lUtiliatL Ay er's CATHARTIC PILLS. ARE YOU SICK, feeble aste. complaining/ Are you out ot order, with your system deranged. and your feelings uncomfortable? These symptoms are Menthe prelude to serious illness. Some tit Milanese Is creeping urn you, sad should be averted by a timely use ot the right remedy. Take Ayers This and oteanae out the disordered humors—pun:y the blood and let the Snide alveoli unobstructed In health again. They slime. ate the lanationa ot the body into v igorous activity, pu rity the system from disease. A cold settles somewhere In the body, and obstructeits natural functions. These, U not relieved, react upon themselves and the surround ing organs,produclng general aggravation, suffering and gnome. while in Ms condition, oppressed by the de rangements, take Ayer a Ms, and sec how directly they restore the natural action ot the system, and with it the buoyant feeling ot health again. What Is true and so apparent in this trivial and common complaint, is also true In many 01 the deep-seated and dangerous diatom. trThe same purgative enee expels them. Caused atntilar obstructions and derangements of the natural fumitions ot, the body, they are rapidly, and many ot them surely, cured by the same mean. None who know the virtues ot these Pnle will neglect to employ diem when buttering from the disorders they cure. Statements from leading physicians In some ot the principal cities, and from other...well known public per from a Forwarding Merchant ot 84. Loa, Neb. 4,1866. Ha t ATIa : Your Pins are In, paragon ot all that is gratin medicine. They have cured my little daughter 01 ulcerous sores upon her ban . a and Stet that bad proved Incurable for years. Her wither bas been long grieviously afflicted with blotches and pimples oo her skin and in her hair. After our child Was Cured, she also tr led y ourrills, and they have cured her. ABA MORGRIDGB. As • Eason Patina fgrom Dr. E. W. Cartwright, New Orleans.] Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their excellent qualithe Surpass any cathartic we poesess. They are mild, but very certain and effectual in their action on the bowels, which make them invaluable to us in the daily riatment of dlaeaae. HEADMEN, SIM HIADACIEM, FOUL BrIMAOB. [From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore.] Nut Bso. Area : I cannot answer you Wan com• plaints I have 0111111) with your Pills better than to say ad that we ever tract unth a purgative medic ens. I place great dependence on an effectual cathartic in my daily contest with disease, and believing as Ido that your Pills afford us the boat we have, I or course value them Prrnismoi, Pa, May 1,1966. Ds. J. 0. Artm-8r : I have been repeatedly cured of he worst headache anybody can have, by a dose or two lour Pills. It seems to arise from a foul shiMaoh, which they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, ED. W. PEBBLE, Clerk of Steamer (Marlon. Baton Dismunas.—/-1 ss Oosnensis. [!from Dr. Theodore Bell : ...I New York City.] Not only are your Pita ad.n rably adapted to their purpose as an aperient, bat I and their beneficial enacts upon the Liver very marked LidowL They have in my practice proved more effectual for the care of Bilious Complaints than any one remedy .I can mention. I sin cerely rejoice that we have at length a purgative which I worthy the confidence of the profession and. the people. DIMMER= 07 TM lennrems, Weihington,D. 0., 7th Feb. ICH. I Sir: I have used ytatr Ms in my general and. hespital weak* ever since you made them; and cannot hesitate to say they are the beat cathartic we employ. Their re• Dilating action on the Leer Is quick and decided. come• queutly they are an admirable remedy for derangement of that organ. Indeed, i nave seldom found a case of Bilious Disease so (Male tte that It did not readily yield to them. Fraternally your el, ALONZO BALL, ht. D., Physician ci the Marine Hospital. DST DIAREMO,A lima; WOUIE. [From Dr.. 1.1.1. Green, of Chicago.] Your Pills h ,ve had a .ung trial a my practice, and I hold them in esteem as one of tee best aperients I have ever fond. Their alterative elleot upon the liver mates them an excellent remedy, when given in small donee for Maus Dysentery and Idarrhosa. their sugar-coating inakei them very acceptable anti oonvenieut tbr the use at women and children. Mimosa, hewer! ON 1M BmOD. Mom Rev. J. V. Rims, Paster Advent Church, Boston. Dr. Ana I have used your rills with extraordinary success In my family and among those I am called to Thin In distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and pu rify the, blood, they are the very beat remedy I have ever known, and I can confidently recommend them to my friends . Yours, .1 V. MMES. Waxes w, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 34,1855. Dan SIB: ani using year Cathartics Pills in my pratlee, and lint them an excellent purgative to cleanse the system and purify the fountains of the Wood. JOIIN 11. 11111ACRAM, M. D. OOMPATION, Oasnran ass, Sumer:lsms, RinnnumeNl 00111 Misname DROPSY reacts= rns [Timm Dr. J. P: Vaughn, Honireel, Too ranch cannot be said of your Pills for the cure of CbatiTenesa. If others of your fraternity have found them as efficacious as I have they should min Ms In pro. claiming It for the benefit of the multitudes who suffer from that complaint, winch, although bad enough in it. Bell, is the progenitor of others that are worse. I belPre Ckedvenete to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that organand cure the disease. Wrom M. E. Stuart, Physician and Midwife, Boston.) I find one or two large dram of your Ms, Miran at the proper time, are exoellOut promotiyas of the Natural eoretiou when wholly er partially suppressed, and also err adectun to uneasy the 11103LLINI and asrai. yowls. They are so much the best physio we have that : soon'. mend no other to my penman. Mein the Rev. Dr. Rewires, of the Methodist Episcopal Church.] Purama-Houss, Savannah, Ga. Jan. 6, 1858. INKerato But I should be ungrateful for the relief your skill has brought me u I did not report my case to you. A cold Battled In my limbi And brought on examtl. elating Neuralgic Paths , which ended in Caroni° alien madam. Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians, the disease grew werse and worse, until by the advice of your excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Midrange, I tried year Pills. Their effects wore slow but sure . By persevering in the use of them, lam now entirely well. Szams Qramme, Baton Rouge, Dec. 5, 1855. DR. Alen : i have been entirely cured by your Pills, of Rheumatic Gout—a painful disease that bad elided me for years. VINCENT SLIDRLL. Arafat Of the Pills in market contain Heronry, whion, although a valuable remedy in akillful bandit, is dangerous In a public; pill, from the dreadful Conesqumt ors that frequently follow its inolatioos use. These contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. Price 26 cents per box, or 2 boxes for $l. Prepared by DB. J. 0. AUK & W., Lowell, Hats. • Sold by 0. A. Bannvart, 0. K. Keller, D. W. Gross & Lets, Holman & 00., Armstrong, Harrisburg, and dealers everywhere. ap27.6mdaw yA VID :- .IIAYSES, 110 MARKET, 'ET. HUBJBBITBA, Agent tor 11,ILTJE'S PATENT Wrought and OhWed Imo 14 Burglar Prool 011.41.X 1 .kjilS. 4616 d. Oklf Ideraanble date made, that bs both ' re and Burglar Proof. mar29.dly „ , 1., CANDLES! PARAFFINS CANDLES, SPERM CANDLES, 'ADAMANTINE -CANDLES, IMMUNE CANDLES, % ,, SIAR CANDLES OHEMICAL SPEhM CANDLES, _ VALLOW CANDLES. large iot ot the above in store and for sale at the low est Wool hi , Wm. DOCK JR. & 00., Itiwg Opposite the Court House. EVERY HEAVY STOOK OF `::EitAOK AND SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS ! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JUST MUM. At Price. below the Coat of Importation. CALL AT , e CATHGAInus, 2114 7: 8 Nett done to the Harrisburg Bank. FARMER'S HOTEL. subioriber•be g s leave to inform his Mends and the public that ne boa taken the PA EL " IitOTEL, in Market street opposite the Poet OM ea r formaelya. atalals where ho la prepared to aebom mo date them on reasonable tarots , Having refitted and ihnedehed the House enttrely now, he hopes by strict illation to beninese, to receive a liberal share pip of 11. timd] E. P • • - IV SOLDIER'S ..BOOK, ~d'Kintte 'e government," an ezppeel ton of the Ceustate of the United Otatee, ezpktnlag the nature wad epee -4~ ode Sovenzawn tram indiciol and globes : d e grfe $l. 00. ' for sae at 44100/01111400114 .1' r0611114k...::•., Miscellaneous. CH I rumulti MRB. WINSLOW, An experienced Noise and Female Phyaloian, presents is the attention of mothers hcr SOOTHING SYRUP , For Children Teething, which greatly facilitates the prewar of teething, by eon ening the grona,reducing all hattaistrastion—ww allay AU PALM,and einuimodlo action, and to RE TO REGULATE THE Bowls. Depend uponit, mothers, it will give rest to yourselvee AND, • •!RII.Mi AND MIMI TO YOUR INFANTS We fume put up and sold this article for over ten years, and ues TAT, IN omerminum am TRUTH, what we have never been able to say of any other medicine— NEVER HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINOLB INSTANCE 10 DEMOS A CUBE, when timely used. Never did we Mow an instal:woof dissatisfaction by any one who used It. On the contrary, all are delighted with ha opera. Sons, and speak In terms of highest commendation of its magical erode and medical virtues. We speak Is this matter 44 wats we no meow, alter ten years' expo. hence, sun TAIO4I OUR ITTVIATION 102. 1211 FOLTHALINI OF WHAT wa HMI DINHART. In almost every instance where the Infant Ls imffering from pain and exhaustion, re lief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup la administered This valuable preparation is the prestripton of qnr of the most BKPREWENCKD and SKILLFUL In New England, and has been used with wine name scce In . . . :011r.fIZI 1)111)10.1ZE,:l It not only relieves the child from pain, but MM• orates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, ano gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will at mast Instantly relieve GRIPING IN TEGI BOWEILS, AND WIND COLIU, end overcome convulsions, which if not speedily rem*. died, end in death. We believe it the mu and man 1111®t nr ers worms, in all oases of DYSENTERY ANL DIARRUMA IN UMIDREN, whether it arises from teething or from any other cause. We would say to every mother who has a child Waning 'from any of the foregoing complaints—Do not LIT toms ritannuouss, xos Sim PRIPODOXIS or amiss, stand between you and your suffering child and the relief that will be SURE—yes, Alt f3OLUTZLY SURE—to follow the use of this medicine, U timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the ilupsimlle OUR= & P ESUIDANew York, is on the outside wrapper. Bold by Druggists throughout the weed.. Principal Lebec, No. 18 Cedar St., New York - . Price only 25 Cents nor Bottle. gyi-For Sale ,n Harrisburg by D. W. Grose & Co, No 19 Markel street. J. Martin Lutz, No. 22 Market street, 0 K. Keller, No. 91, Market street , neloe /o , .th and W Miles, 129 Market street CCM= Dyspepsia Remedy DR DARIUS HAN'S r OD Av 0, 0 •ii tet) vOl TMs Hakim has been used by the public for its years, with increasing favor. It is recommended to Cure Dyspepsia, Berme/mu, Heartiltan, LbtisPdiny Wind in the &mach, or to nein the Jhrieet.s Headache, prominent . Kidney Com plaints, Low) Spir its Lk/irises Trentesu, Intemperance. WILMA $ 2, 011 klufsS, I v ASS, NOT WILL NM biTOXICIArI 02 Si A 13 A. MEDICINE it is quick rid (dean- Am, al, coring the moat aggravating case o Dyspepsia, Kidney Complidnts, and all other derange out of the Stomach and Bowels, in a speedy manner. It will Instantly revive the moat melanoh ly anc drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous a. .d Mee ly to health, strength and vigor. Persons who, from the Injudicious use of liquors, have become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered constitutions broken down, and subject to that horns& curse to humanity, the Dzusien Tumors, will, almost Immediately, feel the happy and healthy invigorating efficacy of in. Ham's Invigorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. Does.—One wine glass full as olten as necessary One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. One dose will more Heart-burn. Three doses will cure Indigestion. One dose will give you a Good Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing pain' or Dyspepsia. One dose will remove the distrembig and disagreeable effects of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distressing load sntr all painful feelings will be removed. One dime will remove the most distressing pains al tAlk., either In the stomach or bowels. A few doses will remove all obstructions in the Kidney, der or Urinary Organs. Persons who are seriously aHicted with any Kidney Complaints are assume speedy relief by a dose or two, mid a radical cure by the use clone or two bottke. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION, Persons who, from dievipating too lunch over night, and feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, la violent head aches, sickness at stomach, wealmees, giddiness, bas., will find one dose will remove all bad feelings. Ladles or week sad sickly constitution, should take tne Invigorating Spirit three times a day; it will make mem strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstructions and Irregularities from the menstrual organs, and restore ttk bloom of health and beauty to the careworn Isis. Daring pregnancy,tt will be found an invaluable melt eine to remove disagreeable sensations at the sumach. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to Induce this, he has put up the Invigorating Spirit in pint bottles, at 150 cents, quarts Si. General Depot, 03 Water street, N. Y. Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia, D. YOFT, & 00. and for sale in Harrisburg by 0. A. Bannyart, D. W. eras & Co. and Q. ff. Beller, and by all Druggists everywhere FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. AMMO AND MEIER STYLES. 186 1 . PHILADELPHIA EMMONS. GRANVILLE! STONES' ONE PRICE GIFT CLOTHING EMPORIUM No. 607 CIIESTNU2 BTRENI. A iamb stook of fine French, English and American OLOTJA • CASSIMERES, and FEBTIIIO3, For City and Country trade, with an unapproachable as eortment of READY M.ti,i Morning at the lowest cash prim MVP /bran% ONE En/CE is aimed, and a GIVT oratrinsie worth and use presented with each article sold. Partibular alrention paid to the Customer department, and garments made andsent to order to any address. In inaugurating this new system of doing business, GRANVILLE STORRS would impress on the minds of the patrons of his establishment, that the cost of the gift Is deducted from, and nor added to the price or the arti cle sold. Els immensely increasing sales enabling him to act thus liberally, and at the same time to realise a remunerative profit. All articles guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. GRANVILLE STOKES' ONE PRICEOLOTHINGKIIPOBITIM 1307 GEOESTNTIT STREET. ectl94l3md—rdmarti-dtf E COMM - MIONERS appointed under 4, the Act of Incorpomtion of the city of Harris burg having made a plet or draft of wild city, designating the streets; lanes and alleys now existing and opening, and also where avenues, streets, lanes and alleys shall here after be opened, and also designating within the limits of said city a plot or piece of ground, containing not less than twenty acres, for the use of the public and of said city, for the purposes and uses mentioned In said act ; and having submitted their draft and report to the Court of Quarter sessions, Of Dauphin county, for the approval of said Court; the said draft and report have been filed by order of said COurt, In the office of the Clerk of Quar ter sessions of said county for public inspection and un less exceptions are fi led thereto by parties int erested In said city, the same will be approved at the August term of Bald Court. By order of the Court. myl-dtw WM. MITCHELL, Clerk. Gloriona: Star Snanvled Banner 1 to. oTHER SUPPLY OF WALLTgiER, BORDERS, &c., SPLENDID WLNDOF to W ch We call the attention of our friendiwand oekbally Invite them to examine our goods and prices. We are determined to veil cheap. Mind the place. IiCILEFFERM BOOKSTORE, 'Pad Near the Harrisburg Bridge. AUGUSTINE Z. CIIAYNE. OAAPENTER AND BUILDER. Mildew No. 27 North &wad 8-4 98W1T0, AMON) To__ ERE pennopluanta 41.elegra"y0,11Mir afternoon, Irulp 23, 1861. SIGN OF THE Eitbital p , - , c• , gni gl i r /N 8 ilte-Z LIFE PILLS AND PROENIE BITTERS. THESE MEDICINES have now been bp fore the public ter &period of THIRTY TZARS, and during that time have maintained a high character in al most every part of the Globe, for their extraordinqy and immediate power of restoring perfect health to per• eons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable; The following are among the distressing variety of hu man diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first alk second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure, bee& bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind ; LM:MCIf, Loss of Appetite, Heratburn, Headache, god lessness, 111-Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of DysPePsie, will via lab as a natural consequence of its cure. DSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length id, the intestines with a solvent process, and without vio lence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the process of respiration Is such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal ob struction in others. The LIFE IIIIDICINEM have been known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently In three weeks an ii GOUT in half that time, by removing localinflammation, l from the muscles and ligaments of the Joints. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and strengtheor lug the kidneys and bladder; they operate most deligh fully on these Important organs, and hence have ec A been found a certain remedy for the worst caste GRAVEL Also WORMS, by dislodging from the turnings 0 , the bowels the slimy matter to which these crest adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and lIIIIETERA.T SORES, by the perfect purity which these MIMED' C NIS giv, to the blood, and all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD CO ' lONS, by their alterate effect upon the fluids that 1: • the skin, and the morbid state of which occasions ' eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other • - able complexions. The use of these PWs for a very short time will elite.] en entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a strildng im provement in the clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS and INFLUENZA will always be cured b • one dose, or by two In the worst cases. PILES.—The original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Piles, of 35 years! standing hy the use of the LIFE EIIDICINZS alone. FEVER.AND AGITE.—For this sebum of the Western country, these Medicines 'will be found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other Medicines have the system subject to a return of the disease—some by these Medicines is per maztent..TftY 110111, BR RATDDIND, AND BE CORED. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER CON PLAINTS.—Bzwansr. Daum, Lao ow Ammar; and DI BMUS or Ifrostss—the Medicines have been used with themoet beneficial results in casts of tits descrip tion :—Kings Evil and Scrofula, In its worst forms,yields to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medi cines. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous GM plaints of all kinds, Palpitation of the Heart, Paint ts' Coll% are speedily cured. MERVUIUAL DISEASES.—Persons whose constitu lons have become Impaired by the injudicious we of Mercury, will find these Medicines a perfect ours, as they never fall to eradicate from the system, all the effects of Mercury, In fi nitely sooner than the most power hit preparations of Sarsaparilla. Prep tared and sold by W. B. 111010 FAT, 11.45 Broadway, New York. Format, by all Druggists. jr2Ootewly 15cF : sRHAV.R , s, Holland Bitters DYSPEPSIA, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &c. Tea successful Introduction and nib of Ode eel*. brated Remedy has been the signal for a literal flood of compounds called "Bitten," offered ix various bins, from a quart bottle to a Avegsliod he until this word "Bitters" Is but another - sieme "grog," or some vitianous whiskey mixture. • • But the really great relief derived from the miuute ace% one teaspoonful, of our medicine, . BCERILLVVEI HOLLAND EMMA and the entire absence qf after pitetration„' has esta. bushed for it a rvstation which the hold of imitations and counterfeits hove failed toWndermine, :lids posi tively a vegetable preparation, with barely sufficksite pure spirits to preserve it. - • t • But one size of the genuine, (Hall Pint Bottles,) price ONE Donn. It is a medicine of long-tried efficacy for Pueining the Med, so essential for the fbundetion of good health and for correcting dleorders of the stomach and bowels. Two or three dowel will =tittles the afflicted of its salutary effects. The stomach will speedily regain its strength, a healthy action of the liver, bowels and kidneys will soon take place, and renewed health be the quick result. For INDIGESTION, gry Berhave , s Ilellind Bitters. For HEARTBURN, Try Berhave's Holland Buffers. For ACIDITY, Try Bierhaves Holland Bitters. For WATERBRABH, Try Barhave's Holland Bitters. For HEADACHE, Try • Ikerhave's Holland Bitters. For LOSS OF APPETITE, Try Baerhave's Holland Bitters. For OOS'rly ANESS, Try Bterhaves Holland Bitters. For PILES, Try . . Berhave's Holland -Bitters.! i In an Nervous, Rheumatio, and Neuralgic Affeol Nona it has in =onerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. Read Ca.refan3rt 1 The genuine, highly-concentrated iktanava's Ho tern Emma is put up in half-pint bottles only, an retailed at One Dollar per bottle. The 'great - denten for this truly celebrated medicine has induced man imitations, which the publio should guard against 1 purchasing, Beware of imposition ! See that our name is on label of every boale you buy. &C Benj. Page, Jr. ol . SOLE MANUFACTURERS,, PITTSBURGH, PA. For sale in the elti of Harriebiog L W.NtRO4I JEWELRY, WATCHES, OWOF.S 3 FANCY GOODS, &O. ALFRED F. 21MIERMAN da OO iNO. 52 MARKET: TREET, Harriabmi s ., pa., opposite Hank Horn, and adjoining 'the rSas Hum, having purchased the stock f If Jennings, and added a large Assortment of NW: , w. KEAY, we will sell the Same at the lowest cask p and pellet patronage. Watches, Qocks and Jewelry neatly and promp re paired and dellyered. - ' ' -' . - • . ' ALIIIIRD F:ZIXIIIIMIADI Ss' Jh& Having disputed of my stock of Jewelry to A. F S im. merman Si Co., I cheerfully recommend them to for mer customers as practical and experienced Watch' Makers, and solicit for them a combs:Lime of the . ... age which has been so gooeivaoly extended to me ~.', the last six yews. jan29 KUM F. JENNik • FIIESIX SHAD, No.l, SALMON, No. , HERRING, No.'l, COD FISH, No. 1, MACKPART I , No. 1. Of )0 bove we have all the different aimed Pa rom the a /MT te the aaxuu In store and for we moat market rates, feble WX. DOGE, Ja. & ORANQES AND LIMON& IORTY BOXES in prime order j Wired end for Web) SPERM OANDLEB 1 In % nflignD BY 1. -.7, H. ; e.d, EMI 15001C,TICA iftelfital. "They go right to the Spot." INSTANT MIMI STOP YOUR COUGH I PURIFY YOUR BREATH I STRENGTHEN YOUR VOICE t SPALDING'S Throat Confections, GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, hisjoiwii .itu: D4:'4 GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPPARRES, GOOD FOR SINGERS, 100)910):101R140 , 111:011100L: labeiut , CaninAMlN OARMt SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. mouarOdear DEITHHTED WITH SPALDINP4' - TPEROAT CONFECTIONS. CHILDREN CRY FOR RAIDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS Therrehave a Oough tostaatly. Theytlear the Throat. Thy, . d 17.2 streagth and volume to the voice. They Impacts delicious aroma to the breath. iilasysireteiighttattothe taste. They*** Mille of *bola sherbe slid oaanot hum any in • . set ery one who has a Cough or a Husky voice , or a Bid Breath, or any difeoulty of the Throat, to get a package of my Throat &infections, they will relieve you Instantly, and you will and them very mend and pleas ant while treVeMigor !Wending public meetings for 114 your Wu& or allaying yourttdrat. If you try one fitzbiga lam *loin inviihig ihnt you will ever diter 'wards eXklinl# ll o4 l o4Bn. Yon will find them • Aiwartiggits*Sid Dealers in lindicines. PRIaE .TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. . .10.411 1 T. , 1111COMIL AU *air are wail A *Age - Toeignit by mat, yropfjd, on recipt or Mats% Cleft ' Address 4 < HE' MY C. SPALDING, No, 48 MIR ErEF.ET, NEW YORE CEPRALIO PILLS SICK HEADACHE NERVOU • 414 CURE ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE. • By the use of these Pills the periodic attacks of Ner vous or Sick Headache may be prevented; and if taken a the commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and Meknes' may be obtained. They Bald= tell In newel cg Naomi and Headache to which females are so subject. They act gently upon the bowels, removing Cbstiveners. For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Bernal(); and all persona of sedentary 'habits, they are valuable as a Lszetive, Improving the giving TONI Aln vides to the digestive organs, atulrestoring the natural elasti city and strength to the whole system. The MIMIC PILLS are the result of long install) &anon and careiblly conducted experiments, having been in use in many years, during which time they have pre vented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from . Headache, whether originating in the nervous syn. Wan or from a deranged elate of the *reach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at all times with perfect safety without =Mug any change of diet crnd the abeam et any disa greeable lade renders a easy to administer them to cruldrers iciisizy 4: - ) 4 :pi y The genuine hare lye signatures or Henry O. Spalding on each b ox. Sold by dreggishr and all other dealers In medlehies. A Box will be sent by mall prepaid on receipt of the I 7 V(ry:~y y'.l:~2Y~l'BJ \'J='[U~'~~YF~ All orders should be addressed to HENRY 0. f3PALDING., 48 Cedar Street, New York. ilifql single bottle of EPALDINGPI3 PREPARED GLUM win save ten times its cost annually:** - EIP=iING'I3 'PREPARED GM] SPALDING'B PREPARED GLUE 1 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I SAVE Tall NECIES I ILOONOMIt xer mrs son ialti.”.ll9lllr As accidents toil/ lumen, eons 01 well - repulatedfantitice It la very dwdrable to have some cheap and convenient way Tor repairing Irrurniture, Toys, ()rookery, to. SPiLDING'S PREPARED GLITZ math all such emeegondea, and no household can afford to be without It. It Is always; ready and up to the stick- Leg One. "USEFUL IN EVERY HONER." N. 8..—. A. Brush war ;Apulia! each bottle. Prlee 76 atm Address HENRY 0, EPALDINo, No. 48 Oahu , Street, New York. OA.IITION As certain unprincipled persona are attempting to palm oft on the unsuspecting public, imitations of my Pall PAM GLUB,I. would caution all persona to examine heron purchasing, and , see that the hall name, .A4rOali NtERARED GLUE,.,* is on Ibetaintii:e'rytperpall ethers areswindling wen. laudiodalarritrOil , sn A - 3 , 2'S .V. 74 Lints of (Trott $ gransportatiou LIB REM THUS TONNA ITO NW INIRKI TWO TithNS *VAILY - TO 'PHI,LAD. NOKEVIA giWgiert9,ll%4lo: •lIN AND ofilaWlß MONDAY, JUNE 10, NJ 1881, the Pasemis legt brie Op! Plail?Yl- Plea Mk. Roane liteartitd ,"*" ftrrlowarg ir ter New Yovk seeluttiledeaph*se - - EXPRESS WIT otititla=u 4 , l t ,tort fertelle.• : car from the vat, aril imin Hew .aor ideeP -r aurturrillr raw tamp from Pittsburg without ! 4 =itudiriesvitahairittiolit Lill a m., arriving to +Maw Mort at 4p. m., and Pldlatiedidda: al 2426 p. rs, FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. M.,tut arrival of Petinittrania Inahvad Yost' h ell , arrhing hi - -New Tot/E ot/9.4E. m, and rhilodeWthtut 11 .9* m. WESTWARD.- Z LINE korai New Wirt at ea.M., ant Philadel phia it 8 a. in., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m. PAIL TRAM leaves New/what 12.00 noon, and Phil adelphia at 8./2 eTrivti , B as =et 8 p.m. EXPRESS"Iank levies New ' Tors at t - . , tort vingmt Harrisburg at 210 and with the Psimayiviona Stomas:Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping earn allia attached in tnis train. 0001104 tons are made. at Harrisburg with trains on the Pormagfranin,'Northern Central and 40utaberiand Panay Eatirdids, and at Reading tot Phil~ds, is, Willunbarre, Allentown, Niston, ho. Biggage chocked through. Faro - between New Tait entljilierrisburg, $6 PO ; .I*MM Harrisburg and EltVer del phis„ 88 26 in Nit. 1 cam - and $2 TO in No. 2. -Polio:hem er`othar Information apply-to ErateAtl PENNSYLVANIA RAIL' ROAD; FROM PHILADELPHIA- MONDAY, JUNE 10th, 1861, The passenger trains of the Frausaylwata Itallroad Corn. panT will depart from Mid arrye at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows FAST LINE harm Harrisburg every =ruing (8=44 Monday) at 1.15 a. in., and arrives at HMS Philadelphia at 5.10 a. m. TRROIROI EMIRS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 9.20 a. m., and arrives at West PitibuielPhia at 1.10 p.m. MAIL TRAIN lamas Baniaburg daily (snip& Sun day) at 6.16 p. m. and arstVal Waal PntladulPhat at $ 10:16 P. m. These Vain make close connection at Phllad*wis with the New York Line!. ACOOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, via Mount Joy, leaves R.arriaborg at 7.00 a. lin, and /anima at Wait Philadelphia at ix oo noon. MAISEL:IRMO 'ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, haves Harrisburg at 1./0 p. m., and arrives as was Pidusdelphia at 6.25 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, via Mount Joy, know Harrisburg at 6.16 p. othinicnlng at Diller. villa with MALL TRAIN, and arrives at Moat biladol phis. at 10.15 p. m. THROUGH EXPItEIiS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.20 p. m., Harrlabarg at 2.85 a, m., Altoona 7.80, a. and arrives at Httenart at 12.00 noon MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelplda at 1.80 a. Harrisburg 1.00 p. m., Altoona, 0.60 P. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 midnight. PAST LINE leaves Philadelphia it 11.20 a. m., Harris burg 436 p. m., Altoona 8.10 p. m., lad arrives a* Pins burg at 12.30 a. ra. . RAERIEBURGI MXXIXIAODATION - TRAIN leaves rhtliktelphia A 1.0.86 p. /11., Lancaster 8.68 p. m. Col umbia 6.46 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg st In. This Train. oonneete at Harrisburg, at 8.06 p. m with Northam Central klailrosui /Yam for SanbarY, Wawa& port, Lock Haven, Ecranton and all points North. AOCOMIODiIIOk TRAIN, leaves Mll'4olo4* at coo. p . m., Laneaster 7.60 p. m., *um Joy 8.21 p. m., Eliza -9.30 m. bethtown, 8 . 87 p. tn., and arrives at Rarrisinhig at - Attention is called to the filleti that pmsangeM Maytag Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m., commot at Lanoaater with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN; and arrive at Flarrishum at 9A*, p. m. DAM& D. YOUNG, Supt. Hart. Div. Pearl& Railroad. ituvilsburg, Jane 7, 1851..-rar. 'WATCH I Select Schools for Bow' and Girls w•itobil‘ .V.Vts.NRIT.,AIIt.),VIG LOCUST. - •n. 'Lorin of , ROBERT WELWEE'S JI:4001 for boys, will open on the last. Monday lA August. Imo Picini Is well vernitiud; coattbrialgy kr- Wiwi, luta in ovary respect well adapted fOr Bobo% LATILLRII.III WBLWEE'S Setiool for girls, : locatect' In Ake mane tralidudid pill spentorUfeFklltermmthe same time. The room haa been elegany rated up during the viteatk% to promote the health aad onmfort of scholars. CITY LIVERY STABLE S, . ... IfS,ACHEINANY ALLAY, IN MR .34L/E1 ' 03 • HAAN' aBOIAL : - Tirinederaigned has re-eon/mewed the verybugaret in hie NBW-and litaolood al'A iu.dsS Maned as above, with ' . iallgoogid: varied MOGI o hire at , m OodeAARIAGES ra and Oiltlatt,oBa, which he wit te rates . ' - - 71'.1L, ITN AM. LIQUORS r AT COST l'' TATING concluded to discontinue the ouqinel 'f, uslioqr! Arri4ll4.oogaplas juistirt hkelll of Yin yr ~D Nuwi ps,and vorgi, at eyerrrde poneirmsooCtuounni ~..;:.„ .:, `('' . - "' - ' Lfr-q .di Iviiigittlefar4..l EAST'WRD. BUMMER TIME sTAI3I,E. ON AND EASTWARD. WIESTW,AID. Itor ts. --- A New Feature in the Spice T rad IMPORTANT TO EL 81 E. R. DIJEKEE& co •, ' 4B • SELECT spi o - b ,, In "`, n o F9a, (Lined ,via Payer.) a, p t .. ; 1 BLACK PEPPER, GI:so) d ; WRITE PEPPER,••i ,r CAYENNE PEP ER, . 1:,1 ; MISTARD. TN THI GES Aof adulterated and h to less bints.s, it is with pitlttieuct -Ist IT the attenuon of Itouse.cetwi genuine ankles. We guarsuteo them tot ; ABSOLUTELY Atm PEKET4:I - y I'L f.r^ bat. grotuld from fresn tipices, Us expressly for the purpest w wu ce They are beautifully twice./ m uu per,) to prevent Injury by Keep, WEIGHT, w bile the ordto ary Invariably short. We warrant GI . , and richness of davor, ", BEYOND ALL coMPuism u &Mosta trial will abundantly prow, tkars our Trado Mark. Idanutactur‘d R.DURtit For Bale by WM. LOCK' JR. & CO. • 4 s jug utiai a IL M. GILDEa, u. D, S. STATE SII.EEI, OPPOSITE THE BRADY lIUU.-}; u oPera.ions, burgical and acteuunnadly parlor med. lb.irgeA tuu . NEW COAL OFFICE, rrELE UNDER6IIirNED havwg j. to the OUAL TRADE to tete city % I - solidi the patronage of dm e,usees. 00al of all adzes, from the nowt celcirrAud , Mines, Which adi be detivertNi 1.0 say p,n , tree treat dirt and ewer impanues. liVaßelalteD. Ooat. lee nets yr Vld ,„ Lamas. .bs. pamtLisiu; or (.r Load will receive 2,;144) Neu Is L., OWL No. 74 Market envoi, 13‘ 1 ..4.U.1 Jour ry allay Yard on WO Canal, toot of Nuctl. dare I& tat either plat* Atli rim:mire yromyr .10r4 K ..4 PROF. ADOLPH P. TELP,sLis, WOULD respectfully inform patruaa and we public generany, , boatuine t 6 give tastrdettuus up tee , cud able In the Istneacv 0, .11 RAS& /10 wW irth pleasure Wait alive homes at say hear 'desired, or leseaus Pia residence, la Third sweet, a law theirs German ventirmed March. SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE, OMAR Till ILLRALailuttu BRlbu:, UNION ENV.F,LoPE, NOTE PAPER, Of nix ditioront printed in two colors, sold by Luc or tai ream at, QV Osss fracas. Also, Flags, Union Uremia tins, Eagles, Ci... 00 and Badges as vary low Vices. Cal at -noB 130anir STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBUE FAKE REDUCED TO $1.25 THROUGH GETTYSBURG. undersigned has established r Lb,. oh. um , burg, connecting every other morning witu hum Valley Railroad dad. ado coaaaei ,e,ve every Tddiday, Taurssay and Raturday, recanna, :y Other day. Riumeugers fur Snoppariidarci, Petersburg and detaltinarg are carried at re uucuu r.., Wad. J. l All BT. LOMB HOTEL, ,011.ESTNU1 $7., ABU YE PHILIDKLPH.U.. e immediate uoighborhood of Lo 4.4 Miul4ol. l t/Ird L- 1 stmels, Me Bums, Poet ILMMN. likrutiaL, Amu, ADLEBIOAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. BOARD PER DAY.... Dinner between 1 and 8 &oleo; 50 GaLs room (rum be ocean upward. A Drat allialed. Price' azcor /Moor Pars. The City tyre take Passengers from any dose ILO In. Hotel. ig-hkisdisb, trench German sad BpataandpoLeL 101.81ild STONE FOR SALE. 11110:TILDINti - STONE or Stone sulut for ruropikiniej urpp eylout on deli , por:or Ito city or Ito y touitty. Apply to mir2B w 11. Olt D.K...• GREAT ILBMIUTIOfi IH PRICES - WR NR f Kit & ILSON ' 6 SEWING MACHINES, were NEW IMPROVEMENTS AT REDUCED FRO, THE WHPAIT.ER & WILSON Mo:ic , tating. oo oleastl having goatee Au. wear a.. law, with Lofeingtog manufacturers of new las NIA... propose that Me-public should be beneinted and have aneefdingly reduced the prices et uw,r kaChinie.' After misdate they win be soid will pay a fair pro& oft the coat of nutantiv Lae. A Invested, and expanse of [tsking sales sus , •," will enable them to make tint class =coca., A- 1 heretofore, guarantee them hi every parta,ja In accordance with the tuanouocement sell their splendid Sewing Machines at pric,es tro ve to $9O for the tine full case manhinea, It Mahan fact that the Wheeler 4; Wilson Sewing Machine is the beet one In the market, the best ma.le, mot t c,.< and keit liable to get out o f order, and InCY tow as. the Inferior machines. Can alld AN teen A Third and Market. del4lm W. 0. lIIOLOK, zicr:cr SIN OZ~ TRavliww, AGENT Of TH$ OLD WALLOWER LBL OLD TRANSPORTA.TIOS I. ) t inuicesalul operation and blue'', as WW AS any ewer WillVidUal anrriaburg, Sunbury, i.eamtb -rc. A port, Jersey More, Luca Haven, and all Northern Central, rilthideVlJA and Ella, dad A w port and Minim Hamm. Local dgant at Hur~b_; Hood* soil and 810 Market street, above *loth, by 4 • ~, *ill arrive at Harrisburg, ready lot deliver!. 14Orning. C. F. bi , " a1484r Tract:a., A6'% EMPTY BARMWit,—T wo liuu limpty Flour , dugar and Wane Uar, danidlous and prides spit WALLOWER'S LINE, PALLY maws= HARRISBURG and PH LAI) ELP "W " l6 ~ i. Burk Agent, 812 Jlarket pitia, formerly Livmoson 4 Lo• SPecial Conductor in coargo of van. Goods delivered at the Werauo o'olo3lc r. st , vrtil tto dot' ier, I blag nen IMMO& J. WASJAWEtt, JAI lA/ 2.l,dtt Office Neutiug l Wr, LIA EIAM.B.--Three Itrindreil klxua z 1 4 -1; . Owed Haw par received by WM. DOC.i • FIRST CLASS GROCERIES IA A 11(3- E ARtt,l VALI AVING JUST RETURNED from Lb . ! -ILL Amgen cities where we nave anientel ,141.Allipi. CAR" a-bulge and ample:Le assurtmain Paler I wile which 'embrace anything set La „ LL : r e ,wa cargrawnee, reepeettuhy_Aae cordw.ll/ 310ileil Plimia to con sad examen° our stock and 1' AIWA WM. DO C , &'` wit. DOCI&JS 41 ‘4)