T HE..TELE(; II AP II is PUBLISHED EVEItY DAY, 13v G-EORG E BERGNER , -------- eflta2olol lo a. The Nits ISEACA ii .1 seri,l to s ili.enbers in the Suß.icrib,.rs will be City at Cf.i Ins pa wee,: Yearly Charged S 4 00 WNW) AND 601014Si:1V TiII.EGRAPH. TaisallAra is also Vubltsueltwice a Wei,l( the eMelue of iha legislature, and weekly during the remainder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the Wowing rates, viz : Single subscnbers per year- ... • ------ 00 Seven Ten " ......... „IS 00 Viz Law or NEWSPAPERS• f subscribers order the disconficuance of their pa l pers, the publisher may continue to send themnewt. until all arrearages are paid. 11 subscribers Midst or refuse to take their newspa. pOTS from the office to which they are directed, they re responsible until they have settled the bills and orde are them ditoontinuod, a 11J. erase & ea•. D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND DETAIL DRUGG-ISTS, NO, 19 MARKET STREET ZIARRISBURGZPEAN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS,STORE- KEEPERS AND ICONSIIMERS, We, are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would reipeotfully call your atention to the largeat and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS de PAINTS, 01ls, varnishes and Glues, Dye. Stuffs, Glass and Putty, Artist Colors and Tools, Pure Ground Spices, Burning Muhl and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine Oils, Bottles, Vlals and Lamp Globes, Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks, &0., &a., &0., 'Ste , doo., &0., &o With a general variety of PERMUOLY & TOILET ARTICLES, Waded from the best manufacturers and Per fumers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VAnNialM, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL BINDS, 1, vi \ ---- - ) 7 S A "VI4 - 6(117 " tip . 0 f)HU(II3.I'I- ) 9 7:ay gl . , _ '147il _ __;....." We respectfully invite a call, feeling, confi dent that we can supply the wants of all on thrms to their satisfaction. TEETH! TEETH!! JONE S AND WHITES'S PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES OE all kinds, direct from the Proprietors Saponifier and Oonoentrated Lye I Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low as it can be purchased in the cities. 171AYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS, COAL OILI GARBO IV OIL ! ! Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can after inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of humps changed to burn Coal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, ose of you who have not given our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know not their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in good condition, Thousand') can testify to the profit they have derived bait the Ilse of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides *roving the general health and ap- pearance of their Cattle. Our long ex perience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we out in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. 'Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on our hone, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PARE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the favors of a disolim. aiding public. 11/ 4/ 4514( c tntaph i.g _ , VOL. XV. EDUCATIONAL. - A COI4TROLLING ELF,M.E.7T OF NA- Ad. TIONALITY hithe system of educatien in a cottn. try. "In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, that public opinion should be entlghtened."-- Washing:o;N FareWeff Address. To this end the people in enteral , t3hredd be educated loth& correct end familiar acquaintance with the nature and principles of our government and civil institutions, "OUR GOVIIIRNURNT : An explanatory statement of the system of Government of the Country . , he A MANU , L FOR SCHOOLS, AOADFAIIiffi AND POPUIAR is a work which, with proper historical .notices, gives the construction of the provisions of the Constitution of the United Matta and of thorn of Llnieeveial States, as determined by judicial atithorityor derived from Mead ard writers, including sown retrain:ea to advainbitritive wit.and practice, eo as to show the actual working of our general system of Government. It is free from spatula. live opinions, earstervative In Its tendency, and calculated to cultivate the love of our conntry.