inn of travel $ transportatiali NM Alit LIAE ROM THREB TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YORK. TWO TRAINS DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA WITHOUT CHANGE OF CABS. QN AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1881, the Pass,nger Trains will le- the Philadel p an., Readies Railroad nasal, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, via : EASTWARD. EXPRIOB2I LINE leaves Harrisburg at 9.30 a.m., on sr rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the Weed, arriving lb New York at 4 p. tn. A sleeping car is attached to the train through from ?Manure without duage. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at B a. m., arriving in New York at 4p. m , and Philadelphia at 1.26 p. m. FAST Libre Isamu Harrisburg at 1.40 p m ,on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast Mall, arriving in New York at 9.46 p. in., and Philadelphia at 8.40 p. m. • WESTWARD. FAST LINE leaves New Tort at Ga. m., and Philadel phia at 8 a. la., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil adelphia at 8. 15 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. LINE leaves New York at 8 p. m., arri ving at Harrisburg at 2.80 a. m., and connecting with the Pennaylvaula express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping say is also attaehed to tnis rein . Connections are made at Harrisburg with Walrus on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cam portent Valley ttr"da, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsyll le, resbarre, Allentown, Easton, arn. Baggage checked through. rare between New York and Ha. risburg, 46 00 ; between Harrisburg and Phila. dolphia, $3 26 in No. 1 cars, and $2 70 in No. 2. for tickets or other information %poly to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg myl.6 PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I BUMMER TIME TABLE FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM. PHILADELPHIA ON AND APTIR MONDAY, JUNE 10th, 1861, The passenger trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com• pang will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows EA.STWARD. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg every morning (except Monday) at 1.16 a. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.1 U a. in. 'THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily al SSA a. at., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.10 P. as. HAIL_TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except San day) .1. 6 46 a.. and arrives as West Philadelphia at 10.16 p. 'Tees trains make acme connection at Ftthadewnia with die New York Linea AMOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, via Mount Joy lawn liarnaburg at 7.00 a. in., and armee at Wea ?Madelpata at I'A.OO noon. ILaktateitthill ACCOeIktODATION TVA via Col= bib, ieavue klarriautal et LW p. m., and arrives at Wee eitiltateilat it 0 20 P. M. ACUuWe.U.kiellUN TRAIN, No. 2, via Mount Joy leaven Harrisbur g at 5.15 p. m ., connecting at Diller villa wit/ blalL i:HAIN, and arrives at Pleat Philadel phis, at 10.16 p. m. WEtt•TW A a D. THROUGH lIIPRIAS9 TRAIN leaves Philadelphia al 10.20 p in., Harrisburg at 2.95 u. zu., Altman. 7.30,1. in., and iurrivas at Pittsburg 1112.00 noon TrIN leaves PhiMealphis. at 7.30 I. M., gargiem .00 p. In., Altoona, 6.60 p.m., and arrives afflttiiihrrg at 12.00 midnight. Adt LINE lams Ntulackeiphla at 11.20 Harris. burg 8.86 p m. , 6i100114 8.10 p. in., and arrives a: Pitts- Waits' aa° in, idatettlilOUßO AOIDOILMODATION TRAIN leaven Phllltdraphla at 2.88 p. my Lancaster 6.05 p. m. , Ool• Emlca6.46 p. m., and arrives at thumbing p. m This Trkio oounects at Elarrisburg, at 8.08 p. in., with Neethesa Central theiroad 'raw tor Sunbury, Williams port, Lock Raven, Scranton and all points North. • AOOUALIIRDATION TRAIN, leaves naiads'pets at 4.00. P• m.,,Lantiaater 7.60 p. in., ileum Joy 8.21 p. m. , Eliza- Wallowa, 8.87 p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg at LSO p. in. Attention is called to the feet, that passengers tearing Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m. , oonneet at Lancaster with kmarr JOY aiX.Ohltiulle:TlON TRAIN, and arrive la Harrisburg at 9.80, p. to. • SAMUEL D. YOU Supt. EMIL Dir. Papua. Railroa NG, d Nourrlebm, June 7, 1861.--otr, R&M Sohoola for Bova and Girls' ,fiercv STtClidaT Alto Vhl LOCUST. • 141 e. Fall term of ROBERT AVELWEE'S synod for boys, will open ou the last Monday in August. i.tle room is well ventilated, comfortably fur mil In every respect well adapted for echo°. pertain'. CaThIMUNII WELWSE'S School for girls, located in the saute b Mental will open for the fall term at the same thus The room has been elegantly fitted up during the raemlou, to promote the health and comfort of scholars meal Altf CITY LIVERY 6TABLES. lILACHBAN.R7 ausk, m mg REAR ai aractrationu... HE andersigued has re•oommenced thy livery business in kW ABM 441,1 W 4l OlOlll STA orated as above, with a large acid varied MOIL 0 114) OARRIAtiEd and OUNIBUSits, which be WI ki, htre at moderate Tr ain..- F. IS. SWARM Devikus . LIQUORS AT OUST 1 ATING concluded to discontinue tht Ail. outflow, we cues our large aad complete assort ment or Worm fi , &yawl, and liquors of usury de. sarictiodie eett.witbdue reierve. M. DOCK JR. & 004 OPPoutte the Cow Bean. altJual Ayer's CATHARTIC PILLS. A ti•E" YOU SICK, tee!. 't • :.KaAaiiiiiigy Lg Are you out of order, with your systetn deranged, and your feelings uncomfortable? These symptoms are often the prelude to serious illness. Some fit of sickness is creeping upon von, and should be averted by a timely use of the right remedy take - Ayers Pills and cleanse out the disordered riumors—pun.y the, blood and let the dulds moves.. dueostructes 'n lilt again. They slime- Ate the unctions of the bogy into vigorous activity, pa rity the system 'rem disease. A cold settles somewhere is the body, and obstrultsite datum!. [unctions. These, not relieved, react upon themselves and' toe surround ing organs, producing generdi aggravation, suffering and disease While in this condition oppressed by the de rangements, take Ayers end see bow directly they restore the narerst action of the system, and with it the buoyant tooling of health .gaiti. What is true and en apparent in this tell , al and common complaint, Is also true to many of the deer...seated and dangerous distem pers. The same purgative ellec expels them. Caused by similar obstructions and derangements of the natural Inactions in the' bogy, they are rapidly, and many ot them surely, cured by the same means. - None who KUOW the virtual ts these Pine will neglect to employ hem when se - tiering Iron. the di orders they cure. etaternente tram lean.Pg physicians in some of the principal cities, and from other well known public per -*us. . ;. • From a Forwarding Merchant of St. LOOS, Feb. 4, MHO. Da. Your Pills are th. paragon al all that is great to medicine, 'they have cured my little daughter to ulcerous sores upon bar ban a ano feet that bad proved incurable ler years. Her In Mee has been long grieviouely afflicted with blotches and pimples her skin and In her hair. Alter our child was cured, she also it ie., y cur rills, and they have Mired tier. ABA MullilitlDUß. As • - Frintv Parma [From Dr. B. W. Cartwright, New tirleans,l Your PIM are the priacie of purges. their excellent qualities surpass any cathartiC we possess. They are mild, but very certain and ellectual in their action on the bowels, watch make them invaluable to us In the daily refitment 01 disease. HrADAcsin, Mom 112ADACtin, FOUL IBTOMAIM. 'From M. Edward 'Soya, Baltimore.] DEAR 850. Arta: 1 Cuiliet answer you WHAT cow plaints 1 Olive Cos= with your Pills better than to my Mt Mat we ever tram with u purgative medicine. I place groat dependence on ao effectual cathartic in my daily contest with disease, and -relieving as I do that your Pills afford us the bust we have, ot course value them PrrremOtty Pa., May 1, HMO. Ds. J. C. Avem—Sir / have been repeatedly cured of he worst headache anybody can nave, by a dose or two your Pills. -it seems to arise Iron a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, RD. W. PRBBLB, Ck rk of Steamer Clarion Barons Insoitoßao.--1-‘ IR Common:B. (From Dr. Hoicalore Bell. New York City.] Not only are your Pills au.o rably adapted to their purpose as an aperient, but l unit their beneficial eIIeCAS upon the Liver very marked I rdeeiL they hay- in my practice proved more effectual cor the cure ut Bilious Complaints than any one remedy l can mention. I sin cerely mows that we have at length a purgative which S worthy the confident* of the profession and .the people. DEFASTMIST OF IRS ISTIFIO Washington, D.lll, 7th Feb. 1858. Sir : 1 have used your Pills in my general and hospital practice ever Since you made them, and cannot hesitate to say they are the best cat/tartan we employ. Their re gulating action un the Imo is quick and decided close gauntly they are an samir.ohi remedy for derangement Of that organ. Indeed, t Lure seldom found a case of Bilious Disease so °bade ate inea it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally your.,, A' CNA) BALI, M. Dti Pity sidlau k : th e Marine 'Hospital. Drillarrairl ...Lasso • RUA; Wows& [From W. J. tt. Breen, of Chicago.] Your Pills II ye twat a anti trial. it my practice, and I hold them to esteem as one of ins beet aperients I have ever Bland. their alterative ellem upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given to smelt doses for Bilious Dysentery and Diarrnotm. their sugar-costing makes them very acceptable and uonvenleut for the use of women and children. DiEnfritia, iIfZIMITT or IMa BLOOD. [From Rev. J. V. limes, Pastor Advent Church, Boston. Dr. AVIS I. have used your rills with extraordinary success In my family end among those I am called to visit In distress. .To regulate the organs of digestion and pu rity the bloodouoy are the very best remedy I have ever known, and canemildently recommend them to my friends. Tours, J. V. MMES. WARSAW, W yomfug W., N. Y., Oct. 44, 1855. Dais Sts: gin asiiig yenr cathartic Pills in my prelim, anti An. Mum an. excellent purgative to cleanse the system and gusty the iouriteins of the Wood. URN G. IdLiCll4lll, M. D. 0011MMATION, tlatrotitaims StlrifitissiON, itheOMATHIM, Gout, Mango i's, T, PARALYSIS, SUL [From Dr. J. Y. Vaughn, Montreal, Wade.] . Too much cannot said ol your Pills for the cure of Costiveness. It others In your Iraternity nave Mend them as eilloacious as I have, they _honed loin me in pro. claming it for the owe& ul she multitudes who suffer tram that Lromplaiut„ stuck, Mthougli bad enough in R iled, Is tail progenitor of others that are worse. I bailee Costiveness to originate in the aver, but your Pills affect that, organ and curd the disease. !From Mrs. S. Stuart, Physician and Idldwile, Boston.] find one or twa large doses of your Pills, taken at the proper time, are alzeilaut proutouVes of the rlatoral otretiou weir/ wit, illy or partially suppressed, and also art a team,' toOLILYaa the aranAoll and SIM wore. They aro so mama the best physic we have that 4100M mend no Miter to my patients. [From the Bev. Dr. Betakes, of the Methodist Episcopal " • • Church.] Prhasin-House. Savanna]; Ga., Jan. 0, 1558. BONOROD Sts : i should be ungratelui for the relief your skill has brought me it I uot report my case to you. A cold settled in my flatus and Drought on stern-. elating Neuralgia Patna, whicu ended in tkiroinc Rheu matism. Notwitheummus t wad toe best of physicians, the disease crew we, Ca and worse, until by tae advice el your excellent agent iii Baltimore, Dr. Slalom:me, :tried year Pills. 'Mar enact, were slow but sure. By ;persevea nit in Menne of theta, I am how entirely well. ORNAIL CSABillini, baton Rouge, LS., Ilea. 6, 1865. Da. Arms : 1 tiara tame konirely cured by your Pills, of Rheumatic Bout—. demo Osesse that had *relined me tor years. VISILANT 41/rXlikit in the Pills in motet (mutate Stereo!, which, anhOilSti a valuable remeay in akliiLlt hands, Is .tallcerOUS in a public pill, least toe dreadful consequen ces that ireciumuly mhos ILS inOrntiouA ase. Diego outdate no mercury or Worm subsume.' whatever. Price lb coots per boa, or s boxes iOr al. Prepared by DR. J. C. SYBIL B CO., Lowell Maas. Sold by U. A. Banuvart, D. W. Grass lo.„ J. 11. Lute, Bounty' M Co., Armstrong, Harrisburg, anti dealers ever wnere. DA VID liA Y Nab, 11U . MAILK.F.T, BT. HARRISBURG, Agent tor 1,1.1.1,1. E'S PATENT Wrought and Chas/ id Burglar PrOol Strictly Übe ONLY Murmur... .I,lr made, that is both re and Burglar Prom. mar29.dl9 CANDIah . SI PARAFFIRt CANDLES, SPEithi A.DAMAN flk It CAN 8111Attal E. CAN DLE.s . , 31A111 UAN CHE6LLUAL SPERM CANDLES, TALLOW CANDLES. tpe lot of We above m avec, and for sale at the low arima 4' WM. 1:0011 JR. & pn2 °Nash° the Court BOUM A VEEN HEAVY STOOK OF BLACK AND SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS 1 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JUST OPENF.D, At Prizes below the Cost of importation. CALL AT CATHCART'S, =LYS Next door to the Harrisburg Batik. FA AMEIL'b HOTEL. THE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public that be has taken . the FARM. &vs RoncL, in Market sweet opposite the Poet O ee, i u rmerly J. Stahl% where no to prepared to amen me date them oo reasonable terms. Having refitted and Furnished the Hosea entirely new, he hopes , by stria at - hellion to basiheali, to receive a liberal share of patron. ice rapa.ftmill B. U . pnggs, iIIIK BOLDISR 1 8 BOOK, 111 Kinnere s "Oar Cionernment." an expoidUon of the Conatito; non 01 the United Sates explaining Ma nature'and epar- Woo 0i oar kirvenkutent i trom Judicial and anthafitie wourinaCiPriaell 00. for sale Businprajzomi Vim Llano us. --~:~M .. ~ ~,.~.. ~ r r SIRS. WINSLOW; An experlanoed Nauru and Female Physic ,mo,irsests u the attention of mother; b SOOTHING S For Children Tf..ethlui, which greatly facWtatiis the process of tee by soli ening the gume,reducing all inflammation—wil llay All PAIN, and spasmodic action, and is SURE TO BEGVIATE TEE BO Depend upon it, mothers, It will give rest to yet/salve. AND, ' : , E.II.INi AND HEALTH TO YOUR IN Tr ri t We have put up and sold this article for Ter tel years, and 011 UT , DI 002111DINOD AND mute wind wt have never been able to say of any other me— :JEW HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE INEDIANOR 'U HF/MT A CURE, when timely used. Never fild vt , know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one wlo use, it. On the contrary, all are delighted with nal opera lions, and speak in terms 01 highest oommendltion o its magical erects and medical virtues. We u this matter "way WI DO snew, atter ten yea ' exli , MUNN, AND MOOD ODA UTOTAISON 105 INN Or Wan IF • sass necarita. In almost every Susumu. where the infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, re del will be found in Mew, or twenty =Mutes after tm syrup is administered This valuable preparation is the preecriplon at em of the mast ICEPIDOEINCED and SKILLFUL NURSE I. Now England, and has been used with !WED inn. SUODMIS ID , THOUSANDB OF OMAN it not only relieves the child from Palk IMW:iStlrtt — ' orates the stomach and bowels, Corrects acidity, an gives tone and energy to the whole system. birth a` most Instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE ROWLIN, AND WIND tg.ffiti, nd overcome convulsions, which If not speedily rams sled, end In death. We believe it the aim - and MUM WADY TEM WORLD is a ll OASIS of DYSENTERY AN, L ULtil...gra IN CHILDREN, whether It arises iron teething or ironi any other cause. We Amnia say t, every mother who has a child suffering Irmo any el Du oregoing complaints—no nor tat TOOL marmites% Inn ism PRZ7OLOOIIO OZ mann, stand between you and you, Angering child and the relied that will be dilEg—yes, Ab SaLUTRLY SURE—to follow the use et this mediae, U timely used. Pall directions for Mang will accomparb each bottle. None genuine unless the lito.simhe o CURTIS & I ititiLINS,N ew York, Is on the outside wrapper gold by uggists throughout the witria ?tined* ice, No. 1.13 Cedar Si, New Yore. Price only 25 Cents Der Bettie. arFor Bake at Elarrisborg by D. W. Dross htio.,lo 111 Market street, J. Narita Lugs, No. 92 Market street, ts Keller, No. 91, Market etreet, below ' , iv."'" eke 0. t• nom, log fitt.•tnnt ottrow t - Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DAIIIUS MIS AROMATIC INVIGO.RATENO BPT. Ili'. This Median has been used b y . the public for sic ears, With nereasiew favor. it la recommended to are Llysyrepfa,Rervousseer, B art-arrn, Wig .Faba, Win to the &mach, or lit Mils the Bowes, Headache, protatise,st,: /Matey iffita- ' plants, Lose ,Spirits altramii Troseite, latesspkra is. offinams Xximasaini r i v ATINI, WILL NOT hROXKL&I'I 05 e. 17 AVA MEDICINE it is quick nd al, curing the most aggravating case o I Emu Complainta, and all other derange i Stomach and Bowels, In a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most mamdt ly a. drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous .i. d lice ly to health, strength and vigor. Persona who, from the Injudicious ZUNI of liquors, iivt become dejected, and their nervous systems 'bail ed, constitution broken down, and 'Weed to that horriok curse to humanity, the Dsmioux Timans, will, anew immediately, feel the happy and healthy invigorating efficacy of Dr. Ham's invigorating Spirit. WWHAT IT WILL DO. I 1 Doss.—One wk.° glass hill as often as necessary i One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. , Ono dose will sure Heart-burn. I / Three doses will cure Indigestion, , 1 One dose will give you a Good Appetite. 1 ' One don will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. One does will remove the distressing and disagreeable abets of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the stomata , receives the lavigorating Bpirlt, the distressing load one &Upend'sl feelings will be removed. One doge will remove the most distressing palm of nlih, either In the stomach or bowels. A iew doses will remove all obstructions In the Kidney, Bladder or Urinary Organs. Persona who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney complaints are mourn speedy relief by a dose or two, tad a radical sure by the use of one or two bottles. SIGHTLY DISSIPATION, Parlous who, 'rem dissipating too mush over night, and feel the evil eltecte of poisonous liquors, in violent' head aches, sickness at stomach, weakness, giddiness, &c., will dose will remove all bad teelinga. Ladies of weak and dolly nomititutions, should take we Invigorating Spirit three times a an ; it will make teem strong, healthy and tuippy r remove all obstructions and Irregularities trom the menstrual organs, and restore UI bloom GI health and beauty to the careworn lase. During pregnancy It will be leund an invaluable medi cine to remove disagreeable sensations at the .u.duacti. All the proprietor asks Is a trial, and to induce Ina, ta ass put up the Invigorating Spirit In pint bottles, at to Gents, quarts 51. General Depot, 48 Water street, N. r. Wholesale agent, Philadelphia, D. YOTT, Ils OD, ono for sale in Harrisburg by C. A. Bannvart, D. W. Gross a Co and C. W. Keller, and by all Druggists everywhere lel4-dawly FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. SPRING AND SIIELREE STYLES. 1 8 1 . PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS. GRANVILLE ISTOILES' ONE PALUE GIFT 'CLOTHING EMPORIUM No. 607 CILESTNO7 STRAW. A superb stook of Ono french, Jinelsh and American CLOTHS, and VESTING% for Qty and Gauntry trade, with an anapproaalutale aa soriatent of Itaainr Maim CaAnzurio at the lowest cub prima ,q-But OBS PRIOR is asked, and a GOT of inkling° worm and use promoted wish each article sold. Paritudar attention paid to we Customer department, and garments made andsent to order to any midterm. In inaugurating this new system of doing business, GitaN nt'tilLiti would impress on the minds of the patrons of his establishment, that the coat of the gni demoted - from, mud dor added w the prion,of the art, tie sent. His immensely increasing - sales enabling him to act thus liberally, and at the same time to realize remunerative profit. • - Alt snicks guaranteed to sive/mho satisfaction. (IRANVILLE STOKES' ONS PRIOR OLOTH.T..tilit EMPORIUM 601' CHEBTNIIT MI XT. 00t1943md--rdinartl-du Ira& coMMTRSIONERS appointed nuclei ,j. Inc Act of incorporation of the city of Harrisburg naming made a plet or draft of said city, designating the sweats, home and alleys now etsting and °paging, and also where avenues, Winne, lanes and alleys shall here atter be opened, and also designating within the limits of said city a plot or piece of ground, containing not less than twenty wires, for the me of the public and of said city, tor the purposes and uses mentioned in said act ; an d having submitted their draft and report to the Owart of Quarter sessions, of Dauphin county, for the approval of add COWL ; the said draft and report have been 'ilea by order 01 said Court in the office of the Clerk of Quer teeseasions of said county for public inspection; and uut-. less exceptions are died thereto by Parties interested in said city, the same will be approved at the Angina term of said oourt. By order of the Court. myl-dtw Wit. KITCHELL, Clerk. SIGN OF THE , Glorious, Star onausneci Banner ANOTHER SUPPLY OF WALL PAPER aUfWeal, am., SPLENDID WINDOW Bildaam, to wawa to ex them goods and prices. We are determined to se ll cheap. blind the Name. BOINPFER'S Booseroai., apl3-it Near thi Harrisburg Bridge. AUGUSTINE L. CHAYNE. CARPENTER AND . BUILDER. .aseicom No. 27 Nora aria' arid. ° N. IS-40=M ATTRUMED TO urbau Morning, flu IMEC.)3P - F i T 7ll 3 LIFE FILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. rHESE MEDICINES have now been be fore the public for a period of THIRTY YEARS, and der lug that time have maintain , d a high character In al most every part of the Globe, for their ertracordinar7 and Immediate power of restoring perfect health to per sons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable; The following are among the distressing variety of hu- man diseases In which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and secured stomachs, and creating a flow of pure, healthy bile, Instead of the stale and acrid kind; FLATU LENCY Loss of Appetite, Heratburn, Headache, Rest legalese, 111-Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms dr Dyspepsia, will van ish, as a natural consequence of m acre. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without vice. lance; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the proceed of respiration in such cues, and the thorough solution of all Intestinal ob struction In others. The LIFE MEDICINES have been known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeks and GOUT in half that time, by removing local Inflammation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. DROPS lES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthen. lug the kidneys and bladder; they operate meet delight fully on these Important organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst cues of GRAVEL Also WORMS, by dislodging from the tenthly of the bowels the. slimy matter to which these mister's adhere. • SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity which these LIFE MEDD 0 Nib give to the blood, and all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEX INS, by 'their alterate effect upon the fluids that teed 'Os skin, and the morbid state of which occasion all eruptive complainta, sallow, cloudy, and other disagree able complexions. The nee of these Pills for a very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking lin provipent In the clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS and INFLUENZA will always be cured by one (one,or by two in the worst cases. B.—The original proprietor of these medicines, atfured of Piles, of 86 years standing by the use of the MEDICINES alone. FEVER AND AGUE.—For this scourge of the astern country, theme Medicines will be found a safe, iieedy, and certain , remedy. Other Medicines have the fyetem subject to a return of the disease—a cure by these Medicine, is permanent—TßY THEM, BE EIATDDISD, AND BE CURED. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER 00M PLAINTS.--Gspau. DIDIELITY, UNIN OF nalnann and sauna or Famazae--the Medicines have been used with the most beneficial results is oases of this descrip tion -Kings Evil and Scrofula, in its worst forms,yielda to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medi cines. Night 81,611111 Nerve= Debility, Nervous Com plaints of all kinds, Palpeatlon of the Heart, Paint re , 00110, are speedily cured. SIERIDUttLAL DISEASES , —Persons whose oonstitn lone have become Impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury, ern! end these Medicines a perfect cure, ea they never fall to eradicate from the system, all the effects of Heronry, Infinitely sooner than the most power ful preparations of SarsaparULL Prop tared and mold by W. B. DIUMAT, Mid Broadway, New York. Forte le by all Druggist'. jy2o-cLawly v:ERHAVZ , s Holland Bitters TOR • DYSPEPSIA, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &c. Tea Inccessfltilintroduction and use of this eel& brand, Remedy has been the signal for a literal flood or compounds 'called "Bitters," offered In various forms, from. a quart bottle to a eve-gallon keg, until this word "Bitters" is but another nose for grog,' or some villanous whiskey mixture: But the really great relief derived from the minute does, one teaspoonful, of our medicine, BCERHAVE'S HOLLAND Brrizas, -Mid Um entire absence of titter prostration, has mho bUshed Bolt a reputation which the hada imitations 'and omonterfeits hayefillieCtstnntlermi n e. _kis p.a. lively it - Wotan - it preparation, lota mew eufficiant pure spirits to preserve it. But one size of the genuine, (Half-Plat Bottles,) price One DOLLAR. It in a medicine of long-tried efficacy fbr Pitr(ryhw the Blood, so essential for the foundation of good health and for correcting disorders of the stomach and bowels. 'Ttro or three &wee win convince the afflicted of its salutary effects, The stomach will speedily regain its staingtb, a healthy action of the liver, bowels and kidneys wM , soon take place, and renewed health be the ....pick Eason.. For INDIGESTION, Try Borhave's Rolland Bitters, For HEARTBURN. Try. literitave% Holland Bitters. For. ACIDITY, Try „Benue% Holland Bitters. For VrATERBRASPA, Try Beerhave , s Holland Bitters. For SEADACICED, Try - Beihave's Holland Bitters. For LOSS OW APPETITE, Ti 7 Berbers% Holland Bitters. . row coal , v irairnss, Try Beerhave's Holland Bitters. For PILES, Try . IherhaveN Holland Bitters. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic 44,ffec tient, It hai in diltliireato 'lnettuices proVed highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. Read Carefully! The genuine, Mgt:ay - Concentrated BUZIITtAVVIS Rot. LtaTl• VEtirriavvii put up to half-pint bottles only, and walled at One Dollar per bottle. . The great demand for tole truly celebrated medicine haa induced many knitattooe, which the public should guard against puribasing, Beware of imposißon 1 SW that our name is on the label of every batik you buY- Benj. Page, Jr. &Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. For sale In the city of AuTisla,Arg d 7 D. W.TORMS & - maord--eepf-ttkerlY JEWELRY WATeRES,. ()LOOKS FANCY GOODS, &O • ALFRED F. ZIMILERISAIT di. 001 E.O. 62 MARKET STREET, Harrisburg, Pa., opposite &ales Holm and adjoining the nu Wormy having purchased the stack of L P and added a large assortment of NKW 15W WRY, wo will nen the same at the lowest omit price, sad solicit patronage. Watches ®coke and Jewelry neatly and promptly re paired sad delivered. ALPS= F. ZniXwitsupi & 00. Having disposed of my stock or Jeweiri to A. F. Zim merman & 00., I cheerfully recommend them to my for mer customers as pram:Mal and experienced Watch Makers, and solicit fir them a continuance of the patron age which. has been no generously extended tome during the tad six run. . 02 9. . CM= P. JENNINGS. SHAD, No. 1, SALMON, No. 1, HERRING, No. 1, COD FISH, No. 1, MACKEREL, No. 1. Of „Ite above we have all the thaw: eat Bleed pueblo* rom the arer halite =mu in afore and for sale a t tla owui warkW ran. foible WM. DOCK, Ja. & 00. ORANGES AND LEMON& FORTY BOXES in prime order just re• adrad and for halo 1:1 a Wit DOM JR. & OD 8P114.41. PAAPIIS • LAMB mom noz,Uoll/VID iT WI. BOOK JB. & CO. Ittebital 3, 1861. ED latiiital "They go right to the Spot." INSTANT RELIEF I STOP YOUR COUGH I PURIFY YOUR BREATH I ETRENGTHIN YOUR VOICE I SPALDING'S Throat Confections, V1,0,210:01 Di: jr4 , i : 44 GOOD FOR =MEM, GOOD FOR PIIBLIO SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOE CONSIIIIPTIVZI GMUWIN CARRY SPALDERG'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. LADIES ABE DELIGHTED WITH 10 - 7.mmg7.ww.: CHILDIUM CRY ,10A SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. Theymieveamustanumay They clear the Throat. They give strength and volume to its 'doe. They impart a delicious aroma to the breath They are delightful to the taste. They are =Me of simple herbs and cannot harm any I advise every one who has a Cough or a Bosky voko or a But Breath, or any diftlanny of the 'Throat, to pt a package of my Throat Oonfeations, they will rellevo you Instantly, and you will and them very usehn and pleas. ant whit* traveling or attending punka meetings flu ling your Otragh or allaying your thirst. If you try one Tramiel am safe in saying that you will ever altar. wards consider them tudispcnsible. You will and them at Um Druggists and Dealers in Medicines. PRIDE TWENTY-FIVE CENT& My Mraatore is 011 each package. All other are coun ties IL • Package will be sent by wen, PrePalk on ret4Pt of Thirty Owls. Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 ONDBM EMMY, NEW YORK CEPHMIO PILLS SICK HEAD ,ACHE NERVOUS lIIADACHEy CUBE ALL KINDS OF HEADAOHE• By the use of those Pills the periodlo 'Menke of Nor root or Birk Headache may be prevented; and It taken a the commencement ta an attack. immediate Tellet from pain and sickness may bo obtatsed. They seldom tall In removing P aatdq and' Holuidate to which females ire so subject. ' • They set gently upon the bowels, removing (befiemels. For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Aunties, and all' parsons of sedentary habits,fbey are valuable as a Loweans,improangthe aerunts, gluing TONNA int , 116011 to the digestive organs, and rewiring the astute ! l elastl oity and strength to the whole vaunt,. , The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long Myatt" gallon and earehdly condetned experiments; hiving been In use in many year, diming whit% lime : they baie . pre vented and relieved a vast amount of palm iinclautfertog, from Headache, whether originating to the swum eye tern or from a deranged state of the eforeark. They are Iblltirely vegetable in do* complatton„arall, may be taken at all antes with perfect . safety Wahoit making any change et diet and the abeam( of any dim. prefab/4 taste rendersit 04 to esbnintsfir Mee to artilibitt BEWARX OrCObIiTHRITXI*. The genuine hare at•ldpatgires or Bowl 0 . 0 1 00 4 on each box. . . . 00 4 by druggists sunk all older 4eitlere In medlolnee t A Box will be sent hymen prepaid on receipt or. the PRIM TWINTT-YIVE OBNTS. • All orders shoult be addressed to. . .111ENItY O. SPALDINQ, GI Cedar Street:llloW Telt. ida.A 'angle bottle of grAtDINEkPRIPARICD 31.1:12 will aim ten tirade lie wet . miamxcilit rmrAt)ll), qurz.l SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SAVE 711:11 PINKIES I ECONOMY IIIiIPATIZII emul.n =tin* 11axi."4119, As angst* will hscosyseat NO-sgsiltstedriwteits tt, is 'very dashable to have some chew ana eoavaeleat way fie ring YOValture, Toyi, Crcicsizry. BPAIDING'S purilieD Wang meets LB inch tonergenoles, and noinenseholtraut Who'd to be without it. It la *brays emotive! up'to the etkih. “USZKIL IN NIMBI 13011111.10 N. B.—,L Brush soonaparoes each Willa. PA* 26 do Addrem NOIR! 0. SPALDING No. 4$ Cedar Sired, New York. CAUTION As certain saprincipled Plesessafeititeloptiot So pilm e on the anenereceng PtiblickhOtak,ii 9. 1, "kr PKR PARED ours, I would melba al. prrot,. tit ssAtehie before Puri, and s e e flat the rnti sreptizinVivrakpaßver Q%ter Y oR iho outside wrapper;sll others aresetkiliak aftikka. eirelS4Awlrriifeble filistellaneo us A New Feature in the Spice IMPORTANT TO ILUUSEKEED E. R. DURKEE & cu . ., ' SELECT Spio L. 8 hi Tie Pall, (Lined tcv.i. Par/r, BLACK PENICK, WHITe: PEY14..11, ALL CAYENNE PEPPED., CiN " NLSTAIu IN THIS AGE of adulterat e lass spiv's, it II with • • to the attention of houset, , el,,, , genuine articles. We guaratue, ABSOLUTELY AND PEI I , ' E., but ground from [rasa Spiccal, Fe e ,- thi expressly for the purp,ef, r They are beautifully pacae per) to prevent Injury by Ace., WEIGHT, while the ordmary ~ 1 Invariably abort. We warrant tLLu„ mid victims's of flavor, BRYON° ALL COMPA as a single trial will abundantly bean our Trade Mark. MEolliaCl ir , :.l S. P. lA:liar. For sale by WIL LOCK J t sCO D~~j+c B. W. GILDE , A, li D, 8, 87A71: STREki, OPPOSITE, THE BRA A 11 opera ions, burgic, al, 11 .4tlally perlOr med 4...t7 NEW COAL, TIRE UN DER6ltils k. 4.1) having, c . tows )AL Mc CAL - was* the patronage of the Oral of ell avec, from the roma coleJr mom, which will be OcalOtrOl w ccy p Mile from din and 04100 : UCIALAJELUD, sALi tit tac Loch OR ...4111113La ox ears al" 1.11, t: Or Cur Load will receive :4240 wool, c. onk NO. 74 Marlow Wert, ator e) alley Yard OD the (hurt, loot Nor:. dens le& !at either plAce will roomy,: , 111.P.60119 PROF. ADOLPH Y. 'IEI, W(ALL) respecuully 'plum patroos and tne public genes.,.; , , 00111111U0 to MVO instructions on the „,, LUDEON, VIOLIN add also in sumo,. u. • r , 9ASB He will w i th pleasure wit , hottiadat any hOur desired, or lessons a, Ins residence, la Third stray:, • fed uwri Garman Kelortned Church. SCHEFFER'S BOOK STOrIE, (rss.a xas ILARBIBBUeO Limbo t.) UNION EN VELOPL , , OTE PAPER, of six. ditiorwit pruitod tu two onion, sold by to,. by Itia ream at City Cub prises. Also, Flags, Union Weald rims, and Badges at very kw prima. Csi, at mys WHIFF B 41 • STAGE LINE FOE GETTYSBUr',G • FARE RARE REDUCED TO $1.25 THIZOL'ua GETTYSBURG. THE undersigned has estab6Re... regular LUIS OF STAGE Coecax, , _ burg, ounneellog every other morning WIC.. sr to C. laud Valley Railroad airs. iheate, LoAC.r. every Tnenday, Thurtday and Saturday, ro urai other day. Yiliiiiititirtira fur 41teppard,ww.., Nurnberg sad tietlyaburg are Carried at relui:e, r jell-dtf J. IA:, BT. LOII/8 HOTEL, ,0,11.48T1V 112 Si., ABU VE 7 LILli,) Ytlll4,lU Li IP.. IN the immediate uotgliburipkki .AL Jobbing nooses oat parser. aireete, the Etanke, Poet Oaks, Mereha.: , 10 . 0,1111113. - - =Pt BOTH OS UM AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN BOARD PKit DAY.... 1l -Moro notwaaa 1 and 8 o'oloos, 50 01:0u. room from 69 imam upward. Blest mans itestaurant Warted. Prices v.cor!.c.; Mlle of faro. The Qv Cars take Passengers [ram au, :tat. ul t close le We Hotel. Airghgneh, Stench, German age dpsetse spas. ipl Ihn4 STONJ4 FUR BALI.. lii=l.l4ll !STUN ti or 6tono suiLabl for tifujeSciag purpwei wz. un of lba dry or lig Tidialty hoply GREAT RiSDUCTIufi ix PILIL;Ea. WRKEUtt & ,; ; SEWING MACHINES, was NEW IMPROVEMENTS AT REDUCED Prig:, Tar. WHKKLER & WILSON taring Cempany haelag gaaued ALL tu, .; law, with infringing ataauiaeturere propose that ths public should be t“3110n1.1,1 r • nosineVeaccordingiy. roddced the priced Le Luc .r Aller the) date they will bu 5u1•1 Wilipajr fair, wadi WI Ine Cart Ol .• • LOYebt•Oil, and expense ul mating deice WiliPie•lbem to Mane um Mess 11111143 u ileteetdtere p guarantee weal In every panic uLe• atiourdarice sun tun euuereranneu, . sell their iiplendlu uswirig nranlinni --• ie g9O tOr the due Lull mum machines. It is a iha. ,•‘• Mated Oult that the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing MaoiliLa UM belt OLIO In We rnarnet, Ulu Dee. andleait liable to get nut U I teller, And we) . • a low u Um amulet machines. dell cud tee 1 0 eZ Tildrd end Market. • • detAa W. O. 111Cem., NILILT KIN 011 Vis.VBILLNG AtikiNT 111/ OLD WALLOWER 111Y 6 . TAM - OLD 111.41.N6PURTATIO 1.0 1 . uo still in successful opersuou .ad proea c..• 1 Aught. as LOW as any tuner UldlirldWll tlarrisburg, nunnery, idawfan,,.r.. n • • Von, Jeans, Shore, tau & kitiVelLL, .and fin 1. „ Marianna ElsnirsiL mm ulikd i s s. lpins and Eris, wort and...6lailra rental Agent at liAtra; D. A. iIL,-v"" Goods seat 10 PICACOCK,IELL & EUNCHmAN , and 819 Market street, *Wye lidgeth, by 4. , 'C' • Lol irili v arriTO it Harrtaberi6 ready lOr dnuvu, =t C. 1. MeV Travelitio. AgenL EMPTY BARkEL6. —Two Iluvired imply r:our, riava and Wtaa Barr WOW= and plea. ate. - . WALLOWER'S LINE, DAIL/ gIITWIJEN HARRISBURG and 11111AbELP11 ht. . . Wm. A Bark, Agent, 812 Market sire, Pitaade 4 Ojai formerly Limy:ton 1,- co. AP_,eoint Conductor in charge of eacli Wain. ' geode delivered at the Warenoue, erLl.,d,:,- ___ 0 4 .oii o'eloaa Y. M., win be den Wed I.t d `, r :•. urg next morning. J. IVALLOWIiki, Jit, Age in z awin Mice deeding Mem, fiArrieou r g . ____... I_ll . AALS.—Three Hundred Extra ougar a einlid Hams just reCeived by DOCN IR k FIRST GLASS GROCERIES I LARGEABE.I.VA .Lt LT LYING JUST RETURNED from the gutern titles where we nave aelected with tea azanner auto a large and complete wort:neat of ia• r ir1 ",11.9 048 ,wtdeb ambrane anything icept in the OCIT gromrkw.we reapectfally and cordM/1.9 Inv" th e panda to call awl minim ear stoat and room ova 1 WY, DOCK JB, =I WM. DOCA JIC &C.