THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, 13T GEORGE BERGNER. Yrs.-cm - MON . RMS The DAM 'MOB 4P111? erre sub"crlscriber'bers will in t be he city at 6,Ng crate per wog. Yearly sub charged $4 00 N./War .“D 801-Wszum Teteaaan. The TZLIGRAPHI.4 plibh3hei twice a wee) daring the,mon of tha ',picture, and weekly uring the remainder et the year, and tarnished to subecribcre at viz: the followieg rates, Single ;deter her" per year -11 Seven Ten lON LAW OP NEWSPAPNBS. If inbeeribers order Me discontinuance of their newt. papers, tee uutdither may continue to send them until sg we are paid. It subscribers neglect or refuse to take their , pens front the office 10 which they are directed, theynewapa are responsible end' they have settled the bill/ and orde.ed them ditoont 0. W. Grass 8L (go., D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRU G GISTS, NO, 19 MARKET STREET BARRISBUI?G, PEIVN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND :CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to onr assortment of goode all each articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the hugest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS /a PAINTS Oil, varnishes and Glues, Dyed tuffs, Glass and Putty, Artist Colors and Tools, Pure Ground Spices, Horning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine 01ls, Bottles, Vials and Lamp Globes, CaMb Soap, Sponges and Carla', &a., &a., as., 4go , dia., do., AN With a general variety of PEEMIERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the beet manufacturers and Per imam of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, TARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, AISTiIiT'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VAKETDIS, COLORS AND BRONZES Or ALL KINDS, uath . :s 4 , 9micA i F • We rcepectfally invite a call, feeling, confi dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH I TEETH I! JOKE'S AND WHITES'S PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier rad Concentrated Lye! Wholesale agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low as it can be purchased in the cities. THAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID UTRACTS, COAL OIL I OARBON 01111 Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can ea inducements to close buyers. Coal 011 tamps of the most Improved patterns, very cheap. All kinde of lamps ()hanged to burn Gni OIL FARMERS AND GtRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know not their inperiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and !s -tood condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the inoreastult quantity and quality of milk, holds improving the general health and sip penance of their Cattle. Our iong ex patience in the bush:Leas gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we cam in a very short time furnish Anything appertaining to our business, on the beat of term Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to boldness a careful selection of PURR DRUGS at 1144 Pict", and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the favors of a disadm -4014 Plthila - I ‘- , . -tx < • -..1 , , , - . / Af-- . -,.. viiirry.o , - e illBWl trirtz....,,,,, , : I VtitnsDitiaml 7 - .1 ----- :(1t4.,:i7;_ - :-_,,_:.,.). -- 4. -- - - ) - _, ~...... - 7..;i5.,...„,...,. 3...,--._ .. .• . , . ~, . • .„ . -- _ -, -,,,, . ~ 1 ......„---2 . , .__- ..., - $2 00 12 00 15 00 VOL. XV. DR. JOHNSON LOCK ItOSPFILL. a di e ll i d e i t roze i r te tt d b y e iu m a tet w czr a tt r i or iti, speed, DIEU/ASES OF 116PRUDENOIL amen. cur Ws co Mimi souse Xs Moreary or Noxious Drugs. *lra Cols Wataaniro, oa no Ou.nsta ,s num Ole ro Two Danl.