Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, July 29, 1861, Image 3

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    pally Eritgraplj.
11010ily Afternoon, July 29, 1961
PAIWONED.- Governor Curtin has pardoned
Captain Rogers, recently - convicted at Pittsburg
of manslaughter in taking the life of J.
Vandergrift. ge was discharged from
on Friday last.
PANAGE OF CAVALRY.-0(1 Battlrdny night
company A, Captain Fitzsimmons, of Colonel
Van Allen's New York cavalry regiment, num
bering eighty-five men, passed through this
city from the north en route for Washington.
Goss Hots.—The soldier, James Ashburn,
who was shot in the leg by young Starry, on
Friday last, was taken home to Norristown on
Friday night by some of his comrades. He is
likely to recover soon, the wound not being a
dangerous one
TIM MS ABOUT. —A number of, hotel robber
ies have been perpetrated in this city
the past week, rooms of lodgers being entered
by means of nippers and skeleton kepi. 4v 7 .
eral gentlemen lust considerable sums of money.
All the chamber doors of hotels should have
substantial bolts un the inside, in addition to
the usual luck fastenings.
A VOLMIEER Sta.—Mr. Ellis Lewis Eck,
of the Cameron Guards, who returned home
with ihe typhoid fever, is now, lying 'ilittige?-
ou•ly ill at the residence of Lieutenant George
W. Davis. We were
,inforiped this, morning
that the attending physician, entertained but
Little hope of his recovery. Afr..Eckis a print
er, and worked in the Palrid and Union once,
up the time of volunteering in defence, of
his conerY•
Tim Nat, zeavm REGUIENT, to be commanded
by Lieutenant Col l Ppel 4 00eitii•of the late first
regiment, has already ii!len accepted by the War
Department. It is the .pu:;pose of 4the Colonel
to raise one company at Harrisburg, two at
Allentown, two at Easton, two at Lancaster,
two at Reading and one at York, each of one
hundred and four Men. It is probable that of
the ten new Pennsybraala . regitu i ents, thin will
be first in the Rad. ' • - • •
PAMIR' or Voremsas. —The work of pay
log the returning volunteers . has., progressed
rapidly since Sunday morning, and hundreds of
them have left for home. The second regiment
was paid yesterday and another to-day. We
presume all will be paid before the close of the
present week. Owing to the crowded condition
of our city two regiments were ordered to :-env
camp at Carlisle on Saturday: - These will
probably reach herd this afternoon.
Hansom OFFIOIBB. --Among the ofrtcri of
the eleventh regiment, which returned ght
urday, two are citizens of Harrisburg—Major
Wm. D. Ernest and Adjutant Asbury Awl.
The men composing the regiment speak in .the
highest terms of these officers. The latter, / tell
said, satisfactorily danonstratedhiscompetency
for the position, and is generally regarded as a
first class officer. Harrisburg has been honored
by all her sons in the army, officers and
Tne Gass CROP.—Some anxiety was felt
during the wet weather last spring relative to
the effect upon the gape crop in this vicinity.
The cold and wet conjoined gave the vines a
sickly look for 501110 weeks, but they have per
fectly recovered and so far as we can learn the
crop promises well. The fruit is now getting
good size and it looks healthy and promises
well. Its richness and fiavqx . will depend much
upon the fall months; but nothing now appears
to give any intimation that the crop may not
be equal to that of last year, both in quantity
and quality.
Rev, THOMAS P. Hun, the well-known temper
=CO advocate, chaplain of one of the returning
regiments, preached in the Old School Presbyteri
an church ye sterd 3 y morning and evening. At the
close of his evening sermon he paid a handsome
compliment to the ladies of our city, and on
behalf of the soldiers thanked them for the
liberal manner in which they had provided for
the wants of the hungry volunteers. Father
Runt, although far advanced in years, seems to
enjoy good health, and talks with as much
ability and vigor as he did years ago, when,ha
visited this place as a pioneer in tae cause of
temperance reform.
SELUNO Been ON SUNDAY.—This •• o • ,
Henry Snyder, the keeper of a lager beer shop
in Third street, was arraigned before the Mayor
on a charge of selling on Sunday. Froth this
Information made it appears that Snyder kepi
open shop the whole of Sunday and sold from
forty to fifty kegs of 'beer. He also refused
compliance with the proclamation of the Mayor,
and continued to do business while other estab
lishments were closed. In default of five hun
dred dollars bail Snyder was committed to
prison for trial at the August term. This'
the third complaint made against this man,
within a few months, for violating the law pro
hibiting the sale of liquor on Sunday. He de
serves and should receive the severest punish
meat the Court has the power to inflict.
Bvsnrrse OPZRATIONS.—The present is a season
of the year when, under any circumstances,
general business would be at a stand still ; and
of course no material change in that respect can
be looked for now. But the returning confi
dence of the business community in the strength
and duration of the government is having a
most excellent effect in opening the way for the
resumption of business, when its natural season
comes around. Business men take heart because
they see, in these indicationrk an earnest of the
end. There is no - lohger the idom there was
for doubt and appreltehsloa. Confidence re
stores sway, because etrery Sound, reason is in
favor of it; and when the time arrives', it Will
reanimate business with a rapidity that will
surprise and rejoice. The real resanrces of.the
country were never larger and-sthe
very suspension of enterprise, will only make
the future demands upon it all the greater.
gat:nem/a tdid.nol.learn, estranger in this city,
was arrested on Saturday for passing counter
feit mtmey. Ho had thirty dollars of bogus
bank bills in his possession. He was commit
ted for trial.