• It has been used to &considerable extent, in the EDUCATION OF YOUTH godifferent States and is recommended by Jurists, statesmen and Prethdests, and Professors of Colleges.— Prtice Sold by M. IPKINNICY, del Harrisburg, Ps. "OUR GOVERNMENT." 4. THE unity of Government, which con stitutes you one people, is now dear to you."— ingten's farewell .Address. A nationality Is essen tial to the' enduring prosperity of our country. True pa t:WHIM must arise ham' knawiedge. It is only a proper understanding of our civil Institutions that can induce strong and settled attachtnent be their pricciples, and Impart ability for their. maintenance. "OUR GOVERNMENT : An explanatory statement of the system of Government of the Country," contains:the text of the Constitution of the United States, and Gigot:Don stitntional ' provisions of the several Stales, with their meaning and conatruction, as determined by fudielld nu shorli precedent and practice, or derived from ttaa ad i qtert; digested and arranged for popular owl Price s ' M. M'KUkfrigr, , del - H rrlsburg, 1861. 3D OPENING 3D OPENING 186/, SUMMER DRESS GOODS or Irvin' rosaasterms. The quality of the goods for the prtee will be as induce. client to every one to purchase. The moat desirable goods of the aceada at a great sac rittae. IOZAMBIQIJES, GEISSALLAS, VALENCIAS, CREPE D'ESPANGS, BEREGE ANGLAIS, BROCADE POPLINS, NEAPOLITANS. LAWNS and LAVELLAS aro among the lia r CATHCART & BROTHER. Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. SKELETON SHIFTS; The iargestistook of the very beet make to be found at CATHCART S, en door to the Harrisburg Bank. Parasols, San Umbrellas and Umbrellas Twenty-eve per cent lower than can be purchased laewhore in the city. CATHCART & BROTHEL N 0.1.4, Market Square, nye° Neat to the iler t hibere Bank. JOHN B. BAUTH'I3 - - BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STE.," Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on band a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, 80., of the very beet swanks% for Wise, gentlemen, and children' wear.— Prices to snit the Umes. AU kfudi of WORK MADE TO ORDER In the beet style by snperlor Workmen' REPAIRING done et short Donna octld-dtf JOHN Y. AMR, Harrtsbarg, A QUANTITY of Baga, Chao : and Ging • AM hams for sale by the dOsen'ihd place, cheap tor taut, at the DAUPHIN COUNTY PRISON; tityB.Bm HAIIIIIRBOIII3 May 8. 1881. JUST PUBLISHED. A MANUAL. 01 MILITARY SURGER=Y oiseo HINTS ON ME EIIKEIGENOIES i Field, Camp, and,Heapital Fraotioe. S. D. egtOSS„ M. D. A? PIIIIADII2IIIII. For sale at BBRONIISI CHEAP BOOKSTORE. may 24 JOHN WALLOWER, JR., Agt. GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. (1001:04 AND ILERHCHANDD3E promptly tbrwardod by Philadelphia and Reeding, Northern Central, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Bravoed' .4nd Cal. HAULM AND CRATING to sea from all parte of the city to the dißerent Railroad depot" will be done at the very lowest rake. FAMIIIBB removing will be promptly attended to. Orders heft at Brant's inrOpean Hotel, Or at the store of It 13. Bollinger, will resolve Prompt alUntion. Con signments of freight respeoWnlly aoB6ltod. JOW WLOWIIIR JR., ngt., apt O&M Readies /*Pot- THE ATTENTION OF GENTLIMPZI Is solicited to our very lire. assortment of Wamonimi AND DRAWER/ of every elm and quality. Gams , hams Km Mona, best &dole manufactured. AR the different ]dada of Warns Montt Largest assortment of Emu= In the ally. CRAVATS, Soarrienzas, Remiummucese, Ready Hemmed And everything in Gaeta' wear. at CATROARITS, Neat to the Harrisburg Battle. FOR SALE. •vitoht One to Five Hundred Dollars worth of CITY BONDS. BodinWe of C. 0. ZIMMaRMAN, marl 4 28 Soath4leemod street. DR. T. J. IMB I SURGEON DENTISTS O FFERS his services to the citizens o Harrisburg and its vicinity. Re solicits a share o the public patronage, and gives assurance that his beat endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction in his pro fession. Being an old, well tried dentist, he feels safe ID inviting the public generally to can on him, assuring hem that they will not be dissatis fi ed with his services, ince No. 1211 Market street, in the house formerly no' eig=y Jacob R. ltby, near the United Wiles Hotel, burg, Pa. mye-Sly A NEW LOT OF LAMM' SHOPPING & MANTLING BAG . AWE - Row of new styles GREW and L ratiriZil o=lo end tine -amortme wit ad reak et KIRCINTIWS CHEAP BOOKSTORE, fil Manna Street. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN-NONE," inisailancous. RARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY AFTER N OON,' AUGUST 1, 1861 1111.01Lai DR . ' ,3011N.SQ.N. • LOOK %11013PITAL. HAS discovered the most certain, speed, and effectual remedy to the world frw DIEFASID3 OF IMPEDOENOR. rails Ow az to minx" souse No illervory or Noxious Drugs 43 ,- A Om WassaintEN OR X 0 Camas, ua mon Oxa • Two DitB.llE. , • Heftiness the Beek Or Limbs, Strictures, Pains in the TAM*, Affeoticsis of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organk Weakutes, Nervous Delity, Decay of - the Phydot Pan ora, Dyspopsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Oonfosion o. dem, Pali mon Of tb* Heart, TimWty, Trembitugs, Bouncer of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Stfectioni of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin—those terrible disor dere arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits a. Youth—thoso drOadful and destructive ,practisee whict produce constitutional debility, render marriage 'mow able, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG IdXN Young inen especially who have become the victims of solitary Vies, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exelted talent and brilliant Intel lect, who might other' en have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to so• May the living lyre, may mill wi:h full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, be ing aware of physi cal mailmen, should immediately con. salt Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WILUMES . bnaualialely mood and NI vigor mired. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and mu, tidently rely upon his skill as a physician. Sirolnoe No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, Md., on the lett hand side going from Baltimore street, t doors trom the corner. Be par flouter in observing the name or number, or you will mistake the plinth. Be par. Soutar for fraorant, Trifling Quacks, with fable nameo, or Asitry Humbug Ontlfithlw, attracted by the reputa tion of Dr. Johnson,l urk neer. Ail letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the reply. DIL JOHNSTON. Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Burgeons, London, graduatsfrent one of the meat eminent Colleges of the United state', and the greatest part ot whose life has been spent In the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has erected some of the molds. Mashing cures that-were aver known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when mileep, great Der vousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, beabSniness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange meat of mind were cured immediately, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTIOL Dr... dresses all these who having Injured thew selves by . r mete and improper indulgenties, that secret and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, en. fitting them for either business or society. The., are some of the sad and melancholy ed, its pi ducee by early habits of youth, via : Weakness of the Back and Limbs,'Pains in the Head, Dimness of Ty Loss of Muscular Power, Paipltation of the Heart, - pepsin, Nervous Irritability, Deriuutement of the ages vs Functions, General Bytaptoma of tiossump• tion, &o. MENTALLY. M3IIW.LT, the fearful effects on the mind are mush to be dreaded .