Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 10, 1861, Image 2

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Forever float that standard sheet!
W herebreathes the foe but falls before mot
With Freedom's son beneath our feet,
And Freedom's banner sireambfg o'er us
Saturday Morning, August 10, Ib6l.
When the Fourth Pennsylvania regiment ar
rived in Harrisburg, immediately after the bat
tle of Bull Hun, the people and the press of the
state capital naturally inquired how this regi
ment could be in their midst, while the boom
ing of cannon and the flash of musketry had
so rrcely died away on the road to Manassas.
These inquiries led to charges of cowardice, and
these charges aroused the ire of the men of the
Fourth, who beseiged our office, threatened us
with personal violence, and went so far as to
declare that they would raze the city to its
foundation, if like intimations were rept ated in
regard to their valor in arms or devotion to
their country In the hour of danger.
On this subject, we have higher authority
than any.we could heretofore furnish; and we
are now able to point to the damning evidence
of the cowardice and desertion of the Fourth
PUnnsylvania. regiment. In the report of Gen.
McDowell,vhich we published yesterday morn
ing, the following language occurs :
On the eve of the battle the Fourth Penn
sylvania regiment of volunteers and the battery
of volunteer artillery of the New York Eighth
militia, whose term of service expired, insisted
on their discharge. I wrote to the regiment,
expressing n request for them to remain a short
time, and the Hon. Secretary of War, who was
at the time on the ground, tried to induce the
battery to remain at least five days. But in
vain. They insisted on their discharge that
night. It was granted, and the next morning,
when the army moved forward into battle these
troops moved to the rear to the sound of the
enemy's cannon. •
After such testimony, we submit the case of
the cowardice of the men of the Fourth Regi
ment to the peorle of Pennsylvania. Before
God and their country they stand convicted of
an action which others and not themselves must
wipe out, while every man who thus basely de
serted the nag of his nation has forfeited his
title and his heritage as an American citizen.
In contrast with the action of the regiment,
the gallant conduct of their leader, Col. Her
traft, stands out in bold relief, as the evidence
of his courage, his personal integrity and his
manly patriotism.
As the matter stands now, the officers and
men of the Fourth Regiment are bound to ex
plain, or suffer the dreadful suspicion that rests
upon their reputation. We have all joined in
yielding to the volunteer his just meed of com
mendation. We have cried our throats hoarse
with huzzas of encouragement as he left, and
bid him welcome with shouts as he returned,
while the fairest hands have been weaving gar
lands for hitbrow, and the brightest eyes smil
ing upon him as the noblest of their defenders.
We have a right, then, to be just, and refuse
that respect and regard, where it seems to be
The report of Gen. McDowell is an inter_
eating and important document, recording the
history of a Aisgrace to the American arms
which has dinnaed:the escutcheon of the Amer
ican honor.
The editors of the Patriot this morning in
dulged in their usual train and tissue of false
hoods, to escape the responsibility of their mis
representations, and force the odium of their
own action on the shoulders of their local report
er. In this instance, as in all others, when the
course of that journal excites the disgust and
the contempt of the community, and when
there is no possibility of the saintly Barrett or
the vivacious McDowell escaping public censure,
they compel their local reporter to father the
offspring of their own mental abortion, as if
the public were nt able, to distinguish between
them and he, while, he were pursuing their
ingratitude and ancient enmity against a family
that has warmed some of them• into existence,
and preserved the credit of others from utter
and irretrievable bankrujoy. It is not of the,
harm that the - Patriot can do the Seeretary of
War that we complain—because in this con
nection the difference is too great between the
men to excite any fear in that particular, as the
party tinselled rises infinitely above the malice
and groveling motives of his assailants, too
honorable to deem-them worthy of reply, and
too honest to consillef himplf, in clanger by the
assault. Nor is It for T. D. Cameron that we
will attempt to aod,iee , ;because of the envy,
the meanness and premeditated attempt of the
editors of the Patriot to rend his character as
they have rended their own by their' own base
and cowardly conduct. What J. D. Cameron
done in protesting against the payment of paper
money to the soldiers, was frankly and manfully
performed, with no thought of its being made public,
unfit a party of volunteers themselves called on the
writer' of this article and den arukd that it should be
We leave the public to judge the motives of
Messrs. Barrett & McDowell in this business, as
they have heretofore judged and condemned
their course on the subject of our relations to the
rebellion in the- hotith. Tliejr
,started in, a per
sistent opposition to the federal authorities, aril
when public opinion beat down and crushed
out that cowardly attempt, they exhibited their
envenomed motive, and strike in another direc
tion with the same malice, the same audacity
and the same object in view. Unless they
slander, they could net exist--vvithout libel,
they are powerless,and in any other path than
that of vituperation and slang, they travel out
of the way of their mission, and trace the
measure of their own cowardly conduct. The
men whom they thus wantonly assailed this
morning, are the men who have most contri
buted to the credit of the publishers of the
Patriot and Union, AND THEY KNOW IT, however basely
they mag attempt to deny it, by an insolent offer to
make any explanation of their ungrateful con
duct that the Secretary of War may desire.
The explanation they have made is sufficient
for this community. It stamps them with the
proof of their own cowardly falsehoods, and
leaves them steeped to their lips in their own
foul corruptions.
The Republican. State Convention of New
York, at a recent meeting of that uody in Al
bany, passed the following resolution :
Itewlved, That a committee of five be appoint
ed to wait upon the Democratic State Commit
tee at their meeting to be held in this city on
tue Bth inst., to invite them to call their Con
vention at the same time and place as thw-Re
publicanConvention, for the purpose of enabling
the two Conventions to unite in the nomina
tion of a Union ticket, pledged to a vigorous
prosecution of the war. for the restoration of
the authority of the Constitution, and the exe
cution of the national Jaws in all sections of
the country.
At present we can only commend the spirit
which dictated this proposition, as being of that
patriotic character which has distinguished the
organization, contests, triumphs and adminis
tration of the Republican party; from its origin
to its present proud and glorious position ; but
we must reserve any further comments until
the Democratic Committee of the Empire State
has responded to tids.noble,appeal. The Re
publicans of the Union, while they are willing
to forego party nominations, and give up old
preferences to serve the wants of the country,
must not forget also that they have involved
so far as they are concerned, principles on which
are based the very life and prosperity of the
country. These must be insisted upon, or the
cause we now advocate and the contest we are
waging for the Union, will be placed in a jeop
ardy from which no arm can rescue it—simply
because by this union with all cliques some of
those who now secretly sympathize with the
rebels, may be clothed with power. In this re
spect, New York as well as Pennsylvania
abounds with secret foes to the government,
foes who claim to be Democratic, but Demo
crats who are the bitterest poseible disunionists.
Just at this time, we must watch every move
in thB north, by those who are clamoring for
the absolute destruction of all party lines. If
the people carefully observe these men, thei
will discover that they are those who were for
the apologists of treason as a necessity
forced upon the people of the south by the elec
tion of Abraham. Lincoln. Thesemen now seek
power in a new disguise; and if they are so for
tunate as to gain their ends, the result will
prove that they are atill the allies of the slave
.The above paragraphs were written and in
tended to have been published yesterday, but
they were 'crowded out by a press of other mat
Since then we learn by telegraph that the
Democratic State Committee of New York have
rejected the proposition of the Republican Com
mittee, on the ground that they are determined
to maintain a direct party organization, and
that they are also resolved, while approving
of the prosecution of this war, to do all in their
power to satisfy the south, and bring them back
again into the Union. It is not difficult to dis
cover the motive and.object of this resolve on
the part of. the leading Democratic politicians of
New York. They have dii.covered that in the
north, whether they affiliate with Republicans
or maintain their own- organization, they - are
politically dead -andthat their only-hope is to
restore the power and prestige of those in the
south who 'are now in rebellion, and then form
an alliance, with,them for the achievement of
victories sdch as.brought about the corruption
which emboldened the traitors to concoct their
present treason.
Hereafter, let tbese sneaking demagogues be
silent on the subject of no party. Hereafter,
too, let:the people watch them, as they devise
plans for the escape of those in rebellion. Our
word for it that there is more treason concoct
ing against the peace of the:Union in the State
of New York than there is treason being en
acted in the rebel domain of South Carolina,
and that the most active traitors are those who
declare that they are ready to compromise for
the sake of mace, with the leaders of the re
Ta CORRESPONDENTS of the press in Wash
ington, generally, are at length fully impressed
I with the necessity : of get,teporting army move
ments, or anything in the shape of news calcu
lated to give any aid and comfort fo the enemy.
The wishes of General lal'elellan will, in this
respect, be faithfully adhered to. Some stringent
measures, will, however; bemecessary to get the
press of that city,. as well as of Baltimore, into
the traces. Some newspapers in New York,
who too boldly avow - secession sympathies, also
need a little looking after, and in a day or two
means will be taken, to cool the secession ardor
of the journals referred to. It is of the highest
importance that the press, of the country should
properly appreciate the responsibility attaching
to it, and that the utmost•care be taken to pub
lish nothing inconsistent with the puillic weal.
Joan LEYBURN, oue of the editors of the Phil
adelphia Presbyterian has retired from a connec
tion with that journal; because ‘.`circumstances
arising out of the present agitation of the coun
try have satisfied" him " that he cannot with
propriety continue to occupy his editorial
chair." This is rather a vague and unsatisfac
tory manner fOr a professed Christi= man to
desert a bolY cause :in the hour of danger and
calamity, 8141:tough we have no hiea that the'
Presbyterian Will suffer byte loss of Mr. Lay-1
burn's seski(
Bs the fifteeittli.lif eActenitsetlignota *mots
to have fifty iiititiatitidiigin the tad:
pmitopinattia !Daily it clegrapt), eatittbay 'ltalian, 'aligned 10, 1861
From our Evening Edition of Yesterday.
Advance of General Magruder with
Village of Hampton Burned by
A. Company of Rebels Repulsed In attempt
ing a Passage of the Bridge.
Preparing for the Winter Campaign
The village of Hampton has been burned by
Gen. Magruder in his advance with the rebel
scouts and fugitives yesterday morning
brought word of the approach of a large Con
federate force from Yorktown. These rumors
wLre confirmed at 5 p. m. by an intelligent
deserter from the secessionists named E A.
Mahew, a native of Maine, but resident of
Georgia until impressed into service , who-fur
nished an account of the expedition. Mr.
Mahew has been stationed at Yorktown since
the Id of June. On Friday last Colonel (now
Gen.) Magruder left Yorktown with a force of
7,000 men, including 200 cavalry and 8 pieces
of artillery, viz: 8 Parrot guns, 4 Howitzers and
1 Rifled cannon.
Part of the troops were from Williamsburg.
On Monday night they encamped at Great
Bethel which had been completely deserted.
On Tuesday night they advanced towards Hemp
ton and at noon took up a position on
Back river some three miles from the town,
where Mahew managed to escape through a
corn field, and by swimming a couple of streams
reached the fortress. He sad s the object of this
expedition was to draw out our forces to attack
Camp Hamilton near New i port News, if prac
ticable, and at least to destroy Hampton, so as
to prevent us from using it for winter quarters.
Gen. Butler at once repaired to this end of
Hampton bridge, where he remained until four
o'clock. Col. Weber erected a barricade near
the Hampton end of the bridge and placed
a strong guard at various points on this side of
the creek. A few minutes past midnight Gen.
Magruder, with about 600 confederates, some
of them belonging in Hampton entered the
town and.immediately fired the buildingsi with
The greater part of the five hundred houses
were built of wood and as no rain has fallen
lately, the strong south wind soon produced a
terrible conflagration. There were perhaps
twenty white people and double that number
of negroes remaining in the town from inability
to remove, some of whose houses were fired
without waking the inmates.
The rebels gave Carey Jones and his wife,
both of them aged and infirm, but fifteen min
utes to remove a few articles of furniture to the
garden. Several of the whites and also of ne
groes were hurried away to be pressed into the
confederate service.
Wm. Scofield, a merchant, took refuge in a
swamp above town.
Two negroes were drowned while attempting
to cross the creek.
A company of rebels attempted to force the
passage of the bridge, but were repulsed with a
loss of thrde killed and six wounded.
-- - .
The fire raged all night. The greater part
of the confederates withdrew toward morning,
and at noon to-day, when I visited the place,
but seven or eight buildings were left standing.
The destruction of the town was a wanton
act of cruelty to resident Unionists, and more
over entirely useless, as General Butler intends
to winter Ins army beyond Hampton.
