Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, July 26, 1861, Image 1
THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, , RGNER, TER.llB.—r,tsatz SCRSCRIPnorr, The DAILY TELIOR 4PH is sorrel to sabeeribers iti the eitY at 6,i e mis per MICA. Yeatlyaebteriben will be charged $4 00 ' WEEKLY arm SEMI-WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. - - . .. straeTattetaaril is'i&o published fades a'week during the,semloa mE the Legislature, and 'weekly.iduriag' the' remainder or the year, and lurnished tp , the billowing rates, viz`: etibkerjbera at %;;;Singie SubSer.beria per year - ':.;'.1. , .. ! .'.'.i5V013'' :. , if :..-...i.i.f. - .4.4.12 GO Ten i „.15 1). CI .., 'ilea T.Avr"oVNEpeEities . " - • • If subscribers order thee dricoutinuance fg.thelr neffes papers,-theintblirher - marcontinne-to - send - theme until all arrearage3 are paid. If rubEcribers ffirg. °Dr° uso tak • their newspa. pare from the aloe to which they are directed, they toe re:ponelble unkil,they baysesuttled - the pills and orde ed them ditedetthbefd..... .t.t• .lii,ClCo ._— • _ EN &II isl 7 lic 1.1 blr GRO &CO,, WHOLESALE AND RETAI' :tt ttt t D:R:U:G'G'TS'T'''S:;. - SA, 19 1 44 WKE`T, STREET IIAI?RiSMIR .PEIVN'A Porl i f„titYkClAXS, STORE- ,±KEEPERS AND 0 ONSUMF,RS,- , W*'•f i daily` oxidic's' to our' assortixteiat glxKlMilifißciliftrtikleS_ as are desira . We, and worildiLii4peitfility call your atentioif t 5 the largest aridMo..adebtL4 -'aelty, of DPiriCSigllftlillOALS , d; PAINTS, 1111s,;4+izeitishisith:4 ' , . . -,:ll . ,.L.,ll ll) Yet•SX lll Ksofiftsistaact Putty; , • Y. • toi&qt and Toots; ~ , :Pare Giound Spices, irnhig u 'Ural& eohol, -icilairislp SpOgirtu arid Ptne On, u It) FP" 4I '!!:Y i P4Fa! I4 .: I,u AP ,GA 0 4, 11 9 Cattiite Soap, Sponges and'CO*lo, Are.; Ara. •. 'MAW - a gerieral variety of ftiatikkitY `AirxiCLES gel , • , ecte 4- ,,P° 0 , 1 1 „PROMAkuleotweria.argl Per, furaers of Europeand.tliisl ~•,;., •. al,. ng very large dealers , ' '” ' '""''' s oy. ,h; 614,, VAANISHES, ••.. , , WINDOW GLASS ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT.AND. • 1J 11;i ili V~_.✓. Aurnsrs BRUSHES ` ' • IN ALL THELH,VARIETEEk COLORS op 00.0,A5:,,, OF ALL RINDS, .1 !ME ,„3 (~ .. ~ ~,Wkreepeetfully invite , no call, , feelint, , confi4 „ dent that we can supply the w,ants„ef all 914 tecmecto.,theli•eatiefaction. ~. '' s.. •;;TEETECI'i'EF3Tff [3 - JUNE SAND tiETETB PORCELAIN TEETH" PA'YENT:IVIEDWINES'.' AND' 11 . 13) :.111..FORA-Vinia. -t,,(, - tall kinds,, direct, from the Proprleibrst .'"i ..;I,lltl. 11h, .11 •,,, • .” 11. SaPanififlr " and—Concottrat6a •• . Wholesale Agents for Saptinitrei - Wiiic' L tie; fie' ll' i„ /O ' W '- aS "' C ' pTi ich a sed in the cities. 444E43:,5,;MED1DAL. I FLUI•D • , EXTRAOTS; I • ~,.„ .0.4R80N OIMI Wag/lame , ,purchaoets in , theme 011 e; we 'csih os~l+"!~d(lcenieute"to close buyer,*, „Goal oil. r,ll/1.,111 1 / , friil i,/ 1/ lopaps,lof the most 'improved patterns, very 4 4/ 011 #,::','4; 11 ",/,;4 11 c,liq,,4pF1 3 buzp, FARMERS GRAZIERS; P45 4803 .9f,Y,44 Who,have not given onr. UMW. ANDATILE ,f'OW,DERA trial ,icirovr ., their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Hoirres and Cattle Itelt.liy` and in , , ThOuijilida,cart testify to the profit they have (161+0 "from the hie Of our Cattle Powders by thgluerepsing„guantity aud quality•of 1481 #'!' 1 4i0Ov,Idg ttici ge4iiral :heath and ap• pearatiee•of their 'Cattle. " Oar lOog ea 'pezienee in the business gives Its the' n eaieptage of a thorough knowledge of the tr6fic,!4lsl arrabgetnents .in ,ihe' cities are, 64 0. 9: 1 4 NY4 can fin, 3,,Y,ery short, time furnish "Ythiug'a i Plierkaining oni business, on'the best of Thankful for the liberel patronageLliestosved ork.Our liouse, we hope by strict attention'to , , bash:len t a:co, te f u select i onn.of . . Pußp„ ; pxkuGs ptices,'and the desiris to please. ail, tct merit a continuance of the faviVE, of 'a dlzim aating public. ..., .„g , ~„ .. .. ~;,,,....,.. 4 . ..„ ,- ' - 1 ,1 4:%/7.4. ,• --OP!. , , 1 1....4A .', `l.l ~.- i ' al • , a . ri if L',45. . - 7 - -7----- ..,= - It , A.i .1 1 3 \--- .; i: • ..i 1 • 11----=:----- - • -- • •'-- '...1. 'A - ' a, t ' ' k ,; .‘v iil' - .‘ r r'• - 4 - 0 --- .: , • - k, .11 : , V Wily -; , .111 .:111. lii Il ' i ; ' • i : '• ... -, ••.' 11l 1 . ' i" 1 --- --- ',l if 11,No c . ii:#...",.. , ",”" 'AI [. ,1 •• . ''. • - -. - T . ''' ~ .r... . , .1. ".r. --.--......- ....I‘ , ' -_%." . 'tit-. -,,„tz ../[1.4 - •/. . r t .-4. l e , 81. ... ~e 1 , : p i; 4110 ": Vi . . • ,iK•• ,•,. '•• •'-• '-' • ,-••-, • • .• '''' ' ' ,41. „.._,,,_,,:.: il_gt:_ , . k • . • .. r .. i . „.„,„-„ - . YI - 11 .1 . -=' Atal 111 .11V/ &Alive Old ,i.i . , •-•.-"'__.`•"•_!-_-'-',!- -,:::... -, ,i:az__ , ...o..ire.Jl 8/1 J 111814.1.) ty 11 1 _ _ ~ ....- 1 _,I; 1,-....-1 ~ ;,. .- - • • - 1 -1100 4111.1itpui...1/38 5/14 1( . 4_1 1 1:181;t18.11 111 IN VOL. XV. Dit::•••J' , 01INSOIN. =MI LOCK HOSPITA.L. la AS-discovered the most certain, speeds and effectual remedy in the world for '' *iliA CURS WARRANTSD, OR NO CHAROR, IN FROM ON 1 TO Two , Weakness of the Back or Limbs a §trictuxes, Pains ln the LOillg Affeetbins of the ffidney6 and Bladder, Organ'', Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay ()Ethel Physic:l Pow• ers Dysyepsia, Languor, Low,Spwits.Gonfusion.oi dens, vali Ration of the Heart, Timidity, T ' reinblings Dtitiacq: of Sight or Griddfriess, Disease of the Stoniach, Affection's of tne Bead, Throat, Ncse or Skin-those terrible 'dicier ; ders arising from the indiscretion or' Balite ry Youtti—those dreadful and descrudtivo'prtictises - which . producC Constitutional debility, render marriagialmpbs sible and &stripy both 6 , 34 - and mind. , Young men especially who have become the victims of solitary Vice, that dreadful - and destructive habit which .annually. sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted brilliantinfck Lect, who might otherwise have' entranced listeuLtig Senates with the thunders of eloquence; or 'waked to te , tau the living lyre, may call wiarfuli confidence. Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, tre Ing , aware of physical weakness, should lramediately snit Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. He who places himself under the care.ot Dr. J., may religiously conlidein his honor as a gentleman, and eon, hdently rely upon his skill as a -t.hysiclara. • . say-011ice No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore,- on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, doors trom the-corner.-;Be particular in observing tbe came or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par ticular for Ignorant, Trifling Quack; with raise names, or Paltry Humbug Certificates, attracted by- the repute:. don of Dr. Johnson, lurk near. All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the reply. 'Di: Johnson Member bf the RoyaKollege Ofturgeons, London, graduals from one of the most•eadneht Colfetes of the Ordted , states; and the •greatest-part of whose lift ball been spent'in the Hospitals "of London;' Paris; Philai delphia•add elsewhfire,•has effeeted-sotnent , the inost as tonishing' eutes that were ever ithown. , •-itary. troubled • viittftingixtg in ths'ettils andheattwheu asleep, , great ter , vousness, beinr antrfneftat suthiet(sminilsyllashfuluesys, frequeny blifshipg; attatided sonietilnist withtlerange went of mind were ate& itemedintelyi: • •,- 'a. 'oreliaes all these vrbo , liavlng ilgured-theas: selves'o y" Lt NI te , d- Iropidper indulgenuies,- that seci'et and solitary °i bit bOdy arid mind,- on-. fitting them for eitlaerbusinessOr'sWety. The Ana so rue of the aid and'ilialaUcholy ts. duct 4 lir habits of youth viz: Weanues* of the Back and Limbs; -- ralcErla" atm 'Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular. Power,. Palpitation of the . Heart, LlF pepida, Nervoualrritabtlity-, Derangement of Rio fhgestive Funntint . tif,. General DcbdilY, B,Ymp,tohts ,91. - tonstucip• tignOkai ,111:1 C.; .MENTALITY.:; •1„ alsrrrems, Yala•thi'etfedes.du th'elnitid are mush to be dreaded . .*— Loss or.Sieroori, co44ion or ,tdoa., Di - pressiori of dreaded_ ,Evll . FOrebodliags, aversion Self-distrust, Love of SOliffide, TidolditY, gm, are some ,1 the evii.offeets.. , ThOtistuida'M Persona of all age* can now Judgei what . is the causeMf their ‘dixline In health, 'losing their vigor, beiCbming weak', pale, nervous and emaciated, nave" a ' rJegthar • ardwarance ahem dhe , eyes, cough, and Sympu ms ofoonsuniption.• '• ' • , . , , who thstiMelves o.