Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, July 27, 1861, Image 1
M _ 7\ • • • G ._ LGRA p E —Nis* I.'- BY GEORGE BERGNER. El. II). Otrooo . 1 1. (go., . --7--;------- - 1 11 V, - ,7"---7-',-.,-, - ' --.--7-4-7.4---. --'" . - 1,,-. 4,..1-.= '• 1 . .. • - •- 7, ; -'' ' , . :=.- --'1- '-' . , -..-,------4_,:-...-!-_„, ~...i.:,....... , . , , D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLEAALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO, 19 MARKET STREET BARRISBURG, PEAN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSIC lANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND (CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock io this city, of DRUGS, OHEMIOALS & PAINTS, oils, varnishes and Glues. Dye Stuffs, Glass and Putty, Artist Colors and Toola, Pure Ground Spices, Horning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine Otte, Bottles, 'Vials and Laeap Globes, Castllic Soap, Sponges and Corks, dce., &0., &0., Ate , &e., Ste., &e With a general variety of PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Per tenure of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers In • PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTISTS COLORS, PAINT AND galas BRIISRES IN ALL TEEM VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL BINDS, al • , ,t.l \ .. \ ThOsAKMa . 4:, :1 gel WNo a 4. A . .11L1 ie ? 0 • •,Nfl i •, 1 all I. I ----,-.-----"" $ . P R uilk - M7 i :-•• • • - •=- -" Q 9 kr:o ,_ , ff : !lt m We respeotfully invite a call, feeling, confi dent that we can oupply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH 1 TEETH II JONES AND WHtTES'S PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors 11a,ponifier and Concentrated Lye I Wholeeale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low as it can be purchased in the cities. PRAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS, COAL OIL! CARBON OIL If Being large purchasers in these 0118, we can offer inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap, All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil, FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know not their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in good Condition. Thousands cau testify to the profit they have derived from the nee of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides Improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. our long ex perience in the business gives as the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities me such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the bestof terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fair prices, arid the desire to please all, to merit a coati:lam e of the favors of a disorini- Win; pßblic. ~Uiscetlantons. trit . JOHNSOA .88ZITIIMIL01F.3E3 LOCK HOSPITAL. AE discovered he most certain, speed) L.L. and effectual remedy in the wort,: for DlStir OF IMP RU DEN OE. to &I TO TifhLTII novas RO Illoreary or Noxious Drugs aa- Cosa Watticurnra, on so Comma, ix FROM ims To Two DAM.** Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains in the Loins, Affections of the Kidney" Cud Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physitte Pow ers, Dyspepsia, tAngnor, Low Spirits, Confusloa of deal, rail nation of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling', Bonnets of Sight er Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of the Head, Throat, Ntse or Skin—those terrible dbor dere arising from the Indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth—theta dreadful and destructive practises which produce constitutional debility, render marriage laws. sible, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MEN. Young men especially who have become the victim of solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ee- May the living lyre, may call wi:h full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, be mg aware of physical weaknees, should immediately eon • milt Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEAKNES immediately cured and full vigor Tottered. He wbo places himself under the care in Dr. J., ma) religiously conllde in his Uhler as a gentleman, and rob, ddently rely upon his skill as a ehysielar.. gGrOffice No. 7 South Frederick street, italtimto Md., on the lelt hand side going from Baltimore Street, doors trout the corner. Be particular in observing the name or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par. dexter for ignorant, Vri/ling Quacks, with Wee names, or Paltry Humbug Cerkiteater, attracted by the reputa tion of Dr. Johnson, lurk near AO letters meet contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the reply, us. JOENSrQN Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Burgeons, London graduate from one of the mat eminent Colleges of the (Tufted states and the greatest part of whose lift has been spent In the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila• dolphin and elsewhere, has effected some oi the moat as tonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head wheu asleep, great oar. vousneas, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, CHI frequent 'blushing, attended sometime, with derange . meat of mind were cured Immediately, TAKE PAKTICULLR NOTICK. Dr. . (deifies all these who baring injured them. selves b , .r k le and improper indulgeuedes, that secret and solitary Ile bit which ruins both body and mind, no• fitting them Mr either beginner society. The., are Nemo of the sad and melanchoty 0,4 to pr., Wen by early habits of youth, viz Weakeese ul the Back and Limbs, Pains to the Head, Dimness of Sight, Gass of Muscular Power, Paipltattoo ot the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability Derangement ol lan Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Gaziantep. lion, &o. atIiINTALGY. staavatm, the fearful etlecia on the mind are mush to be dreaded :—Loss of Memory, Col/Thelon of Ideas, Lk pression of Spirits, Xvil Forebodings, Aversion lo.lionit ty, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Me., are sows of the evil effects. Thom ands el persona or all agog, can now bldge wtsat us the CIII/511 or Weir decline in health, losing Weir vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have a singular appearance about the eyes, congh , and gymp me of consumption. If OUNO MEN wile have tutored themselves by a orstaln prantice, ts Jolted In wbeu alone—a habit frequently learned from et tl zompaniona, or at school, the effects of winch are klmdly felt, even when aaloep, and it not eared, renders marriage impossible, and destroys bola mind and body, Mould apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes ot Ma coun try, the darting of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences of devating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. do 'hparsous must, before tandem plating alAaktla.Gli, effect that a sound • rond and body are the moat neoeseary requisites to promote rifunubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly Whims to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and dlled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be comes blighted with our own DR. JOHN3ON'd IN VLOORATiNG RRIARDY FOR OR GA/410 WKAlLlitta. By ibis great and important remedy, *Nahum of the .rgans are apoodlly cored, and full vigor restored. ,bousands of the most nervous and debilitated wits atd lost all hops, have been immediately relieved. All o:wadi/Dents to Marriage, Physical or Rental Bisque,llll - Nervous, Trembling, Weakoesa or &halation or he moat fearful plod, speedily cured. TO STAMMER& The many thousands cured at Mb Inattunon wltafa tn. last twelve years, mad the uumeroua lumoruma Burgle*, operations performed by Dr. J. Witaassed by the re. porters of tho papery, and many atter persons, notices of which have appeared again and mgala bet or• the public, besides his standing, as a onstieman aura/ger cad re. rpunsibaity, la a euMolent guantatee to the afflicted. DIBIU3EB OF IMPRODINCE—When the misgtnata red Imprudent votary of lease rs dads he has tmbibee the seeds of this palnfill it too often happens the: an illdimed IMMO of IMAM or owl of diaconal doter' him from oPPkYlug to these who, from education and re• spectability out alone befriend him, delaying till she eon • etttutional symptoms et this horrid dise a se make thou appearance, alfeetleg the head, throat, uuso, skin, do., progressing on with frightful rapidity, till dent b pals period to his dreadful guttering' by sending tilm to "nun bourne from whence so traveler returns." it is a 0161- 4:10h011 fact that thousands tall victims to this terrible, disease, owing to the unsailiniams of ignorant pretend ers, who, by the use of that dewily yawns, tarroury, ruts the constitution and make the residue of tale mlarrable. To 9raasnaaa.—Tha Doctor'. Diplomas hang in his aloe. -Letters must contain a stamp to us on the reply sarßemedies sent by Mail. sip• No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore spranewly All Work Promised in One Week , ,_ ?: -..z,-7,-. 31 -., ier. 3. co 4.. PENNSYLVANIA STEAK DYEING ESTABLISIIIMIT, 104 Market Street between 4th and sth, HARRISBURG, PA., WHERE every description of Ladies' and Gantlemess' Garments, Piece Geode, deo., are if ed, Oen:wed ana finished Is the beet manner and at •Realaartaat mace Nova-dawbr DODGE at CO • , ali3Olar. JUST REO E VED ANOTHER LOT Jr I HONE EXTRA. FINE POINI ED GOLD PENS F NEWTON'S (formerly Eagleris) manufacture, warramett to be the best in inatmat; t h e gbleat polluted, most durable and m cheap LIM, 0 market, for Sale, with vari of Gold and =rat Cam of various mats ati,riess, at ety 13111103 (NIKO likKagrOßS, Vuflust HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 27, 1861 iflisullaittuus WM. FLINTFLIST I WM. FLINT I WK. FLINT! WM. FLINT I No. 807 MARKT'', Nu. 807 NARKS; No. 807 MJK6iT, PHIL/AIM-PH - lA, PRlLai:Ktrk.' , 4 PIILLADVIYI4I.I, TREMENDOUS SAGE; $lOO,OOO WORTH OF JEWELRY! ALL FOB ONE DOLLAR EACH, A Large and Splendid Assortment 01 Jewelry, consisting of CHAINS, BRACELETS, CAMEO SETS, &C., &C. And ail styles of French Plated Chains, Gold mid Plated Jewelry. We do not keep or sell any kilt, gifted or galtraniziel goods. Ours is what are sold by the best ceweler er Gold Jewelry. We receive our good, front the best Gold Jewelry Manufacturers In the elate], WHO ARE FORCID TO BELL WHO ARE FORCED Ttl SELL WHO ARE FoRCED ro SELL. WHO ARE vi.MICED TO SELL Ttke IbilOWing Is only a partial list of our immense stock. , TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR $1 E &cu. TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR $l. Large Size and Splendid Cg 11310.1 Sets, General Retail. Prices.. . ............ .........$2 to $lO llu d 0 Lava do 10 to 30 Do do Carbuncle d 0 Bto 110 Do Ladies' Enamelled And coral do 7 to 20 Do do and Carbuncle do 7 to 30 Do do and Ruby do 7 to 15 Do Gold Cluster Grape Sett lug seta do 10 to 80 Do do do Vase do o 10 to 12 1)4 uo do Jet Sets 4110 6to 12 Do do Black Mosaic do 6to 10 Do do Gold-nwee IiOSSIO do 6to 21 Do do Calico Beta do bto 82 Lo Ribbon Twists, with brilliants do 6 t 83 Do Baguet Bete, new style do Bto 07 Do Enameled Cluster du do 10 to 2 Gold Thimbles, do Bto 50 Diamond Pointed Gold raga and Oasee, 3to 60 g• doe silver Plated Spoons, 2 00 Silver Plated Mugs, 4 00 Over 1,000 other deferent styles Ladles' Jewelry,' Me dallious, all styles, patterns au 1 sizes; Lockets of every description ; Gold Puns, Al karat, with Slyer alien mon Holder;Gold Pencils, Sleeve But one, Studs, etc. gm.; Coral, ave, Cameo and Band Bracelets ; Gents' Vest Chains, warranted to wear ten years without changing Color, a d will stand the acid—they are usually sold by Jeweier 4 as solid gold aniline—ad Made is Paris. You can take your choice for 41 each. Ladies' and Gents' Guard Chains, $1 each, usually sold by Jewelers at from $5 to $3O each ; Ladies' and Children's Neck Ch ims, beautiful patterns; Armlets, brilliant, enameled and ruby settings; Creases, plain and enameled, for it each retail from $5 to 20 each. lgvery style and variety of Jewelry and desirable goods for $1 each. This Sale, at Mae above prices, will continue long enough to sell of our immense s tock, which was pur chased at a great &entice from Manufacturers who have MUM% MULE. TOll. Clicliejc BUR SI3LacEG SPECIAL MUHL ,-HOW TO SEND ktosh:7.-gg let. Write your Name, Place M ttesidenue,'County aaa Statadkain and duttnet, as we can make aching out of Pest marks. Seal all letters with WAX, a Savecapes sealed , with gum or wafers can be easily opened—the contenia taken out and re-sealed. Attend 1.4 ails, and we will be re• sponeible for your money. INDUCEiIIsNrS TU AUSNIS Any person acting ae agent, wlio will send Mt at one lima, 1/00, we will give a ticuid Hunting Cams Watch, extra. $60," Gold Lever watch. $26, " Sliver Waxen. A Watch and the articles selected from the above List at UN it DJI.LAB. HACH. Persons ordering by mall must send $1 and 16 Gents to poster stamps. GIVIi Us A TRIAL. All communications must ua ..;dressed to WILLIAM FLINT, No. 80T Market :Arent, Jan3o 6mw Flrladelnhls, Fa. 