An attempt will be made to fasten the act
upon the General, but after tea on Wednesday
night ;here was not a federal soldier in Hamp
A flag of truce just in from Norfolk with
Miss Mayo a nice of Gen. Scott, on her way
from Richmondi to New York, states that the
rebels attribute the act to Gen. Butler.
Gen. 'Magruder has encamped near New Mar
ket Bridge. He will hardly venture to attack
Nesvport News.
Mr. Mahew stated that there have been about
7,000. rebels stationed at Yorktown. Some ten
days ago a battalion came down to the outskirts
of Hampton and carried away 180 negroes.
-Provisions are aboundant at Yorktown, and
most, of the regiments are receiving new uni
forms for the winter campaign.
The Rebels Routed and Pursued.
Eighteen Prisoners Taken and Thirty-One
Horses Captured,
Qursox, M., Aug._ 8.
A band of rebel; numbering from 1,000 to
1,200, made an attack upon the camp of the
Union men at Athens, Mo., on Monday morn
ing last, at 6 o'clock.
There was a considerable amount of arms and
ammunition for the United States troops stored
in this place, under guard of the troops com
posing this camp, United States volunteers,'
nurubering,about three hundred and fifty, under
command of Captain Moore.
The fighting lasted about an hop; Mien the
rebels retreated.
In the meantime Captain Afoorehaving been
reinforced by about one hundred and fifty men
from Centralia, lowa, on the opposite side of
the river, gave chase after the rebels for about
a mile and a half, killing one of their number,
taking eighteen prisoners, and capturing thirty=
one horses and two secession flags.
Several of the rebels were wounded in the
chase after the battle, and six or eight rebels
were found dead on the field.
In the afternoon the bearer of a 'rebel flag of
truce to the Union camp admitted that they
carried fourteen killed, and that as many
were wounded and missing.
Athens is a small town on the extreme north-.
east of Missouri, on the Desmoines river, twen
ty-five, or thirty rallies west of Meokuk.
It is reported that the Utlion forces, havin g
been tardier ;reinforced five., qr
troops Irma, lowa, mare* in
.ef I tate,
rebels omlifonday' night and' 'were -- enew...
gghtniletgom Athens A I pl i te o
,ploAhen;'ness t." t '
Seven Thousand Men.
the Rebels.
:7 4 “." -
Scene of Violence and Confusion.
Attempt of Breokinridge to Speak
His Remarks received with Mingled
Groans, Hisses and Cheers.
Breckinridge's efforts •to speak were contin
ued for half an hour betore he was compelled
to desist. Amoug the broken sentences heard
were that " lie desired to speak for the poor
and weak, and nut for the rich and powerful."
A voice responded "You lie and you know you
He referred to the position of Maryland whose
citizens had again and again been outraged in
their dearest coustitultoAWkighta, and to all
respectful enquifiesifi l Uochaigesalleged against
those who had been rudely '40E14 from their
homes and family, nothing but' contemptuous
responses had been heard. "Do-you," he said,
"call this liberty ?" Cries.of "turd no !" inter
mingled with hisses and shouttiooOh ! dry up,
you traitor," &c.
Mr. Breckinridge enquired., why they were
present it they did not desire to hear him.
Cheering, followed by hisses, drowned his voice.
A violent commotion was now observed
among the crowd, which swayed from pave
ment to pavement as under strong excitement,
and the espantoons of the police were plied
with vigor on the heads of those who seemed
to be resisting.
Mr. Breckinridge speaking amid the din said,
that, "those who interrupted him with oppro
bious epithets and with hisses were poor fellows
who were tightening the degrading fetters
which bound them." Renewed cheering, fol
lowed instantly by a renewal of violent distur
Mr. Breckinridge. " You poor „fellows may
hiss me now, but your children will bless me."
A voice, "oh, go to South Carolina, and be
d---ii to you." This was met by venement
cheers, and a rush by the police followed by a
gang of men from the right towards the side
from whence proceeded the cheers, during which
several men were severely beaten and hurried
bleeding from the street.
Mr. Breckinridge. "If you don't intend to
allow me to speak, then disperse the crowd. I
did not volunteer to address you, remember."
[Cheers and hisses.] "If I did not know the
squad of men disturbing this assemblage were
no exponents of the sentiments of the people
of Baltimore I should, despair of your city."
