_ _ ..... • , r-^ . 1 / ' - - r 4 C - N ;-e, ...... . . : . . . -• ''' ' . . ~.-----_---- .--,,......_.. .. _ --- I N G---\"..------------------.:: -_-____ - . . ~. . . .- -' 7 .-'' ---=- 7:7' r f .•--..'2010 .RI -., .. , .. . . • . , ..., , .. - . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . - . Y ..r-~,~:~-~.,~ ;V:i, 4 I' , ! k? IL BY GEORGE BERGNER. k if - ,,, c Ettcgrapij. IiETURSEVG VOLUNTEEKS Ihe tluee month's volunteers, whose term of ,;,roliment expired last *TA, have commen ,,i to return. The first arrival was the Allen town Infantiy, on !-'atutilly morning, noticed in cur last The (. I .;i , t. which usually characterizes our • f , 1 . ..0 L) was disripted yesterday a y_ , le expected return of the fifth , m Timis C. M'Dowell, and the Artillery of Reading. connected with wcetv regiment. Thar regiment retird t C : snitol llilt mai stacked arras, mid the needed with people anxious to eo 1 itlie gallant men who have ril able hardships in the service y Many of the men brought 1 , !-• olloUB "relics" in the shape of se , ; and weapons taken from the enemy. I❑ if.- s of the regiment were several "con t from "Dixie's land," who excited tile curiosity. The men were toil-worn CAW. d with dust, but in other respects 1. ied remarkably well. They quartered in ._:,.pitot buildings during the night. I:c excitement consequent upon the arrival M, regiment had scarcely subsibed, when rinommement wits made that the second ~,Meent, Colonel Frederick S. Stambaugh, I, which the State Capital Guards of this ani connected) was crossing the bridge. In w minutes au immense crowd of peeplecon ,7,. rated at the depot to welcome the " toys," ele.se return last evening was entirely MICX -I,et ted, previous acivices indicating that they .:deeded reaaining with the division several d,,ys 10::,.;er. During the march of the regi meetli n the depot up Market and Third eti 1? tbe sidewalks were thronged with thous and; of men, women and children ; and consid iug that the occasion was the Holy Sabbath, the demonstration of welcome was all that the returning soldiers could desire. The regiment was dismissed in 'Third street, and the State Capital 0 nerds marched directly to their old quarters in the Exchange building, where they w,re greeted with cheers and warm congratu the relatives and friends assem- Mee, to Gean. With a few exceptions our boys enjoy excellent health, and seem to have been physically benelitted by the hardships they have undergone during the past three months. They left Charlestown yesterday morning, marched eight miles to Harpte's Fer ry, where they forded the Potomac, and took the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, arriving here via Baltimore at eight o'clock in the evening. It is the intention of most of the company to re enlist for Glower, and on the return of the Cam aim Guards, in a few days, measures will at once be taken to term a Dauphin county regiment. The companies of the second regiment were quartered at the various hotels last night. All the returning volunteers now in this city will be paid to-day, Major Taggart having arrived from Washington for that purpose. =I IME=:1:=1: WISCONSIN AND lIER 00 VER NOR Our readers have already been informed of the arrival of the fourth regiment of Wiscon sin volunteers, whose tents are pitched just outside of Camp Curtin. The first, second and third regiments are now in the enemy's coun try, and every where have been spoken of in high and de;erv,d terms of praise. It is safe to say that in no essential respect does the fourth fall b , 4ow them. Indeed, it may fairly be questioned, whether a regiment eau be found Igo sessing a greater number of stalwart and hardy men, Not only the men, but their «ittip meats, their excellent condition, and the gen erous provision made for their comfort, reflect the highest credit upon the. Slate that sends them forth to do tattle in defence of their im perilled (,lAltrv. We tali,) great plowsure iu referring in this connection to the humane measures adopted by Gov. Randall on the further behalf of the troops from Wh , consin. Ihe Executive care and bene volent oversight follow them in their march, and will exercise watch and ward over them wherever they may be. Agents accompany each regiment charged with the duty of look ing carefully after the sick and disabled soldiers, and ministering to wants which else would not be met. Connected with the regiment now in this city is a gentleman, Rufus Cheeney, Esq., who pes.:csses rare qualifications for the post to which he has been assigned. In him we are confident the unfortunate soldier will find a warm and aCtiVO friend, and a compassionate helper in every hour of need. ARRIVAL OF RE.GimE2VTS. - • The regiment from Camp 'Wright, under com mand of Colonel John S. AI:Callow - It, arrived here