9 Ciliagoof eravtl & o.ransportatioh NEW Allt LIA ROUTE. THRICE TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YORK. TWO TRAINS DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA WITHOUT CHANGE OF CABS. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10, ILJI.B6I i th9 a Passo l lig , e a r T r riun i s wel__!eqe the P biladel• c r h o il t andch trdi dgeitrjr.: as r /e 4 AS: tp l i d z At;iisbur,, LT New EAST WARD. expasss LINE leaves Hirrisborg at 930 a.m., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Itspresi Train from the Nest, arriving in New York at 4 p. m. A Bleeping oar to attachedlu the train tannage Crow Pittsburg without ehan4e• MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at g a. to.. arriving In New York at 4 p. m , ant Puiladelphia at 1.26 p, m. FAST LINIL tearer Harrisburg at L. 40 p m ,on arrival of Peousilvania Railroad Fait Rail, arriving in Now York as 9.46 p. es, and Philadelphia at 8.40 p. m, • WESTWARD. LINCIMves New York at Oa. in., and Phi'Adel phis at 8 a. in., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m. WAILTRAL leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil adelphia at 3. 16 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. EXPRILid LINE leaves New York at 8 p. m., arri ving at Harrisburg all 30 a. in., and connecting with the Peuneylvauta Nstireet Train ror PitteOurg. A sleeping ear la also attended to taw rain. Couneetious are made at Harrisburg with tralna on the Pennsylvania, Northern Coatrai cut Uninuortam t Valley Railroads, and at Beading for Phil tdelphia, PottsvU le, Wiurasbarre, Alientows, Castors. no. Baggage itienkao through. Cara between New York and Ha. risburg, 06 00; betwein Harris iurg and Phila delphia, 113 26 in No. 1 care, and It 10 in No. 2. For nava or other Information ap,.ly to J.J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. 1:113 PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD! BUMMER TIME TABLE FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA ON AND Ansa MONDAY, JUNE 10th, 1: 1, the painenipar train of the Petuisylvaula Barad Com• pan, will depart from and arrive at Hanishln and Philadelphia as follows EASTWARD. PAST MIN leases Harrisburg (wary morning (esruiPt Nouday) at 118 a. zu, Haul ..relVell AI Weal elnladelvtlaa st 6.1 u a. in. THROUGH 133LPRE34 TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 11.20 6. in., said arriVaa at Wait PhUa4alptua at Llu P. m. SIAM MEN leaves Harrisburg daily (amp' Bon• day) at IV/0 fa. and arms, et West P l / 1 1.. at /US p. Jo. These trains make close connection at Phiiadelpiila with the New York Uces. ALUNdIIiADATION TRAIN, No. 1, via blown Joy, Naves tirrivlburd I.uu a. m., and arnves ai West Pluladelpia at, ls.oo awn. asxulailultta 4.4.X.b.11,1101:1AT10N TRAIN, via Comm ,bia, leaves tiarmaattra at 1.10 p. m. , and armee at Waal Phtlautaptua at o'Ap. m. • aCtanitiouatiuN TRAIN, No. 2, via Mount Joy, Isavw &Maws' at 616 p. m. , caufiectlop, at Diller ‘111.3 ant 61a11. 'R.6111. +lll4l %SATIN al West PhiWel pia at 10.16 p. at. ESTWARD. THROUGH I.X.PRRHEI THAN Leaves TlfiladelPtßa 10 y 0 p m., liarrusaur g 2.66 am r A UXiZa 7.60, S. at and annap.At ...I 12.0 u uuon MAIL ThitlN Leaves r tmteueiptiut et 1.30 a. m., Strrtabars 1.6.1 p. al., .1t..e.m., t 0.64 p. tn., awl arrive At rittaburs AI rt.UJ untfinght. run W. whew raumomplita at 11.20 a. m., Barrie• at a r bare 3.36 p , ~,.114:011. b./Li p. al., anti attlVlld ,ti. klitt• boa at I L lai 46.13 SUMO ACCOMMODATION TRAIN 181111 rt Pllitauetprum at 4:30 v. tu., ...I.o.lLer 6.us p. al., 1.101 1110141114.111 p. as., 4t/0 ori.. el nttrriattui d .t II u., p. tt. 26e. Trate lasuudeta at It trrtsuurd, en $ 03 p in, with thUrthuil U etraUmil hAhroa i .raw.. ~r Atli IJr , Cluatn... pm Ltkdt 11,11011, st.:remwo eat .11 p.m, e An pat, 1,0 1 ..X.1.111/UlarlUA CitnlA , it.sres rniladdplu..t 4-00 p w , Landa..ter 7.60 p. m., Aillll4l Juy 6.AL p. to., Lux. Dini.tawn, 8.41 p. m., 0..1 Atriliks at. ti..trusouti, . 9.30 V. 111. Mistiest/ Is called to the thst, that passengers teatrtat PhOadeiyhut at 4.uto p. W., 00113.401 11t. Lam:aster wet MIAMI JOY Ata:UalJOJO.atiON egua arrive harm:Kris At 9.13 J, SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Shpt. tut Div. Penns, .K.airoad Harrisburg, ;fuse 7, Ifisi.—da Wed Bohoots tor Boys and Gina irtIIUMR s 1 un..N P A.'s° buCt.lll.t. Tar, tatt,tocul of HOLIF.AtT ISVELWEE'S oviiegnue Uuys, will epee uu the lest Maude, August. Lao :own id Well oeutilmed, aucutur.stuy for. tWilbatiolikla in every respaot Wall adopted to: gawk portaraor. IVIILWEIPS Sohoot tor girls, loooted ammo. b.dkluist wilt apooLfor the foil term at the same Woe. The room boa DOM elegantly fitted up dune* the Vanttkla,to inegeno jye.hutltw mild comfort of scholar:. jansi-du . CITY LIVERY bTAIILES• BLACKMER! Atiaa, 111 TAB BEAR 0) alaitle'a f/02R21 1,4 HE twdetaigunti haw ru-commenced the beery liewiuts. le kw zglifW and StAllithla Bra kioattarius Above, with a *wand titglaat scoot 11l SCIWW2B, Oaltati&UNd sad OillAtlaU3Xl, which iie wa i btre al emoderaseriet. P. is. acurtZ. eeplhally .4 4 4, LIQUORS AT l:4181' 1 API-NV- conclude(' to diecontinne the oueluees, we ..er our large awl complete am , * of kin wimp, it liatihl IA alit liquors of every We ,pret pica as cosi wWWout reserve. Wel. Dom JP.. &co., . . ' - Opposite we Cow illeese. =II =I alttival Ay er's CATHARTIC PILLS. ARE yin) SICK, feet • ' llttiaittiug? are you out of order, with your fitment deranged. anu your feelings uncomlorlable? These symptoms art often We prelude to serieus Illness. Some fit el sickness is creeping upon vou, red should be averted by a timely use al the right remedy. fake Ayers Pills end cleanse yet the dlsor.tered numors—ours.y the blood and let the Studs Move 0t euoostructei h tumid. again. They stlinn• ate the inactions of the bo.ly unto v 'sonata activity, pu illy the system (rum disease. An. old settles somewhere to the body, and obstructstit maid rat iunctions. Thew, II nut relieved, reset upon W 888 8 ,31803 anti toe surround• tug organs, producing gecerd eg;ravattou, suffering and disease. While in Ibis condition, oppressed by the de rangements, take Ayers nits, cud see bow directly they restore the natural action in [Liu system, and with It the buoyant teem; of heluth again. VI hat is true and so apparent is this trivia and iNnutlloll 180111platilh 18 8.1811 true in many th the deep•setued and dangerous distem pers. 'the same ItUrsithlre ellec expels them. Lauseu by 'miller obetrueboub and derangement's of the Dater& lUnetems of the buLy, they are raptdiy, end many is hum surely, cured by me came meatus. None Who knew the virtues O. these Phis, will osgleet to employ .hem when sullerdig trout the di orders they cure. staienients Huh mauag phyklettilia 111 Some el the W . 118811481 Shies, and Ittas other well anuwn public per sons. from a forwarding klercoant cot St. Louis, Fab. 4, 1.856.. Da. Argil Your rills are th. paragon of all that is treat. a tuedieme. lbey Ouvu c urea my &Idle thauglatea 01 Illeet Ulla burns ui au bur Dam a 0.00 Pew COM Luau prOveu aueuiut.le lot pure. Liu to iltanr had bdau tun. grievioubly ullucteu *llll biulubes aid I Lel 01111.1 utati W ael ban'. dear our child wad cured, tau aka tr t kilns, and they nave oared her. AAA MlultallUDGß: Al A Flinn Mao. (From Or. L. W. Qatwrltitit., New Urteans.l Your ilia! are the pfl.oo of purges. rttwr excellent qualities surf say cathartic we 'Jewess. Tuoy u. whi t s:let very ceruAto mud elleGtuel to their active au tn. bowels, ertileb mane team laveluable to uu m the dell) realment m 111.2ctlicle, ilia/NICHE, MICE fiIiSDAINIS, Foot. doors®. . !trews Ur. iklumra uoyd, Baltimore.) DUIL Bitu. Arun: ouriLOC answer. you WHAT coM plasuls 1 Love MusD with your Pltla hotter Vain to say alt Mat um ever if C 11: wua u pmegative omeaio enc. 1 Oro most Llopoluaeuho ou au is my daily nomadt with thaease, and tioniptlag as 1 du that yo Pula &LION. Os too suit WO LLAVo, I id course ValUO Shah highly. Prrnumaa, Pa., May 1, 18.55. Da. J. C. Avaa—Blr ; 1 bsve loam repeatedly cured of lie worst scaOseme anybody can UrVe, by s dose Or two your ems. .tatimus to uruw train r tom Stu Mall; whiuu they cleanse at ouee, Yours with great respect, ED. W. PEBBLE, DI, tt el Steamer Ow= Bu OCS MgOßDZits.-1 430artailfra. (From lir. 'Met/dote Bell • New York Clty.l Not only are your tills mi.o rally adapted to their purpose as au apeneut, but I dud Moir beeeticial °sects upon the Liver very =anted they hey.: in my prantme proved morn elleotual ;or the sure ul &Duna Comptamos Mao any One remedy t can ineutton. I Mu oerely rejoice that Wu have at length a purgative whiCh B WurULy the coolldence el the profession and the people. DaPARTNIXT or rsa brattlag, Washington, D. U., 7th eel). 1856. Sir : l have (teed your MI6 to my general and nospital praetioe over ohm you made Mom, and ocuom neonate to say they are the DCS4 eallidrth: we ample,. rhe'r re. rhinos ration on the Leer le ethekr. and *Welded clime , queutiy they are Ad audit:44)ln remedy for tierilllkOM4sl4l. DI that organ. othloto bound a came al Itiheas Disease 8000ailti tie I..beLL n and not rcatilly yield to them. Fraternally your ~ A ...IN/A-08.440 Di, Pay acute • inn Marine Hospital. MenTORY AARani) A HUAI, WOBAM (From Br. J. Lc Green, 01 Chicago.] . Your t•tila U. ye Mad a ong trig a my prsallosi, and / noid Chem in esteem as one of toe duet epurienle, t haye aver tonne. their alterative Minot upon inn liver makes Mem an excellent remedy, Wien Ati you to smith doses tot Mena Dysentery and uiirruoua. Men sUgarosea this images them very atineptable and douvenleat for the sue of women and children. Disneau, iuruarrr cui ma Maw) (From Boy. J. V. Hma, buter dolvenc4lhareh, Baotou. Dr. Ana : !nave used your OW with excraordinary success in my tamely and among tunnel am ealled to vian in mums. To:ad:nate am organs of digestion and pu• rill Um blood, WO, aro We Very best remedy 1 nave ever known, and I can co-adoetly recommend diem Au my Weeds. Yours, J V. EMUS. Wawa' ywmag Oh, N.Y., OM. :+4, 1866. Duo Om u.aul. your 43amarim Nips La my Fmk*, mai Oa . Main as 0.14.10/101.1t lardame w oleguma dta symaro aad sway tae /ountams a tad blood. AittN di. lilli&QUAld, U. D.- Uessmano; U).r.VLYrai, SUPPRIMAION, Quin, Noussausa. Diornit, Pssaou.ssuo, Frm, smo. trine% ur. J. V. ifiumbo, it witness, Wears.' Too much wwuut Ue dela 01 your ?lite Wr the MUG 01 Coelleenaw.. 17 Olnete 01 your irgierany Ogee baud Luniui so eWOOCIOOe la I lisec, Way ap.,ytl Ain we in pro nlgllhlOA a nor we uouOdt el kila.rillnutUon. , who canner mum WAIL Anton, unigiudil 01111 unknisil in It., Sell, le hie pregellaOr•ii Where MIL are wattle. bolive Coalmen to oritAussie w the aver, inn your Pills &does tossi ori s ou %al guard WO iltelden. Irrom Vro. x.Stuurt, Paystuom awl Stldwite, Boeton.J Cad ;me or two Mtge ..10.0341 m your Palos, outdo at Mu propsr wan, are cumulous prumouvus in mu Al &tarsi uarauuu MIL.II Wa.lls ur purtualy tluppreided, and ohm ary riootud W OLSWISS Cue arursaa urol airy IV Cady Br 4 dO Milln mu Omit puptio We love taut sumo. wouu Cu Maur CO my pullout& irom tub say. Dr. klawicea, of Ma Methodist. Spumopal Gbureu.i PuLtatim4lo666. veurmo, Ga., Jae. e, 1856. SheChtla eta *Wad oa itiegretel4l tur up relief your {I ism 11th Urouget u sot report my Qom to you. A tole muted mu my ittn.mt .uml °nowt. ou eltUrU smuun4 Neuralgic paioi Waidy emote mu totreuto uomiu metiant. Notwelummutitag, t uett tuts bon of puyelcumm, die 41401186 grow . dto wore's, Wad by tub adVeGe el yuar eiteelleut agent w dattlmore, Ur. blacautue, 1 irtat your raid. 'Mew ellOOl4 were diew but sure. kly parte:net ng to We use re memo, tam Dow merely well. SID.Dat CHAJDIDID„ D 51.011 tloage , 1.a., Dec. 6, 1865. Dit. AVON : I uses MOW entirely Mired Dy your ruts, of RhummatiO bklut,—..,Jatutut diseme teat hat albeted CPO It/f punt. 014.0. NT eep-Miml 01 the Pills to tomcat (*dude Mercury, orto•ta, saboupts • vatu•ule mummy in ettW ii baum, I.AI/A.rollet 10 u publus peb , Imn tue dreitatui consopien ise• mat iregurutly wtluw me lIICAIIOIOIIA ann. Lacer no or mineral stlt•nauct whatever. Mee 26 GOMA per bus., or i OUXIK lot et. Propereti by DA. J. AYH& a *AI., Lowell, Ain. told ey U. A. ainuirJurs, U. rt. Kwler , 1:1„ W. Grua' & J. M. Lute, thoaLsu 8 Uo., Armstrong, liorriseurg, reu leatera ever ywl,Cre. ap44iniaaw A rlu tlaYdr.s,llu kt&LKI•:T, or. LlAKRlOolnitt, Again lot .L.U.1.1E: - PATENT Wratigas Mud. Vizataa lt,. a. • La Burglar .Proa 19149-ILi• tel • - Strictly the uIVLr munimlFlc Ille made, this Is both re end Burear trout. warn dl) N Lt 1. b. S PABAFeIbI 1. cAN ULkkJ, drag:ill &JAN 1)-ra, ADA 11.124 11N G caN CUM, DldAttlNltC'eav 1.1.111 b, ;51Ati cAN UL.IO, CHEM IcAL de tub", u..A.NDLLS, ULU, W IJAN OLE& brae an in cue above ea,ee and br sale at, the low du prams by W 07. 1:00.11. JB. & CO., 18M.2 Up, (ante the court Haub& A V Mil ILEA V I dTI/UK BLACK ANI) SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS OF EVERY DESCELPTION JUST OPENED, At Writes bedew the Coat of importation. CALL AT CATHCART'S, may!) Next door to the liarreiburr Bank. 110 T EL. THE subscriber begs leave to inform his Mende and the public teat ne ben Laken the FA BM att,3 noTEL, m Market eine% apposae tee Poet 018 tamerly J. Stant% woere tie le pregrired to &Weal m ute them on rediecnuole terms. tiering refired and turatehed the Liouse entare.ly now, tie &epee by mot at• t ow= to business, to receive a attend snare of patron .lee. rapailmdi 8. G. PliThhol. ,tHE SOLDIEWti BULK, ivur anyernment." an eipompon of 4ie cuaditut Von 01 the WIMPS Matas, =Adams the aspire and oper- Wen 01 oar governmant, IrOm incUoinl and &Innen*, ildnircmganne 111 W. for We aS i r g giAG M al kiVATIP • . • • . penttspluatua Wailp Ctlegraptb (Ifutetau Earning, link( 30, 1861. CHIL: MRS. WINSLOW &t , experienced Norse and Female Physician, preieni• the attention of mothers in SOOTHING S 1 1 11 U P , For Children Teething, Widen greatly taailitates the proem of teething, by son ening tbe gums,roduaing all Inflammation—wUl allay AU PAIN, and spasmodic action. me la 4 tiURE TO REOIJULTE THE BOW W& Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to /airwave. AND, RE,UR AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTA We have put op and sold this anions tur over to years, and OM BAT, In omnramos Ann UCTB, wbat w. have never been able to say of any other medicine— &MYßA !Ltd IT FAILED, IN A SthOLIII INENANCIi RFFiCT a CURE, when timely used. Never did V. snow an instance of disaatialaotion by any one who dm it. On the contrary, all are delighted situ us opera irons, and speak in terms of Welton commendation o kia magical elects and medical virtues. We spate u inis matter "weal ws no mow, alter ten years' axis elan., Ann PLLAIi OTIS aiirusAnds Mg TIN PULIPILaIIt or wuet ws ants airmaas. la almost every Munn. where the intent is minoring horn lam end exhaustion, ru liel will be tound m nom or Meaty minutes alter Ur syrup is adnoinstered This VllllllOlO preparation Is the preseripton of the most hiPlittllNCLu and SKILLFUL. DURRES :I'm &inland, and has been used with anus /Allan SOCOnIn is THOOSENDS OF - ritia it not only relieves the child mom pain, but mein orates the 'Lamson and bowain, ourrecia acidity, an Man tone and energy to the whole system. It as most insuutuy relieve GRIFINti iN TAN BOWELS, AND WIND OOLIL, .mi UVEIttIOIIIO tWEIVIDsIona, which not spescluy reme died, end iu death. We believe t the awn and Muss swam is Nis womb, m an arse of DYSILNIsAII MAith..../lIA IN (.ItilLDltlet, wOotbes it anus woo mottoes or irom auy Wier COMM. We !MUM day i. every mother who has a band suffering Ulm any of Its Oregon% onaphunts—no COT LWI TOOK etAJODIOSiI, COs sus PIIIIJUDWWI OS MUMS, 101131111 between you sod you, palming Milid sad the semi Ulan will be SU/Kb—yell, Lb 601 U 1111. M dUILN--40 follow the use of icus medicos. d timely used. bull don t:hum for Wog Will smoomptn; moo Minh . Noun gtiuuwe unless ins isouuntle • u JUNtls a< l idtkLlNN,New Yore, in son theutilinde wrapper Sold by . unions torougnout the Carlo ionmpalNo. lb Qodor St., New lora. Price only 25 Cants oar Banta iorFor site Norraoarig oy a. W. Woo a uo. Ko L 9 Market street, J. Aortal Luis, do. =Maim* direilio) 3. Koller, No. VI, Malltaidltroiffi. 011110 W Pa ^.t9' and 6. W iltlaas,llB hist uu‘ Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS HANS AROMATIC LS VIOORATISIO SPIRIT. Thu Mahone has beets used by the pithead for rfio=r4 with moreaseng favor. it is nobbstestdoi to Dyspeparaa,itersosiomm,bl am-AWN Colts boon. Wend an .he &smash, or in nails the about, flesdados, protarinen, Asancyr dhow mange, Lino , opoUr Dials.* Transom, hinsep.ra te. mum; xxsamsmase., . s Areb, SON wit. nor 1 / I TMLItuttR OR 0 . itALB A itiEDICINI3 it is quick n i l etleota• al, corms Memos; aggravating ease a Byspepeut, whey Componds, and all other derange ant of tha ktomeob and bowel; to a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most matahou ly an. drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous . d ado. ty to Lealth, strength and vigor. Pardon Mike troth the 111011d10100 ode Of keen, bay. become dumun:d, and their nervous systems shattered .lonstitutions broken down, and sub eet to that homes. curse to bumanny, the bum= Dumas, will, chinos immediately, ted the happy and healthy lnylgoratim etlimoy of Dr. Ham's invigorating duds. .. WttA'r jr wad. DO. Dona.—Use en.° glass lull as often aanesessary One use will remote all dad dpirita. One dose will sure near[-burn. Three doses wail cure Indigestion. One dose ',Vivre you a tiood Appetite. tine dose will stop the dastressiug pubis Of Dyspepsia. one ewe - will remove the ilbareming and dblagreeabk erects of Waua or k latallenue, and as aeon as LIM stomach. removes the tat noosing Spina. the distressing load ant all Andel Menge will be removed. Line nose wilt remove illa men distressing pain' el • lit., other in the stomach or bowels. A low doses will remove all Obstritalonti to Ow /Moo), Madder or Urinary Organs. Merrell who are seriously United with any Signe) .hinplatins are assume speedy relief by a dose or two, old a radical sure by the use or one or two honks. riltiliTLY DIBBIPATION. Pennons you. arum akhdpulug um mum over night, ano feel the evil selects ol ppeatients Mown, us violent barna mu* laCkailia la 81 9 1 40 3 /4 Ifea4 o 4 B %Cresst fib., mu* eau uue erne Will COULOTO all ball l Lathes an wean and anntly oonsuuniona, mould take tut Invigorating othrat mree umes a day ; It w 11l mane triem Willila, heebuy and nappy, remove all obstritchinui ant arreguianuee arum the Menstrual organs, anti restore to Mont el bealtli slid tummy se Inc liarOWOra Woe. During pregnancy it wei be tonne an mvalaaole Me.t.. sine to remove illilagilinablis deuslatwilla at cult oldailauli. All We proprietor meta is a Mud, Ana 10 indite° .oil, at sea put up the inviguratum Spam In pint bottles, at k Tanta, unarm ea/- Sonoran Oelutt, 4b Water street, N. Y. Wlntossale agent, Pluladelpata, O. IrOTT, & 00. an .or sate to elarnsuurg by C. A. liaaniart, L. W. Orme e ...n. awl I.: 4. nailer, and by all wagging everywhere jelu-rawly FASHIONABLE OLOTHLSG. ORLIN AND SU/MSS ISTYLIA. 1 8 03 1 . PEULADELLE3Lk FABEnoNB. GRANVILLB STOKES' Wig YitiOß 0140 THIN G EMPORIIjM No. 6U7 CALAMTNU2 A imperil stocit of due french, &lath and Autertcat OWTkI, OASSTMEIRFSI arid VESTINGE for Oily and Country trade, with an auapproacuablis t ae aortruent ut &SAM Nuns ti t turtuan at LOUthe lowan omit. trim ayr dal ONE PRICE is asked, and a GIFT 01 men= •Orku and use promised mai eaon snide sold. Stut,..iner 4.l.lquitut, paid Cu We unswwer aapartmant; sod garments luaus sunettut to order to any wards.. lu Ituall‘uCifilau t Win maw apnain in LIMA; oustneen, would =prima nu we amnia u. wa pa•runa w Ills Cielabhrtitudeil, trial ills curt eI use glii la licalrod Wow, Slid mu rolami lAP Ills pries La the aft An sold, ill* eltauSlMoCly woruaawa 41410011.114.b1in, 501 MU. Übsrally , neil al Ills 4 .2:1c , time to Maine • CaniuwaratiVc profit. ail ertiniee‘neresteed to give enure iinunfaCUolle ti•LiAN VILLA; STOK.Ne • ONE P 'CNN. V'l'HlNll EMI' OE sin CHESTNUT MEET. otxlti dind—rdineriptin • a 1)11.6 et.MlllllddiON.bliW appointed nuclei Um dot ol Woarporauuued the env of Barra ouri ;laying made a plot or draft ul eatdoi,4 , drelgaattig the tau. and aneya taw erdauog and upe.dus. auu also enure avenue', termite, ranee and elleye ;had here. alter no unwed, bad aloe uesoplatung Nagel the beak of Wild nay a pad ur piece 01 grokuid, rontandet not len. thin twenty =rea p 10r the Uae of the paint° awn of Amu oily, Mr we purposes and user trosouotted to said ant ; and hoeing suutuated their urea and report to we Conti ta Quarter Seatataw, ot latuptun county, for the approval Of sew Court ; the said draft and report have been Oleo try order of mud Court to the Whoa et Lae Gnat et Quer ter seadona cloak county for public Inspection ; 1111110 a. anea 01.0CpUUMS a. e thee thereto oy parties haerested to said city, the Same will tie approved at the Anguat term of bald laburt. By 'truer of Inc Court. my kdtw WY. MITCHELL. Clerk. Glorious, Star Spangled Banner 1 ANOTHER SUPPLY OF WALL PAPER, BURL/skis, ata., SPLENDID WLNiik:IW ELANDS, to melee we call the ottenson of oUr Mesas, and cord/Ally limo them to examine our geode and prwis. We ate determined to Deli cheap. /and the place. BCREPPER'S BuutierufiE, eat the Harrliourg iirktgc AUGUSTINE L. CHAYNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. /tesidence 80. 27 North &coed &red 14, r-401120161 4,TrEkiRE, I 9 Illisttllancons. SIGN Ol' Tits Inettital FT , ,. LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. THESE MEDICINM have now been be fore the public ler a period of THIRTY TZARS, and during that Ume have minutia d a high character in al most every part of the elobe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to per suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame Is liable- The fbi lowing are among the distressing variety of hu man diseases In which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating • flow of pure lutelUg bile, instead if the stale and acrid kind ; FLATU. LEGGY, Loss of Appetite, Heratbarn, Headache, See% leescats, ill-Temper, Anxiety, Languor and klitianCholy, which are the general symptoms of ityapepsia, will Tall tab, ati a natural consequenoe of its cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with • solvent process, and without vio lence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular furcualksn, through the promise of respiration in such eases, and the thorough solutlon of all intestinal ob• aruotion In others. fhe LIPS BEDICINBB have been known to cure ICHICUSISTIsIif permanently to three weeks and GOUT to half that tion• by removing local Inflammation from the manilas end ligaineimi of the Joints. DROPisIES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthen ing the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delight fully on three Important organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL Also WORMS, by dislodging from the terulnp of the bowels the slimy limner lo which Mem oressuree Where. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SOKILIi t by the perfect purity which these LUX 1111.111, ° ar il =Me Vat iiiftenTan k d lONS, by tbeir &Iterate enact upon the Mods Mat far the Mil, and the morbid suite of which caciasiona all eruptive compleata, sallow, *toady, end other disagree. able complexions. The me of these Pills for a very short time w,L effeet an mummy* of SALT 1361KUS1, sat a sulking im provement in the Meanies, ut the skin. 001111061 COLDS an* PL.VIGNIZA Will always be cared by one dine, or by two is the worst =SOL ongtnai proprietor of these medicine', was cured of Pike, of 86 years standing by the use of the LiFT. SWIM alone. vir.vatt AND RAW M. —For Ms scourge of the Western comae'', these Sallelnes will be found a safe, Speedy, and certain remedy. Other Neshelnes have the system subject to a return of the disease—a care by these Iledennes V pernasent—TßY 1712 M, BS NATLIPLID, AND RN CONED. BILIOUS FEVERS SSD LIVER COX PLhIINTB.--Newmiat. Down, Lem of &prams, and Di suave Feausa--the Manchus have been used with the most benencial rumba is cases of this descrip tion o—fiinp evil end derotela. hi Us worst forms,yfells to the mild yet powerful adieu ol these remarkable Malt Mess. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility Nervou4 Co n plaints of all kinds, Palpiation ca the Bean, Pilot re &Moodie speedily cured MIGRUU BIS!. DlSEASES*Persetui whose oonstitu ions have become unpaired by the Injudicious use of Heronry, will find these medknass parfait ours, u they never fall to eradicate item the eyetem, all the stem of Mercury, infinitely goober than the most power. preparations or Sarsaparilla. Prep tared and sold by W. U. IikUPWAT, flab Broadway, New York. Ferule by all Unties*. - 420.dswly i.cERHAV,Z , s Holland Bitters QM DYSPEPSIA, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, xas eneoessfol introduction and use of this aidwi bated Remedy has been thietrlgnel for a literal flood of mm pounti celled " caned to various fear a quart bottle to a Beesallon keg, until, this word Bitters" is but another Gam Poe "grog," or some villa - nous whiskey mixture. But the really great relief derived Qom the minute dose, one oseegoonful, of otir 3Kmiatnrs uousio arrass, and Vic entire abreact of after prortratton, bu cwhe bibbed tor 11 ariputation which the boat of Imitations and connterhita hay* *lied to undennine. It la pod. decl7 a rcastatde preparation with basal, auflicient pure spirits to pompom it. But one also or the punkt% Bottlee,) prk* Douai. It le a medicine of long-tried Macy lbw Pintirtag Me Blood, so .spacial the lbandation of good health and er oorreottng dipole= of the stomach and boo d& Two or throe doses wlll conthwe the afflicted of its salatery.effeota The stomach will speedily relish' lii strength. a healthy dodos of the liter, bowels and kidneys trill et/04 take moos and sesirAsl Width the quick result For INDIGESTION. Try Berhave , s Bonand Bitten. For HEARTBURN. Try Barhere's Holland Bitters. For ACIDITY, Try Ikernave's Holland Bitters. For WATERWL6III3. Try Maulers Reiland Bitters. For HEADACHE. Try. Berhave•s Holland Bitters. For LOSS OF APTETZTE. Try Bertlavel Botiand Bitters. Fm CosTrvitißrices. Itry Bierbave's Holland Bitters. Par prime. Try. Berhavegs Holland Bitters. In all Nervous, Rheumatic. and Neuralgia Aftece Ilona, it bas to OTIMOILUI instsuces proved highly , bandicial, and In others affected a decidad cora. Read Careeally The 'rondos, highly-concentrated Rustures fire,. UM Biros Is put up In holt plot bottles only, nod molted fa Ono Boller par lambs Tin great demand for this truly celebrated medicine has Induced nun -y imitatioao, which the pub to should guard sguluat purchasing. • Beware of imposOlan f Bss Dot our mow is so Ott label of every bottle . you buy. Benj. Page, Jr. & Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, PITTSBURGH, A. Tor oh hl the 44,y of pr.*, 67 : D. Ar pi ra i £ J W ELR Y; W ATO H ES, CLOC ( KS FANCY GOODS, &O. ALFRED F. ZIMMERRAii ds CO; NO. 62 MARKST STRUT, Harrisburg, ea., opposite dana's dorsi end whotusig the ifactiraiut Hutt, 0/11 , 114 pdtChileed UM shoos of E. p lamings, and added a large assortment of NEW J. SLAY, we will sell the genie at the Lowest cash prioe, ana solicit patronage. Watches, Cloaks and Jewelry peony end promptly re. paired amt dplirernd. *FRCP T. =Maud A t CO. Beteg disposed of my mum of Jewelry to A. P. Zhn. -sienna. di Co., I cheerfully recommend them to my tor• mew customers as Practical and experienced Watch Menem and mesh Ibr them a mtatinuatiele of the padre& ads wWch towhee& isimircesly miended to me dorms the tillA Warm& .jiumal MISR F. JKNNINGL. FILEUEE SHAD, No. 1, SALMON, No. t, HERRING, No. 1, COD FISH, No. 1, MACKEREL, No. 1. Of he above we have sit the est sued package' rota the me se the sthetha in store and for this at tit mew worker rata. fable SW. DOCK, is. & CO. ORANOES AND LEMuNS. FORTY BOXES is prime order just r e. Delved sad tae sale by WW. DOOR JR, es CO SPERM CAN PLEB 1 rrs issesr ask , swains sr DOGE at. OM latbical "They go right to the Spot," INNANT num stop Yon c)crcri 1 ERROR YOUR MELT'S I ETRENGTHIIN YOUR VOICE! SPALDING'S Throat Confections, GOOD FOE CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPELILE733, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES. OgNITAIItN CARRY SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. LAD= LEE DILLIGHTED WITS SPALDING'S THROAT CON =MNS _ CarLDßks. city fog SiALDING',9 THROAT CONFIXTIONS They relieve a Conti Instantly They ci u the Thrcet. They glee stresetb en 3 eteume et the voice. They Impart a delicious aroma to the breath. T ley are delight - el to the taste. rimy arum& of steeple herb; and ousel hm. any Qua. advice every ova who has a Conti or a Harty voice or a Bid illrastb, or any dieloolty of the Throat_ to get s piakege of toy Throat Cianteraions, they will relieve you instantly, and you'aill find them very umilfl and pleas. ant while traveling or ationling public meetings tor sill. ling your Cough or allaying your thirst. It you try one packer lam ash in nylon th it you Will ever after wards conaldir them Indtspinslble. Yon trUl and Them at the Drudging and Dealers In NeDolnas. MIME TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Igy signature Is on etch padoige. All other are coun terfeit. A Package will be sent by sae& prepaid, an MIS of Thirty Oents. Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, Na - ell OURS STRUT, NEW YOBS. CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE NERVOUS HEADACHE) MBE ALL KINDS OF IrEADACHE. By the oso of Woo Pills the portoilo attacks of Pei vows or Stek Statute may be prevented; and It taken • the cammence mom of an attack immediate relief from pain sad stainless may beobtamet. They seldom tall M remold no . Names and Headache to wthals females area subject. 'They act gently span the bowels, removing Costiamers. For Literary Men, Students, Delicate. Females, and all persons or sedentary babas, they era valuable "as • Lareaties, Improving the arrears, giving Toss SAND noon to We digestive Organs, and reaming the natural *WO ody and strength to the w eels system. The CEPHALIC PULS are we result of long threao gallon and carefully condemned experiments, having been use in many years, during watch time they have pre vented and relieved a vast amout of pain and Buffeting from Headache, whether originating to the nervous lye. tem or from a derenied state orthe stomata. Tbey are eaUrely vegetable In their ealrilemilkii, and way bi taken at all tithes with perfect Weil without making say (Osage of die* and as *bunco et any dim eniashc taste renders it ens ea adasiainer Men to children BEWARI Or COUNTEIUM-Ls" The gamine have ilye signatures of Henry 0. HAMA' on imcb box. Sold by druggists and all other dealers In medicines. A Box will be seat by mail prepaid on receipt of the PRICE TWRETY.FIVE MINTS. All orders slionld be addressed to lIENBY C. SPALDING, U Cedar Street. New York. ar•A Slagle bottle of SPAUDDMIIIIIPARID OMR will save taA,Upoi Its coat suanally,Aa EIPLIADING'S PREPARED GLUE! spLungiat PREPARED GLUE BPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SAVE THE PISCES t ECONOMY DISPATCH - I si-P4 arnast ue mo akins inta."4. As accidertes ena happen, nen in weit-reyeelainVesulies is very desirable to have some cheap and convenient sky for repairing Punitive, Toys, Oren cart: no, _ . [RUBINO; PREPARED BLUR meets alf inch emergencies, And no houeshold can *Surd to be without It, it ns always ready Rad up to the inch. big Ont. NUENNEIL IN VENT BOUM" Brash aonoutpanks each bottle. PrlA!co 46 eta HENRY C. VALI:REG, No. 48 Cedar Street, New,York. CAUTION ns certain moron:doled personsare attempting mini m off on the 1111 Inspecting public, imitations of my Miff PAM GL M, I would caution all persons tei examine adore purchasing, aad see that the inn name, sig—SPALDING'd PAMAtliffe is on the outaiM Wives* others ars sinadiing ,00ns 'Oita • aM34olarlpirdfab3o lit ttSL ttwucoua A New Feature in the Spice T r .:4, 1 IMPOREAN C TO liOUjedie,.‘,, E. R. DURKI:E SELECT SPICES In TM Entil. (Lured lcuA Pape and P.a. II BLACK re.Pk•Sti., WHITe. Pf.rehlt, CAYKNNE rEercEt, 4.:%.:55y.0. mtsrm-o.) N THIS AGE of adulterated z r Ittiszpe.s,t. pram COAL:, to the atexot.o , - vowne ar acids. bCe eu.ra1w .... 0. ABSOLUTELY AND FEIZFIL2r:.I Fr but grouaa [rum fret Spice., E.. , u. 3 expr.a4 fur fix. our,. 4 Me; are bentliffully pact ‘s • per,) to preveut ituury by ry Lam r. w Ude We ordibbry lip. t., Inviolably abort. We w u rr,4,111,,,, L. esti racbuese el CLAVUr, ' ue.wurtio ALL CO3IPA IsoN as a single trial WIU abuodsocly ornr. . o-ars Our rra-to !Lark.. MAY LL:CI S. R. ul:Ks, For sale by WM. 1 Ch.:K JR ato B. M. GILD.N.c., D, s S7'4l 7F.; .S i; /. /, OPPOSITE 111 E ~,,u s . A"pera tutus. otligwal ums.Litia ig Menu. NEW COA.E THE UN Dr..R.It.,N r.ll • A. toad! OJAL Tkt tut Ute lee/Git t e pal.rouage el We„ CORI Or ell Mead, ITeel tee Ude.% t, =Wei, 1/that ee to • ltiks ItUCII dirt tiLU4ir IWO • WIALMAXTSAIX. Cell, re* tALe et N. , Luau yes ZLINW.e U.v t ' eri al F.,. 43 or 4.6 r Lau .111 receive 4,,t4U yu“u..l, „, , ' (lilt Nu. 14 Wirlete, etre., atrt;ou vu ,r r ry ve Lee Lioda...., loot . , Jets Instal elitier place wtL nu , re rvn, ow Wily PROF. AIIUI.PLI P. W ()ULU cedyccuully patruu, sou wr vUelle CPUtttMe tu glen tlitbtrUC4Julae utk We CiA L s. LAJWOUN, VIOLIN atia also W taw ; a.ny as WIL Vela yieszUru Domes at au) , IWUr Lledirod, ur tedsu,p „ Dli rawleuvr, lY Luca itnr , derinan rintonned üburcu. SCHEFFER'S BOOK sitti, OMAR THS ULABlitiStiuttO lIRLDo • UNION EN VELOP Es. NUTS PAPER, 01 811 tittiorolit pnuted to lvito Wlore , Hula Lty Di Itas nuts at Utty 04sti pete...td AL% biros, Uut.o rias, 1:1541.34, and Hadgmt at Vary LoW 1111. myS SCH SF. s s 13 , •• STACIE LINE FOR GETTISBUI-,C, FARE REDUCED TO 81.25 Trulorcin THE undersigned bail estab:csile: rugular LOIN UX aCrt3 k CoACI:Iii • II OM d r burg, euuueua.g every tomer in guiug ...nu . lauu Valley Mamma airs. 'll3l uuudaa, eLvt • every Leauduy, r.U.ll.3ttry arid aAlar.l4y, roturuw , er Other day. l'usaeugers fur aticp,Ar Praurabarg and. Witty IBUllfg aril GArfl,3l At 1%, 1./,1 • Jell•att w .1 lA., ST. LOUIS Et OTE,L, OBEST.NI7 2 S'.l AB° VE 11111 i PHILADELFLitA, 1141 the immediate uoighberliood ut Jobinna Haulm ;ma M nut Lt ~N stresta,lie ikalcs, Arast °Med, AurGuintr' KW? *Wei Os rivo ABISIELICAN AND iivatueEms KAN BOASti eEN UAY.... Dinner Comeau 1 and 4 o'cloca, 60 cacti room liven +DO Condi upward. AAM o aer NeStrurani Attached. Prices /weer: BtW ut rue. the tlby kAra take Passengers tram say 41010 tu the tiutil. Aphirisuipt.J3, 'trench, Gorman and dpankno, l ., : “, 1 803.1 STUN.N .FUE, 6.ALE. PIIILDINti drUNt or 6w/10 „AjIP lOr tnlarOtiAlug iIACIA.I.4 WI. .14 doliv a.. lOW 01 We eft, Or OA 1.10311411 y A y • ...rat 4,1 Oil , 11,4 GREAT itEDJ4irIUDI th t'itiL,lss WaL.E.l46tt VVIL6U'o SEWING MACIIINES, WITH NEW IMPROVEMENTS AT REDUCED PRICES. TtlE ViTUEEL6R & .4, tunas u.u.k o .u s a••.u4, jolue..l su WW, WitU lthrlittlug analauturdr...o. Za41.1., A., a yrUpUitt 1.1144 we fr 014.141 slluaw tht Uuoullt.e.l mot wive wa.k.r.liugly r.4umu lrae pfluAsa ot AlisoMills. AMC lua•kl•taC..ay rit r will piny • fakir iortall tut y•to .oat w ut.uui Urftlllll.64. 0.1.1 d n.llsl.4lse , duclA MUI isuaolg glow to Emote ur.l. elm., ..—, +.1.1 - beitvoSoru, iguArAtllms Lae= tt Vac, .03ural..w.to run I.u• sell Omar speU.ll.l -so •. yr Z . WSW lur luu Uuu 4U/1 ..:0•0 11. le • • ei 111111thl met that the Wheeler & Wilson Sewinp. MacblD, the bait Cantu tae mars., 1.11r4 ua,. 03Lat and low litottot 14 got uul u. kil l 4.sl ? +Lid Li4t., a .1 • tbc ILlttlnlOt 1.4al 44 1 ara t- ' ilurd Yid Warta. 4014L11 W. 0. LUC.° A.er. O. F.[[Taa Jo ) L E 4 VlCilati atilLN 1 La WI • OLD WALLOWER Ili\ L. • OLD TKAN6rUtitaTION LL ni add 114 •114X3 4401U1 ueammu • 1.101011114 LOW AA au) Muar Vuuissisttiatr, 11.4%),1, ors, Jame, am..., tl .mt mama= Canada PuumaaleuaL 4111.1 cow, 4,1,1 A putt Mil Lam* anent at Ltarr• , 4. a. A.. , . - Goode sent to PEACOCK, cc, L $ EIINCHIA ,N, - And btu ati•Jite , 01111 .4711,11, at /lit flpOurg, (away tar Jut far:. *manual". apb A,"" BA.Itili.EL6. wo thidre , :. „EA dujapty now, auor awl Vtuaa aurels " a1414 — .0.0.0116 aliti pried*. ROI WhaaLo WER'S LINE, DAILY MD WIND HARRISBURG and Pll ILA.D.E L P 11 t S. Wm. B. Burk, Agent, 812 M ar k o area, Plulao phut, formerly Lunsayrion E( Co. Spedial liouttuutor to cilas6e of eacß trauk. UoQ4 daimon:4 at tile Wlsrauokida, pta, al 4.46 wete3e. t'. d.. .10 uo day /crud d• , ' CourtnaXl iaOramg. J. WALL,LoWEit, Agda, 111 .0441/ Office rteadia4 tlirrieWs. Htiuutlrott Extra UP /. Cared HAMA put reCalVud uy Wm Doc.; Ja. brl FIRST CLASS GROCERIES LA kt ,E 1 = KKI VALI uAV LNG JOS gEl'UfiN &D from tho vire urea /iialdeto. l Villa :If pe°1707314.,..t.""...L ru.L.OZlteulen,...tOpftllaLlattil 60168..4; : Y . . grxerlea , w: .zautlnu:yo:llo:c.gordwataLli ; o o z y , : °ten: IEI &1..1 , , CIJCS IF. &C' WM. DOCK JR, 0 C 9