filtDital. flyer's CATHARTIC PILLS. ARE YOU SICK, teebb : :, ~iafuingt Are you out el order, with your spied deranged. and your leoltugs uncomfortable? These symptoms arc ~dlwthe, to serious Mums. some fit of sickness Si Grasping open you, *ad should be averted by a timely Inn of the right remedy. Take Ayer , s Pills and cleanse cat the disordered humors—purt.y the blood and let the Ends moire encostructeil :u h,istlih again. They atlmu ate the tunotions of the body alto vigorous activity, pc. ray the system iron' dlnaute. A old settles somewhere in the body, and obitraltsitt data ral tunctions. These, II not tailored, reset upon tneraselyes and the surround leg organs, armlet:tog gecer.ti aggravation, suffering and so„„„„. White is na g condition, oppressed by the de gammas, take Ayer d Alb?, and see bow directly they a the natural melon of the system, and with it the buoyant looting of health again. What Is true and no tapparent m thie trivial and (Ammon complain, is also Mrue m many of the deop.saated and dangerous diatom pears. the same purgative edec amoeba them. Caused -by similar otetruetions and derangements 01 the natural mectiuna of the body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured by the Wine means. Pone who sous the airless of these Pills, will neglect to employ -hem wLen autlermg Iron' the di orders they cure. bletteruoials tiom th physicians' to some od the pussy& cities, and tram oer well known public per pus. from a Forwarding Merchant of Bt. Louis, Feb. 4, 1855. ATM Your Yilla are tb paragon of all that is "groat in medicine. They have t. i. red my little daughter oi utopias sores upon her ban a and km that had proved incurable for years. Her in Aber has been long grioviously allinted with blotchy* and pimples o her skin and iu her hair. Alter our child was cured, shy flgtitrl+wytut PIUS, and they have cured her. ASA hiCeGittllti X. All a P'amattr Pt/TRIO. I from Dr. IL W. Cartwright, New Orltana.] Your ETU are the priaou et purges. Shale excellent gasbags surpass any eatibulic we possess. They are mild, but very certain and elleutual in their milieu on the bowels, which make them invaluable to us In the daily sediment et disease. JIIADAOOI I MOH fiILADACHII, FOOL STOMACH. From Dr. Itaiwara Boyd, Baltimore.' DICAK tlao. AIMS : I dillll4ot answer you wear com platuts 1 nave Qualm with your rills bettor tban to my tlif Mai we gear treat 1.4.14 a par./wog oudiasne. I place grog auvoudeuoo ou au ud4aus , u.tnartio in my daily uoutuat with disowie, rad ,pduovius a. I du that your Pat, uttora 'lathe bust wu LIAVO, I Ul course value them Firm'luso, Pa Nay 1, 185 6 ... iht. J. ; 1 Mire Mien rep.; ' it [silly cured at he worst seadasits anybody Call Care, by a dose or two your ?We. .t seems to arts° Irani a foul Stomach, which they cleanse at 01100. Yours with great respect, F.D. W. ettEBLF., ek of Steamer Chalon Sumo Disowns...-1 . ss COMPIMNIS. Prrosi hr. rhecutore • New York (ALM Not only aro your Tilts .1 :ably adapted W their pttryietin A 8 MI uperieat, butt .161 EWAr behtittelal eileats ttigAl We Liver very Maraud i aired. they have in my pranwe proved inuti ulleutitu .or the OUre Bilious UoutplAtuts thee uuf one routuay 1 eau uaeutien. I sin. curia: rushee that we have. at Ittugth a purgative which w wormy the counutinue el the proftweiou and the people. DKVAlrrMlifil or Tee DITSHIOII, t Waehingten, 1). C., 7th Yob. 1850. J Jr:dhnvu used your, twiny guaeral and hospital prmullue eVer anon you utak diein, and cannot hesitate to say Lucy Are the ovs. caul rtto wn etupluy. fhoir re• sainting action int tae I.ver t., gii,ult 4011 decided cline (locally tridy 1“ • -di 4 . 1 Oki r•:.ttudy for derangement oi that. urg . 10000 a case of ' isditeis inseune .0 ow , tit .U 45 a del not ri adily yield W thaw. FraterUalty y Air ~ A BALI , a. by tuu Nunne ilospll4l IMANTSMI IMtA4O A KJALAX, WORM& ib'rou, Wr. J. b. lirena, 01 Wimp. I Your 1 - 111 A it %NI uua d Litt •• my pr Autism, and I hold them In esteem m use oi wu Je4i aperients 1 have ever Weed. their Alltirt•LiVta 0110th 1111012 We ilVer makes them an usuailem reinedy t whoa von iu swell masse for Maus Dyeeutery uu.i thd,rrho.i.t. Veen 'agar-coating ihrthea thoth vary itheeptabiu mid aueveuleat fur the use of women stud ebiltireu. IJIdrIWISIA, /11YUMITIr Olt THU BLOOD 'From dev. J. V. 111111.24, P r „karma Cnarch, Balton Dr. Mae ; I nevu u,ed your Cilia Kith extraordinary Miocene ILI my Munly :Lad 4inullet WINO I am called tu visit tu dnoruaa, 10 redo late .he organ ul Mgestiou and pu tt's, Mu Mood, .au tun very be remedy 1 have aver limuwu t au.l C wu a...l:bluntly recommend Mein to tuy friends. Yours, .1. V. ALUM. WAIRIA N , o juusas. Uo., N. Y., Oct. a 1 ,1866. DiLiet , Jatharlte ruts lu my preAke, and tlu 1.11,1,11 au uXt iwul pUrgatiVtl LO cleanse We system mut uu3t y the /auments W tAe blued. .OliN 14. ALKAULIAM, M. D. UtlefeltirATlON, r.v ureloc.igitni, 311gUMA - 114.1d Glum, 1.44.1 . af, eetteLYWal, Fro, M. . . . -r rues _ Verona Dr. J. e. Vamthu, Montreal, Camelia.] Too cuoub cauuut tie wad 01 your Pills for the titre of Comeeness, L ul nerd 01 your Irutereity nave 10Uud Intim /18 athOSNIIOUtI to I oave, Ulug houltl bolt' me in pro. .ohnuand Wier the beueth ol the mulutudos who sutler truth Mat, *wai t 41thougli bud nauugh In It. 6011, lu the pirugoultur ,lotheri tittil;Leti worse. I belly° Oootivenets lu ortion.uu to the ever, but your Ma attem Matt orkom and cure UM .4400.t1e. We OM Jdra, 6„ Stu , ruyiusiso lad slidwlle, Hostuf..l dud eau or two surge Amu 01 your Pals, mum itt the piroper Lama, are •.asedeut pr0m0...v.3A ut too .iaturstl oorotto,s wu .0 wit dty ur ii.truaily ouporassatt, •std also - luau ~utsatieu tuu ,stuseou uud iXrliL itams. toy Ara ao ulasu tau ueot pay did WU lisvu teat edam misma uu outer to luy thalamus. (llruia Lima t(. Dr. tinwtr.n.lo3l Lau lintlAudial. wsoupal •Ullurub.l l'uLadiu-kluods. VALIMaI, Ua. , Jau. IS, NMI. ,RU atitieo : t atioiald ue eugratelul fur the rohel your 'Mail tuts Urouget um It lac.• um report my case to yea., A tad" settled to my InClo s ad urouglit uu maitre opttitt4 Neuralgic Pains, with:4 ended in teatime neva duitlaut. blutvraledeedui. I uca Übe best of peysiteaem, the dLteLaw grew we au ~LuL l /torso, wall by the advice 01 jeer cicala:lM aseut, Lu saltily/ore, Ur. blakmnral I tried , yular Yids. Deer edema Were Mow but sure. By persevet eg ILI the usuot 'hum, t aio now entirely well. Omuta Catassak, mum/ /image, LA, Deo. 6, 1865. Da. ATM ::1 nava tomt eudrely Cured by your Pills, 01 Itheuritaile Sous-. ,LaLuouu disease that had afflicted :tie for years. . VLNI.IItIST SLID/ILL. Whicost us the Ptila la mama coutaia Mereury, Which, &Sheilah a valauole remedy us WAN, hands, la dauseroust so publie pill, stout the dreadful oossaequen• oar and itequouLly tulle,, iu intßutiouv ten. ramie lassadu uo mercury or mineral uutsgtauce whatever. Price M. omits per hoz, or bolas for Al. Prepared by Dd. J. t. AYR& & (X)., Lowell, Mau. Mad by U. A. klatuarart U. A., Keller, D. W. Gras,, & agi.l. - 11. Lutz, Holmanlkbo.,Armstroaz, Hurrlaburg, sap 4. era eye ywherts, ap27.llmdaws ' • At • is A ' Nth, 110 ARK , BT. • .O.4ABISBURG, Agent for tALIA.E'S PATENT Wawa& land cdtdled Ircu b... La Burglar Proof i t LI 1:b erta t tlitl O NLY allureaual, •.,le made, that fa tdd Burrgl Proof: maga dly CS PALRAFFIA .CAN DIAN 4.kierald - Xleitill.b..ger; • • ADA MANTIN b CatiDLICS, . , 8111ABINE OANDLES, Ot t ? OANDLI, jr• ,) NULOAL SYNahl LaNDLiFtati, • 'TALI ,OW CAN remAaige•lot of toe shore m Ist,ce and ior male al the low • prickle by W ..Wll JR. & CO., Opposite the Court /louse. A Vb.I.RI- BEA V Y STOOK OF SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS -.sw EVERY DM:MOWN JUST OPENED. As Prices be Ad 008 e of Linbrnlagim a OAX. AT . CATIICABTfS, •Illity,o Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. • .•.RABb.LER'S•IIOTEL;• 14paoyiber toga leave to i0.f4111/..):03 trienoi and theipsitilie tut oa bey teem theFA RN , 34 In tweet, _street opposite the 0111 oe, fi gl oorty J. er , „, ,wttere lie prepred to an a cin Ma dge them roseonanie teems. Having refitted and inifeitreit :the House entirely now, tie home by BCH et at ;. Nato btotineee,' to receive ,11 liberal share patron. • tatia.awdl B. G. ot PETERS IitLAW'S 'WOE, ' 8 42 expc.subt f e n n e Y 41.0iikumi44 1 .4*t a in .4 , 4 1 ad tho n ntturol ( nY " 1 " ," MAABLAtiaTIC ilorarq, Aror ludioro 4nd atk.theaLl4 Price vv. wor MO 1 4 • AA. f,:is d :.4 1 44 1 0 4 01Wrytkii , r illisullantous. - ag a :4 AdR5. W/NBLOW, An experienced Nurse and Finale Physician, presents la the attention of mothers ho SOOTHING SY RU For Children Teething, which greatly facilitates the proem of teething, by son acing g the gums,reducing infbmoznation—will allay ALI PAIN, and spasmodic action, and is SURE TO BEGULA.TE THE BOWELS. Depend upon it. mothers it will give rest to Fourseivo. AND, :mar. AND dram TO YOUR *Lem We have put up and sold this article for over tei years, and can BAT, DI oonsuemon AND TEM, what we have never been able to say of any other medielno— NEM HAS 1T /AIM), IN A EINGLIi ENSTANOR 10 IFFECT A CURE, when timely used. Never did we know an instance of dimatbrfacsion by any one who uses it. On the contrary, all are delighted with Its opera hens, and speak in terms of bighead commendation re Its magical effects and medical virtues. We sp eak in thla matter “wilAt DO =ow, alter ten years , expo rime., AND Amos ova INPIPPAPIODI roc 1211 wear WI KERN =MANN. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and ashaustion, re lief will be found In fifteen or twenty minutes after tau 'prep isadminlstered This valuable preparation Is the prescripton of ton of the most EIPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NUBBIN. it New Ragland, and hat been used with manta mum DOOMS ID THOUSANDS OF La.qll:B not only relieves the child from pain, tent m rlt orates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, an• ryes tone and energy to the whole system. It will al most Distantly relieve DIVING IN MI DOWEI4, AND WIND OOLIIy ad overcome oonvulfstons, which It not speedily reme died,- end In death. We believe it the HEM and man mewl m yes WOXLD, In ail eases of DYSKNMY ANL Ola.2.liLXa IN Clielfral£N, whether it arises Iron. tcethirg or from any other cable. We would any h every mother who has a cldldltuffering trom any of Ibe toregoing complaints—no Nov Lir TOUT rII/LJUDIOIN 1110) rex mammies OP mans, stand between' ou and you) sultering child and the renal that will be SURE--yes, LLB SULUT/ClfY SURE--to follow the use of this medicine it timely used. gull directions for using will accompanj alai battle.. - liinifei.gehuble Mikis - the did-simile of CUMIS a f itREINS,Now York, us en the outside wrapper: Sold by ugghtts throughout the world Vinci* . Lee, N0...14 pater St., New Yore Prida only 15-Cants nor Bottle oar-kvor Hato ak Harrisburg by H. W. drool a 1..., A.: L 9 Market street, .1. Mania Lull, elan:el. .L14:1544.) Li. Keller, No. 91; Market gtritet t Miff•• • 4-ad G. kis: an. evr.. Dyspepsia Remedy DR DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SMUT. This Medicine has been used by the public for six years, WA increasing favor. it is recommended to Ohre Dyspepsia, IV ervousneca, Chris Pairs, Wind in the Stomach, or i :a ns in the Botosi, Headache., Drowsiness. Kidney dear 'Saints, Low spirits D linnet Trendy, Intemp nn e. IsULATIS, ICSHttaasrni , v ATE, Mr WILL Sol INIOXICUIS OM O igLki A ALEDIDINE it is quick nd (Alecto al, curing the most aggravating case u Dyspepue, dney Complainta, and all other derange ens of th. Stomauh and Bowels, In a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most male ou ly an .trooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous d sic ly to health, strength and vigor. Persona who, from the Injudicious use of liquors, hav: uecome dejected, end their nervous systems abatteree coustitutiona broken down, and sub eel to that harm, curse to humanity, the ittuarun Telitlins, Will, alms immediately, feel the nappy and healthy invigorallm Strawy of Or. Ham's luvigorathig span. WHAT IT WILL DO. Wes.—One wine glass full as olten as necessary One dose will remove all Kid Spirits. Ono du,: will sure Heart-burn. Throe doses will cure indigestion. One dose will give you a Good Appetite. One dome will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. One done will remove the distressiag and disagreeable Week; of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the stemma receives the ievigortaing Spirit, the distressing toad sae all palatal feelings tvill be removed. One dose will remove the most distressing pains of • either in the sumach or bowels. A Jew dome will tontine all obstructions In the tido Gay , Madder or Urinary Organs. Perilous who are seriously tatiloted with any Klima) tecaplaiuta are aasurist speedy relief by a dose or two, 'end a radical sure by the use of one or Iwo Willett. NIGHTLY DIBSLPATION rereoue who, front diesipatlug too much over night, and feel the evil ellems of poisonous liquors, In violent head aches, sickness at stomach, weakness., giddiness, Ito., will end one date will remove all bad Wangs. Ladles of weak and sickly oonstitutions, should take the invigorating Spirit three Hines a day; It will 'mike tame ttrOlig, healthy end happy, remove all obstrutaiene:alit Irregularities nom the menstrual orgtigui,krui *skate W. bloom of health and beauty to the careworn Lao& During •preguaacy it will be Wand an haiduabl, sine to remove disagreeable sensations at tee mach. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce .uss, ne ties put up the trtYlgOrating Spirit la pmt buttleei at tO cents, quarts el. General Depot, 48 Water street, N. Y. Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia, D. YOTT, & cur sale In Harrisburg by G. A. &Lateen, LI. W. Gruen & Co. red a, K. Keller, sad by all inflexion everywhere Jae -dimly FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. SPEINCI AND SUMMER STYLES. 188 1 . PHILADELPHIA EMI:LIONS. GRADIV/LLE E.TOZZO' ONE MICE GUT' CILOTHING EMPORIUM No. 607 CHEASTATV2 STIMEX • 'superb sleek of due Pruett, NV= lid anaemia CLOTHS, pa HST AI ERR% and VIKINGS, For Gay and Country trade, with an unapproacitable u sorement of Baker Kau Ctunitlea at the lowest, cash price* Wa-But ONE PRICE li asked, and a GIFT or adrinalo worth and use presented will each article sold. Parti oder attention paid to the Customer department, end garments made andsent to order to any addresa. In inaugurating this new system of doing business, ORANVILLdi br.nnikaa would impress on the minds of we palats of hie establishment, that the cost of the gift Is deducted from, and sor added to the price of the esti. de BOW His immensely inuedaing sales enabling hlm to act thus liberally, and at the same time to realise • remunerative profit. All amides guaranteed to give entire saustactiou. GRAKVILL.H BTOKES' ONE PEICEOLOTHINGEMPOEUILM 607 COMMIT - STREW. oul9.emd—rdmarel-du f 11E2; 1;014111SSIONERS appointed under ± the Act of incorporatiou of the city of Harrisburg having made a plot or draft of said city, dasignatlug the streets, lanes and alleys now existing and opc.iing, and also where avenuiw, streets, lanes ...lad alleys shtll bete alter be opened, and also designating within 'the bents of said city a plot or piece of ground, containing not lesa than twenty acres, tor the use of the pablie and" of Wild city, for the purpones and uses mentioned in said tun ; and having thlbmitted their draft and report to the Court of Quarter serolons, of Dailphin County, for the approval, or said Court; the said draft and report have been tiled by order 01 said Court In the office of the Clerk of Quar ter sessions of said county for public inspection ; andun -Iss exceptions m e hied thereto by puttee interested uf said city, the same will be approved at the August term of said Court. By order of the Court. myl-dtw WM. MITCHELL, Clerk, SIGN OF 111 S Glorious- Star Spangled Banner 1 • NOTHER SUPPLY OF WALLIV, Li. SOLDERS, &0., SPLENDID WLNDOW to wnion me call the attention of our friencinomd 'ally. txrite.thenartaemunitmour geode and-prtet&---... We are determined to sell eheop. Mind the ewe. EILINPFER's Boozeranx, tnlS4 near the Harrteburg Brldne. AUGUSTINE L. ()RAYNE. ~ ARPENTEIt AND BIIILDE4, itendenci No. 27 North Second ,Beet, pennoginania ilElailp telegraph, erurs6av afternoon, 3ulv 25, 1861. LIFE FILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. THESE MEDICIIiThE have now been be fore the public far a period of THIRTY YEARS, and during that time have maintain , d a high character in al moat every part or the Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to per suffering under nearly every kind of diiseaae to which the human frame la liable; The following areamong the distressing variety of ha man diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be Infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleanzing the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure, healthy bile, Instead et the stale and acrid kind ,• FLATU tardicY,.Loas of Appetite, Heratburn, Headache, Beat. lessness, 111- TemPer, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general aymptoms of Dyspepsia, will van lab, as a natural consequence of ha core. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the Intestines with a solvent process, and without vio lence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days._ FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the proem of respiration In slush cases, and the thorough solution of all Intestinal ob struction In others. The LIFE MEDICINES have been known to cur* RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeks and GOUT in half that time, by removing localinliammatioo from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. DROPSIES of all kind*, by freeing and strengthen. Ing the kidneys and bladder; "they operate meet delight fully on these important organ; and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst cases of - wcatitis, by dislodging From the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to which theme creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity whichthese uric mmi 0 NEE give to the blood and all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEX lONS, by their &Iterate effect upon the fluids that feed she skim, and 'the morbid state of Which occasion all eruptive complaints, sallow l cleedy • Mid other disagree able complexions. The use of these Pills for a very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT' RHEUM, and a etriking im provement in the clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS and INFLUENZA will &leap be cured by one dose, or by two In the worst cases. - PII.ES.- , -The original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Piles, of 86 years Blanding by the nse of the LIFE MEDICINE alone. • FEVER AND AGUE.—For this scourge of the Western country, these Medicines will be found a sae, speedy, and certain remedy. Other Medicines have the system subject to a return of the disease—a cure by these Medicines is permanent—TßY THEM, BE SAUSEND; AND BE CURED. BILIOUS FEVERS AND ILIVER 0011 . - PLAUCTS.-6irmear, Disturr, Le® ev Armfuls, and Dt Blase ON "rtnitaln—the lieditanes have been ailed with the moist beneficial results in oases of this descrip:. lion :—lfinge Evil and Scrofnia, in its worst formatebla to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medi. eines. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nirvons Cam plaints of all kinds, palpitation 01 the Heart,. Paint re' Collo, are speedily cured. lIIERCURIAL DISEASES.—Persona whose constitu lone have hem& impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury will find Dine Medicines a perfect cure; as 'they never fall to eradicate from the system, all the effects of Mercury, In fi nitely sooner than the most power• . ful preparations of Barsaparilla. Prep tared and sold by W. B. 11101PFAT, US Broadway, New York. Poresle by all Druggists. 3y20-dawly Rolland Bitters DYSPEPSIA, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &c. Tux successful introduction and Me of this cols. touted Remedy has been the *gaud for a literal flood of compounds called "Bitters," offered in various fame, from a quart bottle to • lliveitallon keg, until tide word "Bitters" is but another name for , or scene villanous whiskey mixture. But the really great relief derived from the minute dose, one teastamful, of our medicine, and the entire absence of offer inoteration, hes esta blishedihrit a reputaUtiMerhich tLi hint of hultations end counterfeits have Idled to undermine. It is poet tively a vegetable •pieratetkita.With bllll4 sufficient pure 'spirits to preserve it. But one size of the genuine, (Half-Pint Bottles) price Ong Dour& • It is a medicine of long•tried effieacy Ibr Reifying the Mood, so essential tir the Ibundation of good health and ihr correcting' disorders of the stomach cud bowels. Two or three flows wfll convince the allihned of Its salutarY effects. The stoinech will speedily regain Its • stresgth, a healthy action of the'llver, bowels and kidneys will soon take place, and renewed health be the quick result. For INDIGESTION, Try Bterhave's Holland Bitters. For HEARTBURN, Try Bierhave's Holland Bitters. For ACIDITY, Try Berhave's Reiland Bitters. For WATERS/MBE, Try Bterhave's Rolland Bitters. For HEADACE3I, Try Berhave's Holland Bitters. For LOSS OP APPETITE, Try Barbara's Holland Bitters. For COSTIVENESS, Try Bo nwire's Holland Bitters. For PILES, Try, In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and -Nei:magic Affee. tione, k ties in numerous Instances proved , highly beneficial, mad in others effected a decided cum Read Carefully! The genuine, highly-concentrated Bassassx's Hot. LAND BITTERS II put up in halt phut bottles only, and retailed at One Dollar pee bottle. The great demand for this truly' celebrated medicine has induced many imitations, which' the Rabb) should guard agaluet purchasing. Beware of import/Yon/ Sea that our name is on the label qf every battle you buy. Benj. Page, Jr. &Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, For Mk In the city of Harriett...En oy D. WORM 4 co.nillent—eepl4l/1-wl7 JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS' FANCY GOODS &O. ALFRED F. ZnettERMAN — & 00: nPa.l52 MARKET STREET, Harrisburg, , opposite Hash' from and adjoining the . Horn, haring purchased the stook of E. P Jennings, and added a large assortment of NEW JJIW ELItY, we will sell the same at the lowest cash prioe, and solicit patronage. Watches, Gooks. and. Jewelry Rep,' amt promptly re paired andAelluered. • eissio F. suacisisaa & (* I Having disposed of my stook of Jewelry to A. F. am- , merman & Co., I mmerfasy_recommens them to my for-. mer customers as praetical and experienced Watch Yeiosra.. and solicit tbr than , iItinUMICO of the.. patron sige.which has naafi se y is:leased loam 'thatig. the last six years. Ann ELM= F. JENNLNGIi. 3r-iSLIM 2 SHAD, No. 1, SALMON, No. 1, HERRING, No. 1, COD FISH,-No. 1, • - MACKEREL, No. 1. Of Ale above we have all 'the 'different sized package* rota the Kin to the ILIUM in store and. for Side at the Neat marked rates. fe1.4.0 WM. DOCK Jet k 00 *-- ORANGES AND LEMONS. 11,FORTY BOPCS in prime order • Just a re. dalved and for nt - am. pooh -At. aai SPERM CARD • meal iihreolrommialinm• es : AVM. pop& JB. & wv Altbital miercovim..a,.wyss .Sco,IELIVz, s EERIE/ME% HOLLA2IID BITIERS, Berhave's Holland Bitten. PITTSBURGH, ➢A. ,a _ , Siebital "They go right to the Spot." INSTANT RELIEF! STOP YOUR C , IJIM I PURIFY YOUR BREATH I STRENGTHEN YOUR VOICE ! SPALDING'S Throat Confections, m GOOD FOB CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES GEN'ILEMIN 'CARRY ST'ALDINH'S THROAT CONFECTIONS LADIES ARE DELIGHTED WITH m.p.7 irmgmr CHILDREN CRY FOR SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS They relieve a Cough In*tautly They clear the Throat. They give strength and volume to the voice. They impart a delicious aroma to the breath. They are delightnal to the taste. They are made of simple herbs and cannot harm any -I advise every one who has a Cough or a Husky voice or a Mad Breath, or any difficulty of the Throat, to get a psokage of my Throat Confections, they will relieve you yeasqlly, and find them very useful and pleas ant While traveling or attending public meetings for stil ling your Cough or allaying your thirst. If you try one parkapl tun safe In saying that you will our after wards consider them indispimsible. -You Will lind them at-the Druggists and Dealers in Medicines. PRICE_TMINTY-lvivE CENTS My signature is on each package. All other are coon %AIL A Package will be sent by mall, prepaid, on recipt o Ttdrty Omits. Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, . No. 48 ORDER STREET, NEW YORK. CEPHALIC PILLS CUBE SICli HEADACHE NERVOUS HEADACHE, MBE ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE By the nee of these PM the periodic* attack' of Ner- DOM et! .Thlek Manche may be prevented; audit taken a the Mmunintement, of an attack lutmedtate relief from panf.and ateknese msy be obtatned. ' They seldom tall In removing Nausea and Headache to which females are ao subject. 'Pierian gently upon the bowels , removing (baboon. For literary Men, Rodents Delicate Ifemeles 3 and all pril*?ll,ot sedentary, habits, they axe valuable as a 14°14#%1R/Ric413.4 the ; AMP"; giving ram; AND VIDOR P)14 1 .10:011PrtiVil organa j and restoring the natural elasti chi and strtatolt t 9 the Whole system. TheADEPELLLIO .P/LLB are the result of long investl _golden and earaftdly eonduettsi experiments, having been In use in many years, during which time they have pre vented and relieved a vat amount of pain and suffering tronaleadiudie, whether origtimting in the nervous sps tem or from a deranged Mlle of the stomach. Tiff ant entirely vegetable in their composition,' and may be taken at a 4„ times with perfect safety without Making any obande of diet wet the absence el any disai iiedsble laite render/ it any to administer them to children BEWARE OP 00UNTERPKTO: The genuine have are signatures or Henry C. Spalding Sold by ( lrlatabl and all other dealers in medicines. A Box will he seat by mail prepaid on receipt of the PRICK TWENTY-FIVZ CENTS All ordeire should be addressed to HENRY 0. SPALDINEk, 48 Oedar Street, New York grA single bottlo of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten time Ile oast annually...ifs SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! 13rW1N415 PREPARED GLUE I SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I SAVE TEE PLSOIS I HOONOItY .igirn• ern= nu Too SAYE awn. nom, As accidents wia happen, even is well-reptdatedjalnute' it is very desirable to have some cheap and convenient eniy ter repairing Furniture., Toys, °rocs Lrc SPILDINIPS PREPARED QUI meets 'all BUCII emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it. Ills always ready and up to the stick ing point. "USEFUL IN EVERY HOAR." N. 11.-4 Brush acootepaniee each bottle. Prise 26 eta Address BENNy 0, SPALDING, No. 48 Cedar Street, New York. CAUTION es aertala onprinolplid - per' itonitoreattompting to palm oft on the unsuspecting public, Imitations 01 jay PEW 'PAW GUM; l• would caution all peraons,to nuaullpo b e ar ptiro l udag, and nee that the full nark ::—..-...altlttUttea.2242Alial nr e r on AloalkiPtiOrliliPerisdi OOP! a rii i4 44 ll 4‘ couu=. . •-. "PFAko. v r i l. -rd tk oa t .aii24;.l.tgr.4 f Fines of arott SL• transportattah NEW AZ LINE ROUTE, THREE TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YORK.. TWO TRAINS DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA WITHOUT ORANGE OF CABS. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, DONE 10, 1881 the Passenger Trains will leave_the, Philadel phia snu Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, f.,r New York and Philadelphia, as fellows; viz EASTWARD. EXPERti LINE leaves Harrisburg at, 9.30 a. m , on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 4 p. in. A Moping car Is attached to the train through front Pittsburg with out Me L TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 a. in., arriving in New York ate p. in., and Philadelphia at 1.25 p. m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. ra. on arrival of pennsvivania Railroad Fast arriving in New York at 935 p. m., and Philadelphia at 5.10 p. m. . WESTWARD. FART LINE leaves New. YOnr. at 0 a. in., and Philadel phia at 8 a. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m. MALL TRAIN leave New Yorkat 12.00 noon, and Phil adelphia at 8. 15 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. EXPREffI LLNE leaves New Fort at 8 p. m. , viog at Harrisburg at 2..80 a. m., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping oar is also attached to this train . Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, POttsvit le, Willreisbarre, Allentown, WWI, Aro. Baggage checked through. Faro between Now Yore and Harrisburg, $6 00; between Harrisburg and Ph ila• delphia, $3 26 In No. 1 cars, and $2 70 In No. 2. For tickets or other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, myls General Agent, Harrisburg. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM_ PHILADELPHIA the passenger trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will depart from and tuvive al filarrlaburg fine Philadelphia as follows PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg every morning (except Monday) at 1.15 a. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10 a. in. EXPRESS TRAIN Leaves Harrisburg dopyat 0.20 a. In., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.10 AWL TItAIN, leaves Harrlebarg daily (except Slll3. day) at 6.16 )). 1/1., sad arrives at West Phaadavtda at 1.0.16 p. m.• . ?teas trams make close connection at Philadelphia with ;he New York Lines. M.XXHIMODATION THAIN, No. 1,7 la Mount Joy, iO4llOB Harrisburg at 7.00 a. m., and arrives al. West Philadelphia at 12.00 noon. • it alßviliCitg ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Wham. bla, leaves thirttstimg at 1.10. p; in., and arrives at West einiausiphia at B 26 p. m. ACCORMOITATION TRAIN, No. 2, via Mount Joy leaves Harriabarg at 5.16 p. connecting at Misr vibe, with MAIL and arrives at West Palladal phla at 10.15 p. m. . ritituUall KURR& TRAIN leaves Pidladelphia at 10.217 p. m., Harrisburg at 2.85 it. In, Anaemia 7.60, a. m„ and arrives at rittabigg 014.00u00n MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. in., Rarriseurg 1.09 p. m. , Altikina, 6.50 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 miduighL . FAST UNE leaves Plillaaeiphia at 11.20 a. in., Harris bargli.Bo p. m. , Altocina 0.10 p. m., and arnvea at Pitts burg at 12.30 a. ut. ILLRILIBBORG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Novae k•hiladolphia at 2.80 -p. - Lancsater -6.08 p: in., 031- naibia 0.445 p. m. , auttarrivea at-Bartiabur4 atfi.oa p, This Train conhecht"ai EFaftisbialt, pt 8. d., p. to., with Northern Central ttatiroad.Tramilor olinburty W il kiama port, Lock Haven, Scranton and allpoltaa north. • , ACCOMMODATION MAIM, !envie Pnlladelptila at COO p. in. , Lancaster '1.60 Mount Joy B.lllp. xn., linza bettuown, 8.37 p. m., mat "arrival at' tritrrbibillry a Attention is called to the Laeli, that paaseugega leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m., connect at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY .ACOOKMODATII/N areve itt ilarrisburg at 9.30, p. m. SAMCIIN., D. YOUNG, Supt, Eau. Div. Penn, itiulroad Harrieburg, June 7, 1861.-41t.r. DISPATCH I Select 'Schools tor 'Boras and Girla irLi.OI O II.`"STI/Utifa Attu trig 14.1SC i UST„ A 'Li e: Yak turns ot ItOBERT , • j ...hoot tor. uoyi, will °petiole .the last Monday is baguet. :i.he L. well ventilated, comioriably lashed, aiCt in'every rtispeClirell 'Adapted for - 13c.hoot farponti. 11111:WF.E , S School iur girls, located in ine same tioildeigi will epee tor the-Fail term at the same. Lime.. The room bag, t160,.0. elegantly titled up during the to prolifetifiliehbillaiiintl eihiifort ersuitelorit CITY LIVERY STABLES , ar4CK.WZR.U.I" ALLEY, li FR Rk4. a HILILIV 8 4202.,5L. flaF, undersigned has re-mrusenced the j. lavery business ui Eat SSW &DA iik'dMOUS tocatetkaa above, with a large toil-iraitad stook. o / 1 91 4 § 1 38) 0AAR4 6. 1 6 -Q Z4 I 9BUISiAIIEaIeb, M t hire at toodifata F. lc. - vvrem z. • — LIQUORS AT - COST I ILTAYING editeliided to--- discontinue elite ougau l usa, 41. - 9 our :Out /Kw aad Soaplate assort mew of wow a n al " two of aim' de. vintnidu itt - aoorwithowA." . . -,... 0,4 ALL. asiMakAM.:* tZ Aktillneri .11:4: -,4744 , SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON AND - APTICIt MONDAY, JUNE EASTWARD. WESTWARD. ~~lSUl;ut;c~li a A New Feature iu the So:, c , IMPORTANT TO E.U11..:- - A E. 11. DL;REEL .1.1 SELECT Bl— _ Tin Fail , ( Lin„i BLACK' " WHITE PEPPEE, A OAYENNii PEPPER, l:;\\.; \I ., ~,, IN TU.'S AGE of Tess N.Ve , s, It is wan , • • to the attentwu 01 ' genuine arucles. We . ABSOLUTELY AND • but ground from free . US expressly for the pert, Thee are beautifully pat.... per,) to prevent injury by • W EIUHI , w bile the ernia: i , Invariably short. We wer z..Lt L. • and richness of flavor, BEYOND ALL Cum..%, am a Single trial will abuud4utly b,ara our Trado ' E. H. UCFio r . • Vol' sale by W3l, LOCI% J l S.ko B. M. GILDER, L) D s AS'TA7ET I.: OPPOSITE THE BliAlA huil_ Au opera ions, 6orgical ail 1 saieouticolly po NEW COAL OFI'IL 'HE UN DERSIliti ED hay! .1_ tothe WAL L.4y,,. what?, the patrocage ul wet:tithe Ooal of all &SOS . , Crum the tuu.t tame, which will be ileilVere taw (rout dirt and uuom tuy litait.orrzah. COAL roe emar. LOAD tat :ANGLE -COL or lltr Load will receive Odic No. 74 Marlin 'street, rj idle) Yard OKI thel.;dual, loot qt. dere let 1 at sillier piece will ri.i r ee,v v , a 0.6,1 ... PROF. ADOLPII P. 1' LLi,) ‘. it, , OULi) rosilt - xAtully iiiiim,, .. W patrons and *me public gcec,... :, ountluue to glve enstruetious Ull LW, 1 . 14:,, • iAtLIEUN, VIOLIN and also is ill. tic ,e. . 1ia.,.. tie will vOth pleasure wall t,, ..„ , . , homesat any Hour desired, or w..,‘,..., , _ his madonna, to Tliird strec, .. tew .1,..,.. . aercnsuk ktelortned Church. SCH 4 . FFERIS BOOK silii-.., (MAR 111.8 LlAlialsßUnci BRI.DuL UNION ENVELui'v. NOTE PAPER, of six tlittere.. pruned is two colors. sold by 1.1.: 1. by mil ream at thty awls prints, Also nre Flags, Union Bast and BZ4IIII at very low prices. tnyB EICIIEFr STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSEL' FARE REDUCED TO $1.25 TUttoLL;i. GETTYSBURG. f 1 gill!. undersigned has estal),;zl.. .j_ regubir LLNE OP 6TAGE OJA Cali.- u.ll burg, culutekatag every oiler ruocutug lanu Valley Railroad cars. "tit.: coa.c • • every Tueal.,y, and ru.ur.,“.. • • tuber day. I . 4444tiougors fur - .4acpe5r,1,,,,u.., Petersburg and Gettysburg are e d . • Jell-Utt tt 31 .1. 1A . ST. LOUIS HOT.6L, OILNAS'TIV U 2 a'L , ABU V E IlL'i rIIILADELE'LIIA IN the immediate aoighburl, Jobbing Hobson ou Markot tuirJ arms, Liao Banks, Poet °glee, 510r.1.....• dm, 21721:1 ON TUN ANDi. RICAN AND N. UkCOP KAN VLI BOARD PER DA . Danner between t and J Weaved_ 6u 0.-W- room from 10 conta uparsra. A Arm o.asa hesaaurant attached. Prices Bile of Fare. The Chy Card take ea,seuderd i rota au, •L[: eleeeto Like 110E01 ArEngitsb Franca liermau &au STONE FOR SALE. I_ZUILDING sTON b: or &ono Air for tUrkilking pUrpi)," w; oles Lac,. per, 01 the city Of 114 v pi) to niargl w m ..), 11. GREAT REDuctima th e.tii,;t. WHEELLit az, SEWING -MACHINtS, QM NEW IMPROVEMENTS AT iti.ollCtO (['HE WELEKLEit tVILSON 11 taring Company Waving gamed et, „ - • law, with Wringing, tutoodecturera et cowte, propose that the poetic ahem.” ue ttaeua., and nave accordingly reduced We prfeea • ibuglinest. Atter Wm dalo Guay wlll Liu aW J • will pay a fair prods on the oust of MAO ul tweeted, and expense el waning .sater ; c will mauls) them to mane Lira clam netee - heretofore, guarantee mein in every perm in soisortlansta *Jib Liao autiOutkealu.ut sell their splendid i,evilLig a. to $9O tor Wu tine ell ita,se antelleuna. - lished tact that the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing thelab, la the beat one in the war net, the be,‘ and toast Wane In gat out ut urdor, .'; low as th e 1111011ot 111111.1LUL108. 11,.! tf, Third and Market. del-6m a. F. NC 1 4 4.1 - .1:3 TRAYMJ.I.Na AGE.NI uk iLth OW WALLOW' ER lib I , ' IBIS OLD TRA.N.SPOK"I' f 10. N I"' tti still successiul operat:ea and I re, LI, treight as . LOW as any utoer uslt VI as. Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Low port, Jersey Shore, LOZIC Haves, ,od Northern Central, Philadelphia and port and Elmira liallroads. Local Agatt at ko. A Weds seat w FKLOOCK, ZELL dr. and 810 Market street, Bi l le', by 4 Will arrive as Elarriateir l s, ready ler '- morning. .I.rArJ 6, A- LIMPTY BAIMEL6. —Two if uudie -1.11 Kwpty Flour, Suor add W,ue d: ri d sonptiods tuid prious, WALLOWER'S LINE, DAILY BJUVOCRE iiikitillSßUßG and EIiILA.DEL Wns.' 4s6 Burk 4ent, 812 ilarkei street, Puted6 • • • phis, formerly Livingston 4 . (O• Special Conductor to charge 01 e4Cij ti,ooda deliverod We Warvu... , Jae, Praia. at 44 ( o'clowc. P. i 4, rm bra uetti rcra i I bUrg next law Lugg. J. WALL° W J toy 21411 " craze 6..n.mhu; 11-IVAS.--Three liandrod Exua 6ug2u . Cured Hams just moved by W6l. DUCK rt. FIRST CLASS GROCERI.ES I 1-1,4 E- A Eilll V A 1 ,1 AVTNGI JUST RETURNED trout Cu e AlLL.Eszlern cities where. we nave selentei wan :oe eauntli outid large and complete 11S3OCILllan 0, - petiOr goods* wlgeb embrace anything halo in the a". city groaeries.wp pit to call and =Woe' oat week and nano riapectiony and cordially' iIIVIID " wet. Doc. Jit a ca. . . I:1=111 L). tin Jr•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers