Lints of trawl S, transportation NEW AIR LINK HOUR TIMER TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YORK. TWO TRAINS DAILY TO PIIILADELPHIA WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. aQN AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1881, the Paste nger Trains will leave the Phlladel p anu Reading Railroad Depot, at Hari Isbarg, for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, via : EAST WARD. EXPRESS LINE leaves liarrtiourg at 9.30 a. in., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Kspress Train from the West, arriving in New York at 4 p. m. A sleeping car is attached to the train tnrouge from Pittsburg without. change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 a. m... arriving in New York at 4p. in, rind Philadelphia at 1.26 p. in. FAST LINE i8t1709 Ilarrisburg at 1.40 p m ,on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fait alail, arriving in New York at 9.46 p. in., and Philadelphia at 5.40 p. m. WESTWARD. eAST LINE leaves New York at 6 a. in., and Philadel phia at 8 a. to., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil adelphia at 3. 15 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. EXPRESS LINE loaves New York at 8 p. m, arri ving at Harrisburg at 2.80 a. in., and connecting with the Pennsylvania lispress Train for Pdtabarg. A.eloeptng car is also attached to tote rain . Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the. Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cuineeriand Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Phitadelphiu, Patina le, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, ii/c. 'Baggage chocked through. faro between New York and lirktiiiihr, $5 00; between Harrisburg and Phi la. deirtla, $3 25 in No. 1 cars, and $2 70 in No. '2. l'or ticke's or other information apoly J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. myl6 rENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD; BUMMER TIME TABLE FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA ON AND LFIBR MONDAY, JUNE 10th, 1861, The passenger trains of the Yam:sylvan% Railroad Qom• pauy will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and PoUadelpbia as follows EASTWARD. FART LINE leaves Harrisburg every morning (except Monday) at 1.15 a. in., and Arrives at West Philadelphia st 8.10 a. m. THROUGH UPRIed TRAIN leaven Harrisburg daily at 9.20 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.10 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sun day) at 6.15 p. m., and arrives at Weat Philade.plaa at 10.15 p. m. Theme trales make close connection at Pbuadmpata with the New York Linea. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, via Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7.00 a. m., and arrives at West Pbtladelpubt at 15.00 noon. HARIUSBUREI ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, leaves Harrisburg at 1.10 p. m., and arrives at West Phila.miphia u 6 26 p. m. at). lILAIN, No. 2, via Mount Joy, leaved Harrisburg at b. 15 p. m,, connecting at Diller vain with MAIL TRAIN, and arrives at West Phliadel Oita at 10.1 b p. ut. WE6TWARD. 1 pIIVUR7I EAPIIIESS TRAIN loaves tMtladolphia at 1 • p m.; Elariiabdrg - at Akoolla 7. 80 1 s. and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 noon MAIL, TRAIN Waves 2hiladolphia at 7.80 a. M., 'Harrisburg 1.00 p. nt. , Altoona, 0.60 p. m., and arrives dI Pittsburg at 12.00 midnight. FAST UNE leaves Nhilattelphts at 11.20 a, m., Barrie; 61 : b iv ar r igrIp ici ai, ni Alloaria 8,10 p. m., laid arrives at PAU- HARBIBBURG ACCOLLROirATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.80 p. m., Lancaster 8.08 p. m.. Col umbia 0.45 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg 8.06 - p. uL This Teals connects at Harrisburg, at 8.05 p. m with Northern Central Railroad Irmo tor dunbari, port, Look Haven, Scranton and all points No rth. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 P. Di, Lansastor 7.50 p. m., Mount Joy 8.21 p. m. , Elsa. betelown, 8.37 p. m. , and arrival at Harrisburg at 9.80 p. in. Attention 18 eadad to the Mel t that pennengens leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m., connect at Lancaster with ,NOUNT JOY ACCOAIMUDATION TRAIN, and arrive al Ilarriabarg at 9.8 e, p. SAMUEL D. foUND, FASt. Div. Penna. Railroad liarrlaburg, June 7, 1851.--dtf. Select Schools for Bons and Girls' .:elltoll/ STUALIIIV ALIO V ke. LocusT. ,or of ROBERT iII'ELWKWB A ,uOO. lee lave, win open on Ulu last idonday In August lie ~ h un id Well ventilated, uonitombly in In every roepuot well adapted foe school put yoFme. WiThlAkti M'EllArlfli'd School 'or girls, located ip Lb. amine h.iUdingl will open for the Pall term itt the same time. The room has boon elegantly fitted up during the vacation, to promote the health and coinfott of scholars. Anal-SU CITY LIVERY STABLES. BLAWCBEERY ALLEY, LW TES AKAR 01 RE.N.WELIOTILL. k f 1.1:111 undersigned has re-commenced the - Every beadiess in lila tik/W and SPACIOUS ETA located aa above, with a Impend varied stock o HO CARRIAGES and 011 1NIBUSE3, which heitql. hire at moderate rates. F..h....Swaltn. sepa-diy LIQUORS AT COST HAYING, concluded to discontinue the Madeese, we oiler our largo and complete assort ment of Fro w 1 sum kii, and liquors or every de. "Option at coat Without reis3rre. ' Alit, DOCK JR. lc 00., ;, Opposite Os Court Neuss . fi/eilicat Ay er's CATHARTIC PILLS. Ai - h; YOU 61C.1N., toe' a Aaining? Are you out of order, with your systeni deranged. atm your feebugs uncomfortable? These symptoms art often the prelude to serious illness. Some fit of sickness is creeping upon you, and should be averted by a timely use ol the ri4ht remedy. lake Ayer's Pills and cleanse W. the disordered humors—puri.y ihe blood and let the thuds move... duoostructett b..altb again. They stimu tate the (auctions ol the holy into c igorous activity, pa nty the system tram disease. A . old settles somewhere m tne body, and obstraitaits uatural !unctions. These, II not relieved, react upon tuoutselves and the surround ing organs, producing 41 eg4ravaliou, suffering and disease While to this coudittou, oppressed by the de rangements, take Ayer s tills, sod see bow directly they rytore the natural action of the system, and with it the bboyant Meting ol health What is true and so apparent In this wired and WILIIIIIOII complaint, In also true in many ix, the deep-seated and dangerous distem peril. The came purgative Oen expels them. Caused by similar obstructions and derangements of the natural functions of the body, they are rapidly, and many of them curdy, cored by the same means. None who know the virtues of these Pills, will neglect to employ them when annering !rem the dt.orders they cure. Statements from leading physicians in some of the principal cities, and nom other well known public per SOUL From a Forwarding Merchant 01 13i. LOWS, Feb. 4, 1855. Ds. Ana : Your Pills are th paragon of all that Is great in medicine. They have c , , red my little daughter 01 ulcerous sores upon her ilea a and feet that had proved incurable for years. Her m - Aber has Wee lons grieviously afflicted with blotches and pimples o, her skin and in her hair. Atter cur child was Cured, ehe also tr ieu our Pills, and they have cured her. ASA MuRGRIDD E. As a FAKILY Parma [From Dr. E. W. Gum right, New Orleans.] Your Pills are the prince of purges. thaw excellent qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are mild, but very certain and effectual In their action on the bowels, which make them Invaluable tows in the daily reatment of disease. ISALACIS, 6101( lIHADACBII, FOOL M OMAGH From Dr. lidwarti Boyd, Baltimore.] Dun Deo. slYsk : 1 cannot answer you wittr com plaints t have tannin with your Pills better than to say all that we ever treat imf.W, a purgative medic toe. 1 place great dependence on an effectual cathartic in my daily contest with illgease,'and believing as Ido that your Pills afford us the bust we have, I of course value them highly. Prmstioso, Pa., slay 1, 18bb. Da. J. C. ATKS—Sir have been repeatedly cured of he worst headarAe anybody can have, by a dose or two your Pills. seems to arleu from a tout stomach, Which they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect,. ED. W. rltil BLS., Cl. rk of Steamer Clarion . Samos . Is Combusts. (Frets Dr. fheodere Bali . New York City.] Not only aro your rind n.1.,1 :ably adapted to their purpose us an aperieut., bull awl Weir beaelleial effects eimo the Liver very maraud I laced. ahoy hat , ' in my practice proved more ellectuat ior the cure Bilious ODUlplatillt3 tits say ono remedy I can lilan(1011. I ein purely rejoice that we have at leugth a purgative which is worthy thu oonthienue ul the proluesion and the people. DIPAMTNSICZ Or pas INTERIOII, Wet:Minim, D. U., 7th Fab. 11168.1 Sir : 1 have used your Mils in my generat and hospital practioo ever Mime you made theta, and cannot nesttate to say tiny are the bedt caitLatia we employ. Itie'r re gulating action on Bib i met a. and decided come gauntly they are LLB 441111,aoh: comedy for derangement 01 haat organ. ludoed, ..irldom wand a mum of Bilious Disease .0 °bath' .ts hit it oat um r, adily y told to them. Fraternaliy , A .R. 414.1 'SALL , ti. i eL, t h e Marine Hospital. Dressrluttir -unarm a Wuk2lB. 'From Br. J. v. Breen, 01 Champ. I Your l'illa u ye Mut a ang trial a my practice, and 1 hold them in esteem ea one of tau Je.t spereute I have ever ine.r.d, their alterative etlux upon ale liver makes ItIOM an excellent remedy, Wtion Alvan ni damn 1030310 r Bilious Dysentery and Diarrhoea.. ilium iugar.eoatiog makes them very acceptable and neavemeat for the use of women and children. DYB2llPali, LKPURITT OF !He BLOOD (From Key. J• V. kdimee , Pastor Advout Church, Boma Dr. AIM: 1 tiny° used your elite with astraordistary success in my family and amoug Mosel am sailed to visit bi distrust. re regulate Lie organs of digetition and pu rity the blood, ,uuy are the very beat remedy 1 have Over known, and t can co4teutly recommend them to My Mende. sure, J V. Blida. juni.og Y., Oct. 24,1855. MAR Starem wis e ; year Jathartic Pills in my pratice, and fin 'twin au exeelleut pur.ative to cleanse the system and art/s /ountains el Die wood. :oHN G. 41EACI1A11, M. U. UONSIOntiOn, .IOPYRI233IOX, degazedl7l3lll GOO; NICUILI.I4IIA. DROPer, PARALYSIB, b77n svo. [From Dr. J. Vaughn,. Montreal, Cunada.] Too much cannot be said 01 your Pas tort the cure of Costiveness. it Others of your fratersity nave Maud them as enkatilous as l have, they -humid loin ma in pro claiming it for thehenelit us Oa aniltaaaoi who sutler from that complaint, *Men, although Mot suouAtt In it self, is the prugonitor of others teat are worse. 1 belive Costiveness to originate in the aver, but your Pais affect that organ and cure the disease. 'From Hrs. K. Stuart, Pay swum and alithotie, Boutozul I pad one Or two largo doses of your Pills, taloa at the proper time, are um:admit prounna yes in the Natural earedon wam wholly or partially suppresAtd, and also ery aleau it OULIMAS the simians and IMPEL WORM. They are so moon the best ptty sac we hove Lust esSm- Maud no otnor to my patients [From the Iles , . Dr. Bawkes, oi the Methodist Aolseopisi Chumb. J Peassaa.floose. davanuau, Ga., Jau. 0, 1856. Bosom dim : I sbuukl be ungrateful for the relict your Skill has brought me It 1 dit' dot report my e4Se to you. A cold 'Quieu to my lune s , m 1 Drought on excru ciating Neuralgic Yam., widen ended in LiOfolllo Anna. matism. Notwithstausliug t dad LOB Oda of physiciaus, the disease grew worse Norse, until by tae advice of your eacellent agent w dditlMOro, Dr. slakefaxie, I tried year Pills. Their salmis were slow but sure. 18 y persevel its in the use of them, lam now entirely well. anus CeAsmest, caton douse, tA., Dec. 5, 1855. Us. Aymt : i have own entirely cured by your Yills, of Rheumatic Stout—, paluito disease than had afflicted me for years. VINIANT SLIDEILL. Air/goat 01 We Pills In mar Sol uontaiff Mercury, which, althougn s valuable romody to shield: bands, is dangerous in a public pet, lrom the dreadful consequen ces that frequently meow its incautious use. These contain ma mercury or mineral substance whatever. . . Price 2 cents per box, or 2 boxes for 31. Prepared by DR. J. a. AYDit & ao., Lowell Mass. Sold by O. A. &rummy C. K. Keller, D. W. Grum & Jo,J. 11. Lutz, Holman & CO., Armstrong, Harrisburg, and dealers everywhere. ap22.6mdaw IA VII) HAYNES, 110 MARKET, BT. A," HAILEIBBUBG, Agent tor _LILLIE'S PATENT wrought and Chdled Burglar Proof ISIAL.B• Strictly the ONLY fdercant.b. • 1 , made, that is both re and Burglar Proof. mar29.dly OAN ,f.)L ka SI PARAFFINIC CANDLES, SPERM. CANDLES, ADAMANTINE CANDLES, STEARIN E CANDLES, 3TAR CANDLES, CHEMICAL BYLBM LANDLES TALLOW CANDLES. eatprgo lot ol Cue above and tor Sale at the low iors hy WOi .1:001i. JR. 41 CO., Jena Wawa° the Court Howe. A VERY HEAVY STOCK OF BLACK. AND SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS 1 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JUST OPENED. At Prices below the Cost of importation.. CALL AT CATHCART'S, maja Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. FARMER'S HOTEL. II subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public teat he bin taken the FARM HOTEL, in Market street opposite the Post Office, formerly J. Stahl's, where be to prepared to accommo date them oa reasonable terms. Having refitted and Webbed the House entirely now, be hopes by strict at tention to boinats, to receive a liberal share ofr s tan. age. lap&Smd] B. G. Pe tPIMB BOLDLER'S BOOK, M'Kinney'c "oar Gererement, ,, an exposition of the tionatln. of the United Matte, explaining the nature and eer- Wes of our government, trout Judicial and authentic ticerreet, Price $1 00. yor sale at NS - - - — 1132/inflattS 132052 ' . . iiennogluanta Daily aelegrapb, itionbau . 'Afternoon, July 29, 1861. RE 4 ♦n overleaped Nurse and Female Physician, prusanis the attention of mothers h, SOOTHING S It U P For Children T! ethiug, whleh greatly facilitates the proces, of teething, by 8W erring the gume,roducing all Inflammation—win allay All PAIN, and spasmodic action, and In SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWEL& Depend upon it, mothers, It will give rest to yourselrn AND, REUEP AND HEALTH TO YOUR INPANTt. We have put up and sold this article for over let years, and DAN RAT, IN 0010IDINCEN AM) TIM M, What WI have never been able to say of any other medicine— NEVER HAS IT FAMED, IN A SINGLE INSTANCE . EPTEOT A cum, when timely used. Nerver did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one Who Ow It. On the contrary, all are delighted with as opera norm, and speak in terms of highest commendation o its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak this matter "WHAT ws DO KNOW alter ten years' asp,- !lance, AND meta OUR IMSirraigur sos THII 113IMAIIIID CV Waal' WI asn DNCLARIL In almost every insianna where the infant is suffering &cm pain and exhaustion, to , lief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes aftto . syrup 10 administered This valuable preparation is the prosertptOn 01 qlle 0/ the most EIPERIENcED and SEILLFUL NURSES ii New England, and has been used with mow mama MONO In _ It not only relieves the child from phi, but inrig. orates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, .n gives tone and energy to the whole system. it wilt m most Instantly relieve GRIPING [N THE BOWELS, AND WINO (MAW, ~ncx overcome convulsions, which II not speedily reale. died, end In death. We believe it the mar and SIAM IIatMCDT ut tam WWII.O, In all oases of DYSENTERY ANI MARRA. ike IN CHILDREN, whether it arises iron teething or from any other muse. We would any o every mother who has a child suffering from any 01 the toregoing complaints—ho goy IST YOlnt tIIIMLIIOItI, lox reartmume or Orrilina, eland between you and your sullering child and the relief that will be SURE—yes, Ab SOLCTELY SEIRE—to follow the use of this medicine ii timely used. tall directions for using will accornpau.., each battle. None genuine unless the lac-simile o CURTIS a I attalNS,Now York, is on the outside wrapper Sold by ugglets throughout the world . rinclpal +Ate, No. 18 Cedar St., New York Price enlv 25 Cents nor Bottle airlFor. Harrisburg by IL W. Gros 61 Nu lb Market wool, .1. Karlin Luta; No. 21111arkot areea; K. Kollar, No. 81, Marto% struo%..solow &ZIP 1 111011; 128 Dyspepsia Remedy Dl. DARIU►S BAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. This Medicine has been wed by the public for his years, with increasin, favor. 11 is recommended to Owe Dyspepsia, Bervoutism,l2 art-Burrs, Wig faint, Wind in the Stomach, or I - a nu in the Boutc.i, Headache, Prolorinesa Kidney ebst- , plaints, Low Spirits .%) liriuss . • Tremeru, Intemp ra ,e. lbOlAllOl, Kranissarks, . v MIS, DM - WELL Not Wricansra ox e ItILB A MEDICINE it is quick nd eilectu al, curing the most aggravating case o Dyspepsia, aney Complaints, and all other derange not of the Stomach and Bowels, In a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most main ,ei, ly .an drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous d sic.; ly to health,, strength and vigor. Persons who, from the injudicious use of liquors, havr become dejected, and their nervous systems shal.terod, constitutions broken down, and sub ea to that horrioo nurse to humanity, the Damn:us Tillsicvs, will, almos immediately, feel the happy and healthy invigoratlus efficacy of Dr. Ham's Invigorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. nuu.—ose wit.e glass full us men as necessary Line dose w it felnoSt all Had Spirits. One ‘lo.r will sure Heart-burn. Three doses will cure Indigestion. . • One dose will give you a Good Appetite. one dose will atop the distressing pains 01 Dyspepsia. One dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the stomach receives the invigorating Spirit, the distressing load awl all psuiled (Wings will be removed. One dose will remove We most distressing pains of • Ik, either In the stomach or bowels. A low doses will remove all obstructions ln tee Ki,...,,, , Bladder or Urinary Organs. Perseus who are seriously altheted with ally Kowa', Complicate are assured speedy relief by a dose or tw.., mid a radical cure by the use of one or two bottles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, Irma dissipating too much over night, ane feel the evil effects hi poisonous liquors, la violent head aches, sickness at stomach, weakness, giddiness, km , Will find one dose will remove all bad teelings. Ladies of weak and sickly constitutions, should take ...le Invigorating Spirit three times a du} ot, w ill make teem strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstructions anti Irregularities trom the menstrual organs, and restore in bloom ot health and beauty to the careworn During pregnancy it will be found an invaluabt. mu.,. nine to remove disagreeable sensations at the Atillaub. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce •ias. no ban put up the invigorating gpirit in pint bottle. at % , cards, quarts W. General Depot, 48 Water street, N. Y. . Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia, D. TOTT, & (k.i...ail [or Sale In Harnsburg by C. A. Bai.nvart, I): W. Bre& A Co. and C. K. Keller, and by all Druggists everywhere jela-dawly FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, SPRING AND SUNICSR STYLES. 186 1 . PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS. GRANVILLE STOKES'• ONE PRICE GIFT O.LOTHINGE,M.PO.RI.UM superb stook of line french, English and Aillericiai OLOIIII4 OASSIMRRES, andITESTINGE, For City and Country trade, with an unapproachable as sortment et Buhr Mans 01012 Me at the lowest cash price. - ,wr-But ONE PRICE is milted, and a Gin of untinsio worth and use presented whit each article sold. ParLicillar attention paid to the Cuatomer departmeat y and germane made andseat to order to any address. in inaugurating this new system of doing business, OBANVII.La STOKES would impress on the minds of the patrons of his establishment, that the cost of the gill is deducted from, and Nor added to the price of the aril. ale seta. Lila immensely increasing sales enabling him to act thus liberally, and at the same time to realise a remunerative profit. All articles guaranteed to give entire sabareetion. GRANVILT.I4I STOKES' ONE PRICEOLOTIIING EMPORIUM - SOT CHESTNUT STMT. ocallMnd—rdmard-dll riIELS COMMISSIONERS appointed under j_ the Act of Incorporation of the city of Harris o urg having made a plot or draft of said city. desiguatlag streets, Lanes and alleys row existing anti °peeing, and also where avenues, streets, lanes and alleys shim "here. after be opened, and. also designating %Atha Lite limits of said city a plot or piece of ground, containing not less than Wonky:acres, for the use of the public and. of said city, tor the purposes and uses menuotted in said ad ; and having submitted their draft and report to the Court ci Quarter sessions, of Dauphin county, for the approval of said Court ; the said draft and report have been Bled by order of said Court in the office of the Clerk - of -Quar ter sessions of said Went . ) , for public inspection ; and un less exceptions are filed thereto by parties interested in said city, the same willbe approved at the August term of said Court. By order of the Court. myl-dtw WM. MiTCHKLL, Clerk. Glorious.. star Brew , led Banner 1 AMAHER SUPPLY OF VirAILFAPER, BOKOKItS, Pie., SPLENDID WINDOW i-gpS, to , winoh we call the attention of our &Maus aed raid:ally invite them to examine our goods and k:ices. We are determined to Gel cheap. blind the place. SOHEEEKIA'S BOOKSTORE, • apld4l Near the Harrisburg Bridge, AUGUSTINE L. CHAVNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Bari*no No. 27 North &mod &rod. N. 13--41BENG AMODIO TO . irtistellantous. - -* - MRB. WINBLOVI raousANDs OF Look! No. 607 CELESTI VW STRP.R. SIGN OF THE fflebital AIL C—ir ..V".F.A.Ms7g3II LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX. BITTERS. THESE MEDICINES have now been be fora the public 1 . .. r a period of THIRTY YRARS, and during that time have maintain d a high character in al most every part or the Globe ; Mr their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to per sons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame 18 liable; The following areamong the distressing variety of ho. man diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be Infallible. _ . _ DYSPEPSIA, try thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind ; FLATU LENCY, Loss of Appetite, Heratburn, Headache, Rest lesancss, 1 / 1 -Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will van ish, as a natural consequence of its cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the Intestines with a solvent process, and without Vio lence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular eaculatbn, through the process of respiration in ouch cases, and the thorough solatiim or all Intestinal ob struction in others. The LIFE MEDICINES have been known to mire RHEUMATISM permanently to three weeks and GOUT in half that time, by removing local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. DROPSIES or all kinds, by freeing and strengthen ing the kidneyS and bladdei; they operate most delight fully on those important organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy fOr the worst awe of GRAVEL Also worms, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to which the creatures adhere. SCURVY ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity which these LIFE MEDD 0 NES give to the blood, and all the humors. SCOEIIOI'IO ERIDIrTIONS and BAD COMPLEX lONS, by their 'literate effect upon the fluids that, feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive complaints, &WOW, cloudy, and other disagree able completions. • The use of these Pills for a very short time,will abet as entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking im provement in the clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS and INFLUENZA will always be cured by one dorm, or by two in the worst cases. PILES.—The original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Piles, of 36 years standing by the use of the LIFE MEDICINES alone. FEVER AND AGUE.—For this scourge of the Western country, these Medicines will be found *safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other Medicines have the system subject to a return of the,disease—a cure by these Medicines is permanent—TßY THEM, BE SATIaLED, AND BE CURED. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COSI PLAINTS.—Ortman Datum% Loss or A.rrevrrs, and Dr. BEAMS or Faxsua--the Medicines have. been used With the Most beneficial results In cases of this descrip— tion :—Kings Evil and Scrofula, In its worst forms,ylolds to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medi cines. Night Sweats, Nerrens Debility Nervoua Co n plaints of all kinds, palpdation ol 'the Heart, Paint rP' Colic, are speedily cured. DISEASES.—Persons whose constitu ions have become impaired by the, injudicious use of Mereury, Mad these Medicines a perfect cure, es they never fall to eradicate from the system, all the effects of Mercury, in fi nitely sooner th an the most power fhl preparations of Sarsaparilla. Prop tared and sold by W. B. Bia.OFFAT, 835 Broadway, New York. Forsale by all Druggists. jy2o..dawly .~~F~~Av.~~ s Holland Bitters DYSPEPSIA, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &c. THE successful introduction and use of this cele brated Remedy his been the signal for a literal flood of compounds culled "Bitters," offered in various forma, from a quart bottle to a five•gallon keg, until this word "Bitters" is but another numb for "grog," or some vilbmous whiskey mixture. But the really great relief derived from the minute dose, one teaspoonful, of our medicine, BEREAVE'S HOLLAITD BITTERS, and the entire absence of after prostration, has esta blshed for it a reputation which the host oftmitations and counterfeits have failed to undermine. It is post. Ur* a vegetable preparation, with barely sufficient pure spirits to preserve it. But one dm of the genuine, (Half-Pint Bottles,) price ONE Domes. It N a medicine of long-tried efficacy for Purifying the Blood, so essential for the fmindation of good health and for correcting disorders of the stomach and bowels. Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects. The stomach will speedily regain its strength, a healthy action of the liver, bowels and kidneys will soon take place, and renewed health be the quick result. For INDIGESTION, Try liferhave's Holland Bitters. For HEARTBURN, Try Beerhave's Holland Bitters. For ACIDITY, Try lkerhave's Holland Bitters. For WATERBRASH, Try Ikerhave's Holland Bitters. For HEADACIEE, Try llerhave's Holland Bitters. For LOSS OF APPE'T'ITE, Try Bierhave's Holland Bitters. COSTIVENESS, Try Bcerhaves Holland Bitters. For PILES, Try Itterhave's Holland Bitters. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affec tions, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. Read Carefully! The gentdne, highly4oncentrated Boranava's Dear Lulu BirrEas is put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at One Dollar per bottle. The great demand for this truly celebrated medicine has induced many imitations, which the public abould guard against purchasing. Beware of imposition/ Ste that our name is on the labil of every bottle you buy. Benj. Page, Jr. &Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, - PITTSBURGH, PA. -- For elle to the city of IforriehArg oy D. WAGROSS 1 .raßOrd--oepl-dtwly JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &O. ALFRED F. ZIKKERMAN & 00: IrITO. 52 MARKET STREET, Harrisburg, Pa., opposite Hsatee Horn and adjoining the onorasti Emit, haiing purchased the stock of &..y Jennings, .end added a large atwortment of NEW JEW ELRY, we will sell the same at the lowest cash price,and solicit patronage. • Watches, Mike and Jewelry neatly and promptly re paired and delivered. . ALFRED F Having disposed of my stock of Jewelry to A. F. Zim merman & CO., I cheerfully recommend them to my for mer customers as practical and experienced Watch Makers, and solicit for them a continuance of the patron. age Which has been so generously extended to me _gluing the last six years. jan29 FLYING F. JENNINGS. • P"IISIME BRAD, No. 1, SALMON, No. 1, HERRING, No. 1, COD FISH, No. 1, MACKEREL, No. 1. Of ,he above we have all the Mei eat sized package s rom the arrr to the asnn■*.*. in store and for sale at the owes' ntarket rata. fade WM. DOCK, & CO. ORANGES AND ~LEMONS. FORTY BOX% in prime order just re• mitred and for aide b 3 . WM. MOS la, kco SPElpt CANDLES I sans own ma. wanns• Br xT WIL . DOOM J 8 430,, "They go right to the Spot." STOP YOUR CUOOPI I INSTANT NELIIIF I PURIFY YOUR BREATH! STRENGTHEN YOUR VOICE! SPALDING'S Throat Confections, GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOB CONER:OIII'n'C'IM WINTLEMEN CARRY SPALDING'S THROAT CONFR:TrIONS LADIES ARE DELIGHTED WITH SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. CHILDREN CRY FOR SPALDING'S THROAT CONFIXITIONS They relieve a Oeugh Instantly. They clear the Throat. They give strength and volume to the voice. They impart a delicious imam to the breath. They are dellghtthl to the Astir. They are made of simple herbs and cannot harm any I advise °very one who bas a Cough or a Hoary In** or a Iltd Breath, or any dinculty of the Throat, to get a package of my Throat Confections; they will ninny° you instantly, and you will And them very useful and pleas. ant while traveling or attending public meetings fOr stil ling your Cough or allaying your thirst If you try one package lam safe in saying that you will error, after wards consider them indispensible. 'Ton will And them at the Druggists and Dealers m Medicines. PRIOE_TWENTY-Frill CENTS. My signature Is on eaoh package. All other are coun terfeit A Package will be sent by mail, prepaid, on recipe of Thirty Cents. Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 ORDER STREET, NEW YORK. CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE NERVOUS HEADACHE) ALL EMS OF HEADACHE. By the 11130 of those Ma the periodic attacks of Her taut or Sick Headache may be Prevented; and if taken a the commencement of an attack immediate repot from pain and sickness may beobtained. They seldom Mil In removl mg Nausea and Headache to which females are ao subject. ' They act gently upon, the bowels, removing Chateaus. For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the AM®; giving TORN aln vices to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasti city and strength to the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are Die result of long love:elk gation and carefully &inducted experiments, having been in use in many years, during which time they have pre vented and relleVed a vast amount of pain and enihning from Headache, wlrether originating in the savour sr/. tern or deranged state of the skean*. They are entirely vegetable in their compadtion, and may be taken at ,all Drees with perfect safety without making any change eediet ' and the absetsce s any disa - greeable taste renders it easy to administer thew to children .11LIAt& i . The genuine have eve signatures of Henry {T Spalding on each b ox. Sold by druggists and all other dealers ie medicines. A Box will be sent by mail prepaid on remits of the MOE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. All orders should be addressed to HENRY 0. SPALDING., 48 Cedar Street, New York. tarA single bottle of HPALDING'S PBSPARIED GLUE will nye ten times Oa Cost annually.-1W SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I SAVE THE MICICS I kOONOItY OM ifjr"a 11311111.111 m 1 BAITS 11111=."49t AS siss*SesAS... haPPSSSI Ref' in n o d[-ropohdelfantatts it is very deidraiiie to have acne cheap arid convenient way for repairing Toys, thocairy. no. skim: Nov rlignEED GLIII meets all anon emergenoles, and no household ism afford to be without it. It la alwaye ready and nittorthe snot. big point. "lIREPA IN EVERY ROUSE." N. B.—.A Brueheacompanieds each bottle. Prise lb obi. As oettsin aaprissiOed pctissarestis!soisg, to pobn off on the nnaufwmoting P . tbi l e , infiLationo of coy MR RAM ELU3, I wild' canon 41, ilium to exandue Welliiiiliithiaiiii;iuAlioisthatimal i u =nu, - - airileaucEbialf. ragman le on linmumegtegmervalolers ar e "" mina g "KA'. JiltintaL DDIPATOII I BURY O. SPALOTNO, NO. 48 Cedar Sired, New York. CAUTION itlistelian u r A New Feature in the IMPORTANT TO .11,0u 6 . K, '' E. R. DURKEE, • SELECT Sp', In An Foil, (Lined u. / BLACK PEPPER, \ 1., WHITE PEPPER, AI -t CAYENNE PEPPER, 11l STA IN THIS AGE of adult, r ,. less spivs it is with , - to the attention of genuine articles. We rs. ABSOLIYIELY AND I'LL... but ground from fres ...t•p„ us expressly for the purp...:., They are beautifully pack • per,) to prevent injury by WEIUHT, while the on: invariably short. We warrhLt and richness of Miser, BEYOND ALL C Si a Single trial will abuntlao::y bears our Trade Mark. . • E. R. lst; For sale by WM. DOCK JR nip"` 111*111.111 1' B. M. GILDER, p D STA IE OPPOSITE THE BR A I A li opera ions, BllrgiCal edattti co y performed , NEW COAL (A:tic, r IHE UNDERSItiN ED to the COAL TRADE in tine I I}, solicit the patronage of the ctuz-ni, . 00111 of all sitwo, from the most cei:nr ,z. mines, which will be tleliverel Ow from dirt and other imp (iWOLueRRED. COAL IrUk 3ALY el r..: LOAD OR elms l'ers Jos Or Cbr Load will receive 2.,?.40 pont, , - Oak NO. 74 Market street, ~ ry alio, Yard on the grail, 111,4 dots lei I et either plum will rtzeir , ap-drlly PROF. ADOLPH P. TEL W OULD respectfully patron and We public gem., tioneinue to give instructions ou u, , LODRON, VIOLIN and also in the : RAM.. He wW veth pleasure wart homes ni any hour dusireii, or i., - hie residence, In Third street, le% ..• German Kefortned Church. SCHEFFER'S BOOK .13%, (NUB TIIE UA.lllllblit. UNION EN VELD NOThl PAPER, of six printed two colors, sold n ; L.. by the ream at Oity Clash priors . Also, flags, Union Broom eins, EL:,,,, and Badges at very low prices. A. myS 8011 J STAGE LINE FOR GETTY. FARE REDUCED TO $1.25 in.. , GEITYSBULLi. TF. undersigned has tar regular LINE OF STAGE ri burg, connectlog every other meet, • .1 bind Valley Railroad cars. Tho every Tuesday, Thursday and Saw other day. Passengers for Stle.pvani.Row_, Petersburg and Gettysburg ,u - o wrrad dL , jell-dtt R 11 BT. LOUIS HOTEL, CHE TIV 2 AS 2., ABOVE PHILADELPHIA. 1N the immediate ueigL. . r..) , ),l Jobbing Roane an &train 1 streets, the Banks, Post Unice, tior, &0.,, &e. AMERICAN AND EUROPE s PL BOARD PER DAY .... Dinner between 1 and J O'cluet, 5u room horn 50 cents upward. A first cases Restaurant attached. Bills of Fare. The Otty Cars take Passengers Iron close to the Hotel. /Arlingilab, French German rod STONE FUR SALL. BviLDiNG STUNS rot turapiklog purpo.d. d par , . of the alLy or ad vituntLy A .1i), jtO mar= 11 ' GREAT RED lilaloh iN Piti„t, WHEELEK & SEWING MAti'Hlric NEW IMPROVEMENTS AT REDULtD rrilLE WHEELER & IVILL-0 A taring Company scams ermni law, with infringing inanulticlure . l propose dust the public üboula no and nave accordingly reduced the pr - 111aciblned. After tins date trey au! , will pay a fair profit on t h e was w m J Invested, and ear:cal:101 making s tw , All enable them to maim Mi. • heretofore, gumuntee them in ever., - la accordance with the nation , • • sell their splendid Sewnig e to *9O for the line full cane mach • Hided Act that the Wheeler ds Wilson Sewing Ma CE: ' 13 the best ono in tbo mar a.t, khe andleastllnYle to get out low ad the Inferior mactime4. ,aI Third and Market. del-em O. F. TRAVELING AGLNT or OLD WALLOW E!LLB ftRIR OLD TRAN 6POR 1 t L l / 4 J.s J. la still In eucceseful operatmu suJ freight as LOW as any outer watvi I. Philadelphia, tiarrlaborg„ Sunbury, % ^ port, Jersey shore, Lam Riven, a. i A • Northern Central, Philadelphia aria r.r, port and Elmira Railroads. Lora! Agent et Goode sent to PEACOCK, 'LEI.I - 810 Market street, above u; 4 will arrive at Harrisburg, ready lur • morning. 1. ,- • , EMPTY 1141RIXEL. --rwo I /Imply Flour, sugar and v$ aq, acriptions and prices. WALLOWER'S LINE, DAILY BIaW.E.V.N atthEIEBURG and PH ILAT El , I 11 1 ' - Wm. B. Burk, .Agend, 812 Alarlost stud, I '' phis,formerly Livingston k 0:.• Qpecial Conductor in chargo 0 1 '..'' !own. eildeide delivered at Um Ware r a Jai P/gat lit 4% &cloak e. M. Arid be ae:. tli, . ~,,: '', borguezt sisornipig. J. WALLUtilhd. J,L---;. my2l.etti Office kteadiug iJepot, ,_:,.. __-- RAMS. --Three Hundred Extra :13;31 Cured BLOB Met received ` M oy FIRST OIABB GROCERIE S L LARGE AB,B,IvA AVING JUST RETII) NED Irool ..ELL eastern clues where we Dave seleclel alhaTlSt CIAICO a large and complete assortaat Peeler goods *lnch embrace an3rthing kora 4. eiti Veoetba; we reapecthnly 'ad cordially lu" Phodo Oell and examiae our stook and : 00 " MOM Gull; MO :11L“ •s; Di WU, 100 ° 6 jil $ °I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers