„,_........ . pailptitgraplj, _-- Thurs la) Afternoon, July 25, ISM . vy A FIREMAN.—The funeral of Charles Reilly, late an active member of the Filend,hip Fire Company, took place this after noon, and Was attended by delegations from the various companies composing the fire de oUtuieut. RaCRNED. —Lieut. Geo. W.• Davis, and fou r privates of the Cameron Guards, who remained behind the company, returned home this morn ing, bringing with them Ellis Lewis Eck in a suf fering condition from illness. The Lieutenant is "gay and happy" as usual, and seems to have been phisically h.nefitted by the campaign.— fie talks of re-entering the service for the bal ance of the war. THE Wotan lareyrav, of York, made anoth er parade last evening. In the progress of their march the company halted in front of our sanc tum and honored us will' three hearty cheers, given in the regular Zeuave style, in return for our complimentary notice of their drill on the evening previous. The members of this crack corps, during their brief stay in Harrisburg, have proved themselves to be true gentlemen as well as good soldiers. I==l ASSATILTAD A WoMAN.—Yt sted ay afternoon Akrauder Walker Ira.; arrested for a brutal assault upon his step-daughter, Mary Haffner, Mud threatening to kill her. He was commit ted by Alderman Kith° for trial at the August term. CJmplaint was made ugliest the same man for committing an act of "public indecen cy," by bathing in the . usual at the foot of North street, in full view of women residing in that loc dity. Fon COLD SPRING.—This morning an exour sion train containing a large number of the far mers of Susquehanna and adjoining townships, left fur Culd Spring, the place selected for their annual harvest home celebration. Our agri ;mita' ists have reason to be thankful for the abundant crops with which the God of harvests has blessed them the present season. A num oet of our citizens participated in the excureion, and we have no doubt all had a pleasant time. Ocintaß —Mi ?summer, with all its rich pro mises of future abundance is now upon us. The Vets underneath which we wal and the turf beneath our feet, is clothed in emerald green. The air is redolent with the fragrance of mul titudinous timers, and around nearly every Lottage in our town can be seen the red and the white of the rose. It is an historical flower ; years ago its different colors were adopted by two powerful partia contending fur the supre macy in Old England to distinguish them from each other. Years have paused, yea centuries, and yet the descendants of those who fought in the war of the roses are found still upholding the old colors, 7: dding to them the blue, emble matic of truth. ii~un'fx is no just reason for the great clamor that is raised in many quarters about hard times. In the manufacturing dis tricts, especially those which are dependent on d.iuthern patronage, many are thrown out of ein ' t qloyment, and there must be no little suffer ing ; b i n there is more money in the country than ever before, and it is cart3tantly coming 0 „ i mper :utions are much less than usual, us of bread tuffs, etc., are while the exportat4 . o unusually large. Thel'e is a steady and in creasing demand fur grain and provisions, while goods of all descriptions arC cheap. In the farming communities there is no just reason for tight times, beyond that growing out of the universal want of confidence which is dis couraging investments and piling up money in um. teaks. I=M=l Lsscr. FRANK DAVIEL —lt is with a greet deal of pleasure that we make the announce ment of the safe return of Lieut. Frank Davies to Washington. A letter has been received from him by friends in this city, dated at Wash ington yesterday. The Lieutenant was in the thickest of the fight for several hours, and was at the aide of Col. Cameron when that gallant officer fell mortally wounded. When the panic took place the Lieutenant accompanied his re giment in the retreat, and having lost his horse, made his way on foot to Fort Corcoran, where he arrived some time on Monday, and reached Washington yesterday. Our gallant young townsman•hae already distinguished himself,and been complimented in official quarters for his skill and heroism, Should the remains of h s late esteemed Colonel be found, Lieutenant Da vies will accompany them to this city,by special request of Gen. Simon Cameron, brother of the deceased. The people of Harrisburg should greet with a hearty welcome the young hero who has done honor to himself and credit to his native city. 1==:1 Frain rgs Soznuss—Too much praise can. I not be awarded to citizens of our town who for tvo days past have kept open houses tor the entertainment of returning volunteers, and fed hundreds of them at their own expense. Of the thousand* of soldiers who thronged the streets yesterday and to-day, not one in ten had any money, and many of them were In a hungry and suffering condition. While we honor the many sympathising and patriotic citizens who generously provided for our weary and hungry volunteers, we blush to record the humiliating fact that in some instances they were turned away unfed from the doors of persona whom Fieaven has blessed with abundant pecuniary means. Shame on the ungrateful mercenaries In contrast with the conduct of this small and mean class, we refer with feelings of pride and gratification to the large number of citizens— Some of them poor mechanics—who not only supplied the wants of all soldiers who called Upon them, but invited scores to their well Ailed tablet One gentleman in Walnut street, r. Wm. Verbeke, who has contributed lib- Mil" to the 'Union cause on all eccasions since the co mmencement of the war, threw wide open hiS doors yesterday and to-day, and fed hun dreds of volunteers at his own expense. finch Men are 114 honor to any oommunitY• and will teteire their reward. WARLIKE.- Some eignt thousand soldiers are now encamped on Capitol hill, and the place presents a decidedly warlike aspect. It is ex pected that additional regiments will arrive to nignt and to-morrow. THE Rasmus Rzontswr under command of Col Wm. B. Mann, arrived here this forenoon, and encamped near the Pennsylvania Railroad round house, where they will remain until this evening, and then proceed to Harper's Ferry. The regiment is over one thousand strong and the men well equipped. Tits ELLSWORTH Zotrevss, now in this city, are the lions of the day in military circles. They come here for the purpose of enlisting recruits for their regiment,and will take back with them to Washington a number of men from the fourth regiment, to whom the Zouaves are much at tached. Nearly all the members of the last named regiment carry portraits of Ellsworth and his avenger Brownell. Nearly the whole fourth regiment intend re-enlistin g. Movsstorr or THOOPS.—There has been a con stant movement of troops through this city since last Monday. A number of regiments have goue to Washington, and others to the upper Potomac to reinforce General Banks. Several more New York regiments, and some from the west, will pass here within a few days. "On to Washington," is the watch-word, and the grand army there is daily being reinforced by thousands. .--.14111.--. COminummix—At the request of our return• lug volunteers, the money and provisions con tributed towards a public dinner for them, will be appropriated to feeding the soldiers from a distance now in this city, most of whom are destitute of money. The suggestion is a good one, creditable to those who made it, and will be cheerfully acted upon by the ladies. Those who contributed money, and are dissatisfied with this arrangement, will have it refunded to them if desired. PAYING THIN VOLUBTEKBA.—Two United States Paymasters arrived here from Washington this morning and have been busily engaged all day in paying off the three months volunteers. The first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth, sixteenth and twenty-fifth regiments returned within a few days, and the number of men in this city last night was estimated at from eight to ten thousand. A large number of these re ceived their pay to-day, were mustered out of service, and immediately left for home—some of them entirely "played out," and others de termined to re-enlist for the war. After writing the above the seventh, ninth and thirteenth regiments arrived. LIVELY Tutee.—For the last two or three days our city has been over-run with returning volunteers, and we have lived in the midst of un interrupted bustle and excitement. The num ber of soldiers here last night was not less than ten thousand ; and notwithstanding the pres- ence of this immense crowd, a creditable degree of good order prevailed. The only violent outbreak that occurred was a disturbance at the Jones House, originating in a difficulty be tween a Colonel of one of the regiments and a portion of his men, which at one time was feared would result disastrously to the former, some of his assailants manifesting a disposition to take his life. The Colonel, tcowever, man aged to elude the mob, and secretly left the city sometime during the night. With this exception comparative quiet reigned throughout the city limits, the great mass of the volunteers behaving in a very creditable manner, despite their ill treatment by the government. Sarum or Tus Lamm, GRIIM—The Lochiel Greys, of this city, Capt. Henry McCormick, reached home this morning at five o'clock, and were received by the Fret City Zouaves at the west end of the bridge. Notwithstanding the early hour at which the boys arrived, a large crowd of friends and acquaintances turned out to welcome them. The members of the com pany are literally bronzed by exposure, but in good heart and splendid health. Some of them have so much improved in physique that their wives and sweet hearts at first failed to recog nize them. There are men in the musks who barely passed official muster, now returning with appetites like saw mills, and muscles as firm now as they were previously flaccid. The Greys have unanimously voted to re-enlist for the war, and will no doubt return to the tent ed field in a short time. Had the Greys reach_ ed home last evening, as expected, our citizens would have turned out en masse to welcome their gallant defenders. The Greys made a parade this forenoon, and were greatly admired for their fine soldierly appearance, splendid marching and accurate drill. It is generally conceded that no regiment from this State contained a finer body of men then the Lochiel Greys. The company is a credit to our city. Tax Banta' SuoP is a curious and suggest ive institution, and interesting to the philoso phical observer. They are of all degrees of gen• tility, from the professional "artist," who "shaves only gentlemen," to the scraper of coal heaver', chins. It is amusing to drop into one of them on a Sunday morning, and watch the manipulations of the presiding genius, and the ill-concealed impatience of the gents who are waiting for their turns. The former Is now in his glory. He is monarch of all he surveys, and know, that the unshaved individuals that surround him are at his mercy. But he is not proud, and will take a sixpence upon provoca. tion. Behold him as he shampoos the head of some fast individual who was "up late" on Saturday night. How he makes the cool fluid Ides as it descends upon the red hot caput, and then, with what frantic energy he gets up a terrific lather on the lame. See him operate= a little, finical, foppish gentleman, who would be horrified at such treatment as the other has undergone. Row delicately he takes the nose of the exquisite between his thumb and forefin ger, and how lightly he makes the rasor glide over the callow surface of the youngling's skin. How &di:l:drably ye barbs-man adapts himself to his customers, and after all he seldom does more than make a passable living at the best of than. peunopluania lail telegraph, illmobau 'Afternoon, '25 1861 ATTENTION, UNION CADETS. - A meeting of the Union Callais will be held at the usual place of meeting, to-morrow (Friday evening 6i o'clock, far dress parade. Punctual attendance of all the members is desired. By order of the cap tain. C. A. Paasos, 0. S. GEN. M'CLELLAND EN ROUTE FOR WASHLNOFON. General M'Clelland, the hero of Western Virgi nia, passed through this city this morning en route for Washington. His arrival was not gen erally known and there were but few persons present when the train reached here. His pre sence was soon made known, however, and in a short time hundreds of soldiers flocked to the depot desirous of getting a sight of him. The General was with his lady, and was plainly clad in the common bine blouse and fatigue cap. Had he not been pointed out by the pas sengers on the train, it is probable he would have passed through the city unnoticed. When he stepped upon the platform of one of the cars of the Baltimore train, his appearance created the wildest enthusiasm. Among the first to welcome him was a private of the fifth regi ment, who rushed up and grasping _him by the hand, said : "General, lam glad to see you. You're a bully boy. I belong to the fifth, and intend going back to fight under yon." The General replied that he would be very happy to see him. The General was again loudly chieer ed, and in response made a few stirring remarks, in which he said he would be glad to see as many of the three months' volunteers return as possible. He referred to the affair at Manassas, and said all we had to do was to try it over. This remark was loudly cheered. As the train moved off, the General bowed to the impromptu crowd from the platform, and retired amidst much enthusiasm. Worn or Russet —lt a meeting of th. Lochiel Greys, held at Charlestown, Va., July 19th, 1881, to take tome action in reference to he death of their late comrade, Corporal Josarrit W. Mcracu, the following preamble and reso lutions were unanimously adopted: Wssszts, Death has invaded our ranks and takelff from our side a comrade and fellow sol• dier, Corporal Joshua W. Muench—not glori ously on the field of battle, but by the lingering torture of disease contracted during a long and arduous march—at a time when his services were most needed in defending the honor of his country which he had so nobly volunteered to maintain ; therefore be it Resulw.d, That we profoundly sympathise with the family and friends of the deceased, who have thus been so suddenly bereft of one around whom so many hopes centered, and for whom so bright a future was in store, and tender to them our sincere condolence in him the hour of their affliction, knowing that their and our loss was his gain, and that he died in the hope of a bles•ed immortality. Resolved, That whilst we bow with reverence to the Supreme will of an over-ruling Provi dence, we contemplate with feelings of unfeign ed sorrow the timely decease of our late esteem ed friend and associate, in whom so many vir tues, so many of those attributes were concen trated, which combine to make God's noblest work—a man. Resolved, That we deem it a duty incumbent upon us—though a melancholly one—to bear testimony to the soldierly acquirements posses sed by the deceased; his strict sense of right; the stem impartiality with which he discharged the duties pertaining to his position; the enthu siasm which he entertained for the.cause in which, had his life and health been spared, he would soon have distinguished himself ; and the regret which he expressed at having to part from us before the expiration of our campaign. Resolved, That a copy of the above proceed ings be transmitted to the family of the deceas ed ; and to the daily journals of Harrisburg for publication. Geo. A. Nkomo, EIJGEN7O SnDllll., S. J. RiNDMILHON, Committee. Scrams Rwruann.—The clever company of Lochiel Greys arrived home this morning all in good condition and with hearts bonyant and strong. Should our country call them they will again make their watchword "Lechiel Greys." For the present many a family has been made glad, and the social circle advantaged, and as they will want some little rubbing up, we will just say at Urich & Bowman's they can get any little dry goods Emend they may want. 2tt Nzw AND CHEAP GOODS TROY Naw Yozz. Auc- TION.-100 pieces splendid Wamesutta Calico, 10 cts; 60 pieces of unbleached Muslin, 10 cta., worth 12+ cts ; 80 pieces of splendid, dlin ton Ginghams, 12+ cts. worth 18 eta ; 100 pieces of Crash, at 10 and 12 cts. a yard ; a very large lot of ladies and children's whitestockings; the best ladies hose for 12+ cts. in town ; bril liants, hrilliants, brilliants, 60 pieces, at 124 cts. ; beautiful skirt stuff at 25 eta ; 200 dozen of brown and blue mixed men's socks, 12/ ots.; end a great many other goods very cheap, at S. law's, John Rhoads' old stand. THE DR. KANE REFRIGERATOR THIS tiaperior REFRIGERATOR, to gather with several other cheaper styles, may be Woad at the manafaatury, at exceedingly low Fleas. Alas, a great variety of RATER COOLERS, of super nor finish. Mt S. FAROON & CO. Cor. Deck and Pearstreetc, Phl/adelphia, aprill.64m FOR RENT.--A TWO STORY BRICK HUHU. on Pena) Imola Avenue, &boys Cumber, land atreet, oily of Harrisburg. Apply to. Jy22 lw A. D. ROVIIIIIPORD. STEAM WEEKLY BET W NEN NEW TORY eV, 1 -14 AND LIVERPOOL. . • r 4N 11 iv lr AND EMBARKING PAS AGHtt- at QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver. 041. mew i ors and Philadelphia Steamship company ; ,mend d• spawning their NU powered ilydehnilt iron Woatnahnw .ta follows: •QLA.B6OWI Cl ir OF WatifillabTi .'gtugdgy27 3aturouy augu-t : OW BALTINOaII, august 10 ; and every Saturday, at Noce, fr Pier 44 North River. RAM OP rte. • PIRBT CABIN oo simutAGlE_ ..... 00 do to Loudon PO 00 I do to London ..838 00 do to Parts $B6 00 do to Faris $ BB 00 do to lismbneg..slls 00 I do to Itamttnrg *a 00 Passengers also torwardea to Havre, Bream, Boner.' dam, Antwerp, ac., at equally to. rates arPersons winning Is. &woo' comma' friends san bur tickets here at the following rates, to New York From: Liverpool or Queenstown; Ist Oabin, $75, SIM and $lO6 %enrage from liverpoul 510 00 From Queenstown, 530 00. These &camera have superior accommodations for passengers, and carry experteneed Surgeons. They are guilt In Watertight Iron Becalms, and have Patent Fire Annihilators on board. JNO. a. DALE, Agent, isr24 16 Broadway, New York. Or 0.0 . Zimmerman, Agent , Harrisburg. SPICED SALMON 11 FRESH AND VEKY DELIDATE. Put up neatly ut Ave pound OUle. . to Jr:, too. EMPTY FLOUR BARRELS. , 100 l itrB B AR N als WhaBBIGHT ma. ow by U4Bl WJY1..D00.14 is., lioo, New 2lbutrttetwants. fliisttltancons PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL BLOOD RENOVATOR 1- precisely *oat Its name indicates, for wilds pie/m -att SO tb• taste, It is revivliyiug, exhilarating soil strenginening to toe vital powers. It also rev.vide ,re instates and renews the blood lu all its oil tual purity. and thus restirec ant renders the 13 - alem mvu'nerae.e to attacks of dls. Lee it In toe only preparation ever offered to the world In a popubr tom to as to be w ilk's] the reach of all. Glen:dewily and -killfully o°ml:ft d, as to the most powerful nd yet so perfectly f spied ao as To Act to flounce eccdeneacs WM THE LaWs or NATUXS, AND Bans SO TVS MI WILMOT Hroxsos sad tote Up the 01. .naive org ,Ls, and allay ILA nervosa irritation. .t Is til , o perfectly extuterating to Its elreuts, sea yet ft is never followed by leasitde r dtpre.sion • f aplrhe .Lis com posed entirely of vegetables, and those tboreogly cool- Dialog towerful tonic and soothing propartiee, sod eon a queotiy can never InJu•e. es a aura preven.lve and cure of CON4TRPTIoN, BRONCHITIS, IN bI3F4,TION, DILL PEPSI*, LA S+ OF APeRTIT FAINTRIM, NEE. VOUS IRRITABILITY, NIallteLGIA, PALPITA TION t . F 'IHR EA R MBLANCHuLT, HYPO CHONDRIA, MOST SWEAT% LAROULIR, OIDDIDSBS, AND ALL THAT 01.trs OF HAIM SOFBARFULLY FATAL CALLED FEMALE WEAK:CM, AND IRREGULAICITit:E. THERE IS NOTHING rrs EQUAL Also, Liver Dernugereects or Torpidity, and Live' cent. plahlta t Diseases of the Kidney, or any geueral dereage went of the Urioary organs It will not only I..ure the debility fo'l wing CHILLS and FIVER, but all prevent attacks arising from Miasmatic locked. influecciii, ono curs the diseases at once , If already at. Travelers ittoaTd tten'ea bottle with them, as it will infallibly pretest' any deleterlOns con,equence, follow. Ind upon change of climate aud water. As it prevents costiveness strengthens th. dig •sUve organs, It should be in the hinds of SU pereoda if seden tary habits, Ladles not accustomed to much ont.door exercise .bould alwayi use it Brothers. should use it, f.r it is a perfect relief, takeo a womb or two before the goal rill, sae will pass the dreadful period with pm Icel. ease and safety . :al NO Yleaa=s ail)ltt It TES CORWAL 1S ALL WE CLAM FOE IT I I I MotherA Try It and to you we appeal, to detect the Illness or decline not only of yoor daugtes before it be too tate, but also your suns aid he/tited; tor whi a the former from false delicacy, often g 0 down to a pram Sure grave, rattler th au 14 their weudititda be known tut me, the latter are often so mined up Irite the excitement of business, that if «were not for you, they too, w0.,10 travel to .he tau e downward path, until It la too late t) arrest their fatal fail Rat toe mother Is always vigilant, and to you we ee t undeetly appeal ; for w. are au,* your never affection will uoerriublj point you to rROF. %Ouo'n itanTOttstlVO Cu, lneL AND ttLOOD hRet , FeT JR a. the remedy which should 'Oxeye be on hand In time el need. u. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and 1.4 Market Street, t. Lunt', Do., gnu sold by a 1 goad Douglas. Price One . o iar ,er Bottle. jyB-41aw. ow SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES I I I A Necessity in Every Household 1 JOHNS & CROBLEY '8 American Cement Glue The Strongest elite in the World NOBOEMENTINO WOOD, LEATHER, OLAaI., IVOkLY, CHINA, BUBBLE, 1. 4 0 a- CHAIN, kidABASIEII, BONN, &0., &c., &c. The only article of the kind ever produced wnioh will withstand Water. EX PRA CTS : .`htery housekeeper .huuld hay ly of Johns & Chhalere American cement G r . 1111113 .. ft is m Otnartattill to have u e liettite--N, I ammo. bt &ways ready ; thiseommanel .0 a% tory body." N. Y. IsoirunoUir. "We hire tried it, and ead_it as u•eaul 14 our home as eater."—Wavaa Parr or me T.nat Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale Dealers. Tiktliht. Otr H. or Fur sale by all Druggieht and Storekeep ers generally throughout the couutry. JUIiNB & uEOSLEY, (Sole Nana iacturee,) 78 WiLtzeit Smarr, (Corner of Liberty Street,) Haw Yong. NOTICE. TO THE PUBLIC. flAkiE uNDERsIIiNifiD COMMISSION . . of Dauphin county, iu pUrallacCa or an Act of thy ileum al assembly of the Cu IMlOnWellth of Penn sylvamta, approved the 16th day of 1861, en mien "en set to authorise toe Comma aioner,, ui usup Dan co u ty to appropriate a uertaln sum of moony lot the sup , . port of the families of yolnntoses during the present ."' war do hereby hitform the publto Ma they will make a lo an to the amount of a sum not, exceeding ten thousand dollars, foe which bolus will be Usual for a term tiOt ex ceeding ten year., with coupons attiobol, Ibr the payment ofbaffyearly interest, payable at the tltunty Treasury et 6 per cant. Said wads are to be clear of all taxation. it Is therefore hoped that tha said amount lo bon-1/ of s oat amonuts as the leaden wilt &sire, will De prompt ly takes by the patrl all • capitalists u others, with out resorting 80 special taxation tit Wit time. JORN t .1.a:U013 DEIIII, Com inhalers. GM). GA V Kettuht, sate[- Joam Ham; Cleric my29-daw THERMOMETERS ! THERMOI99-TEIIB, Orninnental Mentle, n Japanese Metal, itusamour.rcits, do do Bronzed du TaaRMOILSTMES, Distillers Ttn Cue, 12 nub. TORIIittOkIaTMRS, do Brut bound Double Scala. TillittlittiLlFlNCES, Union Clue, 10-19 Inch. THERldowsteas, Meade Frame, 8-10 inch. THERMOMMTERS, Black Walnut. base, 10 inch. THERMORSTER,S, Tin Due 7-8 10 loon. We have Just received a fine lot or TRERMOBLETE of various atyles, and are selling them low. HELM'S DRUG STORE, ape • 91 Market sired 1861. 30 OPENING, 3D OPENING 1861. SUMMER DRESS GOODS OP ITIZT DISOMPTIOX. The qualay et die goods rar the pries will be an Induce. meot,to every one to purchase. The bush desirable goods of the season at a great sac. dace. , VAIANCIAS; • ' CBM D' MANGO, . , Anita& ANGI.I4IB, • - issbasta POPLI NS, 1 • ' • . Ngt&rOLIT4NB. . LAWNS and LAVELLA.E are among the list CATHCLULT & BROTHER. Next door to Use Harrisburg Bank. SR F:T.P.TON SKIRTS: The lturgestisassk of the very bast make to be round at CATHCART d, eat door-to the Banishers Bank. - • Parasols, Sun Umbrellas and Umbrellas Twenty-five per cent lower than can be' tuaroluused lambert' in Use city. CATHCART 4 BROTHER. r . tira.l4,,Marael Square, aye. - Next terthe r klarrishurg Bank H. L. GODBOLD, DRACTICAL Tuner and Repairer of j_ Plana, Melodeons, &0., die . , will receive orders Ili mere as KNOtali'd Music Mors, 92 Market areal LL orders left at the above named place, or at the 9neh let cuss, will meet with prompt attention First clan. :lAN* h.:- sale seplit•dly FLAGS 1 PL &Q 6 1 . VOTE.PAPER , AND EN V JiLOPES wi4b N aUcitlal diWERO, unix PAPER with a wlewipti city at Barrier printed and for sale at 11018EFFEWS BOOKSTORE, in 24 WA" ' be Flarctokbale andiftt - ILL ,Ya i ~,•..1 008,,8abi1.,..., , . rot ROiligiMotitiOcoupied by the Poe mai. Punnesmou even on OA AM of July. Sn )01411 IMMO W. MEM. I New 2bvertistmeute. DAILY Ali LINE! Between Philadelphia LOCS nitrite, Jamey SHORy, Wixuratirpoirr, CialalttoWN, Waved:crows, NORTithannthaND. , I:NBCRY, I RATOnTO.Y, IiItOnGhTOWS, ar.uri, Haurax, thirenLv, AND klAit fee hoo: - eitir located the r.4yage will be at the loweat rates. A C.ndurtor goes. through with each ir.in to atteo.t w tae a.fe delivery of all goods entrusted to ter line Geode delivered at the Depot of Fitingl); WARD & FREED, No. MI Mar. et Sleet, Phila delphia, by S o'cloea P. 11., will bet ...livered In Harrisburg the next morale Freight (alw.ys) as low as by spy other ue. Particular attention paid by this hue i...-ompt sad Speedy delivery of alt liarrisber 00ds. The undersigned thankful for past retro bonen by Arica attention to leuststre.s to merit A cos. n nee of the same T. PRIV Phllladelpblr and Re idin el? dem Feat or ttaravi -ire. Na. ri.orot D. Ge,O tt, gr aduate of the sittmo - d po e ..1 ntul Surgery, having permit neatly located in th , •-rty •it Ilatrtsborg and taken the office Masterly ondupt 41 by Dr. Gorges, ou Third street, between Marks. sod revecitully iotorms ted the 1011.0 4eneral, that he is prepared t. perform -di operdtt ,oe .0 t .e Mutat profession, either surgleal or moditani.o.l, banner that Shall not, be sort espied by .id Zi.AlO ' 1111 or any other city. Ha mode of inserun teeth H upon the latest I Co. prOVednutentidc ~ • dd.piss. Teeth, Irom ono hi a t ml Set, IaUUUIe4 ou line Gold, ver, Matins plates or the Vulcanite Bane. I hue great pleasure iu recoutmeo.ting lee above gee- Ilene's/ 10 all my !Grater paients el Harrisburg and vi inky, Bud feel conflleut teat be ',nil perform all opera tame kri a scientific meaner, Ir.•m my knowledge or h 1• icny3.4lUl F. J. tni4IRGAS, D. D. S. GILT FRAMES I GILT FRAMES J. BIESTER, CARVER AN!) GILDER, Manufacturer of Looking Glass and Picture Frames, Gut and Rosewood Mouldings ite. HARRISBURG, PA. French Mirrors. !quays and Oval Portrait Frames of every description, OLD FRAMES Ral-GILT TO NEW. Jyl6-ly JOHN W. /MOWN. CAST Y & Bito W N ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW HARRIBBIIRG, PINN'A. I_l A VING assoutated together to the practice of Or I.tw, will atteha feettlifully oleo .rocreptly to all profeastonal bushman entrusted to thou e.I Thera street theca awe_ iroto blarao , : , leneelea..ttote eee Engleette and gereteetee HICKORY, OAK AND PINE WOOD for isle, can To STOVE OR COED LENCIN TO SOI2 PbRVIIASkitS ALSO, LOCUST PUSI. O CHESTNUT RAILS OCT TO ORDEIC, ALs , STONE AND SA.VO FU C 80/GDPNO PUKPOSE.S. iutp.r ul the subsurtee• at tous mip.teuee on the Ridge rapoote the (hoed WM r.ugitti lio4se, or nt the Ver &mild and troy i •Itaati, Nirnit Her - I'..ibut, Imy27•ifj 0 B. ooLE . a 0 El VAN ENGEN & SNYDER, a Designers and Enaravers on Wood N E. COB. FIFTH & CHESTNUT STS., Philadelphia. Ex" 'UTE all kinds of Wood Eugraviug with 'natio., oOrreCtLegall dispatch. Original designs furnished for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons vristung cuts, by sending a Photograph or Daguerreotype, use have v iews of Colleges, Churches, Store Front'', Machines, ntoves, Palmate, Sc., engraved as wail on per stunk" apptioetkl. Fancy Envelopes, Labels, 818 Headings, Show Bills, Visiting, Business and other Cards, engraved in the highest style of art, and at toe lowest prices. For specimens of tine engraving, see the mortratoct works of J. U. Lippincott &Co , B. U. Butler &Co. octgb lyd S JUST RECEIVED from the 1.25 • ,isle it Mot fine COSIXERCIaL NOTE eras, wawa we will sell et 31.26 per resin. $l,l bib per resat fur NOM ParNo, decorated with the latest and very haudsoine ecobleins and patriot,: mottos. $3.50 for 1000 Wafts: ENVFLOPES„ with national and patriotic emblems, printed iu two covers. Please glue ut a sw.ll. Tag° F tClit itillitt, i .1021 d - Harrisburg. POW DIARRHEA AND CHOLERA ANTIDOTE, For the core of these'distressing maladies. Agreeable to the taste. Kv.•ry soldier stioula procure a Dottie of tins valuable medicine before they take up their Une of march. Fur sale at BANNTART'S, Dreg Store, mys-gam ETarriaburg, Pa OAPER, RANGIR, Front st..reet, secoud . door:above Walnut street. All orders punctually attended to. sor Paper hung for lb aenti per roll or pleas. All work warranted. my9.clti CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN. rllO close up the concern the entire stock of Boors, &a.,•late or 01.ver Be 1 Ma, deceased, In iha rooms In toe Market Square, will be hold at private E4lit at COST; and the rooms wt l be rcnted to the perch tsar if desired. The tares will be made easy. jell•dtf Bubo Agent THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. 'FRE vast amount of property destroyed annually by Whining uught to be a warning to property holders to secure their buitdinge. hil orders far Lightning Rods left at thu auction store of W. BARR, will be attended to. Ruda put up in the latest improved tyla and warranted. ield-d FUR RENT. THE EUROPEAN HOTEL AND RE- S'TAURAN'T is Branita My BAH 'Building, Barris. ourg My, Pa. Apply to JOHN H. BRANT, jell-dam• ' Ull3 the premites. NRAB CIDER ! I 1---Strietly pure, spark ki ling and sweet—has received a Sliver Medal or Di ploma at every Slate agr.canaral Bair stuns 1858. ale by jell-d WM. Ika.;a. & (X). "VOit DALK—Une or the best bustuess steads in the cloy On Tessellate terms, or leased tor titles or five years tit .aced to !Lartet meet betwten Fourth and 1 , 111.11. itnqU,re on the pre tares of 9 d2in LESDY. ALARGE TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE and lot of ground, pleasantly locuA on Front St., , between Mulberry street and Washington Avenue. Also TWO LAMBE PIANOS In good oindthon and of ex. ealleatt tone. Apply to O. 0. 2161.MZEMAN, jet No. 23, South Second street. REMOVAL. UHF SUBSCittlisit, ham removed hie "PatittllNG AND 8RA..38 FIN.INDItY from Vitriol straw. to fourth street aboVe liattLet, oostostt.• the Bathe March ftmokinl for past patrohego, be tappet, by strict AttentrOolo bestneee, to merit a coationenoe of it. oteeNt.sot Wu PARRHI t ttEMOVAL. PEEL .6.0 LibTRILfER. would respectfully iniortsrloo-nobtao that be las , removed Ms Plumb. ing and.avata founding ernabdsbment, to No. 22 Bon NI third strait holow Hare"! Hotel: nankin' for past pol onium, pa novo% by stria attention 10 business to m ei n a abottbasoe ern. sdil24ltV eNONI6. TIIPUREED BOLOGNA BAUBAGN.-At ieryrare..lot juakreadved and Mb ask by •05 WAto DOCK **oo I: O M.I.I= I IEIMELF.IS DENTISTRY. 6CHEFFEIt'S BOOK STORE 1 (Rear the Barri:burg Bridge.) HENRY U. IS li AFFER, City Property for Sale. ftlisctliantous. LADIES' TINE, SPEER'S SAMI3TRII, WISE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, CELEBRATED for its medical and bans tl,lll qualti.a ass genume Stimulant, tunic, is an-1 oior On, Wetly e-teemxl by cm•acut Avid clans, and some or the drat gamines In Sur.tge all Alumina. SPEER'S SAMEUCI WIN& 1.1 not a mixture or maouriotore4 arOde. brit iv sun., from cultivated Portu ;al Eld^r reco amended Oy Otle6l - and Physicians as rosse•sioq M3411A1 p•o 'artist qa parlor to any other Whirs , n use, an 1 an eseell Ole for all stoat and deb litaled pio , onr, and the so 1 and infirm. Improving the appetite, and ttenedUng isdlJ atd children. A LADIKS , WINE, beretve It will net intorcate as other wines, as it oon ail , s on mixture of spirits or other liquors, and Is tuned SP - Ito rich rezut er fltvor and mare, ye pnyerties, Imparting a t eel by tone to too dies tire arg wa, and a. ' , Lowing, a IL ant tral 1 ht , Min and complexion. None grnutne unless the eiguature of Al.t , Rho NVEKR, Palawan, N. J., la over the cork of e b bottle, tIAKK ONE TrIAL OF TEM WINK, A. NrEhlt, vropriatar. raifilia, N. J. 0111 n 208 FtroedwaY, New %mt. J. H EATON Agent vial' leophte For sale by D. W. Gr , •11, At Co., C. K. Keller. John Wyeth and by drutrel-tu ge ural y . 111,11=lbn ONLY PREPARATION WORTHY OF Universal Confidenoe & Patronage. FOR STATESMEN, JUDGES, CLERGYMAN, Ladies and Gentlemen, In all panzer the world ta.tUy to the eftLaey Prot. 0 J Wood's Hair itostorstrre, and gent/email of the Pros are twat:knout lu itt prat" A few teeth:coal ils only con be biro given ; are circular fur more, and it will be hapo. eible for you to doubt. 470.11 Street, New York, Dec. 20th, IssB. Goinsmor : Your note of the 16 h inst., has from re. delved, P.a3 log that you had heard that I had been bkanan dted by tem use of Woo .'s Hair Restored, s t and request ing my certificate' of the Let if I hid no objection to give It. I award It to you cheerful y, oreause I think It dew— ily ago Is about 60 years ; the (* . or of my hair suborn, and to curl £ome afo or all year,' Mace It De gen to torn pray, and the ecatp on the crown of my he d to lose ha ern total, and dandrulitq form upon it. Loh of these ulsagraeabaltits Inoreated with time, and shout four moo ha !inna a fourth was added to theca, by bale felling of the top of my head and threatentug to make me bold. In this unpleasant predicament, I wee 'educed io try Wood', Hair Pemorativr, mainly to arrest the (adult off of tor hair, fort had real y no expectation that gray hair could ever be restored to Its or,gmal color except from dyes. I was, however, greatly surprfs d to And tier the use bf two bo ilea only, that not only wan the falling off arrested, but the color was restored to !he gray Odra and Bernal ity to the scalp, and dandroft ceased to form on my bead, very muen to the graddcadon of asy wi e. at anote solicitation I wee induced to try It. For this, among the manyohligatlous I owe to heraeZ, I strongly recommend all ha•btade who v .lue the d mired= of their w.v s to I , r .11; by my example, and use tit growing gray or getting bald. Very re.pectftt ly, BEN. A. LAVENLIMIL. TO 0 J. Wood & Cu., 444 Broadway New York My family are absent 'rum the city, and I am no kne w' at No 11 Carrot place. Slamaston, Ala , July 20th, 186111. To Pane. 0. J. WOOD : Bear : Your "Harr Restore. tive" has done my hi,ir so moat good 40001 oommentted the use of it, that I with to make known to the rilBl.lo its effects on the hair, which are great. A MOM or wo. mac may be molly di prored of hair, and by a resort to your "Hair Restorative," the hair will return more oe toilful than ever ; at lea t this le my experience.— Believe it all I Yours truly, WM. B. MINICOY. P .—You can publish the above if you like. By pub lishing lu one Southern pagers you ern get ?nor* patron sr swath. I see sever.l of your certileatea It the Yo hue Mercury a strong Southern paper. WOOD'S HAIR RESTO4ATIVE. Poor 0. J. Wool:. : l e ar elr : Haring had the =War tune to Imo the hest port on of my hair, from the 'Sete of the yellow fever, In New Orleans In 851, I wee tin duced to make a trial of your preparation, and found IS to answer .1.4 V a very thing needed. My hair 13 now thick and glossy, and no wirda cau express my obliga tions to you Ie giving to the Meted such a tretsare. She Restorative ia pat up in bottles of three elzatt, viz large medium, and small ; the small bolds brit a flak ena retails ior one doll• r per bottle ; the medium - holds at least twoety per coot more in proportion trap the emelt, retails for two dollars p-r bottle ; the lava Odds &quart, as per e•nt. more In proportion, and retells for O. J. WOOD & CO., Prop 'eters 444 Broadway, New York, and )14 Market street, BL Luis, an 4 sold by all good Lruggista and Panay Goods Der lera. aureow G rent ID . . DR. LEL.LAND'S .4- ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB Rheumatism, Gout end Neuralgia, AND A SORE CORR TOR All Mercurial Diseascis. _ • It la a conveniently arrabi s ed Band. Ciontaluitkg a cated compound, to be worn around the Wild, .II f l i tli injury to the most delicate persons, no change Inhabits! of living is required, nue It entirely removes the dome from the system, without produclag the Warmed effects arising from the Use of powerful Internal modicums which weaken and destroy the constitution, and glee temporal' i relief only. By tbii treatment, the medical properties contained in the Band, come in contest wilt the blood and reaches the dlseme, through We pores of toe skin, effecting in molt instance a puska( coureAd i l restore be parts amc od to a healthy condlurin. Band is also a most powerful Asa-Bitacomat. agent, and will entirely relieve the system Irvin the perrukitosot Of recta of Mercury. Moderate cases are cured le 4 a, ow days, and we are Constantly receiving testimonial* a t efflOacy to aggravator easel of rug stacidlog. Pium $ I 00, to be bad of Dragglets geltentlinjot smithy mail or express, with tail wreath:lnn for it s 1 6 :1 1 / 2 0, any part of the country, direct from the Pried:44i No. 409 BROADWAY, New Yom, .-.. G. SMITE & CO., Sole Proprietors, N. B.—Descriptive Circulars Bent Free. IN-AGENTS WANTED iiVeitYWEIKEE4NI jyti-eaw WANTED 500 MEN I For the Batteries of the sth Mt. ment of Artillery U. S. Army. DAY from 11 to 21 dollars a month ac . - cording to the poaitiou wtkili the capacity and character of the soldiers may enable him to obtain. Bathos, quarters and Medical attendance are tarnished each sAtt er, with an amp e •1410/000c 4 04 ciodung, 1a ad dition to their p y. Y. cry rem- eatable sweet Is thus say ple4 the soldier, olihrdittg him an opportunity of saUtat the beet part of btu pay. Men of good character and eallicient Intelleot will Mee Ulna opponualtribr attemeselent Into the rxernalisteu ad grades of the army. - All9O at JAI. in Hotel, &nth Betted burg, Pa. 11 1 .=T„ Thirdi. l jyll-dzosett 2d Lira. 1411 Artillery. OM= joniti4m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers