Etlttirapij. H A 1 R I S Wednes Jul) 81, 1861 Foa R ENL __A co rds table dwelling suitable for a small family. Inquire of T. W. Nichols, Tobacconist, 'f laid street above North. GOOD TEMPLAM. —There was no meeting of Wasingt. u Ladge of Good Tem plias last. ev, - ning, iu consequence of the hull being occupied by returning volunteers. INUTIIER PENNSYLVANIA REO MINT READY. A full regiment of volunteers for the war has been raised iu Cie.trfteld county, and their ser vices have been tendered to the President.— The chief officers are W. C. Foley, Colonel ; David Johnson, Lieutenant Colonel, and C. D. Waist»), Major. The regiment is ready to march whenever ordered to do so. Teats MORE REGIMEN IS AOCIPTED —The Sec retary of War has authorized General Negley to ittise two new regiments for the war, thetield officers to be elected. Major Alexander Hays, of Pittsburg, is also authorized to raise and muster into the nation's service a new regiment, to be taken at once to the seat of war. Major Hays served in the late twelfth regiment, and has the eputation of belt g a first class officer. NOS' CAVALRY Colman. —A cavalry cout any, under command of Captain S Richards, If Beading, arrived iu th id city on Monday. The hen were sworn in for three years by Alderman :line la,t evening. This company will form .rt of the 11 11.c:it - airy regiment to be raised in A te. w more men are wanted to icow it to the number required, and young man ;who de:ire to go into the cavalry service ihould ttiellltiulVk s of this opportunity. =EI lja WWI/la.—We are now in the midst of the Le,ttal term, the thermometer ranging to.l up among the nineties. The ice men are Jua u J a , the most important individuals in roba,',Nits ; and the number of straw hats, liLeu wale and white cravats which have sud daiy made their appearance, is wonderful. In these days of the reign of King Caloric, It is bot to keep as cool as the state of the mercury will pewit, by eating little meat, Indulging in to .undnuents or heating fluids, wearing light 6.'11,111.4. keeping a conscience vuid of' offence tvaarl all Inca, and not getting excited about the t‘ar if you would preserve health, and be comma table, keep calm and cool. RBICRN or Tultats.—We aro requested by the captains and pr.vistes of several companies of vel4tAvers to return thanks to Mrs. lfrederick I '.:,‘ATLZ, Mrs. Wm. I'. Coulter, Miss Margaret Lutz, Mrs. Wm. Geety, Ufa. Cooper, and other Lae.", for their kindness in furnishing ample oupplie, of excellent coffee and refreshments of ranuus kinds, and cooking the rations of the men for several days. Some of these /aches have made hundreds of gallons of coffee and coked luitueuse quantities of meat during the past week, worktug day and night to accommo date companies who were supplied with provi- Cons by the General Government, but had no ILLeaLI6 of cooking them. DEATH Or A CENINNAIKLAN.—The Wrightsville Star announces the death of Mr. Wni. Eirhart, the oldest ichaLitarit of that section of country, and adds : The deceased, vilio had reached the uncom mon age of 101 years, was burn in German town, about the year 1759, and resided during the larger portion of his life in Virginia a,,d Mary land, sixty years having been spent in the former aate. We are informed that ue has a daughter now living iunedeiick county, Ald., tvho ie till years old. When the ludepeutlewee Of our country was declated he was a young wan of 17, and about that time was employed lu the service of the government at Anderson's Fer, v, 110 W Gluts's, en the Susquehanna, three miles above this place, whe,e Le said at one thin, he was engaged dye days ferrying over sAte or Lupin STOPPED.—The sale of liquor bus been entirely suspended in this city, by il.i of the Mayor. Notice to that eff.ict was eel t ud upon all dealers on Monday afternoon, and iu meat instances It's cheerfully complied with. The cause of disorder and riot being taus re- IIION ed, we may look fur a better condition of au ,ins than prevailed here last week. The or der will be revoked as soon as the soldiers who now throng our city take their departure. The closing of the liquor shops here will result in a ''big thing ' fur the tavern keepers on the western side of the river, who cannot be reached by our city authorities. "It's as ill wind that blows nobody any good." While there is an entire suspension of business by our liquor dealers, at a great pecuniary sacrifice, those on the Cumberland side of the river keep up a continuous flow of whisky, and wiU reap a harvest of dimes from the soldiers. RETURNED 1 1 103 f THE Sorra --A young lady tf this city, who formerly t iught school here, 'rut to southwestern Virginia some months ago, where she has been professionally engaged. S.,e returned home yesterday, having traveled citcuitous route of about sixteen hundred alone and unprotected, encountering many delays and dilliculties, in order to get away from the chivalry," arid once more under the protection of the stars and stripes. She represents the Yirgiula, rebels as feeling san guine of success In the present contest, moat of them regarding the ultimate