ft Alri A 71 c A THARingi ARE kkEißtEx4lto4 , oX 4 VOirOaining ? ll_ Are. Y . VV'Oul 41.ftti • ig*,,CyLif.iryttivilAciinged , aua your . . .. ; 0 /blitsbeeinptoms are onto pryttaekb. Hem- •'" I:Mthe lit of sickness is Creeinue; ikp,WAr,ilittZtAl averted by a timely roe oi tun right, MM . Ayer'S Pilla and cleanse out Ma diserdeibddi. oral—puny the blood and let the fluids =lvo ..awnonstructeg m ti.tatib again. They svima mie 11111 Illuetioui 01 the he 17 into v igorous activity, !Ai rily tic system trom disease. A cold settles somewhere I n me holy, and on nraltsits natural !unctions. These, it odt tali Ned, rasoC upon VIOUIIOIVO3 and tue surround ing organs, t slia4 gecer ag.craVe lieu, suffering and disease. Whi.r in this condition, oppressed by the de raugemeots, teas Ayers Liss, and see bow directly they restore the nateral action of dm system, and with it the buoyant .eeling of iienith Again. Vi hat is true and so apparent is this Inci ni and nommen complaint, is also true In tunny th the doep-seated and dangerous distem pers. the seine purgative °ilea expels them. Caused by similar obutructittnp and derangements of the natural itmctioue of the Mita, they are rapidly, and many el teem surely, curie oy the same means. None who likiew the virtues of these Pills, will neglect to employ t hem vitae sunering from the di .orders they cure. , toilet:tents truth leatbsg physicians in some of the principal cities, and from other well known public per From a Forwarding Merchant of St. Louis, Feb. 4, 1856. Da. Area i Your Pills are th.. paragon of all that is great in mediclue. They have cured my little daughter of ulcerous surer ninu her hau B and feet that hail proved lucuraide for years. tier m Alter has be.:u leap grievously enlisted with • blotcheti and pimples 0.. her skin and in her hair. Aber our child wail cured, she also tr Usti cat Mar, and they have cured her. Aa& .its A FAMILY FEIYMO. prom Dr.E. W. Cartwright, New Orloam] Your Kim are the intim of purges. Thoir excellent final:diet Surpass any cathartic we possess. Tnoy are mild, out very certain and ellectual in their action on the bowels, which meac them invaluable to us in the daily reatment of Waimea. EId.D.WHIII, WICK HiAD/011717 FOUL STOMACH [From Dr. Sderard Boyd, Baltimore.' DRAR Bao. AVM: 1 =mot answer you War nom plaints I nave CURED wan your Pith bettor than to may all that we VW wtlh to purgnieee otedietne. 1 pine, great dopttll hhu; ou 43111311.14L1LV ulthartio is my dolly conteic venh disease, and oeiteviog as Ido that yo. .r plllu afford us We bust we nave, to( course value Wm highly. rtrrstmea, Pa., May-1, 1855. Da. J. C. Aym—Sir:l luta. beou repeatedly cured of he allot lietdathe anybody Mit have, by a dose or two -your OMB. a eeeMe a. ariae tram a lout atomaoh, Whoa they clounsa uuco. Yours %Oh great respect, Eu. W. PREBLE, CI, fit el Steamer Clarion. BilloCa COIarLAINTS. (From Ur. 'fheudore Be,l, O. New York City.r Sol. wily ere your :ably adapted. to their purpose no co uporithil, but 1 outl their boueticial events Ciutt the i Ivor very 1L.11'6131.1 they Itaec in My pr,totioo 111,n/w/o wort: click:tem tar Site uure al llitiotu auy 00.1 muddy I 0.11.1 MoLII.IOII. 1 Eta* eerely rupee,: flit wo h.tvi ht lougtii a pergetlve which is worthy the cuittiiiirtoo LC tae yrulussiou and the people. hitr.4.Rittc:or or THII Wealtiugiou,ll.liy'7LUCeh. 181 e. : I hairs used your Nil; in my general and hospital pr3inlou osor SILLGC yOa 10001, 141114 01/111/0l bUtillatt: to say Limy itre the - u,:3 caiii,rtaz uutpluy. re. gui,Lung µCLIUU till the 13,3 r 13 gibult and Mended come. nocouy mey use au I lAlt CtPTIOdy or ocranigement ol tam. orgam. Indeed. I u3so seldom tuuud a cow ul Blouus Di3oelo suubs.id lie 1011 a did not. readily yield to 111001. FM141'1144 y , lile.i 7 A'.ON OD BALI, DI Ph, 31etia, ,;tno blame hospital. .6141 MART DLAildtlJ a Relax, "Wutims. (From Dr. J. G, Breen, 01 Cuioagu. I your Mils ve had .1. ten,t tri 4,1 “, thy irrActiect, and I sold them in esteem as one of Lao oe3t aperteuts 1 have ever tonna, 'their alterattve u.ron the Ivor mutes Mem an eXeolleht [cattily, tents At von in smelt doses km Dysentery and Ditrrholt. 'noir eugar.eoaUng mattes them very act:el/WPM and UOlAVEllnea.t to the use of women and children. litsrmsau, latruarrir or vis Bioon (From Hoy. J. V. limos, Paster ddrout Church, Boston Dr. ATER I have need your Fills with extraordinary sueuess to my rantlly awl among loose I am milled to visit fif distress. To ragulare the organs of digestion and pu rify tho blood, may urn Cho very beat remedy I nave ever known, and I can rocummend thorn to mq Ineuds. Yours, J. V. lIIIIES. WERRA A, Iv yonLtig Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1855. DEAR SIR am using your tlathartro Pills in my pralleo, and Morn an a:ea/lout purgative to cleanse the eystern and .uirify VIC rounfains or the blood. JUJIN hiIiACIIASI, M. D. CONVIPATION, 03 4 T.VENK31, SIIITKEISSION, IiMIO.II.IIISX, 0007,'14111IltarUJA. Firs, lyrom Dr. J. 1". Vaughn, hue[real, Catiatta.j Too MUM 'cannot be said of your Pills lot the care of Coutiveness. It where of your irateruity have found thou, as eilicamous as I have, they ,hould join me in pro. Muumuu it for the Exeunt el the muituthies Who sutler 'rum that complsuut, wfutih, although bad eIIOW.L. 111 it sell, is the pregellitor gal otliura that are warde. 1 belly° 01.4111/01/01111tO-Originate hr the user, but your Pills affect that urban and cure the disease. IFrom Plrs. S. Stuart, enysiolan and Midwife, Roston.] 1 liod cue or tw.l largo doses of your pas; ladled at the proper nine, aro eguedout proatouvet ut the Natural uaedLied Wil_ll wh Alq or partiaLly suppromod, and also ery oauctud tyOULaNOS the sion.tan and =flu. if ohms. Thuy Ufa do Montt thu boat payout. wo have mat • eoum mend uo otttet M my fultaitts. [Front the AteV. Dr. Bewares, of the Methodist iiptseopal Church.) Putanstodloceo,*avannah, Ga., Jae. 6, 1856. HONORED SIR : 1 'should be Ungrateaul fur the relief your emit taut brought me o 11th not report my case to you. A cold getued to my limos tad. Drought on exam. mann.. NM:414411e Yams Wttiha ended In Coronio Rhea - mamma hlytwittistanatug t cad too best of physkusus, the tittease grew wp su Laid worse, mull by the advice el your eaculleht agent to tialtinlOte, Dr. Mangum, I tried ycur rails. Toter ellcCto were slow but euro• B y poreevot ng in the tweet Worn, lam now entirely well. 13ENA111 CHAMBER, Baton rouge, La., Geo. 6, 1855. Ayes d / have been entirely oared by your tads, of ItheuraatiO tiOlit—a palatal disease that had allbeted Me ter yours. VlNClala 61.1G,611.. wildost of the Pills 9.1 Marital comalu Mercury, which, aithougtt a vaiusole remedy m altilltul betide, is dangerous in a public pill, Iron trio dread(ui eoLieequen °es that irectusutiy !onus , Its incautious use. 'Hisao contain uo mercury or mittens! subsumes whatever. Price 26 cents per brat, or 2 boxes for $l. Prepared by DK. J. G. AYNIC R t. 0., Lowell Mass. bold by U. A. Martorsrt, U. K. Keller t B. W. Gross .t J. M. Lutz, Melissa & Go., Armatroug, Harrisburg, arm dealers everyviaere. ap274smaaw • DAVID HAYNr..6, 110 MARKET,, , HARRISBURG, Agent ter LILLIE'S PATENT Wrought and Cndled IrLa td Burglar Freed 031.400‘ klu sa Strictly the ONLY Alercatieic ..%rte made, that Is both re and Burglar Proof. trtar29 dly -61a4 . 01 I) S 1 PARAFFIN rOILNDLES, SrEttx CAN 0..F.5, ADAM.A.N LEN E CANDLES, KILL' ()AN 111..1A AR CAN OBELI tem_. 61: r. till CANDLES, TALLOW (JAN utilES. area lot prt seuiu ..t .t„w and tor sale at the low oat prIGOIS Der: WM. LOCK JR. & CO., Ate the I OUrt House fan 2 A VERY*.i.HEAVI STUCK OF BLAQ4K , A.ND k: JOND MOURNINGI iDRESS- GDGOSI OF EvERY . DESCRIPTION JUST OPENED. At Prices below the Cost of Importation. CALL AT CATHCART'S, meyB Neat door to the Harrisburg Bank. FAItMEIt'6 HOTEL. THE subsuriber liege leave to inform his Metals and the pulehe that he hoe taxer, the FA RN -Bis Horst., ,u Murket street opposue tad Post Crll ce, Lraterly J. Stottl'e, where ue is prootrol to uenotn mu. dew theta Cu reoatuuthe -113. a ream t f ad uow, he hopes by atrn et at, furulabed the Hoene entirety teuttou to buctnecc, reeetve a nberul aware of patron age. faltt-timal Et Et PETuuS. 9111E' SOLDIER'S BOOK, j "Oar Oeyernment," an exposition of the Cooeuta. tton of the United Butes, explaintag the Ware and °per ste% of , our goveruesent, treat nullotal and authentk loaces. ralgts cqt. Bab at. vateinials,STOßlll AI TA. at+ f~44~,~i~°:~~~: ( -.:1. 4 .1L.'. 1 'S MRS. WINSLOW, ♦n experienced Nurse and IremalsPhysiemln, presents the attention of mothers 11,, SOOTHING SIRUP, For Children Teething, *Well greatly facilitates the proceaa of teething, by 8011 ening the gums p reduoing all inpIIMMIII/011—will allay all PAIN, and spasmodic action, lU/a la SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon It, mothers, It will give rest to yourselves AND, RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS We have put up and gold this article for over tai fears, and age BAT, Ir 002DeDiNON AND nm, what we have never been able to say of any other medicine— NEVER HAS IT FARAD, IN A SLNOLk. INSIANOR iC KFFSOT A CURE, when timely used. Never did we Know en instance of dissatisfaction by any one who nue it. On the contrary, all are delighted _with its opera lions, and speak in terms of highest commendation C its magicale effects and medical virtues. We speak IL the mutter ..wftes Ira no grow, alter ten years' exile fleneet, ADD PLNDON 013 ISPOTATION 1011. IRS tULFLLNINI or WELT 1111 KINN DIGLANI. In almost every instance where the infant is suffenng from pain and exhaustion, re. del will be found in Moen or twenty minutes alter the syrup la administered Thar valuable preparation Is the prescripton of ani of the most IDIPERIKNCIia) and SKILLFUL NURSES Is New England, and has beau used with Nave's YAWL, MUNN ID THOUSANDS OF OAS it not only relieves the child from pain, but Molt, (wake the stomach and bowels, sorrows acidity, an. I glow tone and energy to the whole system. It will at ,aoal, instantly relieve GIRDING IN Tall BOWELS, AND WIND COLIO, nil overcome convulsions, which If not speedily reme died, end in death. We believe it the user and Eunitia, 11111ZDZ m rue WORLD, in all cases at DYSENTERY ANI IN ONMWIEN, whether it arises Iron ...eettnag or from any other cause. We would say ovary mother who Lute a child minoring from any of Lb, oregoing compliums—ho EDT Lit Tuna ALIDDIO.I.3, Dot :11.11 IddlJDDlate Or OntiLite, stand between you sod yow ,udering child and the rotiel that will be Slittli--y es, Au ieNXIISLY RUBE--to follow the use of ths mono:nue. it timely used. All directions for using will ACM:Milan; loch bottle. None gattuiue unless tile hie-sunito .;I.;llris at 1 SRECINS,New York, is on' he outside wrapped Sold by uggwts throughout the world frincipal No. 13 Gedar Bk., New York. Price only 25 Coats nor 12ottlo• Siir.FOr da.lo Harrisburg by /0. N. LOOM t , O. X 7 49 Market street, J. idartin Lulu, Mu. =Marts' garaet, Heller, No. VI, Market straw., bolOw 14", , aftak asal 4. '4 Lied, Lk Simi*" %anal% Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS HAI'S AROMATIC Ili V ItiORATI.bi 0 SPIRIT This Medicine has been used by the petdic for sin years, with increating laver. it is recommended to Cure Dopepsta,berrounsnes,il art-Burn, GUIs tams, Weed Momacs, or uma as the Headache, Drowsiness, Asdney how plaints, Low ajarite D l'remens, Mimes ra • GP, Jaadi_eiterM, V wit. our LwrOXICATh au A 8 A MEDICINE it is quick nd efleotti= al, curing enemas isggravaung case o Dyspepsia, aiuney Complaints, and all other derange out at Stomach and dowels, in a speedy manner. , it wilt -instantly revive the .moss meliwash ir• drooping spirits, and restore the wean, nervous ..ad do. ty to health, strength and vigor. • Persous wee, trete the injudicious use of Ileums, hay , become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered oeutitutsms brogan down, and subject MUM horsier stereo to humanity, the Dkuniust teistides; Aimee immediately, teal the happy and healthy invigorating elneacy of sir. Ham's invigorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. Doke.—One wiee glass full es often as deeentary One nose sat remove all Sad Spirits. One dune will sure Heart-burn. Three doses will cure inctigestion. Ocie does will give you a Good Appetite. One doze will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. One dose will remove the distressing and eibagreeebn erects of Wind or Mistuleuce, and an soon ea the stomaci receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distressing load am all painful feettege will no removed. One dose will remove the most distressing pains of . riky either In the stomach or bowels. A law doses will remove ell obstructions in the Kidney, Bladder or Urinary Organe. Persons who are seriously &Mimed with any /Gams, Complaints are