__ ------ _ ••• • • . .. . . . M I N G----- • .• \--•'' --7 -'- -- - --- -_: 4 -1. -1 - '---- ----..- - -- . - 1 . • , i BY GEORGE BERGNER. )1:1 , 111. Oros s4' ea., _ AO* .4 .s.- •:-...... ~ ~.,„... •,,.,..-- ............. ...............„„ .. ..,--„.....• ..•_ ...„ D W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO, 19 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PEAN'A. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND (CONSUMERS) We; are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock In this city, of DRUGS, OILEMIOALS & PAINTS, 01b, varnishes and Glues, Dyeataffs, Glass and Patty, Artist Colors and Tools, Pure Ground Npleen, Burning Inlaid and Alcohol, Lard, Mparni and Pine Oils, Bottles, Vials and Lamp Global, Covens Soap, Sponges and Corks, &e., die., 4c0., Am , dm., &AL, &c With a general variety of PERIMERRY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the beat manufacturers and Per turners of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, w.tung LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL BINDS, k, .... ... IA w i() - 1,110f O. 42 , 4 N NI --........--- 0:I ill 0 R u crl . :Ml Q ) 9MA V P 14 1 ,„ We respectfully invite a call, feeling, confi dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH! TEETH!! JOHN B AHD wanms' B PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of ell kinds, direct from the Proprietors Saponifier and Concentrated Lye I Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low as it can be purchased In the cities. MAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS, COAL OIL/ CARBON OIL II Being large purchasers in these 01ls, we can offer inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal 011. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, oee of you who have not given oar HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know not their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Homes and Cattle healthy and in god condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, bookies improving the general health and tip pearance of their Cattle. Onr long ea perience in the business gives ns the ethwetage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we oar in a very short time funaish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberel patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to bludrises, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the r a discrim laths IlletritaL DR. JOHNSON X34.1-ATIIMECIII.3III LOCK HOSPITAL HAB discovered the most certain, speedy and effectual remedy in the world for DIEMASES OF MBUDKNOS. =IMP DI MX 10 TI MM BOUTS No Mercury or Noxious Drugs H-A CORN WARRINTID, OR NO CRAIG*, IN PION ONI TO Two Ders.lillt Weakness or the Back or Limbs, Smkanres, Pains the Loins, Affections of the Eldneyeihd Bladder, tirganie gno dcaq Weakn spe ess, Nervous De r, Lowbility, DSpirna, ecay oConfusion m f therhyeric. Tow ers, Dypkaa, len fvell Nation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dueness of Sight or iiiddicees, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of tea Head, Tbs . ost„ Note or Skin—thoso terrible (noir. dent arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth—those dreadfnl and destructive practises whin produce constitutional debility, render marriage impos sible, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MIN Young men sepecially Who have become the victims 01 solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually SWeeps to an untimely grave thousands 01 young men of the moat exalted talent and brilliant Intel lect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to as lazy the living tyro, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE, Married persons or those contemplating marriage, be utg aware of physical weakness, should immediately con snit Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEAXNES immedita4 our and fidi vigor reaoral, ne who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide In Ns honor as a gentleman, and roe, fldently rely upon his skill asp physisdan. Wolllce No. 7 South Frederick street, &Manna., hid., on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, doors from the corner. Be particular In observing the name or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par. deader for //wrest, Trill*, Quacks, with raise 111114061, or Paltry nuntbeet Certi fi cates, attracted by the repute- Uon of Dr. Johnson, lark near. All letters must acestaln a Postage Stamp, to use on the reply. DH JOHNSTON Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Burgeons, London graduate from one of the meat eminent College* of the (foiled States, and the greatest part of whose life been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia and ebtewhere, has effected some of the most es. toniahing mires that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great nap Townes', being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange went of mind wore mired immediately, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr, ..4 , caresses all those who having injured teem Goitres by r vete and burp:lies lodulgencies, that sacral and solitary atilt Which ruins both body and mind, uo. dtting them ibr either businessor society. Thee, are some of the sad and melancholy ou. abed by early habits of youth, viz : Weakness of Ilk Sack and Limbs, Pains In the Read, lamaese of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Year, Dye peps's, Nervous tability, Derangement of the Digestive Fanettous, General Debility, Symptoms of (immunity. ' he. mmcreuar. 2[2IfTALLT, the Awful ciliate 02120 mind are 10 MU to be dreaded :—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, De. pression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion totioole. ty, Self-disirmst, Love of SoMode, Timidity, Sc., aro-some ei the evil effects. Thousands of Mows of all ages, Gan now Judge what Ladle cause of WSW decline is health, twang their vigor, becoming weak, palo, nervous and emanated, have a singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and syrup = of consumption. YOUNG MEN who have inured themselves by a certain practice, In Milted In when alone-. 4 habit. frequently learned from evil zomminions, or at school, the sabots of which are tightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage Impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes ot his gaun try, the darling of his parents, should bo snatched trots ll prospects and enjoyments of Bib by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and Munising in mato secret habit. So 111 persons must, before °oaten • plating =SHRUGS, Weal that a mound mind and body are moat necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled with the melancholy reflection that Use happiness 01 another be. conies blighted with our own. OR. JOHNSON'S INVIOORATLNO RINHDY FOR OR GANIO WEAXNEe& By this great arid Important remedy, Wolo[lloll/ of the 9rons are speedily cured, and full vigor restored, thousands of the most nervous and debilitated win cad lost ail hope, have been Immediately relieved. All impediments to Yardage, Physical or Mental Disqualle. anon, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or Kittaustlon or :be moat Martial Sind, speedily cured. TO STRANGERS. The many thousailds oared at this Lustlotion within tne Wt twelve ma, and the IMMOrOuS Important tturgica °pennons porlbrmed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papers, and many other persona, nohow at which have appeared math and &gala bereft O ath bender his Wending es a gendawon of character and re gponnhaity, Is a suMolont guarantee to the anlioted. Db; +MI OF IMPRODDIOn.—When the misguided and imprudent votary oftrinn ase : aread uro finds ha has Initilood the seeds of this d One often happens that an [Muted aeons of shams or of discovery detest him from applying to those whigrom °dualism sad re • spectability can alone befriend delaying till the con stitullonal symptoms of this Karr:t. disease make then appearance, Mating the head, throat, nose, Ain, so, progressing on with frightful rapidity, till daub puts • period to his dreadful sudesings by sending hint to "mat bourne from whew, so traveler returns." It is a mel ancholy that that thousands tall victims to this lemola disease, owing to the unsidifelrees of Ignorant pretend ers, who, by the use of that deadly • mime% m i l the oonatitullon and make the real no of miserable. To Bausous.—Tho Dodoes Dipionuis bang in Ms Woo. islrLetters must contain a Bump to us on the reels, zirlleamediers mat by Mali. WSW. T South Frederick street, Baltimore. ►prl&dAwly EDUCATIONAL. - A CONTROLLING FLRMANT OF NA TIONALITY is the system of education In a coun try. "In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, that public opinion should be entlghten ed."— Was/44.00 Formai Addrat. To this end the people In general should be educated into a Correct and familiar acquaintance with the nature and principles of our aovernment and civil Institutions. . . . "OUR GOVERNMENT : An explanatory statement of the system of Government of the Country, ilut, A MANU AL FOR SCHOOLS, ACADEMISM AND POPULAR Unity , is a work which, with proper historkoill notices, gives the construction of the provisions of the Constitution of the United States and of those of the several States, as determined by Judicial authority, or derived from stand ard writers, Including some references to administrative wa and prunes, so as to show the actual working of our general system of Government. It* free from specula tive opinions, conservative In its tendency, and calculated to cultivate the love of our country. it has been used to a considerable extent, in the EDUCATION OF YOUTH go different States, and Is recommended by .111/11318, Atatesmen and Presidests, and Professors of Colleges.— Prtice 5100. Sold by - MIZINNE deli Harrisburg, Ps. TECERMONEETEIRS THEINOMETIRS, Ornamental Mantle, Japanese Metal. TRBRidoMETaiS, do do Bronz e d do TWERMO MBTIiii.I, ildetillers Tin Case, 12 inch. THIRMOUSTBRS, do Brass Bound THlNAtoiiimat3, Unicm Case, 10.12 inch. Double Scale. THEGMOBLETEP,B, Metatle Frame, 11.10 inch. THEBMOMSTBOIS, Black Walnut Oise, 10 inch. THEMMOMSTERS, Tut 10 (nob. We have .tulit received a lot or TEI MBMOM:Frig.,P : of Tarifa= Ores, and are salting them low /ULM'S DRUG STOOK, sP3 01 Mart* Ono HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 13, 1861. Itliguttantows. PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL MCI BLOOD RENOVATOR. Is precisely what its name indicates, for while pleas ant to the taste, it is revlvilying, exhilarating and strengthening to the vital powers. It also revivifies, re instates and renews the blood is all its ori t issal purity, and 'thus restores and renders the system invulnerable to attacks Of disease It is the only preparation ever offered to the world in a popular form so as to be within the reach of all. So cuemically and skillfully combined, as to the most powerful tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted so as in ACT AN Maur AOOOIIDAXOII WITH am taws or HAM", AND nab= so ens per wr...sser wrOlLaCli and tone up the di gestive organs, and allay all nervous Irritation, It M also perfectly exhilarating in lts effects, and yet It is never followed by lessitde .r depression of spirits his coin posed entirely of vegetables, and those thareugly com bining powerful UN* , and soothing propErtio4 and Odn' quently can never *Wino, de' a sure preietnive and (sure of coMUMETION BILONCRITIS; I:Wadi:4loN On, PEPSLA, DAS' OF APAIMITs:, FALNINZA 'NER VOUS • iRETTABILITY, NkURALGIA, PALPITA TION oF 'ISLE HEART, MELANCHOLY, HYPO. CMONDRIA, NIGHT SWEATS, LANGUOR, GIDDIDESS, Ah.D ALL THAT 0LA... , S OF OASES SO FEARFULLY FATAL GALLED FEMALE WEAKNESS, AND utßsouialerrati. THERE IS NOTHING ITS EQUAL. Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and LPfer cern plaints, Diseases or the Kidney, or any general derange• went of the Urinary organs . It will not only Lure the debility foil swing CalLisd and FEVER, but all prevent &Ranee arising from Miasmatic influences, ..nit cure the diseases at once, if already at tacked. Wravelers should have a bottle with them, as it will infallibly prevent any deleterious consequences follow ing upon change of climate and water. As it prevents costiveness, strengthens the digestive organs, It should be in the h ands of ail persods of seden tary habits, Ladles not accustomed to much out.deor . exegetes should always use IL Mothers should use lt, fir It is a perfect relief, taken a month or two before the final slat, abs will pass the dreadful period with perfect ease and safety:. : THNIM IS NO 3118=11 ♦BOUT R. THE CORDIAL IS ALL WE CLAIM FOR IT I I Mothers Try It I I AIM to you we appeal, to demo& the Illness or decline not only or your daugterS before It be too late, but also your bona and huabanda, for while the former from !else delicacy, often go down to a premituro grave, ratner than let their condition be known in time, the latter are often so mixed up who the excitement or btufine Ira, that if it were not for you, they , too, woad travel in the taws downward path, until It to too late to arrext their fatal fall. Bet toe mother is always vigilant, and to jou we confidently appeal ; for we are sure your never-falling affection will uuerringly point you to PROF. woutes RIISTORATWO ClOubtal, AND itt.OUD ,11.13.1oUTUR as the remedy which should always be on band in time et need. O. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Brienlway, New York, end 114 Market. Street, Louie, Ido., nen sold by all good Druggicta. Price One Lo'lar per Bottle. Jyg-dew•cow PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, the Honorable Joan J. Prams, Pres&lent of the Cond. of Common Pleas In the Twe'lth Judicial Diattiet, oensisting of the counties of Lebanon ape Dauphin, and the Hon. A. O. Milani and Hon. Faun 241881111, nen:clan Judges in Dauphin county, having leaned t.mir precept, beirlug dam th • fourth day of June, 1861, to me directed for holding a Court o[ Oyer ax.d Terminer and dermal Jail Delivery and Quarter dossions of the Peacoat dartlaburg, for the county of Dauphin, and to oonunenou ox tan Ism off- DAT or AUGUST nit; being the Writ DAY or AUCIVBI 1861, and to continuo two meal, Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Ater noes of the Peace, Aldermen, and Gonstables of the add coanty of Dauphin, that they be then and there In their proper persons, at 10 o'clockinthe forenoon of said day, with their rec.rds, inquisitions, examinations, and their own remembrances, to eo theme things which to their Moo appertains to be done, and those who aro bound in reoognisanoos to p tosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be le the Jed of Dauphin county, oe then and there to prosecute against themes shall be Jut. Given under my hand, at Harrisburg, the 31st day of July, In the year of our Lord, 1861, and in the eighty third year of the independence of the United States. J. D. BOAS, Sheriff SHIRII7'S 017141 Harrisburg, July 81,1861. } augl•d&wtd DENTISTRY. GEO. W. &CANE, graduate of the „If intimate (Wile to .11 Dental durgery, hsving perms enmity located le the city of flarriabur i t and mime the QOM tormerly ocoupied by Dr. Gorges, on Third street, between Market and Walnut, reapectfully Intermit his Mends and the public le general, that he Is prepared to pertOtru all °paragons in tee Douai profession, either surgical or menoardeal, in a manuer that shall not be Stltiltillati by opotatOrd lu this or Any other ;Ay. His mode of insertang artidelal teeth Is upon this Wet: tn. prOred solontillo priumplea. Teeth, from one to a lull set, mounted on line Gold, Sfl ?or. Pladna plates or the Vulcanite Base. I take great pleasure m recommending tile aeon gee . ; tlegian to all my former patients of klarrisburg and vi- Jinity, and feel confident mat ho wilt perlbrm all opera tiOna lu a Wanda° manner, from my knowledge or hb ability. imy3.dtfl F. J. S. GORGag, D. D. S. VAN INGEN & SNYDER, , Designers and Engravers on Wood' N. E. COB. FIFTH & CHESTNUT STS., Philadelphia. EXECUTE all kinds of Wood Engraving with beauty, oorrectnese and dispatch. Original wawa furnished for Fine Book ElustraUona. Persons wishing outs, by sending a Photograph or Daguerreotype, can have views or Colleges, Churches, Store rrozni, Machines, Stoves, Patents, &c., engraved as well on per- Gana appikatka. • Fancy Envelopes, Labels, Bill Headings. z•tigst OWN Visiting, Baldness and other Cards, engniven the highest style of art, and at the lowest priers. For specimens or Ana engraAring, see the immunise works of J . B. Lippincott at Co., B. R. Boller &Ce. oct2b lyd .IPCOWIIELIEL"SE DTARRACEA. AM) OHOLERA. ANTIDOTE, For the cure of these distressing esaladtes. agreeable to the taste. Every soldier should procures bottle of this valuable. medullae before they take up their line of marsh. For sale at A. iIiIiNVART'S, Drag Store, m y2-dSm ' Harrisburg, Pa THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. rEIRE vast amoant of propertY destroyed 11. annually by Lightning ought to be a warning to property holders to secure their buildings. All orders far Lightning Rods left at the emotion Moro of W. BARB, will be attended to. Reds pot up in the latest Improved yle and warranted. Jel2-d FOR BALE ABITILDING: LOT, situate in West Har risburg, fronting on Bradstreet 20 rem, and run ning back 161 feet, more or less, to a2O foot alley, ad• Joining on one side , the property of Mr. Blumenstine. For particulars enquire of FitiliaßlCH BCREFFIR Berguees Bookstore. May 8,1861. 149 A QUANTITY of Bags, Chockit and Ging Cl tome ter Hale by the doses and piece, cheap nano, at the DACIPSIN OWN tY PRLION. m➢ HARIU66IIIIO May fl. 1864 HENRY 0. SHAFFER, DA.PER HANGER Front street, second i _t*tabovii , WAPAlkalfee‘, 441 orAorlioulaus ll 7 mum= trt. sir Paper w worroutodhuts for 16 canto per roll or pie°e. la adi my9-41tf flisullanzuns 3111 TIC Cib 'l7 AL. You will please take notice that I have removed my place of boatneas 11 , om No. 187 South fourth Street, to my Manufactory NOB. 114 and 118 RELIEF MEET, Between Lombard and Sou& and Prost and Spout Sti, Philadelphia. 'Mukha tor past favors I solicit a continuance of your orders. As I have enlarged my manufactory ao as to enable Alt, to have constantly on hind a large amortment et well seasoned Soaps, all of the best quality and free from Fish Oil. PALM, VARIEGATED, WHITE, • • HONEY, CASTILE, andel' kinds of TOILET SOAPS. CEIEMICAL OLIVE SOAP of pure material SETTLED, PALE and BROVoN SOAP, inglhsh Dd. Soda and Pus Emltm ConStull) , on band r.PIIIII, ADAYANTINSan TALLOW CANDLM3 of a I !•Itse. Baying adapted the cash system I am enabled to offer my goods at the lowest vi loos . Roping that you will eall and examine for yourseilloth the goods and pricea, beret* purchasing elsewhere. I am VeryßesimotAally, F. CONWAY. PURA% . . NOTIOE. • • rPIiE tINDEfiBiONED has, ovciitid hie LI B 6 utilleir comer or Third Me • •u Black. berry alley, bear Herr I'oo4. Dr amber of an kinds and qusJittes t by p. • 'MAY .Althe unders CDT igned will .ell Horses, carriages and ear 110IW cash, • Aims....Dorses sod Ost,tiarres to hire at the Woo °Moe. PAANK A. %It: .li.Ay City -Property for Sale.. LARGE TWO—STORY BRICK HOUSE sod lot of ground, pleasantly loost.td on Front wean Mulberry street sod Washington Avenue. Also TWO LARGE PIANOS in good canditton and or ex pellent tone Apply to 0. O. ZINSZRILAN, 1 1 1 4 No. Yit, Soutb' Second street. tAT HITE SU LP BUR SPRINGS HOTEL, CaßiaLlt, Cumberland county, Pa.—The pro prietors take pleasure in announcing that they are now itrwreti to receive visitors- Persons desiring a healthy location for the summer will tied thLt one of the moat de. lighttul places In the country. The water of these springs cannot be surpassed for drinkin g , bashing sad medicinal purposes. For Information and drachms addrese Wit. H. BURROUGHS, D. 0. BURNSTr, Proprietors }alb Dm 1861. 30 OPENING 30 OPENING 1861. Or SUMMER DRESS GOODS Of MOT DIIOIIP2IOB. The goat ty of the goals for the price will be an tonnes. meat to every one to pnrchase. The wet dottrel& goods or the sauce at a great see-- Mee. KOZAMBIQITES, GRISSALIAB, VAMINO OREPEINNPANGB, MUDGE ANQJ.A tIt BROCADE POPLINS, • NEAPOLITANS. LAWNS and LAVELLAE are among the Bs CATHCART & BROTHER. Next door to the Uarrlsbnrg BMW. SKELETON SKIRTS. The largeatiatook of the very beak make to be found at . CATHCART eat door to the Harrisburg Bank. Parasols, San Umbrellas and Umbrellas Twenty-five per cent lower than can be purchased isewhore in the city. I..UTEIOART & BROTHER. N 0.14, Market Square, myna Nest to the Harriehara Bank. JOHN B. SMITH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT M., Hanisbnrg, Pa. A ',WAYS on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITEKS, so., or the i-c ry best analitics for ladles, genUemen, and children wear.— Prices to suit the times. All kinds of WORK PADS TO ORDER In the beat style by superior workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. oatO.dl( JOHN B. SHUR, Htrrab "OUR - GOVRMIJAENT." 6411 HE unity of Government, which con . animas you one people, is now dear to you.”— Waskington't /brew& , Fret. A nationality Is essen tial to the enduring pprosperity of our country. True pa triotism mast arise front knowledge. It Is oaly a proper understanding of our civil Institutions that can Induce strong and settled attachment to their principles, and Impart ebWty fur their maintenance. "OUR GOVERNMENT : An explanatory • statement of the system of Government of the Country," contains the text of the Constitution of the.llntted States, and the Con stitutional provisions of the several States, with their meaning and construction, it determined by Judicial an shorn v wt. precedent and practice, or derived from Wee *mit 'dters; digested and arranged for popular'une Price. Reid by M. MiKIKNEY • dei H rrisburg, • - • - • WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO - DICTIONARY rINIE beat defining and pronouncing Die _L tionary of theNef or llsh btuguage , Also, Worcester's Salmi Dictionaries. ebstera Pictorial Quarto sae Selma DtctiOtiariea for sale at ' SOHEIPERt L . - BOOKSTORE, igollt•II Near the Harrisburg Bridge. FLAGS 1. FLAGS 1 1 OTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES with NationaLdisAvas, UL & 6. PAPICE with a view of city Of Fiarriat ay. printed And ratAlle at ISCHICINPV3 BOOKSTORIE, 104 Icor ink flarrisburg Bridge SPICED SALMON 11 FRESH' AND VERY DELICATE. Put Up 11611# In Ove-pocuid oina: 14 5 . WM DOCK, Jr., &00. BIBLES! BIBLES!! A Large and thoroughly complete stash of 818 HS, COMPRISING. EVERY VARIETY Prom the Steeliest Pocket to the largest sized and Seib FAMILY BIBLES, Has lest been purchesed and received from the Fall Trade Wee. Baying purchased these at . EXTRICREELy LOW 114 TIMS, they will be sold at a very Small advance. • Please call and examine the stock at BERGNKEt'S CIi.LAP O. Market Street, A NEW LOT OF WM' SHOPPING & THAVNGING BO . . ComPtildttLA !minket , krises " otamt, , ,IMMIMEP aes. k, ba anney Panda ind' wineta: Anti assertant aid received and tat S MAP Boaurowc, Al Market Aire lilizatlautous JUST PUBLISHRD..,",f, A MANUAL MILITARY :straa:s-ttir • MIMS ON rag xmligNOlE:3 Damp; - ' and Hospital Praotioe. 8. D. GBOSS, M. D. PRClMOSiialit OS =maim a um For Ws at BERGNMRI2 OE AP HOOKSTOItz. nay 24 JOHN . WALLOWFA:JB. I A g t, GENERAL -, FORWARDING AND , • COMMISSION MBECHANT. GOODS AND MERCHANDISE promptly krwarded by Philadelphia AM Reading. Northern Central, Cumberland Valley and PenDO/VILDIN UNnfoads ..tid Canal. _ RAULINO AND DRAYING to and from allparta of, the city to the different Railroad 'depbta will be done at the very lowest rates. FA/di:Una removing win be prompUy attended to. Orders .eft at Brant's European Hotel,or at the atore of IL 8. Zollinger, will receive premed attention. Coe, elsnmenta of freight respectfully aolioned. SUEN WALLOWIII JR. tgt apt 011los Reeding 31O7wit LI ICKOILL OAK AND PIN WOOD for sale, CU7 To =mg us voix. LENOIR IX) 8671 pagialas:fLo . .111.90,,L0D182 POSIBILIVD ogiLSTNpf TO Unit.. • ere , ', ZONE AND SAND FDA BUILDINQ PURPOSES. 'ltlquin• of the subscriber at bi restdenee on the Ridge read, op melte the Good Will &Wee Ho ul% or at th a Yard, earner or Booed and Woad sateen; Wegt ger . riatture. - (m7274(1 0 8.0011. REDUCTION Dr PRIOES " iF , Plain and Ptinted. OASIIMPITOO3, Plain and Figured. eLL WOOL DELAINfiS, Extra &Vol eno:Quelity. • BROCA LONG SHAWLS, different Woo FINE. STOOK OF' BLANKET SHAWL'S. The prices in all the abort Geode; on exentinitlen,.wiii be found “lower than ever," at , ONMOONI‘ ante Next - door to the Harrieburk Gene., LIME FOR SALE. %IRE UNDERSIGNED having, emixaked `in the LIMB BUSINESS m precut& to I urnlbh th very beet article at short nottea, and at the lo west prices lbr nab. He sells the Una beret at Hateable and also that burnt at home. my29.413m MICR BERiIHISIL. A CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN. " TO close up the concern the entire stook of SHOES, OIXVIS, tio.,•late of Oliver lie men, decomael, in {ho rooms in the liarkit Square will be. NOW at PriTlite onitat OCktr; mid the Moms will be rented to the mirohaer if desired, pm Jena. win be Made easy. jel74tt Derr. ft Bon.l dent. , REMOVAL. 61.113SCRIBM would respectfully A. inform the !Milks that he has 1611110 TOIL Ma plumb• log and Bram Founding' totabliahment to N. 22 Sou th Third street below Barr‘a BofdL Thantrtui tbr mud jai. reneger be hePee by strlot 0 #411000 , t0 balm= to merit a continuance or s. Nazar - JON 89. • • • • /IBMOV Alily 81:16130RIBER has removed hie PIAJOBIN4.4OOWDRAti FOUNDRY from tfarkei street to Forirth *treat *Deco etarget,oppoSta the Bathe °horse. Thaukftttfor past patronage, be hoped, by atrial attoetion to business, to merit a couiterianee It.- umr36.Bmd. • Wit: PARBOIL . 8011EFF.Sa'S BOOK. STORM (Net& ad . Basyisburg Bridge.) 0)1 •2§ JUST REOSIVED from the • Sills a lot of floe CEIMNEWIAL NOTE PS is, erns we will ae9at 11.26 per ream. • $9.60 per ream for NOTE PAPER, deborated with the laiseet Sod 1111101130U111 emblems sad, o pWIoIN sabo for 1000 NINTH geiTLOPES, wtOkisitionil end pstr . toilo emblems printed to We Were. PleM3 give'ne )e22-41 'ca%lß.,.. g OUR UNION. ooNsTrrtromi 6 6 9UR Go vinuouorr i •• boo*: Air, la a wort , oeute.Mor the do 'Ono" - Or me men Brim, giving the wont= two et ba Ter and Provisions, showing . the relittette of the' • severe] Sham to the Unten acid Cash other, and explaila Phis , rally thearium Orlloveramant the Om try. Pr.* it 00: SW, iorclars aupplis‘by - him, at Elarefir burg, Pi; %Pea Agatha for .o Mmteiwited'elitagter Wetted: . . I IHE • ATTENTION OF ENTLEM.EN ji„ dolkited to our very buteaasorutamt or Unwetwom MID Waxing or every ette and eniillY• Gwyn' Jliowe lUD (kw[a, beet wind, willPtractiked. &lithe different kinds et Winn Moves. Largeet.,amortmeat otHoetenv this city: . Ciav"Aipaiezßoarlus, Ready leiAcc.ild. Aid dldrla {o=ao (ietda' wear, at • CATINJAMVB,' Vast toUbe Fla truth., elf Frank. DR. T. . MILES ) ; - .7 SURGEON I:).EI4TbEeO . . • • i L ,• servioite ' tto the, citize ns o O FFERS his Ilvrieborg ratite Titentty. •He White IL shire o the public Potr ms g a i slid g I VAII OSMIUM UAW Me :best eegeavore Oa be gmei to render eattelleraon In hie pre-. ftsoion. Being ao Od..VelLerted deollstc be veto ordain inning the path) gravelly to dell oe essoriev boot tba_y_ rall rat bi Maeda rara hie eirrave, ,001oe No. 725 Mivloe sh oes le *wow tonier_4" nO- ey Jacob& Ebt, Dora the - T eral Woo WatittoNg. t3t. - ` 11 , 6411 7 • ILLAirADE from choice and selected Apples, and graranteed by mto beltrittly perk •1314 WO. DOOR CO, BY TEE [We are unable this morning to give our readers the usual telegraphic reports owing to a heavy storm raging during the last night, both east and west.] FROM WASHINGTON• WARM:NI:WON, Aug. 12 There is high authority for stating that the report that Prince Napoleon waited on the •President the moment he returned from the rebel camp at Ittanassas, is incorrect. Mr. G. O. Wood has been appointed Commis sioner& Public Buildings by the President. iThikWashington papers, against the ;Apron ed desire of the authorities, still continue to publish fulidetails of the movements of Federal troops. .The President has directed the work on the ( Capital 4fatension to be immediately resumed.. la* Whlta Home is being refurnished and Irani:noted this week. • Letters from klchmond state General Beau regard's official return of killed and wounded at the Bull Run battle, is fourteen hundred and seventy. BURNING OF THE CASCADE MILLS. Primarssuao, N. Y., Aug. 11. The Cascade Mills, at Versailles, with a large' amount ,of , grain, were burned on Thursday Loss, $20,000, insurance, $9,000. amour corncob NEWS FROM REBEL STATES. nni Lass or rug oorourrerse Letters from Richmond" state that General Beauregard. had made his official return of the kUled and wounded at the battle of Manassas, and the total loss is 1470. The number of Fed end prbioners• instated at 1400. A correspon dent belonging to Gen. Jo hoson'ibrigade writes as follows : , "The beauty is, we.have eight fillarpsburger's (from Sharpsburgh, tiaryland,) prisoners, have killed three and wounded two of the force that were