gia4 Ettegrap - f3l-TR(7 111 Tuesday Afternoon, July 23, 1 _ M A rofes COCRT was held this morning by Alderman Kline, the Mayor not having entire ly recovered from his late illness. Nine "drunks,"who passed the night in the lock-up, were arraigned, reprimanded and discharged. SVNDAY Scnoot Pro-Nic.—The annual picnic of the Fourth Street Bethel Sunday School will take place in Hamilton's woods on Thursday of this week, should the weather be favorable. The little ones are looking forward to the oc casion with eager interest. May their pleasing anticipations be fully realized. A Nvatru op tits Pave, giving the name of Alfrey McCormick, was picked up by the police about twelve o'clock last night. Having no "local habitation" in this city, Alderman lilhae furnished her with a free pass Into the vagrant's retreat, where shewill be entertained as the guest of the city for five days. AgSACLTED A Womarr.—A man named George Carney was before Alderman Kline last even ing for assaulting Lucinda Hall. He went to prison, where every fellow ought to go who is brute enough to raise his hand in violence against a woman. There are too many such li bels upon humanity in this community. lisontorAt DRILL.—The fifth regiment of returning volunteers drilled on State street this morning, in presence of a large number of spectators, and acquitted themselves very cred itably. During the brief period the men have been in service they have made rapid progress in the science of war, and if properly officered would equal any regiment in the State. We learn that a reorganization a the regiment is about to take place, with a view of re-enlisting for the war. SZPTLMOSEssz,gives the following, in the ,s'aestifie American es a recipe for . , clarifying oil for rifle gun locks: Fill a phial three parts full with almond oil, then fill up the remainder with clean lead chips. Keep the phial in a warm room and shake it now and then for a month, at the end of which time most of the mucilage acid naturally in the oil will have combined with the lead, and thus the oil will be clarified and fit for lubricating gun locks and other similar work. The lead is easily procured in chips by cutting up with a knife a couple of elongated bullets. THE Yowl. Rims, Captain Hays, made a street parade this morning, and went through the regular Hardee drill in Market square. This h said to be among the best drilled companies in the interior of the State, and the men fully sustained their reputation on the above occa sion. Government cannot well afford to lose the services of the Rifles, and we hope soon to hear of their re-enlistment. Since writing the foregoing a member of the Bilks has informed us that immedialy upon their arrival home the company will be reor ganized, changed into a Zouave corps, and re. enlist for the war. Bully for the York boys GRATIMSO NZNYB.-It affords us unspeaka ble pleasure to contradict the rumored death of our gallant young townsman, Lieut. Frank A. Davies, aid to the late Col. Cameron of the sev enty-ninth New York regiment, who was re ported to have fallen at the late battle of Bull's Run, in which he bore a distinguished part. Intelligence reached here this morning that Lieut. Davies had returned safely to Washing ton. In the first skirmish at Bull's Bun our brave young townsman had a horse shot from under him ; and in the late engagement at the same place he was gallantly aiding Col. Came ron, in the thickest of the fight, when that of ficer, with six others who surrounded him, were stricken down by the bullets of the ene my. Lieut. Davies was supposed to have been captured, wounded or killed. He miraculous ly escaped, however, and managed to get back in safety to Washington. Lieut. Davies, who is but twenty-three years of age, graduated with honors at West Point in June last; and Gen. Cameron, knowing him to possess all the quali ties and qualifications necessary to constitute a good soldier and successful officer, appointed him to a Lieutenaritcy in the regular service. The young Lieutenant has already made his mark, in this his first campaign; and we pre dict that if Providence spares his life he will mune out of the contest crowned with well earned laurels. PUBLIO MlN.—Many a man, makes himself public, but never makes himself known. It is a great perfotmance, a star part, that being pub lic, and not permitting the people to look in and see the designs of ambition, and the aspi rations for place and power. Such a performer may do as he pleases, may commit wrongs and oppress individuals, may enrich himself and impoverish others, and still preserve an integ rity because be is not known. It is a veil, im penetrable and solid, and only becomes trans parent when the performer ventures too far on confidence, and he is known, Row many there are who occupy high positions, and all through a life-time are only public. They may be sus pected, but whoever announces their suspicions of wrong, may find themselves pursued by those who are content never to look beneath the public cloak of the wearer. To be public it tome th en, i s t o be great. it is the secret of conspicuous existence to hold up the glittering picture, and keep the gazers front Inquiring why it shines so brighly, and why the are pleased. And it is an achievement y too, when the glitter ceases to amuse, to have ready another device which shall lull all inquiry and call forth plaudits and cheers. It is a well spent life, they say, when a man goes down to his final repose, without ever having been known, h aying always satisfied the world with his plc- Bo it ;in all the diversified struggles the brazen succeed while the modest are thrust ailde. There may bee change, however, and that change Ba rst before ch a one as will require the man to be known fi be can be That thil bit VlllPtorn of the publi c . gocid time, THE WORTH Isrezrray, of York, reached here ! at noon to-day on their return from the warn their term of enrollment having expired. cost of the men intend re-enlisting for three years. RAILROAD Accauccr.--James Bander, of Per ry county, freight conductor on the Pennsyl vania Central }load, while engaged coupling cars to his train, a day or two since, had one of his bands crushed by the "bull-noses" of the coupling. FLAG Tiaar.—The large and beautiful Amer ican flag which for some weeks past has grace fully floated from the pole in front of Mr. Leamy's clothing store, corner of Market and Third streets, was cut down and stolen last night, by some secession sympathiser. The perpetrator of the outrage has not yet been de tected. Tau Fotra PIMNBYLVANII. Bsarasarr was not in the fight at Bull's Run, having left for home on the morning of the day on which the battle occurred. The men of this regiment are se verely censured for flying ignominiously at a crisis when the country so greatly needed their ervicts. ...1....... Wrrr TO ma Woons.—A special train left the ' ennsylvania Railroad depot this morning con taining the teachers and scholars of the colored Union Sabbath School, and a number of "out siders," en route for Campbell's grove, the place selected for the scene of their annual pic nic festivities. The day was highly favorable for rusticating in the woods, and of course our colored friends enjoyed themselves, as they usually do on such occasions. GOOD Tax TOR FA33llBB.—Farmers will not feel the hard times very materially. Crops are good and prices will be good for almost every thing which the farmer , produces. And while they will be getting good prices for their pro-- ducts, the price of everything they consume will be lower than has been the case for years. The fanner is therefore well off and can fat upon the result of hh3 industry to better advantage than any other arms of citizens in the common wealth. THB CLOTHING recently fur n ish e d t o th e Penn sylvania troops is of the most excellent quality —none better could be desired. Had that fur nished in the beginning been of at all compara ble quality, the credit of our State -would - not have suffered in a comparison of her troops with any others in the service. We gladly note the improvement, and hope the soldiery of old Pennsylvania will go forth equally furnished in all respects. .....-...---,. Bon Ovia.—A little boy, grandson of Mr. John H. Fox, was run over by a horse and car riage, in Third street near Pine, yesterday after noon. The wheels passed over the lad's body, and it was supposed at the time that he had sustained very serious if not fatal in Upon examination by a physician ; however, it was ascertained that although the little fellow was somewhat bruised, no bones were broken. He was playing in the street at the time the acci dent occurred. LIZRO AROUND Loose.—A great many of the returning volunteers now in this city waiting to be paid off, whose officers failed to provide quarters for them, passed the night on the Capitol grounds, sleiiiing on blankets beneath the trees. Hundreds of others were to be seen lying around loose on cellar doors and stoops, in various sections of the city. The men who so promptly rallied to the defence of our glo rious flag, willing to risk their lives in main taining the Union and the Constitution, are de serving of better treatment. Naos Peri-v.—We have heard rumors in cer tain quarters of the formation of a peace party. Every man who favors a peace movement based upon a compromise with the enemies of the government, ie a foul traitor. The peace party of seventy-six was composed of resident tories; and if one is now formed its members cannot be other than domestic traitors, devoid of love of country or law-abiding propensities, and opposed to the execution of those laws enacted for our stability, perpetuity and welfare. Tam per with traitors and you at once acknowledge that you are no patriot, and do not care whether the government is permanent or not. When ever a man is heard advocating "peace" upon any other terms than submission to the laws, and a complete surrender of the conspirators now in armed rebellion against the govern ment, mark him as a traitor. ACOIDINTALLTSaar.---An accident occurred on Saturday morning last, at Camp Wayne, West Chester, from the use of a revolver, which proved instantly fatal. A soldier named Smith, belonging to the Cumberland Guards, was hand ling a loaded revolver, when one of his com panions requested to see it. Smith cocked his revolver, seized it by the handle and handed it to his companion, who seized it by the handle and in doing so touched the trigger, causing it to go off. The ball entered the left breast and passed through his heart. The wounded man placed his hand across his breast, and exclaimed: "My God! lam shot! I will die!" He was caught by his friends and carried to his quar ters, where he died in a few minutes. The de2 ceased leaves a wife and two children. He was one of the new recruits, and heed only left home two or three days before the terrible accident. Sonsurniu Waoso.—Owing to mismanage ment in some quarter, many of the returning volunteers now in this city have been without rations since their arrival here, and but for the timely generosity of private citizens would have suffered for want of food. While the captains of some companies lounge about taverns, drink ing and carousing, and faring sumptuously, their neglected and unpaid men, without means to pay for hotel accommodations, have to depend upon the charity of our citizens for subsistence. A few of t he coPtains have done all that officers could for those under their commands, while others have left their men to look out for them. selves, and beg or starve. Thanks to the kind hearted ladies of our city, many of these gal lant but ill-treated defenders of their country were properly provided for. Judging from the tone of . ll , lt_t 7 ,tirreent among the soldiers, some oolonelasin4 ra p t aim could not obtain a oorpo. ral's guar* to return with them, to the war. 'Pennsylvania IDaily artlegraph, enesbap Afternoon, gu lp 23, 1861. SPOT THE THAITOILS.—We areinfonned by re spectable and reliable citizens that a superan uated office-holder in this city, who has for years subsisted upon the bounty of the people and amassed a competency in office, sympathizes with the southern traitors, justifies their rebel lion, exults over the defeat of our army at Bull Run, and boldly talks treason. It is about time the secession sympathizers in our midst were silenced, and treason crushed out. If the hoary headed traitor alluded to, and two or three others of the same ilk, are not more guarded in their speech hereafter, we shall ask the vigilance committee to look after them. Losr.—On getting out of the Baltimore cars, at noon yesterday, one dozen of Silver Spoons, marked "Ray." The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving them at this office. ]y 23 -dmaeo MANAMAS Automat Talcs:R.—lf the success at Bull's Run indicates anything, we, the Union and Constitution, will and shall be sustained, in view of this. Urick & Bowman have made arrangements to furnish the different companies belonging to Harrisburg with dry goods at the lowest prices. 2tt. NSW GOODS now New YORK ADOTION.-60 pieces of Grey Goods at 10, 14 and 20 cts. 100 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for 8, 5 and 6 cts. 10 pieces lamella Cloth for 7 cts. 25 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for 14, worth 25 eta Splendid Mohair Mitts at SI and 87 cts. 15 dozen towels at 14 cents a towel.— Linen Sleeves and Collars at 26 cta. 50 dozen Sun Umbrellas and Parasols cheap. It/0 pieces of the best Calico ever sold for 6k eta. 60 pieces Broche Bordering very cheap. A large lot of bleached and unbleached Muslin. Now is the time to buy bargains at Lewy's. HAIR DYE 1 HAIR DYE! 1 Wm. I. Batchelor's Hair Dye 1 The Original and Best in the World. .41 others are mere imuatious, and should be avoided If you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR Mari' HAIR dyed instantly toe beautiful and Natural Brown and Macs, without injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN MEDALS and DIPLOXAShave been award ed to Wm. A. Batchelor shwa 1869 an t over 80,000 ap plications h lVe been made to the Hair of his p Wrens of his famous dye. WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a Color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warranted not to injure in the least, however long it may be oontirn• ned, and the ill effects of Bad Dyes remedied; the fur Invigorated fer life by this splendid Dye. Sold In ad cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. xi- The Genuine Ina the name and address upon steel plate engraving on four aides 01 each box, of Wit. LUX A. SA7GIUMOII. Addreell CHARLES BATORBLOII, ProPflogor, etlqd&wtaug 81 Biroley .treat , Now York. W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DUI • sterol SPLENDID HAIR DYE has no eilual--toeutotaneoue in etlect—Beautithi Black or sterol Brows—co staining the eldn or, Worth( the Batr—remediestheabword and Webs' of Bad Dyes, and nvigeratee the flair for life. Moo. are gentiles unless signed "W. A. Batchelor " Bold everywhere. CHAR. atratubott, ernorietor. dawtagl .. 1,,A: “ V; • .: pi Y kncit):ll:ooriatifltt):933A3W 812. JAMES OLARKWI3 CELEBRATED FEMALE i'LLLB, Prepared from a Prue/rip/ion of Air J. Marks, M. D i Phyncian Axtraordinary to eh." Queen. This invaluable medicine le in the mire of all those wand and dangeroui &maim to which the Miele constitution Is subject. It moderates all exam and re. moves all obetractiOni, and a opeedy ours my be relied on. TO JEARIMAD LADIES It Is peculiarly suited. It wilt Ina abort lime; bring on the monthly period with regularity. Bach bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government & of Great Britain, to prevent eounterrenw. These PIM should nog be taken by imam dunk" the FIRST THREE RONTHEqf Avnashm as Mew are nen to bring on Miscarriage, but at any Ai , tine they err AGM In all oases of Nervous and Spinal At battens, Tatets the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Pupils lion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, hese pills IN effect a mire when ail other means have Milled 7, and al. though a powerftd remedy, do not contain Iron, caMmel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution, Full directions In the pamphlet around each package which should be carefully preserved. N. 8.-61.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any an. thorismi Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60 PISS, by return mail. VD.' We by C. A. BAJOIYArt. 17 1 ) dimly IMPORTANT TO iirEntaLsr.s DR. ()REESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. Obeesealaa, M. D., SEW YORK CITY. riIHE combination of ingredients in these 1. Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. Thep are mild In their operation, and certain In correcting all Irregularities, Palatal Menatimationa removing all ob- Strectinall, whether from cold or otherwhre, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous affections, hysterics, alive, pain in the batik and limbs, dm, disturbed sleep, which arise from anterviption of nature; TO LOAM lADIh9, Dr. Cheeeeman's Pills are invaluable, as -hey will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been dlitappoluted In the use of other PM min place Use utmost confidence In Dr. Cheesemsa , s Pills doing all that they represent to do. NOT ILO K. 27ters is Gas cosditioss du tousle systems as *WA as Pats amid be takers mama' prods/nag a PECULIAR Vse maks I oared to is pjaGN,ANG7—. as renal, YMCA &Rid GA. ada u as sr/widens imams, qf at asedsdas as raves as soma faastioas la a normal seruistias .bat saan as raproductive pow' man 00/MOt TOM Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious. Explicit directions, which should be read, so company each box. Price $l. Sent by mall on enclosing $1 to Da Coma= Iw Olinninass, Box 4,652, Pent MOB, New York Qty. Sold by owe L valiant every town In the United Staten . B. EUTICHIGS, General agent for the United SAWA, 14 Broadway, New York, le when all Wirekorde orders &mid. be oddreseid. Sold in Harrisburg by O. A. Hannetim n sie2o-lowly New 2bnutistmtnts. FOR RENT.—A. TWO STORY BRICK Boinoc. on Pionsylvaulle Avenue, above Cumber land street, ally of lilanisburg. Apply to iy22.lw A. D. RITILLIFORD. , STEAM WEEKLY EETWLEN NEW yogi er4 1 , : 4, AND LIVERPOOL . AN Li AND EMBARXING PAS actiGliat et QUESNSTOWN, (Ireland.) Thai Liver pouL New S ork and Phtladelphts Steatiutdp compifly Intend dimotchlng their full powered Clyde•bullt Iron Steamships as follows: CRY OF WASHINGTON, Saturday Jitly St? lILLSOOW, Saturday August : CITY OF BALTIMORE, Saturday August 10 i and every 4liturdiur, at Noon, from Pier 44, North Riven; • ' FIRST CARLY 676 00 1 SLIBItA6OI. PO 00 do to London $BO 00 1 do to London —SAS 00 do to Paris SSC 00 do to Paris pi 00 do to Hamburg..sB6 00 1 do to Hamburg 615 00 Passengers also Inrwardea to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, am., at equally 10, rake ,q-Persons wishing to bring Mather friends can bap tickets here at the following rates, to Now York From: Liverpool or Qaeanstown; lit Oabfn„ 676, 686 sad 6106 . Steerage from Liverpool 640 00. From Quoenstown, SOO 00. These Steamers have superior accommodations for, passengers. and carry experienced Surgeons. They or o built in Water=tight Iron Sactions„ and have Patent Fire Annihilators on board. JNO. G. 'DALY" Alioutt .iy 2241 16 Broadway, NOW, Uric. Or O. O. Zimmerman,. Agent, Harrieburg• SPICED SALMON tßaittrAND 'VERY DBLIGATE.'"7I‘ up neatly is fin pound mum WM. KM, Jr., ifflo. I=l CAUTION. I filisccUantous PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL BLOOD RENOVATOR It precisely what tts name indicate., for while pleas. art to the taste, it Is revlvltylng, exhilarating and strenAphaning to the vital powers. hale° revtville., re. Instates and renews the blood to all Its oil, foal purity, and thus restore: an., renders the system invulnerable to Mischa of disease it Is toe only preparation ever drered to the wort* in a popular tom to as to be within the reach of all. So tr.elnlcally and rkilltally combined, as to the most poweeni lotto, and yet eo perteeny adapted so as To ACT V PI37W? . 1 000RDA2e01 WITH TUB Lan 0? NATURI, AND MKS 80 MI TUX WVAXiar IrroleaOo and lone up the et testi,* organs, and allay a.i nereOus imitation. it Is also fifteen, ex Inlarattng to ha effects, and yet tt Is never followed by leashes r depreeslon rf xplitS Vis Coln posed entirely of vegetables, and those tboreogly coin pining owertul tonto and soothing properties, and con. quently can never Injure. as a sure preventive and care of CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, IN DIGE3TION, DYS PEPSIA, LAITI OF APPETIT?, FAINTNEM, NEE vous IRRITABILITY , NEURALGIA, PALPITA TION OF 'THE HEART, MELANCHOLY, HYPO. CHONDRIA, NIGHT SWEATS, LANGUOR, GIDOIDEW., AND ALL THAT CLA:..S OF USES BO FEARFULLY FATAL. CALM FEMALE WEAKNESS, AND litßEGuLe.tertes. THERE IS NOTHING fl EQUAL Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver men. plaints, Diseases of the Kidney, or any plaza" derange. , ment of the Urinary Organs It will not only sore the debility foil ming CHILLS and FIVER, but all prevent wanks arising from MiasmalLl 'influence*, and me the diseases at once, if already at. tacked. Tram:dery should have a bottle with them, as it will Infallibly prevent any deleterious consequences follow• ing upon change of climate and water. As it prevents costiveness, strengthens the, dretive organs, d should te in the Mode of all persods if seden tary habits, bodies sot accustomed to much oni-door exercise should always use It. Mothers should use it, fir it is a perfect relief, taken a month or two belbre the final rial, she will pass the dreadful period with perfect ease and safety. terra IN NO XlStadll ABOUT is. CORDIAL 13 ALL; WE CLAIM FOB IT 1 I I Mothers Try 11 I and to you we appeal, to detect the illness or decline not only of your daugters before It be too late, but also year sons rad husbands, for whi!e the former from false delicacy, often go clown to • prem.ture gravy, rather then let their condition be known in time, the latter are often se mixed up mite the excitement of business, that If It were not Mr you, they too, would travel la ihe ease downward path, oath it is too late to arrest their fetal fall. list the mother is always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal ; for we are sure your never-felling affection will unerringly point you to PROF. WOOird BASTOSATIVD CONDlni., AND BLOOD 113suVer./it as the remedy which should always be on hand In time of need. U. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, Ft. Lao* Edo., sea sold by all good Drusgiats. Pries One lolar ter Bottle. jyB-41aor-row • BOMETEING FOR THE TINES 1 1 ! A Necessity in Every Household 1 ! JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue The Strongest Glue in the World FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, FOR OILAIN, ALABASTER, BONE, t CORAL, &0., &c., &o. The onlyartiole of the kind ever produced which will withstand Water. EXTfteOTB . _ . "ivery hobak&appor ahoubi hay. a x Ily of Johns & Crailey's American Cement Glue." t. mint. It no convenient to hove n x d brute"—N. I . Itimmn. "It is always ready ; Waco:amend i • •o eti itrY body N. Y. Issasswaxr. W. hums tried tt; and dad has a fenn ii our house ui Witer."—Wssea lira= or me Muse. Price 25 Centa per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale, Dealers. TERMs On.)kt. or For sale by all Druggists and Storekeep ers generally throughout the country. JOHNS & (MOSLEY, (Sole Manufactures,) 78 Wittram Smear, (Corner of Liberty Street,) New Yoga. jyB-41y NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. MBE IJND ERSIUNED COMMISSION- A. &RI of Dauphin county, to pursuance of an Act of the General Assembly of too Commonwealth of Penn sylvania; approved the 16th day of May, 1861, en titled "An Act to authorise toe Commissioners of dauphin, coun ty to appropriate a certain sum of money for the sup port of the famines of -Volunteers during the present war," do hereby inform the public that they will make a loan to the amount of scum not exceeding ten thousand dodson, for which bonds will be issued fora term not ex ceeding ten years, with coupons attached, for the payment of heofyearly interest, payable at die County Treasury at 6 per cant. Said bonds are to be clear of an taxation. lt is therefore hoped that the said amount in bonds of e ucb amounts as the lenders will desire, will be prompt ly taken by the patriotic capitalists or others, with out resorting to special taxation at this Limo. JOHN a. hiOalER, JAWS BLHX, Coanalkationara. GM. GARV kttlOta, Attest- 48M MILLE; Qark. my2P.daw THERMOMETERS I THERMOMIETARS, Ornamental. Mantle, Japanese Metal. TRISMOMATEIIS, do do Bronzed do TediRMOMILTSEd, DWlSere Tin Case, 12 inch. TELERMOMSTABS, do Brass Bound Double Scale. TELKIINIUMATIOIS, Union Case, 10 . 12 inch. Tagamousrgas, Metallo Frame, 9-10 inch. ILIERMGMITTERS, Black Walnut Case, 10 inch. THESMOMATIOB, Tin Case, 741 10 Mon. We balmiest received a Ana lot or THERNOAIMIE h d various styles, end are selling them low. HELIARR'S DRUG STORE, apB 91 Market siren 1861. 8D OPENING, 3D OPENING 1861. 0, SUMMER . DRESS GOODS ar grin nseolurnOtt. The quality of the goods Ibr the prise will be an induce. Matt to every one to purchase. The moat desirable goods of the lesson at a groat sac- AMC 112/M BCeAIESIQUES, SSA 1 - .1 Ali t VALENCIAJ3, CREPE D'ESPANGS, BEREDE SNOWS, BROCADE POPLINS, NEAPOLITANS. LAWNS and LAMELLAE a l " mil the lis r. CATHCART & BROTHER. Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. SKELETON SKIRTS: largest . stookot the very beet make to be found at CATHCART 9, Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. Paiasols, Sun Umbrellas and IhnbrellaS Ettenty-Aire par cent lame than can be purchased be r me In the city. GAMBOA= & 1 BROTHER. .. N 0.4, Market *mans, ulfle Next to the Harrisburg Bank. .. Et; L. GODBOLD, CTICAL Tuner and Repairer of Pianos, Melodeon", An., &a, will receive orders in at WM . KNOCHE'S Maio &ore, 92 Market etre el d rslett at the above named place, or es the Borth ler on will meet with promot attention. 91 clam tiAItUS to. sale. seplg-dly FLAGS I FLAGS I I . . E PAPER AND ENVELOPES with I Matkmal daMaus, LINTER PAPER with a view ol likr 01 nurrinii - Arg : printed and ter sale at imminnti z ROCatt r :iroo by ttstnns, at- NearNear the Harrtsbunt Bride at 'ow - e 'ld th e l i lL oai f f se , s . Pootastaa Ova on the nest of July. AI isiser swum W. POZWIWIL New '2otitrtizenituts. 3PMI3PI3.3EINLP*3 DAILY MK LINE! Between Philadelphia Lees Sam', Jemmy Wauassvowr, ldosov, Thworrows, Warsoirrowx, Maxon, 11wlganaG, NORTEtlit next4ato critters . , TkavoxiON, GIix)9OKTOWS, LTIEJLIenoWN, ttll./ARS- Ballo, D.t.crins, AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia tionA beta , Outran? 'orated ibe 'Voyage will be at the lowest rates. A Coaductor goes through with each train to atone to the atdo uelipery of all goods eutrusted to to.. line. Goods delivered et the Depot of FREED, WARD & FRBRD, No. 811 Ran et Sleet, Pettis. delphia, by 1, o'clock P. M., will be 1 .livered to Harrisburg the next merino, . Freight (always) as low as by Spy other •ne. Pal ticular attention paid by Riff hoe V. prompt and speedy delivery of ali Harrisbur was. The undersigned thankful fur pus pstrw hopes by strict attant.on to ausiunte to merit a eon a one of the Same. T. Palk' , Fla1w:101011A and Audio; e17.46t0 Feat or Market :lira,. it intrg DENTISTRY. urEo. .6i iN E.:, graduate of the liraltsraoreCoile ;,ts at Dental Surgery, haying perms neatly located lu Itta city a! Harrisburg sod mien the °Mee loroserly onaupied by Dr. Gorgatt, on Third street, between Market and Waiant, respectfully inibrms bi+ !Heads sud the °tibia to genera, that be is prepared t , portent) all operAtiaus in tee Dental profession, either surgical or mooosancia, Ili a manner that shall Dot tor amassed by ooaratura in this or any other city. Ito made 01 IDaernut artiticial teeth is upon the latest, ito• prated ociestOlc Teeth, Irom one tot lull set, mounted on One Gold, Litt tier, Mona plates or the Vulcanite Baia,. I tare area pleasure la re.rommenoing the above gen. tlernau to all my 'critter pmeuts of Harrisburg and 't inily, and fed confident that he will perform all opera tions In a au/eat/Mt rummer, tram my knowledge or hit ability. 'Eng Y. J. l GORGAS, D. D. S. GILT MAKES I GILT PRAWN I J. BIESTER, CARVER AND GILDER, Manufacturer of Looking Glass and Eaton Fran* Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings &e. HABEISBURG, PA. French Mirrors, square and Oval Portrait Frames of every description. OLD FRAMES RE.GILT TO NEW. jyle-ly JOIOIPH CARRY. - .New w. BROWN. CASEY & BROWN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW HARRISBURG, PHNN'A. HAINGV associated together in the practice of the Law, will attend faithfUlly and promptly to all professional business animated to their Moo in Thu% street three doors iron Markel v. B. Oensuitatlono in litnelish and german HIUKORY, OAK AND PINE WOOD for wile, CM IV STOITS UR CORD LANO2I TO STM PORCRA3II23. ALSO, LOCUR2 POB2B AND CHRSTNITZ RAILS COT TO ORDIIk. ALN STONE A.VD sAND Ft/A BUILD/NO • tnqutr.• of the subsortber at nta residence on the Wage Mid, apposite the Go v / Will Engine House, or at the Youq, corner or 'Second sod :iron/ ,te/eta Wait Her. ettbura. 1133727. K Gt E. OULE . VAN INGEN & SNYDER, Designers and Engravers on Wood N. E. COB. FIFTH di CID4STNIJT Philadelphia. EXECUTE all kinds of Wood Engraving with beauty, correctness 3nd dispatch. Original designs furnished for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons wishing outs, by sending a Photograph or Daguerreotype, can have view, of Colleen Marches, Store Fronts, Machines, Moves, Patents, h e. , engraved as wen on per. 85051 application. Fancy Envelopes, Labels, Bin Headings, Show Bilis, Visiting, Business and other Cards, engraved in the highest style et art, and at toe lowest prices. For specimens of Ike engraving see the illustrated works or J. B. Lippincott &Co., B. B. Butler &Co. oct2s lyd SCHEFFER'S BOOK STOltki I (Near the Harrisburg Bridge,) ArO I.2S. JUST RECEIVED from the aiMilda tot of rue COmitEECIAL NOTE art, which we will soli at $1.25 per roans. per ream ror NOTE PAPER, decorated with the latest and very handfOuto emblems and patriotic mottos. 113.50 ror 1000 WHITE ENVFLOPES, with national and patriotic emblem, printed 111 two cotars. Please give us a call. TRW. P. b'elli.firEft, J 42.4 Harrisburg. JP 41:::VIT DIARRHEA AND CHOLERA ANTIDOTE, For the cure of thee* iikdresslng maladies. Agreeable to the taste. Every soldier should promo a bottle of this valuable medicine before they take up their line of march. For sale at C. A. RANNVAET'S, Drug Store, my2.418m Harrisburg, Pa HENRY C. BHAFFER, DARER RANGER, Front street, second door above Walnut street. All orders punctually attended to. /Ur Paper hung for 16 cents per roll or pleas. All Work Warranted. mytt.thr A CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN. To close up the concern the entire stock of SHOES, BOOTS, Scs.,•hite of 01Iver Be I. man, deceased, in the rooms in the Market Square, will be sold at private sale at COST; and the rooms will be rented to the parchsser if desired. The terms will be made easy. jell-dtf DAN'I. D. BOAS Agent. THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. rri Fl vast amount of property destroyed ± annually by Lightning ought to be a warning to property holders to RECIIIe their buildings. All orders far Lightning Rods left at the auction store of W. BARR, will be attended to. Bode pat up in the latest improved tyle and warranted. FOR RENT. rpHE EUROPEAN. HOTEL AND RE- A. STAIIRANT in Brant's Qty Hall Building, Harris-' burg Oiy, Pa. 'Apply to JOHN U BRANT,- • jell-U.3ms On tne premises. CIRAB CIDER 1 !--Strictly pure, spark. %.,/ ling and sweet—has received a Silver Medal or Di pima at every Mate Agricultural Bair 'Weis 1868. For ale by jelld -Wit. DUCT{ & 0:1Q. F.—O 0 R ISALEne of the best business stands in the city on reasonable terms, or leased [or three or flea years Misted in Market street between Fourth and Filth. Xnquire on the premises of 9412 m DANIRL LEEDY. City Property for Sale. A LARGE TWO-STORY BRICK 110178,E AM_ and lot of ground, pleasantly located on Front St., between Mulberry street and Washington Avenue. Also TWO LARGE PIANOS In good o3ndition and of ex salient tone. Apply to C. 0. ZistittlitllAN, in 4 No. 28, South Second street. REMOVAL. IrtHE SI"LirI3BCIIIBER . has 'removed" his PLUMBIAN4 AND BRAS FVUNDRY from Market street to Fourth street above Martel, oppoilte the Bathe church. Tbauktul for past patronage, be hopes, by strict Mention to business, to merit a continuance of tt. atar26-Bmd REMOVAL. E SUBSCRIBER would respectfully /SHE the public that be has removed his Plumb tog sodliSeas =rounding establishment to No. 22 South 'third street below Herr' Hotel. ThaalelLl for past p* renige, lte be/Stir - by strict anoint= to bailees to merit apizdar , .4.4DNIBEL IMPORTED BOLOGNA BAUBAGE.--A veryrare letJuskreoetred and for sale by WY. DOCK Si 00 i'llistellantou4. LADIES , WINE. SPEER'S S AMBUCI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. I Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE. CELEBBATED for its medical and none ochl unnijui e s e% genuine mini:lain, Innw t • fo redo and ii•odoring, highly e•iteentad by entlivini, 01,11 dans, and come of the Grid fanlike in Bar.ipa an America. SPEEkt'S SAMBIICI WINk, is not a mixture or manufactured article, but iv .are, from cultivated Portwal Elder . recommatidni tiy Linen hits and Physicians as poi:swains median' pro /ernes .n parlor to any other %vtri...a in Cu, as 1 an =nob tru e% for all weak and debilitated ' , evens, and the aged and infirm, Improving the appetite, and benefiting Ladt 1. and children. A LADIES' WISE, boCallSe It will not Intoxicate as other wines, as IX OOn tel.'s no mixture of spirits or other Noon, and is mired far its rich peculiar flavor and nutrid ve properties, Imparting a hesliby tone to the digestive organs, and a blooming, Sell and heallhy akin and complexion. None genuine unless the signature of ALPREU bY6BA , Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of a Lth bottle, HAKE ONE TBIAL OF THIS WINE. A. Brrifi, rropriellor. Passaic, N. J. OEM 208 Broadway, New 'Volt. J. 13. EATON. Agent, Pbiladelpills For sale by D. W. Grws, & On., U. IL Keller. John Wynn and by draggista generally le isi = 11l ri ONLY PREPARATION WORTHY OF Universal Confidence it Patronage. FOR STATESMEN, JUDGES, CLERGYMAN, Ladim and Gentlemen, in all pulse( the world testify to the efficacy of Prof. 0 J Wood's Hair Restorative, aad gentlemen of the Press are IlOttliMolll in its proles. • few testimonials only can be hero given ; see circular for more, and it will be impel able for you to doubt. 47 Wall Street, New York, Dec. 20th, 1852. Grartmuut : Your note of the 15ilt Met., has been ra• dared, Faylog that you had heard that I bad been bene fited by the use of VillOtelf Nair Restorative, and requesa leg my certificate of the fact if I hsd no objection to give it. I award It to you cheerfully, oceans° I think it due.— My age is about 60 years ; the color of my belt auburn, and Inclined to curl Fotne floe or atm years slice it be gan to torn gray, and th 3 scalp on the crown or my heAd to lose ha gradually and dandruffto form upon It. Each of these eisagraeabilitics increased with time, and shoat four moo,hs elate a fourth was added to them, by hair falling of tho top of my head and threatening to make me bald. In this unpleasant predicament, 1 was Induced to try Wood , ' Bale Restorative, mainly to arrest the Wiles off of my hair, fort had really no expectation that gray hair could ever be restored to its original color except from dyes. I was, however, greatly surprised to find 4ter the use of two tuitles only, that not only was the failingoff arrested, bat the color was restored to the gray hairs cad sensibility to the soalp, and dandritil ceased to form on my heed, very much to the gratification of my wile, at whose solicitation I was induced to try it. For this, among the many obligations I owe to horses, I strongly recommend all husbands who vAlue the d miratlon of their wiv, s to profit by my example, and need if growing gray or getting bald. Very retpectfutly, BEN. A. LAVENDER. Too J. Wood & Co., 444 Broadway, New York. , tly family are absent leant the city, and I am no leas er at No U Carrot place. blamaaton, Ala., July 20th, 1869. To Plum. 0..1. Woon pear Sir : Your "Haw Restore. dye" has douo my hair so much good since I oommanosd the use of it, that I wish to make known to the 1118110 its effects on the hair, which are great. a man or wo man may be ntrurly deprived of hair, and by a resort to your "Hair Restorative," the hair will return more beautiful than ever ; at tea t this is my experience.— Believe it all l Yours truly, WM. S. BBNEDY. P S.—You eau publish the above ir you like. By pub lishing to our Southern papers you fell; get more patron sr Booth. I see several of your certificates In the Ate be Mercury, a strong Southern paper. WOOD'S HAIR RFZTORATIVE -- • . PROF. 0..1. WOOO : Dear hir : Having had the rfflator tune to lose the best portion of my hair, from the effects of the yellow fever, In New Orleans In 1851, I was in duced to make a trial of your preparation, and found ft to answer as the very thing needed. My hair is now thick and gloaty, and no wards can express my obliga tions to you In giving to the afflicted such a treasure. FINLEY' JOHNSoN The Restorative is put up In bottles of three atm, VIZ : hap medium, and small ; the amen holds half a plat, and retails for one dolo.r per bottle ; the medium.bolds at least twenty per cent more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle ; the tarpe he ids alptart, 40 per amt. more in proportion, and retells for 0. J. WOOD & CO., Prop•ietors 4144 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market street, St. Loula, ►lo. and sold by all good Druggists and Taney Goods Dealers. JylB.d /meow Great DR. LELIAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, IS ME ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia skip A. SORT OURS TOR • - • All Mercurial Diseases. It is a conveniently arranged Band, contaialitia nsimt sated compound, to be worn amend the Waist, without inlury to the most delicate persons, no chart. f s ib a bi t , of living is required, and It entirely removes the' didens from the system, without producing the Injuitous effects arising from the use of powerful interim' medicines which weaken and destroy the constitution, and give lemporare relief only. By this treatment, the medical properties contained In- the. Band, come in minted with the blood and reaches tiailtmer,,tagiono tbe perimmor the skin, dreniing in 'Mari inlitance a peifact cure, and restore • .he parts *elicited by a healthy condition. This Band Is also a moat poWerful Awn-Meaccauk agent, end will entirely relieve the system from the lyamaiiMias ef fects of 'Mercury. Moderate cases are cared in r i a• days, and we are constantly receiving testimonisk efficack - rn'aggravated eases of tong standing. ' flocs 00, to be bad of Druggists generally,kg sent bY'Mall or express with Mil diractiOns fern. to any part of the country, ' direct from the Prinolpkolik k No. 409 BROADWAY, New York. G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. N. B.—Descriptive Clrdulirs Sent Free:: ifirAGENT3 WANTIV lyB-dair WANTED 50t) MEN I For the Batteries of the sth Begi - ment of Artillery U. S. Army.. , - DAY from 11 to 21 dollars a month cording to the position which the capacity.4ad character of the mddlers may enable him to obtain. Radom, quarters and Medical attendance are MaelMed each soldier, with an ample allowance ot olothlam, load- Mon to their pay. Beery relate:table wantla !rip - plied the soldlor, allbrding htm an opporttuthy of =VIM Me beat part of Me pay. 'Aden of good character and waded Wage will wa spa des Of opportunity The advancement Into the ilida thle areng. , burg Apply at Jatta'a H;tel Routh Beamd H. str a tAingt- , Pa. .17114matt mns. 6th Arttileiy. = W. B. Kezedy,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers