tlailp ierapb+ Mo float that standard sheet t 4.1" here breathes the foe but fails before us, Will Freedom's soli beneath our feet, AddiVireedom's banner streaming o'er us OVII PLATFORM FHB UNION-THE CONSTITUTION-ANT TSE lllNFOWlthiltiff OF THE LEW. HARRISBURG, PA. Wednesday Afternoon, August 14, 1801. BATTLE OF DANE GREEK. DEATH OF OW. LYON We publish in this afternoon's TELEGRAPH a fulliaccount of the battle of Davis Creek, in which, while we lost in , numbers, we gained a partial victory. , The death of Gen. Lyon will 811 the country with gloom. He was a gallant soldier and a loyal American citizen. He was ed ucated at the 11. 8. military academy at West Point, where he graduated with distinction in 1841, and finally rose to the rank of captain in the second infantry, and by the recent choice of the .Missouri volunteers became their Briga dier General. He was in the prime of life as a military commander, being , forty-two years of age. His service has been principally upon the frontiers—in the Florida, Texas, California, Oregon, Kansas and other Indian and border wars. He entered the military academy as ca det. in June, 1887, and graduated in 1841. On graduating from the military academy he re ceived his commission as lieutenant in the army, and waant once ordered to join the army in Florida, then operating against the Indians. After uncomplainingly passing through that most disagreeable campaign among the ever glades of Florida, he was stationed for some years at various points on our western fron tier. Soon.after the commencement of hostilities between the 'United States and Mexico, he was ordered to join the northern line of operations under General Taylor, and after reaching Mon terey wait soon ordered to join the expedition against Vera Cruz. In the bombardment and capture at 'Vera Cruz. and the severely contested battle of Contreras, Cherubuscoand others which occurred between that place• and the city of Mexico, bis ,antiyity and military skill found full play. He took an active part in each and all of them, and while fighting in the streets in the streets in the city of Mexico, near the Belen gateo on September 18, 1847, received a wound from a musket ball. After the conclusion of pew with Mexico he was ordered to Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, preparatory to a contem plated. march . overland to California. By a change. of orders from the War Department his regiment woo dispatched by ship via Cape Horn, and, reached. California soon. after its acquisition by, the United States.. abtlitaTio Grtlifornia was prolonged beyond, that, of ,moan of his fellow-officers, and his time unceasingly, employed in operating among the Indians, subjected to long and tedious march ed, (*distant alarms and frequent skirmishes, livings large portion of the time in tents, and subject to the fatigues and privations incident to a campaign in that new and hitherto Ml knqwn country, so far removed from the com forts of civilization. After being relieved from hisilong, services, in. California, he was again stationed on our Western frontier, serving most of the time in Kansas and Nebraska. During the troubles in Kansas he threw up his commis. skin. TEE SECRETARY OP WAR While a few bitter partizans of the Breckin ridge school of traitors in this locality are as sailing Gen. Cameron, and rending the hand that has heretofore fed and fostered many of these wretches, it is cheering to quote the good opinions of those at a distance who do not stiffer their prejudices to interfere with their patriotism, in doing justice to a distinguished AFrarican statesman, and a high minded and pa triotic public servant. It is not that Gen. Cam eron needs defence, that we reprint the honest and frank avowal of others in his favor, because he has survived more abuse, conquered more enemies, and outlived more slanders than all other men in this nation. His triumphs, his position, his influence in society and his power in butanes% ate the monuments of his integrity and moral worth, which such men as Messrs. MalSow`ell and 13arrett seek in vain to deface ; and which it is their only distinction that they can attack with impunity. The veryinsolenceof their assaults is the evidence of their ingrati tug, and the illustration of a political career fitly ending in treason to a country they have p9lluted and prostrated with their political her -068: TlA.Reiche Jrauntelin News thus manfully and jagfily.4llclea to Gen. Cameron. There is a troth and.,a justice in the compliments of the News Tv(hicist we commend to the conscience and the grid:ollde of, Messrs. Barrett & McDowell. The article is as follows : GIMAL CAMERON. —lt is with no 'ordinary delight and satisfaction that we have witnessed the more than flattering endorseinent by the entire press of the country of the report of the Secretary of War. As a State paper it is the eat Important now before the American peo ple. It Is able, clear and concise. It is like everything that emanates from the Secretary ir and practical. , 'Med to General Cameron's great Adminis tut. vetalent, is a thorough knowledge of the wants of the people in every department of life andf i ernment. .01 his defeat at Chicago last year, an ef fort " made by such all array of friends all over the Union, as only Secretary Cameron poet sei*,' to induce the President to tender the Tresimiry Department to Gen. CaMeron, but Mr; well knowing the importance of a 4arriCaAdnilmistration, connected with the War D 9 6,0 t, arid being alive 10 the 'neceseltr of having the right man in the right place, as signed him the place which he to-day fills with such credit to himself, :Lnd honor to the admin istration and his government. His devoted friends objected to his entering upon the dis charge of the arduous duties of a position which has turned out to be the most responsible con nected with the administration and the govern ment, but scorning the shirking of responsibil ity, ho without faltering resigned his seat in the United States Senate, which by the partiality of the people of his native state, he was occu pying for a second time, and accepted the new and higher trust, which his career shows he has arduously and constantly guarded. He found his department full of treason, and his army full of disloyalty, and in the short space of a few months, he has purified the former, and ex pelled the traitors from the latter. It is certain that still higher honors await the Secretary, and a grateful people both in the camp and out, will hereafter eagerly watch an opportunity of showing their appreciation of the man who knowing dare maintain the RIGHT. The News is printed in Denver, Colorado ter ritory, and is apparently a journal of influence and respectability, if we dare judge by editorial 'ability and deserved patronage. DISINTERESTED TESTIMONY. In the midst of the clamor and resentments raised by the opposition to the state and na tional governments, which has been waged for months by the Breckinridge Democratic element in this state, at tile head of which the Patriot and Union stands preeminent, the following candid confession from the Pittsburg Post is the more refreshing, because it was -the least ex pected from that source. Bat, as the develop ments of the crisis are daily made and daily exhibit the crimes and mendacity of those both engaged in and those who sympathise with treason, the better and more patriotic of the Democratic press are relinquishing their pre ferences for their old political allies in the south, and yielding a fair and manly support to that cause in which is involved the security of a country they love, and the stability of laws in which are reposed their peace and prosperity. The force of public opinion is working this change, where the dictates of conscience are too weak for its accomplishment—And to this force the traitors and parasites who now use the columns of the Patriot and Union to damage the cause of law and order, will some day yield and repent that they had heretofore so impiously trifled with its leniency. There is a boundary to treason, even when it clothes itself with the prerogatives and liberty of the press—and a limit to public patience, which those who trifle with will some day discover as they close their eyes on a traitor's gibbet. We have no fear that the right will perish. Its eafranchisements are as certain as its retributions. But to the article from the Pittsburg Post, which we specially commend to our traitor neighbors We are weary of the grumbling of volunteers. 'The catalogue of their woes seems, to be endless. They complain of the hard bread and fat pork. They have no hot rolls and omelets for break fast. The fillet-de-bonef and crequettes are missing at dinner. There is no lobster salad.— Spring chickens are invisible. In fact, the lar der of the camp bears no comparison with that of the Continental, and every chap who enlists appears to make up his mind that he ought to live on the best the land can afford. Then the clothing is not'fine brdii:deloth. It does not al ways fit. The stuff does not suit, and every ,man has his separate beau ideal of what sort of uniform he ought to wear. Complaints of the officers are endless. Captains who want to rise are forever discontented with their colonels.— Ditto lieutenants. Most of the privates are ambitious, and of course grumblers. Why is it- that the American volunteer, so intelligent, enterprising, courageous and valua ble, should be so perfectly helpless and dis 'contented? It is because the press and the people both have vitiated the service.