tome Harrisburg every morning (except Monday)l.l6 a. as., and arrives at West Philadelphia It 6.10 raw:reit 11APHEEIS THAW leases Harrisburg daily at pm a. in, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.10 p. RAM TRAIN leaves ilarrlaburg daily (except Sun day) at 6.16 .. us and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.16 p. m. MAIM tabu make alma commotion at Phitadaipata with he New Tort Mee. AOOOHI[ODATION TRAIN, No. 1, via Mount Joy, tames liarriaburkvat 1.00 a. and &moo at West Mb*lipids at 12.00 noon. HARIMHOHIIO AMOOMMOHATION TRAIN, via Volum. bia,leavas Harrisburg at 1.10 p. in., and arrives at West PitilndelpAla at 006 p. in. ifairAItIODATION TRAIN, No. 2, via Houut Joy, Maya. Harrisburg at fia p. m. connecting at Diller. with HAIL TRAIN, and arrives at Week Yhiladel phia at 10.16 p. IR. WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 20,185 - da,, Harrisburg at 2.85 a. in., Altoona 7.30, a. im. 1M 5 ,8 pt Eltiaburg 1..112.00 noon s 1 1.4, TRA IV - lcullied Philadelphia at 7.30, m., e. ~ B tilitt'l.OD Pon., Altoona, 6.60 - p. tn., and - arrives at Piflaburg id 12.0011dnight. 14511114N15 Davos Philadelphia at 11.20 a. In., Harris.. 11ireWt ells Altoona 8./ 0 P. m., and arrtvco el Pula- b ' II . .- ' trita' ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Doves Pktiad Ipldo tat' 2 . 85 ' p. m., Ltuusaater 0.08 p. m., col. i ttit MIA% 0.40 p. m., and wives at Harrisburg a 8.06 p. ip. Tbki Tfar akillw at Harrisburs, at LOS P. 133., with dart et d Traits for Sunbury, Williams port; IL Hived, ' ' ton =dal] penal 'North; A O OOSIIBOTIiTIONTBAIN, Matra Philadelphia'at 4.00, p. Mt, laitteumtP 1150 p.'01,, Mount Joy 8.21 p. m., Elba- DlNlStandi, 8.87. p. m,, and arrivals at Harrisburg at "VisPOMI, . • 'lle eel to the limit, that . peaeengers leaving 4 .at 4.00 p. m., maniat at lanneater with • 'ACColittionaTlON - and arrive al urg'at 0.80, p. ; ; - • SARUM. D. YOUNG, Supt. East. Div. peon*. Railroad Ind T,lBlR—dtt 86*41oltoobi for Boys and Girls . ftoltlrepitif.gir ituowc. LOCUST. Z.Ort.eitti 4 - Rul3tier me tucv grs A :raw,* open on the hut Monday In Almguel - 'road et well ventilated, eendartaddy tur niebellos. tow tweiy -respect well adapted for Belau Pititioee CATMAIUNS &shod ler girls, located in the same hadiffuski wilt °pia fbr Mena tbrm at the name Vine. The re= Wu been elegantly fitted up during the Yalolleo, to promote the hee4th sad cooifori of scholars. Jrsl.4la CITY LIVERY STABLES. ilteallOl/t7 ALLRY, IN rsx REAR 0) WIROTRZ. , endersigned hae re - oommeneed the NO/wry badman lo Ws MOW aud, SPACIOUS STA boated as above, meths large and vaned stook o mew OARBIAGge and ObibUBEISIIS, which ha arii - rum. e, li, SWARTZ. LIQUORS AT COST 1 hi'PING concluded to 'discontinue the modulo we otler.our tarp) gaol rxonplete assort 0, Ifni ltiottlavolfoo, sod IfilllOra of every de. orfpflom at you wi moms, ~ ; • ...1,--kr, v,. ij - h W i WICK e ~ jkaLCKgw, j A th aim-Haft ifitbitat Ayer's CATHARTIC PILLS. A KE u 1 yo BCK, feArial Are you out of order, et with your system deranged, uncomfortable? These symptoms art oattnednythouerfireitir to serious illness. some in of sickness ie creeping upon you, and should be averted by a timely ego of the right remedy rake Ayers Pills and cleanse out the disordered humors—pun: y the blood and let the fluids move tu duobstrucbeit Might, again. They sUmu ade the functiou of the body auto v igorons activity, pa rtly the systeM from &mingle. A void settles some where in the body, and obstructsiti unto ral factious. These, If CM relieved, react upon themselves and the surround ing organs, producing geeeral aggravation, angering and disease ,While in. this condition, oppressed by the de rangements; take'Ayer I and see hovrdirectly they restore the natural action of too syntem,-and with It the buoyant leeling ot ?width sgion. ;What Is true and so apptirentiM ttils Ltrivial and uummon complaint, is also true many o. the deep-seamt and dangertnuf diatom- Porn: Tho' same purgative ellec expels them. Oaliaed by similar obinrostiont end derangements Of the - natural Mations of. that dbooy, they are rapidly, and , many of them surely, cured by the mune means. None who know the virtues in these Pills, will neglect to employ hem when altering from the di. orders'they cure. Statements from leadiag physicians in Rome of the principal cities, and from other well known . publid per From a Forwarding iferonant, of 81. Cottle. Feb. 4, 18b6 Da. Aram : Your Pills are th, paragon ol all that la great in medicine. They have cured my little daughter nlcerqua sores upon her ban a and het that had proved incurable lot years. ' lierm Aber has been long grieviously afflicted with banishes , and pimples 0.. her skin and in her hair. Alter our child was cured, she also it 4 our Alla and they have Wired her. ASA IitORORIINIK. ea A FAMILY PMY2IIO. - [From Dr. E. W. Cartwright, New Orleans.' Your Pthe are the prince ul purgee. Their excellen t panties surto* any cathartic we possess. They arc mild, but very certain and-eileatual In their action on the bowels, which mate them :Invaluable to us in the daily reatmem 01 disease. HIADACIEN, mae 1111ADAOHII, FOUL STOMA® [From Dr. 'ward Boyd, Baltimore.] NAIR HMO. Arlo : I eanuot atISWOr you WHAT com plaints l have CUM with your Pills better titan to say that we ewer treat with a purgative nediestrie. 1 place gnat dependence on au effectual'cathartic in my dally contest with disoase,.and behoving as tdo that your Pills Alford us the bust are have , 1 of course value them highly. Clay 1, !abb. be. J. G ar sartlir : I have been repeatedly cured of be worst Readaahe anybody can have, by a dose or two , your Pills, .4 seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they clamps° at onott. Yours with great respect, El). W. . rk of Steamer Olarion BUJOUIS COMPIAIIML IProw Ur. Theodore Bell Not only are your s , iiiitaptisl to Welt purpuwe ua as aperient, but 1 .0..4 their thiuunciai intents upon the' I.tier viiry marled 1 - ;.iced. 'they env lu my practise prdyed MreCtuur ior IMF cure oi Winne Complaints Mau idly one remedy 1 can mention. I sia oarely salmon that ino,hine at length a purgative which m worthy the unutlilence of the proiossiou and the patina. " ' DitAIKTMEAT et IBM IM/RIDE, t Washington, D. U., 7th Neb. 1860. alr :.1 have used your Pink in my general sad hospital immune) over ulnae you wade Mum, and cannot hesitate te any they. are the beat caliturtae, we employ. 'their re gulating Welkin on the I Vor o ,ithek and decided: cmse queutty ttkey are tu remedy for derangement ui that urg.u. Maned, r nay.. ...Mom Mond 'a ease of ilditnia Monte suOballu tie otru a did out rt eddy yield to mew. eraterually y air A .)NW' BALI, tl. VI P4,.1411411 • 1116 MArilte) Hoepftrl DIreRATIIIEN tilitnow A MLA; Woitag. iterow Br. J. u: Grenu, 01 Uhiciagod Your One u vu tied 4 out, tri tl d my pr.tollue, and 1 mud ttwut to esteem a 3; Ono of tun neeL itpertente 1 have ever loanU. t belt, alterunve yawl. upon the liver nuke. Went an excellent remedy, wtiee 4.ven in entail &Wee for Metals Dysentery Met DiurrhO3s. matt sugar-coating makes them very Voseptible and convenient ror the nee 01 women end chltdren• IhnirmsA, 'arum or TM Blom LYrom Key. J. V. tinned, Paster Advent Uhureh, ®adorn. Dr. avaa : I nave used your Mile with extraordinary eurnese in my buntly and Lnose I am called to Vila In U istruse, To regulate ON organs of digestion mud pu rity the blood, "Loy urn the vary beet remedy 1 have ever known, tam call Go-hammy recommend them to my trieuda. Yours, J. V. WARRAN. N. Y., Oct. 24, 1866, MAR : ueimo. year JaUtartic In my pro.tice, amide ttiJm att exceileut pUrgaLlve to &name the eyetem 41.111 artiu the /012niatins 0/ the Wood. .0111.1 MEACULAM, U. U. 00MdriPATiort frau:4nm SinTagoolda, Ibisuitenam, Moo; datikAtuu thioralt, PASALTaIa, Firs, Ira [From Or. J. Y. Vaughn, Mentreal, Clanada.j Too much cannot toe said 01 your Pills-for the care of Dostivenate. it others of your fraternity have louutl them es ettleseittim as l have, they .bould mifi me in pro. atahniug a for the boueel of Wu multitudes who sutler from that chniphout, which, Although bad enough In it sell, is the prUgeoltur , d others tort are worse. I heave Costiveness to ongulate to the dyer, but your Pills affect that organ atm aura the diseruss. IFrum Sirs, K. Stuart, rhyslisiaa and alidwite, Wilton.] L dud one or two large dimes of your Pills, [alma at the proper Odle. are alLuedeut prounaleets of • tits Natural OdrOLUMA wu u We dly or partially suppreseed, cud also pry 'Jesse .1 ..atseadit too Wonsan and itarat weenie. riloy are so wadi the best idlysio we have that (worn eland no other to any pallente. [Brum the Kov. Dr. liawices, et the Ilethodbit W.pWoOpid Church.) . . ruLuist.liomM, Kavanuau , 115., Jau. ti, Ilasoms. Knk sheUld imgrateful for the relict juur skiff flea brought mu it .1 di.! dot report my Oases to I you. A cold settled to My lid brought on - toto ro- Oahu, Neuralgia Pains, wider, ouded in Catania lthau Olotwitlistuitiing l tl..s toe bar of physicians, the disOUSO IlrerftWekats suit ardrse, until by the advice of yrilir excellent:agem. atitimore, Dr. Mphenste, 1 tried, jtour Pills.. their oleCi.4,Were slew but sure. By persevei nit In the usual ibein; l ion now entirely well: asisis Dui itouge; Lai, Dee. 5, 1855: DL ATM have kilt auhroly Cured bylaw' Nino; OI Rheuntisho h0p5...0 ADD uhtliseafie &Oat .88(1 abated me toe yam' . • VitiVICK . A pir.lfieet el the pub in ruatlol contain elereUry, which; althe.fign Violdaule reinedy In'elalltUt -hands, Is dangerous In• . public ptlL'irow tee dreadful ecustequen- Ore Utak- frequently , ' follow its incautious A s o. sontaiu no mercury or mineral auhatanne whatever. Price *etude per box, or 2 boleti:ler $l. • Preparotrby Dd. J. LI. Arillrds no., Mass. sold hy , U. A Beinvark 0. K. Keller, 4.. W; Gross Jo., J.ll. Lutas, Holtaaa & 00.,,Artnetrang, flarrlaburg, and . ditplersAvargir4eFe ! _, ap2l4lmdew AVID RAYNER, 110 MARKET, ST. ELIARISBURG, - Agdid' for I . 11 • 11 .i 1 E ' S PATENT Wrought and Chilled r od Burglar Prow 4.taift. - Strictly the ONLY rderommis made, that is both re and Burglar ?roof. mar.l9 d]..t ULtNITLESI emuipieute, OANDLIsIi, SPEIIIII OANDA.EN • ADAMANTINE DANDLES, STEAB4NI.I (JANDLN., STAR UANDLEs. SEIII&I CANDLES, TALLOW ijA/11)/X8. cite kit of Ice n boy e a dt,:e anti kir axle at, the low est prices by W bi.. I.OOE. J.R. & 00., Jan Opposite the Quirt Howie:, • A VERY HEAVY STOOK Oh' _ , ANA) SEOOND 'MQUIU : : D RESS GOODS' ! OF EvEslr DESOBIrrION JUST OPENED. At Prices below the Cost of Importation. CALL AT CATHCARTPS, mayB Next doorlte the Barre/berg Bank. - • • :• FAltaltk/B •110-TEL.- • • 'llllig subscriber begs leave to inform. hie Mende isie the public Wet ne bee taken the FARM NK'S HOTEL; M Market eireet , Oppasite the PO9C Ce, formerly J . *awe, where he le prepared to accom mo• ;Ate them on reasonable term, • Having reettee sad ;thrashed the House entirely how l be hopes by stri at at testburto besboms, to receive a liberal akin of,patron• MP' lapaSmd] 8.8. Pinata, sorosivs BOOK, M. l Kinney'e„ elft." th e n alt=li t a re G t ethth i ckt the titoliou Etatucaz oper, Woo of our inkirrWisols 41.0AUF/141/1 POUritilik sara a 0 wrs mutenevolai penttogivania Rlaitg dittegrapi), Wiettitiskip aftentooni 2lugnot 14, 1861. CHT , VtIA....: talgtlik. As eurportenoed Nurse and Female Physician, presents 4.• the attention of Iftotnert SOOTHING S flit) P. which greatly Wattles the prooosa of klbal4g e by $W 011 a the irams,malocing all laildolnalionwtil allay ill p , sad spasmodic action. and Is BURS TO EMULATE. THE -119NITIO3i. Depead upon it, Inaba's, it will:sive - Seat to yotirseme. •AND,.:MIMS AND REAM TO .We hive put Sp' and sobithis arUcla for over te, yews, aid Mot SAT, .1 1 / 1 11CINOTR,“ whin err' hive never , been , able tomay- et :any Other, intsliteheoi- NEVER. HAS IT rAiLED, IN A MNOLAINISTOOK WITEOT el CURE, when timely aced: : Vane did ‘ WI know an Instance of diseatiefactlon by ediy drie944lq dee' It: On the ctetrary,' all , swat delightedXhieh ties: *let eons, and . speak In terms of highest; ooMmendatioila its magical Acts and medical,Adrtnes. Waspish. nt„ this matter "an Ws ix) bble, Adler 161Yeilir . ,ekPb IiEMOSi 'ASV SW:Et 011 TIOTOTION PON 110 16111ildel OS WILLI alma* ever instants *hay the 'Mantle eufferleg lkompatcand astmsdion, rs Set will , be found in ,loran or tritely( , Ostute after tam syrup fa idinunitered" IThke valtsible preparation la the reeoriptes• al (lin• of the meet EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL Nilltdliel New England, and by Ibeelt i tosid *PAT etrOCuas in' • Motuaitite OF tuns to not only relleivei Weida!! Erten:- Oak, OCR 'tem orates the deemed, and ,boWels, corrode acidlty r ani gives tone and energy . to the , whole system 1t 4.11,1 axed . instantly relieve GRIPING IN - THE a:MELD; AND WIND tithaU,, • 044areerile tmovidelois,. which if Ant eelldnr sente: died,' end In death. We behove ,it Om fatter Cr motor or rsi womn, ln all mote et MEN JAR AN) [KAU. SA' IN 0111IILDERN; vibetlieir tr. teething or trom key other Conseil 'We Would etir every mother who has a child iturering tress any.of the toeagmng 00 11 2Plalktm--wo COT Lig - 1 9 1 M• # O 4 ors ritaganass or antsse, stand , betwee n pont Indining dhOd and.the roust 11 1 4 WMBbe SURE= AN 0 drAUTNLY SURE-4i, folio* the iud of-this of &. it timely used. direotano torAtaitgvi4 ItocomPoni. each. bottle. done rgenuine tuilessi oouteila .. the facidirdh" WET% I nNlONS,New'Ycht;Te.nii Bold by uggiste throughout . the 'aria' • .rinelpal i se, No. 18 Cedar St., New York. Price aulv 25 Osiii4 nor Brittle • For Sale .8 Harrisburg by B. W. tires & Ou., tie IV Market street, J. Hartle I& US Market street., 0 K. Keller, Nu. 91, Market stret , troeleir 7 , :••••" stet s rn Kalb • - , EN= New York Qty.) Dyspepsia AlemedY IJIL DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC . INVICHDRATIMOAPILIT. Ms Jim Kenn Ma beat used by the Fab& for sir with increaring favor. It it recommusided to DrgolPeleakrossitteit, IL ari-inern, Oldie /Wins, Wind to the elossach, or to tufo the Beweh, &miser% DlYneriness, Kidney enn plaints, Low Bpirat, .D. lirfunt , Amens, Intemp:re ee litilLAT&I, lantialtkras, . V At, atm MU. MOT terrozoters'os tt di6 A MEDICINE it in , quick, nd effectu al, outing we most aggravating awe o Dyspepsia, Miley Complaint; and, other: other derange ant.. or Mt Stomach and Bowels, in a speedy manner. It will Instantly revive the most medium. ly an drooping spirits, and restore the .week„ nervous.. d not ly to health, strength and vigor. , . . Persona who, from the injudiolOos use of liquors, rumt become dejected, Lad their Darrow systems shattered eemstitutions broken down ; and subieet to that horn'', three to humanity, the Dnuenne Timm% Will, aitntee ;Immediately, feel the happy and healthy InVigorstine stikatoy of Ur. kiam's losStoraldhlt SW% . WHAT IT WILL DO, uces.--une wka gloss full as otten as useissary me dole will reams° ill Bag Spirits; '' ' mu: dom. will sure Heart•burn. Three doses Will mire Indisestlen. One dose will give yob a Good Xpliellt e:Dyer r use noes, will stop the Mistreating pains or ' Uno dine will remove the dletreming, and dl9akrobitli aka Of Wind or lehtlidenWentess sot% nth* *ASO receives the levigorathig Spirit, the distrillbad'abe all painful Menge will be removed: une dose will reliteve the most diatressingprorot idk, either in the stomach or bowel'. ' ' A low 4o will remove all obstructions In the ltiducy , Madder Or Urinary Organs. Perwills who aro "ortolan &Mated with any Kw*, Lemplinine ' are &retiree speedy roller tly: a deer or 'two; mid rotiloalcuro by the oho of ohe or-two bottiot:, NIGHTLY DISBIROION. rersoon who, Iran diaMpatlng too much over night, and feel the evil Wane of poisonous liquors, in violent,- nom. sows, sickness at stomach,- weakness, giddiness, &0., wilt tine one dose will remove all bad tooling& Ladies 01 weak and sickly constitutions, should take the Invigorating spirit three dines a day; It Will make WM Strong, healthy and nappy, remove *ll obstruction' and irregu 'orifice from the menstrual organs, and ands restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn Ism. During pregnancy It will be found an invaluable num.. nine to remove disagreeable sensations at the .wmaub. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to Induce Mut, he nail put up the Invigorating Spirit in , pint bottles, at 60 cents, quarts 31. cieneral Depot, 48 Water street, N. Y. - Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia, D. & tor sale In Harrisburg by O. A. Bannmurt, D. W. Grogan A. and C. K. Keller, and by 111 Druggists everywhere tole-dimly FASHIONABLE OLOTHINEI. fiII:LING AND . SUMS , CLOTHING EMPORIUM . .4 saperb Moak of line french, linglish and American CLOTHS, OltsBllo]=l3, Per City and Country trade, with an i ma tortment ol RUDY MAD' W.Ort at the lowest cash prices WBut ONE PRICB is asked, and a GIFT of intricate worth and use presented whit each article sold. • PartitAdar attention paid to the Customer department, and garments made andeent to order to any address, In inaugurating this new system of doing. business, GRANVILLE STOKES would impress on the allude 01 the patrons of his ottablishmeat, that the oast of the gilt le deducted from, and sass added to the price of the arti cle sold. Him Immensely increasing sales enabling him to act thus liberally, and at the same Wm to realism II remunerative profit. all articles guaranteed to give entire aauaacti o n. STOKES' ONE PRIOEOLOTHINOSBIPORITYId 607 CHASTNUT riTRKET. ootati.emd—rdmare.dir • • 1" .1 riplit: COMMISSIONERS appointed an d A. the Act. of inoorporationOt the city of Harrisburg having made plat or draft of saidolty.,dpeignatiug streets,. lease =and - alleys now' dilidAig opednig,' &NV also where avenges, strects,.latted mut alma, shall here after be opened, and gob Otenknittideititthh• the lintlta of said city a plot or piece of ',pond, quvitaiwit not bus than twenty acres; tafrthe 0.10 public - arid 'ol" held city, tor the purpose's aiut uses ME1111311013(1 In said act had suhmittedtheid draft and report to the Court or Quarter swim, of Dauphin mall, kw approyik of said Court ; the said draft and report have bean kW by order 01 said Court in the office of the. Clerk of Quer ter sessions of mid:county Dor pub%) inttylectloii - and un less exceptioiat are flied thereto by parties iiibirested in said city ,the same will ligajiPOwwt at the Ittitue fa of said mon: griraer too Coarts' t myl-dtw Glorious Star Smut,led Bannefl, A ROMER SUPPLY OF WALLPAPER, Joi. BORDERS, dio., SPLENDID WIND( gimp s , t o which we 'Gill the attention of our frlene‘awd etrlNEally . We In theartokneunineour gwate linchpin*: are determined Ilk sell abesp. , mind the olava. ! 8011Fran,s' BooNSTGEtak ttus flirrisburi War, 1 AU G USTINICLIVIIAYNE. CARPENTHR ANDI 4 siviimpiA"•;4: 2 r S or b aitse NAItr4OBIONOsSISIUDED TO umult la/isttllamous MRS. WINSLOW , For Children TeelWag, 186 1 . PHILUELPHIA. MBAONS.i GRAtEIVILLE STONES' ON N PRIOg 4117 No. 607 CEIZSTNU2 STRIDIZ. SIGN OF THE ettLet llior4.,J!Nw?Arz-Pies LIMPILLBAND.PROKIIIIX IMIERL rHEBE ItIEDIGINS3 have now been bel i fore the publio ter WTHIRTY YEARS, and during that time have maintained a high character' al most every part of the Globe for their extraordinary and Immediate power of restoring perfect health to per sons suffering under noddy. every kind of disease to which the human frame Is liable; The following are among the distressing variety of hu ms disease,s in which the VEGETABLELIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be In f allible. 121017PEPALS, by thmonghly bleensing the first end second stomach; and creating a flow of pure, hea lt hy instala of -thb stele end acrid kind ; FLATm- LIGNCY lase of Appetite, Harsiburn, ilesdsche, Asa. lessnem, 111-Temper, Anxiety, languor end Melancholy, 'which are thegmeral symptoms of Dyspepeis, will van lith, sntthi•M Mestoptenea elite Cure. GOSTMI_ by cleansing , the whole length of the litestfnel`with solvent` process, led without via lona; all !violent pines have theasrmshit motive within Wittprecs_ MILS of all kind!, by restoring 'the blood to a regular ,thretththoty throe/eh the TWOMise of Wmphstion in meth eases, and the thorough solution of all Intestinal ta 'll to Others. Vo I LIFE IdEDICINIIit have been known to cure TlBMllthfilt permanently Urea 'weal and 69W 4. 1 .04 1 1P1iff by .firoM theitißsclea and ftmenti the Sofia: DROPIIICS of all kilidejb l 4' treeing and Streng th en. jog thq 03 , 11, MoidilsK twat@ most dollghl , half dli WO. Wornatt iktrbbiiiii MR been found GOMM rentear the worst imam of ' CatA lsd l abii & ME L - A _ ~4 °. by dfsl_gegt me the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter th. which these creatures •thhers. ; " • ' • • ISCAMNIf tipCNIDN, and UIi.VATLAATE , 'NOM* by be Perfect purity Which them his tot. : tlintuffamiti _ IiKtOg,mIITIDX.RIIDTIONS pad BD) COmPtan lONS, by_tVen+ last4veffeki Vim teed %he ekls,,JuiL the morbid state , of which' oome all eruptive complaints, ealiow , eloedy, and other-ipee ab beinplesions. IThellmw,9l theme , pills for • Velff short lime will effect In ehilinichre of SALT. BIEXIMUJI, and aaft thi: prevenient, „in .the clearnees_ ,Orthe skin. COMFON, COLDS idd INIPLDEfNZA P.lwayi be cureely Mut JACC - Aktiwrnin the worst cewm. PLLIBIL—The originairoprietor of these medicines, war curlirof Piles; dee peen Minding by thit use of t he 11114..MEINCINIIS alone, FEVER AND AGDE:—Tor this scourge of the mown country, Minos Nedisinel will be found a eafe,, rei=and 9erlain remedy. Other Medicines have the dui ecttoarotaruolthedlßeiee=-ocure by these Nedifflielk 'PertneArßY TWIN. 1311 , aku' •1161 v FEvfakv , AND viviut , COE, 0 00Rle. 1 1 =e7r G ie=s z" rasi ' ri.Ne A TZPite% with/015meg bintelktal r:Aimitain cuss of this descriPq Bon ; 7 41.1Egs Evil an 4 Scrofula, In its, worst forma,yields to the mild yet potturftil action of these remirkable Nedi (shies. Night Sweats, Nervous DebiANNerveus Co A piston( of all kinds, PalpitaiiTi of Welleart, Palm re' • (bliA__ . are awn., ,cured. nano a INSlP.6Pergemg where toiletilat ions hav tiocro,..ithEidr.o4. the htiodhAoun se of Mercury, wii du thesi.mediclaes a perfect care; 85 they-never Nil:to °indicate from fhb system, WI the Wade of Mercury Infinitely muter than the Meat POlyer . 