* „ certain. pr . atipco,, in defged . th when frificpiehlW learned from' zompancons, or et.',Sebtiot,..the album of Which are sightly felt, even whehaSteep, and if not cured, renders titaoiage impossible, and destroys bark hiind and stP*l4lL.FdaY•ltthii t a immediately. • What a pit y that man, the , nopps,tif try, the darl ing of his aiedisothiMo na pa snatched tro. all prospects and enjOymenta of life.bythe consequences of dev,:ating;trOm the path et , natuie, and indulging in a certain Soc i set haltat. aiu , must, before centeea PlAting rim a ffi,:., effect that a sound LOW and body arelthe most maieliary requisites .to promote .'conaulnal , happinoss.: In teed without these, the journeythrough bfe becomea a weary pilgrimage; the prospect Dourly darkens to the view; the' mint becomes shadowed ohm despair, andlilled.witti the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another lit ,coniee blighted witWour oWa•••••• •• i•• • •• • • DE. JOHNSON'S I N FOP. UR By this gient and important lemedy, , Weanness of It* . irgans areepeedily cured; and-full.vigor restored.' thousands of the most nervous and dobiiitatod'icht' tied lost.althope, have been immediately-retierved.. utd ampeniments to Me -Mental Disqualiii. aition, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion or ;he most fearfukkindospnedily.curei The'txuaki thousands - cured at 'this' InatittioliWitnin tnt last twolvt3 feere; and the tentlerneti nurgici. opetaticti` froircirined' by . Di . Win:tensed 'by tee i'e portera qr the' papers' inany Inner peisone,' botieee bf whidki have appeared Ageni mitt atani before the pubhp, betides' itignaino as 'a' ,Veiridiniciti of'''aii Ls d endleieid antee tb 'the &Moak.' _ _ DISHASES.,OFIRPIIUDENCE,When the misgui 4 a,a 'anal Impradent.vmary et,pleaaure finds .he has..imbibed the seeds of this patuful disease, it too olten.happetis tba3.• an seuseof stiLap3itor dread. efillsouvery actors him from applying to those Whicrions education and ra spectttfrility Osiai befrkend hiM,.delayiny,AW the con. stnamprial sympasixia, of this horsatidulease.. snake toen, appearatibe,,alleating..t4e.tleadr thvgati. Progreaalag ont frightfai rapidity, badasod. pigs a,, Perle4M h4t.dreadtttl ender/146,6y. semb ng Aim ro, , f.tps Wem,wrieuce. ; Ho Wavelet, moan:110, It is woad statielrlagt, that Womeglatla tail .Vl9tioalli this..terribloi. itemise, oadfitte, the attealltehoess.M.lgtiorant ;pretend.. • are, who, by the use of that deadly potsea,Lestrouryimum , . tbe.conatitution road make : die: residue. efilite,msseraliae. To Sticarairseli—rat:DoctorPe. lApicimao 'bang in ' sarLsiters-masti eentainit Bbitni loins on the : rgir.iteriniedies sentliyildail.• • " " isgrbio.7'Soutis..Frittierielt street" " ' ' A.NOTHER LOt Tuos Ertitki EINE 1 OiA • GOLP.XPOs . . E .;;: mw,mo's ) (formerly:;iiiamey' , 4 ‘_f manufacture, warranted to, be the bestmatt:tut, the finest pointed, mosSlAlaiiible mid. as cheap us :my a market, for sale, with a variety ,of al! o,ivor emelt Of **thins sues and at ' ' ' 1 ' tiIIONEtS CHEAP IfOIASIT* L. "" ' -" • " :01 Irifik.o, ME 11. foc , yl ~ , 4/W.1‘1_60 1 1.../..1, .) t ,- INDEPENDEN.T tr I~S .I"t S. l i L,, - t j „q„ /11 . 1 .1% 1: ... LA: , 1'404." illistetlantons. Ia..di&3J3'IIVE•Ct7EI.3b:: DISEASES OP IMPRUDENCE 19-854 , 16.2Wi1aN*4106101. No Mercury. or ,Pioxioue Drugs YOUNG MEN mAARLIGE ORGANIC WEARNES immediately cared and full vigor restored ,TrAlfE PARTICULAR NOTICE AARRIAGZ, ~arttc-w~,iszd~s, TO EiTRANGNRS 1 MMEn . 0 i .. 1. ~ , i ,j44[4" .. 14 . ,,,74,74,/ ,- ; - u ra .L.4.14 1 , , , :; c t 0i ktm i j l O ii,- -I.i . 3ElfilltlO ",;,:1133 - j.1...) ,Itdilli 'Ji.l,l'.:4li..4 . iii"ik.l ..i ~.,_ 3 _..„. _.._. MIA:44A Vcipf, . 1 1 1 41, i y„,,4,6„„ L aM1a0 effiir i i,ail, wii ,E , ,,,iii 1110 z.j . i.d.biloaS,Laj<l..).ii. fIA 81 . 1813 - U2G - "RA.. — VRIDAY ! Alliatetranpus. Ji J 2.1. FLINT I Arlif.liTlNT r WIL . I FLI NT VI , IIArIICAPLINT- 1 1 .91, •••• fici; ' 5.167 S:14 ; ": "-“N4. - Nd,:gonti ß ß fi l r ; N,,,,g0z.Atkaa k x,..,,.; NO; bot,iiiimer, ; 1, "iy>airdfltt% Mu ' ' k , l I J I IkIJ • . • 1:1 , I . ) :L.P2l.ll.o{Jiirdii&J 0/4 L IY/11JRAII:1.1.101fi .3 , • 7REDiEND4SII.4I( SAICHIEPIVEI ,I, .• slooiooo - 'WORTKOR I tFEWELRYi iiLarse , andiSplendid"Ansoi tmonioi - Jewel;y7 ntinsieWijf of CHAINS BRAGELETS - afAto - IE - ft -- &C., &C. IN.E. r e d J titblPl4o43 Ylaieewelry. We do not keep ok,;skilaaketili s i.agted or galvanized goods. Ours is what are sold by the best jeweler as Odd Jewelry. .11".9 „receivo,eigr goods. fropt.,4l* Stdrinfacturtilitineittninit - W.).4OAV&k.V. WHOA RV. WHO ABE - TilkCXlo TO _LWHD AEEIGHOED '11'9; 8 4 1 146. 12`11._" , ...i. Ttia following only listlf - OurTohmense stock. TAKE FOR (i.d i r TAKE 4E5 : 616ief - ? I FOR $l. Largo Size and Splendid Cameo General Retail. is 53 to 510 Du ao , Li 4,Ye,) - .i. , . 44 4 .4°J 1 30 o ' o.,uitoU - , ,-d . to 1.30 Dntadies' a ExininViliia' ill& 6 tiara b lb"Zti :Do; 1 ' , midi Gas bubble , : „ •'l ,- .'floiJi.tot(*-iibb .D.o. ..1 old Cluster Gra V e 4ii?ff fi e' ,9?,i,4Ci.i A 04 9,-41 do faii`do. - - I'o - 6 4 144 LO .1 50 .,,., J. doiAtit e ky .. Do , Jlll4 21; Do •do - Cut co net)! -d9,1 j. 12 14 1 '!.” to", - • DO'Boqueo w INO" . 0} 1 \d0...74.46.1cbtica Gold Thimbles, vi t t /141.10.10 V I.kaUlo.lllPoilite4Vqierens and Caw; to 1 - Bu ' • "' "2` 00. .si i . v .,„p4 aL eu. hu g e r 111.11 41001 , NOver.l,oo9otsen.dilrerent AtyleStiLidtuat 4i4 141 ( 19A5 an dsain,ptsus ;" Gold t" . ens,, S.,ver Extsfi sign Holder • Gold l'euthia',' sleeve -Dot" G0re.1.4. Lava,, , C,uneenuad Biticetotifiil•bhltutstoirest Cholas, trit Fear -ten:yeitrri3villlAtik nztzizana) color . , a n d. will sta,rid the acid.-ibex spYLOY. ibWei6i iii.Zblld'gbld'ehdta=:lll9zilt ae in . Parts:.'ti cau tase your choice for el each. Ladles' and fiiittie Guard Chainso,l each, tisuallY;soid.byldewelereOfrAm ao to 830 eactLi...l4dies!ituti,jilareALL_Esok Chiuss, beautiful patterns; armlets, Illiliant r enameled and ruby settiugs; e r nAizieledfldellit- each, retail prices, troth: to ;,.0 each, Every style and variety of Jewelriaidr dhShither &ads tor $l. each. Anis. ,§1 te• a, c.....s e 9. YD4 I- i'S9l l . l 4W:44lig coolish. to hen oil' our irrinamee stock.,wlaip. with par.; Ona4ed'at all'iSttalierttiarrkhdrAl4 , niarcttirelit Who nitvo Ostledai , 14NE giloiCit, l' , • EtIAL 7 i. 7,2, ~. 14.1 £ Josk 1... ' ' sgiirgo TO' SEND' kuNEl 4 'itti"' f - Ist. Write your Name, Place of Remizenoq Gannet kind .1444.44stsnet,.liks, ?PASS& of Peal marks;. . • ` kii'Yetteid'Wfth WAK.EiTillavel'upes sf ed'fffitat gibe OiArlifellfoaa beeoB.4iiptitiebe&aitiiie poniAtn' ~ti A 4 Out and re-sealed. Aiteutt tu -:tniy and ; pa wilt bai' . 1... • ibIIAJCEsie.NBS TO. i. 0.14 1. . ,; ; ; Any perschiaelln.Vhs"agblif,'Wfie Willseild. liednelinie; *Ho, we will xive-a-iiisrel,itaiskrigtase- Watch, extra. Se°,; ;;;G old szb, • - Silver Witch. Q. s vonqb,Albit PikArti.b. selected from the above List at DOLLAR EACH. • YerSOns.orderittg by mail bbrat senoiindls teilift is . prove sumps:. „ . 'ir . ..Vll r. „I; Lt. .9V 7 4. Pa; 4. tk;l L.+111.1.0 codidu i tutcations ;must us .....Z.TresS,ed,lt 4 WTt ...•• ' ' I 1 ,N o. -80T,bi, e t.,.6t r ivi, ,j04180.611*,., 01 thdadeluhlis,i • D EL jw .m.ity-tr,*4l) , You will please take notice that .I have removed my place or bubutess trom s 'lVO:l.grgo . uttt Fourth street, to my idantlfaCtOrYu: . ..NPS. 114 .18.1:1ELIEF STREET, Between Lombard and iSouliy, and Front. and Se 'Ste., Phi dei ~ Thankful toX•past favors bileilcibai' etititinnatee urger* . ~as4.fiave.,esilargen4ay ntanufaotory lio , ne tU enable me to nem conntaa tly haad 4 # .* aalixtiaeat oe 'iiiii`golebned.rsoap,s; ail of the best quahty Alll4 csvp PALM • -. l l 44lRDAWairt; WiLITR; CASTAig,,g9:Oall 1;i/44.0i - TO/Ldrd-SOARS. UtlEaLlaL OLIVE &hie porepagrAifili PAU lia"riftfiWN",94.4l:',"ltiagliSki . hodsi - 444Pkaff coastitatirkui'bk* ' . lll6o4 . ADAitalktlqVitt TriktAttW, Ortislin t En far tu 1..:, ,;::;,ail wit Having attomect toe cash system I am enablAkltol*l6 my &awe at the lowest ,•1 ices 41o104 , ,,Aftkjoi.tirin le4ll' aid bka chine tlai , `Ptirlelf b ifoofiiii 9 .,4„ 11 4 4 4,, beiure , purdiut4ifigehnehoi•ei =‘ , l • • hauiveriamikut.*vilh ,,, a1~w4)4 . ..„ ki,gl4N, AVAA knthidialguicf, W °Rail EIT ROI:Aut QUARTO , DIOTIONARY t. rliEllll, .11 ilol/A1 3 1, 1, bestclen t upg AT4C,L, Pr9P4l4callg binary- el the .‘ angthAi language i 40% Wpseeiwcis beauok•thethkariter. ' W kietori al Quarto anti bottool. lliottottarieti rot olio , tal tiGLIEFFEWS 8001C8TORrt, , " 4 P 13- 4 ,„ „ , tifttruiburx..Bodge. ,„ 1 1 4 5 ,11Pi. .0•• :14 . „, irAQX .1.1{,111D HARRISBURG' TO ''.'J'ONESTOWN isr'D""it pH,E cubsocilaer would; announce la =meg, a seg.llr. ,t Lagoa , ibtin , tbif etyifu J ? .tepL9,l/I,,ipeAlm? e 9144 Y, A Aer.. O.OY. Lilo 1 111 dairi.uurg every idc,ILL . eduesuay pnonl ID g • and' 'rbt urit Jeu,sioy%ft. :eu,se.gell9 and aural, parcels r,f k odds wa, be thi,rriTitti i 1r5 , .441q0n10 ;MU ,•ki ex, ober information/ .eniq Du / 5:3 41.‘",I)star k er A t At j t l& ; . ; -4at've , • WA NISEI , 10 pgr,T ijriqa.'''Apiqii,e 024 akileter's, ttvGel, aLL,nict aireet, tar ' ' , i 1 .1...: ‘.ll ;.; : _ d , o,tmealiu. 4 • IVOTIGii.