. L.: !Giros of Crave & (11 ransportatiob NSW AIR LINE ROUTE, THREE TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YOWL TWO TRAINS DAILY TO P H IL ADE LPH IA WITHOUT CHANGE OF CABS. IPN AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1881, the Paseenger Trains will leLve the Ptilladel• fa a anti Reading Railroad Depot, at Harriabor4 . , for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, viz : EASTWARD EEPREH3 LINE leayee Harrisburg at 930 a. m. on ar Ord of Peunitylvknia Railroad Nbcpresa Train from' the West, brining in New York at 4 p. in. A sleeping car la attached to the train through from Pats burg with out change. RAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 a. in.. arriving In 'New TONE at 4p. in line Philadelphia at 1.25 p. m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p m., on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast Mail, arriving in New York at 9.45 p. in., and Philadelphia at 0.40 9. tn. WESTWARD. FAST LINE leaves Now Tort at (I a. m., and Philadel phia at 8 a. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 1. p. m. WAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil adelphia at 8. 115 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. EXPRESS LINE leaves New York at 8 p. m. , Wi lting at Harrisburg at 2.80 a. m., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Suprema Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping oar is also attached to tnis 'rain . Connections IMO made at Harrisburg with trains on the rennaylvanla, Northern Central and Camberitni Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Phil idelphia, Pottsville, Wlikesbarre, Allentown, Easton, Sm. Baggage checked through. Faro between New York and Harrisburg, $5 00 , between Harrisburg and Phila. delphla, $8 26 in No. 1 cars, and 82 70 in No. 2. For tickets or other information apoly to _ . J. J. GL Y DE, General Agent, Harrisburg =I PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I BUMMER TIME TABLE FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM_ PHILADELPHIA ON AND AFTEIR MONDAY, JUNE 10th, 1861, ft* pswenger trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Uom• goy will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows EASTWARD. rAer LINE loaves Harrisburg every morning (excipt Mentay) at /.104. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia AIL 0 a. la. THROUGH =PREPS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily rthe•Ta:a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.10 MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Slip• day) at 5,11. , M. and arrives at Wiled PhiladeMbl.-- 4 10.16 p. m. at P ad; AGOOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, via MOIMS Joy IMMO &minim at 7.00 a. m., and arouse at Wen Phtladalpata at 12.00 noon. HARRISBURG AMOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colon), Mai leaves Harrisburg at 1.10 p. m., and arrives at West ynnadoiptda et 6 25 P. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, via. Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 5.15 p. m, connecting at DiUor vale with MAIL TRAIN, and arrival' at West Pbiladel Oda At 10.16 p. m. WESTWARD* • „,144 4 , 014 :OP TRAK' lett l. tea . Philudellittla, p Hal at 2.31 Altoola 2.80, a. gn., and arrives M Pittsburg at 12.00 noon la ._ loaves Philadelphia at 7.80 a. m., Marrliggu.l.oo p. Altoona, LAO m., and arrival at Pittsburg at 12.00 midnight. .. or g mime Pldladslptila at 21.20 a. m., Hanle. maluga4 6110'p. m., and arrives at Pitts• fi a. na, 4006WitODATIOS 116.111 learn IVA stdelphla f nt 2,80 p. Lancaster 8.08 p. m. Egartn 2 .9 0 1 ,_4.10 71 .714 1, 14 Harridan% it 8.05 , p. in. eminecie at Harrisburg, at 8.05 p. with NOlftbern Omani liallrosd fruit bir Scab urv, port, Lock Raven, Scranton and all points North: .41415 1 MWALLTIONTiLlit,learasi Philadelphia at 4.00. p. Lancaster 7.00 p. m.rliount ,Toy 8.21 p. m., bnntewn, 8.87 p. m. , and arrives et Harrisburg. at P• )..sattantion b oailad to the fast, that passengers leaving AMlNOlphis at 4.00 p. in., 001 MOM at fallealltar with =JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN ,, and arrive at arg at 0.80, p. m. s pt. sa SAMEL .0. fOtING, Pens. Ritilrolid Zaniaburg, Jima 7, 1 851.—d l if.. - Div.U eqt aohoola for BOVB and Girls' . STELIIi/ET AM , V 111 LOCUST. • . 11 1 Lr 1 1' 0; Lerut of ROBERT htI'ELWEE'S euocoor boys, will open ou the last Monday io August kze room as well ventilated, comfortably fur abeheo, .. ° wla every respect well adapted for adios pmtpoese. 11 1 .111LWEE'd dohool Fall located In the eamehntlainti will epee for the Fall term at the same ,The mom has been elegentJTaited up during the leitahltOtf,*to eremote the health and comfort of scholars. CITY LIVERY STABLES. . 4 g to purl o g. 7 ft:L.11,4,n% jai AKER • bit' E undersigned has re.oommeneed the iisary busloads to his Nair and sPeclous SPA located as above, altb, a large and varied stock o' in VARITAngs and ozermushz, which he wli E hire at moderato rates. 7 • li. sW et.RTZ. iteP2B4l7 z' 344115. ' triateißS AT COST 1 .liditoluded to discontinue the meat ris eseis i zzi u tu : er qui Ja!se amixosi_piete assort manic ad liquors d own de, gelltutoopYlSM . 91 ' " w a. poog "‘ "/‘ ° O a " 414j/IRl4tirra6 1 EZ EM Ayer's CATHARTIC , PILLS. AYUU6 V ICK, feet ' Are situ ont of order, with year systeni deranged. and your feedings uncomfortable? These symptoms arc often the prelude toneriona illness. Some at of sickness Is creeping open you, and should be averted by a timely vs° of the right remedy. rake Ayers Pills and cleanse vat the disordered humors—pun-3 , the blood and let the guide move ur nuobstructel o hdaltd. again. They atimu ate the inactions 'Op body into v lintlVlty, pu rify the system iron disease. A old sett* somewhere iv the body; and °bare:taus Lttere! functions. These, it not relieved, react upon Inetuselsea and the surround ing orgaus..produainggenersi aggravation , suffering and disease. While in WO condition, oppressed by the de rangement, fake Ayer d Atte, end doe how directly they restore the mistral' elon el the spawn, and with it the buoyant feeling of ' uti Knuth Agaill. What Is true - and so apparent MOW ttivtal and common •186utplehtt., iti also true in Many of the deep-seated and dangerous "flitsteM pers. The same purgative eflec expels them. Caused by similar obetruchous and derangements of the 'natural futiottops 01 the busty, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, eured . by the same means. Nona who know the 'Wines In these lifts will neglect to employ 'hem When suffering iron the di. orders they core.. Statements nem icadmg physicians in Mani al the principal clties, audio = other well known publi6 per 60814 , • • Prom a Forwarding Merchant of Bt. goals, Feb. 4, 18513. DR. AVM : Your Pills are th paragon of all, that is great In medicine. They have cit•cd little' dughter of ulcerous sons upon her bee a and Mg Salt' had proved Inelnsable for year/. tier m: titter has beau long grieviouttly affileted with blotch°s and pimples 0 her • skin and in-her hair. Alter our child 'was Mired, she also tr 6ttr they have alien nen At&ll idukt(lkW6l - ff AS a FAllll.lr PBlBlO. (From Dr.l4 W. Cartwright, New Urleine.l Your Pills are the pride° of purges. Their - exidellent qualities surpass' any cathartic we possess.'.They are mild, but very certain and effectual in their action ;on the bowels, - ,which Make them Invaluable to us in the daily reatmette of disease. IlsAhllB l B, - &OR fizaDAOHN FOVL BUMACIEI. IFrom Ur. Bdward Boyd, Etaltitnored DEAR limo. At's*: 1 catuda answer you WB-LT 00m• plaintist have Gunn with your Pills better than to say aft that ish - eetw treat with a purgative 1 place great dependence on an, edectua: o tamale. u my :daily contest' With disease, and - believing as 1 do, that your Pala alkyd us the bust we nave, 1 ei! Course yalun them Highly." Yrrnumml,t's., May 4, 1856. um. J. G. Anat.—Sir nape been repeatedly. cured of he worst headache anybody eau hive, by a doee,or two ..t seems to arise froM a 1001 stomach, which Mei clBtaeeatdunee. Yours with great respect, S.D.-W. raftill.E, rk of .Bteamer Clarion 8111008 DISONDIa , I.-1 as COPIPIAMIO. (From Ur. Iteodore Belt Nei ,York City.] Not uuly Me your tine a.: a :May adapiasi it? their purpiNe as iw aperient; but 1 their bitted...nal enacts upon the Liver vary marked Weed. JlM have , ht-my practice proved, mare:fillectust or; .the , 8:8ous Complaluts twin 'mil one remedy 1 can. ineution.• I sin. °ere/ rinoice thia - ,we; have at length ii, ptirgetieo, which at worthy the Coalideoest the profession and the people. DEPASTIMPrt OP xraaga Drattioa; `Washington, D. C. 70i Feb. 186 0 . : 1 haul used -your NIL, in my geseril arid hospital praotioe ever Shiba you .wade them, mid.aanuot hesitate to say they alto MO he'll oath-rho we erniiloY.' their re gulating adios un - the I.ver iC iphok iiitl:dor,lded. close queutly they are au JAnallrSUlks 1 . 11111014 . for tturiwirement. 01 that organ. lehoed, t ad, wildomjnittuf a case of Bilious Disease so °build iie did` not t 1 eddy yield to them. Fraternally your A 02 , 41,0 BALI 'maim .. the hhwine UrsipTalry aMititmk a itsmzi !From Br , . J. tf. Brom, 01 Unicagu.l Your Pins u One, tail 1 my pr.tonoe t and 1 hold them In eetoeivine. one of too unit sporteute,l l , have ever tonna: 'heti einiative elloot upon iliVitier makes them an ORGOIMMIC reenidy, when a• von 111136111/ united tor Biltutu Dyeentery and Diarrhea*. Weil , augar.coit tins makes them very imeeptable and uouveoleut for the use of women and children. ' IMMPRIMIA, IMPURITY or TIM BLOOD. From Nei. J. V. S In es, Duster advent litturela, Dcston. Dr. AIM : have - heed your i'Ws with extraurdinary success In my tandlyand anions those I sin Called to , visit in unarms. To regulate ,tie organs of digestion inal pu rity the blood, too are use very bats remaidy Thave ever known, au,l oak co..aueutty roccimniend thiain to my friends. Yours, J. V. HUE . tr Liu., N. Y., Out. . 44, .18¢&. DEAR SIR: utu wing your Jatnertic sills in my praline and wat . t an excellent purgative to cleanse the eysieun and ardp the fountainaol the Oterst. - ,0112.4 G. MEACUAIa, M. D. CONMPATiON v iiairSsaltils, SUPPRosSIOS, HLLYetddTIaR Don, liisnpanate. Daorsv, raItaLYBIS, Firs, rp.: . . . __ (Front lir. J. Y.lraugho, Montreal, (atiada.) Too much cannot bkinaid of your rills for thO cure of Costiveness. If °thorn in your frateruitir Lave .141 and them as ellicaniousan I have, they atoutd JOID halm Claiming it TOT thaithiclit of the multitudes vfho sailer iron that comil4atot, Which, although bad enough 'hi h eed, is the prugeilltat of:Others that are worse. I bellve Ooetivenant to - hrtaimmatu the aver, but your MIS Willa that orhan and cure .tke disease. IFrem Mrs.. Stmul,,Ybyatolaa and Midwife, J I and one 01 . two large /Dada 0/ your main Lithe proper tuna, are oadedeat promotive% ca. we riat‘tral edetiLLOu wn..n wholly or partially suppreased; maid qtlao my a loom ; :.OLLtitaktrie sioll,Loll and emu won Ms. they are do inane the beet phykdo we have that eoom menu no moor to toy patients. [From the rtes. Dr. Baines, ol the Methodist, &pp:11301)11 `Ohdreh.l einummitouna, Savatman, GM., Jan. 6, 1856. JRoNoutp Sig I nnonM be: ungrateful ; for tho relief your Man haalirdugfit tit.' abtripoi my case to' you, At cold settled m limy I md,brfongpt on 9xoru daft.; Neuritligln Paars irufon ended 'in-Carohlo t /Gina- cucusm. Notwithstandiaga eau we best of physicians, the t uleasti,reW wereu .ant worse, until by the advice , a t r ear. eixcidleat asevat . 4 1:nab/mord, Dr. &Mutilate, 1 tried year rills. Phew effects were , slow bat By persever ng intho use of anim a l tun now entirely well. . , /isms Cuanza, itaton Mouse, lat., Deo. 4, 1845. b.yrs : 1 have been cadreiy cured by your Piils, 'ol Rheultitio Gout—, &until ditaease that had &Mimed me tor years. VIaItANT 441-tdbat of the . Pilla in mortal contain Mercury, which, although a valuable remedy in elttltia. hands, is dangerous in a public pill, from we dreadful cone squat ted that' irtattiantly Leßow his Incautious .use., These eentalui no mercury, or , mineral subinance.whataver. . price 84 cents per box, or d begas,Jor $l. Prepared by DM. J. D. /TDB ds t.D.,.Lowell, Mass. Sold by.o, A. Banavart, O. K. Keller, B. W. Grose & Jo., J. M. Luta, Helmut Gs., Armatrong, Harrisburg, and dealers everywhere.. ap2.7.6mdaw Mr 'AA VID HAYNES, 110 MARKET; BT. HARRISBURG, Agent tor LLLLLE'S PA TENT Wrou g ht and Chilled inn Y.e. ad Burglar Pratt 5e11.8.3E 8 rua Nil. Strictly the ONLY Atereautra • ite.4 numb; that le both re and Burglar Proof, mar29-dly O.A:NbLESI PASAFFINE OANDLI4 SPERM OANDiai, ADAMANTINE OA-14DLES, STEALS] NE OAN DL&I, 3TAN ,PANDLES, CHEMIOAL SPERM. CANDLES, TALLOW CAN DLES. Argo lot of taa above Bt.ci3 and for 6410 at the lOw det prima bar W hi. LOOK JIL CD" • and U PPOsite tho . Ctiurt Rouen. A VERY HEAS4 STOCK OF BLACK AND SECOND MOURNING DRESS' GOCOS I OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JIIST , OPENED. At Prices below the Cosi of inlpertatiGlL OALL AT CATHCART'S, snare Next door to the Harriabarg Bank. • FARMER'S HOTEL. THE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public that be hastaken the lAM- B/VS HOTEL., In Market street opposite the Post OM ea, formerly J. slat" where he is prepared to &mom sio date them on reasonable terms. Having refitted and . litrldshed the HOMO entirely now, he nom by strict at. .lcuttlen to baldness, to receive a li beral share or patron. 'see. (aO-Bmll] B. G2PETSIM trilHE SOLDIER'S 8008, g:Kinfaer€ "Our u, Qovoruaten t ," an ex of th e, Goluoilto: on the United fitfatio, g th e xuAture and spar latea r:1 our goverianoMf., rikdal and authentic sourcei-.; Pries SI 00., row ego i Zur,..„... wig „„, kIigIiGNMIPS.STORI pennovivanta Mailp (Ictegrapt), aburobap, afternoon, augnot 1, 1861 filtilitsd Eliza!lantons. _.~ s~7~~` sty. ~, -.. MRS. WINSLOW , An experienced Nurse and Female Physician, presents t 4 the attention of mothers hi 4 • SOOTHING S YRUP , For Children T( tithing, which greatly lacilitates the prom:, of teething, by son ening, the gums,redUoing all inflammation—wit] allay All PAIN, and Spasidodic action, and ill 81J4` To- BECHILATE THr; WWELIi Depend upon it, mothers it will give ististlo AND, =MI AND TB TO YOUR INIIANYb We have put up end sold Ms article tor , d'fbr years, and OLP Lev, at tansThinell Ann Esuri h , what Wt have never been able to say of any other medicine* NITER -BAB IL FAILED, IN A SINGLE INSTANdE, TO EFFECT. A CURB; When timely used.. Never did -we know an untancoqiiissattafactlon by any one who ;UMW it. On the contrary,. all are delighted, with ,oper a dons, and speak , inlerms of highest ciominendatioa its magical :Waits ;tend medical virtaee. ,Wespekli this matter ,um 110 meow, atter denyeare', fleece, aim ',rumps Qllll UPTITATION roll 1113, STRALICIIM as watt ' - mss - „vacuum In almost evev'thilillllol where thetnflitMlikaffering from pain and uslausilidii, ra liatiVah 7feeild in Ptteee or twenty minutes aft* tht syrup This lOl 6 -preparealon fa the presilit '.I ht co the most lII:PERIENCED and BOUM EI it New Engliunt, end - his been used With isitis:'isposT 1001:1113 arh 1S Ir r 4 B OF umiak i. it not only Td)lOv the child from' pain, not LS irig oratm the"eWnlaol Ind bowels, twirreote aielditt gives tone and energy to the whole systim -111:M.1), N . most instantly gehityc - - aIifFINGI IN BOWELS, AND WIND' 0014.1., ad overcome ciekVulidons, which if not sPetedily i rinut• died, end' in death: We believe ft the new ands echoes assums in sus srOss la all cases of DIEBENTEWE ANt man- 34 RI W , Ditkal, wheithE it, ,101410, irva teething of mom any other cause. .We te every mother who has a child emir* from any of tilt toregoing complaints--n 0 star Lin YOUR 14311117160, sea nameless ow omens, stand between you and yew coheringslid ii thoreliel that will he SLlEF * .yee,:4ll , BJLLINLY B , =to follow the use of Oda - ."modieuit.' it timely uied...Full:directions for using -villi Aimimpen d each bola . None genuine unless this atossitali . e o. CIUMMis i d asisi.Nß,piew York, is en the outside sereppei Sold or riggisite throughout the world t-- NCLIE Cedar St., New York. • ' Pyles only 25 Cents nor Bottle iartroi Sun ai Harribbarg by I/. Wi tirose 6 4..41. nu 19 Market. etroot, J:./191ttha Luta, Ko. &Ibiza.; sleek u. C., K. Keller, No, 91, Asrjbot , 9: - tiles, 1* tderAl 1141.4, Dyspepsia Remedy flit DARIUS IMPS AROMATIC INVIGORATING NWT. This Mediaitatku -beat : wed by the patio for ;in tancra with is:rearm/ f tenor. it is recomutentied to Litre Dyspepti4Neivostaless, El art-Burn, - Oats Mete, Wind the'Rentrwh, or Pa wain the Bowe, Itiadache, Drowsiness, Ketney Caw • Plaint:, Low d urns D Arisen Trestata intewtp, ro iamarse, ' EXIIILattAISS, y LOB, OUT WILI. POT latextatffla Oa i u . 6 A MEDICI:MD.4 is quick nd ellectu , al, caring the most aggravating case o Dyspeppt, Wine) , OoMplaints; - add all other derange ent •ol the Stomach and floweis u ba a speedy manner. , It will usittaitly„retve the most tnelsoduiy on drooping spliits; andirestore the week, nervous la ly to health, strength and vigor. • earsonswho, frowthe Injudicious use.pf liquors, have become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered, conatitutiont trio:keit Own, and sub etA id that lidizote carat) to huradnitY, the Dsunww TRICIDSII; humediataly, Bed the happy and healthy kivigarstins efficacy of Bain's Invigorating Spirit. WiLAT IT WILL DO. wine glass Bill as often as neawakry . One ewe will rennwo all Bad Spirits. One duet, will enrollee:II-burn. • • • Three dates Wdl,cardindigestion. • One dose will @Algot% a Good Appetite. One date Will dop,twi distressing pains of flyspapeas. One dose Till remove!the distressing anti dkagreeable effects of Wind or flatelence, and as soon as the-eternal% receives the hptlgorplitig Spirit, the distressing load SO all paint ul feelings wilt be removed. One dose will remove the most distressins t rdrm of • either in the stet:nil isr 'bowels. . - A taw doses Will remove all obstructionslo the Kieiosy, Bladder or Urinary Orgdns. • Perms" vibe are seriously afflictW., ,with any. KiOliv) cOmplimita 'are assurea speedy reli4 by close or row, And a radical cure bythetuse of one orstlw6lxittlie. , NIGHTLY- DISSIPATION: • rersona who hirom dlekdpaUng too much Over night, and feel the evil eMlectsollioffionous la violent head aches, alekueks at stomach, weakness , , giddiness, ho., will lied one acme wiraMOva all Dan 0011nge._,, Ladles of 'weekend ciy constithUons, 4014 tabu roe Invigorating limes a day ; It will aisle Meat strong, heal th y dndalaPily, remove ail obstiquitietis and irregularities !rota the menstrual organs, and,xeetere c 4: bloom or healtliand,liertity to the careworn lace, Daring pregnannflVlvill be found an invabiaoi,‘ rued, cilia to remove alenlitleible sensations st , trai All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to, induokitua.nr. OVA put up the invigorating Spirit in pint blittilla, at fat oents, qbarta El. " , , rieneral-Depbt, 48 Water street, N. 7. WhOlesAlei egmit, Philadelphia, D. YOTA , CO. ...nu tor sale in liarrlabibrgbyC, A. Bata/veil, D. WI Grow h CO. and.C, IL:Keller, and by all Druggists everywhere lel4-dawlii FASHIONABLE (SLOT , al G. SPRING Ate. - sumidEA I 8 6 1 ;-• PHILADELPELLA. FASHIONS. GRANYALB STOKED' ONE! 11)41.01, GIFT , 01,0 V7 1 .4 1• 4 1 EMPOitiV,A4 No. NT .42BASTRU2 STREAM • auperb stook of. Mno trench, English. and American OLOTHe r GA6BIMETOII3 and VESTINGS, for City and nountry.tnule, with an unapproachable as eortment of Itahor.A4on,OLomma at the ionen cash P rime larlint ONE PRICE ill asked, and a GOT bt uhr** worth and use presented wish each article solo. Parts ,afar attention:paid:AO the Customer, departmant, and garments made andtsent to order to any address, In inaugurating' this new system of doing, busuteaa, ORANIILLEItYPOSHB' Would impress on th e minds 81 , the patrons of blitleatektltaimeat, that thwoost of the gift: Is deducted tomb and,ookadded 10 the prism of the ant. on Bold. Uinutionoely mores/nog 811303 a 41:00 to am thus liberally, and ht the same dm? remunerative OMB.. ell artiolissintarauteedAri give entire satilisameo GRANVILLE STOKEW . . ONE PIIIQEqI.I,4THING EMPORIUM, i • , 807:indtanitrr STREET. male emd—rddiarttoisf rIIHE COMMISSIONERS appointed under tb AO)Pf AhCarfrotatifirt of the city of-Harrisburg having made a plater draft of said city, deffignatiug,thir streets, tuner and alleys raw existing and opeffing, and. also where avenuei,lartiebV, lanes and alley s itir ill herb: after be opened; inffialsio , dengnating within the limits of said city a plOyer,pieue Of ground, containing, not leas' than twenty cores, for the use of the public an of NW city, for the *Purpornes and, uses mentioned in said act ; and having submitted Uthirttraft and report to the Court of Quarter sessions, if_boraphin county, tor thb approval , of sold Court ; thesaitisdratt and report have hcCit Mut by order of said Omit in , the office of the Clerk of,QUati ter sessions of said 'conntyltir public inspection ;' and,uu- Medi:exceptions are lbedilliereto by partial; interested in said city, the same vrilltnisiliproved at the August term of said Court. By, order of . the• Court. myl-dtw • -Wll. M ITCHELL, Clerk. 'SIGN OF THE . . Glorious. Star Stan/710d Banner 1 ~. - A NO'ITIER surny OF WALL PAPER; d i& l loll llratnoke., driiSNDID WL.'siDtlW BD t o te winch wamithe attention nt our film:ma, and cordially Invite (heat einnane woods and prices. .. ~ We are delfirmined .: to :, 71,11w-cheaptivi. iur aite ns d b t ur he e D a lace rkige. . , (111CAKriedIVS llowtSrOiti4- ael•i-il CARPENTEak,AND BUILD:Mt' • Resickna No::27: - .2North Semi 81zedL , N. B—JOBBING ATTENDED TO 1t Ottbital 1001 qhl 41=1 LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. rpHESE MEDICINES have now been be fore the public far a period of THIRTY YEARS, and during that time have maintain. d a high character in al molt efory part of the Globe; for their extraordinary and immediate power of wstdring perfect health to per eons Buffering under Bea iy every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable; The fol lowing are among the distressing variety of hu man diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be infallible. . . . . DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the nret and second Blowouts, and creating a flow of pure, ' leat' idle instead of the stale and acrid kind ; GENCY Use of Appetite, Heratburn, Headache, Rest leanness, 111-Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, wiirch are the generiUmploins of Dyspepsia, will van ish as a natural of its cure. (OSTLVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the inteattnee with a solvent process, and without VW lento; all violent purges leave the hotels costive within two daya. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the process of respiration In inch oases, and the thorough solutionof all intestinal eb lined& in dhoti. The , LIFE ktHINCINES have • been known to ogre naEuNATieini pennanently In three weeks and aver In hilt that time, by removing looalindammation train the muscles and ligaments of diakonal/. - DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and streamthen- Mi thelkidneyeand -bladder; they operate most delight taßy on these Important of and hence have ever been found a Certain remedy for the worst cues of GRAVEL Also WORMS, by. dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy Inalter to which Am creatures adhere.' SCURVY,. ULCERS ,! and INVETERATE BORES,,by the perfect purity which these LIFE MEDI. ONlNsive to the hived,' and all thd humble. SCORBOTIO ERUPTIONS and BAD CONPLICI lONS, by their *iterate effect upon the fluids that, feed she aikia, and the morbid state of which tmetikins all "Wll7"7:l4,'?"4l?lsllo44qtamoiWdrilliMlo able connil out: The use of theme Pills for a very , short ante wl9 effect an entire cure of SALT ItHIEUR, and a striMmiin provemind in the °lemma of 'the skin. COMMON CQI4DS and INFLUENZA will always he oared by 'One'dOON or by two in the worst cases. PILEIS...-The or proprietor of these'mediolnes, WWI cured of Piles, of years standing by the use of the fAIR MEDICINIS alone. PR. VElit. AIFIVAQUE.....-ler this : scourge of the ppatent country, these Medicines .will be , found a safe, ieedy, and certain remedy. - "Other Mettichics have the system subject to a return oi the disease—a cure by these Itedhines is permanent—TßY Mild, BB RAMMED, AND BE BuiroVrFEVERS AND LIVER COIN ' 014AIWIS:—Gmmait - Drinurr, Lore or Alvaro* and sums Imuiss:4-the Medleinee have been need with Ike ma st - bays resells in cases of thirdescrip- Ilmilf--M, Oki ail i Scrofula,.in itsworatibrum,yields gothe Mild yet Wer I action of these remarkable Medi- Moen. 'Night weeks, -Nervous Debility, Nervoni n 0441 ,0 r Ilk kinds*Palpdation of , the Heart, WM re .oolkigspeedily, ured, CURIAL DISEASES.—Persons whose Chnittliu kidif hive' becoipti impaired by the injudicious 'nee of Mermiryy will find 'these ididicines a perfect.. cure, tin they lurfekrtalP eiltdicatei from the system, all the effects of Mercury, Infinitely sot:pm : than the most power- PreParationa of NtriMmullia. • :Prop tared and sold by •W S. "ffiIUFFAT, . • ' 186 Broadway, New York. by. Druggists. Iy2o-dAlfilf ... - , 5;5 7 ...ii1i.,.4 : v.,z7 s Rolland Bitters CM , . DYSPEPSIA, Liver. Cbmplaint, •Fever and- Ague, &c. nit successful introduction and me of this cola. bridal Remedy hes been the signal for a literal.flood of, compounds called Bitters," offered in' various kirms, from a quest bittle to a tiro-gallon ireis, this ,word "Bittern" 18 but another name fbr ' , grog," or gone villimoue whiskey mixture." Hot the re'illy great relief' derived from the mintiM 'darn, one. teaspoonful, of.. our medicine, • lICERHAVE'S rtormtam smuts, ased Oa attire absence of after prostration, has seta blished for it a reputation . which the beetof imitations and counterfeits have Ailed to undermine. It is posi tively a vegetable preparation, with barely sufficient 1)1:m4 spirits to preserve it. Bitt one size of the genuine, (Half-Pint Bottles,) price Oslo Daces. It Is a hedicine of long tried efficacy tbr Purifying Me Btood, so essential in the foundation of good health 'and flr correcting disorders of the stomach and lcwels. Two or three doers will convince the afflicted of its; salutary effects. The stomach will speedily regain IM strength, a healthy action of the liver, bowels and 'kidneys will Bonn 'take place, and renewed health be: the quick , result. • For. INDIGESTION, Tn Beihave's Holland Bitten. For EEIMEt-TBURN. Try Borhave , s Holland Bitters, For ACl.Dirr. Try • Bferhave's Reiland Bitters. For WATERBRABE; try Beerhave's Holland Bitters. Fcw ECBADAMEEEI, Try lkerltave's Holland Bitters. For LOSS •OP A2PETITE; Try' Beerha,re's Holland Bitters. door coaTrrarress i Try Berhavets Holland - Bitten. For PILES; Try ;HerWe's Hollittiiiitters. In all Nei - ions, :21ioutuatio, and ItstoulgWA ffec time, it has in numerous inetanires pro'ed highly beneficial, and in.others tented a decided cure. Read Carefully! The genuine, hlghlrconcentrated Bauttura's Hot.- [AND Brrrcss is put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at One Dollar per bottle. The great demand finr this truly celebrated medicine has induced Many imitations, which the puha() should guard against purchasing,. Beware orimposilion / See that our name uon the label of every bottle you buy. Benj. Page, Jr. &Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. For sale In the city of Harrhttag 07 D. W.IDDOBB Co. to.lOrd—aepl-d*wly JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C. ALFRED F. ZTEMERMAIT tt COI O. 52 MARKET STREET, Harrisburg, Pa., opposite Hewes Horn and adjoining the PRAM . Horn, haying purchased the stook of E. P Jennings, and added a large assortment of NSW aII gLRY, we will sell the same at the lowest cash price, and solicit patronage. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly and promptly re paired and delivered. ALFRED F. ZilungpatApT & co. Having disposed of my stock of Jewelry to A. F. 9m. merman & Co., !cheerfully recommend them to my for- mer customers as prastioal and experienced Watch Makers, and solicit for them a continuance of the patron. age which has been so generously extended to me during the last six years. *129 gum F. JENNINGS. FISE3XEE Z SHAD, No.l, SALMON, No. 1, HERRING, No. 1, COD FII3H,NO. 1, MACKEREL, No.l. _tOf )te above we have all the dine: ant Bleed package,rom the Ern to the settartsin Store and for sale at Us owes( market rata. fable W7d. DOCIC, Ja, A OD. ORANGES AND LEMONS. FORTY BOX in prime order Just re delved and for sate b) o WM. DOOK JR. A CO SPERM CANDLES I 11 TAROS NMI ItbZMID /ff t 7 WM. DOCK dB. littbical "They go right to the Spot." INSTANT I&LIRF I STOP YOUR COUGH PURIFY YOUR BREATH 1 :-.TRENOITEN YOUR VOICE I SPALDING'S Throat Confections, GOOD FOR OLERGYKEN, GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPB•HEBS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOB CONSUMFIIVES. annuiwni CARRY SPALDING'S THROAT CONM=ONS. porint.i 1110):INNalk,loo:1 SPALDING'S MOAT CONFECTIONS. MID= 00.7 FOE 43PALDELCG'S TECROAT CONFECTIIONS. They relieve a conk instantly. They clear the Throat. , • They give strength and volume to the voice. They Imparts delicious aroma to the breath. They are dellghthd to the taste. They are made of simple herbs and cannot harm any I advise every own who has a Cough or a Husky voles or a Mad Breath, or,any dlliculty of ‘the Throat, to rat a package of ntlihruat Confitotione, they will relieve - ion instantly„antlyonwill lad them very usethi and pleas ant_whlla traveling or-attending ratio meeting!' ibr atil llug.your Cough or allaying your thirst. It you try one package I•atn safe In saying that you will ever 'Mer cier& consider them indispensible. -You will Ind them at the Drogglsta and Dealers In Medicines. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS My Manahan la on each package. All other are coon tore% • A Package will be sent by mall. proaki, on reoipt of Thirty Mints. saw, HENRY CI. SPALDING, Noi 4111°ORDBR STARS; NEW YORK. CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE NERVOUS HEADACHE, CUBE ALL KINDS OF HEADAOHE• By the ass ot these Pllht the periodic attacks of Ire,- sous or Bid Headache may be preven‘d; audit taken a the commencement of an attack Immediate relief from , pain and sickness enly be Obtained. They seldom tail in removing Nausea and Re:dacha to which females ammo subject. • • They act gently upon the bowels, removing Outteenett. For Literary bleu, Stades* Delloate:lesudes, and all persons or gaudery habits, they shluab le as a Losonee, improving ttui .sessenw„ giving 101114111 D smolt to the ingestive oripins„and fettering the cattle& WWI; olty and Mresgth to' the whole System. . . The'CIIPHAI.IO *meta are the 'result or long Lineal sidles and careMillYiesidui . 'MslexperhilenM, biiing bees is use in many years, dorhig width time the+ have me vented and relieved a mist seammicdpalt andsollning from Headache, whotherAolgisating In the nervous sym tem or from a deranged state orthe slosuseh. . Tbki are entirely' vegetable their convoshion, lAA may betaken at an tinted With 'wilted tatty without making any change et dlet - anittlaciisktenee et my disa grecabldtasic renders it am go twinainiitargiess ta ohiiktrepa lIRWMUI OF commauritte The genuine balm h,visiliwiterce ot'Renry 0. Spalding Sold by drngglete and all other dealers In medicines. A Box will be sent tiy mall prepaid on receipt of the . . • Placa!! Tinerry-vivs °awl& AR micas shouw too ouldreesaill . • • • •HENRY 0:13:PAL1117(0, 48,Oadar &net. liewlreek. li A=doale b9ttie of-SPALDING, PIatPLTUID 13111111 will gale ten times Its cost annually..e‘ SPALDING'S PREPARED • GLUE I SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE srALIMIG's, I!REPAAND GLUE BAVETea KM! I _ goomoity r DWATat - 6030" A ROUE ill TIM MAVIS gialri."Air I=2lllllll As sYsidesSis ssa halsisos, asSsasrasksifs IS is very 441 1 1501 e tcklayAsame 044 LIPS 4onwlind rst itsOWN ToYls ~llls. So. .ERIPMP-GLIM meetsall Multi taifitripifolos, aittioittuumbabl otot iGbrd to wit/wit It. It iu ultrupg riattp totd up to the !Met ing ;ant. "QOM Ri F/061 MUM" N. B.—A. Brush ecpada mach bottle: l l'Na SI go. Addzeso . NINNY 0. SPAM/Rig, No: 48 Cedar Street, Newyork: O& UT lOTN As certain aaptinelphittperoonaare attempting to palm of on . the noseaPeetlog ,my PRAI - PACED etkrity,ulicalti piittot -111 , ivrrts to examine . beftTe P 1171.11484 iirdll9o6ll6l".** airentl3/241"/**ol6 •= I 4P4k4E. , /I on the Cluistal9 / 1 0 4 0 *; 103 **1 19 ,P is a W thg P 5ll/1 ! - aireita.' Jitte-r C(I-11111, . , A New Feature I.lltne Spic e T ra ,,, IMPORTANT TO ROUSEKE, &P&p , E. R. DURKEE & SELECT SPICES In Tin Foil, (Lined with and BLACK PEPPER, 11 % , I WRITE PEPPER, ALL:P:C. CAYENNE PEPPER, LINN kSt,jl MUSTARL)' IN THIS AGE of adulterated „ j less spies's, it te with coutidet to the attermon of holliCtiX`p.2t, teen .7 genuine articles. We gu%rantee ta , z i Lo: ABSOLIr 'ELY AND PEtIFELT I p ti ,„ b u t ground from fresh SPicim, le•u '" as expressly for the piirpose, weho, ' -"ice They aro beautifully packs. iii La ( per) to prevent Injury by iieeviar. a • WET, while the ordinary sri ;•• , ~ invariably short. We warrant thee:, and richness of flavor, • BEYOND ALL COMP& lt u a single trial will abundantly bears oar Trade Manic. llaoulak tu ,;; M. DURK ,t ; For sale by WM. EOM JR & CO . 356,1atiehrr B. M. GILDEA, D. D. 8. STAIE STREE OPPOSITE THE BRAUY 11 , K:a All opera ions, burgles' and 11ec...31, nociaatifically performed Ch&rges cr, NEW COAL OFFit:E. 11111 E UNDERSIIIN ED having PL• Er , ± to the ORAL TRADE In this city, w,, - solicit the patronage of the citizens. Coal of all aI&S'S, [rem the most cclebraie I mine% which wall be delivered to say par.. the ItoM dirt and other impariiies tiaistertme. otter. vas sus ar THU ILi/T buy, 02 UM." re 11 1 ,11.9 , z ..' or Oat Dad will receive 2,240 pounds IU Ornr. 1 , 10.24 Market street, ascent do !ran J ., ry ills, Yard on the toot d ire hetet either piece will receive prom., SP . IM /V 141.1,1 ri,i PROF: ADOLPH P. TEL I'SEK OULD respectfully iiii(4%.; ' T • patrons and the public general.y, Continue 10 rye instructions on Inc eI.ANo ,- LODEON, VIOLIN audible ha the scion;.: R&M Me Till Wilk pleasure wan upon rvn, 'houies at aoy hour desired, or lessons 14.., .1111 :madam*, la Third street, a reW Gorman *Wormed Church. ati SONEFFERIS BOOK STORE, 'Om* TEI 1141111 : 1 113R0 BBLBQ UNION ENVELOPE TOTE PAPER, of six ditieraut printed la two orders sold by Ow y tne ream at City guilt prises. Also, Flags, Onion Breast hns, Fa;lo3, and Badges at very low prices. Cai, ac fitnfirYv ire. )4.) _ STAGE LINE FOE GETTYSITEG FARE REDUCED TO 411.25 THGuuua :: GETTYSBURG. ►rHE undersigned has estestablishes. 1. regular LANE Of STAGE GUACED:i noel burg, conoentlpg every other nlornuig nos limn Tilley 'Railroad C 313. the coaches ovary Tneaday, Thursday and dacaraay, locum:1.1, :• other day. Passengers for Shopnardscoma Petersburg and cieitysburg era carried at Jell-dtt wm. .1. fail: 13T. LOUIS HOTEL, CHESTIVU2 57., AB OVE PHILAD 41.1111 A TN the liainediate neighba , ,,od vi tut. Jobbing gooses on Marken, Thu ., pow streets, tMe Bulks, Post otnoe, hioreh.,s, AINERIGAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN BOARD PER DAY.... ti Dinner between 1 and 3 o'elocc, So room from b 0 emus upward. A 4irst oiass Restaurant attached. Pnoot azarl.a, 'Bills of Fare. The Cloy lbws Lake Passengers from any zt...0., ; else. to Die Rotel.. 'igirEngdigh, French, German and Bpaiitsd Tow. - •./.Bm4 STONE FOR SALE. BITILDING STONE or Stone saiut , Ibr tunapitickg purpchsel ilo 11,7 rt; t ?"` ofthe "I" vupauy I')PlYm w 4) .:4)1 GREAT RRIIIIUTION IN PRIoEs WEIRELEtt & r‘lik3ON't SEWING" MACHINES WITH NEW. IMPROVEMENTS AT REDUCED PHCS. THE WHEELER & WILSON lurlng,_ oo mPhu, boxing , gamed uL die r "W ul I a: wall/ obanuranturers of Suolug Ms. - vt .propcise datum odbitO ehoold be Niue titled : and niare iiccortunsly reduced the prices Ui uauZ , • llfabldnie. After Ms date to/by ertil bu Awl AL will pay a fair profit on the coat of maul 1 lambed, and expense of waning Wes , suet tinable•them to mete brat ciao • ibeintlkelbre, gbaranlee ttienika. every partt,;ol.kr .41 accordance with the antlOuricaulow. .1, • sal_ their epkupild dewing liecibtaes a L to SIKI ter the flee Cull case machines. li e a e,, linked &a:cilia% the c, • & Wilson Sawing Maa- 116 Is the best one in the market, the beet made, aw,::-P and least liable to get out 01 order, and lac.) tor as the inferior machines. tall mid Third and Market. del-em cf. T. imr.tl .111N TRAVELING AGENT OF MS OLDW A lii4OWER IRIS OLD TRANSPORTATION 1 , - N ;'' is squ In ancoesetal operation and prerar. gar LOW as any other individual , Ppliadelphia v ilarrteinirg,Snionary, Lowish ' port, Jersey deem LOME Haven, and all Nortneni Centn=delphla and Erie, a : port and Elmira Local Agent al a Goods sent to PEACOCK, ZELL avicimo, , we and 810 Market street, above Eighth, by I " Will Arlin at Ilantsbarg, ready for de wary, u morning. C miro,- ,KAIL Travailed " PkIPTY BARRELS. —Two HalLire:l empty Floor, Sligiv and Wine Barrels of scr , Ptions and pries!. as - • WALLOWER'S LINE, - DAILY =MAW lIARRISBURG and PHILADELP El irng • S. Burk, Agana, 812 Market street, Phadae pMa, formerly Livingston 4 6 2 . **lda Conductor in charge of 610 floods delivered at the We.reb 111 P, II at o'edeolt. P. SL, Aria 48 tielifetu i ttrg next awning. J. WALLOWER, JR., Agegi , .41421.titt Office Reading Depot, kLirrieborg. FIAMB Thr ee Hundred Extra Nib ar r • aired Hama last received by WIL DOC C FIRST CLASS GROCERIES LARGE - A,. R R i f VALL . AVING JUST ItETURN.ED from the old_ei. where we have Selected wita :oe '1 • "!". • CAPA Urge and 'complete assdru e dut E7=lT:bitrptecTutya!trdtd.ficogrrSltY o 01 : t' " emu mid moils oar dolt luid roma ul WM. DOGS 78.11 CO W. 0. in. .1)h, WM. DOC& JR. 5