[Cheers for. Jeff Davis and Gen. Scott.]
Another scene of commotion again ensued.
Amid frequent interuptions the speaker pro
ceeded to say that singe the time when the Con
stitution had been designated as the limit to
despotic power, nothing so outrageous as these
enacted by the Administration had ever oc
curred. "Liberty," he said, "existed before
the Constitution was formed, and whenever the
issue is presented between that on the one
hand and a mere form of Government on the
other, the form would perish, but principles
would survive."
Hisses, groans and cheers.
Mr. Breekinridge. I feel personally respon
sible for the poor fellows so rudely treated. I
grieve to think any one should be hurt on my
Cries of "Go on !" Cheers for Jeff. Davis
and the Southern Confederacy.
Reported Naval Engagement on the
Hon. Alfred Ely, who was taken prisoner at
Bull Run, is repotted to be at Richmond en
gaged in digging ditches.
- The steamer Pocahontas, owned at Louisville,
has been seised by the rebels on the Tennessee
river with 60 bhds. of tobacco.
The Courier of this evening has a report of a
riot at Dublin, Ballard county, Kentucky, be
tween the Unionists and secessionists, in which
two men named Sherfield are said to have been
killed and 'another wounded.
The Richmond Whig of the 3d inst., has a
report from Washington that persons there are
raising a company for the confederate service.
The Pentacola Observer of the Ist reports the
United States steam frigate Wabash off Fort
Governor Harris, of Tennessee, has issued a
proclamation, calling forth a reserve force of
25,000 men from the State.
The Alabauat gubernatorial election has pro
bably gone in favor of Watts.
A. dispatch_o the Mobile Revs of the 6th,
says a naval engagement had occurred between
a federal vessel and the privateer Nixon in
'Mississippi' Sound. The steamer opened fire
first. After exchanging twenty shots, the
steamer was hulled and withdrew. The priva
teer was uninjured.
The General Confident of Success.
Mr. Burden, stage proprietor, who has - just
arrived from Springfield, which place he left
on Monday . at noon, furnishes the following
items :
General Lyon with his forces had fallen back
'on Springfield, having reached there on Mon
day morning, and was preparing for a vigorous
defence. The rebels were advancing by four
different roads, and their advance was ascer
tained to be from ten to fifteen miles distant.
General Lyon had called on 2500 of the
Home Guards from the country around Spring
field. =
It was expected that the enemy would make
an immediate attack, from the fact that their
commissary 'department was in a miserable con
dition, they being obliged to depend on forced
contributions for temporary supplies.
It was genendly remarked in Springfield that
Gen. Lyon was perfectly confident of success in
case of an attack. He had no entrenchments,
but would depend won his splendid artillery in
the open field. Fifty wagons, laden with pro
visions hadtreached him.
ST. Louis, Aug. 8.
John hfcree, Speaker of the Howe at the
;last two sefisions of the, Legislature of WS
State, ; ; was arrested night liafore last by a body
of Fedi* troops,-at his residence Shelby-
We,'ltlid . oattireyed to Maccuralty; *tiara Id 11 I
now under close guard.
Rona., Mo., August 8
No Union with the Republicans.
At a meeting of the Democratic State Com
mittee, to-day, the proposition was received
from the Republican State Committee, for a
Union Convention of the two parti , s.
The proposition was rejected, and a resolution
was adopted to the following effect : While the
war should be vigorously prosecuted, the coin•
mittee regard it to be the duty of the Federal
Government to hold out terms of peace and ac
commodation to the dissevered States, assuring
them of all their rights under the Constitution.
The State Convention was ordered to be trek
at Syracuse on the 4th of September.
The sub-committee of the Republican State
C9mmittee have called a State Convention to
meet at Syracuse on the 11th of September,
the Democratic committee hdving refused the
proposal for a joint Convtation of the two par
BOSTON, Aug.. 9.
Win's flying artillery left here at 2 o'clock
this morning for New York.
New 2lbnertistments.
CAME to the farm of the subscriber in
'Litho sixth ward in the city of Harrisburg. on the Bth
last , a LAMB H 1) COW and a LASOE EEO HEIFFEE.
Said cattle are suppose 1 to be the property of John Earns.
he owner or owners of said cattle are hereby notill,4l
t rail at the residence of the subscriber, prove property,
pay charges and take them away—otherwise they w ill
be disposed of a. orrAog to law. Wit. STEPHEN.
TuERE will be a Lecture at the Metho
dist Episcopal Church, Locust street, is the city of
Harrisburg, TUESDAY EVENING , August lath, doors
open at 734 o'clock, Lecture to commence atE o'clock.—
Admission 25 cvuts. Tickets can be obtained at the prin
cipal Hotels and Ecultstores. Also at the door or the
chip eh on the evening of the Lecture. Subject—"uUß
SSESSION commences, September 2, 1861.
Terme, per ses3lon of evo months $76, teaming Tc•
Mon, Beading, Washing Sc. Seed fur a circular.
Harrisburg, Aug. 8, 1861. I
wILL be received at this office until 12 M.
of Thursday the 16th inst., for repairing,
refitting and making complete ten thousand
sets of infantry accoutrements which have been
in use.
The cartridge boxes and cap boxes must be
thoroughly repaired, cleansed and pressed.
The bayonet scabbards must be stiffened and
remounted and when broken, renewed. The
belts must be repaired and dressed. United
States oval plates must be furnished and at
tached to boats and belts from which they have
been lost. Each set must be complete and
made to resemble new work as nearly as possi
Specimens of the accoutrements to be repair
ed can be seen at the State Arsenal in this city.
Proposals will state the time when deliveries
will be made. The contractor will be required
to take and deliver these articles to and from
the arsenal free of all charges for freight, box
ing and drayage to the Commomwealth.
Corner of Howard and Mercer streets,
NEW Yens., August 8, 1861.
ROPOSALS will be received at this office for
furnishing, by contract, Array Wagon Har
The proposals should state the price at which
they can be furnished at the places of manufac
ture, and the price they can be delivered at the
depot, the number which can be made by the
bidder within one month after receipt of the
order; also the number which he can deliver
within one week.
The harness must exactly conform to the fol
lowing specifications, and to the established
Four mule harness as follows, to wit:
Two Quilors.—Breech straps 3 feet 6 inches long,
3 1-2 inches wide, sewed into 14 inch rings of
inch iron; hip straps 8 feet II inches long,
2 1-2 inches wide ; stay pieces 2 feet long, 2
1-2 inches wide, with 1 1-2 inch buckles ;
cross straps to buckle in stay pieces, 6 feet
long, 1 1-2 inch wide ; side straps 4 feet long,
1 1-2 inch wide: the straps lb inches long,
1-2 inch wide, tapering to a point.
Two Belly Bands.—Long side 2 feet 8 inches
long, 2 inches wide, with a two inch buckle ;
short side 1 foot 5 inches long and 2 inches
wide. ,
Two Hair ,Collars.-18 to 19 inches long, with
double stays and safe leathers and buckles
Two Pair of Strong Haines to suit, made of
white oak root, ironed with hooks, breast
ings lf inch square, staples and line rings.
Two Pair of Hame Straps.—Lower one 5 feet 6
inches long, 1-2 inch wide, upper one 4 feet 6
inches long, 1-2 inch wide
Two Bridlcs.—Crown piece 2 feet long, lf inch
wide ; check pieces each 10 inches long, lf
inch wide ; front pieces 11 1-2 inches long,
f inch wide ; stay pieces, from blinds to
crown pieces, 16 inches long, 1 1-2 inch wide;
nose piece, 11 inches long; 1 inch wide ;
blinds 6 inches long, 5 1-2 inches wide; reins.
long side, 4 feet long, 1 inch wide ; short
side 2 feet long, 1 inch wide, with 1 inch
buckle ; butts tinned mullen, to weigh 2 lbs.
to the dozen.
Two Pair Chain Pipes, 2 feet long, 2 1-2 inches
Two Pair Trace Chains, 7 feet long, 16 links to
the foot, of No. 3 iron, with T on one end,
weigh 7 1-2 to 8 lbs. per pair. Twisted or
One pair of Breast Chains, 22 inches long, 14
links to the foot, of No. 8 iron. Twisted.
Two !Peck straps, 3 feet 1 inch /ong, 2 inches
wide, with 2. inch buckle.
Two Neck Chains, 4 feet 6 inches long, 14 links
to the foot, No. 4 iron, T and loop to be ri
veted on the neck strap. Twisted.
One Saddle, made on Attakapas tree, head gul
let and cantle, iron covered in the usual way
with half-tanned horsehide; flaps 20 hiches
long, 16 inches wide ; sureingle 7 feet 3 inches
long, 21- inches wide, with a 24 inch hackle
on one end, to be fastened to 'the saddle by
being riveted to two curved straps If inch
wide ; - •these straps are placed one on each
side of the saddle tree, one end is tied to the
front part of the bar behind.the cantle, Span
ish saddle fashion ; stirrup. leathers -4 feet 7
inches lokg, it inch *ilk' with 'it inch
buckle ;;; stirrup! raelisableirol,,tii h ed, bolt
patt*, to weigh 14 , lb), to a dozen
Dgr. , 34 •
Two collars, 17'y to
the same as for two whet.' har is ,
Two pair of Haines, to suit, of same' mat, ; 1, 0,
as for wheel Lime.* ir ,, ned ; with he
breast rings, and lire rims, with straps ai
Two Bridles, same as for harness.
Two Neck Straps and Chains, same as for wheel
Two Belly Bands. same as f.ti wheel harrie,..i.
Two pair Chain pipes,
Two pair Trace Chains, ••
Two Cruppers and Hip Strap, had; -trap 3 fe e t
long, tapering from 3 inches to s;
wide, hip straps each feet 4 inilie,"ton,, 14
inch wide, each with a hook at one on ,i7 -
Two Back Bands, 3 feet 4 inches l ong ,
Two Martingals, feet long, 1 1-2 ineh w to
buckle into the bit.
One Coupling Strap, 5 feet C inches
inch wide.
One Check Rein, 4 feet long 1 inch \rib , . t o
buckle into the bit at each end, with a riti;
sewed in the centre to receive the lead li,
One Lead Line, 21 feet long, 7-8 inch wide, with
a buckle at one end, and an S inch loop at
the other,
One Whip, heavy plaited horse hide, t. feet t;
inches long.
One Horse 11111,11, oval, of bristles, liv
One Curry Comb, No. 222 8 bar.
ALBANY, Aug. 8
The whole to be packed in a box about k
ches wide, 17 inches deep, 34 inches long,
of 1-inch stuff, coopered, wood hoops or
may be required.
b'Snr Horse Harness, as follows, to wit :
Two Quilots.—Breech straps 8 feet s in,
long, 3 1.2 inches wide, sewed into 1-in
rings of 3-3 inch iron; hip straps 4 feet 1 01 .. z
3 inches wide; stay pieces 2 feet 2 inclivsbnc,_.
3 inches wide, with 1 1-2 inch hack
straps to buckle into stay pieces, 01 to .t In qn _
1 1-2 inch wide ; side straps b feet 1; ilk',
long, 11-2 inch wide ; hip straps 1 7 , in,
long, 1 1-2 inch wide, tapering to a p"int.
Two Belly Bands—Long side 2 feet 4 incL,
long, 2 inches wide, with a 2 inch bun kl
short side 1 foot 6 inches long and incl.,
Two Hair Collars, 22 to 23 inches lone.. wit
double straps and safe leathers and buckl,
* inch wide.
Two pair of strong llamas to suit, mad,-
1, white oak root, ironed with hooks, brew:
ringi t 1/ inch square, staples and line
Two parr of Name Straps.—Lower one 5
6 inches long, 1 inch wide ; upper one 4
6 inches long, of alum tanned leather.
Two Bridles.—Crown piece 2 feet 2 inches 'um;
1/ inch wide ; check pieces each 10 incl.:.
long, l inch wide; front piece 12 b e lt
long, 1/ inch wide ; stay pieces, front blind
to crown pieces, 16 inches long, LI inch
nose piece 12 inches long, 1 inch ;vide; blind
6 inches long, 6 inches wide ; reins, long . , i , l
4 feet 2 inches long, 1 inch wide short
2 feet long, 1 inch wide, with 1 inch buckle
bitts. tinned mullen, to weigh 3 Its. th
Two Pair Chain Pipes, 2 feet 6 inches 'elk:.
inches wide.
Two Pair Trace Chains, 7 feet long, 14 link , t,
the foot of No. 2 iron, twisted or straight
with T on one end, weight 91bs. per pair.
One Pair of Breast Chains, 28 inches lone, I
links to the foot, of No. .1 iron. Twisted.
Two Neck Straps, 5 feet 6 inches lung,
inches wide, with 21 inch buckle.
Two Neck Chains, 4 feet G incheslong, 15 link
to the foot, twisted No. 4 iron, T and loop
be rivetted on to the neck strap, swivel :
the chain.
One saddle, made on Attakapas tree, /2, , .1.1.
gullet and cantle ironed, covered in t/r
way with half-tanned horsehide . itms
inches long, 16 inches wide ; sursinj , feet
5 inches long, 21 inches wides with a :2A bpi ;
inch buckle on one end, to be fastened to the
saddle by being riveted to two curved straps,
1/ inch wide ; these straps are placed one on
each side of the saddle tree, one end iN
the front part of the bar, the other eud to th.
extension of the bar behind the cantle, Spatiidi
saddle fashion; stirrup leathers 4 feet 7 in, k:
long, 1/ inches wide, with 1/ inch but Is] •
stirrups, malleable iron, tinned, bolt eye p it
tern, to weigh 13/ pounds to a dozen pair.
1. 4 F . AD,
Two Bridles, same as for wheel harness.
Adj't. General
Two Collars, 20 to 22 inches long, made
same as for wheel harness.
Two Pairs of }lames to suit, of sane matcri
as for wheel harness, ironed, with hunk ,
breast rings and line rings, with straps
wheel harness.
Two Neck Straps and Chains, same as fur rr L. el
Two Belly Bands, for wheel
Two Pair Chain Pipes, same as for wind 11.1 -
Two Pair Trace Chains,same as for wheel hi
Two Cruppers and Hip straps.—Back strap •
feet long, tapering from 3.}. inches
inches wide. Hip straps with buckles
3 feet 8 inches long, lk inch
wrought hooks.
Two Back Bands, 3 feet 7 inches
inches wide.
Two Martingals, 4 feet long, 1i inch %sir! I
buckle into the bit.
One Coupling strap, 5 feet 6 inches lone,
One Check Rein, 4 feet 1 inch hell:, 1 ift
wide, to buckle into the bit at each .1.1,
with a ring sewed in the centre to r , • l‘•
the lead line.
One Lead Line, 21 feet long, inch wide.
a buckle at one end and 8 inch loop it t• •
One Whip, heavy plated horse hide, ti I , 2et
inches long.
One Horse Brush, oval, of bristle, by , n .
One Curry Comb, No. 212, 8 bar.
The whole to be packed in a box alt
inches wide, 18 inches deep, 34 in, iv. , l , -
made of 1 inch stuff, coopered, wood 11..1
iron as may be required.
The whole to be made of the best ni
sewing to be made with good waNt.d
and subject to inspection during the
manufacture, and also when tin:kiwi].
When 6-horse harness is required, tit' '
collars, bridles, homes neck straps,
chain pipes,
trace chain, crupper and hip
back bands and coupling straps are .1. •
l one bearing chain 3 feet long, 11 links P . 1 1..
foot, of No. 4 iron, with a Ton each cii,l
and lead line to be 30 feet long. •
The whole to be made of the beet
sewing to be made with good waxed. tic I.
and subject to inspection during the Pri's
manufacture and also when finished.
When eemule harness is required, ti,.. I . P 1
collars, bridles, homes, neck straps, belly
chain Pipes,•trace chains, crupper and hip
back bands and coupling straps are d01d.10. 1
one bearing chain, 3 feet long, Minks to th'
foot, of No. 4 iron, with a Ton each en.l a• ‘I
and lead lino to be 28 feet long.
Proposals will also be received for ut.dkin
and d.elivering ambulance harness for two or ,i
four mule or horse teams—a
which will hereafter be furnished. _
Forms of proposal and g-urrantee will be
fished on application at this office, and now.
will be considered that do not conform tiie2et,,
' The tdvilege is reserved by and for the
United ,_States of rejecting any proposal t I„.
may, be deemed extravagant.
;will be endorsed on the envelope
g tbem "Proposals for furnishing AM:
-wagoit.and Ambulance Harness,” and address
ed,to Major D. H. VDTRIN;
atteeef Quartermaster 11. S. Av23.Y•
flu c. 3 ce Haticous