Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 08, 1861, Image 7

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    Paiip Etitgrao.
ThursUal :Horning, August 8, ism.
ANOTHER COMPAN . —We learn that Capt.
Wm. B Sipes, of the late State Capital Guards,
is recruiting a nother company f r the war. The
Guards generally speak in high terms of the
Captain's efficiency as an officer and kind treat
went of his men, and a n umter of them have
determined to re-enlist under him.
Tits SzoirrAar or Watt, General Simon Cam
eron, is still at his country scat, " Locidel,"
near this city. He has numerous visitors daily,
and does not obtain the rest and recreation so
desirable after his laborious duties at Washing
ton for four months past. The General will
probably remain here for the balance of the
p r es,•nt week.
ukr AT LAST.—The artillery regiment under
command of Colonel Rush and Lieutenant Col.
Campbell, lat Camp Curtin Tuesday evening
en Tt4116 for the seat of war. The men were in
high spirits and cheered with great enthusiasm
on their passage through the city. We cinfi
dentry link fora good report from this regiment
..rt the "tug of war" comes between the
'Union and rebel forces.
Is HER Ow QUARTERS.—An old female of
der named Mary Toy, who seems to have a
tural and unconquerable propensity for ap
propriating the property of other people, was
up again yesterday for stealing a quantity
of corn and tomatoes from the garden of Mr. J.
B. Oqtott, on Allison's hill. Alderman Kline
committed her to prison for trial. Mary bad
but recently served out a term for the crime of
L Llosst SAN BLACK's REGIMILIT is encamped
in Cameron's woods near this city and, a more
pleas la spot could not have been selected for
the purpose. The regiment is not quite full,
but iteruiting is going on rapidly, and we hope
won t, see the gallant Colonel on his way to
tL_ brat of war. His men have unlimited con-
Lien. e in his soldierly qualifications and cou
rage. and are prepared to follow where he
leads, which we predict will be into the thickest
of the fight.
trILL ANOTHER —A man named Martin Con-
Le• WT.. knocked down by the westward express
train, the other morning, near Altoona, and al
mug instantly killed. It is thought that he
was L. t right in his mind, as he was first ob
krveri standing on (or close by) the track,
painting up at the sun, and notwithstanding
the whistle was sounded, he did not move until
the bumper struck him. An inquest was held,
and tl v erdict of accidental death rendered.
I sus CUAROZ.—This morning a daguerreo
typkt, named Levi kt. Leitzel, charged a sol
dier with stealing a miniature case or locket
from his room. When the parties appeared be
re Alderman Kline the informant failed to
make out a case, and the soldier was discharged.
There was not a particle of evidence to warrant
the soldier's arrest, and the degnerreotypist is
likely to get into trouble for making a false ac
cusation. The locket was of the "flash" jew
elry style, and not worth stealing.
hIPORTAITT INTORMATION.—It will be interest
ing to those not initiated, to learn that the
members of the Order of K. G. C. are known
by a well cultivated moustache—the balance of
the face being shaved scrupulously clean. On
admission to this treasonable organization, the
countenance of the ambitious champion of se
cession is Immediately put in training, so us to
carry their insignia conspicuously advanced in
the front. Many good citizens will be able to
date the conversion of some of their =pain
tatkes, by recollecting this fact.
TFIS EV INLNG Maagnrs have been fairly in
augurated for the season, and are abundantly
supplied with the various fruits and vegetables.
The night market is a great convenience to our
citizens, and a popular institution among all
classes. Last evening we noticed immense
piles of green corn, cabbage, new potatoes, cu
cumbers, beans, &c., which sold at moderate
prices. Watermelons and ripe peaches, of
•utheru growth, have also made their appear
.ce in our market. They are brought here
from Baltimore and Philadelphia by hucksters.
At present prices, however, these fruits are lux
uries in which people of limited means cannot
afford to indulge.
WHNT To TUE W OODS. — Yesterday we met
a procession of neatly appareled little girls,
with sparkling eyes, smiling faces and bound
ing hearts, on their way to the country, to
spend the day in picnic fashion, and enjoy a
free romp in some shady retreat "where the
wild flowers bloom and little birds make mnsio
all the day." They were accompanied by sev
eral young ladies and had an ample supply of
"good things" in the shape of edibles. The
happy-hearted little ones who tripped so gaily
along looked forward to a high degree of enjoy
ment, and we trust their pleasing anticipations
were fully realized.
