Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 03, 1861, Image 3

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    pailp gtiegrao.
Saturday Afternoon August 3, 1881
A SPECIAL 51tgris6 of the Harrisburg Typo
graphical Vnion, No. 14, will beheld this even
ing, at the Citizen Hose House, at eight o'clock,
to make arrangements to attend the funeral of
Tno.nAs J. Osten, late a member of the Union.
By order of the President.
13. F. Won, Sec'y.
LioNN TO CARLISLE. —Capt. Hastings, of the
United States Army, left for Carlisle this morn
ing, to muster out of service the fourteenth and
fifteenth iegiments now encamped there. The
men were paid off to-day, and it is expected
that the Verbeke Rifles will reach home this
evening or some time to-morrow.
BOW AT A BUR SHOP. — A disgraceful row oc•
urred at a beer shop in Blackberry alley last
evening, one of the participants in which was
damaged to such an extent that he had to be
carried into a neighboring house, and a surgeon
summoned to dress his wounds. The beer shop
alluded to is complained of generally by peo
ple residing in its vicinity, as a public nuisance.
There are scores of similar nuisances in various
obscure localities, some of them frequented by
boys, and the good of society requires that they
should be crushed out.
COL. THOUS A. SCO/T.—The recent appoint
ment of the efficient vice president of the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company, as Atudstant Secre
tary of War, was a very judicious one. Few
men in our country possess greater business
qualifications, and since the commencement of
hostilities he has devoted all his energies to the
superintendence of the railroad arrangements
connected with the transportation of the army,
and has rendered the nation services of the
utmost Importance.
.:.veriog Market street near Third was the scene
of a disturbance which attracted a large crowd
of people and caused considerable excitement.
The affair grew out of a difficulty between the
Captain of a returned volunteer company and
one of his men, which culminated in a trial of
pugilistic skill, The fight lasted ten or fifteen
cuMut , s, and the "mugs" of both combatants
were disfigured to such an extent that it was
with difficitY their friends recognized them.
The Captain reti
1... ad from the field covered with
d us t and blood, prese zitisig a very dilapidated
appearance. We learned ial'.st his injuries we r e
of such a nature as to require meat' attention.
As a general thing the three months -1 .yolun
tesrs came home strongly prejudiced aga:: llt
their commanding officers, many of whom were
I.u:hely denounced on our streets, some of them
treated with gross indignity, and others per
sonally assaulted.
A GENERAL RIOT occurred In front of the
Mayor's office yesterday afternoon, which the
Clue of Police and his "special" deputiegfonad
great difficulty in suppressing.. The riot grew
out of an attempt of a number of soldiers to
take two or three of their comrades out of the
lo k.up, in which they were partially successful,
breaking open the front gate and driving back
the officers. One fellow came out of the "irre
pressible conflict" with a bruised and bloody
face, and another with his "peepers" shrouded
in mourning. At one time a cry was raised
that somebody had drawn a pistol with the in
tendon of shooting, which caused the spectators
to scatter precipitately in various directions.
The Mayor, who had not entirely recovered
from his late illness, was not present. If the
grog shops had been kept closed a day or two
longer, this riotous demonstration would not
have disgraced our city.
melancholy duty to-day to chronicle the decease
of Mr. Ellis Lewis Eck, a member of the Cam
eron Guards, who died this morning at the reel
dence of Lieutenant Davis, from the effects of
disease superinduced by exposure during his late
campaign in the service of his country. The
deceased was a printer by profession, a young
man of intelligence, quiet and unassuming
inners, mild and genial disposition, and high
ly es'eemed by all his acquaintances. His
father was for many years connected with the
newspaper pre -a in northern Pennsylvania, and
the deceased, before coming to Harrisburg, wee
connected with hie father in the publication of
'the Bitten Democrat, in which position he exhib
ited a versatility of talent highly creditable to
one of his years, and stood deservedly high in
the estimation of the people of that town.
For two or three years past he was employed in
the Patriot and Muni office of this city, and when
the present war commenced he was among the
first to rally under his countery's flag and march
to the defence of our glorious Union, The de
ee kind proved himself a gallant and faithful
soldier, and nobly performed his duty until the
close of the campaign, when he was taken sick
and Male home to die, willingly yielding up the
life which he had voluntarily dedicated to the
service of his country. He was suddenly "cut
down like a rose in full bloom," having but
recently p tssed the twenty-first anniversary of
his birth-day. The young soldier's last hours
were calm and peaceful, and he gently passed
away cheered with the blessed hope of a blissful
immortality :
"How sleep the brave who sink to rest,
With all their country ' s wishes blest!
When spring, with dewy fingers cold,
Returns to deck their hallowed mould
She there shall dress a sweeter sod ,
Than Fancy's feet have ever trod,'
By fairy hands their knell is rung, sung;
forms unseen their dirge is ;
There Honor comee, a pilgrim grey,
To bless the turf that wraps their clay,
And Freedom shall awhile repair,
To dwell a weeping hermit there."
The funeral of the deceased soldier, will `take
Place at five o'clock to-morrow evening, and
his remains will be interred with military hon
ors by the Cameron Guards and other returning
volunteers now in our city. The members-of
the State Capital Band have volunteered their
services for the occasion.
PICKPOCKICT.-A colored man named George
Robinson was committed to prison this morn
ing by Justice Beader, on a charge of picking
the pocket of one of the sable sisterhood.
THE ENGLISH Luncerterr CHURCH.—This church
having been again occupied by the troops, has
now been vacated by them and throroughly
cleansed. The usual religious services will be
held to-morrow, Providence permitting.
compliance with the request of the congrcg t
ton, the Rev. Mr. Leacock will repeat, on Sun
day evening, the discourse delivered by him
on the State of the Country, in the EpisCopal
church last Sunday morning.
Foa THE Usuott.—A few evenings since a lit
tle boy of four years old, looking out of a win
dow at the setting sun, said, "Mamma, oh I
isn't that pretty ! Did God make all that ?
Why, he made it red, white and blue ; so he is
for the Union, isn't he ?"
A Fuzz Houser.—Two drunks were committed
to prison this morning by Alderman Kline, but
the keeper was obliged to reject them, owing to
the crowded condition of the institution. The
cells are all occupied, some of them containing
five or sin prisoners each. Rather uncomforta
ble this hot weather.
APPOINIIIM-Kr. John F. Caplow, of Mil
ton, formerly of this city, him been appointed
Assistant Quartermaster in the regular service
with the rank of Captain. There is no more de
serving man in the ranks of the Republican
party than Captain Callow, and it affords us
pleasure to announce his appointment. We be
lieve the pay of a Captain amounts to about
eighteen hundred dollars per annum.
A &MAL Mormta of the Mount Vernon
Hook and Ladder Company will be held this
evening In their hall, at 8 o'clock. A full at
tendance desirable. 8. D. lieortam, Prest.
The members of the various fire organizations
are rOspectfully invited to meet to-morrow af
ternoon at ai o'clock, in the hall of the Mount
Vernon Hook and Ladder Company, to attend
the funeral of Ems Lawn Eat, late a member
of said company.
lisamerrr or &rem , Strocrasts.—The Secretary
of War has been tendered and accepted a regi
ment of sharp shooters, to be composed of one
company from each State. The men are to be
elegantly equipped armed with first-class rifles,
and to be eligible to membership must be able out
of ten consecutive shots to average five ioches
from centre of target to centre of ball hole.—
Mr. J. W. Dewey is now here for the purpose of
forming the Pennsylvania company of this regi
ment, and persons wishing to become members
should address him either at Harrisburg or at
Ulyses, Potter county. We shall give some in
teresting details with regard to this regirrient in
a future issue.
Moan Bounass ROBBIIIi.—A number of the
sulkers paid off yesterday were robbed of their
money, A te . some instances by their own corn
ilthe2.4 visited low and obscure grog
shops, and while :szider the stupifying effects of
drugged whisky were relieved of their hard
earned wages, uy wa d ad— "
mingled freely among them I:.'r that purpose.
Ad rmsophisties'itea German from York, of com
pany B, sixteenth regissrat, who bell' hubtbed
considerable lager, wail'induced by one Of his
comrades to go to the wapitis near Allisy s .v!'s
hollow, and "sleep off his drunk." The
, German slept soundly for an hour or two, and
awoke to find his companion gone, and his
money missing i This is but one of many simi
lar instances which occurred yesterday and last
evening, and some of the victims are here yet
without means to pay their way home.
Tin Lan &Osman,. Aciornsarr.—Finn Ds-
TAILS. —A gentleman who visited the scene of
the late railroad smaa2s-tip at Manaynnk six
miles west of McVeytown, on ThurectsY !aOrn*
ing, writes that on hiranival there he foaad a
train consisting of eight passenger cars, on'
Adams' Express car, and one baggage car, at
tached to which was two locomotives. On the
main track, near a switch, an engine had be
come helpless from some cause, and was left on
the track, The switch tender anticipating thei
arrival of the Express about six o'clock, turned
the switch to let her run from the main track
to the aiding. He also placed percussion rail
road cape on the track to give the train notice
to run slow; but unfortunately this was done
too near the switch, so that the train had not
time to check tip infficiently to run from the
main track to the siding. The first engine (No.
168,) was throin off the rail when about to
change trom the main track, and kept along in
the direction of the siding, tearing up the side
track for a considerable distance, while the so
cord engine,.(No. 109,) with , the train of pas
sengers, baggage and express cars; kept the main
track, and at a short distance from where the ,
first engine took to the right at the switch, came '
in contact with the disabled engine on the main
track. Theatationeryeogiue, (No. 66,) used for
hal4kw gravel, wess..completel7 wrecked,
while the engine which came in contact with it
was thrown across the siding down an embank
of twenty-hve or thirty feet, making save-
ral somersaults, and reversing completely 'MI
position. The engineer, Bain. Stelmer, and !
fireman, Sam. Gibner, were carried over thel
bank with it, and strange to state, were but.:
slightly scratched and scalded. Benj. Free,
fireman on the first engine, who resides in Har
risburg, had his face slightly Cut and disfigured,
and presented rather a cad appearance. His
wounds aro not serious. W. M. Ford, brake
man, who resides in Philadelphia, while at his
post was caught between two of the passenger
cars, and seriously injured about the stomach.
Charles Miller, who was standing on the plat
form at the moment of the accident, jumped off,
and striking the embankment, was thrown un
' der the cars, and killed instantly. Six or eight f l
others were only slightly injured. There was
nu hoard at the time three hundred and twenty
Pasemgers, two hundred of whom were returned
soldiers going home—two companies from In
tea, pa., and one from Broad Top. The Pe*
Bang er, alie and express cars remained on
the tra m;the bumpers and platforms of several:
of them were completely smashed, while the
tru°ka ° Wer e t hrown from under and off
the trait. ,
ptunovluattia ettegraph, Eiaturbap afternoon august 3.1
Goss HOME. —The work of paying off the re
turned volunteers has been completed, most of
the men have returned home or re•enlisted for
the war, and the city has resumed its wonted
quiet. Owing to the presence of eight or ten
thousand men for several days, however, the
sanitary condition of the city is not what it
ought to be at this warm system, and a thor
ough cleansing and purifying process should be
commenced at once throughout the entire
municipal limits.
OCR ARTILLERY FORCE. —The artillery to be
attached to the Pennsylvania army will com
prise forty-eight guns, consisting partially of
rifled cannon. The guns range from 32 pound
ers to 6 pounders. As soon as they are ready
they are to be sent forward by batteries. The
first battery got s south to-morrow night, under
command of Lientenant•Colonel Campbell, and
the other batteries will follow in a short time.
The cavalry regiment is almost ready, and as
soon as they are mounted they will be sent to
join the main body. The infantry regiment
now in Camp Curtin will also leave in a few
days for the seat of war.
Tan COMMON COUNOIL vs. Tai Maros.—The
citizens of Harrisburg have, by the publication
in the TELIGILAPIN of Wednesday, learned the
result in the Supreme Court of the proceedings
instituted by the Common Council of thincity
against Mayor Kepner. Those who read the
newspapers of this city previous to the election
of Mayor, in the spring of 1860, will remembei
how strongly it was u, ged by several commurk
cations signed "many tax payers" and other
wise, that it was absolutely necessary that the
citizens should choose a legal man for Mayor, in
order to the proper and successful putting in
operation of the intricate machinery of the new,
city government. .
All of these communications pointed, and
were intended fo serve, the interests an t for
ward the election of &certain legalgentleman of
this city to the office of Mayor ; and at the Emile
time to injure and if possible to defeat the elec
tion of the present officer. Notwithstanding
those allegations, the pe.ple of the city thought
proper to elect W. H. Kepner, a mechanic, to till
that importtult. office.
A soon as the new Common Council was Or
ganized, they selected for their Solicitor cc
legal adviser a gentleman of supposed great
legal knowledge to aid, assist and guide them
in their acts and doings as said Common Coun
cil of the city, and to keep them within the
provisions of city charter. Very soon
,the ac
tions of .the Council, guided and governed as
they were by the advice of the learned gentle
man, clashed with the common sense'views en
tertained by our mechanic Mayor of the provi
sions of the charter.
Finding that the Mayor stood firm in his con
victions of duty to the citizens, and the charter,
a storm of abuse was heaped upon his devoted
head. Communications in the newspapers as
sailed him, charging him with ignorance, and
roundly asserting that "a more intelligent and
unprejudiced examination of the city charier
would have convinced him of his error, and
thus saved the credit of our new city corporation
from a severe stab by its chief executive officer."
And all of this because, from his construction
and understanding of the charter and his sense
of duty, he felt that he could not sign certain
bonds which had been presented to him under
the authority of a resolution which was not
adopted, as he believed, in compliance with the
provisions of the charter.
The Council, under the instructions of their
legal adviser, proceeded to act, and without con
sulting the Mayor, and without any regard to
the power conferred upon him by the charter,
halt done many acts which by the opinion of
They have appropriated and expended large
sums of money. in laying water pipes, building
new sewers, erecting lamp posts, fireplugs, fro.,
stc., incurring a heavy debt upon the city, which
they have partly paid by city bonds, which
they expected the Mayor would" be compelkd to
sip, no matter whether they had been, in his
j a ziqinent, rightfully or wrongfully issued. In
the n:.'leethttei by the instructions of the legal
adviser of the Council, they applied to the Court
for a mandamus to compel the Mayor to sign
those bonds, or ?how cause why he would not
sign them. The case was tried in the Court of
Common Pleas, and judgment there rendered
against the Mayor, who still believing his views
of the charter to be right, stood his ground and
appealed to the Supreme Court.
A man of less nerve would, under the ciroum-,
stances perhaps, have here "caved in," particu
larly when he reflected that the council had
the advantageof the city Treasury to back them
in their litigation, whilst the Mayor would have
to rely upon his own private funds; and, alsoi
•o run the risk of great opprobrium if the opin
ion uf: the Judge of our Court should be sus
Th e ee .::rtness of the Mitieli conduct is now
ma d e ma m fees k. for, by the decision u: the qs ll ',
preme Comc, jtiso rendered, the, mechanic tu:2
been triumphantly 0 8 .,tainedt and the le g al ad '
viser of the Common c.ettricil ie Bat on his ix"
and floundering in thedu .
the a d vicetheir " eu
The Council, by reason of
Solicitor, are in a worse pre Ocament, in our
opinion, than our County Comm..446,i,enere; for;
how are their accounts for money ii:efiellY km
pended, to be passed by the City 4 1341 _,_ lte , Ta l
They will, we suppose, have to call to and
more legal ability to help them out of the o.'w"
culty than has been heretofore exhibited be
their legal a iviser—the Solicitor of the Council.
The people of Harrisburg have reason to con
gratulate themselves that they did elect a me
chanic for their first Mayor, for through his in
strumentality, and by his firmness, a very
important question in relation to the finances
of the city has been finally settled ; and when
hereafter bonds ate attempted to be issued they
will be legal and valid,-because their issue will
be authorizediby ordinance passed in accordance
to the provisions of the city , charter, to which
the council man conform. •
The city vrill _protected, because it will
halos the dieeet sespervielon of the Mayor otnde
every ordinance involving an expenditure of the
people's money. Such at least is our tindei
standing of the derision of the Supreme Court,
for which all of our tax paying citizens have
good reason to be profoundly thankful.
That same old
13amovED.—Mrs. Chester has removed her
restaurant from the Jones House to the Bueli
ter House, where she will be pleased to see all
: her old customers. Oysters, turtle and coal
amp, together with barbecued chicken, &c.
I will be served up this evening. Cell and 1=
i date: a
NEw AND Cmies Goons rzow. Min! :roux Au
TION.-100 p ieces splendid Wamesutta
10 eta ; 60 pieces of unbleached Muslin, 4-1 1
cts., worth 12} ;80 pieces of splendid lln
ton Ginghams, 12,1 cts., worth 18 eta ; 1
pieces of Crash, at 10 and 12 tits. a yard ; a ve
large lot of ladies and children's white
the best ladies hose for 12} cta in town ; b •
Hants, brilliants, brilliants, 60 pieces, at 1
ota ; beautiful skirt stuff at 25 cts.; 200 do
of brown and blue mixed men's socks, 12} c
and a great many other goods very cheap,
S. Lir wr's, John Rhoads' old stand.
AMP 'See Prof. Wood's ad meat in
Other , ocattinn. _
" TM PAM)."
Crry Idirsr.tur Rum Ftrso.—The following
accxmnt exhibits the receipts and expenditures
of the Military Belief Fund Committee of this
city, from its organization up to and inclusive
of the 31st day of May last; also, the sources
from whence the money was derived, and how
much was borrowed by the Committee bfore
action by the County Commissioners, and the
Court, which commenced June Ist :
1881. DR. ca.
April 26. For note at 60 days,
State Capital Bank, $BOO 00
By ain't of checks issued to
families, 66 60
Donation from Dauphin
Lodge, No. 160, L 0.
of O. F., 20 00
Donation from H. Frisch,
Esq., 10 00
Donat'n from Salem Lodge,
I. O. B. 8., 20 00
May 3. By am't of checks is
sued to families, 81 00
May 10. By ain't of checks '
lamed to families, 182 50
May 17. For note at 80 days,
State Capital Bank, 200 00
May 17. By ain't of checks
Issued to families, 190 60
May 17. bonation from south
ward school boys, . 250 .•
Donation from Stanton as
,„- sociatlinn, 100 00
May 24. By ain't of checks
lined to families, 199 00
Donationfrom State Capital
Lodre, No. 70, L O. of
20 . Oa ,
Ti)onation from Mrs. Saba
- wailer, 10 00
May 111. For note at 60lifb , s,
Mechanics' Bank, - -282 80
By ain't of checks issued to
families, 208 60
For discount upon notes as
above, 7 80
An examination of the above will show that
the donations in all amounted to $lB2 50,
which, deducted from total expenditures, left a
balance of $7BB 80, which was assumed and
paid by the City Council.
Wm. H. KMPNIR, Prn't. M. B. P.
Oravis Elmore, &aviary.
MOFFAT'S lan Pius AND Pao= Rums.-
Pres frost an Miura Poirows.--In mum of Elotelbla
Cicero,curvy, or Eruptions of the ilidn,sbe operation
io of thellAt' io truly astOrdshing, olten
s few days, every vestige of these lomitemile diseAses
hi their purifying effects on the blood. Mow Fevers,
Peer and Ape, priPslltilt,., the ir lNOPli, Plies, and in short,
most all diseases soon yield iscurative properties
NO bunny should be without them, as by thdr untidy
sae mash staring sod osmso may be saved.
Prepared by W. B. ft New York and
site by allDret.o , at qovesr-li
ON _ Taz.yem9:lll
.113 ST
BIWA, or Seminal Altaidumw, &anal Debility, Nervous.
nese, Involuntary itatiedons and Impoteaey, resulting
(root Sail-abuse, dit. By Robs. J. Oniverweil, Id. U.—
Sent under wad i , In • plain eitvekips, to any addruk, peat
veld, on receipt el two stamps, by Dr. 01/.18 J C.
BLINN, 127 Bowery, New York. Poo ()Moe Boa, No
4.§5 4 . et2o.omdaw
The Confessions and Experience of
an Invalid.
Pummel= for the benefit and aa a warning
and ► amnia to young men who suffer from Nervous
Debility, Premiere Decay, de, 'applying et the same
Woe, the mars or &item.; by QUO who curd* !damsels
after Wog put to greet expense Merbagh
N. . eaairOagli,
Now to Pasiomvs lEtaaarr.--1 1 1MItingis more becomlng
to a an or woman than • beatnik' luxuriant bead of
hair, and a woman's beantylt certainly incontPlete
out a Ibir complexion, and he or she who neglects th ese
great and Important adornments of nature must expect
to offer the mortiticaUon of premature baldness, and a
wrinkled face and a sallow sit in. Nothing la necessary
to preserve these essential &Maeda= but the us. of
Prof Wood's Restorative.—Louireflie aster.
Pecs W1:10D 1 11 HAUL BISTOILITIVII —We have bad ma,
slim to use this famous preparation of Prof. Wood's, and
alter thoroughly testing Its qualities, we find that where
the 11.1 r Is thin it will thicken It, if gray; will restore It
to Its oil/glue/ color ; 'bawler, It gives my appear
-O,llCe, as well as keeps the hair from falling off This In
valuable Ingredient Is 'or sale at "Chinaman's Tea Store,"
sonth.east corner Frederick mid ItalUmcre streets, by
Yr. J. a Given.—Bultilinere Clipper. Sold by all good
Druggists.- jyls-dowoom
Tus ADVIIRTII3I3I., having been restored to
sects is ■ few weeks by a very simple remedy, after
having selfered sevand years with a severe lung abet.
ion, and that dread disease, Consamptien—is anxious to
maks known to his fellow-soilbrers the means of oar&
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre;
scriptioe used (free of charge), with the directions for
preparilligiod using the tame, which, they will And a
sure cure Air' Coneumptlon, Asthma, Bronchitis, dm The
only oiliest of the advertiser in sending the Prescription
p to be the aelitited, and spread information wtdeli
conceives ti) by nialcable, anti he hopes every nut+
rerer IVV try his faded)", as ft *lll cost them nothingi
an d prim a biasing.
Parties wishing the prescripdon will plesseaddrese
. NIL ps9.aliD WO49N,
NOP IMO% New Wilt
Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye
The Original and Beat in the World.
AU of are mere imitetloas, end shoeld be *voided
ly' YAn Irish to escape ridicule,
dill, RED, 011 ausTY HAIR dyed Mean* to a
besot, Idi nod liMtwel Brown end Bleak, without injury
to Batr
rinsed MEDALS and DIPLOMS.9 have been awe rat.
, o f to wo k , ir Batchelor slum LBSII, t over 80,000 ap.
plioatione have Been made the nofr of tda pitren of
his famous dye.
WM. A. BATCHZIOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color
not to be diettngnisha`d from meter*, and Is warranted
not to infore ID the lead, however long it may be mann.
vied, and the 111 enema of Had Dyes remedied ; the Hair
invigorated fer life by this splendid Dye.
Sold in ad tittles and towns of the United Slides, by
Dragged/ mid Vinci Goods Dealers.
_ The Genuine ins the name and address upon e
' geld Pliita-SeilysT lo l ea Moe sides of each box, or Wm-
A. Bascussos. Address
ed4tlisdans Si Ban day street, Now York.
Prepared by Cornelius L. Oheesemen, It. D. ;
'TE combination of ingredients in these
&Ills are the math of a long and Wendye prat:aloe.
the mild In their operation, and sawn le garrotting
all4rrcgdarMeesa,, nonstruationa, removing an ob
strocalens, ishWier horn cold or 'oh headache,
the side, lotion at the heart, will all ner
vow It thtlatte, pain In the and
dmr, strop, width arise from okurrapnoa
of micro r
xa liLtil= LADDINI,
Dr. CilOMMSlthilell Pills are invabtable, se :Ley '
will bring
°a th° nioathlY Period with regularity. LadleswhO have
been disappointed la the 91113 of other Fills can plebe the
tumult conlidimos in Dr. Clieesemanse Pills doing all that
They represent to do.
Mere ta owe aneettee of the female mom in which the
Pills teauset be Mks* wewst trtaillioN, a P
BZ4ULI. the oondettos leferred m ILI PEAG/felfir9T—
Vie rook .111.1041tELLUIL Oath taa._ „....M10142 1 14
tvii 4lB6 4' ir the esedeehee restore he wood femonoeu se
et woke eavidsferil l that UM the ovnehoothe Power of
se lard oconnot raw it.
ijarranted ixirely minable, and tree from &UMW'S
Win UM. .IW. licit directions, which shosid be read, aw•
oomph toy each box. Price O. Bent by 04 on Mann*
$1 to I.le Commies L.. Onesinnsa, Bon 4" Post Odle%
New Writ City.
ilold ter` One I Adidsile eleri town in the United finites
B. B. Ear r CHINES,
*wend nerd Sir the United Sates,
14 liroodriV, New York.
UMW* sdf risiess‘• orders 'Medd bs•erird.
110141WEarrib by ug A. BANIT/XL *
11.0094441 - . . " 4
efallible n oorrecting, regulating, awl remoras • I
obstructions, Goa Whatever Ulnae, and I
ways sucoesed as a preven
the doctors for many years, both In Prance en.
America, with unparalleled success in every ease ; all
he is urged by many thonsana ladies who used them, h
make the Pills public for the alleviation of thole safferto
from any irregularities whatevex, u well tie to preven'
an increase of family where health will not permit it.—
Females particularly situated, or thew supposing them
selves so, are cautioned against these Mile while in that
condition as they are mire to produce miscarriage, ant
the proprietor - assumes no responsibility after this adult ,
Maim, although their mildness would prevent any mei
chief to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended
Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Prier
Si 00 per box. Bold wholesale and retail by
No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa.
*lndite," by sending him *1 00 to the Harrisbur,
Poet Habig can Lave the Pills seat free of observation tr
any pert of the country (eonfidentiallyt=ree of pa
tege" by mail. Sold also by S. B. , ,
'PhilaSelphia, J. . Lae
Lebanon Hum H. , Lancaster; J. A
Wats, Wrightsville • 1. T. Num; York ,• and by on
drug~letla-every oily and village In the Sidon. and b.
ode proptielor, New York
N. - B.—Look Ott for counterfeits. Bey no Heiden PM
of any kind unless &eery box is signed S. D. Howe. A.
others are a base impassion and -dusts; thereiore,
you value your Bees and health, (to say nothing of be
Deg humbugged oat of your money) buy only of thew
who show the squitture of S. D. Btue on every boz,
which has recenliN bee* added an amount of the pa
Nees r.oenterielted leil-dwase.ll
14 precisely what its name Indicates, for While pleas.
act to the taste, K Is revivifying, exhilarating sod
strengthening to the vital powers. It also revivifies, re
instates end mews the blood is all its orl, teal purity,
and thus restares and renders the System Invulnerable
to attacks of dis.ese It le toe only preparation ever
offered to the world in ai popular lona no an to be within
the reach of all.
$920 80 8920 80
do and skillfully combined, an to the most
powerled toxic, and yet To perfectly adapted an an To ACT
STSCs sO .12111 Tes wealasr mote= and tone up the 01-
gestive org toe, and allay surreal irritation. a
perfectly ex bearating In Its effects, and yet ft le never
followed by lassitde r &presides of splits It is com
peted entirely of vegetables, and those Morgue., oom•
bluing powerful undo and soothing properties, and cos
t queotty can never Injure. de a sore prememdre and
cure of
Alan, Liver Liemegenaeate or forpiday, and Lim arm.
plelnts, Dilemmas of the Kidney, or may general damns
went of the Urinary organs
It will not only care the debll4 foe •wing MILLS sad
Milt, but ill prevent attaobeirlifte &btu Missmatk.
hilluencee, and ante the inseam once, atellady at.
Travelers should have* bottle with the*, as h Will
infallibly prevent any deleterious consequence, haw
big upon ebange of Amato and water.
As it prevents eardrums!, straigthese the did sttve
organs, It should be in We hands of all parsods tt Cod. n.
tart habits,
luedies not sou mowed to mach out-door exercise
vheuld elwaya use it
Mothers should use it, tor It Is a perfect luso
a month or two before the Anal vial, sbe will paila the
dreadful Atria with pufeet ease and safety
13111312 19 NO MALMO ABOUT IT.
Mothers Try It
And to you we appal , to detect the illness or decline
not 00 7 of your dmiStcre both» It be too late, but also
year sons sad husbands, far Irbil* the former from Übe
delicacy, often go down to a premature grate, rather
than let their elladllion be known In lime, the latter are
often so mixed up who the excdMempd of toabless, that
If it, were not 7011 1 1;:11litiliklaeld In the raw •
• • modal? filawaya and to y
appeal ; for w• are sure, lamer dalilog
&region will unerringly Oat you to AWL WOW
aseroaknvo CooDig.L. AND MOOD ItINDVAT m
the reemay which should always be on nand In time et
U. J. WOOD, PrvpriatOr, 444 Dreadaray, New York, and
1.0 Market Sweet, rt. Louis, Mo., ono sold by all good
Drutegf. Pries One to Ow ler Bottle.
CARLISLE, Cumberland coanty, pro.
peelers take pleasure In announcing that they are now
prepared to restive visitors Persona desiring a healthy
location for the summer will and this one of the mom de.
Ilibtful places in the country. The water of these springs
cannot be surpassed for drintring, bathing Red medicinal
purposes. For information and alveolars address
D. O. BURNkTi,
lel6 2m Proprietors.
For the cure of these distregaing maladies. Agreeable
to the taste.
Every Boater should procure a bolas of We valuable
medkdoe before they take up their line of march. For
eale at
U. A. BANNYARTN, Drug Store,
my2AtBm Ilarriaburc Pa
IJAP.R.R, - RANGER, Front street, eeoond
Slope above Walnutstroe6 All orders punctuall)
wooded to.
. tar Paper hung for lb omits per toll or piece. All
• • illetrentocl. myo•def
TO ohne up the cOehertz the entire
stook or 811011:3, BOOM, dia.,:late or Oliver Be 1
man, damaged, to the room in the *whet ever°, Will
be mold at private sale at COST; and the rooms will be
rgetsd.ka theiltOttigir if dcbtred. The turn.; wUI be
WWI way. - Darr i etak, Agent
STAURANT la armies Qty Ball Buliding t Harris
g Pa. Apply lo JOHN 11. BRANT,
Jell OA toe pramldes.,
. .
FOR SALE.—One of the best business
steeds in the city on reasonable terms , or. tossed
three or live years allotted m /Whet street between
rourth and Filth. Inquire on the prendres of
li 94l Ent , DANIEL LEROY.
lu 81313SCRIBIZEI, has' removed his
street to Fourth street Above Ituscet,oppottte the, game
church. Thgalstul for put patronage, be hopes, by atrtcl
'Hoodoo to'budnets, to omit a ooationanto of tt.
mar26-Btod WM: MUHL .
VIIHE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully
Iniorta Ma public that he 11m - removed hio plumb
ing and Br ourirounding atabibitunet to No. B 3 131)11
Third &tram below Hares Hotel. thankful Or post pat
ronize, no bopoo by strict ottontionto Maoism to merit
a eaataapswe 9t 1 1
All Work Promisk in One Week
0 • •
104 Market Street between 4th and 6th,
HARBI8•1111B0, PA.,
ft gftE - every-deeeriptien of Ladies'
and Geatleotaae , Elizateers, Moe Goods, he., are
Cleaftedaed heialleed hi the bag althea Gad at
etediertualsodo• DOME 6,09; is
ri0v5414,47 ':;;PyligkllMPT
. .
New' 2/mtrtiBeni2uts.
Paco: O. J. WOOD'S
Of Cultivated Portugal Elder.
Every Family Should Use.
rIELKBRATED for its medical and ben4-
ra, Lai qms'ltles ns s grtlu as St n , lant, I mste, 'a
e and Sodnr:flo, highly e , 5..0a3 , 4 by sus.n:al Aye
Maim and some of the first (*rattles la 5u,,,,e ant
SPEER'S soo3uta WINIt
b not a mixture or menuftcturel article, but "4 tore,
from cultivated Portu;al Elder recd aniAudod ny Sawn
lets and Physicians a•+ nodirel prweirtioss sn
pewter to any other Nin•s In use, nn lan excell*- wet ,
ota ihr all weak and deb,lita'ed per-ou", and the age/
and Warm, Improving the ' , petite, and beneatlng tail.;
and children.
because It will not Intoxicate as other wloes, as It mi.
mins no mixture of spirits or otber liquors, and 14 a+-
mired lb , its rich peculiar flavor and outri.ict properties.
Imparting* beep tone tone to too organ, and a
blooming, soft and WO and COnnettittOlL •
None genuine nninea the signature of
ALFRED SrEltß, Pan. , slc, N. J.,
to aria the core of eult bottle,
lan O%E Taut. OF THIS WINg.
A. SPKBH, Proprietor.
Pacsale, N. J
0811 e 208 Broadway, Kew lot t.
J. H F.ATON. Algot, Ptilladelpbls.
For sale by D. W. Gross, & 00., C. IL Keller. Joke
Wyetb and by dressing generally lyl-41awl .
Universal Confidence & Patronage.
Ladies and Gentlemen, in all parts of the world torlity .o
the 'Matey of Prof. 0 J Wood's Hair Restorative end
or the Press are unanimous in Its Peals. A
C a irtadin i ttudale only can be ber.: given ; sea drcsikr .r
mere, and It will be Impot tdbla for you to doubt.
47 Wall Street, New York, Dec. 20th, 1858.
Gwent= : Your note of the 16b inst., bee bests re.
closed, wing that you hod heard that I had beau boots
eta by the use of Weoo's Hair Restorative, and request.
toOnog my certificate of tbo Let if I b uo *biretta to
agard it to you cheertnly, bream I think it due.—
Hy gets about 60 years ; the rotor ni my hair suborn,
an4leollhaed to curl Pomo five or ears taco it re
gain tam gray, and the scalp on the .town of my ho d
to kw its sendbillty and dondruffto fond Lau ft. Rah
of thus ntufftweabilltles looreased who time, and about
hoar men ha since a fourtb was added to them, by hair
me bald. the top of my bead sod threatening to mike
In this unpleasant predicament, I was induced t au tr i ti
Wood's Hair Restorative, moduli to arrest the
ofd my hair, foci bad really no expectation that Ilray
hair could ever be restored to Its original color except
from dyes. I was, however, greatly Kuroda d to And
• ,tbe of two bolls' only, that not only was the
J Al6kisaattiotaaremenimouhermas
term en my bead very Ihneh to the gratilloalion of Mg
*Are, at inticsomottementraiiribt initiMidftollg R. --
ler this, among the many eblisailms T owe to boreal,
strongly recommend all husbands who ' , talus
the d
naratton or their w.v a to profit by my example, and
t If growing gray or getting held.
I . Very re ipectrully, SRN A. LAVENDER.
To o J. Wood & 00. , 444 Broadway New Voris
Yy Aim ily are absent irom the city, and I am no long
er at No 11 Carrot place.
aiamattoo, Ala , July 201 h, 1669.
To PR'.7. 0 J. woof) : thaw Sir : Your "Hair Restora
tive" has done my hair so much good sines I cionteammed
tho use of it, that I wish to make known to the PRBilO
its affects on the hair, which are great. A man or wo •
man may be nearly deprived of hair, and by a resort to
your "Hair Restorative , " the hair will return more
nomad than ever; at lea t ads la my experience
&neve it all 1 Youra truly,
P B.—You can publish the above If you like. By pub
!Ming in our Southern papers you oil , get more patron
ar south. I see several of your cor.tittoutos the, So
bite Mercury a strong Southern paper.
W. B. Remedy.
PROP 0. J. Woon : ' , ear Fir : Raving had the mi4fer
tune to lose the beat port.on of my hair, from the effects
of the yellow fever in New Orleans in 1861, I was In
duced to mate a trial of your preparation, and fond It
to answer as tt , • very thing needed. My hair is now
thick and glossy, and no words can express my obliga
tions to you in giving to the afflicted such a treasure.
The Restorative is put up in bottles of tgiree eine, viz
large medium, and small ; the small bolds half is , gtot,
lea retails for one dollar per bottle ; the Medium bliNds
at least twenty per cent more In hropOrMOn itiata the
man, retails for two dollars per bottle ; the large buds
a quart, 40 per e.nt. more in proportion, and retaUS'for
. . .
O. J. WOOD & CO., Prop letors, 444 Broadway, New
York, and 114 Market !treat, Bt. Lords, do.
an d sold by all good trruggio. and Fancy Goods
Dealers. jylll.cswenig
Great Cure.
Rhetunatiein, Gent and Neuralgia
All Mercurial Diseases.
It is a conveniently arranged Band, containing. mei
toted compound, to be worn around the Waist, tollittant
Wary to the most delicate persons, no change MUMS,
of Bring it required and it entirely remotes the Mamas
from the system, without producing the injuriedicia mo
arising from the Use of pow rto. Internal etiMMLlmee
which weaken and destroy the consiitutioll, and give
temporary railer only. By this treltosem,she medi ca l
properties contained in the Band, come In mates with
me blood and reaches the disease, through theeponia or
the skin, edeollug in 007 instance a velem my % Cu d
restore be parts aMmed to a heaithy condition. This
Band Is also a moat powerful MITI-MIRCORIAL agent, and
will entirely relieve the system from the pormatiftr ef
fects of Mercury. 110401111,6 GIMP are cured In a- •wer
days, and we are constantly receiving testimonials ad its
smeary in aggravated mutes at long standing.
Parc. 00, to be had bf Druggists generally, or
sent by mail or express, with full directions for
any part of the country, direct from the Principal ,
No. 409 BROADWAY, New York.
G. SMITH & CO., Bole ProprietChs.
N. B.—Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. ••
Ivit dew
Looking Glass and Picture Frames,
Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings Lo.
French Mirror", square and Oral Portrait
Frames of every description.
OLD "RAMBO !moues NNW.
le 4 = iii n
Manufacturer of