Paitp Ettlcgrao. Alt It 1: 4 13 t• It . I' A Tlies;lay Ilornirig,Jai) 30, 1561 PARDONED.- Ciovelnor Curtin has pardoned Captain Begets, n,.ently convicted at l'ittsburg of natn,liowliter in taking the life of J. 11. Vandtrgrift. Ile was discharged iron/ prison . 'lila • !sit. LasiAGE OF CAVALRY. --011 - day night company A, Captain Fitz:Ammons, of Colonel C a n Alleu's New York cavalry regiment, num bering eighty-tivo men, passed through this city from the north en roue fur Washington. —..— CioNk Hoak.—The soldier, James Ashburn, who was shot in the leg by young Starry, on Friday last, was taken home to Norristown on Friday night by some of his comrades He is likely to recover soon, the wound not being a dangerous one —..--- -moves ABOUT.—A number of hotel robber ies have been perpetrated in t is city during the past week, rooms of lodgers being entered by meant of nippers end skeleton it eye. Sev eral gentlemen h st considerable sums of money. All the chamber doors of hotels should have Substantial bolts nn the inside, in addition to the usual Lek fasteuings. 1=7:1E1 A y °LUNT EER SICK. Ellis Lewis Eck, of the Cann:run Guards: Who returned home ith Ihe typh,itl fever, is 00W lying danger -ou-b, ill at the residence of Lieutenant George W. LI.O is, We Wero informed this morning that the attending 1)63 bician entertained but lithe eof his recovery. Mr. Eck is a print el, Ltd worked in the Patriot and Union office up to the time of volunteering in defence of jut country TUE ZOUAVE REGIMENT, to be commanded he liett , ezi.nt Colonel Good, of the late first recta lA, has already been accepted by the War DCl).llliiieut. It is the purpose of the Colonel to r.,i,e one company at Harrisburg, two at Alia awn, two at Easton, two at Lancaster, two at Reading and one at York, each of one heeled and four men. It is probable that of the tat new Pennsylvania regiments, this will be titst is the field. I=C:=l FAYIIFNT Or VoLuvrEsas.—The work of pay lag th tetuiniug volunteers has progressed raj./ lly biuce Sunday morning, and hundreds of ttnal LLee li ft fur home. The second regiment was ?aid ou Sunday and another yesterday. We preoule all will be paid before the close of the pre: tut week. Owing to the crowded condition of vur city two regiments were ordered to en caup at Carlisle on Saturday. These will reach here this afternoon. lisurmuraa OFFICERS.- -Among the officers of tLe tdeventh regiment, which returned on Sat urday, two are citizens at Ilarrisburg—Major Will D. Ernest and Adjutant Asbury Awl. The mei, composing the regiment spoas in the higLet terms of these officers. The latter, it is said, satisfactorily demonstrated his competency for the position, and is generally regarded as a first klass officer. Harrisburg hasbeen honored by all her SOU in the army, officers and privates. TUE WAN: CROP.—flume anxiety was felt during the wet weather last spring relative to the iicet upon the gape crop in this vicinity. The cold and wet conjoined gave the vines a Sickly look for some weeks, but they have per fectly recovered and so fur as we can learn the crop promises well. The fruit is now getting -6 good size and it looks healthy and promises ell. Its richness and flavor will depend much .upon the full months; but nothing now appears to give any intimation that the mop may not be equal to that of last year, both iu quantity and quality. I=l TIIOIIAI P. MINT, the well.-known temler lucc• advocate, chaplain of one of the returning kiiattits, preached in the Old School Preis t.:l ian church on Sunday last. At the ele,e ,kt his evening sermon he paid a handsome cothiliment to the ladies of our city, and on behalf of the soldiers thanked them for the liberd manner in which they had provided for the %%ants of the hungry volunteers. Father it unt, although far advanced in years, seems to ioc good health, and talks with as much bility and vigor as he did years ago, when he :tett this place as a pioneer in the cause of mperance reform, :SELLING BUR ON SVNDAY. - Yesterday Henry Snyder, the keeper of a lager beer shop in Third street, tv.s arraigned before the Mayor on a charge of selling on Sunday. From the tutor illation made it appears that Snyder kept open .sln.p the whole of Sunday tuul sold from forty to fifty kegs of beer. He also refused compliance with the prochunathm of the Mayor, let continued to do business while other estab 11bLulents were closed. In default of live hun dred dollars bail Snyder WAS committed to prison fur trial at the August term. This is the third complaint made against this man, withi n a few months, fur violating the law pro hibiting the sale of liquor on Sunday. H de itr yes and should receive the severest pe unish ment the Court has the power to Busistes OPERATION6.—The present is a season of the year when, under any circumstances, general business would be at a stand still ; and of course no material change in that respect can be looked for now. But the returuitig confi dence of the business community in the strength and duration of the government is having a Must excellent effect in opening the way for the r e 4 uzaption of business, when its natural season Comes around. Business men take heart because they ace, in these indications, an earnest of the sad. There is no lunger the room there was for doubt and apprehension. Confidence re sumes Sway, because eve y sound r, ason is in favor of it ; and when the time arrives, it will re-animate business with a rapidity that will surprise and rejoice. The real resources of the co untry lute never larger than now; and the ry suspension of enterprise, will only make tie fame demands upon it all the greater. CrfUNTFRFEIT MONEY A Dam(' Vrt• did not learn, a btritn;4 , r in this cit% . tva. ariested on Saturday fur passing counter feit ieeney. lie had thirty dollars of bogus Dank bills in his possession. He was commit ted fur trial. CI . 11(01 * .i PHENOMENON.-It is stated that last week, a day or two after the battle of Bull Run, I thousands of crows passed over this city, their cou , se evidently being in the direction of the scene of carnage in the South. It is a fact that carniverous birds are often thus attracted, at great distances, by battle-fields and the scent of human blood. STATE TEACIIELLS' ASOCIATION. —This Associa tion will meet at Lewisburg, Union county, on the 6th, 7th and Bth of August. The location of the place is beautiful—near the centre of the State, on the Susquehanna river and upon the Northern Central Railroad. Excursion tickets will he issued on all the leading railroads Female teachers are generally entertained free of charge at these places of meeting. We hope to see Dauphin county fully and ably represented. NATIONAL &MON.—Rev. Franklin Moore, of the Locust Street Methodist church, preached a sermon on national affairs last Sunday, which is highly commended by those who were fortu nate enough to hear it. The Warned Livine was unusually eloquent, and the sentiments df the discourse (lid credit to his head and heart as a christian and patriot. Some gentlemen who were present talk of requesting a copy of the sermon for publication. =cm SOLDISISS DEAD.--11r. George Rife, of Norris town, one of the soldiers shot by young Starry last Friday, during the progress of the riot in Walnut street, died yesterday at the resi dence of Kr. Humes in Third street, from the effects of the wound received on that occasion. Several other volunteers are now lying dead in this city, victims of typhoid fever. These men were all kindly cared for by citizens, and re ceived as much attention as if they had been in charge of their families at home. A number more are down with the same disease. Ascrruza Vicrus.—On Saturday afternoon during the excitement in Market street, a gen tleman Irum the West Branch region, while cir culating in the crowd, was relieved of his pock et book, containing several dollars. Fortu nately he had previously deposited a large sum of money in the safe at his hotel. No doubt strangers are daily victimized by the light fin 4ered fraternity, who say nothing about their losses. Two suspicious individuals, supposed to be Philadelphia "knucks," have been bobbing around the city for some days, but thus far the police officers have tailed to detect them in pro fessional operations, which are performed with great skill. Rauutow.—On Sunday one of those beauti ful exhibitions of the works of Nature, which though frequent and familiar never lose their claim upon the admiration of man, was wit ueesed hi its fullest grandeur and beauty in this city. It was a very distinctly defined bow, be ing relieved upon a bank of dark clouds, and spanning the heavens in one unbroken arch. While the comet, the meteor and other casual and unexpected appearances iu the heavens elicit our wonder and admiration, the emotions ex cited by them are generally those of apprehen sion and dread, seeming as they dart along in their fiery courze, to be harbingers of vengeance. The beautiful bow of promise, on the contrary, come., as an emblem of peace and recta/cilia tion. It recalls to our minds the period when the ark rested upuu the summit of Ararat, and dud set the bow iu the heavens as a sign of the covenant with Noah. It comes to us as a testi monial that the eye of the Divine Being still watches over, and his care is still exteuded to ward us. =I CHRoido Oacklitzus.—The "Recreations of a Cuuutry Parson" has some admirable ad, ice for those splenetic persons who are always detecting deficiencies in their present happiness or fore boding troubles fur the future. We have never read wiser suggestions than are found in the rambling talks on "How to put a thing," and "Moral pig-sties." Mr. Emerson, in his "Con duct of Litn," has a sharp paragraph for the same class of grumblers : "I find the gayest castles in the air tnat were ever piled, tar better fur comfort and use than the dungeons in the air that are daily dug and cm yew out ty grumbling discontented lieu pie. 1 kuuw those miserable fellows, and 1 nate them, who see, a black star always riding through the light and colored clouds in the sky uverhead ; waves of light pass over and hide it tur u moment, but the black star keeps fast in the zenith. But power dwells with cheerful ness ; hope puts us in a working mood, whilst despair is nu muse, and untunes the active powers. A man should make life and nature happier to us, or he bad better rieVarlaie been truru. When tue political economist reckons up the unproductive classes, he should put at the head this class of pitiers of themselves, cravirs of sympathy, bewailing imaginary dis asters. An old French verse runs, in my-trans lation : 'Some of your griefs you have cured, Aral the sharpest you still have survived; But what torments of paiuryou've eudured From evils that never arrived " Sera Artmver, or Cm, W.U. H. Lemazarost.— This gentleman, formerly a citizen of Carlisle, and brother to our respected townsman Robert A. Lamberton, finally made his escape from the Southern rebels and reached home on Fri day evening last. It was supposed some two months ago that Col. Lamberton had met with a violent death at the hands of the Southern fmatics, but after many severe and hazardous trials he was finally fortunate enough to escape from their clutches. Col. Lamberton was Post master at Warrington, Florida, and because he would not violate his oath and turn traitor to the Union by allowing the rebels to take charge of the mail matter in his care, was arrested, cast into prison, heavily ironed on the 17th of April ltut and had it not been for his brave bealialf and dauntless courage, would doubtless have lost his life. "the traitors robbed the gen tleman of nearly all his personal estate, amount ing to some $25,000. The property of the government, letters, postage stamp, &c., were also seized by these high-toned, chivalrous gentlemen. Such is the treatment all northern men re: ceive at their hands, and yet we find friendly sympathisers with the South in our midst, fplcultriut uania Oath) klelcgrapo, qrneo6au _Morning, JulE( 30 I 6bl G , ,NE home.—four companies of the tirst, regilo , l,t left Jor home yesterday noon. They weru escorted to the &put by the Camera Guards. accompanied by the Lepass Brass Baud of Williamsport, one of the best regimental bands iu the service. MANOR KEPNER yesterday directed the constabl2s to notify the liquor sellers of this city to close up their establishments and sus pend the sale of liquor entirely until further orders. RamovEn.— -Mrs. Chester has removed her restaurant from the Jones' House to the Bueh ler House, where she will be pleased to see all her old customers. All the delicacies of the season, served up in a superior style, can be had to-night at the Buehler House restaurant. 0 A DEN Grrrsn.—A disreputable institution In the rear of the Capitol was stormed the other night by a party of soldiers. The furniture was broken, the walls defaced and damaged, and the entire establishment effectually gutted. The female occupants were driven out, and have not ventured to return. The storming party would have conferred a benefit upon the city by crush ing out other equally infamous dens. Maslow Tas-tuarts.--AlthougbAhe,people are singularly unanimous in their patriotie — libioh feeling, yet there are a few blatant traitors in our midst who should be known and spotted. The reverses which our northern troops have met with are "nuts" to these individuals, who chuckle over them publicly and privately. The great curse which the north has to contend with are the mwked secessionists who go about grin ning at every reverse which the Union cause meets with, and covering over every heroic achievement that militates against the south with their traitorouF secession slime. WHITNEY'S IMPROVED RIIVOLVSES.—The im provements in all kinds of fire arms, has long been a subject of rivalry with the soldiers and inventors of the world, but it has been reserved for American genius and skill so far to excel all the world in this particular branch of me chanism. Eli Whitney, a son of the great in ventor of the Cotton Gin, has accomplished the last success in this branch of the business, and his rifled revolvers aro now accepted and re cognized as superior to Colt's revolvers. The fire-arms manufactured by Mr. Whitney, are for sale at the hardware store of Henry Gil bert, Mai ket street, opposite the Court House. We invite the attention of the public, particu larly to these arms, as almost indispensable in these days of rebellion. FIGHTING ON SIINDAX.—The Christian latelli gencer attributes the recent defeat partially to the fact that the battle of Bullliun took place on Sunday. We quote : Only last week we directed attention to the recklessness with which the Lord's day had been invaded. Who that recalls the number less instances of wanton and organized violation of the Sabbath in camp and field, and the deli berate selection of Smithy as the day of battle, can fail to trace the possible connection of "our impiety and folly" with the lack of "the bless ing of heaven on our arms ?" The other side fought on Bunday also;' and if we lost, they won. They might as tenon ably attribute their victory to the fact of their having fought on Sunday, as our religious pa pers attribute our defeat to that fact. To be sure it would have been better if the battle had not been fought on that ddy, and If our troops could have had the time for repose and re freshment. But, as it is, we think it rather ridiculous for the journal in question to write in this strain. Tun PICKPOCKET'S Vicrut.—The Peri waiting disconsolately at dawn for admission through the gates of Eden, presented not so mbierable an appearance as the _man who has lost his pocket-book in a promiscuous crowd. - His hands move from pocket to ilocket.whenhe dis covers the loss, although he knows full well that the 'tentacle of valuables was in but tine place. His face becomes pale, his voice, trem bles, the eyes have a bewildered look, WA pers piration starts from every pore, and in an in stant there passes through his mind thoughti of who. paid him the money, what he was about to do with it, and how he shall fulfil his engage ments without it. Then he endeavors to recall who sat next to him or stood near him, wheth er he was pushed about by any one, or even incidentally touched, and a host of other inci dents, which seem to be necessary to preserve. the mind from too great a shock of the reality. All the time the fact is terribly and earnestly before him, that the pocket-book is gone! Flashes of hope that honest hands hold, and will return it, comeand go. Doubts arise, eveth that after all it may have been left at home. Weak and trembling the men crosses his thresh old, feeling his own weakness and littleness more keenly and positively than could be taught him by all the lessons of revelation. Why do people carry money about.thelr persunaraMODg : a crowd? The cases ale parallel, r tiiidifie an swer to do both is, "I didn't think there was any danger." Did not think I no ;if thinking was brought into operation at all, such cithuni, ties would not occur. REIT= OF Tan VERBBOK Riots.—We under stood this morning that the Verbeck Bides had arrived at Carlisle on Saturday. 'lf so, We have reason to say that they will get home to-day ; and then with the State Capital Guards, Cam eron Guards, Lochiel Greys and Verbeke Rifles to arrive, will complete all that started from Rai risburg city. Fathers, mothers and sisters have cause to be glad at their safe return, and then any little expression of kindness toward them by mother or sister in the way of a hand some neck-tie, or drygoods generally, can be had at the mai store of Crick 8 Bowman cor ner of Front and Market streets. -alt NSW AND CHEAP GOODS MOM New "roar, Alto non.-100 pieces splendid Wamesutta . Calico, 10 eta ; 50 pieces of unbleached Muslin, it, 10 cts., worth 124 cts ; 80 pieces of splendid Ulin ton Gingiva's, 1,11 cts.,.worth_ 18 cts.; 100 pieces of Crash, at 10 and 12 cts. a yard ; a very large lot o f ladies and children's White stockings; the best ladies hose - for - 12i cts. Tin "town'; briP Bunts, hrilliants, brilliants, 50 pieces, at 12i cts. ; beautiful skirt stuff at 25 cts.; .110 dozen of brown and blue mixed men's socks, 121 eta:; and a gleajzwAy Quer gwvi i _ vex y_ c h omp , _ a t S. Lewes, John Rhoads' old stand, FOA T pTca, A 1-10 1 4 b:. oir Peilisylvaolaiienue; thove Cumber WO Wen, city of 13Arrtsburg. Apply to /722:4w D.RUTHERFOIID. -0-- Eton - To Pt:sonny& ttaLurir.—NoLh•og is more becomine to a man ,r wom .11 than 1 he miio I loser:tut herd of hair, and a iv , miti'd etrmy is ettraiiiiy incomplete with a ft.r comp mid lie or she to Do neglects ihese runt m ht oduroureute or unture mu-T expe‘, L. oulror the mo•tifiantlun of premature baiduese, and a u - rimsied rice and a 0411,w ohm. Nothing i. necessary to preserve these essential attractions but the use of P ro f wood's Itsirtoratlve.—Louiasale Pro On'e Re:ern/awe —We have had occa sion to ues this famoua preparation of Prof Wood's, and after thoroughly tooting Its qualit - es, we find that whom the hair 's thin it will thicken it, if grad: will restore it to its original color ; I kewise, it gives all!! eiy arils at once. no will an Late, - the hair from fail.og cif This in valuable ingrediont or snleat "Chinaman's Tea Store," snith-e set corn. r Frederick and Ettittmere Inreets, by Mr. J. 0.. dice(' —Erato/tore Clipper. ::old by all good Ur uggi ta. 13113 datrocro THE D. KANE REFRIGERATOR mil IS .aperior REFRIGERATOR, to gether arab -everal other the Re, 9tylest, may be r.uud at .:.a manuraetory, a. ex.oordiugi3 low prices. Also a great variety of WATER COOLERS', of awe rior finish. S S. PARSON & 0 Cor. Deck am' poar streett. Philadelphia aPrillB-3m TO CONSUMPTIVES THIt ADVERTD3RR, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affect. len, and ihat dread disease, Consumptieu—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means or cure. To all who desire It, he will send a copy or the pre scription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparior and using the same, which they will god a mire cure for Consumption, Asthma, B , onellitis, an. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription 18 td benefit the aill icted, and spread infbrmation which he euriceives to be nvaluable, and he hopes every sof -18,14 vi lip tu his remedy, saltwill colititiem nothing, rtes Pa wishing the prescription will please address REV. kIDWAPI) A. WiLnk)N, Williamsburgh, gs county, New York ..ct3l-w iv The Confessions and Exnerience an Invalid, Pigmies - tap for the b , nefit and ae a warning and t caution to young meu who .aillOr Irom Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, etc., supplying at the same time, the means of Self Cure, by orc himsell, after tieing pat to war expense throush medical Lion and quackery. dingle coy hi,l of the aua thor, sanianal lament, Ja>. o " 4 ,,p county N. Y r .. by enoiciiing ft petite -ope. ' unall-anof MANHOOD. HOW . LOST, HOW RESTORED JUST PUBLISHED ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RAIMCAI, CDR OF SPC IVA rtiß. REM A, or Dentinal Weakuo.3,