1111 preParitkui of Sirsepirills! Prep tared and cold by , „ (W,istiaryam, 1186 Broadway - New York. _ !Female by all -Dryggistav , " •' ly2o-dawly ~3 , ~ R'`H~~-~',s 1114 ~., i : ,„, i , .: . ll o ll an i, ; .: :. : ::. . ,,, ,::_ rrirtigiENEPSTA. Liver Complaint, Fever end 'Ague, &c. Tam successful introduction and use of &Is cele brated Remedy' hoe head the stitud for a literafflood of compounds 000 4 1tittelle tatted to various ipruks, from a *tilt tO s'Aroseltott. .Litolh.4oll, this word but another Fuunto !` cr,ofh or some idnanottilildsltormiliture. But the y grestilAdilf from the Infante I dose, one of/ ouransdktoe, • • 81NR1M111,110U4301174n=6 ! . ir is Land the attire alarsoctfil 3 k akesta- I Wished fonts =km - boiitofixotkffie and countertalti VI, to' - einibie". •• It *la ! 'lively a vegetable vireparstlebl thi berdytnidldent pare spirits to preeactella :ir , '.,,' • - L . , 1 :: But mu ,(414C(Ril4t*M01,) price Ox: Deitatt.„ It al a madkilatifonitrka aley !hr/Ny.oo2g the llleod j ao eisesitialtittnthelbtmdatkxt of:good health and fir .00rreethw dlsorders of the stomach and bowela. Two or three done causrliask the 4004 of its salutary effects. The a h apt set i min its strength, a healthy eh for the!. Wad kidneys will soon talsitolsoei audlenewed health be the quick result. For INDIGIESTIOM Try Beri**s Holland Mara. For railatastrazr; Try Blerkers% Holland Bitters. For Adrp*l*,l44Ai t. , • : Bachave's Reiland .Bitters. , wAir4,ol4sx Try • 11 ha nd Bitters. 11171E31AD 'IlierA jits184 a*P li- 110 . iian:liitteirs F0r...T.088.7 OF JAPPIITITEL. Mrs, ' -loitand' Bitters, or 9 0 EinnAii1 3 # 4 17_ literbares-Helina -Bitters, For PILES, 'Try Berhave% Holland Bitters. In all Nervous, Ithenniiitle, and Neuralgic Ann. lions, It bas In numerous Instances proved 'highly beneficial, and In others erected a deckled cure. Rand Carefkilly The genrdne, highlrconcentrated limaasea's nor. LAND limns hi Imt up in halPpint bottlea only, and retailed at One Dollar per bottle, The great demand for this truly celebrated medicine bee induced many imitations, which the public liberal guard against purchasing. Beware of imposition! &e that our name is on the lobel of every bottle you buy. • Benj. Page, Jr. &Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. rot mile In the elty of Ilarelehaß bY D. WORM CO. - JEWELRY, WATOHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &O. ALFRED F. ZEKIIIIIIMAN di 00; 'ELIS2 biLRHET STREET , Harrisburg, opposite iliorVe Horn and adjoining We Homy baying puroliased the steak of 5. V Jenolop, and added a large assortment of NEW JAW pat se ll S:LEY, we will Me uses at the lowest cash price, and solicit ronage. Watches, Meta and - Jewelry' s nendirand promptly re. paired and delivered. - Ails= F. ZOODIRMAN a co. _ dlifbaset of' my otook'of Jaittft to' A. Fi MO swami ir.00., I ohoortally reocroummt them to my Ing w customers as ermined and embargo:Amid Watch lfrters and solidi Or Wats continuance of the patron tewhich haa been so googrously extended to me doting test ix yowl. * 29 EMIR F. JINNI:NG& FISSIX I SHAD, No. BALIION,No. 1, HESEING, No. 1, OOD FISH; No. 1, BIA.CHERFIL No. 1. , of jw above we have al Ike =area sized package / Ihe am: la the aautau,ll store tad for eale at the oweal what raw. febl6 WM. DOCK, Ja. •It 00. ORANGES AND 2LEMONEI. ILIOATY ROUE in prime mid* jest eeksk tir gias . Doge 4 11 -4 4 cij • OPIIM OANITatu • • • mama tar DOCK JIL *alto Sltintal "They go right to the Spot," INSTANT R.VIZTI PIIROT YOU 3 BREATH I BTRENGTHRN TOUR VOICE I SPALDING'S Throat Confections, GOOD FOB oLERGYBEsra, GOOD FOB U=MMIS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC, SPEAKISS, GOOD 7011 SIXGERS, GOOD cONEFUMPTIM. GINTUIRIN CARRY SPALDING'S THBOAT CONFECTIONS. LADIES ARE DILIGHTIED WITH SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. offunws,asy FOR SPALDING'S THROAT CONPIZOTIONS They•rPliove a Ooodb ittetandy. ;They. clear the Threat. They live strength and'vohtme to the Whom. They hityart deltdotut 4roout to the health. They are delightful to the teak; They are made of simple harlot and cannot harm any I advise every one who has a Coughor a Hasty. wine 'or a Rai Breath, or Loy Olffloolty of Ahe,Tlurouw, to get a ;parkage of my.Throal.ooufoodoua, they,Vß relieve you Instantly, audyou %wallah iheia very mead and pleaa4 ant while travailing rtrattitiding, paha meetings tor iss, lirtiryonr Cbugh•Or slinking your thirst. If roe Wont 'tiepins I itm sdb in • tiaras thats you will ever after wards milder awn Indlatienelble.: 'fon will lad alluitn' ;Mahe Druggists aud•Dealeng tnitedleinee. ' ; PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS NY IddiWare hon each pedalgo. All ollier an oosin habit. A ?allow wtll tie sent by Malt, prepaid, On reolpt o Thirty Chola. • Address, -11 AX I TIAY 1313 ,4-LPI 27 g. AO- Mk 0/R l }B APLEIT,,NEW. 'YOWL, EM QE ,EtAI4O,'PILLS §'ICK , ...:JIE,AD - ACIIE NERVOITS HEADACHE;;;, AIL KlNpa OF . KEADAOHE Bribe **at I,lunia'oll64 tea patioaki attadiat NLllfil ~ list; 07 itiak , lita4f4Al , l , )#sWerinediNifYl4 4 l4! 4164ff.1113°)A1S9a911ot.Stai`k lamed is re4le[!Yr : pain and iieknese may beebi a iued. Tbey~'eeldoti ft fi fir iernovi er Sawa sad biadiaiktilla wbk4l:lkaiiiiiiaare so enabled.. , , Theriot gently upon thebOwels, removhat aueivasaa., For Literary Illwatudenla t , Delicate litnalee, and, all persona otiodkitary, habtnt.,llo7 are eatuahle as a. , ZeafhiwiiMlTlrdeligie 0W. 0 .! ,via°2 f to the dlgoltiva onlltuf, and res t oring ttlp, natural '11111141• city and strength to the w bole tyska': The WHAM/ Vpla, ire the resdh or,looFtneeitk' gallon and`careA 11 In the In inin*Yeirn; daring widen Urns they bansim• tionted and yeller/0d airnat Itfool l niOrintlAandmilifortn. tirom Bono/40,.1tiltakOtSITIO8HSIIP ftinrer i S Mrs tern or. from a 41rftE!'d Mate of sw"d" They Are ,enOV. YeheisbniP their cooln. Ppoitlce, and ' , bey be i tokon at all limes With I,444 l :intitY*WVtibnii of,uitit Ina tie 'deism 41 ea* imi a : reedit takrindatttear thudnisidt4r Menlo mikireicl I BliWeßll OZ COUNTEgight The geanin ' ' lave thignetla xes l of Henry 0 . epatdini an eacti box.. isold by, drugglete end all other dealers In ohldllehleir. - A Box will be sent by mall preieildhli leaelpt of ad FRIO! 717liaT-FIVI COMM All %qua 1410 4 be addressed to REMY a orgiraNft, • 48 War SWAM. 4444,T404. fir*, 54.01 AO**, pr, SPUIAMPAARFARO:P will save Ws UMW its seat SPALDING'S' PREPARED GLITEI .13PAPIA-13 PREPARED' GIIMI SPALDINGVB PREPARED Guigt mat ive • Kfforoxy ireAlttlf,! airaii arum IN mcs ELVIS N/Al.".fraf as giciasupooritirluqyas, awasnell-ripilatediasaleit rsullififradPitP 111,164 TP 4 IIPPRP• 11 941P 0 . inS, ryArml4Ting,Niii4-. Tops twalker9,&o - BPAIDINfPft• meets all aßelkemeraenme s, !Lod nqll4o , t . efkkktoin , 11 ' icuisaruinq maintiouagot, . arosVabEoeipante. eacieliminc;,Pferwsivoil, Address ' HENRIZA , SPAILKW . No. 48 94{tiltrAft, Near Tod!. CAUTION • %palm TCupiM P"u;'au iooi " '• g ' , „i am b s ealra*Cl.44lo 0.464AN1W 14, , • ralpiejUallos Paile“gpriltaalW; j= earwaawii49fie ' A Yew Feature in the Spice T ra d e! LIWORTANT TO HOUSEKEEpEas E. IL DURKEE & CO.'S SELECT SPICE S TM NM . 'in , (Lined with Paper,) and N u 4 , f RUCK PEPPER ER, , GINGEfk ~,, WRITE PEPP LI L TLe F , N ll,, CAYENNE PEPPER AL MAL Ci l. CINNAMON w‘ , ,5.., MUSTARD ' Le, IN THIS AGE of adulterated, and fete A, lea apiom, It is with confidence that .• thu . , bathe attention of housekeepers these •unorar'. pliable article.. We guarantee th em us, „,), - ' 4 / ABSOLUTELY AID PERFECTLY KALE, belt ground from fresh Spleen, selected so i ..,,,,,, usexpresely for the purpose , without red,,, ~. ~,, y are litantlftdly packed In tin tett, 0 ~.-.: „„.,!, 7 4 1, 41 while the ordinary b g r tip s ) 4 , ' ,' , l ," ~ 0' kee ala any abort. We warrant them, in pe,t, ,4,. ''''"' nd riahneat of flavor, _IN:Lo t BEYOND ALL COMPA it intiN . as single, trial will abundantly prove. , ~,i . : t O,, b, reettelVade *Mg Atanumetured ~, , ,n i n A. R. DUBAI>. A. co , ~,„ , For sale by WM. DOCK JR. SECO STOP YOUR COUGH I B. M. GILDEA, D. D, 5 STA lE STREEI, OPPOSITE THE' BRADY 110LN., 4apera ionti, Surgical and Mectia, , uncials Periormea. Charges moderc i NEW COAL OFFICh. SHE UNDERSIGNED having eaten,; .j'.tothe 00AL TRADE in thin city, wuMl • " et . ,19),!. the latiimice of the cdasees. i • Veal OfWI *OS fir Ont endebrniod 1n40010104 1 // Pal he delivered w any pin 'free tram dirt and other Impurities. 1 , 1: 4 , 011410 lel. BALI BY Tea 13001 LAW 011 MOO ..03. VoreOnO pllichnhog drainUed 'Will ready° 2,210 pounds to ILk, balk N0.,14 Market aLratot, sewed door tr,,o ry 'Hsi Yud on the Canal, loot 01 Nortli dere let t at either place will receive prompt iskOl JOHN W. 11411, ESZLIIE 'ME POE GETTYSBURG gAItE REDUCED TO $1.25 TEIRot uti GETITSBIJRCI. _ ..... . tyNH; Fr undersigned' has establib' , i Tleiiilgril to ieir. 00ACatli hmu Mos.,. . Matto:Mpg *wary older morniug vow we c.,. .. d &My Ralboad Cars, lhe 4.'l:aches io ".. - • - Tileikillkiyibihilditt &Rd Saturday , returolo. ~ :. Aar, Paimanganp for sliappankßow. ,I t. , rabarg and dattgibarg are carried at re'lu... ' JfinAtt .. W id. .s IAiL 13T. LOWE HOTEL, OBESTIVU2 52., ABOVE Bab IN the teeeediote . neighborhood 01 10e A. Jobbing Raises on Marta, Third end C/IneliA.t Fleas Banks, Post 4.1M05,:m0r00..1.• MT BOTH Os Tut AND IiaIIROPKAN moot. Mkt DALY 61, 41Mbre.ea ada o'etock, a4nL.F l ui Z war d ASSSSISSOIS &Wished. rricaa awornu, r pus of Bar& The CitylOall to Paallatagars Irmo any Stat,u I, 4 'illoritithe HAW. s Mak Frown, German aud Spautall ,1 lißilitT MJEDNIITIAIIN IN P.Eliu.Es . . , " -WEENELNK, & ►% 11,SUN ' b EWING, MACHINES , WITII 1 ,MEW IMPROVEMENTS AT REDUCED PrilitS. , .. , ITIFWELNELNR & WILsoN Slaitit,i,,, Ainithg.Ootimauty having gam.' ALL Weir ,u , ~ ' ' ' ' manufacturers °I say,w,, 11. .3 ..„_...,__' ' lilliblic should he hal:tatted tuercuy 11.X.11.1400ardinnoreillicail the prices te Li, r •,• -, ...," 414, duo tiny will 1). sUiti .1 I r 1,,,, .• I , page. prefitait thit cost el 11:1411{11Acluce L, +, vestea, and azimut of making Salear , a lid] 1-r ..e., will enable them to mane Ong class ...emu. , , L• 1 ''' 'llervithrecNigureigee them in every parialdir , hir,Zralm with 1110, Al3olollUeoweill Abp. • i k IPikPliaLtaakittlit , Ml4obiLiCis iLI prii .x. sonic _ ibrAtie,tlna tom Male machines. It is a wn, ,x. Net that tbe ....lifieler & Wilson Sewing Machine. in the, kept ill s in the mark the host made, et • OAKUM( UAW* to get out o order, awl ule) ArL ..i , .. low es the Inferior machines. CALIi Alla 0, lada.l * VSaid Markel.. I •itini ' , , W. 0. 1.00,..u,s ..1,-.1, 'OW WALLOWER LL\b. , - • LirAtlll3 ; OLD TRA.N6PURT Ai w N 1 ,,) • ls to oacoesatul o ration laid prteeL . , 61,LOWiiii luair Other indilnduAti lii, , ',"' khuilitbug,Sitekbdry, Ltiflolire, 0 ": Mil iwil l ~ 411(M it LOGIL iIaYMI, .ild i. ''i A ; ' Philittallphla auld b.rie and ' port mid Maitre , , . . ....., ~ , V' ' f 1i°44. 1,• . rii:PI"OOCK, ZULL & IIINCII. 4 ; :. ,_ ... ltdxru . ' stryeti - above Jillgtith, by 61r)ininniVis atallalisbln, ready for dein ex,. ' G. F. iI L " . 1-. .. : ' 4 .- J ' l ' i - IraiCi., AO' T "X._„ BA.RithIL6. —wo Li till,ird,l nimper 7/01:1; Sugo and Wind 1340 ,1- ' .ci/p110ot:Od pleat. DAILY forrwisti 181A-BRIBBIDIG andPHILAD E IA Wm 'L -, Blyk . 4ild, 812 iterliel greet, ria:4),. . Ailia.,—Three Hundred Extra Glad Hama Plet received by WY.DUCKIV. g FIRST CLASS GROCERIES! LARGE. ARRIVA! nAVINti:JUBT :RETURNED twin ale 111- 8148.141111" : where we nave seleco rum Wanisiii Ginn a large and oomplete casorttaeut Pear goods which embrace anything Vint airilr*"....rePoan* and cordially Wire eglindUe am stock and Yaw" a « _ _ filisteltanton s "PROF. ADOLPH P. 'f ELI' J u , . 1 ' /OM& respect:ltaly 'Storm 1,,. ,5.,. patrons and llne public wait:lull), ti. . . toue Ire uuniuoiloos on the PIANO I' '' : . . y ! I ', DRUM i ' MAN . and alio In the sclen!.. 0. ti,.., -. t :414,wgi ar'th pleasure wait ow. ~ ,i , . ..- , , ...- lie any liotii desired, or leonme effli ~., : residence, is Third street, !, fen doure u,.,. , man !Wormed Church. 1 0*FFE.BIS BOOK STORE, • ,(1111611,1 DUI zumusacrito oanxig N, EN VELoPI.: A)Tti:PAPER, Of. OIL printed uz tw ookon i' s. sold by the CU . reit& CIO' *lab' pOO. Flatirtinb*i*Oalli Ylae, Magas, ,• Ipulgsas yery piicea. Cal/ at &PP ' SCEigrialt.B h0t.1%, .r PHILADELPHIA STONE FOR SALE • 6tuue 6111lAtH L fa 4:014,7 1/1 , or p*tarOt; C). Jr. 311i3j 0.11 TRANALING AGENT 01 itiA LOOM Await at, WALLOWER'S LINE, Phia; Livingsion sr W Ale* !Conductor in charge aAa. 4rabl. Good" delivered at Ws Wareboun , , " 44 ‘ edogat P. M., will Co Job verad a li n „. aext o , ..,Plandllll. J. WALLOW}Zit, .11t, —,llruF Office Reading Deiwc, 12237 BM Dt" Duca JR, 8 111