Fines 01 arum! eranspurtatimi Northern Central Railway I 4 ;z.,.• OTICE. ANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. MEI TRAM DAILY TO AND FROM JE3 A. I—J I I I IMORiM I j N AFTER SUNDAY, JUNE 9th, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Cantral Rad. ay will leave Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows GOING SOUTH, MAIL TRAIN will leave Harrisburg at 1 20 P. N. EXPRESS" " " as .....3.00 A. EL HAIM, BURG ACCOMMODATION 930 1° RET CTRNING. MAIL 'TRAIN will leave Baltimore at EXPRESS TRAIN HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION , GOLING NORTH. MAIL TRAIM leaves Harrisburg at IMPRESS The only train leaving Harrisburg on ',Sunday will be the Express, South, at 3.00 A. M., and leaving Baltimore at 4.35 P. M. Le' further Infortnatton apply at the Office, In Penn's ul 4!:rtetti Depot . . A. C. SCEINEI,L, 4.felt b u rg, May 20, LB6l.—dtf Ni, All LINE ROM THREE TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YORK. TWO TRAINS DAILY TO PHIL-ADE I.,PHIA WITHOUT CHANGE OF OARS. rIN AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE to, i L y 18dt, the Passenger Trains will leave the Philadel lea au.: Reading Railroad Depot, at IlariisburJ, f r New York and Philadelphia, as follows, viz : MEIST WARD. E.x p i LINK leave. I.l...rriAlitirg at 9.30 a. so., uu ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Esprosi Train front the bleat, arrivingin Now York at 4 p. in. A sleeping oar is attarbe.,l to the train tprough tram Pittsburg without "hanger. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 a. tn., arriving in New York at 4 p. ru , and Philadelphia at 1.25 p. m. 'FOP ',INF leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast hail, arriving in Now York at. 0,41 and Philadelphia at 6.40 p, m. WESTWARD .tedST LIN E leaves New Yore at d a. in., and Philadel phia at 8 a. tn., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m. din, TRAIN leaves hew York at 12.00 noon, and Phil wtelphia at 3. 11 p. tu. , arriving at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. EXPREM UNE loaves New York at 8 p. clog at Harrisburg at 2.30 a. an., and connecting with the psiiusylvania Express Train for Pillsenr.g. A sleeping our is also attached to this .rain . Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the tentisylvania, Northern Cenral and thnnuerland Valley frailroida, and at Reading for Pottsvil le, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, km. Baggage eLloottatt through, Far. , between N.w Y Ore and Ha: rbthurg, 35 00 ; between Harrisburg and Philo dolphin, $3 25 in No. I care, and 52 70 10 No. 2. For ..elrets or other information apily to General Agent, Harrisburg ..1) lb ectiNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD 1-31T,MM ER TIM E 'PA RIX t~'~~~li~~ , ;,~! , t-Ilkik "TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA =0 MONDAY, JUNE lab, 1861, Jie Pllaldellgel trains 01 the Penueylvaida Railroad Um• oany will depart tram and arrive at Harrisburg and ,totatieloua at iOneWB EAST WAl9tCo tr.e.ST LINE leaves Harrisburg every morning (except Monday) at 1.15 a nt., anti arrives at West Philadelphia ei Sail a. in. EXPR S PItAIN leaves Harrisburg daily al 0.20 n. aa., .001 arrives al West Philadelphia at 1.1.0 1 ,, 111. :tali, 'MAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sun- day) ill. 616 d. and Irrivee at West Philadelphia a 10.16 ft. tn. These Hattie make close connection at l'hilacitapiala wits Nate York Lines. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, via Mount Joy, ,eaves Harrisburg at 7.00 a. in., and arrives at West idladelpnia at 12.00 noon. atARRISIIURO ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, loaves Harrisburg at 1.10 p. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at l 3 26 p. to. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, via Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 5.15 p, m., couteuting at Diller yule with MAIL TRAIN, and arrives at West Pbiladel 'Ada ut 10.16 p. m. VitE6TWAIRLIP. THRoiloll EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia a 10.20 p [U., Harrisburg at 2.36 a. m., Altoona 7.30, a m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 noon MAIL. TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., Harrisburg 1.00 p. tn. Altoona, 0.50 p. in., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 Midnight, FASI. LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.20 a. In., Harris burg 3.35 p. in., Altoona 8.10 p. m., and arrives at Pitts burg at 12.30 a, m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2,30 p. in., Lancaster 0.08 p. m., Ool umbia 6.45 p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg it 8.00 p. This Train connects at Harrisburg, at 8.05 p. 1:12., with Northern Central Railroad tram for Sunbury, Williams port, Lock Haven, Stratton and all poiuts North. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00. p. m. , Lancaster 7.50 p. in., Mount Joy 8.21 p. m., Eliza bethtown, 8.37 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.30 p. on. Attention Is called to the fact, that passengers leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m., connect at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.3 U, p. in. SAMOEL D. YOUNG, Supt. East. Div. Penna, Railroad Ilarrinburg, Juno 7, 1851.—dtf. Select Schools for Boys and Girls ol(ON't Writ AAA LOCUST. ` ll E al: unit at ROBERT M'ELWEE'S 1 . 11 , 141: to open Oil the last Monday le augn4 ' , o co Hu bi welt veatliatod, oomlertably fur• to iwiTV respect well adapted for schooi pill plh.e.ei. CATiIAKINI•7 M'ELWEE , S school for girls, located in it,. saw.: ILAldingi will open for the Fall term at the came tuna. 'rho room has been elegantly fitted up during the vacittiom to promote the health and comfort of scholars. lau3l-tle CITY LIVERY STABLES. iILACKBERRY ALLEY, M THE REAR 01 ELERIFEBOTEL. Y midersigued has re•commenced tho livery business in his NEW and SPACIOUS: STA BLES, located as above, with a large and varied stock o HORSES, CARRIAGES and ONINIBUSES, which he wit hire at moderate rates. F. A, SWARTZ, eep2B•dly LIQUORS AT COST ! HAVING concluded to discontinue the 1;1181LIMI we olier our large and complete assort ment of Furs Walla's 13 I Ulla 03, and liquors of every de, ocription at cast withouk reserve, WM. DOCS, At. et Co n Opposite [be Coast Hans- CATHARTIC: PILLS. ARE YOU SICK, fee?... • conk.)iniuingq Aro you out of order, with your system deranged, and your feelings uncomfortable? These symptoms arc often the prelude to serious illness. Foto° tit of sickness is creeping upon yoi, and should be averted by a timely vas of the right remedy fake Ayers Pills and cleanse out the disordered humors—porgy the blood and let the fluids move.. ououstruoted health again. They stimu late the tunettons of the body tine v igorous activity, po rtly the system from disease. A , old settles somewhere in the body, and obstriritsidi natural functions. These, not relieved, reaot upon tnemselves and the surround lug organs, producing goilerm itg; rapt/ lion, suffering and disease. While in this condition, oprrossod by the de rangetnonts, take Ayer s Pills end see how directly they restore the natural action of system, and with it the buoyant feeling of health loin. What is true and so apparent in this trivet end common complaint. is also true in many oi the deep-seated and dangerous distem pers. The same purgative ellen expels them. caused by similar obstructions and derangements of the natural loud ions of the body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured by the same means. None who know the virluee of these Pills, will neglect to employ hem when buttering from the disorders they cure. Statements 'rum leading physicians in some of the principal cities, and from other well known public per sons. . 8,13 A. M 4.35 P. Al 8.00 P. NI From a Forwarding ;Aeronaut of St. Louie, Feb. 4, 1856. UR. Arita : Your Pills are Mi.. paragon of all that is great in medicine. They have cured my little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her bah e and feet that had proved incurable for years. Her m Aber has boie tong grieviously afflicted with blotches and pimples a her elan and in her hair. Atter our child was cured, she also tr ie. 3 our Pills, and they have cured her. ASA 11011GRIDti E. AS A FAAILLY PHIO3IO. [From Dr. E W. Cartwright, New orient:us.] 1.20 P.M 9.33 " Your Pills are the prig co of purges. Their excellent qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are mild, but very certain and effectual is their action on the bowels, which make them invaluable to us in the daily refitment of disease. HIADACBI, SlOll Heeneaae , FOUL Broxeco [From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore.] DUE BRO. AYER caul ot answer you WHAT corn• plaints 1 have euaan with your Pills better than to say aU that we ever treaz malt a purgalive audio tne, I place great dependence on au *Motu& cathartic is my daily contest With disease, sad honeying ns I do that yo Pills afford us the best we [lave, i of course value them PITTSBURG, Pa., May 1, 18.56. Inc. J. C. dyes—Sir 1 IlaVe been repeatedly cured of he worst headache anybody eau have, by a dose Sr Iwo your Pills. a seems to arm: from a Foul stomach, which they Cleanse at wee, Yuma with great respect, ED. W. PhEih,E, Cl rk 01 Steamer Clarion BiLious Disoarrift,.-1 so, Cesistaiwro, (Front Dr, rhoodere Bell New York City.] Nut only are your Pills it i.o :ably adapted to their primal xs au ap,4ricat, but I :ma their beneficial eilects UpOD the liver very maraud i ,deed. they itaV, Ic thy practice proved ritoro uhectuai .or the cure dl Mamie, Comp!elute iliac /toy cue remedy 1 eau Mention. I. bin nerely rejoice that wu have at luugth a purgative which la worthy the confidence cl the profession and the people. Mfr : I have used your PlllB ill my general and hospital prat:hue aver slime you made them, and cannot hesitate to say they are the Om eathartio we employ. Theq re. gulating action ou the i.ver ie gunk and decided . csase quently they are au a , ,mifaiile remedy for derangement 01 that organ. indeed, i have 10011.1 a case or Bihous Disease so ohm did net r,:adily yield to them. b'raternaily your A ~ iNAD DALI Mi x tlehth , the Marine Respite! ../Aiiti.) WORMR, j From Dr. J. U. Dree:t, el Chicago. I Your rills h ve bad a tay, trill a my DiaeLitte, Laid t bold them in esteem as one of tau mast %parents I have evor Mena, their alterative etheo upon Ma liver truatiO6 them an excellent remedy, whoa 4,ven in small doses Inc Bilious Dysentery and Ltiarrho3a. their sugar-co4tiui; makea them vary acceptable mad eauvertiont for the flee of women ami.cbildren OYak'SYSII, lIWCUUTY ON IRE BLOOD 'From Itev..l. V. times, Pastor Advent. Church, fioato❑ Dr. AVEII : I have used your Vats withoatraurd:uary SUCCOR la my family and among those I al/it:ailed to visit in distress. To regulate tee urgans at digestion cud pu rity the bleed, touy aro tee very best remedy I have aver known, EMI I Oen co—Ml=ly recommend them to my friends. Yours, J V. fIIMKS, WA klat y tit.,g Co., N. V., Oct. 14, Mi. Dams ; AEU using your. ..!athartau Villa in Lay pratice, and tic Ett,;al au nsoei lent ialrga.atve to eleaban the system and unify the fountains or the Wand. AIELN G. MEACHAM, M. EL OONSTIPATION, t/iitiVESOISO, SUOYECNSSION, RHEUMATISM QOUT, NEUNs DOA. linornx, YAIIALTSIO, FITS, ITO, [From Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Aloatroal, Canada.] Too much cannot be said of your Pills for the cure Costiveness. If others 01 your iraternity nave louud them as efficacious as t ituvo, they loin uto in pro• claiming, it tor we netiont id the inuitithilozi who seder from that complaint, winch, although bad enough'. in it sell, is tile progeuitur al other 3 that are worse. 1 bell ve Costiveness to originate to the aver, but your Pills alfoot that organ sad cure the disease. From Mrs. N.l. Stuart, 'llyawino and ilidwite, BostOn.l 1 find ono or tvc,, large done; of your PIUS, Laden 01 the proper, are rseeileut [ln - 21110m vaN 51 cue N ittaral =Multi WU a cvti illy or trartiaay Sappressed, :tad also ory OLZA.NpaI 5310 050511100 and 11.1051. 4 , 0555. ratly arm ,1) moon the best. paycno we have that mella so outer to my iutieuts. [From the Rev. Dr. Hawkes, of. We Methodist it:l), - toopal Church.] Piatesitt-liovsx. Bavanncii, tie., Jan. d, 1850. HONORED die : I silutna ad HugeAletal for the Ver Het your shill hue Breo6 , lit Mc ti I dir dot report my case to you. A cold .ny Ilmua nil brought 00 users wenn., NeUraigle, Para , , anion en. 1,0 in ChironKt NOEWlthstanthug t &id tne best of physicians, Diu disease grew we: se w0r,,,, until by the advice of your excellent agent w datilinore, Dr, Makenzie, I tried year rills. Their effects were slow but sure. By persevei ng in the fleet)! them, I n..n now entirely well &Welk CHAMBER, baton Rouge, Lc., Dee. 6, 1855. DR. AYER ; I have been entirely cured by your tills, 01 Rheuniatic trout ; uphill disease that had afflicted me tor years. VINCENT 81,1 DELL. ogia-Most of the rills lu meant contain . Mercury, although a valuable remeuy in skillful hands, is ,lailserMlS in a public pill, from the dreadful COlniequen ces that Irequeutly hollow its inctutious use These contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. Price 2b cents per box, or 2 boxes Srt $l, Prepared by DE. J. C. Al i 0 & CO.; Lowell, Mass. Sold by C. A. Banovart, K. E. W. Gross & Jo., J. M. Lutz, Holman & Co., Armstrong, flarrutburg, and dealers everywhere. ap27-6mdaw JIAVIL) BAYNE6, 1/0 MARKET, ST. HARRISBURG, Agent for LILLIE'S PATENT Wrought and Clidled Emu r . nil Burglar Proof $9436.1E 1 ' Strictly the GNI. MorcantuL made, that Is both re and . Burglar Proof. mar29.dly CAN.DLESI PARAFFLNE CANDLE, SPERM CANDLES, ADAMANTIN E CANDLES, STEARINE CANDLES, STAB CANDLES, CHEMICAL SPERM. CANDLES, TALLOW CAN DI :RS. large lot of toe above In stove and for sale at the low est prime by W YI. DOCK JR. & CO., jaw/ Opposite the Court House. , A VERY HEAVY STOOK OF BLACK AND SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS ! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JUST OPENED. At Prices below the Cost 01 importation. CALL AT CA THCART'S, may& Next demote the Harrisburg Bask. FARMER'S HOTEL. frliE subscriber begs leave to inform his X friends and the public that he has taken the FARM ER'S HOTEL, in Market street oppoatte the Poet Bill co, lormerly J. Stahl s, where he Is prepared to accom me date them on reasonable terms, flay* refitted and furnished the House entirely now, he hopes by sty at at • Nation to business, to receive a liberal share of psdron• age. fap‘fimd] B. G. PETERS. frHE SOLDIER'S BOOK, Ill'Kiuney'E, "Our Government`" an exposition of the Conetitu. Monet the United states, explaining the nature and opal , iitten of our government, train iudiaial and authentic warm: Price $1 00. For sale at zalrg DERGNERIELSTOYi pennovltiania Daily atlegrapl), A ttionbau afternoon, august 12, 1861. flittbuw, Ay ex's DFLPART.II2NI,OI , rex INTILRIOII, WaSbiligtoll, D. U., 71. b. Fab. 1850. I Inistellantous. TEETHINc - lidß,B. WINSLOVI: tin experienced Nurse and Female Physlexan, prow the attention of mothora SOOTHING S Y 11 111 For Children Tcething, credal greatly lacilitatea tine proceas cil inciting, by ru ening the guma,roducing all inflammation—will allay A ?MN, and epaamodic action, and in Lt'MMUMMBTI , Depend upon. it, mothern, it will give rest to youreciv AND, RELIEF AND EtEALTiI TO YOUR INFANT: We have put up and sold this article for over Lei years, and GAN BAlr, IN CONEDINON AND mm, what we have never been able to say of any other medicine.- NEVER HAS IT FAILED,LN A SINGLE INSTANCE 126 EFFECT A CURE, when timely used. Never did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who user R. On the contrary, all are delighted with its opera lions, and speak in terms of highest commendation Its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak this matter "WHAT WA DO akow, alter tan years' expo FIODCO, AND PLIIDUE OCR RIPUTATION FOR TIM FOLF/1211N4 OF WEIAT I/11 RIIRII MOURN. In almost every instance where the infant Is Bufforllig from pain and exhaustion. rt. , lief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes atter tm syrup Is administered. This valuable preparation Is the prosoripton eI gm of the most EXPERIENCE:I and SKILLFUL NUMBS is New England, and has been used with RIVER FAO - 184 WOOllBB rEIOUSANDB OF CASIO it not only ratlines the ohild from pain, but lime oratos the stomach and bowels. correota Ltehitty : an. gives tone and energy to the whole system it will ci most Instantly relieve _ GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND URAL, .att overcome convulsions, which if not speedily rome. died, end in death. We believe it the sem and &room ;alt . tADY is two WOSLD, in all mule of DYSENIIIItI AND •.)LARR_,.O , IA IN CHILDREN, whether It :Intact it or teething or from any other cause. We wb/ my t. every mother who has a child suffering from any ol tfic foregoing complaints—no NO3 In voutt titZAIDIOIi; Zoo Ens roommate Os ovrcono, stand between you and you, suderiug child and the relief that will be SURE—yes, Ari SOLUTELY SURE—to follow the use of the medicine, it timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bath:. None genuine unless the lac-SilLdIC CURTIS & I bERINS,Now Vora, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by uggists throughout the world iVincipal Lae, No. 13 Cedar St„ New gore. Prig 3zelv 25 Gouts nor Bottle), *kr For Sate 11%rriseurg by G. W. dross & uv., to /9 Market street, J. Martin Lute, O. 22 Market sireet, t; K. Keller, No. 01, alarkez • Vines, 128 Ms. Dyspepsia Remedj DR. DARIUS HA 's AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT This AterMine has been used by the public for Aim year: with increasing favor. It is recommended to Cure Dyspepsia, Nervousness, H art-Burn, Colic Pains, Wind in the Stomach, or Ns in the Bowe:, Headache, Drowsiness. Kidney Com plaints, Low ,Spirits B tirium Tremens, &temp ro. • itcuIATES, ErEttaliAmi, : r ATVS, KM WU.L NOT lwroxinATA OIL U Ai , A MEDICINE it is quick nd eiteciu al, curing tl3O most aggravating OEM 3 Dyspepsia, Laney Complaints, and all Other derange ent it tle Stomach and Bowels, In a speedy manner. It Will instantly revive the roost rnelauco ly an drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous d ly to health, strength and vigor, l'ersous who, from the injudicious use of liquors, have. become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered, tionsatiltiods broken down, and Babiect to that hornet, cures to humanity, the Elsunium TIMONE, Will, alnlo2 , immediately, feel the happy and healthy Iritligoratlny efficacy of invigorating WILL T IT WILL DO. boss.—tine wii,e gala 0111 as often as necessary Due dose wilt remove all Bad Spirits, one wise will cure Heart-burn. Three doses will cure Indigestion, One dose will give you a Good Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. One dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of mind or Flatulence, and as soon as The nomad, resolves the invigorating Spirit, the distressing load and all painful lc:Wings will be removed, One dose will remove the most distressing pains 01 .11,, either in the stomach or bowels. A low Oboes will remove all obstructions lathe fteiet:y Bladder or Urinary Organs. eszsons who are curiously afflicted with any Complaints are assured speedy relief by a dose or .wo, mil a radical cure by the use of one or two bottles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION, Perseus who, from dissipating too much over night, and feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, in violent newt aches, Sickness at stomach, weakness, giddineas, will awl one coos will remove all bad feelings. Ladies of weak and sickly constitutions, should take ins Invigorating Spirit three times a day; it will make loom strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstructions ano irregularities tram the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the earewornldeo. During pregnancy it will be found an invaluable medi cine to remove disagreeable sensations at the .i.emaeh, MI the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce ans, be nos put up the invigorating Spirit in pint bottles, cents, quarts R. General Depot, 48 Water street, N. Y. Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia, D. YDIT, & Cif, ,no for sale in Harrisburg by C. A. Bs iinvart, D. W. Grose ci Co. and C. K. Koller, and by all ilruggista everywhere jeld-lowly FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES. 186 1 . PHILADELPHIA .FASHIONS. GRAN ITILLE STOKBEC ONE PRICE GIFT OLOTHING EMPORIUM No. 607 OIMASYNU2 B.TREE2. A superb stock of line Preach, lileglieh and American CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and VLSTINGS, /for City and Country trade, with an unapproachable as aortment of Raab , / MUDS CLOTHING at the lowest cash prices ,—lint UNE PRICE is asked, and a GIFT of intrinsic, worth and use presented with each article sold. Particular attention paid to the Clistamor department, and garments made andsent to order CO any address. In inaugurating this new system of doing bnsmotts, tiktANYLIA.,Ii STORES would impress ou the minds of the patrons at his establishment, that the cost of the gift ie uelucted from, and xot added to the price of the arti cle sold. His immensely increasing sales enabling him to act thus liberally, and at the same time to realize a remunerative profit. Alt articles guaranteed to give entire sail sfaction. GRANVILLE STOKES' ONE PRICEOLOTHINGEMPORIUM 607 CHESTNUT STREhIT, ootl9-6md—rdinar6-dtt • riltlE COMMISSIONERS appointed under the Act of Incorporation of the city of Harrisburg having made a plot or draft of said city, designating the streets, lanes and alloys now existing and opening; and also whore avenues, streets, lanes and alleys shall here after be opened, anti also designating within the limits of said city a plot or piece of ground, containing not less than twenty acres, for the use of the public and of said city, ior ills purposes and uses mentioned in said act ; and having submitted their uraft and report to the Court of Quarter sessions, of Dauphin county, for the approval of said Court ; the said draft and report have been died by order ot said Court in the office of the Clerk of Quar ter sessions of said county for public inspection ; and un less exceptions are filed thereto by parties interested In said city, the same will be approved at the August term of said Court. By order of the Court. lnyl-dtw WM. MITCHELL, Clerk. SIGN OF THE Glorious Star Spangled Banner 1 A NUTHER SUPPLY OF WALL RO PER, XI . BORDERS, &c., SPLENDID WINIEW to winch we call the attention of our frienu.sythd cordially Invite them to examine our goode and prints. We are determined to sell cheap. Mind the klaco. BCH.EFFER'S BOOKSfORE, , oar Harrisburg Bridge. MEE Al GUSTINE L. (MAYNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. ileaulence 27 ivarth Smut St eat. N. 13---,,TOBBING ATTENDED 10 Inebital ~FFB.T~€~i LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. ripHESE MEDICINES have now been be t fore the public fer a period of THIRTY YEARS, and during that time have maintained a high character in al most every part of the Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to per sons suffering under noariy every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable; The following are among the distressing variety of hu man diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Aro well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of punk healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind ; FLATU LENCY, Loss of Appetite, Heratburn, Headache, Rest lessness, 111-Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will van jell, as natural consequence of its cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without vio lence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the process of respiration in such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal ob struction In others. The LIFE MEDICINES have been known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeks and GOUT in half that time, by removing iocalinflammation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthen. leg the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delight fully on these important organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL g i Also WORMS; by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity which these LIFE MEDI. 0 NHS give to the bloodhand all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEX lONS, by . their alterate effect upon the fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagree able complexions. Thep's° of these Pills for a very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking im provement in the clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS and INFLUENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by two In the worst cases. PILES.—The original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Piles, of 35 years standing by the use of the LIFE MEDICINES alone. FEVER AND AGUE.—For this scourge of the Western country, these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other Medicines have the system subject to a return of the disease—a cure by these Medicines is permanent—TßY THEM, RE SATISFIED, AND BE CURED. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER GOAL PLAINTS.—Gwrixel Diumsre, Loss or Arrsurs, and Dc SIACSe or rssuass—the Medicines have been used with the most beneficial results in oases of this descrip tion :—Kings Evil and Scrofula, in its worst forms,yields to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medi cines. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility Nervous Corn plaints of all kinds, Palpitation of the Heart, Paint rs' Colic, are speedily cured. MERDURIAL DISEASES--Persons whose oonstitu ions have become impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury, will find these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never fall to eradicate from the system, all the effects of Mercury infinitely sooner than the most power ful preparations of Sarsaparilla. Prop tared and sold by W. B. .11kOF1''AT, Ira Broadway, New York. jy2o.dawly romale by all Drugglate .v,,G6ICHAVZ, B Holland Bitters YrSTSIRET I SIA. S Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &c. Tun sneeessful introduction and use of - this cele brated Remedy has been the signal for a literal flood of compounds called "Bitters," offered in various forms, from a quart bottle to a five-gallon keg, until this word "Bitters" is but another name for "grog," or some villanous whiskey mixture, But the really great relief derived from the s minute Bore, one teaspoonful, of our medicine, IiCERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS, and the entire absence of after prostration, has esta blished for it a reputation which the host of imitations and counterfeits have ailed to undermine. It is posi tively a vegetable preparation, with barely sufficient puru spirits to preserve it. But one size of the genuine, (Half-Pint Bottles,) prico acz Doman., It is a medicine of long-tried efficacy for Purifying the Blood, so essential for the foundation of good health and for correcting disorders of the stomach and bowels. Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects, The stomach will speedily regain its strength, a healthy action of the liver, bowels and kidneys will soon take place, and renewed health be the quick result, For INDIGESTION, Try Beerhave's Holland Bitters. For HEARTBURN, Try Bterhave's Holland Bitters. For ACIDITY, Try Iherhave's Holland Bitters. For WATERBRASEL, Try Baerhave's Holland Bitters. For HEADACHE, Try Ikerhave's Holland Hitters. For LOSS OF APPETITE, Try Hcerhave's Holland Bitters. COSTIVANEBS, Try Birrhave's Holland Bitters. For PILES, Try Ikerhave's Holland Bitters. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affec time, it has in numerous instences proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure, Read Carefully: The genuine, highly-concentrated ECERHAVE'S HOL LAND Innen is put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at One Dollar per bottle. The great demand for this truly celebrated medicine has induced inal,y imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Beware qf imposition! See that our name is nn the label of every bottle you buy. Benj. Page, Jr. &Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, PITTSBURGH, PA For sale In the city of Harrleb,ag oy D. WAGROBB .1k CO• ngtOrd—repld&wly JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &O. ALFRED F. ZIMI/ERILA.II & CO: N 0.5 2 MARKET STREET, Harrisburg, Pa., opposite Higit'e Horn. and adjoining the EIIROFIAN ROM, having purchased the stock of R. Jennings, and added a large assortment of NEW JEW ELRY, we will sell the same at the lowest cash price, and solicit patronage. Watches, Cloaks and Jewelry neatly and promptly ro paired and delivered. ALFRED F. ZIMMERMAN k CO Having disposed of my stock of Jewelry to A. F. Zim merman & Co., I cheerfully recommend them to my for mer customers as practical and experienced Watch Makers and solicit for them a continuance of the patron age which has been so generously extended to me during the last six years. jan2B ELMER F. JENNINGS. FLUME I SHAD, No. 1, SALMON, No. 1, HERRING, No. 1, COD FISH, No. 1, MACKEREL, No. 1. Of ,he above we have all the different sized packages Tom the Errr to the atekett In store and for sale at the owest market rates. febl6 ORANGES AND LEMONS. vORTY BOXES in prime order set enivad and for sale b) SPERM CANDLES! • IMAM lIIPPIir JUST S I OIIVXD By WN.• DOCK JR. k 00. Throat Confections, GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS CHILDREN CRY FOR SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS They relieve a Cough instantly They clear the Throat. They give strength and volume to the VOir:A. They impart a delicious aroma to the breath They are delightful to the taste They aro made of simple herbs and cannot harm any or a Bad Breath, or any difficulty of the Throat, to get a package of my Throat Confections, they will relieve you instantly, and you will find them very useful and pleas- ant while traveling or attending public meetings for et hug your Cough or allaying your thirst. If you try ono package I am safe in saying that you will ever after- wards consider them indispensible. You will find them at the Druggists and Dealers in Medicines My signature is on each package. All other are coon IMO A Package will be sant by mail, prepaid, on recipt o Thirty °ants. SICK HEADACHE ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE By the use of these Pills the periodic attacks of 'Ner vous or Sick Headache may be prevented; and if taken a the commencement of eu attack immediate relief linm pain and sleknese may be obtained. They seldom fail in removing Nausea and Headache to which females are so subject. For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the errsms, giving TONI AND VIGOR to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasti• city and strength to the w hole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS aro the result of long investt gallon and carefully conducted experiments, having been in use in many years, during which time they have pre vented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating an the nervous sys tem or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change of diet and the absence et any disa greeable taste renders it easy to administer them to children The genuine have Live signatures of Henry Cl. Spalding on each boa. Sold by druggists and all other dealers in medicines A Box will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt of the All orders should be addressed to AtirA single bottle of SPALDIMPE PREPARED GLUE Als accidents seta happen, even in teen-reguiatedfastutea it is very desirable to have some cheap, and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Croca..rY. meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it. It is always ready and up to the stick• tug point. N. B.—A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price 26 eta. Addretta HENRY 0. SPALDING, No. 48 Cedar Street, New York. WM. DOCK, JR. & CO As certain unprincipled persons are attempting to palm oil on the unsuspecting public, imitations of my PRE PARED GLUB, I would caution all persons to examine before pnrchasing, and see that the lull name, . arb'PALDING'S PREPARED GLUE,44 to OIL the outside wrapper;all others sroswindling coup. erfells riovlttivily7nifebie WM. DOOR JR. & Co latebital. "They go right to the Spot," INSTANT RELIEF I STOP YOUR COUGH I PURIFY YOUR MATH I STRENGTHEN YOUR VOICE I SPALDING'S EEO GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES 4: GENTLEMEN CARRY LADIES ARE DELIGHTED WITH I advice every one who has a Cough or a Husky voice PRICE TWENTY-IeIVE CENTS Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 CEDER STREET, NEW YORK CEPHALIC PILLS CURE Z.NTRE NERVOUS HEADACHE, CURE They act gently upon the bowels, removing Costiveness BEWARE OB COUNTERFETE:: ~~c+te:*w.ial~ ~•eyr~xuMww~ HENRY C. SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street, New York will save ten times its cost Emusllymili SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE 1 SAVE THE PIECES . I DISPATCH I EOONOMY Emus rot TIM was Km."... SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE "USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." CAUTION filisLettautans. A New Feature in the SDice Trade! IMPORTANT TO R01:1; P,KEEPEIL E. R. DURKEE & CO.'S SELECT SPICES In Tin Foil, (Lined with Paper,) and Pall )r .„ 2 ,. 5 BLACK PEPPER, GINGER, N WHITE PEPPER, ALUPICE, CAYENNE PEPPER, CLNNAMON, SIUSTARD, ' TN THIS AGE of adulterated and tas , o less :spices, it is with confidence that wi, to the attention of housekeepers them 4eprior genuine articles. We gturautee Elem. eel " ABSOLUTELY AND PERFECTLY FRIT,. but ground from fresh Spices, selected sod us expressly for the purpose, wit h out reforeoe•: 'r. They are beautifully packed in tin Mil, (hae I alit, per,) .. to prevent injury by keeping, and aro y, WEIGHT, while the ordinary grounds , Invariably short. We warrant them, in pona;f:.,to, and richness of flavor, BEYOND ALL COMPARISON, as a single trial will abundantly prove. bsars our Trade Mark. Manufactured only bs • E. R. DUREEI.. & CO., Nec• For sale by WM. DOCK Jit. it CO. B. M. GILDB.a., 1). D. C 7.3. STAIB STREET OPPOSITE THE BIIADY A ll opera ions, tiurgical and Mechanic, scientific: I'y performed. Charges moderate. NEW COAL OFFICE. IRE UN Dlidialiiis, ED having outei•e,t to the COAL TRADE in this city, would solicit the patronage of the citizens. 1 will ua Coal of all sizes, from the most celebrated ea,[ mines, which 4111 be delivered to any pat 0. t:l.+ free from dirt sad other impurities. Frei GUARARTRED. COAL FOR BAIR BY Lie in/AI LOAD, LOAD OR :INGLE _ON. Persms pinch uy [h.: or Car Loud will receive 2,240 pound; to itw L o u, Oak No. 74 Market street, second door nom ry alley Yard on the Cauat, toot of North str,l tiers lee tat either place will receive prompt apAidly hinv PROF. ADOLPII P. `ILI ' I L' 12 WOULD respectlully inform patrons and the public generally, Lam. Golan:me to give instructions ou the YUNG LODEON, VIOLLN and also in the relent:, o, BASS. He will w'th pleasure wait apse oupil6 homes at any hour desired, or lessons will ty,,,v.-L. his residence, in Third streeL, few doors Defov, German itetorrued Church. SCHEFFE.R I S BOOK sroBE, (NEAR THi MIDI UNION ENVELOI.- 3 . 1 ,:s NOTE PAPER, at six dliteront desigus printed in two colors, sold by Ibo ttu•.u,;;;,t by toe ream at City Cash prices Also, Flags, Union Breast ems, Eagles, UtliOn and Badges at very low prices. myB 80REFE.Filt'S STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG theigA_. FARE REDUCED TO $1.25 THROUGH "hl GETTYSBURG. THE undersigned has established -L. rcguiar LINE OF STAGE COsCHEd hum Moc, burg, connectieg every other morning with tile Cu,a, laud Valley Railroad cars. the coaches it every Tuesday, Thursday and >Saturday, returuis, . other day. Passengers fur Sheppard.stuwu, 181-, Petersburg and Gettysburg are carried at 1 . 0. W..: jell-dti WM„I. t.iai. ST. LOUIS Ili/OTBL, OILESTIVUI ABOVE .71111 b,, PI3ILAD.ELYIIIA .N the immediate neighborhood ot Jobbing Rouses on Station. nun& and streets, t 53 Banks, Yost Onlee, Slercbants' MT BOTH ON TEA AIIERICAN AND CUILOPEA N PLA 1:10AliD YEN. DAY._ Dinner between t and 3 o'clock, a ctqa.. room from 50 cents upward. A first masa Restaurant attached. Priem Bills Of Fare. The City Cara take Passengers from aay Stnti ut t. , close to the hotel, .ar-Eu g hsh, French, German and Spanishspotea apl 3tatt STONE FOR SALE. 8U1LD.D.46 STONi. tir &uue suitakd for turuitiktng oe deer , z , 4 par. of the city or empty 4..piy to tfetr23 cot.p!..:K. Jr GREAT RED u exithi WHEEL) tt at %,11L8UN SEWING triACHINE4 = NEW IMPROVEMENTS AT REDUCED HICLo q 111 E WHEEL ER & W.ILSON Atanu.;llc -1 taring Company caving gained ALL Melt' Stlan law, with infringing manufacturers of Sewing propose that the public should be beuedtted theren, , and nave accordingly reduced the prices of tueir Machines. After this date tney will be sold at rates lasi will pay a fair prollt on the coat of manufacture, rogl., Invested, and expense of making sales ; such price: , will enable them to make first class machines, and heretofore, guarantee them in every particular. In accordance with the announcement above I sell their splendid Sewing Machines at prices fro le i$ to $9O for the line full case machines. It ie a well en balled lam that the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine is the best one in the marnet, the best made, mo,, and least liable to get out et order, and they are n, low as the ulterior machines. Call and sea [twin Third and Market, del-6m xhicT_T THAVELLNG AGENT OF THA OLD W - A I ,I,OWEE, IAiN E. NETS OLD TRANSPORTATION 1.1: , is still in successful operation and prepared to Carl ireight as LOW as any otner individual into brew Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Withal port, Jersey Shore, Lock Haven, ,ind all points Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie, andi~ ilO port and Elmira ttailroacls. Local Agent at Harrisburg, 1). A. 311:&NCi, Goode sent to PEACOCK, ZRA &IIINCHRAN, and 810 Market street, above Eighth, by 4 o'clock, r• will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery, the ~r ,, , . morning. C. I'. .51.11L-Nirl, ap3-tt Traveling EMPTY BARRELS. —Two Haw ire Empty Four, Sugar and Wine Barrels Cl serrations and prices. apB WALLOWER'S LINE, DAILY ItEIWEKN HARRISBURGandPHILADELHi Wm. E. Burk, Agent, 812 Market street, Plutuae. formerly Livingston 4 Co. Special Uonduotor in . charge of E. 4011 train. woods delivered at the Wareliuuse, pbja, at 43i o'clock elil be dative:ea rr,- burg next morning. J. WALLOWER, Jig., Ageul, 21-dtt °Men Reading Depot, Harrieearg. AMB.—Three Hundred Extra 6itgai Cured Hams just received by oP WM. DOCK. Mi. si FIRST CLASS GROCERIES! LARGE ARRI VAL! I_I .. AVING JUST RETURNED from tb eastern cities where we nave selected min : gREATIZaT Cates large and complete aa•iortnieut of permr geode which embrace anything cept el the city gracorisaa, we respectfully and cordially invite e puuiie to call and examine our 15tOck and NOTOJA ore mom Lble WM . pilijt JR_ & CO W. 0. HIC6iOS, Agen Wll. DOCK Jit.
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