—Loos of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, De pression of Spirits, Evil 'forebodings Aversion toSoole iy, Self-distrust, Love of SOUtUde, Timidity, ix.. aro some of the evil effects. Thousands of persons of all ago, can now judge what Is the come of their decline in health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciatod, have a singular appearance about the eyes, noun, and symp ms of consumption. YOUNG KM who have injured themselves by a oerbiln practice, delved in when alone—a habit frequently learned from o it zompanlona, or at school, the effects of which are eightiy felt, even when asleep, and If not cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, .should apply immediately. What a pity that a young mite, the hopes of hie COM. try, the darling of his parents should be snatched troup all prospects and enjoyments ot life by the consequences of deviating from the path 01 nature, and indulging in certain secret habit. nic th persona must, before contats-. plating effect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. rndeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrlmager, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and liked with the melancholy reflection that, the happiness of another be comes blighted with our owe. . AL JOHNSON% INVIGORATOM aIiMEDYi roil cut GAICIO WEAJENVIL fly this great and important remedy, Weakness of ILR Organs are speedily cored, md toll for restored. honsands of the most nerve= and debilitated Wki had lost ail hope, have been Immediately relieved. All Impedimenta to Marriage, Privets/ or Mental Dhiseali cation, Nervosa, Trembling, Weakness or Itchanstion or the most tearful kind, speedily Oared. 10 SIILANG=B. The many thousand/ cured al this 'natation within Mt last twelve yam, and the numerous Important Bossism operations performed by Dr. J., teDuessed by the re porters of the paper% and many other persons, notices of which have appeared agabt and again before tbe besides Ur sicuidup as - a postimus diarader sad re mortnhaay, Is a sufilolent guarantee to the afflicted. OWL' Rf OF 111FRUDENCL —When the misguided and Imprudent votary ofh d r ol imt u iLlinds he has imbibed the seeds of th is plank! it too disci happezur that an littimed sense of Shams or of Alsocrvery deters Min from applying Or them who, from Mutation and re• spectabinty can atom befriend him, helloing till the . stltutionsi symptoms of this horrid •diseme make then appearance, aiming the beef, throat, ems, atin, progressing on with frightful rapidity, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to NMI bourne from .whence no traveler returns." It is a mel ancholy fist that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unakUlitiness of ignorant pretend. ers, Who, by the use of that deafly iMam, maroary, rula the constitution and she the mate of miserable. To Distanossia—Tho Doctor's Diplomas hang In his ma -litters mast eontain a Stamp Was Oil the reply Miraemediee seat - by Nell. *irk°. Z South Frederick street, Baltimore; FOR SALE 1 A BUILDING LOT, situate in West Har z'. Haag, fronting on Broad street 20 feet, and run ning backlBl feet, more or leia, - to a2O foot alley, ad- joining on one side the property of Mr. Blumenstine. FOr particulars enquire of FEULDERICII. BGREFFSRA Bergner's Boonatora. May 8,1881. my 9 SPICED SALMON 11 VRESH AND FEET DELICATE. Put 1. up neatly in five pound cans. Je2s. WM. DOCK. Jr., &C o. EMPTY FLOUR BARRELS. .OSOLARGE NEW BRIGHT EMPTY FLOUR BARRELS in stood oonditiontoc eats a by tja23l WM. DOM, Jr., AgOo. LIKE FOR SALE. jIH.4 UNDERSIGNED having embark ed Lin the - LISIX OUSINIM is pCepared to t a rnbth ti very best article at short notes, and at the lo west. prices Mr cash. He sells the lime burnt at Columbia and also that burnt at home. my29-dSm PETER RERNHIRRI.. OUR - .UNION di CONSTITUTION 4 QUR GOVERiikENIi mitt, is s work entailing the tnritoit tom, mai &nee, giving the 0 011 1 , "0410 . lirPs shd Prevision* showing the Telatlous i g me several *Motto the Union +Nadia& other, labd 1 44.= nay the System of Illnddllittilt or 11 00. Sold, and orders supplied, by Jhim, as Harris hauls for Caudle sad Maks wanted. Ett Ettegrapt. FROM OUR MORNING EDITION.' THE BMW OF tHE . BAZTLE IN VIE SOUZA', A 00013178 FROM 801311i0LN 803118083 We - elik the fellewhig #tame from gal:Mums of seCtsiqina infonnittien as " ire contained in our southern exchanges. of Akin description of trews we Fake up the following varieties and• The confederate congress having been inform ed by President Davis of the result of the second battle, unanlinously adopted the follow ing resOluthins, offered by Mr. Merturabiger Resolved, That we recognize the hand of the Most High God, the King of King's, the Lord of lards, in the glorious victory with which he hath crowned our army at Manassas, and that the people of the