Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, July 30, 1861, Image 2

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    tiaxis cettgrapQ•
F fl oat that standard sheet x
Whore breathes the foe but fails before usi
With Freedom'■ sail beneath our feet,
And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us
UUlt I' L. A 'A' It AI
Tuesday Morning, July 80, 1861.
Tax STRONGEST TBOUGHT is always the best
thought, when expressed in free and frank lan
guage. In this contest, this is particularly
tatie—true in our relations to the government
thatis . danger—true in our position before
the world, and most true in our •
wards he rebels. Wok- . e -
lion Is au unholy:and a sinful concert of action
on the part of a few desperate men to subvert
the prerogatives of government, that they may
the better prost.tute its powers to their ag
grandisement. We believe that the rebels have
been engaged In this conspiracy even while de
riving the greatest benefits from our most per
fect form of government. We believe that the
conspiracy has its sympathise's in the north,
Who,are daily engaged in ministering to the vio
lenow of nobs, inciting the passions of the ig
norant, and contributing to the diffaences of
the prejudiced. They do this, that they may
embarrass the action of the government. Like
their leader, John C. Breckinridge, they are
ready with epithet and slander to assail and as
sault the government now struggling to main
taMlitself, but refuse to utter a single word of
condemnation against the very men who are in
arm•for its destruction. And yet these men
are permitted to escape with their climes dis
played in their actions and their sentiments.—
Like t aireekinridge they are licensed in their
shameful business to any excess of treason they
may ?hem to adopt, and will only be arrested
in their treason when wantonness is punished as
the law provides, with the hangman's halter
from the gibbet's platf.rm.
Nidao SOLDIEB.B.—The Legislature of Tennes
see ha/I:pissed an act "for the relief of volun
teers,° which authorizes the Governor to im
press into the army all the free negroes of that
state between the ages of fifteen and fifty years,
being sound in mind and body. These "vol
unteere are to perform such menial services in
the camp as may be required, and to receive
therefor regular rations, with eight dollars per
month as wages. This is all right, of course,
as long as it is done in the South, but if a free
black man in the nortkoffers to shoulder and
We death to assist in maintaining the supre
macy of the Union, the cry is at once raised
by the journals of the Patriot and Union ilk,
that the government is encouraging the servile
rebellion of the negro. It is time that such
puerile policy was abolished, and every human
being who loves this country, permitted to fight
for its defence and perpetuity. '
MINCONORTH this contest must be regarded as
a war on an extensive scale. It must not be
conducted only at this political centre, but at
all pointO of the rebellions country. The armies
of the Union must carry their operations into
Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri, Texas, and the
Indian countries. Our flotillas will cover the
Mississippi from Cairo to the Belize, while in
the Gulf Mexico the centre of our operations
will be Fort Pickens and Key West. What an
immense field for the display of the greatest
qualities of a soldier and statesman
A CORZIEPONDXNT of the Charleston Courier,
writing under the date of July 11, says : "Such
are the facilities of communication between
Washington and Fairfax,. that 'Baltimore pa
pers arrive do our camp on the very day of their
publication." In another letter the same
writer says that every movement of the Union
army is known, even to details, and thatßeau
regard has so distributed his troops that in case
be desires to advance upon Washington, or
merely fall back upon positions already select
ed, he can bring the whole array into action
with the greatest possible despatch.
• Iturrsitsr BOARD will be established at au
*fly day,,hefore which all the officers sus
pected of incompetency will be summoned, and
those wlio ere not found to be in every way re
spoosiblejor the discharge of their important
ituties will be cashiered at once. This board also
attend faithfully to the examination of any
fresh officers that may be called to the army,
and unless thoroughly competent for the posi
tion they claim, their services will not
Pauly Palmer, formerly a Brevet Major in
the First Dragoons, has been appointed a Briga
dier Gential. Gen. searney was well known
in the Mexican war, where he lost his left arm
in charging ,oiie of the gates at the city of
Mezioo. He ' also paid a visit to Italy during
the Crimean war, and was present at some of
the decisiiii"battles in the Sardinia. For sev
awl years previously he was on the staff of the
late Oen. *lamb, and subsequently aid to Gen.
Scott. ' ') •
which is being taken in the rebel states, is re-
ported to be very Waal!. In Georgia a very
Bedded opposition is made to its adoption, but
those who . are opposed to it are subjected, of
amine, to the arrogance of the mob and the
inioleoco of-the-officenr who are holding the
is tong intinlew with General Scorr on Satur
day morning.. The result of the conference is
not detinitely , known, except that the war is to
trigonXirprOSecrttsl; and a great demon
*ado is to be Towle ee awn as &elle.
There is not a nation in all Christendom but
which is moved by some mighty pulsation—
moved now by some strange and mysterious in
fluence for good or evil. The nations of the
Old World are all stirred to the deepest recesses
of the society of which they are composed, and
in Europe there is a feeling of longing existing
among the people, that perplexes politicians
and startles the mightiest rulers on their
thrones. In lands where heretofore freedom of
speech was esteemed one of the worst extrava
gancies of the mob, it is now exercised as freely by
the peasantry as by the peer. In the frozen
north, where but a few years ago the people
talked of liberty as our children discourse of and
repeat their fairy tales, they now rehearse new
and wild anthems to the theme of freedom, and
begin to stand erect, shorn of their serfdom,
scarcely realizing that they are free, yet anima
ted and buoyant with the mighty imbuings of
freedom. In the south of Europe, where the
I old flames of freedom have long since been
quenched by a deluge of superstitition and ig
nomnce,rolling its waves over lands once ded
' tested to music and song, to eloquence and poetry,
or engulphing in its billows the trophies of valor
and renown won in centuries of contests, until a
moral desolation had spread like a pall over the
countries of the Adriatic and the Mediterranean,
in these lands the old darkness is giving way to
ig t; and a fie-li feeling animates the
revived pulsation of nations. From the north
to the south of Europe, the electric sentiment
of freedom has aroused the masses. They are
invited to new shrines by strange apostles.
They listen as it were to new doctrines, and they
cannot or dare not resist their influences. The
reformations in Europe, hurried thus impetuous
ly forward, have in view the elevation of the
masses. Mere exclusiveness of caste or class
gives way to a healthy Democratic sentiment,
in which is involved and insisted upon, the
principle of self-g.,vernment, an equality of soci
ety and an opposition to that aristocracy which
has produced the moral and political prostitu
tion of .the governments in which they have
succeeded in maintaining their power.
While all this change and effort after eleva
tion mark the developments and progress of
society in Europe, a singular drama or rather
tragedy is being enacted in this country. While
the people of Europe, under the light and influ
ence of the most limited knowledge, are digging
down their old altars of superstition, and cre
ating in their stead new shrines to be consecra
ted to pure, religion and an exalted principle of
equality, the people, or a portion of the people
of the United States, are struggling in the full
light of intelligence and religious freedom, to
destroy the equality in which they have prospered
as a nation, and establish on its ruins distinctions
and orders that have held whole races in bondage,
in Europe, and prostituted to their uses, the
energies and labor of nations of men. This is
the strangest spectacle certainly that ever was
presented to the contemplation of the philan
thropist or friend of mankind. It either proves
that the tide of intelligence is receding from
our shores, again to cast its jewels on the
banks that have been so long unwashed by its
waters, or that we as a free people are com
pelled to fight over again the battles we fought
with that aristocracy which sought our first
subjugation and oppression. 'lf this is not so,
then the influence of the declining aristocracy
in Europe has been transferred to that meaner
aristocracy in this land, that has subsisted so
long, neither upon its own intellect or accumu
lated wealth, but upon its barter and sale of
the bodies and souls of men, women and chil
dren. If this is not so, then we are struggling
with madness against a chiment. • But unfortu
nately for Christianity and mankind, the strug
gle in which the people of America are engaged
is distinctly against that which the people of
Europe have almost crushed out in countries
where it ruled longest and strongest. It is
against-the elevation of an aristocratic class. It
is against the plain prinCiple of slavery— a
principle which has sought and achieved the
destruction of freedom whereverit has not been
boldly encountered and opposed.
We ask the careful observer of events in this
rebellion to note their similarity with those
events which marked the triumphant elevation
of the 'aristocracies of Europe—and we ask him,
too, to ponder well the mighty issue involved
in this struggle with the rebellion of 1861. It
is a plain, an open fight for the right of self
government. It is the struggle of a free gov
ernment with conspirators who seek the subver
sion of its rights, that they may exercise the
prerogatives of government and the dictation of
laws to the majority of men.
TEE sacrum: practiced by the rebel conspira
tors commends itself to imitation. It is the
right war policy under all circumstances, but is
peculiarly essential to each army at the present
time, - howeVer faintly we have hitherto attempt
ed its observance. A flag of truce, from the
commander of the federal forces, with a mes
sage relating to the wounded prisoners they
hold, cannot enter their lines : a member of our
Congress, of qualified Union sentiments, may
visit their headquarters on "private business," .
tarry many days there, and return to our capi
tal, with impunity ; and three gentlemen, fur
whom it is presumed the rebels have more re
spect than for our flag of truce, are permitted to
visit them in like manner. We do not with_ to
quibble nor to . cavil; but it does appear to us
that.there is more of confidence than of wisdom
in this syStem of proceedings, or in theaa,pro
ceedings- without system.
TIM ANNOUNCEMENT of the death of Col. Tames
Cameron, in Sunbury, the place of his former
residence, was received by the tolling of bells,
the half-mating of flags, the suspension of all
business, and every' token of respect that a
stricken and sorrowful people could bestow to
the memory of the gallant dead . . The Sunbury .
Gazette thus alludes to his glorious death :
"When he accepted the command of the dis
tinguished regiment at whose head he fell,some
doubted the propriety of the relection, while
others caviled and sneered, ills death has no
bly answered them. Whatever might. have
been his deficiencies in a military point of view,
we never dbubted his courage, fur we knew that
one in whose veins rang the blood of :that race
whose swords had flashed in every Scottish war
from Bannockilurn to Culloden, would meet the
foes of his country in battle - without- fear and
without reproach: t: r-:
Vennopinania !Daily ttlegrap eutsbat) ,morning, lutp 30, 1861.
When the time of the three months' volun
teers was about expiring, in the column under
command of Gen. Patterson, the plan of the
government was to pay those men before they
returned to their homes in Pennsylvania. Prior
to that expiration of term, the dilitory conduct
of Gen. Patterson, added to the suspicion which
attached to his loyalty before he entered the
army, compelled the government to supercede
him in command. His command was to end
almost simultaneously with the expiration of
the first term of enlistment, and humiliated
and chagrined by his proposed removal, Gen.
Patterson determined to damage both the ad
ministration at Washington and at Harrisburg.
In the first place, a popular and devoted com
mander would have left no appeal or induce
ment untried, to rally these three months' men
to his service for a few weeks longer. This Gem
Patterson neglected or refused to do, when at
the same time he knew that a foe was lying
on his flanks, or secretly eluding the pursuit
which the foe himself, with his military know
ledge, had a right to expect from the column
under Patterson. Harper's Ferry was In danger,
and there the government expected that Patter
son would concentrate his force, after he had
succeeded in holding the army nudet Sehnsort
conk =raise ±C) reinforeo
gard. Ry such operation and vigorous effort;
the disaster at Bull Run would have been hap
pily avoided, and the confusion and distress
among the return volunteers in Harrisburg
completely prevented. But such an obedience
of order did not suit the passion ot the deposed
General, or increase his prospect of gratifying
his revenge for the imaginary neglects , and nu
miliation heaped upon him by the government.
He not only flagrantly omitted his duty in fail
ing to hold the rebel force under Gen. .lohnson
in check, but after he did reach Harper's Ferry,
he again neglected the performance of that
duty, by urflhg the return of, the volun
teers, when he was well aware that the arnurge:
meut and plan of the Paymaster General, under
the direction of the War Department, was to
pay those troops at Harper's Ferry, whose terms
of service were limited to three months.
The haste and anxiety of the Patriot and Union
to throw the blame of this disgraceful busineta
first upon Gov. Curtin, exhibits both its igno
rance and brutish purposes. " . .13y this means it
evidently intended to 'excite the worn out pa
tience and passionate disappointmenb3 of the
volunteers againstgthe person of 'the GoVerrior,
Its effort, also, to bring the 'federal authorities
into disrepute, was another exhibition of . its
political spleen at the sacrifice of every manly
principle of truth and candor. So fir- an the
administration at Washington were concerned,
they had prepared to pay these men, but were I
thwarted in their plans by, the haste and pas
sions of a man who allows his _political preju
dices to warp his personal estimate of duty in a
period of great public and private embarrass
ment, And on the same principle, the, Patriot
and anion defends the wrong and blind
and destroy the right, in order to accomplish
its mean purpose of opposition to a party.: in
power. It would.he better employed, de
vote itself to repentance for the assaults in
which it indulged against the cause of the coun
try and thcsie who were .engaged: in its defence,
while absent struggling with, traitors. Let the
Patriot take warning of the past. Let it remem
ber its own grievous misrepresentation of the
volunteers of Pennsylvania, before it now seeks
to turn the current of indignation from the
men who have earned it, to those who are not
responsible for the neglects, or who have been
thwarted in their efforts to deal justly with the
soldiers, by men who hate the administration on I
political differences.
Among the lies and exaggerations contained
in the bulletin of the chief traitor to the Con
gresi of traitors at Richmond, giving, what pur
ported to be an'account of the battle of Bull
Rim, he stated that-the rebel troops had cap
tured the Stars and Stripes. This' is the first
time that ever any mortal man had the satisfac
tion of declaring to the world 'that he bad lie,:
elated in capturing the banner of the free, and
it has well been rimmed for a - traitor and re
pudiatUr of honest obligations to'-ma'ke that I
declaration.- The •stars and stripes have been
lowered in defeat, but•they have never been left
on a field of battle to fall into the-handsotthe
victom. Through the. American revolution,
British hands never stained that ensign—Ahrcargh
the war of 1812 it was preserved as pure as when
transmitted by the heroes of. the revolution,
and in the struggle with Mexico, it waved from
the Castle of Vera Cruz until it wria.triumph
antly raised to float above the palaces anddomiti
of the city of Mexico. _ • _ •. -
But Jeff. Davis and his -rebel followers have
captured that flag, and much good may it do
theui. DOubtless they have trampled the eta,
sign under which they derivetitheir resources to
carry on rebellion, into the dust, turd Davie
self spit upon a flag on the protection of .w
he presumed, when he Induced the, state of
Mississippi to repudiate its debts, or demanded
that the Christian people of this nation would
approve of the barbarities and oppremien.of
the very institution for which he is now strug
gling. We congratulate the rebels • on the cap
ture of 'the stars and stripes. IMay its presence
in their Midst remind them of what they have
done and are doing to invoke on their heads'
the terrible retribution of outraged law - and
Tas Lexington (Ky.) Statesman edited by
Thomas B. lktomoe, jr., whAbSecretaryotState
- Mader Gov. Magotrux, boldly avom that heir sc
disunionist, and rejoices in the opportunity to
make the avowal. Re is the son.of. Judge
Of the federal court ; and were he to be indict ! ,
ed for his treasonable utterances, the father
would be fixed," and the judge " softened"
to interpose all technicalities to his _conviction.
Secession cannot be killed in IT..entunky until its
otricial alders and abettors are scotched.
TOR SEORITART OP WAR has infonziation
of the employment, of Indians and ritiOies tit a
military ciipaFitp by the so bOotherudpii
federacy, Etta has - so - advised; the HOW, 14 .
*low to: Ott& rosolutibn iipon that ,Fultoot.
From our Evening Edition of Yesterday.
From Fortress Monroe.
The Hampton Bridge Destroyed.
Vmeatined Attack on Newport News•
Oar Troops Ready to Glve the Rebels a
Warm Reception.
Foam= Montoz, July 213.
via Runaway, July 29
The Ode Fellows Hall, the jail,*nd a few
other buildings in Hampton, were burned yes
terday by our troops in apprehension of au
immediate attack by the secessionists. Our
troops were entirely withdrawn from Hampton
lastight. Max Weber now occupies Colonel
ttampton br dge has been destroyed in order to
prevent communication with this side of the
creek. The place is not yet occupied by the
Capt. Bryan, of the Georgia Russets, and
folk others, came in yesterday with a flag of
truck), relative to the baggage of Capt. Jenkins
and the artistShurtliff, who were wounded and
made prisoners by them some time ago. It
turns out that they were met by a party of ama
teur soldiers on the other aide. The flag was
received by Capt. Butler and Lieut. Wiegd,
outside the entrenchments. A proposal to ex
change them far two Confederate solders was
rejected, but arrangements were made to for
ward the baggage of the wounded men. The
flag of truce was evidently a feint for reconnoi
tering Hampton and vicinity.
A flag of truce came into Newport News this
morning with a proposition giving our troops
twenty-four hours to leave, with the threat that
in,oase the place was not evacuated they would
force na out.
The gun boat Dale, twenty-four gnus, at once
went up from Old Point. The Albatross and
Penguin are also stationed there, while the
Minnesota and seven gun boats at Old Point are
ready to assist should Newport News be attack
Col. Phelps says that he can hold the place
against twice the number of his force, which
now consists of four effective regiments. Ihe
entrenchments are of a formidable character
and the rebels will meet with a warm rec-ption.
3oth flags of truce of course represent th it
therels a very large rebel force between York
ttxwn and Old Point.
The rebels have to-day been practising from
a battery at Willoughby's Point, some five
milesbelow Sewell's Point. Heavy firing is now
going on at Pig Point.
His Two Friends Taken Prisoners
The ,Immense Loss of the Rebels
Information was received this evening rela
tive to Messrs. Arnold, Harris and Magraw,
who aeveral days ago went in quest of the body
of Col. Cameron. The former was sent by the
rebels to Richmond and the latter to Manassas
Junction. They did not accomplish the object
of their mission.
Mr. Brick, who drove them to Bull's Run,
has returned, and reports that all the dead are
not yet, buried, and that the slaughter on the
side of the enemy is greater by far than they
themselves report.
It Is believed that Gen. M'Clellan has been
assigned to the command of the troops on both
skies of the Potomac. He visited Arlington on
Sunday, in Company with Secretary Cameron.
Unofficial information has been received here
that the rebels contemplate, at an early day,
the planting of a battery on the Potomac, at
painte Lb command the channel. As part of
their general programme, they have, at Acquia
Craelt,;five guns upon one battery and three
npnir another, and while an excur:ion party of
distinguiEhed gentlemen from Washington was
in that yicinity, on Saturday, a train of cars full
of ,troops came up to the station there. By way
of amusement, or experiment, a few ineffectual
shots were fired at a distance, three miles from
the steamer containing the pleasure party, which
comprised peveral members and ex-members of
seizure of Military Stores, etc., etc
Foaorrua, Mo., July 28
- ({en. Sweeny's command, which left Spring
field otlatnrday last, arrived here to day and diti-
Othied a . band of one hundred and fifty rebels,
thia:Wiei stationed at this point, and took pos
session .of the town.
Five,pf the rebels were killed and several
Three of our men were slightly wounded, but
.Thelfinit and second stories of the court
house,here were filled with blankets, prove-
lone; camp equipage, 8to : , which, together with
two-tone a lead, found in a well, and other of
liclooeerOted in different parts of the town, in
all valpe4 at between $18,00._ arid .$20,000,
felfirito our 'hands. . ,
olltril - Arilkey, correspondent of tke New York
00 4 0 4 was slightly w9unded.
• Nara_ 0111 E, July 29.
'The` Brdish war steamer Gladiator, arrived
bere,rojiols speaking the United States ships
Roanoke, St. Lawrence, Savannah, and Alba
,,l"Onitp,'July,29.—The Royal Mail steamer
Afriere'llissed Cape Race on Sunday afternoon,
, witALittetpool advices to the 21st inst.
' The steamer Kangaroo arrived out on the 18th.
. .
The news isrt . ot The President's
4, 811 43'e-141d bee'n received, and was variously
eorsitiailfed on -1 14 the press. An obstinate
struggles predicted. ' The London limes thinks
that *ttqllerrt independence will be the result.
LaskoJidy -Console 84,389{ for money - ,
alic.B9,*for ---
- • -
VA,, Jiily
The Legislature ad, friday, al:er
transacting a good de;il
ci bustle s• l of th n - II( ookig tNV
the complete working ez:blislitneut
State government. A stay law was enacted
The Patrol bill passed. authorizing the borer.
nor to organize a patrol in such comities as urn'
need them. About two hundred thousand doj.
lam were appropriated for carrying on the gov
ernment, and a simi , ar stun for military pur
poses. Resolutions were adopted on the last
day of the session, pledging the members ‘ ,l
the Legislature, in an individual capacity, to
use all their efforts in etiecting a thorough
military organization in Western Virginia.
The last week of the session was occupied
chiefly in discussing a bill reported from the
Special Committee, on the division of the State.
The bill proposes to give the assent of the Le
gislature to division, recommending the Con
vention to reassemble to take immediate action.
The discussion deve•oped a pretty strong ele
ment opposed to division.
A good many favored immediate action, on
the ground that when the State should be fully
represented, assent could not bo obtained, and
they wanted to make use of the advantage cir
cumstances had thrown in their way. They
were for division first, last, and all the time.
and the majority class, favored di
vision, but thought it impolitic, as it would in
terfere with the plans of the government, which
would not at this time countenancesnch a move.
The result was that no action at all was taken,
and the Legislature left the subject just where
they found it. Toe convention re-assembles
ne a1...-4.1.--proadism---
MlTllth Congress--Extra Session, - row, July 29
SENATE.-11r. FizasEzins.i, (Me ) from the
Committee on Finance, reported back the act
supplementary to the, act authorizing the na
tional loan wish amendments. One amend
ment authorizes the issuing of five dollar
treasury notes. - Agreed to and the hill was
Mr. Witsost, (Mass.,) introduced a bill to pro
vide for the pureh.ise of arms, ordnance and
ordnance stores. Referred to the committee on
military affairs.
The report of the Committee of Conference
on the bill for the better organization of the
army was taken up.
lionss.—Mr Hoirrozr, (0.,) from the Com
mittee on Ways and Means, reported back the
direct tax bill as amended, in accordance with
the instructions oi the House. He explained
the moditicati us which hod been made, name
ly, the sunt to be received from direct taxation
is reduced from $30,000,000, as originally de
signuted, to $20,010,000 ; tilts amount to be
ippoi tioned among the States according to
their population. The States are authorized to
collect the money, each to be allowed 1$ per
centum on its quota for so doing. if
State shall decline to undertake the collection
of such tax, the federal government is to put into
operation the machinery fur the purpose.
The Committee also add a tax on carriages
of from one to fifty dollars ; on gold watches
of one dollar; on silver ditto fifty cents; and
on spirituous liquors, of fifty cents per gallon ;
and fermented liquors sixty cents per barrel ; or
two cents per gallon ; on ail,lucomes over six
hundred dollars, a tax of three per centum,
including money at interest. The scope of the
internal duties has als . been enlarged, and the
tax on landed estates reduced. Every interest
in the country is taxed in fair proportion, in
cluding a tax on the nett income of banks, but
not on their currency or bank circulation.—
Even the salaries of members of Congress are
Included in the items of taxation.
/he Rouse, by - a vote of 65 yeas against 67
nays, refused to order the previous question on
the passage of the tax bill.
Mr. COLFAX, (Ind.,) moved to recommit the
bill to the Committee of Ways and Means,
with instructions to provide for the return of
the surplos reyenue beret fore distributed
among the States, which would, he said, obvi
ate the necessity for direct taxation and be much
less objectionable; also to modify - the ',resent
tariff so as to impose duties on the free list, and
increase those on such cdh. r schedules as will
augment the revenue. Thirdly, the reduction
of duties which now amount to prohibition so
that additional revenue may thus be derivable.
And fourddy, the retention of the internal
duties as provided for in the bill and the addi
tion thereto of stocks.
Mr. oppose . d, the preposition made by
llturntiams, July 29
Passengers who left Harper's Ferry yesterday,
brought information last evening that Gen.
Banks sent over to the Maryland side on Satur
day all his camp equipage apd military stores,
and yesteritery his tirnly evacuated 'are place,
and crossing over to the Maryland side, occu
pied the heights.
Confederate pickets were-reported to he close
upon Harper's Ferry, and it waseven rumored
that a strung confederate army was approaching
from the vicinity of Leesburg.:
Gen. Banks had over 24,000 men under his
command on Thursday last, and since then sev
eral regiments have passed through Brian:Lore,
en route for Harper's Ferry, and have, of course,
ere this arrived there, swelling his entire force
to 85,000 or 40,000 men. -
lotrisn:= July 28
The Montgomery Gmfeder . ation of the 28d says
the Norfolk. Day Book rcpurts !tightly riots be
tween soldieni and citizens, and that soldiers
have entered houSes of citiz ns and committed
horrible depredations. The-Confederation requests
the Day Book to particularize hereafter, so that
Alabamians need not be implicakd.
• The National Intelligcncer of this morning
says : ' 'Some of the newspaper writers are de
signating points in the neighborhood of Wash
ington which they think need special., and.
stronger defences. All we can say is to repeat
the rem ok of one in authority, namely, that
military men in charge have_arLeys Lo. all.these
things, and the arrival of regiment after
gives us assurance thii io praper sate
guard is omitted." '• •
IbuxA.NApous, July 29.
The-Tenth Indiana regiment returned horrie
last evening. 'This .reginient• did the hardest
fighting at f i g& Mountain. The regiment will
be ye-organized and go for the wet'. The
Ninettent,h; Twentieth and, Twenty-first regi
ments willleave for Washington this week.--
Ten new regiments will be ready for the field in
ten clays.
Thirty prisoners espappd , from the cohnty
jail this evening, only fwb df,Yvlwin ha 8r
been cap..., Trth.,.o&l.hiti,,clnin eci .
01 . 14. d tu redg. • !AC
:11)11crt . 1311 1 , :ilt3
OF 111-
AI A Y 0 j ,
To the ,f
Tde large ;l 11' EC of franfe.'3 I
ii 4:v it rt-e n . ,
It hco ants ray d , x : r
witu wit ch l.s ro t
the re not tlto r
“It p , r-0n.. , 1,a340 i t -
1.15.1.. ;rt..; T ; ; .St;
Lll FK$ 11‘.1, it CI,
0 CLO , K sst r )100.1.M.; T • '
C ree until It stall be r•rokol • •
to wb ;in tins clan: A.l
shoo, t Ott be (Ale et. or if tat " u
at y tom. ror rer.tou co :$ r ts,s.
ih; 2." rhii be i;rorw del t s•'•
atm• of the l .w erforzti urtin..t t. $
shall e t ai.eo to rece , :e. th. , I .•
lu 47der io carry urd , 12
tee . Icfli i O , ttIVO Lift:U.lo., to rrp it 4
if i s provisions
namstpirg, July 26 186'-lif
larenty•fiva barr a for rll. c
J. W •i LO Vt.K,
0111,c it, K
)y 20 Bid
TiosPitu. DEPATIT , IEN[
State of !rat:
HABRrsc r. 4, 3 , : ti .
Beard for the ex:twie,:
tadates for the post of Sitrgeun in t ,
vitnia volunteer regiments will
burg on Tuesday, Au• , ii t tith t 9 .\
By older of the (Rivera
Surgeuu lira. p
k 26 4d
Harrisburg, July 26,
Sealed Prop sale will be received .
unt.l 12 o'clock, AI., on Frid iy, the . 2,
August, 1861, fur the tollowmg- At
dell w urable at the State Military St,;:,,
burg, in quantities as required
to be public.y op. ned at the rime
named, and the successful bidders t
nounced as soon th
right being reserved by the Scat,, tu
diminish the number and gummy ut
cies :
Ten Hospital Tents, with flies, poles, pi:,
Sixt,en 'Hundred and Fifty COIIIIIIDU
poles, pins, etc., complete.
Two Hundred and Fitly Wall Tents, w;i„ .;;
poles, pins, etc., complete.
One Hundred Drums, s.itti stiLks, eliu
riages, cases, etc., complete.
Two Hundred (200) Drum Heads—b. '.--
two Hundred (200) Drum Heads--tr..1..2
One Hundred Cocoa Fifes.
Teal housand Three-pint Canteens. c 'vet
strapped, cotton.
Ten Thousand Haversacks, army star. I ,2..!
Ten Thousand Haversacks, enameled
len thousand Knapsacks, straps,
army standaril.
Ten thousand Jinapsacks, straps, etc
enameled cloth.
Six hundred Shovels.
Six hundred Spades.
Six hundred Hatchets—handled.
Six hundred Axes—handled.
Six hundred Picks—handled.
Ten Thousand 'tin Plates.
Ten thousand pairs Knivss and Forks
Tea thousand 'fin Cups.
Three thousand Mess Pans.
One thousand Camp Kettles
Ten thousand Great Costs —lnf. in try.
Ten thousand Blouses.
One thousand yards sky blue tape for chevrons
Ten thousand pair Trowaers,
Twenty thousand. white Dotnet Flannel :Ls:6
Twenty thousand pairs of Drawers.
Twenty thousand pairs Stockings.
One thousand pairs Cavali y Boots.
Ten thousand pairs Bootees.
Ten thousand Forage Caps.
Ten thousand sets of Accoutrements.
Twelve thousand Double Ambers 89 to Pi
el usive.
Twelve thousand Letters A to K inclusive
Ono hundred and thirty Seargeuts' Sashes
Ten Thousand Blankets, seven feet by tiv
six inches, wool-gray, letters P. V. in
four inches long, weighing five poundz
Forty Ambulance Wagons, of the pArt,ri: r
the U. S. army, of 4 wheels and 2
Forty Hospital or Medical Transport LA .
S. army pattern.
Also. Sets of Harness for horses of abc7e
The Ambulance Wagons, Carts and H
to be subject to the inspection and approvsl,
quality and finish, of the Surgeon
ennsylvatda, whose decision shall be anal „tr.:
It is desirable that all the ab )ve articles
of domestic manufacture, and when airy
them are furnished by the United States, tl,.
same must conform in all respects to the b Aed
standard pattern in the United zitatcs 13;
master's office siad military store, Philaacirl,ll
Ten per cent of the amount of each d. ll\
to be retained as a forfeiture until the 0.,Lal
is completed. Contractors to state in the]] -
pesals the time when the goods can be
(Id, and the speedy delivery of such arti,'.sus
are needed will be considered in award L.;
,Successful bnitiera to give boa :s
two approved securities.
Every proposal to be endorsed, Prq,...0: for
army Supplies. /ingest 2d, 1861.
All supplies contracted for under these pro
posals to be delivered at the Military btvre
house in the cit. of Harrisburg, unlarAi
wise directed, free of all charge fur tr,141,t
boxing or drayage, unless freight to plac
delivery is greater than to Harrisburg, la ,ch ick
case the ditterence will be allowed. Al,
ages so delivered to be marked on the 0ut0.1..
with number and description of articles,
and name of party fumbling same , togerivr
With ; an invoice of contents, enclosed, antra;
"chig,ll2 addition to above, notice of what speL
Supply it is a part. R. C. HALE,
jy27-dtaug2. Q. M. Grn. I' M.
A NY person who would ba williwz to
11 inpee i a profit tut! baainesi wult a
nb .utitooo, *Mph:ago address J. 11.0 at thii
Jyt3 dBt
Harri.burg TELEGKAI'II am! the
blisdelplite pd.b.:3B nye fur ale den v In
ItibUrg iulatediAtely after the arrival tic Luc cars. by
W. H. Will-LE
orst's block, East Main street, opposite r...bk .
.110 PRINTER: - .--Une-hall of trie VAL .
LkY STAR itine, at Isewvi le, Pa.. Is olcrei
We. The oruprietor daunting to enrage in bu i_e• , web
ahem:" This i, one of 41 . 0 ba,t Lies.:lona I Como rscS
ratley, Address
6AR.L1131,...e, Cuoabertaad eounty. Pa.—The pro
prieters take pleasure 'in annouociog that 1 / I ,y are
Pre"{Tired to roctive violfOrs Persoue de.orlaig a Lea my
io.latioa for the eumwer will Had MI, one .11 the mds: de
Rightful olaceafilkatiaoouotry. The wig., of these -I , nr.P:
Chan ''' . be Skiriawd for drin4tog, Lntu ns tt• d ale
FOr int - waistline apti :3 , ructiarA adder-ti
W.ll. H. BllifitOUtillS,
D. C. BUlttarr,
I Toprieiers.
jeis Zu
rpHE UNDERSIGNED has of rued his
' 111. 1 MBES °Frills, corner of Third tut , .i ,l 31 'c g *
uerry a Hey, near Elerr'e Hotel.
L' , *A:umber of all aludo and qualities. I -, r sale hr
w.Mud .S.Y•
The undersigned Min SCR Horses, c e rrus g e,i L eo Me`
fsea low for cask
. , ALlO—Horses luid , Carria , ggs to: Kith a same ogior
-null ~ -;r:' , . 7 .- - : o - • /BANS A. MURRAY.