Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 08, 1861, Image 3

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    Paiip gtitgrapij.
Thursday Afternoon, August 8, 1861.
J. 11. DI --Please call at this office and iteCiVi
several letters in answer to your advertise
Pesu Tuitounn.—Another regiment from
Indiana passed through this city last evening
en route for the seat of war. T e men h are fully
uniformed and equipped, and of the right mate
rial to make good soldiers.
GRANGE OF Scuann.s. —Some eh ,nges have
been made in the time-tab]; of the Northern
Central Railroad company. Hereafter the
Mail train going north will leave Harrisburg at
1.20, and the express train at 9.33 P. M.
FUNERAL OF A FIREMAN. —The funeral of Mr.
J. S. Boyer, whose decease is announced in our
obituary department, will take place on Satur
day afternoon at two o'clock. Tne obsequies
will be participated in by the Washington Hose
Company, of which the deceased was an active
member previous to his illness.
PaomorEn.—We learn that three young gen
tlemen of this city, members of the Lochiel
Greys, have been appointed second Lieutenants
in the regular army Eine() their return from
the war. The individuals thus promoted are
FAlwin Pollock, J. R. Rouble and Charles C.
Rawn, Jr. One is the son of a prominent Dem
ocrat, and the others of Republicans.
A DEARTER.—An Irishman, answering to the
name of Barney King, belonging to one of the
Wisconsin regiments which passed through this
city some days ago, deserted and remained
here. Last night he was found on the street
in a drunken condition, and taken to the lock
up. This morning the Mayor committed him
to prison for twenty days.
Birney, cf Philadelphia, is about to organize a
regiment for the war, by order of the Secretary
of War. The regiment will be a Zouave one,
handsomely equipped, armed with rifles and
sword bayonets, and in all respects a crack
corps. The Colonel has commenced mustering
in companies, and will in a few days form a
camp on the Wissahickon, near Philadelphia.
Goss To Clem.—The young soldier, Standish,
who has been lying in the lock-up since Mon
day, in a helpless condition from effects of
paralysis, was taken to camp this morning by
one of the officers of his company. From the
statement of the officer it seems that Standish
is subject to such attacks when he indulges too
freely in bad whisky, as was the case in this in
PAYING On.—The payment of the regiments
at Carlisle commenced yesterday morning and
is progressing as rapidly as possible. Five com
panies of the fourteenth regiment arrived here
last evening. A gentleman direct from Carlisle
informs us that the Verbeko Rifles do not expect
to reach home before to-morrow evening or
Saturday, as the payment of the fifteenth regi
ment will not bo commenced until to-morrow
Pas PRISONER OE WAIL—The young man
Brisben, confined in our jail as an "escaped
prisoner of war," is a printer by profession, and
formerly worked at case in the city of Pitts
burg, which place, the Dispatch says, he recently
left to visit his wife's relatives in Huntingdon
county. If the charge against Brisben be true,
why is he not forwarded to Washington, instead
of being confined in our county prison, which
is crowded to such an extent that no more pris
oners can be comfortably accommodated ?
A large number of young people of our city and
the adjoining rural districts, contemplate a
picnic excursion to this delightful mountain re
treat on Saturday next, Good music will be
provided for the benefit of those who love to
"trip the light fantastic," and all our lads and
rosy lasses who wish to enjoy a cheap and
pleasant trip through a romantic region of
country, revel for a day amidst the beauties of
nature, realize the benefit of pure air and water,
and have a good time generally, should partici
pate in the excursion. The fare having been
reduced to a low figure, we expect to see an im
mense turn out. The train will leave the depot
at 7.30 in the morning and return about seven
the same evening.
THR HEALTH of the volunteers called into ser
vice by the United States Government, has thus
far been singularly good. Many regiments that
have come home after three months service,
lost none by sickness, and few of them have
had as many deaths as usually occur among a
thousand men at home, during a period of
three months.
The above fact stated by the Philadelphia
Bulletin, contradicts the general notion that
terposure causes most of our diseases, and espe
cially that "night air" is morbidc. These
young fellows have tried night air as well as
exposure in all sorts of weather, and with the
result quoted. We fear some of them are do
ing themselves more harm by indulgence in
eating and drinking, than was caused by all
forms of exposure.
senger train from the west, due here at five
o'clock last evening, ran over a woman a short
distance above tlilleratown, and killed her in
stantly. The engine was rounding a curve when
the woman was first discovered walking on the
track a short distance ahead, and the engineer
finding itimpossible to check the speed of the
train, sounded the usual signal, to which the
woman paid no attention. The result was that
the engine struck her down. The engineer
stopped the train as soon as possible and backed
up to the scene of the accident, when the wo.
man was found dead, with one leg broken, and
her person very much bruised. The body of
the unfortunate female was placed 'Upon the
cars and brought to Newport, where it was re
coliated as that of a partially insane woman
well know, in that region of country. Her re
mains Were left there for burial. We are in
debted to a passenger on the train for the par
ticulars of this shocking accident, who states
that ne blame attaches to the engineer. •
members are requested to meet at their hall
this (Thursday) evening, at eight o'clock, to
make arrangements to attend the funeral of
their late fellow member, J. S. Boyer.
ARRESTED ON SLSPICION. - A notorious colored
individual was before the Mayor this morning,
on suspicion of knocking down a soldier with
intent to rob him. He was remanded to the
lock-up for a further hearing.
Moiu SOLDIERS ROBBED.—Some of the soldiers
who came here from Carlisle yesterday after re
ceiving their pay, were robbed last night while
lying around loose in a drunken condition. We
met one man this morning who had lost his
entire "pile," and was in great distress.
A SPECIAL Magma of the Washington Hose
Company will be held at the hose house this
(Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock, to make the
necessary arrangements to attend the funeral of
our late member, J. B. Boyer. The members
are requested to be punctual in attendance.
Filter Crry Zotuves.—Mr. Charles A. Bann
vart has been elected Captain of this company,
to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation
of Captain Kelm. We are informed that Cap
tain I3annvart is thoroughly versed in military
tactics. Another meeting of the company will
be held soon to elect two Lieutenants, the old
officers having resigned.
A Goon IDEA.—We notice that in many places
the patriotic citizens are making out full and
complete lists of the traitors whose foul presence
pollutes their communities. Such a list would
be eminently serviceable for future use, and its
completion would be attended with little diffi
culty, for with all their sneaking cowardice
none of them can successfully cover up their
tracks or conceal their secession sympathies.
Unmask the hypocrites and spot the traitors !
SEND YOUR Cum To BID HAPPY. —Send your
child to bed happy. Whatever cares press, give
it a warm good-night kiss, as it goes to its pil
low. The memory of this, in the stormy years
which fate may have in store for the little one,
will be like Bethlehem's star to the bewildered
shepherds. "My father—my mother loved
me !" Fate cannot take away that blessed
heart balm. Lips parched with the world's
fever, will become dewy again at this thrill of
youthful memories. Kiss your little child be
fore it goes to sleep.
of George A. Reiff, one of the victims of the late
riot in this city, who was shot by George Starry,
took place at Norristown last' Thursday, and
was largely attended. His remains were intered
with military honors by six companies of the
fourth regiment, to which the deceased had be
longed. In addition to the military, there was
a long procession of citizens on horseback and
in carriages, and an immense concourse of peo
ple onfoot. An appropriate discourse was preach
ed on the occasion by a clergyman of Norristown.
Voting .Reiff seems to have been highly esteemed
by the people of that place.
Hrevr Dastaoss ro TUE CANAL—The Pitta
burg Dispatch states that the heavy storms of
last week have seriously damaged the entire
western division of the canal, making no less
than four heavy breaches between that city and
Freeport. The acqueduct over Bull creek was
swept away, and another breach made near Ta
renttun. It has been estimated that not less than
tifty thousand dollars would be necessary to re
pair the damages by flood, and Ratite line, since
the abandonment of the city aqueduct, has been
a losing concern, it is extremely doubtful whe
ther it will ever be repaired. There was a pro
vision in the sale of the line to the Pennsylva
nia Railroad that it should be kept open, but as
corporations seldom fulfil losing contracts, the
railroad company is not likely to prove any ex
ception. Farmers along the line may as well
make up their minds to get along without the
"ditch," as it will certainly be abandoned.
MORN RurrIANISX.—The other evening a
young man of this city, while passing down
'third street in company with his mother, was
grossly insulted by five ruffians sporting uni
forms. He resented the insult, as any man
worthy of the name would, when the disguised
ruffians became still more insolent and abusive,
one of them flourishing a knife and another a
revolver, with which they threatened to do him
personal injury. The mother of the young man
became alarmed and fled, beseeching him to
follow her. He stood his ground, however, and
but for the timely intervention of some persons
who witnessed the brutal conduct of the soldiers
and went to his rescue, he would probably have
been stabbed or shot. Acts of this kind have
occurred too frequently of late; and if officers do
not put their men under better discipline, and
teach them to behave differently when off duty,
some of them will receive such personal casti
gation from citizens as their brutality deserves.
AnonsT.—August is a hot month —and it is
right that it should be a' hot month. It does
all the ripening. Vegetables that come in July
are of small account—puckered as they are in
hothouses, and thin of flavor. And so with
fruits. Nothing is worth much that ripens be
fore August—not Juneatings nor cherries. The
last month of summer is the crowning month—
the best of all. It flings its warm and yellow
atmosphere on the earth, and the fructifying
juices ebb and flow in the veins of the pasture
and swell into the rich products of field and
garden and orchard. Hot as it is, we like the
month of August, with its red and misty morn
ings and its golden evenings. We can utter a
blessing on its genial influences, even when the
sun stands at noon in "a copper sky," and the
lengthening shadow fail; to bring the cool of
the day. For in August, when there are beads
of perspiration on the forehead, we feel that the
weather is excellent for corn, and good for other
vegetables and we are content with our
' sweaty brows and palms, when we see that out
of this heat and moisture comes the abundance
of the autumnal harvest. If any one is dis
posed to complain and begenerally nncomforta
ble because the mercury
rises rather high in
this thrifty and golden month, let him consider
the moral of this paragraph, and endeavor al
ways to bear in mind that it is true in more
RUM than one—that manb yt h e - t
lives , Ivrea
of his brow.
tuttoglvania iDail telegraph, thank!! 2lfternoon„auguet 8, 18131
AN INSANE SOLDIEIL.-A man named Jacob
Myers, belorging to one of the mgimentt in
Camp Curtin, was recently discharged, upon a
surgeon's certificate, fur insanity. He will be
sent to Philadelphia where his relatives reside.
Asortras. Rumour GOYS. —The "wild cat"
regiment, under command of Col. Biddle, left
Camp Curtin this afternoon en route for the seat
of war on the Upper Potomac. At Harper's
Ferry the men will be furnished with new rifles
of a superior quality.
Sosnar Scam. PICNIC. —The teachers and
scholars of the Vine street Methodist Sunday
School are holding their annual picnic to•day
in Wells' woods on the west side of the river.
The participants crossed the stream in flat boats
this morning. There is a large attendance and
general enjoyment rules the occasion.
Tamara of RssFscr.—At a meeting of the
Mount Vernon Hook and Ladder Company,
held at the Truck House last evening, the fol
lowing preamble and resolutions were Unani
mously adopted :
WHIIRSAS, It has pleased the Almighty God
to remove by death our late fellow member,
Elms Lima Ecx : And whereas, It is right and
proper that we should give expression to our
feelings ; therefore,
Resolved, That in the death of Etrai Lavers
Eon this company has lost an esteemed member
whose place among ns cannot be filled.
Resolved, That we deeply sympathise with the
parents of our deceased brother.
Resolved, That as a tribute to the memory of
our deceased member, the house and apparatus
of the company be draped in mourning for the
space of thirty days
Resolved, That the thanks of the company be
tendered to Limit. Geo. W. Davis and lady for
the kind attentions beat() tved on our deceased
brother during his sickness.
Rankled, That the above be published in the
daily papers of this city, and a copy of thesame
be forwarded to the parents of the deceased.
Obis or ma " OLD= lanserreirra."—One of
our Chester county exchanges contains a notice
of a centenarian, named John Dare, residing at
Phcenixville, who was one hundred and one
years old on the 4th of July last. He is now
living with his daughter, and possesses remark
ably good health. His memory is very good,
considering his age. He bas his second eye
sight and can read without spectacles, bat his
hearing is failing him. He is excellent cam
wry, is communicative, and can relate inci
dents that took place years ago. He thinks he
was born on sea, and lived the greater part of
his time in Attleborough, Bucks county. He
remembers Washington and the Continental
army—he was young at the time, and not in
the army, but was by when Washington took
the Hessians at Trenton. He was Out in the
whisky expedition, under Washington, and has
many htimorous anecdotes to relate of that
campaign. He served three months in the war
of 1812, was honorably discharged, and has not
received his section of land, for which he never
applied. He is in indigent circumstances, and
should be taken care of. He takes a lively in
terest in our present national affairs, and says
if he was a young man he would soon show
them how to settle our difficulties with the reb
els. He is an extraordinary man, and fewintoh
are to be met with.
VIRGINIA RUTGERS. —This morning four Vir
ginia refugees—a man and his wife and two
children—arrived here direct from Fairfax
Court House, having been driven from their
homes in a destitute condition by the barbari
ties of the southern rebels. They confirm all
that has heretofore been published relative to
the infamous outrages perpetrated upon Union
men by the southern ''chivalry," and state
that the worst bas not been told. The old
gentleman is a native of New York State, but
for some time past has resided near Fairfax
Court House, where he owned a hum of about
one hundred acres, which he was obliged to
abandon and fly to the north to avoid impress
ment into the rebel army. Union men in his
neighborhood who refused to beggar themselves
to feed the rebels, and declined taking up arms
against their . government, were murdered in
cold blood in their own dwellings, and even the
women were shamefully maltreated. Men of
all ages, from the beardless strippling to the
gray haired sire, were . daily being forced into
the rebel army, and their property confiscated
by the rebel leaders. The individual who re
lates these facts bears the impress of an intelli
gent, honest and truthful man ; and the ap
pearance of the whole family exhibits unmis
takable evidence of the hardships -and suffer
ing they have undergone in their flight from
the land of treason and rebellion. The refugees
are now enronte for Western New York, where
they have relatives residing.
Amoncs. in COTTON Goons.—Of the thousand
wrongs attending rebellion, domestic or nation
al, it is the poorer classes that suffer the moat
for the time being. Thus it is for the want of
cotton in the north dealers have been compelled
to advance the prices of manufactured goods.
We are pleased to say that Uarcn & Boynton,
with a large stock on band, are still selling at
the old prices, corner Front.and Market streets.
noa.-100 pieces splendid Wamesutta
_ Calico,
10 cts ; 50 pieces of unbleached Muslin, 441- 10
cta., worth 121 cts; 80 pieces of splendid thin
ton Ginghams, 121 cts., worth 18 cts ; 100
pieces of Crash, at 10 and 12 eta. ayard ;- a very
large lot of ladies and children's whitestockings;
the best ladies hose for 121 cts. in town ; bril
liants, hrillianta, brilliants, 50 pieces, at 121
cts. • beautiful skirt stuff at 25 eta; 200 dozen
of b rown and blue mixed men's socks, 121 cts.;
and a great many other goods very cheap, at
S. Lawr's, John Rhoads' old stand.
litorrees Live Pura MID Paw= Itirms.—
Prat Fr= all Mineral cams of &rents
Ulcers, Scurvy, or ffruptiorus of the Skin, the operation
of the Life Nedkdnes is truly millimbhing, often removing
In a few days, every vestige of these loathsome disbases
by their purifying abuts on the blood- Billions Fevers,
Fever and Agee, Dyspepida, Drapery, Piles, and in short,
most all diseases woo yield to their curative properties
No family should be without them, as by tll.l , tdnely
use mush suffering and expense s in be saved.
Prepared by WM. B. 110 FM, M. D., New York, and
sale by all Druggis at *myths- 1 y
RHEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervous
ness, inyelnntmy Emissions and Impotency, resulting
Crom Seßubes% Sm. By Row. .4., Calvin/04 K. D.—
Sent under r ai wy e a Oath envelogis, to any eateressipw
mkttwo ,l)r.,:11EA: O.
ur ; * ow Turk. - 14/110Mos sa><No
11•1111. r ex.trr.e
nisitible a correcting, regulating, and sccuoTtng s
olmtructions, from whatever chase, ao.I
ways successful as a prevail.
m;11: 1 BWE PILLS Hat b.: BEEN U6ED B 1
the doctors foi many years, both In France an.
erir.t, with unparalleled -iiccess in every case ; ate
be Is urged by •nany thousau., ladies who ii,ed them,
make the Mils public for the alleviation Mtbo-e martin.
from any trreguhtrities wha,ever, as well to preven
as recreate of family where health will not pence it.—
Females particularly situated, or thine suppotcur thorn.
solves an. are cautioned against these Pills while In than
otindluon, as they are sure to produce miscarriage, are
the proprietor Resumes no responsibility atter this ad=
Intim, although their oubluese would prev.-ut any mo
chiel to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended.
Full end , SPLI , it direction accompany oath boi Prim
it 00 per boa. Fold w boh sets and retail by
No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, pa.
•fattles," by mowing him al 00 to the Harrisburg
Feat 01110 e, mut have the Pine eent free of observation tc
any part 01 the mammy (confidentially) and "free of pile
ta,e" by mail Sold atm by S. S. &masa, Readies.
Jonatios aOLLOWAT & ammo!, Philadelphia, J. I. Lts •
kammiX:Lebanon, liarcinith Diameter; .1. A.
Wm.& Wrightsville ; E. 'l'. timunt, York ; and by one
drannet in every city and village to the Union, sad by
S. D Rowe, Cl. proprietor, New York
N. n.—l ook out for counterfeit-. Rey no Hoiden ruk
of any kind anima every box es signed P ff. Howe. At
other! arc 4 base imposition and unsafe ; therefore, af
you value your dyes and health, (to -ay nothing of be•
fag humbugged out of your money,) buy only of thaw
who show the elanattwe of s D. Hewe on every box
which has recently 'een added aitt +coved of the Pilfe
heing 0043nterlett.m teß•dwaNitly.
Tea ADVNETTNEE, having been restored to
health la a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after
having suffered severri year• with a severe Meg tercet
too, and that dread Mammy .'ousuunution-43 anxious to
make known to his laltow•sutrerer,+ the means of aura.
To nil who desire it, he will +end a oopy of the pre
ncription one./ (free or charge), with the direceions for
profaner and aging the game which they will dud a
sore cure l b r COMILIMPtiOII, AStItIMAL, B.onehitie, fie:. The
ooly object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription
pi to benefit the 111 sited, cud 'tweed licitirmation wbicb
he conceives to be avaluabl,,
end ha hones every suf
ferer will try bls remedy. as ii sill coat them nothing,
and may prove a blessing,
Part es Wishing the prescription will pleme address
ice snout) New it.,rt" ly
Howard &Hope
Goods Ordered in the
Morning Returned
the same Night.
Leave New York at 7} P. M, by the Fast
Through Enron Train, arriving in Harrisburg
Order Goods marked
General Office, 74 Broadway, New York
Branch " 412 44
For further information enquire of
HArtaissuito, August 2, 1881.-dtf.
WHEREAS, the Honorable Joan J.
PSAIMOS Prealdent of the Court of Common Plea.
in the Twelfth Judicial District, consisting of ti t s mon o"
of Lebanon and lnuphin an 4 the HOD. A. O. filitsft e
and Hon. PE= NIBIUSY, iUssociate Judges in Dauphin
county, having issued their precept, besring date the
:bare' day of June. Mt, 10 me directed for bolding
a Court of Oyer anti Terminer and General Jail Delivery
and Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Harrisburg', for the
county of Dauphin, and to commence on Tim tee Moe
nay 01 Annan am, being the 28ru OAT or Ammer 1861,
and to continue two weas
Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Jus
tices of the Peace, Aldermen, and Constables m the sold
county of Dauphin, that they be then and there in their
proper paraffin, at 10 o'clock to the forenoon of said day,
with their recnds, Inquisitions, examinations, and their
own remembrances, to no those Gimp which to their
office appertains to be done, and those who are bound
in reingnisffincee to p iosecate against the prisoners lb it
are or shall be In the Jail of Dauphin county, be then
and there to prosecute against them as 'hail be ju.t.
Given ander my band, at Harrisburg, the 31st day of
Jnly, in the year of our Lord, 1861, and to the eighty
third year of the Independence of the United Nets..
J. D. 110.83, EffierilL
ihnturre Ovffine
Harrisburg, July 81, 1861. augl.dewtd
Li KRIM OFFICE, corner or Third at ' s lis,ok•
berry • nay, near Herr's Hotel.
I' ...amber od all kinds and quantlee "r I. 3)
The undersigned will sell Horses, Carriages and sar
is low for sash.
A Liu—Horses and Carriagestp.hire at the sama cake.
marl' rtulitt A. till' KAY
Oity Property for Sale.
and lot of ground, pleasantly located on Prom St.,
between Mulberry street and Washington Avenue.
Also TWO LAMS PIANOS In good cmdltlon and of cx.
otillent tone. Apply to
jna No. Mil, *ab Second street.
CARLISLE, Cumberland comity, Pa.—The pro
prietors take pleasure in announcing that they are now
prepared to motive visitors- Parsons desiring a healthy
location for the summer will find this one or the most de.
lightibi pianos in the country: The water of those springs
cannot be surpassed fbr drinking, bathing awl medicinal
purposes. For Intbrmatloa and clruars addrio
D. O. BURNhT r,
jell im
MHZ beet defining and pronouncing Die
'bury ot the Reath language ; AISO, Worcester' ,
School Dletleoariee. Webster's Pieter's) Quarto and
School Dkuloneries for male et
aplit4 M.sar Hie Harrisburg Bridge.
VGOTE PA_PRR AND EN vF 1.0 Pll3 w il l
Vational designs, LICITICA P4l rn ,s view at
AT al Banta prli=ti gar sae
*PM' ' 4 '*'• 'ms•
Books for the Military 1
J'isT EtTEE,'?gfLßArart'tstrltCH"P
Rifle acid Light Infantry Tactics, for the exer
cise and mancenvres of Troops when acting as
Light Infantry or Riflemen. Prepared under
the direction of the War Department. By Bre
vet Lieutenant-Colonel W. J. HARDEE, U. S.
Vol. I.—Schools of the Soldier and Company ;
Instructions for Skirmishers. Vol. IL—School
of the Battalion.
Prepared by a Board of Artillery Officers.—
One vol. Bvo. $2.50.
Col.. S. COOPER., Adjt.-Gen. U. S. A.
Sir :—The Light Artillery Board assembled
by Special Orders No. 184, of 1856, and Special
Orders No. 116, of 1858, has the honor to sub
mit a revised system of Light Artillery Tactics
and Regnhtions recommended for that arm.
WM. H. FRENCH, Bt. Maj. Capt. First Artil
WILLIAM F. BARRY, Captain First Artillery.
HENRY J. HUNT, BL Maj. Capt. Second Ar
Published by order of the War Department.
First Part—School of the Trooper ; of the Pla
toon and of the Squadron Dismounted Second
Part—of the Platoon and of the Squadron
Mounted Third Part—Evolutions of a Regi
Three vols. 18mo. $8.75
February 10, 1841.
The system of Cavalry Tactics adapted to the ,
organization of Dragoon regiments, having
been approved by the President of the United
States, is now published for the government of
the said service.
Accordingly, instruction in the same will be
given after the method pointed out therein ;
and all additions to, or departures from the ex
ercises and mano3uvreslaid down in this system
are positively forbidden.
J. R. POENSETF, Secretary of War.
Manual of Bayonet Exercises. Prepared for
the use of the Army of the United States. By
GEORGE B. M'CLELLAW, Capt. First Regi
meat Cavalry, 11. S. A. Printed by order of
the War Department.
One vol. 12mo. $1.28.
Hzeoquitarsas or TEM ARMY, 1_
WAsnixoTos, D. C., Dec. 81, 1851.
Hon. 0. M. CoNHAD, Secretary of War.
Sir :—H,rewith I have the honor to submit
a system of Bayonet Exercise translated from
French by Captain Geo. B. M'Clellan, Corps,
Engineers, U. S. Army.
I strongly recommend its being printed for
distribution to the Army; andthat it made, by
regulation, a part of the "System of Instruc
The inclosed extracts from reports of the In
spector General, etc., show the value.
I have the honor to be, sir, with high respect,
your most obedient servant,
Approved. C. M. CONRAD, Secretary of War,
January 2, 1852.
R JONES, Adjutant General.
Any of the above works forwarded by mail,
free of postage, on the receipt of the published
price. Remittance can be made in gold dollars
and postage stamps. Address
GEO. BERGNER, Harrisburg, Pa.
gr4,l ;Is
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!Woo r apaietdas their hill powart-1 Olydisbuilt lon
Mot oov , TO rn tbROWS
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Mika CAI3IN $76 IT I E. 4.141411 SAO 00
do London $l3O 00 do to Lon...un $33 00
Steerage Return Make s, g for Months.— —s6o 000
Passengers forwarded to Paris, Havre, H.mburg, Bre
01811, Bona ?dam, Antwerp, am., at reduced throuth
,Persons Wlatality; to briug eat their Irmo& eau Du)
tickets bore et the follow:0g rata, to New York t ro,tt
Liverpool or Queenetowu; let Gable, $75, $B5 uud Cub
Steerage from uverpoet $4O 00 From Queenstown,
$BO 00.
These St&imere Owe superior B.CCODlcnuadlluils 101
14115131.ger5, and :arry eXtierionecd Surgeons. rue, are
built in Water•tight Iron and 1111,u Vale .1 Fire
Annibilators on board.
JNO. Q. BALK, agent,
y 22- tf lb Broadway, New Vora
Or 0. 0. Lanernmu. agent, Harriebare
A Necessity in Evert/ Household 1 I
American Cement Glue
The Strongest Glue in the World
CORAL, &c., 140. , &o.
The only article of the kind ever produced
which will withstand Water.
EY ritLet CTS
• , ,very houseketper thould tuiv a raj )17 a John., &
Croshealanoritan Cemeiit' .
4 !till 50 C01196111(0111 to have a e heuee"—N. Y
is always ready; Ibis commends to ev GO body.'
N Y. 1NOZP1211)10/1%
4 , We hive tried It, and and [tan %vet& • our house as
eater.-'—Wrixia arsarr Of riot T.miti
Price 25 Cents per Bottle.
Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale
Dealers. Timms CASH.
'For sale by all Druggists and Storekeep
ere generally throughout the country.
(Sole Manniactures,)
78 Wawa' Smear,
(Corner of Liberty Street,) Nsw Yoruc.
ri'M'lr°ll3MlMl. 7 l6s
Between Philadelphia
Lola Him', Jai= &ion,zipurrorz, Humor
EfinconowN, WATemnowir, KILT* 1X1114.17110,
NOirinualisaLeAD, :7111011TRY, ilLsvogroN,
Groketerowx Lyingmown, inmats-
AND HARR-181117RO.
The Philadelphia Depot being capitally loaded the
Drayage will be at the lowest raw. A Caiducior. g °ea
through with each train to attend to tate toile delivery of
all goods entrusted to the line. Goods delivered xt the
Depot of
FREED, WARD & FREED, No. 811 Mart et Steel, ,Phila
delphia, by b e'eleet P. IL, will be t ' , livered in
Harrisburg the next oaorniti,
Freight. (Livia; sj as low satin olher
t oe sa Par y tisular enveyy u— or d- triAbl v ,... ,, , illia
oils: * ' 4' W Pl and
e - tua d d Igussi - I t h i sakfal for past . Astro a hopes by
strict attention to badness to merits boar uce of the
game. T. PSI?
Phlladelphi. and Beadle
der/ , d6m Feet of Market :Area 1 , r - hark
FOR aALE.--,Otte of the best business
st4ads in the citylut reasaniblo terms, or leased
tar three op five years att.mted in.Starset.reot between
Fourth and Filth. Enquire on the pre
jy9.d2m . /ARM.
MADE hom choiceaudileleaedApt,
•nd gnamiteett b 1 unto belgrietli x am
Of Cultivated Portugal hider.
Every Family Should Use.
40ELEBH AT ED I,r its b
fl i.I qualtt4s aft n gene no Ftilll.lant, • .
retie Mn!lashiy eq.e..m , .1 by cora nl et
Clans, end some of Ow -st fa wiles la gar au
Sr Dot • retrar4 or mrour.ecnre I ar :le hu
from cullivaled ,- orto•an l•lder re, o n n... 02-
1 41. ant Phrelcisny as poss.:Wei.; mt Ii pro ;on ..‘u
perior to any other "in s n use, an • so , aoell sc
ale tor all ia %A dab .ta.e.l ' orori 4. Ind I
nd infirm, Imdroying the y .1410.11 A, And t
41/ d .1111,1rea
A LA1)14 0 .14 , WaNFC
becauleit will not inioxicale as other silos:. ia4 it
tal•s no mixture of 'Oita or other liquors, .ind lie -
mired fb- its rich peculiar flavor and nutriilve pintos ,
Imparting a t'eal , hy tone to tn.• dt.e tire or:.• a and a
blooming, slit Ana healthy at in and completion.
None genuine unless the signature of
ALYRIii) seENR, Pagaelc, N. . 1..
is over the cork of e , rh bottle,
lAKh O'S Th 1.41. OF TRIS WINE
A. S R, ropreOr.
S J.
(iin n 2OB . I roadfoir dew %ni .
J. H FA.To• Agent, PIMA
For 441., by I). W. Gr,-8, R CO., . K 011111..
Wy.zl.ll and b • drcwi.t. ge , ,erallp -4.1 w Iy.
Universal Confidence & Patronage-
Ldtbea and Gentlemen, to all pirta of the world to-tny o
the elikuoy of Prof. 0 J Wood's flair Rctiorstme . ru4
gcettemsn of the Press are unsoluun- In it. or A
few ic.ttmonlals only can be hare civet) ; s.e circular r
more, sad It will be impoqdbls for you to doubt.
47 Wall Street, Nrw Yon, Dec 20th, 18511
Gaiertimits : Your mite 0 the 16 h last , has been re.
.aying that you h - td beard that] bat heen vv.*.
fiterl be the use of Woo Jo titar Restored, es and ref m•-t
-ii gmy certificate of the t et If I b o• Wootton to
give It.
t award it to you ebeerlul y, use t tid ek It duo
My »ge is about 60 ear., ; the ro'or auunro,
and Maned to curl Somd tiro or it cot . . since it re
gan to torn gray, and th.carp on the , r.hotik of my be tt
to lose Its sun .lilinty and dand ruff t e for It. Ete4
oC thee uisagreratolith s file: awed whit ',me, and shoot
four in n ha since a foam was added to them, by hair
falling off the top of my head a,,d threat;:ntog to make
me bald.
In this unpleaSaut prviiiiaisient, I was 'Wooed to try
Wood'. Bair Restruativr, mint e to arrest the fal lug
off of my hair, for I had real y 1110 expectation that gray
hair could ever bo restored to its orginal color excep
from dies. I waa, however, really anriiria d to find
tier the use of two fro ties only, that net only was ihe
&Mega arrested, but the color was restored to the gray
heir% and sought ity to the scalp, and dandruff camed to
form on my bead, very mime to the gratiticailon of my
trim, at Whale 'tacit/Mum I wt Induced to try it.
For this, among the many obligations I owe to her set,
I strongly recommend all husbands who v .lue the 0-
altrAtiell Or their w.v s to prnAt by my example, and
use t growing gray or getting bald.
Very reipeottady, BMW A. LAVENDKR.
To 0 J. Wood & Co., 444 Broadway, New Tort
my family are absent irom the city, and I em no long
er at No 11 Carrot place.
Siamaaton, din , July 20th 1669.
To Pa , dr. 0. J. ' , von imar : Tour ••Hair Restores
tive" has done my so mitten good einem l oommenced
the use of it, that I wish to make known to the l'Uti IC
iteeffects on the hair, which arc great. . man or wo
man may be newly deprived of hair, and by a resort to
your "Bair Restorative," the hair will return more
00,1111 Ni than ever ; at lea t this la my expalence
Believe It all l Yours truly,
P R —You can publish tbo above If you like. By pub
Bribing In our Southern papers you all. get more patron
air south. I are severrd of your certtaites ihe No
bile ikreary a strong Southern paper.
W. H. Konedy.
Pato 0. J. Wool) : rear cir : Having had the misfor
tune to awe the neat portion of my hair, from the effects
of the yellow foyer, in New Orleans in /151, I was in •
cloned to make a trial of your preparatioa, and found It
to answer as t e very thing needed My hale is now
Mink god glossy, and now rds eau animas my °Mega-
Ilona to you is giving ,o the afflicted each a treasure,
I be Restorative Is put up In bottles of three Matto, via :
large medium, and email ; the email holds half a riot,
anu retails for one dolt. r per bottle ; the medium holds
at least twenty per cent more in proportion t. an be
email, retails for two dollars ty-r bottle ; the large ht Ida
a quart, 40 per c-nt. more in proportion, and retails for
0. J. WOOD & co., Prop detore, 444 Broadway, New
York, and 114 Market street, St. Loots, Mo.
en d sold by all good Progglita and 'Fancy Goode
Dealers. jylll-aawpow
A .
Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia
All Mercurial Diseases.
It is a conveniently arranged Band, cornett:dug a me.
cited compound, to be worn around the Waist, without
Injury to the most delicate persona, no change to habits
of living Is required, anti it entirely removes the disease
from the system, without producing the injurious eflecta
arising from thu use of pow rid: internal medicines
which weaken and destroy lb ant give
temporary relief only. By this tre itMent, the medical
properties contained in the Band come in contact with
the blood and reaches the disease, through the pores et
the skin, effecting In emery ineasuce (vilest cure, and
restore be parts adlioted to a htetnity condition. This
Band is also a moat powerful ANTI-MERCURIAL agent, and
will entirely relieve the system from the perniMaiss ef.
facts of Mercury. Moderate cases are cured in It few
days, and we are constantly receiving testimonials of its
eececy In aggravated calm; of long etanding.
Pludlt to 00, to be had of Druggist-. generally, or can tee
sent by mail or express, with full directions for use to
all part of the country, diva from the Principal tithes,
No. 409 BROADWAY, New York.
G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors.
N. B.—Descriptive Circulars Sent Free.
Mannfacttuto of
Looking Glass amiliottire Frames,
Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings &c.
Frerosh Illtrrors, Square and Oval*P6l-tralt
Ift-axoes of eviry desorualon.
014) FRU= ne_szur TO NEW.
- 131411 y - •