under Cook, at Williamsport. Billy Lee was shot in the breast and is not expected to live. We have in one company a pistol with this inscription 'Presented to W. A. Hill, of New York, by Rev. H. W. Beecher.' We have captured. army blankets, &c., in abundance. We are all in good spirits, and have plenty of everything except water ' which is rather muddy, Among the captured articles is a wagon of cheese, one of cake one of onus of strawberries, - peaches, &c., and boxes of lemons. The men who have been to Manassas say the estimated value of the captured articles is $8,000,000." TH3 VIRGLNLA. YI ma. The following extract is from the Charleston Mercury's army correspondent now in Virginia : 1 4 The militia are being mustered in to-day, Oldie:Any of them came into it with considera ble reluctance.' There are some who have no ardent sympathy for the cause. They will fight fcir, the South, of course, if obliged to fight, but they have the feeling that if it had not been for liouth Carolina there would have been no necessity of fighting. Many others can badly spare the time. Their oats is unharvested ; their other crops are still immature ; they have no htuids to work them but their own, and it is truly'a matter of inconvenience and injury to be obliged to turn out. Yet in this section there are many that can fight, and who can be spared to fight, but who will not unless they are compelled to do it. Besides this, with the `militia will come out the ordinary fire-arms of the country, which will not come without." Is there not something significant in the fol lowing from the Richmond correspondent of the Charleston Mercury ; "The government seems zealously to conceal everything they can from the public here. Up to.this day, (the 4th,) since the fight, no report is Made of the wounded or dead; nor will they allow those who have sons or brothers at Ma mmas go to ascertain their fate, and admit:Lister to their necessities •if wounded. Alll we learn is from the newspapers, which obtain their in- formation chiefly from the wounded who are brought, here. The death of Col. Fisher, of North Carolina, was not known until his orly arrived on its way to North Carolina." , A correspondent writing from klimmasu to a Memphis paper, says : "I also leam.from one of our surgeons that the wqmidedp4tartnets taken by our army are not by &L.'S° dangerously wounded as the'uut jority of obi.' own men. ,Mcet of our wounds are dom•Mitinie' balls, which made, great ghast ly .;openings.: and frequently gone entirely :through the holy—white those upon the ens my,are with round balls, whose effects have been less fatal. ' Since the first fight near Manassas, %ow & from that: section have been busily engaged' In bringing Yankee prisoners to Richmond. There are same twelve or fifteen htunired nowhere, in eluding about two hundred and:fifty wounded. A , large'number were , brought dpwn on g a wp, day; and yesterday another batch. arrived— amongst whom were twenty-two "Regulars," Rome &MVOS, from New York city and Brook lin; and some of the Massachusetts and Maine volunteers, and some. other States. Two or three hundred'more priioners are expected here to-daY.-1 Tim .Wchnidedl prisoners are receiving the ittentionot , onr test physicians. —Richmond • .Cohn inn O&M= ROBEAT. —Mr. William 0.;Hall, of the army telegraph corpe,. was Sta tioned at. Centreville during the late great tat. tf.e; initkept up constant communiattkm itith the Wm. Department at Washington. ,He re rosined atlas post after the flight commenced, and ditoPr became imminent, and,Only let it when.ordered to do so Gen. JEglotti He' 'had everything in readiness to start ;sheathe order aim s, ditatehed his instrument by cutting the wires, and "slid," taklikg Otis . 'huezument with 10 3 , whielhe earriatt Over twenty miles. On reaching Washington helm summoned to the War DeParizaent, tom]. was complimented by Qeilei}kOtt!' o'er OttdMil ---7— ti'Diefaitial says that one the WhhiMl inthe Union army, who contributedlo getup ihe panic at the battle of Bull Bun, passed through that city on the lstinst., on his way to his I to receive the promised reward for ' PRICE ONE CENT. WHY TIM ICYPECRY ? MORI riusoineas 3