-- Defects have been purposely exaggerated in order to injure the War Department, the State government, the contractors or the officers. Each of these in, turn has a host of rivals or enemies constantly bent on magnifying all errors. It is a com mon dedge to make the men discontented with their commanding officers, in order to make position for others, and the intrigues to displace officers have become so general and dangerous as to call imperatively for some prompt action of the government. We could point out glaring cases among the Pennsylva nia troops where the most disg - racefal acts of insubordination and treachery have been com mitted by men who are now seeking to be colo nels, &c., in order to get rid of their superior officers. We do not exaggerate when we say that the whole of the three months volunteers from Pennsylvania, and many from Massachusetts, New York and other States, were rendered dis contented by publications and representations from parties seeking contracts, or who were pur posely bent on doing this in order to slander and break down the Republican administrations of those States. As for the hunters after con tracts, we had thought their lies had been pretty well shown up, but they still keep industrious ly at their work of misrepresenting the charac ter of the supplies furnished, and thereuy, of course, inducing the soldiers to believe they have been greeting wronged. WHAT IS TO HE DONS with northern sympa thisers with treason? You may know them by the piteous whinnings with which they depre cate war—by their groanings about "coercion" and "subjugation," and by their extreme con cern about Mr. Lincoln's violations of the Con stitution, in his efforts to preserve it, although they have nothing to say about Davis' effort to destroy it altogether. They are all of them sneaking hypocrites, and the surest way to judge them is to watch their faces upon the re ceipt of news. If it is disastrous to the rebels, their visages at once put on a lengthened, sol emn look. If the Union army has met with a disaster—if one of our faithful officers has been assassinated by a rebel, their eyes brighten at once. These men, were they in Maryland or Mis souri, would smuggle powder and.shot to their southern brethren—would engage to the extent of their courage in driving out friends of the Union and confiscating . their property or des troying it. But they are where their treason able sympathies can do no harm and where we can allow them to remain and enjoy the protec tion of the Government which they would gladly see destroyed. All that we would lay up in store against them is simply a truthful record of the fact that in the hour of its great est peril they stood with the enemies of the. Government and gave their sympathies to the conspirators. We, would have this known for at least one generation, and to this end hope they may be inspired with sufficient co age to Place themeelvea %%here they Wong. They can do it safely. Pennsylvania Mailp telegraph, tUtbittsbay 'Afternoon, august 14, 1861 The following communication states facts and positions so fairly and so bravely, that we can not refrain from commending it to those for whom it was written and those for whom it is publi•hed. Its truths are glorious and we hope they may have the effect of warning our trai tor neighbors from the hellish purpose of seek ing to manufacture sympathy for rebellion in the loyal capital of a loyal Commonwealth : Editor of the Telegraph : The only rule by which to judge men is to judge them by their acts. Professions are one thing ; and if men would judge all men by their professions, all would be pure and loyal. But test them by their acts, and you have little difficulty in sifting the chaff from the wheat. lam led to these reflections from a daily reading of the Patriot and Union, of this city. No man who reads it can rid himself of the conviction,of its treason. It is. a traitorous sheet, and no where else, but in this tolerant community, would such an incendiary publica tion be permitted daily to utter its infamous sentiments. A few days ago, in Hartford, Conn., a traitor paper like the Patriot and Union was gutted out by a justly indignant community. Since then in a town in Maine, a similar trai tor sheet was served in the same way. How long shall the Patriot and Union here be permitted to aggress upon the patience and tol- erance of this community ? Does the Patriot and Union so soon forget the warning it received, (so wholesome to its health) a day or two after the attack on Fort Sumter? That warning induced it to display the Stars and Stripes. For a while it became decent; but like the brute, it is again falling back to ita "wallowing in the mire." A UNION MAN: The following from the Germantown Telegraph, a neutral journal with a Democrat for proprie tor, facetiously and truly hits the plaintive cry of the northern douglifaceri for peace, compromise, or any adjustment that will save the Democratic party from ruin, and reinstate in power the southern traitors now warring against the government : We are sorry to say that there is too much truth in the following paragraph which we copy from a long and able editorial in The .Press, of Monday morning :—"A Peace party in the North is nothing more than the reserve forces of Mr. Jefferson Davis. Both are animated by the same purpose. Mr. Davis wishes the North humiliated ;so does the peace party. Mr. Da vis wishes the Union dissolved ; so does the peace party. Mr. Davis wants Northern-bacon and Northern arms ; the peace party have both to dispose of at reasonable terms. Mr. Davis wishes to ruin the administration ; the peace party is laboring to the same end. The only difference seems to be thht Davis has armed his Virginia "peace party," and stationed it at Ma nassas, under the command of Beauregard and Johnston, two very distinguished members, while his "peace party" in the North is com manded by Breckinridge, Bayard, Vallandig ham and Wood. The whole six of them are very faithful officers, and Mr. Davis is as effi ciently, represented by his Northern servants as he is by his Southern. The Ammer or rue MAIMS Ferms.ass, late American minister at the French Court, in the city of Washington, has given general satisfac tion. His guilt is conceded by all who know the man, and it is well understood that while the rebel commissioners were in Paris he assist ed them in the purchase of arms, and facilita ted their intercourse with the bankers of Paris, using his official position to accomplish their purpose. The firmness of the government in thus arresting Faulkner cannot be too highly commended. It will teach the rebel chief to treat our citizens with more considera,tion who enter their lines on iithaiOni of nierty with flags of truce in their hands, and it will also af ford an example to the world, that this govern ment can disciminate between no station and treason. All who refuse to lend a willing and a cheerful obedience to the laws and those em powered for their administration and enforce ment, are traitors. On this principle Faulkner As arrested and is detained. —ln this connection it may not be but of place to state that it was to the wife of the traitor Faulkner Gen. Patterson gave a pass, which she used in traveling between his camp and that of her rebel friends. We wonder now whether the same lady , will be , allowed to visit her traitor husband hi 'his cell? girauld this' courtesy be granted? We ask the sympathisers with her husband, the editors of the'Patrietand Union. Rsv. C. A. HAY on Sunday last made a stir ring appeal to his congregation in the Lutheran church, on the subject of taxation to support the struggle for the vindication of the Union. the Reverend gentleman was truly eloquent in his description of the difference between mere wealth and the possession of that freedom which secures to us every social and political blessing. In comparison with liberty, there was nothing that was too valuable, too dear or too holy to be sacrificed. Our honor, our fortune and our lives all sink into insignificance when compared with our independence. Rev;Hay is a patriot as well as a Christian, and a lover of his country under all circumstances and in every position. Such men adorn as well as elevate Christianity, the nation, and the pulpit they occupy. WE HAVE A Commcmcerms, written by a gen tleman in Middletown, relating to a former con nection between present traitors in this city and the Secretary of War, which we must withhold for the present, however the facts therein may be well substantiated. We do not desire to around the feelings of any of those associated or connected with the Patriot and [Mon, however ruthlessly they may deal with and trample on private confidence and personal rectitude, but we can assure Messrs. Barrett and M'Dowell, that when People live in glass houses they must be care ful where they cast their stones. Tus Peaurcrr sun Maw greedily quotes and attempts to ricllcule a just allusion we madt to the Secretary of War in yesterday's TKLECFRAPEI, but it neglects to answer or explain any of the allusions we made to its proprietors in the same article. Come, gentlemen, inform the public how the measure of your gratitude overflows to those who have rescued you from bank ruptcy. Strip yourselves, and let the people see how fair are records behind which you seem so securely entrenched. . Gov. CUB.TLN arrived M the Ma t te capital to day, from the sea shore; where he had been sojourning for several day% much Mrprovki# 4 health and strength, - ands i egain prepared for the position, ,&„ WHO ARE TRAITORS, PEACEWRAT IS' IT? BY TELEGIAPIL HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK FROM THE ROUTH. Land-Slide on. the Manassas Railroad INJURY TO REBEL TROOPS TILE TENNESSEE ELECTION REPORTED MICJORITY FOR SECESSION Nelson Elected to both the Federal and Rebel Congress. Reported Engagement between Bo smarms and Lee Ricauosn, Aug. 12, via Loonvnts, Aug, 13. A land slide occurred on Sunday night on the Manassas road, seventeen miles from Richmond. Eight can loaded with soldiers were smashed and shivered to pieces. Two Louisville companies are the principal sufferers. Nothing publicly was done by Congress to day. Loursvrms, Aug, 13.—Returns from the Ten nessee election show a majority for the Rebel Constitution of 61,000, and for Harris, for Gov ernor, of about 80,000. Ia the First district, Nelson was elected to both the federal and rebel congress by a large majority. In the 3d district Weliker received 7,062 to 6,970 for Briggs for the rebel Congress, and 2,040 for the Federal Congress. • The Richmond Enquirer, of the 10th, says Gen. Lee and Gen. Rosencrans attempted to get the advantage of each other in an advanced position, and a battle ensued, in which forty tederab3 were killed. The loss of the rebels is represented as small. Lee had two, and &mums four regiments in the field. Lee afterwards commenced forti fying the pass he had gained at Big Spring, in Pocahontas county, fifteen miles from Hunters vile, which commands the turnpike from Ran dolph to the Lewisburg and Central Rail road. The Charleston Courier publishes an extract from a private letter from Tampa, dated the Ist, stating that the United States steamer Orusader had been captured by the rebels. Ne.suvrzts, Tenn., August 12.—Gov. Harris orders all arms belonging to the State of Ten nessee to be sent to the military authorities at Nashville, Knoxville and Memphis. The yellow fever is raging at Vera Cruz. JEMESONVILLY, Aug. 1.3.--Dovme's ware house, where the Government had stored an amount of contraband goods, was burglarionsly entered last night and the pistols and other arms were stolen LOIIIIIVELLB, Aug. 13.—1 t is reported that the two regiments at Camp Boone have been order ed to proceed forthwith to 'Virginia. The Savannah Republican publishes a memo rial protesting against Southernerners purchas ing stores in Northern markets: The Macon 2Wagraph says Gov. Harris is in formed that Fremont is preparing with 26,000 men to operate against Pillow at New Madrid. Harris said he could put 60,000 equipped men in the field in a few days and would reinforce Pillow. FROM GEN, BANKS' OOLUMN. BANDY Hous, Aug. 13 On Saturday night, Seargeant Tompkins, Company A, Second cavalry, was sent out in charge of a picket, and it was observed th he took with him his entire equipments. After he stationed the first picket he disappeared, and has not since been heard from. It is stated here that Tompkins' father and brothers are officers in the confederate army. There is but little doubt expressed that he has also cast his lot among the rebels. Four refugees from Martinsburg werebrought into camp by Colonel Geary's picket this morn ing. It was reported yesterday that the notorious McDonald, with eighteen rebel cavalry, was in Martinsburg pressing men into therebel service. Several Unionists refusing were imprisoned. The refugees left to avoid being pressed into the rebel army. The refugees from Martinsburg have no knowledge of any large bodiesof rebels in that section. The six prisoners taken at the Point of Rocks were sent hence to-day, under a guard, iltipposed for Fort McHenry. Various reports are in circulation in the camps that the rebel militia are collecting at numerous points in Upper Virginia, that a reg iment was at Sheppherdstown on Sunday, and that the encampment was visible from the Maryland Heights. Great activity prevails at the headquarters. The Maryland Secessionists continue to be brought in for prowling along the lines, and some of the arrests have been important. No attack is anticipated at present E from the enemy. The work on the Harper's Ferry bridge is pro gresEdng, and it will soon be passable. The weather is rainy and the temperature cool. The general health is good. rliOM NEW MEXICO The Attempts of the Rebels on the United States Forts, INDEMNDENCK, Aug. 13. The Santa Fe mail, with dates to the 29th, arrived here to-day. Lieut. Smith, of the Fifth Infantry, went to Chihuahua to recover a Government train, which had been stolen, and was taken prisoner by the Texan troops. He is now at El PBSO on parole. A large number of Texan troops are on their way to seize Fort Stanton, and any Government property they can find. Preparations are being made to receive them at Fort Stanton, which am be defended, if the rebels have no artillery. The Federid pickets area out in every direc tion. It was reported at Santa Fe that the regulars have been ordered home. If so, the Territory is virtually abandoned to . tha South. Fort Fillmore is now garrisoned by thirteen companies, including three of dragoons. They are under marching orders as soon as volunteers Can relieve them. The Apache Indiana are troublesome. They killed the driver of the Overland Mail Coach, but were finally repulsed. . Two steamboats wad our landing yesterday, going down the river loaded with Federal troops, supposed to be for Lexington. All is quiet here. THE WOUNDED OF THE BATTLE OF BULL RUN Pansum,pnu, Aug. 14. A published list of the wounded prisoners at Richmond and Centreiilla, foots •up a total of five hundred and nineteen ; of which twenty: fOur had died of their wounds ; at Centreville tiro huluireskaji`twauti,ftve of which twenty IN MISSOURI, THE WAR ........,-••••--- FULL DETAILS OF THE BATTLE --...-...,,..---- Lyon Fell at the His Column, Gen. Eight Thousand Federal Troops Against Twenty-flee Thousand in the Field. =1 REBEL GENERALS PRICE AND WCULLOUGH KILLED. REBEL TENTS AND BAGGAGE WA GOES DESTROYED Oen. Seigel Secures the Specie of the Springfield Bank. I=ZIEMI A Louisiana and Mississippi Regi ment Annihilated, OUR MEN QUARTER IN THE ENEMY'S ENCAMPMENT. DEFEAT OF TEE REBELS -.- , A COLONEL AND NINETY REBELS TAKEN PRISONERS. General Wenßough's Sword and Horse Secured. GEN. SEIGEL REINFORCED AND SAFE. WAsaniorox, Aug. 13. The following official report was read to-night by Gen. Scott :- 111AX0 QUARTERS, WESTERN DEPARTMEIT, ST. Lours, August 13, 1861. To Col. E. D. Towssaern.—tien. Lyon, in three columns, under command of himself, Seigel, and Sttirgiss' attacked the enemy at six and.a, half o'clock, on the morning of the tenth (10th) inst., about 9 miles south-east of Spring field. The engagement was severe. Our loss Is about five hundred killed and wounded. General Lyon was killed in a charge at the bead of his column. Our force was eight thou sand (8,000) including two thousand home guards. The muster roll reported to have been taken from the enemy gives their force attwenty-three thousand, including regiments from Louisiana, Tennessee and Mississippi, with the Texan Ran gers and Cherokee half breed. This statement is corroborated by the prison ers taken. Their loss is reported to be heavy, including Generale McCullough and Price. Their tents and wagons were destroyed in the action.' Gen. Siegle lost one gun on the field and re treated to Springfield, whence at three o'clock on the morning of the eleventh, he continued his retreat upon Rolla bringing off his baggage trains and two hundred and fifty thousand dol lars in specie from the Springfield bank. Signed, J. C. FREMONT, Maj. Gen. Commanding THE LATEST. Sr. Loom, Aug. 18. The despatch contains the same intelligence as that conveyed by Gen. Fremont, with the exception that the sum of money brought by Gen. Siegel from the Springfield Bank is placed at twenty-five thousand dollars. The following is a verbatim report of the special messenger to Gen. Fremont: Early on Saturday morning Gen. Lyon march ed out of Springfield and came up with the enemy at Davis Creek on Green's Prairie, four miles southeast of Springfield, where they had taken a strong position. General Lyon fired the first. gun at twenty minutes past six o'clock when the battle imme diately commenced. A severe cannonading was kept up for two or three hours, when the fire of Totten's artillery proving severe for the enemy. They gradually fell back towards their encampment on Wilson's creek.' Lyon's cavalry on the left flank, and Siegle's artillery on the right, then began a terrific as sault, and spread slaughter and dismay in the ranks of the rebels, pursuing them to the camp. The shell from Totten's artillery set fire to their tents and baggage wagons, which were all destroyed. A Louisiana and a Mississippi Regiment seem ed to suffer most and were almost annihilated. Some time in the afternoon, while Gen. Lyon was leading his column, his horse was shot from under him. He immediately mounted another, and as he turned round to his men, waving his hat and cheering them on to victory, he was struch in the small of his back and fell dead on the ground. The command then devolved on Gen. Seigel, and the pursuit was continued until nightfall when our little army rested for the night in the enemys encampment. On Sunday morning Gen. Seigel fearing the enemy might recover and attempt to cut his command from Springfield, fell back on that city where the home guards were stationed.— Then fearing that the great numbers of the ene my might induce them to get between him and Rolla, Gen. Seigel concluded to fall back on Rolla with his prisoners and baggage trains and meet reinforcements. At the time of the departure of the messenger the enemy had not been seen, and it is probable that General Siegel had not been disturbed on his march. Ninety rebels were captured, in cluding a Colonel of distinction, the messenger not remembering his name. The sword and home of General McCullough were among the trophies of the field of battle. Reinforcements for Gen. Siegel were on the way to Rolla, and, the army may be considered safe. ARRIVAL OF PERSIA. NEw Yoas., Aug. 14 The steamship Persia, with Liverpooldates of August 3d, is below and will be up about three o'clock this afternoon. SECOND DiSP4TOa. SANDY Hobs,'Aug,.l4.—The Pasta hal paned here on her way to New York. The steamer Arago arrived out on the 2nd inst. The news is not important. Lord Herbert is dead. NEW YORE. TEA BALE NEw Your, Atig- 14. The tea salett - b:g".itty was spirited 'and full prices were obtained. The, following are the quotations : Young Hysen 672 c ; Hyson Twankay 441®504c ; Hyson Sic ; Gunpowder 62,11@,694c ; Japan Oolong 48@rki.; 'Oolong ; HysonPehoe'l2io; 'thong 'Sou ; Congon 444. sAnnTa THE AFRICA. • -Nsw ironic, Aug. 14 - • 11424 **11:SfOsiniirr "krida,`43l44 tR 4 II I Y, for 'howl; . wiaa 60 pagers, LATEST FROM WASHINGT GARRIBALDI AND THE Iv INCREASE Or THE riatv Head 0 WAS IIINGI‘JN, There is no truth in the reports tit GartP, di proposes to help us out of our tro: : ),I, gentleman here,. personally acquan,ted Garribaldi and his son, received a letter fr, the latter a few days ago, in which th e ‘ he desired himself to come out alb! tike al..: r in the struggle now going on here fo r but that his father objected, on the zmund tl It. ours was a family quarrel, ant' c0;11,1 1e cttic,l more easily without foreign interier,„ thin with it; that it was b l ued on a tion in which the nations were n, , t and in the settlement of which tli..y l , l r„„ ; become parties. These are now the vi, e , Sentiments of Garibaldi, as expres,,,ql son in a private correspondence Ot I tY date. Everything pertaining to the arrival ; of troops, extension of pre.vb., : .4,. , , . FOZ 3 4 . the construction of new on,s, informationbearing upon Gen. nmn of the army is to be hencefi rci, from the pram, a% the special requ,t, to-day, of the commander of the ;111111' the enemy henceforth obtains inf, ni ." garding the military movements, they wi to look elsewhere than in the column.... Union papers, for none such will set request. of General McClellan, now plain v distinctly stated to all Washington dents for the press here and elsewln.r• • Large additions are being made to , fleets. Assistant Secretary Fox has examined a large number of vessel , r• - ; the Government in other parts, from phia to Portsmouth, N. IL, and with Commisidon, or Boards of Naval Surv, made a large number of selections. 1 1 , U. of New York alone two hundred ees;..l, Surveyed, and many selections inadt• suit will be a rapid increase of the hityv..ll thorough blockade of all the ports of un t l , of Washington. • The industry of the rebels knows 1,,, ! • Our men, recently sent forward to town, four miles above Georgetown, vh. a fairner's barn by the road-side, and ti.. ieady for use, they found an old raw , mounted, and in a position to sweep When; the barn doors were thrown opct,, rusty aid' thing' looked as saucy as s howitzer of modern build. PURIFY THE BLOOD 5110/IrAT'S Las PILLS AND Pttatnlx rj I jj..k. 'free /*um alt Mineral Poisons.—ln - lilt:ore, Scurvy, or Is • zuptioos of ib. Ow el tbel.lfe Iledialnee le truly ael,..nlehm , ., ..„ . is a few days, every vestige of theca .44e by their purifying ellheta Q. lite !ever and Ague, Ivepes.ts, Ilropdy, and ~ „, meet ail iheauses corm pet.' tA4 leir otinitz v, No family shout.' he without them, a. h) . lter much aufloring and .‘speu e Prepare.l by WM. B. vlttVe Y. I. vv. r... 1. , t1e be In Druggi. Nt A CARD TO MR LADLES DR• DITPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. nllOlllO4 n correcuwg, regal:llmA, auti rem.' obstruodons, how whatever .11.12.1', sm . ways successful as a ',revue. tive. HE SE PILLS HAVE BEENy the doctors for many years, both 1111 FrA., marina, with unparalleand success in every en... he is urged by tummy thou:tom ladles who n ee d make the Pills publics for the alleviation of those ...'• from soy Irregularities whatever, as well 1., , en' 1111 IF/crease of family where health "rib pot 1., , ,011 't— remolo"' isrticalarly actuated, or those selves so, are cautioned ardost these l'2/10, 140,f,.i, ii 03ilditi00 SS th ey are stir. , to produce M. , ArruLiw, ea, the proprietor assumes no responsibll.i) ratter . "'llk's, although their 'mildness would prt , v , ne wry 1111- able to health—otberwiso ar.• Full and explicit dins:Slows aocompaoy euu.i, hos l'r„. fl 00 per box. Sold wholesale and retail rag t)HARLE4 A. BANNVART, Pruggl4. No. 2 Jones flow, Oarr,leirs Ps "Ladles," by sending him Si co In thr Poet °aloe, can have the rills sent fret 01 01,5..,y0t. L t, any part of the 00Untry (coundeotiallyi awl loge" by malt Sold also by S. S.