A GEORODS AOT.--it will be recollected by
our readers that a young volunteer named
Henry Welsh, of company C, first regiment I
Pennsylvania artillery, Captain Simpson, while
assisting in the firing of a national salute in
this city on the fourth of July, had both hands
shot off by the premature discharg e of a can
non. The unfortunate young man still remains
at Camp Curtin in a helpless condition. The
officers and members of the company, with a
generosity that does them credit, recently con
tributed from their private funds the sum of
$46 10, for the benefit of their crippled com
rade. Mr. Welsh is without means to support
himself, and in view of the occasion on which
the accident occurred that rendered him help
less for life, we think our citizens ought to con
tribute a handsome sum towards his future
maintenance. If the Committee of Arrange-
Snouts could be induced to act upon this sug
gestion, and appeal to the public in Mr. Welsh's
behalf, we have no doubt the response would
be prompt and liberal.
ROllltilD A SOLDIER.-- I'F morning Frederick
Socks, who inhabits a shanty in the upper sec
tion of the sixth ward, was arrested by officer
Fled( for stealing a black cloth coat from a
301 ii ie r named Richard Sullivan. The coat being
found in possession of the defendant, Alderman
lane committed him for trial. The officer
who male the arrest states that he noticed it ra
riety of clothing and other articles in the house
of Socks, which were no doubt stolen.
IN BAD Colornos.—The young soldier,
ry Charles Standish, of Company B, fifth regi
ment, who was married on Monday and after
wards arrested for desertion, still remains in the
lock-up. He had several fits yesterday, and
this morning was entirely helpless from the effects
of paralysis. In his present condition it is
cruel to keep him in the damp and filthy quar
ters where he is now confined. He should
either be dismissed, taken to camp, or placed
in charge of his wife.
mortality among children at this time is to be
attributed, in a measure, to improper food. A
large quantity of unripe food is brought to mar
ket, and a good deal of it finds its way into the
hands of children. Many of the apples now
sold in the city are green and unwholesome,
and the same may be said of pears and peaches.
Some ;a eats are green enough to feed such
traki*Their little ones, and the result, in many
instances, is disease and death.
Trts Worus.—We learn from our ex
changes that the destriaggve army worms have
appeared in some sections of the State and are
making sad havoc with the oats and corn crops.
Probably no more destructive animal makes its
appearance in any community—whole fields of
grain, and not unfrequently whole sections of
country, falling a prey to its ravages, We un
derstand that they are traveling north, and
that every field of oats and corn that comes
within the line of their march is doomed to
certain destruction. No means, as yet, have
been discovered to destroy them or divert them
from their course.
Ascrrnsa Reams= AcesPrat:l.—The Zonave
regiment tendered to the government by Col.
John W. Power, of Johnstown, has been ac
cepted by the War Department, and will be ful
ly organized and mustered into service in the
course of a week or two. Colonel Power came
here at the commencement of the war as com
mander of the Johnstown Zouaves, one of the
first companies to march out of Camp Curtin
for the scene of hostilities. Ile was subsequent
ly elected Lieut. Colonel of the third regiment,
and served in General Patterson's division with
great credit to himself and satisfaction to his
superior officers, until the close of the three
months' campaign. Colonel Power springs from
good stock, is a brave and gallant gentleman,
and possEktes the soldierly qualifications neces
sary to constitute a successful and popular com
manding officer.
Yesterday afternoon a brakeman on the North
ern Central railroad, named Edward Hall, of
Baltimore, met with a sudden and terrible
death on the railroad, at the corner of Mulber
ry and Third streets. While passing that point
he was In the act of braking a rreight train,
occupying the platform. of the front ear, when
the machinery broke, precipitating him on to
the track. The whole train of fifteen cars
passed over him, cutting off one arm, severing
his Lead entirely from his body, and mashing
It into a perfect jelly. There was nothing left
of the head but a mixture of brains, blood and
powdered bones. The spectacle was a horrible
one, and sickening to all who witnessed it. An
inquest was held by Justice Header, and a ver
dict of accidental death rendered in accordance
with the facts elicited by the investigation.
The deceased is represented by those who knew
him to have been a sober, industrious and ex
emplary young man, and a favorite with the
officers and employees of the company. We
presume his remains were immediately sent
home for interment.
"Lamm OF AN Esoamm Parsoxim."—ln our
issue of Monday last we noticed the arrest and
commitment to prison of a supposed escaped
rrisener of war, named George M. Brisbin, by
direction of the authorities at Washington. kir.
Brisbin, who professes to be a printer, and is
still confined in jail, sends us the following com
munimtion in reply to our item. We give him
the full benefit of his explanation, leaving the
readers of the TELMOILLPH- to draw their own
conclusions as to its truth or falsity :
HAamsstrao Jar, August 6, 1861.
day's issue you notice the "arrest of an escaped
prisoner of war ;" and in that notice there are
two or three miatements which are calculated
to lead to false impressions, and to do injury to
the prisoner. In the first place you say he was
taken at Bull Run ; which is not a fact—and
he never was confined in Washington. Though
he was confined in Alexandria, Va., and, after
being a prisoner there a week, was released by
Gen. Ruuyon, to whom he pledged his honor
he would not retutn to the south again until the
existing difficulties were settled, receiving in
'return the guarantee of that gentleman that he
would not again be molested. He also inform
ed that gentleman of where he intended to go—
the place where he was found. He remained in
Washington city some five or six days after he
was released, and then left it as any other pri
vate citizen would have des. While in Wash
ington he was visited by a gentleman who
I offered to send him through Baltimore back to
the south ; and, at the same time being aware
of what difficulties he should have to contend
with while remaining in the north. He refused
the kind offer, giving as his reason for doing so
the pledge he had made to Gen. Runyon to re
main in the north. He has kept his faith.
Neither did ho remain in this place all night
with a relative as you have stated. When he
was arrested in Alexandria it was done in so
' unceremonious a manner as to lead all observers
to believe that the young gentleman who con-
ducted it had captured a great prize. They
rushed into a store (four of them) which he had
just entered, searched his person, and without
giving him time to make any preparation what
ever, threw him into a wagon, jostled him over
to the rail road—brought him to this town, con
dmaoldinededtehveer Privilegesin ce
f fined him in a felon's cell, where he has re
mained any explanation, and
seeing a friend. I will
leave it to yourself if this ain't "ruff."
Yours respectfully,
N. Gro. ht. BRIMBHI.
B. Now, at any time itmight have pleased
the government to demand my presence at
.W WOvild ashington, a note addressed to me at Alexan
dria WM/ Illimecessary avenue.
peunspluanta Maki (telegraph, Zthiirattap Morning luguet 8, 1861.
This road, which has been in datu quo for some
time, is to be immediately pushed forward to
THE FRUIT CROP.—The fruit crop, though not
so ahusdant as in former years, will be goodie
many 'parts of the country. Pears are very
plenty, and in many orchards the trees are
hendiug under the weight of the most beauti
ful althea, which are rapidly ripening and fall
ing is the ground.
AIOTIIER RAILROAD Accuerr. Yesterday
a soldier, whose name we did not learn, while
sitting on the steps of a car at the depot, was
struck by a passing train, knocked down, and
his back and one thigh broken. He was placed
on a settee and carried to Camp Curtin, where
he lies in a suffering condition. It is said the
man's injuries are of such a serious nature that
be is not likely to recover.
Llittooolll'l3 SitaxoN oa rgs Orals os 7111
UNION.—We have been informed by one of the
pew-holders in the Episcopal church, that a ge
neral meeting of the pew-holders i to be held,
to take into consideration the tendencies of tie
sermon preached by Rev. Leacock on Sunday
evening last, and also to consider the impolicy of
sustaining and encouraging such overt-acts of
trtason against the country.
Latton Haur---The other day: a wren and
woihan were arrested for keeping a ditorderly
bawdy house at the corner of Meadow Uwe and
Second street. This morning officers Stickert
and Cole made a second descent upon the den
and • captured five of the females who quarter
these. 'All of them were committed to prison.
The institution has long been complained of by
people residing in its locality as a first class
Boons Sown:rte.—lt is disgusting to walk
through our streets and see the strut of the
bogus soldier. There is a class of sapplings who
call themselves young men, who have not the
courage to go to war, nor the manlinesa to al
low those who do go the honors and admiration
belonging to a soldier. It is becoming for a
volunteer t who has returned with honor, to
wear the blue pants, grey jacket or military
cap. The public know it, and pay respect sad
attention to him. But it iscontemptible to see,
as we are forced to see upon almost every block,
two or three pups affecting military airs, strut
ting in semi-military rigs, and caressing an im
aginary military moustache. They recognize in
the brave soldier an object of ladies' admira
tion, and appear to think that by counterfeiting
him they will -receive a share which they would
not if they retained their true and original face.
They don't give the feminine credit of posses&
ing the power to detect bogus currency. They
do not know how readily they are seen through,
and how heartily they are despised. But these
bogus soldiers are ecurtiffound out, and it is
hoped their day is about over. Let the honors
of war be worn only by those who have won
them. Let the ladies shower their attentions
upon the soldier, not the soldier's dress, andlet
bogus gen%•OA on the opposite side of the
street—give them a wide berth and "let them
IFrom the "
Having just returned from the U. S. service
on the Potomac, where I was taken down with
severe illness, and in that condition left to my
own resources to make my way home as best I
might, I take this method of acknowledging
my obligations to Wnswit. P. COOLTER,
of Harrisburg, and his lady, who, on seeing
my prostrate condition when I arrived in that
city, acted the part of good Samaritans, by
taking me to their house, providing me with
medical attendance, and ministering to my
every want, until I- was sufficiently recovered
to proceed to my home and friends. To Dz.
YAGER, of the same place, I am also indebted
for attentions. litaitar Bow.
Naw arm OHMAP Goons FROM Naw Your Asu
vros.-100 pieces splendid Wamesutta
10 eta ; 60 pieces of unbleached Muslin, 44, 10
eta., worth 12/ etL; 80 pieces of splendid
ton Ginghams, Ginghams, eta, worth 18 eta ; 100
pieces of Crash, at 10 and 12 eta. ayard ; a very
large lot of ladies and children's white stockings;
the best ladies hose for 124 cis. in town ; bril
liants, brilliants, brilliants, 50 pieces, at 124
eta. ; beautiful skirt stuff at 25 cta.; 200 doses
of brown and blue mixed men's socks, 124 cis.;
and a great many other goods very cheap, at
S. Laws's, John Rhoads' old stand.
&REA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervous
ness, Involuntary Emissions and Impotency, resulting
Dom Self-abuse, &e. By Robt. J. Cuiverwell,
Sent under seal, in a ritin envelope, to any address, Met
mild, on receipt of two stamps, by Dr. CIIAS J 0.
RIJN/3,127 1 3..w0rY, Now York. Poo. Office Bon, No
COM. mile.emdaw
Prepared by CornaliPalk CheminPan, 1141.
Theiffs combination of, ingredients in ttteae .
Palle are the result Of a long uto.eriesia se woos.
y are mild in their operation, ant certain ib'earrecting
all irregularities, Reline Illenstr,Wess, viEtg in 'IP
Arm:Mons, Whether from mil&Or Iteaderibtt,
pain in the side, palpitation of the bean, whites, all nee
row affections, hysterics, Whoa, pain In the back and
limbs, kr, , disturbed sleep, whir-harem framinterruptioe
of nature
Dr. Choeseame Pills are invidaabla, as .0.7 will bring
on the monthly period with regularity. Ic.dies who have
been difiappointed in the use of other !ilia can place al;
utmost confidence in Dr. awesome's Pills dotes alithiW•
they represest to dn.
Ihcre is ene eteulition et the festak system m tehtsti the
Pats mina be taken iestitout oradrumg PICULI42I
eancietian tact . ad to tspasoNAtirar—
u. renal, AtLlO4 a& Suck u unifiable
tendency of eke medicine t o maws Jig sweet finteffinu to a
sonnet omit:ton, Act men the reptuttietiee port of
nature cannot new it.
Warranted purely vegetable, cad tree from anything
leprous. Replied direetkeoa, widen sloold be read, or
company each hoc. Price 111. Sot by anal on enclosing
to Da Couxeurra L. throsoux, Box 4,04 Pm °moo,
New Yore Qty.
Sold b - cor• in every town la the Untied dune,
a. B. NOTCHING% - -
.lenerat Arid for the Batted 88140 s,
14 Broadway, New Yon,
lo mows at WO.inimb. orders should be addg ,. ...1.
Sold in Rarrtebare by C. A. asnorang.
a —IA el perl,
MOI7tAT'S LOB Pxw ADD Pao= 13reens."7
bras from cd/ Mineral Poisons.—ln ciao of Sorpralsi
Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Didn, the operation
of the Life Medicines la truly astonishing, often removing
in • lbw dam every vestige of these loathsome diseases
by their puilfyilig Msu bloOit 11010415 Wit*,
Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropay= l asktior Short,
moat la MINIM soon yield to their .
Do 1114 , ishoubt be waoliDAlielisres
11"Precareds2teB.IMIllr liew"LYarkiyand
sale y at
A T.A.1111.),
"Rearms" uffkge, Indiana, Pa. t
August 8; 1861.-
...*P•••• ,
tallibir u currecuzig, regulating, slid reincyring •
olAtruCtionu, from whatever .muse, and I
wawa eaccatital as a prevea
A t. the dates for many years, both In Frauee an.
America, with unparalleled tUattaill 1111 every case ; an
he w arse." , by oany Mourn, hid let. who need them. I,
malts the 1111 m public for the alleviation of tho e sullene
Cron. shy irreanlaritiea whatever, ae well a to ;:rover
an incr.saa of !tinily where boilth will toe porton it.—
Females particularly situated, or theft etipposing thew.
selves , are cautioned against these Pills while In that
attathhou l as they are stir to produce miscarriage, an.
the propel/1v altalltnall no reeponsitillity after this Mtn,
oiliest, although ltwir mthltono• would prev , tat guy
chief, to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended
roll and oiptleh direction accompany each boa Prat.
31 00 per boa. :WO wboiseale anti retail by
giitAluasse. BANNVART, Drulpart,
No. 2 Jonas Holt, Barrie tar` ; Pa
.ladies," by analog tom $1 00 to the Harriattur.
Feet 001ce, coo have toe ?Intl vont tree of obeervatfuo tt
any part of the IXNUitry (coulideutially) and "tree of pi,
teen by mail. Sold moo by K. 8. STN9IOIII, Resdhl,
yombion, Liouowair I 001rDen, Pbiladelplos, 1.. Lau
Imola.. Lebanon, Dautaajil. amnago, Lancaster; J. A
; T: Malik, York ; cud by oe,
Mllll every d m ig and village the Onion, red tur
ons, ole proprietor, Nen York
V. 11.—Look out for counterfeit-. Bey ao Bolded. rtu
of .1,) , 1(Ind unless every box la argued U. Howe. A.
others area bath Impoultket and cue ate . therefore,
you vialue your tlvea and health, (to nothiug of M
ing kitneugged out of your money) bey only of Uiuo
whip abow the Armature of S. D.. Howe ob every bot
which baa recently .men added u mown of the hilt
betegleOuutertelle.l le3Aw/BUly.
Tan ADVIIIMMUIa, betting been restored to
health la • few weal by a very simple remedy, after
having antlered several years with a severe Wog arOct
ion, tad that dread disease, Consamptien—is anxious to
make:known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure.
To all who desire bt, he will send ■ copy of the pre.
'attrition WNW (free of charge), with the directions [Jr
prelatic's and using the name, which - they will dud a
sore cure Itor Consumption Asthma, Bronchitis, Am The
only Object of the advertiser la sending the Prom:Holm
p to tnenollt the afflicted, and .pread inibrmation which
he (apogees to be nvaltabic and he boom every suf
lacer trill try his remedy, salt will cost them nothing,
and may prove a blessing.
parties wishing the prescriptive will please address
ice county, New York
Howard &Hope
Goods Ordered in the
Morning Returned
the same Night.
'Leave New York at 7} P. 11., by the Fast
ThrouplapiaisMeM - 4 - aretsbadp3sa.
at 8 A. M.
Order Goods marked
-.General Office. 74 Broadway, New York
Branch " 412 "
For further information enquire of
lisaansuna, August 2, 1861.-dtf.
Naval School, Annapolis, Md., Aug. Ist, 1861.
Michetel Nealon, of Philadelphia, Pa.,
Edward O'Neal, "
Samuel Parker, Limit, Delaware Co.,
William Dawson, Rockdale, " "
Members of ampany F.
George Renshaw, of Plicenixville, Chester Co.
Pa,- member of company G.
Lewis: Ferber, Carlisle, Cumberland Co., Pa .
Henry G. Beidler, it
Jacob Kipple, "
Henry "
Max 'Large,
Henry Limickuhl, "
John W. Landson, "
Anthony Moore, "
William McDonld, "
William Richey,
David Richwine, "
Jacob Sowers, P lainfield,
John Bennett, Papertown,
Lewis Long, Carlisle, IS
George Chambers "
John Donnelly, "
Harriman Kelly, " it
Hugh Finly, Concord, Franklin Co., Pa.
John A. Boyer, Mortonville, Chester Co., Pa.
Members of Company H.
David Baker, Papertown, Cumberland Co., Pa
;sea Boggs, Thornburry Traps " " "
George Cramer, Carlisle, " " "
Thomas /3011 (musician,) Carlisle, Cumberland
Members of Company L,
Diem= from the service of State of Pennsyl
vania: from the First regiment Pennsylvania
Reserye corps, while the said regiment was sta
tioned at Camp Carroll, near Baltimore. No re
ward is offered or will be paid for their appre
henskin, because betkr men are offering. These
men nad been well fed, well clothed, and paid
on thatlday. No reason for their desertion can
therefore be given, save cowardice; and this no
tice is only inserted to prevent annoyance to
recruiting ofnc:era, and in order that their fel
-low-citizens may understand their conduct
when they supposed themselves near the enemy. By
order of, R. BIDDLE ROBERTS,
Colonel commanding.
_ _
1:1 beet defining and pronouncing Die
tkinary ot the Build' language ; also, Worcester'.