11. ..1E121111C) B Lm You will please take notice that t have removed my place of business from Su. 187 South Fourth Street, to my Manufactory NOS. 114 and 118 REURre STREET, &tween Lombard and South, and Front and Seond stc, Philadelphia. Thankful for put. favors I solicit a continuance of your orders. At 1 have enlarged my manufactory so uto enable me to have constantly on bands large assortment or welt seastned soaps, all of the beet quality and free from Falb Oil. PALM, post of honor infiont of Colonel Ileintsileman's VARIEGATED, division, and marched side by side with the Ellsworth Zouaves to the charge, headed by HONEY, Limit. Colonel Stephen Miller. The letter re- CASTILE, and all kinds of TOILE!' 60 cuniioAL °Lin: soar' or pure material. SaTTurn, (erred to contains the following allusion to the I'ALE and BROin x BOAP Suglish Intl. Soda and Pass charge th _ m . itesota regiment: "Lieutenant swum constantly on haw :Pkßit, ADAMANTINE as TALLOW CANDLES of a mac ;Colonel Miller won universal applause by his Haying adopted the cash system I am enabled Moat I my goods at the lowest lees Hoping that you will 1 courage, coolness and military capacity. EV WI and examine for yourself both the goods and prices, eryw h ere h e Was the hottest of the fight, before purchasing elsewhere. I am Very Respectfully, rallying and encouraging his men, and leading F. CONWAY, Philadelphia.' th em to ahe conflict, having left his how and sprang, tths front mayo., in hand." •We felt monied that Stephen would,diatinguish hinlfiktlf in thisivar, and our expectations have been fully realized. Two of. the heroes., of the day were former Harriaburgersi-r7;Lieuteuant and Lieutenant Colonel Maier. All - liowr to these gallant officers I al•wly• WORCLIISTER'S ROYAL QUARTO. DICTIONARY 1 itillsl best defining and pronouncing Cowin , ul the langlian lourage ; &um, Worcester's Salami Dictionaries. Weoster Pictorial Quarts and nonool Dictionaries for Sala at SLlEfirelt% euuseroug, Noar We Umriaburg Bride% STAGE LINE FROM HARRISBURG TO JONESTOWN AND RETURN. r [VIE subßonber would announce that he ± is running a mulu line of etagere Irom this es; 'ID Jr/Licari:own, Lebanon gotta y, every oilier day ;14 leave* Ltarri3burg every Monday, Wednesday and Prissy mortuage and returns the next day from Joivritirrerk vasseogera and small parcels of goods writ be oorried at reameratire rkies for further information enquire_at Brak'e limed, Market street hi 3-3 m iv WILLIAM YiAGEIC. WANTED IMMEDIATELY 1 ek , ri M.EN for Mounted Artillery ser kik/ Tim apply et the Etendesvou, at Peter's owl, burket street, ~tar the Pennsylvania Railroad. ti T. QUIPRSIAL, -• . .Mlil. Coinnuttiding Artillery at tamp Otrtin. jylliwtt . NOTICE.—My wife Eliza having le ft my bed and board, the while are hereby eautioned mount trailing her ad i wilt pay no debte contracted 0.1 her. JACOB GAY MAN, Jylo-wit Dauptiuk. , FRESH ARRIVAL • • • HMOS; Run, Semi, Germ Homostr y ' Siumci.Cloest, Put Pug, Reels; • Mezzo& Fez Rime, WioLa Pay, bp, Jut received and for sale at the Lowest COW NIGEL 046 WM. DOCK JR. & CD) A. OTICE.—The Account, of A. O. TU, Assignee of ELLISE. his IWAlle4lled e Coate of Oszimini Pleas of ectinit ik aid Will be tionftrated try the said o..turt.- oh. the rod Angus, 1801, Weis cassie;he stems so** eaktrikr. W/4,..141154WY5.M40.014% Pie Ettegrapij. i ORDER= TO &ulna's Friar.—We learn bin head-quarters that the two regiments un der command of. Colonels Simmons and Biddle, now encamped about thirty miles beyond Ormt berland, have been ordered to repair to : Her ' fler's Ferry without delay: We presume= they reach that now important point itt.the urge of a day or two. No. 807 !UL M, Nu 807 MARKS; No. 807 MMutler Ha Emu, Livas.--Same time ago it was re ported that Mr. James Gaff, a member of,-:the lypogmphical fraternity who formerly worked h this city, had; been hung by the rebels at Oaxper's Ferry. It aff.orikus great hrmormce that the gallant Gaff "still lives," Od is now in this city, the very personification rf good health. "Long may he wave!" JJ ARILIVID.—The tenth regiment of returning 4olunteers arrived here last evening, and en *aped on a vacant lot near the round house. This regiment constitutes a. part of Gen. bieg ley's brigade. After penning the above the eleventh regi ment, Colonel Jarrett, belonging to the same brigade, arrived. Wm. D. Ernest and Arbtiry Awl, of this city, are connected with this regi ment, the former as Major and the latter as Ad jutant. LOOAL MILITARY kinvarmsra —ln addition to the movements of large bodies of troops south ward, we have now the return homeward of the three month's volunteers to keep the city in a high state of military excitement. So numer ous are the soldiers corning and going that we find it impossible to "keep the run of them" and pay proper attention to all. The city pre sents more of a martial aspect now than it has done at any former time since the commence ment of the war. COISPOUL D/ MID HAY, formerly of this city, whose gallantry in a light with an overpower ing number of rebels in western Virginia has been already noticed in our columns, arrived here last evening, in advance of his regiment, and was warmly welcomed by his former ac quaintances. It will be remembered that 'Cor- Pont' Hay reclitted_saver , d woureA--e--- „a— - ocruerteroghleh was of the most desperate Char; deter. His conduct was inch• as to win him golden opirdona from his companions-in -arms and establish his heroism beyond all doubt. Higher honors await the gallant Corporal. DRINKING EsTABLIMENXNWI OWNED. —ln Com pliance with the proclamation of the Mayor, all the drinking establishments in the city closed at one o'clock yesterday. The result was com pazative quiet last night, and almost entire im munity from the soenes of riot and rowdyism which disgraced the city for several days and nights previous. The proprietors of the various hotels and drinking saloons are to be commend ed for their cheerful and prompt compliance with the Mayor's recommendation. The public peace and safety required this action, and all good citisesri sustain the Mayor in the issue of his proclamation. Bettor roa Stmertes.—A letter writer who wit nessed the battle of Bull Run, speaks in terms of the highest commendation of the bravery of the first Minnesota regiment, which had the ARROW at Gnonttn IST/4tltY• "O . e ' Vel"l / Sheriff Boss succeeded,tharresting George Starry, the.young man who shot the two Norristown volunteers yesterday, He was found in Alio Methodist church yard, and on the approach qf. the officers, followed by a crowd of iriends of the wounded men ? he nos across the street into a new building is progressof erection, end con .cealed himself in a cupboard. Ho • was finally found and taken into custody by the Sh.riti'. On the way to prison the fourth regiment vol unteers who had pew on ,the. hunt of Starry made an assault upon him, and but for thefeei less conduct of the Sheriff would probably have taken his life. We noticed _several of the in fruiated mob with pistols: and •open knives in their hands. Had the former,been discharged , innocent persons in the crowd might have beep seriously injured if not killed. Starry also drew his revolver and pointed it at his assail ants, which bsA 'the effect of keeping them off until he bad safely passed the portals of the prison, when thsy againctectune.. warm:it and threatened to unarm theinstitution.* The storm was soon followed-brweelm, however, and the Crowd dnallY dispersed, sitisAnd• to.let the law .take its theme. Lanny *HI remain , in prison until the Angnit term whom:tbAorliole will be fully-ventiletsoireed-jeatikss-done In • Fainnaisloa ; 4tr. wait :114 rig iktogo 446 sWargabt aMALI I=3=l PASSED rmora —The sixteenth Indiana regiment, which tamed through this city yes terday en route for Washington, numbered over one thousand men fully uniformed and equip ped. The uniform of the corps consists of grey jackets and pants, and grey regulation caps. Company A is provided with Enfield rifles, and the remaining companies with Minie muskets. The eleventh Indiana Zouave regiment passed through last night en route for home, their term of enrollment having expired. --e11t ,, --- A Bso Flan—The ladies in the vicinity of Chestnut and Third streets, who had a free table spread on the side walk yesterday, hos pitably entertained several hundred soldiers during the day with wholesome and substantial food. The companies quartered in the Walnut street school house, bet Ween second and Front, have fared sumptuously. for several days, at the expense of the patriotic ladies residing in that vicinity. The acting Commissary General of that division, our worthy friend Dr. Yager, has nobly done his duty, ss he always does on such occasions Everywhere throughout the city the most generous hospitality has characterized our people in their treatment of the soldiers. BY THEM BEAUREGIARD GROWING BOLDER UNION MEN CAPTURED. Confedederate Loss at Manassas, COLONEL WADE HAMPTON KILLED WAsanicrroN, July 26 The rebels have evidently found out about the Manassas panic and are growing more bold. Their scouting parties came within three miles of the city during last night, and captured two farmers who are well known as Union men. Eon. A. Ely, of New York, is a prisoner at Manassas. At least so says a letter from that point to Leesburg, Va., which has been sent to Baltimore It is stated on undoubtedly reliable authority, that the Confederate loss, as computed by them . . m - the greit battle. Their South Carolina troops were cut to pieces, Colonel Wade Hampton being killed, and his "legion" tuffering dreadfully. The report that Col. Corooran is a prisoner at Manassas is confirmed. The Leesburg letter referred to statesthat the rebels are taking care of our wounded and have buried the dead. IMPORTANT ARMY ORDER. Probable Appointment of Three Brigadier Generals from Indiana. IN T AsIaINGTON, July 26 According to General Orders, .1.1 . 0. 45, in future no volunteer will be mustered into the service who is unable to speak the English language. Captain Van Vliethas been appointed Quarter master of the army of. the Potomac, and has entered upon his duties. There seems to be no doubt that Colonels Dumont, Milioy and Wallace, of Indiana, who have so distinguished themselves in western Virginia, have been, or will be. appointed Brig adier Generals, in addition to J. J. *Reynolds of that State. Brig. Gen. Morris will be probably discharged to-morrow. Major General Sanfor4l, of New York, Briga dier General Runyon, of New Jersy, and Briga, dier Generals Cox, Schenck and Bates, of Ohio, will also respectively be honorably discharged— the first named on the 27th, and the others on the 30th instant. • I====l THE FIRST AND SECOND MICHIGAN RE GIMENTS AT BULL RUN. WesnuoTow, July 26 ' Major Bidwell, acting commander of the Michigan First, in an official report of the en gagement on Sunday, says the loss, which was heavy, occurred mostly'in front of the enemy's batteries. The loss of officers was large pro portionably to the men. No troops could have maintained their formation any length of time der such a fire. They were hurried' into ac tion after a march of twelve miles over exceed ingly dusty roads, and no time for rest or Te frediments ; - but the fatigued men evinced cour age, coolness and endurance that entitled them to the highest praise. Col. Richardson, in his report, gives great credit to the Michigan Second and Third for covering the retreat. The fcllowing is the loss : The Michigan•First,went into the field with four hundred and seventy five men and twenty five officers, arsiloetrane officers, and onehun dred- dred and eight men; besides a large - number missing. LATER FOREIGN NEWS, Sr. Jours, N. F., July 26. The steamship city of Baltimore Rafisal C ape ibieel'a3t night in a dense tog. The City of Baltimore brings on freight £42,000 and the Boronsia will bring about .075,000 in specie. The political newels unimportant. The Lon don Than thinks - that the taxation recommend , al-by-the Preitident of the 'United States in his &sego to Genre* may lead the north l ebobsidertheir rejection of compromise of That Fr* X2BAfisiteftraittdolti Thandars .4. ite"44sall PRICE ONE CENT ports the cons4d market heavy 'at yesteld.,y . decline of in consequence of unfirtrilfahle news from the 'United States. There was as increased ease in the discount market. The rate of discount for the hest paper was s.lun the 17th. The corn market was unchao.gcd, thedlEfffth ---- d bein; confined to a few fresh sampleA Off rings for the incoming crops were unfavorable: Livntroor., July 17. —The cotton sales of yesterday were stated at 10 000 bales, hilf:of which were for speculation and uzpurt. The market dosed firm. REBEL REINFORCEMENTS FOR VIRGINIA Lums:viu.s, Juuel4;i4 Passengers just arrived from Tt•uuessvu, int u that troops in large numbers from various en campments in that State are being rapidly hur ried into Virginia. =Tlth Congress--Extra Session. WASIIINGTOZi, July 28 SECATIL —Mr. KENSIDY (MA.) presented a memorial t.f the Mayor and citizens of 131Liti more, complaining of the usurpa: ions of the military force in that city, and demanding, as a matter of right, that the liberty of the citi zens shall bu preserved, and the rights of pro perty protected. Referred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. GIILIIES, (lowa,) from the C"rutuittee on the District of Columbia, reported a bill to pro vide for the metropolitan police of Washiugt u. Laid over till to-morrow. Mr. TEN Evca., (N. J.) introduced a bill to ebtriblish a National Armory at 'Lemon, N. J. Referred to the Military Committee. Mr. Gams, (lowa,) moved to take up the bill to provide for a new bridge across the Po tomac. Agreed. The bill provides for kin iron bridge near tine present old one, and also for the repair of the latter. The bill passed. Mr. Slimmest reported from the Committee on Finance a bill to provide fora board of Com missioners to examint into the compensation of officers of the government. The bill propo . r4 to examine, equalize and regulate the comps* sation of the employees of the governs/wrist. Passed. _ M r cLaaa, moved to take uP the resolution offered yesterday with regard to the maintenance of the supremfty and integrity, of the Union. It was taken up and passed—yeas 34, nays 1. Mr. BasCILLSILIDOS 'aid that he agreed with the first part of the resolution, but 4.4 would not vote to pledge the resources of the, country to a war which he believed was not prmeou4ed for the integrity of the Union. The bill to prevent and punish frauds on.ttLe part of officers making contracts for the - ernmeut, was taken up and passed. The joint resolution approving the Acts of the President, was taken up and postponed till to-morrow. The bill to define and punish couskdraccies was taken up and passed. Mr. Powstd.,(liy.) presented the protest of a minority of the Senate against• the passage of the above bill, signed by Bayard, Saulsbury, Pearce, Kennedy, Bright, Breckinridge, Polk, and Johnson, of Missouri, contending that creation was a political offence, not: to be punished as the bill proVideii. Mr. Tsunami. (11l ,) said the bill was not to punish treason, but conspiracies when.' ha °On spirator could not be indicted fo. treason. title instanced the case in Missouri where •per.esia conspired and by threats prevented thiPtist maAer from - doing his duty. - . ..; Mr. Powsm, moved that the protest - baustrat-r -ed on the journal and printed. Laid . toll:10MM. The bill , to provide for the suppreesion'oirths rebellion was Nicol up and passed, r 7 ." The bill to provide revenue was taken wrp, the question being on the, arriendmenwoffested by Mr. Snutoas, from the Committee en-Fi nance. Several amendments were adopted,. and the bill postponed. . . - On motion of Mr. Simmons the Senate. went into executive session, and subsequently ad . 'ourned. House.—The House went into Committee of the Whole on the direct tax bill, Mr, Co!fails' the chair. . 1, i- •,,i • Mr. SPLIILDINO, (N. Y.,) said Can'-hi s d it th s done everything to enable the govern efteto suppress rebellion except the passage of ' ;pyre measure. They could not adjournSvithotaideshig their duty in all respects. He wits not' siudd that the people would refuse' to Stand - by An gress. They could raise all the money neceeles ry. He appealed to gentlemen nut to evaae the responsibility. Mr. P.tViat, (N. Y.,)' said this was tee 'moot perfect bill that could be presented to the House for the; object in view, namely, -tosugoli a , the credit of the government, which shAuldmpe placed on a sure foundation .. a • - Mr. EDORIITON (0.) argue' that the tire i! . .id not demand he passagQ of this hill, fit*. i . i ~ cessity require it 1t was ttrieoal and unjust that farmers should pay the tax, while the stock and money brokers go free. ilt , ektuld be better for the Government to experl i mvp v s ,. pat io- bankruptcy than pass so ocilope a measure, for discontent and churiorv..iihrbe ra i se d aginst the war by the farming intintits, who would oppose it to, a men. Ilmor.,tisiiki not however object to to, taAatiort Of - evolksiso portiona. Various amendments were disenssed_ .;6d withont 'coming to's conclusion ' on theiliat'Ue oommitee nest...- • ' ',..'• 1 Mr. Buda 010.4) salted leave to raport.toithe Benitte a l 4ll proxidiOg for the trehaßertatiCohn d SleliferSi of aims to" VW lOiiratlieui die re bellitihalgatea, VI Mr. aoluillet 'agate& Aittifavailk .aquataq-, , , I a 041 3