Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 09, 1861, Image 3

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    pailD Ettegrap
Friday Afternoon, August 9, 1861.
THE I'SIoN PRAYER MEETING will be held in
the Pre:byterian church, corner of Market
square, to morrow (Saturday) afternoon, com
mencing nt four o'clock, as usual.
EILLED.- Sanuel Dunlap, a brakesman
on the Pennsylvania Railroad, was instantly
hilki a few nights ago, at Derry Station, while
in the act of coupling cars. His remains were
wnveyed to the residence of his parents at
treTrlte BY A LADY.--By reference to OUT ad
rtking columns it will be seen that Miss
of Pittsburg, who has been sojourning
it city for several weeks, proposes to de
ll\ t'l a lecture on "Our Republic," in the
Metliodist church, next Tuesday evening.
Tae laavasr Hums of the Cumberland Coun
ty Agricultural society will be held on the fair
croond near Carlisle to-morrow, commencing
at eleven o'clock. A large turn-out from the
rural districts is anticipated. Farmers, above
all other people, have reason to be thankful
this season.
BARN VrESTD. — On Tuesday evening last the
barn of our friend Dr. Jacob Shope, near Hum
ruelstown, was consumed with all its contents,
con3istin!- of several hundred bushels of wheat,
tyr. oats. a threshing machine and other im
pl,inunts. It is supposed that the fire origi
mito:l from the machinery, as men were em
14.,red threshing during the day.
I;FN. .IA3IFFB S. NEOLNY, of Pittsburg, has
t a authorized by the Secretary of War to raise
t‘v, legimenta of infantry, to be mustered into
1,1 , as soon as. formed. The General notifies
;I.lltrers that he will devote special attention
t it.• organization and equipment of these re
at, and his well known tact and energy
3: , ;. :niticient guarantee on that score.
KLVOMIC SHOWERS. —The anxiously waited for
~eree which bedewed us in tearslast evening,
w, 1, both seasonable and refreshing. The earth
le had been thoroughly baked under the
;i 64 of the sun, was thus enabled to give sue
t, :J.alce to the parched and dried up vegetation,
al he prospect of a good crop of corn and a
ii,litiful supply of potatoes is thus made a
I.',t,!red per cent. better than before.
E—ri , I here last evening that the passenger
i!•c:i containing the "buck-tail" regiment, run
ILe track and upset shortly after leaving the
ht n .11 on the west side of the river, and that
man was killed and several others injured.
No ,uch accident occurred. The rumor grew
out ci the upsetting of a freight train, caused by
itinidog over some cattle on the track. No
p ts. Alae injured, nor were the cars materially
WELCOXII. —The members of the
Washington Rifle company, of Lykenstown, in
this county, were honored with a public recep
tion on their return home. The Towne,/ says
the whole town participated in the demonstra
tion, and all the houses were gaily decorated
withwreaths and banners. Fun and frolic were
the order of the day, and several
. dances were
improvised and kept up until a late hour.
Quite a number of the "boys" intend re•enlist
ing for the war after a short rest. " Bully for
the boys."
lONISED ON TILE CARS . —Two soldiers of the
fourteenth regiment, who came from Carlisle
last evening, were robbed on the cars. One Of
them lost his entire three month's wages, and
the other ten or twelve dollars. No doubt
many more were victimized at the same time,
of which we have no report. At the various
prints where volunteers have been paid off,
pi , k pockets have operated extensively and
successfully, reaping a rich pecuniary harvest.
Disguised in uniforms, these light-fingered ras
cals mingle freely among our soldiers without
exciting suspicion, and avail themselves of
every favorable opportunity to rob the brave
men of their hard earned a ages.
"Tut FoamEß Ditas."—The degeneracy of
our tiniee, especially in the matter of honesty
and integrity in public affairs, is most sadly
marked. A gentleman in middle life furnishes
to one of the papers the following incident of
his boyish days :
saving occasion to write, he thought to sup
ply himself with a sheet of letter paper from
the desk of his grandfather, who at the time
held an office under the Federal Government.
"What are you doing there ?" said the old
- Getting a sheet of paper, sir."
"Put it back, sir, put it back; that paper be
?wigs to the Gore•nument of the Ended States."
How exceedingly old-fashioned that sounds
in these days of wholesale speculation, fraud,
robbery and plunder ! Well may we sigh for
the return of "Auld Lang Syne."
tiRTURNID VULVNTEURS.--Six. more companies
of the fourteenth regiment reached this city
itt , t night from Carlisle, accompanied by the
field and start' officers. These are as follows :
Colonel—John W. Johnston, Westmoreland
county; Lieutenant colonel—Richard Mt.lll
- fillet, Reading ; Ma jor — Charles N. Watts,
Carlisle; Adjutant—Joseph A. &Lean, Read
ing; Quartermaster—William 111. Seiler, Har
i isburg ; Surgeon—R. S. Livingston, Danville ;
Assistant Surgeon—WashingtonNugent ;
M. M . Carter, Lebanon. The beautiful
National Flag presented to this regiment in
Nlartinsburg, for " manly conduct and gentle
manly and soldierly-like bearing," was, by
nuanimous consent of officers and men, given
to the faithful, able and eloquent Chaplain, as
a testimonial of their regard. The sick wore
generally brought along to this city. A few
were left in charge of their captains at Carlisle,
being too unwell to move. Col. Johnston left
for home at three o'clock this morning, and
other members of the staff during the forenoon.
The fifteenth regiment will be paid off to
morrow and reach here in the afternoon,
Charles Snyder, of this city, a son of Charles A.
Sny,lor, Esq., has been appointed a second
Lieutenant in the regular army.
FILLING Up.—Some twenty-five or thirty
young men have already signed the roll of Capt.
J. Wesley Awl's new company, which is to be
attached to Colonel Good's Zouave regiment.—
The Captain is still slightly indisposed, but we
hope to see him on duty again in a short time.
THE FUNERAL OF M. Boys]; to take place
to-morrow afternoon, will be attended .by the
Washington Hose Company and Washington
Library Association, to both of which the de
ceased belonged. We presume an 'invitation
has been extended to the fire department gen
erally to attend.
southern exchange says :
William P. Mangum, son of the Ex-Senator
from North Carolina, had his life saved at the
battle of Bull's run by a bible in his pocket, the
gift of his sister.
As has been said before, this thing of the
preserving powers of bibles in battles is entirely
"played out." Let ns have some new story,
one that is not quite so thread-bare. Is it not
singular that no volume of poems, no excellent
novel, or other "profane" work, was ever yet
known to stop a bullet in battle ?
/Isom= COXPANY.-Our "gay and happy ,
friend, Isaac S. Waterbury, has been authorized
by the Secretary of War to raise a company for
the army, and isabout to open atoll for that pur
pose. Mr. Waterbury has as much military ex
perience as "any other man" who
_aspires to a
Captaincy, having served as a Lieutenant
through the Mexican war, and as Adjutant in
the late three months' campaign, with great
credit and acceptability. Young men who de
sire to go into service with an officer thoroughly
versed in the science of war, and proverbial for
his kind and humane treatment of those under
his command, cannot do better than join Cap
tain Waterbury's company.
Miss Catharine Hamlin went into a dry goods
store to purchase a few yards of muslin. After
paying for it, she thought she bad given too
much, and suggested the idea to the clerk, who
was not aware of the mistake. But his denial
only confirmed Mias Catherine's impression,and
she forthwith proceeded to kick up a row in the
store, and closed the entertainment by throw
ing the bundle at the clerk's head. After some
difficulty the indignant and belligereut young
lady was forcibly ejected from the store.
She went before an Alderman and prefered a
charge of assault and battery against the clerk,
but after an investigation of the case the com
plaint was dismissed.
weeks past, the light fingered fraternity have
operated with astonishing boldness and success
in this city. Scores of soldiers have been robbed,
and the pockets of travelers and citizens reliev
ed of large sums of money. Suspicion attaches
to two or three "fancy" individuals hereabouts
who have no ostensible means of livelihood, and
yet live fast, sport any amount of jewelry, dross
fashionably and extravagantly, and "splurge"
extenaivoiy. The parties alluded to have long
been spotted for thieves, and might have been
detected months ago, if our police officers had
exercised ordinary vigilance and tact. If com
mon rumor be true, there exists in the very
heart of our populous city an institution—the
locality and character of which are well known
to certain constables—into which soldiers and
other strangers are nightly inveigled, drugged
with liquid poison, and robbed of their
money. When officers are known to visit such
an institution and be on familiar terms with its
keepers and "stool-pigeons," people have a
right to suspect that there is something rotten
in the constabulary department. And when a
man goes into an obscurely located grog shop,
takes one drink, becomes oblivous for an hour
or two from its effects, and awakes to find his
money gone, the presumption is that he was in
a den of thieves. When facts of this kind are
developed people will comment upon them, and
form their own conclusions with regard to the
character of the men who keep and frequent
such institutions.