capture of Wash ington oily aa allied fact, In the district where she temporarily resided, tickets for a "grand southern ball," to be bald in Washington after the rebels bad taken possession, even, largely circulated among the ladies) One of these tickets the young lady alluded to brought with hsr, to be preserved as a "relic" of the war. W e print it verbatim for the benefit of our readers, and wiien the contemplated "ball" comer off we Will let them know t GRAND sOUTHERN BALL. The Lynchburg Tennessee Banger., present their compliments to the Ladies ut this place, and cordially invite them to attend a timid Southern Bail, to be given at the Capitol on Wednesday atter the Battle. le Maaaosas. —Capt. B Y. Salmon W. P. Tol y, T. H. J. N. aylor, W. B. Taylor, B. F. Brown, /hum. A BOARD o SUEGEONd will meet in this city on tho sixth of August. TLIE NEW tAIVIVE 11044 S FEKCE. —We have ex amined the iron railing of the new Court House, manufactured by our young friend Lieutenant Wm. W. Jennings, and find it to be substan tial as well as beautiful. 611 PROMOTED. -We learned yesterday that Adjutant Joseph F. Knipe, of this city, had been ter.dered the appolutmerit of Colonel by Gov. Curtin, to take command of one of the new Pennsylvania I*.gdosents...- r Ask= AND Brerrhay.—A soldier named James Burd is charged before Alderman Kline with a very aggravated case of assault and bat. tery upon a Mr. Hodgson. Helms not yet been captured, and as the officers do mitlnow the man, nor to what company he belongii, the-pia bability is he will escape. Pam On.—The 8d regisnentwaspaid off yes terday at the Walnut street school house. Some of the members of siittotilarlegitietit, tile. were anxious to be paid fivispnianifeating adisposi tion to, create a distukbance, were put under parr This timeilliatembit had a tranquil{ sing iniatence uplote dine} riotously disposed volunteersopiseeityyrderrawked theft OW ceedinixthuing tberl44oo of the day. A Chief MOlL 4 totwithstafiallig the pres ents of thousands of soldiers la ear city at this time, a commendable degree of quiet and good order prevailed last night, and but very few drunken men were visiblo on the streets: This gratifying state of affairs is to be attributed mainly to the closing of the grog-shope, and all good citizens thank the Mayor for the-timely issue of his proclamation to that effect. PUT Taaopou.—The keepers of two infamous dens in .Cherry alley -John, Tilts and Jackson Smith —were arrested )...s6, k y ivy - Fleck, and had a hearing before Alderman Kline, who committed them to prison in default of bail. Cherry alley, one of the worst locali ties in the city, is cursed with a number of iniquitous dens, and we commend officer Fleck for his determination to crush them out. Arrsurrsrr omens. On Monday night a ruffian who disgraces a national Uniform, attempted to perpetrate a brutal outrage upon a little girl whom he induced to accompany him to Capitol hill. Search has been made for the scoundrel yesterday, but thus far has eluded the vigilance of his pursuers. if caught, he should be lynched on the spot, without waiting for the slow pro cess of legal ptutilgunentc r_ SEISM BUR To Moons. —Yesterday in formation was made before Alderman Kline against John Falter, ksepor of a lager beer shop in the first ward, for selling to minors in viola tion of the law. A i hearing of the cafe- will take place this eveni ng. If all bebfielltirs who Mena in tide reepect were indicted, few in our city would escape punishment Most of them sell to minors, and have long done so with im punity, ' All of them should be aireited. Tax Vinisszs Batas are still encamped at Carlisle. We learn that the regiment to which the company is attached is notlorpected to reach this city before the last of thb Week. The boYs are more comfortably quartered in their present location than they could be here under existing clicumstances. 15r..4tilianart, who iiiited lifax riaburg to day, informs us that the members of the company are all in goud condition, having been physically benefitted by the campaign. Tux Brava:two Sou m, without exception, surprise their friends by their robust and vigor ous appearance. It is probable that if they had remained at home the number of deaths among them would have been greater tiumthose which occurred during their absencw, and they are free to declare that they feel that the changed and active mode of existence they had ado e tecl so invigorated them that it gave them a new lease upon life. Thus, practically, they found the life of a soldier more favorable to longevity than that of a civilian. This encouraging re purt of the physical condition of our troops tunas a bright and cheering contrast with the *fixation of a huge portion of those who are lo cated in the rebel camps—many of whom, ow iug to their bad habits, want of proper discipline and care, and iusutlicient and unwholesome food, are rapidly perishing from disease. FUMING MN Sonoreas.—Our citizens continue their hospitalities to the returned volunteers. Large numbers of thorn keep open houses du ring the day, while in many parts of the city tables occupy the sidewalks, to which all passing soldiers are invited. The ladies who were entrusted with the manage ment of the contemplated dinner to the return ing volunteers ofbrietbizaitt Ist . Ili° - initglie tion of most of the contributors, appropriated the funds and provisions furnished to feeding the soldiers from a distanoe, and have nobly done their duty; working laborieembr and provid: ing bountifully for a large number of compa nies, besides entertaining =My . it their own expense. The people of liarrisburg generally, poor as well as rich, are deserving of the .high eat commendation for the generous manner in which they have entertained the returned volunteers, and ministered to , the wants of the sick and minoring among them. CONKENDABLI 0111tIMUN Puszczunt. —On Monday last the Rev. A. Torrence, pastor of- a Presbyterian church in Westmoreland county, and now sixty years of age, went to Camp Wright in the capacity of'Chaplain of _the' eleventh regiment. Having visited the camp on two previous occasions, he had become interest ed in the spiritual welfare of themeni especial. ly those in the eleventh regiment—many of whom he knew personally. That regiment not having as yet a Chaplain, he resolved that if it meet the approval of his congregation, he would spend some weeks with it as a volunteer Chaplain, Without accepting compensation, and follow it wherever called durmg that time. On Sabbath he made known his desire in a brief statement to his people, who, after a short conference in the session, voted unanimously to relleie for five weeks of pastoral duties at home, Let some of our younger ministers ` - igo They will retain havtgoseuxiinissalthi with* Si l ikheartfor - their work at boom ptunovluania iDaily Zell rapt), Wtimtsbav 314 31„,Mifi1. =:= I=l TAKEN 11011 E. —The remains 0. youtg soldier, George Reiff, one of the victims of the res-eut disturbance in Walnut street, were taken to Non istown ye:ter !ay tor interment, in cha-ge of some of his late comrades IVe learn born persons who were intimately acqrointed With the deceasc3, that he was the sou of a wesi:nt and respected citizen of Norristown, the 4dol of his family, and held in high esteem fellow boldiers and acquaintances " t tcr *Off. Those who knew him best, speak othintits kioxiog been a young man of fine social qu:dities genial disposition, by no means quarelselPe• and never disposed willingly to wound the feel ings of any one, He was among thetirst to lo spond to the call of his country, and did Itie duty bravely and faithfully during the time the was in service. His death, under the circakt 'Stinnes, is very greatly to be regretted, sad Amid probably not have occurred hut for Vie rash and imprudent action of hinuelipulfrils while unduly excited. It is said that on is death-bed no unkind or harsh word was epos by him relative to the fellow soldier by wb4se hand he fell. It will be some consolation* h i g the afflicted family of the deceased to ia'w that he wart kindly cared for by the fandly .if Kr. Humes, of this city, who were uncess in their attention to the unfortunate ymilf Irian. Renew or =a Veltman ftrass.—We undM-• stood this morning that the Verbeek Rifles kid arrived at Carlisle =Saturday. If so, we baVe reason to say that they will get home to-414; and then with the State Capital Guards, Cam eron Guards, Lochiel Greys and Verbeke to arrive, will complete all that started fro* liatrisburg city. Fathers, mothers and sisters have cause to be glad at their safe return, and then any little expression of kindness towahl them by mother or sister in the way of a hand some neck-tie, or dry goods generally, can ibe had at the cash store of Urick & Bowman, cor ner of Front and Market streets. 2tt: nevi- AND CHEAP (.400D4 mon New YORK law- Ticss.,4oo pieces splendid Wamesutta 10 eta ; SU pt“—ew - br - us li jo .. 411 eta., worth 124 eta ; 80 pieces oriprd t) ton Gingham', 124 cts.,- wor t h 14; eta; 1 pieces of Crash, at 10 and 12 cts. a yilld ; a Very large lot of ladies and children's whaestockingis; the best ladies hose for 121 eta. in town•'bril liants, hrillianta, 00 pieces, a t 124 cur. ; beautiful skirt stuff at 25 cta.; 200 dolt of brown and bine mixed men's socks, 124 c a t and a great many other goods very cheap, Mt S. Lewv's, John Rhoads' old stand. =I Uli CHEEBMAIN'3 Prepared by eertleilllEl L. Obeeinemeua, M. U EW YORK t;1117 iTil h coin binatiob of ingredients in Weise Pills are Inn m 111110( • king and extensive pt il ono - 1 boy are mild to War Oporaidon, and certain in correcting! all Irregularides,Painled MORlUllatiOtia, r ' all ob 4 etructions, whether Cram cold or ohm, Row pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whheneag nevi •0115 allectiona, bysterica, fatigue, pain in the4asta and' limbs, ke., disturbed slap, whielisrate &Monist/x.1400i otJuisure TJ St&R.Rlitll Dr. Cbeeseman's Pllll are invaluable, as ey will brit l / 2 , on the monthly penal with negnberlty. 'LAIN who have been disappointed in the eser of QWer 11U eon plot. tlne utmcet eonditenee In Dr, Cheeseetse 1)112 doing all that they represent . • NerTivu .There is one adiddien dle Maid* dintale to snot 401101.Ati, Pah el he taken waft •r s •oduakait a PAW RICSULI. lee aerennien tow at to la PNIatalANO7-. am fault, el /we ATRIA GA. aunt u Ak s'nuesibik tunder4 ul wascise te.rencre eneuni ftencgelle normal atesis.'ims 7 Jias tie NpArlifielkiet -plAttif Agif nature sans ?OLIO. t WILMOtell Purely vegetable, and rm. enrinet /Wormier, liapliett throne/ea, which aWWWbe obmpany each boa. Price SI. Seat by matlonlate SI to DR COlurstitra 1. OR/SMILAX, lea 401,a,, eash. ,v• - • New Yore :hip. Sold by eau ' , ag*lsitu evAszfewoln Inteldie it. eleestra. t..-et tor terstiaibell ote_ LS Broadway, low Vete 10 laAom eh it'imis,Ltr oven r 0401411/ es Sold m Fisrreo•ti es be P. A. rtainrrner /0 • vt . y - OA.RD TO THE LADLES. ::;,1 DR• DIrPONOO'S GOLDEN PLUI3 :FOR FEMALES; L:f fallible a correcting, regulating, wad semarYligni obstructions, trom wbataves: sayass, and. t ways eatccessfultai a preSsa- titre. FUME? to trY PILLS' HisBEEN YE USED . the doctors for many .yeara, boil in ilrantsieho merits, with unparalleled micelle In every can ' and he is urged by many thousand ladies who seed the tO make the Pill. pubilwfor the ellierlation attests from any irregularities tivltatiVbr," Is well tine ut i s an increase of family where health will Females particularly situated, or th ose supple '03.. selves so, are cautioned egotist these Pills -labile %het 'condition, as they are stir to produce athwart an t the proprietor assumes no responsibility after ' io ninon, although their a:adze's' would preveuX• cilia to heath—otherwise the Pills are • ded. Full and explicit directions aecompauy each**, , Mai el 00 per box. Sold wholesale and retail by , .. SILIRLBSA: .111NNVART„'Druggiii,i 4 No. 2 Jones Row, Harrixburg i Pa. "Ladles," by sending him el 00 to the Therrlsbdrg Post °Moe, can itave the Pills mutt freest eimervadem tc any part of the country (oonfidenthilly) ind ofretl cage" by mall. Sold also by S. S. demos; Rea ds Jonas* LIOLUIWAT k CoWDIN, Philadelphia, J. L. Lim. UMW; Miamian, DunaM. liepostio, Lantediter; J. A. Mo, Wrightsville ; & T. Mumut, York ~_• and by One dry . ir. t la every clty and village In the WON and by S. D. blbwi, ole proprietor, Now York. • N. 11—Look out for conetetfeits. Bey no (Wen Pllie of any kind unless every box 63 signed B. IX Howe., Ai others are a base Imposition and unsafe; therefore, as yob value your lives and health, (to say nothinrof be - log humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who slum the signature of ti. D. Shwa on every box, which has recently been added on anCOUnt, Or the Pills being tmentertedted daillftratiwly. MANHOOD. HOW LOST; HOW RESTOHLED JII4T PUBLISHED ON THE NATURE, TRUThißia AIM ka„OICAL Oolti _Of VI I klikro4- Itaka,or Semi* Weakness, RexualTen ty; Neivatui. urns, Involuntary EadaSions and lw resettle From _- Bent wider foal, La a plain envelope, to arty addrein.pear paid, ,reeelpe„ et" two starays,. by .1.1r„i0E1434.: .1.114 kLINB, 127 Bowery, *few York. Pont 011 44-59; 4.611 e. t 0 .; ts myternastaw Tau taw have 12,000,000, :working witrateAtirVites may be estimated WOOS a•day, ant* annuli low , by ,rnickne. a at an average df ten dip Mb in the year.— TAts g t•=e a tout toed of 111240,000,000* sem three times as lash ae .the whole east or the '4l , oovekaaarat. !adducing the Army, Navy, Yost Maar, Legtalaibers Foreiga Mati-tern and all. The mould weighs retenAlii hearedqcons In pars goat • .4.4_ 4,4 A lip proportion of this costly stdrerirg , ialght be avert by attention dint, ohandosis, ab-ve all, by th e oper UIRI Or the rt ht remedy In season. Whoa 25 O. bit box of eyer's rile will tre0 , 41121 attack of awe which it would take Amara ramie ream Trunk r a altar both* or eyere Bamperilla, will exile • lurint-g oisoriler that , ' wont* bring she sufferer to Me back tdr weeks or wontha, does tt take any Omer to show t e goer econorey of the Invedutend ehen'Brittr , and A a isliaktidg in your vehos and shaking your • • • tt-otetartornw-Awnr Ctru t , bay° the welato 4 =1 1 , 1 wtdoh it does a. e ana quickly f oue. W , a cold is it pri, nt to wait mall it is settled en thil OAPs 111 " 1 days ol womb or mAites moat bs siglip_t !Pt., -- ifying - Lio care k even if It can be cured at il l, tkcls Ai =CPO ''' i take A ere Cberry Pectoral, oostear a few sb.iinipaand remov the trouble before it la ipsrielsr Kaaba no Wis dom to dec,de. For sie by C. A. Bans* 10t - W.: Keller,. G. W. Gross Co., J. Y. Lira, tioinsearlt ON, Arlowrlktl4 Harris. ars, and dealers iterywhere. Yb4Alr- tOASEY - & 'BRVWX.I TORNMrS=4MULVT ARRIBBIIAG, 114 V IN 281105 a w te 1,64 14 " 4 ' *Or s * 0, imingS4l496lll New 2bnertistnents ARMY SUPPLIES.. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OPTICS, Harrisburg, July 26, 1861. Sealed Prop sale will be received at this 011101) until 12 o'clock, M., on Friday, the 2d day of August, 1881, for the following Army Supplies, deliverable at the State Military Store, Harris burg, in quantities as required. Said proposals to be publicl op- ned at the time and place darned, and the successful bidders to be an pounced as soon thereafter as convenient—the right being reserved by the State to increase or I diminish the number and quantity of said arti cles : Ten Hospital Tents, with flies, poles, pins, etc., complete. Sint' en Hundred and Fifty Common Tents, poles, pins, etc., complete. Two 'Hundred and Fifty Wall Tents, with flies, poles, pins, etc., complete. One Hundred Drums, with sticks, slings, car riages, cases, etc., complete. Two Hundred (200) Drum Heads—batter. Two Hundred (200) Drum Heads—snare. One 'Hundred Cocoa Fifes. Ten Thousand Three-pint Canteens, covered and strapped, cotton. Ten Thousand Haversacks, army standard. Ten Thousand Haversacks, enameled cloth. len thousand Knapsacks, straps, etc.,complete, army standard. Ten thousand Knapsacks, straps, etc. ,00mplete, enameled cloth. Six hundred Shovels. Six hundred Spades. Aix hundred Hatchets—handled Six htuidred Axes—handled. Six hundred Picks—handled. Ten Thousand Tin Plates. Teri thousand fobs Kill Val and Pork" Ten thousand Tin Cups. Three thousand Mesa Pans. One thousand Camp Kettles. Ten thousand Great Coats—lnfantry. Ten thousand Blouses, woolen lined. One thousand yards sky blue tape for chevrons. Ten thousand pair Trowsenr, footmen. Twenty thousand white Domet Flannel shirts. Twenty thousand pairs of Drawers. Twenty thousand pairs Stockings. One thousand pairs Cavalry Boots. Ten tbousand pairs Bootees. Ten thousand Forage Caps. Thb thousand sets of Accoutrements, Twelve thousand Double Numbers 89 to 60 in clusive. Twelve thousand Letters A to K inclusive. One himdred and thirty Seargenta' Sashes. Ten Thousand Blankets, seven feet by five Sett six inches,_vjeol-Aray, letters P.. Y. in centre_ four incheatMik;qveighingiliiitrekirifik-- • '.. Forty , Ambulance Wagons, of the pattern of the U. S. runty, of 4 wheels and 2 wheels. Forty ;Hospital or Medical Transport Carts, U. S. army pattern. Also. Sete of Harness for horses of above. The Ambulance Wagons, Carta and Harness to bp subject to the inspection and approVal, in quality and finish, of the Surgeon General of rennaylvania, whose decision shall be final and concluirive. It is desirable that all the shave articles be of domestic manufacture, and when any of them are furnished by the United States, the samenrust conform in all respects to the scaled standard pattern in the United Stator Quarter masteres office and military store, Philadelphia. Ten, per cent of the amount of each delivery to be retained as a forfeiture until the contract is completed. Contractors to state in their pro posals the time when the goods can be deliver ed, and the speedy'delivery of such articles as are needed will be considered in awarding the contrast. Succesafffi bidders to glve bonds with two approved securities. - Every proposal to be endorsed, Proposal for Army Suppose.. Aligust '2d, 1861. All supplies contracted for under these pro poiade to be delivered at the Military Store house in the cit. of Harrisburg, unless other-' wise directed, free of all charge for freight, -boxbig or drayage, unless freight to place of delis er& is greater than to Harrisburg, in which case the dltirmsnce will be allowed. All pack ages se delivered to be marked on the outside with Amber and description of articles therein, and niche of peaty...furnishing same, together with An invoice of contents, enclosed, embra cing, in addition to above, notice of whatspecial supply' it-is a part. R. O. HALE, jy2Vdtaug2. Q. H. Gen. 'P M. HOSPITAL DIMARTIAJINT 2 - state of Pennsylvania, ilesarsanao, July 28, 1861. A Medical Board for the examination of can didates for the post of Surgeon in the Penusyl 'VtUlia volunteer regiments will meet at Harris burg on Tuesday, August 6th, .it 9 A. M., when and where candidates will present themselves. By order of the Governor. RESItY H. SMITH, Surgeon Gen., Penn's. jy2B.4d CONSTITUTION WATER -1 TIDY ItNOWN REMEDY FOR otAllETB8•, ril • t,t.RA.TIVE proOerties of this me dielt.. direct themselves entirely to the organs or secret e and by so altering thehondition of the stomach And liver, add the starchy principle of. the FOOD 14 not cony:fled Mtn sugar so long as the SINTER is under the Influence e 1 toe . Constitution Water; which ghe *h. organs UMel to recover their healthy tone elk vigor: 'We are able to state that the 13ONSTI TIJT1024 WATltit has carol every case of DIARIIIIIB in which ghee been given. RRITITUN OF THE MEWL, OF THE BLADDER, rs- FLA MANION OF VIE RIUNrPS, Aso CATARoH F MR LADDER, oTRANGUARY, Aso BUNNING OR PAINFUL URINATING . . Tor these diseases it 4 tru l y a sovereign remedy, and too mudh ciinnot be Bald in Its praise. A single Ooze bas been knoiru to rello,o the most urgent Symptoms; tar .T, rrs szti or Too, In these cases, and you will give your praise tb OONSCITIZRON WATICEL InasLaws 01 ISE KWIUI &uaiDIR.JID 17131, WIT PA& amany Itsresnon 'cu , Cam,: themasa or nue Psos. GLAND Stoat IN INN BLADDIEOCAtOO2.OB, *tent, Bilicingerf Darcerrs no Braces on Mucus on Wu= Disanintini, I ' .Artas Ilantamto; . Dhows all occurring from one and the same Cane* will bit:entirely aured by the anitfttiefOn Wager. is'no chums of dimness that produce such tartans eV upon the human conetitution as Diabetes and penises of the Bidneys, Bladder and Urinary - Paisages, and Onpugh a false modesty , they are neglected until they at e so fitr advanced as to be.tite9o l 4 _.rdinarg , remedlea; and in a milordf Of caseiliale can Anne by the physielane, and we present the . CONSTITUTION WATER To:the public with the conviction that it has no equal in .rellefring the class at !or which it has been found Ise,ontetlY,eneciereful in eerier; and wcorsnt that we shalt rewarded for our alerts Inp4phig so vs eatde remedy In a farm to meet the requirements of patient. amtphy.foratt. " Putride by alt Dresigista. wit "a. Gfti&U & Proprietors. KOROAN geoeral *gouts, marsO.Omw Ito. 48 Cliff fluttecNew York. Pil-1-0 TO G.R,APH Y, In ail its Branches, _ - ate:Wed In Lb beet style known in the art, es C. G. CRANE'S GIALLERT, arch ;Stied, Aistofillisa"7l - size DT OIL AND PASTEL S'PBREOSCOPIO: PORTRAITS, kmbretyyee, Dagnerreot l 7Pne, al:4 ) for Ca 4 gS Medali Inn, 0. • =yl4 PLA,CII3 I FLAGS ! I tiliOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES with - Natioaal dasigaa, Lam Pang with a rim of ealty , .ol Rat*" sg„ piloted andlaeaala it - . ' BOTIEFITE'S BOOKSTORE, a 4.241 1 .- -'- - ' Neu l as Barnabarg BnSot I A PARTNER WANTED. ANtr tit teciirho villa o 66",114. willmgal-"44rbArti-; ifilistellantous PROF. O. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL IMI BLOOD RENOVATOR. 1• precisely what ne name indi :..tea, for while plats. at t to the taste, it le tevivi ytug, exhilarating and .tr. og hewing to the vital I , .were It also reViVillea, re lemAta s reoews tie long I • all di orl itle/ twat" and thus ralitact- as moduli the t y s•cm i nvut nere p ie to attacks of die .at t•te nety preparation ever her: d to the Won 6 in a pnpi.l.4 term to as to be within the rends of all. c emicaliy and ,killfully combined, as to the most po. et , lli TO. IC, 4Dd yet so p?rfeeny aids/U.l so Agi ro Aar IS PUSS= ACCORDANCE WITH THE tiIIVS 411 , Ica7o 10t, AND SO rEIT YES WHAMtt crusted; and tole up the +4•E'S inarg to 6011 illay" a i to-rvo.ka irritation. Ais st.o reffedly extureratiog Is Its effects, aim yet It Is never followed by Ins:Attie f &prorioon spirits It is corn. posed.entirely of 1 - agate:es, add those tboraugly cute- Ohnug Olraftil IA& and Imo Ring properties, sod cad s quell t.) can never ilu.e. As • sure prevenive and cure of coNmrstriroN, BRONCHITIS, LENGE:MON, DT?, PEPSI -8" , OF APt'ETlre, FAMINE.* NEtt- Toed ilittrfaßlLlTY, NioiaLCitk, PALPITA. TRW (..F . I tiE.HEAR e, M BLANC/IDLY, HYPO CHONDRIA, NIGHT SWEATS, LANGUOR, CIDDIDM, AND ALL THAT cLA,b OF litt FEARFULLY FATAL CALLED FEMALE: WEAKNILUI ANu lIIREGuLotIVES, THERE IS NOTHING ITS EQUAL. Mao, Liver Verrogen eats of Torpidity, and Liver Mu/- plaints, Diseases of the Kidney, or any putrid derange ment ef the Urinary organs h WLLL mot only Lure roe debility fol .srieg CHILLS and FSVIrlt, bet ail prevent &hams arising feast Miasma• t Man oars, and cure the diseases at once, If airerdy rt. tackad. .irreivelers abated have a bottle with thew, as It will lufaltbly µreveal my deleterious consequences follow Wit 11 00 Ohmage of climate and water. A 4 I. ptel'ealla 004/Vsaida, strengthens the dis•stlve orgaos, IL aboukl be in the beads of sit Mood* rf sodeo tary habits, Ilsactleug wet accruromed to touch out-door exsteim •boll iilway • use it Maniere ebOuld um it, Fir it 13 a perfect relief, taken a month or two before the duel dial, SOO will pass the d mutt puha& ease Sod safety. Taaaa Ii NO Ittertalte AS 'Of R. INRINAL LS ALL WE cLard FOR IT I I I Bfotbere Try It I I And to you we appeal, to detest the Morin or &cline not may of your dituorrs before It be ono tow, but aimo yeur *WM and hubs Ai., oar wbi e the former from false delicacy, often go down to a prem.ture gram rataer th ve let their count 1.. n be known to tine, the latter are often so mixed up vita the excitement of busleass, that If it wire not for you, they too, wouto travel In the tan e dowtiviard path, until it is tOo late t) arrest their fatal fa o l Bat tne mother is always yield:it, and to you wv couddeutty appeal ; for kr: are au, e your never ftlllug aniactloin will uuerriugly point you to PROF. th.t.lte IItsCTUttAT/ifti AND ttLOOD hEvt,V A T JR a the reonoty whion ehould &leapt be on band in time el need. - Lk J.' ROOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and 1 tilderket Street., rt. Ism* M 0.., sou sold by ail good laruagt-ta. Price One o ;sr er Bottle, JyB-daw• ow PUEIIPX3.3EIiNt'SSI DAILY A LINE! Between Philadeliahia Loot naWZN, J11:081Y WILIZAMPORY, Mon; UNIONTOWN, Wa1002119W3, 1111X0S, I.lwisseno, NOATHUaIIsOLIIOO, raxsnnt, illintental, thiOROCTOWS, Lrlcsxaaowx , 4ILLxIIO - lisrassx, Daunts; AND IiAttRISBDRI.I. The Phlbulalphia Dept& beta; enirsily tousled the Drayage will be at the &Wait rates. A asduzsur goes through with snob train %oWt. , ana to tae safe aelivery ca all goads entrusted to Jae owe. Goode delivered at the Depot Of PKBED, WAND & FRDED, No. 811 War. et Bteet, diaptda, by'S O'clock e. M., wilt be .11Verad In • Uarriabarg the next morain Freight (alw tys) as low as b ejoy other Inc, Pariloultr attention paid b f thin 1100 to oslnnpi end speedy delivery Of al, Elarrlabur ooda. The l undersigned thankful for past. Atm.,: bb ( bras:, striaotteutiou 01/01110,5_0a 000[?.e tj acon 44 1 0 0 Philadelptd• and ite.tdio Ara of Market .titre . . i.nurg. 617 (tam GMT FRAMES I GILT PRAM I BIEBT.ER, CARVER AND GILDER, Manufacturer of Looking Glass and Piotaze PPOZOO/31 GUI and Rosewood Rom Mop &. HARRISBURG, PA. Frani& Mirrors, equal.. and Oval Partizan. Frames of every description. OLD witasiss TO az W. jrumy wl AN TED.- - . Nil 6TOSILI,PACIi ii AGES of tittt .40 • Aild JEWELRY, M y, I ces one third lead than ca, purchased elsewhere. oiler addrees (stamp enclosed.) J L. BLILEY, ic23:,3ccd 16.1 ,burr I:No.OAL I=wgzo - viriirmi.a. , fis DiARRIREA AND OHOLER.A. ANTIDOTE, For the cure of these distressing =Mediae. Agreeab , e to the taste. Evert soldier should procure a tattle ol Ms valuable siedicloe.before they (age up their line of march. For !ale at U. A. BASSI/AST% Drug Store, mytaut Ibuttsburg, Pa HENRY C.. Sti AFFER., DATER RANtiER, Front street, second door . *bove Wain*, sweet.. 44 orders pooctually attended lb. Sr riper 4nnii br /6 Gouts per roll or piece. All work yrpniptod. ' alyb-dtf A ICHANCE gOIL A BARGAIN. rl3O close up the concern f.he entire J sioeic of SHvB9, Boors, Ordrver Be 1 mea, dipcoased,b3 the rooms In tae Market Square, will be sold at jejlltabeet,CfJawFoLine.wi.4 be rented =An gay. jeri-dtt Dabr hue, agent. TiIUNDER AND LIGHTNING. . , vast amount of prOperty distroyed L.•annually by Llibtnutt aught to be a warning to propero hoidens to secure their bundles& All orders tar Litibintag Rode left at the auotiosi - store or W. BARB, will ite!atteeded to. Ude pat up In the, latest Improved Vb. warranted. . 1 / FOR RENT. THE EUROPEAN HOTEL' AND RE STAURANT in Brant'm Gay Bell Balldloty Barrie burg City, ea. Apply to JtIHN 11.. BRANT, jell dgms V/! 1410 PKGRUPI4 eittliß CIDER 1 1 1-BtrietlY pure, spark ki hung and sweet—hea rewired a &leer Medal or Di. • peens lit every State Aarealltdral lair slues 1156. -.For 'ate byi fell-d MM. DUtkt & .CU. . - .t .1 14i, bALE.--One of the beat busuleas utadds In the city Oil reluelrisble terms, or leased lok odor dee - years sit =lard in Market street between T9ei ariftA_ ..._____.,....,.....,.......___.___, Eutti hneede ensile of _ City Property for We, A LAAGE TYPO-STORt BRICKMOUSE loko terry gy9gl4, pleamisit located vi oo Fro PIX WTOIEII , III2b •ies Atitide: Atkpfrwol4Bll o l4eititi ooatt.i!uyi,foid or cf wwm , tx ZimmIIRMAA, "" " No. 2S, wines/mind street. REMOVAL. PLUMtkiIO • •t-.- ARS": (rait- 4lieritir tr larl . * roOrdi seet,±4ove .11.iiKec,optOilf,,.. the Bottle otromott„. Ttuinitial tarpon pair•nage, tie hopes; ikilitGict anontlOß to Widows, to merit a ootOlooanto of it t •m a ia6 and WIC PARIMIL R EMOVAL. ffittL dthiSCRIBER would 'respectfully hitormthe pubbc that ha ha- rumored Ms Plum b ang mid fir - isa bat:mains establishment to No. Sou lb Third stmt. below Hires Hotel. "tankful for at _kutl2_ Mass" hh nopee o 7 atria exteelre`a Wb , naus A V?Allern a con_iloussii k, 4 1 ieost A , = Apa.14,41kl - . .77---jaAttm A liet* ' xuer 1.4):65113G"' -‘4 pj gad ixot MOM) ItaiVAlMr?'"46 LADIES' WINE. SPEER'S S A,M1311 . 01 WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Older, Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBITCI WINE. OELEBRATI.:I) tur its niodic4l end bona ti:t LI qua itt Bass Kent Li. St 1 1 .nt. 14 , relic /11 ter tl tuahl. e *cm Aby earn. at bvii dam, and Some of the ti et t nil aia Nur an, Am rice. SPRER , S SAMRUCI WINK. ti oot 1 mlctnr ar 'aro, from nultiratel orEn r reco nn._d d ty :nom -Ist; And Physiela 16114 001,4 , 1110:.!, M Ad pro 41,11,1 in gorier to aag other Alo a o aae, as ias , • •ri. n'e for all weak s - , d dab .a cal per ea;, and tle A•rA I and infirm. ina.*rovingth, , ;4:ito, Lot • and ehllarea A LADIteS' aecaoriso it will on lukoriciate Ka mher glow, as it ea n . in] •e no MinoBo of .piny or other Ilea ere;4ised la •. mired in its rico PO :111 nr a tvim .134 nirtri re propwsh., Imparting a reit by tone to lb dige tiro org Li's, and a LLeming,, At ao I Webby it. la and Ca4D:sXlOll.; time g notno link= the pigualrre nt thrai.:(l:44.lfß, PasWe,fij J. over.tbe cork of e Ii oottio, trIAKK ti , g ToIAL uF Tara Wad E... A. bent R, •"rO;tr'et Fnotater,[tti , 111 •e 209 sroadwav • vow , m tr. J. H RATtt Agent, Plabule'plite. For sale by U. W. Cr t-B Reny% J' 6R Wy.ah and by drazal.ta ge .0 all ONLY PREPARATION Universal Confidence ez Patronage. FOR STATESMEN, JUDGES, CLERGYMAN, Lid's, so d Gentlemen, in all p +riser the world to-lily Lb* eilluacy of Prof. 0 J Woud'a flair Ite-torative and gentleman of the Presu aro unaulttu lu it, pr.. 1.4. A few teatimonitla only eau be bare given ; see circular fur more, and it alit be impe• Mb!, fury u to , doubt. 4'7 WAI Sireei, New York, Dec. 20th, /848. : Your note o , the 15 b 11113 1.115011 re deye t i thee you bid beard thlt 1 hue beau tow stet by toe use of Woo .'s User Kestotatl. 0, and reqeo4 kg toy certificate q( the 1..0t if I b bjeegteu give h. I award it to you cheerful y, nee . t dn.."... My ego la about 60 cetrt ; tie rolor it attinrn, and t elated to oarl some Biro or i•ir • since It be. gun to turn pray, end lb • Kaip on toe. rue. uI my he d to lose Its 300.4 , / lnly and It. ...111selts of theao elsagrerabilitire toctrea.yd wit° antLabaut. , wan added to Maul, by bids rair ol toy head and threatening 19 gaols. .. me bald In ibis unpleasant predicament, I was latitmod to try Wood', Hair iteottuatlvr, mainly to arrest the frLing or of Inv hair, for I had retell nu orreoutlion that gray ~ hair could ever be restored to ita original color excep:. from dl es. I was, bowever, areatly aurprla ti to Bud tier the use rif two o the only alai nut oily wok_ I Ike rautogetl eirremol, but the color wee rektitrd To tilt , . gray hatr and senalbt by to .6. ecalat_anit,„..., mem.— ..a . ,aOl At V1L10:47-ailasifULt 1 deced to try it. &mot g !be manv oblig Akita I ow. to her ell& ' recornuteud all bu butte atm v Ave the riti••';', i m ? t lr r o a .ll.,r ito ir: n yi3 of their wvatordi by my ex 0, use tlf growing gray or esuing bled, - •-` Very. reveettu tfr, - RAN. To 0 J. Wood k Co., 444 Bro,dwty Yew lily &may are abseut r• 411 the city, ati..4 e4Ol oclenet er at No 11 Carrot place. • - thamaston, Ala , July 20th, 1869. To Pit ‘e. OJ. wain: tear : YOUf ßest" ! Wee" has done my ti .ir ao much goo.i, ince I C.Mcn.nced the use of It, tbat I wish to make kuuWu to the t LIB /0 beetroots on the hair, winch tire great. A 'man or wo. mail may be noirly d. paved of hair, and by a resort to your "Hair Restorative " the hair will return more tmoulful than ever ; at lea t thin is my asp atonoo Believe it eh Yours truly, ,ae. - W Si a. SINEWY. P rt—You can publteb the above II you hke. By pub lishing In ow southern pal era you ea get more ',Woo er-, &octal. I see :sero...lof your oen.lloatos ja the Alp bile Mercury a streug southeru l aper. ; W. 13. Hued", WOOD'S lIAIR RPSTO tATIVB PROV 0. J. Wean : ar Sir : [laving bad the inl.for tune to lose the bad port ou of my Nth, from the • &cm . of the yellow fever, to New Orleans in 1861; r dared to melte a trial of Jour preparation, and !Dead it to minim as t e very dung needed fly hair In now Mirk mid glossy, mud no words can express my obliga tions to you fu giving to the al/limed suchm Immure. FINLEY JOHNni N. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three.met,,vis large medium , and small ; the anal' bolds pJC a, lint, ACM retails for ouu dcl r per bmtle ; the melltinOtolas at least twenty per sent snore in proportion VISA. aye Mall, retails for two dollars p.r bottle ; the lime Midi a quart, 4u per o.nt. more to proportion, and ror . , 0. J. WOOD & CO., Prop letens, 444 nroadway, New York, and 114 Market street, St. Louis, tie. • o and sold by all 1;013d 1 ruggNcs sad Fancy Gssess Dealers. .1y13.... Menu.sis Great fur • •DR. LELLANIra-- ANTI RHEUMATIC- - BAND IS !MR ONLY KNOWN Rwall .FOR, Rhetunatism, Gout and Neuralgia - AND A BUZ Milts TOR All Mercurial Disease& It is s conveniently arrainced Band, containing a ISNW.II , sated Impound s to be worn around the Waist, weg i oiV kidney to the moat delicate perlieue, uo change Mast/W. of &Me to required, .rsti it otdirely removes the demos; from the system, a bout procluauf, tLe fejarma ll , arising from the eSe of pow 11.1 !..!ernal../Pledhim, which .weaken and desiroy ib AMU goo temporal/. relief only. By t 6 t: /re ..tmeto,th„ .. , 0 , 000 properties contained in lb • Band come in centers wilt the Wed and reaches the (Maas'. through the pores Or the side, effecting lo every maw!' i t .mt ) , f e a t cunt and , restore be parts am oediu a i..h 7 ..!ir,Z.oladlfain, _fri g Band is also a. most poWer; la I Arerf-ShistOnaravagent, and *tit -sorely relieve tbe system. trims the persodoops , recta of Merwity. Modems /-cabes are cored lie- •eii dear, and we are csmstaudy reset/Pug testimonials of Bs ealf..Ael m aggr.rvat-u eiSei 01 h )4; btaadwg. `Frock 0:00, LO be had-Of Drugnissi generally, or can be sent b* mad or expremh with tea diroCUOLI for aae q to anyrpaXt of the Country, direct from the Pr.ncloal IN°. 409 BROADWAY, New York. Ge tititrra & co-, Sole FroPrietOri.' 8.' , -Descriptive Circulars Sent Free, Avo'"AONNT., WAN EBB Ere / re/. jyt-daw MI _,. ,--- W ANTED I 500 MEM = il - For "the Batteries of , the :50. Regi ment of Artillery V. 8,402 y. PAY trom 11 to 21 dollars a moats ac opting to the position wtiett the intiacity , and o w i r s 4ar or Me soidiere may enable. him to obtain. " tu e tious, quarters and Medical attenuants are lOrniabeti each turd er, with an amp e a 1.w& 1 00 0, 0101,110 14 410 04 - di , llou CO their p y Et ery tra - opstile,pkkotap p tlipppi p- ', dtbe sootier, atroroloy, huh an- pportenitroirthry la ins toe beat part of byt pig. , r , ~ - . . . ~. , . /ken Pr 4 03,1 ciaa,rac44 hotlailiftletelainir . ilegiaria4aave i 111 "OPPolumkir fOcip,ammatest Mae the tasemisalon tat'of :the artily. .. ,e , AP T at Janes *gal, j?hotlt Atwood street, Barris. il4Ohitta V E. K. CRA FT . . 1- ' 'llllSeet. au Azusa), I. JONA]: ithattlanzono ko=oni WORTHY OF
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