yesterday morning and went into quarters at Camp Curtin. His regiment was ordered to cumberland, but on their arrival at Hopewell, from which point they intended to march on toot, received orders to repair to Camp Curtin, Pri paratory to joining Gen. Patterson's di- Vision, A rejimcnt from Camp Wayne, commanded by Cul. arrived hero yesterday after- Rooh, 41 1 , 1 went to Camp Curtin. Other of the reserve regluients will speedily follow, and these, 'With t 1 returning volunteers who must come here to receive their pay, will keep our city in a state of constant excitement for a Nots to come. A REGIME) T AT CHURCH. The Wisconsin regiment, now encamped in this city, marched to the Locust Street Metho dist church yesterday afternoon at five o'clock, preceded by their excellent band, to hear a sermon from the Chaplain of the regiment, Rev. A. C. Barry. The spacious church was filled on the occasion, and the services were unusually interesting and impressive. The sermon of Mr. Barry was exceedingly able and eloquent, and one of the most patriotic we have listened to for a long time. Notwithstanding the sacred. ness of the place and the day, it was evident to us that many personir in the audience felt like testifying their appreciation of the discourse, and approval of ttle . patriotic sentiments of the speaker, by outward demonstrations of applause. At the:olOse of the discourse, which was listen ed toWith marked attention, by soldiers and citizens, the choir sang the patriotic hymn, "My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty," the entire audience joining in this feature of the exercise and singing "with the spirit and with the understanding." The services closed with a fervent and impressive appeal to the Throne of Grace in behalf of the soldiers and the cause in which they are enlisted, by Rev. Franklin Moore, the elchtient pastor of the church. We noticed some of the general offi cers of the regiments with their ladies,in atten dance. We congratulate the fourth Wisconsin upon their good fortune in securing the services of a man for Chaplain so well qualified, in every respect, for the position. CELEI3R4TING THE VICTORY. The announcement of the victory over the rebels at Mansaaas and Bull Rap yesterday, the news of whioh was received bore by telegraph between eleven and twelve o'clock last night, caused immense rejoicing throughout the city, among soldiers and citiotns. The important event was celebrated icy' the simultaneous ring ing of all the public bells, firing of cannon at Camp Curtin, and 'other jubilant demonstra tions. The Governor's mansion was beautiful ly illuminated in honor of the brilliant victory. There was' a scene of wild enthusiasm at Camp Curtin, and in the encampment of the Wisconsin regiment, when the glorious tidings were communicated to the soldiers. The ex citement extended throughout the entire city limits, the whole population uniting in cele beetiog the -.overthrow of the traitors in their strongest hold. Thank God we still have a government able to withstand the assaults of traitors, enforce the laws, and maintain the Union and the Constitution. All honor to the heroes who - have achieved this victory, which decides the fikte of the whole campaign. DEPARTURE OF TROOPS. The Fourth Pennsylvania Reserve regiment, Col. March, which arrived here from Easton a few days ago, left yesterday afternoon at four o'clock for Washington. The regiment, over one thousand strong, is composed of men who will give a good account of themselves when they meet the enemy .on the field of battle. They are neatly uniformed, well equipped in every respect, and present an appearance cred itable to the State. The Wisconsin regiment, which has been here for three or four days, received orders last night to leave for Washington this morning at five o'clock, and Col. Roberts' regiment, which arrived here last evening, was ordered to leave for Charlestown some time during the day. PAYMENT OF VOLUNTEERS The work of paying off the volunteers at Camp Curtin was commenced on Saturday eve.. wing, and kept the disbursing officer engaged until two o'clock yesterday morning. He was a welcome visitor, many of the men having been entirely out of money for some weeks, and some of them suffering for the want of it. We trust all will make good use of it, and not sub ject themselves, as too many have done in the past, to the hum:mating, necessity of begging money from our citizens to obtain tobacco and other articles. Some have already sent their money home, and others who are sensible will follow the example. VAN INGEN 8c ONYD.ER, Designers and EnoTavers on Wood N. E. COIL JIVE & CHESTNUT Nib., Philacklphia. EXEOUTE all kinds of Wood Engraving with beauty, correctness and dispatch. Original designs furnished for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons wishing outs, by sending &Photograph or Daguerreotype, can have views of Colinas, Churches, Store Fronts', Machines, Stoves Patents, be., engraved as wen on per. salmi application. Fancy Envelopes, Labels, Bill Headings, Show Bills, Visiting, Business and other Cards, engraved in the highest style of art, and at we lowest prices. For specimens of tine engraving, see the Illustrated works of J. B. Lippincott & 11. Butler &0.. °dab lyd DL T. J. 'MILLS, SURGEON DENTIST LIFF.KRB his services to the citizens o N. 3 Harrieborg and Its vklpiry. He sOlicite a share o the pabtla patroesge and give s enearance that his best ewleavors shall be given breeder satishiction in hits pro reltion• Being an old, well tried dentist, he feels safe in "hen the nubile generally to call on him, sesuring hea l that they ietil not be dissalladed With Ma services, Orace No. 1.2 a Market Street, the bonne formerly 00 "P*l by Jacob Eby , near the United Blake Hotel, Elarrisharg, Pa. REDUOTION IN PRICES NERINOL9 Min and ilturnd. . O APELGERL‘PIidu and Pima& ALL WOOL Rant UM Sas SLA (tur eront BEarra styl pr es eed Quality. FLU smolt op lin 81LaWLIices.. Thepliodata aH the above Goode, on examinatlOn, be lbeed "lower than ever," at cszaasara, 0.094 Nest door to the Hurt:Mug Bonk. HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY MORNING, JULY 22; 1861. • BY TEM" 2D EDITION, FROM THE SEAT OF WAR. ----•---- ADVANCE OF THE FEDER- AL ARMY FLANK MARCH UPON BULL MTN• REBEL. BATTERIES SILENCED. —*— The Secessionists Driven Back to the Junction, Firing Heard at Washington During the Entire Day. The City Wild with Exeitementi A Battle Momentarily Expected Enthusiasm of our Troops. Crxrasviti.r. via Fatarkx COURT Housa,July2l. We have successfully outflanked the enemy. At half past two o'clock this morning the va rious regiments about Centreville were formed for mareh. At three they Were in motion in the direction of Perryville, leaving Bull's Run to the left. At six o'clock the first gun was tired by a thirty pound rifled cannon, sent ahead to batter the masked batteries that might be encountered on the road. There was no reply from the enemy, and the advance moved on. At Gen. McDowell's head quarters, three miles beyond Centreville, the greater part of the army moved to the right to avoid abridge some dititance beyond, said to have been undermined. They will pass over upon pontoons prepared by Capt. Alexander of the engineer corps, and who has inspected the country minutely on previous 'reconnoisance, and to whom in great a measure the plan of the campaign is due. A getteral battle is expected tiklaY or titinor row, and which will probably decide the fate of the whole campaign. If Johnson has not yet formed a junction with Beauregard, : he will be entirely cut off by this manceuvre. Thrown back upon the mountains, his army will be ut terly demoralized and probably fall into the hands of McClellan, who is 'advancing beyond the Blue Ridge; and if he has formed a junc tion with Beauregard, it opens our communica tion with General Patterson's column; and Owls reinforced, the Federal army can crush out op position. Ifwe are driven back the army can retreat upon Centreville and keep open communication with Washington. If Beauregard remains where he is, his communication in the rear are endanger ed, and Manassas being situated m the apex of a triangle formed by railroads, a movement in his rear would destroy his communications with Richmond. The only danger the federal troopi run by this flank march would be by the sud den advance of Beauregard upon Oentatville, interposing communication and cutting off out; supplies. But this manoeuvre would be des:- perate, as cutting himself off from suPplie4 place himself in an exharnited country and be r tween the federal troops and the Potomac. / The sixty ninth New York was assigned th post of honor in advance. The members o this regiment have agreed onanintously to serve, although-their time is out. All the New York regiments will follow this example. For, five hours one steady column of troops passed through Centreline. The morale' of the soldiers is excellent, all axe anions for a battle, and when informed of the purpose to advance, the enthusiasm was beyond all de scription. It is supposed Beauregard's forces are larger, than ours. A battle is imminent at any mo ment. It may not take place till to-morrow' night. Telegraphic wires are tapidly following: the army and °Saes were opened this morning at Fairfax Court House, with Buell and Benton, as army operators. The orders to move yesterday evening at six o'clock were countermanded till early this morning, our troops meantime cutting a road through the woods in order to flank the ene my's batteries. The Secretary of War has received s dispatch that the fighting was renewed at Ball Ban this morning. Our troops engaged the enemy with a large force, and silenced their batteries and drove the Secessionists to the Junction. The city is wild with joy. Firing was heard in this city to-day from the direction of Bull Run from eleven till about three, and after a short cessa tion till nearly five, and at seven this evening the reverberation of cannon was still audible. A gentleman arrived to-night says at thrne o'clock this afternoon the Second and. Ilia New Jersey regiments were ordered to =mil forward from Vienna, the that sendizie back their baggage is wap Trentori. Other Were hurrying forward to the scene of h.. u tier, and there is much military excitement and bustle in the direction of all the came. THE WAR FOR THE UNION. ' `.r. 1 LATEST FROM SEAT OF WAR A 'BLOODY BATTLE .....-.--•....m GLORIOUS UNION, VICTORY. The Blebeb3 Driven from Bull Run Several Battaiiiiii , Taken in Rapid Suocolostoz A GENERAL ROUT AT MANASSAS, Gulair SLA.UGHTEItt ON BOT# SIDES. THE Ii:NEMY IVEIPPED AT ALL POLY*. `OUR VrOTORY COMPLETE RER sbf OF THE MUD SILLS: SrOlidlNG 0 78. E B.37TERIES -VAT- 'P'A'RALLE'LED 13PAVERY. SPIRITED ACTION OF THE ZOITAttrPS 31143 FF DAVIS IN TILE FIELD A ..13,iyit of Negroes in the Rebel Army Colonel James Offlnacor. 'of Perm- sylvania, Aponi the Killed, FULL DETAILS OF THE BATTLE ••---• WASHOGTON, July 21. The following bulletins were received in offi cial quarters during the progress of the battle, from . il;ip telegraph station , about four miles from Bull Run. Fairfsf eleven A. Af f —itspid firing from heavy guns and frequeßt discharges of musketry. Eleven-forty—gighting very heavy and aft parenityracire oh our left vring. Eleven fdty.- 7 TUre is evidently a battle toward'Arr leftiii 'the direction of Bull's Run a little north. The firing is very rapid and heavy. ; One forty-five.—Holary guns again and apps- rently mtisketry heat andnearer. Two P. M.—The musketry very heavy and drawing much nearer. - There is evidently movement more to our left. ffFty-flue P. M.—Firing a little further off and iiparentlY in the direction of the Juno: tion. Lea heavy guns and more light artil lery, as near as I . can judge. . . Three P. '3t.-flthyx ceased ten minutes since. Three fifty P. 111.—The firing has almost en tirely mead and dart only be heard with diffi. culty. I shall telegraph no more unless Lthere should be a renewal of the battle which has been so kiOriously fought for the old stars and stripes, rindfrorn indiattions here our troops have at least stood their ground. FAIRFAX COMM' Houss, 3:50, P. M. Our courier has not yet returned. Quarter- Mild& wati;ii;:of the Second regiment of Mlchl Fii:kTsw l rtiit passed, and says that oifiCeis i man andieitimni at Centio;ille, My a general engagemeht the'whole line has 'taken place U M, 91.1147 P. halt 0 4 16 V gii B- 1 31 4, of 'lgo. 448 as, and that o ur troops dri ven and forced the Beeessi.6*s lines back to - Manassas. pert aa:littler now every moment. Control/Me, 4 P. M.—Gen. McDowell has or dered the reserves now here-under Col. Miles to advance to the bridge over Bull Run, on the Warrenton road, having driven the enemy be-' fore hink,*.ol.lliike is now about three or four millicra: here, directing operations near B/ackbnini ford. - Fairfax• four forty-five P. M.—Two of our couriers have - retrucd.,.but_were unable to communicate Al person Wittitten. McDowell. One of the couriers was on 111Xfieldof battle. He says our troops have taken three masked batteries and forced. the: rebels to fall back to Retire. Fid says the_hattle was general on Bull Run. One 'of the batteries taktin wakin a wheat field, and the other some distance from it, and the third still further on. Five twenty P. M.—Another dispatch says that the Federals halms won the day. The law on both sldea is heavy, but the route of the belsl3'complete. The ketterip' s?bt Bull. IbP l -, re silenced and two oi . thies Otheoen. Fiv:Mp t v44,44s Ceased. YVe k 4 er courier there in a few min lutest• The Colonel went at. four o'clock, and will be back, soon. SECOND DISPATCH A report, nonofficial but from apparently re liable sources, says that the column under Col. Heintaleman has followed the rebels to Manas sas Junction mad has opened fire on their en trenched camp and was then shelling them. The cannonading can occasionally be heard in Washington from Georgetown Height. The headquarters of the army are inaccessible to-night, the Bresident and Cabinet.being ini tately closeted with Gen. Scott and staff turd other distinguished gentlemen. THIRD DDSPATOIi The most intense excitement is everywhere existing to hear further from the field of 'baps. Every returning spectator of the events is im mediately surrounded to relate his observatiOns. The demand for intelligence is nnsatiated. Many unauthorised rumors prevail, which serve to confuse the truth. the smoke of the battle could be seen from eminences in Washingeon. A number of members of Congress, and even s. went to the neighborhood of Bull 'un to witness the battle. One of them reperts Col. Hunter, of the Third Cavalry, acting las Major. General, as seriously, if not mortally wounded. It is stated with confidence in all quarters that Col. Cameron, of the seventy ninth regiment, brother of the Secretary; of War, and Col. Slocum, of the Second Rhode Maud regiment, were kW*, • FOURTH DlSMat'll A most severe battle was foughiciaTy Bull's Run biidge. The conflict was despezate, lading over nine hours. The programme, as stated In the first dispatch, was carried out itn tif the troops met with a succession of mashed batteries, which were attacked with vigor alr• success after severe loss of life. Our troops advanced as follows Col. Richardson, who distinguished! himself in the previous engagement, proceeded on the left, with the four regiments of the Fourth brigade, to hold the battery hill on the War renton road in the vicinity of the place where the last battle was fought. The flank move ments were described in the first . dispatch.— Schneek's and Shermates brigades, of Tyler's division, advanced ,by the Warrenton road while Ileinteleman's and Hunter's divisions, took the fork of Warrenton road to move be tween Bull Run and Mammas Junction. Key's brigade remained at Centreville. Inibrrnation was received by Tyler's command of the existence of the enemy's battery com manding the road. Our troops were then form ed in battle array, the Second New York and Second Ohio on the left, the Second Ohio and Second Wisconsin and Seventy-ninth, Thirteenth and Sixty ninth New York on the right. Col. Miles' division followed in the rear. The first raoge gun was fired by Sherman's battery at ten minutes of seven. The rebels did not return his shot until as hour and a half afterwards. When Hunter's division came up another battle became general. Col, Hunter's movement to gain the -rear of thereiemy wits almost a success. The enemy's position opened on by several of Carlisle's howitze vi t a , followed by alight skirmishing. The rebels rapidly received reinforcements from Manassas Junction after the attack was opened. The battle consisted in .a succession of fires from masked batteries, Which - Opened in every direction. When one was silenced its place was supplied by two, and in the daring charges of our infantry in unmasking them. The Sec ond Ohio and Second New York militia were marched by flack through the woods by a new made road within a few miles of the main road when they came on a battery of eight guns with four regiments fla nked in the rear. Our men were immediately ordered to lie down on either side of the road, in order to al low two pieces of artillery to pass through and attack the work, when this battery opened upon us, and killed, on the third round, Lieni. Dempsy, of company G, New York Second, and Mr. Maxwell, a druniraer, and seriously wounding several others. Our troops were kept for fifteen or twenty minutes under a galling fire, not being able to exchange shots with the enemy, although with in stones throw of their batteries. They succeeded in retiring in regular order and with their battery. The most gallant charge of the day was made by the New York„ Sixty-ninth, Seventy-ninth and Thirteenth, who rushed up upon one of the enemy's batteries, firing as they proceeded with perfect eclat and attacking it with the bayonet's point: The yell of triumph , now seemed to carryall before it. They. found that the rebels had abandoned the battery only taking one gun, but this success was acquired only after a sever 4 loss of life, in which the sixty-ninth severely suffered; and it was reported that the Lieut, Colonel was amongst the first killed. The. Zousves also distinguished themselves by their spirited assault on the batteries at the point of the bayonet, but it is feared that their. loss is immense. Up to the hour of three` o'clock P. M. it was generally understood that we had h em med in the . enemy entirely and tbat theY were gmdually retiring,' that Enter had driven them back in the rear, that Heintzle man's command was meeting with every suo cess, and that it required but the reserves of Tylerl division to push Am to Manassas Junc tion. A " ','"KR/ftpldier was taken prisoner by ot; the 'Wisconsin Second. „He tinnedout to 3 ,l 4`kidier quarfenlia4.Prior, iusn of 14.4144,,1ri0r, He.. w . As s ure d -, with his horse, as he by accident rode into our lines. He discovered himself by remarking, to Hatibrouck,"We are getting badly cut tntitem." PRICE ONE .' CENT "What regiment do you belcMg_ 'to 1": asked Hasbrouck. "The Nineteenth. dpi," was the answer. - Then you are my prisoner," said Hasbrouck. . From the statement of this it ap pears that our artillery has createdpeo,':iiiivoc among the rebels, of whom there "" thirty to forty thousand in the field under csimaaad of Ihtsuregard, while they inisfrti re4artre of seventy-five thousand at the Junction.. He de scribes an officer most prominent in the fight distinguished from the rest by his white horse as Jeff. Davis. He confirms the previous reportof a-regimen of negro troops in the rebel forces, but ways it is difficult to get them in proper diseyine in battle array. The position of the enemy extended in three lines form a triangle, the , apex fronting the centre of our column. The area seems , to have been filled by masked batteries. At seven o'clock this eveningguns were still heard firing at short intervels. XXXVIIth Congresii—: Passage of the Duties Remission Bill in the Senate. WASIIINCM)W, July 20 Srotsrs.—Mr. Roo presented resollitinns from the legislature of New York, in relation to the Reciprocity treaty with England. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. Mr. HALE reported a bill to increase the medi cal corps of the navy. Mr. lima offered a resolution that the Naval Committee be empowered to _inquire into the circumstances of the surrender of the navy Yard at Pensacola and at Norfolk, with power to call for persons and papers. Referred to the Com mittee on Naval Affairs. Mr. Tiecuatax from the Judiciary Committee, reported back the bill to cordials the bonds of postmasters, with a recommendation that it do not pass. If the bonds are good no bid is needed. Laid on the table. Mr. Foams= from the Committee onFintaice, reported Wu: the bill to allow the Secretary of the Treasury to remit certain tines, and it was passed. Mr. Joussos (Ten.,) introduced a bill to pro vide for the transportation of arms and muni tions of war to loyal citizens in the Stater now in rebellion, and to provide for organizing them into regiments, fro. He said that the loyal citizens in those States felt that the government was bound-to protect them against invasion and insurrection, which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. numstax introduced a bill to provide for the holding of the Circuit and Distdet bomb in certain districts during the temporary insurrec tion. Referred to the Committee on Judiciary. The bill in relation to the police force of Washington was taken up. It provides for the appointment of the police by the President of the Senate and speaker of the rfouse. Passed. The bill to reimburse the Seventy-first regi ment's expenses for employing a band was taken up, and passed. The bill for the construction of one or more iron-clad ships of war was taken up. It , pro vides that the Secretary of the Navy appoint a Board of Naval Officers, to examine, And if the board report favorable, the Secretary be au thorized to have said ships built. LaidoVer, The resolution approving the acts of the President was taken up. Mr. Lemeem proceeded to speak. He said there was such a marked dlic reiiaucy in the opinions of the Senators Nvitk Witumi. he held friendly relation that hdielt it his duty to explain his own opinions. Some gentlemen on the floor differ from thosewho heteetolopitreog nised and listened with pleasure to. , the (elo quence of hisfried free. nifitiii!krillegift- inridge,) and also to the Senator ,fresu ware (Mr. Bayard). But he was pitiriedkihat he did not hear one single word ef idsinuncia lion of the breaches and infractions on the constitution by the States now array ed in hostility against the government. The gentleman could find withiolioafesion bag infinitesimal flaws in the conduct of the President, but not one word in conftenquition of those who openly trample On :teitilkistkHn under foot. Whatever necessity relanktit. the President to do to enforce the bstreluipt*ern ment, was tight and proper, eife4 V* he might have committed an the authority delegated to him. But he would not sanction the writ of habeas corpus in Idiryland, because he thought that State showed her Pii lefliP4o26 by sending.rgollabeNikk:Coleßnik-lakd that there was no necessity for auchimakicutia on then, exce pt it was evident that the judttry of lima gtate was disloyal. xetikt donbta the loyalty of :6111111f- Justloe. His character is pure SO. WM*. Neither could he justify the PmdcbTtArlkl the regular army, for the obje ct could have been accomplished by a volunteer force. Illiporbtum Obnee -- si - Ti g fiEN. BANKS TO SOPiellitaTitftikeit Gen. Dix to Command at klaltimove, Wesmourros, July 2OPP Rneral Patterson is to beimpsissgafl by eral Banks, under orders from this citY.- • . • - it. 23 la, c0 ur 4 . 4 4 4 4. 4 tiimeiiedirsilial2 d4W went of Annapolis to that of Northeastern Vir ginia, and is to be succeeded in the command at Baltimore by Gen. John A. Dix. fkmaion,