Molts VIRGINIA REFUGRES.—Last evening a
man named J. W. Shinefield, with a wife and
four children, arrived here from Kanawha val
ley, Virginia, which region he left to avoid
being impressed into the rebel army. He left
all his property behind, and fled with his fami
ly, traveling by night through the woods and
by-ways of the rebel district, and enduring
many hardships, until he reached western Vir
ginia, whence he was forwarded to Cincinnati
and took the cars fur this city, en route for
Chambersburg, where his father resides. Mr.
Shinefield confirms all the statements made in
an article on our first page with regard to the
infamous outrages committed by Wise and his
secession rabble in the Kanawha valley, the
confiscation of property of Union men, burning
of buildings and bridges, robbery and murder,
and other barbarities. Mr. Shinefield is a gen
teel looking and intelligent man, and no one
who h rd his story doubted its truth.
On arriving in this city, he made application
to several taverns for lodging for himself and
family, and in every instance was refused accommo
dations ! Some of these hard-hearted and mer
cenary publicans were solicited by citizens to
give the weary family shelter for the night, but
peremptorily and persistently refused. The
man, his wife, and children, were respectably
clad, and looked as genteel as the generality of
I travelers, and we are at a loss to account for the
inhuman conduct of our tavern-keepers in re
fusing to take the strangers in. The license of
every one of them should be revoked. The
weary travelers, however, finally found a good
Samaritan in officer Moses Fleck, who invited
them to his humble home, sheltered and fed
them. They left this morning for Chambers
burg, Mr. Shinefield having first pawned his
trunk and its contents to raise money for the
purchase of railroad tickets. The only material
aid he received here was one dollar voluntarily
contributed by Mr. John R. Boyd, keeper of the
prison. The man represented that his parents,
living in or near Chambersburg, are in good
A circumstances.
Peunsvlvaitia eclegraph, fritrap "Aftrrnoon, 'August 9, 1861.
are requested to meet at the hose house to-mor
row (Saturday) afternoon at o'clock, to at
tend the funeral of our late member, J. S.
MORE RECRUITS —A large company of re
cruits, to fill up regiments now encamped in
this vicinity, arrived here this afternoon. All
of them are stalwart and *0)1e-bodied men, in
the prime of life.
ANOTHER Ritatum Gm/E.—The regiment
commanded by Colonel Simmons, of this city,
left at noon to-day, en route for the upper Po
tomac to join Gen. Banks' division. The men
were furnished with new muskets last evening.
MIPPL'Ci COUNTY CAVA_LRY.-ThLi fine body of
men arrived here this afternoon, and went into
quarters at Camp Curtin. They are to be at
tached to the new Pennsylvania cavalry regi
ment, now nearly ready for organization.
Room/mons Prcerm—From present indica
tions the picnic to come off at Cold Spring to
morrow will be the largest and gayest of the
season. Old and young, married and single,
men and women, are making preparations to
participate in the excursion, and have a "good
time," for one day at least, away up among
the mountains, where the air is pure and In
vigorating and the water clear as crystal and
cold as ice. Should the weather be favorable
we expect to see an immense train leave the
depot tomorrow morning for the scene of fes
Fsmisno ZOUAVES rroa Acriva Ssavios.—The
Buffalo Omemercial is' credibly info;med that a
female Zouave company is organized, uniformed,
armed and equipped in that city, and have for
several weeks past been perfecting themselves
in military movements under the direction of
a competent officer. They have attained to
such perfection In drill that they contemplate
parading in public within a couple of weeks.—
It is said, also, that they are organized for no
simple holiday purpose, but intend volunteer
ing for field service, and if that is refused
them, they will offer themselves as hospital as
sistants and nurses. "Columbia" will have
some of her own sex to battle for her yet.
These feminine Zouaves are represented to
be "young and pretty." If so, in the event of
their acceptance it is to be feared that before
they remain long in the army they will need
nurses themselves !
Tna Dnrr OF rus SOLDIERS.—There are many
persons who would cheerfully aid in promoting
the health and comfort of the volunteers en
gaged in the service of the country without de
siring any other reward than the consciousness
of performing a praiseworthy and patriotic act,
if they knew how they could conveniently ren
der really useful service. Those who possess a
superabundance of fruits and vegetables will
see by the suggestion contained in the annexed
notice from Miss Dix, that articles to which
they attach little value may, by a little atten
tion, prove very useful. We trust her request
will be republished by all our loyal cotemporn
ries, and liberally responded to by the public :
" All persons having fruit orchards, or vege
table gardens, are respectfully requested, as
means and convenience allow, to cause dried
fruits and vegetables to be prepared and stored
for the benefit of the troops inautumn and win
ter—that a wholesome addition may be made
to the army rations, and health prlserved by
suitable diet. " D L. Dix.
" WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. 6, 1861."
How Tun "Gamow MECHANICS OF man Nowra"
youow xnara TRAMOL—The regiments of the
army of freedom, it is well known, contain
practical mechanics of every branoh of trade,
as well as artists, merchants, clerks, and men
from every walk of business ; so that when a
commander wants a bridge built, a locomotive
repaired, or a pair of boots mended, he finds a
ready response to his order of "Carpenters step
to the front ! " "Machinists, two paces forward,
march 1 " "Shoemakers, to the front and cen
tre, march ! " In any army composed of such
material, the branch of trade from which such
companies have been drawn will be indicated to
the shrewd observer by their style of expres
sion toward the enemy. For instance :
Printers—lno& him into "pi!" Smash his
"form 1" " T him him well! At him with a
Clapenters—At him " full chisel 1" Shave
him down.
Tailors—Sew him up ! Give him a good
Sailors—Smash his "top light!!" "Run four
of him! Sink him !
Shoemakers— Give him a welting! Peg away
at him ! Close him np!
Fishermen --- Split him and " salt him ! "
"Hook him in the gills!"
Blacksmiths—Let him have it red hot! Ham
mer it into him! .
Painters—A little more lead ! Lay on to
him! We're just the the for him!
Barber—Onr "dander" is up! Now for a
good " brush!" Give him a good " lather
ing !
Cutlers—Polish him down! Give him a keen
Bakers—He (k) needs working over! Let's
do him brown, boys!
Glaziers—Smash the awful "set!" Let's do
our "put/fedi'
lawyers—Be brief with him ! Get his head
"in nhancery!" Stick him with—the costs!
Machinists—Set his running gear in motion !
We'll start the driving wheel, and he shan't
break the connection again!
Bill Posters—Stick him to the wall.
Musical Instrument Makers—His notes are
all spoiled! String him up.
Jewelers—Chase him well! Show him your
metal, boys!
Stage Drivers—Whip him into the traces I
Touch up his leaders with the string.
TION.-100 pieces splendid Wamesutta Calico,
10 cts; 60 pieces of unbleached Muslin, 41, 10
cts., worth 124 cts; 80 pieces of splendid Clin
ton Ginghams, 124 cta., worth 18 cts; 100
pieces of Crash, at 10 and 12 iota. a yard ; a very
large lot of ladies and children's white stockings;
the best ladies hose for 124 eta. in town ; bril
liants, hrilliants, brilliants, 60 pieces, at 124
eta. ; beautiful skirt stuff at 25 cts.; 200 dozen
of brown and blue mixed men's socks, 124 dB- ;
and a great many other goods very cheap, at
S. Lawn's, John Rhoads' old stand.
ISLOFFAYS Urn Pam AND Paccar= Brrnute.—
Free frees all Mineral Poisons.—ln cases of Scrofula
Ulcers, Scurvy, or Sruptions of the Skin, the operation
of the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing
in a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases
by their purifying effects on the blood. Billions Fevers,
Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Pike, and In short,
most ail diseases soon yield to their curative properties
No ramily should be without them, as by their timely
nee mush suffering and expense may Da awed.
Prenatal b_y WY. MOM; It, D., few tor; sad,
Bile by D uties st ' 'IIIOFvW--/7
CONCORD, N. H., Aug. 8
The office of the Democratic Standard was
completely relieved of its contents this after
noon, by a mob composed of the soldiers re
turned, from the first regiments, and citizens.
The Standard has, for a long time, published
Secession editorials and articles reflecting on
our soldiers. They demanded a retraction, and
the Palmers (editors and proprietors) shook pie
tole and axes out of the windows, and dared the
While the city authorities endeavored to quell
the disturbance, the Palmers fired lour shots,
wounding two soldiers. The office was imme
diately gutted, and the materials burned in the
street. The Palmers took refuge in the attic,
but were finally carried to the police station,
and protected by the police, though with great
The steamer 'Europa arrived at 6 o'clock this
morning via Halifax. Her advices have already
been published.
Naw Mom, August 9.—The steamshap Kan
garoo has arrived, but her advices have been
A letter from a Boston Merchant dated at
New Orleans on the 81st, states that the pirate
steamer, Mcßee, ran the blockade on the 30th.
r E M
afallible a correcting, revitailug, an 4 removilit •
obstructions, from whatever cause, and I
ways successful as a preys')
the &Attire for many years, both In Prance ant
America, with unparalleled Beacom In every case; ant.
he is urged by many thonsaue ladies who used them, tt
make the Pills public for the alleviation of tha-e sufferizu
from any Irregularities whatever, as well so to prevent
an increase of family where health will not permit it--
Females particularly situated, or those supposing them
selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while in that
condition as they are aut ° to produce miscarriage, an.
the propr i ettw assumes no responsibility after this mitre,
ninon, although their mildness would prevent any Mit
chief to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended
Pull and explielt directions accompany each bet. PliSt
$1 00 per ho:. AMA wholesale and retail by
No. 2 Jams Row, Harrisburg, Pa.
Ladles," by eluding him $1 00 to the Harrisburg
Post 00Ioe, eau have the Pahl sent tree of observation
any part et the country (contideettally)-aud "free 01 pee
take" by mail. Sold sae by 8. Silvan, Reading,
Jetties:M t Rountree A Operteet, Philadelphia, J. L. Lie
1111 din, Lebanon, HAMM II Harriett% lam:laser; J. A
Wets, Wrightsville - 8. T. Nuns , York ; sod by our
druggist I. every oily and village in the Nalco, rod by
S. Holm ole proprietor, New York
N. d.—Look out for countorfenw. Bo nu asides All
of any kind anima every box is signed Howe. A.
others aro a base Imposition and %Lb ate , therefore, te,
you value your lives and health, (to tay nothing of be
lm, humbugged out of your money,) only of thou
why dhow the signature of S. U. Howe on every box.
which has recently taco added sae account of thc PiUN
haunt timmterletted leS•dwasw ly
DR. UK 10.18MAN't3 PILLS,
Prepared by Corueline L. Cheasennui M. II
Toombivatiou of iugrediouts iu these
1 Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice.
They are mild in their operatlOLl, and certain to cArreellm
all Irrogularis, raintel hienetruallona, resucrleg all ob•
Atrucuona, whether from cold or otherwise, academie,
pain to the aide, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ear
voila affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain In the bank and
limbs, disturbed sleep, which arise from inter 'option
of nature
Or. Chaseemen's Pills are tuviduable, as my will bring
on the monthly period with regularly. I. dies who hart
been disappointed in the use of other rille can place tht
almost am :Meuse in Dr. Cheeseman's Pllla doing all that
they rtmreaent to do.
Mae s one condition the foliate ipso' its which Ms
Pais cannel be lam ssithouf .roducsno a PSCULLAB
RBSULL The oossdaiou ia is ,PREti/VANCY—
the renal, MLSOARRIAE? h. Stich is irresistels
tendon of the otaieeise to restore he mental Amami to a
normal ootschttian, ~hat Jaen the repnotesetite power e
nature catmot reties it.
Warriuded purely segesable, and free Irmo anything
(glorious. lizpUclt directions, which should he reed, ac
company each box. Price $l. Soot by moll ou enclosing
$1 to Ds CUILNILWII L Oenc utus, Box 1031, Past Odic°,
New York sly.
Sold by one t ;omit in every town in the United Swim
General Arnt ler the United States,
14 Broadway, New 'Walt,
lo wawa all Wholesale order should be add►• M.
iota m Eierriaberg by 0. AL RAM/TART
1/01.40-.16w , y
RHEA., or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervous
ness, Involuntary Rmlesions and Impotency, resulting
from Self-abuse, Sto. By Mtg. J. Culverweti, M. D.—
Beet under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, pest
oald, on receipt of two stamps, by Dr. CHAS J C.
BLINN, 127 Bowery, New York. PM , ittluo Box, No
4,686. in2o.Bmilaw
ADVIRTIBER, having been restored to
health IN a few weeks by a very simple remedy, alter
having suffered several years with a severe lung affect
ion, and that dread dhow, COmiamptien—is anxious to
make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of ours.
To all who desire It, he will send a copy of the pro
scription used (free of charge), with the directions for
preparing and using the same, which they will end a
sure core Au Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, 80. The
only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription
p to benefit the afflicted, and spread lufbrmation which
be eonceives to be nvaluable, and he hopes every suf
ferer will try his remedy, as it will coat them nothing,
and may prove a blessing.
Psurtkes wishing the preaoripUon will please address
drugs empty, New York
New 2ttroutiotments
SOBER young men between the ages of
eighteen and dirty years, &sirloin of joining a
company to bo witched to the Zouave regiment of Col.
Goode, cau leave their names at the &change In Walnut
street, up Stairs. Aug 2,1861 .1. WMLItY AWL.
FOR HENT.—The large brick dwelling
house now occupied by David Mumma Jr. Esq., on
Tiord street near Market, with au office saitarile for an
attorney. Possession given IDA, of October next. 5.u
-quire at the Prothonotary's office. W. Itrrosau..
Two or three respectable hingle gentle
men can obtain gool board and 10.18111 A apart
ments, with use of bath, gas &a , at No. 5 Locust street,
(lately occupied by General Miller) near the river.
AO dlw•
fpEti. SU IiSCSIBER would respectfully
Inform U., public that he has removed he Plain b.
lag and Brae trounding entablabmeat to No. 22 Sou th
Third Urea below Harms Hotel. Ibrahim for post pal
renege, tie hopes by strict attention to business to mere
e continuance of ft.
apl2-dtl J. JON tbk
STAURANT in Brant's qty Hall Building, Harris
burg Qty, Pa. Apply to JOHN H. BRANT,
On the premises.
THE SUBSORIBSII has removed hie
dr " t°Fclartb street above Market : commits the Bethe
them& Thankful for past patronage, he heleela b y strict
sotenttoti to boduenooto merit a ossinuanot or tt.
nuir2lWhad -
Books for the Military I
JUST 1Z7v7?1 BEMN7' s CHEAP REN:IAet t.
Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics, for the exer
cise and manceurres of Troops when acting as
Light Infantry or Riflemen. Prepared under
the direction of the War Department. By Bre
vet Lieutenant-Colonel W. J. HARDEE, 11. B.
Vol. I.—Schools of the Soldier and Company ;
Instructions for Skirmishers. Vol. ll.—School
of the Battalion.
Prepared by a Board of Artillery Officers.—
One vol. Bvo. $2.50.
COL. S. COOPER, Adjt.-Gen. U. S. A.
Sir :—The Light Artillery Board assembled
by Special Orders No. 134, of 1866, and Special
Orders No. 116, of 1858, has the honor to sub
mit a revised system of Light Artillery Tactics
and Regulations recommended for that arm.
WM. H. FRENCH, Bt. Maj. Capt. First Artil
WILLIAM F. BARRY, Captain First Artillery.
HENRY J. HUNT, Bt. Maj. Capt. Second Ar
BOSTON, August 9
13orrox, Aug. 9
Published by order of the War Department.
First Part—School of the Trooper ; of the Pla
toon and of the Squadron Dismounted. Second
Part—of the Platoon and of the Squadron
Mounted Third Part—Evolutions of a Regi
February 10, 1841.
The system of Cavalry Tactics adapted to the
organisation of Dragoon regiments, having
been approved by the President of the United
States, is now published for the government of
the said service.
Accordingly, instruction in the same will be
given after the method pointed out therein ;
and all additions to, or departures from the ex
ercises and manceuvres laid down in this system
are positively forbidden.
J. R. POINSETT, Secretary of War.
Manual of Bayonet Exercises. Prepared for
the use of the Army of the United States. By
GEORGE B. M'CLELLAN, Capt. First Regi
ment Cavalry, U. S. A. Printed by order of
the War Department.
Witisumeroa, D. C., Dec. 81, 1861.
Hon. C. M. CONRAD, Secretary of War.
Sir :—Herewith I have the honor to submit
a system of Bayonet Exercise translated from
French by Captain Gco. B. M'Clellan, Corps,
Engineers, 11. S. Army.
I strongly recommend its being printed for
distribution to the Army ; and that it made, by
regulation, a part of the "System of Instruc
The inclosed extracts from reports of the In
spector General, etc., show the value.
I have the honor to be, sir, with high respect,
your most obedient servant,
Approved. C. M. CONRAD, Secretary of War,
January 2, 1852.
R JONES, Adjutant General.
Any of the above works forwarded by mail,
free of postage, on the receipt of the published
price. Remittance can be made in gold dollars
and postage stamps. Address
GEO. BERGNER, Harrisburg, Pa.
. O,OE, at QUEENSTOWN, (holm:id.) The Liver-
pool, New or: and Philadelphia Steamship company
tntend d. matching their fall powered Clyde-built Iron
Steamships as folloWs
GLASGOW, Saturday August 3: CITY OP BALTI
MORE Saturday August 10 ; KANGAROO, Saturday
August 17 ; and every Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44,
North River.
c a . / x i Bm/di:nos -. SBO 00
do to Loudon $BO 00 do to Londoe .. 883 00
Steerage Return Tickets, g for di. Months $6O 000
Passengers forwarded to Paris, Havre, Homburg, Bre
men, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Am., at reduced throe&
la-Persons wishing - to bring exit their friends can be)
tickets here at the following rates to New York From:
Liverpool or Queenstown; lst Cab in,
58$ and 5106 .
'steerage from Liverpool $4O 00 From Queenstown,
o s o 00.
These &earners have superior worumudationa tor
passengers, and carry experienced Surgeons. They are
built in Water-tight Iron Suobone, and have eateot Fire
Annihilators on board.
JNO. G. DALE, Ageot,
. 1 / 2 24 : 16 Broadway, New York
Or 0. 0. 'Zimmerman, Agent, Harrisburg
A Neoessity in Every Household 1
American Cement Glue
The Strongest Glue In the World
CORAL, &c., Ac.,
The only article of the kind ever produced
which will withstand Water.
"livery housekeeper timid hair. a au; ; ly of Johns &
Crosley's American Cement r. mom
"it Is so convenient to ,have rt. .e bruse"—N. Y.
`lt IS always ready ; thiscommenda .to every body."
"We hues tried it, and nod Sas tverul to our house as
water."—Wn.xas Senor or nu Tam.
Price 25 Cents per Bottle.
Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale
Dealers. TERMb C. 6.811.
fir For sale by all Druggists and Storekeep
ers generally throughout the country.
(Sole Manulactures,)
78 %mama &Azar,
(Corner of Liberty Street,) New Yoga.
Between Philadelphia
Gloszimmr, DrmaDraTows Mums
The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located the
Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A C inductor goes
through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of
all goods entrusted to thr line. Goods delivered at the
Depot of
FRIIED, WARD & FREED, No. 811 Mart et &set, Phila
delphia, by 5 o'clock P. M., will be (.'livered in
Harrisburg the next mornio`,
Freight (always) as low as by gpy other
Peeticular attention paid bf this line prompt and
speedy delivery of a 1 llarrisbur • oods.
The undersigned thankful for past patrc, • „a hopes by
strict attention to business to merit a con hee of the
8111:1113. T. Pm. .
Philadelphia and Hamlin: •
del746st Ftot of Market litres . d it rl--nary
FOR GALE.—One of the best businees
stands in the city on reasonable terms, or leased
for three or five yea N sit oiled in Market street between
Fourth and Filth. Maguire on the premises of
Air ADE from choice and selected Apples.
LTA. and guaranteed by ue to bestriotly par&
41241 p a
Three vols. 18mo. $3.75
One vol. 12mo. $1.25
Of Cultivated Portugal Elder.
Every Family Should Use.
nELEBP. AT KI) for its medical anti limas
fl 131 qua'itias as a ;teatime Stimulant, long., •nt
relic, ant Foloriflo, highly egeemed by eminent iihysl
chins, and some of the first families in Europe an;
14 not a mixture or manufactured article, but 14 mre,
from cultivated l'ortu :el Elder recommended oy ‘lnetet
hats and Physicians a+ rosseastne medi.tal pro,tertl
parlor to any other Ines In use, 411 lan exttoti arti
cle fin' all attack aid deb hawed per.oni, and the lg. ,
and infirm, Improving the nvethe, and bene4thm 441
and children.
A LAlOlll4.'S' WINK
because It will not intoxicate as other winos, as It ron
tal,s no mixture of spirits or other liquor 4, and bi a •
mired Sir its nob peculiar flavor and nutritive properties,
Imparting a bealihy tone to the dtgehtive arms, anCa
blooming, s•tlt and healthy skin and complexion.
None genuine unless the signature of
ALFRED dI'KRR, Penal; N. J.,
is over the cork of etch honk,
A. SrE R, "roprletnr.
l'ilkaalc, N. J.
019 -e SOft aroadway, New va t ic.
J. H EATON Agent, Phllndelphi
For sale by D W. Cr .s, ik Co., C. K. Keller, John
Wyel II and by tirsegiats generally ivl-41awly.
Universal Confidence & Patronage.
Ladies and Gentlemen, in all portant the world Willy to
the elßeacy of Prof. 0 .1 Wood's Hair Nettoratlve, and
gentleman of the Press era unanimous to it; pr.Uae. A
few testimonials only can be hero given ; see circular or
more, and It will be Reps- ftiblv for you to doubt.
47 Wall Street, New York, Dec 20th, 1868.
Gssirtsonmr Your note o; the 16. h Das been re.
deved, vayieg that you hod heard that I had been bees.
;Rest by the use of Wood's Hair Restorative, and request.
lug my certificate of the Chet If l'•11.d. nn ,bieccion to
giro it.
I award It to you cheerfury, Decorum I oink it due.—
Ily age Is about 50 years ; the color oi n.y hair auburn.
and h:dined to curl Some flee or ox earl since It ,oa
gan to tarn gray, and tb scalp on the crown of my be .d
to lose ha senOndlly and dandruffto fare It. Raab
of those disagreeabtlities Increased wire time, and about
four mobs since a fourth was added to them, by hair
falling off the top of my bead and threatening to make
me bald.
In this unpleasant predicament, I was Induced to try
Wood's Hair Restorative, mainly 10 arrest the falling
off of my hair, for I had mi.,' no expectation that gray
hair could ever be restored to its original (*tor except
from dyes. I was, however, greatly anrpris zd to Ond
fter the use of two to des only, that not only was the
frlltn f, ofl arrested, bet the color was restored to the gray
hairs and sensibility to the scalp, and dandrue ceased to
form on my head, very much to the gratification of my
wife, at whose solicitation I was Induced to try
For this, among the many obligations I owe to horses,
I strongly recommend all hofbands who v.lue the .d
-mlration of their w.v a to profit by my example, and
use t If growing gray or getting bold.
Very revettfully, SRN. A. LAVENDER.
TO 0 J. Wood la Co., 444 Broadway, New York.
My amity are absent from the city, and I am no long
er at No. 11. Carrot place.
Siamaston, Ala , July 20th, 1859.
To Pitni. 0. J. Woof): Dear Sir : Your "Hair Restora
tive" has done my hAir so much good since I commenced
the use of it, that I wish to make known to the ."118110
lis effects on the hair, which are great. A man or wo
man may be Davey deprived of hair, and by a resort to
your "Hair Restorative," the hair will return more
beautiful than ever; at lea t this is my experience.—
Believe it all ! Yours truly,
P 3—You can publish the above If you like. By pub-
Balling la our Southern papers you will get more patron
age south. I see several of your certificates in the AlM
bile Mercury a strong Southern paper.
Pew O. J. Woos, : hear Sir : Having had the misfor
tune to lose the beet porton of my hair, from the effects
of the yellow fever, in New Orleans in 1851, I was In
duced to make a trial of your preparation, and found it
to &caner as tue very Ming needed. My hair Is now
thick and glossy, and no words can express my °blips
tiona to you iu giving is, the afflicted such a treasure,
The Restorative Is put up In bottles of three sizes, viz :
large medium, and small ; the email holds half a pint,
and retails for one dolUr per bottle • the medium holds
at least twenty per cent more in proportion than 'he
small, retails for two dollars pet bottle ; the large htlds
&quart, 40 per o-nt. more in proportion, and retails for
O. J. WOOD & CO., Prop , leters, 444 Broadway, New
York, and 114 Market Areal, St. Loula, Mo.
an d sold by all good Druggmta and Fancy Goods
Dealers. jylB.eaweow
Great Cure.
Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia
All Mercurial Diseases.
It is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a met t
Bated compound, to be worn around the Waist, without
Inlury to the most delicate persona, no change Inhabits
of living is required and it entirely removes the disease
from the system, without producing the iqiuriens enema
arising from the use of pow do: internal medicines
which weaken and destroy th t..lnett4ution, and give
temperer relief only. icy this treatment, the m e di c .'
properties contained In the Band, come in contact with
the blood and reaches the disease : through the pores of
the skin, effectiug in every instance a correct cure, and
restore .he parts affltc , ed to a heal.hy condition. This
Band is also a most powerful Asti-liirscustst agent, and
will entirely relieve the system from the pernicious ef
fects of Mercury. Moderate cases are cured in a few
days, and we are eminently receiving testimonials of its
efficacy ID aggravated eases 01 tong standing.
Pates 8.00, to be had of Druggists generally, or can be
sent by mail or express, with fail directions for nut, to
any part of the country, direct from the Principe/ Mee,
No. 409 BROADWAY, New York.
G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors
N. B. —Descriptive Circulars Bent Free.
Manufacturer of
Looking Glass and Picture Frames,
Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings &c.
French Mirror., Nquare and Oval Portrait
Frames of every description.
• OLD Paitlll3lll .1111111.4dLT To NEW
lyldar •
W.E. Keaudy.