Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 03, 1861, Image 7

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    pailp Erleffrao
Saturday Morning, August 8, 1861.
THO CAMERON GrARDS will meet at the Ex
change this morning at eight o'clock. A
full and punctual attendance is desired.
Tea L'xros PRAYER MEETING will be held in
the Presbyterian Church, corner of Market
square, this (Saturday) afternoon, commencing
at four o'clock, as usual.
PASSAGE 01 ARTILLERY.- A number of cannon
and caissons, ambulances, etc., have passed over
the Northern Central Railroad, within a few
days, to Washington, where all the available
batteries in this State are to be concentrated as
rapidly as they can be transported.
Asuman ox Two agARGES.— A woman named
Leah Felix was arrested on Thursday afternoon,
by Officer Cole, for keeping a disorderly house
in Verbeketown, and also for stealing a medal-
Hon valued at twenty-five dollars. Alderman
McFarlane, of the sixth ward, committed her
fur trial..
Drum Cosizaazo.—At the late commence
ment of the Franklin and Marshal College, in
the city of Lancaster, the degree of Master of
Arts was conferred upon our fellow citizen
Joshua M. Wiestling, Esq., a graduate of the
institution. A well merited compliment.
MAN STABBED. —A row occurred on Thursday
afternoon at the Bull's Head tavern, near the
upper winding bridge, among a party of drunk
en soldiers, one of whom was stabbed in the
leg with a bayonet. As the "special" police do
not circulate in the suburban districts of the
city, no arrests were made.
WASHINGTON RIMES.—The people of Lykens
town have made arrangements to honor the
members of this company with a public recep
tion on their return home. The Rifles were
among the first in this section of the State to
rally in defence of the country, and behaved
like gentlemen and true soldiers during their
three months' service, doing credit to them
selves and the county. The "boys" richly
deserve an enthusiastic public welcome. The
company left for home this yesterday morning.
Ins Now ARMORY Rooncorer.—The Pint
Artillery Reserve Regiment of Pennsylvania,
now in Camp Curtin, has been organized by the
election of the following field officers : Colonel
—Richard Henry Rush, of Philadelphia. Lieut.
Colonel—Charles T. Campbell, of Chambem
but g. Senior Major—Ahred E. Lewis, of York.
Junior Itajor—H. T. Danforth, of Pittsburg.
This new regiment, which is now supplied with
effective batteries, will aoon proceed to the seat
of war at Washington.
Among the last Sets of our recent Legislature
was one removing the power of appointing
Burgeons from the Colonels of regiments, and
requiring all candidates for this Important peat
to be examined by the Burgeon General and a
Board of Examiners, their professional qualifi
cations being reported to the Governor in the
order of merit. Under this law, all the regi
mental Burgeons of the Pennsylvania reserve
volunteer corps have been examined and ap
pointed, and we are pleased to learn that the
same course is to be pursued hereafter in regard
to all other regiments. In order to supply the
ten regiments demanded in the last requisition
of the President, a Medical Board convenes at
Harrisburg on Tuesday next, at nine o'clock,
A. H., In the House of Representatives.
Bourses Roartsn.--The pickpockets have op
erated extensively and successfully among the
paid•off soldiers for several days past, robbing
many of them of their hard-earned money.
We heard of numerous instances of pocket
picking on the streets yesterday afternoon; and
last night a number of inebriated volunteers,
while "lying around loose" on door steps and
in the Capitol grounds, were robbed of their
entire three months' pay, and are now as desti
tute as when they arrived in this city. An
officer, whose name we did not learn, lost a
pocket book containing between one and two
hundred dollars. It was taken while he stood
on the street surrounded by a crowd of excited
men clamoring for their pay. Most of these
robberies were perpetrated by professional
"knucks," disguised as soldiers, who have been
bobbing around since the payment of the sol
diers .commenced, on the look-out for victims.
It is safe to say that hundreds of dollars have
been stolen from volunteers within the last
week; and we feel but little sympathy for those
who get drunk and lie down on the street with ..
money in their pockets.
Taz Buser op Tan WAR, 'mos me Boys.—
That was a narrow philosophy which inferred
from war no results but evil, for in the econo
my of society it so happens that the sternest
virtues arise out of vice. To note a normal
effect of the struggle, we have but to remark
the s irring up of the youth of the land in con
sequence of the great military movements
around us. The boys were fast degenerating
under the old regime of peace. Their rivalries
had little of the physical in them, and, in place
of the activity and dari ng o f a former ti me, we
had the contests of embryo speculators, book
keepers and writers. In other words, we were
growing as artificial as possible, and the ener
vating influences of peace had extended even
to the sterrile bills and mountains But the
war has awakened a better ambition, and tem
pered with mental a bodily education. The
young men are familiarising themselves with
the musket, and undergoing the fatigues of
drill and encampment. Throughout the town
we see the children parading. Books for the
time are laid aside, and if the fight goes on a
few years, we may see infused into the organi
zation of our society a hardy, inflexible courage,
which will go far to reclaim the North from its
libelled c owardice, and make the people equal
for all purposes of aggressive and defensive war.
Let the war go on.
New COXPANT.—We learn that first Lieuten
ant John A. Rodgers, of company B. of the late
tenth regiment, has been tendered the command
of and is now engaged in filling up a Lancaster
county company, to be attached to Col. Joseph
F. Knipe's regiment, under the late requisi
tion for ten new regiments.
RtoaoastzAztott or A Rzonmsx.—We learn
that since the arrival of the eleventh regiment
in Harrisburg it has been reorganized and ten
dered to the government for the war. Lieut.
Colonel Richard Coulter was chosen Colonel,
Major Wm: D. Ernest, of this city, Lieutenant
Colipfel, and F. E. Einhiak, of Williarnsport,
Adjutant. The companies will go home to re
cruit, and return to Harrisburg as soon as they
can be filled up and reorganized.
No Jususz nue Yass.--Ifor several years
past the colored people of this city have regu
larly celebrated the anniversary of the West
India Emancipation, which occurni on the first
of August, by a grand while parade and other
jubilant demonstrations. This year the day
was permitted to pass by unhonored by any
public jubilee. A picnic party was substituted
for the usual parade and display, and
. we have
no doubt- our colored friends enjoyed them
selves immensely in the woods yesterday.
FATAL RAILROAD Ant:minim—A man whose
name has not reached us, was rim over near
Altoona,by the express train, the other day,
and almost instantly killed. He was walking
on the track at the time, and was not discov
ered by the engineer until the train was right
upon him. His head was crushed to a pulp,
and his body frightfully mangled. The train
was stopped, and the deceased picked ,up, but
he was then , beyond the reach of human aid,
and he died in a few minutes. It was thought
that he was intoxicated, otherwise he would
scarcely have remained on the track, but of this
there is no proof. The body was taken to Al
COXIIIINDABLIS.—We take pleasure in referring
to the fact that while most of the liquor dealers
in our city promptly took advantage of the re
vocation of the Mayor's order to re-open their
bare and resume the indiscriminito 'sal; of liquid
poison, thereby causing disorder and riot, and
endangering the lives and property of our citi
zens, Col: John H. Brant continues to keep his
hotel closed and permits no one to enter. We
notice that the extensive liquor store of Col.
John H. Ziegler, in Market street, is also closed
and business entirely suspended. The course
of these gentlemen is worthy of the highest
commendation, and we feel justified in tender
ing themAlle4aßks.of atilawfaml ! order-loving
STORMING or A DEM—A few days ago we no
ticed the storming.of a den in the rear of the
Capitol by a party of soldiers, the destruction
of the furniture / and the forcible ejectment of the
female occulardt. The hoivaiwaisubiequently
converted into a barracks by the soldiers and is
now used for that purpose. It is currently
rumored that the proprietress of a rival institu
tion lit dfOith street, disguised in male apparel,
led the storming party to the attack on Fort
Allen, and took an active part in demolishing
the furniture. Whet' 0040 n will, b e taken by
the oitilei of the darnagixt tenement remains
to be seen. Whe hear it intimated that the
late patrons of the disniatitied fort contemplate
retaliatorynirms, eel are nude*repam
/ p
dons for an attack upori and general demoli
tion of the North street institution.
CAMP AND 'Ressor.—The injunction upon the
taverns and beer shops was removed yerlerday,
and whisky and lager again flows in continuous
streams. As a natural consequence the city
was overrun with drunken soldieni last night,
who kept uptheir_ bacchanalian revels until a
late hour, to the alarm and annoyance of citi
zens. Riotous demonstrations occurred in va
rious localities ; free fights were tho order of the
night ; and pickpockets, taking advantage of
the inebriated condition of the soldiers, robbed
them with impunity. Private houses were in
vaded by squads of drunken raglans, and fami
lies grossly insulted and threatened with per
sonal injury. Had the grog shops been kept
closed for the *dance of the week, in accordance
with the almost unanimous &aim of our citi
zens, this disorderly state of affairs would have
been prevented:
Farrows OF a CANNON. —On the occasion of
the return of the• York volunteers, a few days
ago, a terrible accident occurred from the pre
mature explosion of a cannon, during the fir
ing of a sante. Two yowls men who were en
gaged in ramming home the charge at the time
of the explosion were horribly disfigured, while
a third who was standing over the touch hole
had his lice-tiarWlaiiiied.---Thelipui-:wia
pointed in an eastern direction, elevated in a
somewhat horisonts4 plaition, and the rammer
was thrown clear across to the station house at
the depot, a distance of about a quarter of a
mile, and in its descent struck an old gentle
man named John Fisher in the head, who was
standing in the crowd congregated at that point
awaiting the arrival of the troops, and almost
instantly killed. The old gentleman was taken
to an adorning building, where be died in ten
or fifteen minutes afterwards.
Psteruerto.—ln our last lame we noticed a
beastly exhibition of pugilistic skill between a
Welchman and Irishman, , which • occurred in
State street on Wednesday evening, and result
ed in what the "fancy" term a "drawn fight."
The friends of the rival pugilists insisted upon
a repetition of the "mill," which took place
last evening in an open field in the upper sec
tion of the city, and was witnessed by a large
number of spectators, mostly of the "fancy"
stripe. A. ring was formed, seconds appointed,
and all the formalities usual on such occasions
strictly observed. Several rounds were fought,
in which the combatants exhibited considerable
pugilistic skill Beta were freely offered on the
/Ad men, who seemed to have the most friends;
but the Welshman proved hi self the "best
man, and was declared the victor. His op
'went left the field badly damaged. No at
tnpt was made by the "smi l e police to stop
brutal exhibition or to arrest, the patties
11411101110dia ik
I - -
peunovivania f ail aclegraph, eatuictv fitornitt#,--Itu tot Hia
Pursue LNDECHNCY. —A drunken soldier named
John Kern was arrested by Mr. James Lewis
Friday morning for acts of public indecency and
insulting women. Alderman Kline sent him to
WOOD BURPED.—Some days ago the sparks
from the fast freight set fire to a lot of wood
on the Pennsylvania Railroad, between Derry
and St. Clair station, and before it could be
quenched, consumed from one hundred to one
hundred and twenty-five cords.
13,1xtrax or THANKS. - The officers and privates
of Company F, eleventh regiment, who have
been quartered in the Exchange for some time,
beg leave to return their sincere thanks to Mrs.
A. J. Herr and Sheriff Boas for the many kind
nesses shown them in cooking their rations,
&c. They will be gratefully remembered.
ASSAULT AND lismay.—A son of the green
isle, named James O'Bryan, who had been in
dulging freely In fighting whisky, and felt like
whipping all creation, assaulted John W. Ohro
nister and pitched into him somewhat roughly.
Officer Fleck captured the pugilistic Irishman
and introduced him to Alderman Eline, who
committed him to prison for trial.
A SHARP Donor.—A fellow named Albert
Perham stopped at the State Capital Hotel re
cently, and deposited with the proprietor a bar
rel of maple sugar in payment of his board.
After "splurging" here for a few days, the fellow,.
suddenly disappeared, taking with him the bar
rel of sugar, which he managed to get Ve-pos
session of, and leaving the landlord "Minus"
the pay for hia entertainment. We giv'e, the
rascal the benefit of this gratuitous notice, I?,nd
caution other landlords to be on the lookAnit
for him.
Timmins Rsztnosn Aocwmrr Ora Mot
KILLICD.—A terrible accident occurred on the
Pennsylvania Railroad at a place called Mans
yunk. near M'Veytown, Thursday morning.
The passenger train, with two locomotives at
tached, which left here at three o'clock, ran off
the track at the place named, one of the loco
motives going down a steep; embankment and
the other in an opposite direction. Both were
entirely demolished and seven cars smashed up.
One fireman was severely scalded and the bag
gage master slightly injured. A soldier, stand
ing on the bumper of a car, was instantly killed,
another had his nose cut off, and several were
bruised and otherwise injured. We did not
learn the Cause of the run off.
Ax Fannin - no Joss.—On Thursday an officer
of one of the returning companies charged a
personal friend, a member of the medical pro
fession, with robbing him of a twenty dollar
gold piece, and made oath before Alderman
Kline to that effect. It appears that the officer
had a large amount of gold and silver coin upon
a table in arroom of his hotel, and the Doctor,
by way of a "joke," as he alleged, grabbed a
handful of the gkttering coins off the table, but
immediately restured them. Upon counting
the money the officer found a twenty dollar gold
piece missing, and charged the Doctor with
having retained it. The latter persistently de
nied the charge, which led to the information
before Alderman Slhui. The Doctor finally
consented to pay the officer twenty 4ollars, by
Way orclitalifo - naafi witens - aor'dams — rUs dis
missed. Rather a serious and ezpensive "joke"
for the disciple of Eaculaplus.
Sum WISOONSEN Exarusra.—This fine regi
ment, numbering one thousand and sixty-two
rank and file, reached here by the Pennsylvania
Railroad from Madison, Wisconsin, on the 80th
ult, and went into camp on the premises of
Messrs. Bates & Hummel, between * the railroad
and canal, abOut two miles from the railroad
station and east of Camp Curtin. The following
s the list of the regimental officers i Colonel
—L. Cutler, Lieutenant Colonel—J. P. At
wood. Major—B. J. Sweet. Adjutant—F. A.
Quarter Idrustalt , ---1. N. Mason. - Sur
geon—O. B. Chapman. Chaplain—,N. A. Sta
ples. Assistant Chaplain—A. W. Preston.—
Sergeant Major-,M. H. Fitch. Hospital Stew
ard—C. P. Chapman. Quarter Master Sergeant
—E. P. Brooks. Commissary Saygeaut—lF. K.
Jenkins. Drum Major—Wm. Whaley, . Adju
tant Clerk—C. S. Mil. .
This regiment is under marching orders for
Harper's Ferry to join General Banks' army,
and will match as soon as conveyance for the
sick can be provided. The long march, excea•
sive hot weather, and the indulgence of green
fruit and greener lemonade, pies, cakes and ice
cream sold by camp followers outaide of camp,
has caused many cakes of diarrhoea. A few are
down with measles. A privab3 of company E
died last night from no disease except that
caused by bad whisky. He was an old hard
drinker and the first attack of illness speedily
carried him off, medicine being powerless on
his system. Such cases should be a caution to
esll soldiers, their chances of life being greatly
lessened by such bad habits.
This regiment has now been encamped here
several days, and not a case of drunkenness has,
occurred in the regiment, although their camp 1 i
fly the Side of the stock yard and tavern Of Mr.
Bartlett, just outside of the city limits, not
gontroled by the Mayor's proclamation;
whisky is dealt out there without print. .The
troops furnished by Wisconsin are well eqrdp
apd clothed—are furnished with an extrik,..A),
Edstant Surgeon, a man to take' care of"the
and disabled, an agent to precede each regt
ment and provide quarters, water and other
necessaries, all at the expense of the State,
the Executive being of the opinion that the
trifling expenditure requisite to supply these
things is a judicious and economical expenditure
that the soldiers are entitled to receive, and of
whichthey;as - tat payers, pay their proportion.
Nzw AND Croup Goons FROM New Yo=. Aw
l:rm.-100 pieces splendid Wamesutta Calico,
10 cts ; 60 pieces of unbleached Muslin, 4, 10
48., worth 121 cts; 80 pieces of splendid Clin
prgen Gingham, 121 cts., worth 18 cta ; 100
eces of Crash, at 10 and 12 eta a yard I a very
I lot of ladies and children's whitastockings;
the best ladies hose for 121 eta. in town; bril
lkothrihrillieuats, brilliants, 50 pieces, at / 2 1
cla. ; beautiful skirt stub at 25 cts.; 200 dozen
ot brown and blue mixed men's socks, 121 cts.;
and a great many other goods very, cheap, at
S Lures, John Rhoads' old stand.
t ,
See Prof. Wood's advirtisestat 'tli ,
Datitxma.—Messra.. Urich & Bownusn, in
view tithe general prostration of business and
the • ce rtan to persona with limited means
to get ' much for their money as possible, has
just r ived from New York a lot of domestic
dry g s, and will dispose of them at prices
thatrot fail to please the most prudent
buyer Their cheap store is at the south east
come f Front and Market streets. 2tt
, 1111 , aperior REFRIGERATOR, to-•
IL g or with several other crimper styles, may be
icund no manufactory, at exceedingly low_priCes.
else great variety of ICATZR COOLY Rd, of Dupe
dor an .
1 it. d. FahilloN it 0 t.
113 r. Deck and Pear streets. Philadelphia
al-sali. sa..
Motes Lux Pius airs Pamirs Ihrrias.-
tree fr all Mineral Poisons.—ta cases of scrofula
Ulcers„tcursty, or Eruptions of the San, the operation
ut the we Medicines .5 truly ssbuibibutg, often removing
to •lb days, every vestigr of these toothsome diseases
h) the p
urifying rdlects on the blood. BMus Fevers,
Fever d Ague, Dyspeposa, Dropsy, Piles, and In Atom
most diseases noon yield to their ourVe properties
No Mtn should be without them, as by th eir timely
0 sabring sod expeexte may oe saved.
Prepared by Vi' If B. YOFF.O. la. P.. New Vora and
silo bl I all Droggh st lovew v
BMA" or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervous
neat, bivolontary Emission and kapotenoy, resulting
from Sellobose, &a By Robt. J. Colvorwell, Y. D.—
Bent under weal, in a plain envelope, to any address, peat
veld on receipt of two stomps, by Dr. CHAS J C.
127„Sowery, New ' York. Pon °Moe - Box, No
The Oonfessiona and Experience of
an Invalid.
Put as for the brined t and as a warning
And a caution to young men who maw from Nervous
Premature Decay, etc., supplying at the same
time, the WOMB of Self Coro, by one who cored Womb,
after being put to great expense through medical impost.
don and quackery. Single eme , o had of the au
thor, NallAalin MAYFAIR. !titlrJl county
N. Y.„ by encidiug s padre. ape.
now To poonomo Base T.—Nothingls more becoming
toe man or women than a beautiful luxerhuit head of
`bat, and a woman's beauty is certainly Inoompbete with
out' fair complexion, and he or she who neglects these
great and important adornments of mann most expect
to nag the mortification of premature bllidll3lB, and a
wrinkleface and a sallow akin. Nothing ii necessary
to prese/e these essential attractions but the nee of
'Prof Wood's Restoratives—Louisville rates.
Parr /Wow', Mutt Rouroarriva —We have had occa
sion loose this famous preparation of Prot Wood's and
a Alicoreti bly testing Oa qualities, Are AO4 that wheat
the ' 81P miljAbickett e lk at raj t Fs', will , vt
a iw ..toior;iirow*-tvgtvet AT . . wiit ~
ion, 03 well as keeps the hair from billing or a Lo
'value le ingrethentis :or sale itt,"Cbimnan's Tea Store,"
truth borovr , Prederick nod' Badimere streets, by
.J. Ottren.—Bnitimore Cliyper. Sold by all good
i at
... s • , 018.dawoeta
M' •
i TO Ayiesarmint, having ' been restored to
E., la a •tew weeks by a very simple remedy, liner
avtni suffered several years with a severe long anat.
0, aaiid that dread disease, ConsampUmi—la auxiows to
teakcitoown to his sallow-autferars the means of cure.
' To ill who desire It, he will send a copy of the pro
se:loAm need (free of charge), with the directions Ibr
preparing's/id using the mune, which they will And a
Sure sure ibr Consumption, Amhma, Bronchitis, Arc. The
only Nerd of the advertiser In seeding the Prescription
1 , to IoeAt the
an i &feinted, and spread information which
. Ives to, be nvaluablo, and he hopes every sel-
erer wi lt try big remedy, t will Cost them nothing,
lut i ttt prove a blaming. -
wishing the prescription will please address
t WiEburmborgh,
+ ;, uge minty, New York
win. A. B atchelor's Hair Dye I
li tA
T Original and Beat in the World.
others are mere imdaticori, and should be avoided
t on *Leh to amass ridicule.
Y, RED, O tt ausrr HAIR dyed instantly to a
1O WW and Natural Brown and Blau*, without Wary
*Bak or Nun.
Timm haDas and DIPLONIASturre been award
ed to Wm. A. Bautbedor shuts .1859_, tel over 8 0,000 IP •
=have be made to the Hair of his ;wrens of
us dye.
WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color
not to be distinguished from nature, and is warranted
not to Injure in the least,, howevenlong it may be cousin.
fled, and the 11l effects of Bad Dyes remedied; the Hair
invigorated for life by this splendid Dye.
Sold in all cities and towns of the Honed States, by
Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers.
sir The Genuine has the name and address upon a
steel plate engraving on four sides of each box, of Wu,
Ussi a. BATCIIIIOR. Address ..
e&d&wtaeg . 81 Barclay street, New York,
t Prepared by. Co:waling L. Obeeeeman, K. D..
li, Hh combination of ingredienta in those
Pills on the rink of a. long and centensive practice.
bey an mild in their opention, and oaten incarnating
I irregamities.liJnini Menstruation, removing all, ob.
structiona, white from cold or otherwise, headwilte,
&intuit's shie r palpitamm or the nears, whims, an no r
natureo:ll.4llVii: th 40,6110 LAN illO,PILOElind
lims ; wie ,wwwarbedwp, Simawue nom mi .s.on
dr i ,
I • v•••• , • a. Ar• - TillicifttED LAMA - ' *
i . Cheenemarn POW are Invaluable, as :ay will Min
the monthly period with nitil‘rurt Lileil who have
• . disappointed in the one .of other. Piths liali Plan the
most confidence in Dr. Cheesemaws pills doing all that
ey review& to do.
Then it one oondition 4 the female system ea which the
Pals cemotte be Mktg sostamst CPEOL7.LiIIit
AIKS'UL2. Zies GPer• ed to is sicay4rfor—
As mat; ffildaggAttlai. "AA . is Me *faWle
*fenny of ths"sthaise U more At sameal fuesffialts I I
dendabos, Aateven Dm' INFITO4IOIIIe pOlOO,
t ial seranot rout tt.
Warranted'pturely vegetable, and [MS ream anything
hilarious, ixplicit directions, whirl should be rookie
rnpany mob box. Price $l. Sect by. mail on enclosing
la to Da CORNALIIIS L OunEnuor, Box 4,331, Poet Office,
Slew Aroeirtaty:
*ad by oleo i .tgipstia ovary tows In the United tholes
lismend Ar.ot tor the United &atm, -
IA Broadway, Hew York
I. whoa au Witalmais ardara shorad to add, r old
Apld In Harrisburg by C. A. Swami -
, ,rAa swly
agallibla a Gorman, g, aad. remonimi - in 1
, antra:Zona, from w vet game, and 1.
WUL movessitd is a prevail- .
the doctors for many yeses, both in Trance no
America, with unparalleled success in every rice; and
liela ladies atonal. them, .to.
make the Pills pebble for the alleviation of suffering
from any hreguerrine whatever, sa well as to Prevent
41 inerease of famili where health will not permit Its
ironies particularly attested, or times supposmg them
delves so, are cautioned against then Pilla while in that
nudition, ma they are suet to produce miscarriage,. and
the propnw responsibility after this adneo•
one, although their rainless would proven any mis.
Old to heititte.iitherwise the Pin are recommended.
'ull and explicit direction accompany each box. Prise
sli 00 per box. Sou wholesale and retakby
WAHL'S .t. BANNYART, Drisegka,
, . Na 2 Jones Row, Harrhiburg, Pa.
"Ladle'," br Sanding him IQ 00. to the Harrisburg
!Litt Otho: 1 can have the
the aonntry i Pills sent fees of observatio n to .
We" by mall. Said also by 8. 8. Lynn, Rea ding, .
Imam Hot.towAy & Co Philadelphia, J. L. Law
ptension, Dare. R. Hu¢tsav Lancaster; J. A.
cits, rightntils-1-1..-P. Irons,- Y ork ; and by one
t la - every ny and village. br ahe Ocien, and by
D. on, oho proprastor, New York
N. 13.-I.pok out for counterfeits. Aurae Goldeiu Pilis2
any kbasidass ieverYibnie signed HA). theca ..4.1 '
aurora area base imposition and unsafe • therefore, as
yea rase your Urn and heal th , (to say unsafe;
of be
-08 Inuneugged out of your money ) buy only of tang.
00 show the signature of 8. D. Jlbwe on_ _ever box,.
IWhich him recently been added on account of Ablo Pills
te isountertetted dea-clwarwir •
liarrikburg TELEGRA PH and the
Philadelphia Pala are for sae daily In idilahali
isasketlately a ft er the arrival of t2.:ef11 4.. t0p
Woreslokiii intmatiesims,modts.....,.
Nino tativertisemfuts
Is precisely what Us name indicates, for while pleas.
act to the taste, It is revivifying, exhilarating and
strengthening to the vital powers. It also revivite', re
instates and renews the olood la all da orl, heal purity
and thus resbrev sea renders the system invulnerable
to at or disoise It 18 the only preparation ever
offered to the world in a popular form in as to be within
the reach of ell.
So tnemically and combined, u to the most
powerful tonic, and yet no perfeetiy adapted no us w ACT
BERCI BOARS THZ watiusr um.= and tone Hp the di
gestive onus, and allay all nervous irritation. it to also
perfectly exhilarating in gm effects, and yet It Is never
followed. by laaaltde r depression of sphim It is com
posed entirely or Tegetab 'es and those tboreugly con.
bluing powerful unto and smillaing properties, and con
s quently can never injure. At a sure preren Ire and
cure of
FilPSltt, LOB 4 OF APPST/TA T 4 INTB/03, N Ett-
Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver atm.
plaints, Menem' of the Kidney, or any general derange•
went of the Urinary organs .
It will not only Lore the debility roll wing GIULIA and
but all prevent attacks arising from Miasmal'
inthiroora, and dare the diseases at once, If already at.
Travelers should have a bottle with them, as h wilt
indalibly prevent say deleterious CoilseqneuCes
ing upon &masa chaste and water.
As It prevents costiveness, strengibees the digestive
organs, It should be in the bands of all periods of seden
tary habits,
Ladles not socestorned to mach out-door exercise
should always rue it.
Mothers should nee it, for it is a perfect relfrf, takes
a month or two before the final rial, she will pass the
dreadful period with perfect ease and safety.
Mothers Try RI!
And to you we appeal, to detect the Illness or decline
not only of your daugters before It be too late, but also
year sons and husbands, for while the former from false
delicacy, often go down to • prerottture grave, rather
than let their condition be known In time, the latter are
ohms° mixed up who the excitement of hulloes*, that
If It were not Ror you, they too, would travel in the lan e
downward pub, milt it is too late to arrest their fatal
fail Bet the Mother is always vigilant, and to you we
confidently appeal ; for wa are sure your never-falling
affection will unerringly point you to PROF. w(10011
the remedy whittle should always be on band to time el
V. J. WOOD, Proptietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and
1.4 Market Street, rt. Louis, Mo., told sold by ail good
Drugglata. Prlot O. to lar or Bottle.
CARL/DLL, Cumberland county, Pa.—The pro
prietors take planters le announcing that they are now
prepared to naive visitors. Persona desering a healthy
location for the summer will end Ude one of the morn de•
rightful lianas to the country. The water of these springs
cannot be surpassed for drinking, bathing and medicinal
pummel! For informatiou and Galician address
D. C. statzusr,
jolt 9m Proprietors.
For the care of these distressing maladies. Asreeab e
to the taste. .
Eeery soldier should procure a bottle of this valoabie
medictoe betbre they take up their line of much. For
mile it
C. A. BANNVAIIT'S, Drug Store,
tuy2,4lBm laarriaburp,Pa
GAPEREtAkIER, Front street, second
1_ door above Walnut street. All orders punctu►Uy
attendee to.
oir Paper hung for lb omits per roll or pleas. All
welt WArreuted. mye•dtr
T 0 'obi° up the oonaeru • the entire
"stook of SUM, 80018, &owlets of Oliver lie 1
mat, deceased, to the rooms io the Market Square will
be sold at private sate at 1:0n; and the rooms will be
rented to the porch user if desired. The twins will be
mods map. Jell.dtf ie Agent.
I SHE vast amount of property destroyed
•annuelly by Lightninaught to be a warning to
their property holders to secure buildings. All orders
tar Lightning Rads left at the amnion store of W. BARR,
will he attended to. Rode put op in the latest improved
kyle and' warrinte4. iel2.d
STAURANT in Brant's My Hall Building, Hazel&
burg Qty, Pa. Apply to JOHN H. BRANT,
jell-dam*, lln the premises.
`ARAB CIDER I 1 ! - -Strictly pure, spark
jk„/ bag and sweet—bae received a dilver Medal or Di
pouts at every &ate Agricultural Pair sloes an Fa,
late by &Ind WM. DoCa. & CO.
OR GALE.—One of the best business
stands In the city on reasonable terms, or lewd
or three or Ate yea re sit %add to Market serest trauma
Fourth and Filth. Ilnquire on the pretends of
jyhd2m DaRLICL LUDY.
Natfoual designs, LEVER PAPER with s view tr
Weeny el Hartle! tg, Finial and for We at
lit 24 • Near the Harrisburg Bridge.
City Property for Bale.
4¢lll, and lot of ground, pleasantly loomed on Front at.,
between hilliberry street and Washington Avenue.
Mao TWO LAMB PIANOS in good Oontlihon and of ex.
oellent tone. Apply to
' PLEMOVAL. . ,-•
r 1111 E 811.138CRLBER has removed hie
street to fourth •streot 'boys Harlot, oppostt4 the Bethe
,rob. Thanitratkis pasi patroose, he hopes, by strict
endon to badness, to merit a oontinnanee of It.
r26-Bmd Wal PABEHIL .
- --- --- kt EMOVAL.
TEL 6U LiStALBER .wogld respeotMly
inform taus public that ho has removed his Plumb•
lug and Br me sounding establishment to No. 22 Bon th
Third street below Herr 's HoteL Thankful for past pat
'foliage, be hopes by strtst.satention to bustneintto mesh
Y continuance of it,
ap.l2-dtl J. JONA!,
'EIERMOMILTEDS, Ornamental Mantle, Japanese New
TITIRSIOXILICILS' do do • Bronzed do
rtIERMOILLTERS, Madders TM Cue, 12 Inch.
TELERM.OII6TER3, do Bras* Bound Double Seale.
THKRUORETSES, Union Owe, 1042 Inch
•2IIEBROYSTON Iteßifiirrune; 540 inch. -
THERSKIIO9IIII9I,4I94PWaIna4Oase, 111 Soh:- -----
THERMOILETERR,,Tia.Oase, 74 10 iron.
We lie jest readied" ai ruko lot Or THERISOMETE
pr rtiloun styles, and are 'taut low.
ap3 , 9119.11 M street
Of Cultivated Portugal hider.
Every Family Should Use.
CELEBRATED for its medical and bone
tidal qualities ass gen° ua Stlmnlant, tonic, 14*- and &Wardle, highly e%teeml,l by fixonnot rhysl-
, and some of the drat tamales to Enrage an t
is not a mixture or mutat tetureil article, but is inra,
from onklvatei Portnvil Efdor recbcarnendrd by .J 0,0111.-
ista and Physicians as possessinc ; prb,botom a n.
parlor to any other iVln.s in use, an t an (motet arti•
ok tbr all weak and deblitaied per‘ons, and the rod
and Winn, Improving the appetite, and bet/eating WWI
and children.
because It will not intoxicate WI other %chum, u ft con
tain' no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and is ad
mired ibr its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties,
imparting a betray tone to tato digettive orgies, and :a
blooming, soft and healihy Min and complexion.
None genuine unless the signature of
ALFRED SPEME, raesalc, N.. 7.,
is over the cork of etch bottle,
A. BrEl,ll, Proprietor.
Passaic, N. J.
Broadway, New `Peck.
J. H EATON. Agent, Philadelphia.
For sale by D. W. Greets, di Co., C. K. Keller. Joh;
Wyeth and drugless generally lyl-daw Iy. -
Universal Confidence & Patronage.
Ladies and Gentlemen, to ell panzer the world testify to
the eincacy of Prof. O. J Wood's Hair Roxtorative, and
gentlemen or the Press are uoaolEncus to Its prod" A
few tea/monists only can be bore giren ; see circular for
more, and it will be impossible for you to doubt.
47 Will Street, New York, Dec. 20t1b, 1558.
Giovrtmess : Your note 01 the 15:b has been m
etered, raying that you hid heard that I had been bene
fited, by the use of Wood's Hair Restorative, aod request.
log mynertlacate of the ttct if I b t 4 no qtAbotton to
give It:
I iward It to you cbeerlury, Occa use 1 tbink it due.—
Idy ago Is about 50 Yenta ; the color of my hair auburn,
and Inclined to earl Pomo five or +lx yeas slate it be
gan to torn gray, end th, ecalp on the vrown of my bud
to lose Its senfibillly and dabd ruffto (ono 'coon It. Boob
of these elsagreeabditlea increased who time, and shoat
four months since a Marta was added to thorn, by bar
falling of the top of my head and threatening to make
me bald.
In this unpleasant predicament, I was induced to try
Wood's flair Restorative, mainly to arrest the falling
off of my hair, for I had really no expectation that gray
hair could ever be restored to its original color except
from dyes. I was, however, greatly surprised to tad
.fterthe use of two bogies only, that not only was the
Ulna arrested, but the color was restored to the gray
hairs and sensibility to the scalp, and dandrult ceased to
form on my bead, very much to the gratlecalion of my
wife, at whose solicitation I was induced to try IL
For this, among the many obligations I owe to kernel,
I strongly recommend all husbands who value the .d
-miration of their wv a to prafit by my example, and
use t if growing gray or getting bald.
Very respectfully, BEN. A. LAVENDER.
To 0 J. Wood & Co., 444 Broadway, New fork
Di Dustily *restates' from the city, and I am no losm
ow at No 11 Carrel place.
Siamaston, Ala , July 20th 1120.
To PIM/. 0. J. weep Dear Sir : Your "Hair Restore•
Live" has done my hair so much good tince I oommanoed
the use of It, that I wish to make known to the Pl7BllO
Its effects on the hair, which are great. A man or wo
man may be nearly deprived of hair, and by a resort to
your "Hair Restorative," the hair wilt return more
beautiful than ever ; at lea t this is my experience.—
Believe It ali I Yours truly,
P S.—You can publish the above if you like. By pub
lishing In our Southerru papers you mai get more patron
age south. I see several of your certificates m the Mn
btie Mercury ; a strong Southern paper. .
Paw. 0. J. WOOD : ttear Sir : Having had the misfor
tune to lose the hest portion of my hair, from the aims
of the yellow fever,ln New Orleans in 18M, I wee in
duced to make a id of your preparation, and found It
tifteestrer ab the very thing needed. Hy hair la now
thick and &sly, and no words can express my
h one to you to giving to the afflicted each a treasure.
The Restorative is put up In bottles of three sites, via
large medium, and small ; the small holds half a pint,
'and retails for one dollar per bottle ; the medium bolda
at least twenty per tent more In proportion than the
!mall, retails for two dollars per bottle ; the large litlds
quart, 40 per o.nt, more In proportion, and retail/11hr
0. J. WOOD & CO., Prop 'eters, 444 ltroadway, Haw
York, and 114 Market street, St. Lonny Mo.
and sold by all good bruggssts aed VantlY (foods
Dealers. jylB-esweow
Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia
All Mercurial Diseases.
It Is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a wag
noted compound, to be worn around the Walat, with an i
ininry to the most delicate persona, no change inhabits
tallying is required and it entirely removal the Meuse
from the system, without produdug the injurious gamete
arising from the use of pow. aid internal Medicines
which weaken and destroy the ennui:Won, and give
mporare relief only. By this treatment, the medical
4b h ropertles contained in the Band, come in contact with
e blood and reaches the disease, through the pores of
the skin, effecting in every instance a perfect cure, and
lesion he parts afficied to a healthy condition. This
Band is also a most powerful Strn-lisecusiat. agent, and
will entirely relieve the eYstaim from tbe permit:kw er
ects of Mercury. Moderate cases are cured in .iew
is t
emend wear° constantly repel ring testimonial/10'1ga
filmy in aggravated cases of long standing.
Pews St 00, to be had of Druggists generally , or can be
Int by mall or express, with full directions for uaga do t
part of the country, direct from the Principal
No. 409 BROADWAY, New York.
p . SMITH & CO., sole Proprietors.
N. B. —Descriptive Circulars Sea Free.
i , p -,,,,..„ Ts w A NTNJ)
' IS-dew
cow paean! - --- GlCrirmaica
Manufacturer of
Looking Glass and Piotnre Frames,
Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings lie.
mumusßunG, PA.
French Mirrors, square and Oval Portrait
Praxises of every description.
W, B. ileuedy