Dictionaries. Webster's Pictort.l Qnarte and
School Dictionaries for tale at •
11 1814 Near the liarriabarglitidge.
Prdiel43 1 PL/3.42H3 1 I
itli E PAYEk AN li V V ELOPES with
. . .
itly u J e ri:
i m.._4" , ..,: t e;d: :, :lbw.
6011:lignK6'S BOONS VORF,
Nal *NZ skis Earrillbart Bridgek
Books for the Military!
eCHEAPM E,coIaret street .
Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics, for the exer
cise and manceuvres of Troops when acting as
Light Infantry or Riflemen. Prepared under
the direction of the War Department. By Bre
vet Lieutenant-Colonel W. J. HARDEE, U. S.
Vol. 1. —Schools of the Soldier and Company ;
Instructions for Skirmishers. Vol. 11.-school
of the Battalion.
Prepared by a Board of Artillery Officers—
One vol. Bvo. 82.60.
Cot. S. Comma, Adjt. Gen. U. S. A.
Sir :—The Light Artillery Board assembled
by Special Orders No. 134, of 1858, and Special
Orders No. 116, of 1858, has the honor to sub
mit a revised system of Light Artillery Tactics
and Reguktions recommended for that arm.
WM. H. FRENCH, Bt. Maj. Capt. First Artil
WILLIAM F. BARRY, Captain First Artillery.
HENRY J. HUNT, Bt. Maj. Capt. Second Ar
Published by order of the War. Department.
First Part—School of the Trooper; of the Pla
toonand of the Squadron Dismounted Second
Part—of the Platoon and of the Squadron
Mounted Third Part--Evolutions of a Regi
February 10, 1841.
The system of Cavalry Tactics adapted to the
organization of Dragoon regiments, having
been approved by the President of the United
States, is now published for the government of
the said service.
Accordingly, instruction in the mane will be
given after the method pointed out therein ;
and all additions to, or departures from the ex
ercises and manceuvrealaid down in this system
are positively forbidden.
J. R. POINSETT, Secretary of War.
Manual of Bayonet Exercises. Prepared for
the use of the Army of the United States. By
GEORGE B. M'CLELLAN, Capt. First Regi
menu Cavalry, U. S. A. Printed by order of
the War Department.
WAsuixoroN, D. C., Dec. 81, 1881.
Hon.'C. M. CosnAD, Secretary of War.
Sir :—Herewith I have the honor to submit
a system of Bayonet Exercise translated from
French by Captain Geo. B. .11I'Clellan, Corps,
Engineers, 11. S. Army.
I strongly recommend its being printed for
distribution to the Army ; and that it made, by
regulation, a part of the "System of Instruc
The inclosed extracts from reports of the In
spector General, etc., show the value.
I have the honor to be, sir, with high respect,
your most obedient servant,
Approved. C. M. CONRA.D, Secretary of War,
January 2, 1852.
R JONES, Adjutant General.
Any of the above works forwarded by mail,
free of postage, on the receipt of the published
price. Remittance can be made in gold dollars
and postage stamps. Address
GEO. BERONER, Harrisburg, Pa.
• g.ri - 7
,Lt: •
*at , theEPIIIIO,IIM, (irelwid.) The liver.
pool. rw or. end Philadelphia Steamship oompsuy
town spatchloit their full powers,' oiyde.bolit Iron
OLL$(tiW, Saturday August :1: CITY OF BALTI
MORE,' Saturday August ]0; KANGAROO, Saturday
Augu.t 17 ; and every Saturday. al Noon, frnm Pier 44,
North Inver.
CABIN OG I ..... One 00
do to London Po 00 do to innauit s,joo
Steerego Nature Ticke a, good tar .-2.1 Months SOO 000
Passengers forwarded to Paris, Havre. Hamburg, Bre
men, itottirdam, Antwerp, sec., at reduced tbrou L tt
yfirPerooms malting to bring out their Mouth Goo ou.,
tioketo,boro at ilk foilowmg rata, to New York From:
Liverpoot or Qooeuttowo; Oebo ' $75, 155 and 5105 .
ikerago from i rrorpool $lO 00 From Quoenato or u;
330 00.
These Steamers On ve silidirkir ittCOOnnutiatiuus 'lir
passengers, and carry experionted dtirgemia. Tory are
built in Water tight Iron da....tion, and nave rate ,t Fire
Annihilators on board.
JNO. O. DALE, Agent.,
JY 224 1 lb grotudway, New York
Or O. u . Ammerman, Agent, Harrisburg
A Necessity in Every Household 11
American Cement Glue
The strongest (Mao In tho World
CORAL, &0., &c.
The only article of the kind ever produced
which will withstand Water.
very housekeeper should has a tu i ly of Jobnt k
Croeley's American Cement 0 ue."— • . Imre
'-it is so convenient to have n Y .
••All is always ready ; thtscommenne toovery body."
N. Y. troxrisrnearr.
. "We h We tried it, and dad it us u*etc( 1 , , our home as
water."—Wrtere swim or um T.suct
Price 25 Cents per Bottle.
Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale
Dealers. TERMS CASH.
f' For sale by all Druggists'and Storekeep
ers generally throughout the country.
(Sole Manotactures,)
(Corner of Liberty Street,) New YORE.
12 II
Between Philadelphia, .
LOOK Havre, Jaasav dßoaq Wl:mamma; Sloane,
NORMONBCIII4.IM, t-1411138Y, TlVOterOtt,
01101101M01,11, LTwravows,
aoatt, ILAIMAX, DallllllM,
The Philadelphia ()spit being .mnirallv located tile
Drayage will be at the %west rates. A C inductor sow
through with each train to Wend to cue safe delivery oi
all goals entrusted to tne fine. Goods delivered at the
Depot of
FRRED, WARD & FRIRD, No. 811 Mari et ;neat, Phila
delphia, by 5 &clack. P. it, will be csllvered in
Harrisburg the next morale;
Freight (alweys) anievskiiistati*.AtliariisM, .2
Particular attention paid by this line to prompt and
Speedy delivery of alt Harrlsbur Dods.
The undersigned thankful for paid e hopes by
atrial attention to business to merit a con .0 ace of the
same. T. Nile t • ,
Philadelphia and Resdin
deli dam Past of Harked. Streit . II ri• burg .
'OR SALE.—One ot the best business
J: stands in the city on reasonable terms, or leased
for three or Eve years alt .ated Margot street between
Fourth and Flitls. Eataire on the prenlos or
jy9.41.2m ' DANIEL LEEDY.
CIDER 111-• VINEGAR 11.1
-MADE trap choice_spd selected Apples,
Ai& frimmviums to scusesoy pure.
ugd W. DOOK & co.
Three vols. ltlmo. 83.75
One vol. 12mo. $1.26
Of Cultivated P. : Rider-
Every Family Should Use.
OEI,I4:BRA:FED for its medical and liana
Sal pia Mae as a genuine Stimulant, ionic, is
retie and too torfln, Lushly ("teemed by ectsin-us ehysi
Bans, and some of the brat fondle( to g u m
14 nut a 1111Xitlin or a:maul - laurel article. be urn,
from eultivalied "ortutal Eider recolamaaded .ty com
lata and Phrilriant as noeseisinr proJertiaa an
parlor to any other Nin-s n use, en lan •••Sucis • .1-51.•
Ole for all woak and deb a.ed nr-00-, and tan ...45 I
and infirm, hooraying the a iontlto, and nencidth4 ladl •
and children.
A LAMA* , Wing,
beeawe it will not intazieiddlia mbar 111 180 4 . >rl i' • WIDOW.:
no mixture of spirits or other liquors, ■nd iv a •
mired Ib• lie riot/ temulitr diver and nenniFeprepietken,
Imparting a 1101 , 14 tone to the digs live oral ten sod
blooming, s and beat illy 04n:eon ectitte'lllloo, ,
None gennine unless the signature of
MYRNA) aI'ENFL, Paesaln, N. J.,
le over the cork of etch bottle,
MAKI, 0:42 TRIAL (11 . TEM WINN.
t. S, Kr ft, - - rogretor.
I wren-, N.
tub .n 208 .troadway, New ' mt.
J. II F.ATON. Agent, Plabidelpht •
For sal.: by D. W. Gt. vs, Jk Co., C. K. Keller. John
Wyeth rind b'• drergi•t. go••e-ally ivt-dawly.
TIEr Ell
Universal Confidence & Patronage..
Lades and Gentlemen, In all pirts or the world lettily 'o
the ern ley of Prof. 0 J Wood's Hair iteetorattlye, and
gentlemen of the Peens are unenhbons lu Ito prate. A
few IefIIMOUII.I9 Only can be here given ; era circular
mare, and It will be !mitre siblr for y to dttultt
47 Wall Street, New Tort, Dec 20th, 1558.
Gm:luxes : Your note o' tbo lb 11 lost , has been ree
Giese 1, , aging that you hot heard that I bad been bene
fited by tee use of Wood's linlr Kretnratlre, and requtatte
log my certificate of the rctlf 7 b 3 e •blection to
1 award It to you cheerful y, neottese t toialt It due, _
My ago Is about 50 ear: ; the co'ur to tit. fr suborn
and I. Mined to earl Porno live or to htr.sloes it no.
gan to torn Cray. , Lnd tb .carp on tl:., coon 01 my he u
to lose its sen dn,lily and dandrulrto for o It Rath
of these oisagreenbilitl , o Inc ea-ed who me, and about
four m 13 he wine , a fourth was added to them, by hair
falling dr the top of my head gad threatttolug to mike
me bald.
. In this unpleasant predicatuent, I wa• induced to try
Wuodt• Hair Re.vtientive, mini,' to arrest the fableg
elf of my hair, tor I had real.y no expectation that gray
hair could ever be restored to Its original color excep
from dyes. I was, Ithwover, Featly &Wylie d to End
seer the use of two So only, that not only was taw
fallieged arrested, but the color was Ttotort4 to the gray
bales and aconite by to the scalp and dandruff ceased to
farm on my bead Tory much it the gratification of my
seta, at woose evidleitettoe I we• tyft teed to try It.
For this, among the many °billow°, I owe to her IPS;
I strongly reoommead all hn.bauds who v due the tll
- of their w.v a to prude by my exempt, * WA
use t if growing gray or getting bald.
Very repeetfuly, Br:N A. LAVENDER.
TO 0 J. Wood & Co., 444 Broulway, New York.
My finally are absent Tom the city, and I am no long.
er at No 11 Cerro] place.
Laisimaatou, Ala , July 20th,
To Pa P.O. WOOD: tsar etr : Your "Ham Rratora
live" has done my b .ir so much good since loom oenced
the nee ol it, that I with to make annwu to the t uh. lo
he (Abets on the hair, which are great. A. man or Ito
mad may bo nearly deprived of hair, and by a resort to
your "Hair Restorative," the hair will return wore
be ,uilful thee ever ; at lea t tine le my experience
Believe it all I Yours truly,
P i —You can publish the above 1i you like. By pub
haling to our Southern papera you wit get inure patron
ag • south. I see several or your corttleatas in the Me
bile Mercury a strung Southern paper.
PROP 0. J. Noun : i car Llavmg had the madur
tuae loe the beat port oil of my hair, from the elects
of the yellow rover, In Now Orleans In 1861, I wig in.
duced m make a trial of your preparation, and fouud it
to area or •e t e very thing needed My bele is now
tokk and glosiy, and no iivJrds can orpretta ne, obliga
tions to you In giving :o the afflicted pitch a immure.
Mato' JOHNit iN
the Restorative la pot up In honks of th ree sizes via :
large inedlum, and small ; the small holds hull a Out,
ens retails for one dtikr per hoitle ; the medium holds
at least twenty per cent more in proportion ti ab 'he
email, retuhs for two dollars p -r bottle; the large tit ids
shalt, 40 per mut. more In proportion, and malls For
0..1. WO.M & co., I'rop ietors, 444 °roadway, Now
York, and 119 Market tweet, St. Louis, Mo.
and eold by all good twaggnie aad Fancy Goals
peelers. jyl3.4lreow
Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia
All Mercurial Diseases.
It is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a awl
cated compound, to be worn around the Waist, without
ininry to the most delicate persons, so change inhabits
Of living is required ahil it tonirely removes the Mame
from tbo system, without produdng tbeirdiariOus awes
arising from the use of pow 041 Internet m e di cines
which weaken and destroy th mast! Mien, tine give
onlY. orsatiment, the medical
properties contained in the Band, code ise - enew, u s wph
the blood and reaches the disease, through the pool:,
tho skin, effecting In malt inatanite nerfeot cure, and --
restore he parts alillic'ed to a heanky nondtuon. This
Band is also a most powerful Alm-idszadiaut agent, and
will entirely relieve the system from We perniewus ef
fects of Mercury. Moderate cases are cured In a law
days and weare constantly receiving testimonials 01 Re
eillesicy in aggravated cases of long staediag.
PRIM 00, to be had of Druggist, generally, or can he
sent by mail or express, with fell directionB for use, to
any part of the country, diri- et from th e Principal (Aire,
No. 409 BROADWAY, New York.
G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietor&
N. B...._Dowriptive Circulars Sent Free.
40-r.oic:rs WANTBD EVhRYWHEItg.... -
I .;.I.Jytt.4taw
GILT rniadnel
Manufactwor of
Looking Glass and Picture Frames,
Gilt and liOnewood Mouldings &c.
Norwich Mirrors, square and Oral Portrait.
Frame. Or every description. •
xi , taxes ititzuvr TO winW.
0104 y
W. H. Kenedy