THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER; TERMS.—SINGIN BUBSORIPTION. The DAILY TICLtORAPH is served to subscribers to the City at 6,Y, emits per week Yearly subscribers will be charged $4 00. WSEICIr AND SEMI-WIEKLY TZLXGRAPH. The TNLEGRAPH Is also published twice a week durMg the session of the Legislature, and weekly during tht remainder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the following rates, viz : Single subscribers per Seven Ten THE LAW OF NEWSPAPERS If subscribers order the dhicontirmance of their news papers, the publisher may continue to send them until sit orrearages are paid. li subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa• ers from the office to which they are directed, they are rogiouslble until they. havonettled the bills and orde: ad thorn ME-continued. 0. ill. qiroas .f?• D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO, 19 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG,YENN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND ICONSUMERS, We: are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS & PAINTS, Oils, varnishes and Glues, Dye•Statfa, Glass and Putty, Artist Colors and Took, Pure Ground Spices, Dawning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm anti Pine Oils, Bottles, Vials and Globes, Castile Soap, Sponge* and Corks, &0., &c,, &C., &c., &0., dso With a general variety of PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Per lumera of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, 01; 0 ---. - ' W H - o -- 0 rvo . - --- , 9M,;- We respectfully invite a call, feeling, confi dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH! TEETH!! JONNS AND w [JIB'S PORCELAIN TiaL4l3l, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direot from the Proprietors Saponifier and Concentrated Lye Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we eel as low as it can be purchased in the cities.- "HATER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRAM, WU COAL OIL! CARBON OIL!! Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can offer. Inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil temps" of - the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal , Oil: FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, ose of you who have not givea our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know not ther'superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in g,)cd condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the. general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long ex r perience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough: knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, oa the best of terms. Thankful for the liberel patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to busioaess, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fair prices, find the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the favors of a natin~ public. - • • r _.. a $2 00 12 00 . ... .15 00 VOL. XV. EDUCATIONAL. - A CONTROLLING ELEMENT OF NA TIONALITY is the system of educatien in a coun try. "In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, that public Opinion should be enlightened."—Washinron's Farewell dtdoress. To this end the people in general should be educated into a correct and familiar acquaintance with the nature and principles of our government and civil institutions. "OUR GOVERNMENT: An explanatory statement of the system of Government of the Country, &c, A MANU AL FOR SCHOOLS, AOADEMUM AND POPULAR USE," is a work which, with proper historical notices, gives the construction of the provisions of the Constitution 01 the United States and of those of the several States, as determined by judicial authority, or derived from stand. ard writers, including some relerences to administrative wa and practice, so as to show the actual working of our general system of Government. It is free from specula tive opinions, conservative in its tendency, and calculated to cultivate the love of our country. It has been used to a considerable extent, In the EDUCATION OF YOUTH sn different Sitates, and is recouimended by Jurists, atatesmen and Presidents, and. Professors Of Colleges.— Mice $lOO. Sold by M. IiVEINNEY, del Harrisburg, 'a. "OUR GOVERNMENT." i‘rilHE unity of Government, which con .", stitutes you one people, is now dear to you."— Wasaington'a Farewell Address. A nationality is essen tial to the enduring prosperity of our country. True pa triotism must arise from knowledge. It is only a proper understanding of our civil institutions that can induce strong and settled attachment to their principles, and impart ability fur their maintenance. "OUR GOVERNMENT: An explanatory statement of the system of Government of the Country," contains the text of the Constitution of the United States, and the Con mita% tonal provisions of the several States, with their eaning and construction, as determined by judicial wa sher* r vovi precedent and practice, or derived from ttata.