—My-wile• Eliza tavitigldfr tor bed aad , boai..4 ) tho,ptibike•,eirt'iteretq' kauttookv 4.,dust tpd4.4ug har.ka . L w4ll,papno Atebu ',abstracted bp A 9 " ..: 014 1 4:94.9Ax144N, , Daucann.. FitESH " i• 4.11. ; .0.. it omm e r, , , gill • „• ' • •L' 43E r BAN' BAiglirjr • „ .A . A I. A „ „ ...p 1 44444{W1 A FAX • Bum, ; • 'Jut' tedelVtiT Wad . for sad ai tga lV io l t..t l44 assela " ira!' 81)16 WM. DUCK " • ..... . XTO . I (.),F.,,—;119, ofAun 0.1/3.1E8- TEli, Assiguea ot tPA A1e,,4 fu LOU tof Common 9.i0al or Dauphin, tiaLinty l pfid Will be continued by the ataitlV!iiikt"Ofi tbifiVihtitiay of l ingu 186.1 i =goal:alai be *bowl! ihrgiarYt h 19.. 17 1(1W „ . Wriaboooterilii. warm , 1.1:11J1Iii1:i.11:31J .at.)s( tIVIIii aixt)saii , ) 11)C . y . :11411/1 ' 1 1 ), .E.l ;Ci fiat.fdr i ij Xiaulia ,r.luCattl i t ' • 011 '• • Jill b‘ / '.. 1) , i 11 . -7, 11(1 J•ii://ini: th-1 1 1 al. t ~i'l _ , ,::“..w_..„;, ; ;, kl •,:rriri‘t_ticr_- 1 -.' • • ni.^• - • - '11,,,L.; , t ii I MOIIIIMOINEWZIEFIU Siceboltilmatamirrilißivarowilliaeiepatife iiieits4StreitrttiatiodfokwatintvoTheirJohiima ii phifer* aptiretikttedihek)iv Lnc J.c.ligfr;;,.oq 141414 iii - , § L tid tt i2odall.4. l .4 ° ,l 4 rE #myl msksettai3 l .s aYMN,I ViGlt4-fit,whi ficAigacil, tAtteips .4.,,tkaAffak•JwAsdAlly =APR P neist*F4litbAßcietir AP 19114 PIM93 Meachgqifil 9A 4 4 OffiEtP 19M.914.1941.PAP.e1ki11ie wzsa 7.61111 14 Nliikdraittii.U.Ca r egetal4 - gar4o6 l voJfifij 1 belbilginittP6iiertiklitiiektelikittiktititi tiros-t4itel TYil4 l w allot iitii4Nealbell l i& hittiatik wLt IV.' 11.111 °J o"). :ARIA! 011 V: iIPP) , Th+ B AKkkffifi r t MAT uI e RIV V ITA reser Vir e liEWAMTNYNOßlßi a liki:S2tiEPlo B. Mann., which arrive.d here, on 'Wednesday it, 471:1“61 •Jv evening, eq . .rno?n. en route for 114e1 eNy. uvc it4''ka . L''wer;'u"nifA.'e'd and -.131 :ia.sit,ELdp.n nico.l.lo4l . pu 8` r; F9L P e 9 r ° P'`9 3 Ti e !' ah a tAr i A t en#4la bredilablEt a ipear;nee. . lU S)ia:iJ 11 ' • ..bu sgirwc. cum -Alanatiorkitaidiadamatirt4l-Qok r ZolrixcELoTag ghttgofil'lfihitiekokirial tir4 Cssit4 takikivißitilfofniloxkhoioty,ll,6eiltqui antienlonel, aiidreaptratinisel WittcrotriLarisv burgialkijox,sifitholtielfthi regiimaitilEaßooil4 Lib* rOationedait - Chub Jflartiiii;;..4l.lo4 regiment wsill paWoodi I,n4i aLrl 'A, A o itiojouttl illetchentiNlefistehoukomi, of .-..theTila merited ratateelniad;Dauietallfohstf haat/ eltninglerifopliVashiragtoiii.cpTheisegD ikothq..oyary.:* thOns:94rdaitr.nik,iis toneiroi;trie fuiestAluaigasikinisetits:baszyut;:serit vice:6 XhelmehuaTe4:elegaralytiiiinipptid,'iariniki stillanfLelcilrifbuyantrtaceimpanietiby-aiiipleaut idl.bandquictifull dillaWectrya tarmac. attacheiktilthepatainAroiagiiiiinga. - one‘Aaniicireet, horses for tlitime.erfAhirs..egiznen.ksa.:-..) 'lll 7i:1111 KNAPSACK Losr.—This morning a knapsack,; 31: 1 1.1ix`e,* imaquto azu overeoitt;i 4'twol paifsqfkiraweispomashieti r aitepliihthilecivithi gaitakstoslarstaLe 't,grigcop x19 ....4,1 11 .011t 0 1 a C tir titiet bat4thelowna; angiaciiiiinl36r of Othovattidleo,i waslikerizfootte,the *IA of -the' Reiln4lva r nkid, Balaroadieoz*wayil Alio! ipersekit- , Vbe - liatiPthi4 knapsack- mkt leoatinvEi.ieryi peat , fsivor bpire atoria itotokthecoariler,tatlthe dkiot. " ' r i F EQVUMON UPON SENN.YLVAN,IA. FoR TEN,2I9KE tt•t Lk, r,•:. t., itiliimENTs.-- l ike :have reliap. authority, foie ; I 1/ AA /11/ I , • 14'41 a /1. , lA% $l . , • announcing that the Secretary of War has made' •• 'lit i .1/ if • l.• 11, JO • •••• • a r lq ul l,' t l',?i,lP'?l,9 ° ,l? l , n " C„‘ ir ffk clitiOilat regiments , trOM r . 10 Jt) 1,4“ no inaKeS a _call u i pon the g , apant sons .of, the; - OtttiOsatelt:4 ` lll - i>eit ' rsinptly 4 r, " § L po u ticie4 " to tt, ~•11 itlL:tnat' a - ho . r: - time, the ieg , ipen, - ts fojr§'e"rvie; kli6hl kriclta l night.; 'and" fightiwiktiir l i6l "tit . irlariks':o4 shops < A Wihritbei-ot &id/sonic St4ti6ed' ttily."6'eciii'ilgAi tee thiity (ivtive4d, tict , titwAtithtitli deimiih*NdalosegißagiAdl4l rAttaleiticti,; Y4ok - aifjPilikike'dceraliti tihd latethiettifhbfilibitiVetki 4 ,'l Valigt sued hjet i tiAlgtf' tdii'g,*! itig , Estaiallita.thitopi‘finite)* dapitU fatti 4'efetti4' ord4Pika'l44'An - 41 Mitts '"Ptiib• ariji'd IY , ' jilied'firatliiutimittthateitatikfif Weiliide! pr o tin g -fi c tit., ! I: : , il Pei reil.o: ,{k t, f. The Tropiltitdifa 'of itstielthirniOit bbiseil h thiq? at , anbesaly"hthni Of thetti order " atia ' kidthitt . dal` ti 4).%," have . '1?:&*' iik4Bldal: the volunteers . befialretllemselves like men ancLtrue4toldiera i , alftler coneitidtddireheiiisrelves t like LE1461100: sririV likitett oocAsionsi like thelpiesenti-Wei Vetit4ititidi ketibtt:tieuiend: tin:dash:gotta klte'Obesli . dfli,l l and.the Mayei ehotild , isetie , riepreelititeettce:Otbi ;that, effeek:l , lle:oerteiellThtki -thb-titttliorief 161 ckt so;: and, itiie &hi dtety 3 lo-lardreifitriL'll Y' I I -Li I 1..0 ,111—:enrrit,1 Gl,l'it, hi / iLATTER FROM qz.iy.4 ,p4447,4t5ay., fgackwiug.isian.iettraot,,fona , a i;priliate legg;,fkow„gajor kicutral, ~EattersoD totatge - h4 demi/ of Philadelphia, dated Harper la ‘Fertit,.c. "Johnston retreated.W.Winchester where he had th - r ?,19 . . ext.4 l2 oYe,' eAtElhic4ioA9l l M arid nuriler of heavy guns; ppulg ifltrititlt&Zda himln Itheloivi.Y. ) , bat lie•tiati receilred•lirke 'refrifurc&! ;merits from Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia , , 'a total force of over.S,WO Confederate troops 4 1, 4 tiliktilyn°4oritiPia.:,, WiurGe.,l§,less iie,een regiment, whose term of = Service` 'iVeZ all refused.•iosrloy , onel hour over itieirtiMei, but fourn-the pd a., xo&imentso,Vtanitsi..4arretts 'ithe Eleventu), and glens 'l' (the twenty-fourth.) tblve regiments liave gone home: Wwo mores() *darmitii OuLotitatiti,thi , reissaindisi,. sti' &algae-. ' P l ; 1 0 141 this /4116010: 1,, 1. t OEM MEI ~ ,,a,t). J.; ~ 1 iiliit , l. i .L... 4 'c..14) Altaucl t, 4,i IJI::‘.1 i b 11',1 , I 1 I . a T a .L i , i ,„, i .., ~......u,. ii ~., .it, ~ , - 111-I;:bmar.l.l/taik) 010 'io iilolliiirtf et. I 1.19 .5:1Ir *tat, ki9 sfhtefcit4a - litivitafißYo sZEZinalla lariat 4,111fw. Luz NiiiififPqTPAYvßto:: AiflAi i idg li E re außAPPß3l - PE I F,OFio / VM gri:Pikl b iAit i9,r tuq M a g e d4n r lie , :o L:11: Ittogg ririBeii l J6l",Viddifti;izyi4'. -vu ~il '111 01 en , Li.l4l l 4.leN i qn .414/VY' ' P o i,h s,,,Pe:k.:ArtRIT-fargloNaliKPAA)Rsi, T,141,41.9.4 -VaurAkkatr :414EsautuW9P01-3 - 1790,14PIRAtkis BlRl D %fl i 3 d / S e Mig ttke,ll4Ro4l ) 69:igl7! fiffkicip/IIE., :t 191 14m. o.l` l 2.exallvbsßanl 111411: di'&4 111.954 aFICFUFfiYII4I4MEL,WM4s,I3f,,I4.SI.r iffil:ol l .9l .1- A 'ha isL , bo(aqii t.”l.k Rumored,,,tightat Jlarper's; virenry.', .sascui:l4lll, - .+L;;;V:i Tiff kifiEBEIUS IGO'aftli i ;Ais af,k - ut)voill eii c uj . , Clil L iii3AILEMOIOIO,JuIyI2S;,.; i follovong4,diariakth .LiAti);)3,e4butedeiveci froni Rat pert'sZFerty;oiirittaxutaisignatuEtt -AmtginCs ?Alm* Ally 24,4131 e; keivt) ; eorAire 4,l;tttlubavra,tlute.elisfuily:Ayoulediitbs; ; be cbmplOtilywlm; -3 "IIETIREMENT 'OP"GEK"'PATTERSON),'- ,iikiijpk Gili4 i‘, t6Litt 2E6 1 11 Th „ . . .; L., I ri =I LI lii tit 1, 1,1. t , t, itititiQukßTEisErr.'6etiok. .t" , , LIARPIR'S FERRY, July 25 1.861'21" 7 1 11'l kik - 4.11 'Ag.VciflAfkficAoo,i3.@:l'll ,`.ll‘ The term f.r . f..itolits from Pennsyl-' vaniaXviere; talk& linloisereke , chaxii% empire& niarly; all. of theca hatrink , returne4. to -that.: hamea,vtlie, Commanding Genetal,, . by, direetionl irf..tlie WILL d)eptur tmea ; talinquisbes ;the oam.-1 mand4 "this Depat traent c ,at the ~ex,pirationoaf liis tersnxif service.;, rEhe,Oommanding.Genesal) regretsi,.to , , leavp h you ; hut alc, does the{ etistiefention that, you, it ave, i steadily, advanced, in' , tbrf faceof otheJenamy.greatly; superior, in 1;111M4: ;beta vancl. tartillecy, ;an& ,affered ; ‘battle. iwhieh ,thay:lefused,natil,,prateeted,iby.their ,strong. eat trenelatnents at tlyinahester.. ~:kroalhaveAkone, all uthat .)Tas possible i , era: .more Aiken. eguld. ham ;been, ,e4pected,nr, weal, .demanded. , and , advantage, bas , not ,beeri. taken, ia.E;yonr raerifiges o and if ,theifinits of your', ieoznpaitY..have. t been, last s the,.tanner., be! naputed‘to,,you:.,. menabas.of the, de-} partnzent staff, ha...tenders, his. theaks fori their; ; effizieat; aid and. deaoticin. to .dptyq I .; , ~. ;(Signed.) ; Maj. PeglL ggg I,yllt 4; Cotgress....Extra-Seseionii i) • "'' '"' '" A AlVits*.tlithtirt;' . • ` 'S•r`sk'nEk's,'tt'at',) Verb' itt6 chili- ICilttVe` WaYS'in'ci'M'ddtiU tb`4lCfm" thri 1111C4 atitj , 'bi4 ilih."Yeedrday'i'eUr4, 'kt',"lqibii&cl."that'lli - CY•iltdre"unithib Sion" 'irhydt Wlll 'be' cilnistitiltioneil"al4 '-ltetll . 6' lab` 'effdet"ctid "taithie4; 11•6i4s;oi l tite'aotis'd! ""4" - "; "" "' •""•"•' lA7eB:±kiviN t6' 14&ifde ghtitbe 'in 4114 .4.ll3j•ktdtWirt '" -" " ''• •'ll.i". l4 l33'viudil alt.) his"sdriMte'at Ith'diWtheifdniCrit;'hilittieLTederUl'o6feriAent lins'ithkfet'reeti i drkided'huitiati•bdrigS i3rOirettf "lil.e.'Stistf4s ekpti tWd• iltrat"thbiirttpoScki"ti/1 - *kW ti'C'AOitatillifftdi" `htft4s' "' I fiiitit'ee i i'b e;' lien' lit' iii'.o4l"hige=th'e bII lie referred to thatiihriblikee'ColiVriPilhillll4a : fiSi rei-dine. fail sill '``l) xes may, yon e eth of the cowitm , aladAhakitlii_a, ennypkttee report acA.,Acssi694,„,,Q l 49Rtkigla,..WANk viAk ; 'AO; - th4 „., „.. „ • ,mittee on ii'nance, repore'd' an amendment tq the bill fjr evenue. ; The blil was then ninnaane a report from the Coral mittse of Confer,nce on the legaslagve appro —„,eitii.,,,,xttia4.;Pasizted.„k 6 1,4 i 4.15. V. l lll ~,1 . VA adr.Ajonksoa , then , ancnitel to f*terqtty;itliioiitragagteed*li tniMreit to giligialg id as 1 f Top,a,Mol, Mw,presqiitilli - gi14...,cv,05i WA; forced.. .44 the country by the , iiiiminibttitits- inotoutheii auld'itoithe'ra:Stat4s,-abd , strikii.out,.-what .I , waS aboutubeiii g , in Wins against i the- governi girt 40eLtAmit,' , ( VC). as.lo l / 4 3, tlO=Sentitol z.loftra'dtittiltedthe `e Alt * • . • • MnJ PALM said,. ha believed.itliere, I wigr,e ;animist& itt4lur . Nerii4 . lotaliaaf'dlread. , speetheti % 1 656161g-'`cirtlxtilyegpht"Ottite`or " „ {11,1{; stA• /tit. . , t t-,MsAWRl d .g i tg l At WAg . tAti.§agrAtt 3p.-z-yqm. 4, 1 ( 1 11o:;)•':11 . efineay,"Polk' ant Saulsbury voting ireth'e ward'&l,"coilld 's . be4oifirg &Wade tlie 'l96' +rat' *builik! forced on the country by southern !Rini :abides.; FLisaapinion•was,that the-present... condition. ofl ave country. wag due , the refusal , .of the ma.) taimahe-auy.cohciliation, .He, at. the, attack.brt Forti,Sumter! , weioanty , temee of gener.4 war, and.the.Presidelit: Mid taiponsitileifoo-the , generel . ;waronowl :ium~i: ,ylo: -i ~:i :: al~.if ..i ii: 1:l ii..i :Ili: kitam I/tinting Pm erto ereeme - ififfitiliCrirPhlNTlNMpr. don, cheaper !ban t can b done at auy other establish ment In the couniry. .. . - Z Four lines or less.constAutidone.halcsguare..ltOt I lithos o; - Ton th.s.n,fttsrnunsti petit SW z fr , , lux 4 iisr4oliti 45. , Ye •• a %.• 4 . • • i•V • .9 • v.' ':4 ..V ,%‘, i:‘,.• 6 , a o il 4 • Lt . ' . .i. 4.%. 4 ••••I 4'44 ,%4•• '4''.4 4 - 6 ,0 1 ;ir tir .„,„ .. vi • A , ..... dr -...: ,-0 .- tilfie ths m ,,,.... " 7-. .‘ , . a. Q 0 "... 5ini1n0n.L45.......• • .. ._.•..,....,,-,........., -5 thl ,L ..-ratr one yea° . ..........• One Fq nue, on 3 day ..... •-• • • 50 " . crt36 werk.......... ............... '2 00 ti one mouth - • • 3 50 . ........ ........ ••• tt these. inootbn: ..., .--;-•.-. 5 00 " sisinontlis.. - :.:.. ---'.' .... ..... 10 00 1, cinfi 'year . .....;.,. :::.:';: -: ~.:._. . ..... .15 00 .15Gr• Busineis uotle4Ljoseriod.:irrittifi.ocu Cidumn, or he ore 51arri 0440 Di.alltss4l4li. - NT.3 PER LINE tot 4,cl:inner-lion. t • 4...&'-nhro- 1:3 :....1 lilarr geSlind Deaths to be cd as regular ad verti-eni-4.1s , 1 ... He clicl l tidt'thiiilt - that-OottresanKtolfdiftwill lilt ilc tit W ols"dittly: Itilelen d tat I3„z 11//1 solit.t O.)A 14.0T/J.lld t4 P IV H7, 4 IiRIMYYtaIit°EI I A.RTSTsq 44.5ku j =ration, ard not for the matotenance of_the qonstitutimik i :f9rJhp..99pp,tit,uti,94,vos trampled on every day. He believed that if war was 9141'ied kvAlY.q./. 3 PiklitAb AWRY) be gray,j cslviitituti,ocralAiklrky t y,iXhp,t.emp his humble judgment. Peace is what we _need_for the restoration of the goyerriment and the preservation of-oenstitutional Air.4s4tismilit:x,k)(Ohi4 7 .l46:nkakial"iiiit the I _Senator fkqm Kentucky did not. tepresent - tbe voice of 6iltbegyv - ev„:TiattfaiiitAai brought about thiS `ft was forced on i a 3 co`n i nsitt4tf otli i dr it'd's' 'of 'titt'xi:` ) 'lteqiiffiagg v ifii `64l.BliWe k futiiblitriiiihak 6 WitiOsAt t ia Zvi i'Yiew'{io~is'ieii~, xiiattEltikstheytAiretigt WO*4lll4 i taidd'iBllA4k*PlbV 4 i-ia &we MbjElgig ;irtbnsllMlYebe(Milti4 , V6 WoWIAII6 IfidlYee genalor` ju l it*L'eVitiOse' 'Who j fokii 46'4133461 'ltitO - ydil, G and.64oetli6 aiTe'aliathe'l 2 * . idek4lth ifid'ittt*Vt titiktibt 4Prl, tB'iki4thd'ehiiiittraitWitd4llltheti era'ailtd lig lite,' 4mltlitlig o Weiteddahrthe'gWeititttait 'vi"t 'll"iiftuixlbdk 66nYetaiiiik hat dAged.' tAiir -bn'lllo -‘ , 6.4l)Pii tilt?" Sdtatoll; d vv.:night tva kid' eft : NitOket i d, t•li6'..§ta - tei"OrTettlatkSi i ftireQ. Lucky was to go litfO'tliiS 1161±1111-aklififratili6l4l - wa‘lia We4liteze bilv l / 4 4r6111A"11804 a Beredtbi . ;'' " 1"1 The 'Su Aqui' he ~v9§'fdr'btib''ibar - .ll6Wtinrd"eitAb' €6l'g'4 Wit / - Q.Ctr 4 fidni'lie.e'nttieii.y htid frieitti I troh;'aeh. - ''S"'phlYdrittitoPiSt; 14'4414 'dbl.' WaAltgai l rige tli'd Wit!' " " ' 'a' lidajaii . of , theec Seuak w anti the s9ilminivrationvikonh644- log the cause-uf.themar.,zl;le.eigtiaLQ.k.viavof compromise would laosenelved last session, but the rebels in artr*,drxnandethwhat they could not be granted, for the very purpose of having thts St'atet g&out.'thargett - 'l,lid•Liiiii&hi • of the. Senator from , dieatucky , wi a , .itetigiv btp break. thAY ~i4;0; 4 1.,11FIIMO Charleston cLinve.ntion. . 111 r. I~aecsiNainas cleniecT'any such in ent~on ahcl'elaito'ed 'foe' tiniSelt tiratild nikertit at *ord., , ar .cherhhed a..thought Ahab wasdalseeto the3Cons.ti,tho.9.4. After further debate the resolution `Adjourned.' • 116,464 4 .044, h 'ltitotestirig'-fitun—Mankl6. __,~ ill, ,4.4,1:I.:I:I REBFL 5.+N. 4S , FOR OUR TROaF4' ;or .2,1 a. I, •11i 4 ,• f. 7;, FlwA zYP?'''P;,..??u7MTRI.L9Y,.;Y,F,ITtIiPAM nil/1" n/3 ...PALL:4=4IMA, • A 1531 Y 21514 • geAtie,Mail.o tlds citylmadshecus with a, most interesting atarernerrKreeykyeAgrce thelips di P il'WealthY Virginian, residing wit4 k n. itillhg 'Of Idanhkgits Reg of , irprthtenLbirth and4Joien.ileai4itigisi4hotigh forged. to. go, with. the_sttothero., odrxeuto as liia property, family,. &c., are all The ontremad itattri s onlie TaCts witnessed the .bat le of SuudnyThear ,Ills t aarzsa.s, de scribe 4 'the 'coLaucc ited'artl 'troops as daring and..hrave,in-Apiev. - respect. Theplaight .t44444. 1 AY„b.utt., t,4l ) .gs-,„ 11110 11 ,1LPIPAY night , after the excitement of the battle was kalitliallietshV'ffifortrialit ekgiecr recretitil44 4 .- dencer neitr” Manassas.,-gut -Airrongir "the:. lines, and .entered, ,W as langtoupitydn company ,54,h-hanclreo of s,tragglss,„ .14e,,kratkbusIrte# at the .Vertii and this dance daitending /..Ji.14,1A141,, F• Gr --Our , infentilant States. that-sthe rebel ioss the, ,battleits lie tween Ijitee. and ilont,Ettioniand. I .l_,_e AISF§,e,,FNOPikekt 'ot Iffrgiula, was Must tenthly: cutup, only two litintlfed ckrt'cit Efrerrttlideht"belfig"feeti . the .battle. ~ Further, etir -informal t ;heel tries that it , was At mosti fortunate.thing for thaVnitat ttroops chat they , ctlAY.e, Ake,lFtb,F,ioleMd while Manassas, the battle lasted, tDr within riffe'd 'of" end' 'rear'''`of "ill'e'''JuhtErori 'We ground;:-for' maarry , acres; • -is-'"minbe.lo. • ttte ~anost- _artistic ; manner ) ... ansl....twas 0.141- 9n. toPsflf gllPPowder foP 1: 11 4A4 ,AWFST,O4It was the intention Of keatiregar'd _to ; retreat_,_ 'iltiV4'lia.Ck;lnWil4l2'6•l‘4lB:4ofiaSPD.4ll.l - eeed icalward+Updnidiesitines, Avoreibeen.lixed and the_liniemtrolipe blinwpito atoms. Our informant,ll4lie t alemmtwitt is not at alt aware-of-tiie`.exterit-of these rebel prepay.goe to deatrpy ctur0,.120,0 4 -kirtime are upwards of-12;600 negtoes employt dto work in t.iitii•entrenchmenta.tatiManistiiktiittiidi alsehrtiAtte ,sarne,r,ugtber emplp k yeditcoto di, in. thatintrench fllents t CM-.A 1 119r4M 1 41,,i4,154 6 owner of `a. large aumber of slaves„ and and wau re- VceitlirelatifitelP6f l `tiienr"th worki ‘the .I.ot/els , eret ybirlay. -. 1,4 .. 4 ;I , ~i_Aeneral.,l,ee was .not , .4l,,Manas6sa, whetaittta 1 1 ?,141 ,: f °c C ur . r i ed ,L l ,V,iP,49w- itd,9 0n1 .5 ) 44 RJR' man mg 'the active' force Sere 'Which Ili tri "'” bx. Who city ~ of - .Riehrabucb.ik.surreartdtlumititt =lava ibke lhose . nt.,,M,anassas,, arida „the,rehels 4nd that . , the 141.1ionipsu,ffrsgyisig'V, 'tte city wine br6wn up. . „ t Had thd' Federal 'lrtdc it,dt'bbyhted“man its testi Sunday. in safetr,l-Reseregaird adni tfillthat re hel, came would, have Lieau lost; furekara t The, 1 0ql se .4 1 4,411 liarliy equipped. ' '` tslothAtUrit: wod ;to , wicnesp the • great- battl4 , of others being kept back by the picketa.,l4lo* who did see the fight -were Personal friends of • • • • ' 1'• the more prontinnnt , o e .- Au. impression prnvails at. tits ,§9tqh thatthe S:iicYCiarnot,gik atiy. 'The rebdis are-under 'th deluisibni *at" tike ibitVY sups - awett to the: Nolittu,iby th t i.s ou ti l w ill q v .4 1 A 44C44§, G:ft us, l'hUlkirtlA. Ewa, luo.ia less . than a year thn .North will `,na ve Vivo N•v`l oes Richniontiv kit .tremblelwith slave. insurrentions, eit , ceps , itt k 49l9l *.Q4, 4 PAllitai 444-41.astous , -,, i Tlafs litsernees ,f ) 1 he rebel feeling . at the *ouch 4 al,l444si. tkkf our iLtitigket , the PeiteraLprisbnerts*Ouldittair • • trsiatmosubizlebel , haudss- -s 1,4