-gm • Waikato of the Back or Llmbs,litrieturen, Pains in the loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervosa Debility, Decay of the Phydca Pow ers, Dyspepsia, Lowe, Low Spirit", Omaha= of dean, raj action of thalleart, Timidity, Trembling", Mumma of Bight er Giddiness. Demo of the Stomach, Affections of tne Head, Throat, 'Nese or Skin—those lerrible diem , den arising from the Indiscretion or Solitary Habit* at Youth—those &Sala and destructive practises which produce constitutional debility, render marriage impos ethic, and destroy loth body and mind. YOUNG MN. Young men especially who have become the vial= of solitary . Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to so untimely grave thousands ol young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thuds* of eloquence, or waked to en ! sly the living lyre, may call wish full confidence. MAIllllAGN„ Married persons, or 'those contemplating marriage, ber log aware of physical weakness, should Immediately ow. snit Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WRAICNIES fennediately owed and MI vigor odors. He who places himself under the oars of Dr. L I may religiously confide In his honor as a gentleman, atut eon, edently rely open his skill as a physician. WOmce No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, lid., on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, doors from the corner. Ile.gartienlar In observing the acme or number, or you min mistake the place. Be par. tloular for fyitormst, Dollsm Quacks, with Wee names, or Paltry Nwerdsmy sft#A-Mis, attracted by the repots. don of Dr. Johnson„ lurk near. All letters must contain a PostageShunp, to use on the. reply. DIL JOHNSTON, Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Burgeons, Landon, gradual/atom one of the meet eminent Donegal of the Milled States, and die greatest Part of whose 11th has been spent In the Hospital' of London, Paris, Phila.' deiphia and elsewhere, has Mated some of the most as. tonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears tad hoed when asleep, great ner. rowan, befog % alarmed at sudden sounds, lothrulnem, with frequent b twang, attended sometimes with derange • meat of mind were cured immediately, , MX PARTICULAR NOTICIL addresses all these who having Waxed them selves by taste and Improper Indulgsnoles, that secret and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, un fitting them tor either bosinessor society. The.. are some of the sad and melancholy chits pro. doom by early habits of youth, vis : Weakness of Inc Gone and Limbs, Pains In the Read, Dimness ot Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nerronskritability Derangement of the Digastivo functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Coasumn don, be. warrair. Marcum, the tbarall effects on the mind are mush to be dreaded :—Lose of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, De ' pression of Spirits, Alva Forebodings, Aversion tot ocia ty, B•ll4lstrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Be., are some of the evil effects. Thousands of persons of all ages, can now judge what the owe of their decline In health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emiaated, have a singular appearanee about the eyes, cough, and map les of ccoansipthnt: TOM XXX who have injured themselves b I certain practice, in hired In when awns -4 habit frequently learned from sillJoiroulions, or at school, the abets of welch are sightly felt, even when asleep, end tract cured, renders marriage Impostbi and destroys bolls mind and Wall . , ehould apply W t he pity that s tenet man, the hopes of ama try, the darling or parents. hostel be snatched lam all prospects end enjoyment* of Mb by the ooasegsteaeu of deviating from the path or natu r e, and indulg in a certain secret habit. Mn %persona must, before oasis • plating sad that a sound teed sad body are the mothweeeesasy requisites to promote cerut u g u l z bapploesa. , Indeed without thew, thejourney li te beguile it weary Pthiltheeile th e peeped heurtY hetet te the Ithw; the mind t r , thedowed with despair, inalligillth the me ga retleglon that the hipping" di, sigivag be• conies tad with our awn. , DR. JOHNSON'S DirOOlLlTille MEV/ 1011 OR BY. Mot Ind holgortioli *oniony, Wailitionn ot tha 'lwo are aping,' mad, dad NI Vox fhoaaabda of Um most ad d:raed brba bad lost all baps bays haw lausadlaaaly rellernala All Ledlntaitte to ilatildr, Pltysial or Modal DiolloraiL *ion, Nervous, Trion ling, Windiness or Wausau or the mail llterfW blaty speedily oared. The many timemeds Mired at this hatingen Inswing butt twelve years, and the numerous Important dorgkal operatkom port bruma by Dr. *I-, witnessed to: the re* porters of the papers, and many other person., Mims el which have anSCagain end main before the pubis; besides hieSiandOltill its' er ekevecrer and re. VONSINtay, IS •attEllgled geenintee to the adiksed. DISICIAIIit 07 IMPRODINOL—When the misguided and imprudent si= i ff A e . ture lads he .bas imbibed at the seeds this It toe often happens that an %timid sews of slums orrad et shammy deters him from applying to time whams echmatsoo and re. speetabillty ma alone bleisad delaying till the oon • stliational symptoms of this Masan make their appearance, altetlug the head, throat, nose, akin, ass., progreming Oti with frightful till,deetb pow a per!od to his dreadful Waning* by - iending bbn to &ghat bourne from whenecso timiceler retarna." 11 la a awl. ancholy Wag thmosinds fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the onsltilralness of Ignorant pretend ers, who, by Ilia use or MA deadly pots**, fi t the constitution and make Um residue se li sg-Lettars most aostabt a Ramp Was on the reply. —Remedies sent by usu. litisw gis-170. 7 &M y a 71.44r1ck ski*, Baltimore. CRAB. F. amp, us soars "ooze= arairm PZILADIILPHIA. AT TES OLD STAND. Whole:Ma and Retail Manufacturer of Port Moan"ka t ckbu and ruzsaa, Droming Oases,: money sena, Betioatm Oger Cana_ Banker's Cuss, Icalteriads. writmdDedm, 0611101 oota-wyooks, Port Folios, Bill Boom, ha. JUST RECEIVED ILNOTHER LOT Ot THOSE EXTRA FINE POINI ED GOLD PENS Oop NEWTON'S (formerly Bagley's) taainitetare, warranted te be Use hest Is etaterael, the finest pointed, most durable and es cheep as s 1 .7 • market, ter ad; with • variety ct Ood an Atm Caw of varlo4ll edam and prim, at alltitiaNUlS MAP 110011.STOIlk, Varies street. A WEIN' LOT OF L AZES' SHOPPING & 'MAULING BAG COM with% • number of atm Wits 601/11......and_L. DIM' Purses mut Wallets.. Ll* -••••—• eat tatitived au far sale at szacauun IMIALP BOoBllto2l, 111 Narks t StroNst. _ . Vpiry MOLU.SI23_ HOMICELDE L—A r spattukr tit Mal Mawr Barreits R 611 1" Ph i wig by ; ioot a co. h .„t "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." Elisattantono. 33AUr-siTIBEC,7eI.3EI ,uxe[sa~, GANIO WICAENIIIIII3. TO WMANGERO The Doctor's Dipiomai lung in his HARRISBURG, PA.. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 23, 1861 IJe Etirgrapil Wll LI 0 NEW RIFLE Ii,EGLILeN2t We learn from Charlestown that Major Joseph P. Knipe, of this city, a member of Brigadier General Williams' staff, has recruited .a new rifle regiment for the war from those about to disband. He will assume the command. The gallant Major has shown himself to be a Elan of "pluck," and those who know him will not doubt his competency for regimental command. ARRIVAL 01 A REGIVENT. The seventh Pennsylvania reserve regiment arrived here from West Chesterlast evening and went to Camp Curtin, where they remained until eight o'clock this morning, when they , left en route for Washington. The regiment will compare favorably with others from this State already in service. One of the companies contains a number of young men from Car lisle, late students in Dickinson College, who have shouldered muskets in defence of the stars and stripes. Col. Harvey, of . Wilkesbarre, is in command of the regiment. NEW VOLUNTEER COMPANY. Our clever friend, Isaac S. Waterbury, who ser ved his country faithfully" for three months In the position of Adjutant of the second Pew+ Sylvania regiment, is about raising ,a compan' to serve for three years or during the war, and a number of good men have already signed the roll. Others who intend re-enlisting, and de sire to connect themselves with a first clasp company, commanded by a whole 7 souled *um and competent officer, should avail themselves of this opportunity to do so. The roll of Capt.. Waterbury's company will be open for slow tures at the Walnut Street Exchange during the whole of to-day. FIRST PENNSYL FA K4 inViaalivr We learn by a dispatch from Harper's Berry that two hundred and thirty men of the Ant regiment, (with which the Gameron Guards of this city are connected), left that place inst night for Harrisburg via Baltimore. They will probably, reach here some tirne oftar , ;.-.4 invenn remainhig with the division for the present. Whether the Cameron Guards constitute "portion of the returning party the dispat* doeit not stall The nniversal feeling in thin community Is that under existing circumstances, the boy* should continue in service, and strike at keit retie effective blow for the flag of their country. PENN.. TROOPLSIO4 W.U1111761.2VN. The old keystone has sent a reinforcement of about thirteen thousand equipped men 4 Washington within a few days. Three regi ments left Camp Curtin yesterday, and other" went from the Pittsburg, Easton and WeetChai ter camps, most of them PassiPg 9 / 1 °13 4 this city. In the course of a few days ,Col Geary's regiment, and the Merchant Trooh both of Philadelphia, will also leave for the seat of war. Thus far Pennsylvania has nobly responded to the call of the President, and should another requisition be made we have nn doubt it will be promptly filled. The fourth Wisconsin regiment ]eft yestertiaT A ftlimoop. for Washington, and a regiment from New York passed through late in (he evening en routeler the same point. REENLISTMENT OF VOLUNTEM9 Many of the three' Months' volunteers now here intend to re-enlist for the war. Most o the State Capital Guards of this city will do the same. Some of them complain of the incompit tency of their commanding offload, andel , * this as a reason for their return. Judging from the condition of certain epauleted gentlemen winy have been "splurging" on horseback for alow days past, these complaints are =well founded, Men cannot be censured for declining to go into an engagement under drunken officers. Severe! companies are now in process of organisation, and we have no doubt that a large .proportion Of the volunteers now in F this city will reinter the service. Isaac S. Waterbury, of our city, the late popular Adjutant of the second regi ment, is rais i ng a company, and frem.preser4 indications the roll will be filled in.the course of a day or two. DINNER FOR gas SOLDIERS. The ladies who have undertaken the manage. ment'of the dinaec to be served up to our re turning volunteers, inform us that it will come off in Capital Park at an early day next week. Many of the ladies in this city and 'a number in the adjoining rural districts, ha e ; volaia`- maw. to furnish supplies of substantial pro TI T dons, with such seasonable delicacies as the market affords, so that our vault soldier* who have endured much hardship' and - privet tion in the service of their country for dual months past, may expect - to fare sumptnous4 on that occasion. We are glad that the women of our city, at least, appreciate the patriotism of the men who were among the first in the State to respond to the call of their country, and take rip arms - In its defence, eni many of whom are now preparing to rely again under the stars and stripes, and Muni to the tented field. iumiz BAITESY AZTACSED Lotunio, July 22. The report of an attack on. the 1)10)7 4 cap; Hatteras, by the *snail. Wahap, latita**4 it la &Kt stated, that au attack w nada: 04 eigon ink% =Me nitelsibiensibillft EN FROM THE SEAT OF WAR. ORANGE OF PROGRAMME, (NaL M'Ohdand to take Mwge of the Army of the Potomac, The Grand Army to be Reorganized and Increased. Large Reintbreefents on the Way to Wiuthingtoa, ACTIVE DEFENSIVE PREPARATIONS. Offensiye Operations to be Re sumed. NO APPREHENSIONS 2UR THE WATT OP THE CAPITAL. TEE BATTLE YESTERDAY. The Slaughter not' so Great •a at Flat Reported.- RETURN q six HUNDRED OF THE Eamitera ZODIVES. GEN. WILCOX' NOT DEAD. •••. • 0.,- - -,.. WASZINGTON, July 22. Gen. McClellan has been summoned by thp gpvcrment from Weld<42 Virginia to repair to NYAOlington to take conninuid of the army of the Potomac. Gen. Bosencnstal takas hie piaci in command of the army oaf Western Virginia.' The Oorpade-Army at Washingtcmia to be ix stantly reorganised and Increased. The ordeal bayealready been given. Offers of regiments al ready raised end being made will be' accepted with such rapidity as to inn= that this will be accomplished in a few, days. Large reb fortements from 'various districts are already oil the way either; orb= haying been telegraphed for them yesterday while the battle wee in prci gra& - The governatteit entertains no appreheosionp for the etifety of the OapileL Preparations mit oppositions are going on vigorously. Genersil .11eDowell has returned to his heed quartet= it Aribigkes Heights. The , regbasintavompriidng i -his azukreill resume their poiitkin; Width =it .of than have already done. : MOIED 'DIVATOIL Niue o'clook P.41.-- 7 'pls e estimated munbeir of LAW and wouodotio the battle gof yea 4 -1 day 10 gradually deem* = * by Wale t the roods aid seurcituading 491IntrY• Sii hu4- deed of the Ifilswork; Zouayes have ahead,* returned. It is now understood that Col. Wii qxkr., of the Platt Michigan _regiment, acting Brigadier Ghineral, Is not dead as reported but is badly wounded. • OONGRESS YESTERDAY. /11LPORTJUiT raOC=DINGI* Wuurimuli, July 22 Bznatt-14. SUOMI; (B. 1.,) introduced an amendment to the bill to Maisie the revenue, etc. Referred to the committee on:finance. The bill to increase the medical amps of the navy wall taken pp main* so as do provide for !Min iiceuzciaii th f naval aoad4i iqp and paas e d. The 1 0 4 to provide iron clad steam 'hips and floating batteries pawed. •The thin, Mvidlng for the confiscation Of poverty oftrebels found in anus against the givernnunit was taken up. Mr. Tionnum(lll.,) offered an amendment providing that any person held to service or labor, employed in aiding the rebellion seal+ the govenummti shall be forfcdted to his DAT Mr. Bascmanumas asked for the yeas and , nays, which was we'd to.= Mr. Tarnannestunendment was agreed-to. , , , - Titummatrid ha was gliui the ayes and 4 7 .1: ern oftilcii for Ha wanted to gee who would vote to allow the tasitorous masters to emplotalaires to shoot -dmin tfolott men. If the Beleetar fayored it, let him vote hlr ih►idthe remarks of the Bea 4or were not celled for: iateaded • to 4 duty aCoo to 0 1 7 1 *ee of the CoU - AltutfOx. * - Mr. WILBQIS, (Hti116.4 aaidhe ahould vote fop it. gladly. )4 ,thought the time .lutd (Pm, w4e4.414 , GlomPlent Aholi l 4 put a stop WWI ex4l4 o .7ing Abair *Plum .to s hoot down men ighting for theft, countrY—he.hoP o P. public eentinzent ittnakd.biaat any Senator who ieful*lellititt4t9P.AuOing au* th4ngti• • Mr-Al9u;g4ußcul_ lad tie nuPPeeed the BM+. for wan doing wiw,t be;believed to be his duty,- 4 1 he ( I , ll x-, 1 4 *Mid the thing ; when the Senator attempted to deter him inen: doing his duty, brintizesting that public opin- ROI here or elsewhere wonld Melt him for aoink what cmiteience mid was right, he talkito winds. H 6 would vas no unparEamentary lan guage, but the Senator knows it la perkt* idle to ma y Hut h a t aZi its, • • .4 1 r-4 1 43'90%. ):QAo9o l ,4,imet. _to..zuws l . the liberality possible.: The meeemlreotia 74 1 0 be of any rea '24rheiiiiitialtraetiXagie4tls'44l4B )1" - ' . , Kennedy, Pearce, Polk and Powell voting nega tively. The till•then' passed , Preszipmr, (Me.,) from the committee on finance, reported a bill' supPiementary to the act authorising a national loan, which pasitxt Mr. lifoDocoax, (0a1.) offered a nnolutiOn that it is the policy of the government to Or ganize an army of one hundred and fifty thoua and men on the basis of the regular emir. Referred to the committee on , military affair's. The.joint resolution approving of the acte of the President was postponed. The Senate then went into executive 561111011. . Alter the doors were :opened, the bill to. in crease the military establi'sbment, which had been returned from the - House with amend; ments, was taken, up, end the Senate refused to concur with the Route.. The resolution to pay the widow of the late Senator Dougi4 was returned front the House with an.amendiiiient to pay her $l,OBO for mile age The Senate : refused'On concur. Mr. WILISON, (Masi.,) introduced a bill in ad= ditien to the act authorizhir the employment of voiruiteers, which was laid' over. A mai , ' saga was received from the President, and after another executive session the Senate adjourned. Efrasum, Ways and reported a bill to refund duties on arms tni ported by the States. Pained: ' • Mr. Bn,un, frora the Coinznittee on Military Affairs, reported a hffilor the organization' of a ufferiteer home guard to aid in enforcing the lawi and protecting property in the several States where such may be 'deemed necessary, and arming the same. Ordered to be printe4: Mr. Vatinsvra asked leave to offer a resolti gon that the maintenance of the . Union and the praterratiori of the Constitution is a sacred trust which must be executed; that , no &Water shall discourage us from the performance of this, high duty; and we pledge the employment of every mane for the suppression, overtbsOW and punishment of the rebels now in urns.. Mn t3Tunts not believing) that such regain titfus from either side Would do any good, Or strengthen our hands, objected; to the intro Introduction of the resolution.. : . Mr. id'Oraintarro having preponnded a quea tlas to the bill- So An* tnceeeent Of the reg- War ari. r , .rer. - Bia re. A-sperm:led by Saying th at ,'the Senate passed 'the bill adding new.'utgi manta, but the libult, amended' it by -stibetitut- Log their own, providirig Tor wart:atom iniitead.: Thp latter bill has one to the Senate w hew both wiw ere- _ Cruzzantow introduced the resohation r ot - - fated by him last wegk.. Zttet telfAtttice, that the present deplorable civil war ma forced oh . theCountti hY the dieenkedete Othe Seether6 States now in revolt against : the gcnostitutional Lioverzturent and in arm ~ - arteted ~the 0 41d44: Adopted :yeasl2l, whist two, namely Bar nett and Reed, Missouri. ; The oneeinder:efthe resolution*, were adopted, one hundredare,c‘ seventeen against, two for,; namely, potter and . On motion of Mr. Team a resolution was adopted tendering the thanks of the, Rouse hi the Sixth M assachusetts , regiment for they alacrity in responding to a call .ni the rote: dent, and their patriothan and bravery, .on. thci nineteenth of in fighting their way through the city ot liatbliOre WWl° iliarchint to defend the Federal Capital. Mr. Cesium Uffered a resolution which was passed that the thanks of Coxiguss be tendered telhe five hundred mid twenty PennsYlvaiiituis Who Passed through - die mob of Banknote a* reisdied Weahhigtondit the 18th of:April in de fence of the National Capital.' Mr. Ware= offered a resolution declaring that the reverse of our - army on the twenty, dist, and the fUll run mama by the rebel army, In no manner iniPaired our nitbnate success' in that love of the Union and the Constitution 'so dear to twenty millions of `people , and cialli4g on all loyal ciiiisuni 'to respond* funiiiihig men and money. laid on the table. Mr. liresnivia's resolution, above referred to, was again offered and passed: ' " On motion of Mr. Coi,',Ctirolaal, that the Pre- - sident of the United States, if compatible' the public interest, communicate te ibis 'Opole" au, of such portiona as he may deent of the correspondence on Mein the Depaitiabist of State, betwteu. this GOVenunent and all for eign Powers, from' '6B to tie present time, 'with referehee kithe'marittnie Mr. W/CICM:I72 offered a resolution calling on the Secretary of War to inform the Uoujii whether the § o 'oh!r l), Cßifeckorio9, or any St thereof, has in its imilitary ieriice any Indians, mud if so, what . is their-number and tribe, . .Rr. Xr.iiiM 9 1 4 41 4 6 1- Wct have 11 ':' I g l o wh3d g e of a filoutbam. COnfedetacy. . Mr. Lcrinalar. Say rebels . Mr. Wresrarra regal:4lw to a suggestion, modifed= Ma resolution by laying " so died Southern. OatAill:ffacy." - • 3ir. Dumf.' I move to extend ,the inifoiry tn. • Mr.Wuniatmi. I have not been inform tint -they hatrelMgrOill In.tertrioe.t Mr. Dorm. ; titnit &In Obr men yesterday: -• Mr. EttrirkeB amendment *ea adopted, and the necantimi pained. , • Mr. Maim, from the Ocamittee on Waya and Meanly reported 'a ;Mil to appoint en 4a. &tailed *Sent; to eiceitiain the' mete, • ot r ittip V•Yiet . ' 4l3 iirfl g 44010 " antWition arahlik thkirrariefttle ' L 'a .b" , tiiilti:X* z• - r -Tat kg); ztadd „z-othitski ittat ' Baring procured Steam Power Preeter, we are peeper ed to execute JOB add B .01CPB/NTING orecrery Yon, cheaper than t can ba done at any other establish latent In the country. /11 I*, 6JF Apr Four lin es or Tess constitute AillYkAllinto one4ndfsquares Stakt lines or more Mao foar coosti Ede* square. Half square, one day one week... .6 one month three months 4. 111 months tt One year .......... . One Egraire, one day ...... • one west .... • ............. 200 one month... ............. 3 60 . 44 time m0nth5.........1f 00 MIX MMOthe 10 00 • one year............ ..... ...... 16 OO lir Badness 1201Mett Inserted in the Loot Chtsims, sr betore Manistee and Deaths, FIVE CENTd pit LINE for /*chins/Pion. - NO. 70. karriges and Deaths to be charged ma regular ad vertlaemanta PRIVA.nOfRB k=US fbe British schooner Teviot, from Nassau (N. P.) reports, off Hatteras, on the 19th, she was chased by a private schooner, who fired twice. When the schooner vas- hove topo.she was allowed t 3 proceed on her nationality being ascertained. The pirate was a pilot boat about fifty feet long, painted deep lead color, and copper bottomed. No name on her stem. She And along gun amidships and was , manned by thirty men. The Teviot also reports seeing a a steamer off the Hole in the Wall, which made for, the schooner, but afterwards shaped her course for. the Hole in the Wall. COL. GEARY'S REGIMENT TO ?LABOR. • - • l'imrimpalk, July 22. The Twenty-eighth Regiment Penneyliwnia Volunteers, now encamped at Camp Coleman, OxfOrd Park; will break up camp about the Middle of - the present week: CoL .Geary has recadired instructions from General Scott to pro mo:Ito Harper's Ferry,"And crossinto the eel lay of the Shenandoah ;to' join the army ander General Patterson. The 4nfield rifles:are now Wog inspected for thecommand at the ..lkides hum _Lemma, and immediately upon their re ceipt; the regiment will take up its march. REBEL ACCOUNT OF THE BATTLE Despatches from Richmond, dated last even ing, state that a battle bad commenced' near Manassas Juriction; at four o'clock in the morn ing, and became general about seven o'clock, when the Ireieralists retired, leaving us in pos session of the field. Sherman's celebrated bat tery of light artillery was taken. The •battle Was terrible, with greatalaughter on both &lea. It is impossible to furnish details. ARRIVAL OF "A' STEAMER The steamship North American from Liver pool on the 11th, via Lo' ndondery on the 12th, passed here td-day. She has 174 'passengers and 159,000 in specie. [The Canadian line was here interrupted.] • • _m. yn.xtrr r F ir til T N4 Wk. FLINT! WAIL FI,INT. I No: 807 EARNE; 140,807 MAIM; No ' 807 Vassar, Ploutazuma, ,Plawnllll Pan-diazurint, TREINICNDOVS SACRIFICE $lOO,OOO WORTH or JEWELRY, ALL 'FOB ONE. DOLLAR EAOH A - Large and AsuatortmentofJewelry, tionmethig CHAINS BRACELETS , CAMEO SETS, &C., &C. And, all styles of French Plated Chains, Oold and Plated Jewelry. We do not keep or sell any gilt, gifted or galvanized goods..s I, whet are sold by the beat Jiweler as Gold Jy. We rowdy° air goods from the best Gold Jewelry ' ,Manufacturers In the etatel. WHO ARK FORCED '2O SEX. WHO ARE FORCED TO SELL. WHO ARE FORCED' TO SELL. WIIO ARE. FORCED TO SELL nts following Is only a partial lista,' our immense mica. TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR SJI SACS. TAKE YOUR OROICE .FOR Si. Lame Elise and Rldendid Cameo Seta, General Retail. ..... ...... •• • • • • II .811 to 1110 Do d Prloem o Lava • do 10 to M Do do •Oarbunele do Bto 80 Do:Ladles , hhamelloil end Omni do ?to 20 Do do and Carbmcla • do 7to 84 Do do and Ruby. '' do ao 16 Do Gol d Oluster Grape Sat ing nets do 1010 30 Do -,do; do Yamada •es 10 to .12 Do do do jet•Mts do to la Do do Bieck Mosaic " Chi to Do do , qol4.apne aiream do ¢to 21 Do do Calico Seta . do 6to 82 Lo Ribbon Twists, withbrilllanta do -0 to 88 Dici Dewitt Bets, new . do ,4 to 07 Do Enameled Mister ' do do 10 to 2 OobiTtninbles,.- ' du to 50 Dtiumind Pointed Hold Pens and Onlea, 00 g an. Wirer PlAted Spoons, 2* 00 .Silver Plated MUM. o COO Over 1,000 other , diferent tittles Ladies' Jewelry; 14 a dditions, all Myles, patterha and slam; Li/clamor er ery .M804404 ; 4 Gold Peaty 14 harm, atilt Silver Eaten woo Holder • Geld Pencils,'Sleeve But ono, Btinia, Ito Ba.; Omit,. Lam, Otiose wear d Eracelets (Mate: Vest quan,,, warranted to ten reap Without. obiollPill &limy& d stand tbe add—they ore Mai* sold by .Jeweler s as solid gold ,ctuddis—ali, m,de Nral, • ;ion c o o taco your ' choice for Al eac h. .Ladles , and Gent,' Guard Chaim, 11l each, mostly sold by Jeaelera at tram 65 to $3O each ; Ladies' and Children's lisclitas, banditti! patterne;ara il ets, enarneleklanct iirby seßlogoi des, Plata and enataraeli, for Illiefeili:kapdi prices from 86 to .0 each. Every sty s . a 4,4 7 . r / it " o f Jewelry and desirable goods ter $1 eargi, ', Tat" • . .This. sue, at toe above .prices,JWill,,wrilitintie Ong enough to sell of our Immense stock yrhich wgmr chimed aka great SaviillealkOiaikiiit Whe ly e WM, TARS yoint SPECIAL NOME jAp-aow 1.0.8121ta Mokir, IM. Writeralt' HOOMalsekolltaildense, County end Eitate,plata and I;O3MM, as worm make making oyt Of Mal 141 letters. With WA 13 moires/num sealed with gum or tailors can be easily opiined—ibe contents Wren out owileloothottJ4MlOrtd dos, ondrwo bOrra spownhle tor t your Miley, lead - , INDOCEMENTR TO AGENTS: 407.PerSOPIII41111 as agent, olio wig Moir -- iii4El o %PO 15100, - We will give a Gold L B (Rad unting atch. 61.86. atoa. tiiff jl6OO ~, 4 . :aMar ''llUS 426, Miser . Wail* sad tbe articles selected trorolillito;b2iri l tbi MANE DOLL:IIIE6OEL, , ?MOM Ordering by mail mud send Imo ig lot, tia* P S• GMs' CS ;,A TM/ • Al 414 rt l communications - must tie aZdreesed to WILLIAM ltjaippea: -#?* 841 1ASTkot471 1 P4 miladelphia, Pa. janBo 6mw DR. T.....l . ..:AtiEtifE8 1 -- (ylrrllBrP9oe,,t9-theaown% bto audits vlcrotty. 11(q 4 4 .K 4 111 0 I lba4talthiaPpatroar4apaztigiistariti Sat V igotral ir ardalliatV at% ItY4bettla.44ll4o , q isialrya War. iainlyins that the t be dissatisfied , h b fe f .- • k •• • - Isvcrxqicto iJ z - _ , ltars.rtizz univ. ; an , aft SO 26 100 2 00 3 00 600 00 Nuw 'roux, July, 22 NEw °mama, July 22 FASTRIM Pottrr, July 22 WX. kFLIN NO. 807 ItAstrt, do. 802 Hanes, No. $O7 MAWS 3