Craton PECENOMON.-It is stated that last
week, a day or two after the battle of Bull Run,
thhn'sittitis t or 6rolts passed ri'ver this city, their
course evidently being in the direction of the
;In krtfa l tingo tke South. jtis.a fact that
./VekintlMAll dik - I l attnititits attracted, at
great distances, by battle-fields and the scent of
human blood..
-6011 will mee.t'at , 11.64rhibtirg;41.Tiriott bounty, on
the 6th, 4)1.,j0;td fitive ; Aligust, , The location
of the place is beautiful—near the centre of the
Attila 'the t i thWiefirifitia i iiVei' and upon the
Northem,Centxsl. Railroad... Excursion tickets
will be issued on all the leading railroads,
Feidate teachers are generally entertained free
of charge at them places of meeting. We hope
to see Dauphin county fully and ably represented
• •Ii I it
, ,N A.Ttoluz Sasiuns.--itev, Franklin Moore, of
the Locust Street Methrglist church preached a
sermon on national affairs last evening, which
is highlreetnmended by those who were fortu
nate onough. 40. hear it." The learned Divine
was unusually eloquent, and the sentiments of
the discouraedid_ctreilit to hiahead and heart as
a christian and pitriot. Some gentlemen who
Were prpouLtAlk of oquesting a copy of the
Soulless fisko.'—lifr.•George Rife; of Norris
+ 'one of -thesoldiers shot by yoting Starry
last Friday, during the progress of the riot in
Welnut street, died this morning , at the resi
'tepee of Mr. Humes in Third street, from the
effects of the wound received on that occasion.
Several other volnnteers are now lying dead in
OAS city, victims of typhoid fever. These men
were all kindly caied for liy citizens, and re•
ceived hi much attention 'as if they hid been in
aeg eof their' families - at harm. • A number
more aredown With the edme disease-
Amami Vrornr.—On Saturday afternoon
diming Om e;qitestari t t 414;ket street, a gen
tleman from the West Branch region, while cir
culating In the prowd t was relieved of his pock
et book, containing several dollars. Fortu
nately he
, had previously deposited a large sum
of money hi the Sate at his hotel. No doubt
strangers are daily victimized by the light fin
.,tered fraternity, who say nothing about their
fo i shei. Vito() * thspicTotie ftav iduals, supposed to
he Philadelphia - "knucks," have been bobbing
around the city for some days, but thus far the
Lolikeoffieers have failed to detect them in pro
fessional operations, which are performed with
great skill.
2 INHOW.—las evening one of those beauti
ful of the works of Nature, which
though frequent and familiar never lose their
) claim t upon the aflmiratiou of man, was wit
neiried its flitted krandehr end beauty in this
city. It w 4 ,313 very distinctly defined bow, be
ing relieved upon a bank of dark clouds, and
ipanniogltte t heavFfs 112,0ne unbroken arch.
‘l, l. hh ihtecbtatit; t tlais'ndetit r t aind other casual
and unexintgkappearances in the heavens elicit
our wonder and admiration, the emotions es
cited by thene are .41 enprilly thcieetof apprehen
sion and dread, seeming as they dart along in
their fiery course; to be harbingers of vengeance.
beautifUl bow of promise, on the contrary,.
comes as an, emblem of peace and reconcilia
tion. It recalls to our minds the period when
the ark rested upon the summit of Ararat,‘tind'
God set the bow in the a sign of the
covenant with Noah. It comes to us as a-testi
monial that the eye of the - Divine -Being still
watches over, and his care is still elteuded kr,
ward us.
CLIRONIO Gautattlas.—The'"ReCreations
Country Parson" has some admirable ad i ice for
those splenetic persons who are always detecting
deficiencies in their present happiness or fore
boding troubles fur the future, We have never•
read 'wiser suggestions than are , foimd in thy
rambling talks , on "How to put a thing,',..and
"Moral pig-sties. Mr. tmerson, is his "Con
duct of IMit,"has - a sharp paragraph for the same
class of grumblers '''
"I:ftrid the gayest castles in the air tnat were
over piled, far better for comfort and use than
the dungeons in the air that are daily clog and
,out, ty stutabking disounteatteu
know throe miserable fellows, and I
ustelheni, ill:ilea', Aida& star always riding
through the light and colored clouds iu the sky
overgead ofs t yitot light pass over tted hide it
for a moment, but the black star keeps fist iu
the Zenith:" but power dwells with cheerful.
new ; hope puts us in a working mood, whilst
despair is nu riizo, and maimed the active
• • • —• and nature ,
nappier to us , or he had better never have been
°tau. When tue puiltical economist reckons
upthe.unpruductive Masses, he stiould put at
the head this class of Indere of themselves,
ditvas clf sympathy, bewailing imaginary dis
asters. An old French verse runs, in. My trans
lei.RlN ;77 • "
'6ume of your triers you havecured,
Aud the sharpest yuu slid have survived;
, But.w l 4aLMl:ve*s. o firi.*_yqu've eudured
From evils that never arrived I'
Ce. itsi. H. 'LAMBERTON.--
This gentleman, formerly a citizen of Carlisle,
and brother ttrour respected townsman Robert
A. Lhmberton, finally made his escape from
the Southern rebels and reached home on Fri
day evening last. It was supposed some two
months ago that Col; Lamberton had met with
a violent death at the hands •of the Southern
fanatics, but after many severe and hazardops,
trials he was finally fortunate enough to escape
ifttitn theirelutches. , COL lamberton was Post
master at Warrington, Florida, and because he
would not violate his oath and turn traitor to
the Union by allowing the rebels to take charge
of the mail matter in' his care, was arrested,
rust into prison, heavily ironed on the 17th of
April last, and had it not, been for his brave
bearing and dauntless courage, would doubtless
lost his The traitors robbed the gen
tlemanall his personal estate, amount
ing to some $25,000, "
The. prePerty of the iefernindlt, lettens,
postage stamps,. &c., were alined by these
high-toned, chivalrous gentlemen_ ,
clinch is the treatment all nortidarni mesu.reri
wive at their hands, and yet we find friendly
sympathisers with the South in our midst.
Ptunsvlu atti a 111 ail!) c relegraah, ianlall it item. no n , Jilin 29 1861.
GONE lloxs.—Four companies of the first
regiment left for home this afternoon. They
were escorted to the depot by the Canier ,, u
Guards, accompanied by the Repass Brass Band
of Williamsport, one of the best regimental
bands in the service.
RFMOVED.—Mr a. Chester has removed- - her
restaurant from the Jones' House to the Bueh
ler House, where she will be pleased to see all
her old customers. All the delicacies of the
season, served up in a superior style, can be had
to-night at the Buehler House restaurant. 0
A DEN Gr.=ED.—A disreputable institution in
the rear of the Capitol was stormed the other
night by a party of soldiers. The furniture was
broken, the walls defaced and damaged, and
the entire establishment effectually gutted. The
female occupants were driven out, and have not
ventured to return. The storming party would
have conferred a benefit upon the city by crush
ing out other equally infamous dens.
MAMED Tgarroas.--Although the'people are
singularly unanimous in their patriotic Union
feeling, yet there are a few blatant traitors in
our midst who should be known and spotted.
The reverses which our northern troops have
met with are "nuts" to these individuals, who
chuckle over them pnblicly and.privately. The
great curse which the north has to contend with
are the masked secessionists who go about grin
ning at every reverse which the Union cause
meets with, and covering over every heroic
achievement that militates against the south
with their traitorous secession slime.
provements in all kinds of fire arms, has long
beenbees a subject of rivalry with the soldiers and
inventors of the worl.l, but it has been reserved
for American genius and skill so far to excel
all the world in tins particular branch of me
chanism. Eli Whitney; a son of the great in
ventor of the Cotton Gin, has accomplished the
last success in this branch of the business, and
his rifled revolvers are now accepted and re
cognized as superior to Colt's revolvers.
The fire-arms manufactured by Mr. Whitm,.
are for sale at the hardware store of Hairy Gil
bert, Market street, opposite the Court House.
We invite the attention of the public, particu
larly to these arms, as almost indispemable in
these days of rebellion.
REGEITiNG OR SUNDAY. —The Christian lnelli
generr attributes the recent defeat partially to
the fact that the battle of Bull Run took place
on Sunday. We quote :
Qnly last week we directed attention to the
recklessness with which the Lord's day had
been invaded. Who that recalls the number
less instances of walla::Land organized violation
of the Sabbath in camp and field, and the deli
berate selection of Suild.y as the day of battle,
can fail to trace the possible connection of "our
impiety and folly" with the lack of "the bless
lug of heaven on our arms ?"
The other side fought on Sunday also; and
if we lost, they won. They might as reason
ably attribute their victory to the, fact of their
having fought on Sunday, as our religious pa
pers attribute our defcat to that fact. To be
sure it would have been better if the battle had
not been fought on that day, and if our troops
contd.. have had the time, for repose and re
freshment. But, as it is, we think it rather
ridiculous for the journal in question to write
in this Strain.
MANOR KEPNER tue afternoon directed the
constalds to notify the liquor sellers of this
city to close up their establishments and sus
pend the sale of liquor entirely until further
ptopocitre's,:irtorcs.—The Peri waiting
disconsolately at dawn for admission through
the gates of Eden, presented not so miserable
an' appea '
r'ance as the" man who has lost his
pocket-book in a promiscuons crowd. His
hailds'iboVe frbm 'Socket to pocket when he dis
covers the loss, although he knows full well
that the retptachr of 'valuables was in but one
place. His face becomes pale, his voice trem , - 1 1
hiss,. the eyes have a bewildered look, cold pers. I
piration starts from every pore,. and in - an' in:
stagy Agra passes through his mind thoughts
of who paid him the money, what he was about
to do,wi h ip, and, how he shall fulfil his enge&y
meats without it. Then he endeavors to recall
who sat next to him or stood near him, wheth
er he was pushed about by any one, or 'even
incidentally touched, and a host of other inci
dents, which seem to be necessary to preserve
the mind from too great a shock of the reality.
All the time the fact'is terribly and earnestly
before him, that the pocket-book is gone !
Flashes of hope that honest hands hold, and
will return it, cometuri go. Doubts arise, even,
that after all it tint) , have been left at home.
Weak; nd trembling. the man crosses his thresh
old, feeling his own weakness and littleness
more keenly and positively than could be taught
him by all the lessons of revelation. Why do
-people carry_money rdmut.their-pensons among
croft). , The cases are Anfi the an
s'ver to do, both fa, ,•‘ t think there was
any danger." Did not think 1 no ; if thinking
. was opefttidn / ai all; Such Wan&
ties would not °eau.
Baru= OP Tun Votes= Runs.—We •under
stood this morning that the Verbeck Bides had
arrived at Carlisle on Saturday. If so, we have
reason to say that they will get home to-day;
and then with the State Capital Guards, Cam
eron Guards, Lochiel Greys and Verbeke Rifles
to arriv e , will complete all that started from
Harrisburg city. loathers, mothers and sisters
have cause to be glad at their safe return, and
then any little expression of kindness toward
them by mother or sister ia the way of a hand
some neck-tie, or dry goods generally, can be
had at theca atom& Urick & Bowman, cor
ner of Front and Market streets. 2tt.
Nsw Ann CDSAP Goons nom NEW Yoex Atm-
Tios.-IUO pieces splendid Wamesutta Calico,
10 eta ; 60 pieces of unbleached Muslin; 4f, "ro'
cts., worth 124 cts ; 80 pieces of splendid Clin
ton Gingham*, 124 cut., worth 18 eta; 100
pieces of Crash, at 10 and 12 cts. a yard ; a very
large lot of ladies and children's white stockings ;
the best ladies hose for 124 eta. in town i • bril7
limits, br il liants, brilliant*, 50 pieces, a t. 124
cts. ; beautiful skirt stud at 25 etc.; 200 dozen
of brown and blue mixed men's socks, 124 eta s ;
and a great many other goods very cheap, at
b. Jolin -; a I
Ealtial2l3l.---.11. TWO BTORN BRICK
HOTHilt, on Penney Ward* Avenue, Mane Combat
d street, city of Harrisburg. Apply' to
7722-/w 6. H. RVTHERRFORD•
Row To Pneneava Bastrrr.—tecnhing is more bee:onion
to a man or woman than a be Invariant bead of
hair, and a warn r•earily It certainly tocompiete wiih
out a fair complexion, and he or elm wbo neglects these
great and iniourtant adurnontins of nature must expect
to suffer the mortification orLpmnatafe ban:Mese Ind a
wrinkled face and a sallow akin. Nothing heiieSTary
to Preserve these essential wiractiont out the use tf
Piof Wood's Restorative.—Leui.vale Times.
WoOn'sllata Roma Ares —We have had occa
sion fkinte - tnt: famous preparath u of Prof Wood's, and
after thoroughly meting Its quest eg, we find that where
the hair is thin It will thicken It, If gra3tt will restore it
to its original color ; I kewitie, it glees sky appear.
anee, as well as keeps the hair [rem failing tff 'lbis In
valuable logrediont is .or vale at "thlnamau's feaStore,"
soutli-eost corn,r Frederick and Blitimcre streets,. by
Mr. J. C. (i.trett.—Baltimore Cligrer told by all good
Drage-IN, " Jyl3 darroom
gether with aeveral other ithe Ter style; may be
Mind et toe manufactory, et eXGOOMOVY toW prices. -
Atte, a great - variety 01 WATIR COOLERS, of sups.
Mot' Wan,
S rsaisoN & 00.
Cor. Deck s. i P , mr afresh, Poiladolphis
TEE ADVERTISER, having been restored to
health la a few weeks by a very simple remedy,'after
having angered several years with a sever*. lung afflict,
ion. and that dread dins" Consamptieti—is anxious to
make known folds fehow-sulferers the maths of core.
To all who desire S, he witi gend a copy et the pre
scription used (free of charge), with the directions for
preparing and using the same, which they will tind a
sure cure fbr Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. The
only objector the advertiser iu seeding they Prescription
1 to benetit the afflicted, and spread information which
he conceives to be nvaluable, and be fitopes every sat,
tem will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,
and may prom a blessing.
Panes wishing the prescription will please address
REV. 131)WAPD g.
Williamsburgh, .
ugs county, Blew Vert,
The Confessions and Exnefienoe of
an Invalid.
PUBLISHED for the benefit and as a warning
and a caution to young men who suttee trout Nervous
Debility, Premature Decay, eta, supplying at the same
hme, the moans of Self Care, by one Who cured himself,
after being put to great expense Iltwortgb medical impost
lion and quackery. Single titip'e. , • twi of the
tee!, YATHANIII. MAYFAIR, 5' n IFFI county .
N. Y., by enee.itig a poetp
41119 slue
Wealcues..% ssouitt-btlity, Nervous
. " DliirloadotA %Pear*. PM"fmey, resultiog
from y N0k..1„ bedsore's'', M,
Dem suds( iu a dials say/slaps, to soy address, past
rlscruyt, tire loteqe, l by Dr. 0111,LS . d C.
KIAN6, 127 marry. N lore. °Mae Box No.
. .020-emeaw
MOFFAT'S LIPS PtLUI AND Pliataiik Enrols.
Fran from aU Mrserel Poisonn—ln cases of Scrotal.
Moors, scurvy, Gr Eruptions of he Skin , the operation
of the Life Medicines Is truly astonishing, often removing
In • few days, every vestige of these to.Lithsome distaste
by their purifying effects ou the blood. Billion Fevers,
Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Files, and in short,
moat nil diseased aeon yield to their curative properties
No family should be without them, as by their upoly
use mash tottering and aim:l3oolm.y be saved.
Prepami by WM. B. MOFFA., 11 7)., Vow York, and
to aln by all Draggle at, borow•iy
Wm. I. Batchelor's ilatr Bye
The Original and Best in the World.
Ali others are intro luptations, and should bo avoided
if yen wish to essape
ORA; RED, OR R.1.1811f gala dyed instantly to a
beautiful and Natural Brown and Baca, tylittem Injury
to Hair or Skin.
1 0 11ITSJIV MEDALS and DIPLOMAS have boon award
ed to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1859, eel over 80,000 ap
pibutlens have boon made to :he klAir of bid patrons of
his famous dye.
. .
WM. A. haTCHELORI lIAIR DYE produces a color
not to be distinentsbed from nature, god la warranted
not to injure In the Inset, however long It may be contin
ued, sod the tll eßecta of Bad Dees remedied ; the Italy
invigorated fet life by thia splendid Dye.
Sold In a.l cilia and towns or the United Sieges, by
Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers.
efir The Genuine has the name and address upon a
steel plate eogravlog on four sides of each box, of We..
uast A. SAM/60R. Address
CILtRLI It ATM' KWH., Proprietor,
81 Berel•y street, gow Nork
psH SPLENDID HAIR DY - 13 has no
equal—instantaneous in effect —Beautilhl Black or
Mural Brown—no staining the skin or- Writing -the
Hair—remedies the abiterd end ill effect of Bed Dyes, and
nvigorates the Hair thrill's. None are genuine unless
signed "W. A. Batchelor " MA/ everywhere.
noret or.
;iswtael • I r.niy Stre at , aw V
Nnti '2lbertisenteuts
' 4 flietWEEN. NEW TORE
at qUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) Tbe Liver.
pea. 'Yew' rorleand Philadelphia sieamshlp company
intend 4.apisteollig their full powered elyde•bullt iron
Bleafineltips •e-colioarel:
°I./W(1407 7 Saturday Au g ust :I • CITY 1)11- BALT'.
MORE, Saturday &usual 10 KANG &ROO, Saturday
August 17; and every Saturday, at Noon, from pier 44,
ibl ort h L r 4 4" P -
MST telaN 'S7B 00 rs,RIKAUR .....i3O 00
do to London $ BO 00 I do to London ..S3B 00
Steerage Return Tick. a, pool Inr Ron ... SOO 000
Paaseogera forwattleu to Ptah f ayro, li.nourg, Bre
men, Itouadttm, Antwerp, '&c., at reduded thrOutli
isirhweons wistuog te bruit, sul. their Meads GUI buy
tickets here at the followibg rates, to New-4
Liverpool or Queeostowu; lloteubto,l76, $B6 lied slob
Steerage from Liverpool 140 00 From Queenstown,
These Stainers have etwerlor accommedationa for
passengers, and tarry experienced Snrgeoua. Tney are
bath In Water-Ught Iron Sections, and hare l'ate at Fire
Annihilators on board.
i 5224
16 Broadway, New York
Or 0.0. Zimmerman, Agent, Harrtebwy
A Necessity j4,.Xivgir Hotutehold 1 1
American Cement Glue
The Strongest Ohio in the World
CORAL, &c., &c., &c.
The onlyarticle of the kind ever produced -
which will withstand Waterl
"Avery housekeeper ehonld have a sot fly of Johns lc
Crorley'e American Cement true.".N Y. ;DM. •• •
'.lt is so cm:men:eat to have n 121.mstr'—.N. Y.
Smuts& .
Is always ready; thiscommendi to every body."
"We hive tried it, and Sod it as useful i u our house as ,
water."—Witass &rare or Ins T.mits.
Price 25 Cents per Bottle. ' ----411631147174
Very iLiberal Reductions. Wholesale ; I.' Id ÜBS.c.h l l4 it 13 # %8 redwood his
Dealers dario
. TERAE., tja
t . p t i c: U v sl oi tt r i t S ll o 4t ANU .ai tti: w i JUNDKA t Ir . og e
f§P For sale by all Druggists apd Storekeep- church Thankful fopael patro *r eag " o,r tro '
era generally throughout the country. sttention to business, to merit siconileruanee of it.
roar26-3Tnii PARKKII.
(Sole Mannt ititires,) •
78 Wumnut Singer,
(Corner of Liberty Street,) Nsw You.
VOT.E - PAM =W-L. 4 7*U
mr*Viiiiitlardsiii YE
led and for pale at
the city of Harriar24, pia Boogsroßs,
4 14 Sew 0 41 gurbiburg Bridge
Pft'UFX, d: . WOOD'S
I. precisely what tta name ledrates, for while pleas•
tart to the taste, ft la torivl.) tug, exhilaraillf 0144 ,
atreorheutog to tun vial p. wars it also retnviner;ret
imitates and reuews the i all tti orl tall purity.
and thus rest ,re- and renders the sit !rem Invutnetralue•
to attacks of dia,t se It it toe out), preparation ever
t.frared to the world In a popular term so as io be withiu
the reteb of all.
So c 'mussily and tail ifelly combined, as to Bielmoll
peweritll min; and yet to perfectly adepied sn As To ..C . r
Le ?Weer .4000aDana wrrc Tea WEI Or ' NATURE, /-11 D
aiNCI so mu vus WitcHIST 8103141:11 and tone Ilp the
4cBiiirc oripns and rliay a.l We're , * irritation. ,tlc ist,s
l'effeetty eintlersting In .its "erects, elm yet It la never
followed ny Ltasltde r Iltpre,men of sptrita It is com.
posed entirely of tegeudimisratl- those Morengly cool-
Dining t.owerful twin and pocAbiog proptrties and ~conc
ausal can - never Al a aur* pre4D3re and
cure of
Alin), Liver Per.itigetrentsbr Torpldtty, a ral Liver atm.
plaints, DiseAen of the Kidney; or any general derange
went f the Urinary orgithe
' Irwin not only 6ure he debility fo 1 wing CHILL 4 and
FEVER., brit all prevent stunts arising from Miasma:l:
UAW. ACea, aria cure the
.dnagasea_a4 once, If already at
•rravelers shou'd haves bottle with them, as it will
tufalbbly present any deleterimis emhcqueuces follow.
Mg Ivan ebaugeof climate and water.
As 1 prevents cos - tedium, strengthens the dicative
organs, it should be is the hands of ati perseds of awes:
tary habits,
toadies not am:domed to ,much oui.dopr",espreysi
, huuld alway. use it
Mothers abould use it, fu It is a perfect relief, takes
a Month or two before the dual rid', site will pass the
dreadful period wilts p uteet ease and safety.
And to you we appeal, to detect the Illness or decline
not only of year deugbas before it be too lite, 3 tNiF iIEIO
year suns and hotheads, for wife the former from false
deffOiley, often go down tr a premdare grave, rather
lb to let their eteadltion be known tu time, th e latter are
often !to mixed up when the excitement of buSlilerti, that
it it were not for you, they too, woalo travel in , he *awe
downward path, until it to too late to arrest their falai
fail. Dot tee mother is always viglltet, and to, you, we
coutideutly appeal; for are sure your nevertOling
affection will neerrinkly poitit 7 ,0 to PROF. WOU.PIi
itnoTODATIVD (Ate'DIAL AND ittoOD ILE ptiVaff IR m
the remedy which should &lava be on heed In time el
O. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, Now York, aod
ti 4 Market Street, i• t. Louie, Mo., tea sofa by a 1 goon
Drurgi,ts. Price Chia I o tar t er Bottle.
iyg-dew.• ow
1: 3 '3111.1C.P.131.3019L 7 163
Between Philadelohia
['morrow:4 WAbtowrowit, idirrow
Nornitlatistuartn, z-VXDORT, 7aavo.ioN,
tateItORTOWN, hTEIMISTOWS, altlAlta•
Fie iltiladelphia oep it betu: entrtily located the
Drayage will be at the Itlrreat rates. A C 'aflutter goo,
through wits Welk train to attend to the etre delivery ol
all gooda entrusted to the line. (load* delivered at the
Depot of
FNEKD, WARD & FlialtD, No. 811 Hari. et Steel., Phila
delphia, by 5 o'clock M., will be c.Allverefl in
Harrisburg the next saurian_
Freight (alw.ya) as low at, by any ether .• ne.
Particular atteatunt
. paid Hats line min - opal:a and
Speedy delivery or al. liarilsbur owls. 1
the undersigned thankful for past patrol: hopes by
Wen anent.= to•ninnuess 10 merit a tale u ace of the
same. Pkti• t,
Phi/A(1441ml and tdio
en.dtim VCOt , 114 . M.. set Aro , • hunt
GILT nu:mil GILD Paaitral
Manufacturer of
•• ,
Looking Glass and Picture Franiat;
Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings &p..
Prei,ch Mirrors, Square and Oval Portrity
Frames of every desexiption.
Mr ANTED.-- zi TO 8 EL 1, PACK:
v v AGES or Sral,u:s Al' . ed JLW ELRY ,at titl
e% one third lees than eats ue perk:hated elsewhere.
0.11 oh or address (stump eielOserl.) J r.‘BAILKY,
Hers_arad No. 164 tlouri Stro.t. It rat ,1 144
Pow mrt.P.s.
Far the care of those diatretelai maladlaa. Agrewab
to the taste.
avnry soldier ,th a/J.l procure a wattle ul Me valuable
medictuo before they take up Their nee of march. Y.,
sale at
A. BANNVAAT'a, Drag Store,
tey2ABm ,listrheburc,re
frAI'ER HANGER, Front Street, second
door above Walnut street. All opts, punctually
attended to. • •
gar- Paper hung for 16 cent, per roll of piece. eii.
wort warranted. • : rny9.du
wan, eueas, tu s reo/114 e ar. a :Square, will
/14 au/d at private sale at .0.6 T; and the routes wrl be
rtuted le the pun% user to.l3rmr will be
matte easy. jel7.dlf WWI. ',lt 4.1 Egan',
vastanitointag property destroyed
annually by tlghusing , tught, w be a warning to
property holders to secure their buildings. All Wars
far Lightning Rods colt at the'aur.:itin store of lc ._BARR Y
will be attended to. hods put up iu the latset improved
tyke and warrao d. , ,
„p 512,1
JNO. G. DALE. Ageut,
X, STAUFtialt BronVat3ky-atil Building, Harris.
ourg airy, Pa, ,Apply to , ~JukLN ti. BRANT,
jell-dame un ton ]
etRAI3 CIDER !il-wzittictly purp, spark
-1,„1 bag and sweet—bas reoeivreUa'Alter Medal or Di
ploma at every Stale Agrouitoral Fair sing 18.58. Fo r
ale by jell 4 wm. 134.1.1.'n & CO.
FUit bALB.—One of the best busmen
stands In the city on reasonable terms leased
464141.414.444".401""W*41111011". betviceo
Fourth and Filth. Minutia on the prollt:113 Or „
1)91121n 44 . L . :. LE:UDY.
City Properiy Vale.
LittdkA 4 Wo"—ittfitlir i tiiitl HOUSE
. mc iinalotkc g ratioc,4deaimuy Locum oh Front St.,
between Mulberry street and Washington APFUIIe.
”Aleo /WO LARGE' PIANOS irrgoast tiondittob and of ex
tenon twit,. Apply
It ElylovAt.
J pit L.
, ...
SU Lit 'RISER would respectfully
.1., totorto toe public that he has removed hi s pi oni , b.. .
1 0
Aug, and Elt.tea Youttalog elstOUSthineol ' No. 224 s oil *,
:MIA street below Herr's gaol— 'food' kir past pat-
Tquags, tie 001 100 by bbital bibebt4 b ilAo . eEia-40;1IIerit.
IL 0914W.Uallelket ILL. ,
Spl2-litl4 j..; 1-, 1 Mi .4......-saig JONA& .4
1 I
oory.rare of Just end for We by
yb WY. DOCK JR. k 00
. .
TEM C/011uutt, I S ALL" WE CLaIH FOB It I I
Lothar, Try It I I
0 close up the concern the entire
otooleoi-sa • •vFvcr to 1
No. 28, South Seccipd-glreet
Of Cultivated Por : , Elder.
Every Family Should Use.
OKIEBR ATV() for its medical and beau
s9A qua ill 4s see gauu ne 141-n4mA., I , roi la
ma: ant Fa loyal •, 11%11) c t.tenvl,l by railvot hrtl
slays, and somo or the slit ts ntlles la liunlad sat
-it not a tolstura or manufactured article, but ty ulr
/ftnrci culdvited Porta gld.r recd - wasaded >y -%nern
-1543 pod Ph gaichsaa ay uossa-nog Abal p,a .ertipa
perior to any other Nln s use, an lan etcal • • r:i
-c e far all weak AA deb Ida ad ver on. and tip tte
and marm, layroving the amattle, and oeue Itln4 isat
and children.
A. 4ADIN.S 3
beerdselt ullirilot taffiesle ai Other fitinsu, as tt eou
tat ono mixture of > pirits or other liquors, sod t• s •
mired fb • Its rite peculiar diver aridbetrOfve priipertles,
Imparting a Leif by tone to too dhos•tive onus, and a
bloom Prig, ano hgthbv 14 In arid como'etion.
None gcnrilue unties the signature of
aLrRbi,$rEER, Pseudo, N. J.,
to over the cork of e h bottle,
A. SE' R,
208 iiroadw IV, We \of It.
.1. H KATi Is Agent, Philatelphl
For, sale by D. W. Or se & 00., 4.;„ C. Keller. JAG
Wyetb and by dr , . Kl•t , ge 111-41awly.
ne' 13C E
Universal Confidence & Patronage.
and 0-ntlemen, is DII p‘rta of the world bawdy to
the gliknaY Pref. 0 J Wood'a Hair Rs-torativa and
gentlemen of the Pee,a Eve Uthaolololl4 to pr.. 10. A
few testirconitta enly can be here given ; lee circular fur
mon", and it alh be Drum- rain for you to doubt.
4? Wall Street, New York, Dec.
GitaTLEMIN Your note to , the I b Inst., baa been re.
dove i , •ay ink that you !rid heard that I hal been oboe.
Med by the use of Woo .'s Hair Hestoratile, and mufti..
lag My eel - titillate of the f , ct if I had DO oblechon to
give h.
I a ward It to you cheerful y, Dream I Mot It due
My •go Is *hoot 60 rears ; the eo'or of my hair amount.
end locloned to earl Fomo aro or sli yenta glace It Wi
gan to turn Fray. ond th• on the crown of my he d
to lose its son Wilily an 4 doudrufft form upon it Ilemb
of them oisagreeabiliiks =Teased with time, and about
four mon , hs Ifil3Ca a fourth was added to them, by hair
falling off the top of niy head and threatlakak to make
me b.ild
In this unpleasant predicament, I Wee lidneod to try
Wood' Hile ge.twative, midair to arrest the fsidng
off of my hair , tut I had realiy no eXpentatiOU that gray
Mgr mauld ever heresiored to Its orginal color ekcvp.
from dies. I wrs, however, greatly burpris:d to and
far the use t f two t o Iles only. that nut only was 'he
fslllog on arrested, but the Color was restored to the gray
hair• *lid amanita by to the scalp, and dandrull ceased to
torinon my head, very mettil to ttio grlthlce , loo of my
e, at wooer) sellcitatem I was induced to try it.
For this, among the manyobligatlene I owe to her sea,
Latronry recommend all bukbindis who v•lue the dr
toltaThnt.Of AMR. 1418,Y., kklaz..llt bst-rny eximple, and
use t if grow ng gray or g RhOir baid.
Very repel:Oß iy,
.11 , 491 A. LAVENDER.
To 0 J. Woau & Co. , 444 Breadth , ty New Yo Ir.
tly rawly are absent r..m the city, ant I am no Wag
er at No 1.1 Carrot place.
&taiatton, Ala , July 20tb, 1859.
TO PR r. 0 .1. Worth : Pear err : Your -Raw Restora
tive" hos done my b .ir so much good :Ince I wittmenced
el;te nee oj It, that,i wbh to make known to the rlll3 10
l'oefreas nu the hair, which are great. A malt or wo•
,man may be 'mai) , d. prived of hair, and by a resort to
your "Flair Eertorative," the hair will return more
be ntiful than ever; at lea t this is my exparienoe.—
Renal eit al. I • Youre truly,
P S.—You ean publish the above If you like. By pub
lishing iu ow *Soutberp pi, ere you wil get wore patron
tog- numb. I ere sever,' of y,...ur cert.Beates in Ihe ko
btu. Mercary a strong Boulhora paver. •-
WOOIV3 H 4.1 R REaTi) tATiVR.
Pact , 0. J. W .op ar rtr : Qrvrng hid the mofor
time to to-o the bent port on of toy ,hrir, from the .Rich
of the yellow fever, lu New in 1851, I Woo m•
dared to mike a trial or your prepAratiou, and found It
to &miner .t t a very thing needed MY hair t now
Mirk and glory, and now .rdr can esprata my °nega
tions to you in giving .0 the afflicted such a treasure.
I he Restorative is put up in bottles of three alzm, viz :
large ma , liam and small ; the *mail holds half a 1104
.ino retails lac one cdl r per bottle ;.the inedlem holds
at least twenty per coat more In proportion ti an ilea
retails for two dollars p T bottle ; the la-ge In ids
a gnarl, 4il per c hl. more to proportiOJ, and rotalle for
0. J. WOOO & CO., Prot) ietore, 444 Proadway, New
York, and 114 Mantes 4 1 .0 ed, kg, Loom, Mt%
o% d 60id by all good i.ruggitis and Fanny Goods
Dealers. • jyl3. /meow
Great °urn
Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia
All Mercurial Dmesses.
It Is a conveniently arranged Band, containing' a mad;
cat-d couirouwi, to be worn around the"lkatst, without
'wry to die moat deli Cate persons, no change hi habits
of living is required, 0110 it entirely removes the disease
from the system, without product. .g the injurious effects
arising from the use ,of powerful internal media Ines
which weaken. and destroy tits COlaltitUlloo, ant give
temperer. ratter only, My this treatment, the med/oiti
properties ountainedtin tit • Band, come In contact with
the blood and reaches the diseave, through the pores of
tbe Win, effecting In every instance a perfect cure, and
/Wore bet parts aflto ad to a healthy pciactitatlx. This
'Bald MAW, a dont power:al A:vit./billet:M.lAL agent, and
will entirely relieve the system from the permiiMau
facts of Mercury. Moderate caves are cured In a , ew
Rays, and we are miscount receiving testimonials of Bs
efficacy in sixgrovat-a e,sei of ling standibg,
Peres $ • OU, to be had of Druggists generally, or can be
sent by mail or express, with full directions for use, to
any part of the country, dir-ct Iron, the Principal Dfloe,
No. 409 BROADWAY, New York.
G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors.
N . B.—Descriptive Circulars Sent Free.
ar , . Git.N TS WARTISD EVr
dAw t ,y ,
WANTED 1500 bath !
For the Batteries 'of the 6th Regi
ment of Artillery U.S. Army.
PAY 'trim 11 io 21 dOilare A moms ac
cording to the position which the capacity and
character of the soldiers may enable him to obtain.
4 IMnionei Wukrierehtud Medical kneader/cot are famished
each and er, with an amplead.wanoa of hlchling, In ad
intiorroo ihmrpiy.• 'NT au reel. °hit% *apt is thus sup.
plied the Bonner, affording Mite an oppomolty of saving
Watson part of his pay. --
Men or good charmer:rand sitthcieut intellect will have
eitthill'Ornyerteetty for advancement into the cotainteaton
--', grades ofttbe army.
Apply at Jatts'a hoist , Booth Second street, Harris
burg, ta.. M. A. MAI%
Lient. Stlt Artillery.
W. H. Kenody