-vvd "''hers; digested and arranged for popular 1419 Prick $ qY %"1 by M. brKINNEY, del H rrisburg, 1861. 3D OPENING 3D OPENING 1861. SUMMER DRESS GOODS av En= inscaurnon. The quality of the goods for the pries will be an induce ment to every one to purchase. The most desirable goods of the season at a great sac rifice. HOZAMBIQIJES, ORISSALIAS, VALENCIAS, CREPE VESPANGS, BEREGE ANGLAIS BROCADE POPLINS, NEAPOLITANS: LAWNS and LAVELLAh are among the lla CATHCART & BROTHER. Next door to the. Harrisburg Bank. SKELETON SKIRTS; The largeatastook,of the very beat - make to be found at CATHCART 5, Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. Parasols, Sun Umbrellas and Umbrellas Twenty-five per cent lower than can be purchased Isewhere In the pity. CATHCART di BROTHER. N 0.14, Market Square, wee Next to the Harrisburg Bank. JOHN 8.. BMITH'S w BOOT. Az:SHOE STORE, . COIF ill:B6:36NiiANto:i-AiNtii- . wis. - Harrisburg, Pa. LWAYS on hand a large assortment of LI. BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, am., of the, very best tuanties for ladies, gentlemen, and childrens' wear.— Prices to suit the times. All kind of WORK MADE TO ORDER lathe best style by superior workmen REPAIRING ;done at short notice. oetle-dtt r JOHN. B: SMITH, HarriArtrg, AQUANTITY of Bags, Checks and Ging hams for sale by the dozen and piece, cheap for mesa at the DAUPHIN CLIUNIT PELSON. myB-3m . MAY 8, 1801. JUST PUBLISHED. A MANUAL, MILITARY- SURGERY _ OR, HINTS ON ME EXCIMENOIES Field, Camp ; and Hospital Praotioe. NT B. D. GROSS, M. D PROFESSOR ON BIIRONNT IN TIM 7107211.90 N =DI= (*LUG" For sale at BERGNER'S CRAP BOOKSTORE. may 24 JOHN WALLOWER, JR., Agt, GENERAL fa-AWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. GUons AND itERCRANDISEL.promptIy forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Central, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads. and Canal. HAULING AND DRAPING .to and from all parts of the city to the dillereutlialltbd_depOta will .be.done at the very lowest rates. FAMILIES removing will be promptly attended to. Orders .eft at Brant's European Hotel, or at the store of E. B. Zollinger, will receive prenipt attention. Con signments of freight respectfully solicited. JOHN WALLOWER JE. Agt., apt Office Beading Depot. HE ATTENTION OF GENTLEMEN r is solicited to our very large assortment of UNDIEMBIORTS Aso DIIAWI/231 of every size and quality. Gams' donne! KID GLOM, best article manufactured. All the different kinds of WINTEM (ham. Largest assortment of Houma In the city. Mossy Suaranzas, lIANDICIRCEIMPS, Ready Hemmed And everything in Gents' wear, at FOR -BALE. • FROM One to Five Hundred Dollars worth-of an BONDS. Enquire of 0. 0. ZIMMERMAN, mold No. %South Second street. RE. T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTISTA OFFERS his services to the citizens o Harrisburg and its vicinity. He solicits a share o the public patronage and gives assurance that his best endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction in his pro fession. Being an old, wall tried dentist, he feels safe in writing the public generally to call on him, assuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with his services, Office No. 128 Market street, in the house formerly no • carded by Jacob B. Eby, near the United States Hotel, . Harrisburg, Pa. myB-dly _ _A_NEW LOT OF LADIES' SHOPPING & TRAVELING BAG comprising a number of new styles GENTS' and L DIES' Money Purses and_ Wallets. glue aasortme est received and for oak at BERONWS ()HEAP BOOKSTORE, 61 Market Street. "INDEPENDENT S IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." itlisullantons. CATHCART'S, Next to the Harriebnex Beek. HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST . 5;1.861. itlebitat D R .. J ORNSOIN 11 1 1 M LOCK . ROSPITAL. HAS discovered the most certaiu, speed) and effectual remedy in the World for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE REMIT CS KIX TO VT7IV7I BMW No Merestry or Noxiouv Drugs iihr A CDR" WARRANTED, OR NO CHAIN3I, IN FROM 0:t1 Two DATB.Ii, Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains lb the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weak nese, ervous Debility, Decay of the Physic Po% • ors, Dyspepsia, languor, Low Spirits, Confusion 01 dear, Falj Batton of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblinge , bioniose of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin—those terrible discs , tiers arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth—those dreadful and destructive practises which produce constitutional debility, render marriage impos• sible, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MEN Young men especially woo have become the victims ol solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise bare entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to so tasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, be. ing aware of physical weakness, should immediately con suit Dr. J. • and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEAR:NES immediate/y cured and ftd/ vigoi restored Re who places himself under the care of Dr. J.,.may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and on, fidently rely upon his skill as a physician. gsgrOillce No. ,7. South Frederick. street, Baltimore,. Md., on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, doors from the corner. Be particular in observing the name or number, or you will mistake the - place. Be par.. tinnier for ignorant, Trifling Quacks, with - false names, or Paltry Humbug CertOcates, attracted by, ;the •reputa, lion of Dr. Johnson, lurk near. All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the reply. DR. JOHNSTON Dr. Johnson member of the Royal Oallege-of Burgeons, London, graduate from one of the meat eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greatest part of whose lila has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most as tonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great ner vousness, being alarmed at suddensounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange.. ment of mind were cured Immediately, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. aressea all Mose who having injured them• selves by r taste and improper indulgencies, that secret and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, un fitting them for either business or society. The,... are some of the sad and melancholy ed, ots grc ducea Dy early habits of youth, viz : Weakness 01 the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness •of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation 01 the Heart, Dye. pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the. Digestive Functions, Gleneral ilymplems -of tionsump• lion, am. lifitsvarm, the fearful abets on the mind are mush to be dreaded :—Loss of Memory,..Confusion of Ideas Be. pression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings Ayersion.tedscie ty, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, aim, are some of the evil effects. • Thousands of persona of alUages, can now jadge wnat is the cause.of their decline in health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, nave • singular appearance about the eyes, cough; and symp ms of consumption. YOUNG KIM who have Injured themselves by a certain praelice, in. Bulged in when alone—a habit frequently learned from 6111 aomoanlons, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, render" marriage impossible, aiad.destroys both mind•and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his coon. try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences of deviating trona the path of nature, and indulging in .& certain secret habit. du %persons must, before cones plating . MARRIAGE, effect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled with the melancholy reflection that the.happineenrot another be• conies blighted with our Own, DR. JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING Rummy)) FOR 08, GAMIC WFAIKNE:3& fly this great and important remedy, Weakness of lb, Organs are speedily cured, and full-vigor restored. .ehousands of- the most 'nervous - and debilitated *ha bud last all hope, have been immediately relieved. All impediments, to Marriage Physical or Mental Disqualifi cation, Nervous, Trembling; Weak:nese or Exhaustion 07 the - 01013t fearful kind, speedily nured, TO '.➢rB9NGERB' The many thousands cured at fhb bliffintion within tilt last twelve years, and the numerous important Surgica operations performed by •Dr. .1., witnessed- by the re. porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of ,llwhich have appeared again and again belore the üblic,. s besides his standing as a gentleman cf. clic:racier and re-. sponssWity, is a sufficient guarantee to:the afflicted; DISFASE,B OF IMPRUDEINOE.—When the niinguided and imprudent votary'of pleasure finds he has imbibes the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens LhM an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery. deters him from applying to those who, from educatton and re, 7spectability can alone befriend him, delayingtill the con.: stitutional symptoms of this horrid disease 'make Chou appearance, affecting the head, throat, onto, sithi,c- /144 • progressing on with frightful rapidity, till death puts e- period to his. dreadful sufferings by Wending him tO "ins' bourne from whence to traveler returns." ' It Ia a. Ertel. ancholy fact that thousands fall victims to =this terribt disease, owing to the unskiltulnees et . Ignorant pretend- , era, who, by the use of Li , " OsolA/I Poison, alertlatlli rule the constitution and make the residue of life Miserable. To STRANGUS.—The Doctor's Diplomas hang in • ins sip-Letters must contain a Ettatup to us On the reply sir Remedies sent by Mail. u-No. 7 South Frederick Street, Baltimore. aprlS•dewly. • FOR SALE! • • . A BUILDING LOT, situate in West liar risburg fronting on Bradstreet 20 feet, and run- ning back 161 feet, more or less, to a2O foot alley; ad: - joining on one side the property of Mr. Blumenatine. — For particulars enquire of FREDERICK SCHNNTBR ;a Bergner's Booiistore. May 8, 1861, _my9 SPICED SALMON 11 FRESH AND VERY. DELICATE. . Put A: up neatly In five pound cane.- )e25. WM. DOCK, Jr., &Co. EMPTY FLOUR BARRELS. 100 F L L A O u R t a N i ty .i. B goo ti d lli c H on T diti tM lo 7 .6. T . tow by ije2Bl WM. DUCK, Jr., &Co. • LIME FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED - having embh . rk ad in the LIME BUSINESS' Is 'prepared to I urnish very best article at short notice, and tie the'lo west ' pr lees for cash. Hs sells the lime burnt at Columbia and also that burnt at home. cay29.43m PETER BERNHISEL.. OUR UNION & OONSTITUTION 6 6 c ) ISR GOVERNMENT," . by*, NEY, is a work containing the Coarsitrirnosr OP vas won STAUB, giving the conatructioh of its Terms and Provisions, allowing the relations of. the several &asters to the Union and each other and explaining gang:: rally the System of GoVernment o} tile Country - , Prick al 00.- gold, and ordeis 'supplied, by _ti!nii pit Harril-' burg, roc.; _ , . :r e m: dgenlefor Gowan and Mateo. wanted. BY THEGIAII. FROM OUR MORNING EDITION. From Washington. COL. CAMERON'S BODY TO BE RECOVERED. =:::::• Pay of the Members of Congress. I=Z' A FLAG OF =me. FROM GENERAL JOHNSTON, =:E= Communication between Washing ton and. the Rebel States to be Stopped. ARRIVAL OF PRINCE NAPOLEON I=l WASEENGTON, August 4 Messrs. Garman, Applegate and Sterling left Washington on Thursday with a flag of truce, bearing a communication from the Secrtary of War, having for its object the recovery of the body of his brother, Col. Cameron. They yes terday returned without success, owing, it ap pears, to the communication having been ad dressed "To whom it may concern," and not to some particular prominent officer in the confed erate army. This objection remoyed there is no doubt the body can be recovered, as the place of inter 7 meat is marked and every facility promised to accomplish that purpose. The gentleman car rying the flag speak in high terms of the cour teous and kind manner in which they were treated by Col. Stewart, commanding the first Virginia regiment, and other officers within the field of his operations. They, however, were not permitted to approach directly to Fairfax Court House. Whatever they may have seen of interest in that neighborhood, they have trio prudence to conceal, having gone thither on an errand of mercy, and not for reconnoitering purposes. The members of Congress have been paid their last month's salary with fifty dollars in gold and two hundred and fifty dollars in the two years' six per cent. treasury notes. The employees of the other departments of government are hereafter to be paid in the same description of paper. One of the commissioners recently sent hith er under a flag_of truce from General 'Johnston was, it understood, in relation to a report which hactreached the confederates that some of their prisimeis 'had been hung by order -of our military authorities. As no such execu tions have . taken place, it may certainly be in 'erred that General McDowell replied in accor dance with this fact. General 13utler arrived here on Saturday from Fiirtress Monroe: The object of his visit is not known. Measures are to be taken to stop the trans mission of 'ottani from this city to the rebel States. Prince Napolem and his suite were presented to the President 'on Saturday by Secretary Se ward. The inteiview was a, very agreeable one. A grand state dinner to thetrince was giiren at the White - Anse on Saturday evening, the Diplomatic COrps and the members of the Cab inet being presea. XXXVIIth Congress—Extra Session, WASHINGTON, August 3. SsztATE.—The SeMae met at 11 o'clock Mr. Armroxy, (R. I.) from the Committee on Printing,/repotted a bill that hereafter all extra copies of messages, &c., will only be printed by joint resoltid4n of both Houses. Agreed to. Mr. SUMNER (Mass.) presented a memorial from citizens of lllarlbord'; Mass., asking Con gress to use all means to'put dawn the rebellion. Laill-on the table. - Mr. linskawr (Md.) offered the following res olution from the Legislature of Maryland: Whereas, Rosi Winans, - while in the dis charge of official duty, was arbitrarily and ille gally arrested on the highway' by foree of arms by the Federal goVernment, and eundiy 'other citizens of Maryland were seized' by the same despotic authority, in violation of their 'rights and in violation of all personal rights of citi zens of Maryland, and the unconstitutional and arbitrary acts of the government are not con fined to Maryland, so that the property of no man is safe, and the sanctity of no dwelling is respected and the sacredness of private corres pondence no longer exists. Whereas, the House of Delegates does not wish history to record the 'overthrow of all= public' rights without also recording their indig nant protest of resentment against suckacts of presidential tyrant' and usurpations and-the outrages of the Federal Government. Mr. Wasnisox (Minn.) moved that the me morial be returned. Mr. KENNEDY ; - 7 I hope not Mr. Mosarm (Me.) objected to the reception, as the language was not respectful, and not be-, Mg signed by the Government, did not emanate from a proper body. Wuzinsox said the protest was neither respectful nor.true. , It, was false in form, false in fact, and an outrageous, : violation. of rights.. "Mr. Katona hope 4 that, the petition from. Maryland would not be-refused. He hoped her rights would be no rnore trampled upon; she was state, but Mime/Jag_ under the weight of oppression. , • ' Mr. Harz (N. II.) argued that the Senate should not refuse to hear the petition. He said it was a dangerous step to refuse the right of petition in any way. It is not the first time that petitions have come here which were not considered respectful by many. Let the Legislature of Maryland say what they think, no matter if it is not pleasant to our ears. Let the memorial be entered on the re cords, and let history judge of the truth of the charges. He referred to the struggles of John Quincy Adams for the right of petition. After some further discussion, the memorial of the Maryland Legislature was finally received and ordered to be printed. Mr. WILSON, (Mass.) from the Military Com mittee, reported back the bill to pay the volun teers monthly, with the recommendation that it should not pass. Mr. KING (N. Y.) offered a resolution that the Secretary of War be recommended to pay volunteers monthly, whenever practicable. Agreed to. On motion of Mr. COLLAXER, (11.0 the reso lution fixing the time of adjournment was taken up. Mr. COLIAMSR moved to fix the time of adjournment at Tuesday, the sixth of August, at twelve o'clock M. Agreed to. The resolution was passed to adjourn on Tuesday. On motion of Mr. WlLsori, the bill to increase the engineer corps was taken up and passed. Mr. Moaartr., (Me.) moved to take up a bill supplementary to the act to protect the Com merce of the United States and punish piracy. agreed to. The bill was passed. The bill relating to the District Attorney for the southern district of New York. was passed. Mr. TammuLL, (Ill.) reported from the Com mittee on the Judiciary the bill relative to the judicial districts of Missouri and Kentucky with 'a motion was made to postpone it till next December which led to long discussion in regard tO the . loyalty of Judge Monroe of Kentucky, by• Lane, of Indiana, Powell, Baker, Breckin ridge, McDougal, Polk, Harris and others. After a long Excutive session the Senate ad 'ourned. Houss.—Mr. BLAIR, (Md.,) from the Commit tee on Military Affairs, reported a bill to in crease the efficiency of the Topographical En gineer corps, which was passed. It empowers the President to add to that corps two Lieuten aa4 Colonels and four Majors and one compa ny of soldiers, to be commanded by competent officers. Mr. Urns, (N. Y.,) from, the Committee on Military Affairs, 'reported back the bill to pro mote the efficiency of the volunteer force by authorizing the President to discharge from service any conimissioned volunteer officers, for incapacity, inefficiency, misconduct or neglect of duty. The Committee'report a substitute to apply the principles of the bill to officers of the regurar army as well as to those of volunteers, the dismissal's to take place in the instituting a board of inquiry or court martial. Mr. OLni said he knew that this was an arbi trary power, but in the present emergency he was willing to trust its exercise to the Com mander-in-Chief. Mr. Bussur said lie was struck with one re markable thing during the present session of Congress. WherieVer he made what he regard ed as a plain statement, and gave the reasons actuated him, instead of gentlemen meeting his arguments they made personal al lusions to his want of loyalty. On the question of loyalty,' his record and that of the gentleman is made up in. - this House, and he believed his would, bear a , favorable comparison with that gentleman's; and when impartial history shall determine who is the most responsible for the present tinfotiunate condition of the country, posterity will decide that the gentleman from New York has done more to bring , it about than he (Burnett) had. He had struggled here to pre vent this condition of affairs. : If, his warning voice,, with that of others who acted with could have reached the gentleman and his Republican friends, we should now be united as, one family instead of , war ; should have peace., As to his sympathy with the south, he wished to say that as long as his State remained under the Constitution he recognized his.obligation to the Federal Government. He had 'taken an oath to support the Constitution. If the gentleman wanted to know whether he sympathised with those among whom he was born and who re garded the war as , having:been. forced on.them, and who would make peace to-morrow, he an swered in the affirmative, and they could make the most of it. Mr. Orax replied that he had said nothing personal. He should be entirely content to let impartial history show who is responsible for this war, but•when the gentleman from Ken tucky undertook. to defend hirru3elf from the charge of disloyalty it were better he should! withdraw from the records -what he' had said here during this session. The gentlonan •• kali repeatedly remarked that he held himself bound by the action of his own State; rather than by the constitution and laws made in puirmance of it. • Mr. 01,0" moved "the previous question, under the operation of which r the "substitute was rejected by a vote of 18 yeas =against 91 nays, and the bill was On motion - 4W." Human laid•on the table. On motion of Mr. AL , (()hio 7 ) the - House took up the Senate resolution providing for -a joint committee - of • Voth branches of Congress to wait on the Preiddent and request Min' to set apart a day of public humiliation, festiog and prayer, to be`obierVed byereileonsassewbiam, and the offeitig tipof a for*ed otplicationti steam frfkrt. Having procured Steam Power Presee3, we are prepar ed to execute JOB add BOOK PRINTING of every cieserlp- Lion, cheaper than It can br done at any other establish ment in the country. RA !ES oF ADVERTISING. //kir Four lines or less constitute one-half square. Eight lines or more than foar constitute a square. Half Square, one day I $0 25 one week . 100 is one month 2 00 L, three months 300 ss six months. 5 one year. . ............. S W oo One Fq .are, one day .- •• • ...... •• • 50 one week.... 2 00 CI one month 3 60 " three months 6 00 •.... ....... ... " • six months 10 00 " one year ................. ..... .15 00 Suture;before Marriges and Deaths, FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each insertion. i gir Marriges and Deaths to be charged as regular ad perticem.nts NO. 81 !the success of our arms and the restoration of beace. The resolution passed without amendment Mr. STEVENS, (Pa.,) from the Committee of iAJays and Means, reported back to the Senate the amendments to the bill making appropria ons for enrolling and nrganizing volunteers, tc., wilh an amendment thereto, appropriating twenty millions of dollars. j Mr. BINGHAM, (Ohio,) from the Judiciary com- Mittee reported back to the Senate the bill to confiscate property used for insurrectionary pur poses, with an amendment in substance that whenever during the present insurrection any person held to service or labor shall be employ ed in the military or naval service on entrench ments, etc., the person to whom such labor or service is due shall forfeit his claim to the Et=E! Mr. HoLat&N (Ky.) moved that the bill be laid oh the table. Negatived—yeas, 47; nays, 66. The House concurred in the Senate's amend- Ment to the House resolution fixing Tuesday nest for the adjournment of Congress. The consideration of the Confiscation Bill was resumed, and the question stated to be on agreeing to the amendment reported by Mr. Bingham, when Mr. MALLORY (Ky.) moved that the House adjourn. Disagreed to—yeas, 30, nays, 75. The amendment was then adopted, and the bill passed by a vote of 60 yeas against 48 nays. The SPF.AILEa laid before the House a message from the President in answer to the resolution adopted yesterday, enclosing a telegraphic clis pitch received at the United States military office, August Ist, from Hon. Alfred Ely, of New York, dated Richmond, sa3 ing that he is de tained as a prisoner in that city. Mr. CONSLIN, (N. Y.,) offered a resolutik.t. requesting the President to communicate to the Mouse all the correspondence between James EJ Harvey and any of the Heads of the Depart ments• in any , way relating to the charges against the said Harvey growing out of the public seizure by government of despatches to and from the said Harvey, and any other infor - mition in connection with the subject.. Mr. Comum said he had informatfon from Harvey of such a character that the House should not refuse inquiriog to the extent of the • resolution. The House then adjourned. • COL. BALILER'S REGIMENT Colonel Ballier's Twenty-first Pennsylvania regiment has been accepted for the war. They have already seen three month's service. The Colonel, with his Adjutant, made peisonal ap plication to the War Department today, with the favorable result stated. ICKORY, OAK. AND PIN E WOOD for sale; CU2 LV srovß cia LORD LENOIR ID SUIT .1 - 'o22oDAskes. • ALSO LOUUS2 POS2S 4IVD LILEST.NUI BAILS OU2 TO ORDER. • ALSO, STONE AND SAND AIR BUILDING PURPOSES. ' Inquire of the subscriber at his residence on the Ridge road, opposite tho Good Will Engine House, or at the Yard, corner or Second and Broad streets, West Har risburg, f u 3 - tf I - GB. COLE. iSOHEFFER'S BOOK STORE ! (Near the Harrisburg Bridge.) .jjSl fi ! j6EF 12 from 'the LOIER NOTE winch ewilisell at $1.22 per ream. per resin. for NOTE PAVES, decorated with - WO latest and very handsome emblems and pairioti: mottos. - $3.50 for 1000 WHITE, ENVELOPES, with national and patriotic emblems, printed iu two colors. Please give us a nab. nuo. F. L , CELhEFS,II 3 je22-d Harrisburg. GEO, W. tkrtNE, graduate of the eille ,U Deatal Surgery, haviug perms manly located iu the city of Harrisburg and taken the office. tormerly °coupled by Dr. 0-urges, ou Taira street, betFireen blerket sad Weld ut, respectfully informs his friende sad the public is general, that he is prepared L. perrorrn all operati ms m Lie Dents. nrole,ion either surgical or mecusuical, in a mariner hat s'aduot ba surpassed by operators is this or ,ay Auer my. Hue mode 01 inserting arthicial teetu is adJa •a.• • tte, m prOvedscientillc principles. Teal!, Iraq] one ,tol, 11114 set, mounter ou Line Geld, rer, Platina plates or the Vulcanite lease. . A take great pleasure in rocorruieuding toe motive man • tleniao to all my former pAtieuts of Harrisburg a r. nd. vj_ .10110, and feel confident teat he will perform all °pea= Limas Joit: scientific manner, Irmo my knowledge al h 1 ability. (my3-dl.ll F. J. GORGAS, G. D. S. vAN INGEN & SNYDER,: : Designers and Enaravers' on Wood :N. E. COB. r'ir•L'H & CHFSTNUT BM . i Philadelphia. V - XECUTE all kinds of Wood Engraving ..2:4 with beauty, correctness nd dispatch. . Original designs furnished for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons wishing nuts, by sending a Photograph or Damien tot, pe, can have views of -Colleges, Churches, Store , Fronts, Machines; Stoves, Patents, &c., engrav, s ect as well an per genal application. • Fancy Envelopes, Labels, Bill Headings, no. bills, Fishing, Business and other' Oiritt, engrav l In the highest style of art, and at tne lowest prices. FOr specimens or fine engraving, see tue iiiukrated works of J. B. LIPIAnCOtt &CD., H. Batter al Co. oct2s .• 1 0.0uckns,The sudden changes of our climate are barons of Pulmonary, dr.onchiai and idlti u.ttio. rectione, 'Experience having proved that stuaid re me dies. often act speedily and certainly, when nix°n in the early 8'640 of the disease, recuurae shaußt it 01130 bu had to fißrowi'xßronchial Troches," or Lozenges,- let the Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever SO: Slight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may be warded off. Public Speaners and Singer. will .find hem effectual for clearing and s trengthemng the Tame. 'eo edvertisement. delo-d-smtiwitm - BIBLES!.BIBLES ! !. A Large and thoroughly complete stock- et BIBLES, COMPRISING EVERY VARIETY From the smallest Pocket to thelargest sized and hues FAMILY BIBLES, u „s just bean purchased and received from the Fall Trade Sales. Having purchased these at EICI'REMELY Low RATES, theybe sold at &Tory . small advance. Please 'call and examine the stock at _ BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 61 Market Street.. nRAB CIDER! I I— Strictly - fatly pure spark `Ui bw,andeweet—bae,reeelvea a &leer Melia! or Di- , pipets al every State Agricultural Fair alum MM. Fqr lei by jem-d WM. DOCK •ACCO. WASHINGTON, August 3 DENTISTRY.