Minirela speedy relief by a dose or two, Ind a radical dere by the use of one or two bottles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION, Persons who, trom dlssipatleg too mum, Over night, and feel the evil Meets of poisonous lqUora, IR violent head aches, sickness at stomach, weakeekt, giddiness, Sm., • will sad one dose will remove all bad leelings. Ladies of weak mad Scilly constitutions, should take tat invigorating Spirit three Miles a day; IL W ill snake room .Itrunig, healthy and happy, remove all abstractions anti irregularities Isom the menstrual Organs, end restore tin bloom of health and beauty is, the careworn lace. Daring pregnancy it will be feend, an bivaluaole nicie dna to remove disagreeable sensations at Me .tiillacti. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to mdece this, nt nas put tip tne invigorating Sprit In pint bottles, at 641 cenus•quarts Sl. General Depet, 48 Water street, N. Y. Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia, D. YOTT, at CO, anti for sale in Harrisburg by C. A. itannvert, D. W. Gress Co. and C. K. Keller, and by all Druggists everywhere lel4-dawly FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. SPRING. AND SMILER STYLES. 1 8 6 .1 . PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS, GRANVILLE STONES' ONE PRICE GIFT CLOTHING EMPORIUM No. 607 CUESTNUZ ASTREET. A superb stook of fine -1/resob, , Zoash and Americaas OLOTEII3, • OASSIMRRR-R) and VESTINGS, For cat and Country trade, with an unapproachable as 4ortment 01 AUDI OLOZEING at the lowest cast prime ' 401-But ONE PRICE is asked, and a GOT of intrinsic worth and use presented wth each article sold. Patti aular attention feud to toe eusiomer department, and garinents made andseut W order to any address. In inaugurating this new sysWni of . doing business, eiulb:s . would uupreee on tne 111111d11 of me patrons of hie eatabliehinest, that the coat of the en it deducted Item, and /40T added to We price of the arts ale cold, the uninensely inoreastng ewes enabling him to ant 'line liberally, and at the same [LIM to realize remuularauve protit. all animas guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. GRAN V.LLLE STOKES' ONE PRICEULUTEIN EIIYOBIUDI OM CHESTNUT STR.PAT. of U 9 6md—rdmaro•du COMMISSiONERS appointed under tue act of luodrpotatiouut Lite cu r of 'Urns Urg, unite a plat or avail ui said ch.r, des.guatisg the atreets, lanes and alleys now existing and openu , , and also where LLVW.lllati, 0100010 , ltaws LAW/ alwyd Sh o al ° hero. alter be opened, a0d,4,0 knognitiu,-; amnia die heal, of said city a foot or pleat of ground, couniulng not lea. thin twenty acres, ior the ti,u the public and of erne coy, tor IMO purposai and coot eouauued in said act ; ULU 1.110/14 suomitted thuir. UralL and report to the Court o(Quarter 50801005, of Dauphin county, tor. the approval of said Court i the said draft and rc'urt have bean 'Woe by order 01 said Court in tne uttlue ld toe Clerk of Quar ter sessions of said county for public inspetaion ; aud un less exceptions .are tiled thereto by parties iniereited to said city, the same will be approved at the August term of said Court. By order of the Court. myl-dtw IVAL'AUTCHEI.Ii, Clerk. SIGN OF THE Glorious Star Songled Banner I ANOTHER SUPPLY OF WALL PAPER, BORDERS, &0., sPLENoID WIND,4V EtVIIICIS, to Welch we call the atteutiou of our frieuta ‘r ued cav tally invite Ahem to eautuine our gwxls and pric% We aft deterilillied to sell Cheap mad e place. BCREEEER'S BOOKSTORE, apla-11 sear ' h o Flurriantirg Bridge 4.l;titieljAki L. GRA VNE. OARPENTE.R„ AND. BUILDER. Resiaego Iv& 27 North &cowl &tot. • N. t—JOBBING AT/ENDED TO' aacc) , Pl.AL.Tins LIFE PILLS LND PHOENIX BITTERS. THESE MEDICINES have no*:been,be fore the public for s period of-TRTGTT TZARS, and during that time have maintained a high character In al most every part of the Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to per suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable; The fol lowing are among the distressing variety of hu man diseases" which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansingthe first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure, healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind ; FLATU LENCY Logs of Appetite , Heratburn, Headache, Meet leggness, 111-Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, wlll van lab, as a natural consequence of its cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without vio lence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular carcination, through the premed of respiration in such cases, and the thorough solution Mall Intestinal ob struction in others. . The LIFE MEDICINES hate been kflOWn to cure RHEUMATISM permanently in three weelts and GOUT in half that time, by removing incalinflanimation from the muscles and ligaments of theleinta.."- -- DROPSIES of ilckinds, by freeing and eitiMigthen ing the kidneys and bladder; they operate meet delight fully on these important organs, end hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst gam of GRAVEL Also WORMS, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity which these WIC WON -0 NM give'to the blood, and all the humors: SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD CONPLIM lONS, by their altdrate effect upon the Snide that feed the skin, and the morbid state of which' occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagree able complexions. . . The use of these Pills for a very short tlioe will effect an entire cure of SALT ARHUS', and A.UrtlOngbn provement in the clearness of the skin. 'COMMON COLDS and INFLUENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by two in the worst cases. PILL:S.—The original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Piles, of 35 years standing by the use of the LIFE ILEDICINuS alone. SEVER AND A-GITE.—For thla scourge of the Western country, these Medlance will be frotusd a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other Medicines ltave - the system subject toe return ol the disease —a cure by these kiedisines is permanent—TßY TEEM, BE SalaLID, AND RE CURED. SLLIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER ICON PLAINTS.—Garnmsr. Thourry Loss or Arrirmr; and sumst OP /muse—the Medicines have been used with themes's beitellmal results in cases of this descrip tion :—Kings Evil and Scrofula, In its worst fortna,yields to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medi cines. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility Nervous Con. plaints of all kinds, Palp.tation of the Heart, Paint, ray Colic, are speedily cured. DIMItteUicIAL DISEASES.:--Persons whose constlict loos have become impaired by the Injudicious use of Mercury, will find these Medicines perfect cure, as they never fail to eraditlate from the system, all the effects Of Mercury, tnaniteity-sooner thin the most power ful preparations uf , Prop tared. and sold. by W. B. llikrtrieAT. 886 Broadway, New York. Forsale by all Druggists. . jy2o-dawly O ,RHAv z „ s , Holland Bitters AVE, RIM FOR DV - S - 1 3- 1 71 51A., Liver Complaint, Fever and'Agueo&c. THE successful introduction and us. or this Odes Orated 'Remedy hes been the signal for attend flood of compounds called "Bitteni,". offered in mime forms, from a quart bottle to a five•gallon keg, until this word "Bitters" is but another name. tor "grog," or some villain:me whiskey mixture. _ But the really great relief derived from the minute does, one teaspoonful, of our medicine, ECERRATE'S HOLLAND 11=12U3. and the entire absetroe of titter priggrcition. bag artb, bushed for it a reputation which the hbevortmitationi and counterfeits have failed undermine. It Is pod tively a vegetable preparation, with barely sufficient pure spirits to preserve it. . . But one Mae of the genuine, (11elf-Pint Scittlie,) price ONE DOLLAR. ~ It is a medicine of long-tried efficacy fbr rurifytng the Mood, so essential for the foundation of good health and for correcting disorders of She 87 7 and bowels. . . - h Two or three dOees Opt oonaltre th . titl a Ha il t Its' salutary effeitte, Thelstomach "rill strength, a healthy action of the - 11 -1 7 . re Iciw ls 'end kidneys will soon take place, and renewed health be the quick result. For INDIGESTION, Try. Berkave% Holland Bitters. For zmAßTiaigß4. pry Berhave's Rolland Bitters, For ACIDITY. Try • , Bereave's Holland - Bitters. For WATERBRASIX. Try Rerhave's Bitters, For HEADACHE. Try Beereave's Henault Bitters., For LOSS OF APPETITE!, Try Werhave , s Holland Bitters.' .E'or COSTIVENE4S. Try bernave's Holland Bitters. For PILES. Try Bterhait's Holland Bitters. In all Nervous, Rheumatic. and Neuralgic Atloo. None, it has in numerous instances previad highly beneficial, and In others effected a decided cur% - Read Carefully! ' • The muffle, bighly-concentrated 170 b, " LAND BITTERS le put up in half-pint battles only,'end ' retailed at One Dollar per bottle. The greakdernmid for this truly celebrated medicine has IniincedTessly imitations, .7141# Tritepriblia stionl4 ROlll4l-' purchasing. Beware a/imposition 1 Sie That Caltqlditi ' lllGit label qf eery bottle you buy. - . • Benj. Page,. Jr.& CO.: SOLE MANUFACTURERS, PITTSIIIIRGH, For mak In the city of Hanish oy D. W. EROS #r. CO. m3Ord--sepl.4lkwly; JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS &O. ALFRED F, ZIMMERMAN & CO; No. 62 MARKET STREET, Harrisburg, ra., opposite Horst' and adjoining the 13orm, having purchased the elect or R. ir Jennings. and added alarge assortinent — or we will sell the same at the lowest coat "price, and soiled patrouage. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly and promptly re paired and delivered. ALFRIZD F. 7dIIOIINIMAN & 00. Having disposed of my stock of Jewelry to A. F. 'Am merman & Co., I cheerfully recommend them to my for mer customers alOnrastical and experienced, Watch Makers, and sollckftli them a continuance of We patron age which has been co exteocant to me durin g the last six years. • ' • jinn Mtn F. JENNINGS. . .V II I•ISMIC 2 SHAD, No. 1., SALMON, No. 1, : HERRING, No. 1, COD FISH, No. 1, . MACKEREL, o. 1. Of he above we iltiVe ah the Me: ent sized Rane e rom the urn to the Mtn= in Store and for sale at ilk ewes( maacti Yates. . tabl6 WM. DOCK, Ja. ORANGES AND LEXI.ONB. tORTY BOXES in prime, ides. just re calved and for sate SPEEN CANDLES 1,, A r4OIIIUiTI4-40ene*Vall - _ , Ink .IXXVB, ock-1 Jflebical MIEI PE ItlibitaL "They go right to the Spot," INSTANT 10111 IF I STOP YOUR COUGH I PURIFY YOUR BREATH! STRE.XOTHL.I YOUR VOICE ! SPALDING'S Throat Confections, GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOE CONSUMPTIVES. ostnizirti CARRY SPALRING'S 111110 AT CONFECTIONS LAMP: ABE DELIGHTED WITH SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTION'S CBILDREN CRY FOR SPALDINGI3 THROAT OONFROTIONS They relieve a Ihugh Instantly. They oleo...tile Threat. They give strength and yenta() to the voice. They Impart a delicious aroma to the breath. They are dellghttul to the taste. They are made of simple herbs and cannot har m any one. I advini every One who has a Cough or a Hasty voice or a Bid Breath, or any difficulty of the Throat, to get a package of my Throat Confections, they will relieve you instantly, and you will flud them very metal and pleas ant while tzarinas or attending public meetings for sal ling your Cough or allaying your thirst. If you try one paatry lam cafe ID saylog that you will ever after wards consider them indispernible. Ton will and them at the Druggists and Dealers in Modloines. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS My etnatare hon each package. All other are COWL loth ' Package' will bs opt by mail, prepaid, on recipt of mut, Cents. Address, HENRY 0. SPALDING, No. 48 CEDER STREET, NEW YORK. CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE mitz NERVOUS HEADACHE) cuRE ALL KIM OF HEADACHE• y he 01311 of . thessitills Iheperlodio affects of Her rarXii or Sick Headache may be prevented; and if tokens the commencement of ,an Attack immediate relief from pain and sickness may becbtained. . They seldom tall in removingNawea and Headache to tah females are so subteot. :4 They act gently upon the bowels, removing Cbstivensa. 'For Literary Men, Rodents, Delicate Females, and all .persops of smieniiry babas, they are valuable as a ‘Lcuecater, improving the Amur; giving ross AND moos to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasti city and strength to the whole system. The CEPHALIO PILLS are the result of long invests gallon and carettilly comductedexperitoents, having been In use in many years, during which time they have pre* vented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering *lna Deadache, whether originating in the nervous aye tom or from a deranged state of the stomach. TNT are entirely vegetable In their composition, and may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any ehange of diet and the absenat of any dim- grind& Mate renders a eam to admits (star them to children BZWARI OP COUNTERPHT Tim genuine bare Ire Miguatires or Henry 0. Spalding on•eoh box. .Sichl by druggists and ell other dealers to medicines. A Sox will be sent by mail prepaillon receipt - of the PRICR TWINTYJIVE CENTS. ill l oidrai should be addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING, de °odor Street. New York. ArAidegle bottle of SPALLENOM-PRIPAIIRD GLUE will eave - ten times Its cost annually...el BPALDIFGI3 PREPARED GLUE! EPALDERG'S PREPARED GLUE! BPALDING'B PREPARED GLUE! • RATA 13331:PHICID ECONOMY DISPATCH 1 giritA wins Ex Tontlukyin 4s accident, aria happen, even 111 toaregalatediatail.(a it!ta very desirable to have some cheap and convenien.‘ Way tar repairing Fenian: a, Toys, Crockery, Bai. { IPALDINGIS PREPARED 131L1T8 meets SW inuthenowleudes, and so liousebold out *ford to be without it. It is always ready and up to the stick. lag }did.. "USEFUL IN Evslor ifousio . N. 31.--A Break atworapattieirach.kattle. Prloe 25 tda , *ream O. SPALDING, No. 4$ Cedar Street, New York. - , . CAUTION Aa certain =principled persons are attempting to palm off cm the unsuericting .publla, imitations of my FRB PARED GLUE, I would nautical all persons to examine e inr simian and nee that the lull name, *SPALD AREPARED-GLUgya ellAßMltaldiiniiper;alliotheis we swindling @elm sovr/ 6 4awirrarkb111, - :te l e, 3 Eines of Olt - ad 8L tranoportatiou PENNSYLVANIA RAM ROAD I BUMMER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA• ON AND ANTIN MONDAY; JIM ilinh,lB6l, the piumengea talus of ,the Railroad .oam• pasty will depart from aad arrive at Harrisburg anti Philadelphia as follows • EASTWARD. FAST UNE leaves Harrisburg every morning (except Monday) at 1.15 a. m., indantrea a Weal Philadelphia at 6.1 u a. in. • . THROUGH EXPRIBiI TRAIN' leaves Harrisburg daily at 9.20 a. su n add arrives at Weal Philadelphia at 1.10 MAIL TIWR kayo Efarriaburig dally (except Sun-. day) at 6.16 ta., and AfrIVES at West Philicdalphia at Those troika make eleee cowneotlon at Madame% with the New York Lines. ACCOMMODATION 'TRAIN, No. 1, via, Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7.10 a. m., and. arnves at West Phidadelpoia at .12.00 noon. HARIMBURG ACCOMMODATION - TRAIN, via Colum bia, leaves Harrisburg at 1.10 p. ro., and arrives at West Philaaelphfa at 025 p. m. ACCOIRODATION TRAIN, No. 2, via Mount Joy Wawa Harrisburg at 5.1 b consorting a t m et villa with MAIL •tRAIN, and urinal as Weat Philadel OM at 10.16 p. m. WEATWARD.. TBROUGH EXP,URN TRAIN leaves PhillideOhls at toao p 2:136 m., Altonia 7.n0, a. m., and animmakilnaburg at 12.00 noun MAIL TRAIN jaay_aa-Philadalptita at 7.80 m., Hsrriaburif I.oa p: altoorm, - 6.60 p. m., and artivat at intsburg • -: FASTDiaiwase Mamielpithi at L 1.20 a. my Harris burg 3.86 p, sMiona 8.10 p. m., and arrived m. Pius. lIANRIBRURG " ACCOMMODATION TRAIN team ' Philadeipha ac 2.30 p. Itutcather SAS .ocd- UMMIL 6.4 U pi m., and arrived at Ilariuthura t B.uo p. m. Thlt Tram wont:cut at liardathug, at El p. nu; with Withal n deutral hailroad Tram tor ditnonTY, Wtthlytts7 port, Lock Haven, Scranton and . all petute Norttr ACCOMMODATION. TRAIN, p. m., Lancaster 1..60 p. m., B.lLp. m., &Ma betlAoWo7 8.87' g. -m., and armee at ilarrbibusg' at Attond,oti Is called to di3O fad, that passengers paving Ptuiadelphis - at 4.00 te. M., Cotistriat at Lancaster with sioUN'l JOY AMOK/SODS/10 TAWS, Lag arrive at Ilarriaburg at 9.3 J, p, in„ ' - • SAMUEL 13..'1'013"N0, , .§upt. &AL Div. Pons , itatiroad, Harrisburg', June 7, 1.851.—.111. Select Schools for Bova and Girls r•ttON'l' 6"raikslEAT Autru .teocusT. form - of It()l3Eß'r'Ef.;' WEE'S whoa for uoys, will (WI uo the'-lost Monday August, 1:10 Moat IS Well VegliLitelt, COMfOrgably .. Wait:lo4 an.l in 'every respect wen adhihed for achooi lallihßLNß WAINER'S School for Oda, located 111 the *am. blildtngt 'epee forth° Fah term at the same umg. The, reoM had ham qtegantly fitted up doting the vacation, to protnote theilealua and comfort of hohOlara. jauSl -dtf CITY LIVERY BTABLES. BLACE.I3I,g2ti ALLEY, !N 2U Asia ,O. - • HARR'S BOTAL. • HE tuldorsigned has re-commenced the .1_ beau beau. es. w 1113 NEW , and SPACLOU3 ErA th,a, Waded as a hove, With a largeand vaned shrink al ROHNEB, CLIERIAUES and, ONINIEUSIE3, winch be wit hire at moderate ratan, LNcroita.:4T COST la - ATrti.u7conalude,d tp,,qis d qoVmnime the oostkito," vetosir"otrr-lirtte au comple te res or t . g moot of tnotlrologavEtwoNigmi *moo ao• surilPU94l l, C Ol4 RfTone. OREPS4 etgrk lo396l4l ' - filiscritanrous • GENERAL ORDERS No 2, HE A D QUARTERS PEW:SYLVANIA ADJUTANT G ELIA I, S. " IlarrlSLU7y, In accordance with the proviti ~;.; sixth section of the Act passed th••l3 t j,, 1861, entitled an Act to create a 1, , Q 1 vide for arming the State, the Go veri.,, t mander-in-chiei, makes the tullowit ri. ' • regulations relating to the iirg4di7i , o i i .; the military force of this Couitu u n w ,,, t ,''', or hereafter to be called into the , et‘ i Suite or the United States. REGULATIONS. I. The commander of the regiiconi ti ;1l point the Adjutant from the bunal.-in,,, regiment. Es will also appoint tin• ' ruiseduned stall of the regiment. Lie w ,,, nate the regimental Quarter hlasti:r subalterns of the regiment to the fur approval and appointment. 11. to cases of Vacancy, the Comm regiment may make a temporary al i„ of Quarter Master. The commander •• meat may also suspend a Quarter Ma,`;, : peke a temporary appointment, r.p „ t suspensions and the reasons th r. to the proper authority, and all it pointments shall continue until a be made from Headquarters. These regulations shall be in force ther orders. By order of the Govern. :, Commander-ia Chic'. E. M. .1311); , 1_,':. Adjutant t; A New Feature in the Soice LIEPOILTANT TO itOllSEKEikr /.. E. It. DURKEES; Cu:6 SELECT SPICES , In 2% Ail, (Laud with Pacer,) and F“li BLACK rY.PY.Sts (AN 43 likt, WitYre: ALLtriC; M t • GIA.UNNIf , NA lON, MCSTaItD. TN THIS AGE of adulterated an i iessAploPs, tt, is with coodsienee tun , . to the attention of houseseepere these genuine aruclee. We gurroatee them hot u., ' ABSOLUTELY AND PERFECTLY Pcl.. bat ground from fraEt Spices, ro/e.:ted nal na expressly for the purpose, witrukst rare , Ilse! are beautifully pacize4 in tin fo,i, (a su perj to prevent Injury by imam ng, ar..! WfittillT, while the ordm cry grutiuu .ro favorably short. We warrant them, us l s , and richness of ibmor, BEYOND ALL as a Tingle trial will abundantly prove. Every bears our Trade Stark. Stau la nit' red oo:y L. ' 14. R. DURtikia. lk CO., New V Tor sale by WM. Lo4,:d. JR. &CO. GENERAL ORDERS, NO, 12 , BLOW QUARTERS, I'. Y. .11arrisburg, Nay 11 , 1861. j • Major General George A. ,; to the command of all the military tut,e: Pennsylvania, raised or to be raised und er provisions of an Act of the General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvittua, t •. tied " an Act to create a loan, :tn..! to piu for the arming of the State." He will, without delay, proceed ti these force., according to the pro - ribi,,,, • said Act, and to select conv,mient locati n . .r suitable encamping grounds, for tho i.:sttut', r ot the troops. By order of the Commander-id Ck f, JOHN A. Walt; r, Ai,, BT. LOUIS HOTEL, CHESTNUT X 52., AEU V E THIRD PHILAIIELP/114. N the immediate neighborhood of Jobbing Houses on Mancet 11 tra &L.l. Li• . etreeta, Ike Bann; Pone Wino, aterGnAute' E. , ,. Inc" no. AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PEAS BOARD PER DAY.... Dinner between 1 and 8 o'cloez, 80 0r...4:r room nein b 0 cents upward. Anna Glass Restaurant attached. Prices ax1:1.11 Dine or taro. Tne Cns liars take Passenger' from auy etc oto We dotal. Itagtiala, French, German and Spanish 3NDI I 14 , 1 Bind WAINF. YOE, SALE. UILDING STUN, 6wue suit, •1 B Ibr turopiting porpoads wilt leo ilettroroti u , per, °Lebo city or lti vtamty. Apply to riwor2A WM. iuirnr,i. GREAT RED UUTION IN PELL:I . I43. WHEELEK & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES, WITH NEW IMPROVEMENTS AT REDUCED PRICE. THE WHEELER & WILSON ManutaL• luring Oompany having gained au. tO , ,tr law, with tutringiug anuulactarera amine; 11, propose that toe puelic should be beaehtted u r and nave accordingly reduced the prices of weir .111tobtomo. Later tats date ;bay will be 'mid at rat:..: ': will pay a fair proht Ca LOU taut of musuractore, ..1. • invested, and expanse ol making eats - ; mien will enable tbem to MAIO Mat cl6B