confederate states be invited, by appnepriate seriPias on the ensuing'Sabbrith, to oder 'up their united thairksgiving and praise for this mighty deliverance. Resolved, That deeply deploring the.n.ecessity whion has washed the solliof our country with the blood of so many of her noblest sons, we offer to their respective families and friends our warmest and most cordial sympathy, assuring them that the sacrifices made will be consecrat ed in the hearts of our people and will there enshrine! the names of the gall ant dead as the champions of free and constitutional liberty. Iteimgved, That we approve the prompt and patriotic - efforts of the mayor of thecity, of: iticlunond toniake Provilions' for thewortrated; . and that a cegunittse of one member from each state 'be appointed to co-operate in the plan. The Ilichroong Whig of the 24th instant says , that the battle on Sunday opened by throwing out heavy artillery and small field pieces at 8 o'clock in the morning. • • The force of the ene my can never be ascertained. Our force was twenty thousand, Men never fought more desperately than ours. We have captured eighteen piecee .of artillery and taken some three or four hundred prisoner& The Oglethorpe Light Infantry of 'Georgia were cut to pieces, and Bailor's fine regiment of Georgians was nearly annihilated. By the care on' the 28d President Davis re turned from the battle field. in response to the calls from the immense crowd who had ccn gregatird' together to greet him, he alluded to the grand absorbing topic of the day. The ene ,my, he said, with the taxes they had been im posing upon us for twenty years had fitted out an army on a magnificent scale.i They coma over to-VirOlut-witiapleaty of arms arid insittunitian, and with ambulances fitted up in Audi a style of luxury as though they thought -they were still taxing the South. They had five or six hundred army wagons with them, and provisions of every kind in abundance. in the whole campaign they nad over fifty thou sand men. Tneir finest parks of heavy and light artillery are ours. They left everything behind them they could throw away, Among the Federal officers captured is Col. Carrington. Among the Confederate officers killed, unreported, are Lieut. Col. Johnston, of the Hampton Legion ; CoL Thomas, of Gen. Johnston's staff; and Col. Fisher, of the Sixth North Carolina regiment. The wounded, unreported, are Col. Stevens, of Gen. Lee's staff ; Col. Cartrell, of Georgia; Lieut. Col. Montgomery Gardner, of the First Georgia regiment ; Col. Nelson, of the Second Virginia,regiment; Col. Jones, of the Four,th Alabama regiment; Col. Hampton, of the Le . gion. Col. Preston, of the Twenty-eighth Virginia regiment, took Col. Wilcox, of Michigan, one otiptau and' thrtie — priiateif prboiers, with his own hands. Edmond Fontaine, Jr., son of C,ol. B. Fon taine, Preiiderit oT the Tirginia Central BailL road, is among the slain. TROOPS roa waoane On the 2.2(1 hist: Capt. McCrady's Iriskt vol unteers left Charleston for the seat of war in Virginia. The First Georgia regiment left the day previhuu for the same destination. FUROES.SI OF STATE STOCKS, BONDS, *EC.. . . . The following queries have been put to the Confederate District Attorney at Charleston drat, Is it lawful for . .a citizen of:the Confed erate States to purchase of our enemy Statti 'stock or bonds of any of the Confederate States and demand the interest when: due? 4 lecond, Is it lawful for the same parties to purchase notes given by merchants of the South ern Confederacy to northern houses and demand' payment for the same ? Dird, laeul and proper to pursue the: abontsetAise, would it mot be equally legal`for the emaltinder to buy merolumdhw of the en- . enly i _Orin. Other words, does the law intend to operate in favor of the fortunate holders'of cap ital against the humble dealers in wares and merchasullse ' - The restrnwe is as follows : The acts specified by you certainly constitute "trading with the enemy". peculiarly objection able, because they afford a direct assistance to the moray by the transmission of money to fester his resources. And, in adds on, such conduct is highly unpatriotic, because directly injUtious to the interests of _th•S States and citi seas of our-Confederacy, whose oliligatiims are thus withdrawn from the enemy's country, where Wiz for the interest of such States that they should remain, since they could not there be called upon for payment dicing the war. Such. operations are certainly Worse than the, simple purchase of merchand i se in the enemy's country, bectinie they, at the same time, aid our ember and :Were our friends 40VVKINIS OP uses. Wise AND LIB. - The Memshis Argus, of the 22d, says . Gen. Wise has recently marched into the northwest, of Virginia, with a legion ten or twelve thou sand strong. His headquarters, until a few days since, . Witt , at Charlestown, Kanawha county, on the great Kanawha river. It is now understood that-he has advanced northward in to Jackson county, and his progress will proba bly extend to Wood county, on the Ohio, the home of Gen. John J. Jackson. ,Gen..Kloyd'S. brigade is undoubtedly following in Wise's track. At present these are the only forces of any consequence in the northwest, Gen. Gar nett's column having either been out to pieces or compelled to retreat from Beverly, llan dollob, across the Alleghenies into Pendleton and -Highland. Gen. Leo And lili-staff start to., morrow', for wirtafticateiii ",`Virginia, -It , is be, lieved that he le Ong to tiJukcommand of the entire ' W llll -knt /PAY probably fix his haidqt Laitenko ktiinnten! • %11 , , Wr yy i The Hon. A. G. Jenkins commands a compa ny of Virginia militia in Braxton county. Hearing recently that gkd..Tylery with 800 fed eral, trcaps, wag abonl , Jo,; 1:088 through the Coniity from Weston, they felled trees •in his path and felltack to, a` convenient point, where they laid in ambush until he patised. ' They then felled trees in his rear, also, thus in pletely catching him in a trap. They, then bred upontiin, killing some 60 or 60 of his men, and capturing many of his horses, Bcc. So:says a Richmond paper. WABffiIGTONW AT JLAXLISAS. Walter Morris, recently of: Washington city, and a private in the Beauregard Rifles, Jai, re ported to have been killed at the Bull run en gagement. We also hear that second lieuten ant Charles Rill, of the same company, a son of the Rev. S. P. Hill, of this city, and &nines= ly a clerk in the bank. of Riggs & Co., was bre veted for gallant conduct on that occasion, and that Major F: B. Shaeffer, formerly of the tional Rifles of this city, has been called to liesairegard's staff, as one of his aids, and bre vetted lieutenant-Colonel for meritorious ser vices —Waillington VIRGrNiANs . A letter from Harper's Perry. says ; ' A large number of Corifedentie troops skin at bull's 'Bun were from this section. Their dead bodies are being forwarded, and the solemn rites of interment performed by their survisi.ng friends. Winchester, Martinabing, Charlestown, &c.,are ehtLng thelcas of some of their most hon proitinent citizens. The bodies of Capt. Ives, Mr. Butler, a rich farmer, and. Mr. Harri son, of the Virginia line, arenmong the recent arrivals at Winchester, &c. e sou/imam or WA.B.LAMM% The State of North Carolina, through Mar shal Thinks, Esq., has just transferred - to the Confederate government a- clever little fleet of tl.ve war stetuners. • - BY ELS XXXV.flth Congress—Extnt Susion, [CONCLtiLON OF IVEDNISDAY,S PHOOSEDING6.I Weki.nanoi, July 81 Svsars.—A communication was received from the President, in answer, to, a resolution, trans . , mittmg a report of all the instructions given eto Foreign Ministers with reference to the rebel lion. - Laid on the table and ordered to be printed. • The bill in relation to the superintendenta,of the navyyardyperadtdog the President to. 4p- Point euperintendenta fionx the rank of com manders as well as captains,. was taken up and discussed at consideredable length by Messrs. Hale, Dixon, Grimes and otbers. It was fatal ly laid aside, and °remotion of Mr. Wrisoa the bill supplementary to the act to increase the military establishment of the United States wits taken up and passed. Mr. LANE, (kto.,) offered a resolution ordli4g on the President to inform the Senate.whether Hon. James H. Lane, of Kansas, has been ap pointed a Brigadier General, and if he, has ac cepted that position. Adopted. - . Mr. Pow introduced a bill to .repeal all bounties allowed to fishing vessels. Refened to the Committee on Commerce. The bill relative to the Superintendent of the Navy Yard was then paused. On motion of Mr. Ottotaxa..(Mich.,) the bill to increase the Consular , representation of the United Mates auring the rebellion was taken up and passed. ; The report of the committee of Conference tou bill to provide iron clad ships was taken up, -op unfinished businessfrom yesterday. Thereport of the committee was rejected. Mr. Timmer, (N. J.,) moved to, postpone the bill indefinitely. Lost. Mr. HALE moved that' the Bonita agree to all the amendinents of the House save the one which includes vessels not completed within the provisions of the bill. Agreed to. knew oommitteaof cceiference Was iippointed on that amendment. . The bill to,e4press' innrrection was 'tektiei Mr. likui moved to postpone , its consideis tion till to-nitrOw. 'Agreecr The Senate thetCw' eat into Rae= ve SeSS/ 011 , . . , and subsequently adjourned: ' ' . Hoilan--Mr. MAr (Md.) asked leave to in-, Itroduce a preamble, setting To4thsoany i - stances attending the 'arreit and imprisonmen t of the Baltimoie Police - Cominisihmers, ing that the writ of 'habeas carpus, has been treated with contempt and a military despotism established in Baltimore, and concluding ,wit,h •, a resolution that their arrest and imprisonment were *Plait wiLivitixt„ and flagrantly tancorpAL tntinnal and illegal, P a nd ' they should be rtileased'or their case remitted to the. judicial -•„ , • . tribunals for determination. MX. BINGHAM raised the point of order, that this resolution _ was 94atled under the rule for I the NsvetilhaVut of the:business of ‘ the session: The Speaker decided that the point was well M r „ blond asked •Ifiave to introduce a Rrennble concluding _with•& jointraxdution daring Omit !hostilities; against the so-called] Ossfe4re4 3 Statessimuki. - -PraMetal. so far as may be neceseary to enforce- obedience to the Constitution and the laws, a MI 'should not be so construed sato reduce the, States to thq condition of inferiors, pr ipterfej t e_witu their rights of property ordestroy their country. This was declared out of - order iinder the 'rule. . • C9,tatkx, and 4) gave..nothatof a hill. to ;be entree. at 'alai:vain* of theneatt :swoon, granting' to”, the' soldiers, of the 21ft/s e r a bounty land' 'on 'Government I 'subject to entry at $1 50 per acre, antrgrantiag 'homesteads to-tictual*semtlertrorrttaralteniao sections of--landzikerfses4tat Mirreadeata, and subject to entry at $2 50 per acre. spe! • Mr. Vax.x.exerkenuaa, from the Special Com mittee appointed at the last session, reported a bill restricting the franking privilege. The House then adjourned. steam Pcs. Raving procured Steam Power Primes, we are prepar ed to execute JOB add .131/0K PAINTING ofa►ery ueserlp- Wu, cheaper than tt can be done at any other establish ment I o the country, RA !RS uF ADvERTI3ING, gip Four lines or 11 a constitute one-hatf Rome. Eight hues or more than fomc conatimte a square. Half :quare, one day 80 26 one week 1 00 one mouth 2 00 three months 8 00 44 six months ....... ........ 00 One year.. .......... 8 ix One Square, one day so 2 00 one • • • • one month 8 60 three months 6 00 41 six months is I* 46 one yearb• ... .... .... 16 00 Par Bushms notices ipserted .tha Local Cbiltste, or belore Marriges and Deaths, Frig • CUNINFICIt LINE for . • each hwertlon. ' ifir Idarnges sod Death; to be charged as regular ad vertkem.nts O. 78 FROM THE SEAT OF WAR. AN ARTILLERY WAR MORZ BATTLILItB .ABXED FOR The Line of Pickets Extended. A New and More Vigorous War Pokey to be Inaugurated. PORT FILLMORE REINFOROM Expedition for the Capture of Fort MORE TRAITORS /MIMED, REMOVAL:Oi SECIEBSION CLERKS REFORMS IN VIE ARMY. General M'Clellan expresses the opinion that this will be an artillery war, and asks as. many batteries as it is possible to procure. Regiments have been sent by him to extend the line of pickets along the Potomac to Harper's Ferry. Seven additional regiments have gone up to Chain.. Bridge to-day where three or four are now posted. There are fresh indications of the inaugura tion of a more vigorous policy, and Ggn. kr - Oleßan inspires and supervises everything. We learn from a reliable source that Fort Fillmore, Texas, has been reinforced by ten companies ; also that Col. Couly has fitted out such expeditions against Fort Bliss, now held by the Texans, as makes its captuie (=tan. There have been more arrests for tresson here, and the traitors are being well stirred up. John Holohan, of this city, has been airested and put in jail in this city, on a charge of hav ing treasonably aided and excited the late . Bull Bun panic. Strict movements aro on foot now to remove all the secession clerks from the depction:As. This should have been done long ago., The city presents a most quiet appearance to-day. It has not been so calm for weeks past. General M.'Clellan's strict rules of disci pline are working great reforms. Tho remains of Leo Engleman, lately the ticket agent and telegraph opei-ator stationed at Quakertown, on the line of the North Penn sylvania Railroad, were brought here last even ing and taken to Flowertown. On Saturday last he attempted to get on a train while itt motion, and by accident fell upon the 'track. 'three cars passed over his leg, crushing ft who' that amputation was imperatively necessary`. The operation was performed, but it'failed to save his life, and he died yesterday. He was.about 26-years of age, and his sudden demise is la mented by a large circle of friends. He wad a son of Mr. Engleman-, of Flowertown. ET IGKORY; .-DAK AND PINE • WOOD for sale, Zto .42ti VA* VA,s4/4 roll MASSES. ALSO, L 00032 Paris AND caIiSSINUT ita&SVOI lb ORD6II. ~ fr ALs,, 32UN& AND UiVo Ala kalLGlALlffer POSPusies. r lequLre et the subscriber st luS iciudeudibri l thilUdia ruiu,:opposits lbe deal Will Edible liouie L forktithe Yer‘i, curb& Of *cowl uu,l scrsits, WilSt.tfaXf rlsburs. • trey 27-1 1 .1" • • - G B.VOLIV. • SCHEFFER'S gO,Q.K ,Incsioo i w ear ikli,,,,ithyr, .Brid6e.) e • 1 • 4 - ) M. JUST RICOSIVEIY! kroot the . i t atyip-mitla a lota tizie WhikER I CILL I;itlig .0 . sirsti, wawa me wig bell ak u.ittS or %vial. ' ~- . .. ." S2.OU per...ream for • NOT& ?sego, Oeoorsusd m*l . , be latest snit very- handsome whine= • and "pitriodb $3.80 'for 1000 WHFJ ENTFLOP4I3,.w4hoat!oIW apo patekithieniblems, printed in tiM mans.' - - ' ' I Mew give 1111 a call. , : 1.040. F. tickjuintiOsilw je22.4 . . inardsb - • . .., DENT raTEL , ,n. Jjfeltamons Odfor ld Dental surgery, ha amtVly:Mmited in the osty Darriebarg aa4r. It olllce formerly cocedaptoa py Dr. Gorges T 'Meek - Mailmen Altattet• and' Walnut; reepeolrultf friends and tbe,suolau gene;ll4 Wilt hedtgarsuipedlee perfbrth allepetatlons in • tue Dental proieeaton, v4iiker eiMgloal, 'or Mena uni.l, in a meaner ttlitiMalleeW ianseseg by operators in %Ids 0r,au90t40r,p4,, artidelal teeth is npoit theriaitee, pfraTedeoleothlo proleMtea. • . • , Teeth, irom one to aMU Sea, mounted on Gnu Gold, 11. Ter, KaliCli plates or the Vuktmitte•Bane. A - - • ", ' ' : • ' 1 lake groat pleasure mreoomMerallag, Spare gee, denim to 'all my fennel - patients of Harriet, erg and vl - Pouf** Una . 110. will perform ill Opres.-1 dons to a ides:tide oakum*, from my knowledge of ble , Amylit.iftff 1 'F. J. S. tiORDB3,,D.iD: Tax noicimri & azirragßo Designers .tL aZ , E ll l l7 lB o ,:„ Tti rs " v i nt. W4a ,4.,.; Philadelphia. EXECUTE all kinds of Wood Alm!, „ with beauty, oorrectr.eas disisitch. I amigo turnutneaMA an for Fineiri Book 110 tr talvsithrev atitiss.: watatig IN Bdlu..a DitguesnesSlMAL, Lave vtassa of Oomes, unmakes, Store Prost; m i s,tdoes, Stoves, Pittetas, engesTW, as ma &I peel. Banal application, Floor Boaelopeo, Labels, Bill lileadhigs. Show Bilk Visiting, Business -sad. same Gulls etwaved highest style'of art, and at tae lowest prices,. ror oPeolloono or 4oreleograffintrese the maaated , woria Of,J. 4 1 PROmot 8 ll 4• 11 ,• 8.1 4 / 1 2. 1k 9 14, - • agiastheolstddenthangea. of ZSM-115... 31 =1. 4 24 i ngt d g 1r 0 1.14 00 4 1 0 0 44 - g' renter diglitlol4#44tErilliriNPit : 64114W14/04 in the osA i =ol tw ilim aZia recount" should at once be . itt the Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat, be ever so slight, es by UM precaution a more serious attack may be warded off. roue Speakers mad Singers will dud them effectnal for clearing end strengthening the voice. adTIVALIGUIOCI. 401044RMIrelli I=l Bliss I=i2=l WmamaiTt t :111y11 `OP 'A TELEGRAPH OPERATOR Foal , WAsnatqaTON, ,Itily 3